Page 1: June 27, ‘17 KAJ NEWSLETTER זעשת זומת 'ג Newsletter... · 2017. 6. 27. · A monthly publication of K’hal Adath Jeshurun June 27, ‘17 ז"עשת זומת 'ג Volume

KAJ NEWSLETTER A monthly publication of K’hal Adath Jeshurun

June 27, ‘17 תשע"ז ג' תמוז

Volume 47 Number 9

Please continue to be mispallel for Rav Gelley רב זכריה בן רבקה, for a רפואה שלמה.

MESSAGE FROM THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES As summer begins, the Board wishes all of KAJ’s members an enjoyable, safe and restful summer season. SHOVUOS 5777 Our Beis Knesses was once again resplendent in flowers and greenery as befitting Zman Mattan Toroseinu. Since this transformation began about two days before Yom Tov, some of our Yeshiva’s classes were able to catch a glimpse of the work in progress. Our sincere thanks goes to Mr. Avram Gutmann who, as he has done for decades, coordinated and executed the work. He was assisted by his son, Mr. Michael Gutmann, and by Mr. Binyomin Rosenstock and Meir Levi, as well as CIT’s (Crew-In-Training) Shamshon Gutmann and Meir Lomnitz. The list of donors who contributed so generously towards the flower decorations this year is printed in this issue.

Chazon Ezra Lasdun davened both days of Yom Tov, with Mr. Samson Bechhofer leading Mincha. Mr. Victor Sussman leined and read the Akdomus. Mr. Yosef Levi both davened and leined at the first day’s Hashkomo (4:20) Minyan. Thanks are due to them all, as well as to the Choir, for ensuring the dignity and beauty of the Tefillos. The annual Shovuos-night learning took place in both the Beis Medrash and Moller Hall. The young men of our Yeshiva Gedola helped swell the Kol Torah through the night, and Rav Mantel addressed those present. The Rav gave the Yom Tov lecture on the first afternoon of Yom Tov, after Mincha, discussing the idea that Kabbollas Hatorah was not just an acceptance of some more Mitzvos, but was an uplifting and purifying of the individual himself. The Rav mentioned Rabbeinu Bachaye’s and the Meiri’s explanation of the Mishna in Avos, Im ein kemach ein Torah, ve’im ein Torah ein kemach, along these lines, with the word Kemach denoting fine, human-level food. A coarse person used to food more fit for animal than human consumption will not easily be able to absorb Chochmas HaTorah; conversely, without Torah, the person is himself not much higher than an animal, who does not require such finer foods. The Rav noted that restraint in Gashmiyus has always been a hallmark of this Kehilla, and no small

Page 2: June 27, ‘17 KAJ NEWSLETTER זעשת זומת 'ג Newsletter... · 2017. 6. 27. · A monthly publication of K’hal Adath Jeshurun June 27, ‘17 ז"עשת זומת 'ג Volume

Vol. 47, No. 9 KAJ NEWSLETTER Page 2 factor behind the fact that some of the finest Torah personalities and Yungerleit to be found in the Torah world stem from our Kehilla. On the second day of Yom Tov, after Yizkor-Matnas Yad, Rav Mantel spoke in Shul, and included the annual appeal for the summer Torah Fund, a critical help to our Yeshiva. In the afternoon, a Matnas Yad reception was held at the home of Rav and Rebbetzin Mantel, allowing a grateful Kehilla to thank the Rav for the Brochos bestowed that morning. After Mincha, a Neilas Hachag was held in Moller Hall, in which the bochurim of our Yeshiva took part, and added their ruach to the singing. Mr. Alan Ettlinger, in his introductory remarks, noted that the Yahrzeit of the Kehilla’s renowned Rosh HaKohol, Moreinu Dr. Raphael Moller, was the next day, Isru Chag Shovuos. He thanked the Moller family for the sponsorship of this event. Both Rav Mantel and Rav Rubanowitz spoke. SHABBOS CHIZUK The Kehilla enjoyed its annual “Shabbos Chizuk” on Shabbos Parashas Shelach. A sit-down Kiddush was held in Moller Hall after Shul, at which Rav Chaim Yehoshua Hoberman spoke. After Mincha Moller Hall was once again in use, as Kehilla members and friends enjoyed the end-of season Seuda Shelishis. The Senior Social Club sponsored both events. Rabbi Yitzchok Israel emceed, and reminded those present of the many years Rav Meir Tzvi Bergman had graced this annual event with his presence. While his health no longer allows for this, his Kollel Rashbi is in just as much need of our generous support. In his address, Rav Mantel discussed, among other things, the parallelism, as mentioned by the Maharal, between the Cheit HoEigel and the Cheit HaMeraglim. Not believing in oneself, in the sense that he has a Neshomo which is a Cheilek Eloka MiMaal and endowed with almost unlimited potential, can lead to, and is in itself, a lack of belief, Emuna, in HaKodosh Boruch Hu Himself. Rav Hoberman, Rosh Yeshiva of the Yeshiva of Long Beach, NY, then spoke, and discussed the Chinuch challenges our generation faces, and the fine line we must keep in dealing with these issues. SPRING SEASON SEUDOS SHELISHIS The end-of season Shabbos Chizuk also capped off a successful Spring season of Kehilla Seudos Shelishis held in Moller Hall. Those who attended heard Divrei Torah from Rav Mantel each week, as well as a guest speaker. Rabbi Shlomo Goldberg, no “guest” here, spoke at the first Seuda Shelishis, followed, this year, each week by other “guests” in name only, our Kollel members and alumni. As Rabbi Raphael Weis mentioned at the Kollel Breakfast (see below), the Board of Trustees, and the Kehilla, salutes them for their efforts. Listed alphabetically, they were: Mr. Rephoel Bachrach, Rabbi Moshe Eisdorfer, Mr. Yisroel Gradman, Rabbi Menachem Kunofsky, Mr. Michoel Meir Levi, Rabbi Shimon Margaliot and Rabbi Aryeh Winiarz. GENERAL MEETING AND ELECTIONS The Annual General Meeting of the membership of K’hal Adath Jeshurun took place on May 21/ 25 Iyar. Both the annual report and the financial report were presented, discussed, and approved. After the election’s results, the Board of Trustees then elected its officers: Alan Ettlinger, President; Samson R. Bechhofer, 1st Vice President; Rabbi Joel Stern, 2nd Vice President; Avram J. Cahn, Treasurer; David Hoff, Assistant Treasurer; Herbert Israel, Secretary; Dr. Johny Hellmann, Trustee.

Page 3: June 27, ‘17 KAJ NEWSLETTER זעשת זומת 'ג Newsletter... · 2017. 6. 27. · A monthly publication of K’hal Adath Jeshurun June 27, ‘17 ז"עשת זומת 'ג Volume

