
Jin Shin Jyutsu® Newsletter Number 87 • WINTER 2015

Carlyse Smyth and Jennifer Holmes preparing for a meditation presented at the 2014 U.S. Organizer Meeting.

Meditation on Depths

Article on Page 2

“Be joyful in your silenceBe strong in your patience

Do not try to wrestle with the universeBut be sometimes like water or air

Sometimes like fireAnd constant like the earth”

Ben Okri 1991 – to an English Friend in Africa

2 Number 87


We all learn in many different ways using our senses to bring the richness of the world into our lives. Sight, sound, smell, taste, touch – each sense allows us to engage and bring the outside in. As we encounter the world, this process asks that we Stop, Look within, Listen – then integrate our experiences – down and in. Often the mind struggles to digest. At those times it is as if we are called to let the mind rest; to relax and allow a different process to emerge.

Movement is one of the ways that may help us to integrate all that I Know and all that I Am, Now. At the North American Organizer Meeting on 3 August, we had FUN walking a spiral of the Depths. One of the joys of a walking meditation is that each one can simply be “as I am now”. I do not need to know everything about the Depths. Whatever, my current level of understanding, it is enough.

Our shoes, bags and our talking are left at the door as we enter the room. Chairs form a circle that surrounds a spiral. And, on each one of the chairs flowers rest peacefully.

The spiral itself was created from the beautiful boughs of the mesquite tree – a part of our environment, a gift from the world without. A tree lovingly nurtured in this desert landscape by the gardener who knows and sees its beauty. As we harvested the branches we heard the story of how the mesquite thrives in the desert gardens, putting on three to four feet of growth in only a few weeks as the rains arrive. We heard how it supports life in many forms and in many ways: the flowers drawing the insects and birds to its branches; the bean-pod seeds ground to create flour; the wood a fragrant flavouring for foods cooked over an open fire; and how native medicines were once and still concocted from this desert dweller. Its deep roots invite us to move deeper within. The tree, like the movement of the spiralling energy, binds the elements of the Depths into the essence of my being.

Along the spiral, there are stations of the Depths, an integral part of the whole. Candles with the color of the Depth, encircled by its element: 1st Depth Earth; 2nd Depth Air; 3rd Depth Wood; 4th Depth Water; and 5th Depth Fire – all leading into the core, the center, the primordial Fire of 6th Depth – gold and red.

We’ve been asked to bring any object we may have found that reminds us of a Depth, or perhaps an object that we have brought with us. Carrying this object and our flower, each pauses to collect a small votive candle. One by one we enter the spiral. As we place our flowers and objects along the spiral, it is as if we are continuing and adding to this creation. I stop to honor the 2nd Depth, adding a small seed pod I found on a neighborhood

walk. Arriving at the center of the spiral, the small votive candle I carry is lit from the candle of the 6th Depth.

Having brought the outside to meet the internal, now it is time to bring the internal integration up and out – to bring My Self back into the world, to share all that I am with the world. As I move along the spiral I place the glowing votive candle near my life-long friend – 4th Depth. The richness of blue has long been my favorite color.

The silence is easeful. And as others walk the spiral I marvel at the individuality of each expression – the way this one moves, that one turns, where each person pauses in their private meditation. It is as if I am privileged to join them in their journey. So, I too walk the spiral again and again with my eyes and my heart – Getting to Know MySelf with each step.

As I meditate on each of the Depths words rise up from within me:

Holding the thumb, (1st Depth)Earth – To feel with my hands the fertile soil of home – alive – sustaining.

Letting the hand embrace the ring finger, (2nd Depth)Breath – the many expressions reduced to the utter simplicity of: exhale…inhale…exhale…inhale….

Wrapping the hand around the middle finger, (3rd Depth)Blood Essence of Life – rising through every cell of my being – expanding.

Holding the index finger, (4th Depth)Crystal clear water…pure – gurgling – bringing the sound of nature’s joyful laughter.

Being with the little finger, (5th Depth)The warm glow of a candle’s flame, unwavering – found in the Heart, unending.

