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JULY 26, 2015 | 10:00 AM


Making God’s Love Visible.

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17TH SUNDAY in OR DINARY TIMEJuly 26, 2015 | 10:00 am Worship

WELCOMEWelcome to all who are worshipping with us. Child care and a worship education program for preschoolers are available during this service. Consult an usher if you need an assistive hearing device or a large-print bulletin. As we enter a holy space and time this morning, please silence your cell phones.

The opening voluntary is the call to silent meditation and preparation for worship.

OPENING VOLUNTARY Johann Sebastian Bach Largo from Italian Concerto, BWV 971

*CALL TO WORSHIP based on Psalm 145

One: From the stars in the sky to the ants in the grass, all that has life gives thanks to you.

All: We bless you, O God.

One: We speak of the glory of your kingdom and tell of your power, All: So all people might know your mighty deeds and the glorious

splendor of your kingdom.

One: The Lord is faithful in all his words and gracious in all his deeds. All: Let us worship God.

*OPENING HYMN #481 llanfair

*Those who are able, please stand.

The standard or “ordinary” time for

worship—theLord’s Day—

reveals that which is becoming all

creation’s ordinary time. Sunday

proclaims that all of time has been

redeemed in Christ. The Lord’s Day is the

foundation of the way Christians keep

time. —Book of Common

Worship Companion

The text of this morning’s opening

hymn is by Henry Francis Lyte (1793-

1847)and is a paraphrase of Psalm

150. Its familiar tune, LLANFAIR, was composed by Welsh

singer and composer Robert Williams

(1781-1821). Williams was born blind and originally trained as

a basket weaver, but soon discovered he

had the ability to transcribe a melody

after a single hearing, and went on to study

sacred music.

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Praise the Lord, God’s Glories Show


PRAYER OF CONFESSIONAll: Eternal God, our judge and redeemer, we confess that

we have tried to hide from you, for we have done wrong. We have lived for ourselves, and apart from you. We have turned from our neighbors, and refused to bear the burdens of others. We have ignored the pain of the world, and passed by the hungry, the poor, and the oppressed.

Silent confession

One: Holy God, All: In your great mercy forgive our sins, and free us from

selfishness, that we may choose your will and obey your commandments; through Jesus Christ, our Savior.


*CONGREGATIONAL RESPONSE forest greenA world in need now summons us to labor, love, and give, to make our life an offering to God, that all may live. The church of Christ is calling us to make the dream come true: a world redeemed by Christ-like love, all life in Christ made new.

CONCERNS OF THE PEOPLE Please sign and pass the Friendship Register.

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SCRIPTURE READINGS II Kings 4:42-44; One: The Word of the Lord. Ephesians 3:20-21 All: Thanks be to God.

ANTHEM Antonín Dvořák I Will Sing New Songs of Gladness from Biblical Songs

I will sing new songs of gladness, I will sing Jehovah’s praises upon a ten-stringed psaltery. Ev’ry day will I extol thee and will bless thy holy name. Great is God and great his mercy. Who shall tell of all his greatness? Who shall his pow’r declare? My song shall be of praise and honor, and of thy glorious acts. Thy works are wonderful, past our knowing. Yea, men shall tell of thy great kindness and of thy wond’rous might, and my voice shall proclaim aloud thy glory.

NEW TESTAMENT READING John 6:1-13 One: The Word of the Lord. All: Thanks be to God.

SERMON “Pleeeease” Erin McGee

*AFFIRMATION OF FAITHWe believe in one God,

the Father, the Almighty, maker of heaven and earth, of all that is,

seen and unseen.

We believe in one Lord, Jesus Christ, the only Son of God, eternally begotten of the Father, God from God, Light from Light, true God from true God, begotten, not made, of one Being with the Father; through him all things were made. For us and for our salvation

he came down from heaven, was incarnate of the Holy Spirit and the Virgin Mary and became truly human. For our sake he was crucified under Pontius Pilate; he suffered death and was buried.

This morning’s anthem is from the

Biblical Songs of Antonín Dvořák

(1841-1904), the best known Czech

composer of the late Romantic period,

and composer of the famous New World Symphony. Dvořák

created a unique, nationalistic musical

style by employing in his compositions

many of the folk melodies of his

native Bohemia. The texts of the Biblical

Songs are drawn from the Psalms.

