
Special Edition for Japan Used Car Market in Africa

January 2015 | Volume 2 | Issue 1

JapaneseCarTrade .com

Japanese Used Cars Portal

Export Statistics of African market

Import regulationsin African countries

on Japanese used vehicles


Japan Used Car

Market in Africa January 20152

Japanese used car market in Africa 3-4

Top 10 African Markets for Japanese used vehicles 5-6

Botswana : Import rules and regulations in Botswana 7

Used car market and shipping information in Botswana 8-9

Burundi : Import rules and regulations in Burundi 10

Used car market and shipping information in Burundi 11

Kenya : Import rules and regulations in Kenya 12

Used car market and shipping information in Kenya 13-14

Mozambique : Import rules and regulations in Mozambique 15

Used car market and shipping information in Mozambique 16

Namibia : Import rules and regulations in Namibia 17

Used car market and shipping information in Namibia 18

South Africa : Import rules and regulations in South Africa 21

Used car market and shipping information in South Africa 22-23

Nigeria : Import rules and regulations in Nigeria 24

Used car market and shipping information in Nigeria 25

Tanzania : Import rules and regulations in Tanzania 26

Used car market and shipping information in Tanzania 27

Uganda : Import rules and regulations in Uganda 28

Used car market and shipping information in Uganda 29-30

Zambia : Import rules and regulations in Zambia 31

Used car market and shipping information in Zambia 32


Import regulations in brief in other African countries on Japanese used vehicles :

Import rules and regulations in DR Congo 33

Import rules and regulations in Ghana 34

Import rules and regulations in Malawi 35

Import rules and regulations in Mauritius 36

Import rules and regulations in Swaziland 37

Import rules and regulations in Zimbabwe 38

Company Introduction 39

Export Statistics of African market 40

Events, Trade Fairs & Exhibitions 41-42

JCT Members Advertisements 44-50

Exporters List 51-53

C o n t e n t s 3

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Japanese used car market in


or quite so long, many people across the

Fglobe have considered cars as luxuries.

It's been a dream of almost every

person at one point or another of their life to

purchase their own car. Few years ago,

average income-earners would only dream of

owning a car as purchasing it would be

beyond their financial possibilities. As a

matter of fact, for some it was almost

impossible to import vehicles from overseas,

even used ones.

Now, with the advancement in technology;

facilities and systems have been improved.

Due to increase in income of people, presence

of many online portal sites, it is quite easy to

import a vehicle to almost every country in the

world. Importing a vehicle is not a difficult

process now. Any individual now can import

new or used cars from Japan by using the


With the changing scenario, Africa has

emerged as a vast market for the exporters all

over the world. Due to the increase in

population and the discovery of new mineral

resources, the economy of Africa is among the

fastest growing ones. The automobile market

in Africa is huge and growing bigger every

year. Mainly the import of used vehicles has

increased to a great extent in Africa. The fall of

interest rates, rising incomes and increase in

consumer spending has bought the African

economy to a new level.

The reason that people are attracted towards

used vehicles is that one gets a good vehicle at

cost price around 50% less than that of new

ones. Even the duties on used vehicles are less

January 2015


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than that of on new vehicles. People are

persuading towards used vehicles as they get

cars wi th better des ign, shape and

technology at reasonable amount. More than

vehicles, used vehicle accessories, parts, and

lubricants are imported in Africa.

Japanese automobiles are right-hand

vehicles, so there are no restriction on

importing them to Africa as many countries in

Africa drives vehicles with right-hand side

steering on the left-hand side of the roads.

The roads of Tanzania, South Africa,

Botswana are laden with used vehicles,

whereas new vehicles are seen occasionally.

A large portion of the population in Africa

purchase used vehicles. Mainly Japanese

vehicles are dominating the market by

offering reliable vehicles at practical prices.

The African automobile industry could be

split up into three sections, South Africa,

Middle Africa and North Africa. Out of all three,

the Middle Africa has a huge market of used

vehicles. In fact the size of the used car market

in Middle Africa is about 10 times of that of the

new car market in the region. Around 90%-95%

of used vehicles imported into the region are

passenger ones.

There are not many manufacturing industries

in the Africa. Many countries in Africa have to

invest deeply in manufacturing of automobile

industries. There are many countries, that

don't even have manufacturing plants. Thus,

there is less production of cars and ultimately

increment in importation of vehicles.

In developed countries, the import of used

vehicles is quite tough, whereas in Africa car

sales through import are easy and efficient. So,

to increase business, local dealers prefer to

import and sell used vehicles in Africa. With the

increase in demand for vehicles in Africa, the

continent is giving ample chances to small and

big businesses to make a fortune.

Africa comes in the largest importer of

Japanese used vehicles. It is just because of

their flawless quality that Japanese vehicles are

popular across the continent. Not only used

cars, used trucks, buses, motorcycles even

used machineries, parts and accessories are

exported from Japan to all countries across


In this issue of the magazine, we have

explained the used vehicle market of Africa.

This continent surely holds a profitable market

for the automobile industry. There is no doubt

that the African marketplace is vast and

dynamic, and is also very demanding in terms

of quality. In order to hold the market, Japanese

automobile exporters should make some

efforts as profit can be earned by trying in

different ways.

January 2015

frica is the world's second largest

Acontinent in terms of area and

population. The continent is bounded

by Red Sea, Indian Ocean, Atlantic Ocean and

Mediterranean Sea. It is divided in half almost

equally by the Equator. Trade with other non-

African countries is done through oceans and

sea. In 1994, the cont inent became

independent and started establishing

diplomatic relationships with many non-

African countries in order to develop. A vital

role in the development of the continent is

played by Japan. From past few years, Africa

has emerged as a major trade region for

Japanese vehicles, mainly used ones.

Japan is the biggest exporter of used vehicles

in the world. Many countries across the world

import Japanese used vehicles and Africa is

among one of the leading importer of

Japanese vehicles. Almost all types of used

vehicles, even machinery and parts are

imported by Africa. Economy of many African

countries depends hugely on the importation

of motor vehicles. There are a number of

experienced and trustworthy exporters in

Japan that provide quality used vehicles to

Africa. Also the cost of used vehicles are very

low, hence they are easily affordable. The

numbers of used vehicles imported in Africa is

increasing continuously. Almost all countries

in Africa are fond of Japanese used vehicles.

One can see large numbers of used vehicles on

the streets of African countries, which show

how popular are these vehicles in these


Mainly Japanese used cars are exported to

countries such as South Africa, Tanzania,

Kenya, Zambia, Malawi, Nigeria, Zimbabwe,

Ghana, Mozambique, Namibia and several

others. Used vehicles from famous Japanese

makers such as Toyota, Nissan, Subaru,

Mitsubishi, Suzuki are imported in these

countries. It is quite easy to import used

Top 10 African markets for Japanese used vehicles

Japanese Used Cars for Export


Traffic Co. Ltd. 5January 2015

vehicles in Africa. The large importation of

used vehicles does not mean that Africa is a

dumping ground for reconditioned vehicles. It

is important that vehicles imported into Africa

should be environment friendly and Japanese

cars are groomed to offer that.

It may sound weird, but in comparison to new

vehicles, Africans prefer used vehicles. These

vehicles are reliable, durable and are available

at practical prices. Most of the African market

of used vehicles is acquired by Japanese

automobiles. Thousands of second-hand

vehicles are imported, inspected and shipped

to Africa on daily basis. Many countries in

Africa are underdeveloped, thus the market

for new vehicles in the continent is not very

vast as it is quite difficult for many Africans to

a f f o rd a n ew v e h i c l e . T h u s , g i v i n g

opportunities to used car market to enter.

With the advancement in technology it is quite

easy to buy a used vehicle via internet. The

presence of many portal sites has made the

availability of Japanese vehicles easy. One can

buy any vehicle of his/her desire by simply

finding the best used vehicle exporter. In

many African countries, most of the used cars

are from Toyota makers. The biggest

competitor of Toyota Motors is Nissan.

Among Toyota models, Toyota Hilux and

Toyota Corolla are very famous. Other

automakers also cover African market, but a

large share of this market is covered by these

makers only. As the continent demands


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resistant and economical transport solutions,

Africans also prefer to buy 4X4 and pickup


With the increasing population of the

continent, it is assumed that Africa will emerge

as the biggest market of everything including

used vehicles. Africa's development has

improved the living standards of people, which

eventually has increased the demand for used

vehicles. The African market possesses a lot of

potential and Japanese exporters can do much

in African countries as African has strong

leaning towards Japanese used vehicles.

There are many used vehicle exporters in Japan

that can provide used vehicle at affordable

prices. But before buying a used vehicle, it is

important to know the import rules and

regulations for smooth clearance of customs.

Market condition of various African countries is

explained in this section.

January 2015


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Botswana used car market

Lo c a t e d a t

the heart of

A f r i c a ,

Botswana offers

v a s t b u s i n e s s

opportunities in

t h e a r e a o f

automobiles and

agriculture. Over

the past many years, the country has one of

the best performing economies in the world.

Botswana offers very pleasant and business

like atmosphere to traders. Importation of

used vehicles in Botswana is quite simple

due to lower duties.

Easy importation of vehicles in Botswana has

increased the population of vehicles on the

road. Motor vehicles per thousand people in

Botswana have increased in comparison to

previous data. As per the statistics of the

World Bank, during 2005-2009, numbers of

vehicles were 159, however, during 2009-

2014, it has reached to 168. The motor

vehicles include cars, buses and freight

vehicles, but not two-wheelers. It has been

forecasted that in 2015, the vehicle sale will

grow by 3%, with commercial vehicles

performing the best.

