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By : Kanaidi, SE., M.Si, cSAP [email protected] HP. 08122353284

Achievement Motivation in Imaginative Thought


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Life Transitions, Career Decisions, and the WorkplaceMotivation and Learning Style

Concern for a standard of excellence. Wanting to win or do well in competition. Self-imposed standards for good

performance. Emotionally involved in attaining a goal. Involvement in a unique accomplishment,

invention or creation.

Remember :Achievement Motivation

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Life Transitions, Career Decisions, and the WorkplaceMotivation and Learning Style

Differences in How We Perceive

Concrete Experience - “Feeling” - Those who sense and feel tend more to

the experience itself - They immerse themselves in concrete

reality - They perceive through their senses - They are intuitive

Abstract Conceptualization - “Thinking”- Those who think through the experience tend

more to abstract dimensions of reality- They analyze what’s happening- Their intellect makes the first appraisal- They “reason the experience

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By : Kanaidi, SE., M.Si, cSAP [email protected] HP. 08122353284

Effect of Achievement Motivation, Decision Making & Performance


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Do people with a high need for achievement behave like this all the

time? Achievement-motivated people are not

gamblers. They prefer to work on a problem rather than leave the outcome to chance.

Rewards and achievement-motivated peopleAnother characteristic of achievement-motivated people is that they seem to be more concerned with personal achievement than with the rewards of success. They do not reject rewards, but the rewards are not as essential as the accomplishment itself.

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Why do achievement-motivated people behave as they do?

They behave like this because they habitually spend time thinking about doing things better.

Examples College students with a high need for achievement

will generally get better grades than equally bright students with weaker achievement needs.

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Achievement-motivated people as managers

Achievement-motivated people can be the backbone of most organizations. People with a high need for achievement get ahead because as individuals they are producers they get things done.

When their success depends not only on their own work but on the activities of others, they may be less effective. Since they are highly job-oriented and work to their capacity, they tend to expect others to do the same. As a result, they sometimes lack the human skills and patience necessary for being effective managers.

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• Predicts that achievement motivation is generated through a combination of personality and situational factors.

• They view achievement motivation as a personality trait which is activated by a situation. The situation comprises the probability of success and the incentive value of success.

Atkinson and McClelland

Probability of success- The extend to which success is likely. If the task is found easy success is more likely to happen.

Incentive value of success The degree of pleasure experienced when success is achieved. The harder the task the greater the incentive value.

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By : Kanaidi, SE., M.Si , cSAP [email protected] HP.08122353284

Relation of Achievement Motivation to Success in

Managerial Work


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McClelland’s Achievement Motivation TheoryMcClelland and colleagues studied

the behavioral effects of three needsNeed for AchievementNeed for PowerNeed for Affiliation

Emphasized the Need for Achievement, although they investigated all three needs

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Need for achievement and behaviorMoney: important to both high and

low achievers, but for different reasons

High achiever wants concrete feedback about performance

Making a profit, or receiving a bonus, is a statement about success or failure

Symbol of success and feedback about job performance

McClelland’s Achievement Motivation Theory . . .

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Need for Achievement and Need for Power, some relationships :

– Strong Need for Power person

• Draws attention• Risk taking• Present oriented• Assesses situations for

change potential

– Strong Need for Achievement person

• Task centered• Future oriented• Performs to internal

standard of excellence

McClelland’s Achievement Motivation Theory . . .

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Need for Achievement and Need for Power: some relationships (cont.) Both types of people important for

successful organizationsStrong Need for Achievement

managers keep an organization goingStrong Need for Power people bring

dramatic change and innovation

McClelland’s Achievement Motivation Theory . . .

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Employee motivation in the workplace

The job of a manager in the workplace is to get things done through employees.

To do this the manager should be able to motivate employees.

But that's easier said than done! Motivation practice and theory are difficult subjects.

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Managerial Work

Hoppock ,1935 &

Robbins, 1992

The psychological contract

reciprocal exchange agreement : employees and organizations

(Rousseau, 1989)

Employees' Work Attitudes

(Raja, Johns, & Ntalianis,


Achievement Motivation : mastery needs, work orientation, competition, and

personal unconcern

Work satisfaction as employees' :

• psychological,• emotional, and • physical feelings as well as their natural reaction to their work environment (Hoppock ,1935)

Work satisfaction as employees' : • overall feelings• evaluation of work,

including internal and external returns,

• work attributes, and • overall work

atisfaction (Robbins, 1992)

Relation of Achievement Motivation to Success in Managerial Work

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Contact Us :

Kanaidi, SE., M.Si (Trainer & Dosen, Penulis, Peneliti, dan PeBisnis)e-mail : [email protected] atau [email protected] : 022-2009570 ext.118Fax : 022-2009568 HP. 0812 2353 284 “Sukses kanaidi”

• Ω Problem Statement• Ω Mapping • Ω Strategic Direction • Conclusion