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Java Part I

Week 1

1. The program and the source code

1.1 Source code

A computer program is composed of commands written in the source code.

A computer generally runs commands in the source code from top to bottom

and from left to right. Source code is saved in a textual format and will be

executed somehow.

1.2 Commands

Computers execute different operations, or actions, based on the commands.

For example, when printing the text "Hello world!" on the screen, it is done

by the command System.out.println.

System.out.println("Hello world!");

The System.out.println command prints the string given inside the brackets

on the screen. The suffix ln is short for the word line. Therefore, this

command prints out a line. This means that after the given string has been

printed, the command will also print a line break.

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1.3 Compiler and interpreter

Computers do not directly understand the programming language we are

using. We need a compiler between the source code and the computer.

When we are programming using the command line interface, the command

javac will compile the file into bytecode, which can be

executed using the Java interpreter. To run the compiled program, you can

use the command java Hello where Hello is the name of the original source

code file.

When using a modern development environment (more on this later), it will

take care of compiling the source code. When we choose to run the

program, the development environment will compile and execute the

program. All development environments compile source code while it is

being written by the programmer, which means that simple errors will be

noticed before executing the program.

1.4 Components of commands

1.4.1 Semicolon

A semicolon ; is used to separate different commands. The compiler and the

interpreter both ignore line breaks in the source code, so we could write the

entire program on a single line.

In the example below we will use the System.out.print command, which is

similar to the System.out.println command except that it will not print a line

break after printing the text.

Example of how the semicolons are used

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System.out.print("Hello "); System.out.print("world");


Hello world!

Even though neither the compiler nor the interpreter need line breaks in

the source code, they are very important when considering human readers

of the source code. Line breaks are required to divide source code in a clear

manner. Readability of source code will be emphasized throughout this


1.4.2 Parameters (information passed to commands)

The information processed by a command are the parameters of a

command. They are passed to the command by placing them between ()

brackets that follow the command name. For example, the System.out.print

command is given the text hello as a parameter as follows:



Comments are a useful way to make notes in the source code for yourself

and others. Everything on a line after two forward slashes // is treated as a


1.4.4 Example of using comments

// We will print the text "Hello world"

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System.out.print("Hello world");

System.out.print(" and all the people of the world."); // We print more text

to the same line.

// System.out.print("this line will not be executed, because it is commented


The last line of the example introduces a particularly handy use for

comments: you can comment out code instead of completely deleting it if

you want to temporarily try out something.

1.5 More about printing

As we can see from the examples above, there are two commands for


System.out.print prints the text without the line break at the end

System.out.println prints the text and the line break

The printed text can contain both traditional characters and special

characters. The most important special character is \n, which stands for a

line break. There are also other special characters.


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When executed, the example above prints:




2. Main program body

The body for a program named "Example" is as follows:

public class Example {

public static void main(String[] args) {

// program code



The program is stored in a text file named after the program with the .java

extension. For a program named Example, the file should be named

The execution of the program begins at the part marked with the //

program code comment above. During our first week of programming, we

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will limit ourselves to this part. When we are talking about commands such

as printing, we need to write the commands into the program body. For

example: System.out.print("Text to be printed");

public class Example {

public static void main(String[] args) {

System.out.print("Text to be printed");



From this point on, the main program body will be omitted from the


3. Getting to know your development environment

Programming these days takes place in development environments almost

without exceptions. The development environment provides several tools

and features to assist the programmer. Although the development

environment does not write the program on behalf of the programmer, it

contains several handy features such as hinting about mistakes in code and

assisting the programmer to visualize the structure of the program.

In this course, we will use the NetBeans development environment. A

guide for using NetBeans is available here.

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Until you become familiar with NetBeans, follow the guides and steps

precisely. Most of the following exercises show what needs to be printed to

the screen for the program to function correctly.

Note: Do not do the exercises by writing code and then clicking the test

button. You should also execute the code manually (green arrow) and

observe the result on the screen. This is especially useful if an exercise fails

to pass the tests.

In the following exercises, we will practice the use of NetBeans and

printing of text on the screen.

Remember to read the guide on using NetBeans before you continue!

Please answer to our survey: here. It will take less than five minutes.

Exercise 1: Name

Create a program that prints your name to the screen.

The program output should resemble the following:

Jane Doe

Exercise 2: Hello world! (And all the people of the world)

Create a program that prints out the following:

Hello world!

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(And all the people of the world)

Exercise 3: Spruce

Create a program that prints the following:







Note: You probably wrote System.out.println("...") quite a few times. Try

typing only sout on an empty line in NetBeans and then press the tab key.

What happened? This tip will save a lot of your time in the future!

4. Variables and assignment

4.1 Variables and data types

A variable is one of the most important concepts in computer programming.

A variable should be imagined as a box in which you can store information.

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The information stored in a variable always has a type. These types include

text (String), whole numbers (int), decimal numbers (double), and truth

values (boolean). A value can be assigned to a variable using the equals sign


int months = 12;

In the statement above, we assign the value 12 to the variable named

months whose data type is integer (int). The statement is read as "the

variable months is assigned the value 12".

The value of the variable can be appended to a string with the plus + sign as

shown in the following example.

String text = "includes text";

int wholeNumber = 123;

double decimalNumber = 3.141592653;

boolean isTrue = true;

System.out.println("The variable's type is text. Its value is " + text);

System.out.println("The variable's type is integer. Its value is " +


System.out.println("The variable's type is decimal number. Its value is " +


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System.out.println("The variable's type is truth value. Its value is " +



The variable's type is text. Its value is includes text

The variable's type is integer. Its value is 123

The variable's type is decimal number. Its value is 3.141592653

The variable's type is truth value. Its value is true

A variable holds its value until it is assigned a new one. Note that the

variable type is written only when the variable is first declared in the

program. After that we can use the variable by its name.

int wholeNumber = 123;

System.out.println("The variable's type is integer. Its value is " +


wholeNumber = 42;

System.out.println("The variable's type is integer. Its value is " +


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The output is:

The variable's type is integer. Its value is 123

The variable's type is integer. Its value is 42

4.2 Variable data types are immutable

When a variable is declared with a data type, it cannot be changed later. For

example, a text variable cannot be changed into an integer variable and it

cannot be assigned integer values.

String text = "yabbadabbadoo!";

text = 42; // Does not work! :(

Integer values can be assigned to decimal number variables, because whole

numbers are also decimal numbers.

double decimalNumber = 0.42;

decimalNumber = 1; // Works! :)

Exercise 4: Varying variables

The exercise file initially contains a program which prints:

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Bacon (kg):


A tractor:

There is none!

In a nutshell:



There is none!

Change the program in the specified places so that it will print:



Bacon (kg):


A tractor:


In a nutshell:




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4.3 Allowed and descriptive variable names

There are certain limitations on the naming of our variables. Even though

umlauts, for example, can be used, it is better to avoid them, because

problems might arise with character encoding. For example, it is

recommended to use A instead of Ä.

Variable names must not contain certain special characters like exclamation

marks (!). Space characters cannot be used, either, as it is used to separate

commands into multiple parts. It is a good idea to replace the space

character using a camelCase notation. Note: The first character is always

written in lower case when using the camel case notation.

int camelCaseVariable = 7;

Variable names can contain numbers as long it does not start with one.

Variable names cannot be composed solely of numbers, either.

int 7variable = 4; // Not allowed!

int variable7 = 4; // A valid, but not descriptive variable name

Variable names that have been defined before cannot be used. Command

names such as System.out.print cannot be used, either.

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int camelCase = 2;

int camelCase = 5; // Not allowed, the variable camelCase is already


It is strongly recommended to name variables so that their purpose can be

understood without comments and without thinking. Variable names used

in this course must be descriptive.

4.3.1 Valid variable names

lastDay = 20

firstYear = 1952

name = "Matti"

4.3.2 Invalid variable names

last day of the month = 20

1day = 1952

watchout! = 1910

1920 = 1

5. Calculation

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The calculation operations are pretty straightforward: +, -, * and /. A more

peculiar operation is the modulo operation %, which calculates the

remainder of a division. The order of operations is also pretty

straightforward: the operations are calculated from left to right taking the

parentheses into account.

int first = 2; // variable of whole number type is assigned the value 2

int second = 4; // variable of whole number type is assigned the value 4

int sum = first + second; // variable of whole number type is assigned the

value of first + second

// (which means 2 + 4)

System.out.println(sum); // the value of the sum of variables is printed

int calcWithParens = (1 + 1) + 3 * (2 + 5); // 23

int calcWithoutParens = 1 + 1 + 3 * 2 + 5; // 13

The parentheses example above can also be done step by step.

int calcWithParens = (1 + 1);

calcWithParens = calcWithParens + 3 * (2 + 5); // 23

int calcWithoutParens = 1 + 1;

calcWithoutParens = calcWithoutParens + 3 * 2;

calcWithoutParens = calcWithoutParens + 5; // 13

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Calculation operations can be used almost anywhere in the program code.

int first = 2;

int second = 4;

System.out.println(first + second);

System.out.println(2 + second - first - second);

5.1 Floating point numbers (decimal numbers)

Calculating the division and remainder of whole numbers is a little trickier.

A floating point number (decimal number) and integer (whole number)

often get mixed up. If all the variables in a calculation operation are

integers, the end result will also be an integer.

int result = 3 / 2; // result is 1 (integer) because 3 and 2 are integers as


int first = 3:

int second = 2;

double result = first / second; // the result is again 1 because first and

second are integers

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The remainder can be calculated using the remainder operation (%). For

example, the calculation 7 % 2 yields 1.

int remainder = 7 % 2; // remainder is 1 (integer)

If either the dividend or the divisor (or both!) is a floating point number

(decimal number) the end result will also be a floating point number.

double whenDividendIsFloat = 3.0 / 2; // result is: 1.5

double whenDivisorIsFloat = 3 / 2.0; // result is: 1.5

If needed, integers can be converted to floating point using the type cast

operation (double) as follows:

int first = 3;

int second = 2;

double result1 = (double)first / second; // result is: 1.5

double result2 = first / (double)second; // result is: 1.5

double result3 = (double)(first / second); // result is: 1

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In the last example calculation, the result is rounded incorrectly because the

calculation between the integers is done before the type cast to a floating

point number.

If the quotient is assigned to a variable of integer type, the result will be an

integer as well.

int integerResultBecauseTypeIsInteger = 3.0 / 2; // quotient is

automatically integer: 1

The next example will print "1.5" because the dividend is transformed into a

floating point number by multiplying it with a floating point number (1.0 * 3

= 3.0) before the division.

int dividend = 3;

int divisor = 2;

double quotient = 1.0 * dividend / divisor;


What does the following code print?

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int dividend = 3;

int divisor = 2;

double quotient = dividend / divisor * 1.0;


From now on, make sure that you name your variables that follow good

conventions like the variables in the examples above.

Exercise 5: Seconds in a year

6. Concatenation or combining strings

Let us take a closer look on combining strings with the + operator.

If the + operator is used between two strings, a new string is created with

the two strings combined. Note the clever use of space characters in the

values of the variables below!

String greeting = "Hi ";

String name = "John";

String goodbye = ", and goodbye!";

String sentence = greeting + name + goodbye;


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Hi John, and goodbye!

If a string is on either side of the + operator, the other side is converted to a

string and a new string is created. For example, the integer 2 will be

converted into the string "2" and then combined with the other string.

System.out.println("there is an integer --> " + 2);

System.out.println(2 + " <-- there is an integer");

What we learned earlier about the order of operations is still valid:

System.out.println("Four: " + (2 + 2));

System.out.println("But! Twenty-two: " + 2 + 2);

Four: 4

But! Twenty-two: 22

Using this information, we can print a mix of strings and values of variables:

int x = 10;

System.out.println("variable x has the following value: " + x);

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int y = 5;

int z = 6;

System.out.println("y has the value " + y + " and z has the value " + z);

This program obviously prints:

variable x has the following value: 10

y has the value 5 and z has the value 6

Exercise 6: Addition

Create a program to calculate the sum of two numbers. At the beginning

of the program two variables are introduced and those variables hold the

numbers to be summed. Feel free to use other variables if you need to.

For example, if the variables hold numbers 5 and 4, the program should


5 + 4 = 9

If the variables hold numbers 73457 and 12888, the program output

should be:

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73457 + 12888 = 86345

Exercise 7: Multiplication

Create a program similar to the previous one except that it multiplies the

two numbers instead of adding them.

For example, if the variables hold numbers 2 and 8, the program output

should be:

2 * 8 = 16

If the variables hold numbers 277 and 111, the program output should be:

277 * 111 = 30747

What is the biggest multiplication that your program is able to calculate?

7. Reading user input

So far our programs have been rather one-sided. Next we will learn how to

read input from the user. We will use a special Scanner tool to read the user


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Let us add the Scanner to our existing main program body. Do not worry if

the main program body seems obscure as we will continue to write our

code in the part marked // program code.

import java.util.Scanner;

public class ProgramBody {

public static void main(String[] args) {

Scanner reader = new Scanner(;

// program code



7.1 Reading a string

The following code reads the user's name and prints a greeting:

System.out.print("What is your name? ");

String name = reader.nextLine(); // Reads a line of input from the user and

assigns it

// to the variable called name

System.out.println("Hi, " + name);

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What is your name? John

Hi, John

The program above combined along with the main program body is shown

below. The name of the program is Greeting, which means that it must be

located in a file named

import java.util.Scanner;

public class Greeting {

public static void main(String[] args) {

Scanner reader = new Scanner(;

System.out.print("Who is greeted: ");

String name = reader.nextLine(); // Reads a line of input from the user

and assigns it

// to the variable called name

System.out.print("Hi " + name);



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When the program above is executed, you can type the input. The output

tab in NetBeans (at the bottom) looks as follows when the program has

finished (the user inputs the name "John").


Who is greeted: John

Hi John

BUILD SUCCESSFUL (total time: 6 seconds)

7.2 Reading integers

Our Scanner tool is not good for reading integers, so we will use another

special tool to read an integer. The command Integer.parseInt converts the

string given to it into an integer. The command's parameter is given

between brackets and it returns an integer that can be assigned to an

integer variable.

Basically, we are joining two commands together. First we read the input as

a string from the user and immediately give it to the command


System.out.print("Type an integer: ");

int number = Integer.parseInt(reader.nextLine());

System.out.println("You typed " + number);

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Next we will ask the user to give us his name and age. The program body is

included this time.

import java.util.Scanner;

public class NameAndAgeGreeting {

public static void main(String[] args) {

Scanner reader = new Scanner(;

System.out.print("Your name: ");

String name = reader.nextLine(); // Reads a line from the users


System.out.print("How old are you: ");

int age = Integer.parseInt(reader.nextLine()); // Reads a string variable

from the keyboard and transfers it to an integer

System.out.println("Your name is: " + name + ", and you are " + age + "

years old, nice to meet you!");



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7.3 Summary

The program body for interaction with the user is as follows:

import java.util.Scanner;

public class ProgramName {

public static void main(String[] args) {

Scanner reader = new Scanner(;

// code here



Reading a string:

String text = reader.nextLine();

Reading an integer:

int number = Integer.parseInt(reader.nextLine());

Exercise 8: Adder

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Create a program that asks the user for two integers and then prints their


Type a number: 6

Type another number: 2

Sum of the numbers: 8

In this example the user input is marked in red color. From now on the

red color will indicate user input in examples.

Exercise 9: Divider

Create a program that asks the user for two integers and prints their

quotient. Make sure that 3 / 2 = 1.5. If the decimal part is missing, take

another look at 6.1 Floating point numbers (decimal numbers) to find the


Type a number: 3

Type another number: 2

Division: 3 / 2 = 1.5

Exercise 10: Calculating the circumference

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The circumference of a circle is calculated using the formula 2 * pi *

radius. Create a program that asks the user for the radius and then

calculates the circumference using the given radius. Java already contains

the value of pi in the Math.PI variable, which you can use in your


Type the radius: 20

Circumference of the circle: 125.66370614359172

Exercise 11: Bigger number

Create a program that asks the user for two integers and then prints the

larger of the two.

Tip: When you write Math. (that is, Math followed by a dot) in NetBeans,

it shows you a bunch of available mathematical calculations. For example,

Math.cos(10) calculates the cosine of the number 10. Try to find a suitable

tool in Math to complete this exercise! If you cannot find anything suitable

or do not know how to complete the exercise, skip the exercise for now.

We will return to the matter later on.

Type a number: 20

Type another number: 14

The bigger number of the two numbers given was: 20

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Exercise 12: Sum of the ages

Create a program that asks for the names and ages of two users. After that

the program prints the sum of their ages.

Type your name: Matti

Type your age: 14

Type your name: Arto

Type your age: 12

Matti and Arto are 26 years old in total.

Exercise 13: NHL statistics, part 1

A ready-made component NHLStatistics is included along with the

exercise files for this excercise. It can be used to fetch and see NHL

players' score data, including their number of played games, goals, assists,

points, and penalty amount.

The main program imports (i.e. enables the use of) the component by

adding the following line to the beginning of the file: import

nhlstats.NHLStatistics;. The next example prints the top 10 players based

on points:

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import java.util.Scanner;

import nhlstats.NHLStatistics;

public class Mainprogram {

public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

Scanner reader = new Scanner(;

System.out.println("Top ten by points");




It will print (this was the situation on the 9th of January 2012):

Top ten by points

Henrik Sedin VAN 43 11 + 38= 49 36

Phil Kessel TOR 41 24 + 24= 48 10

Claude Giroux PHI 36 18 + 30= 48 16

Joffrey Lupul TOR 41 19 + 28= 47 36

Daniel Sedin VAN 42 18 + 29= 47 32

Steven Stamkos TBL 40 28 + 17= 45 34

Marian Hossa CHI 41 17 + 27= 44 14

Evgeni Malkin PIT 33 16 + 28= 44 30

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Jordan Eberle EDM 41 17 + 26= 43 6

Jason Pominville BUF 41 14 + 29= 43 8

The name, abbreviation of the club, matches played, assists, points and

penalties of players are printed.

The first command NHLStatistics.sortByPoints() sorts the list of NHL

players by the points they have gathered. The second command; prints the ten first players from the list. Any

integer can be given as a parameter.

Similarly the players can be printed ordered by the goals or assists they

have made, or by penalty minutes they have been given. First, we call the

command to sort the players:

NHLStatistics.sortByPoints(); // orders the players by points

NHLStatistics.sortByGoals(); // orders the players by goals

NHLStatistics.sortByAssists(); // orders the players by assists

NHLStatistics.sortByPenalties(); // orders the players by penalty


After that the players are printed with the command top using the

number of players to be printed as its parameter.

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It is also possible to use the component to request the statistics of a

certain player:

NHLStatistics.searchByPlayer("Jaromir Jagr"); // prints stats of Jaromir


NHLStatistics.searchByPlayer("Koivu"); // prints stats of Mikko

Koivu and Saku Koivu

NHLStatistics.searchByPlayer("Teemu"); // prints stats of all players

named Teemu

The component can also print the statistics of all players in a club:

NHLStatistics.teamStatistics("NYR"); // Statistics of New York Rangers

The order of the printed club statistics can be changed using a sortBy...()


The name of the club must be given using the official three letter

abbreviation. You can check the abbreviations here . The statistics

component prints a list of the available abbreviations if you request the

statistics of an invalid club.

Create a program that does the following tasks into the main program

body. The tasks must be done in exactly the same order as listed below.

Do the tasks in the program body one after another without deleting

tasks you have already done.

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Note: When you first run the program, the execution might take a while

because the information is downloaded from the web. Execution should

be quick after the first run.

The program must do the following:

Print the top ten players based on goals

Print the top 25 players based on penalty amounts

Print the statistics for Sidney Crosby

Print the statistics for Philadelphia Flyers (abbreviation: PHI). Note in

which order the players are printed in and why that might be!

Print the players in Anaheim Ducks (abbreviation: ANA) ordered by


After you have successfully submitted the exercise, you can play with the

code as you wish!

8. Conditional statements and truth values

So far, our programs have progressed from one command to another in a

straightforward manner. In order for the program to branch to different

execution paths based on e.g. user input, we need conditional statements.

int number = 11;

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if (number > 10) {

System.out.println("The number was greater than 10");


The condition (number > 10) evaluates into a truth value; either true or

false. The if command only handles truth values. The conditional statement

above is read as "if the number is greater than 10".

Note that the if statement is not followed by semicolon as the condition path

continues after the statement.

After the condition, the opening curly brace { starts a new block, which is

executed if the condition is true. The block ends with a closing curly brace }.

Blocks can be as long as desired.

The comparison operators are:

> Greater than

>= Greater than or equal to

< Less than

<= Less than or equal to

== Equals

!= Not equal

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int number = 55;

if (number != 0) {

System.out.println("The number was not equal to 0");


if (number >= 1000) {

System.out.println("The number was greater than or equal to 1000");


A block can contain any code including other if statements.

int x = 45;

int number = 55;

if (number > 0) {

System.out.println("The number is positive!");

if (number > x) {

System.out.println(" and greater than the value of variable x");

System.out.println("after all, the value of variable x is " + x);



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The comparison operators can also be used outside the if statements. In

such case the truth value will be stored in a truth value variable.

int first = 1;

int second = 3;

boolean isGreater = first > second;

In the example above the boolean (i.e. a truth value) variable isGreater now

includes the truth value false.

A boolean variable can be used as a condition in a conditional sentence.

int first = 1;

int second = 3;

boolean isLesser = first < second;

if (isLesser) {

System.out.println(first + " is less than " + second + "!");


1 is less than 3!

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8.1 Code indentation

Note that the commands in the block following the if statement (i.e. the lines

after the curly brace, { ) are not written at the same level as the if statement

itself. They should be indented slightly to the right. Indentation happens

when you press the tab key, which is located to the left of q key. When the

block ends with the closing curly brace, indentation ends as well. The

closing curly brace } should be on the same level as the original if statement.

The use of indentation is crucial for the readability of program code. During

this course and generally everywhere, you are expected to indent the code

properly. NetBeans helps with the correct indentation. You can easily indent

your program by pressing shift, alt, and f simultaneously.

8.2 else

If the truth value of the comparison is false, another optional block can be

executed using the else command.

int number = 4;

if (number > 5) {

System.out.println("Your number is greater than five!");

} else {

System.out.println("Your number is equal to or less than five!");


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Your number is equal to or less than five!

Exercise 14: A positive number

Create a program that asks the user for a number and tells if the number

is positive (i.e. greater than zero).

Type a number: 5

The number is positive.

Type a number: -2

The number is not positive.

Are you certain that your code is indented correctly?

Reread the section on code indentation. Observe what happens when you

press shift, alt and f simultaneously! The same automatic indentation

functionality can also be used using the menu bar by selecting Source and

then Format.

Exercise 15: Age of majority

Create a program that asks for the user's age and tells whether the user

has reached the age of majority (i.e. 18 years old or older).

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How old are you? 12

You have not reached the age of majority yet!

How old are you? 32

You have reached the age of majority!

Exercise 16: Even or odd?

Create a program that asks the user for a number and tells whether the

number is even or odd.

Type a number: 2

Number 2 is even.

Type a number: 7

Number 7 is odd.

Hint: The number's remainder when dividing by 2 tells whether the

number is even or odd. The remainder can be obtained with the %


8.3 else if

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If there are more than two conditions for the program to check, it is

recommended to use the else if command. It works like the else command,

but with an additional condition. else if comes after the if command. There

can be multiple else if commands.

int number = 3;

if (number == 1) {

System.out.println("The number is one.");

} else if (number == 2) {

System.out.println("The number is two.");

} else if (number == 3) {

System.out.println("The number is three!");

} else {

System.out.println("Quite a lot!");


The number is three!

Let us read out loud the example above: If number is one, print out "The

number is one.". Otherwise if the number is two, print out "The number is

two.". Otherwise if the number is three, print out "The number is three!".

Otherwise print out "Quite a lot!".

8.4 Comparing strings

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Strings cannot be compared using the equality operator (==). For string

comparison, we use the equals. command, which is always associated with

the string to compare.

String text = "course";

if (text.equals("marzipan")) {

System.out.println("The variable text contains the text marzipan");

} else {

System.out.println("The variable text does not contain the text



The equals command is always attached to the string variable with a dot in

between. A string variable can also be compared to another string variable.

String text = "course";

String anotherText = "horse";

if (text.equals(anotherText)) {

System.out.println("The texts are the same!");

} else {

System.out.println("The texts are not the same!");


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When comparing strings, it is crucial to make sure that both string variables

have been assigned some value. If a value has not been assigned, the

program execution terminates with a NullPointerException error, which

means that variable has no value assigned to it (null).

Exercise 17: Greater number

Create a program that asks the user for two numbers and prints the

greater of those two. The program should also handle the case in which

the two numbers are equal.

Example outputs:

Type the first number: 5

Type the second number: 3

Greater number: 5

Type the first number: 5

Type the second number: 8

Greater number: 8

Type the first number: 5

Type the second number: 5

The numbers are equal!

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Exercise 18: Grades and points

Create a program that gives the course grade based on the following table.

Points Grade

0–29 failed

30–34 1

35–39 2

40–44 3

45–49 4

50–60 5

Example outputs:

Type the points [0-60]: 37

Grade: 2

Type the points [0-60]: 51

Grade: 5

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8.5 Logical operations

The condition statements can be made more complicated using logical

operations. The logical operations are:

condition1 && condition2 is true if both conditions are true.

condition1 || condition2 is true if either of the conditions are true.

!condition is true if the condition is false.

Below we will use the AND operation && to combine two individual

conditions in order to check if the value of the variable is greater than 4 and

less than 11 (i.e. in the range 5 - 10).

System.out.println("Is the number between 5-10?");

int number = 7;

if (number > 4 && number < 11) {

System.out.println("Yes! :)");

} else {

System.out.println("Nope :(")


Is the number between 5-10?

Yes! :)

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Next up is the OR operation ||, which will be used to check if the value is less

than 0 or greater than 100. The condition evaluates to true if the value

fulfills either condition.

System.out.println("Is the number less than 0 or greater than 100?");

int number = 145;

if (number < 0 || number > 100) {

System.out.println("Yes! :)");

} else {

System.out.println("Nope :(")


Is the number less than 0 or greater than 100?

Yes! :)

Now we will use the negation operation ! to negate the condition:

System.out.println("Is the string equal to 'milk'?");

String text = "water";

if (!(text.equals("milk"))) { // true if the condition text.equals("milk") is



} else {

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Is the text equal to 'milk'?


For complicated conditions, we often need parentheses:

int number = 99;

if ((number > 0 && number < 10) || number > 100 ) {

System.out.println("The number was in the range 1-9 or it was over


} else {

System.out.println("The number was equal to or less than 0 or it was in

the range 10-99");


The number was equal to or less than 0 or it was in the range 10-99

Exercise 19: Age check

Create a program that asks for the user's age and checks that it is

reasonable (at least 0 and at most 120).

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How old are you? 10


How old are you? 55


How old are you? -3


How old are you? 150


Exercise 20: Usernames

Create a program that recognizes the following users:

Username Password

alex mightyducks

emily cat

The program should check for the username and password as follows:

Type your username: alex

Type your password: mightyducks

You are now logged into the system!

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Type your username: emily

Type your password: cat

You are now logged into the system!

Type your username: emily

Type your password: dog

Your username or password was invalid!

Note: Remember that you cannot compare strings with the == operation!

Exercise 21: Leap year

A year is a leap year if it is divisible by 4. But if the year is divisible by 100,

it is a leap year only when it is also divisible by 400.

Create a program that checks whether the given year is a leap year.

Type a year: 2011

The year is not a leap year.

Type a year: 2012

The year is a leap year.

Type a year: 1800

The year is not a leap year.

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Type a year: 2000

The year is a leap year.

9. Introduction to loops

Conditional statements allow us to execute different commands based on

the conditions. For example, we can let the user login only if the username

and password are correct.

In addition to conditions we also need repetitions. We may, for example,

need to keep asking the user to input a username and password until a valid

pair is entered.

The most simple repetition is an infinite loop. The following code will print

out the string I can program! forever or "an infinite number of times":

while (true) {

System.out.println("I can program!");


In the example above, the while (true) command causes the associated

block (i.e. the code between the curly braces {}) to be looped (or repeated)


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We generally do not want an infinite loop. The loop can be interrupted using

e.g. the break command.

while (true) {

System.out.println("I can program!");

System.out.print("Continue? ('no' to quit)? ");

String command = reader.nextLine();

if (command.equals("no")) {




System.out.println("Thank you and see you later!");

Now the loop progresses like this: First, the program prints I can program!.

Then, the program will ask the user if it should continue. If the user types

no, the break command is executed and the loop is interrupted and Thank

you and see you again! is printed.

I can program!

Continue? ('no' to quit)?yeah

I can program!

Continue? ('no' to quit)? jawohl

I can program!

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Continue? ('no' to quit)? no

Thank you and see you again!

Many different things can be done inside a loop. Next we create a simple

calculator, which performs calculations based on commands that the user

enters. If the command is quit, the break command will be executed to end

the loop. Otherwise two numbers are asked. Then, if the initial command

was sum, the program calculates and prints the sum of the two numbers. If

the command was difference, the program calculates and prints the

difference of the two numbers. If the command was something else, the

program reports that the command was unknown.

System.out.println("welcome to the calculator");

while (true) {

System.out.print("Enter a command (sum, difference, quit): ");

String command = reader.nextLine();

if (command.equals("quit")) {



System.out.print("enter the numbers");

int first = Integer.parseInt(reader.nextLine());

int second = Integer.parseInt(reader.nextLine());

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if (command.equals("sum") ) {

int sum = first + second;

System.out.println( "The sum of the numbers is " + sum );

} else if (command.equals("difference")) {

int difference = first - second;

System.out.println("The difference of the numbers is " + difference);

} else {

System.out.println("Unknown command");



System.out.println("Thanks, bye!");

Exercise 22: Password

In this exercise we create a program that asks the user for a password. If

the password is right, a secret message is shown to the user.

Type the password: turnip


Type the password: beetroot


Type the password: carrot

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The secret is: jryy qbar!

The program will be done in three steps.

Exercise 22.1: Asking for the password

The initial exercise template defines the variable String password with a

value of carrot. Do not change this password! You should make the

program ask the user to enter a password and then compare it with the

value in the variable password. Remember what that there is a special

way to compare strings!

Type the password: turnip


Type the password: carrot


Type the password: potato


Exercise 22.2: Asking for the password until the user gives the correct one

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Modify the program so that it asks the user to type a password until it gets

the correct one. Implement this using a while-true loop statement. The

loop statement can be interrupted if and only if the entered password

matches the value of the password variable.