Like many other African countries, new

vehicle market in Botswana is quite limited,

thus giving fair opportunities to used cars

exporters to invest in the market .

Automobile makers ruling the market of

Botswana are Toyota, Nissan, Mazda,

Hyundai and Kia. German automobile

makers Volkswagen has also made its place

in the market of Botswana.

Many people in Botswana prefer to purchase a

Japanese used vehicle as one gets a good and

reliable vehicle with prices almost half at that

of the cost price of new vehicles. The number

of used car dealers in Botswana is twice as that

of new car dealers. These dealers in Botswana

are found mainly in Gaborone, the capital city.

In the past few years, demand for used

vehicles in Botswana has risen immensely

especially for personal cars. Botswana is one

of the Africa's truly prosperous nations and

has a stable economy.

Most popular used car models in Botswana

are :

Volkswagen Gold , BMW X5, Massey

Ferguson, Toyota Vitz, Toyota Hilux Surf ,

Toyota Corolla Runx , BMW 3 Series, Toyota

Land Cruiser Prado, Toyota Corolla, Nissan X-


7January 2015

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Fareena Corporation Japan

apan is the world's leading source of Jautomobiles and is known for ages for

delivering high quality vehicles at

competitive prices. Importation of used cars

from Japan is very frequent because of their

reliability and authenticity. Botswana, a

landlocked country in Southern Africa, and

north of South Africa import used vehicles

from Japan. The large number of Japanese

imported second hand vehicles can be seen

on the roads of Botswana.

Namibia-Walvis Bay and Durban are major

ports for importing Japan used cars in

Botswana. These ports provide straight

f o r w a r d c l e a r i n g p r o c e d u r e s a n d

outstanding security for the used car and its

content. Since traffic moves on the left side of

the roads, r ight-hand-drive cars are

recommended in Botswana.

Documents required:

The appropriate documents to be submitted

to Botswana Unified Revenue Service (BURS)

for this purpose are as stated below:

Ÿ Certificate of Title and Registration: -

confirming that the car has been owned

and used for 1 year.

Ÿ Purchase Invoice (or receipt) : specifies

purchase value

Ÿ Police Clearance Certificate from both the

export country and Botswana Police


Ÿ Vehicle Evaluation: obtained from an

accredited used car dealer

Ÿ IC 2 Application: obtained from Destination

Agent, submit to Ministry of Commerce.

Ÿ Registration and proof of ownership.

Ÿ Form CE 101: original, in duplicate,

submitted with Import Permit, Residence

Permit, and passport to department of

Customs and Excise.

Ÿ Import Permit: obtained from Ministry of


Ÿ Customs Declaration Form SAD 500

Ÿ Customs clearance of a used car should be

undertaken even if there is no intention to

register the car in Botswana or if it is still

owned by a Bank or any other third party.

Non-Residents of Botswana:

Non-residents visiting Botswana and coming

Botswana import rules and regulations for Japanese used vehicles

8 January 2015

from a country outside the Southern African

Common Customs Area for a limited period

are normally required to produce a carnet or

bill of entry in respect to their used cars, any

duty liable on such cars will be secured by

bond or cash deposit.

Residents of Botswana:

Residents of Botswana are not allowed to

drive or use foreign registered vehicles in the

Botswana for more than fourteen days after

importation of such vehicle. If one is

intending to do so, then should contact the

nearest customs office for advice. In case

anyone found in possession of a foreign

registered vehicle, severe penalties including

seizure of vehicles may be imposed.

Foreign Diplomats:

Foreign diplomats are not required to pay

any duties or taxes, subject to the provision

of Diplomatic clearance certificate, and proof

of value. Botswana registration and driver's

license must be changed within 6 months of

arrival in the country.


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Shipping Information

Shipment Type Shipping Cost Frequency of Time (Days)

Ro-Ro US$69 / m³ Monthly 25-35

20 Foot Container US$3,000 / Container Weekly 35-42

Port- Durban Port

Duties and Taxes:

Ÿ A free entry is only allowed if vehicle is

imported within 6 months of the date of

issue of the Work Permit. Thereafter VAT of

10% applies.

Ÿ Only one car per family is duty free.

Subsequent entries or more than one car

per family are subject to 15% - 20% VAT of

CIF Value.

Ÿ The car will not be sold or otherwise

disposed of for 2 years from date of

importation. Value Added Tax (VAT) at

current rate is assessed on the imported

value of the car.

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Japanese Used Cars Portal 9January 2015

December 2014

The key to eradicate

poverty and attain

s u s t a i n a b l e

development in a country

is growth of the transport

section. It is crucial that

automobile sector of the

country is stable for

economic progress of the


In the center of Africa, lies

Burundi. It is bordered by Rwanda to the north,

Tanzania to the east and the south and the

Democratic Republic of the Congo to the west. Being

an underdeveloped nation, the new market industry

of Burundi is very small, thus giving chance to used car

dealers to enter in the market.

Japanese vehicles being resistant to harsh conditions

are most popular in Burundi. Predominated

automobile makers in Burundi are Toyota, Nissan and

Suzuki. The primary reason for these vehicles

popularity is easy availability of spare parts. In Burundi,

mainly manual transmission is recommended, as

skilled service workers are nonexistent for automatic

transmission. Toyota Corolla and Toyota Hilux are

popular in Burundi.

It is quite expensive to purchase a new vehicle, thus

Burundians go for used vehicles. Japan is a great

exporter of used vehicle around the World. Thousands

of Japanese used cars are exported every month from

Japan to Burundi and other countries.

Even though the country is a risky market for

automobile dealers, but it still holds extraordinary

opportunities. Thousands of used vehicles from Japan

are exported to Burundi and numbers are increasing

continuously at a high speed.

Popular used car models :Toyota Corolla Axio, Toyota Land Cruiser Prado,

Mitsubishi Feighter, Toyota Voxy, Toyota Corolla,

Nissan Juke, Toyota Vitz, Toyota Carina, Toyota

Probox,Toyota Belta,

Burundi used car market

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Shipping InformationPort- Dar Es Salaam

Shipment Type Shipping Cost Frequency of Time (Days)

Ro-Ro US$82 / m³ Monthly 25-35

20 Foot Container US$3,000 / Container Weekly 35-42

40 Foot Container US$4,200 Monthly -

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Burundi is located in central Africa to the east of

the Democratic Republic of the Congo. The cars

industry of Burundi has seen consistent progress

in past few years, but still it is not very stable in

Burundi. Therefore, many Japanese used car

exporters and dealers export used vehicles to

Burundi in order to provide the Burundians with

quality, low cost and durable cars. Burundi being

a land locked country depends mainly on the

ports Dar Es Salaam in Tanzania and Mombasa in

Kenya for the import of used cars from Japan.

Burundi uses left-hand drive vehicles, but

importation of right-hand drive vehicles are also

permitted in the country. It only requires a valid

driving license in order to drive in Burundi. There

are no age restrictions and no mandatory

inspection on the import of used cars in Burundi.

Documents Required:

The main documents required while importing

the used cars in Burundi are as follows :

Ÿ Original Registration Card

Ÿ Copy of Passport

Ÿ Original Purchase Invoice

Ÿ Original Bill Of Lading showing chassis

number, engine number, cubic capacity, year

of manufacture, brand and model.

Duties and Taxes:

The duty rates applicable on cars in Burundi are as


Ÿ Diplomat 1% handling charge

Ÿ Vehicle more than 10 passengers 15% CIF

Ÿ Tourism vehicle between 40% and 100% CIF

Ÿ Handling 4% CIF value

Ÿ Transactional tax 17% of (CIF + duties +


Burundi import rules and regulations for Japanese used vehicles 11January 2015

Carnival Co. Ltd.Used Car Dealer in Japan

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Kenya is the

h u b o f

e c o n o m i c ,

c o m m e rc i a l a n d

logistic of the entire

East African region

and has the most

developed economy

in the whole East Africa. Kenya surely

offers a lucrative market for vehicles.

For every 30 Kenyans there is a vehicle in

the country. The country import large

numbers of vehicles from various

countries across the world, but mainly

from Japan. When compared with the

population of around 40 million, more

than 10,000 vehicles are imported in

Kenya. For instance, according to the data

from the Kenya National Bureau of

Statistics, the numbers of used cars sold in

2013 were 76,122 units compared to

61,233 units in 2012. There has been

recent growth in the commercial vehicle

segment of the country.

Kenyan population prefers to buy used

vehicles as used cars account for more

than 80% of all vehicles sold in the country.

With the increase in demand for used

vehicles, many separate units have

established in the country that deals in

supply of used vehicles from popular

brands like Toyota, Subaru. There is great

demand for used passenger vehicles in the

country. Generally for personal use,

station-wagon is purchased, whereas for

commercial purposes mostly pickups are


Kenya offers a big market for vehicles and

exporters, it is just that vehicle imported in

the country should match with the

country's standard and regulations. The

Japan automobile industry is apparently

determined to become a major supplier of

used cars to Kenya.

Popular used models

Toyota Vitz, Toyota Passo, Mazda Demio,

Volkswagen Golf, Nissan Note, Toyota Hiace

Van, Toyota Belta, Toyota Corolla Fielder,

Toyota Probox Van, Toyota Vanette Van.

Kenya used car market

JapaneseCarTrade.com12 January 2015

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apan plays a vital role in the automobile Jindustry of Kenya. Large numbers of used

vehicles are imported in Kenya from Japan.

Kenya has a diverse geography. It lies on the

equator, with the Indian Ocean to its South-

East. Kenyans look at Japanese market for

used vehicles as Japan used vehicles are high

on quality and are reliable, plus are available at

affordable prices.