Vol. 47, No. 9 KAJ NEWSLETTER Page 3 Messrs. Chaim Yehonoson Rothschild and Daniel A. Levi were elected honorary trustees. A letter from Mr. Rothschild was read at the meeting. Messrs. Harvey Basker, Shmuel Bodenheim, Dovid Brownstein and Rabbi Schemuel van Messel were elected to the Board of Advisors; Messrs. Harvey Bernstein, Fred Edinger and Gerald Lanzkron were elected to the Board of Controllers and Messrs. Albert Blank, Dr. Paul Breuer, Pinchas Katzenstein, Moshe Meir Klugman and Ralph Mansbach were elected to the Nominating Committee. At this time, as we continue to wish Mr. Rothschild a Refuah Sheleima, the Board and Kehilla would like to acknowledge the tremendous amount of efforts which he has put into our Tzibur through all his years of service. His devotion was and is not limited to the Board, but has extended to his being the chief architect of the Kehilla’s Tzedoko funds, helping with and organizing Agudah activities, and arranging Magidei Shiur for the Friday night Mikro Lectures and Thursday night Chumash Shiurim, all while being a member of the morning Daf Yomi Chabura, and, together with his wife, inviting singles and married couples of the community to his table. KOLLEL BREAKFAST The annual Kollel Breakfast was held on Monday, May 29/4 Sivan in Moller Hall. The dais was graced by the presence of Rav Mantel, Rav Posen, Rav Meir Levi, Rav Yehoshua Rubanowitz, Rabbi Shlomo Goldberg and Rabbi Raphael M. Weis, the breakfast’s chairman. Rabbi Weis noted that this Seudas Mitzva was being tendered in memory of Mr. Eugene Goldman, a Chover HaKollel par excellence until his petira a few months ago. Rabbi Weis reminded the audience of Mr. Goldman’s diligence and drive to learn, as well as his phenomenal and frequently called upon speaking abilities. Rabbi Weis applied the Mishne in Avos of Eizehu Chochom, etc., to the Chevrei HaKollel, then praised and introduced Rav Mantel. The Rav quoted the exposition of Rav Chaim Volozhiner on the possuk from Mishlei, Eitz Chaim He LaMachazikim Boh. Rabbi Weis then introduced Mr. Michoel Meir Levi, a product of our own Yeshiva RSR Hirsch. Married to the former Gitty Eschwege of Los Angeles, Mr. Levi learned in Eretz Yisroel for over six years, before joining our Kollel three years ago. Mr. Levi delivered the morning’s Dvar Halocho regarding receiving unwarranted Chometz in one’s property on Pesach. Rav Meir Levi was the last speaker of the morning, and discussed what was wrong in Korach’s seeming desire for yet more Kedusha (the Kehuna). Korach’s words, and Moshe Rabbeinu’s answer, reveal, however, that it was not the Ruchniyus and Kedusha that he sought. Our Chavrei HaKollel, in contrast, strive for and show a keen interest in, every new Chidush, Blatt, or Halocho. GRADUATIONS Our Yeshiva celebrated the graduations of the Pre-Mesivta eighth grade boys, the Mesivta’s twelfth grade seniors, and the Bais Yaakov Middle School’s eighth graders at the Mount Sinai Jewish Center’s ballroom, on the evenings of Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, June 13-16/ 19-21 Sivan. The eighth grade boys were first up, on Tuesday, and could boast a good number of Washington Heights locals as members of their class, including the Class Representative to speak, Ezra Feigenbaum. Rabbi Edwin Katzenstein, chairman of the Yeshiva’s Board was the first speaker, followed by Rav Mantel;

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Vol. 47, No. 9 KAJ NEWSLETTER Page 4 Rabbi Shraga Soloveitchik, Menahel; and Rabbi Ephraim Fischer, General Studies principal. Mr. Yosef Levi—father of graduate Ary Levi—was the Parent Representative to speak. On behalf of the graduates and their parents, Rabbi Heshy Sobel, the boys’ rebbi, was presented with seforim, and Mrs. Sarah Bass—the Mesivta’s tireless and devoted secretary—was presented with flowers. Many thanks to Mesdames Feigenbaum and Gross who helped set up the elegant refreshments. Those present at the Mesivta’s graduation, on Wednesday evening, heard from Rav Mantel and Rabbi Soloveitchik, and Rabbi Ephraim Fischer. Rabbi Katzenstein addressed the graduates, as did the Parent Representative, Mr. Tomer Naftali, father of graduate Avraham Naftali. The Class Representative to speak was Yaakov Held. Special surprise presentations were made to the Menahel, Rabbi Soloveitchik, and to the current and former General Studies’ principals, Rabbi Fischer and Rabbi Avrohom Hoffman. Thanks go to Mesdames Benchar and Held, as well as Rebbetzin Yehudis Levi, for helping set up the light collation. Our sixteen Bais Yaakov Middle School seniors closed out the graduation mid-week on Thursday evening. Those present heard words of welcome from Rabbi Katzenstein and greetings from Rav Mantel. The Parent Representative to speak was Rabbi Uri Cohen, father of graduate Miss Baila Cohen. Mrs. Hena Gottesman, Menaheles of the middle school, addressed the graduates and their guests, after which the valedictorians, Miss Yocheved Bauman and Miss Rivka Krause, presented some well-chosen words. Miss Reena Ghermezian was the recipient of the Character Award, and Mrs. Odelia Schlisser, General Studies’ principal, spoke, before joining with Mrs. Gottesman in the distribution of the eagerly-awaited diplomas. Our heartiest Mazal Tov wishes to our graduates, as we wish them continued Hatzlocho in their studies, and all their endeavors. We extend the same wishes to the four young ladies of our Kehilla who graduated twelfth grade this year, Misses Rochel Leah Gordimer, Ruchama Klugmann, Devora M. Majowka and Brocha Schoenberg. FROM OUR YESHIVA Local Rabbi Yoseif Yechiel Gruenebaum’s seventh grade class completed their year with a bang. They were mesayem Maseches Makkos and held a Siyum at which Rav Mantel and Rabbi Yehuda Moller, Menahel, spoke.

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Shortly thereafter they enjoyed an overnight trip with their rebbi. While in Passaic enjoying some bagels and nosh, the boys heard some Torah thoughts from a former student of Rabbi Gruenebaum and alumnus of YRSRH, Rabbi Shlomo Bechhofer, now a Chover HaKollel in Passaic.

The boys headed to Lakewood, where they had the special Zechus of meeting with our Moro D’Asra, Rav Gelley. The boys were farhered in his presence, and Rafi Spoerri delivered a short Dvar Torah.

International Recently, a number of our graduates currently learning in Eretz Yisrael had the enjoyable zechus of meeting up with their former twelfth grade rebbi, Rabbi Shlomo Goldberg, at a Melave Malka.

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Signs שאלה and משיב הרוח ,יעלה ויבוא Anyone who frequents our Bais Haknesses is familiar with the signs that hang on either side of the eastern wall reminding us to insert משיב הרוח ,יעלה ויבוא and תן טל ומטרו in the שמונה עשרה at the appropriate times. What most people don’t know is who crafted these beautiful works of art and how they were made. This coming September our Kehilla will celebrate the 65th anniversary of the inauguration of its new Beis Knesses. At that time there was a committee of dedicated members who oversaw the design and acquisition of the various furnishings and fixtures for the shul. Among the many items that were needed were signs for and משיב הרוח , יעלה ויבוא The simple hand-drawn signs that were used in the old . שאלהshul in 90 Bennett Avenue were not deemed nice enough to be used in the beautiful new edifice. One of the committee members, Mr. Jerry G. Bechhofer z”l, informed his colleagues that his teenage sister Sonya would be happy to make the new signs using the copper-work skills she had acquired in art school. As Sonya Loeb tells the story, she didn’t have much of a choice in the matter as her older brother had offered her services before consulting her. However, she gladly undertook the very arduous task of forming the six new signs. She was given the designs drawn on tracing paper by the well-known artist Siegmund Forst. With a special tool she etched the letters through the tracing paper onto copper sheets. The next step was to press the letters out so that they were raised. After applying a special solution which blackened the entire sheet Mrs. Loeb polished just the raised lettering with very fine steel wool which brought back the bright copper color. The signs were then surrounded in a double layer frame of light and dark wood to match the design of the Oron HaKodesh. In spite of the short time-frame allotted to complete the project, Mrs. Loeb made sure that the new signs were ready to be used when the shul was opened. She fondly recalls that in his speech at the Simchas Torah Party which took place a few weeks later, Rav Breuer zt”l publicly thanked the “young lady” who volunteered her time and effort to create the beautiful new signs for our Beis Haknesses. Although the copper signs themselves are still beautiful, the frames have been subject to considerable wear and tear over the years. As a loving tribute to their mother, Sonya Loeb’s children, Mr. and Mrs. Jan Loeb, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Kranz and Mr. and Mrs. Yaakov Potesky, have graciously offered to underwrite the cost of commissioning beautiful new custom-made frames for their mother’s artwork. The frames are made of a dark burl wood with a copper wash which complements the lettering. We look forward to having these very special signs grace our Bais Haknesses for many years to come.

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Vol. 47, No. 9 KAJ NEWSLETTER Page 7 MR. SAMUEL TAUB z.l. Rav Mantel, Rav Yehoshua Rubanowitz, Rabbi Shlomo Goldberg, members of the evening Daf Yomi chaburo, as well as other Kehilla and Kollel members and friends, recently participated in the Sheloshim Siyum and Seuda for Mr. Samuel Taub, organized by and held in Dombrow Beis Medrash on June 4th / 10 Sivan.