Type the password: turnip


Type the password: beetroot


Type the password: carrot


Exercise 22.3: Secret message

Add your own secret message to the program and show it to the user

when the password is correct. Your message can be whatever you want!

Type the password: turnip


Type the password: rutabaga


Type the password: carrot


The secret is: jryy qbar!

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The secret above has been encrypted using the Rot13 algorithm. During

this course we will implement our own encryption program.

Exercise 23: Temperatures

You will get the Graph component along with the exercise template. Graph

draws graphs based on numbers that are given to it. You can give it

numbers as follows:


We will create a program that draws a graph based on daily temperatures

given to it.

Exercise 23.1: Asking for numbers

Create a program that asks the user to input floating point numbers

(double) and then adds the numbers to the graph. Use the while-true

structure again.

Note: To read a double, use: double number =


Exercise 23.2: Checking

Improve your program so that temperatures below -30 degrees or over

+40 degrees are ignored and not added to the graph.

Exercise 24: NHL statistics, part 2

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We will continue using the NHL component introduced earlier and create

a program that the user can use to query for statistics.

The program is structured similarly to the Calculator example program

above. The program body is as follows:

public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

Scanner reader = new Scanner(;

System.out.println("NHL statistics service");

while (true) {


System.out.print("command (points, goals, assists, penalties, player,

club, quit): ");

String command = reader.nextLine();

if (command.equals("quit")) {



if (command.equals("points")) {

// print the top ten playes sorted by points

} else if (command.equals("goals")) {

// print the top ten players sorted by goals

} else if (command.equals("assists")) {

// print the top ten players sorted by assists

} else if (command.equals("penalties")) {

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// print the top ten players sorted by penalties

} else if (command.equals("player")) {

// ask the user for the player name and print the statistics for that


} else if (command.equals("club")) {

// ask the user for the club abbreviation and print the statistics for

the club

// note: the statistics should be sorted by points

// (players with the most points are first)




The program asks the user to give commands and then executes the

operation that is associated with the given command. The commands are:

points, goals, assists, penalties, player, club, quit.

You should write code in the parts marked with comments.

Here is an example demonstrating the program in action:

NHL statistics service

command (points, goals, assists, penalties, player, club): assists

Henrik Sedin VAN 43 11 + 38= 49 36

Erik Karlsson OTT 43 6 + 35= 41 24

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Claude Giroux PHI 36 18 + 30= 48 16

Pavel Datsyuk DET 41 13 + 30= 43 10

Brian Campbell FLA 42 3 + 30= 33 4

Daniel Sedin VAN 42 18 + 29= 47 32

Jason Pominville BUF 41 14 + 29= 43 8

Nicklas Backstrom WSH 38 13 + 29= 42 22

Joffrey Lupul TOR 41 19 + 28= 47 36

Evgeni Malkin PIT 33 16 + 28= 44 30

command (points, goals, assists, penalties, player, club): player

which player: Jokinen

Olli Jokinen CGY 43 12 + 21= 33 32

Jussi Jokinen CAR 40 4 + 19= 23 30

command (points, goals, assists, penalties, player, club): club

which club: DET

Pavel Datsyuk DET 41 13 + 30= 43 10

Johan Franzen DET 41 16 + 20= 36 34

Valtteri Filppula DET 40 14 + 21= 35 10

Henrik Zetterberg DET 41 8 + 24= 32 14

// and more players

command (points, goals, assists, penalties, player, club): quit

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Note: When you first run the program, the execution might take a while

because the information is downloaded from the internet. Execution

should be quick after the first run.

Week 2

10. Changing variables

We usually want to change the value of an existing variable. This can be

done using the normal assignment statement. In the next example, we

increase the value of the variable age by one:

int age = 1;

System.out.println(age); // prints 1

age = age + 1; // the new value of age is the old value of age + 1

System.out.println(age); // prints 2

The age = age + 1 statement increments the value of the variable age by one.

It is also possible to increment a variable by one as bellow:

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int age = 1;

System.out.println(age); // prints 1

age++; // means the same as age = age + 1

System.out.println(age); // prints 2

Another example:

int length = 100;

System.out.println(length); // prints 100

length = length - 50;

System.out.println(length); // prints 50

length = length * 2;

System.out.println(length); // prints 100

length = length / 4;

System.out.println(length); // prints 25

length--; // means the same as length = length - 1;

System.out.println(length); // prints 24

Exercise 25: Sum of three numbers

Create a program that asks the user for three numbers and then prints

their sum. Use the following structure in your program:

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Scanner reader = new Scanner(;

int sum = 0;

int read;


// USE ONLY THE VARIABLES sum, reader AND read!

System.out.println("Sum: " + sum);

Type the first number: 3

Type the second number: 6

Type the third number: 12

Sum: 21

Exercise 26: Sum of many numbers

Create a program that reads numbers from the user and prints their sum.

The program should stop asking for numbers when user enters the

number 0. The program should be structured like this:

Scanner reader = new Scanner(;

int sum = 0;

while (true) {

int read = Integer.parseInt(reader.nextLine());

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if (read == 0) {




System.out.println("Sum now: " + sum);


System.out.println("Sum in the end: " + sum);

The program should work as follows:


Sum now: 3


Sum now: 5


Sum now: 6


Sum now: 7


Sum in the end: 7

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11. More loops

we have previously learned to use repetition using the while (true) loop,

which repeats commands until the break command is used.

The break command is not the only way to end a loop. A common structure

for a loop is while (condition), where the condition can be any statement

with a truth value. This means that the condition works exactly like

conditions in an if statements.

In the following example, we print the numbers 1, 2, …, 10. When the value

of the variable number increases above 10, the condition of the while

statement is no longer true and the loop ends.

int number = 1;

while (number < 11) {


number++; // number++ means the same as number = number + 1


The example above can be read "as long as the variable number is less than

11, print the variable and increment it by one".

Above, the variable number was incremented in each iteration of the loop.

Generally the change can be anything, meaning that the variable used in the

condition does not always need to be incremented. For example:

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int number = 1024;

while (number >= 1) {


number = number / 2;


A few programming-part1 tips

You can find all the NetBeans tips here.

Auto-completion of your code

If you have, for example, the variable String familyName; in your

code, you do not need to always write familyName. Try what happens

when you type in f and then press CTRL and space simultaneously.

You can also use auto-completion with commands like while by

typing in w and then CTRL + space.


Remember that you can get the text System.out.println("") by typing

sout and pressing the tab key (located to the left of the q key)

Complete the following exercises using the while statement:

Exercise 27: From one to a hundred

Create a program that prints the integers (whole numbers) from 1 to 100.

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The program output should be:




(many rows of numbers here)




Exercise 28: From hundred to one

Create a program that prints the integers (whole numbers) from 100 to 1.

The program output should be:




(many rows of numbers here)




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Tip: Assign the variable you use in the condition of the loop a initial value

of 100 and then subtract one on each iteration of the loop.

Exercise 29: Even numbers

Create a program that prints all even numbers between 2 and 100.




(many rows of numbers here)




Exercise 30: Up to a certain number

Create a program that prints all whole numbers from 1 to the number the

user enters.

Up to what number? 3




Up to what number? 5

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Tip: The number you read from the user now works as the upper limit in

the condition of the while statement. Remember that in Java a <= b means

a is less than or equal to b.

Exercise 31: Lower limit and upper limit

Create a program that asks the user for the first number and the last

number and then prints all numbers between those two.

First: 5

Last: 8





If the first number is greater than the last number, the program prints


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First: 16

Last: 12

Note: Remember that the lower and upper limits can also be negative!

11.1 Assignment operations

Because changing the value of a variable is a very common operation, Java

has special assignment operations for it.

int length = 100;

length += 10; // same as length = length + 10;

length -= 50; // same as length = length - 50;

When performing the assignment operation on an existing variable, it is

written as variable operation= change, for example variable += 5. Note that

a variable must be defined before you can assign a value to it. Defining a

variable is done by specifying the variable type and the name of the


The following example will not work because the type of the variable length

has not been defined.

length = length + 100; // error!

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length += 100; // error!

When the type is defined, the operations will also work.

int length = 0;

length = length + 100;

length += 100;

// the variable length now holds the value 200

There are also other assignment operations:

int length = 100;

length *= 10; // same as length = length * 10;

length /= 100; // same as length = length / 100;

length %= 3; // same as length = length % 3;

// the variable length now holds the value 1

Often during a loop, the value of a variable is calculated based on repetition.

The following program calculates 3*4 somewhat clumsily as the sum


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int result = 0;

int i = 0;

while (i < 4) {

result = result + 3;

i++; // means the same as i = i + 1;


In the beginning result = 0. During the loop, the value of the variable is

incremented by 3 on each iteration. Because there are 4 iterations, the value

of the variable is 3*4 in the end.

Using the assignment operator introduced above, we can achieve the same

behavior as follows:

int result = 0;

int i = 0;

while (i < 4) {

result += 3; // this is the same as result = result + 3;

i++; // means the same as i = i+1;


Exercise 32: The sum of a set of numbers

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Create a program that calculates the sum 1+2+3+…+n where n is a

number entered by the user.

Example outputs:

Until what? 3

Sum is 6

The calculation above was: 1+2+3 = 6.

Until what? 7

Sum is 28

The calculation above was: 1+2+3+4+5+6+7 = 28.

Hint: Create the program using the while statement. Use a helper variable

in your program to remember how many times the block has been

executed. Use also another helper variable to store the sum. During each

execution add the value of the helper variable that counts the executions

to the variable in which you should collect the sum.

Exercise 33: The sum between two numbers

Similar to the previous exercise, except that the program should ask for

both the lower and upper bound. You can assume that the users first gives

the smaller number and then the greater number.

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Example outputs:

First: 3

Last: 5

The sum 12

First: 2

Last: 8

The sum is 35

Exercise 34: Factorial

Create a program that calculates the factorial of the number n. The

factorial n! is calculated using the formula 1*2*3*...*n. For example 4! =

1*2*3*4 = 24. Additionally, it is defined that 0! = 1.

Example outputs:

Type a number: 3

Factorial is 6

Type a number: 10

Factorial is 3628800

Exercise 35: Sum of the powers

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Create a program that calculates the sum of 20+21+22+...+2n, where n is a

number entered by the user. The notation 2i means raising the number 2

to the power of i, for example 24 = 2*2*2*2 = 16. In Java we cannot write

ab directly, but instead we can calculate the power with the command

Math.pow(number, power). Note that the command returns a number of

double type (i.e. floating point number). A double can be converted into

the int type (i.e. whole number) as follows: int result = (int)Math.pow(2,

3). This assigns the value of 23 to variable result.

Example outputs:

Type a number: 3

The result is 15

Type a number: 7

The result is 255

11.2 Infinite loops

One of the classic errors in programming is to accidentally create an infinite

loop. In the next example we try to print "Never again shall I program an

eternal loop!" 10 times:

int i = 0;

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while (i < 10) {

System.out.println("Never again shall I program an eternal loop!");


The variable i, which determines is supposed to index the loops, is initially

set to 0. The block is looped as long as the condition i < 10 is true. But

something funny happens. Because the value of the variable i is never

changed, the condition stays true forever.

11.3 Ending a while loop

So far, we have used the while loop with a structure similar to this:

int i = 1;

while (i < 10) {

// Some code.



With the structure above, the variable i remembers the number of times the

the loop has been executed. The condition to end the loop is based on

comparing the value of i.

Let us now recall how a while loop is stopped. Ending a while loop does not

always need to be based on the amount of loops. The next example program

asks for the user's age. If the given age is not in the range 5-85, the program

prints a message and asks for the user's age again. As you can see, the

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condition for the while loop can be any expression that results in a boolean

(truth value).

System.out.println("Type your age: ");

int age = Integer.parseInt(reader.nextLine());

while (age < 5 || age > 85) { // age less than 5 OR greater than 85

System.out.println("You are lying!");

if (age < 5) {

System.out.println("You are so young that you cannot know how to


} else if (age > 85) {

System.out.println("You are so old that you cannot know how to use a



System.out.println("Type your age again: ");

age = Integer.parseInt(reader.nextLine();


System.out.println("Your age is " + age);

The program could also have been implemented using the good old while

(true) structure:

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System.out.println("Type your age ");

int age;

while (true) {

age = Integer.parseInt(reader.nextLine());

if (age >= 5 && age <= 85) { // age between 5 AND 85

break; // end the loop


System.out.println("You are lying!");

if (age < 5) {

System.out.println("You are so young that you cannot know how to


} else { // that means age is over 85

System.out.println("You are so old that you cannot know how to use a



System.out.println("Type your age again: ");


System.out.println("Your age is " + age);

Exercise 36: Loops, ending and remembering

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This set of exercises will form one larger program when put together. We

create the program by adding features exercise by exercise. If you do not

finish all the exercises you can still send them to be reviewed by the

exercise robot. To do that, click the "submit" button, which has a picture

of an arrow and is located on the right of the testing button. Even though

the exercise robot complains about tests in the incomplete exercises, you

will still get points for the parts you have completed.

Note: from now on every sub-exercise of a larger exercise (like 36.1) has

the same value as an exercise without sub-exercises. It means that

exercise 36 as a whole corresponds to five normal exercises.

Exercise 36.1: Reading numbers

Create a program that asks the user to input numbers (integers). The

program prints "Type numbers” until the user types the number -1. When

the user types the number -1, the program prints "Thank you and see you

later!" and ends.

Type numbers:





Thank you and see you later!

Exercise 36.2: The sum of the numbers

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Develop your number reading program by adding the following feature:

the program should print the sum of the numbers entered by the user

(without the number -1).

Type numbers:





Thank you and see you later!

The sum is 11

Exercise 36.3: Summing and counting the numbers

Develop your number reading and summing program by adding the

following feature: the program should print how many numbers the user

typed (without the number -1).

Type numbers:





Thank you and see you later!

The sum is 11

How many numbers: 3

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Exercise 36.4: Counting the average

Develop your number reading, summing and counting program by adding

the following feature: the program should print the average of the

numbers the user typed (without the number -1).

Type numbers:





Thank you and see you later!

The sum is 11

How many numbers: 3

Average: 3.666666666666

Exercise 36.5: Even and odd numbers

Develop your program by adding the following feature: the program

should print the number of even and odd numbers that the user typed

(without the number -1).

Type numbers:



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Thank you and see you later!

The sum is 11

How many numbers: 3

Average: 3.666666666666

Even numbers: 2

Odd numbers: 1

Note: creating a program in small steps

In these exercises we actually created one single program, but

programming happened in very small steps. This is ALWAYS the preferred

way to program.

When you are programming something, no matter if it is an exercise or a

project of your own, it is advised to do it in very tiny pieces. Do not ever try

to solve the whole problem in one go. Start with something easy, something

you know that you can do. In this recent set of exercises, for example, we

focused first on stopping the program when the user types -1. When one

part of the program is complete and working, we can move on to work out

the solution for the next sub-problem of the big main problem.

Some of the exercises in this course are sliced into smaller pieces like the

set of exercises we just introduced. Usually the pieces need to be sliced

again into smaller pieces depending on the problem. It is advised that you

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execute the whole program after almost every new line of code you write.

This enables you to be sure that your solution is going in the right and

working direction.

12. Methods

We have so far used many different commands of Java: assignment,

calculations, comparison, if structures and while structures. We have been

using a "command" System.out.println() to print text. We can also count the

maximum of two numbers with the help of the "command" Math.max(). We

are also familiar with reader.nextLine(), usually seen together with


If we take a closer look, we notice that those commands differ from if and

while (etc). The first difference is that after the command there are brackets

() and sometimes an input for the command inside those brackets. Actually,

the commands ending with brackets are not called commands, but


Technically speaking, a method is a piece of code that can be called from

different places of the program code. The line of code System.out.println("I

am a parameter given to the method!") means that we call a method that

actually handles the printing. After the method has been executed we go

back to where we called the method, and continue executing. The input

given to the method inside the brackets is called a method parameter.

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In addition to a parameter, the method can also have a return value, for

example, a familiar line of code:

int number = Integer.parseInt( reader.nextLine() );

includes two method calls. First the inner method reader.nextLine is called.

That method has the integer typed by the user as a return value. Next the

outer method Integer.parseInt is called. As a parameter for that method

there is the string of characters that was received from the reader.nextLine

method as a return value. The return value for the method Integer.parseInt

is the string of characters transformed into an integer (whole number).

Method names also seem to include a dot, for example reader.nextLine().

Actually the method name starts after the dot, here it is nextLine(). The first

part of the command that comes before the dot shows whose method is in

question. Here the method belongs to the reader, which means that we have

the reader's method nextLine. Later we will learn more precisely about the

owner of the method (or the name on the left side of the dot). An attentive

reader will notice that the method System.out.println() has two dots. Here,

the method name is println and System.out is the owner of the method.

Roughly System.out means the computer monitor.

This far we have been using ready-made methods from Java libraries. Next

we will learn how to create our own methods.

13. Self-written methods

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This far we have been using a programming style where code is written

(and read and executed) from top to bottom.

It was mentioned before that "a method is a piece of code that can be called

from different places of the program code". Ready-made methods of Java

have been used since our very first program.

In addition to using these ready-made methods programmers can write

their own methods for programs to call. In the real world, it is really

exceptional if the program does not include any self-written methods. From

now on almost every program we create during this course will include self-

written methods.

The methods are written in the program body outside the main's braces ( {

and } ) but still inside the outermost braces, for example like this: :

import java.util.Scanner;

public class ProgramBody {

public static void main(String[] args) {

Scanner reader = new Scanner(;

// program code


// self-written methods


Let us create a method greet.

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public static void greet() {

System.out.println("Greetings from the world of methods!");


And let us place it in the right spot.

import java.util.Scanner;

public class ProgramBody {

public static void main(String[] args) {

Scanner reader = new Scanner(;

// program code


// self-written methods

public static void greet() {

System.out.println("Greetings from the world of methods!");



In order to define a new method we need to write two things. In the first

row of the method definition, you will find the name of the method, in this

case greet. On the left side of the name you will find the definitions public

static void. On the next line, the code block marked by the braces ({ and }).

Inside it, the method's code, or the commands that will be executed when

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the method is called. Our method greet only writes one line of text to the


It is easy to call a self-written method. It happens by writing the method

name, brackets () and a semicolon. In the next example main (or the main

program) calls for our method, first once and then several times.

import java.util.Scanner;

public class ProgramBody {

public static void main(String[] args) {

Scanner reader = new Scanner(;

// program code

System.out.println("Let us try if we can get to the method world:");


System.out.println("It seems like we can, let us try again:");





// self-written methods

public static void greet() {

System.out.println("Greetings from the world of methods!");

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When the program is executed, we see the following output:

Let us try if we can get to the method world:

Greetings from the world of methods!

It seems like we can, let us try again:

Greetings from the world of methods!

Greetings from the world of methods!

Greetings from the world of methods!

What is noteworthy here is the execution order of the program code. The

execution starts with the main program's (or main's) lines of code, from top

to bottom, one by one. When the line of code to be executed happens to be a

method call, the lines of code in the method block are executed again one by

one. When the method block ends, the execution continues from the place

where the method was called. To be exact, the execution continues from the

next line after the original method call.

To be even more exact, the main program is also a method. When the

program starts, the operation system calls for the main method. That means

that the main method is the starting point of the program and the execution

starts from the first code line of main. The program execution ends when it

reaches the end of main.

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From now on when we introduce methods, we will not point out that they

need to be written in the right place inside the program code. For example,

a method cannot be defined inside another method.

Exercise 37: Printing out text

Create a method printText that prints the following string of characters:

"In the beginning there were the swamp, the hoe and Java." and a line


public static void main(String[] args) {



public static void printText() {

// write your code here


The program output:

In the beginning there were the swamp, the hoe and Java.

Exercise 38: Many prints

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Develop the program by adding the following feature: the main program

should ask the user how many times the text should be printed (meaning

how many times the method is called).

public static void main(String[] args) {

// ask the user how many times the text should be printed

// use the while structure to call the printText method several times


public static void printText() {

// write your code here


The program output:

How many?


In the beginning there were the swamp, the hoe and Java.

In the beginning there were the swamp, the hoe and Java.

In the beginning there were the swamp, the hoe and Java.

In the beginning there were the swamp, the hoe and Java.

In the beginning there were the swamp, the hoe and Java.

In the beginning there were the swamp, the hoe and Java.

In the beginning there were the swamp, the hoe and Java.

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Note: you should print the assisting question How many? on its own line!

13.1 Method parameters

We can make our methods more useful by giving it parameters! Parameters

are variables that we define inside brackets in the first line, just after the

method name. When the method is called, the parameters are assigned


In the next example we define a method with a parameter, its name will be

greet and its parameter will be a variable of the type String called name.

public static void greet(String name) {

System.out.println("Hi " + name + ", greetings from the world of



Let us next call the greet method so that on the first try we give its

parameter the value Matt and on the second try Arthur.

public static void main(String[] args) {




Hi Matt, greetings from the world of methods!

Hi Arthur, greetings from the world of methods!

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More complicated expressions can also be used as a parameter for our self-

written methods, the same way we used them together with the ready-

made System.out.println() method.

public static void main(String[] args) {

String name1 = "Anne";

String name2 = "Green";

greet( name1 + " " + name2 );

int age = 24;

greet("John " + age + " years");


Hi Anne Green, greetings from the world of methods!

Hi John 24 years, greetings from the world of methods!

In both cases the method has only one parameter. The value for the

parameter is calculated before calling the method. In the first case the

parameter value comes from the String concatenation (a cool word that

means putting the text together) name1 + " " + name2. The value for the

concatenation is Anne Green. In the second case we get the parameter value

from the String concatenation "John " + age + " years".

13.2 Many parameters

A method can be defined to have more than one parameter. In this case, the

parameters are always listed in the same order.

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public static void greet(String name, String greetingsFrom) {

System.out.println("Hi " + name + ", greetings from " + greetingsFrom);


String who = "Matt";

String greetings = "Alabama";

greet(who, greetings);

greet(who, greetings + " from Nevada");

In the last greet function (or method) call the second parameter is formed

by concatenating (or adding) the text “from Nevada” to the variable

greetings. This is done before the actual function call.

Hi Matt, greetings from Alabama

Hi Matt, greetings from Alabama from Nevada

13.3 Method calling another method

Methods can also be called outside of main. Methods can call each other! Let

us create a method greetManyTimes that greets the user many times getting

assistance from the method greet:

public static void greet(String name) {

System.out.println("Hi " + name + ", greetings from the world of


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public static void greetManyTimes(String name, int times) {

int i = 0;

while ( i < times ) {





public static void main(String[] args) {

greetManyTimes("Anthony", 3);


greetManyTimes("Martin", 2);



Hi Anthony, greetings from the world of methods!

Hi Anthony, greetings from the world of methods!

Hi Anthony, greetings from the world of methods!


Hi Martin, greetings from the world of methods!

Hi Martin, greetings from the world of methods!

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Exercise 39: Printing

Exercise 39.1: Printing stars

Create a method printStars that prints the given amount of stars and a

line break.

Create the method in the following body:

private static void printStars(int amount) {

// you can print one star with the command

// System.out.print("*");

// call this command amount times


public static void main(String[] args) {





The program output:




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Note: you can return exercises that contain many parts to the exercise

robot even though you are not finished with all parts. In that case, the

robot complains about tests in the unfinished parts of the exercise, but

gives you points for all tests that pass.

Exercise 39.2: Printing a square

Create a method printSquare(int sideSize) that prints a square using our

previous method printStars. The method call printSquare(4), for example,

prints the following:





Note: in order to complete the exercise it is not enough that the outprint

looks good. Inside the printSquare method the printing must be done

using the printStars method.

When you are in the middle of making your program, you should verify

the correctness of your methods by writing some test code into your main


Exercise 39.3: Printing a rectangle

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Create a method printRectangle(int width, int height) that prints a

rectangle using the printStars method. The call printRectangle(17,3), for

example, has the following output:




Exercise 39.4: Printing a left-aligned triangle

Create the method printTriangle(int size) that prints a triangle using the

printStars method. The method call printTriangle(4), for example, has the

following output:





Exercise 40: Printing Like A Boss

Exercise 40.1: Printing stars and whitespaces

Create a method printWhitespaces(int size) that prints the given amount

of whitespaces. Them method should not print a line break.

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Reimplement or copy the method printStars(int size) from the previous


Exercise 40.2: Printing a right-aligned triangle

Create the method printTriangle(int size) that prints a triangle using the

mehtods printWhitespaces and printStars. Note: do not print anything in

the method itself, just call the helper methods to do the actual printing.

For example, the method call printTriangle(4) has the following output:





Exercise 40.3: Printing a Christmas tree

Create the method xmasTree(int height) that prints a Christmas tree

using the mehtods printWhitespaces and printStars. A Christmas tree

consists of a triangle of given height and a stand. The stand is two stars

tall and three stars wide and it is located in the center of the bottom of the

triangle. Note: do not print anything in the method itself, just call the

helper methods to do the actual printing.

The method call xmasTree(4), for example, has the following output:


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The method call xmasTree(10) has the following output:













Second note: You don't need to worry about heights below 3!

Exercise 41: Guessing a number game

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In this exercise the following game is created:

Guess a number: 73

The number is lesser, guesses made: 1

Guess a number: 22

The number is greater, guesses made: 2

Guess a number: 51

The number is greater, guesses made: 3

Guess a number: 62

The number is greater, guesses made: 4

Guess a number: 68

The number is greater, guesses made: 5

Guess a number: 71

The number is lesser, guesses made: 6

Guess a number: 70

Congratulations, your guess is correct!

Exercise 41.1: Guessing a number

The program that comes with the exercise contains a command called

drawNumber. It draws a number, which is in the range 0 to 100 (both 0

and 100 are possible). Create a program that draws a number. Then the

user has the chance to guess once, what the number is. The program

should to print "The number is lesser", "The number is greater" or

"Congratulations, your guess is correct!" depending on the number the

user typed.

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Guess a number: 12

The number is greater

Guess a number: 66

The number is lesser

Guess a number: 42

Congratulations, your guess is correct!

Exercise 41.2: Repeated guessing

Develop your program by adding the following functionality: the guessing

should be made repeatedly until the user types the right number. Note

that you need to draw the number by using the drawNumber command

before the repetition. Why? What happens if you draw the number inside

the repetition?

In the example below, the command call drawNumber returned the value


Guess a number: 55

The number is greater

Guess a number: 85

The number is lesser

Guess a number: 77

The number is greater

Guess a number: 81

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The number is greater

Guess a number: 83

Congratulations, your guess is correct!

Exercise 41.3: Counting the guesses

Develop your program by adding the following functionality: the program

needs to include a variable of type int, which is used to count the guesses

the user has made. The program should always print the number of

guesses along with the answer.

Guess a number: 55

The number is greater, guesses made: 1

Guess a number: 85

The number is lesser, guesses made: 2

Guess a number: 77

The number is greater, guesses made: 3

Guess a number: 81

The number is greater, guesses made: 4

Guess a number: 83

Congratulations, your guess is correct!

Exercise 42: A text-based user interface for the Hangman game

Your friend has programmed a Hangman game for you, but the game lacks

the user inferface. The Hangman has the following methods:

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Shows if the game is on


Prints the game status. Shows how many guesses have been made and

the letters that have not been used yet.


Prints the word the user tries to guess. The letters that have not been

guessed yet are hidden as question marks, like "v?ri?ble".


Prints the Hangman.

hangman.guess(String letter)

Guesses the letter that is given as a parameter.

You will get a program body from the exercise robot. It already contains

some functionalities:

Scanner reader = new Scanner(;

Hangman hangman = new Hangman();


System.out.println("* Hangman *");




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System.out.println("Thank you for playing!");

In addition to the program body, you will get the method called


public static void printMenu() {

System.out.println(" * menu *");

System.out.println("quit - quits the game");

System.out.println("status - prints the game status");

System.out.println("a single letter uses the letter as a guess");

System.out.println("an empty line prints this menu");


The exercise is completed in small steps.

Exercise 42.1: Loops and ending loops

Create a loop in the program that works as a base for the rest of the user

interface. Ask the user to submit the command inside the loop. If the

command is "quit", break the loop.

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Use the command hangman.gameOn as the condition for the while

structure. The loop should look like:

while (hangman.gameOn()) {

String command = reader.nextLine();

// ...


In the next set (week) of exercises, we will find out what this peculiar-

looking condition for ending the loop is about.

This far the program should produce the following output:


* Hangman *


* menu *

quit - quits the game

status - prints the game status

a single letter uses the letter as a guess

an empty line prints this menu

Type a command:

do not quit

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Type a command:


Thank you for playing!

Exercise 42.2: Printing the status

If the user gives the command "status", print the status using the method



* Hangman *


* menu *

quit - quits the game

status - prints the game status

a single letter uses the letter as a guess

an empty line prints this menu

Type a command:


You have not made any guesses yet.

Unused letters: abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz

Type a command:

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Thank you for playing!

Exercise 42.3: Making a guess

If the user types in a single letter as a command, use it to make a guess.

Guessing a letter occurs in the method hangman.guess(command). The

guessing command has its own printing functionality, which it uses to

print more information about the guess.

Hint: finding out if the command is a single letter is done as follows:

String command = reader.nextLine();

if(command.length() == 1) { // command has only one letter, so it must

be a guess




Type a command:


The letter a is not in the word.

Type a command:


The letter b is not in the word.

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Type a command:


The letter c was found in the word!

Type a command:


Thank you for playing!

Exercise 42.4: Printing out the menu

If the user types an empty string of characters, meaning a string that has

zero length, you need to call the method printMenu. Note that the method

printMenu is not in the Hangman game but in your own program.

Note: checking if the string is empty is done as follows:

String winnie = "the pooh";

if(winnie.isEmpty()) {

System.out.println("String was empty");

} else {

System.out.println("I found something!");


Exercise 42.5: Printing the man and the word

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If the user has not typed the command quit, you should call the Hangman

game commands hangman.printMan() and hangman.printWord() at the

end of the loop.


Type a command:


The letter a is not in the word.







Word to be guessed: ????

Type a command:


The letter m was found in the word!







Word to be guessed: m???

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Type a command:


Thank you for playing!

Week 3

14. More about methods

14.1 Methods and visibility of variables

Let us try to change from within a method the value of a variable located in

the main program.

// main program

public static void main(String[] args) {

int number = 1;



// method

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public static void addThree() {

number = number + 3;


Unfortunately this program will not work, because the method cannot "see"

the variable number located in the main program.

