It was in March of 2012 when I first met Tatiana (Tati) Contreiras in Sao Paulo, Brazil, while attending the Brazilian 100-Year Celebration of Jin Shin Jyutsu. Tati asked if I could join her and a few other students for lunch so that she could tell me about an exciting new initiative for Jin Shin Jyutsu to help people in the small village of Beshlaw, near Luxor, Egypt. Never being one to pass up a lunch invitation, I gladly accepted for the following day. Tati shared her story of how she came to know about Beshlaw through Mr. Mohammad Ali, the man who brought her and her mother, Iraci, to see his village some Jin Shin Jyutsu in Egypt By David Burmeister Above: Two men volunteers! L to R: Gilberto and David. Every day the volunteers crossed the Nile to the west bank in a water taxi, then boarded a public bus for a 30-minute ride to the Mosque in the village of Beshlaw. Text c t t ontinues on page 4 L to R very top row: Denise and Fabiane. L to R middle row: Iraci, Pietra, Tais, and Erika. Below: Eight women volunteers! L to R bottom row: Tati and Fabia.

Jin Shin Jyutsu in Egypt - anoukjsj.nl · Jin Shin Jyutsu® Newsletter Number 80 • SPRING 2013 It was in March of 2012 when I fi rst met Tatiana (Tati) Contreiras in Sao Paulo,

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Page 1: Jin Shin Jyutsu in Egypt - anoukjsj.nl · Jin Shin Jyutsu® Newsletter Number 80 • SPRING 2013 It was in March of 2012 when I fi rst met Tatiana (Tati) Contreiras in Sao Paulo,

Jin Shin Jyutsu® Newsletter Number 80 • SPRING 2013

It was in March of 2012 when I fi rst met Tatiana (Tati) Contreiras in Sao Paulo, Brazil, while attending the Brazilian 100-Year Celebration of Jin Shin Jyutsu. Tati asked if I could join her and a few other students for lunch so that she could tell me about an exciting new initiative for Jin Shin Jyutsu to help people in the small village of Beshlaw, near Luxor, Egypt. Never being one to pass up a lunch invitation, I gladly accepted for the following day.

Tati shared her story of how she came to know about Beshlaw through Mr. Mohammad Ali, the man who brought her and her mother, Iraci, to see his village some

Jin Shin Jyutsu in EgyptBy David Burmeister

Above: Two men volunteers! L to R: Gilberto and David.

Every day the volunteers crossed the Nile to the west bank in a water taxi, then boarded a public bus for a 30-minute ride to the Mosque in the village of Beshlaw.

Text cText cText ontinues on page 4

L to R very top row: Denise and Fabiane. L to R middle row: Iraci, Pietra, Tais, and Erika.Below: Eight women volunteers!

L to R bottom row: Tati and Fabia.

Page 2: Jin Shin Jyutsu in Egypt - anoukjsj.nl · Jin Shin Jyutsu® Newsletter Number 80 • SPRING 2013 It was in March of 2012 when I fi rst met Tatiana (Tati) Contreiras in Sao Paulo,

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T H E M A I N C E N T R A L Th e Children of Beshlaw

Pietra entertained and occupied the attention of the children by teaching them self-help. Th ey became calmer and better behaved.

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Editor Karen MooreContributing writers: David Burmeister, Michelle Giambra, Kelly Mount, Jill Pasquinelli, Lynne Pfl ueger, Connie White Poem: Marcus BachPhotos provided by: Cynthia and Uzi Broshi, JSJ Inc., Adele Leas, Kelly Mount, Avis Girdler, Michael Wenninger Design & Typesetting: Catalina Corral/Karen MooreSubscriptions: Scottsdale Offi ce - Jody Friday

THE MAIN CENTRAL, is published four times per year by Th e Main Central. Th e Main Central. Th e Main Central2012 subscription rates: Within the U.S., 4 issues are $18.50 and 8 issues are $32.50. For foreign destinations, 4 issues are $24.50 and 8 issues are $48.50 in U.S. funds prepaid. Make checks payable to Th e Main Central and send to: Th e Main Central and send to: Th e Main Central Th e Main Central, Jin Shin Jyutsu, Inc. 8719 E. San Alberto, Scottsdale, AZ 85258. Main Central, Jin Shin Jyutsu, Inc. 8719 E. San Alberto, Scottsdale, AZ 85258. Main CentralOr phone or fax us. Phone: (480) 998-9331. Fax: (480) 998-9335. Please send address changes, subscription orders, letters to the editor, article submissions to address mentioned previously. Manuscripts or artwork not accompanied by stamped, self-addressed envelopes will not be returned. Th e Main Central assumes no responsibility for unsolicited materials.

© Copyright 2013 by Th e Main Central. Reproduction or use without permission is prohibited. Th e Main Central is published in cooperation with Jin Shin Jyutsu, Inc. “Th e Main Central” is used with permission from Jin Shin Jyutsu, Inc.