Rav Mantel spoke, and noted that Mr. Shmuel Dovid Taub could be best described by the Tefila said each morning, Le’olam yehei odom yorei Shomayim ba seiser uvegolui, as the text reads according to Nusach Sefard, which was Mr. Taub’s Nusach. How, asked the Rav, is it possible to be Mekayem both aspects of this meimra? Are they not a contradiction? In Mr. Taub’s life we can see the answer. His Hatzneia Leches and manner of carrying himself BeShesiko screamed out and said: What a Yiras Shomayim! Whether in business or simply walking in the street, whatever he did was with this approach. The Rav continued through this Tefila and described how each verse characterized Mr. Taub's exemplary character. Despite the unspeakable horrors and incredible losses he experienced during his formative years, he carried himself with an aura of Ivdu es HaShem BeSimcha, which positively affected all those he met. Rabbi Elchonon Stern also spoke at the Siyum.

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Vol. 47, No. 9 KAJ NEWSLETTER Page 8 FAREWELL, ALEX! Shabbos Kodesh Parashas Naso saw a very special Kiddush enjoyed in Moller Hall, as the Kehilla joined together—spearheaded by Rabbi and Mrs. Chaim Aschkenasy—to wish Mr. Alexander Rosenstock a fond farewell and much Hatzlocha as he relocates to Brooklyn. As Rabbi Elchonon Stern noted this was not a goodbye; it was, rather, quite literally, a wish of “Fare well”—that Alex be Matzliach and enjoy his new home. In his brief reply, Alexander echoed those thoughts, noting that the subway runs both ways, and he is but a short trip away. He then expressed his sincere Hakoras HaTov to the Kehilla and all those individuals who had hosted, hired, and otherwise positively impacted him over the years. SISTERHOOD LECTURE What we see: A beautiful young woman, elegantly dressed and coiffed, with a dazzling smile and proud, confident bearing. What we don't see: A body racked with pain, arthritic bones and joints, and tumors and cancer cells that have spread throughout the organs. Nancy Novack began her life frolicking on the sandy beaches of sunny California, as American as apple pie. She was raised by loving parents who brought her up in a religiously pluralistic home which celebrated all holidays. She attended Hebrew school and had a Bas Mitzvah, did not attend school on Rosh Hashana or Yom Kippur and always tried to do what was right, with her limited knowledge of Jewish Law. Somehow (and we know that nothing is a coincidence), Mrs. Novack found herself in Israel studying in Aish HaTorah. She grew in her Yiddishkeit and committed to a life of Halocho, giving up the pleasures that conflicted with a frum lifestyle. She married an Orthodox man, moved to Passaic, and had five children in quick succession. Pain and sickness reared their ugly head. For the past twelve years Mrs. Novack has had many types of medical complications and emergencies. She has spent countless days and nights in the hospital, including during Yomim Tovim and the night before her son's Bar Mitzvah. Just when she seemed to be recovering from one illness, another health problem would creep up. Initially, Mrs. Novack was incredulous that G-d could do this to her, “I did not become religious for this!” Slowly, though, she found within herself the strength to live with her reality and trust that whatever G-d does is for the best. She has been helped by many caring loving friends and neighbors (including Dr. Mindy Wechsler Weiss) and she is intent on giving back. Mrs. Novack and her supportive family are involved in Chai4Ever, an organization for children whose parent has cancer. When Mrs. Sonja Wechsler first met Mrs. Novack in Passaic she was mesmerized by her optimistic mentality and fortitude. She was determined to have Mrs. Novack speak for the Sisterhood and spread her message of hope and faith. Mrs. Novack's presentation on May 9/14 Iyar, The Power of Positive Thinking, was emotional, compelling and powerful. When Mrs. Novack says, “Whatever you have, you have to think you're going to get through it,” you become inspired because she has never given in to her illness. She still teaches Special Education during the school year and runs a thriving day camp during the summer. She has worked even from a wheelchair and while attached to IV poles! When she says that she set a goal for herself to work on her Emuna and Bitochon, you understand that this is the goal for all Yidden, tzoros notwithstanding. And when she says that a mountain is a metaphor for life and that she intends to climb all the way to the top, we cheer her on her journey and applaud her for her positivity. May we all be able to emulate her and heed her final

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Vol. 47, No. 9 KAJ NEWSLETTER Page 9 message: “Don't stop climbing!” LADIES AUXILIARY SPRING BRUNCH Rabbi Yehuda Moller, elementary school Menahel of Yeshiva Rabbi Samson Raphael Hirsch, set the tone for the school's Spring Brunch on Sunday, May 14 (Lag BeOmer), with his heartfelt words of gratitude and appreciation for the important work of the Ladies Auxiliary. Referring to them as the “unsung heroes of the Yeshiva,” Rabbi Moller recognized the vital role of the Ladies Auxiliary in providing funding for extra programming which benefits the students. Using an apropos Dvar Torah to illustrate the point that a Jew is always making either a Kiddush Hashem or a Chillul Hashem and his actions are never neutral, Rabbi Moller stressed how the Ladies Auxiliary's benevolence is totally a service for the Ribono Shel Olom and is therefore “a tremendous vehicle for Kiddush Hashem.” He feels lucky to have “such a wonderful partner-organization.” Rabbi Moller introduced Rebbetzin Gelley as “a very unsung hero.” Many tasks have landed on his desk that did not seem to be within the job description of principal. When asked who used to take care of all these matters, the answer was, “Rebbetzin Gelley!” At the Brunch, both Rebbetzin Gelley and Mrs. Cindy Klugmann did an amazing job as co-chairs of the event, a job they have shared masterfully for many years. The Rebbetzin began by thanking everyone for their Tefillos for Rav Gelley, and said that even the doctors recognize that Rav Gelley is “being protected by Nisim!” She gave a very beautiful Dvar Torah which connected the three things for which the world was created (Hafroshas Challah, Maasros and Bikurim) with the reason we call the Mitzva Sefiras haOmer—namely, that when a person becomes successful he can lose sight of the fact that his success comes from the Ribono Shel Olom. Therefore, before he can eat of his bounty, he must do something to recognize the Hand of his Creator Who is responsible for his success. After the recitation of a perek of Tehillim, Mrs. Klugmann spoke about Lag BeOmer as a day of celebration of the transmission of Torah SheBeAl Peh at the hands of Rabi Akiva who took to the task of rebuilding with his five new Talmidim. She made a parallel to our school, which built itself up after the horrible destruction during the War because we had a Mesora too precious to lose. The first honoree of the morning, Mrs. Pamela Weiman, was the “Community Service Awardee.” A graphic artist, Mrs. Weiman uses her talents to benefit the Yeshiva; in fact, she designed the stunning invitation to this Brunch! Mrs. Weiman and her devoted husband have an open home and are wonderful hosts. She spearheaded The Shabbos Project in our community, a kiruv program that was part of a worldwide initiative. Mrs. Weiman was described as having joie de vivre, and as being “unflappable, practical, helpful, attentive, stoic and resolute.” Mrs. Weiman mentioned some meaningful words from the Imrei Noam and spoke lovingly of her parents and grandparents who imbued her with proper values. She was so very happy to have the opportunity, after 31 years of living in this community, to publicly thank those who did so much to give to her and to her family. She particularly singled out Rav and Rebbetzin Gelley, Rav and Rebbetzin Mantel and Rabbi Boruch (z.l.) and (t.b.l.c.t.) Mrs. Roslyn Borchardt. The Weiman daughters and daughter-in-law recited a touching poem written in her honor. Mrs. Yonina Berman, the next awardee, was honored as “Mother of the Year.” The Berman family used to live locally in Washington Heights; they now reside in Pomona but they continue to send their children to our school. Rebbetzin Gelley depicted Mrs. Berman as the epitome of “humility and modesty, a capable hostess and a helpful partner to her husband” in his position as rabbi. They have brought up a truly special family. As Rabbi Moller said, the Berman boys have a special “Hadras Ponnim of a Yiddishe kind.”

