Page 1: Keeping Your Audience Engaged During Your Web Conference

Keeping Your Audience Engaged During Your Web Conference

Holding the attention of an audience is a challenge for any speaker or presenter, and it is just as

challenging when you hold a web conference. In fact, it may even be more so, given that most web

conferencing audiences are accustomed to using their computers for multiple tasks. How then do you

make sure that your audience pays attention? Here are a few tips that may help!

Deliver your message in a compelling manner

If you want to make sure that your audience remembers your message, you will have to deliver it in a

compelling manner through your web conference. Keep in mind that your audience isn't likely to

remember all the information that is presented to them. If you present the information in a way that

attracts their attention however, the chances of audience recall increases considerably.

Keep it short and simple

Most audiences tend to lose concentration fairly quickly, and it will be the same way for your web

conference audience. A good way to deal with this issue is by keeping your presentation short and

simple. In general, 30 minutes for the presentation itself and about the same amount of time for the

Q&A section would be best.

Allow for interaction

Interaction is a large part of the Internet experience, and you would do well to take advantage of it in

your web conference. The good news is that most modern web conferencing applications allow you to

interact with your audience more easily. By allowing your audience to ask questions, you will keep them

engaged and enhance the experience for everyone including yourself.

Page 2: Keeping Your Audience Engaged During Your Web Conference

Keep it entertaining

Finally, make sure that your web conference is at least a little entertaining all throughout. While

you will want to deliver your message as succinctly as possible, keeping your audience

entertained will allow you to deliver that message more effectively.

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