For importing a Japanese used vehicle in

Kenya, there are few rules and regulations one

must be familiar with. Below are the guidelines

to keep in mind while importing a used vehicle

in Kenya.

The Japanese used vehicle imported in Kenya

must be less than eight years of age. The

difference between the registration date and

the manufacturing date should not be more

than a year. Kenya allows importation of only

right hand drive vehicles. Left hand drive

vehicles are allowed for registration only if

they are for special purpose i.e. Ambulances,

Fire Tenders and large construction vehicles

imported for projects and to be eventually

donated to the Kenyan Government.

Mombasa is the shipping port in Kenya where

the used cars are imported from Japan. RoRo

(Roll-on, Roll-off) shipping is an easy shipping

method for vehicle importation. On request of

customers more expensive shipping method of

containers is arranged. Kenya has been an

important market for the import of used cars

from Japan. JEVIC has been appointed by the

Kenya Bureau of Standards (KEBS) to conduct

the pre-export Road Worthiness Inspection

(RWI) of used car from Japan, RSA, Singapore,

UAE and the UK in Republic of Kenya.

The used vehicles must pass a safety and

mechanical inspection. Vehicle odometer

reading must be cons is tent wi th the

documented mileage. The vehicle must meet

Kenya Bureau of Standards KS 1515:2000 –

Code of Practice for inspection of Road


Documents required : All imports of used

motor vehicles including those belonging to

returning residents, diplomats and or public

s e r v a n t s m u s t m e e t t h e f o l l o w i n g


Ø Original Commercial Invoice.

Ø Import Declaration Form obtained from


Ø Original Logbook from country of origin.

Kenya Revenue Authority shall not accept a

Kenya import rules and regulations on Japanese used cars 13January 2015

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Certificate of Export issued by Dubai Police

or any other authority as a substitute for a

foreign log book.

If the logbook is in a foreign language, an

English translation issued by the respective

Embassy, High Commission or a consulate

based here in Kenya must be furnished to

Customs to authenticate the foreign logbook.

Ø Cancellation of the foreign Logbook.

Ø Original Bill Of Lading (BOL)

Ø Certificate of Inspection by Japan Export

Vehicle Inspection Center ( JEVIC)

Note: Any other document that may be

required by Customs should be provided by


Returning Residents may import one exempt

motor vehicle excluding buses and minibuses

of seating capacity of more than 13 passengers

and load carrying capacity exceeding two

tones provided that :-

Ø The person has attained the age of

Shipping InformationPort- Port of Mombasa

Shipment Type Shipping Cost Frequency of Shipment Time (Days)

Ro-Ro US$82 / m³ Monthly 25-35

20 Foot Container US$3,000 / Container Weekly 35-42

eighteen years.

Ø The vehicle was used by him outside Kenya

for at least a year (excluding the period of

journey in the case of shipment).

Ø The vehicle is owned and registered in his

name and/or his spouse, and where the

motor vehicle is purchased on hire

purchase terms, the first installment in

respect thereof was paid and delivery taken

at least a year prior to importation.

Duty and Taxes:

Ø Import Duty: 25% of the CIF value of the


Ø Excise Duty: 20% of the (CIF value + Import


Ø VAT: 16% of the (CIF value + Import Duty +

Excise Duty).

Ø Import Declaration Fee (IDF) of 2.25% of the

CIF is also charged subject to a minimum of

KSH. 5 ,000 payable in advance on


JapaneseCarTrade.com14 January 2015

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Mozambique used car market

Th i s s o u t h e r n

African country

has witnessed a

tremendous increase in

the number of cars on

the roads in recent

years. The local market

of Mozambique is good

enough, thus sales of

used vehicle are quite

good in the country.

The country has al l ingredients for

development and growth of strong

automobile market. Even though, the

Mozambique automobile industry is still

weak, the market is growing, supported by

growing incomes, improving urban

infrastructure . The in f rastructura l

development in Mozambique is also

contributing towards the growing demand

for vehicles in the country. There has been

an industrial demand for commercial

vehicles in the country. There have been

assumptions that in 2015, there would be an

increment of 22.4% in passenger vehicles,

and 12% in the commercial vehicle


The importation cost in the country is not

very much, thus many used vehicles, mainly

from Asian makers are imported into the

country. The market demand resistant,

reasonable transport solutions, hence

mainly Japanese used vehicles are imported

into the country. Toyota is the clear market

leader in the country, with Hilux topping the

model sales chart. Car makers such as

Nissan, Honda, Mitsubishi, and Mazda are

also making their way in the country.

For every 1000 people in Mozambique there

are 16 vehicles. There has been a continuous

increase in the numbers of vehicles in the

country. For instance, in 2012 the numbers

of registered vehicles in Mozambique were

53154, whereas in 2013 the number

increased to 486,920. The automobile

sector of Mozambique is growing at a faster

rate, giving opportunities for automobile

makers to invest in the country.

Popular used car models

Toyota Corona Sedan, Toyota Hiace Van,

Toyota Vitz, Toyota IST, Toyota Corolla Runx,

Toyota Cami, Toyota Allex, Toyota Hilux Surf,

Toyota Land Cruiser Prado, Toyota Sprinter

Sedan. 15January 2015

i th every pass ing day, the

Wpopularity of Japanese used

vehicles is increasing. Japanese

vehicles are famous for their reliability,

comfort and durability. Almost every country

in the World import used vehicle from Japan.

Likewise, most cars in Mozambique are

imported from Japan only. Large number of

second hand cars can be seen on the roads of


Maputo is the capital of Mozambique and all

used vehicles from Japan are imported in

Mozambique through Maputo port, however

sometimes Durban port in South Africa is

considered as well for vehicle importation in

Mozambique. No age restriction is there on

vehicles imported in Mozambique. Right-

hand drive vehicles are allowed to be

imported with the exception to special

vehicles like ambulances etc.

Vehicles imported in Mozambique are

inspected by Intertek institution in order to

check whether or not the imported vehicle

match up with the country's regulations in

which it is imported. Also apply for the MOZ

number at the Intertek office at Maputo

along with the Invoice carrying the engine

number of the vehicle.

Documents Required:

Documents required while importing used

cars in Mozambique are as mentioned below:-

Ø Certificate of Title and Registration - must

be original

Ø Commercial/Purchase Invoice - must be


Ø Driver's License & International Insurance

Policy (green card)

Ø Certified copy of the passport.

Ø Original Bill of Lading showing Chassis

Number, Engine number, Cubic Capacity,

year of manufacture, brand and model.

Duties and Taxes:

The custom duty applicable on vehicles based

on the engine displacement is as follows:-

Ø Greater than 1500cc - 40%,

Ø Engine displacement less than 1500cc -


Ø Custom duty on single cabs- 20%.

Ø No custom duty on Mini Buses imported

to Mozambique.

Shipping InformationPort- Maputo Port

Shipment Type Shipping Cost Frequency of Shipment Time (Days)

Ro-Ro US$88 / m³ Monthly 30-35

Mozambique import rules and regulations for importing used cars

JapaneseCarTrade.com16 January 2015

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y e a r s ,

N a m i b i a h a s

e m e r g e d a s a

m a j o r t r a d e

center for used

vehicle exporters. The country offers very

pleasant and business like atmosphere to

foreign traders and importation of used

vehicles in Namibia is quite simple due to

low duties. The roads of Namibia are

continuing to be busy with second-hand

vehicles imported mostly from Asia and

the United Kingdom.

The automobile sector of the country is

growing. Namibia being an under-

developed nation doesn't have much

market for new vehicles, as many people

cannot afford to purchase a new car.

Namibians are looking forward for buying

used vehicles as they have years of

lifespan and are affordable alternatives on

the market. Plus taxation from the

Government for registering a new vehicle

is more in comparison to used cars.

With the increase in pro capita income,

growing GDP, stable inflation rate, and

political stability, the automobile industry

of Namibia is flourishing and is expected

to grow within next years. In Namibia,

there are 6 vehicles per thousand people

in the country. The limited size of the new

car market and limited growth potential

has given fair chance to used car exporters

to enter into the market. Both in passenger

and commercial vehicles, Toyota is leading.

In case of commercial vehicles, Toyota is

followed by Nissan and Isuzu.

The availability of quality and varied used

vehicles in the market is improving

tremendously, thus allowing buyers to buy

any vehicle of their choice. The craze for

used vehicles in Namibia is so high that

even if it is difficult to find spare parts for

vehicles, Namibians are eager to buy used


Popular used car models in Namibia are

Toyota Corolla,Volkswagen Golf,Toyota

Corolla Runx,Toyota Vitz,Mitsubishi Land

Cruiser Prado,BMW 3 Series,Toyota

Platz,Audi A4,Nissan March,Toyota Passo.

Namibia used car market 17January 2015

Namibia import rules and regulations for importing used cars

apan has been an important source of export of Jused cars and other vehicles. Economy of many

countries depends hugely on the importation of

motor vehicles; Namibia falls in that segment too.

Large numbers of Japanese used vehicles are

imported into Namibia. Importation of used

vehicles in Namibia from Japan is not a difficult

process. Here are the few guidelines which one

should follow while importing a used vehicle from


Durban (South Africa) port is used for shipment of

vehicles to Namibia. Generally RoRo (Roll-on, Roll-

off) shipment method is used for vehicle

importation to Namibia. On request of customers

more expensive shipping method of containers is

arranged. The age limit on imported second-hand

vehicles is eight years. Namibia allows importation

of only right-hand drive vehicles. Importation of

left-hand drive vehicles is prohibited in the

country. However, exception is made only for

diplomats by Namibian custom authorities.