Placing the fingers into the centre of the palmThe silence inviting us to the core, to the center of MySelf – the “6” – a gathering of the 5….All that was, is, will be.

And so it ends – a meditation based in movement that has brought me to stillness. A personal, private journey that has resulted in a sense of total connection to those around me. Such is the mystery of Depths – an individual expression that is all encompassing.

With special thanks to Jennifer Holmes who was the inspiration and co-facilitator for this very personal event.

Meditation on Depths – a personal experience by Carlyse Smyth

Editor Karen MooreContributing writers: Cynthia Broshi, Christine Eschenbach, Kelly Mount, Carlyse Smyth. Photos provided by: Cynthia Broshi, David Burmeister, Avis Girdler/Kelly Mount Poem: Ben Okri Design & Typesetting: Karen MooreSubscriptions: Scottsdale Office - Melissa Tkachyk THE MAIN CENTRAL, is published four times per year by The Main Central. 2015 subscription rates: Within the U.S., 4 issues are $22.50 and 8 issues are $40.00. For foreign destinations, 4 issues are $28.50 and 8 issues are $52.00 in U.S. funds prepaid. Make checks payable to JSJ Distributors and send to: Jin Shin Jyutsu, Inc., 8719 E. San Alberto, Scottsdale, AZ 85258. Or phone or fax us. Phone: (480) 998-9331. Fax: (480) 998-9335. Please send address changes, subscription orders, letters to the editor, article submissions to address mentioned above. Manuscripts or artwork not accompanied by stamped, self-addressed envelopes will not be returned. The Main Central assumes no responsibility for unsolicited materials. © Copyright 2015 by The Main Central. Reproduction or use without permission is prohibited. The Main Central is published in cooperation with Jin Shin Jyutsu, Inc. “The Main Central” is used with permission from Jin Shin Jyutsu, Inc. The name “Jin Shin Jyutsu” is a registered name and trademark of Jin Shin Jyutsu, Inc. All rights reserved.

PLEASE NOTE: Jin Shin Jyutsu Physio-Philosophy is not intended as a substitute for traditional medical care or

emergency intervention.

J I N S H I N J Y U T S U ® N E W S L E T T E R


Table of ContentsMeditation on Depths .............................. Front Cover, 2Mary Burmeister JSJ Outreach ......................................3 2014 Paris Organizer Meeting .................................. 4-5Color and Jin Shin Jyutsu ...........................4-Back Cover

WINTER 2015 3

There is a pervasive form of contemporary violence…[and that is] activism and overwork. The rush and pressure of modern life are a form, perhaps the most common form, of its innate violence.

‘Tis the season to celebrate the holidays with family, make snow angels, nestle up by the fire and warm your spirits with a mug of hot chocolate.

In the spirit of giving that comes with each new year we are filled with honor and gratitude if you would consider making a tax deductible donation to the Mary Burmeister Jin Shin Jyutsu Outreach. Your generous contribution helps provide tuition assistance in the form of grants to Jin Shin Jyutsu students in the U.S. and abroad who otherwise would not have the opportunity to attend. To make a donation please contact:

Kelly Mount, DirectorMary Burmeister Jin Shin Jyutsu Outreach P. O. Box 410 Simpsonville, KY 40067(502) 558-3809 phone(888) 890-4891 [email protected]

It’s that time of the year again!

Austin Mount

The frenzy of our activism neutralizes our work for peace. It destroys our own inner capacity for peace. It destroys the fruitfulness of our own work, because it kills the root of inner wisdom which makes work fruitful.

– Thomas Merton


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To allow oneself to be carried away by a multitude of conflicting concerns, to surrender to too many demands, to commit oneself to too many projects, to want to help everyone in everything, is to succumb to violence.

THE MAIN CENTRALA newsletter dedicated to the Art of Jin Shin Jyutsu®


4 Number 87

The 2014 Paris Organizer Meeting By Christine Eschenbach

This year, our French instructor, Nathalie Max, invited us to Paris for the meeting of organizers. It was a really successful meeting…like after a ravishing concert or a deeply moving film, we remained

sitting on our chairs silently instead of jumping up as usual to say goodbye to our friends and to depart. The reason for this seems to be your personality, Nathalie, the depth and clarity of your heart. You led us through the rounds of talking without setting standards or limits. By this you evoked a clarity we have seldom experienced.