Th e name “Jin Shin Jyutsu” is a registered name and trademark of Jin Shin Jyutsu, Inc. All rights reserved.

PLEASE NOTE: Jin Shin Jyutsu Physio-Philosophy is not intended as a substitute for traditional medical care or

emergency intervention.

THE MAIN CENTRALTHE MAIN CENTRALA newsletter dedicated to the Art of Jin Shin Jyutsu®


J I N S H I N J Y U T S U ® N E W S L E T T E R



Table of Contents

When we are able to recognize and forgive ignorant actions done in one’s past, we strengthen ourselves and can solve the problems of the present constructively.

H. H. the Dalai LamaEach day on our morning journey to the Beshlaw Mosque [seen above], we were greeted by these elders [right], who called out their gratitude for our help.

Below: Boys and volunteers from the Beshlaw Mosque.

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months earlier. [See article in the Summer 2012 Issue #77.] She told me how what seemed to be a meeting of chance opened a door of compassion and purpose, inspiring her and her mother to take action. Th e needs of this village, like so many in the area, are vast and include everythingfrom healthcare and education to public sanitation and infrastructure. Two other local charities, “Help in Egypt” and “Al Bader,” assist the village with some of these other community projects.

Tati’s proposal was to bring a group of volunteers to Beshlaw with the express purpose of off ering Jin Shin Jyutsu sessions and self-help training to all who were interested in learning and receiving. She asked me if the Mary Burmeister Jin Shin Jyutsu Outreach would be able to support the project with the purchase of practice tables, chairs, sheets and other miscellaneous materials needed to do our work. Th e Beshlaw project also needed several sets of Arabic self-help books that were donated by Samar Ballout, organizer of our Arabic language Jin Shin Jyutsu classes in Dubai.

Early this January (2013), thirteen volunteers including Tati and Iraci made the long journey to Luxor, Egypt, to be a part of this program. Our team was primarily from Brazil with the exception of me from the U.S. and Tricia, who lives in England. We each paid all of our own expenses to come and stay in Egypt, and we shared in the daily cost of transportation to and from Beshlaw and for the food that was prepared for our lunch.

Some of us who arrived a few days early shopped for the materials needed for our mission. With the help of our drivers and new friends, Alaa and Ali Blue Eyes, we managed to strap everything to the roof of the taxis and transport it all to Beshlaw before the work was to begin on Monday. However, when we arrived in Beshlaw on Saturday to get things ready, we were met by a large group of residents, “waiting to see the doctors.” Th is was the fi rst of many surprises and adjustments that we would make “on the spot” to work eff ectively in this new environment. One of the fi rst things was to explain that we are not doctors and that we couldn’t advise them about their medications.

Th e day that was designated for set-up and preparation unexpectedly became our fi rst day of giving sessions, so we all got right to work. Because there were so many people waiting, we gave the eldest and most needy fi rst priority.

Continued from pages 1, 2 and 3...“JSJ in Egypt”

Reception at the Mosque....

Men waiting for sessions....

Article continues next page

We were served tea in the home of Mr. Mohammed Ali.

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Women and babies waiting for sessions....

During this impromptu day of sessions, it became clear that we needed an organized system to schedule the people for their appointments. Th ere were so many people wanting sessions that the waiting room quickly overfl owed and became busy and noisy. One of our volunteers, Tais, quickly organized a scheduling system so that our clients would only need to show up when it was their appointment time. With the help of our wonderful translators – Mustafa, Ahmed and Ibrahim – the clients were given a paper with the time and date of their appointment.

Each morning before going to Beshlaw, Alaa would greet me with a cup of Egyptian tea to start the day. Th en our journey would begin by taking a water taxi across the Nile to the west bank. From there we rode a public transportation bus for about 30 minutes into the village of Beshlaw. It was always so nice to arrive at the Mosque and be greeted by some of the kids and elders of the village, who always seemed very happy to see us. Some of them were there to receive sessions, but others were there just to say hello and to tell us how much they appreciated us being there.

In the Mosque we had three practice rooms, one for men and two for women. Th ere were four tables for women, each with two practitioners per table and two tables for the men with just one practitioner per table. Gilberto and I were the only male volunteers, so our jumper cables stayed very busy the entire trip. Each day that we came to Beshlaw, nearly everyone gave as many sessions as time would provide. After each practitioner fi nished a session, their client would speak with Erika Ramos, who with the assistance of a translator would give them personal instructions for self-help. While the rest of us were giving sessions and Erika was sharing self-help,

Iraci and some of the local volunteers would be cooking us a delicious lunch in our portable kitchen.

During our eight days of work in Beshlaw, we were able to give hundreds of Jin Shin Jyutsu sessions. We also had several locals attend Erika’s three-day self-help class. Th ese people committed to share with others in their village what they learned in class. Th is class was facilitated by the Arabic JSJ self-help books donated by Samar. Another one of our volunteers, Pietra, entertained the younger kids and taught them the Main Central, the fi ngers and the Mudras. Th e kids were not only happy with what they learned, but they became calmer and better behaved.