Documents Required

Following documents are required for importing a

Japan used car in Namibia-

Ÿ Import permit

Ÿ Passport

Ÿ Commercial Invoice

Ÿ Original Bill of Lading (BOL). The BOL should

determine the Chassis, brand, model and year

of manufacturing of the vehicle.

Ÿ Vehicle registration papers.

The used vehicle importer must complete all the

necessary documents and present it to the customs

department along with the passport, so that

customs can attest the CA304a. The vehicle will be

released by Customs only when all documents are

available in order, and the engine number agrees

with that stated on the bill of entry.

Duty free importation of only one motor vehicle per

family is allowed if the vehicle is owned and used at

least 1 year prior to shipment. VAT is always

payable. If a new immigrant, the client must be in

possession of a permanent resident's permit, when

stopped for customs examination. A residence

permit is required for vehicles importation as

vehicles will no longer be allowed into Namibia on a

work permit. Imported vehicles may only be sold or

disposed in Namibia only after twenty-four months

after the date of importation.

Temporary residents have to pay a provisional

payment covering full duties has to be deposited

with Namibian Customs which is refundable when

the vehicle leaves Namibia within one year of its

importation. The import Permit is not applicable for

temporary residents, if the vehicle is re-exported

within one year. Once the vehicle is imported in the

country, it is not allowed to be sold or disposed off

the vehicle within two years of importation.

Import duty and taxes

A tax of 15% is payable on the value of the vehicle

(NAD value + 10%). From the payment of duties and

taxes, diplomats are exempted.

Shipping InformationPort- Port of Durban

Shipment Type Shipping Cost Frequency of Shipment Time (Days)

Ro-Ro US$69 / m³ Monthly 25-35

20 Foot Container US$ 3,000 / Container Weekly 35-42

JapaneseCarTrade.com18 January 2015

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South Africaused car market

Located in the

southern tip of

A f r i c a , t h i s

country surely holds

a vast market of

used vehicles. There

is a clear inclination of

car buyers towards the

used car market in the country as prices of

new vehicles are touching the sky. This year

saw an unpredicted growth of the used car

market in comparison to previous years.

Apart from a significant increase in the prices

of new vehicles, the used-car market also

benefitted from affordability concerns and

low interest rates.

In the first half of 2014, a total of 153,900 used

vehicles were financed, with 127,391 financed

in the same period last year. Whereas the

number of new vehicles financed were 96,908

in the period January-June 2014, with 79,920

vehicles financed in the same period last year.

This year only, November witnessed the

growth of4.7% in used car market.

The slow growth of new market contributed to

continued growth in the used car market.

According to WesBank's data, on comparing

sales of used and new vehicles, the ratio of

used vehicles to new ones is 1.39:1, a year-to-

date increase of 11%. In comparison to

passenger vehicles, light commercial vehicles

are more popular in the country. Toyota being

a most trustworthy maker is the most selling

brands in the country.

This country has the highest cars per capita in

Africa. For every 1000 people, there are 200

cars in South Africa. That means one in every

five persons in South Africa owns a vehicle.

With the increasing prices of new vehicles,

buyers are finding better value in pre-owned

market, thus resulting in higher demand for

used vehicle market. The country is a gold

mine and has been experiencing constant

boom in its economy and growth. In

comparison to other African countries, South

Africa has many cars. As a matter of fact, even

in comparison to some European countries,

South Africa has many cars. There are huge

opportunities for used vehicle exporters to

invest in the South African market, as the used

car market in the country is stable and growing

with a rapid pace.

Popular car models-

Toyota Corona Premio, Toyota Corolla Spacio,

Toyota Mark II, Toyota Land Cruiser Prado,

Toyota Premio, Mercedes-Benz C-Class,

Toyota Hiace Van, Toyota Raum, Toyota

Nadia, Toyota Harrier 21January 2015

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apan is a pioneer of automobile industry. JLarge numbers of vehicles are exported to

many countries across the world. Not only

new vehicles, used vehicles from Japan are also

exported. The reason for popularity of Japanese

used vehicles is their reliability, longevity and

durability. Japanese vehicles are always high on

quality and safe to drive.

Japanese vehicles are popular among masses

because of their quality, reliability and fuel-

efficiency. Import regulations for used vehicle in

South Africa are quite complex and sometimes

confusing. Used vehicles from Japan, imported

to South Africa must be registered, insured and

roadworthy to drive on the roads.

The importation of used cars from Japan in

South Africa is restricted and subjected to

permits issued by South African Bureau of

Standards (SABS) under specifically defined

circumstances to protect the local motor vehicle

manufacturing industry in South Africa. Before

importing a Japanese used car a letter of

authority from the South African Bureau of

Standards (SABS) must be obtained and an

Application for importation of a second hand or

used vehicle form (IE462) is to be submitted.

Durban is the maritime port in South Africa for

importing used cars from Japan. Right Hand

Dr ive vehic les are only permit ted for

importation in South Africa and as per current

legislation left hand drive vehicles which were

not registered in RSA before 23 July 2004 may not

be registered, licensed, roadworthy and

operated on a public road in South Africa.

Documents Required :

Documents required while importing used cars

from Japan in South Africa :

Ÿ Immigrants need their permanent residence

permit issued by the Department of Home

Affairs (or a copy)

Ÿ Returning South Africans must show proof of

emigration from SA, proof they had permanent

residence abroad and evidence that the

permanent residence has been withdrawn.

Ÿ A duly completed form DA304A

Ÿ Bill Of Lading (BOL)

Ÿ Purchase Documents (Invoice(s))

Ÿ Registration Certificate/permit (Deregistration


Ÿ Documentary evidence of the date on which

delivery of the vehicle was taken.

Ÿ Documentary evidence of the date on which

the vehicle was handed to the shipper for

shipment to South Africa.

South Africa import rules and regulations on Japanese used vehicles

JapaneseCarTrade.com22 January 2015

We have been dealing in high quality Japanese new / used cars since 1985

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Member of:

Ÿ An Import Permit

Ÿ An original Letter of Authority

Importer must have import permit from

government. Import Permits are only forwarded

to South African addresses. Importation of used

vehicle for commercial purposes is not allowed in

South Africa.

Note: If the original purchase Invoice is not

available, three written valuations must be

obtained from Japanese used Car Exporters to

assist the customs clearance process in South


Returning residents :

Full rebate of Customs duties on importation of

one motor vehicle per family is provided to South

African residents returning permanently or

obtaining permanent residence in South Africa. It

is important that the vehicle imported is the

personal property of the importer, and was

owned and used by him/her for a period of not

less than 12 months prior to the importer's

departure for South Africa.

Rebate on duty is given if the returning

residents comply with the given elements

1. Originally emigrated from South Africa

2. Obtained permanent residents' status abroad

3. Again return to South Africa permanently

Duties and Taxes:

Customs duty applicable on the import of used

cars from Japan in South Africa is calculated ad

valorem of the used cars.

Ÿ Customs Duty: 30% (motor cars more than 20

years old are subject to 20% customs duty).

Ÿ Ad Valorem customs duty (based on a sliding

scale depending on the value of the vehicle,

with a minimum of 0.75% and a maximum of


Ÿ Value-Added Tax (VAT) :- 14%

As an example, the cumulative taxes and duties

payable on the car with a value of approximately R

200,000 are ±70% of the market value. All vehicles

with a market value for ad valorem customs duty

purposes of less than R 130,000 do not pay ad

valorem customs duty on importation into South


Shipping InformationPort- Durban Port

Shipment Type Shipping Cost Frequency of Shipment Time (Days)

Ro-Ro US$69 / m³ Monthly 25-35

20 Foot Container US$ 3,000 / Container Weekly 35-42 23January 2015

Nigeria used car market

The automobile

s e c t o r o f a

country plays a

v e r y v i t a l ro l e i n

a t t a i n i n g d e s i re d

economic growth and

d e v e l o p m e n t .

L i k e w i s e , t h e

automobile industry

of Nigeria is significant in country's progress.

There is a huge demand for vehicles in the

country. Vehicle sales in the country is

increasing at fast pace with dealers expecting

the digits to reach double-digit growth in

comparison to the past year.

It is one of the biggest car buyers in Africa. This

can be accounted for the growth of various

sectors in the country. Nigerian government

spent a lot on the importation of new and used

vehicles in the country. For instance, in 2013,

Nigeria alone spends around $5.2 billion on the

importation of vehicles, mainly used vehicles

from Asia, Canada and Europe. Around 64% of

vehicles imported were used ones. With the

increase in middle class population of the

country, the automobile industry is booming.

The country's automobile industry is growing

rapidly and poses a huge potential for growth.

Nigeria was the 5th largest car market in Africa

in 2013 - behind South Africa, Algeria, Egypt

and Morocco. The country has largest

population in the continent, with one vehicle

for every 12 citizens in the country.

Almost all cars in the country are imported.

Around 150,000 used and 50,000 new vehicles

in Nigeria are imported yearly for the 160

million-person every year. Toyota, accounts for

the maximum import in the country, although

other makers such as Honda, Mercedes, Ford,

GM are also making their ways in Nigeria.

The quality of Japanese used vehicles imported

into the country, attract more people to buy

these vehicles. One gets a reliable, durable and

good vehicle at cost price almost half of that of

new ones. Even the duties on used vehicles are

less in comparison to new ones.

Nigeria is a significant market. There is a huge

demand for used cars in Nigeria, while the

competition in car manufacturing industry is

negligible, leaving sufficient room for the import

car market. Mainly for used ones as buying a

new one is not within everyone's financial reach.

Popular car models imported :

Toyota Coaster Bus, Honda Cr-vm Toyota Hiace

Commuter, Toyota Camry, Volkswagen

Golf,Honda Accord, Nissan Primera, Toyota

Ipsum, Toyota Platz, Toyota Corolla.

