Page 1: KAHSRUHSR TOROKROK, KAHSRUHSR"Nga kuh in aholkom manman?" "Mo," Ninac el fahk. ''Korn ti ac kuh in manman. Korn arulacna srihklac. Som nuh l i hki hni hm ac sri' tac l." • Notwe


Page 2: KAHSRUHSR TOROKROK, KAHSRUHSR"Nga kuh in aholkom manman?" "Mo," Ninac el fahk. ''Korn ti ac kuh in manman. Korn arulacna srihklac. Som nuh l i hki hni hm ac sri' tac l." • Notwe

Published and distributed by NATIONAL DISSEMINATION AND ASSESSMENT CENTER California State University, Los Angeles 5151 State University Drive Los Angeles, CA 90032

Produced in cooperation with the DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Kosrae, E. Caroline Islands 96944 Printed in the USA First Printing, Fall 1980


The contents of these instructional materid!s were developed with finannal assistance from the Office of Bilingual Education, Department of Health, Education and Welfare The funds were provided through the Bilingual Education Act. Title VII of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of JQbS as amended by Public Law QS-56 I However, the contents do not necessarily represent the position or policy of that agency and a reader should not infer endorsement by the Federal Covernment

Developed bv

PALM r,1ufic Area Langu~1ges Materials Development (enter Social Srirnte Research Institute 2-12-t Mad(' \\l,1v. Room 713, Universitv of H.l\.V.111 <1t Manoa Honolulu. Hawaii QbR22


KahsJ Torok


II I KahsJ




Adapted by Elmer Asher

From "Run Chick Run" and "Ema'

by permission of Reed Publishi

---i:llustrated by ALVIN I

Page 3: KAHSRUHSR TOROKROK, KAHSRUHSR"Nga kuh in aholkom manman?" "Mo," Ninac el fahk. ''Korn ti ac kuh in manman. Korn arulacna srihklac. Som nuh l i hki hni hm ac sri' tac l." • Notwe

'stributed by SEMINATION AND ASSESSMENT CENTER University, Los Angeles ersity Drive


eration with the OF EDUCATION

~ine Islands 96944 SA all 1980

The contents of t.hese instructional maten,··ils were developed with financial a>>1stance from the Office of Bilingual Education, Department of Health, Education and Welfare The funds were provided through the Bilingual Education Act, Title VII of the Elementary ,md Secondary Education Act of I %5 as amended by Public L1w QS-Sbl However, the contents do not necessarily represent the position or policv of that agenrv and a reader should not infer endorsement hy the Federal -Government

Developed by-

PALM Pacific Area Languages Materials Developmrnt Center Sotial Srienre ReseJrrh Institute 2-124 Maile WLlV, Rl)Offi 713, Universitv of HcH\.'dll c'lt Manod Honolulu, Hawaii Qb822

<----~-------------- ---


Kahsruhsr Torokrok, Kahsruhsr

Adapted by Elmer Asher

From "Run Chick Run" and "Erna's Food"

by permission of Reed Publishing Co.

illustrated by ALVIN 'HEU

Page 4: KAHSRUHSR TOROKROK, KAHSRUHSR"Nga kuh in aholkom manman?" "Mo," Ninac el fahk. ''Korn ti ac kuh in manman. Korn arulacna srihklac. Som nuh l i hki hni hm ac sri' tac l." • Notwe

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Page 5: KAHSRUHSR TOROKROK, KAHSRUHSR"Nga kuh in aholkom manman?" "Mo," Ninac el fahk. ''Korn ti ac kuh in manman. Korn arulacna srihklac. Som nuh l i hki hni hm ac sri' tac l." • Notwe



Korn kuh in liye kentiohp se? Korn kuh

pac in liye torokrok tolu .