It was wonderful to see how the gift of Jin Shin Jyutsu could be appreciated by people who never heard of it before. Th e people in the village of Beshlaw are some of the kindest and hardest working people I have ever hoped to meet. For most of them, their primary task is to feed their families and to keep their strong connection with God. Like so many villagers in the area, their needs are endless. Th ankfully, there is a core group of local leaders who are tireless in their eff orts to improve conditions. We are very grateful to our sponsor, Mr. Mohammad Ali, for giving us this chance to be of service in Beshlaw, and to Tati and Iraci for their love, leadership and inspiration.

We hope that this is the fi rst of several trips to Beshlaw over the next few years. Our plan is to continue to bring groups of volunteers to Beshlaw annually to off er sessions and self-help training. We also have the goal of bringing a Jin Shin Jyutsu instructor to Beshlaw to teach the 5-day class in the next couple years. Eventually, the people of

Continued on page 6

...treating in the men’s treatment room.

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Beshlaw will have trained Jin Shin Jyutsu practitioners of their own. Th is is a model we can continue to refi ne and develop to help bring Jin Shin Jyutsu to other needy places in the world. Tati’s dream is to expand this into an organization that may be called, “Jin Shin Jyutsu without Borders.”

Th e Mary Burmeister Jin Shin Jyutsu Outreach is very happy to support the ongoing work in Beshlaw, Egypt. For those of you wishing to help, please send your donations to the MBJSJO, and mark it for the Egypt project. Checks may be payable to “Mary Burmeister Jin Shin Jyutsu Outreach” and sent to 414 Baxter Ave., Ste. 240, Louisville, KY 40204, c/o Jeanne Marie Brennan. Credit card donations are accepted by phone or online: www.jsjinc.net\JSJ Charities\Outreach\Help Others. Th e phone number is 502-584-5524. Th e email address is [email protected].

“JSJ in Egypt”...Continued from page 5We received a daily greeting from these camels as we disembarked from the water taxis.

Classes in Durban, South Africa South Africa South

2012 Durban, South Africa, 5-day class with instructor Michael Wenninger [2nd from L, top row]. Organizer, Lynda Silk is in front foreground.

2011 Durban, South Africa, 5-day class with instructor Cynthia Broshi [center in front row]. Organizer Lynda Silk is to Cynthia’s right.

We are also looking for volunteer Jin Shin Jyutsu practitioners to come to Beshlaw next year and beyond. Th ank you to all the 2012 volunteers; to Tati, Iraci, Erika, Fabia, Tais, Pietra, Fabi, Mariana, Denise, Gilberto, Tricia and Rejani. It was an amazing trip!

Th e 2011 class [pictured below] was the fi rst ever 5-day class in Durban.

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Peter’s StoryBy Lynne Pfl ueger

Jin Shin Jyutsu is alchemy, the science of turning base metals into gold. It is life changing. Th is is a story about a young man whose life was brought back into harmony with Jin Shin Jyutsu. He is my grandson Peter, a truly wonderful boy, now a young man. Life was good until he was severely injured playing lacrosse at the age of seventeen. During play, possibly a collision, he shattered his left lower leg bone, the fi bula, which protruded from the skin. Th e injury occurred along the low eight and sixteen line. Th e ambulance came and took him directly to the hospital in San Francisco. Surgery was required. His father, my son Pete, called and asked me to go to the hospital – young Peter was quite anxious, upset, agitated, and in a lot of pain.

I was not about to start fi ddling with the broken and literally shattered lower leg. It occurred to me at the time to hold Safety Energy Lock 3, each side, with same side fi ngers. So, on each side I sat and held the Th ree and same side fi ngers, one at a time. He began to calm down and pretty soon dosed off . Th e pain and anxiety dissipated. As I left, he woke up a bit which gave me the chance to suggest he hold his index fi nger. He said he had been holding it since he was six years old. I apparently suggested it then for a diff erent reason. Later I was told that he remained comfortable and calm until surgery. He now lives with a titanium plate in his lower leg.

Page 2 in Text 2 explains the various infl uences that may interfere with the harmony of fl ow patterns. One of them is injuries. With the injury occurring on the lateral lower left leg, the Face Flows were aff ected as well as the Mediator going down, and the Supervisor going up. Th e Mediator has an eff ect on our attitudes. Th e Supervisor oversees the physical Being. Th e next few years or so were quite diffi cult for Peter. Th e injury had aff ected more than his leg. He was having a hard time in college, trouble focusing on work, appearing to be adrift without purpose. Th e Bladder line was aff ected, leaving him anxious. With Gall Bladder Flow aff ected, he was unable to make decisions about his life.Stomach left him lethargic, apathetic, and gummy. As the Face Flows go through Safety Energy Lock 16, he was to a degree paralyzed by fear, indecision, and lethargy. His parents were wringing their hands over him. I could see what had happened. I watched and waited.