This holds generally. Variables defined in the main program are not visible

for other methods. Also, the other way is similar: variables defined in

methods are not visible for other methods or the main program. The only

way to give information to a method from the outside is to use parameters.

// main program

public static void main(String[] args) {

int number = 1;

System.out.println("Main program variable number holds the value: " +



System.out.println("Main program variable number holds the value: " +



// method

public static void addThree(int number) {

System.out.println("Method parameter number holds the value: " +


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number = number + 3;

System.out.println("Method parameter number holds the value: " +



In the program above the method addThree has a parameter called number.

This parameter is copied (duplicated) for the method to use. When the

program above is executed we see the following output:

Main program variable number holds the value: 1

Method parameter number holds the value: 1

Method parameter number holds the value: 4

Main program variable number holds the value: 1

The number we gave as a parameter to the method was copied for the

method to use. If we would like the main program to be able to use the new

value generated by the method, the method needs to return that value.

14.2 Return values

A method can return a value. In the examples above, methods have not been

returning anything. This is expressed by writing void in the first line of the

method, just before it's name.

public static void addThree() {


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When defining a method that returns a value, we also have to define the

type of the return value. We can define the type of the return value by

writing it just before the name of the method. Next, we have a method that

always returns the number 10 (type int). Returning a value is accomplished

with the command return:

public static int alwaysReturnTen() {

return 10;


If we want to use the returned value later, we have to catch the return value

and store it into a variable:

public static void main(String[] args) {

int number = alwaysReturnTen();

System.out.println( "method returned the number " + number );


The return value of the method is assigned to a variable of type int just like

any other integer. The return value can also be a part of a sentence:

double number = 4 * alwaysReturnTen() + (alwaysReturnTen() / 2) - 8;

System.out.println( "calculation total " + number );

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Every variable type we have seen this far can be used as a return value:

public static void methodThatReturnsNothing() {

// method body


public static int methodThatReturnsInteger() {

// method body, needs a return statement


public static String methodThatReturnsText() {

// method body, needs a return statement


public static double methodThatReturnsFloatingpoint() {

// method body, needs a return statement


If the method is defined to have a return value, it also has to return a value.

The following method is incorrect:

public static String wrongMethod() {

System.out.println("I tell you that I will return a String but I do not!");


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In the following example, we define a method for calculating a sum. Then,

we use the method to calculate 2 + 7. The return value (returned after the

method call) is assigned to a variable called sumNumbers.

public static int sum(int first, int second) {

return first + second;


Method call:

int sumNumbers = sum(2, 7);

// sumNumbers now holds the value 9

Let us expand the example program so that the user types the numbers.

public static void main(String[] args) {

Scanner reader = new Scanner(;

System.out.print("Type the first number: ");

int first = Integer.parseInt( reader.nextLine() );

System.out.print("Type the second number: ");

int second = Integer.parseInt( reader.nextLine() );

System.out.print("Total: " + sum(first,second) );


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public static int sum(int first, int second) {

return first + second;


As we can see, the return value of the method does not always need to be

assigned to a variable. It can also act as a part of the printing command just

like any other integer value.

In the next example, we call the method sum using integers that we get as

return values from the method sum.

int first = 3;

int second = 2;

sum(sum(1, 2), sum(first, second));

// 1) the inner methods are executed:

// sum(1, 2) = 3 and sum(first, second) = 5

// 2) the outer method is executed:

// sum(3, 5) = 8

14.3 The method's own variables

The following method calculates the average of the numbers the method

gets as parameters. The method uses helper variables sum and average. The

method's own variables can be introduced just like any other variables.

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public static double average(int number1, int number2, int number3) {

int sum = number1 + number2 + number3;

double average = sum / 3.0;

return average;


Exercise 43: Sum of numbers

Create the method sum that calculates the sum of numbers the method

receives as parameters.

Place the method in the following program body:

public static int sum(int number1, int number2, int number3, int

number4) {

// write program code here

// remember that the method needs a return in the end


public static void main(String[] args) {

int answer = sum(4, 3, 6, 1);

System.out.println("sum: " + answer);


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Example output:

sum: 14

Note: if an exercise involves a method returning something, it means that

the return type needs to be defined for the method, and that the method

needs to return a value of that type using the return command. In this

case, the method does not print (or use the command

System.out.println(..)), the method caller handles printing, here, the main


Exercise 44: Least

Create the method least, which returns the least of the numbers given as

parameters. If the parameters are equal, you can decide which one is


public static int least(int number1, int number2) {

// write program code here

// do not print anything inside the method

// method needs a return in the end


public static void main(String[] args) {

int answer = least(2, 7);

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System.out.println("Least: " + answer);


Example output:

Least: 2

Exercise 45: Greatest

Create the method greatest, which gets three integers as parameters and

then returns the greatest of them. If there are several parameters that are

equally great, you can decide which one is returned. Printing should be

done in the main program.

public static int greatest(int number1, int number2, int number3) {

// write your code here


public static void main(String[] args) {

int answer = greatest(2, 7, 3);

System.out.println("Greatest: " + answer);


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Example output:

Greatest: 7

Exercise 46: Average of given numbers

Create the method average, which calculates the average of the numbers

it gets as parameters. Inside the method you should use the method sum

as a helper!

Place the method in the following program body:

public static double average(int number1, int number2, int number3, int

number4) {

// write your code here


public static void main(String[] args) {

double answer = average(4, 3, 6, 1);

System.out.println("average: " + answer);


Program output:

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average: 3.5

Make sure you remember how you can transform a whole number (int)

into a decimal number (double)!

15. Strings of characters

In this section, we take a closer look at strings of characters in Java, which

are called Strings. We have already used variables of String type when

printing, and learned how to compare Strings. Comparing two strings is

performed by calling the equals() method of the string.

String animal = "Dog";

if( animal.equals("Dog") ) {

System.out.println(animal + " says bow-wow");

} else if ( animal.equals("Cat") ) {

System.out.println(cat + " says meow meow");


It is possible to ask the string how many characters long it is by writing

.length() after it's name. In other words, we are calling its length() method.

String banana = "banana";

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String cucumber = "cucumber";

String together = banana + cucumber;

System.out.println("The length of banana is " + banana.length());

System.out.println("The length of cucumber is " + cucumber.length());

System.out.println("The word " + together + " length is " +


In the above code, the method length() is called for three different strings.

The call banana.length() calls only the method that gives the length of the

string banana, while cucumber.length() calls the method that gives the

length of the string cucumber etc. The left part before the dot says whose

method is called.

Java has a special data type, called char, to be used for characters. A char

variable can store only one character. A string variable can return a

character from a specific location in itself with the method charAt() that

uses the index of the location as a parameter. Note that counting the index

of the character starts from zero!

String word = "Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious";

char character = word.charAt(3);

System.out.println("The 4th character of the word is " + character);

//prints "e"

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The characters in a string are numbered (indexed) starting from 0. This

means that we can reach the last character in a string with number (or

index) "the length of the word minus one", or word.charAt(word.length()-

1). The following example will make the program crash, because we are

trying to get a character from an index that does not exist.

char character = word.charAt(word.length());

A tip for using NetBeans

You can find all the NetBeans tips here


Variables, methods and classes (we will learn about these in the next

set) need to have descriptive names. Often, a name is not that

describing and needs to be changed. In NetBeans, it is really easy to

rename things. Just select and "paint" the name you want to change

with the mouse. Then press ctrl and r simultaneously, and write the

new name.

Exercise 47: The length of a name

Create a program that asks for the user's name and says how many

characters the name contains.

Type your name: Paul

Number of characters: 4

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Type your name: Catherine

Number of characters: 9

Note!Your program should be structured so that you put the calculating

of the name length in it's own method: public static int

calculateCharacters(String text). The tests will be testing both the method

calculateCharacters and the program overall.

Exercise 48: First character

Create a program that asks for the user's name and gives the first


Type your name: Paul

First character: P

Type your name: Catherine

First character: C

Note! Your program should be structured so that you put the search for

the first character in its own method: public static char

firstCharacter(String text). The tests will be testing both the method

firstCharacter and the program overall

Exercise 49: Last character

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Create a program that asks for the user's name and gives the last


Type your name: Paul

Last character: l

Type your name: Catherine

Last character: e

Note! Your program should be structured so that you put the search for

the last character in its own method: public static char

lastCharacter(String text). The tests will be testing both the method

lastCharacter and the program overall.

Exercise 50: Separating first characters

Create a program that asks for the user's name and gives its first, second

and third characters separately. If the name length is less than three, the

program prints nothing. You do not need to create methods in this


Type your name: Paul

1. character: P

2. character: a

3. character: u

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Type your name: me

Note: watch closely at the output in this and the following exercise. The

print needs to contain a space after the dot and the colon!

Exercise 51: Separating characters

Create a program that asks for the user's name and gives its characters

separately. You do not need to create methods in this exercise.

Type your name: Paul

1. character: P

2. character: a

3. character: u

4. character: l

Hint: using a while loop helps in this exercise!

Type your name: Catherine

1. character: C

2. character: a

3. character: t

4. character: h

5. character: e

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6. character: r

7. character: i

8. character: n

9. character: e

Exercise 52: Reversing a name

Create a program that asks for the user's name and prints it in reverse

order. You do not need to create a separate method for this.

Type your name: Paul

In reverse order: luaP

Type your name: Catherine

In reverse order: enirehtaC

Hint: You can print one character using the command


15.1 Other methods for strings

We often want to read only a specific part of a string. A method in the String

class called substring makes this possible. It can be used in two ways:

String word = "Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious";

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System.out.println(word.substring(14)); //prints "listicexpialidocious"

System.out.println(word.substring(9,20)); //prints "fragilistic"

We can store the return value in a variable, because the return value of the

substring method is of type String.

String book = "Mary Poppins";

String endpart = book.substring(5);

System.out.println("Harry " + endpart); // prints "Harry Poppins"

Methods in the String class also make it possible to search for a specific

word in text. For example, the word "or" can be found in the word "Horse".

A method called indexOf() searches for the word given as a parameter in a

string. If the word is found, it returns the starting index (location),

remember that the numbering starts from 0 of the word. If the word is not

found, the method returns the value -1.

String word = "aesthetically";

int index = word.indexOf("tic"); // index value will be 6

System.out.println(word.substring(index)); //prints "tically"

index = word.indexOf("ally"); //index value will be 9

System.out.println(word.substring(index)); //prints "ally"

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index = word.indexOf("book"); // string "aesthetically" does not include


System.out.println(index); //prints -1

System.out.println(word.substring(index)); //error!

Exercise 53: First part

Create a program that prints the first part of a word. The program asks

the user for the word and the length of the first part. Use the substring

method in your program.

Type a word: example

Length of the first part: 4

Result: exam

Type a word: example

Length of the first part: 6

Result: exampl

Exercise 54: The end part

Create a program that prints the end part of a word. The program asks the

user for the word and the length of the end part. Use the substring

method in your program.

Type a word: example

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Length of the end part: 4

Result: mple

Type a word: example

Length of the end part: 6

Result: xample

Exercise 55: A word inside a word

Create a program that asks the user for two words. Then the program tells

if the second word is included in the first word. Use String method

indexOf in your program.

Type the first word: glitter

Type the second word: litter

The word 'litter' is found in the word 'glitter'.

Type the first word: glitter

Type the second word: clean

The word 'clean' is not found in the word 'glitter'.

Note: Make your program outputs (prints) match exactly the example


Exercise 56: Reversing text

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Create the method reverse that puts the given string in reversed order.

Use the following program body for the method:

public static String reverse(String text) {

// write your code here


public static void main(String[] args) {

System.out.print("Type in your text: ");

String text = reader.nextLine();

System.out.println("In reverse order: " + reverse(text));


Hint: you probably need to build the reversed string character by

character in your method. You can use a String-type variable as a helper

during the building process. In the beginning, the helper variable should

have an empty string of characters as a value. After this, new characters

are added to the string one by one.

String help = "";

// ...

// adding a character to the help variable

help = help + character;

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Program output:

Type a text: example


16. Object

Strings and integers have some differences. Integers are "just values", they

can be used in calculations and they can be printed on the screen:

int x = 1;

int y = 2;

y = 3*x;

System.out.println( "value of y now: " + y );

Strings are a bit "cleverer" and for example know how long they are:

String word1 = "Programming";

String word2 = "Java";

System.out.println( "String "+ word1 +" length: " + word1.length() );

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System.out.println( "String "+ word2 +" length: " + word2.length() );

Program output:

String Programming length: 11

String Java length: 4

We can determine the length by calling the String method length(). Strings

have other methods as well. Integers (or whole numbers, variables of type

int) have no methods at all. They do not "know" anything.

Strings are objects, or "something that has methods and a value". Later we

will see many other objects as well.

As we can see in the previous example, an object's methods are called by

adding a dot and a method call after the name of the object:

word1.length() // String object's name is word1 and its method length()

is called

word2.length() // String object's name is word2 and its method length()

is called

The method call is made explicitly to the object. In the above example, we

have two objects and first we call the length() method of the String object

word1 and then do the same for the object word2.

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Our old friend reader is also an object:

Scanner reader = new Scanner(;

Even though readers and strings are both objects, they are not very similar.

For example, readers (Scanners) have the nextLine() method, but Strings do

not. In the Java programming language, objects must be "born", in other words

created with the new command. Strings are objects that make an exception to

this rule! -- There are two ways to create a String object:

String banana = new String("Banana");

String carrot = "carrot";

Both of the commands above create a new String object. Using the new

command when creating a String objects is uncommon.

The object's "type" is called a class. The class of a string of characters is

called String and the class of readers is called Scanner. Later we learn much

more about classes and objects.

17. ArrayList or an "object container"

Often during programming, we would like to keep many different strings in

memory. A very bad idea would be to define a variable for each of them: :

String word1;

String word2;

String word3;

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// ...

String word10;

This would be such a good-for-nothing solution that it does not almost need

an explanation -- think of this approach for a word count of 100 or 1000!

Just like other modern programming languages, Java gives us different tools

to store many objects neatly in our programs. Now, we take a closer look at

ArrayList, which is probably the most used object container in Java.

The following lines of code make use of an ArrayList that holds specifically

objects of type String. A couple of strings are stored into the list.

import java.util.ArrayList;

public class ListProgram {

public static void main(String[] args) {

ArrayList<String> wordList = new ArrayList<String>();





In the above main program method, the first row creates a new ArrayList

called wordList, which can be used as a container for String variables. The

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type of the ArrayList is ArrayList<String>, which means that the ArrayList is

meant for storing Strings. The list is created using the command new


Note: to make the ArrayList work, we must first write an import statement

at the beginning of the program either import java.util.ArrayList; or import


When the list is created, two strings are added by calling the list method

add. The list will not run out of space, so theoretically the list can contain

any amount of Strings (as long as they fit in the computer's memory).

Internally an ArrayList is -- as its name suggests -- a list. The added strings

automatically go to the end of the ArrayList.

17.1 Methods of ArrayLists

ArrayList provides us with many useful methods:

public static void main(String[] args) {

ArrayList<String> teachers = new ArrayList<String>();







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System.out.println("the number of teachers " + teachers.size() );

System.out.println("first teacher on the list " + teachers.get(0));

System.out.println("third teacher on the list " + teachers.get(2));


if (teachers.contains("Barto")) {

System.out.println("Barto is on the teachers list");

} else {

System.out.println("Barto is not on the teachers list");



First a list of strings is created and then 6 names added to it. size tells us the

amount of strings in the list. Note: when the method is called, the call

should have the following format: teachers.size(). First comes the name of

the object, then follows a dot followed by the name of the method.

The strings will be in the list in the order in which they were added to it. By

calling the method get(i), we get the value from the index (location) i in the

list. The indexing of items in the list starts from 0. This means that the first

added string is located at index 0, the second at index 1, and so on.

We can remove strings from lists through the method remove. The method

can be used in two ways. First, remove("characters") removes the string

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given as a parameter. Second, remove(3) removes the 4th String from the


At the end of the example, the method contains is called. This method is

used for asking the list if it contains the string given as a parameter. If it

does, the method returns the value true.

Program output:

the number of teachers 6

first teacher on the list Anthony

third teacher on the list Paul

Barto is not on the teachers list

Note! The methods remove and contains assume that the objects stored in

the ArrayList do have an equals method. We will get back to this later in the


17.2 Going through an ArrayList

In the following example 4 names are added to the list. Then the whole list

is printed:

public static void main(String[] args) {

ArrayList<String> teachers = new ArrayList<String>();


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System.out.println( teachers.get(0) );

System.out.println( teachers.get(1) );

System.out.println( teachers.get(2) );

System.out.println( teachers.get(3) );


This solution works, but is really clumsy. What if there were more items in

the list? Or less? What if we would not know how many items there are?

First, we create a temporary version:

public static void main(String[] args) {

ArrayList<String> teachers = new ArrayList<String>();






int place = 0;

System.out.println( teachers.get(place) );

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System.out.println( teachers.get(place) ); // place = 1


System.out.println( teachers.get(place) ); // place = 2


System.out.println( teachers.get(place) ); // place = 3


Using our old friend the while command, we can increment the variable

place by one until it gets too big:

public static void main(String[] args) {

ArrayList<String> teachers = new ArrayList<String>();






int place = 0;

while ( place < teachers.size() ) // remember why place <=

teachers.size() doesn't work?

System.out.println( teachers.get(place) );


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Now, printing works regardless of the amount of items in the list.

Using a while loop, and "self indexing" the locations in the list, is usually not

the best way to go through a list. A much more recommended way is to use

the for-each loop described below.

17.3 for-each

Even though the command is usually referred to as for-each, the real name

of the command is only for. There are two versions of for, the traditional

and the "for-each". The latter is used now.

Going through items in an ArrayList with for-each is easy:

public static void main(String[] args) {

ArrayList<String> teachers = new ArrayList<String>();






for (String teacher : teachers) {

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System.out.println( teacher );



As we can see, the indexes of the list can be ignored if we go through the

content of the list "automatically".

In the code block of the for command (inside { }) a variable teacher is used.

It is defined in the for row, on the left side of the colon. What happens is that

every item in the list teachers becomes the value of the variable teacher,

one by one. It means that when for is entered, the first teacher is Anthony,

the second execution of for makes the teacher become Paul etc.

Even though the for command might seem a bit strange at first, you should

definitely get used to use it!

Exercise 57: Words

Create a program that asks the user to input words until the user types in

an empty String. Then the program prints the words the user gave. Try the

for repetition sentence here. Use an ArrayList structure in your program.

ArrayList is defined like this:

ArrayList<String> words = new ArrayList<String>();

Type a word: Mozart

Type a word: Schubert

Type a word: Bach

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Type a word: Sibelius

Type a word: Liszt

Type a word:

You typed the following words:






Note: an empty String can be detected this way:

String word = reader.nextLine();

if ( word.isEmpty() ) { // could also be: word.equals("")

// word was empty, meaning that the user only pressed enter


Exercise 58: Recurring word

Create a program that asks the user to input words until the user gives the

same word twice. Use an ArrayList structure in your program. ArrayList is

defined like this:

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ArrayList<String> words = new ArrayList<String>();

Type a word: carrot

Type a word: celery

Type a word: turnip

Type a word: rutabaga

Type a word: celery

You gave the word celery twice

Hint: Remember that ArrayList has the method .contains()

17.4 Ordering, reversing and shuffling a list

Items in an ArrayList are easy to order by size. Ordering by size means an

alphabetic order when the list items are of type String. Ordering is done as


public static void main(String[] args) {

ArrayList<String> teachers = new ArrayList<String>();

// ...


for (String teacher : teachers) {

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System.out.println( teacher );










We give the list as a parameter for the method Collections.sort. The import

line import java.util.Collections; or import java.util.*; needs to be at the

beginning of the program in order to get tools of Collections working in our


Collections also includes other useful methods:

shuffle shuffles the list items, can be useful for example in games

reverse reverses the order of list items

Exercise 59: Words in reverse order

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Create a program that asks the user to input words, until the user gives an

empty string. Then the program prints the words the user gave in

reversed order, the last word is printed first etc.

Type a word: Mozart

Type a word: Schubert

Type a word: Bach

Type a word: Sibelius

Type a word: Liszt

Type a word:

You typed the following words:






Exercise 60: Words in alphabetical order

Create a similar program as the previous one, but in which the words are

printed in alphabetical order.

Type a word: Mozart

Type a word: Schubert

Type a word: Bach

Type a word: Sibelius

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Type a word: Liszt

Type a word:

You typed the following words:






17.5 ArrayList as a parameter for a method

ArrayList can be given to a method as a parameter:

public static void print(ArrayList<String> list) {

for (String word : list) {

System.out.println( word );



public static void main(String[] args) {

ArrayList<String> list = new ArrayList<String>();





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The type of the parameter is defined as an ArrayList of String variables the

same way a String ArrayList is defined:

Note that the name of the parameter can be anything:

public static void print(ArrayList<String> printed) {

for (String word : printed) {

System.out.println( word );



public static void main(String[] args) {

ArrayList<String> programmingLanguages = new ArrayList<String>();





ArrayList<String> countries = new ArrayList<String>();




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print(programmingLanguages); // method is given the list


as a parameter

print(countries); // method is given the list countries as a



The program now includes two lists, programmingLanguages and countries.

First the printing method is given the list programmingLanguages. The

method print internally refers to the list given as a parameter with the

name printed! Next, the printing method is given the list countries. Now, the

method uses again the name printed referring to the parameter list.

Exercise 61: Amount of items in a list

Create the method public static int countItems(ArrayList<String> list)

that returns the number of the items in the list. Your method should not

print anything. Use a return statement to return the number as shown in

the following example:

ArrayList<String> list = new ArrayList<String>();




System.out.println("There are this many items in the list:");

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There are this many items in the list:


Inside the method, it is possible to influence the items in the parameter

list. In the following example, the method removeFirst --as the name

suggests-- removes the first string from the list. What would happen if the

list was empty?

public static void print(ArrayList<String> printed) {

for (String word : printed) {

System.out.println( word );



public static void removeFirst(ArrayList<String> list) {

list.remove(0); // removes the first item (indexed 0)


public static void main(String[] args) {

ArrayList<String> programmingLanguages = new ArrayList<String>();



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System.out.println(); // prints an empty line












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Similarly a method could, for example, add more strings to the list it

received as a parameter.

Exercise 62: Remove last

Create the method public static void removeLast(ArrayList<String> list),

which removes the last item from the list. Example code:

ArrayList<String> brothers = new ArrayList<String>();







// sorting brothers


// removing the last item


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Example output:


[Dick, Henry, Michael, Bob]

[Bob, Dick, Henry]

As we notice from the example above, an ArrayList can be printed as it is.

The print formatting is not usually what is sought after, so we are forced to

handle the printing ourself. For example, with the help of the for command.

17.6 Numbers in an ArrayList

ArrayLists can be used to store any type of values. If the stored variables are

of integer type, there are a couple of details to remember. An integer

ArrayList is defined like this: ArrayList<Integer>, instead of writing int you

must write Integer.

The method remove does not work like expected when the list consists of

int numbers::

public static void main(String[] args) {

ArrayList<Integer> numbers = new ArrayList<Integer>();

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// tries to remove the number from the index 4, does not work as



// this removes the number 4 from the list



numbers.remove(4) tries to remove the item in the index 4 from the list.

There are only 2 items in the list, so the command generates an error. We

must use a slightly more complicated command if the number 4 needs to be

removed: numbers.remove( Integer.valueOf(4) );

ArrayLists can also be used to store doubles (decimal numbers) and

characters (char variables). The lists can be defined as follows:

ArrayList<Double> doubles = new ArrayList<Double>();

ArrayList<Character> characters = new ArrayList<Character>();

Exercise 63: Sum of the numbers

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Create the method sum, which receives a list of numbers

(ArrayList<Integer>) as a parameter and then calculates the sum of the

items in that list.

Create the method using the following program body:

public static int sum(ArrayList<Integer> list) {

// write your code here


public static void main(String[] args) {

ArrayList<Integer> list = new ArrayList<Integer>();





System.out.println("The sum: " + sum(list));


System.out.println("the sum: " + sum(list));


Program output:

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The sum: 14

The sum: 24

Exercise 64: Average of numbers

Create the method average, which receives a list of numbers

(ArrayList<Integer>) as a parameter and then calculates the average of

the items in that list.

Note: the method should use the method sum from the previous exercise

to calculate the sum of the parameters.

Create the method using the following program body:

public static double average(ArrayList<Integer> list) {

// write your code here


public static void main(String[] args) {

ArrayList<Integer> list = new ArrayList<Integer>();





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System.out.println("The average is: " + average(list));


Program output:

The average is: 3.5

17.7 ArrayList as return value of a method

ArrayList can also be returned from a method as a return value. In the next

example, a method creates an ArrayList, adds three integers into the list and

then returns the list. Pay attention to how the main program assigns the list

returned by the method as a value into a variable that has the same type as

the return value:

public class Main {

public static ArrayList<Integer> addNumbersToList(int num1, int num2,

int num3){

ArrayList<Integer> list = new ArrayList<Integer>();



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return list;


public static void main(String[] args) {

ArrayList<Integer> numbers = addNumbersToList(3, 5, 2);

for (int number : numbers) {

System.out.println( number );




Exercise 65: The lengths of the Strings

Create the method lengths that gets a list of String variables as a

parameter and returns an ArrayList that contains the lengths of the

Strings in the same order as the original list.

public static ArrayList<Integer> lengths(ArrayList<String> list) {

// write your code here


public static void main(String[] args) {

ArrayList<String> list = new ArrayList<String>();

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list.add("badger badger badger badger");

ArrayList<Integer> lengths = lengths(list);

System.out.println("The lengths of the Strings: " + lengths);


Program output:

The lengths of the Strings: [5, 3, 10, 27]

Exercise 66: The Greatest

Create the method greatest, which receives a list of numbers

(ArrayList<Integer>) as a parameter and then returns the greatest

number in the list as a return value.

public static int greatest(ArrayList<Integer> list) {

// write your code here


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public static void main(String[] args) {

ArrayList<Integer> list = new ArrayList<Integer>();





System.out.println("The greatest number is: " + greatest(list));


Program output:

The greatest number is: 7

Exercise 67: Variance

Create the method variance, which receives a list of integers as a

parameter and then returns the sample variance of that list. You can

check how a sample variance is calculated in Wikipedia, under

"Population variance and sample variance".

Note: the method should use the method average of exercise 64 to

calculate the average of the parameters. The method should be called only


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public static double variance(ArrayList<Integer> list) {

// write your code here


public static void main(String[] args) {

ArrayList<Integer> list = new ArrayList<Integer>();





System.out.println("The variance is: " + variance(list));


Program output:

The variance is: 5.666667

(The average of the numbers is 3.5, so the sample variance is ((3 - 3.5)² +

(2 - 3.5)² + (7 - 3.5)² + (2 - 3.5)²)/(4 - 1) ? 5,666667.)

Note while testing your program! Sample variance for a list that

contains only one item is not defined! It causes a division by zero in the

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formula. Java considers the result of division by zero as a Not a Number


18. Using truth values

A variable of type truth value (boolean) can only have two values: either

true or false). Here is an example on how to use boolean variables:

int num1 = 1;

int num2 = 5;

boolean firstGreater = true;

if (num1 <= num2) {

firstGreater = false;


if (firstGreater==true) {

System.out.println("num1 is greater");

} else {

System.out.println("num1 was not greater");


First, we assign the truth value variable firstGreater the value true. The first

if sentence checks whether num1 is less or equal to num2. If it is, we change

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the value of firstGreater to false. The later if sentence selects which string to

print based on the truth value.

As a matter of fact, using a truth value in a conditional sentence is easier

than the description in the previous example. We can write the second if

sentence as follows:

if (firstGreater) { // means the same as firstGreater==true

System.out.println("num1 was greater");

} else {

System.out.println("num1 was not greater");


If we want to check if the boolean variable holds the value true, we do not

need to write ==true, just writing the name of the variable is enough!

If we want to check if the boolean variable holds the value false, we can

check that using the negation operation ! (exclamation mark):

if (!firstGreater) { // means the same as firstGreater==false

System.out.println("num1 was not greater");

} else {

System.out.println("num1 was greater");


18.1 Methods that return a truth value

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Truth values come in especially handy when we want to write methods that

check for validity. Let us create a method that checks if the list it gets as a

parameter includes only positive numbers (here 0 is considered positive).

The method returns the information as a boolean (i.e. truth value).

public static boolean allPositive(ArrayList<Integer> numbers) {

boolean noNegative = true;

for (int number : numbers) {

if (number < 0) {

noNegative = false;



// if one of the numbers on the list had a value that is below zero,

noNegatives becomes false.

return noNegative;


The method has a boolean helper variable called noNegative. First we assign

the helper variable the value true. The method checks all numbers on the

list one by one. If at least one number is less than 0, we assign the helper

variable the value false. In the end the method returns the value of the

helper variable. If no negative numbers were found, it has the value true,

otherwise it has the value false.

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The method is used as follows:

public static void main(String[] args) {

ArrayList<Integer> numbers = new ArrayList<Integer>();




boolean result = allPositive(numbers);

if (result) { // means the same as result == true

System.out.println("all numbers are positive");

} else {

System.out.println("there is at least one negative number");



Usually it is not necessary to store the answer into a variable. We can write

the method call directly as the condition:

ArrayList<Integer> numbers = new ArrayList<Integer>();





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if (allPositive(numbers)) {

System.out.println("all numbers are positive");

} else {

System.out.println("there is at least one negative number");


18.2 The return command and ending a method

The execution of a method is stopped immediately when a command called

return is executed. Using this information to our advantage, we write the

allPositive method easier to understand.

public static boolean allPositive(ArrayList<Integer> numbers) {

for (int number : numbers) {

if (number < 0) {

return false;



// if the execution reached this far, no negative numbers were found

// so we return true

return true;


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When we are going through the list of numbers and we find a negative

number, we can exit the method by returning false. If there are no negative

numbers on the list, we get to the end and therefore can return the value

true. We now got rid of the helper variable inside the method!

Exercise 68: Is the number more than once in the list?

Create the method moreThanOnce that gets a list of integers and an

integer (i.e. number) as parameter. If the number appears on the list more

than once the method returns true and otherwise false.