WINTER 2015 5

Marianne from Liechtenstein said at the end of our meeting that she had the long missed feeling that we form a community. I share the feeling that different aspects move in a good direction.

Not to forget, we brought Nathalie to the edges of her seemingly qu ie t na ture and temperament, when she led us similarly to a Polonaise through a dancing mass of people in Paris, who were celebrating the long night of music on June 21st. This was a true masterpiece of hers, and those in the group experienced a moment of pure joy we will never forget.

6 Number 87


Color and Jin Shin JyutsuBy Cynthia Broshi

All photos are from Cynthia’s home near Santa Fe, New Mexico unless otherwise noted.

I enjoy using color in my studies and presentations of Jin Shin Jyutsu. Like Number, Color is a language expressing basic states of Being, their actions and their relationships. Number is a trinary language, expressing relation within No-thing/Totality/BREATH (0) of Exhale and

Inhale (mathematically we’d write these as -1 and 1; in our art we understand them as 1 and 2). Color’s language also is a Trinity: Red, Blue, Yellow. By exploring Text 1 and 2 through the lens of color, I can SEE relationships within the Blueprint (and, therefore, the body) that are challenging to understand by words alone. Correspondences of Depths, Organ Functions and Safety Energy Locks become visually apparent. “A picture is worth a thousand words.”

Sonja Müller translating in front of Cynthia’s drawing of the 6-Pointed Star. Buochs, Switzerland

Cynthia teaching in Buochs, Switzerland

WINTER 2015 7

J I N S H I N J Y U T S U ® N E W S L E T T E R

Jin Shin Jyutsu is an Art of the beginningless Beginning. When Mary says, “I do nothing” and “SEE the project – into the nothingness it goes”, we realize that, in a very practical sense, this hands-on Art of harmonizing is a form of touching into the origins of both Universe and here, now this individual form at hand. Doing nothing, we are working with the limitless potential. We are jumper cabling at the veil, where Form emerges from and empties into Non-Form.

The mystery of 9th and 8th Depths underlies and permeates our Physio-Philosophy. NO-Thing and CAUSE, Space and “The Dot”, chaos and Creator…. We’re likely to draw these as “White” (9th Depth, the empty page) and “Black” (8th Depth, the condensation: Progenitor, Potency).

Complete absorption and radiation of Light, “Black” and “White” sign the primordial indivisible duality: N O - b e i n g / B E i n g … c o n t i n u a l transformation (impermanence) of every form, cycling of “Life” and “Death”, the balance of Visible and Invisible. To our earthly eyes, white and black modulate all colors, hewing into depth and form (shape) the visual kaleidoscope of the material world.


8 Number 87

Both Black and White can be understood as holding an utter dearth and/or totality of Light (of energy). It depends on my perspective: am I the body that’s absorbing all light (energy) or am I looking at it, seeing no light shining forth? Noticing my perspective gives me the opportunity to change my focus. Jin Shin Jyutsu is an Art of listening for/SEEing the Harmony. All projects are simply transformations within which energy (Source) has gathered. Those “dark” times, full of “problems”, are events of critical mass, the cusp from which transformation leaps. Jumper cabling sparks Exhale and Inhale. Coming back into BEing Breath, Source circulates as the Universal Blueprint, manifesting Life in its abundant Totality.

“All I can BE is the spark for the Light that IS.” – Mary

Sun(dark clouds bring fertile rains)

WINTER 2015 9

J I N S H I N J Y U T S U ® N E W S L E T T E R

An American painter, Sam Francis, says “Color is light on fire”. One late afternoon, on a bridge over the lake glinting sun in Zurich, Brigitte Purner pointed out to me: color happens at the edge of forms, at their “skin surface”. Walk at dawn and you can observe forms rising from the dark into shape as their color tones emerge in the growing light…then bursting into vivid colors (when the air’s very clear they’re almost neon!) as the sun’s first rays illuminate our Earth.