When Peter called for a session, he was by then about twenty-three years old. His parents were glad to turn him over to Jin Shin Jyutsu and me. I made a house call to his basement apartment, because on that particular day he was in too much pain to drive to my house. We talked. I jumper cabled. He told me everything…his feelings of failure and disappointment in himself. I knew this was simply stagnant energy from his injury! As I left, he said that before the treatment he felt hopeless, despairing, and depressed. After the treatment he felt hopeful and encouraged. Previously stuck in the basement, he escorted me upstairs to the front door. He thanked me for coming, because he now knew he would be okay. Peter decided to come see me regularly for weekly sessions. For several weeks he came. Th en not so often as he became busy with life. Th ings were diff erent. Life was on track again. Able now to fi nish school, he started working with success, and his confi dence and self respect were restored.

Now he is twenty-nine years old, getting married in May of this year. Life is good. We are so blessed. I remember once during a session with Mary, she said, “Th ose of us who walk in this door are so lucky. Lucky means God.” Th ank you!!

“At the heart of us exists a silent pulse of perfect rhythm.” – Mary“At the heart of us exists a silent pulse of perfect rhythm.” – Mary“At the heart of us exists a silent pulse of perfect rhythm.”

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T H E M A I N C E N T R A L News from Scottsdale

New Guidelines for Presenting JSJ Self-Help: Eff ective January 2012, it is now necessary for all students who wish to present Self-Help Jin Shin Jyutsu, to have completed at least 3 fi ve-day classes and a Living Th e Art Class (LTA). Th e old IT IS class is an acceptable substitute for the LTA. Th ose students who have been regularly presenting Self-Help but have not attended an LTA have until the end of December 2013 to fulfi ll this requirement. Th ank you for your co-operation.

JSJ Locator News: We are no longer able to extend JSJ Locator subscriptions to students with extensive attendance records who do not take classes on an ongoing basis. To remain on the Locator, we encourage the attendance of at least one class every four years. Please let Jody know if you are going to take a class this year (by end of December 2013).

2013 Scottsdale Mentoring Schedule: June 3-7, 2013 – Muriel Carlton: Class Is Full. Wait List Only.June 17-21, 2013 – Muriel Carlton: Class Is Full. Wait List Only.July 8-12, 2013 – Jill Marie Pasquinelli: Places Available. August 12-16, 2013 – Carlos Gutterres: Places Available. September 16-20, 2013 – Lynne Pfl ueger: Places Available. October 7-11, 2013 – Sara Harper: Places Available.

Eligibility and Fees: Please call the Scottsdale Offi ce for details.Location for Class: Jin Shin Jyutsu, Inc., 8719 E. San Alberto Dr., Scottsdale, AZ 85258Contact the Jin Shin Jyutsu Offi ce to sign up, or download the application form and information from our website.Click on the Classes link on our website: https://jsjinc.net/cs.php?id=mentoringPhone: (480) 998-9331, Email: [email protected], Fax: (480) 998 -9335

More News from Scottsdale on page 13

Th e March 2013 Mentoring Program with Ian Harris: Th is was a particularly spirited and lively group of students from Wisconsin, California and Michigan. Th ere was lots of fun, laughter and Ian’s boundless sense of humor.

Front Row L to R: Nancy Jacobs,Nancy Jacobs,Nancy Jacobs Barbara Bernard, Dorothy GrzeskowiakTop Rows L to R: Lydee Scudder, Ian Harris, Helen Lydee Scudder, Ian Harris, Helen Lydee Scudder, IForbes, Mary Hille, Sara Forbes, Mary Hille, Sara Forbes, Mary Hille Lepine, Carol WelhouseLepine, Carol WelhouseLepine

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J I N S H I N J Y U T S U ® N E W S L E T T E R

Jin Shin Jyutsu has been a part of my life for 31 years now, pretty much most of my adult life. It has accompanied me in health and in illness, through good times and hard times, and has been the constant in my life. Every once in awhile I pause to refl ect on where I am in the process, the living of Jin Shin Jyutsu and the meaning and understanding it brings me to.

Actually, in all honesty it’s more mysterious than ever. It seems when I think I’ve really come to understand something, the clouds part and there’s an “aha” moment in which something is revealed, and I can discern the bigger picture…much bigger. And inevitably that moment fades…slips away…, and I’m left with how little I really know or can grasp. Instead, I’m left with a sense of awe and wonderment and the illumination of another question. It’s humbling to say the least.

What I do know is that only by being in the present can I truly know anything at all. It has to do with a deep listening and a trust in what I hear, which translates to being in communion with the Creator. As Mary said, “When listening to the pulses the fi rst thing you hear is the voice of the Creator. Everything after that is your mind.” Part of this is getting out of our own way, putting our ideas aside so we can truly hear what is being spoken. Mary said after every treatment I had with her, “Th ank you God.”