The program body is the following:

public static boolean moreThanOnce(ArrayList<Integer> list, int number)


// write your code here


public static void main(String[] args) {

Scanner reader = new Scanner(;

ArrayList<Integer> list = new ArrayList<Integer>();





System.out.println("Type a number: ");

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int number = Integer.parseInt(reader.nextLine());

if (moreThanOnce(list, number)) {

System.out.println(number + " appears more than once.");

} else {

System.out.println(number + " does not appear more than once.");



Type a number: 2

2 appears more than once

Type a number: 3

3 does not appear more than once.

Exercise 69: Palindrome

Create the method palindrome that checks if a string is a palindrome

(reads the same forward and backward).

The method can use the method reverse (from assignment number 56.

Reversing text) as a helper. The method type is boolean, so it returns

either true (the string is a palindrome) or false (the string is not a


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public static boolean palindrome(String text) {

// write your code here


public static void main(String[] args) {

Scanner reader = new Scanner(;

System.out.println("Type a text: ");

String text = reader.nextLine();

if (palindrome(text)) {

System.out.println("The text is a palindrome!");

} else {

System.out.println("The text is not a palindrome!");



Example outputs:

Type a text: madam

The text is a palindrome!

Type a word: example

The text is not a palindrome!

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Week 4

19. Methods and copying parameters

Let us focus on a couple of details concerning methods.

In section 15 was an example, in which we tried to change the value of a

main program variable inside a method.

public static void main(String[] args) {

int number = 1;


System.out.println("Main program variable number holds the value: " +



public static void addThree() {

number = number + 3;


This program of ours does not work. The reason is that the method cannot

access the main program variable number.

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This is because main program variables are not visible to methods. More

generally: no method variable is visible to other methods. As the main

program main is also a method, this constraint holds for the main program

as well. The only way to give information to a method is through


Let us try to fix the above example by passing the main program variable

number to the method as a parameter.

public static void main(String[] args) {

int number = 1;


System.out.println(number); // prints 1, the value did not change


public static addThree(int number) {

number = number + 3;


Still, the program does not function the way we want. The method

parameters are different variables than the ones introduced in the main

program. In the previous example, the method increments a variable with

the same name as the main program variable. The parameter has the same

name, but is not the same as the main program variable number.

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When a parameter is given to a method, the value of the parameter is copied

into a new variable and that new variable is the one the method uses. In the

example above, the variable number that was given to the method addThree

as a parameter, will be copied and then the copy is actually handed out for

the method to use. The method uses a copy of the variable from the main

program, not the original variable. The main program variable number

stays unchanged.

We can imagine that the main program method main and the method

addThree both work in their own parts of the computer memory. In the

picture below, there is a "box" for the value of the variable number of the

main method. When the method is called, a new "box" named number will

be created and the main value of the method variable number will be copied

into it. In this example, the number is 1. Both variables that are called

number are separate, therefore when the method addThree changes the

value of its own variable called number it does not affect the variable

number in the main program.

The picture below will demonstrate what happens.

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The method can still naturally pass information to the caller, which happens

by using a return value (i.e. using a return command to return a variable

with a value). We can get the previous example to work by changing the

code a little bit:

public static void main(String[] args) {

int number = 1;

number = addThreeAndReturn(number);

System.out.println(number); // prints 4, because number has the

method return value as its value


public static int addThreeAndReturn(int number) {

number = number + 3;

return number;


The method still uses the copy of the main program variable number. In the

main program, we assign the variable number the method return value as a

new value, so that we can get the change to take effect in the main program.

Note that the name of the method variable plays no role here. The code

works exactly the same regardless of the variable names. Here follows an


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public static void main(String[] args) {

int number = 1;

number = addThreeAndReturn(number);



public static int addThreeAndReturn(int incremented) {

incremented = incremented + 3;

return incremented;


We have now found out that the parameters in methods are different

variables than the variables introduced in the method call. Only the

parameter value gets copied from the caller to the method.

Unfortunately this is not the whole story. If a method gets an ArrayList as a

parameter, the method sees the original list and all the changes the method

makes will take effect everywhere.

public static void removeFirst(ArrayList<Integer> list) {

list.remove(0); // removes the number from index 0


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public static void main(String[] args) {

ArrayList<Integer> numbers = new ArrayList<Integer>();





System.out.println(numbers); // prints [4,3,7,3]


System.out.println(numbers); // prints [3,7,3]


Unlike a parameter of int type, a list will not be copied and therefore the

method makes changes to the original list given as a parameter.

The picture below will clarify the example. ArrayList does not live in an

imagined "box" like an int. The variable name in the example numbers is

only a reference that refers to the place where the ArrayList is. One way to

visualize this is that an ArrayList is connected with a wire. The name of the

ArrayList is a "wire", and the list itself is located "at the other end of the

wire". When we give the ArrayList to a method as a parameter, we actually

give the method a wire. When the method uses its parameter, it finds the

original list at the other end of this wire. Actually the main program and the

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method do have separate wires, but both wires have the same original list at

the end of them and all the changes will be made directly to the original list.

During and after this week we will find out that many things in Java are

"connected with a wire".

Note that again the parameter name inside the method can be anything. It

does not need to be the same as the name in the main program (or other

method that calls it). In the example above, the method uses the name list

but the method caller sees the same list with a different name: numbers.

Now, you probably start to wonder why does the value of the parameter get

copied and the original variable stay intact when the parameter is of int

type, but the original list is given to the method when the parameter is of

ArrayList type? In Java only the values of primitive data types (which are

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int, double, char, boolean and a couple of others that we have not yet

discussed) get copied to the method. When the method parameters are of

other types only the references are copied to the method. A reference is like

a "wire", therefore the method can access the list using it directly. The

variables that are not of primitive data types are of reference data types

and are "wired" just like the ArrayList in the previous example. The method

is given the wire and the method can access the parameter directly.

Exercise 70: Combining ArrayLists

Create the method public static void combine(ArrayList<Integer> first,

ArrayList<Integer> second) that inserts the items in a list called second to

a list called first. The order of the items can be anything and the same

item can appear in the list more than once. An example on using the


ArrayList<Integer> list1 = new ArrayList<Integer>();

ArrayList<Integer> list2 = new ArrayList<Integer>();






combine(list1, list2);

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System.out.println(list1); // prints [4, 3, 5, 10, 7]

System.out.println(list2); // prints [5, 10, 7]

We can use the method addAll provided by the ArrayList class to add one

list in another list. The list gets the other list, whose items are to be added,

as a parameter.

Exercise 71: Smart combining

Create the method smartCombine that works like the previous combine

method except that numbers can be on the list only once. This means that

the method adds a new number to the list only if the list does not already

contain that number. You might find the method contains from the

ArrayList class useful. You can use that method to check if a number is in

the list.

20. Instructions on code-writing and problem solving

Two of the leading software developers, Martin Fowler and Kent Beck have

said in the book Refactoring: Improving the Design of Existing Code that:

Fowler: "Any fool can write code that a computer can understand. Good

programmers write code that humans can understand."

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Beck: "I'm not a great programmer, I'm just good a programmer with great


[Update: previously both quotes were credited to Kent Beck. Our thanks go

to Esko Luontola for pointing out this mistake]:

We are now taking the first steps towards becoming good programmers.

20.1 Well indented and "breathing" code

Let us take a look at a code that first adds numbers to a list and then prints

the items fo the list. Then all instances of a certain number are removed

from the list and the list gets printed.

First, we write the code badly and without indentations:

public static void main(String[] args) {

ArrayList<Integer> numbers = new ArrayList<Integer>();





System.out.println("The numbers in the beginning:");

for (int number : numbers) {



while (numbers.contains(Integer.valueOf(3))) {

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System.out.println("The numbers after removal:");

for (int number : numbers) {



Even though the unindented code works, it is unpleasant to read. Let us

indent the code (you can get NetBeans to auto-indent your code by pressing

Alt+Shift+F) and separate logical parts with line breaks:

public static void main(String[] args) {

ArrayList<Integer> numbers = new ArrayList<Integer>();





System.out.println("The numbers in the beginning:");

// here we print numbers

for (int number : numbers) {



// checks if the list contains the number 3

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while (numbers.contains(Integer.valueOf(3))) {

numbers.remove(Integer.valueOf(3)); // if yes, it is removed


// we use a while structure to get all the threes removed!

System.out.println("The numbers after removal:");

// here we print numbers

for (int number : numbers) {




Now, the code starts to make sense. For example, the printing and the

number removal are two logical parts, therefore they are separated with

line breaks. The code is airy and reading the code is much more pleasant.

There are even comments in the code to help the reader understand what

happens and where!

20.2 Getting rid of copy-paste with methods

What could be called the Original sin of a programmer is to create copy-

paste code. This means using the same code in multiple places by copy-

pasting it around the source code. In our example, the printing of the list is

done twice. The code that handles the printing part should be separated as

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its own method. Then the printing method should be called from the main


public static void main(String[] args) {

ArrayList<Integer> numbers = new ArrayList<Integer>();





System.out.println("The numbers in the beginning:");

// here we print numbers


while (numbers.contains(Integer.valueOf(3))) {



System.out.println("The numbers after removal:");

// here we print numbers



public static void print(ArrayList<Integer> numbers) {

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for (int number : numbers) {

System.out.println( number );



20.3 Slicing separate tasks into methods with descriptive names

Now, the code has become even more easy to read. A distinctively separate

entity, the printing of the list is now a method that is easy to understand. By

defining a new method the readability of the main program has improved.

Pay attention to the descriptive name of the method: the name describes

exactly what the method does. Next, we can remove the advising comments

here we print numbers , because the name of the method speaks for itself.

There is still room for improvements in writing the program. The main

program still looks a bit messy, since there is an "unaesthetic" code line that

directly manipulates the list, in between the neat method calls. Let us turn

that unaesthetic piece of code into a method:

public static void main(String[] args) {

ArrayList<Integer> numbers = new ArrayList<Integer>();





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System.out.println("The numbers in the beginning:");


remove(numbers, 3);

System.out.println("The numbers after removal:");



public static void print(ArrayList<Integer> numbers) {

for (int number : numbers) {

System.out.println( number );



public static void remove(ArrayList<Integer> numbers, int removed) {

while (numbers.contains(Integer.valueOf(removed))) {




In the example above, we created a new descriptively named method out of

a separate logical entity, i.e. removing all the instances of a certain number.

The resulting main program is now very understandable - almost like

natural language. Both methods are very simple and easy to understand as


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Kent Beck might be proud of what we have accomplished! The code is easy

to understand, easy to modify and does not include any copy-paste.

21. Object-oriented programming

Before we begin, here is a small introduction to object-oriented


In procedural programming - which is the way of programming we have

been studying so far - a program is divided in to smaller parts, methods. A

method works as a separate part of a program and it can be called from

anywhere in the program. When a method is called, execution of the

program moves to the beginning of the called method. After the execution of

the method is done, the program will continue from where the method was


In object oriented programming, just like in procedural programming, we

attempt to divide a program into smaller parts. In object-oriented

programming the small parts are objects. Each separate object has its own

individual responsibility; an object contains a related group of information

and functionality. Object-oriented programs consist of multiple objects

which together define how the program works.

21.1 Object

We have already used many of the ready-made objects in Java. For example,

ArrayLists are objects. Each separate list consists of information related to

it; that is, the state of the object. Functionality is also contained in the

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ArrayList objects: the methods by which the state of the object can be

altered. As an example, there are two ArrayList objects in the following

piece of code, cities and countries :

public static void main(String[] args) {

ArrayList<String> cities = new ArrayList<String>();

ArrayList<String> countries = new ArrayList<String>();








System.out.println("number of countries " + countries.size() );

System.out.println("number of cities " + cities.size() );


Both the countries object and the cities object live a life of their own. The

state of each is not related to the state of the other. For example, the state of

the countries object consists of the Strings "Finland", "Germany" and

"Netherlands" that are in the list, probably also the information of how

many countries are in the list.

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When doing a method call related to an object (for example,

countries.add("Finland");), the name of the object whose method is being

called goes to the left side of the period sign (dot), and to the right side goes

the name of the method itself. When asking how many Strings the countries

list contains, we call countries.size(). We are calling the method size of the

object countries. What the method returns depends on the state of the

object in question, other objects do not affect the execution of the method in

any way.

We have used the command new many times already. For example, creation

of a list (ArrayList) and creation of a reader (Scanner) have been done using

the command new. The reason is that both of these are classes from which

the object is created. In Java, objects are always created with new, except in

a few cases.

One of the cases where you do not always need to use new is in the

construction of Strings. The familiar way to create a String is actually an

abbreviated way of using new. A String can also be created with new just

like any other object:

String text = "some text"; // abbreviated way of creating a String

String anotherText = new String("more text");

Cases in which ready-made parts of Java call new out of sight of the

programmer also exist.

21.2 Class

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It is clear that all objects are not similar to one another. For example,

ArrayList objects differ drastically from String objects. All ArrayLists have

the same methods add, contains, remove, size, ... and respectively all String

objects have the same methods (substring, length, charAt, ...). Arraylist and

String objects do not have the same methods because they are different

types of objects.

The type of a certain group of objects is called a class. ArrayList is a class, as

are String, Scanner, and so forth. Objects, on the other hand, are instances of


Objects of the same class all have the same methods and a similar state. For

example, the state of an ArrayList object consists of elements inserted to the

list while the state of a String object consists of a string of characters.

21.3 A class and its objects

A class defines what kind of objects it has:

what methods the objects have

what the state of the objects are, or in other words, what kind of

attributes the objects have

A class describes the "blueprint" of the objects that are made out of it (are

instances of it).

Lets take an analogy from the world outside of computers: the blueprints of

a house. The blueprints define how the building is to be built and in that

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way dictate the shape and size of it. The blueprints are the class, they define

the general characteristics of the objects created out of that class:

Individual objects, the houses in our analogy, are made from that same

blueprint. They are instances of the same class. The state of individual

objects, the attributes, can vary (color of walls, building material of the roof,

doors, windowsills, etc...). Here is one instance of a House object:

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An object is always created from its class by calling the method - the

constructor - that creates the object with the command new. For example, a

new instance is created from the class Scanner by calling new Scanner(..):

Scanner reader = new Scanner(;

Constructors take parameters the way any other method does.

Exercise 72: Accounts

You are handed a ready-made class Account along with your exercise files.

The object of the class Account represents a bank account that has a

balance (meaning some amount of money). The accounts are used as


Account bartosAccount = new Account("Barto's account",100.00);

Account bartosSwissAccount = new Account("Barto's account in


System.out.println("Initial state");




System.out.println("Barto's account balance is now:



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System.out.println("Barto's Swiss account balance is now:


System.out.println("Final state");



Exercise 72.1: Your first account

Note: there is a different exercise template for each of the sub-exercises.

For this exercise use the template 072.1

Create a program that creates an account with the balance of 100.0,

deposits 20.0 and prints the account. Note! do all the steps described in

the exercise exactly in the described order!

Exercise 72.2: Your first money transfer

Note: there is a different exercise template for each of the sub-exercises.

For this exercise use the template 072.2

Create a program that:

Creates an account named "Matt's account" with the balance of 1000

Creates an account named "My account" with the balance of 0

Withdraws 100.0 from Matt's account

Deposits 100.0 to My account

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Prints both accounts

Exercise 72.3: Money transfers

Note: there is a different exercise template for each of the sub-exercises.

For this exercise use the template 072.3

In the above program, you made a money transfer from one person to

another. Let us next create a method that does the same!

Create the method public static void transfer(Account from, Account to,

double howMuch) in the given program body. The method transfers

money from one account to another. You do not need to check that the

from account has enough balance.

After completing the above, make sure that your main method does the


Creates an account "A" with the balance of 100.0

Creates an account "B" with the balance of 0.0

Creates an account "C" with the balance of 0.0

Transfers 50.0 from account A to account B

Transfers 25.0 from account B to account C

21.4 Defining your own class - object variables

A class is defined to serve some meaningful whole. Often a "meaningful

whole" represents something from the real world. If a computer program

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needs to handle personal data it could be sensible to define a separate class

Person which then holds methods and attributes related to an individual.

Let us go ahead and assume that we have a project frame with an empty

main program:

public class Main {

public static void main(String[] args) {



We will create a new class in our project. In NetBeans, this can be done in

projects on the left, from the right click menu select new, java class. We will

name the class in the dialog that pops up.

Just as with variables and methods, the name of the class should always be

as descriptive as possible. Sometimes as a project progresses a class might

transform into something different in order meet the programmer's needs.

In situations like this, it is possible to rename your class with ease (see the

NetBeans guide).

Let us create a class named Person. The class will exist in its own file. Since the main program is in its own file the program now

consists of two files in total. At first the class will be empty:

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public class Person {


The class has to define what methods and attributes the objects created

from the class will have. Let us decide that each person has a name and an

age. It feels natural to represent the name as a String and the age as an

integer. Let us add this to our schematics:

public class Person {

private String name;

private int age;


Above, we defined that all instances created from the Person class have a

name and an age. Defining attributes is done in a quite similar fashion as

with normal variables. In this case though, there is the keyword private in

front. This keyword means that name and age will not show outside of the

object, but are instead hidden within it. Hiding things within an object is

called encapsulation.

Variables defined within a class are called object variables, object fields or

object attributes. A beloved child has many names.

So, we have defined the schematics -- the class -- for the person object. All

person objects have the variables name and age. The 'state' of the objects is

determined by the values that have been set to its variables.

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21.5 Defining your own class - constructor, or "formatting the state"

When an object is created its starting state is defined at the same time. Self-

defined objects are created for the most part in the same way as ready-

made objects (ArrayList objects for example) are created. Objects are

created with the new command. When creating an object it would be handy

to be able to set the values of some of the variables of that object.

public static void main(String[] args) {

Person bob = new Person("Bob");

// ...


This can be achieved by defining the method that creates the object, the

constructor. The constructor for the Person class that creates a new Person

object has been defined in the following example. In the constructor, the

person that is being created gets 0 as her age and her name is received from

the parameter of the constructor.

public class Person {

private String name;

private int age;

public Person(String initialName) {

this.age = 0; = initialName;

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The constructor always has the same name as the class. In the code above,

the class is Person and the constructor is public Person(String initialName).

The value the constructor receives as a parameter is in parentheses after

the name of the constructor. You can imagine the constructor as a method

that Java runs when an object is created with the command new

Person("Bob"); Whenever an object is created from a class, the constructor

of that class is called.

A few notes: within the constructor there is a command this.age = 0.

Through it, we set a value for this particular object; we define the internal

variable age of "this" object. Another command we use is =

initialName;. Again, we give the internal variable called name the String that

is defined in the constructor. The variables age and name are automatically

visible in the constructor and elsewhere in the object. They are referred to

with the this prefix. Due to the private modifier, the variables cannot be

seen from outside the object.

One more thing: if the programmer does not create a constructor for her

class, Java will automatically create a default constructor for it. A default

constructor is a constructor that does nothing. So, if you for some reason do

not need a constructor you do not need to write one.

21.6 Class definition - methods

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We already know how to create and initialize objects. However, objects are

useless if they cannot do anything. Therefore, objects should have methods.

Let us add to the Person class a method that prints the object on the screen:

public class Person {

private String name;

private int age;

public Person(String nameAtStart) {

this.age = 0; = nameAtStart;


public void printPerson() {

System.out.println( + ", age " + this.age + " years");



As seen above, the method is written within the class. The method name is

prefixed with public void since it is assumed that users of the object should

be capable of using the method and the method should not return anything.

With objects the keyword static is not used in method definitions. Next

week, we will clarify the reason behind that.

Inside the method printPerson, there is a single line of code that uses the

object variables name and age. The prefix this is used to emphasize that we

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are referring to the name and age of this object. All the object variables are

visible from all the methods of the object.

Let us create three persons and ask them to print themselves:

public class Main {

public static void main(String[] args) {

Person pekka = new Person("Pekka");

Person brian = new Person("Brian");

Person martin = new Person("Martin");






The output is:

Pekka, age 0 years

Brian, age 0 years

Martin, age 0 years

Exercise 73: Product

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Create a class Product that represents a product sold in a webshop. A

product has a price, amount and name.

A new class can be created as follows: Point at the project 073.Product in

the projects tab and click the right mouse button. Then select new and java

class. When a dialog opens, give the class the name Product.

The class should have:

A constructor public Product(String nameAtStart, double priceAtStart,

int amountAtStart)

A method public void printProduct() that prints a product in the

following form:

Banana, price 1.1, amount 13

21.7 More methods

Let us create a method that can be used to increase the age of a person by


public class Person {

// ...

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public void becomeOlder() {

this.age++;; // same as this.age = this.age + 1;



As expected, the method is written inside the class Person. The method

increases the value of object variable age by one.

Let us call the method and see what happens:

public class Main {

public static void main(String[] args) {

Person pekka = new Person("Pekka");

Person andrew = new Person("Andrew");








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Pekka, age 0 years

Andrew, age 0 years

Pekka, age 2 years

Andrew, age 0 years

When born, both objects have age 0 due to the line this.age = 0; in the

constructor. The method becomeOlder of object pekka is called twice. As the

output shows, this causes the age of pekka to increase by two. It should be

noted that when the method becomeOlder is called in the object pekka, the

other object andrew is not touched at all and he remains at age 0. The state

of an object is independent of the other objects!

Also, the object methods can return a value to the caller of the method. Let

us define a method that can be used to ask for the age of a person:

public class Person {

// ...

public int getAge() {

return this.age;

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Now the void in the method definition is replaced with int since the value

the method returns has the type integer. The following example

demonstrates, how the value returned by a method can be used:

public class Main {

public static void main(String[] args) {

Person pekka = new Person("Pekka");

Person andrew = new Person("Andrew");




System.out.println( "Age of Pekka: "+pekka.getAge() );

System.out.println( "Age of Andrew: "+andrew.getAge() );

int total = pekka.getAge() + andrew.getAge();

System.out.println( "Pekka and Andrew total of "+total+ " years old" );


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Age of Pekka: 2

Age of Andrew: 1

Pekka and Andrew total of 3 years old

Exercise 74: Multiplier

Implement the class Multiplier that has:

a constructor public Multiplier(int number).

a method public int multiply(int otherNumber) that returns

otherNumber multiplied by number (i.e., the constructor parameter).

Example of usage:

Multiplier threeMultiplier = new Multiplier(3);

System.out.println("threeMultiplier.multiply(2): " +


Multiplier fourMultiplier = new Multiplier(4);

System.out.println("fourMultiplier.multiply(2): " +


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System.out.println("threeMultiplier.multiply(1): " +


System.out.println("fourMultiplier.multiply(1): " +



threeMultiplier.multiply(2): 6

fourMultiplier.multiply(2): 8

threeMultiplier.multiply(1): 3

fourMultiplier.multiply(1): 4

Exercise 75: Decreasing counter

The starting point of this exercise is a partially implemented class


public class DecreasingCounter {

private int value; // object variable that remembers the value of the


public DecreasingCounter(int valueAtStart) {

this.value = valueAtStart;


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public void printValue() {

System.out.println("value: " + this.value);


public void decrease() {

// write here the code that decrements the value of counter by one


// and here the rest of the methods


The counter can be used as follows:

public class Main {

public static void main(String[] args) {

DecreasingCounter counter = new DecreasingCounter(10);






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Output should be:

value: 10

value: 9

value: 8

The constructor of DecreasingCounter receives as parameter the initial

value of the counter. In the example, the constructor parameter is 10,

which is then set to the object variable this.value. The value of the counter

can be printed with the method printValue(). The method decrease()

should decrease the value of the counter by one.

Exercise 75.1: Implementing method decrease()

Implement the method decrease() so that when called, the object variable

this.value is decreased by one. When this is done, your program should

work as the example above.

Exercise 75.2: Value remains positive

Change your implementation of the method decrease() so that the value

of the counter will not drop below zero. If the method is called when the

value is zero, nothing should happen:

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public class Main {

public static void main(String[] args) {

DecreasingCounter counter = new DecreasingCounter(2);










Output should be:

value: 2

value: 1

value: 0

value: 0

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Exercise 75.3: Counter reset

Implement the method public void reset() that sets the value of the

counter to zero. Example of usage:

public class Main {

public static void main(String[] args) {

DecreasingCounter counter = new DecreasingCounter(100);









value: 100

value: 0

value: 0

Exercise 75.4: Back to initial value

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Implement the method public void setInitial(), which returns the counter

to its initial value:

public class Main {

public static void main(String[] args) {

DecreasingCounter counter = new DecreasingCounter(100);













Page 209: Java PartI


value: 100

value: 99

value: 98

value: 0

value: 100

Hint: add to the class a new object variable that remembers the initial

value of the counter

Exercise 76: Menu

In this assignment, we will implement a class Menu that holds

information about meals that are available in a cafeteria.

Our starting point is the following class skeleton:

import java.util.ArrayList;

public class Menu {

private ArrayList<String> meals;

public Menu() {

this.meals = new ArrayList<String>();


Page 210: Java PartI


// Implement the methods here


Menu objects store the information of meals using an object variable of

type ArrayList<String>

Exercise 76.1: Adding a meal to menu

Implement the method public void addMeal(String meal) that adds a new

meal to the list this.meals of a Menu object. If the meal is already in the

list, it should not be added.

Exercise 76.2: Printing the menu

Implement the method public void printMeals() that prints the meals in a

menu. As an example, the output after three additions could be:




Exercise 76.3: Clearing a menu

Implement the method public void clearMenu() that clears a menu. After

calling this method, the menu should be empty. Class ArrayList has a

method that is useful here. Within your method body write meals. and see

how NetBeans helps you by showing the available methods.

Page 211: Java PartI


21.8 The Person class grows

Let us get back to work on the Person class. The current version of the class

looks like this:

public class Person {

private String name;

private int age;

public Person(String initialName) {

this.age = 0; = initialName;


public void printPerson() {

System.out.println( + ", age " + this.age + " years");


public void becomeOlder() {

this.age = this.age + 1;



Let us create a method for person that can figure out if a person is an adult.

The method returns a boolean -- either true or false:

Page 212: Java PartI


public class Person {

// ...

public boolean isAdult(){

if ( this.age < 18 ) {

return false;


return true;



note that the method could also be written like this:

public boolean isAdult(){

return this.age >= 18;




Let us test it:

public static void main(String[] args) {

Person bob = new Person("Bob");

Person andy = new Person("Andy");

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int i = 0;

while ( i < 30 ) {






if ( andy.isAdult() ) {

System.out.print("adult: ");


} else {

System.out.print("minor: ");



if ( bob.isAdult() ) {

System.out.print("adult: ");


} else {

System.out.print("minor: ");




Page 214: Java PartI


minor: Andy, age 1 years

adult: bob, age 30 years

Let us tune up the solution a little further. Now, a person can only be

printed in a manner where in addition to the name, the age also gets

printed. In some cases, we might only want to print the name of the object.

Let us tailor a method for this purpose:

public class Person {

// ...

public String getName() {




The method getName returns the object variable name to its caller. The

name of the method might seem a little odd (or not). In Java, it is considered

the 'correct' way to name an object-variable-returning method in this

manner; as getVariableName. Methods like these are often called 'getters'.

Let us edit the main program to use the new 'getter':

public static void main(String[] args) {

Person bob = new Person("bob");

Person andy = new Person("andy");

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int i = 0;

while ( i < 30 ) {






if ( andy.isAdult() ) {

System.out.println( andy.getName() + " is an adult" );

} else {

System.out.println( andy.getName() + " is a minor" );


if ( bob.isAdult() ) {

System.out.println( bob.getName() + " is an adult" );

} else {

System.out.println( bob.getName() + " is a minor" );



The print is starting to look pretty clean:

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andy is a minor

bob is an adult

21.9 toString

We have been guilty of bad programming style; we have created a method

that prints an object, printPerson. The recommended way of doing this is by

defining a method that returns a "character string representation" of the

object. In Java, a method returning a String representation is called toString.

Let us define this method for person:

public class Person {

// ...

public String toString() {

return + ", age " + this.age + " years";



The method toString works just like printPerson, but instead of printing it

the method returns the string representation. The call to the method can be

used for printing it if necessary.

The method is used in a slightly surprising way:

public static void main(String[] args) {

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Person bob = new Person("Bob");

Person andy = new Person("Andy");

int i = 0;

while ( i < 30 ) {





System.out.println( andy ); // same as System.out.println(

andy.toString() );

System.out.println( bob ); // same as System.out.println( bob.toString()



The principle is that the System.out.println method requests the string

representation of an object and then prints it. The returned string

representation of the toString method does not have to be written, as Java

adds it automatically. When the programmer writes:

System.out.println( andy );

Java completes the call during runtime to the format:

Page 218: Java PartI


System.out.println( andy.toString() );

What happens is that the object is asked for its string representation. The

string representation the object is returned and is printed normally with

the System.out.println command.

We can get rid of the obsolete printObject method.

Exercise 77: Lyyra-card

The University of Helsinki students use a so-called Lyyra cards to pay for

their meals in student cafeterias. In this assignment, we implement the

class LyyraCard that simulates the Lyyra card.

Exercise 77.1: Class skeleton

Start by adding the class LyyraCard to your project.

Then implement the LyyraCard constructor that gets the starting balance

of the card as parameter. The card saves the balance in the object variable

balance. Implement also the toString method that returns a string of the

form "The card has X euros".

The skeleton of class LyyraCard looks like this:

public class LyyraCard {

private double balance;

public LyyraCard(double balanceAtStart) {

Page 219: Java PartI


// write code here


public String toString() {

// write code here



The following main program can be used to test the program:

public class Main {

public static void main(String[] args) {

LyyraCard card = new LyyraCard(50);




The output should be:

The card has 50.0 euros

Exercise 77.2: Paying with card

Implement the following methods to LyyraCard:

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public void payEconomical() {

// write code here


public void payGourmet() {

// write code here


Method payEconomical should decrease the balance by 2.50 euros and

method payGourmet by 4.00 euros.

The following main program can be used to test the program:

public class Main {

public static void main(String[] args) {

LyyraCard card = new LyyraCard(50);








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The output should be:

The card has 50.0 euros

The card has 47.5 euros

The card has 41.0 euros

Exercise 77.3: Balance nonnegative

Change methods payEconomical and payGourmet so that if there is not

enought money, the balance does not change.

The following main program can be used to test the program:

public class Main {

public static void main(String[] args) {

LyyraCard card = new LyyraCard(5);






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The output should be:

The card has 5.0 euros

The card has 1.0 euros

The card has 1.0 euros

Above, the second call payGourmet does not alter the balance since there

is not enough money on the card for a gourmet lunch.

Exercise 77.4: Loading money to card

Add the LyyraCard the following method:

public void loadMoney(double amount) {

// write code here


The method should increase the balance of the card by the given amount.

