Page 1: Jambo everyone and welcome to another day€¦ · song called “Word of God Speak”! We are going to come up with some motions for the chorus. ELEM WILD WK 3 (8) (Go over the chorus
Page 2: Jambo everyone and welcome to another day€¦ · song called “Word of God Speak”! We are going to come up with some motions for the chorus. ELEM WILD WK 3 (8) (Go over the chorus

Jambo everyone and welcome to another day here “Out in the Wild”! • We have been talking about (Holding up Bible)

the Bible. If you brought your Bible today, go ahead and wave it in the air!

• Nice! Don’t forget, if you bring your Bible in, you get a special treat. (Hand out treat to kids who brought their Bibles.)

• Sometimes we get so used to having certain things around, that we forget just how important they are.

• This book (holding up the Bible) isn’t an ordinary book!

• Last week, we learned that the Bible is God’s Word and that God used men to write His words down! ELEM WILD WK 3 (1)

• God – the Creator of the world – gave us a book to know who He is and how He wants us to live.

• The Bible is filled with loads of stories that point to one BIG story of God’s love!

• Before we head deeper into the wild, let’s pray!

Lead Kids in Prayer • It’s time to get funky up in here! You guys come

on down front and sing with us!

o The Bible is split into the Old and New Testaments! We have been challenging you to learn the names of all 27 books in the New Testament. ELEM WILD WK 3 (2)

o To help you out, I have a game for us to play! But first, let’s check in with Up and Adam to remind us about the books in the Bible!

Okay Safari Seekers, I’m going to separate you into two tribes. (SHOW where you’re dividing the group.) I need 6 of you (3 from each tribe) who think you know ALL the books in the New Testament. (Choose 3 kids from each tribe who are confident they know the books.) Talking to the 6 kids and handing them their cups stacked out of order.


You are going to represent your tribe by stacking all the books in the New Testament in order from top to bottom before time runs out. (To audience) Don’t worry, you get to be part of it too. You can help your tribe participants if they get stuck by shouting what book you think comes next. BUT be careful! There are 5 cups that have names that are NOT New Testament books. Don’t mix them up with your cups. The team who has the most books correct when the timer runs out will be the winner. Let’s play, Stack It!


Page 3: Jambo everyone and welcome to another day€¦ · song called “Word of God Speak”! We are going to come up with some motions for the chorus. ELEM WILD WK 3 (8) (Go over the chorus
Page 4: Jambo everyone and welcome to another day€¦ · song called “Word of God Speak”! We are going to come up with some motions for the chorus. ELEM WILD WK 3 (8) (Go over the chorus

(Check the tribes’ cups and determine the winner based on the most books correctly in order.)

Great job everyone! Don’t forget, if you can recite all 27 books in the New Testament, you get a special edition Memory Challenge pin!


o Let’s all have a seat, because it is time to check in with Up and Adam out on the plains of Africa to see what they are up to today! You guys count it down with me! 3…2…1…ACTION!!


The Bible isn’t some cheesy love story that we might see on TV! It’s the true story of the GREATEST love EVER! God’s love for us! o All of the true stories in the Bible point to the

message of how God rescued us from our sin, because He Loves us!

o In the Old Testament God blessed the Israelites and rescued them from being slaves in Egypt.

o God told the Israelites to follow Him and trust Him. They would be His people, and He would be their God.

o Hundreds of years later, because of His GREAT LOVE, God saved people from a problem much larger than slavery.


o That actually leads us to our Need to Know! o Say it with me!

o God saved people from their sins. He sent His own Son – Jesus – to earth to take the punishment for our sins.

o Sin is a big deal – it separates us from God and leads to death.

o Jesus took that punishment of separation and death for us when He died on the cross. Wow! Now that’s love!


o But wait! Jesus rose from the dead, showing the world His power over death – showing that He was really God!

o When we chose to believe that Good News and live our lives with Jesus as our Lord, God gives us the free gift of forgiveness and forever-life with Him!

Wild_Worship All right, very-loved Safari Seekers, we have a new song called “Word of God Speak”! We are going to come up with some motions for the chorus.


Page 5: Jambo everyone and welcome to another day€¦ · song called “Word of God Speak”! We are going to come up with some motions for the chorus. ELEM WILD WK 3 (8) (Go over the chorus
Page 6: Jambo everyone and welcome to another day€¦ · song called “Word of God Speak”! We are going to come up with some motions for the chorus. ELEM WILD WK 3 (8) (Go over the chorus

(Go over the chorus with the kids and have them come up with some motions together.) Chorus: Word of God speak Would you pour down like rain Washing my eyes to see Your Majesty To be still and know That you’re in this place Please let me stay and rest In your holiness Word of God speak

o Let’s worship!

Wild_Word of God Speak_Worship



Offering is part of our worship! When we give, we are showing that we are faithful to God. And if we can be trusted with the little God has given us, we can be trusted with a lot! Our offering is also a way to give back to others! So we honor God through our offering because we show we’re thankful for what He’s given us, and we care about others who are in need. If anyone has offering, please place it in (indicate area). Wild_Announcements

Don’t forget, your February and March Family Mission is Love Gives: Foster Care Kits.


We are creating care kits for the kids in Foster care to know how much we care about them! Make sure to check out the flyer to see what to include in your kit!

I’m so exited because NEXT WEEKEND is …SUGAR RUSH! You’ll enjoy a sweet treat and we’ll play some fun games! I hope you used those Valentine invites to invite a friend to come and check it out too! It’s not too late to let your friends know how they can get in on the fun!

Now, check out this last video that shows how we can embrace the story of God’s love that runs like a thread through the Bible!

Wild_The Thread_Video


You can read about God’s love in your own Bible! Check out this month’s Bible Reading Bookmark that follows along with what we learn here at church. It was so much fun having you here today. See ya next week!

Wild_Books of the Bible_Video

Wild_Be Exalted_Video