The purpose of the gospel lesson “is to

call attention to the extraordinary reality

of Jesus’ person and presence. It

is this singular, unrivaled presence that transforms all

reality. Our move into trust in the

person of Jesus is the ultimate move

from self-destructive foolishness to life-receiving sustenance.”

—from Texts for Preaching

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On the third day he rose again in accordance with the Scriptures; he ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father. He will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead, and his kingdom will have no end.

We believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life, who proceeds from the Father and the Son, who with the Father and the Son is worshiped and glorified, who has spoken through the prophets. We believe in one holy catholic and apostolic Church. We acknowledge one baptism for the forgiveness of sins. We look for the resurrection of the dead, and the life of the world to come. Amen.

—Nicene Creed

*CONGREGATIONAL RESPONSE beach springGod, whose giving knows no ending, from your rich and endless store; nature’s wonder, Jesus’ wisdom, costly cross, grave’s shattered door: gifted by you, we turn to you, offering up ourselves in praise; thankful song shall rise forever, gracious donor of our days.

PRAYERS OF THE PEOPLE AND THE LORD’S PRAYEROur Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen.


OFFERTORY Jesus, Thou Joy of Loving Hearts K. Lee Scott Jesus, thou joy of loving hearts, thou fount of life, thou light of heav’n, from the best bliss that earth imparts, we turn unfilled to thee again. Thy truth unchanged hath ever stood; thou savest those that on thee call; to them that seek, Lord, thou art good; to them that find thee, all in all. Our restless spirits yearn for thee where’er our changeful lot is cast; glad when thy gracious smile we see; blest, when our faith can hold thee fast. Come, holy Jesus, ever with us stay; make all our moments calm and bright; chase the dark night of sin away, shed o’er the world thy holy light!

*DOXOLOGY #592 old hundredth


K. Lee Scott (b.1950) is an internationally known teacher, musician, conductor, and composer of sacred music, choral music, and hymns, residing in Birmingham, Alabama. Scott is recognized as one of America’s foremost composers of music for the church. His hymns are published in eight hymnals, and he has published over 300 compositions, including many sacred anthems.

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*CLOSING HYMN #399 dunlap’s creekWe Walk by Faith and Not by Sight


BENEDICTION RESPONSE Tallis’ CanonGo With Us, Lord

As our time of worship comes to an end, our time of service begins; we depart to be the church in the world!

Worship will return to the sanctuary next Sunday.

The word “Benediction”

comes from the Latin, benedicare,”

to bless.” It is imparting God’s

blessing on God’s people as they

leave the sanctuary to be God’s people

in the world.

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WELCOMEWE’RE GLAD YOU ARE HERE! JOIN US FOR COFFEE AND CONVERSATION IN THE FIVE POINTS COURTYARD AFTER THE SERVICE. We can answer any questions you may have or simply get to know you, whether you are just visiting or looking for a church home.

If you are interested in learning more about Trinity Church or in becoming a member, you are encouraged to attend one of the New Member classes held throughout the year. Classes are held in the Chapel Parlor from 9:45 to 10:45 am on Sunday. Child care is available. The next class meets September 20, 27; October 4 and 11.

For more information, contact Gay Gunter at 770-432-1090 or [email protected].

TODAY AT TRINITY Worship LeadersPreaching: Rev. Erin McGee, associate pastor of children and family ministries

Liturgist: Rev. Tom Farmer, pastoral associate for senior adult ministries

MusicNorman Mackenzie, organist and director of music and fine artsWilliam Borland, baritone

AcolyteVirginia Parson

Child CareAlthough children are always welcome in the sanctuary, child care is available for children, birth through pre-K, in building D: infants, D100; one-year-olds, D102; two-year-olds, D104; three-year-olds, D106; pre-K, D119.


FlowersThe flowers in our worship space are given by the Marc Krause family to the glory of God and in loving memory of Patrick, Ken, and Marie Chance. This morning’s arrangement was created by the Trinity Flower Guild.

NEXT SUNDAYSunday, August 2“Growing Up”Psalm 51:1-12; Ephesians 4:1-16Jenelle Holmes preaching

ADULTS Men of Trinity BreakfastFriday, July 317:27 am, B110

During the month of July, the Men’s Breakfast will meet in B110. Our speaker this week is John Ryan, with Trinity youth representatives discussing summer mission projects and trips.Reservations are not required; $7 per person.