However, the maximum balance on a card is 150 euros. In case the

balance after loading money would be more than that, it should be

truncated to 150 euros.

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The following main program can be used to test the program:

public class Main {

public static void main(String[] args) {

LyyraCard card = new LyyraCard(10);










The output should be:

The card has 10.0 euros

The card has 25.0 euros

The card has 35.0 euros

The card has 150.0 euros

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Exercise 77.5: Loading a negative amount

Change the method loadMoney so that the balance of the card does not

change if the amount to load is negative.

The following main program can be used to test the program:

public class Main {

public static void main(String[] args) {

LyyraCard card = new LyyraCard(10);

System.out.println("Pekka: " + card);


System.out.println("Pekka: " + card);



The output should be:

Pekka: The card has 10.0 euros

Pekka: The card has 10.0 euros

Exercise 77.6: Multiple cards

Write a main method that does the following:

Creates a LyyraCard for Pekka with initial balance of 20 euros

Creates a LyyraCard for Brian with initial balance of 30 euros

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Pekka buys gourmet lunch

Brian buys economical lunch

cards are printed (both on their own row, starting with the name of the

card owner)

Pekka loads 20 euros

Brian buys gourmet lunch

cards are printed (both on their own row, starting with the name of the

card owner)

Pekka buys economical lunch

Pekka buys economical lunch

Brian loads 50 euros

cards are printed (both on their own row, starting with the name of the

card owner)

The main skeleton is as follows:

public class Main {

public static void main(String[] args) {

LyyraCard cardPekka = new LyyraCard(20);

LyyraCard cardBrian = new LyyraCard(30);

Page 226: Java PartI


// write code here



The output should be:

Pekka: The card has 16.0 euros

Brian: The card has 27.5 euros

Pekka: The card has 36.0 euros

Brian: The card has 23.5 euros

Pekka: The card has 31.0 euros

Brian: The card has 73.5 euros

21.10 More methods

Let us continue with the class Person. We would be interested in knowing

the body mass index of a person. To calculate the index, we need to know

the height and weight of the person. We add for both height and weight

object variables and methods that can be used to assign the variables a

value. When this is in place, we add a method that calculates the body mass


Here is the class Person after the changes (only the parts affected by the

change are shown):

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public class Person {

private String name;

private int age;

private int weight;

private int height;

public Person(String initialName) {

this.age = 0; = initialName;

this.weight = 0;

this.height = 0;


public void setHeight(int newHeight) {

this.height = newHeight;


public void setWeight(int newWeight) {

this.weight = newWeight;


public double bodyMassIndex(){

double heightDividedByHundred = this.height / 100.0;

return this.weight / ( heightDividedByHundred *

heightDividedByHundred );

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// ...


We added object variables height and weight, and methods setHeight and

setWeight that can be used to give values to the variables. In naming the

methods, we follow the Java convention to call a method that just sets a new

value to a variable setVariableName. This type of methods are usually called

setter methods.

The new methods in use:

public static void main(String[] args) {

Person matti = new Person("Matti");

Person john = new Person("John");





System.out.println(matti.getName() + ", body mass index: " +


Page 229: Java PartI


System.out.println(john.getName() + ", body mass index: " +



The output:

Matti, body mass index: on 26.54320987654321

John, body mass index: on 20.897959183673468

21.11 Object variable and parameter with identical name

Above, the method setHeight assigns the object variable height the value of

the parameter newHeight:

public void setHeight(int newHeight) {

this.height = newHeight;


The parameter could also be named identically with the object variable:

public void setHeight(int height) {

this.height = height;


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Now, the name height means the parameter height and the identically

named object variable is referred to as this.height. The following would not

work since the object variable height is not at all referred to in the code:

public void setHeight(int height) {


height = height;

// this just assigns the value of the parameter to the parameter itself


21.12 Contolling the number of decimals when printing a float

The number of decimals in the last output was far too high, two decimals

would be enough. One technique to control how a float number is printed is

to use the command String.format.

If value is a float number, the command String.value( "%.2f", value ) returns

a string where the value is rounded to contain 2 decimals. The number

between dot and f defines the amount of decimals shown.

After changing the code, we have the following:

System.out.println(matti.getName() + ", body mass index: " + String.format(

"%.2f", matti.bodyMassIndex()));

System.out.println(john.getName() + ", body mass index: " + String.format(

"%.2f", john.bodyMassIndex()));

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The output is:

Matti, body mass index: 26,54

John, body mass index: 20,90

The method String.format is not the most flexible way provided by Java for

formatting float values, but it is simple to use and suits our purposes here


Exercise 78: Clock using a counter

We start by implementing a class BoundedCounter and then use counter

objects to implement a clock.

Exercise 78.1: BoundedCounter

Implement class BoundedCounter with the following functionality:

A counter has an object variable that remembers the value of the

counter. The value is within the range 0..upperBound

In the beginning the value is 0.

The upper bound of the value is defined by the constructor parameter.

The method next increments the value of the counter. If the value would

be more that the upper limit, it wraps around and becomes zero.

The method toString returns a string representation of the counter value.

The skeleton of the class is as follows:

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public class BoundedCounter {

private int value;

private int upperLimit;

public BoundedCounter(int upperLimit) {

// write code here


public void next() {

// write code here


public String toString() {

// write code here



Note: you cannot return an integer value directly from the method

toString since the method should return a string. Integer variable value

can be turned into a string by prefixing it with an empty string: "" + value.

A main program that uses the counter:

public class Main {

public static void main(String[] args) {

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BoundedCounter counter = new BoundedCounter(4);

System.out.println("Value at start: " + counter );

int i = 0;

while ( i < 10) {;

System.out.println("Value: " + counter );





In the constructor, an upper limit of 4 is given to the new counter object.

Now, the value of the counter should be within the range 0...4. Note how

the method next increases the value until it hits the upper limit and

becomes zero again:

Value at start: 0

Value: 1

Value: 2

Value: 3

Value: 4

Value: 0

Value: 1

Value: 2

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Value: 3

Value: 4

Value: 0

Exercise 78.2: Printing the initial zero

Imrove toString so that if the value of the counter is less than 10, it

prefixes the value with 0. If the value of the counter is e.g. 3, toString

should produce "03". If the value is at least 10, e.g. 12, the returned string

would be "12".

A main program that demonstrates the desired functionality of the

improved toString.

public class Main {

public static void main(String[] args) {

BoundedCounter counter = new BoundedCounter(14);

System.out.println("Value at start: " + counter );

int i = 0;

while ( i < 16){;

System.out.println("value: " + counter );





Page 235: Java PartI


value at start: 00

value: 01

value: 02

value: 03

value: 04

value: 05

value: 06

value: 07

value: 08

value: 09

value: 10

value: 11

value: 12

value: 13

value: 14

value: 00

value: 01

Exercise 78.3: The first version of the clock

With two counter objects it possible for us to build a simple clock. Hours

can be represented by a counter with upper bound 23 and minutes by a

counter with upper bound 59. As we all know, when minutes wrap

around from 59 to 0, hours advance by one.

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First you should implement the method getValue for the counters in the


public int getValue() {

// write here code that returns the value


Then implement the clock in your main method in the following style:

public class Main {

public static void main(String[] args) {

BoundedCounter minutes = new BoundedCounter(59);

BoundedCounter hours = new BoundedCounter(23);

int i = 0;

while ( i < 121 ) {

System.out.println( hours + ":" + minutes); // the current time


// advance minutes

// if minutes become zero, advance hours





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The output should be:











Exercise 78.4: The second version of the clock

Firstly implement the method setValue to the class BoundedCounter. The

method should set the value of the parameter to the counter unless the

parameter is less than zero or larger than the upper bound. In those cases,

the method does not have any effect.

Then add a seconds counter to your clock. The clock should now be as


public class Main {

public static void main(String[] args) {

Scanner reader = new Scanner(;

BoundedCounter seconds = new BoundedCounter(59);

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BoundedCounter minutes = new BoundedCounter(59);

BoundedCounter hours = new BoundedCounter(23);

System.out.print("seconds: ");

int s = // read the initial value of seconds from the user

System.out.print("minutes: ");

int m = // read the initial value of minutes from the user

System.out.print("hours: ");

int h = // read the initial value of hours from the user




int i = 0;

while ( i < 121 ) {

// like in previous but seconds taken into account





Ensure that all works as expected when starting e.g. with time 23:59:50.

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The output should be:

seconds: 50

minutes: 59

hours: 23





Bonus: eternal clock (exercise not assessed with TMC!)

Before you start, submit the exercise for assesment.

Change your main as follows:

public class Main {

public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

BoundedCounter seconds = new BoundedCounter(59);

BoundedCounter minutes = new BoundedCounter(59);

BoundedCounter hours = new BoundedCounter(23);




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while ( true ) {

System.out.println( hours + ":" + minutes + ":" + seconds );


// put here the logic to advance your clock by one second




Now, the clock goes on forever and the value is updated as it should be,

once in a second. The clock estimates the duration of a second with the

command Thread.sleep(1000); The parameter in the command is the time

to sleep in milliseconds. In order to use the sleep command, you should do

an addition to the definition of main: public static void main(String[] args)

throws Exception {

You can end the eternal clock by pressing the red box in the NetBeans

console (i.e. the area in NB where the output of programs gets printed).

Important notes regarding the use of objects. You should definately

read these.

Object-oriented programming is mostly about turning concepts into their

own entities, or in other words forming abstractions. One might think that it

is pointless to create an object that only holds one number in it, and that the

same could be achieved with simple int variables. This is not the case. If a

clock consists of just 3 int variables that are then increased, the program

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loses some human readability. It becomes more difficult to "see" what the

program is about. Earlier in the material we mentioned the advice of the

renown programmer Kent Beck: "Any fool can write code that a computer

can understand. Good programmers write code that humans can understand",

since the hand of a clock is its own clearly definable concept, it is a good

idea to create it an own class - BoundedCounter - for the sake of human


Turning a concept into a class of its own is a good idea for a lot of reasons.

Firstly, some details (i.e. when the counter makes a full round) can be

hidden inside the class (abstracted). Instead of writing an if-clause and an

assignment operation, it is enough that the user of the counter calls the

descriptively named method next(). In addition to clocks, the created

counter might be good for being used as a building block for other projects

too, so a class made from a clear concept can be very versatile. Another

huge advantage we gain by writing code this way, is that when the details of

the mechanics are hidden, they can be changed if need be.

We established that a clock contains three hands, it consists of three

concepts. Actually the clock itself is a concept too and next week we will

make the class Clock. Then, we can create distinct Clock objects. Clock will

be an object which functionality is based on "simpler" objects, the hands.

This is the grand idea of object-oriented programming: a program is built

out of small, clearly defined co-operating objects.

Now, we will take some careful first steps in the object world. Towards the

end of the course, objects will start to come to you naturally and the idea of

programs being built out of small, well defined, co-operating pieces - which at

Page 242: Java PartI


this point might feel incomprehensible - will become something you will

take for granted.

21.13 Calling other methods within an object

Objects can also call its own methods. Let us assume we would like to

include body mass index in the string representation of the person objects.

Instead of calculating the body mass index in the toString method, a better

idea is to call the method bodyMassIndex from the toString method:

public String toString() {

return + ", age " + this.age + " years, my body mass index is " +



As can be seen, an object can call its own method by prefixing the method

name with this and dot. The this is not necessary, so also the following


public String toString() {

return + ", age " + this.age + " years, my body mass index is " +



Now it is time to continue practising programming.

Exercise 79: NumberStatistics

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Exercise 79.1: Amount of numbers

Implement class NumberStatistics with the following methods:

addNumber adds a new number to the statistics

amountOfNumbers tells us how many numbers have been added to the


Note that the class should not store the added numbers. At this stage, it is

enough to remember how many added numbers there are, i.e. how many

times the method addNumber has been called.

The class skeleton:

public class NumberStatistics {

private int amountOfNumbers;

public NumberStatistics() {

// initialize here the object variable amountOfNumbers


public void addNumber(int number) {

// code here


public int amountOfNumbers() {

// code here


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A usage example:

public class Main {

public static void main(String[] args) {

NumberStatistics stats = new NumberStatistics();





System.out.println("Amount: " + stats.amountOfNumbers());



The output should be:

Amount: 4

Exercise 79.2: sum and average

Add the following methods to the class:

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sum returns the sum of the added numbers (if no numbers added, the

sum is 0)

average returns the average of the added numbers (if no numbers added,

the average is 0)

The class skeleton now:

public class NumberStatistics {

private int amountOfNumbers;

private int sum;

public NumberStatistics() {

// initialize here the object variable amountOfNumbers


public void addNumber(int number) {

// code here


public int amountOfNumbers() {

// code here


public int sum() {

// code here


Page 246: Java PartI


public double average() {

// code here



A usage example:

public class Main {

public static void main(String[] args) {

NumberStatistics stats = new NumberStatistics();





System.out.println("Amount: " + stats.amountOfNumbers());

System.out.println("sum: " + stats.sum());

System.out.println("average: " + stats.average());



The output should be:

Amount: 4

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sum: 11

average: 2.75

Exercise 79.3: Asking for numbers from the user

Create a program that asks the user to input numbers of type integer.

When the user gives -1, the program stops and prints the sum of the given

numbers (excluding the -1).

Note: you should not make any changes to class NumberStatistics!

The program should use a NumberStatistics object to calculate the sum.

Type numbers:






sum: 15

Exercise 79.4: Many sums

Change your program so that it also calculates the sum of even and odd

numbers in the user input (again -1 excluded).

NOTE: define in your program three NumberStatistics objects. The first is

used to track the sum of all the numbers. The second takes care of even

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numbers and the third the odd numbers. Remember also that you should

not make any changes to class NumberStatistics!

The tests does not work if you do not create the objects in the order

mentioned above!!

The program should work as follows:

Type numbers:






sum: 13

sum of even: 8

sum of odd: 5

22. Randomness

When programming, you may occasionally need to simulate random events.

Situations such as the unpredictability of weather, or surprising moves on

the AI's part in a computer game can often be simulated with random

number generators, running on a computer. In Java, there is a ready-made

class Random, which you can use in the following way:

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import java.util.Random;

public class Randomizing {

public static void main(String[] args) {

Random randomizer = new Random(); // creates a random number


int i = 0;

while (i < 10) {

// Generates and prints out a new random number on each round of

the loop






In the code above, you first create an instance of the class Random with the

keyword new -- exactly as when creating objects implementing other

classes. An object of type Random has the method nextInt that can be given

an integer value as parameter. The method returns a random integer within

the range 0..(the integer given as parameter- 1).

The printout of this program could be as follows:


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We will need floating point numbers, for example when dealing with

probability calculations. In computing, probabilities are usually calculated

with numbers within the range [0..1]. An object of the class Random can

return random floating point numbers with the method nextDouble. Let us

consider the following probabilities of weather conditions:

Sleet with the probability 0.1 (10%)

Snow with the probability 0.3 (30%)

Sunny with the probability 0.6 (60%)

Using the estimates above, let us create a weather forecaster.

import java.util.ArrayList;

import java.util.Random;

Page 251: Java PartI


public class WeatherForecaster {

private Random random;

public WeatherForecaster() {

this.random = new Random();


public String forecastWeather() {

double probability = this.random.nextDouble();

if (probability <= 0.1) {

return "Sleet";

} else if (probability <= 0.4) { // 0.1 + 0.3

return "Snow";

} else { // the rest, 1.0 - 0.4 = 0.6

return "Sunny";



public int forecastTemperature() {

return (int) ( 4 * this.random.nextGaussian() - 3 );



The method forecastTemperature is interesting in many ways. Within this

method, we are calling the method this.random.nextGaussian(), just like any

Page 252: Java PartI


other time we have called a method in the previous examples. Interestingly,

this method of the class Random returns a value from the normal

distribution (if you have no interest in the different varieties of random

figures, that's okay!).

public int forecastTemperature() {

return (int) ( 4 * this.random.nextGaussian() - 3 );


In the expression above, interesting is the section (int). This part of the

expression changes the bracketed floating point number into an integer

value. A corresponding method transforms integer values into floating point

numbers: (double) integer. This is called an explicit type conversion.

Let us create a class with a main method that uses the class


public class Program {

public static void main(String[] args) {

WeatherForecaster forecaster = new WeatherForecaster();

// Use a list to help you organise things

ArrayList<String> days = new ArrayList<String>();

Collections.addAll(days, "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat", "Sun");

System.out.println("Weather forecast for the next week:");

Page 253: Java PartI


for(String day : days) {

String weatherForecast = forecaster.forecastWeather();

int temperatureForecast = forecaster.forecastTemperature();

System.out.println(day + ": " + weatherForecast + " " +

temperatureForecast + " degrees.");




The printout from this program could be as follows:

Weather forecast for the next week:

Mon: Snow 1 degrees.

Tue: Snow 1 degrees.

Wed: Sunny -2 degrees.

Thu: Sunny 0 degrees.

Fri: Snow -3 degrees.

Sat: Snow -3 degrees.

Sun: Sunny -5 degrees.

Exercise 80: Rolling the dice

In the template is class Dice that has the following functionality:

The constructor Dice(int numberOfSides) creates a new dice object that

has the amount of sides defined by the argument.

Page 254: Java PartI


The method roll tells the result of a roll (which depends on the number

of its sides)

The frame of the program is as follows:

import java.util.Random;

public class Dice {

private Random random;

private int numberOfSides;

public Dice(int numberOfSides){

this.numberOfSides = numberofSides;

random = new Random();


public int roll() {

// we'll get a random number in the range 1-numberOfSides<



Expand the class Dice so that with each roll the dice returns a random

number between 1...number of sides. Here is a main program that tests

the dice:

Page 255: Java PartI


public class Program {

public static void main(String[] args) {

Dice dice = new Dice(6);

int i = 0;

while ( i < 10 ) {

System.out.println( dice.roll() );





The output could look something like this:











Page 256: Java PartI


Exercise 81: Password randomizer

Your assignment is to expand the class PasswordRandomizer that has the

following functionality:

The constructor PasswordRandomizer creates a new object, which uses

the given password length.

The method createPassword returns a new password, which consists of

symbols a-z and is of the length given as a parameter to the


The frame of the class is as follows:

import java.util.Random;

public class PasswordRandomizer {

// Define the variables here

public PasswordRandomizer(int length) {

// Format the variable here


public String createPassword() {

// Write the code here which returns the new password


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In the following is a program that uses a PasswordRandomizer object:


class Program {

public static void main(String[] args) {

PasswordRandomizer randomizer = new PasswordRandomizer(13);

System.out.println("Password: " + randomizer.createPassword());

System.out.println("Password: " + randomizer.createPassword());

System.out.println("Password: " + randomizer.createPassword());

System.out.println("Password: " + randomizer.createPassword());



The output could look something like this:

Password: mcllsoompezvs

Password: urcxboisknkme

Password: dzaccatonjcqu

Password: bpqmedlbqaopq

Tip 1: this is how you turn the integer number into a character:

Page 258: Java PartI


int number = 17;

char symbol = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz".charAt(number);

Tip 2: The tip in assignment 58 might be useful in this one too.

Exercise 82: Lottery

Your assignment is to expand the class LotteryNumbers, which draws the

lottery numbers of the week. The numbers of the week consist of 7

different numbers between 1 and 39. The class has the following


the constructor LotteryNumbers creates a new LotteryNumbers object,

which contains the new drawn numbers

the method numbers returns the drawn numbers of this draw

the method drawNumbers draws new numbers

the method containsNumber reveals if the number is among the drawn


The frame of the class is as follows:

import java.util.ArrayList;

import java.util.Random;

public class LotteryNumbers {

Page 259: Java PartI


private ArrayList<Integert> numbers;

public LotteryNumbers() {

// We'll format a list for the numbers

this.numbers = new ArrayList<Integert>();

// Draw numbers as LotteryNumbers is created



public ArrayList<Integert> numbers() {

return this.numbers;


public void drawNumbers() {

// Write the number drawing here using the method



public boolean containsNumber(int number) {

// Test here if the number is already among the drawn numbers



The following main program comes with the template:

Page 260: Java PartI


import java.util.ArrayList;

public class Program {

public static void main(String[] args) {

LotteryNumbers lotteryNumbers = new LotteryNumbers();

ArrayList<Integert> numbers = lotteryNumbers.numbers();

System.out.println("Lottery numbers:");

for (int number : numbers) {

System.out.print(number + " ");





The program can print lines like these:

Lottery numbers:

3 5 10 14 15 27 37

Lottery numbers:

2 9 11 18 23 32 34

Page 261: Java PartI


Note! a number can be in one set of numbers only once (per draw of


Exercise 83: Game logic for Hangman

Your Finnish friend designed a Hangman game that looks like the


Your friend has programmed the user interface and also a skeleton for the

game logic. Now, she asks you to finish the remaining pieces of the game


The Finnish words sana, virheitä, viesti, hävisit and arvatut (kirjaimet)

translate into word, (number of) faults, message, you lost and guessed

(letters) respectively.

Page 262: Java PartI


Amongst other stuff, with TMC you get the following skeleton for the class


public class HangmanLogic {

private String word;

private String guessedLetters;

private int numberOfFaults;

public HangmanLogic(String word) {

this.word = word.toUpperCase();

this.guessedLetters = "";

this.numberOfFaults = 0;


public int numberOfFaults() {

return this.numberOfFaults;


public String guessedLetters() {

return this.guessedLetters;


public int losingFaultAmount() {

return 12;


Page 263: Java PartI


public void guessLetter(String letter) {

// program here the functionality for making a guess

// if the letter has already been guessed, nothing happens

// it the word does not contains the guessed letter, the number of

faults increases

// the letter is added among the already guessed letters


public String hiddenWord() {

// program here the functionality for building the hidden word

// create the hidden word by iterating through this.word letter by


// if the letter in turn is within the guessed words, put it in the hidden


// if the letter is not among the guessed ones, replace it with _ in the

hidden word

// return the hidden word at the end

return "";



Page 264: Java PartI


In this assignment, you should only touch class HangmanLogic and

implement the functionality of the methods guessLetter(String letter) and


Testing the code

The TMC project includes two classes that help you with testing. The class

Main starts the graphical version of the game. The class TestProgram can

be used to test the class HangmanLogic.

Exercise 83.1: Guessing a letter

Touch only the method guessLetter(String letter) in this assignment!

When a user guesses a letter, the user interface calls method guessLetter

which is supposed to take care of action related to guessing a letter. First,

it should check if the letter has already been guessed. In that case, the

method does not do anything.

The method increases the number of faults (this.numberOfFaults) if the

word (this.word) does not contain the guessed letter. Then the letter is

added among the already guessed letters (the object variable


An example of how the method guessLetter should work:

HangmanLogic l = new HangmanLogic("kissa");

System.out.println("guessing: A, D, S, F, D");

Page 265: Java PartI


l.guessLetter("A"); // correct

l.guessLetter("D"); // wrong

l.guessLetter("S"); // correct

l.guessLetter("F"); // wrong

l.guessLetter("D"); // This should not have any effect on the number of

faults since D was already guessed

System.out.println("guessed letters: "+l.guessedLetters());

System.out.println("number of faults: "+l.numberOfFaults());

guessing: A, D, S, F, D

guessed letters: ADSF

number of faults: 2

Exercise 83.2: Creating the hidden word

The Hangman user interface shows a hidden version of the word to the

user. In the above figure, the hidden word is METO_I. All the letters that

the user has already guessed are shown in the hidden word but the rest of

the letters are replaced with underscores. In this part of the assignment,

you should complete the method hiddenWord of Hangman logic that

takes care of building the hidden word for the user interface.

Commands while, charAt and contains might be useful here. Note that a

single char can be made into a string as follows:

char c = 'a';

String aString = "" + c;

Page 266: Java PartI


An example of how the method works:

HangmanLogic l = new HangmanLogic("kissa");

System.out.println("word is: "+l.hiddenWord());

System.out.println("guessing: A, D, S, F, D");






System.out.println("guessed letters: "+l.guessedLetters());

System.out.println("number of faults: "+l.numberOfFaults());

System.out.println("word now: "+l.hiddenWord());

word is: _____

guessing: A, D, S, F, D

guessed letters: ADSF

number of faults: 2

word now: __SSA

Now, you can test the game by using class Main. You can change the

guessed word by changing the constructor parameter of the game logic:

Page 267: Java PartI


HangmanLogic logic = new HangmanLogic("parameter");

HangmanUI game = new HangmanUI(logic);


The game is played with the keyboard. You can end the game by pressing

x in the upper left corner of the game window.

Week 5

23. More about objects and classes

23.1 Multiple constructors

Let us return to the class that handles Persons again. The class Person

currently looks like this:

public class Person {

private String name;

private int age;

private int height;

private int weight;

public Person(String name) {

Page 268: Java PartI

268 = name;

this.age = 0;

this.weight = 0;

this.height = 0;


public void printPerson() {

System.out.println( + " I am " + this.age + " years old");


public void becomeOlder() {



public boolean adult(){

if ( this.age < 18 ) {

return false;


return true;


public double weightIndex(){

double heightInMeters = this.height/100.0;

return this.weight / (heightInMeters*heightInMeters);

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public String toString(){

return + " I am " + this.age + " years old, my weight index is "

+ this.weightindex();


public void setHeight(int height){

this.height = height;


public int getHeight(){

return this.height;


public int getWeight() {

return this.weight;


public void setWeight(int weight) {

this.weight = weight;


public String getName(){



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All person objects are 0 years old at creation, since the constructor sets it to


public Person(String name) { = name;

this.age = 0;

this.weight = 0;

this.height = 0;


We also want to create a person so that in addition to name, can be given an

age as a parameter. This can be achieved easily, since multiple constructors

can exist. Let us make an alternative constructor. You do not need to

remove the old one.

public Person(String name) { = name;

this.age = 0;

this.weight = 0;

this.height = 0;


public Person(String name, int age) { = name;

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this.age = age;

this.weight = 0;

this.height = 0;


Now, creating objects can be done in two different ways:

public static void main(String[] args) {

Person pekka = new Person("Pekka", 24);

Person esko = new Person("Esko");

System.out.println( pekka );

System.out.println( esko );


Pekka, age 24 years

Esko, age 0 years

The technique in which a class has two constructors is called constructor

overloading. A class can have multiple constructors, which are different

from one another according to parameter quanitities and/or types.

However, it is not possible to create two different constructors that have

exactly the same type of parameters. We cannot add a constructor public

Person(String name, int weight) on top of the old ones, since it is impossible

for Java to tell the difference between this one and the one in which the

integer stands for the age.

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23.2 Calling your own constructor

But wait, in chapter 21 we noted that "copy-paste" code is not too great of

an idea! When we inspect the overloaded constructors above, we notice that

they have the same code repeated in them. We are not ok with this.

The old constructor actually is a special case of the new constructor. What if

the old constructor could 'call' the new constructor? This can be done, since

you can call another constructor from within a constructor with this!

Let us change the old constructor that does nothing, but only calls the new

constructor below it and asks it to set the age to 0:

public Person(String name) {

this(name, 0); // run here the other constructor's code and set the age

parameter to 0


public Person(String name, int age) { = name;

this.age = age;

this.weight = 0;

this.height = 0;


Calling the own constructor of a class this(name, 0); might seem a little

peculiar. But we can imagine that during the call it will automatically copy-

Page 273: Java PartI


paste the code from the constructor below and that 0 is entered to the age


23.3 Overloading a method

Just like constructors, methods can also be overloaded and multiple

versions of a method can exist. Again, the parameter types of different

versions have to be different. Let us create another version of the

becomeOlder, which enables aging the person the amount of years that is

entered as a parameter:

public void becomeOlder() {

this.age = this.age + 1;


public void becomeOlder(int years) {

this.age = this.age + years;


In the following, "Pekka" is born as a 24-year old, ages one year, and then


public static void main(String[] args) {

Person pekka = new Person("Pekka", 24);



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Pekka, age 24 years

Pekka, age 25 years

Pekka, age 35 years

Now, a person has two becomeOlder methods. The method that is chosen to

be run depends on the amount of parameters entered in to the method call.

The method becomeOlder can also be run through the method

becomeOlder(int years):

public void becomeOlder() {



public void becomeOlder(int years) {

this.age = this.age + years;


Exercise 84: Overloaded counter

Page 275: Java PartI


Exercise 84.1: Multiple constructors

Make a class Counter that holds a number that can be decreased and

increased. The counter also has an optional check that prevents the

counter from going below 0. The class has to have the following


public Counter(int startingValue, boolean check) creates a new counter

with the given value. The check is on if the parameter given to check

was true.

public Counter(int startingValue) creates a new counter with the given

value. The check on the new counter should be off.

public Counter(boolean check) creates a new counter with the starting

value 0. The check is on if the parameter given to check was true.

public Counter() creates a new counter with the starting value of 0 and

with checking off.

and the following methods:

public int value() returns the current value of the counter

public void increase() increases the value of the counter by one

public void decrease() decreases the value of the counter by one, but not

below 0 if the check is on

Exercise 84.2: Alternative methods

Page 276: Java PartI


Create also a one parametered versions of the methods increase and


public void increase(int increaseAmount) increases the value by the

amount of the parameter. If the value of the parameter is negative, the

value will not change.

public void decrease(int decreaseAmount) decreases the value of the

counter by the amount given by the parameter, but not below 0 if the

check is on. If the value of the parameter is negative, the value of the

counter will not change.

23.4 Object is at the end of a wire

In chapter 20, we noted that ArrayList is at the end of a wire. Also objects

are 'at the end of a wire'. What does this mean? Let us inspect the following


public static void main(String[] args) {

Person pekka = new Person("Pekka", 24);

System.out.println( pekka );


When we run the sentence Person pekka = new Person("Pekka", 24); an

object is born. The object can be accessed through the variable pekka.

Technically speaking, the object is not within the variable pekka (in the box

'pekka'), but pekka refers to the object that was born. In other words, the

Page 277: Java PartI


object is 'at the end of a wire' that is attached to a variable named pekka.

The concept could be visualized like this:

Let us add to the program a variable person of the type Person and set its

starting value to pekka. What happens now?

public static void main(String[] args) {

Person pekka = new Person("Pekka", 24);

System.out.println( pekka );

Person person = pekka;


System.out.println( pekka );



Pekka, age 24 years

Pekka, age 49 years

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In the beginning, Pekka was 24 years old. Then a Person object at the end of

a wire attached to a Person variable is aged by 25 years and as a

consequence of that Pekka becomes older! What is going on here?

