Page 1: J0LU bL J,40 4Q4 - The National Bureau of Economic … noibubodni oT yns taimonooe bstas,etni ni ,tliwoig sri! tas3 nsiaA soneheqxe sofia sri! (hEe t aoae aeaoq Qnhubne .aegnellsrlo

UOIJCCe i JACU 0 IPC 0flLCCbibp urnX pc dnoq iiponr cxbpC1 bCuJJ!ou bLoAqCq qu njj cLcq iucJnqpJ ©© !ÔÔ4 PX DU oquc yJJ Lj1,J1 LCCLAGf 2POLL CC1j0U 01, 1CX1 U01 0 CXCCC !I0


QLOUrnU Jq CJI4 JThJ0S 1,0L pCJb1,jJ C0UJUJGU12 EfI?flU }jUJ 1,0L CXCCJJCIJI LCCLCPKOPCLI jqc jjooq VJMAIJ j0r1U bUCJ wcwpcLa uq CbCC!fJJA

U11CfIJ 10 11!1 BP"1! bJ QLnP1C VUU HL!20U I.Auq bUI4 yuqibbcL bi.cciucq 1 qJC ØqJ JUCJ NCC1IU O1, £tOUO3t %c3t) OIJ j- oclopCI.J'f

CCCWCL J4c"p4q "IV Ofl8


J0LU bL J,40 4Q4

DU! O1,4JC


J1BEK /IiOIflCll4O bVbEK 2EIflE2

Page 2: J0LU bL J,40 4Q4 - The National Bureau of Economic … noibubodni oT yns taimonooe bstas,etni ni ,tliwoig sri! tas3 nsiaA soneheqxe sofia sri! (hEe t aoae aeaoq Qnhubne .aegnellsrlo

IÔQI9 qB nthoW 2H14 4QQ I idmU




3BIq 2OQI hs ct1 ni rIiwo 3irnono 'nawiiT bni a'io)I lo noi1rmIqx ioM

noi18tnho noqx won oi lIu3iuIib i ii 13vwoH .noiiiinho floqx3 no iaadqm vri a5t3n! b5wa3rn 3flT .iIiwoi '3h3nuo3 3,di iii 1rn 1sw3 3n3flini £ bo1q vd bluo3

nfi iol 1n1u0336 ol inflinini 001 i 20ôQ1 di nFwb tioqx3 to iiIidBiflo1q 3vrisbl di ni

£ 3v&i 01 1Iim ool IIsithti iw noqx 13vo3rIoM lznfi mood 1ioqx InfnonnIq

3n11 no u3o1 'ro1 3IdiwsIq iom A .331113f1no1'13q 3iffloflO 3B1I no 1331b ifl3i1IIi

n bsnl imono nilod 20ôQ1 fm nb nI .2ninuo3 nilod iii 3I1q !ool ianli mood in3m1vni

inud di 3nhbn51 ,bo Isnq& IB3iIiq iid3 01 3vi11Ii 3icft iodsl b3i3ub-I1W 1miix

1n3mmvo 2noiabb 1nirn1vni niisnitnoo3 bnfi niibidu a .n!inI 1iup IB1iqB 01 nrwi5I

Iinoiiqx nA .thiiqfi3 01 niu1i 1avhq ifi nil 313ffl 1niE3flhni2 £ 1ni1ni 01 bcnam 3iIoq

3vi1th noi1nv1th rnmrrIvo ni13bn31 sd bqId thLw bnfi moni nil 1i1siip lo ib lo jIjji nji aiw mono ,clj lo noirntnFio biwiuo dT .nb!a ln,i lo i1 Ii niq! bits

.aboo Isiiqa3 b3noqmi iol bnsmb ni 55I3rn d1

!hbo5I insU 23ifflOnO3 lo tnfnflaq3U

iivinU sidmuloD I! moo$L 15112 i11811 iW O VOOI YM *ioY w*1

$IHHM bits

Page 3: J0LU bL J,40 4Q4 - The National Bureau of Economic … noibubodni oT yns taimonooe bstas,etni ni ,tliwoig sri! tas3 nsiaA soneheqxe sofia sri! (hEe t aoae aeaoq Qnhubne .aegnellsrlo

noibubodni .1

aoae t (hEe sri! sofia soneheqxe nsiaA tas3 sri! ,tliwoig ni bstas,etni taimonooe yns oT

nsohiA nsisrls8-dua ynsm nsrlt eiooq saw seio>i rltuo2 1089F ni .aegnellsrlo Qnhubne aeaoq

evarl aehtflUOO ow! seen! ,nerlt e3ni2 .(t eldsl) ieibh rloum tan! Its ton nswisT bns ,aehtnuoo

rltiw ,ylevitoeqaei tne3ieq 2.8 bnis 8.8 lo emooni stiqso-ieq ni aeaaeloni epsieva beoneheqxe

e,liI aisrito oala tud aehtnuoo nsohlA scent ylrio ton bninled isI ttel evsnl yen! tan! hues, silt

ot beQanam aehtnuoo ow! scent! woH .,erloh rioum need bail rloifIW arutnepiA baa ooixeM

aniamei asauorhewoq oimonooe otni asaso telasd olmonoos moil aevleamerlt rmolansit

.smpine as lo pninltemoa

bel-hoqxe 10 eno ci edhoadue ahaimonooe xobortho teom rlirtw oh (iota bisbnsta silT