Page 6: KAHSRUHSR TOROKROK, KAHSRUHSR"Nga kuh in aholkom manman?" "Mo," Ninac el fahk. ''Korn ti ac kuh in manman. Korn arulacna srihklac. Som nuh l i hki hni hm ac sri' tac l." • Notwe

"Liye tuck se inge," Notwe el fahk. "Liye

ninac tuck luhlahp se inge. Liye ma

srihsrihk limekohsr wi pa nge."

· "Nga kuh in 1 i ye tuck 1 uh l ahp s

srihsrihk ahkosr. Nga liye ma

Nena el fahk.

I •


'.~~\~'.t' r ?'.



) j

Page 7: KAHSRUHSR TOROKROK, KAHSRUHSR"Nga kuh in aholkom manman?" "Mo," Ninac el fahk. ''Korn ti ac kuh in manman. Korn arulacna srihklac. Som nuh l i hki hni hm ac sri' tac l." • Notwe

ck se i nge," Notwe e 1 fahk. "Li ye

ck luhlahp se inge. Liye ma

k limekohsr wi pa nge."

"Nga kuh in liye tuck luhlahp se, ac ma

srihsrihk ahkosr. Nga liye ma ahkosr na,"

Nena el fahk.

Page 8: KAHSRUHSR TOROKROK, KAHSRUHSR"Nga kuh in aholkom manman?" "Mo," Ninac el fahk. ''Korn ti ac kuh in manman. Korn arulacna srihklac. Som nuh l i hki hni hm ac sri' tac l." • Notwe

:'~""'' \ .0. f;r-_ "- 4 "'\ ,..._ .. ,... \...

) ..



w "Nga liye tuck srihsrihk ahkosr ac

torokrok se. Liye torokrok se, Notwe."


"0," Notwe el fahk. "Liye ninac ngi kofkof. Liye tuck srihsrihk

kofkof pac."

Page 9: KAHSRUHSR TOROKROK, KAHSRUHSR"Nga kuh in aholkom manman?" "Mo," Ninac el fahk. ''Korn ti ac kuh in manman. Korn arulacna srihklac. Som nuh l i hki hni hm ac sri' tac l." • Notwe

"0 " Notwe el fahk. "Liye ninac tuck se '

ngi kofkof. Liye tuck srihsrihk inge

kofkof pac."

3 tuck srihsrihk ahkosr ac

se. Liye torokrok se, Notwe."

• •

Page 10: KAHSRUHSR TOROKROK, KAHSRUHSR"Nga kuh in aholkom manman?" "Mo," Ninac el fahk. ''Korn ti ac kuh in manman. Korn arulacna srihklac. Som nuh l i hki hni hm ac sri' tac l." • Notwe

"Kuack, kuack," ninac tuck sac fahk.

"Kuack, kuack, kuack, kuack," ma srih­

srihk ahkosr ah fahk.

-~~ k\,~~~~

\.-~ l \ j ('...._,.,trf'/S-:~'itr,

;Jfi;.1 \ ~.··, ) ~I i. ,;

j ' I :<'"~.? ~ . ,~lf 't,', ,;j/ l ~- ~ ~ "ff ' ~ ~"" c~~-,1 e~" ~

,·· "" ~- 1l, \\' -=.:..J ~ ~\\/\ I. ;-..._ \\\\ -

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/~ ( f' /f_ ))6

/' -, ,,.. ...... ~."·"" ~~ •.• ~;1~ •: ... ~-.,~ ~. , .1 ......... , •• ·,,_'t ~-· .. ~ ........ fl: : •).\'

"Tsik, tsik,



.. sik, tsik," torol

Page 11: KAHSRUHSR TOROKROK, KAHSRUHSR"Nga kuh in aholkom manman?" "Mo," Ninac el fahk. ''Korn ti ac kuh in manman. Korn arulacna srihklac. Som nuh l i hki hni hm ac sri' tac l." • Notwe

., kuack," ninac t k . uc sac fahk

., kuack k k · ' uac kuack "


' ' ma srih-

a kosr ah fahk.