The command Person person = pekka; makes person refer to the same

object that pekka refers to. So, a copy of the object is not born, but instead

both of the variables refer to the same object. With the command Person

person = pekka; a copy of the wire is born. The same thing as a picture

(Note: in the picture p refers to the variable pekka, and h to the variable

person in the main program. The variable names have also been

abbreviated in some of the following pictures.):

In the example, "an unknown person steals Pekka's identity". In the

following, we have expanded the example so that a new object is created

and pekka begins to refer to a new object:

public static void main(String[] args) {

Person pekka = new Person("Pekka", 24);

System.out.println( pekka );

Person person = pekka;

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System.out.println( pekka );

pekka = new Person("Pekka Mikkola", 24);

System.out.println( pekka );



Pekka, age 24 years

Pekka, age 49 years

Pekka Mikkola, age 24 years

The variable pekka refers to one object, but then begins to refer to another.

Here is the situation after running the previous line of code:

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Let's develop the example further by making person to refer to 'nothing', to


public static void main(String[] args) {

Person pekka = new Person("Pekka", 24);

System.out.println( pekka );

Person person = pekka;


System.out.println( pekka );

pekka = new Person("Pekka Mikkola", 24);

System.out.println( pekka );

person = null;

System.out.println( person );


After running that, the situation looks like this:

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Nothing refers to the second object. The object has become 'garbage'. Java's

garbace collector cleans up the garbage every now and then by itself. If this

did not happen, the garbage would pile up in the computer's memory until

the execution of the program is done.

We notice this on the last line whine we try to print 'nothing' (null) on the

last line:

Pekka, age 24 years

Pekka, age 49 years

Pekka Mikkola, age 24 years


What happens if we try to call a "nothing's" method, for example the

method weightIndex:

public static void main(String[] args) {

Person pekka = new Person("Pekka", 24);

Page 282: Java PartI


System.out.println( pekka );

Person person = null;

System.out.println( person.weightIndex() );



Pekka, age 24 years

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException

at Main.main(

Java Result: 1

Not good. This might be the first time in your life that you see the text

NullPointerException. But we can assure you that it will not be the last.

NullPointerException is an exception state, when we try to call methods of

an object with the value null.

23.5 An object as a method parameter

We have seen that a method can have, for example int, double, String or

ArrayList as its parameter. ArrayLists and character strings are objects, so

as one might guess a method can take any type of object as a parameter. Let

us demonstrate this with an example.

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People whose weight index exceeds a certain limit are accepted into the

Weight Watchers. The limit is not the same in all Weight Watchers

associations. Let us make a class corresponding to the Weight Watchers

association. As the object is being created, the lowest acceptance limit is

passed to the constructor as a parameter.

public class WeightWatchersAssociation {

private double lowestWeightIndex;

public WeightWatchersAssociation(double indexLimit) {

this.lowestWeightIndex = indexLimit;



Next we will create a method, with which we can check if a person is eligible

to the association, in other words we check if a person's weight index is

large enough. The method returns true if the person that is passed in as a

parameter is eligible and false if not.

public class WeightWatchersAssociation {

// ...

public boolean isAcceptedAsMember(Person person) {

if ( person.weightIndex() < this.lowestWeightIndex ) {

return false;

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return true;



The method isAcceptedAsMember of the WeightWatchersAssociation object

gets a Person object as its parameter (or more accurately the wire to the

person), and then calls the method weightIndex of the person that it

received as a parameter.

In the following, is a test main program in which a person object matti and a

person object juhana is passed to the weight watchers association's method:

public static void main(String[] args) {

Person matti = new Person("Matti");



Person juhana = new Person("Juhana");



WeightWatchersAssociation kumpulasWeight = new


Page 285: Java PartI


if ( kumpulasWeight.isAcceptedAsMember(matti) ) {

System.out.println( matti.getName() + " is accepted as a member");

} else {

System.out.println( matti.getName() + " is not accepted as a member");


if ( kumpulasWeight.isAcceptedAsMember(juhana) ) {

System.out.println( juhana.getName() + " is accepted as a memberksi");

} else {

System.out.println( juhana.getName() + " is not accepted as a




The program prints:

Matti is accepted as a member

Juhana is not accepted as a member

A few NetBeans-tips

All NetBeans-tips are found here

The automatic generating of constructors, getters and setters.

Go inside of the code block of the class, but outside of all methods and

simultaneously press Ctrl+Space. If your class, for example, has an

Page 286: Java PartI


object variable balance, NetBeans will offer you the opportunity to

generate the getter and setter methods, and a constructor that sets a

starting value for the object variable.

Exercise 85: Reformatory

In this assignment, we use the already given class Person and are

supposed to build a new class Reformatory. Reformatory objects do

certain things to persons, e.g. measure their weight and feed them.

Note: you should not alter the code in the class Person!

Exercise 85.1: Weight of a person

The reformatory class already has a method skeleton public int

weight(Person person):

public class Reformatory {

public int weight(Person person) {

// returns the weight of the parameter

return -1;



The method gets a person object as a parameter. The method is supposed

to return the weight of the parameter, so the method should call a suitable

method of person, get the return value and then return it to the caller.

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In the following a reformatory weight's two persons:

public static void main(String[] args) {

Reformatory eastHelsinkiReformatory = new Reformatory();

Person brian = new Person("Brian", 1, 110, 7);

Person pekka = new Person("Pekka", 33, 176, 85);

System.out.println(brian.getName() + " weight: " +

eastHelsinkiReformatory.weight(brian) + " kilos");

System.out.println(pekka.getName() + " weight: " +

eastHelsinkiReformatory.weight(pekka) + " kilos");


The output should be:

Brian weight: 7 kilos

Pekka weight: 85 kilos

Exercise 85.2: Feeding a person

In the previous part of the assignment, the method weight queried some

information from the parameter object by calling its method. It is also

possible to change the state of the parameter. Add to class Reformatory

the method public void feed(Person person) that increases the weight of

its parameter by one.

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Next, an example where first the weight of Pekka and Brian is measured

and printed. Then Reformatory feeds Brian three times and after that the

weights are measured and printed again.

public static void main(String[] args) {

Reformatory eastHelsinkiReformatory = new Reformatory();

Person brian = new Person("Brian", 1, 110, 7);

Person pekka = new Person("Pekka", 33, 176, 85);

System.out.println(brian.getName() + " weight: " +

eastHelsinkiReformatory.weight(brian) + " kilos");

System.out.println(pekka.getName() + " weight: " +

eastHelsinkiReformatory.weight(pekka) + " kilos");





System.out.println(brian.getName() + " weight: " +

eastHelsinkiReformatory.weight(brian) + " kilos");

System.out.println(pekka.getName() + " weight: " +

eastHelsinkiReformatory.weight(pekka) + " kilos");


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The output should reveal that Brian has gained 3 kilos:

Brian weight: 7 kilos

Pekka weight: 85 kilos

Brian weight: 10 kilos

Pekka weight: 85 kilos

Exercise 85.3: Number of times a weight has been measured

Add to class Reformatory the method public int totalWeightsMeasured()

that returns the total number of times a weight has been measured.

With the following main program:

public static void main(String[] args) {

Reformatory eastHelsinkiReformatory = new Reformatory();

Person brian = new Person("Brian", 1, 110, 7);

Person pekka = new Person("Pekka", 33, 176, 85);

System.out.println("total weights measured


Page 290: Java PartI




System.out.println("total weights measured






System.out.println("total weights measured



the output should be:

total weights measured 0

total weights measured 2

total weights measured 6

Exercise 86: Lyyra card and Cash Register

Exercise 86.1: The "stupid" Lyyra card

Page 291: Java PartI


In the last set of exercises, we implemented the class LyyraCard. The card

had methods for paying economical and gourmet lunches and a method

for loading money.

Last week's version of the card is however somehow problematic. The

card knew the lunch prices so that it could take the right price from the

balance if a lunch was paid. What if the lunch prices change? Or what if it

is decided that LyyraCards could also be used to purchase coffee? A

change like these would mean that all the existing LyyraCards should be

replaced with the new ones with the right prices and/or new methods.

This does not sound good at all!

A better solution is to store only the balance on the card and have all the

inteligence in a cash register.

We will soon program the cash register but let us start by completing the

"stupid" version of the Lyyra card. The card holds the balance and has

only two methods, public void loadMoney(double amount) that is already

implemented and public boolean pay(double amount) that you should

complete according to the instructions below:

public class LyyraCard {

private double balance;

public LyyraCard(double balance) {

this.balance = balance;


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public double balance() {

return this.balance;


public void loadMoney(double amount) {

this.balance += amount;


public boolean pay(double amount){

// the method checks if the balance of the card is at least the amount

given as parameter

// if not, the method returns false meaning that the card could not be

used for the payment

// if the balance is enough, the given amount is taken from the

balance and true is returned



With the following main:

public class Main {

public static void main(String[] args) {

LyyraCard cardOfPekka = new LyyraCard(10);

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System.out.println("money on the card " + cardOfPekka.balance() );

boolean succeeded =;

System.out.println("money taken: " + succeeded );

System.out.println("money on the card " + cardOfPekka.balance() );

succeeded =;

System.out.println("money taken: " + succeeded );

System.out.println("money on the card " + cardOfPekka.balance() );



the output should be

money on the card 10.0

money taken: true

money on the card 2.0

money taken: false

money on the card 2.0

Exercise 86.2: Cash Register and paying with cash

In Unicafe, a client pays either with cash or with a Lyyra Card. The

personnel uses a cash register to charge the client. Let us start by

implementig the part of CashRegister that takes care of cash payments.

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Below is the skeleton of CashRegister that also has the information on

how the methods should be implemented:

public class CashRegister {

private double cashInRegister; // the amount of cash in the register

private int economicalSold; // the amount of economical lunches


private int gourmetSold; // the amount of gourmet lunches sold

public CashRegister() {

// at start the register has 1000 euros


public double payEconomical(double cashGiven) {

// the price of the economical lunch is 2.50 euros

// if the given cash is at least the price of the lunch:

// the price of lunch is added to register

// the amount of the sold lunches is incremented by one

// the method returns cashGiven - lunch price

// if not enough money is given, all is returned and nothing else



public double payGourmet(double cashGiven) {

// the price of the gourmet lunch is 4.00 euros

// if the given cash is at least the price of the lunch:

Page 295: Java PartI


// the price of lunch is added to the register

// the amount of the sold lunches is incremented by one

// the method returns cashGiven - lunch price

// if not enough money is given, all is returned and nothing else



public String toString() {

return "money in register "+cashInRegister+" economical lunches

sold: "+economicalSold+" gourmet lunches sold: "+gourmetSold;



When correctly implemented, the following main:

public class Main {

public static void main(String[] args) {

CashRegister unicafeExactum = new CashRegister();

double theChange = unicafeExactum.payEconomical(10);

System.out.println("the change was " + theChange );

theChange = unicafeExactum.payEconomical(5);

System.out.println("the change was " + theChange );

Page 296: Java PartI


theChange = unicafeExactum.payGourmet(4);

System.out.println("the change was " + theChange );

System.out.println( unicafeExactum );



should output:

the change was 7.5

the change was 2.5

the change was 0.0

money in register 1009.0 economical lunches sold: 2 gourmet lunches

sold: 1

Exercise 86.3: Paying with card

Extend the cash register with methods to charge a lunch price from a

Lyyra Card. See below how the methods should appear and behave:

public class CashRegister {

// ...

public boolean payEconomical(LyyraCard card) {

// the price of the economical lunch is 2.50 euros

Page 297: Java PartI


// if the balance of the card is at least the price of the lunch:

// the amount of sold lunches is incremented by one

// the method returns true

// if not, the method returns false


public boolean payGourmet(LyyraCard card) {

// the price of the gourmet lunch is 4.00 euros

// if the balance of the card is at least the price of the lunch:

// the amount of sold lunches is incremented by one

// the method returns true

// if not, the method returns false


// ...


Note: card payments do not affect the amount of money in the register!

Example main and output:

public class Main {

public static void main(String[] args) {

CashRegister unicafeExactum = new CashRegister();

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double theChange = unicafeExactum.payEconomical(10);

System.out.println("the change was " + theChange );

LyyraCard cardOfJim = new LyyraCard(7);

boolean succeeded = unicafeExactum.payGourmet(cardOfJim);

System.out.println("payment success: " + succeeded);

succeeded = unicafeExactum.payGourmet(cardOfJim);

System.out.println("payment success: " + succeeded);

succeeded = unicafeExactum.payEconomical(cardOfJim);

System.out.println("payment success: " + succeeded);

System.out.println( unicafeExactum );



the change was 7.5

payment success: true

payment success: false

payment success: true

money in register 1002.5 economical lunches sold: 2 gourmet lunches

sold: 1

Exercise 86.4: Loading money

Page 299: Java PartI


To complete the assignment, extend the cash register with a method that

can be used to load cash to Lyyra Cards. When a certain amount is loaded

to the card, the amount stored in the register increases correspondingly.

Remember that the amount to be loaded needs to be positive! The method


public void loadMoneyToCard(LyyraCard card, double sum) {

// ...


Example main and its output:

public class Main {

public static void main(String[] args) {

CashRegister unicafeExactum = new CashRegister();

System.out.println( unicafeExactum );

LyyraCard cardOfJim = new LyyraCard(2);

System.out.println("the card balance " + cardOfJim.balance() + "


boolean succeeded = unicafeExactum.payGourmet(cardOfJim);

System.out.println("payment success: " + succeeded);

Page 300: Java PartI


unicafeExactum.loadMoneyToCard(cardOfJim, 100);

succeeded = unicafeExactum.payGourmet(cardOfJim);

System.out.println("payment success: " + succeeded);

System.out.println("the card balance " + cardOfJim.balance() + "


System.out.println( unicafeExactum );



money in register 1000.0 economical lunches sold: 0 gourmet lunches

sold: 0

money on the card 2.0 euros

payment success: false

payment success: true

the card balance 98.0 euros

money in register 1100.0 economical lunches sold: 0 gourmet lunches

sold: 1

23.6 Another object of the same type as a parameter to a method

We will keep on working with the Person class. As we recall, persons know

their age:

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public class Person {

private String name;

private int age;

private int height;

private int weight;

// ...


We want to compare ages of two persons. The comparison can be done in a

number of ways. We could define a getter method getAge for a person.

Comparing two persons in that case would be done like this:

Person pekka = new Person("Pekka");

Person juhana = new Person("Juhana")

if ( pekka.getAge() > juhana.getAge() ) {

System.out.println(pekka.getName() + " is older than " +



We will learn a slightly more object-oriented way to compare the ages of

two people.

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We will create a method boolean olderThan(Person compared) for the

Person class, with which we can compare a certain person with a person

that is given as a parameter.

The method is meant to be used in the following way:

public static void main(String[] args) {

Person pekka = new Person("Pekka", 24);

Person antti = new Person("Antti", 22);

if (pekka.olderThan(antti)) { // same as pekka.olderThan(antti)==true

System.out.println(pekka.getName() + " is older than " +


} else {

System.out.println(pekka.getName() + " isn't older than " +




Here, we ask Pekka if he is older than Antti, Pekka replies true if he is, and

false if he is not. In practice, we call the method olderThan of the object that

pekka refers to. For this method, we give as a parameter the object that

antti refers to.

The program prints:

Pekka is older than Antti

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The program gets a person object as its parameter (or more accurately a

reference to a person object, which is at 'the end of a wire') and then

compares its own age this.age to the age of the compared compared.age.

The implementation looks like this:

public class Person {

// ...

public boolean olderThan(Person compared) {

if ( this.age > compared.age ) {

return true;


return false;



Even though age is a private object variable, we can read the value of the

variable by writing compared.age. This is because private variables can be

read in all methods that the class in question contains. Note that the syntax

resembles the call of a method of an object. Unlike calling a method, we

refer to a field of an object, in which case we do not write the parentheses.

23.7 The date as an object

Another example of the same theme. Let us create a class, which can

represent dates.

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Within an object, the date is represented with three object variables. Let us

also make a method, which can compare whether the date is earlier than a

date that is given as a parameter:

public class MyDate {

private int day;

private int month;

private int year;

public MyDate(int day, int month, int year) { = day;

this.month = month;

this.year = year;


public String toString() {

return + "." + this.month + "." + this.year;


public boolean earlier(MyDate compared) {

// first we'll compare years

if ( this.year < compared.year ) {

return true;


// if the years are the same, we'll compare the months

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if ( this.year == compared.year && this.month < compared.month ) {

return true;


// years and months the same, we'll compare the days

if ( this.year == compared.year && this.month == compared.month && < ) {

return true;


return false;



Example of usage:

public static void main(String[] args) {

MyDate p1 = new MyDate(14, 2, 2011);

MyDate p2 = new MyDate(21, 2, 2011);

MyDate p3 = new MyDate(1, 3, 2011);

MyDate p4 = new MyDate(31, 12, 2010);

System.out.println( p1 + " earlier than " + p2 + ": " + p1.earlier(p2));

System.out.println( p2 + " earlier than " + p1 + ": " + p2.earlier(p1));

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System.out.println( p2 + " earlier than " + p3 + ": " + p2.earlier(p3));

System.out.println( p3 + " earlier than " + p2 + ": " + p3.earlier(p2));

System.out.println( p4 + " earlier than " + p1 + ": " + p4.earlier(p1));

System.out.println( p1 + " earlier than " + p4 + ": " + p1.earlier(p4));


14.2.2011 earlier than 21.2.2011: true

21.2.2011 earlier than 14.2.2011: false

21.2.2011 earlier than 1.3.2011: true

1.3.2011 earlier than 21.2.2011: false

31.12.2010 earlier than 14.2.2011: true

14.2.2011 earlier than 31.12.2010: false

Exercise 87: Apartment comparison

The information system of a Housing service represents the apartments it

has for sale using objects of the following class:

public class Apartment {

private int rooms;

private int squareMeters;

private int pricePerSquareMeter;

public Apartment(int rooms, int squareMeters, int


this.rooms = rooms;

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this.squareMeters = squareMeters;

this.pricePerSquareMeter = pricePerSquareMeter;



Next you should implement a couple of methods that help in apartment


Exercise 87.1: Larger

Implement the method public boolean larger(Apartment

otherApartment) that returns true if the Apartment object for which the

method is called (this) is larger than the apartment object given as

parameter (otherApartment).

Example of the usage:

Apartment studioManhattan = new Apartment(1, 16, 5500);

Apartment twoRoomsBrooklyn = new Apartment(2, 38, 4200);

Apartment fourAndKitchenBronx = new Apartment(3, 78, 2500);

System.out.println( studioManhattan.larger(twoRoomsBrooklyn) ); //


System.out.println( fourAndKitchenBronx.larger(twoRoomsBrooklyn) );

// true

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Exercise 87.2: Price difference

Implement the method public int priceDifference(Apartment

otherApartment) that returns the absolute value of the price difference of

the Apartment object for which the method is called (this) and the

apartment object given as parameter (otherApartment). The price of an

apartment is squareMeters * pricePerSquareMeter.

Example of the usage:

Apartment studioManhattan = new Apartment(1, 16, 5500);

Apartment twoRoomsBrooklyn = new Apartment(2, 38, 4200);

Apartment fourAndKitchenBronx = new Apartment(3, 78, 2500);


studioManhattan.priceDifference(twoRoomsBrooklyn) ); // 71600


fourAndKitchenBronx.priceDifference(twoRoomsBrooklyn) ); // 35400

Exercise 87.3: more expensive than

Implement the method public boolean moreExpensiveThan(Apartment

otherApartment) that returns true if the Apartment-object for which the

method is called (this) has a higher price than the apartment object given

as parameter (otherApartment).

Example of the usage:

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Apartment studioManhattan = new Apartment(1, 16, 5500);

Apartment twoRoomsBrooklyn = new Apartment(2, 38, 4200);

Apartment fourAndKitchenBronx = new Apartment(3, 78, 2500);


studioManhattan.moreExpensiveThan(twoRoomsBrooklyn) ); // false


fourAndKitchenBronx.moreExpensiveThan(twoRoomsBrooklyn) ); //


23.8 Objects on a list

We've used ArrayLists in a lot of examples and assignments already. You

can add character strings, for example, to an ArrayList object and going

through the strings, searching, removing and sorting them and so forth, are

painless actions.

You can put any type of objects in ArrayLists. Let's create a person list, an

ArrayList<Person> and put a few person objects in it:

public static void main(String[] args) {

ArrayList<Person> teachers = new ArrayList<Person>();

// first we can take a person into a variable

Person teacher = new Person("Juhana");

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// and then add it to the list


// or we can create the object as we add it:

teachers.add( new Person("Matti") );

teachers.add( new Person("Martin") );

System.out.println("teachers as newborns: ");

for ( Person prs : teachers ) {

System.out.println( prs );


for ( Person prs : teachers ) {

prs.becomeOlder( 30 );


System.out.println("in 30 years: ");

for ( Person prs : teachers ) {

System.out.println( prs );



The program prints:

teachers as newborns:

Juhana, age 0 years

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Matti, age 0 years

Martin, age 0 years

in 30 years:

Juhana, age 30 years

Matti, age 30 years

Martin, age 30 years

Exercise 88: Students

Exercise 88.1: Class Student

Implement class Student that holds the following information about a


name (String)

studentNumber (String)

The class should have the following methods:

A constructor that initializes the name and the student number with the

given parameters.

getName, that returns the student name

getStudentNumber, that returns the student number

toString, that returns a String representation of the form: Pekka Mikkola


With the following code:

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public class Main {

public static void main(String[] args) {

Student pekka = new Student("Pekka Mikkola", "013141590");

System.out.println("name: " + pekka.getName());

System.out.println("studentnumber: " + pekka.getStudentNumber());




The output should be:

name: Pekka Mikkola

studentnumber: 013141590

Pekka Mikkola (013141590)

Exercise 88.2: List of students

Implement a main program that works as follws:

name: Alan Turing

studentnumber: 017635727

name: Linus Torvalds

studentnumber: 011288989

name: Steve Jobs

studentnumber: 013672548

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Alan Turing (017635727)

Linus Torvalds (011288989)

Steve Jobs (013672548)

So the program asks for student information from the user until the user

gives a student an empty name. After the student info has been enteres, all

the students are printed. From each inputted name-studentnumber-pair,

the program should create a Student object. The program should store the

students in an ArrayList which is defined as follows:

ArrayList<Student> list = new ArrayList<Student>();

Exercise 88.3: Search

Extend the program of the previous part so that after the student info has

been entered and students printed, the user can search the student list

based on a given search term. The extended program should work in the

following manner:

name: Carl Gustaf Mannerheim

studentnumber: 015696234

name: Steve Jobs

studentnumber: 013672548

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name: Edsger Dijkstra

studentnumber: 014662803


Carl Gustaf Mannerheim (015696234)

Steve Jobs (013672548)

Edsger Dijkstra (014662803)

Give search term: st


Carl Gustaf Mannerheim (015696234)

Edsger Dijkstra (014662803)

TIP: in the search you should iterate (using for or while) through the

student list and by using the method contains of String check if a student's

name (obtained with method getName) matches the search term.

23.9 An object within an object

Objects can have objects within them, not only character strings but also

self-defined objects. Let's get back to the Person-class again and add a

birthday for the person. We can use the MyDate-object we created earlier


public class Person {

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private String name;

private int age;

private int weight;

private int height;

private MyDate birthMyDate;

// ...

Let's create a new constructor for persons, which enables setting a


public Person(String name, int day, int month, int year) { = name;

this.weight = 0;

this.height = 0;

this.birthMyDate = new MyDate(day, month, year);


So because the parts of the date are given as constructor parameters (day,

month, year), the date object is created out of them and then inserted to the

object variable birthMyDate.

Let's edit toString so that instead of age, it displays the birthdate:

public String toString() {

return + ", born " + this.birthMyDate;

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And then let's test how the renewed Person class works:

public static void main(String[] args) {

Person martin = new Person("Martin", 24, 4, 1983);

Person juhana = new Person("Juhana", 17, 9, 1985);

System.out.println( martin );

System.out.println( juhana );



Martin, born 24.4.1983

Juhana, born 17.9.1985

In chapter 24.4, we noted that objects are 'at the end of a wire'. Take a look

at that chapter again for good measure.

Person objects have the object variables name, which is a String-object and

birthMyDate, which is a MyDate object. The variables of person are

consequently both objects, so technically speaking they don't actually exist

within a person object, but are 'at the end of a wire'. In other words a

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person has a reference to the objects stored in its object variables. The

concept as a picture:

The main program now has two person programs at the ends of wires. The

persons have a name and a birthdate. Because both are objects, both are at

the ends of wires the person holds.

Birthday seems like a good expansion to the Person class. We notice,

however, that the object variable age is becoming obsolete and should

probably be removed since the age can be determined easily with the help

of the current date and birthday. In Java, the current day can be figured out,

for example, like this:

int day = Calendar.getInstance().get(Calendar.DATE);

int month = Calendar.getInstance().get(Calendar.MONTH) + 1; // January is

0 so we add 1

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int year = Calendar.getInstance().get(Calendar.YEAR);

System.out.println("Today is " + day + "." + month + "." + year );

When age is removed, the olderThan method has to be changed so that it

compares birthdates. We'll do this as an excersise assignment.

Exercise 89: Clock object

In assignment 78 we used objects of the class BoundedCounter to

implement a clock in the main method. In this assignment we will

tranform the clock to an object. The skeleton of the class clock looks like

the following:

public class Clock {

private BoundedCounter hours;

private BoundedCounter minutes;

private BoundedCounter seconds;

public Clock(int hoursAtBeginning, int minutesAtBeginning, int

secondsAtBeginning) {

// the counters that represent hours, minutes and seconds are created


// set to have the correct initial values


public void tick(){

// Clock advances by one second

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public String toString() {

// returns the string representation



Copy the class BoundedCounter from assignment 78 to the project of this


Implement constructor and method tick for the class Clock. Use the

following main to test your clock:

public class Main {

public static void main(String[] args) {

Clock clock = new Clock(23, 59, 50);

int i = 0;

while( i < 20) {

System.out.println( clock );






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The output should be:














23.10 A list of objects within an object

Let's expand the WeightWatchersAssociation object so that the association

records all its members into an ArrayList object. So in this case the list will

be filled with Person objects. In the extended version the association is

given a name as a constructor parameter:

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public class WeightWatchersAssociation {

private double lowestWeightIndex;

private String name;

private ArrayList<Person> members;

public WeightWatchersAssociation(String name, double

lowestWeightIndex) {

this.lowestWeightIndex = lowestWeightIndex; = name;

this.members = new ArrayList<Person>();




Let's create a method with which a person is added to the association. The

method won't add anyone to the association but people with a high enough

weight index. Let's also make a toString with which the members' names

are printed:

public class WeightWatchersAssociation {

// ...

public boolean isAccepted(Person person) {

if ( person.weightIndex() < this.lowestWeightIndex ) {

return false;

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return true;


public void addAsMember(Person person) {

if ( !isAccepted(person) ) { // same as isAccepted(person) == false





public String toString() {

String membersAsString = "";

for ( Person member : this.members ) {

membersAsString += " " + member.getName() + "\n";


return "Weightwatchers association " + + " members: \n" +




Page 323: Java PartI


The method addAsMember uses the method isAccepted that was creater


Let's try out the expanded weightwatchers association:

public static void main(String[] args) {

WeightWatchersAssociation weightWatcher = new

WeightWatchersAssociation("Kumpulan paino", 25);

Person matti = new Person("Matti");




Person juhana = new Person("Juhana");




Person harri = new Person("Harri");




Person petri = new Person("Petri");



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System.out.println( weightWatcher );


In the output we can see that Juhana wasn't accepted as a member:

The members of weight watchers association 'kumpulan paino':




Exercise 90: Team and Players

Exercise 90.1: Class Team

Implement a class Team. At this stage team has only a name (String) and

the following functionality:

a constructor that sets the team name

getName, that returns the name

With the code:

public class Main {

public static void main(String[] args) {

Team barcelona = new Team("FC Barcelona");

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System.out.println("Team: " + barcelona.getName());



the output should be::

Team: FC Barcelona

Exercise 90.2: Player

Create a class Player with the instance variables for the player name and

the amount of goals. A player should have two constructors: one that

initializes the name and an another that initializes the name and the

amount of goals. Implement also the following methods:

getName, returns the player name

goals, returns the amount of goals

toString, returns a string representation that is formed as in the example


Example usage:

public class Main {

public static void main(String[] args) {

Team barcelona = new Team("FC Barcelona");

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System.out.println("Team: " + barcelona.getName());

Player brian = new Player("Brian");

System.out.println("Player: " + brian);

Player pekka = new Player("Pekka", 39);

System.out.println("Player: " + pekka);



and the expected output:

Team: FC Barcelona

Player: Brian, goals 0

Player: Pekka, goals 39

Exercise 90.3: Adding players to a team

Add to the class Team the following methods:

addPlayer, adds a player to the team

printPlayers, prints the players in the team

You should store the players to an instance variable of the type

ArrayList<Player> within the class Team.

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With the code:

public class Main {

public static void main(String[] args) {

Team barcelona = new Team("FC Barcelona");

Player brian = new Player("Brian");

Player pekka = new Player("Pekka", 39);



barcelona.addPlayer(new Player("Mikael", 1)); // works similarly as

the above




the output should be:

Brian, goals 0

Pekka, goals 39

Mikael, goals 1

Exercise 90.4: The team maximum size and current size

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Add to the class Team the methods

setMaxSize(int maxSize), sets the maximum number of players that the

team can have

size, returns the number of players in the team

By default the maximum number of players should be set to 16, and that

can be changed with the method setMaxSize. Change the method

addPlayer so that it does not add players to the team if the team already

has the maximum number of players.