-hoqmi Isnoitiba,! ni bepapne eentnuoo easnitlo nitod ,aeog (Iota erit ,aOeer sri! pnhua rritwo,g

beeaeiqsi baa ,noiboetoiq ebsit lo alevel nlpinl sets, epnsrloxe siqitlum nitiw 1aeioitoq noitutitedus

hoqmi 10 "epata yase" silt belausrixe bail (itfluOO close aOer stat erit y8 .ats*ism Isionsnil

nism sri! need bail rloirlw--bis 2U iii noitoubsi pnibneqmi sri! ritiw ienlfepol sunT .noilutiladua

ietls ot aehtnuoo owl silt ni eieAsm-yoiloq bet--seimontoos rltod iol egnsrioxe npieio! lo SO1UOS

sill bebuloni asioiloq scenT .aeioiloq bstnieho-hoqxe !qobs baa ypetaita oimonooe iierl!

etsiumiM OS ieiuasem isrifo euohsv ,anoi!sulsveb yd beinsqmooos aetsi spnanloxe lo noi!soibnu

ienlpint (atuqni behoqmi 0! aiehoqxe iol easoos seil-ytub yltasoitinpia Mom pnibuloni) ahoqxs

seen! 10 9Qfl9U95flO3 a cA .smigei lioqmi sri! lo nodssilsisdil emoa brie astai tesietni

oimonoosoiosm pnjaasqmoons) insmnoivne yoiloq evitioqqua ylbsoid a as Itew as aeiuaaem

-bim sri! iii lb loot ahoqxe ,(Istiqso namunl iii baa e,utouites,lni ni tnemtaevni oilduq baa ytilidata

,epstnsvbs evitsisqmoo oh pnibi000s eiIsioeqe oh aeimonooe nitod bet noitstr'ieho hoqx3 .aO8G r

.ytivitouboiq baa apnivsa 1tnemtaevni ,aemooni gniah iii pnitluaei

atnemmevog lo eloi evilos sri! pniyslqnwob iol bstoitho need sari tnuooos xobortho suiT

baa ,(ceet) 1ns8 bhoW (8t) iepeuiN (48) pnsiaT sea aetqmsa svi!stnsaeiqsi ,oRr .(QQ r) elttiJ

Page 4: J0LU bL J,40 4Q4 - The National Bureau of Economic … noibubodni oT yns taimonooe bstas,etni ni ,tliwoig sri! tas3 nsiaA soneheqxe sofia sri! (hEe t aoae aeaoq Qnhubne .aegnellsrlo

2orlkcG bGUU MOLlq 19P16 22

'UfL8GUIIU9 3564 3908 093

9X!CO 5389 2393 539

BL9!I 1342 4.138 329

I,NO!9WP!dfle 1359 329 -556

2GUG0I .1013 .1085 019

CP9U9 933 932 -024

j9(MU 4328 9503 933

20(1W KOLGS 993 9309 993


(3892 qoII9Le).1890bGL c9b149 CDb'

(3 892 qosL2)4896bGL CSb!49 CDb

1890-88 (\o)8LOM4pbGL cbus CDb

19P16 4: COW b9LsIiAe CLOMflJ EXbeuGLIce

Page 5: J0LU bL J,40 4Q4 - The National Bureau of Economic … noibubodni oT yns taimonooe bstas,etni ni ,tliwoig sri! tas3 nsiaA soneheqxe sofia sri! (hEe t aoae aeaoq Qnhubne .aegnellsrlo


nebamA elil aievisedO .as3luoasl 10 noitsoolls silt pniqstla ni esioN iltuo8 bus newisT ui

bnoed yIdssbianoo tnsw aoaet silt 10 arrnols, silt taut beugis evart (Ot) ebsW brie (8€) atnemmevop ,alorltus eserif of gniboooA .niei esil estrisvbs evitsisqmoo baa atehsm nivig

rluoir1t) erievielni of etstiaerl ton bib yerli baa eeifhohq lshtaubni iselo bail aefltnUO3 rltod ni

of (noitsoofla tibsio io ,esahqistns oilduq ,sonsbiup evits,tainimbs enoitohtee, sbait aeibiadua

xoborlho silt ieveworl IgnitaeietnI .rioitosiib bs,iaeb silt ni egstasvbs evitslsqmo3 eqsrlaei

gnivsul ui ygetsita bstneho-hoqxe silt 10 eonshoqmi silt no S1SVriO3 atnuiooos tainoiaive, bna

iiI Vbua fnsoei belistsb aDlnsB bhoW suiT .rlfwoip yfivitouboiq beonarine brie ermil bsnulqioaib

anoitosjdo tainoicivel silt lo emoe stsloqiooni of betqmetfs earl (C@9F) sbsiiM nsiaA tas3

.tnuooos bisbasfa silt otni (tibsio befosiib lo sb, silt rio hsIuoihsq)

bus stelqmooni ci 1evods bsrlots,la as (iota b,sbnsta silt tent isqsq cult ni su1s Iliw I

rltwolQ silt nil noitatnsho-tioqxe lo sb, silt of eerlostts Ii sonstloqmi silt no gnibselaim stiup

bnail eao suit no atioqxe aeswtsd qirlenoitsisi Iseuso suit biswbsd earl ode lb .eonsrmohsq

lo tilidsti1oiq evifalsi suit ni session silt woda 111w I aA .ierlto silt no rltwoip bus tnemteevrii bus

suit ierltisri iol yllul tnuooos nso bns ,eehfnuoo ritod ui feeboni aew eO8er-bim silt bnuois afloqxs

cliff iii session ybsete tneupeedua sill ,ol ion emit tent Is oifsi 900-hoqxe silt ni qmuj Isitini


ui eassioni qisria silt ci 110-eAst oimonooe silt iol noitsaslqxe sldiauslq siom uloum A

ci mood tnemfaevni cult iol itoasel silT .aO9t yhse silt ni eoslq boot tsilt basmeb triemtaevni

silt ietlssisrlt baa coaer yhse silt ni tent eugis 111w I .ieqsq cult ni becasibba eucci yeA silt

stsvhq silt ni session tnsoilirigia a isenigne of beansm etnemmevog easriawisT brie nesioN

bus fnemtasvni of atnsmibsqmi lo isdmua a nivomsi yd ylno tori oa bib ysilT .lstiqso of mutsi

s,ulisl aoitsriib,ooo a gnutsivebis yd yltnshoqmi siom tud 1stsmibo tnsmtaevni bnuoa a gniilaibdstes