"Ts'k 1 '


/1.) (f' ~ ~4-. - 1 ~ -, ,...,..;;.~~-!~

~¥~, ... ~-.\j, V'f"1'1' .. ~· , .1 •• '• •.•• • , . "

't:.._·-._ •• •··-, r: ·;.~ ~(4 ... ,.~· .... /

' orokrok sac ' sik, tsik " t


Page 12: KAHSRUHSR TOROKROK, KAHSRUHSR"Nga kuh in aholkom manman?" "Mo," Ninac el fahk. ''Korn ti ac kuh in manman. Korn arulacna srihklac. Som nuh l i hki hni hm ac sri' tac l." • Notwe

"Mo, mo," Notwe el fahk. "Korn tiac kuh

in kofkof, torokrok. Ninac kiom ah pa won. Tiac ninac kiom pa tuck."

r~a _)J

r-bf!'!! ~~' " c~~~ ~ c ~----

~ -

"Pa inge ninac kiom ah. Kahs

yohrol ninac. Kahsruhsr, tor


Page 13: KAHSRUHSR TOROKROK, KAHSRUHSR"Nga kuh in aholkom manman?" "Mo," Ninac el fahk. ''Korn ti ac kuh in manman. Korn arulacna srihklac. Som nuh l i hki hni hm ac sri' tac l." • Notwe

II N ' otwe el fahk. "K of, torokrok N. om tiac kuh . · inac ki iac ninac k" om ah pa iom pa tuck."

"P . a inge ninac k' iom ah Kah h yohrol ninac K h . sru sr nuh

· a sruhsr t kahsruhsr.,, ' orokrok,

Page 14: KAHSRUHSR TOROKROK, KAHSRUHSR"Nga kuh in aholkom manman?" "Mo," Ninac el fahk. ''Korn ti ac kuh in manman. Korn arulacna srihklac. Som nuh l i hki hni hm ac sri' tac l." • Notwe

Torokrok se tuh kahsruhsr som wi tuck

luhlahp se ac tuck srihsrihk ahkosr. El tiac kuh in weluhtahl kofkof. Kuh tuck

uh kuh in kofkof? Kuh won uh kuh in kofkof?

' •






.. I


<iffs~ C)j~


Nena el som lutlut. Notwe el som nuh lohm mong

"Meac kom oruh ingacn, Nin

el siyuhk. "Nga orek mango. Nga pohel ik," Ninac el fc:

Page 15: KAHSRUHSR TOROKROK, KAHSRUHSR"Nga kuh in aholkom manman?" "Mo," Ninac el fahk. ''Korn ti ac kuh in manman. Korn arulacna srihklac. Som nuh l i hki hni hm ac sri' tac l." • Notwe

se tuh kahsruhsr som wi tuck ;e ac tuck srihsrihk ahkosr. El

in weluhtahl kofkof. Kuh tuck

1 kofkof? Kuh won uh kuh in

Nena el som lutlut.

•· Notwe el som nuh lohm rnongo ah. "Meac kom oruh ingacn, Ninac?"

el siyuhk. "Nga orek mongo. Nga pohel ik," Ninac el fahk .

Page 16: KAHSRUHSR TOROKROK, KAHSRUHSR"Nga kuh in aholkom manman?" "Mo," Ninac el fahk. ''Korn ti ac kuh in manman. Korn arulacna srihklac. Som nuh l i hki hni hm ac sri' tac l." • Notwe

"Nga kuh in kahsrekom?"

Notwe el siyuhk.

"Nga kuh in aholkom manman?"

"Mo," Ninac el fahk.

''Korn ti ac kuh in manman.

Korn arulacna srihklac. Som nuh l i hki hni hm ac sri' tac l."

Notwe el som nuh lihkihn El muhta arulacna ahsor.