Th ings move in mysterious ways, and everyone is diff erent and always changing. We study, take classes, experience hands-on, experiment, and develop a deep practice with Jin Shin Jyutsu. And yet there’s something else, something invisible, unknown. Th is is, I think, what I love the most about Jin Shin Jyutsu.

A client I’m seeing now has a life-threatening illness and has shared with me that life hasn’t been so easy for her. It’s been a struggle to be here on earth, and she feels like she never quite fully came into this world. Now that she’s facing death, she realizes she wants a little more time. Th ere are still things she wants to experience and do. She is a doctor and has just had a reoccurrence. She said to me, “Th is is an amazing journey. I don’t expect a miracle, but I’m open to one.” Her ability to accept “what is” and to remain open to not knowing is remarkable. And she has the courage to follow her heart in the midst of all of this. She recently went

As practitioners we simply facilitate “what is,” whether it’s life or death. Th ere is no better way, or more advanced way. I no longer feel one thing is better than another. Instead I see it as our discovery of what moves us, what has meaning. Th erein is the magic in all of this. We study and observe and participate, which leads us to discover and own our destiny. To me this is Now Know Myself. Being in the moment, being true is what informs our ability to make the choices we do, whether it’s which fl ows to use, to take or not take medicine, to be in nature, but surely to dance all of this into our unique expression.

to Yellowstone National Park because she felt drawn to the wolves. She followed a pack of wolves, and on the last day as she was leaving she found herself staring across the road into the eyes of a black wolf. In the way she described it to me, it was as though she had received darshan. Th is week she went to Baja to watch the whale migration. She was able to touch them as they came right up to the boat. She listened to their sounds throughout the night as she camped. She was fi lled with the spirit of whale when she came back. She said, “Life was so complete, so whole, I could have died right then, and it would have been o.k. Th ey’re in my cells!” I have no doubt that part of her medicine is connecting with these animals. Th ey are there, waiting for her, calling her. She experienced a sense of the eternal, where past, present and future all came together in a moment. Th ere was no separation, just connection, beyond time and space and life and death.

It’s all alchemy. Anything can spark and initiate the movement into the process of transformation and healing...a word, a touch, a relationship, music, a bird, even our last breath. What heals us doesn’t have to do with life or death, or the body for that matter. It’s so far beyond that, it seems to me, much larger than we can grasp. But it requires that same listening that Mary was referencing. Whether it’s nature, chemotherapy, vitamins, Jin Shin Jyutsu, antidepressants, homeopathy, whales, art, surgery, chocolate, eagles, fl owers, meditation or wolves that brings us there, it’s the work of our soul and spirit, that which is indestructible within us, that transforms us.

Dancing the UnknownBy Jill Pasquinelli

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Th is is a story about the usefulness of the Art of Jin Shin Jyutsu in remarkable situations. I’m remembering “Th e Farm,” isolated, deep in the heart of Texas Hill Country, a Sufi community who encourages natural childbirth utilizing midwives, homeopathic remedies and a women’s prayer circle during the birth process itself. In this tradition the Spirit (“Ruh”) stirs (enters) the fetus at the fourth month of pregnancy and emerges from the womb as a human being. Birth becomes a joyous yet profound religious event.

I can recall Mary saying that holding the High Ones would be of great benefi t for a woman during childbirth, and I had several occasions while in this community to apply this prescription. During labor Jin Shin Jyutsu is of tremendous benefi t not only with respect to the comfort of the mother but helps to provide a focus to the spiritual vibration of the natural childbirth experience. Most of the women I helped through labor were not comfortable with complete fl ow patterns, but they loved having their High Ones held tightly. Th ere is a human tendency when there is discomfort to pull away from the pain. During childbirth this only compounds problems and intensifi es the pain. Grab those High Ones, and a laboring woman connects with the ground of all being and can then focus that the baby needs to come down.

Safety Energy Lock 1 is often called “Th e Prime Mover…where it all starts.” it all starts.” it all starts.” Wayne Hackett describes Safety Energy Lock Wayne Hackett describes Safety Energy Lock W1 as “the place from which all activity, all movement, begins, and so it’s the initiation of the process of spirit as matter,” and as “Movement. In the beginning.” (Th e Main Central, Volume 1 Number 3) For a woman in labor, the number One is like an anchor. It keeps her from running away. Attention and focus are single purpose at the beginning. Th is leads to the realization that the only way out is through, and the only way through is dealing with the moment.