--anoitnevietni OIQSI site lo ensi a be,iups, lettel sifT .Uo-eAst oimonooe beAoold bail rloirlw

iloirlw--eahqietne oiIdLlq lo ecu silt baa ,eonsbiu svitsiteinimbs 1eeibiadue fasmtasvni pnibuloai

Page 6: J0LU bL J,40 4Q4 - The National Bureau of Economic … noibubodni oT yns taimonooe bstas,etni ni ,tliwoig sri! tas3 nsiaA soneheqxe sofia sri! (hEe t aoae aeaoq Qnhubne .aegnellsrlo

92 U2GU 110W AII411SIIA !GLO IU KOLG9 10 wots p9u beLceuI P1 IPG GBIJA .J89O2 suq 110W

E!ä11LG 5 12 4$.JG CP!G& GXP!pIj IOL IPG GxboL4-Gq &OM4p p)bo4pG22 jpe GxboLf-CDb w1!0

css onbri 1GC0AGLG LGW9Lj(sp1 dnicKlk

WG9U BOW GCOUOW!G2 MGIG bt.cn9qX 9L p14 pA 4G IMO 0!I 2POCV2 01 1G 18XO P1 !LJ G9C

2!UCG WG G9t.IA 48Q02 MG U01G 4II GCOLJOW!C äLoMjp 1)92 4Jf1C4fl94Gq M1qGA 9LOflU 9 P!8P

beoLw9uce OAGL 4G 1924 4LGG qGCSqG2 E!ânLG 4 20M2 lpG!L 2bGclScflIGL aLoM4p beqoiwsuce

MG peäiu pA LGA!GM1UÜ 20W0 01 4PG CGA 19C42 90fl4 IPO 4M0 COI1U4UG2, GCOUOW!C


CGUIL9I siaiiweu4 !2 bLoeeuleq !U IPG 9bbeuqx

bsbei pA oeuuä 20W6 coucaqiuâ LGW9LI(2 IPG oLws woqe bLoAiqiuä 4G onuqs4ou 101 4G

2GGOUä ju 26C410U 9 q12cn22 9 UnWpGI. 0 0p)6C10U2 40 IIJG 91&1W6L142 2GCIIOU a CJ0262 4G

IJOM 14 PGC9WG bo22ipIG 101 G4SIG !UIGLAGUI!0U2 40 pe c9WGq 0114 GWC!GU4IA suq MIflJ I!I4IG LGU4-

0ioMeq pA Ipe 4M0 dOAGWWGU42 !U I!apl 01 luG bLeceqluä 9U91A4!C91 ILSWGMOLI( 29C40U 921(2

äOAGWWGU42I LOIG !U LGWOA!Uâ !4 2GCI!OU 0 q!ac112292 fiG !uAG2IWGUI-24!WnIs4!Ua boIlclG2

(26c4!ou 'r 29C4!OU 2 19A2 0114 4G bsboI.12 CGUILSI SLärlwGu42 ou coo1qu94uou &9!InLG 8uq 46

MGSIIP q!24u.pnl!ou--Mp!cp 9bbesL 40 9AG b9Aeq 9 LOIG !U POW C011U4UG21 GCOLJOW!C beqolw9uce

01 4G q24uc4Ae !UR!91 couqjou2--LGS4A6 9PI1USLJC6 01 flW9U csbis uq ednIlspIe !uC0we uq

2POLICOW!ua2 01 fiG GxboL4-ps2Gq GXb9LI94I0U2 40 IIJG2G W!LSCIG2 (29c1!ou 3) j 4JJGU 411W 40 2OWG

2OWG 01 4IJ I(GA GIG WGU42 01 4G 19!M9U626 suq KOIGGU WIL9CIG2 (2ec4Iou ) 1GXl' I q!2C1122 IPG

I Mifi GI9POL9IG OU flJG2G 9LaI1WGu42 PGIOM II !2 1126111140 2G1 4G 24SdG 1jL24 pA LGAIGM!Uä

01 !UCOWG 9uq M994p

!U!1!9I C0Uq!4!0U2 USWGJA 9 &9AOLSPIG priwu csbilgI 6U0MWGU4 suq LGISI!AGIA Gdnsi q24upn4ou

!ufGLAeul!ou conq bisA 2flC s bloqnc4lAe 1016 M92 couqipoueq !U 411W pA 9 294 01 SqA9U49aGOI12

MQU4 C0U2IqG1spA peAouq 402G q2Cn22Gq !U fiG 249LS9L 9CCO11U4• jPG4 äOAGWWGU4


Page 7: J0LU bL J,40 4Q4 - The National Bureau of Economic … noibubodni oT yns taimonooe bstas,etni ni ,tliwoig sri! tas3 nsiaA soneheqxe sofia sri! (hEe t aoae aeaoq Qnhubne .aegnellsrlo

2onLcG: bGUU OLI .L9PIG 22


_ 4. h. 4 4.. 4 4 . 4... 4 4 £. 4... 4...0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0)tU VU VU (0 CD (0 (0 CD I- L k I- I.- CO CO CO CO CO 0)4. CD CO 0 CA 4. CD CD 0 CA 4. (0 CO 0 CA 4. CD CO 0



(4pL6e-6sL WOMUO 9A6L9092)

6LCb!4 ØLOM4






Page 8: J0LU bL J,40 4Q4 - The National Bureau of Economic … noibubodni oT yns taimonooe bstas,etni ni ,tliwoig sri! tas3 nsiaA soneheqxe sofia sri! (hEe t aoae aeaoq Qnhubne .aegnellsrlo