"Nga tiac na srihklac,"

"Nga mahtuh tari. Nga kuh in manman oacna

Nga ac suk kuhtuh mongo

Nga enenuh sie tuhp luhl

Page 17: KAHSRUHSR TOROKROK, KAHSRUHSR"Nga kuh in aholkom manman?" "Mo," Ninac el fahk. ''Korn ti ac kuh in manman. Korn arulacna srihklac. Som nuh l i hki hni hm ac sri' tac l." • Notwe

1 kuh in kahsrekom?"

re el siyuhk. 1 kuh in aho l kom manman?"

" Ninac el fahk. 1 tiac kuh in manman.

arulacna srihklac. nuh l i hki hni hm ac sri· tac l."

Notwe el som nuh lihkihnihm ac. El muhta arulacna ahsor.

"Nga tiac na srihklac," el fahk. "Nga mahtuh tari.

Nga kuh in manman oacna Ninac.

Nga ac suk kuhtuh mango ah.

Nga enenuh sie tuhp luhlahp ah."

Page 18: KAHSRUHSR TOROKROK, KAHSRUHSR"Nga kuh in aholkom manman?" "Mo," Ninac el fahk. ''Korn ti ac kuh in manman. Korn arulacna srihklac. Som nuh l i hki hni hm ac sri' tac l." • Notwe

Notwe el som sukok tuhp tuh wacngihn.

El konwacack kuhp se.

"Wo," el fahk. "In muh tuhp se luhk pa kuhp se inge."

Na, el sruhkwack kuhp sac.

"Tuhp se pa inge. Nga ac sukok mango nuh luin tu

- se i nge." El tiac na konwacack mango na,

el som tuh konwacack ros se.

"In muh ros se inge pa ac mon~

Notwe el fahk. Na el kuhnweslah us tuhkuh.

Page 19: KAHSRUHSR TOROKROK, KAHSRUHSR"Nga kuh in aholkom manman?" "Mo," Ninac el fahk. ''Korn ti ac kuh in manman. Korn arulacna srihklac. Som nuh l i hki hni hm ac sri' tac l." • Notwe

!l som sukok tuhp tuh wacngihn.

racack kuhp se.

i l fahk. 1 tuhp se l uhk pa kuhp se i nge." '

sruhkwack kuhp sac.

"Tuhp se pa inge.

Nga ac sukok mango nuh luin tuhp

se i nge."

El tiac na konwacack mango na, el som tuh konwacack ros se.

"In muh ros se inge pa ac mango uh," Notwe el fahk.

Na el kuhnweslah us tuhkuh .

Page 20: KAHSRUHSR TOROKROK, KAHSRUHSR"Nga kuh in aholkom manman?" "Mo," Ninac el fahk. ''Korn ti ac kuh in manman. Korn arulacna srihklac. Som nuh l i hki hni hm ac sri' tac l." • Notwe

"In muh pa inge mango uh," el fahk.

"In muh ahtro se pa nga muhnan inge.

Nga ac muhnan ahtro sac ke tuhp seluhk inge."

Notwe el arulacna engan.

El sang ros sac nuh luin kuhp sac. Na, el muhta nuh ten.


---------"Pa inge acn in orek mango

el fahk. "Oasr tuhp se luhk ac mange

Inge, pacl in manman, pohel

Nga oacna ninac. Nga orek mango nwacsr."

Ninac el pahngon Notwe.

"Notwe, meac kom oruh i ngac

el siyuhk. "Fahsruh mango, Notwe.

Meac kom oruh an?"

Page 21: KAHSRUHSR TOROKROK, KAHSRUHSR"Nga kuh in aholkom manman?" "Mo," Ninac el fahk. ''Korn ti ac kuh in manman. Korn arulacna srihklac. Som nuh l i hki hni hm ac sri' tac l." • Notwe

l pa inge mongo uh," el fahk.

l ahtro se pa nga muhnan inge.

muhnan ahtro sac ke tuhp


~1 arulacna engan. ~ ros sac nuh luin kuhp sac.

muhta nuh ten.