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Vol. 47, No. 9 KAJ NEWSLETTER Page 10 Mrs. Berman created a striking video collage reflecting the many reasons she chooses to send her children to YRSRH; it is certainly worthy of being an advertisement for our institution! A most beloved educator, Mrs. Eleanor Lomnitz was recognized as Faculty Awardee. Mrs. Lomnitz has taught both Limudei Kodesh and English Studies, boys and girls. As Rebbetzin Gelley exclaimed, “You have done it all!” Mrs. Lomnitz was described as gentle and soft-spoken with the capacity to “get through to all kids so that the child is excited to learn.” “Love is her strength,” said Rebbetzin Gelley, “and Ahavas Chessed is her method!” Mrs. Lomnitz gave a short acceptance speech in which she thanked the school and her wonderful colleagues. She is grateful for the opportunity to teach and to learn, acquiring new insights every year. Mrs. Lomnitz' third grade girls honored her with an extraordinary, original song which demonstrated the love and esteem in which she is held. Rivka Rochel Lomnitz (with the help of her mother, Morah Miri Lomnitz) adorably tendered a testimonial in her grandmother's honor. Morah Grace Aschkenasy has taught together with Mrs. Lomnitz for many years. She spoke with much admiration of her colleague, calling her “a precious jewel on our faculty.” Mrs. Aschkenasy regards Mrs. Lomnitz as a teacher whose “love, dedication and passion instills Yiras Shomayim in her charges, ensures that each child fulfills her potential and... builds self-esteem that lasts a lifetime.” Although Mrs. Lomnitz could easily come to class without preparing, having taught the curriculum many times, she always prepares anew, coming up with fresh ideas and creative ways to open the minds and touch the hearts of her students. In honor of Mothers' Day, Ms. Shaina Kahn gave a powerful and moving rendition of “My Yiddishe Mama.” Her melodious voice, combined with her masterful interpretation of this beloved song, made many an attendee reach for their napkin to dab away an emotional tear. Special thanks to all the Peony, Rose, Tulip and Lilac sponsors whose generous contributions helped to create the “beautiful bouquet” which adds so much to the work of the Ladies Auxiliary, as well as to the dedicated girls who assisted with babysitting and waitressing. Kudos to Mr. Yitzchak Dyckman of Lechayim Caterers for his delectable brunch. And of course, thank you to all the devoted members of the Ladies Auxiliary for putting together such a delightful event, as well as for all the essential contributions made to the students of YRSRH! NEWS FROM MORIAH SENIOR CENTER Moriah seniors enjoyed ideal weather on their Spring Walk guided tour of the Water’s Edge Garden at Randall’s Island. They saw a wide variety of vegetation and learned a lot about the history of the island as well. It was unanimously agreed that a return trip must be scheduled to view the fall foliage.

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Members of the Center took a virtual tour from the comfort of their chairs as they enjoyed “West Side Stories”, with guide Marty Schneit. Seniors couldn’t stop smiling during this multimedia presentation about the rich architecture and history of the area surrounding and north of Columbus Circle, which combined little known facts, nostalgia and humor. One of Moriah’s favorite collaborative activities is the annual Intergenerational Bingo Game. Morah Miriam Huffman, in conjunction with her unit on “VeHadarta Pnei Zakeyn”, brought her Pre-1A Boys’ class to learn and play with Moriah seniors. It is heartwarming to watch the interactions between the two groups.

Moriah seniors were treated to a Memorial Day Concert, highlighting the musical virtuosity and versatility of the mandolin. Mr. Josh Alpert, accompanied by Cantor Eric S. Freeman on the piano, presented a program spanning 400 years of music. The selections included classical, Celtic and contemporary. A few shul favorites even made it into the mix! Moriah is actively seeking volunteers to assist with check-in and lunch service. Volunteer for an hour, volunteer once a week, or volunteer more often. The choice is yours. If you are interested it being part of our warm and welcoming environment, please call us at 212-923-5715.

Page 12: June 27, ‘17 KAJ NEWSLETTER זעשת זומת 'ג Newsletter... · 2017. 6. 27. · A monthly publication of K’hal Adath Jeshurun June 27, ‘17 ז"עשת זומת 'ג Volume

Vol. 47, No. 9 KAJ NEWSLETTER Page 12 If you are 60+, working or retired, this might be the time to come in and register. See what Moriah can offer you. If you would like to receive our monthly newsletter via email, please contact us at [email protected]. SHIURIM NOTICES Tuesday Morning Ladies’ Shiur During the months of July and August, the Tuesday Morning Ladies’ Shiur will IY”H be studying The Nineteen Letters, by Rav Samson Raphael Hirsch. Miss Rochel Alpert will give the Shiur. (see flyer in this issue). Sisterhood Shabbos Shiurim The following shiurim will take place in Dr. Moller Hall, 90 Bennett Avenue at 5:30 PM in July and 5:00 PM in August and September. Please note: Any changes will be posted in Shul. Date Parsha Speaker July 1 Chukas Mrs. Esther Katz 8 Balak Miss Rivka Greenberg 15 Pinchas Mr. Michael Gutmann 22 Matos /Masei Mrs. Ilana Froelich 29 Devorim Rabbi Avrohom Gordimer Aug 5 Vo’eschanan Mrs. Sara Wiederblank 12 Ekev Mrs. Devorah Strauch 19 Re’eh Rabbi Solomon Jacobovits 26 Shoftim Miss Rochel Alpert Sept 2 Ki-Setzeh Mr. Albert Blank 9 Ki-Savo Dr. Rivkah Blau 16 Nitzavim-Vayelach Dr. Paul Breuer Sisterhood Weeknight Shiurim The following shiurim will take place at 8:00 PM in Dr. Moller Hall. Topic: The Majestic Additions in the Shabbos Tefillos.

Wed. June 28 Mr. Michael Gutmann Friday Night Wed. July 12 Rabbi A. Hoffman Tefillas Shacharis Wed. July 19 Mrs. Esther Katz Tefillas Musaf Tues. July 25 Miss Rochel Alpert Tefillas Mincha & Motzoei Shabbos

Fort Tryon Ladies Shiur (in memory of Mr. Marc Breuer ז"ל) July 1 7:35 חקת Mr. Joey Gutmann July 8 7:35 בלק Miss Rivka Greenberg July 15 7:30 פינחס Miss Shaindy Hirsch July 22 מסעי-מטות 7:25 Mrs. Adina Pollack July 29 7:20 דברים Rabbi Avrohom Gordimer Aug. 5 7:10 ואתחנן TBD Aug. 12 7:00 עקב Mrs. Devorah Strauch Aug. 19 6:50 ראה Rabbi Rafael Bachrach Aug. 26 שפטים 6:35 TBD Sept. 2 6:25 כי תצא Mr. Albert Blank Sept. 9 כי תבוא 6:15 Dr. Rivkah Blau

Page 13: June 27, ‘17 KAJ NEWSLETTER זעשת זומת 'ג Newsletter... · 2017. 6. 27. · A monthly publication of K’hal Adath Jeshurun June 27, ‘17 ז"עשת זומת 'ג Volume


It gives us pleasure to extend mazel tov wishes to Rav and Rebbetzin Mantel on the birth of their granddaughter. Our best wishes to the parents, Rabbi and Mrs. Yosef Baruch Mantel. Heartiest mazel tov wishes to Rabbi and Mrs. Mordechai Stern on the birth of their grandson. Best wishes to the parents, Mr. and Mrs. Binyomin Stern, the grandparents, Rabbi and Mrs. Aryeh Posen and the great-grandfather, Rav Jacob Posen. All our good wishes to Rav and Rebbetzin Yehoshua Rubanowitz on the engagement of their daughter, Rivka to Yitz Wiggins. Mazel tov to the Choson’s parents, Rabbi and Mrs. Yehoshua Wiggins. Mazel tov to Rabbi and Mrs. Shlomo Goldberg on the birth of their grandson. All the best to the parents, Rabbi Eliezer and Brocha Cohen of Atlanta and the grandparents, Rabbi and Mrs. Gavriel Cohen. It gives us pleasure to extend mazel tov wishes to Mr. and Mrs. Zvi Felder on the birth of their daughter. Mazel tov to the grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Alan Ettlinger and Mr. and Mrs. Yossi Felder. Our very good wishes to Mr. Yaacov and Mrs. Sarah Tova Stern on the birth of their daughter. Mazel tov to the grandparents, Rabbi and Mrs. Joel Stern and Mr. and Mrs. Yaakov Gelfand and the great-grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Abraham Litwin. Mrs. Edith Erlbach happily announces the birth of her great-grandson. Mazel tov to the parents, Sruly and Yehudis Rackoff and the grandparents, Rabbi Uri and Esther Mayerfeld and Mr. and Mrs. Nochum Rackoff. Heartiest mazel tov wishes to Dr. and Mrs. Yosef Adler and Mrs. Miriam Nussbaum on the birth of their great-grandson, born to their grandchildren, Sara (Adler) and Nechemia Margolis. Best wishes to the grandparents, Rabbi Aryeh and Dr. Keri (Nussbaum) Adler of Atlanta and the great-great-grandmother, Mrs. Ilse Adler. All our good wishes to Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Kaufmann on the engagement of their daughter, Brittany, to Evan Grazi. Mazel tov to the Choson’s parents, Dr. and Mrs. Richard Grazi of Brooklyn and to the grandmother, Mrs. Margot Kaufmann. Our heartiest mazel tov wishes to Rabbi and Mrs. Shmuel Glazer on the birth of their grandson. Best wishes to the parents, Yaakov Moshe and Shoshana Glazer of Lakewood, the grandparents, Rabbi and Mrs. Daniel Cohen and the great-grandmothers, Mrs. Judy Cohen of Detroit and Mrs. Sylvia Manies of Lakewood. It gives us pleasure to extend mazel tov wishes to Rabbi and Mrs. Elchonon Stern on the birth of their grandson. Our best wishes to the parents, Shmuel and Nechama Raizel Stern and the grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Shimon Soloff.