EC0UOWA A9LIOfl2 22flG2 flpR& IUI6W9II0U9 ,JUSUCISj I9I2IIC200( .1893 auq .180.1 ECOUOW!C bI9UUIU0 B091q1 9!0L 2491!2l!C2 01 4G KOLG9U2onLce2: Conuc!I 101 ECOUOW!C bI9UU!U auq DGA6I0bW6Ul .L9!M9U 249fl2flC81 D9I

Exb014\eDb bSi!Oa



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Page 9: J0LU bL J,40 4Q4 - The National Bureau of Economic … noibubodni oT yns taimonooe bstas,etni ni ,tliwoig sri! tas3 nsiaA soneheqxe sofia sri! (hEe t aoae aeaoq Qnhubne .aegnellsrlo

(cou4iuaGqCOU2r1WGL GIGC4LOUC 40 eGwc0uqnC40L2 MIJ4 !4 211dö9242 !2 IIJS4 #J!2 I19U20LW91!OU 92 66UaLGs4)A 4p9 2obp!24!csI!ou O) 4)19 W9Uflj9C4r1LGq ôooq2 peX bioqace ILOW 4oX2 suq sbbsLeI 40

flJ2 24949 WGU4 q092 U04 coLs4Lsqc4 4Ij 9C4 4)J94 pOflJ COI1U4U92 )J9AG W9U9G 40 !UCL6926

Ci 664)P4 !42 9U9I12!2 92 peeu 29u.Orl2IA cpsII6ueq PX AOI1UÔ (beL2ousI COWWnUIC94IOU) suq riuie

nio oqq suc (1862) 24r1q) WGU4!OUGq SPOAG LGbOL42 )J!8p lEb äLOM4p !U 4G2G C0r1U4U•92

W!LSCIG ! c9b1491 9CCflWflIS4!OLS L94GL 4P9U 9U !UCLGS2G U 1uqfl24L1•si .scjoL bLoqric4AI4X3

OAGL 40 GXbI9!LV fiG !UG2CSb9pIG COUCIf12!OU !2 4)194 4G bLoxIws4G qG4GLwUsu4 01 4)16 £924 y2!9U

9cctiWn9pou (bqwsi.A u cgbs) !2 ISVGU IU4O SCCOflUI' 49L6 !2 A6L1 J!I4 0L0M4)J ,L92Iqns, J1I

LG21J42 WSA 66W' pGA L6116C4 4G 2!WbIG ISCI 4)i94 OUCG 4JG bpGuowGusI 1946 01 19C40L

4GCPU!C91 bLoaLe !U 20114P 1<0169 suq 19!M9U p92 pGGU 9226U4!9117¼ U!I rlLbu2!LJä92 4G26

11w649-bloqrlc4iou nucjiou,, 9C1022 conu4u62' b1926u42 su eeu WoIG qLsws4c uqua: fiG 1946 01

W6UC9U C011u4U92 y bsbei pA 1<1w suq isa (aaY pssq OU SU GCOUOWGLJ.C 924! W94!0U 01 9

COflUIL!G2 IP E924 y2!9U lEb QOnLGa qo uo 249U on !u cowbsq2ou M!Ip ioe tOL rs;u

19C40L bLoqnc4IAi4A (iEb) 101 1<0169 suq J9iM9U sou6 M!4p 2!WIISL Uf1WPGL2 101 r94!LJ W6UC9U

2bGCISCflISL 1PI 21J0M2 4)16 192fl142 01 AoflUU2 (4') C916(flI CSICflI94!0U2 01 Cp9U062 !U 40491

Gxbeu.Guco' bLoqnc4A4A beqowisuce )192 G9U LG2bGC49pIe !U P041J C011U4L!62 Pci! psLqiA

E!U9IIA' 40 L0I1U 0fl4 OflL q2Cfl220U 01 4I.9 W9!U 0fl411U62 01 4116 KOLGSU suq j9IM9UG26

PGGL) 614)191 2W9JJ (JSIMSU) OL W0GL94G p114 W9LISäG9PJG (1<0199)

iori6p) GdI1IASJGU4 !UCLGS2G !U SSA!uas Cou2GdneU4IA 4)16 U64 LG2OIILCG 4L9U2IGL 110W spiosq )152

!U KOLG9' P114 )192 qGC)IuGq 20W6M)194 !LJ 19!M9U 1P! !UAG2IWGU4 610L4 )182 PGGU W94C)J6 PA s

!U 04)J C0I1U4U62 40 30 belceu4 !U 4 890 2!UCG .1890' !UAG24WGU4 )192 cou4unsq !4 nbMsLq 4LGU

60L4' 2)1OMU !LJ E!6I1LG 3 ILJAG24WGUI )192 U•26U LOW soriuq o bGLCOU4 010Db !u 4)10 940 .18202

1922 qI2Cn2e6q prig CGLI9IUIA WOLG iWbo149u4 ! 4)16 abeclscnisi !UC16926 !LJ 4)16 !UAG24WGU4

9P94G 2OWGM)194 2!UCG 4)1GU.

0U6U49410U M92 bsqicnsqA Lsbiq !U 4)16 qcsqe 1ow 4)19 wq-48QO2 40 4)19 w!q-J8Q2' suq 92

sioriuq .10 bGLCGU4 lu JSIMSU 40 OAGL4O belceuç IU p04)1 CO11U4UG2' fiG !UCLG92G !U 6xb014


Page 10: J0LU bL J,40 4Q4 - The National Bureau of Economic … noibubodni oT yns taimonooe bstas,etni ni ,tliwoig sri! tas3 nsiaA soneheqxe sofia sri! (hEe t aoae aeaoq Qnhubne .aegnellsrlo




% 0




E!âflLG 3

2orlLcG: b6UU oqq j9P6 22A.. A.. A.. A.. £ S.. A A.. S.. A A S.. S..