The color we see with our eyes is a language of self-expression – of the Earthstar WE IS, pouring forth Light broken down (Regenerated) by the dense energy-mass of our bodies. The spectrum of light we assimilate is absorbed, not visible – it’s that portion of the spectrum we exhale that springs from and identifies the “individualized” form (moment) of source I AM – the sap or blue or olive green of a leaf; the ochre or red sienna or ash of soil; the honey-brown or charcoal, Scandinavian wheat or raven black of your lover’s hair. Look into your friend’s eye: it’s a carousel of color. While Number breeds vibration, generating form, Color is form’s reflection. It’s the song we give.

10 Number 87


When we speak of Colors (just as when we speak of Elements) at the frequency of the Universal Trinity, we are speaking of an invisible essence, a capacity-Intelligence. Mary gives the color of the Main Central (SOURCE, FIRE) as “Red”. I see this “Red” as the tone printers call “Magenta” – one of the three Primary Colors we blend (with black and white) to formulate, on paper, something like the variance of color tones available to our eyes. (What we usually consider “Red”, like that of a fire engine, is a blending of magenta (FIRE, 6th Depth) with a touch of yellow (EARTH, 1st Depth); this I see as the color of the more earthly Fire, 5th Depth.

WINTER 2015 11

Mary gives the Supervisor’s color as “Blue”: the tone of our planet. Viewing our globe from outer space we see a succinct sphere (a “pea-like bubble”) incubating Life. Supervisor (AIR) is the Womb: receiving, holding, nourishing Source; so building the body. Within Supervisor, Duality (differentiation) is born – Depths 1-5, 26 Safety Energy Locks – all speaking wisdom of CAUSE, each glowing their invisible frequency of Light (color). No wonder, when we feel “different” or disconnected in the duality of “me and you” we say we have the blues! SOURCE longs to KNOW itself….

Supervisor (AIR) fuels and regenerates (breaks down) the 6th Depth FIRE.

12 Number 87

And no wonder the harmonies and rhythms of the Blues can get us swinging into our Mediator: the dance of Left and Right, blending of FIRE and AIR, attraction of Masculine and Feminine, waltzing of 1 and 2 to make 3. Diagonal Mediator is the slant of Universal Trinity into Activating (“Individualizing”) Trinity: the birthplace of Relationship. It is the frequency at which all vibration – Tone, Color, Thought, Emotion, Power, Force – comes into Being. Our “little s” source, its Bridge transforms SOURCE into vibrations (relationships, condensations) that, reflecting the Universal, can produce and nourish Form.

Celebration of marriage, Jaipur, India


WINTER 2015 13

Mediator is WATER, primordial home and primary stuff of living forms on our planet. As well, it is WIND – motion~relation – and manifests as WOOD: the breathing, growing amalgamation of fire, air, water and earth. Mary gives its color as that of life springing forth: “Green”. By this color I see that Mediator is an activity, a blending that bridges Heaven (Blue) and Earth (Yellow).

Diagonal Mediator interweaves the elements, opening the door to Life(Root of the planet’s food chain, plants capture sunlight and transmute it to living form.)

J I N S H I N J Y U T S U ® N E W S L E T T E R

14 Number 87

In Text 2 we get to know the EARTH of our Being: “Individualized” Body Function Energy. Mary gives its color as “Yellow”.

Here is the gold of the divine dream: manifestation. Here is where/how/when SOURCE denses sufficiently to contain itself, coalescing into a center, robed with a surface. As Brigitte observed, it is at the edge, at the “skin” of a Light-Form that color ignites: ebony, snow, amber, ruby, chocolate.

12 Organ Function Energy reflects, so expresses (gives voice to) Trinity Energy by manifesting Place and Time. With feet in Matter, Spirit (BREATH) becomes a mortal, touchable, infinitely “individualized” tango and symphony of number, color, shape, voice and consciousness. Earth, inhaling and exhaling its living waters, transforms the heavens. Mary gives 12 Organ Function’s color as the Rainbow.


WINTER 2015 15

Jin Shin Jyutsu, Inc.8719 E. San Alberto Dr.

Scottsdale, AZ 85258



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