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Vol. 47, No. 9 KAJ NEWSLETTER Page 14 Mrs. Bertha Trepp happily announce the birth of twin great-granddaughters. Mazel tov to the parents, Ozi and Bracha Babad and the grandparents, Allen and Ellen Strauss. All our good wishes to Rabbi and Mrs. Baruch Lichtenstein on the forthcoming marriage of their daughter, Devorah to Duvi Trainer. Mazel tov to the Choson’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Noach Trainer of Los Angeles. It gives us pleasure to extend mazel tov wishes to Mr. Jacob Goldsmith on the birth of his great-grandson. Mazel tov to the parents, Nosi and Elisheva Weissman and the grandparents, Yosef and Yachet Pick. Mazel tov to Hershel and Jeanette Baum on the birth of their granddaughter. Best wishes to the parents, Dr. J. A. and Ricki Bruckner and the grandparents, Dr. Larry Bruckner and Mrs. Rivky Bruckner. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel A. Levi happily announce the engagement of their daughter, Kayla Michal to Moishy Wayntraub. Mazel tov to the parents, Mr. and Mrs. Refoel Wayntraub of Southfield, MI, and the grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Levi. Our heartiest mazel tov wishes to Tzvi and Elky Holtz on the birth of their son. Best wishes to the grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Pinchas Katzenstein, and the great-grandparents, Rabbi and Mrs. Edwin Katzenstein and Mr. Chaim Goldwasser. It gives us much pleasure to extend our heartiest mazel tov wishes to Dr. and Mrs. Nathaniel Leff on the engagement of their grandson, Shabse Laks to Aviva Chana Kaufman. Mazel tov to the Choson’s parents, Dr. David and Mrs. Chana Laks. All our good wishes to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Helmreich on the engagement of their granddaughter, Chaya Blechman to Shlomo Katz. Heartiest mazel tov to the parents, Dr. and Mrs. Tuvia and Tzippy Blechman of Baltimore and Mr. and Mrs. Shuky Katz of Lakewood. Mr. and Mrs. Yitzchok Gutterman happily announce the birth of their granddaughter. Mazel tov to the parents, Mr. and Mrs. Meir Boruch Gutterman. Dr. and Mrs. Ronny Herrmann happily announce the birth of a son to their children, Rabbi Dr. and Mrs. Simcha Herrmann. Heartiest mazel tov to the great-grandmother, Mrs. Lotte Herrmann. Heartiest mazel tov to Rabbi and Mrs. Shmuel Glazer on the engagement of their granddaughter, Esti Matz to Benzion Krainess. Our best wishes to the parents, Rabbi and Mrs. Moshe Matz of Miami and Rabbi and Mrs. Gedaliah Krainess of Cleveland.

Our best wishes to Dr. and Mrs. David Bechhofer on the birth of their grandson. Mazel tov to the parents, Yitzy and Tzipora Schabes of Baltimore, the grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Schabes and the great-grandmother, Mrs. Meta Bechhofer.

Page 15: June 27, ‘17 KAJ NEWSLETTER זעשת זומת 'ג Newsletter... · 2017. 6. 27. · A monthly publication of K’hal Adath Jeshurun June 27, ‘17 ז"עשת זומת 'ג Volume

Vol. 47, No. 9 KAJ NEWSLETTER Page 15 All our good wishes to Mr. and Mrs. Victor Sussman on the birth of their granddaughter, Rivka. Mazel tov to the parents, Yehuda and Shulamis Sussman and the grandparents, Rabbi and Mrs. Shlomo Abrahams.

Mazel tov to Mr. and Mrs. Raphael N. Wertheim upon the birth of their great-granddaughter born to their grandchildren, Baruch Yehudah and Yehudis Smith. Mazel tov to the grandparents, Rabbi and Mrs. Sholom Smith and Rabbi and Mrs. Yisroel Weisberger. Mazel tov to the great-grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Smith, Rabbi and Mrs. Simcha Klein and Mrs. Chava Weisberger. At the same time, we are delighted to wish the Wertheims mazel tov on the birth of a great-grandson born to Boruch and Shaindy Hochhauser, the grandparents, Rabbi and Mrs. Leivi Hochhauser, Rabbi and Ms. Raphael Weisz, and great-grandparents, Rabbi and Mrs. Salomon, Mrs. R. Hochhauser and Mrs. S. Weisz, and a great-granddaughter born to Yisroel Meir and Chana Joselit. Best wishes to the grandparents, Rabbi and Mrs. Leivi Hochhauser, Mr. and Mrs. Shamshi Joselit, Mrs. R. Hochhauser, Rabbi and Mrs. Moshe Weiss and Mrs. Joselit.

It gives us pleasure to extend mazel tov wishes to Mr. and Mrs. Mark Malavsky on the birth of their grandson. Best wishes to the parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dov Lazarus and the great-grandmother, Mrs. Inge Katzman.

Our heartiest mazel tov wishes to Rabbi and Mrs. Ephraim Wolpin on the Bar Mitzvah of their son, Avrumi on Parshas Shelach.

All our good wishes to Mr. Naftali Pfeiffer on his forthcoming marriage to Elisheva Weinstein. Mazel tov to the parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sydney and Hetti Pfeiffer of Montreal and Mr. and Mrs. Howie and Eileen Weinstein of Oceanside. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Gutmann happily announce the birth of their baby girl. Our heartiest mazel tov wishes to the grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Avram Gutmann and Dr. and Mrs. Asher Rabinowitz and the great-grandmother, Mrs. Judith Levi. It gives us pleasure to extend mazel tov wishes to Mr. and Mrs. Teddy Katzenstein on the birth of their granddaughter. Mazel tov to the parents, Raphael and Gitty Katzenstein of Far Rockaway, the grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Luzer Rand and the great-grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Eric Katzenstein. Our heartiest mazel tov wishes to Mr. and Mrs. Nachman Kreitman on the birth of their granddaughter, Yael Baila. Mazel tov to the parents, Shoshana and Zev Bleich, the grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Chaim Bleich and great-grandmothers, Mrs. Sorette Fleischmann and Mrs. Chana Kreitman. All our good wishes to Mr. and Mrs. Isfried Neuhaus on the marriage of their granddaughter, Devorah Neuhaus to Yisroel Malul. Our best wishes to the parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bernie Neuhaus. It gives us much pleasure to extend our heartiest mazel tov wishes to Miss Esti Tomaszewski on her marriage to Mr. Itzik Weinberg. Best wishes to the parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Tomaszewski and Mr. and Mrs. Mordechai Weinberg.