With the code:

public class Main {

public static void main(String[] args) {

Team barcelona = new Team("FC Barcelona");


Player brian = new Player("Brian");

Player pekka = new Player("Pekka", 39);



barcelona.addPlayer(new Player("Mikael", 1)); // works similarly as

the above

System.out.println("Number of players: " + barcelona.size());


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the output should be

Number of players: 1

Exercise 90.5: Goals of a team

Add to the class Team the method

goals, returns the total number of goals for all the players in the team

With the code:

public class Main {

public static void main(String[] args) {

Team barcelona = new Team("FC Barcelona");

Player brian = new Player("Brian");

Player pekka = new Player("Pekka", 39);



barcelona.addPlayer(new Player("Mikael", 1)); // works similarly as

the above

System.out.println("Total goals: " + barcelona.goals());

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the output should be

Total goals: 40

23.11 Method returns an object

We've seen methods that return booleans, numbers, lists and strings. It's

easy to guess that a method can return any type of an object. Let's make a

method for the weight watchers association that returns the person with

the highest weight index.

public class WeightWatchersAssociation {

// ...

public Person personWithHighestWeightIndex() {

// if members list is empty, we'll return null-reference

if ( this.members.isEmpty() ) {

return null;


Person heaviestSoFar = this.members.get(0);

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for ( Person person : this.members) {

if ( person.weightIndex() > heaviestSoFar.weightIndex() ) {

heaviestSoFar = person;



return heaviestSoFar;



The logic in this method works in the same way as when finding the largest

number in a list. We use a dummy variable heaviestSoFar which is initially

made to refer to the first person on the list. After that the list is read

through and we see if there's anyone with a greater weight index in it, if so,

we make heaviestSoFar refer to that one instead. At the end we return the

value of the dummy variable, or in other words the reference to a person


Let's make an expansion to the previous main program. The main program

receives the reference returned by the method to its variable heaviest.

public static void main(String[] args) {

WeightWatchersAssociation weightWatcher = new

WeightWatchersAssociation("Kumpluan paino", 25);

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// ..

Person heaviest = weightWatcher.personWithHighestWeightIndex();

System.out.print("member with the greatest weight index: " +

heaviest.getName() );

System.out.println(" weight index " + String.format( "%.2f",

heaviest.weightIndex() ) );



member with the greatest weight index: Petri

weight index 37,42

23.12 Method returns an object it creates

In the last example a method returned one Person object that the

WeightWatcers object had in it. It's also possible that a method returns an

entirely new object. In the following is a simple counter that has a method

clone with which a clone - an entirely new counter object - can be made

from the counter, which at creation has the same value as the counter that is

being cloned:

public Counter {

private int value;

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public Counter(){



public Counter(int initialValue){

this.value = initialValue;


public void grow(){



public String toString(){

return "value: "+value;


public Counter clone(){

// lets create a new counter object, that gets as its initial value

// the value of the counter that is being cloned

Counter clone = new Counter(this.value);

// return the clone to the caller

return clone;



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Here's a usage example:

Counter counter = new Counter();



System.out.println(counter); // prints 2

Counter clone = counter.clone();

System.out.println(counter); // prints 2

System.out.println(clone); // prints 2





System.out.println(counter); // prints 6

System.out.println(clone); // prints 2


System.out.println(counter); // prints 6

System.out.println(clone); // prints 3

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The value of the object being cloned and the value of the clone - after the

cloning has happened - are the same. However they are two different

objects, so in the future as one of the counters grows the value of the other

isn't affected in any way.

Exercise 91: Extending MyDate

In this assignment we will extend the class MyDate, that was developed in

chapter 24.7. The code of the class:

public class MyDate {

private int day;

private int month;

private int year;

public MyDate(int day, int month, int year) { = day;

this.month = month;

this.year = year;


public String toString() {

return + "." + this.month + "." + this.year;


public boolean earlier(MyDate compared) {

// first we'll compare years

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if ( this.year < compared.year ) {

return true;


// if the years are the same, we'll compare the months

if ( this.year == compared.year && this.month < compared.month ) {

return true;


// years and months the same, we'll compare the days

if ( this.year == compared.year && this.month == compared.month

&& < ) {

return true;


return false;



Exercise 91.1: Next day

Add to the class MyDate the method public void advance() that advances

the date by one. Note: In this assignment we assume that all the months

have 30 days!

Exercise 91.2: Advancing many days

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Add also overloaded version public void advance(int numberOfDays).

This method should advance the day by the number given as parameter.

Implement this method so that it calls the method advance() that was

defined in the previous part of the assignment, e.g. the call advance(5)

should call advance() 5 times. Again assume that all the months have 30


Exercise 91.3: Creation of a new date

Add to the class MyDate the method MyDate afterNumberOfDays(int

days), that returns a new MyDate-object that has the date which equals

the date of the object for which the method was called advance by the

parameter of the method days. Again assume that all the months have 30


Note that the object for which this method is called should not change!

Since the method creates a new object, the skeleton is of the form:

public MyDate afterNumberOfDays(int days){

MyDate newMyDate = new MyDate( ... );

// some code here

return newMyDate;


The following code

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public static void main(String[] args) {

MyDate day = new MyDate(25, 2, 2011);

MyDate newDate = day.afterNumberOfDays(7);

for (int i = 1; i <= 7; ++i) {

System.out.println("Friday after " + i + " weeks is " + newDate);

newDate = newDate.afterNumberOfDays(7);


System.out.println("This week's Friday is " + day);

System.out.println("The date 790 days from this week's Friday is " +



should print:

Friday after 1 weeks is 2.3.2011

Friday after 2 weeks is 9.3.2011

Friday after 3 weeks is 16.3.2011

Friday after 4 weeks is 23.3.2011

Friday after 5 weeks is 30.3.2011

Friday after 6 weeks is 7.4.2011

Friday after 7 weeks is 14.4.2011

This week's Friday is 25.2.2011

The date 790 days from this week's Friday is 5.5.2013

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23.13 More assignments

All the new theory for this week has already been covered. However, since

this week's topics are quite challenging, we will practise our routine with a

couple of more exercises.

Exercise 92: Difference of two dates

In this assignment we'll further extend the class MyDate. This assignment

does not depend on the previous one, so the project contains the MyDate

class that does not have the extensions of the previous assignment.

Exercise 92.1: Difference in years, first version

Add to the class MyDate the method public int differenceInYears(MyDate

comparedDate), that calculates the difference in years of the object for

which the method is called and the object given as parameters.

Note the following

the first vesion of the method is not very precise, it only calculates the

difference of the years and does not take into account the day and

month of the dates

The method needs to work only in the case where the date given as

parameter is before the date for which the method is called

With the code

public class Main {

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public static void main(String[] args) {

MyDate first = new MyDate(24, 12, 2009);

MyDate second = new MyDate(1, 1, 2011);

MyDate third = new MyDate(25, 12, 2010);

System.out.println( second + " and " + first + " difference in years: " +

second.differenceInYears(first) );

System.out.println( third + " and " + first + " difference in years: " +

third.differenceInYears(first) );

System.out.println( second + " and " + third + " difference in years: " +

second.differenceInYears(third) );



the output should be:

1.1.2011 and 24.12.2009 difference in years: 2 // since 2011-2009 = 2

25.12.2010 and 24.12.2009 difference in years: 1 // since 2010-2009 = 1

1.1.2011 and 25.12.2010 difference in years: 1 // since 2011-2010 = 1

Exercise 92.2: More accuracy

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Calculation of the previous version was not very exact, e.g. the difference

of dates 1.1.2011 and 25.12.2010 was claimed to be one year. Modify the

method so that it can calculate the difference properly. Only the full

years in difference count. So if the difference of two dates would be 1 year

and 364 days, only the full years are counted and the result is thus one.

The method still needs to work only in the case where the date given as

parameter is before the date for which the method is called

The output for the previous example is now:

1.1.2011 and 24.12.2009 difference in years: 1

25.12.2010 and 24.12.2009 difference in years: 1

1.1.2011 and 25.12.2010 difference in years: 0

Exercise 92.3: And the final version

Modify the method so that it works no matter which date is later, the one

for which the method is called or the parameter. Example code:

public class Main {

public static void main(String[] args) {

MyDate first = new MyDate(24, 12, 2009);

MyDate second = new MyDate(1, 1, 2011);

MyDate third = new MyDate(25, 12, 2010);

System.out.println( first + " and " + second + " difference in years: " +

second.differenceInYears(first) );

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System.out.println( second + " and " + first + " difference in years: " +

first.differenceInYears(second) );

System.out.println( first + " and " + third + " difference in years: " +

third.differenceInYears(first) );

System.out.println( third + " and " + first + " difference in years: " +

first.differenceInYears(third) );

System.out.println( third + " and " + second + " difference in years: " +

second.differenceInYears(third) );

System.out.println( second + " and " + third + " difference in years: " +

third.differenceInYears(second) );



and the output

24.12.2009 and 1.1.2011 difference in years: 1

1.1.2011 and 24.12.2009 difference in years: 1

24.12.2009 and 25.12.2010 difference in years: 1

25.12.2010 and 24.12.2009 difference in years: 1

1.1.2011 and 25.12.2010 difference in years: 0

25.12.2010 and 1.1.2011 difference in years: 0

Exercise 93: Person extended

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Exercise 93.1: Calculating the age based on the birthday

In chapter 24.9. Person was extended by adding to it a birthday

represented as a MyDate object. It was noticed that after the addition the

instance variable age has no role since the age could easily be calculated

based on the current date and the birthday.

Now implement the method age that calucates and returns the age of the


Note: in the previous assignment we added the class MyDate method

public int differenceInYears(MyDate compared). Copy the method here

since it eases this assignment considerably.

import java.util.Calendar;

public class Person {

private String name;

private MyDate birthday;

public Person(String name, int pp, int kk, int vv) { = name;

this.birthday = new MyDate(pp, kk, vv);


public int age() {

// calculate the age based on the birthday and the current day

// you get the current day as follows:

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// Calendar.getInstance().get(Calendar.DATE);

// Calendar.getInstance().get(Calendar.MONTH) + 1; // January is 0

so we add one

// Calendar.getInstance().get(Calendar.YEAR);


public String getName() {



public String toString() {

return +", born "+ this.birthday;



You can use the following program to test your method. Add also yourself

to the program and ensure that your age is calculated correctly.

public class Main {

public static void main(String[] args) {

Person pekka = new Person("Pekka", 15, 2, 1993);

Person steve = new Person("Thomas", 1, 3, 1955);

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System.out.println( steve.getName() + " age " + steve.age() + "


System.out.println( pekka.getName() + " age " + pekka.age() + "





Thomas age 59 years

Pekka age 21 years

Exercise 93.2: Comparing ages based on birthdate

Add to the class Person the method boolean olderThan(Person compared)

which compares the ages of the object for which the method is called and

the object given as parameter. The method returns true if the object itself

is older than the parameter.

public class Person {

// ...

public boolean olderThan(Person compared) {

// compare the ages based on birthdate


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Test the method with the code:

public class Main {

public static void main(String[] args) {

Person pekka = new Person("Pekka", 15, 2, 1983);

Person martin = new Person("Martin", 1, 3, 1983);

System.out.println( martin.getName() + " is older than " +

pekka.getName() + ": "+ martin.olderThan(pekka) );

System.out.println( pekka.getName() + " is older than " +

martin.getName() + ": "+ pekka.olderThan(martin) );



The output should be:

Martin is older than Pekka: false

Pekka is older than Martin: true

Exercise 93.3: New constructors

Add to the class Person two new constructors:

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public Person(String name, MyDate birthday) constructor sets the given

MyDate-object to be the birthday of the person

public Person(String name) constructor sets the current date (i.e., the

date when the program is run) to be the birthday of the person

Example program:

public class Main {

public static void main(String[] args) {

Person pekka = new Person("Pekka", new MyDate(15, 2, 1983));

Person steve = new Person("Steve");

System.out.println( pekka );

System.out.println( steve );




Pekka, born 15.2.1983

Steve, born 9.2.2012

Note: The last line depends on the day when the code is executed!

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Week 6

24. A quick recap

Let us start week 6 with two assignments that use the most important

topics of week 5. You might want to read chapter 23.10 before assignment

94 and chapters 23.6 and 23.12 before assignment 95.

Exercise 94: PhoneBook

In this assignment we are implementing a simple phone book.

Exercise 94.1: Person

Start by programing the class Person which works as follows:

public static void main(String[] args) {

Person pekka = new Person("Pekka Mikkola", "040-123123");







The output is:

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Pekka Mikkola


Pekka Mikkola number: 040-123123

Pekka Mikkola number: 050-333444

So you have to implement the following class:

the method public String toString(), which returns the string

representation formulated as the above example shows

constructor that sets the person name and phone number

public String getName(), that returns the name

public String getNumber(), that returns the phone number

the method public void changeNumber(String newNumber), that can be

used to change the phone number of the person

Exercise 94.2: Adding persons to Phonebook

Program the class Phonebook that stores Person-objects using an

ArrayList. At this stage you'll need the following methods:

public void add(String name, String number) creates a Person-object and

adds it to the ArrayList inside the Phonebook

public void printAll(), prints all the persons inside the Phonebook

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With the code:

public static void main(String[] args) {

Phonebook phonebook = new Phonebook();

phonebook.add("Pekka Mikkola", "040-123123");

phonebook.add("Edsger Dijkstra", "045-456123");

phonebook.add("Donald Knuth", "050-222333");



the output should be:

Pekka Mikkola number: 040-123123

Edsger Dijkstra number: 045-456123

Donald Knuth number: 050-222333

Exercise 94.3: Searching for numbers from the phonebooks

Extend the class Phonebook with the method public String

searchNumber(String name), that returns the phone number

corresponding to the given name. If the sought person is not known the

string "number not known" is returned.

Example code:

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public static void main(String[] args) {

Phonebook phonebook = new Phonebook();

phonebook.add("Pekka Mikkola", "040-123123");

phonebook.add("Edsger Dijkstra", "045-456123");

phonebook.add("Donald Knuth", "050-222333");

String number = phonebook.searchNumber("Pekka Mikkola");

System.out.println( number );

number = phonebook.searchNumber("Martti Tienari");

System.out.println( number );




number not known

Exercise 95: Money

In a previous assignment we stored the balance of a LyyraCard using a

double variable. In reality money should not be represented as a double

since the double arithmetics is not accurate. A better idea would be to

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implement a class that represents money. We'll start with the following

class skeleton:

public class Money {

private final int euros;

private final int cents;

public Money(int euros, int cents) {

if (cents > 99) {

euros += cents / 100;

cents %= 100;


this.euros = euros;

this.cents = cents;


public int euros(){

return euros;


public int cents(){

return cents;


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public String toString() {

String zero = "";

if (cents <= 10) {

zero = "0";


return euros + "." + zero + cents + "e";



Notice that the instance variables euros and cents have been defined as

final meaning that once the variables have been set, the value of those can

not be changed. An object value of which can not be changed is said to be

immutable. If we need to e.g. calculate the sum of two money objects, we

need to create a new money object that represents the sum of the


In the following we'll create three methods that are needed in operating

with money.

Exercise 95.1: Plus

Let us start by implementing the method public Money plus(Money

added), that returns a new Money object that has a value equal to the sum

of the object for which the method was called and the object given as


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Examples of the method usage:

Money a = new Money(10,0);

Money b = new Money(5,0);

Money c =;

System.out.println(a); // 10.00e

System.out.println(b); // 5.00e

System.out.println(c); // 15.00e

a =; // NOTE: new Money-object is created and reference to


// is assigned to variable a.

// The Money object 10.00e that variable a used to hold

// is not referenced anymore

System.out.println(a); // 25.00e

System.out.println(b); // 5.00e

System.out.println(c); // 15.00e

Exercise 95.2: less

Create the method public boolean less(Money compared), that returns

true if the object for which the method was called is less valuable than the

object given as parameter.

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Money a = new Money(10,0);

Money b = new Money(3,0);

Money c = new Money(5,0);

System.out.println(a.less(b)); // false

System.out.println(b.less(c)); // true

Exercise 95.3: Minus

And finally create the method public Money minus(Money decremented),

that returns a new Money object that has a value equal to the object for

which the method was called minus the object given as parameter. If the

value would be negative, the resulting Money object should have the value


Examples of the method usage:

Money a = new Money(10,0);

Money b = new Money(3,50);

Money c = a.minus(b);

System.out.println(a); // 10.00e

System.out.println(b); // 3.50e

System.out.println(c); // 6.50e

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c = c.minus(a); // NOTE: new Money-object is created and reference

to that is assigned to variable c

// the Money object 6.50e that variable c used to hold, is

not referenced anymore

System.out.println(a); // 10.00e

System.out.println(b); // 3.50e

System.out.println(c); // 0.00e

24.1 Character strings are immutable

The String objects of Java, as with the Money class objects, are

unchangeable, immutable. If for example a new object is concatenated to the

end of a character string with the + operator, the original character string

doesn't become longer, but a new character string object is born:

String characterString = "test";

characterString + "tail";

System.out.println( characterString ); // test

We see that the character string cannot be changed, but we can add the

value of the new character string - that was born from concatenation - to

the old variable:

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String characterString = "test";

characterString = characterString + "tail"; // or characterString += "tail";

System.out.println( characterString ); // testtail

Now the variable characterString refers to a new character string object,

which was created by combining the previous character string value the

variable referred to ("test") with the "tail" character string. Nothing refers

to the "test" character string object anymore.

25. Array

During the course, we've used ArrayLists numerous times to store different

kinds of objects. ArrayList is easy to use because it offers a lot of ready-

made tools that make the programmer's life a little easier: automatic

growing of a list, thanks to the list which doesn't run out of space (unless of

course the list grows so large that it makes the program take up all the

memory that is reserved for it), for example.

Array is an object that can be understood as a series of pigeonholes for

values. The length or size of an array is the number of spots in that array -

the number of items you can put in the array. The values of an array are

called cells of the array. Unlike with ArrayLists, the size of the array (the

amount of cells in an array) cannot be changed, growing an array always

requires creating a new array and copying the cells of the old array to the

new one.

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An array can be created in two ways. Let's take a look at the way in which

we give content to the array at creation. An array of the integer type that

consists of 3 cells is defined as follows:

int[] numbers = {100, 1, 42};

The type of the Array object is denoted asint[], which stands for an array,

the cells of which are of the type int. In the example the name of the array-

object is numbers and it holds 3 number values {100, 1, 42}. The array is

formatted with a block, in which the values to be inserted into the array are

separated by commas.

The values of the array can be of any variable type that we've seen earlier.

Below we've first introduced an array containing character strings and then

an array containing floating numbers.

String[] characterStringArray = {"Matti P.", "Matti V."};

double[] floatingNumberArray = {1.20, 3.14, 100.0, 0.6666666667};

The cells of the array are referred to with indexes that are integers. The

index tells the position of the cell in the array. The first item in an array is in

position 0, the next one in position 1, and so forth. When inspecting a

certain value of an array, the index is given after the name of the array

object in brackets.

// index 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

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int[] numbers = {100, 1, 42, 23, 1, 1, 3200, 3201};

System.out.println(numbers[0]); // prints the number in the array's index

0: the number 100

System.out.println(numbers[2]); // prints the number in the array's index

2, the number 42

The size (length) of the array above is 8.

You'll probably notice that the get-method of ArrayList works pretty much the

same as getting from a certain index of an array. Only the notation - the

syntax - is different when dealing with arrays.

Setting an individual value to a certain position in an array happens the

same way as with regular variables, only with arrays the index also has to

be mentioned. The index is mentioned inside brackets.

int[] numbers = {100,1,42};

numbers[0] = 1; // setting value 1 to index 0

numbers[1] = 101; // setting value 101 to index 1

// the numbers array now looks like {1,101,42}

If an index points past an array, that is, to a cell that doesn't exist, we will

get an error: ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException, which means that the index

that we pointed at doesn't exist. So we cannot refer to a cell that is past the

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array - to an index that is smaller than 0, or larger or equals the size of the


We'll notice that the array clearly is related to ArrayList. Arrays, as with

lists, have their cells in a certain order!

25.1 Iteration of an array

The size of an array object can be found out by typing array.length into the

code, notice that you don't use parentheses with this one. array.length()

does not work!

Iterating through the cells of an array is easy to implement with the help of

the while-command:

int[] numbers = {1, 8, 10, 3, 5};

int i = 0;

while (i < numbers.length ) {




With the help of variable i we go through the indexes 0, 1, 2, 3, and 4, and

print the value of the variable in each cell. First numbers[0] gets printed,

then numbers[1] and so forth. The variable i stops getting increased when

the array has been iterated through, that is when i's value is equal to the

length of the array.

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When iterating through an array it isn't always necessary to list the indexes

of it, the only interesting thing is the values of the array. In this case we can

use the for-each-structure - that we became familiar with earlier - to go

through the values. Now only the name of a variable is given in the frame of

the loop, to which each of the values of the array are set one after the other.

The name of the array is separated with a colon.

int[] numbers = {1,8,10,3,5};

for (int number : numbers) {



String[] names = {"Juhana L.", "Matti P.", "Matti L.", "Pekka M."};

for (String name : names) {



Notice: when using a for-each-type of loop you cannot set values to the cells

of the array! With the format of the for-sentence we inspect next that can be

done too.

25.2 Another form of the for command

So far when doing loops, we've used while and the for-each form of the for

sentence. Another form of the for-loop exists, which is handy especially

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when handling arrays. In the following we print the numbers 0, 1 and 2 with

a for loop:

for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) {



The for in the example works exactly as the while below:

int i = 0; // formatting the variable that will be used in the loop

while ( i < 3 ) { // condition


i++; // updating the variable that is used in the loop


a for command, as shown in for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) above, has three parts

to it: formatting the loop variables; condition; updating the loop variables:

In the first part, the variables that are used in the loop are formatted. In the

example above we formatted the variable i with int i=0. The first part is

run only once, at the beginning of a for run.

In the second part the condition is defined, which defines how long the

code is run in the code block that is related to the for loop. In our

example the condition was i < 3. The validity of the condition is checked

before each round of the loop. The condition works exactly the same as

the a condition of a while loop works.

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The third part, which in our example is i++ , is always run once at the end

of each round of the loop.

Compared to while, for is a slightly clearer way of implementing loops of

whose amount of runs is based on, for example, growing a counter. When

going through an array the case is usually exactly this. In the following we

print the contents of the numbers array with for:

int[] numbers = {1, 3, 5, 9, 17, 31, 57, 105};

for(int i = 3; i < 7; i++) {



Naturally with for you don't have to start from 0 and the iteration can be

done 'from top down'. For example, the cells in indexes 6, 5, 4, and 3 can be

printed like this:

int[] numbers = {1, 3, 5, 9, 17, 31, 57, 105};

for(int i = 6; i>2 ; i--) {



25.3 For and array length

Going through all cells of an array with for happens like this:

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int[] numbers = {1, 8, 10, 3, 5};

for (int i = 0; i < numbers.length; i++ ) {



Notice, that in the condition i < numbers.length we compare the value of the

loop variable to the length we get from the array. The condition should not

in any case be "hardcoded" as, for example, i < 5 because often the length of

the array can't be known for sure beforehand.

25.4 Array as a parameter

Arrays can be used - just as any other objects - as a parameters to a method.

Notice that, as with all objects, the method gets a reference to an array, so

all changes done to the content of the array in the method also show up in

the main program.

public static void listCells(int[] integerArray) {

System.out.println("the cells of the array are: ");

for( int number : integerArray) {

System.out.print(number + " ");



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public static void main(String[] args) {

int[] numbers = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };



As we already know, the name of the parameter within a method can be

freely chosen. The name does not need to be the same as in the one used in

calling it. Above, the array is called integerArray within the method and the

caller of the method knows the array as numbers.

Exercise 96: Sum of the array

Implement the method public static sum(int[] array), which returns the

sum of the numbers in the array given as parameter.

Program skeleton:

public class Main {

public static void main(String[] args) {

int[] array = {5, 1, 3, 4, 2};



public static int sum(int[] array) {

// write code here

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return 0;



The output should be:


NOTE: in this and some of the following assignments methods are static

as the they used to be in the assignments for weeks 2 and 3. The reason

for this is that the methods are not instance methods, i.e. not operating

with instance variables of objects, instead they are working at "class level"

and operating just with the values and objects given as parameter. In

chapter 31 we'll elaborate more on the question whether a method

should be static or not.

Exercise 97: Elegant printing of an array

Implement the method public static int printElegantly(int[] array), which

prints the numbers in the array on the same row. In the printout all the

numbers should be separated with comma and whitespace and there

should not be a comma trailing the last number.

Program skeleton:

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public class Main {

public static void main(String[] args) {

int[] array = {5, 1, 3, 4, 2};



public static void printElegantly(int[] array) {

// write code here



The output should be:

5, 1, 3, 4, 2

25.5 Creating a new array

If the size of the array isn't always the same, that is, if its size depends on

user input for example, the previously introduced way of creating arrays

will not do. It is also possible to create a table so that its size is defined with

the help of a variable:

int cells = 99;

Page 368: Java PartI


int[] array = new int[cells];

Above we create an array of the type int, that has 99 cells. With this

alternative way creation of an array happens just like with any other object;

with the command new. Following the new is the type of the array and in

the brackets is the size of the array.

int cells = 99;

int[] array = new int[cells]; //creating an array of the size of the value in the

'cells' variable

if(array.length == cells) {

System.out.println("The length of the array is " + cells);

} else {

System.out.println("Something unreal happened. The length of the array

is something else than " + cells);


In the following example there is a program that prompts for the user the

amount of values and subsequently the values. After this the program prints

the values in the same order again. The values given by the user are stored

in the array.

System.out.print("How many values? ");

int amountOfValues = Integer.parseInt(reader.nextLine());

Page 369: Java PartI


int[] values = new int[amountOfValues];

System.out.println("Enter values:");

for(int i = 0; i < amountOfValues; i++) {

values[i] = Integer.parseInt(reader.nextLine());


System.out.println("Values again:");

for(int i = 0; i < amountOfValues; i++) {



A run of the program could look something like this:

How many values? 4

Enter values:





Values again:




Page 370: Java PartI



25.6 An array as the return value

Since methods can return objects, they can also return arrays. This

particular method that returns an array looks like this -- notice that arrays

might as well contain objects.

public static String[] giveStringTable() {

String[] tchrs = new String[3];

tchrs[0] = "Bonus";

tchrs[1] = "Ihq";

tchrs[2] = "Lennon";

return tchrs;


public static void main(String[] args){

String[] teachers = giveStringTable();

for ( String teacher : teachers)

System.out.println( teacher );


Exercise 98: Reversing and copying of an array

Page 371: Java PartI


Exercise 98.1: Copy

Implement the method public static int[] copy(int[] array) that creates a

copy of the parameter. Tip: since you are supposed to create a copy of the

parameter, the method should create a new array where the contents of

the parameter is copied.

In the following an example of the usage (note how code uses a handy

helper method to print arrays):

public static void main(String[] args) {

int[] original = {1, 2, 3, 4};

int[] copied = copy(original);

// change the copied

copied[0] = 99;

// print both

System.out.println( "original: " + Arrays.toString(original));

System.out.println( "copied: " + Arrays.toString(copied));


As seen in the output, the change made to the copy does not affect the


original: [1, 2, 3, 4]

Page 372: Java PartI


copied: [99, 2, 3, 4]

Exercise 98.2: Reverse copy

Implement the method public static int[] reverseCopy(int[] array) that

creates an array which contains the elements of the parameter but in

reversed order. The parameter array must remain the same.

E.g. if the parameter contains values 5, 6, 7 the method returns a new

array that contains the values 7, 6, 5.

In the following an example of the usage:

public static void main(String[] args) {

int[] original = {1, 2, 3, 4};

int[] reverse = reverseCopy(original);

// print both

System.out.println( "original: " +Arrays.toString(original));

System.out.println( "reversed: " +Arrays.toString(reverse));


The output should reveal that the parameter remains intact:

original: [1, 2, 3, 4]

reversed: [4, 3, 2, 1]

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26. About blocks and nested loops

A piece of code that begins with a curly bracket { and ends with a curly

bracket } is called a block. As we've already seen, blocks are used - among

other things - to denote the code of conditional and loop sentences. An

important feature of a block is that variables defined within it only exist

within it..

In the following example we define the string variable

stringDefinedWithinBlock within the block of a conditional sentence, which

therefor will only exist within the block. The variable introduced within the

block cannot be printed outside of it!

int number = 5;

if( number == 5 ){

String stringDefinedWithinBlock = "Yeah!";


System.out.println(stringDefinedWithinBlock); // does not work!

However, you can use and manipulate variables defined outside of the block

in the block.

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int number = 5;

if( number == 5 ) {

number = 6;


System.out.println(number); // prints 6

You can have any kind of code within a block. For example, a for loop can

have another for loop within it or say, a while loop. Let's inspect the

following program:

for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {

System.out.print(i + ": ");

for(int j = 0; j < 3; j++) {

System.out.print(j + " ");




The program prints the following:

0: 0 1 2

1: 0 1 2

Page 375: Java PartI


2: 0 1 2

So what happens in the program? If we only think about the outer for loop,

its functionality is easy to understand:

for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {

System.out.print(i + ": ");

// the inner for-loop



So first i=0 prints 0: and a carriage return. After this i grows and 1 is printed

and so forth, so the outer for makes this happen:




The inner for loop is also easy to understand separately. It prints out 0 1 2.

When we combine these two, we'll notice that the inner for loop carries out

its print just before the outer for loop's carriage return.

26.1 variables defined outside of a for loop as its condition

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Let's inspect the following alteration to the previous example:

for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {

System.out.print(i + ": ");

for(int j = 0; j <= i; j++) {

System.out.print(j + " ");




The amount of runs the inner for loop does now depends on the value of the

variable i of the outer loop. So when i=0 the inner loop prints 0, when i=1

the inner loop prints 0 1. The entire output of the program is as follows:

0: 0

1: 0 1

2: 0 1 2

The following program prints out the multiplication tables of the numbers 1

.. 10.

for(int i = 1; i <= 10; i++) {

for(int j = 1; j <= 10; j++) {

Page 377: Java PartI


System.out.print(i * j + " ");




The output looks like this:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20

3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 30

4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40

5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50

6 12 18 24 30 36 42 48 54 60

7 14 21 28 35 42 49 56 63 70

8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64 72 80

9 18 27 36 45 54 63 72 81 90

10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

The topmost row has the multiplication table of 1. At the beginning i=1 and

the inner loop's variable j gets the values 1...10. For each i, j value pair their

product is printed. So at the beginning i=1, j=1, then i=1, j=2, ..., i=1, j=10

next i=2, j=1, and so forth.

Of course the multiplication table program can be cut in to smaller pieces,

too. We can define the methods public void

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printMultiplicationTableRow(int multiplier, int howManyTimes) and public

void printMultiplicationTable(int upTo), in this case the structure of our

program could be as follows:

public class MultiplicationTable {

public void print(int upTo) {

for(int i = 1; i <= upTo; i++) {

printMultiplicationTableRow(i, upTo);




public void printMultiplicationTableRow(int multiplier, int

howManyTimes) {

for(int i = 1; j <= howManyTimes; i++) {

System.out.print(i * multiplier + " ");




Now calling new MultiplicationTable().print(5); prints the tables below.