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JapaneseCarTrade.com24 January 2015

ith time, the trend of buying Japanese used

Wvehicles has increased. The reason for this

is their superior quality and performance.

Japanese automobile industry is known among people

for years. Buying a used vehicle is a wise decision as

one gets a quality vehicle at reasonable price. Like

other countries, large numbers of used vehicles from

Japan are imported in Nigeria.

Nigeria, a country in west Africa allows importation of

used cars that should not be more than 8 years old

from the date of first registration. The used cars

imported from Japan to Nigeria should be left-hand

drive. The major shipping ports in Nigeria for Japanese

used vehicles are Apapa and Lagos.

Documents required:

To claim any goods at Nigerian ports, the following

documents must be presented to officials of the

Customs and Excise Department.

Ÿ Bill of Lading (BOL).

Ÿ Bill of entry.

Ÿ Approved Form M.

Form "M" should be processed by any person

importing used cars into Nigeria through any

authorized commercial/merchant bank. The

authorized banks shall be responsible for delivering all

Forms "M" (including those for imports excluded from

inspection) to the appointed inspection agent's liaison

offices in Nigeria.

Ÿ Marine insurance policy (issued by a Nigerian

insurance firm).

Ÿ Evidence of payment of VAT.

Taxes and Duties:

Custom Duties applicable on the vehicles:

· Cars :- 30% · Buses :- 15% · Trucks :- 30%

· CKD (Complete Knocked Down vehicles) :- 5%

Taxes applicable on the import of used cars are as


Ÿ CISS (Comp Import Supervision Scheme) :- 1%

Ÿ NAC (National Automotive Council) :- 2%

Ÿ VAT (Value Added Tax) :- 5%

Ÿ ETLS (Ecowas Trade Liberalization Scheme) :- 0.5%

Ÿ Sub Charge and Duty Payable

Shipping InformationPort- Port of Lagos

Shipment Type Shipping Cost Frequency of Shipment Time (Days)

Ro-Ro US$202 / m³ Monthly 35-45

20 Foot Container US$ 3,000 / Container Weekly 35-42

Port- Port of Apapa

Shipment Type Shipping Cost Frequency of Shipment Time (Days)

Ro-Ro - Less than Bi-Monthly -

20 Foot Container US$ 4,500 / Container Weekly 45-55

Nigeria import rules and regulations for Japanese used vehicles 25January 2015

Over the past

f e w y e a r s ,

Tanzania has

emerged as a major

trade center for used

vehic le exporters.

Tanzania offers very

pleasant and business

like atmosphere to

foreign traders and importation of used vehicles

in Tanzania is quite simple due to low duties.

Even though, the Tanzania automobile industry is

still weak, the market is growing, supported by

g r o w i n g i n c o m e s , i m p r o v i n g u r b a n

infrastructure and the supply of cost-effective

vehicles by Asian manufacturers. Tanzania does

not possess a strong automobile market, giving

other countries ample opportunities to enter the

Tanzania market. Like other African countries,

Tanzania is a popular spot for Japan used cars.

Typical Tanzania market demand resistant,

economical transport solutions, and Japan

manufactured cars are groomed to offer that.

Japan has acquired the top most spot as the most

c o n s i s t e n t a n d r e a s o n a b l e v e h i c l e

manufacturing market. While offering used

vehicles, Japanese market gives the best

combination in price, economy, quality standard

and flexibility. The Tanzania market has long

been dominated by Toyota Motors, but is giving

other vehicle brands to dig in. Tanzania is one of

the growing markets in the world and definitely

holds huge business opportunities.

There has been a strong prediction that there will

be growth close to 3% per annum in new vehicle

sales in Tanzania over the period of 2018. As per

the statistics of the Tanzania Automobile

Association (TMA), on an average Tanzanians buy

around 4,500 light vehicles. When compared to

the population of Tanzania which is around

49.3million, it seems that new cars are still

unaffordable to maximum population of

Tanzania, giving used cars only route to the

ownership of the vehicle.

Tanzania being an under-developed nation

doesn't have much to do with new cars as many

people cannot afford to purchase a new car. Plus

there may be a huge amount of taxation from the

Government for registering a new vehicle,

making used cars a feasible option. The limited

size of the new car market and limited growth

potential has given fair chance to used car

exporters to enter into the market. In the past

few years, demand for used vehicles in Tanzania

has risen immensely especially for personal cars.

Popular used car models :

Toyota IST, Toyota Passo, Toyota RAV4, Toyota

Townace Noah, Suzuki Carry Trucks, Toyota

Liteace Noah, Toyota Vitz, Toyota Carina, Toyota

Mark II, Toyota Raum.


220Per Day


Tanzania used car market

JapaneseCarTrade.com26 January 2015

We help you to Sale

Japan Used Cars Worldwide

Japanese Used Cars Portal 27

anzania, a land of varied geography is in east

TAfrica on the Indian Ocean. Like other

African countries, Tanzania is a popular spot

for Japan used cars. Typical Tanzania market

demand resistant, economical transport solutions,

and Japan manufactured cars are groomed to offer

that. To ensure that products imported into United

Republic of Tanzania meet the standards, there are

certain import regulations.

There is no age limit on used vehicles. However, the

taxation of the car may change depending on the

age of the vehicle. Vehicles imported to Tanzania

are required to pass the JAAI inspection. Before

importing a vehicle from Japan, make sure the

vehicle has taken the JAAI inspection. Along with

the shipping documents, certificate of JAAI will be

sent. Port for vehicle shipment is Dar Es Salaam.

Importation of used motor vehicles (Dumping fee):

Imported used motor vehicles of eight years of age

or more, counted from the year of manufacture,

are charged with additional excise duty as follows:

Ÿ Non Utility Vehicles charged at the rate of 25%

Ÿ Utility Vehicles charged at the rate of 5%

With effect from 1st July, the parliament has passed

the age restriction secular to be 8 years instead of

10 years, beyond it dumping fess is applicable.

1. This applies to light cars, vans, trucks, buses but

does not apply to machinery and earth moving

equipment like grader, bulldozers, agricultural


2. The old age fees started with effect from 1st July

2014(Commencement of new fiscal year).

Import Taxation in Tanzania :

Vehicles with the engine capacity up to 2000cc:

l Import duty 25% l VAT 20%

l Cumulatively this is 50% of dutiable value.

Vehicles with the engine capacity above 2000cc:

l Import duty 25% l Excise duty 10%

l VAT 20% l Cumulatively this is 65% of dutiable


Excise Duty :

Excise Duty is a duty charged on specific goods and

services manufactured locally or imported on

varying rates. Excise Duty on Motor vehicles is

charged based on cylinder capacity as follows:

Ÿ Description of vehicle Applicable Rate-

Ÿ Of cylinder capacity not exceeding 1000cc- 0%

Ÿ Of cylinder capacity exceeding 1000cc but not

exceeding 2000cc- 5%

Ÿ Of cylinder capacity exceeding 2000cc- 10%

Shipping InformationPort- Dar Es Salaam

Shipment Type Shipping Cost Frequency of Shipment Time (Days)

Ro-Ro US$82 / m³ Monthly 25-35

20 Foot Container US$ 3,000 / Container Weekly 35-42

40 Foot Container US$ 4,200 Monthly -

Tanzania import rules and regulations on Japanese used vehicles

January 2015

Japanese Used Car Exporter

Call us: +81-263-24-2543

Member of:

It won't be wrong

i n s a y i n g t h a t

Uganda means

b u s i n e s s . T h e

economic growth of

t h e c o u n t r y h a s

increased a lot of

interest in business

circle around the world. Like other African

countries, the new car market of Uganda is

not very vast, as Ugandans can't afford to buy

new vehicles. There is a clear inclination of

the people of the country towards used


Instead of buying new automobiles,

Ugandans prefer to buy second-hand

vehicles as they get the chance to select any

vehicle to their desire at really affordable

prices. The price gap between a new car and

used ones is very big. There is a difference of

around 50% between these vehicles.

The dealership in the country flourished

when the restriction on importation of used

cars more than seven years was revoked. As

the used cars dealership grew, people's love

for used cars increases. There are 13 cars in

Uganda per thousand people. The Ugandans

have special affection for Japanese vehicles

and especially Toyota, as it is quite easy to find

spare parts for these vehicles. Toyota Motors

are already ruling the roads of Uganda, while

there are still opportunities for other makers

to make their way in the country.

While offering used vehicles, Japanese market

gives the best combination in price, economy,

quality standard and flexibility. There are some

Japanese exporters who are in this business

from many years and are known for offering

vehicles that meet customer's demand and


Like other East African countries, Uganda is

planning to ban the importation of very old

vehicles in the country in order to prevent the

importation of useless vehicle in the country.

There has been strong conjecture that the

demand for used vehicles will increase in

Uganda due to economic growth in recent

years. Even demand for auto parts in the

country is also on the rise.

Popular used car models :

Toyota Corona Premio, Toyota Corolla Spacio,

Toyota Hiace Van, Toyota Raum, Toyota Mark,

II Toyota Land Cruiser Prado, Toyota Premio,

Mercedes-Benz C-Class, Toyota Nadia, Toyota


Uganda used car market

JapaneseCarTrade.com28 January 2015 29

Uganda import rules and regulations

on Japanese used vehicles

Wi t h ev e r y p a s s i n g d a y t h e

popularity of Japanese used

vehicles is increasing. Japanese

vehicles are famous for their reliability,

comfort and durability. Almost every country

in the world import used vehicle from Japan.

Like other African countries, Uganda import

large number of used vehicles from Japan.