Th e spirit-mind-body connections of Jin Shin Jyutsu were quickly recognized at Th e Farm, and I was kept busy giving treatments and teaching people how to help themselves. I had attended many births in this community of Muslims, and so I was not surprised when Aisha (eye-ee-sha) asked me to be present at the birth of her second child. I got a call early one evening. Aisha asked me to come to her apartment; the midwife was already on her way. We arrived at about the same time; the midwife took out her stethoscope to listen

In the BeginningBy Connie White, San Antonio, TX

to the baby’s heart. She could not fi nd a heartbeat. Aisha recalled then that the baby had stopped moving a few days before. After many attempts to fi nd a heartbeat, the midwife announced that the baby was in fact dead. Her strong and concerned recommendation was that Aisha have the delivery in the hospital.

Confronted with this crushing reality Aisha had to quickly, yet deliberately, consider her choice. Th ere were many miles to the hospital and not much time. Recalling her fi rst childbirth, she did not want to go to the hospital. She had faith that what had happened was God’s will, trusted the circle of her Sufi friends and wanted the prayers and support of her community. She also realized that they could only give the baby a proper ritual washing and Muslim burial if the birth took place at Th e Farm. Aisha decided despite the circumstances that she wanted to deliver naturally and asked for our help. We gathered several more women and another midwife. We felt that Aisha needed all the support we could muster. A prayer circle formed, and several women began singing Arabic from the Koran. As labor intensifi ed she pleaded for her High Ones to be held unceasingly. It kept her from going off in her head about the reality of what she was going through – so much discomfort with no baby at the end of the process.

I was connected to Aisha through my fi ngers. Attached to her Ones, I felt no separation from her or events as they unfolded. Connecting with a woman in labor in this context is like hooking into the sea. As physical contractions raised in intensity, the waves of labor – waves of energy – waves of emotion – waves of prayer – washed through the room – primal, intense, life changing. Birth and death together, I was hooked in with her, sharing her agony, grounding her to help her get on with the labor at hand. Connecting in that circumstance with a mother’s grief, we held on through the night. At dawn Aisha delivered the stillborn perfect beautiful boy. Even though the child had died in the womb, there was a strong presence in the room. Perhaps the spirit conceived needed to be born in order to be released. A few days earlier he had tangled his foot in his umbilical

Continued on page 14

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J I N S H I N J Y U T S U ® N E W S L E T T E R

Austin Hewitt Mount is our Super Bowl baby. He was born 6:10 p.m. on Sunday, February 3, 2013. He weighed 7 pounds and 15 ounces and was 20½ inches long.

Labor and delivery didn’t exactly go according to plan, but I’m grateful to have a healthy, happy baby. I had planned a natural childbirth and had a doula present. doula present. doulaTh e Saturday night before, my water broke around 9:00 p.m., and we went to the hospital right away. Th ere was an unusual green substance in my amniotic fl uid. When I got to the hospital they told me it was meconium.* I went ahead and submitted to an epidural in case there were any complications as a result of the meconium. I labored 19 hours and ended up having to give birth by C-section.

Cheryl Plain was there for at least the last 10 hours. Gratefully, once she arrived and applied Jin Shin Jyutsu, my heart rate and vitals returned to normal and my doctor continued to allow me to labor. Cheryl even had my doulaholding Safety Energy Locks. Unfortunately I never could dilate enough and Austin’s head got jammed in my pelvis. Finally the risk of Austin aspirating the meconium was

too great, and they had to operate. Austin was born with a pneumothorax in his left lung and pneumonia as a result of the meconium. We spent fi ve days in the hospital, most of which Austin spent in the NICU.

Gratefully the hole in his lung closed up without having to use tubes or surgery! Within hours I was up and going to the NICU every few hours to breast-feed. While he was in the NICU, While he was in the NICU, W Austin received from me the Reversing and Increasing of First Depth, the 8 and 16s, as well as Opposite Fingers and Toes.

While the use of Jin Shin Jyutsu may not have helped me stick to my birth plan, I have no doubt it was a huge contributing factor to my quick recovery from surgery and Austin healing up so quickly from his birth complications! I was so grateful to Cheryl for being there in that moment to ease my anxiety and fears and get me through a very stressful labor and delivery.

I’m already visualizing our fi rst trip to Scottsdale! I’ll be ready to travel as soon as Austin is!

In Harmony,Kelly

________________*Webster’s: Th e fi rst fecal excretion of a newborn child composed chiefl y of bile, mucus and epithelial cells.


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s Gird


A Newborn AnnouncementBy Kelly Mount

Kelly with Austin at 1 month....

[More photos of Austin appear on page 14.]

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12 Number 80


In 1996 my dad, John C. Knoch, was diagnosed with ALS (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis), more commonly known as Lou Gehrig’s disease. During the course of this fatal disease, the motor neurons that send messages to the muscles in the body die, resulting in paralysis. Th e mind is not aff ected. Th ere is no known cause or cure.

Initially Dad experienced diffi culty using his right hand and arm. Th e disease then progressed to the other arm and both legs. Eventually, his speech and breathing became impaired. He was using a bi-pap machine to assist in his breathing.