0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0)0) 0) 0) 0)0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0' 0) 0) 0)VU VU VU VU VU CO CD CD CD CO I.- I— I- I- I- CO CO CO CO COS.. 4) IV I.- 0) 4) VU I.- 0) '- 4) VU 0) S.. 4) VU I 0)



Page 11: J0LU bL J,40 4Q4 - The National Bureau of Economic … noibubodni oT yns taimonooe bstas,etni ni ,tliwoig sri! tas3 nsiaA soneheqxe sofia sri! (hEe t aoae aeaoq Qnhubne .aegnellsrlo

2onLcG: AonUa (.18e9) 194!U vweUcSU 29I!2IIC2 919 OLIthUSIIA 110W EDS2 (.1880)

• VOU-S&icnhjrILSI ecouowk

A6U9GIS .1620-SO U9 59


.1890-SO U9 43

.1690-90 U.S US

COIOWP!9 .1890-90 08 U9

cp'ie .090-80 VS U9

BLS!l .1690-80 US .10

.1620-90 50 US

yLäGUpUs .1890-80 .10 U9

jSLMSU Jee-po J 9 J 4

201M1J KOLGS .1699-60 .1•5 5•5



I0l ESCIOL bL0qflCAIfA CLOMP (\o béi AGSL)

spie : CowbSLsI!Ae LoqnCvAIA CLOM4P 2I9!4iC2

Page 12: J0LU bL J,40 4Q4 - The National Bureau of Economic … noibubodni oT yns taimonooe bstas,etni ni ,tliwoig sri! tas3 nsiaA soneheqxe sofia sri! (hEe t aoae aeaoq Qnhubne .aegnellsrlo


ceiaedoqyi1 r9woi bel-hoqxe cr9 ritiw pnoiw ci isdW .C

hoqxe o etoi crlf of yfhohq aevig fnuo33s b,sbnsta crlf ,rloif3ubolfni silt ni tuo betnioq sA

A .noit3ea euoive,q edt ni bcihsmmua eonsrrnoheq oimonoos edt gninislqxe ni noifstneho

:(t €2t) eIttiJ nsl moi! aemo Jnemefsfa ,set3 yhsluoihsq

asw saVe r-bim edt of aoaer yhse crlf mo, nawisT baa scioN !o 22933U5 gnibastafuo crlf

o rionsid suiT .aeiutos!unsm eviartetai-iuodsl o ritwoig Isnemorierlq a no beasd

teniags said crlf sono eIdstitoiq ylrlgirl eiew aJ-ioqxc causoed flo loot gnhufosunsm

a no bebncqeb oals tiIidstito,q rigirl silT .bevomei saw hoqxe io gahufosunsm

crlf moi hsqs ,asw rloirlw eo,O iuodsl eIioob gnbhow bisrl bet soube-IIcw ylevitsici

baa atitoiq rlgiH eiutluohps o tuo tnemevom egisi a yd be easeloni lo etai Isiutan

ni cah biqsi y-iev a of bel eoio iuodsl Ishtaubni cdt of sliuloci ,o agnimse bease,oni

.eloiio auouhiv a writ sew cieriT .spnivsa

anoesei o -iedmun a io priionivnoo efiup ton si tnuooos suit ieveworl lool iesolo a noqU

.wolcd beasuosib

ton saw aoaef yhac crlf ni ahoqxe abiawof a9VitfleDfli evitslei ni riotiWa silT t .mood tioqxe cr9 iot tnu033B of Ipuone

faomls evsrl siaA fas3 o ebisfuo rftwoig hoqxe benistaus beoneheqxe evarl taut aehfnuoO

.ai-toqxe o ytilidatitoiq evitals, crlf ni esseioni qisria a o eoneupcsnoo a as os enob syawis

conq evitsie, crlf eldsfe won ai newisT baa scioN tlfuo2 o eoneheqxe edt tuods grwlhfa ai feniW

crlf o fsom ,sehtnuoo nlfod ni .io-eIsf hoqxe o emit crlf bnuois need sari aeldshoqxe iisnlf o mood hoqxc cdt cioed sissy Isievea io coalq ni need ybseils bail aevitneoni hoqxs tnshoqmi

bciussem silt rlguoilf neve beeqa qu bsloiq fi yaw iebnu fog mood crlf conO .betists

(bcunitnoo.. )C

.Istiqso asmurl baa Isoisydq ni afnemtaevni yd io bisq yIILñ

Page 13: J0LU bL J,40 4Q4 - The National Bureau of Economic … noibubodni oT yns taimonooe bstas,etni ni ,tliwoig sri! tas3 nsiaA soneheqxe sofia sri! (hEe t aoae aeaoq Qnhubne .aegnellsrlo

—a —

eth eldsioxeni ,ierit beunitnoo ahoqxe 1,evoe,oM .erthu easeioni ton bib ahoqxe o ytilidsffioq

adqsigsisq gniwollo! silT .aeutivibs pnihoqxe aevitne3nu pnitsiohetsb o fXetnOo silt ni neflo

.Iisteb isiseig ni atnioq eeeilt no etsiodsie

d beiquoooeiq sew yoiloq nseioN aOeF edflo tnemmevog eed erlt,ebnU .ee'uo)l F.t.C

ierltie of eonshoqmi lslu3ihsq on berl3sfts tnsmmevop crlf bns enoifsiebisnoo Isoitiloq ylegisi

egnsilaxe elqitlum siew eietlT 08eF ,pno(s8 bns aenol) ehoqxe io iltwoig 3imonooe