Uganda is located in Eastern Africa, west of

Kenya, south of South Sudan and east of the

Democratic Republic of the Congo.

Being a landlocked country, surrounded

from all the sides by land Uganda has no port

of its own, thus to import a Japan used car to

Uganda either the port of Mombasa in Kenya

or Dar Es Salaam in Tanzania can be used,

both being equal in terms of cost related to

import of the vehicle.

There is no age restriction on the import of

used cars from Japan and importation of

both right and left hand drive vehicles is

permitted in Uganda.

Uganda National Bureau of Standards

(UNBS) has appointed JEVIC to conduct a

compulsory inspection "Road Worthiness

Inspection (RWI)" for the used cars to ensure

that it meets certain standards.

Documents Required:

Documents which are required at the time of

clearing the used cars at the ports are as


Ÿ Original Bill Of Lading

Ÿ Work Permit (copy)

Ÿ Immigration Permit

Ÿ Certificate of Residence Change

Ÿ ”Attestation reservation de cale"

Ÿ The consignee's original passport

Ÿ An invoice or valuation for the vehicle

Ÿ The original logbook of the vehicle or the

original export documents from the

country of origin

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January 2015

Ÿ Inventory in triplicate, English, detailed,

valued, signed and dated by the customer

Ÿ Electrical powered items should be shown

with serial numbers

Ÿ A Tax Identification Number will be issued

and obtained for the consignee by the

consignee local employer in Uganda.

It is a must to be registered with Tanzania

Revenue Authority and have your Tax

Identification Number (TIN) before clearing

the car into Tanzania Customs Regulations.

Duties and Taxes:

The Custom duty value in Uganda is

determined in accordance with The General

Agreement on Trade and Tariffs (G.A.T.T)

valuation method. Taxation or tariffs on

importing used vehicles in Uganda are as


Ÿ Import Duty: - 15% of dutiable value

Ÿ VAT: - 17% of VAT value

Ÿ Import commission: - 2% of Dutiable Value

Ÿ Withholding Tax: - 4% of Dutiable Value

Shipping InformationPort- Port of Mombasa

Shipment Type Shipping Cost Frequency of Shipment Time (Days)

Ro-Ro US$82 / m³ Monthly 25-35

20 Foot Container US$ 3,000 / Container Weekly 35-42

Trusted Since 1991

Member of:

Contact us: +81-3-3784-9644 |

20,000Japan Used Car Stock

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There is an excise duty of 10% on selected

cases. There is also duty remission on some

commercial vehicles.

JapaneseCarTrade.com30 January 2015 31

Zambia used car market

With increase

in population

i n t h e

country, there is an

increase in the numbers

of people wanting to

buy a vehicle. Many

people prefer to purchase a used vehicle

rather than purchasing a new one. Africa is a

leading importer of Japanese used cars and

being its country, many vehicles in Zambia are

imported from Japan. The roads of Zambia

are flourished with used vehicles imported

from Japan. It is like a trend in the country to

import used vehicle. Japan is known for

offering quality used vehicles at practical


Generally used cars imported in Zambia are

from Japan, although a small portion of the

automobile market is owned by used vehicles

imported from countries such as U.S.A., U.K.,

Singapore, and United Arab Emirates. When

compared with the volume of used vehicle

making their way to the country, it is quite

evident that the economy of Zambia is

flourishing. Zambia has seen an increase in

companies trading in used cars, mainly

Japanese used.

J a p a n e s e a u t o s a l e b u s i n e s s e s t h e

opportunity to sell thousands of used vehicles

to willing buyers in Zambia, where taxes on

new vehicles make the price of new cars too

expensive for many people. On an average,

around 180 used vehicles are imported into

the country each and every day and mostly are

from Japan.

Being an underdeveloped nation, Zambia

doesn't have much to do with new cars as

many people cannot afford to purchase a new

car. The country offers very pleasant and

business like atmosphere to foreign traders.

Over the past few years, Zambia has emerged

as a major trade center for used vehicle

exporters. Even the importation of used

vehicles in Zambia is quite simple due to low

duties. The popularity of Japanese vehicles

also makes the easy avai labi l i ty and

affordability of spare parts.

The easy importation of Japanese used

vehicles in Zambia has made the availability of

used vehicles to the average citizen of the

country as for many purchasing a new vehicle

are still unaffordable for many people.

Popular used car models :

Toyota Corolla Sedan, Toyota Corolla Spacio,

Toyota Hiace Van, Toyota Ipsum, Toyota

Sprinter Sedan, Toyota Fun Cargo, BMW 3

Series, Toyota Vitz, Toyota Noah, Toyota

Quality Used Vehicles Timely Shipping - Reliable Service

Japanese .comVehicles

Sale and Export of Japanese Used Cars

Member of:

Phone: +81-52-219-9046 Website:

January 2015

ambia is a landlocked country located in

ZSouthern Africa, to the east of Angola.

Majority of the vehicles in Zambia have

been imported from Japan and most of them are

used cars. Japanese cars are best in quality,

technology, durability with great mileage. An

advantage of buying a used car from Japan is

quality assurance. People prefer to buy Japanese

used vehicles as one gets a reliable vehicle at

reasonable prices. Japan is prominent for

manufacturing good quality used cars at practical

prices. To make the process of importation of

used vehicles smooth, importers are advised to

follow the given rules and regulations.

No age restriction on age of used vehicles

imported in Zambia. Importation of right-hand

drive vehicles are allowed to be imported in

Zambia. Exception is provided in case of

ambulance and fire engine. All Japanese used

vehicles imported to Zambia must be JEVIC (Japan

Export Vehicle Inspection Center) certified for

roadworthiness. Ports for vehicle shipment are

Durban port and Dar Es Salaam.

Documents required for port clearance-

Ÿ Original Certificate of Title and Registration

Ÿ Commercial/Purchase Invoice – showing

purchase date and price

Ÿ Driver's License & International Insurance

Policy (green card)

Ÿ Original Bill Of Lading (BOL)and Non Sale


Import Tax rates

cc Custom Duty Excise Duty Surtex Rate VAT

0-1500 25% 20% 50,000 17.50%

1501-2000 25% 30% 1,00,000 17.50%

2000-3000 25% 30% 150,000 17.50%

3001 and above 25% 30% 200,000 17.50%

Pickups 15% 30% 200,000 17.50%

Trucks 15% 0% 200,000 17.50%

Buses/ Coach 15% 16-25% 200,000 17.50%

Shipping InformationPort- Dar Es Salaam

Shipment Type Shipping Cost Frequency of Shipment Time (Days)

Ro-Ro US$82 / m³ Monthly 25-35

20 Foot Container US$ 3,000 / Container Weekly 35-42

40 Foot Container US$4,200 Monthly -

Zambia import rules and regulations on Japanese used vehicles

JapaneseCarTrade.com32 January 2015 33

Import regulations in brief in other African countries on Japanese used vehicles

he Democratic Republic of Congo, DRC is the

Tsecond largest country in the African region

according to the area. The country lies on the

equator, with one-third of the country to the north

and two-thirds to the south. As the Congo has finally

achieved stability, the country is opening as a swift

and emerging market for cars. Numbers of vehicles

mainly used ones are imported to DR Congo from

Japan. Used vehicles include sedans, hatchbacks,

4WD vehicles, SUV s, pick-up trucks, station wagons

and minibuses are supplied to DR Congo vehicle


Ports: Kinshasa, Port of Banana, Port of Boma and

Port of Matadi. Left hand side vehicles are allowed

in DR Congo.

Vehicle imported should beAge restriction :

Ÿ Second-hand cars or buses (less than 10 seats) -

below 10 years of age from the year of


Ÿ Second-hand van or buses (more than 10 seats)-

less than 7 years old.

Ÿ Imported used Lorries must be less than 10 years


Vehicle should be inspected before it is Inspection:

imported in D R Congo. Pre-Shipment inspection of

imports for the Democratic Republic of Congo is

mandated by the DGDA and OCC, Ministry of


An original or Documents for custom clearance :

certified copy of the vehicle registration document

(V5C or logbook), Original Bill Of Lading, Commercial

Invoice, Legal conveyance certificate, Original

certificate of vehicle inspection or legal copy of the

country of origin.

Import taxes rates :

Ÿ Custom Duties 8-46.1%

Ÿ VAT 8-13%

Popular used car models :

Toyota Rav, Toyota Hiace, Toyota Land Cruiser Prado,

Mitsubishi Pajero, Honda Odyssey, Volkaswagen

Golf, Mazda MPV, Toyota Ipsum, Nissan X-Trail,

Nissan Skyline.

Shipping InformationPort - Port of Dar Es Salaam (favorable port for shipping)

Shipment Type Shipping Cost Frequency of Shipment Time (Days)

Ro-Ro US$82 / m³ Monthly 25-35

20 Foot Container US$ 3,000 / Container Weekly 35-42

40 Foot Container US$4,200 Monthly -

Rules on importation of used cars in DR Congo

January 2015

hana is a country in Africa, along the Gulf of

GGuinea, just a few degrees north of the

equator. Ghana not having a significant

domestic assembly of motor vehicles relies exclusively

on importing used vehicles which constitute about 70

percent of vehicles imported into Ghana. Overall the

transportation sector is growing and offers good

opportunities for Japanese used vehicles. Significant

growth has been recorded each year over the recent

past in the number of registered motor vehicles in


Ports: Port of Tema and Port of Takoradi. Left-hand

drive vehicles allowed, except for some vehicles.