Page 16: June 27, ‘17 KAJ NEWSLETTER זעשת זומת 'ג Newsletter... · 2017. 6. 27. · A monthly publication of K’hal Adath Jeshurun June 27, ‘17 ז"עשת זומת 'ג Volume

Vol. 47, No. 9 KAJ NEWSLETTER Page 16 Our heartiest mazel tov wishes to Dr. and Mrs. Elliott Gutman on the marriage of their daughter, Chana, to Jonathan Cohen of Montreal. Best wishes to the Choson’s father, Mr. Yaakov Cohen and to his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Edmond Azoulay and Mrs. Mimy Cohen. Mazel tov to Rabbi and Mrs. Kalman Strauss on the birth of their daughter. All the best to the grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Strauss and Mr. and Mrs. Moshe Schlusselberg, and the great-grandmother, Mrs. Esther Silbermintz. Rabbi and Mrs. Avrohom Hoffman are pleased to announce the engagement of their son, Moshe, to Dr. Emily Harris. Mazel tov to the parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Harris of West Hempstead and the grandmothers, Mrs. Margot Lasdun and Mrs. Ruth Hoffman. Mr. and Mrs. David Rubinstein happily announce the birth of their granddaughter. Mazel tov to the parents, Yaakov and Cipora Frayda Rubinstein, the grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Avrohom Katz and the great-grandmothers, Mrs. Katz and Mrs. Rubinstein. Mazel tov to Mr. Leon and Dr. Shiela Strauss on the birth of their great-granddaughter. Our best wishes to the parents, Yosef Dov and Miriam Strauss of Ramat Polim, the grandparents, Rabbi and Mrs. Avraham Strauss of Ramat Beis Shemesh and Rabbi and Mrs. Shimon Arenias, and the great-grandparents, Rabbi and Mrs. Nechemia Zabrowsky, Mrs. Margaret Arenias and Rabbi and Mrs. David Marshall. Our heartiest mazel tov wishes to Hillel and Chevy Kirschner on the birth of their grandson. Best wishes to the parents, Tali and Motty Kleiner and the great-grandparents, Dr. and Mrs. Michael Kirschner. All our good wishes to Eva and Ben Weinschneider on the marriage of their daughter, Yaffa to Donny Mashiach. Heartiest mazel tov to the grandparents, Dr. and Mrs. Michael Kirschner and Mr. and Mrs. Shmuel Mashiach. Mr. and Mrs. Toby Jacobovits happily announce the birth of their great-granddaughter, Baila Rivka Schulman. Mazel tov to the parents, Mayer and Ariella Schulman, the grandparents, Avi and Dina Leiter and Dr. Eli and Lara Schulman and the great-grandparents, Rabbi and Mrs. Nosson Zvi Leiter, Mrs. Schulman and Mr. and Mrs. Schwalb. It gives us pleasure to extend mazel tov wishes to Rabbi and Mrs. Binyomin Klugmann on the birth of their grandson. Best wishes to the parents, Ahuva and Yosef Kaplan, the grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Yaakov Kaplan and great-grandparents, Mrs. Clara Klugmann and Mr. and Hillel Gross. Our heartiest mazel tov wishes to Mr. Norbert Wartelsky on the birth of his first great-grandchild, a daughter born to his grandchildren, Leah and Eli Hoffnung of Yerusholayim. Mazel tov to the grandparents, Ilana and Avi Keilson of Far Rockaway and Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Hoffnung of Monsey, and to the great-grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Keilson.

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Vol. 47, No. 9 KAJ NEWSLETTER Page 17 ANNOUNCEMENTS • Whenever Maariv is recited before nightfall, as it is in Shul on Friday evenings and the weekday first

Maariv, one is obligated to repeat the three Parashiyos of Shema after night.

• Mincha Gedola in Shul – 1:45 PM thru August 31 1:30 PM September 4-7

• Produce from Eretz Yisroel which requires terumos and maasros to be taken is currently available in the stores. If you have shaalos about this procedure, please call the Rabbinate.

Forthcoming Events: • Wednesday, July 26 – Pre-Tisha B’Av Lecture by Rav Mantel – Dr. Moller Hall



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Vol. 47, No. 9 KAJ NEWSLETTER Page 18


Mr. Eric Hess (52 Madison Avenue, Lakewood). Mr. Zvi Hess (82 Roberta Drive, Toronto), Rabbi Zeev Hess (1003 Monmouth Avenue, Lakewood), Ms. Burdette Hess (902 Ocean Parkway, Brooklyn), Mrs. Elisabeth Wurzburger (8 Dover Terrace, Monsey), Rebb. Merla Weiss (473 West End Avenue), Mrs. Ruth Katzenstein (1277 Ocean Parkway, Brooklyn) and Mrs. Doris Rothschild (1328 49th Street, Brooklyn) (mourns the passing of his wife, their mother and sister, our member, Mrs. Claire Hess

Mrs. Barbara Gruenebaum (6 Dover Terrace, Monsey), Mr. Jonathan Gruenebaum (2 Bay Court, Spring Valley), Mr. Stephen Gruenebaum (34 Charlotte Drive, Spring Valley), Mr. Robert Gruenebaum (24 Highview Road, Monsey), Mrs. Honey Banin (720 Ft. Washington Avenue), and Mrs. Alice Schuck (360 Cabrini Boulevard) mourn the passing of her husband, their father and brother, our member, Mr. Jeffrey Gruenebaum

Mr. Velvel Fermaglich and children, Zvi, Nomi and Nechama Fermaglich (100 Bennett Avenue) mourn the passing of his wife, their mother and our member, Mrs. Chana Fermaglich

Rabbi Yitzchok Perl (1210 Avenue N, Brooklyn) mourns the passing of his father, Mr. Feivy Perl Mrs. Rebecca Hess (1003 Monmouth Avenue, Lakewood) and Mrs. Yehudis Bechhofer (901 E. Eckman

Street, South Bend, IN) mourn the passing of their mother, Mrs. Chaya Schild Mr. Yaakov Potesky (49 Winesap Lane, Monsey) mourns the passing of his mother, Mrs. Joanne Chernin


GEMILLUS CHASSODIM & FREE LOAN FUND Zum Andenken an Frau Rabbiner Rika Breuer, o.h. (Sivan) ............................................................... 86.70 Jeanette and Hershel Baum and family for Yahrzeit of their beloved father and grandfather, Jacob Kohn z.l. זצ"ל החבר יעקב בן מורינו הרב אליעזר הכהן (10 Iyar)......................................... 36.00 Mrs. Rivky Cohn for Yahrzeit of her mother, Shoshana Raizel bas Shalom, o.h. (20 Iyar) ......... 18.00 Mr. Sidney Gutman for the Yahrzeit of Moshe Lehmann, z.l. on the 1st day of Shovuos ............ 10.00 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Helmreich for Yahrzeit of her mother, Mrs. Evelyn Eisenmann, o.h.. (27 Iyar) .......................................................................................................................................... 100.00 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Helmreich for Yahrzeit of his father, Benzion Helmreich, z.l. (9 Sivan).. 100.00 Mrs. Lucy Hess in loving memory of her husband, Joseph Hess, z.l. (20 Sivan) ............................ 50.00 Dr. and Mrs. Seymour Perlstein in loving memory of Arnold and Else Haas, a.h. ...................... 250.00 Mrs. Malka Wikler in memory of her grandmother, Chaya Liba Igelfeld, o.h. (14 Iyar) .............. 18.00 ______________ DONATIONS Hirsch Chumash donated by Dvora Hersh in memory of her mother, Marjorie Lowe, פעריל בת נתן ע"ה Flowers around trees outside Shul have been donated by Dr. Michael and Mrs. Annette Kirschner

Page 19: June 27, ‘17 KAJ NEWSLETTER זעשת זומת 'ג Newsletter... · 2017. 6. 27. · A monthly publication of K’hal Adath Jeshurun June 27, ‘17 ז"עשת זומת 'ג Volume

Vol. 47, No. 9 KAJ NEWSLETTER Page 19

בס"דWe would like to thank all our family, friends and members of the Kehilla for your visits, phone calls, cards and donations in memory of our dear mother and sister, Mrs. Joan Richard, ע"ה.

Diane Schuster Miriam Carmen Annie Nussbaum

___________________________________________________________________________ בס"ד

“Thank You” is not sufficient to Rav Mantel שליט"א, Hatzoloh, the Chevra, my dear nieces and nephews, the many, many good people who came to visit my dear husband, ע"ה, during his illness and after! How

he enjoyed everyone who came!

Only 'ה can reward you for all you did.

Sincerely, Sophie Taub

___________________________________________________________________________ בס"ד

I wish to thank Rav Mantel and all those for their visits, phone calls and expressions of concern during my recent hospitalization.

Thank you very much.