1 2 3 4 5

2 4 6 8 10

Page 379: Java PartI


3 6 9 12 15

4 8 12 16 20

5 10 15 20 25

Exercise 99: Array to stars

Implement the method public static printArrayAsStars(int[] array), which

prints a line with stars for each number in the array. The line length is

determined by the number.

The program skeleton:

public class Main {

public static void main(String[] args) {

int[] array = {5, 1, 3, 4, 2};



public static void printArrayAsStars(int[] array) {

// code here



The above example should cause the following output:


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As seen the first line has 5 stars and the reason for that is that is that the

first element of the array is 5. The next line has one star since the second

element of the array is 1, etc.

Exercise 100: Night sky

Let us implement a program that prints the Night sky. The sky has a star

density. If the density is e.g. 0.1, roughly 10% of the sky is covered with


Stars print out as *-characters. Below an example that demonstrates how

the NightSky could be used when all the steps of the assignment are done.

NightSky NightSky = new NightSky(0.1, 40, 10);


System.out.println("Number of stars: " + NightSky.starsInLastPrint());


NightSky = new NightSky(0.2, 15, 6);


System.out.println("Number of stars: " + NightSky.starsInLastPrint());

Page 381: Java PartI


* * *

* * * * **


* * * * *

* * *

* * * *

* * * * * * **

* *

* *

* *

Number of stars: 36

* * * *

* * *

* *

* * *

* * * *

* ** ** *

Number of stars: 22

Note! in the assignment use the for-clause. Despite that the previous

chapter described nested loops, in this assignment we "hide" the nested

loop within a method.

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Exercise 100.1: Class NightSky and a star line

Create the class NightSky, that has three object variables: density

(double), width (int), and height (int). The class should have 3


public NightSky(double density) creates a NightSky object with the given

star density. Width gets the value 20 and height the value 10.

public NightSky(int width, int height) creates a NightSky object with the

given width and height. Density gets the value 0.1.

public NightSky(double density, int width, int height) creates a NightSky-

object with the given density, width and height

Add to the class NightSky the method printLine, that prints one line of

starts. The line length is determined by the value of the instance variable

width and the instance variable density determines the star probability.

For each printed character you should use a Random object to decide if it

prints out as a white space or a star. The method nextDouble will

probably be of use now.

In the following example:

NightSky NightSky = new NightSky(0.1, 40, 10);


* * *

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Exercise 100.2: Printing the night sky

Add the class NightSky the method print, that prints the night sky of the

given size. Use the method printLine to print each separate line of the

night sky. An example in the following:

NightSky NightSky = new NightSky(8, 4);





Exercise 100.3: Counting the number of stars

Add the class NightSky an instance variable starsInLastPrint (int) and the

method starsInLastPrint(), that returns the number of stars printed in the

previous night sky. Example in the below:

NightSky NightSky = new NightSky(8, 4);


System.out.println("Number of stars: " + NightSky.starsInLastPrint());



System.out.println("Number of stars: " + NightSky.starsInLastPrint());

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Number of stars: 1




Number of stars: 3

27. To static or not to static?

When we started using objects, the material advised to leave out the

keyword 'static' when defining their methods. However, up until week 3 all

of the methods included that keyword. So what is it all about?

The following example has a method resetArray, that works as its name

implies; it sets all of the cells of an array that it receives as a parameter to 0.

public class Program {

public static void resetArray(int[] table) {

for ( int i=0; i < table.length; i++ )

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table[i] = 0;


public static void main(String[] args) {

int[] values = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };

for ( int number : values ) {

System.out.print( number + " " ); // prints 1, 2, 3, 4, 5




for ( int number : values ) {

System.out.print( number + " " ); // prints 0, 0, 0, 0, 0




We notice that the method definition now has the keyword static. The

reason for that is that the method does not operate on any object, instead it

is a class method or in other words static methods. In contrast to instance

methods, static methods are not connected to any particular object and thus

the reference this is not valid within static methods. A static method can

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operate only with data that is given it as parameter. The parameter of a

static method can naturally be an object.

Since static methods are not connected to any object, those can not be called

through the object name: objectName.methodName() but should be called

as in the above example by using only the method name.

If the static method is called from a different class, the call is of the form

ClassName.staticMethodName(). The below example demonstrates that:

public class Program {

public static void main(String[] args) {

int[] values = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };

for ( int value : values ) {

System.out.print( value + " " ); // prints: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5




for ( int value : values ) {

System.out.print( value + " " ); // prints: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0




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public class ArrayHandling {

public static void resetArray(int[] array) {

for ( int i=0; i < array.length; i++ ) {

array[i] = 0;




The static method that has been defined within another class will now be

called with ArrayHandling.resetArray(parameter);.

27.1 When static methods should be used

All object state-handling methods should be defined as normal object

methods. For example, all of the methods of the Person, MyDate, Clock,

Team, ... classes we defined during the previous weeks should be defined as

normal object methods, not as statics.

Lets get back to the Person class yet again. In the following is a part of the

class definition. All of the object variables are referred to with the this

keyword because we emphasize that we are handling the object variables

'within' the said object..

public class Person {

private String name;

private int age;

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public Person(String name) {

this.age = 0; = name;


public boolean isAdult(){

if ( this.age < 18 ) {

return false;


return true;


public void becomeOlder() {



public String getName() {




Because the methods manipulate the object, they do not need to be defined

as static, or in other words "not belonging to the object". If we try to do this,

the program won't work:

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public class Person {


public static void becomeOlder() {




As a result we'll get an error non-static variable age can not be referenced

from static context, which means that a static method cannot handle an

object method.

So when should a static method be used then? Let us inspect the Person

object handling an example familiar from chapter 23:

public class Program {

public static void main(String[] args) {

Person pekka = new Person("Pekka");

Person antti = new Person("Antti");

Person juhana = new Person("Juhana");

for ( int i=0; i < 30; i++ ) {




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if ( antti.isAdult() ) {

System.out.println( antti.getName() + " is an adult" );

} else {

System.out.println( antti.getName() + " is a minor" );


if ( pekka.isAdult() ) {

System.out.println( pekka.getName() + " is an adult" );

} else {

System.out.println( pekka.getName() + " is a minor" );


if ( juhana.isAdult() ) {

System.out.println( juhana.getName() + " is an adult" );

} else {

System.out.println( juhana.getName() + " is a minor" );




We'll notice that the piece of code that reports the matureness of persons is

copy-pasted twice in the program. It looks really bad!

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Reporting the maturity of a person is an excellent candidate for a static

method. Let's rewrite the Program using that method:

public class Main {

public static void main(String[] args) {

Person pekka = new Person("Pekka");

Person antti = new Person("Antti");

Person juhana = new Person("Juhana");

for ( int i=0; i < 30; i++ ) {









private static void reportMaturity(Person person) {

if ( person.isAdult() ) {

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System.out.println(person.getName() + " is an adult");

} else {

System.out.println(person.getName() + " is a minor");




The method reportMaturity is defined as static so it doesn't belong to any

object, but the method receives a Person object as a parameter. The method

is not defined within the Person-class since even though it handles a Person

object that it receives as a parameter, it is an assistance method of the main

program we just wrote. With the method we've made main more readable.

Exercise 101: The library information system

In this assignment we are implementing a simple information system

prototype for a library. The prototype will have functionality for

searching books by the title, publisher or publishing year.

The main building blocks of the system are the classes Book and Library.

Objects of the class Book represent the information of a single book.

Object of the class Library holds a set of books and provides various ways

to search for the books within the library.

Exercise 101.1: Book

Let us start with the class Book. The class has instance variables title for

the book title, publisher for the name of the publisher, and year for the

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publishing year. The title and the publisher are of the type String and the

publishing year is represented as an integer.

Now implement the class Book. The class should have the constructor

public Book(String title, String publisher, int year) and methods public

String title(), public String publisher(), public int year() and public String


Example usage:

Book cheese = new Book("Cheese Problems Solved", "Woodhead

Publishing", 2007);





The output should be:

Cheese Problems Solved

Woodhead Publishing


Cheese Problems Solved, Woodhead Publishing, 2007

Exercise 101.2: Library

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Implement the class Library, with constructor public Library() and

methods public void addBook(Book newBook) and public void


Example usage below.

Library Library = new Library();

Book cheese = new Book("Cheese Problems Solved", "Woodhead

Publishing", 2007);


Book nhl = new Book("NHL Hockey", "Stanley Kupp", 1952);


Library.addBook(new Book("Battle Axes", "Tom A. Hawk", 1851));


The output should be:

Cheese Problems Solved, Woodhead Publishing, 2007

NHL Hockey, Stanley Kupp, 1952

Battle Axes, Tom A. Hawk, 1851

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Exercise 101.3: Search functionality

Add to the class Library the methods public ArrayList<Book>

searchByTitle(String title), public ArrayList<Book>

searchByPublisher(String publisher) and public ArrayList<Book>

searchByYear(int year). The methods return the list of books that match

the given title, publisher or year.

Note: you are supposed to do a method that returns an ArrayList. Use the

following skeleton as starting point:

public class Library {

// ...

public ArrayList<Book> searchByTitle(String title) {

ArrayList<Book> found = new ArrayList<Book>();

// iterate the list of books and add all the matching books to the list


return found;


Note: when you do the search by a string (title or publisher), do not look

for exact matches (with the method equals) instead use the method

contains of the class String.

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Example usage:

Library Library = new Library();

Library.addBook(new Book("Cheese Problems Solved", "Woodhead

Publishing", 2007));

Library.addBook(new Book("The Stinky Cheese Man and Other Fairly

Stupid Tales", "Penguin Group", 1992));

Library.addBook(new Book("NHL Hockey", "Stanley Kupp", 1952));

Library.addBook(new Book("Battle Axes", "Tom A. Hawk", 1851));

ArrayList<Book> result = Library.searchByTitle("Cheese");

for (Book book: result) {




for (Book book: Library.searchByPublisher("Penguin Group ")) {




for (Book book: Library.searchByYear(1851)) {



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The output should be:

Cheese Problems Solved, Woodhead Publishing, 2007

The Stinky Cheese Man and Other Fairly Stupid Tales, Penguin Group,




Battle Axes, Tom A. Hawk, 1851

Exercise 101.4: Improved search

There are some minor problems with the implemented search

functionality. One particular problem is that the search differentiates

upper and lower case letters. In the above example the search by title

with the search term "cheese" produced an empty list as answer. The

example where the search term contained extra white spaces did not give

the expected answer, either. We'd like the search functionality to be case

insensitive and not disturbed by the extra white spaces at the start or at

the end of the search terms. We will implement a small helper library

StringUtils that will then be used in the Library for the more flexible

search functionality.

Implement the class StringUtils with a static method public static boolean

included(String word, String searched), which checks if the string

searched is contained within the string word. As described in the previous

paragraph, the method should be case insensitive and should not care

Page 398: Java PartI


about trailing and ending white spaces in the string searched. If either of

the strings is null, the method should return false.

Tip: The methods trim and toUpperCase() of the class String might be


When you have completed the method, use it in the search functionality of

the class Library.

Use the method as follows:

if(StringUtils.included(book.title(), searchedTitle)) {

// Book found!


The improved library with the example:

Library Library = new Library();

Library.addBook(new Book("Cheese Problems Solved", "Woodhead

Publishing", 2007));

Library.addBook(new Book("The Stinky Cheese Man and Other Fairly

Stupid Tales", "Penguin Group", 1992));

Library.addBook(new Book("NHL Hockey", "Stanley Kupp", 1952));

Library.addBook(new Book("Battle Axes", "Tom A. Hawk", 1851));

for (Book book: Library.searchByTitle("CHEESE")) {

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for (Book book: Library.searchByPublisher("PENGUIN ")) {



should output the following:

Cheese Problems Solved, Woodhead Publishing, 2007

The Stinky Cheese Man and Other Fairly Stupid Tales, Penguin Group,



The Stinky Cheese Man and Other Fairly Stupid Tales, Penguin Group,


28. Assignments where you are free to decide how to structure the


Exercise 102: Grade distribution

This assignment corresponds to three assignment points.

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Note1: Your program should use only one Scanner object, i.e., it is allowed

to call new Scanner only once. If you need scanner in multiple places, you

can pass it as parameter:

public static void main(String[] args) {

Scanner scanner = new Scanner(;

// ...



public static void doSomething(Scanner scanner) {

String riw = scanner.nextLine();

// ...


If another object needs a scanner, you can pass it as constructor

parameter and save in instance variable.

Note2: Do not save anything in static variables. The main method is

executed by the tests multiple times so the use of static variables might

cause problems.

The input of the program is a set of exam scores of a course. Each score is

an integer. When -1 is entered, the program stops asking for further input.

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Inputting the exam scores should work as follows:

Type exam scores, -1 completes:










After the scores have been read, the program prints the grade distribution

and acceptance percentage of the course in the following form:

Grade distribution:

5: **


3: ***

2: *

1: *

0: *

Acceptance percentage: 87.5

Page 402: Java PartI


Grade distribution is formed as follows:

Each exam score is mapped to a grade using the same formula as in

exercise 18. If the score is not within the range 0-60 it is not taken

into account.

The number of grades are printed as stars, e.g. if there are 2 scores that

correspond to grade 5, the line 5: ** is printed. If there are no scores

that correspond to a particular grade, as is the case with grade 4 in

the above example, the printed line is 4:

All the grades besides zeros are accepted, so in the above 7 out of 8

participants were accepted. Acceptance percentage is calculated with the

formula 100*accepted/allScores.

Exercise 103: Birdwatchers database

Note1: Your program should use only one Scanner object, i.e., it is allowed

to call new Scanner only once.

Note2: Do not save anything in static variables. The main method is

executed by the tests multiple times so the use of static variables might

cause problems.

This assignment corresponds to three assignment points.

In this assignment you are supposed to design and implement an

observation database for a bird watcher. The database contains birds,

each of which have a name and a Latin name, both Strings. Database also

tracks how many times each bird has been observed.

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The program should implement the following commands:

Add - adds a bird

Observation - adds an observation

Statistics - prints all the birds

Show - prints one bird

Quit - terminates the program

The program should also handle the invalid inputs (see Turing below).

The following is an example how the program is supposed to work:

? Add

Name: Raven

Latin Name: Corvus Corvus

? Add

Name: Seagull

Latin Name: Dorkus Dorkus

? Observation

What was observed:? Seagull

? Observation

What was observed:? Turing

Is not a bird!

? Observation

What was observed:? Seagull

Page 404: Java PartI


? Statistics

Seagull (Dorkus Dorkus): 2 observations

Raven (Corvus Corvus): 0 observations

? Show

What? Seagull

Seagull (Dorkus Dorkus): 2 observations

? Quit

Note you may structure your program freely, it is only required that the

output of the program is as in the above example.

29. Sorting an array

We'll get back to arrays again.

29.1 Sorting an array with the ready-made tools of Java.

As we've seen, there's all kinds of useful things already in Java. For example

for handling ArrayLists you can find many useful help methods in the class

Collections. For arrays you can find helpful methods in the class Arrays.

Sorting a table can be done with Arrays.sort(array).

Note: To be able to use the command you must have the following definition

at the top of the program file:

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import java.util.Arrays;

If you forget to write the import line, NetBeans will offer help with writing it.

Try clicking the picture of the "bulp" that appears to the left from the line of

code that is underlined with red.

The following program creates arrays and sorts the values in the array with

the Arrays.sort -command.

int[] values = {-3, -111, 7, 42};


for(int value: values) {







29.2 Implementation of a sorting algorithm

It's easy to sort an array with the ready-made tools of Java. The general

knowledge of a program requires knowing at least one sorting algorithm (or

in other words, a way to sort an array). Let's get familiar with the "classic"

sorting algorithm, choice sorting. Let's do this with a few excercise.

Exercise 104: Sorting

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Note: in this assignment you're supposed to sort the array yourself. You

can't use the help of the Arrays.sort()-method or ArrayLists!

Exercise 104.1: Smallest

Implement a method smallest, which returns the smallest value in the


The frame of the method is as follows:

public static int smallest(int[] array) {

// write the code here


NOTE: You can't change the array that gets passed into the method!

The following code demonstrates the functionality of the method:

int[] values = {6, 5, 8, 7, 11};

System.out.println("smallest: " + smallest(values));

smallest: 5

Exercise 104.2: The index of the smallest

Implement a method indexOfTheSmallest, which returns the index of the

smallest value in the array (the position of the value in the array, that is).

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The frame of the method looks like this:

public static int indexOfTheSmallest(int[] array) {

// code goes here


NOTE: You can't change the array that gets passed into the method as a


The following code demonstrates the functionality of the method:

// indexes: 0 1 2 3 4

int[] values = {6, 5, 8, 7, 11};

System.out.println("Index of the smallest: " +


Index of the smallest: 1

The smallest value of the table is 2 and its index (its location) in the array

is 1. Remember that the numbering of an array begins from 0.

Exercise 104.3: Index of the smallest at the end of an array

Implement a method indexOfTheSmallestStartingFrom, which works just

like the method of the previous assignment, but only takes into

consideration the end of an array starting from a certain index. In

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addition to the array the method gets as parameter an index, from which

the search for the smallest will be started.

The frame of the method is as follows:

public static int indexOfTheSmallestStartingFrom(int[] array, int index) {

// write the code here


NOTE: You can't change the array that gets passed into the method as a


The following code demonstrates the functionality of the method:

// indexes: 0 1 2 3 4

int[] values = {-1, 6, 9, 8, 12};

System.out.println(indexOfTheSmallestStartingFrom(values, 1));

System.out.println(indexOfTheSmallestStartingFrom(values, 2));

System.out.println(indexOfTheSmallestStartingFrom(values, 4));




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In the example, the first method call finds the index of the smallest value

starting from index 1. Starting from index 1 the smallest value is 6, and its

index is 1. Respectively the second method call looks for the index of the

smallest value starting from index 2. In this case the smallest value is 8

and its index is 3. The last call starts from the last cell of the array, in this

case there is no other cells so the smallets value is in index 4.

Exercise 104.4: Swapping values

Create a method swap, to which will be passed an array and two of its

indexes. The method swaps the values in the indexes around.

The frame of the method looks like this:

public static void swap(int[] array, int index1, int index2) {

// code goes here


The following showcases the functionality of the method. In printing the

array we'll use the Arrays.toString-method which formats the array into a


int[] values = {3, 2, 5, 4, 8};

System.out.println( Arrays.toString(values) );

swap(values, 1, 0);

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System.out.println( Arrays.toString(values) );

swap(values, 0, 3);

System.out.println( Arrays.toString(values) );

[3, 2, 5, 4, 8]

[2, 3, 5, 4, 8]

[4, 3, 5, 2, 8]

Exercise 104.5: Sorting

Now we've got a set of useful methods, with which we can implement a

sorting algorithm known as selection sorting.

The idea of selection sorting is this:

Move the smallest number of the array to index 0.

Move the second smallest number to the index 1.

Move the third smallest number to the index 2.

and so forth

In other words:

Inspect the array starting from index 0. Swap the value in index 0 and the

smallest value in the array starting from index 0.

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Inspect the array starting from index 1. Swap the value in index 1 and the

smallest value in the array starting from index 1.

Inspect the array starting from index 2. Swap the value in index 2 and the

smallest value in the array starting from index 2.

and so forth

Implement the method sort, which is based on the idea above. The

method ought to have a loop that goes through the indexes of the array.

The methods smallestIndexStartingFrom and swap are surely useful. Also

print the contents of the array before sorting and after each round to be

able to make sure that the algorithm works correctly.

Body of the method:

public static void sort(int[] array) {


Test the functionality of the method at least with this example:

int[] values = {8, 3, 7, 9, 1, 2, 4};


The program should print the following. Notice that you're to print the

content of the array after each swap!

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[8, 3, 7, 9, 1, 2, 4]

[1, 3, 7, 9, 8, 2, 4]

[1, 2, 7, 9, 8, 3, 4]

[1, 2, 3, 9, 8, 7, 4]

[1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 7, 9]

[1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9]

[1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9]

You'll notice how the array little by little gets sorted out starting from the

beginning and advances towards the end.

30. Searching

In addition to sorting, another very typical problem that a programmer runs

into is finding a certain value in an array. Earlier, we've implemented

methods that search for values in lists and arrays. In the case of arrays,

values and strings can be searched for in the following way:

public static boolean isInArray(int[] array, int searchingFor) {

for ( int value : array ) {

if ( value == searchingFor ) {

return true;



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return false;


public static boolean isWordInArray(String[] array, String searchingFor) {

for ( String word: array ) {

if ( word.equals(searchingFor) ) {

return true;



return false;


An implementation like this is the best we've been able to do so far. The

downside of the method is that, if the array has a very large amount of

values in it, the search will take a lot of time. In the worst case scenario the

method goes through every single cell in the array. This means that going

through an array that has 16777216 cells does 16777216 cell inspections.

On the other hand, if the values in an array are ordered by size, the search

can be done in a notably faster way by applying a technique called binary

search. Let's investigate the idea of binary search with this array:

// indexes 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

// values -7 -3 3 7 11 15 17 21 24 28 30

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Let's assume that we want to find the value 17. Let's utilize the information

that the values of the array are in order instead of going through the array

from the beginning. Let's inspect the middle cell of the array. The middle

cell is 5 (the largest index 10 divided by two). The middle cell is marked

with the asterisk:


// indexes 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

// values -7 -3 3 7 11 15 17 21 24 28 30

At the middle is the value 15, which was not the value we were looking for.

We're looking for the value 17, so since the cells of the array are ordered by

size, the value cannot be on the left side of the 15. So we can determine that

all indexes that are smaller or equal to 5 do not have the value we are

looking for.

The area where we are searching for the value we want to find can now be

limited to values that are on the right side of the index 5, or in other words,

in the indexes [6, 10] (6, 7, 8, 9, 10). In the following, the searched value

cannot be in the part of the array which is grey:

// indexes 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

// values -7 -3 3 7 11 15 17 21 24 28 30

Next, let's inspect the middle index of the area that we have left; the middle

index of indexes 6-10. The middle index can be found by getting the sum of

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the smallest and largest index and dividing it by two: (6+10)/2 = 16/2 = 8.

The index 8 is marked with the asterisk below.


// indexes 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

// values -7 -3 3 7 11 15 17 21 24 28 30

In index 8, we have the value 24, which was not the value we were looking

for. Because the values in the array are ordered by size, the value we are

searching for can not, in any case, be on the right side of the value 24. We

can deduce that all indexes that are larger or equal to 8 can not contain the

value we are looking for. The search area gets narrowed down again, the

grey areas have been dealt with:

// indexes 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

// values -7 -3 3 7 11 15 17 21 24 28 30

The search continues. Let's inspect the middle index of the area that we

have left to search, that is, the middle index of indexes 6-7. The middle

index can again be found out by getting the sum of the smallest and largest

index of the search area and then dividing it by two: (6+7)/2 = 6.5, which is

rounded down to 6. The spot has been marked with the asterisk.


// indexes 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

// values -7 -3 3 7 11 15 17 21 24 28 30

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In the index 6 we have the value 17, which is the same as the value we've

been looking for. We can stop the search and report that the value we

searched for is in the array. If the value wouldn't have been in the array - for

example if the searched-for value would've been 16 - the search area would

have eventually been reduced to nothing.


// indexes 0 1 2 3 4 56 7 8 9 10

// values -7 -3 3 7 11 1517 21 24 28 30

So for the idea of binary search to become clear to you, simulate with pen

and paper how the binary search works when the array is the one below

and first you're searching for value 33 and then value 1.

// indexes 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

// values -5 -2 3 5 8 11 14 20 22 26 29 33 38 41

With the help of binary search we look for cells by always halving the

inspected area. This enables us to search in a very efficient way. For

example, an array of size 16 can be divided in half up to 4 times, so 16 -> 8 -

> 4 -> 2 -> 1. On the other hand, an array that has 16777216 cells can be

halved up to 24 times. This means that with binary search we only need to

inspect up to 24 cells in an array that has 16777216 cells in order to find

our desired cell.

The efficiency of binary search can be inspected with logarithms. A base two

logarithm (log2) of the number 16777216 is 24 -- with the base two logarithm

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we can calculate how many times a number can be halved. Respectively the

base two logarithm of the number 4294967296 (log2 4294967296) is 32. This

means that searching from a sorted array of 4294967296 different values

would only take up to 32 cell inspections. Efficiency is an essential part of

computer science.

Exercise 105: Guessing game

In this assignment we'll make an AI, which guesses the number the player

is thinking about. The AI assumes that the number is between

lowerLimit...upperLimit. The start of the game provides these limits to the

method as parameters that makes the game happen. The AI asks the

player questions in the format "Is your number greater than X?" and

deduce the correct answer from the answers the player gives.

The AI keeps track of the search area with the help of the variables

lowerLimit and upperLimit. The AI always asks if the player's number is

greater than the average of these two numbers, and based on the answers

the search area gets halved each time. In the end the lowerLimit and

upperLimit are the same and the number the user is thinking of has been


In the following example the user chooses the number 44:

Think of a number between 1...100.

I promise you that I can guess the number you are thinking of with 7


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Next I'll present you a series of questions. Answer them honestly.

Is your number greater than 50? (y/n)


Is your number greater than 25? (y/n)


Is your number greater than 38? (y/n)


Is your number greater than 44? (y/n)


Is your number greater than 41? (y/n)


Is your number greater than 43? (y/n)


The number you're thinking of is 44.

In the above example the possible value range is first 1...100. When the

user tells the program that the number is not greater than 50 the possible

range is 1...50. When the user says that the number is greater than 25, the

range is 26...50. The deduction proceeds in the same fashion until the

number 44 is reached.

In accordance to the principles of halving, or binary search, the possible

search area is halved after each question in which case the number of

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required questions is small. Even between the numbers 1...100000 it

shouldn't take more than 20 questions.

The program skeleton of the class GuessingGame that implements this is

the following:

public class GuessingGame {

private Scanner reader;

public GuessingGame() {

this.reader = new Scanner(;


public void play(int lowerLimit, int upperLimit) {

instructions(upperLimit, lowerlimit);

// write the game logic here


// implement here the methods isGreaterThan and average

public void instructions(int lowerLimit, int upperLimit) {

int maxQuestions = howManyTimesHalvable(upperLimit -


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System.out.println("Think of a number between " + lowerLimit + "..."

+ upperLimit + ".");

System.out.println("I promise you that I can guess the number you

are thinking of with " + maxQuestions + " questions.");


System.out.println("Next I'll present you with a series of questions.

Answer them honestly.");



// a helper method:

public static int howManyTimesHalvable(int number) {

// we create a base two logarithm of the given value

// Below we swap the base number to base two logarithms!

return (int) (Math.log(number) / Math.log(2)) + 1;



The game is started the in following manner:

GuessingGame game = new GuessingGame();

// we play two rounds

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421,10); // value to be guessed now within range 1-10,99); // value to be guessed now within range 10-99

We'll implement this assignment in steps.

Exercise 105.1: Is greater than

Implement the method public boolean isGreaterThan(int value), which

presents the user with a question:

"Is your number greater than given value? (y/n)"

The method returns the value true if the user replies "y", otherwise false.

Test your method

GuessingGame game = new GuessingGame();


Is your number greater than 32? (y/n)



Exercise 105.2: Average

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Implement the method public int average(int firstNumber, int

secondNumber), which calculates the average of the given values. Notice

that Java rounds floating numbers down automatically, in our case this is

perfectly fine.

GuessingGame game = new GuessingGame();

System.out.println(game.average(3, 4));


GuessingGame game = new GuessingGame();

System.out.println(game.average(6, 12));


Exercise 105.3: Guessing logic

Write the actual guessing logic in the method play of the class

GuessingGame. You'll need at least one loop and a query in which you ask

the user if their number is greater than the average of the lowerLimit and

upperLimit. Change the upperLimit or lowerLimit depending on the user's


Keep doing the loop until lowerLimit and upperLimit are the same! You

can also test the game with smaller lower- and upperLimit values:

Think of a number between 1...4.

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I promise you that I can guess the number you are thinking of with 2


Next I'll present you with a series of questions. Answer them honestly.

Is your number greater than 2? (y/n)


Is your number greater than 3? (y/n)


The number you're thinking of is 4.

Exercise 106: Implementation of binary search

The template you get from the test automaton has a start for an

implementation of binary search. The class BinarySearch holds a method

public static boolean search(int[] array, int searchedValue), the job of

which is to figure out, by using binary search, if the value given as a

parameter is in the sorted array that is also given as parameter.

The method search does not work yet, however. Finish the method's

implementation into a real binary search.

For testing, a separate main program can be found in the class Main,

which has a frame like this:

import java.util.Arrays;

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import java.util.Scanner;

public class Main {

public static void main(String[] args) {

// Here you can test binary search

int[] array = { -3, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 12 };

Scanner reader = new Scanner(;

System.out.print("Values of the array: " + Arrays.toString(array));


System.out.print("Enter searched number: ");

String searchedValue = reader.nextLine();


boolean result =,


// Print the binary search result here



The execution of the program looks like this:

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Values of the array: [-3, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 12]

Enter searcher number: 8

Value 8 is in the array

Values of the array: [-3, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 12]

Enter searcher number: 99

Value 99 is not in the array

31. About arrays and objects

If need be, any type of object can be put into an array. In the following, an

example of an array into which will be put Person objects:

public static void main(String[] args) {

Person[] persons = new Person[3];

persons[0] = new Person("Pekka");

persons[1] = new Person("Antti");

persons[2] = new Person("Juhana");

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for ( int i=0; i < 30; i++ ) {





for ( Person person : persons ) {




First we create an array that can hold 3 Person objects. We put Pekka in slot

0, Antti in 1 and Juhana in 2. We age all by 30 years and check all of their

matureness with the help of the method from the previous chapter.

The same example with ArrayLists:

public static void main(String[] args) {

ArrayList<Person> persons = new ArrayList<Person>();

persons.add( new Person("Pekka") );

persons.add( new Person("Antti") );

persons.add( new Person("Juhana") );

for ( int i=0; i < 30; i++ ) {

for ( Person person : persons ) {

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// or persons.get(0).becomeOlder();

// persons.get(1).becomeOlder();

// ...


for ( Person person : persons ) {




In most situations it's better to use ArrayList instead of an array. However

there can be cases where an array is adequate and is simpler to use.

A week always consists of seven days. It would be meaningful to form it out

of exactly 7 Day objects. Since there's always 7 Day objects, an array will

suit the situation very well:

public class Day {

private String name;

// ...


public class Week {

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private Day[] days;

public Week(){

days = new Day[7];

days[0] = new Day("Monday");

days[1] = new Day("Tuesday");

// ...