It was a couple of years into his diagnosis that I discovered Jin Shin Jyutsu. Dad was one of my fi rst willing “guinea pigs.” One day, I was giving him a session when the Hospice nurse came to examine him. Upon checking his blood pressure, she became very surprised: his blood pressure was the lowest it had ever

My Dad, ALS, and Jin Shin JyutsuBy Michelle Giambra

been. (His blood pressure was typically high.) My stepmother suggested that maybe it’s the Jin Shin Jyutsu, to which Dad nodded as emphatically as he could saying “Yes!” He was able to feel the Jin Shin Jyutsu relaxing him.

In November of 1998, my father was faced with perhaps the most diffi cult decision of his life. Th e bi-pap breathing machine was no longer providing ample breathing assistance.

Basically, Dad had to decide whether he wanted to have a tracheostomy and live the rest of his days on life support, or pass on. After several grueling days in the ICU at the Cleveland Clinic, he decided to have the surgery.

When he returned to ICU after the surgery, I sat beside him to share Jin Shin Jyutsu. He was really out of it and not consciously aware that I was there. As I slipped my hand under his left shoulder blade (to begin harmonizing the Mediator Flow), I felt his whole body relax. It was as if his entire being exhaled a big sigh of relief. It was amazing!

Dad then lived at home, a quadriplegic confi ned to a hospital bed and unable to speak. His mind was as sharp as a tack. He maintained a commanding presence, communicating and directing us through eye blinks. When asked if he would like to receive Jin Shin Jyutsu, he would always blink twice, indicating “Yes.” His entire family, including his grandchildren, participated in helping to harmonize

the imbalances he experienced: lung congestion, constipation, UTIs, anxiety, depression; the list goes on. Since he was in a hospital bed, we used easy-to-reach applications: holding his 1s, palming his calves, holding his 7s, holding his 4s, the Th umb Function Energy, the Little Finger Function Energy and Opposite Fingers and Toes. We kept it simple.

Over the years I had explained to Dad what some of the fl ows are. And if I asked him what fl ow he wanted, he usually requested the “10 Flow” because he knew it is the “Abundance Flow.” If nothing else, I held his fi ngers, because simply holding the fi ngers, one at a time for a few minutes each, can harmonize the entire being!

Dad passed away in May 2009. He lived many years beyond the “average life expectancy” of someone diagnosed with ALS. He is a true hero in my eyes.I am grateful that we had Jin Shin Jyutsu as a tool to help us during this time.

Michelle Giambra is currently practicing Jin Shin Michelle Giambra is currently practicing Jin Shin Michelle Giambra isJyutsu in Sarasota, Florida, and may be reached at [email protected] or 941.228.2972.

Dad and I at the Northeast Ohio ALSA “Walk to Defeat ALS”

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SPRING 2013 13

J I N S H I N J Y U T S U ® N E W S L E T T E R

News from the STORE: Long Sleeve Denim Shirt is back, 100% Cotton, Color: Dark Blue w/gold lettering and red Kanji. (U.S. addresses only – call or e-mail offi ce for non-U.S. deliveries), Sizes: S, M, L. Price is $35 plus shipping.

Scottsdale Offi ce Jin Shin Jyutsu Self-Help Classes with Terry MatthewsApril 20-21, 2013 (Sat.-Sun.) and June 8-9, 2013 (Sat.-Sun) (both classes need 4 students to run, please inquire). JSJ Self Help Books 1, 2 & 3 will be “explored and experienced” – JSJ Self Help Books 1, 2 & 3 will be “explored and experienced” – JSJ Self Help Books 1, 2 & 3 will be “explored and experienced” Th ese books provide a fi rm foundation for Practitioner study or developing a regular Self-Help routine. For further information, please contact Terry (480) 998-9331/ (602) 750-4707, [email protected]. Details are also on the web at: https://jsjinc.net/pagedetails.php?id=scottsdale-events.

“More News from Scottsdale”...Continued from page 8

Changes and Updates – Consult the website for more detailed information on these classes: Th ere are date changes, new contact information and new classes which did not appear in the

originally published schedule.

Perth, Australia: May 8-10, and 13-14, 2013, new 5-day class with Jennifer Holmes plus 2 days of new Special Topic Classes: May 15-16, 2013, also with Jennifer Holmes - for topics, call organizer or see webiste

Brasilia, Brazil: date changed to May 24-26, 2013, 3-day Mentoring class with Carlos Gutterres

Berkeley, CA: May 24-26, 2013, is now a Special Topic class with Jill Pasquinelli - for topic, call organizer or see website

Los Angeles, CA: June 1-2, 2013, new Special Topic Class with Michael Wenninger - for topic, call organizer or see website

Belo Horizonte, Brazil: June 5-9, 2013, 5-day class with Margareth Umoeka Serra [listed incorrectly at fi rst]

Recife, Brazil: June 21-23, 2013, new Living the Art class with Margareth Umeoka Serra

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil: July 3-7, 2013, new 5-day class with Carlos Gutterres