.(ec-8C ,eF Jj AnsiR) asibiadue hoqxe o emmsigo,q evitoelteni bissrlqsri s brie sets,

emorl iot ameti nistieo hoqmi of agnimse tloqxe iierlf to eisda s iiiste, bluoo aiehoqxe ,evewoH

tehsm-ee,t crlf ievenerlw ybiadua hoqxe epiel s otni betsianeit rl3irlw metaVa s no,tqmuanoo

.bease,oni eiew sevitneoni hoqxe eeer ieflA .etsi Isioi!to silt molt yltseig begievib egnerloxe

.98I ni ahsq eisqs brie aisheism wei to ahoqmi no noitqmexe !thst nevig siew aishoqx3

ataoo noitouboiq iierlt to tneoieq of qu lot siehoqxe of eldelisve ebsm sew tibeio beibiedu2

95013 etal egrisrioxe IsioiUo silt ttlguoid Feet flu yonenuo edt to no,tsulsvsb s bnA .Q9F iii osis

.etsi te*ism-eeil silt of

to eqoos silt reer at sM no quoo yistilim s iii ,evo oot *is tnebiae,q ,ette ,etsJ

brie besse,oni sew afibeio hoqxe no biadus sifT .beg,slne yliseig sew noitsibiadua hoqxe

xst emooni silT .xst yfivitos aaeniaud edt brie xst ytibommoo edt molt bet qmexe siew aiehoqxe

siew eaedt tud thoqxe no atneig ilaso teiib osis eiew eierlT .beoubei sew agnimse hoqxe no

anoiteulsveb edt to stoelts evitneoni edt ,ievewoH .(e @F lnsiR) eeer yd tuo beasdq

gniaii of bel tent aeioiloq oimonooeoiosm yisnoiansqxe yd beboie siew atneip tiaso stit bns

A .caer i sets, egnerloxe lellsieq brie Isioitto neewled qep bewenei s brie C8-8QF ni noitsitni

hoqxe ,aaer ,eftA .yoneliuo silt ytinu of nags eono bevies .t.ôer yaM iii noifsulsveb spiel

ythohq pniivip to soitosiq gnitsixe edt isey tent ni .iarlhut bebnsqxe e,ew aemmeigoiq ybisdus

bewolls siew e,srioqx3 .bebneqxe brie beiilsmiot sew seansoil hoqmi gnhiupoe flu alehoqxe of

Page 14: J0LU bL J,40 4Q4 - The National Bureau of Economic … noibubodni oT yns taimonooe bstas,etni ni ,tliwoig sri! tas3 nsiaA soneheqxe sofia sri! (hEe t aoae aeaoq Qnhubne .aegnellsrlo


aigiT .fimii s of qu atuqni efsiberrnstni bas aisheism ws 10 ailoqmi eeil-ytub of 229335 3ifsmotus

tuqtuo-iuqrii 'aehfaubni brie 'amill lo aiaed silt no ylevits,fainimbe benurrnefeb asw fimil

beiiupos ahoqmi edt eoni8 .(O Jj ,lnsiR) "e3aswoiis eQsfasw' lo niism s auiq atneioifleo3

ybiadua tnso11inia s aew aidt ,ts)hem oitaemob edt ni bioa ed biuoo eonswolis eget sew edt iebau

hsiu3ihsq emsoed alehoqxe of tibe,o bexibiedu8 .doua as beau yiauoioanoo sew brie

.eaet ,etls fnshoqmi

gnihoqxe lo ytiiidetlloiq evitsie, erli bsase,oni aeiuasem eaedt tent tduob Ori SI sieril

amesa osla ti ,,evewoH .aO8e F edt Ic isom Qrihub beiisveiq ben tent noitsutia edt ot beisqmoo

-bim edt ni nenif edtei oa-eaet bnuois tiel sew aevitneoni edt lo tosqmi faeteei edt fsrlt iselo

ybiadus hoqxe edt (I) :anoassi owt of sub ylegisl si emiT .nsged mood hoqxe edt neriw aOOer

qep silt aeniw O8-e9 F ni Insoilinpie yheluoitisq sew metaya ,Inui tioqmi-hoqxe silt iii fioiiqmi

enif lo yrism beboe noitsitni (ii) brie ;egisi sew setsi egnedoxe iellsisq brie isiolilo edt neewted

lo eqooa pninsbiw edt brie taer lo rioitsulsveb silT .ieet brie t89F nsewted aevitneoni hoqxe

.yllsihsq ylno OeeF eons aevitneoni lo noitsioheteb sill teallo btuoo aeibiadua hoqxe

nesioN iol ets, spnsdoxe evifoetle lsei edt efolq doidw , eugiR ni rises ed riso suiT

lo fnelsviupe yeteriom edt aebulon, rloiulw etsi eprisitoxe lse edt to eiuasem 6 21 aiilT .ahoqxs

asvitneoni xst ,atnep niaso nul hoqmi silt nlguoidt eimeq tioqxe) ahoqxe no asibiadus edt lie

edt to xebni elshqoiqqs as e,ole,sdf ci brie ,(e?IiJ silt bits zfibeio hoqxe ,efioqmi es1-yfub

nevs ,fsnlt eton eW ymonooe nseioN silt ni sitivitos iedto of evifsle, pnitioqxe to ytiiidstitoiq

ybiadua hoqxs as bebivoiq enoie eoriswolle epstaew edt tedt etemitas (88 e\9F) ,IasiW .,sswtool brie aohdel nishso ni tneo,sq t2-VF of qu bns 9ps1evs no 889f lii taeoieq 8i to

usd1 bris aeoaewoile epstasw gaittea flu noiteuoaub bethfaeinu yilsuriiv bed etsuoussiuB .(O ,lnsil) emit of emit moul behsv ytiaouenep

beulevuevo as nltiw metays eteu epriedoxe elqitium e tsdt eprisuta mesa ysm fi iripia faull tA ytilide edt .e.i) lnuI-tioqxe-tioqmi edt 1u8 .ybiadua hoqxe as as toe bluow fete, sgnsdoxe 15i31ttO

tsdf trisem (tehsm emorl edt uol tuoqmi of agnimse isliob ,ienlt to emos nietei of euehoqxe lo .mstaya silt yd betseuo eflueu yfioisoa edt lo emoa bevieoe, aushoqxe

silt brie ,ainlT .(88eF) miN mo,1 neet sue aevitneoni hoqxs edt to tneisviupe ybiadua erITe (...beunitnoo)

