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  • Joseph Jacob Stranger Brother 1 Brother 2 Brother 3 Judah CHARACTERS
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  • Jacob: JOSEPH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Joseph: "Here I am! Jacob: "Go see what your brothers are up to." Joseph: "Yes, Father,
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  • Stranger: "Are you looking for something? Joseph: "I am looking for my brothers - the sons of Israel. Do you know where they are?" Stranger: "Sure do They were here a while ago. I heard them say that they were going to go to Dothan." Joseph: "Thanks! and he began to walk to Dothan.
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  • Brother 1: "Oh brother! Here comes that dreamer Joseph - in his fancy coat!" Brother 2:"Now is our chance! Brother 1: "Let's get rid of Joseph and his dreams once and for all! Let's kill him and throw his body into this pit here in the wilderness. We can say a wild animal ate him. There is no one around. Father is far away. Who will know?"
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  • Brother1: "Great plan! Brother2: "Good idea!" Brother1: "Let's do it!"
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  • Brother 3:"No, let's just throw him into the pit - we don't want his blood on our hands."
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  • Joseph: HELP ! HELP !
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  • Judah: "Hey, guys! Let's be traders too! We can sell Joseph to these Ishmaelite. That way we can get rid of Joseph and make some money on the deal besides!
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  • The LORD was with Joseph, and he was a successful man Genesis 39:2