Age restrictions: Used cars over 10 years old require a

graduated duty and penalty (according to year of


Documents required: Year of vehicle manufacture,

Certificate of Title and Registration, Original Bill Of

Lading, International Driver's License, Original

Purchase Invoice, Original Insurance Policy, Name and

address of used car exporter, home delivery value of

used car, Customs Form C.12/SAD

Duties and taxes :

Ÿ Import Duty - (0%, 5%, 10%, and 20%)

Ÿ Import VAT - (0% or 12.5%)

Ÿ National Health Insurance Levy - (0% or 2.5%)

Ÿ ECOWAS Levy - (0.5%)

Ÿ Export Development Fund (EDIF) - (0.5%)

Ÿ Examination Fee - (1%)

Note : Import Duties on the used vehicles calculated are

based on the engine capacity, age, seating capacity, and


Popular used car models :

Nissan March, Toyota Corolla, Toyota Camry, Mazda

Premacy, Mazda Demio, Nissan Primera, Toyota Hiace,

Toyota Rav 4, Nissan X-Trail, Hinda Fit

Shipping InformationPort- Port of Tema

Shipment Type Shipping Cost Frequency of Shipment Time (Days)

Ro-Ro US$200 / m³ Monthly 35-45

20 Foot Container US$ 3,255 / Container Weekly 55-62

Rules on importation of used cars in Ghana

Code Scan Tool For Used Cars From Japan

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Phone: +81-45-671-0091 Website :

Fujiyama Trading Ltd.Japanese Export Specialist For NEW & USED Vehicles

JapaneseCarTrade.com34 January 2015 35

Rules on importation of used cars in Malawi

alawi is a landlocked country surrounded

Mby Mozambique, Zambia, and Tanzania.

Like other African nations, large numbers of

Japanese used vehicles are also imported in Malawi.

Japanese used cars are popular in the country

because of their reliability and quality. Many

Malawians also choose to buy second-hand vehicles

from Japan as buying from Japan is an easy process.

Plus, one could get a better quality vehicle at cheaper


Ports: Dar Es Salaam (Tanzania), Durban (South

Africa) and Maputo (Mozambique).

Age Restriction: No age restriction and no specific

inspection required on used vehicle imported.

Right-hand drive vehicles are permitted in Malawi.

Exception is provided in case of special vehicles like

Ambulance, Fire engine.

Documents Required: Original Commercial /

Purchase Invoice, Drivers License & International

Insurance Policy (green card), Original Certificate of

Title and Registration, Copy of client's work contract,

Original Bill Of Lading.

Taxes and Duties :

If vehicle is sold, disposed within five years of

importation, then used vehicle importer has to pay

duties similar to the amount paid to Customs at initial


For commercial vehicles :

1. Up to 2000cc- seating capacity less than 10 people.

· Import Duty- 25% · VAT- 16.5% · Excise-15%

2. 2000-2500cc -seating capacity less than 10 people.

· Import Duty- 25% · VAT- 16.5% · Excise-30%

3. 2500-3000cc- seating capacity less than 10.

· Import Duty- 25% · VAT- 16.5% · Excise-40%

4. Over 3000c- seating capacity less than 10.

· Import Duty- 25% · VAT- 16.5% · Excise-50%

5. Minibus holding more than 10 people.

· Import Duty- 25% · VAT- 16.5% · Excise-NIL

6. Trucks under 3 Ton.

· Import Duty- 10.00% · VAT- 16.5% · Excise-5.00%

7. Trucks over 3 Ton.

· Import Duty- 1.10% · Excise-2.50%

8. Truck over 10 Ton.

· Excise-1.50%

Popular used car models :

Toyota Corolla Axio, Nissan Note, Daihatsu Mira, Toyota

Dyna, Honda Fit, Honda Accord, Toyota Belta, Nissan

Dutsun, Toyota Rav4, Toyota Belta

Shipping InformationPort- Port of Dar Es Salaam

Shipment Type Shipping Cost Frequency of Shipment Time (Days)

Ro-Ro US$82 / m³ Monthly 25-35

20 Foot Container US$3,000 / Container Weekly 35-42

40 Foot Container US$4,200 Monthly -

January 2015

Rules on importation of used cars in Mauritius

auritius is an island located in the

MIndian Ocean, east of Madagascar. The

used cars imported in Mauritius

should be registered with the National Transport

Authority in the name of the importer. Import

permit or authorization is required from the

Ministry of Industry and Commerce and Ministry

of Public Infrastructure and Land transport while

importing used cars from Japan.

Used cars should be not less Age Restrictions :

than 18 months and not more than 48 months

from the date of first registration. Right hand

drive vehicles are only permitted to be imported.

Documents Required: Original Invoice, Bill Of

Lading, Bill of entry, Cancellation of Registration

Certificate, Import Permit, Insurance certificate (if

applicable) , Certif icate of inspection ( i f

applicable), Certificate of origin (if applicable)

Taxes and Duties :

Ÿ VAT- 15%

Ÿ Excise duties liable on vehicles based on their

cylinder capacity are as mentioned below:-

Motor Cars :

Ÿ Less than 550cc - 15%

Ÿ Above 550 cc but less than 1600 cc - 55%

Ÿ Above 1600 cc - 100%

Vans :

Ÿ Up to 1600 cc -55% Above 1600 cc - 100%

Trucks: 40%

Motorcycle : for 250 cc - 45%

Popular used car models :

Toyota Corolla Axio, Toyota Belta, Toyota Vitz,

Honda Fit, Nissan Juke, Honda Accord, Toyota

Noah, Toyota Allion, Nissan March,Nissan X-Trail.

Shipping InformationPort- Port Louis

Shipment Type Shipping Cost Frequency of Shipment Time (Days)

Ro-Ro US$176 / m³ Monthly 20-25

20 Foot Container US$3,000 / Container Weekly 25-32

We believe our conscientious work will be completely satisfactory for you

Member of


Total AutoMobile UtilizationExporter of all kinds of Vehicles

and Machinery

JapaneseCarTrade.com36 January 2015 37

Rules on importation of used cars in Swaziland

waziland, a country in southern Africa

Slies between Mozambique and South

Africa. Being an underdeveloped nation,

Swaziland does not possess a broad new car

market; hence rely mainly on importation of

used vehicles. Japan being a major exporter of

used vehicles, export large numbers of used

vehicles to Swaziland. People prefer to buy

Japanese used vehicles as one gets a reliable

vehicle at reasonable prices. Importing a used

vehicle in Swaziland is not a difficult task, but it

requires little awareness. Used vehicle

importer should know all rules and regulations

for vehicle importation in the country.

Used vehicles that are over Age Restrictions:

15 years are prohibited in the country. Right

hand drive vehicles are only permitted to be


Documents Required : Bi l l Of Lading,

Registration Documents, Commercial Invoice,

DA 304S Form, Interpol Clearance, Import


Taxes and Duties:

·Duties- 0-40% · VAT- 14%

Concession to returning residents or new

residents : Returning residents or new

residents may import under full rebate of

customs duties and exemption of taxes,

provided they follow the following conditions :

a. One motor vehicle per family may be


b. The vehicle so imported must have been the

personal property of the importer and has been

used for personal use only.

c. Vehicle must be owned the vehicle for at least

a year before importing to Swaziland.

e. New residents must obtain permanent

residence in Swaziland.

f. Returning residents must have originally

emigrated from Swaziland; obtained residents'

status abroad; and are returning to Swaziland


g. If the vehicle have been owned and used for

at least a year before importation, then the

amount of duty rebated will be reduced pro-

rata, according to the number of days less than

12 months.

h. An application for an import permit must be

obtained prior to shipment of the vehicle to


Popular used car models :

Mercedes C-Class, Toyota Vitz, Honda Fit, Mazda

Demio, Mitsubishi Pajero, Honda Hr-V, Toyota

Cami, Honda Civic, Mazda Atenza, Volkswagen


Shipping InformationPort- Durban Port

Shipment Type Shipping Cost Frequency of Shipment Time (Days)

Ro-Ro US$69 / m³ Monthly 25-35

20 Foot Container US$3,000 / Container Weekly 35-42

January 2015

Rules on importation of used cars in Zimbabwe

imbabwe, a landlocked country in

Zsouthern Africa is a large buyer of

Japanese used vehicles. Every year,

large numbers of cars are imported in

Zimbabwe from Japan. Importing used

cars into Zimbabwe is very popular

because of the financial savings that the

importer acquires. Japan has always been

a popular source for transportation of

used and new vehicles. Popularity of used

cars from Japan is due to their remarkable

specifications, good condition and high


Ports : Maritime port of Durban in South

Africa, Walvis Bay in Namibia, Dar Es

Salaam in Tanzania.

Age restriction: No age restriction and no

specific inspection on Japanese used

vehicles imported to Zimbabwe. Right

Hand Drive vehicles are allowed in

Zimbabwe. Exception is provided in case

of ambulance and fire engine.

Immigrants Documents required:

Declaration, Passport, Residence Permit,

Import license if vehicle ownership before

importation is less than six months,

R e g i s t ra t i o n d o c u m e n t , I n v o i c e /

Agreement of sale, Insurance document, and

Freight document.

Import duties and rates :

Ÿ For all non-commercial vehicles: 60%-


Ÿ For light passenger vehicles, station

wagons: 25%-40%

Ÿ Buses, mini-buses and other vehicles that

are used for ferrying 10 or more

passengers: 0%-60%

Ÿ For vehicles with engine smaller than

1500cc: 40%

Ÿ Surtax of 25% of the Value for Duty

Purposes (VDP) on vehicle that are more

than five years old.