"Pa inge acn in orek mongo luhk uh," el fahk.

"Oasr tuhp se luhk ac mongo pac.

Inge, pacl in manman, pohel. Nga oacna ninac.

Nga orek mongo nwacsr."

Ninac el pahngon Notwe.

"Notwe, meac kom oruh ingacn?" el siyuhk.

"Fahsruh mongo, Notwe.

Meac kom oruh an?"

Page 22: KAHSRUHSR TOROKROK, KAHSRUHSR"Nga kuh in aholkom manman?" "Mo," Ninac el fahk. ''Korn ti ac kuh in manman. Korn arulacna srihklac. Som nuh l i hki hni hm ac sri' tac l." • Notwe

"Nga orek mongo," Notwe el fahk.

"Liye Ninac. Oasr mongo luin tuhp se inge.

Nga pohel ahtro nohm, Ninac."

El sang ros na luhlahp se nuh sel.

"Mongo ahtro nohm an,"

Notwe el fahk.

-...... ---~

,,,,....__ ____ _ -----c..<::::"'" ~

~ I


"We! Notwe," Ni nae el fG

"Korn arulacna tahfuhnkah~ Korn suhmaht na pwacye.

Kuht tiac kuh in kang ro~

Ros uh tiac mango .. "

Page 23: KAHSRUHSR TOROKROK, KAHSRUHSR"Nga kuh in aholkom manman?" "Mo," Ninac el fahk. ''Korn ti ac kuh in manman. Korn arulacna srihklac. Som nuh l i hki hni hm ac sri' tac l." • Notwe

Jrek mango," Notwe el fahk.

Ninac. Oasr mango luin tuhp

ge. ahel ahtro nohm, Ninac."

ng ros na luhlahp se nuh sel.

o ahtro nohm an,"

el fahk.

"We! Notwe," Ninac el fahk.

"Korn arulacna tahfuhnkahs. Kam suhmaht na pwacye.

Kuht tiac kuh in kang ros uh.

Ros uh tiac mango .. "


Page 24: KAHSRUHSR TOROKROK, KAHSRUHSR"Nga kuh in aholkom manman?" "Mo," Ninac el fahk. ''Korn ti ac kuh in manman. Korn arulacna srihklac. Som nuh l i hki hni hm ac sri' tac l." • Notwe


"Fahsruh utyak, Notwe.

Nga orahlah ahtro se nohm pac.

Ahtro na pwacye se.

Fahsruh mango.

Mango na pwacye pa ngi."

Na eltahl utyak nuh lohm ah .

Page 25: KAHSRUHSR TOROKROK, KAHSRUHSR"Nga kuh in aholkom manman?" "Mo," Ninac el fahk. ''Korn ti ac kuh in manman. Korn arulacna srihklac. Som nuh l i hki hni hm ac sri' tac l." • Notwe

;ruh utyak, Notwe.

>rahlah ahtro se nohm pac.

> na pwacye se.

"Uh mongo. ) na pwacye pa ngi."

ltahl utyak nuh lohm ah.

Page 26: KAHSRUHSR TOROKROK, KAHSRUHSR"Nga kuh in aholkom manman?" "Mo," Ninac el fahk. ''Korn ti ac kuh in manman. Korn arulacna srihklac. Som nuh l i hki hni hm ac sri' tac l." • Notwe
Page 27: KAHSRUHSR TOROKROK, KAHSRUHSR"Nga kuh in aholkom manman?" "Mo," Ninac el fahk. ''Korn ti ac kuh in manman. Korn arulacna srihklac. Som nuh l i hki hni hm ac sri' tac l." • Notwe


Page 28: KAHSRUHSR TOROKROK, KAHSRUHSR"Nga kuh in aholkom manman?" "Mo," Ninac el fahk. ''Korn ti ac kuh in manman. Korn arulacna srihklac. Som nuh l i hki hni hm ac sri' tac l." • Notwe


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