Page 15: J0LU bL J,40 4Q4 - The National Bureau of Economic … noibubodni oT yns taimonooe bstas,etni ni ,tliwoig sri! tas3 nsiaA soneheqxe sofia sri! (hEe t aoae aeaoq Qnhubne .aegnellsrlo

g!anLe 4

2onLcoe: ELSUV 64 9J (ie)' 1<1w U a99Y suq B9U O 1<01.694.. S.. 4 4 4 4 4... S.. S S.. S.. S. 5.. S.. 4.. S.. S.. S.. 4 S.. 40, 0) 0) 0) 0)0) 0) 0)0)0)0)0)0)I- I- I.- L- I— I-VU VU VU VU VUVU CD I.- CD 0, 0 - CA C 4. VU CD I— CD 0) 0 - CA CV) 4. fU CD

BGIS1AG buce o, exboq2 KOLGS












Page 16: J0LU bL J,40 4Q4 - The National Bureau of Economic … noibubodni oT yns taimonooe bstas,etni ni ,tliwoig sri! tas3 nsiaA soneheqxe sofia sri! (hEe t aoae aeaoq Qnhubne .aegnellsrlo


Ot nsrlt eiom on aew 648t ni aevitne3ni floqxe !o level crlf aet !o noitsuleveb edt ritiw

ni benietta level edt woled yllautos brie ,aisey !o elquo3 Qnibe3elq edt iii nan ,et1id tne3leq

,ierlt rij69i 01 ton e,ew yedt ,biswno I9t moi! tee! ylev ceo, arioqxe riguorif riev3 .oa-eeer

aO'V9 t-bim edt y8 flehd ylno niegs nedt brie aO'e F yhee edt litnu ytilidstl!o,q !o level oa-eae F

evitale, edt fey ,a089F yhee edt ni nsdt iegisl aemit net yhsen esw oils, aO-hoqxe edt

8',awol esw ahoqxe lo ytilidsti!o,q

evitelsi edt ni easeioni tnsoi!irigie s ritiw betsiooees ton esw huqe hoqxe crlf concH

nse,oN lo ybuta evitsthonlfus iiedt ni .a,edto yd baton riced cad culT .ehoqxe lo ytilidsti!o,q

cdl ni eoslq oot tsdt eegnsnlo yoiloq lenteubni edt" tsrtt etafe yltioilqxe noasM tnemqoleveb

of evitneoni eldeiuasem edt ni easeioni trisoilingia a ni tluaei yhselo ton bib aOeeF cdt lo lIen fail!

of ehoqxe nse,oN lo ytivitianee edt efemitee of iqmetts (9 F) ,lns,R (8C F O89 F) "hoqxe

moil tsdt [ci oe gniob ni] yiluoiThb nism edt" tsdt eton brie aelbiedue hoqxe brie aelsi egnenloxe

.(848 .qq) "ybseta ylda*ismei benisme, ahoqxe io! etsi egnsdoxe evitoelte edt O'Q F 01 89 F

.Ilew as (O8t) gno(s2 brie aenoL yd baton ci tnioq emse silT

yleiitne ton cia tent etnemugis of hoed cionitus ecerit xobsisq tneisqqs edt gnivloae, iii

io! eldienioqeei aew tent aevitneoni Ia ytiHdsta antI eaw Ii Jan11 taeggue noasM .y,otoslciJse

(beunitnoo.. evitslhodtus teom edt ale ,beasd cia cetsmitee eeenlt doidw no ybute (F) Ins,9 ,eihse

emipei ebsit e'eeioN lo etoeqas evitstitnsup edt no eeoiuoe betio ylebiw bns

io eeibiadua concH .lsvel eohq oifaemob edt ci xebni eidt to ofsnimoneb cdl fsdt eton eW ojtasmob edt eais, aeioiloq rbua lent tnetxe edt of beiutqso ci ceitivitos hoqxe-rion to noitoetoiq

.eeitivitos hoqxe lo aeohq of evifelsi level eohq

ci ahoqxe ni cession anti iol eldianoqac, eiew aeioiloq belneho-hoqxe lsrtt fnemugis edT8 a089t edt ni eeioiloq eta, egnedoxe brie abeit tsdt tuo gnilnioq yd ,eaiug lne,emb a iii ebam netlo

gniqoleveb iedto ni need avert ylnommoo yerft es) ahoqxe teniegs yiotsnimhoeib ylhevo ton eiew 10 oils, cdl gnbIsi molt eemoo eidf ,o! eonebive edT .(92 F) egs elqmsxe ,o! caB .(eehtnuoo bet sluolso nitod) ehoqmi of elm egnsrtoxe evitoelle cr11 of ahoqxe iol elm egnsdoxe evitoelle edt

,egisl terlwemoc io eno bnuois ci iedmun gnitluaei crlf lent gnioifon brie (9t .lste nsiR yd cr11 lo lied bnoosa crlf io! iedmun eldsisqmoo edt IsdI tuo amut Ii ,,evewoH .aOee F crlf gnhub asid tioqxc ietselg nloum a (beveiled ad of cia aiedmun edt ti) gnulaeggue ,,eg,sl nloum ci aO t