Kenny Sommer

____________________________________________________________________________ בס"ד

To our revered Rabbonim, members of the Chevra Kaddisha, members of the Kehilla both in New York and Monsey, relatives, friends and acquaintances.

Please accept this as a personal Hakoras Hatov for your Divrei Nechama, visits and correspondence during the Shivoh of our husband, father, father-in-law and grandfather

Mr. Jeffrey D. Gruenebaum, ז"ל

May we know of no further Tzaar and continue to share in each other’s Simchas.

Mrs. Barbara E. Gruenebaum

Mr. Jonathan E. Gruenebaum and children Mr. and Mrs. Stephen C. Gruenebaum and children

Photo credits for this issue: We thank Messrs. Alan Ettlinger, Ben Ettlinger, Rabbi Y.Y. Gruenebaum, Benjy Hersh, and Zalman Schoenberg and Mrs. Shuli Gutmann for providing the photos featured in this issue.

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Vol. 47, No. 9 KAJ NEWSLETTER Page 21


We thank the following donors for contributing towards the beautiful flower decorations in our Synagogue

Mrs. Ray Adler Miss Rochel Alpert Mr. and Mrs. Chaim Aschkenasy Mrs. Shirley Auslander Mr. Ernest Bacharach Mr. and Mrs. Rafael Bachrach Mrs. Honey Banin Ms. Jane Baranker Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Basker Mr. Joel Bassan Mr. and Mrs. Hershel Baum Mr. and Mrs. Samson R. Bechhofer Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Bernstein Mr. and Mrs. Albert Blank Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Bodenheim Mr. and Mrs. Mark Breiner Dr. and Mrs. Tuvia Breuer Hon. and Mrs. Herman Cahn Mr. Milton Cahn Mr. and Mrs. Craig Cohen Mr. and Mrs. Yosef Cohen Rabbi and Mrs. Bert Cohn Mrs. Tova Cohn Miss Karin Diamond Mrs. Edith Erlbach Mr. and Mrs. Alan Ettlinger Mr. and Mrs. Gidon Feigenbaum Mr. and Mrs. Eric Friedman Rabbi and Mrs. Yehoshua Fulda Mrs. Esther Goldman Mr. Michael Goldman Mr. Sydney Gordon Mr. and Mrs. Philip Gottesman Mr. and Mrs. Yisroel Gradman Mr. Gur M. Ofer Dr. and Mrs. Elliott Gutman Mr. Sidney Gutman

Mr. and Mrs. Avram J. Gutmann Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Gutmann Mr. and Mrs. Yitzchok Gutterman Dr. and Mrs. Johny Hellmann Mr. and Mrs. David Hoff Rabbi and Mrs. Avrohom Hoffman Mrs. Esther Jacobovits Rabbi and Mrs. Solomon Jacobovits Rabbi and Mrs. Edwin Katzenstein Mr. and Mrs. Naftoly Katzenstein Dr. and Mrs. Michael F. Kirschner Mr. and Mrs. Julius J. Klugman Mr. and Mrs. Moshe Meir Klugman Mr. and Mrs. David E. Klugmann Mrs. Margot Lasdun Mr. and Mrs. Naftoli Lehmann Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Levi Mrs. Judith Levi Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Loeb Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lomner Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Mansbach Mr. and Mrs. Moses Marx Mr. and Mrs. Mendy Meyer Mrs. Rivka Moeller Mr. and Mrs. Yehuda Nathan Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Neufeld Mrs. Annie Nussbaum Mr. Naftali Pfeiffer Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Pinczower Mr. and Mrs. Elan Rieser Mr. and Mrs. Boruch Schechter Rabbi Fabian Schonfeld Dr. and Mrs. Ralph Silverman Mr. Scott J. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Alan Sommer Mr. Kenny Sommer Mrs. Heinz Sondheim

Page 22: June 27, ‘17 KAJ NEWSLETTER זעשת זומת 'ג Newsletter... · 2017. 6. 27. · A monthly publication of K’hal Adath Jeshurun June 27, ‘17 ז"עשת זומת 'ג Volume

Vol. 47, No. 9 KAJ NEWSLETTER Page 22 Mr. and Mrs. Moishe Spreiregen Mr. and Mrs. David Stern (Bennett Ave) Miss Jeannette Stern Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Strauss Ms. Chava Torand Mrs. Sandra Wachspress Mr. Norbert Wartelsky Mrs. Sonja Wechsler

Miss Baila Rochel Weis Rabbi and Mrs. Raphael M. Weis Mr. and Mrs. Gunther Weiskopf Miss Aura Weltman Dr. and Mrs. Morris Whitcup Mr. and Mrs. Michael Wimpfheimer N.N.


We are pleased to announce the publication by Feldheim Publishers,

in conjunction with the Rabbi Dr. Joseph Breuer Foundation,


The Hirsch Anthology

באר השר

A Compendium of the Writings of Rav Samson Raphael Hirsch

This 600-page volume contains excerpts from the writings of Rav Hirsch on more than 240 topics (Education, Shabbos, Eretz Yisroel, Torah im Derech Eretz, etc.) to facilitate the accessibility and further study of the Hirschian teachings. This English edition is based on the Hebrew edition of באר .which was compiled by Yitzchak Baror (Breuer) ,השר Copies may be ordered through our office at $27 per copy

(incl. shipping). Please make checks payable to K'hal Adath Jeshurun and send to KAJ, 700 West 186th St, New York, NY 10033.

Page 23: June 27, ‘17 KAJ NEWSLETTER זעשת זומת 'ג Newsletter... · 2017. 6. 27. · A monthly publication of K’hal Adath Jeshurun June 27, ‘17 ז"עשת זומת 'ג Volume

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Vol. 47, No. 9 KAJ NEWSLETTER Page 24

From the Memorbook of our Kehilla

TAMUZ 1 Hermann Schoenfaerber-

Kitzingen 1 Selma Stern-NY 2 Julius Buxbaum-

Weissenfels-Haifa 2 Regina Bamberger-

Wiesenfeld 2 Betty Isaak-Ffm 2 David Lehmann-Fuerth 2 Aron Hanauer-Karlsruhe 2 Leopold Wallerstein-Ffm 2 Friedrich Benjamin Meyer-

Gelsenkirchen 2 Meier F. Sitzman-Detroit,

Mich. 3 Else Kahn-NY 3 Bertha Strauss-Johannesburg 3 Fanny Goldschmiedt-

Zehlem 3 Jettchen Schoenfaerber-

Kitzingen 3 Blanka Fellner-NY 4 Siegmund Bender-NY 4 Hermann Adler-Ffm 4 David Adler-NY 4 Benjamin Oelbaum-

Providence 4 Lore Weglein-NY 5 Joseph Schuler-Ffm 5 Ch. Singer-NY 5 Fritz Lowenthal-NY 5 Emma Joseph-NY 5 Richard Stern-Ffm-NY 6 Lina Hirsch-NY 6 Noah Ascher-Ffm 7 Wilhelm Edinger-Ffm 9 Alfred Friedmann-Ffm 9 Lydia Friedmann-Rosenthal-

Ffm 10 Prof. A. Sulzbach-Ffm 10 Gustav Lauber-KitzingenNY

10 Jakob Goldschmidt-Gelnhausen

10 Jennie R. Basker-NY 11 Hannah Friedmann-

Rothstein-Nuernberg 11 Chaim Goldberger-Israel 11 Lina Loebenberg-NY 12 Rosa Rosenthal-Ffm 12 Martin Moser-NY 13 Flora Saenger-NY 13 T. Meyer-Freiburg 13 Jacob Wolf-Beisingen 14 Semi Moeller-Hamburg 14 Simon Schloss-Wuerzburg 14 Klara Schloss-Wuerzburg 14 Blanca Lehmann-Fuerth-NY 14 Helen Leah Baum-

Cleveland-NY 14 Louis Ellenberg-NY 15 Joseph Offenbacher-NY 15 Martin Stern-NY 16 Leo Blattner-NY 16 Ivan Moeller-NY 17 Abraham Bamberger-

Wiesenfeld 17 Frieda Kahn-Hadamar 17 Jacob Pless-Ffm 17 Joseph Kirchheimer-NY 17 Max Guttman-Creglingen-

Stuttgart 17 Adolf David-Reichelsheim 17 Martha David-Reichelsheim 17 Joseph Katzenstein-