Frankenmuth, MI: July 9-13, 2013, 5-day class with Michael Wenninger – new co-organizer

Berkeley, CA: July 19-21, 2013, is now a Special Topic class with Cynthia Broshi - for topics, call organizer or see website

Vancouver, Canada: August 21-25, 2013, 5-day class with Philomena Dooley – new co-organizer

San Francisco, CA: August 24-25, 2013, new Faculty Self-Help class with Sara Harper

Maceió, Brazil: September 14-15, 2013, new Special Topic Class with Margareth Umeoka Serra - for topic, call organizer or see website

Tampa, FL: October 25-27, 2013, organizer address change for Special Topic Class with Sara Harper

Recife, Brazil: November 8-10, 2013, new 3-day Mentoring class with Iole Lebensztajn

Salvador, Brazil: November 27-December 1, 2013, new 5-day class with Margareth Umeoka Serra

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14 Number 80


cord and strangled himself. Aisha held him and wept from a totally broken heart. Presently her husband came to wash, wrap and bury the boy according to traditional Muslim custom…a terrible but beautiful story. I feel so privileged to have been there and was able through the Art of Jin Shin Jyutsu to assist this courageous woman through her challenge. I really could share in her pain, and in that sharing relieved a great deal of it.

Continued from page 10...“In the Beginning”

A Poem by Marcus BachSubmitted by Patricia Meador

From page 11: A few more photos of Austin at 2 months....


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: Avi

s Gird


Th ere is always a purpose. Nothing happenswithout meaning. Every intricate detail of life is bounded by the Omnipotence of God.

All life is one and everything in life is related to everything else. Th ere is a line, a chain of circumstances, a continuity,and in it all things work together for good.

Chance is God at work, a hunch is the whispering of the divine, what men call fate is cosmic purpose and coincidence is immutable law.

Life with a horizon knows no ending. Th ere is the vastness of infi nite vision and life is an adventure in faith.

“In living your Now, there is no need for comparison.” – Mary

Page 15: Jin Shin Jyutsu in Egypt - anoukjsj.nl · Jin Shin Jyutsu® Newsletter Number 80 • SPRING 2013 It was in March of 2012 when I fi rst met Tatiana (Tati) Contreiras in Sao Paulo,

Our taxi drivers and new-found friends: Our taxi drivers and new-found friends: Our t(L) Ali Blue Eyes and (R) Alaa.

Loading supplies onto our taxi to bring to Beshlaw....

Left: Shopping for supplies to take to the Mosque at Beshlaw where we were given a space on the upper fl oor (Right) to set up our portable kitchen to cook our lunch.

Below: Young boys from the village...and in the background, a woman tending the garden....

More young boys...in the background, there is a vineyard behind the hedge....volunteer Tricia [standing] and young girls waiting for sessions....

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Jin Shin Jyutsu, Inc.8719 E. San Alberto Dr.

Scottsdale, AZ 85258



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He is survived by his life-partners Emmett Hutchins and Wayne Hackett.

Th e youngest of eleven children, Richard was born 5 July, 1934, in Florence, South Dakota. His youth was shaped by life on the family farm…hard work and simple pleasures. He would often say, “We didn’t have money, but we weren’t poor.” In 1952, during his senior year of high school, Richard was named Most Valuable Player on his South Dakota state-champion basketball team. He attended Trinity Bible College in Chicago, Illinois, where he majored in religious studies. He later transferred to Chico State in California, where he graduated with a B.S. in Business Administration. He received his graduate degree from the Alexander Hamilton Institute. For nine years, he was Vice President at Adolph Foods.

In 1971, he moved to Boulder, Colorado, where he and Emmett were founders of the Guild for Structural Integration (GSI), a school dedicated to the teachings of Dr. Ida P. Rolf. Later in 1974 when the Guild became the Rolf Institute, he served as its President for fi fteen years. Th en in 1988 the Guild reincorporated, and Richard maintained administrative oversight of Dr. Rolf ’s message until his death. Richard lived on the island of Kauai, Hawaii, for the last thirteen years of his life.

Organizer and Jin Shin Jyutsu family member, Richard Albert Stenstadvold, died 19 December, 2012.

In March 1978, Richard met Mary Burmeister when he and Wayne invited her to Boulder to teach the fi rst of what became an annual event. Later, Richard would travel to Scottsdale for his yearly week of sessions with Mary. In one of their earliest meetings, she listened to Richard’s pulse, and with a uniquely characteristic “Mary smile” said, “Hmm. Th is man will never be lazy!”

Over the years, in Boulder and then on Kauai, Richard organized and nourished many classes…both for Jin Shin Jyutsu and for GSI. He was a blessing to many. Students will remember him for his welcoming smile, his warm heart and energetic hugs, and his generous, loving nature. We are grateful to have shared his journey.

“Rather than mourn the absence of the fl ame, rejoice in how brightly it glowed.”