Ÿ VAT :- 15%

Popular used car models :

Mitsubishi Pajero, Nissan X-Trail, Toyota,

Premio, Toyota Vitz, Honda Fit, Mercedes A,-

Class, Suzuki Kei, Toyota Wish, Mitsubishi

Challenger, Mazda Demio

Shipping InformationPort- Durban Port

Shipment Type Shipping Cost Frequency of Shipment Time (Days)

Ro-Ro US$69 / m³ Monthly 25-35

20 Foot Container US$3,000 / Container Weekly 35-42

JapaneseCarTrade.com38 January 2015

High Quality Japanese

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Member of

Call: +81-3-5905-1092

Japan used car exporter

Member of 39January 2015

Nihonsha Land Co. Ltd. one of the Japan's most

experienced and licensed company is famous for its

excellent customer services and for providing new and used

vehicles in best condition possible to all over the world.

ihonsha Land Co. Ltd. is one of the major exporters of

NJapanese used vehicles. The company exports large numbers

of used vehicles to New Zealand, South America, UAE, Central

America, Africa, Cyprus, Bangladesh, Ireland, UK, Russia, and

Caribbean. Through the company's online auction bidding system, it

allows its members to access to a huge fleet of vehicles and other

heavy equipments from around 50 major auction halls in Japan and

over 50,000 cars every week choose from.

Japan is a major exporter of used vehicles. The country is the home of

world's renowned automakers. Japanese automobile market offers a

broader choice and wide range of vehicles at affordable prices.

The company Premium Member at and is also

a member of the Japan Used Motor Vehicle Exporters Association

(JUMVEA), hence offers its customers complete security while trading.

Nihonsha Land Co. Ltd. exports not only new and used cars, but also

provides the service like Dismantling vehicles, Dismantling Salvage

yards and Container vanning etc. They are known for their sincerity,

reliability, trustworthiness and flexibility.

Additionally, Nihonsha Land Co. Ltd. is a licensed Transportation

Company as well having seven big trailer trucks of their own to deliver

cars from the auction to any port at lowest price.

Nihonsha Land Co. Ltd.10-3652, Azasakanoshita

Shimamityo, Kita-Ku, Niigata-City, Niigata-Prefecture, JapanPhone : +81-25-278-6050 Fax : +81-25-278-6051

Email: [email protected]

Japan Used Automobile Export Worldwidein Year 2014

Sr. Country Name Total Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sept

1 MYANMAR 132,210 7,399 9,401 13,043 12,874 14,319 18,126 15,765 12,803 13,193 15,287

2 RUSSIA 114,494 5,651 9,551 11,280 14,864 13,191 13,435 12,552 9,630 12,401 11,939

3 U.A.E. 92,094 7,992 10,334 12,025 12,580 9,825 9,058 7,147 6,234 7,584 9,315

4 NEW ZEALAND 91,103 7,189 8,456 10,438 11,267 8,700 9,374 9,061 7,912 8,303 10,403

5 NEW ZEALAND 62,467 4,046 8,609 9,669 7,674 6,937 6,151 5,021 4,136 5,062 5,162

6 KENYA 54,601 2,241 3,632 5,823 6,332 5,610 5,888 5,194 5,852 7,106 6,923

7 KYRGYZ 44,621 2,754 4,089 4,074 3,912 2,824 3,267 4,293 4,277 6,330 8,801

8 South AFRICA 43,398 3,227 4,152 4,580 4,721 3,976 4,321 4,122 3,924 4,402 5,973

9 TANZANIA 30,761 2,362 2,641 3,321 3,578 2,915 3,442 2,992 2,910 3,284 3,316

10 GEORGIA 29,606 2,013 2,351 2,954 3,632 3,332 3,669 2,683 2,466 2,810 3,696

11 MONGOLIA 29,325 2,253 2,260 2,431 3,532 3,324 3,681 2,618 2,752 3,120 3,354

12 PAKISTAN 28,989 758 2,070 2,646 3,726 3,748 3,260 3,714 2,713 2,958 3,396

13 SRI LANKA 25,289 1,411 1,833 1,883 1,661 1,892 2,624 2,973 2,594 3,937 4,481

14 PHILIPPINES 23,109 1,302 2,087 2,824 2,818 2,349 3,008 2,382 1,846 2,443 2,050

15 MALAYSIA 23,053 1,554 2,009 2,614 2,449 2,190 2,849 2,427 2,008 2,630 2,323

16 UGANDA 22,330 1,916 1,921 2,908 3,172 2,300 1,858 1,858 1,845 2,276 2,276

17 MOZAMBIQUE 18,557 1,066 1,596 1,843 1,955 2,097 1,850 1,686 1,899 1,868 2,697

18 ZAMBIA 17,616 1,887 2,038 2,363 2,201 1,643 1,432 1,253 1,466 1,660 1,673

19 BANGLADESH 15,873 780 1,047 1,661 1,967 1,928 1,763 1,911 1,632 1,541 1,643

20 TRINIDAD and TOBAGO 12,009 953 1,478 1,453 1,394 1,235 1,079 936 1,006 1,067 1,408

21 SURINAM 10,413 527 777 1,540 1,189 1,617 796 965 936 896 1,170

22 BOTSWANA 8,088 518 585 752 1,123 727 784 788 799 1,025 987

23 THAILAND 8,061 605 965 1,066 1,053 918 1,062 579 573 590 650

24 HONG KONG 8,027 520 761 961 940 926 886 784 601 827 821

25 JAMAICA 8,007 494 460 929 894 819 772 924 812 797 1,106

26 ZIMBABWE 6,895 581 697 777 506 725 809 722 669 811 598

27 GUYANA 6,054 842 574 725 560 650 432 590 485 495 701

28 The Democratic Rep. of The CONGO 5,958 408 416 571 662 536 566 652 577 742 828

29 MAURITIUS 5,203 282 384 513 670 553 506 612 519 427 737

30 AUSTRALIA 5,115 411 518 561 703 560 563 404 442 408 545


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Phone : +81-6-6608-3620

Crown Trading Group Co. Ltd.Phone :

CROWN - Imperial Car Trading


Dhamsu International Co. Ltd.Phone : +81-561-85-5239

Direct Auction Co. Ltd.Phone : +81-6-4303-3102

Diyata Japan Co. Ltd.

Phone : +81-723-37-9886

Dukes International Co. Ltd.Phone :

Every Co. Ltd.Phone :

Ex-Auto Japan Co. Ltd.Phone :

Fareena Corporation JapanPhone :

Fujiyama Trading LtdPhone :

Global Partners Co., LtdPhone :

Happy Japan Cars Corp.Phone :

Hiru Japan Co. Ltd.Phone :

Japanese Used Cars & Truck


Member of: 51January 2015

Imperial Solutions Ltd.Phone :

Individual Co. Ltd.


Japan Car Network Inc.Phone :

Japan Commerce Corporation

Co., Ltd.

Phone : +81-03-6280-4207

Japan Car Access

Phone : +81-45-671-0091

J & A Trading Corp. Pvt. Ltd.


Japan Trucks Access

Phone : +81-45-671-0091

Jimex Co. Ltd.

Phone : +81-45-250-0888

J-Logi Co. Ltd.

Phone: +81-46-281-7031

J & A Trading Corp. Pvt. Ltd.

Phone : +81-52-355-6153

JPC Trade Co. Ltd.


K. I Co. Ltd.

Phone : +81-46-292-7170

Ken Auto Trading Co., Ltd.

Phone : +81-78-766-8475

Kobe Motor Company

Phone : +81-45-349-5855

Kosei Boeki

Phone : +81-52-439-3077

Kotobuki Factory Co. Ltd.

Phone : +81-6-4303-3102

Koyojihan Corporation

Phone : +81-87-888-3333

Lib Corporation

Phone : 855-27-3434

Lucus Japan

Phone : +81-9014418016

Mawar Inter. Traders Co. Ltd.

Phone : +81-567-520-244

Maris Inc.

Phone: +81-45-540-1241

Meiho Tsusho Corporation (Quality Cars Japan)Phone :

MI-Cars Co. Ltd.Phone :

Mythos Inc

Phone : +81-78-381-5344

Mx Japan Ltd.Phone :

Nihonsha Land Co. Ltd.Phone : +81-25-278-6050

Nikko Auto Ltd.Phone :

Nikkyo Co. Ltd.Phone :

O.S NETWORK Co., Ltd.Phone :

Oxus Company

Phone : +81-92-402-5818

Ken Auto Trading Co. Ltd.

Japan Used Car ExporterMember of


36 JapaneseCarTrade.com52 January 2015

Pacific Boeki Co. Ltd.Phone :

Paragon Automobile Co. Ltd.Phone :

Phenix Inc.Phone :

PW Co. Ltd.Phone :

RamaDBK Ltd.Phone :

Rao International Co. Ltd.Phone :

Rimi International Co. Ltd.Phone :

Rizubi Trading Used CarsPhone :

Royal Trading Co., LtdPhone :

S.K Trading Co. Ltd.


Saini Co. Ltd.Phone :

Sayuri International Co. Ltd.Phone : +81-47-441-7206

Shafeeq Trading Co. Ltd.Phone :

Shin-Ei International Inc.


Sky Group

Phone : 45-910-6638

Sun Corporation Ltd.Phone : +81-42-673-2889

T & I Co. Ltd.Phone :

TAU CorporationPhone :

Tokyo Auto Company Ltd.Phone :

Traffic Co. Ltd.Phone :

Trust Co. Ltd.Phone :

Unojikou Co.Ltd(IMIAUTO.COM )Phone :

Visiona Trading. LtdPhone :

Will Be Co. Ltd.Phone :

Woorom Co. Ltd.

Phone : +81-3-3586-1520

Y R Trading Co. Ltd.

Phone : 3-4540-6620

Yamagin CorporationPhone :

Zebrazone Co. Ltd.


Zen Co. Ltd.

+81-178-20-9096 53

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