Theresienstadt 17 Moses & Miriam

Schenkolewski 17 Klara Schenkolewski-

Hamburg 17 Malchen Stern-Bruekenau 17 Karoly Goldberger-

Budapest-NY 18 Thea Hirsch-NY

18 Karoline Strauss-Ffm-Chicago

18 Walter Luss-NY 18 Frieda Berju-Stait-Berlin-

Bournemouth 19 Adolf Kapp-Mainz 19 Moses Oppenheim-

Nentershausen 19 Isidor Heinemann-Fuerth 20 Jenny Sulzbach-Ffm 20 Bernhard Strauss-Ffm 20 Henny Philipps-NY 21 Leopold Kahn-NY 21 Lina Polian-Ffm 21 Selig Seligmann-Koeln 22 Mathilde Goldberger-NY 22 Sophie Wilhelmina


22 Irma Bender-NY 23 Gutta Zimmer-NY 24 Abraham Gruenebaum-

Bruekenau-Ffm 24 Sidney S. Baumann-NY 24 Fanny Loewenthal-Bad

Kissingen 24 Jacob Adler-NY 25 Rosa Dinkel-Koeln 25 Leo Lomner-NY 25 Sally Plaut-NY 25 Moses Sondheimer-Ffm-NY 26 Frieda Neuhaus-NY 26 Ester Weis-NY 28 Dr. Albert Sondheimer-NY 29 Julchen Goldschmidt-Fulda-

Riga 29 Leopold Goldschmidt-Fulda 29 Dora Berlinger-NY 29 Juliane Nussbaum-NY

Page 25: June 27, ‘17 KAJ NEWSLETTER זעשת זומת 'ג Newsletter... · 2017. 6. 27. · A monthly publication of K’hal Adath Jeshurun June 27, ‘17 ז"עשת זומת 'ג Volume

Vol. 47, No. 9 KAJ NEWSLETTER Page 25

From the Memorbook of our Kehilla AV 1 Raphael N. Levi-NY 1 Gisela Feuchtwanger-Bad

Kissingen-NY-Philadelphia 3 Hirsch Hanauer-Adelsheim 3 Sophie Gruenebaum-NY 4 Heinrich Lindner-

Donaueschingen 4 Gella Moller-NY 4 Rav Eliyahu Glucksman-NY 5 Erich Klibansky-Cologne 5 Nettchen Jonas-Gladenbach 5 Moritz Klugmann-NY 5 Oskar Hahn-NY 5 Sophie Gutmann-NY 6 Rav Dr. Salomon Breuer-

Ffm 6 Alfred Klugmann-NY 6 Bella Strauss-Burghaun-

Lohr 6 Berta Wallheimer-Aurich 7 Henry Hoechstaedter-

Noerdlingen 7 Michael Loewy-Kuestrin-

NY 8 Manus Katzenstein-

Frankenau 8 Alice Lehmann-NY 8 Edward Apfel-NY 8 Harry Levi-NY 8 Richard Neumann-Brooklyn 8 Bettina Sonn-NY 9 Karoline Sulzbach-Ffm-

Amsterdam 9 Leo & Lothar Blumenthal-


9 Julius David-NY 9 Hannchen Hahn-NY 10 Michael Eisemann-Ffm 10 Sophie Gutmann-Ellingen 10 Karoline Bier-Koeln 10 Herman Bier-Koeln 10 Jakob Mayer-Nauheim 10 Leopold Oppenheimer-NY 10 Dorothy Victor, nee Spiro-

Ffm-NY 10 Joseph Kaufmann-

Meckesheim-Dusseldorf 11 Aron Adler-Niedenstein 11 Rosle Goldschmidt-Ffm 11 Gida Suessfeld-NY 12 S. M. Schwarzschild-

Brooklyn 13 Joseph Alexander-

Vallendaar 13 Louise Strauss-NY 14 Herbert Freudenberger-NY 14 Leon Wohlfarth-NY 15 Fanny Salomon-Ffm 15 Gittel Sonder-Munich-NY 15 Leopold Loeb-Ffm 15 Max Baer-NY 16 Martha Nussbaum-NY 16 Karoline Schwab-

Kleinsteinach 16 Isidor Weissmann-NY-Bnei

Brak 16 Sally Goldschmidt-Ffm 16 Arthur von Halle-Hamburg-

NY 18 Salomon Stern-


19 Lina Hanauer-Karlsruhe 19 Benno Schueler-Ffm-Berlin-

La Paz-Lima 20 Josef Schuster-NY 21 Sophie Lauber-Kitzingen-

NY 21 Wolf Kruskal-Ffm 21 Netti Rothschild-NY 21 Hermann Feldheim-NY 21 Henry E. Wechsler-NY 22 Arthur Neu-NY 22 Margarete Sondheimer-NY 22 Regina Baer-NY 22 Meir Nussbaum-Fulda-

Jerusalem 22 Martha Kahn-NY 23 Moses Baumann-

Gemuenden 26 S. H. Katzenstein, NY 26 Paula Joseph-NY 27 Mildred Philipps-NY 27 Regina Vorchheimer-

Thuengen 28 Eugenie Eschwege-NY 28 Joseph Muhlgay-Brooklyn 29 Rosa Strauss-Ffm 29 Gella Ettlinger-Fuerth 29 Rabbi M. J. Jacobovitz-NY 29 Rabbi Semi Plaut-NY 29 Levi Spier-Bad Schwalbach 30 Reline Eisemann-Ffm 30 Dr. Wolf Berlowitz 30 Sarah Heckscher-Hamburg




1898 Flatbush Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11210

Telephone: 718-375-5333 Fax: 718-252-9300

Page 27: June 27, ‘17 KAJ NEWSLETTER זעשת זומת 'ג Newsletter... · 2017. 6. 27. · A monthly publication of K’hal Adath Jeshurun June 27, ‘17 ז"עשת זומת 'ג Volume

Vol. 47, No. 9 KAJ NEWSLETTER Page 27

SHAATNEZ Shaatnez (wool and linen) is often found in garments bought even from a reliable Jewish clothing store. Therefore, it is forbidden to wear any man’s, woman’s or child’s garment that contains wool or linen until it has been determined not to contain shaatnez. To determine whether your garment is shaatnez-free, garments may be dropped off at the Kehilla office, 714 W. 186th Street at the following times:

Weekdays 9:30 – 4:30 Fridays 9:30 – 12:00

If you are not available at these times, please make an appointment by emailing [email protected]. If you do not have email, call 917-359-2873 and leave a message.

Rabbi Kalman Strauss will test the garments on our premises.

Please note that it is important to leave on tags with information where garment is manufactured and list of materials contained in it.


Chevra Kadisha When the services of the Chevra Kadisha are required - Bar Minon - kindly contact

any of the following immediately:


RABBI EDWIN KATZENSTEIN-730 Ft. Washington Avenue 201-579-0483

LEON GERSTLE – 100 Bennett Avenue Cell: 917-733-3639

All levaya arrangements must be made verbally with the Chevra Kadisha or the Kehilla office. Family members should not contact the Plaza Jewish Community Chapel. To avoid mix-ups, the Chevra Kadisha will communicate with the Plaza Jewish Community Chapel regarding levaya arrangements.

CONTACT INFORMATION Synagogue, 85-93 Bennett Avenue, New York, NY 10033

HATZOLOH: 1-212-230-1000 or 1-212-387-1750

Kehilla Office: 700 W. 186 Street New York, NY 10033 212-923-3582 /212-923-5936 Fax 212-781-4275

Rav Zachariah Gelley (Study) 347-640-0264 Rav Yisroel Mantel (Study) 212-781-1345

E-mail [email protected] Rav Jacob Posen 212-740-0020 90 Bennett Ave (Social Hall) 212-923-8984 Rav Chaim Kohn 718-252-3343 Phone in Shul 212-923-3614 Email [email protected] Mikve - 4351 Broadway 212-923-1100 Rabbi Moses Edelstein 845-425-9089 Yeshiva Executive Office 212-568-6250 Fax 845-356-2938 Beth Hamedrash Payphone 212-928-9981 Email: [email protected] Yeshiva Office 212-568-6200 Mr. Victor Sussman 212-568-2867 Mesivta Office 212-781-3399 Kehilla Maintenance [email protected]

Jewish Community Council 212-568-5450 Moriah Senior Center 212-923-5715