College Student LOCK-IN! Thursday, August 68:00 pm, Youth Lounge

Recent high school graduates and current college students, join us for a night of reunions and shenanigans on Thursday, August 6, from 8:00 pm to 7:00 am at Trinity. There will be games, snacks, movies, and friends! Contact Jackson McCann ([email protected]) or Jenelle Holmes ([email protected]) to sign up or help out!

Tech for SeniorsThursday, August 1310:30 am

Do you have an iPad or tablet that you would like to use but are technologically limited? Trinity member Carl Thorne will present a free 90-minute class to get you up to speed on Thursday, August 13, beginning at 10:30 am and concluding at noon. Please call the church office to register, 404-237-6491. Bring your own iPad or tablet. A few “loaners” are available, as requested in advance.

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THIS WEEK Sunday, July 26 10:00 am Worship

Monday, July 27 6:00 pm Middling Dads

Tuesday, July 28 8:30 am Yoga 10:00 am Introductory Tai Chi 11:00 am Tai Chi

Wednesday, July 29 12:30 pm Silent Meditation 8:00 pm AA Meeting

Thursday, July 30 No church activities scheduled

Friday, July 31 7:27 am Trinity Men’s Breakfast

FINDING SUPPORTStephen MinistryTrinity’s Stephen Ministry offers confidential, one-to-one Christian care to those who are experiencing difficult life circumstances. Stephen Ministers are available in Williams Hall following the worship service.

Contact: Meredith Daniel at [email protected] or 404-869-0025, or Marc Krause at 404-713-0629 or [email protected].

Pastoral Care To notify the church of illness, hospitalization, birth, death, or prayer request, contact Veronica Ridenhour at 404-495-8440, or [email protected]. If you need pastoral care after church hours, page the pastor on call by dialing 404-237-6491.

CounselingCounseling services at Trinity are available by appointment with Mary Lisa Henry, Ph.D., LCSW. Dr. Henry can be reached through her confidential voicemail at 404-869-3707.

Senior Adults Tour: Center for Civil and Human RightsWednesday, August 19

The Senior Adults will tour the Center for Civil and Human Rights on Wednesday, August 19. Cost is $17 per person for admission and transportation. The church bus will depart at 9:30 am. Reservation and payment to the church office (Attn: Freida Johnson) are required by August 5.

MISSIONJourney Shelter August 27 and 316:45 pm

Join in God’s transformative work through Journey by preparing a meal for 30 men at Journey Night Shelter. All ages are welcome to serve! Volunteers should arrive with a prepared meal at Journey (Druid Hills Presbyterian Church) at 6:45pm, in order to serve dinner at 7pm.

To volunteer, contact Freida Johnson, [email protected].

YOUTHSix FlagsWednesday, July 299:00 am

This Wednesday, July 29, the youth group is going to Six Flags for the day! We will leave at 9am and return at 6 pm. RSVP to Olivia today to get the group rate of $30, and bring money for lunch in the park.

Volunteer ProjectAgape Community CenterThursday, July 3010:00 am - 1:00 pm

This week we will take a group of youth to help with the Agape Backpack Giveaway on Thursday, July 30, from 10 am to 1 pm. Bring money for lunch at the Cumberland Mall Food Court. To sign up, contact Olivia at [email protected].

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STAFFThe church office is open Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Office: 404-237-6491Direct: 404-495-8(extension)

Pam Driesell: senior pastorext. 421 | [email protected]

Jane Fahey: interim associate pastor ext. 429 | [email protected]

Tom Farmer: pastoral associate for senior adult ministries ext. 438 | [email protected]

Craig Goodrich: senior associate pastor ext. 436 | [email protected]

Jenelle Holmes: interim director of young adult ministriesext. 433 | [email protected]

Norman Mackenzie: director of music and fine artsext. 430 | [email protected]

Erin McGee: associate pastor of children and family ministriesext. 448 | [email protected]

Scott Morris: assistant organist, director of primary and junior choirs ext. 434 | [email protected]

John Ryan: director of youth and family ministriesext. 456 | [email protected]

EmeritiP.C. Enniss: theologian in residence emeritusBettye Sue Wright: director of christian education emerita

For a complete list of staff members, visit

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[12]Cover:Feeding the Multitude.