.(30r-8 ,20F-8 ,aOt-8 ,OF- aeldsT ,et .isle (ns,R sea) boheq ,eihee crlf ni

Page 17: J0LU bL J,40 4Q4 - The National Bureau of Economic … noibubodni oT yns taimonooe bstas,etni ni ,tliwoig sri! tas3 nsiaA soneheqxe sofia sri! (hEe t aoae aeaoq Qnhubne .aegnellsrlo


silt al noitaeup ni evitneoni silt eonia tu8 .(88-e8 V9F ,

,lns,R oals sea) mood hoqxe silt

ytilidsta beonerine rtw noase, iselo Ofl 21 e,srlf aeifivptos eilfo of evitslei ei-ioqxe !o fiIidsffioiq

o sgns s of hoesi gno,1s8 bns aenoL 9.asitivitos isrito ievo ahoqxe bsiovs evsrl bluorla

tuqni islqmia aeitinuhoqqo gnu)lssa-fnsl ni noifoubel ,filidsta isiseip nibuloni ,anoitsnslqxs

ysinuosq-non bus ,"efsmilo aeeniaud" sldsiovs siom s qiilaiebsel lsoifiloq 1S913 ,noifiaiupos

silt nisgs sonO (09 ,089F) aiehoqxe luaasooua io abisws lsifnebiaeiq 26 rloua aeviineoni

siosisilt bns ,aeitivitos gnihoqxe of oiIioeqa ton sis aiOt3S easilt guoms pnilleqmoo siom

Ot•9jj,ijf39 istito nsrlt ietas beessioni ehoqxs iw io tnuooos fonnso

\89F litnu noitsils,edil hoqmi fnsoi!ingia Ofl 26W sierlt ,emigei hoqmi silt of b,sei tltiW

,emigei wen silt isbnU .betnemslqmi asw tail svitsOsn silt of fail svifieoq S moi riotiwa silt neriw

tsrlt eaorlt usd1 ieilts, betidiiloiq eiew fsrlt ameti scout Ino ytiosqa ot nsged anoitslugsi erit

to iedmuri silt E6-189t boheq silt ni .(fasq silt ni as) enoitohfae, of foejdua behoqmi ed bluoo

yonslluo-ngislOt astoup nieneoil tnemmevop of toetdua aeldshoqmi as befall 'lsvutuaoq ameti

suit moit siuaasiq iebnU .008, F bus 000, F neevvted begnsi anoifslugei ierlfo bns noitsoolls

aasl of ameti eldshoqmi to iedmun edt beoubei yllsutos tnemmevog silt ,atnemysq to eonslsd

litnu ,ietsl beassiorti isrthu! bns 889F ni beiofeei 26W level ca-reet silT .89F stsl ui 00 nsilt

.(0S. 99F ,gnoh) bsTlu300 riotiwa silt neriw '89F

-eiq silt ni ytnistisonu riihoqxe ritiw betsiooaas at 203 )lnUa to eoneaeiq silt ui tsrlt suit ai 11e

silt molt noifouboiq Dnifeixe pnirlotiwa moit alueneiqeitne betneveiq evsrl ysm boneq Be F

to ietfsm s ton esw eoslq loof tsilf mood hoqxe silt iSVSWOH .ets*ism bhow of ts*ism emoil abiswot bsfneho yllsoiioeqa yfiosqso wen to tnemileildstae silt belistus ti :noitouboiq pnirlotiwe svsil bluorla toetts iebio-taii silt aevitneoni evitslsi ui ytilidsta iltiW .ets*sm ngie,ot .atehsm smoil bus ngieiot iot ritod ytiosqso wen ni gnifaevni to ytilidstitoiq silt eonsrlne of need

toeiioo silt tnemegbuj ym ui al fsilw wsib (Q F) nsi9 ,euaei emsa silt griieeuoeib ril yd siom benisitanoo siew ahoqxe nse,o)1 rltuo8 tsiit eiesuitoqyrl ot eldiauslq 21 ti" :rioiaulonoo to bsefani hoqxs lot pniouboiq to ytilidsti!oiq evitsle, edt yd nsilt aboog eouboiq of ytiosqso edt ,o! iloisea siotsierlt taum ew ,noiaulonoo Isoiol eti of aiilt bnetxe oT .(e8 .q) "ate,hsm oitaemob

.ytiosqso evitouboiq bnsqxs bus tasvni of sldslitoiq emsoed Ii yrlw iot enoifsnslqxe

Page 18: J0LU bL J,40 4Q4 - The National Bureau of Economic … noibubodni oT yns taimonooe bstas,etni ni ,tliwoig sri! tas3 nsiaA soneheqxe sofia sri! (hEe t aoae aeaoq Qnhubne .aegnellsrlo


-elsi of -bim sill ni e3slq flu tuq 9,9w aevitneoni hoqxe eilflo leom newisT at .nswisT .J.C

sill ee-tee F y8 ra-8e F pnhub beilinu esw yoneiiuo sill brie ss,o) ni neill ieihss nave ,aOaQ F

need ybseils beil noilouboiq eldshoqxe iol aelsdei xsl ylibommoo brie ytub hoqmi 10 mel aye

npieiol lo lneo,sq 08 of qu aisle, of bewofis eiew aieiulos!unsm ,882F ni .befnemelqmi

bealsi aew oils, airil) .abeen tioqmi nwo iieill iol Ii ecu brie ahoqxe moil barnes yeril ensiloXe

at (.889 F 10 miolsi elsi-egasiloxe sill iefls amafi feom ioI agnimse hoqxe 10 lne3ieq 00 F ol

egneiloxe siqiflum eill ,yllsniR .behsla asw emmsigolq libeio hoqxe auoieneg ylevitsisi s \89F

gniyud siqillum sill 889F lhqA ni (i) :asgsfa Isievea ni t8-889F gnnub beilinu asw malaya ale,

,edmevo1 ni (ii) ;aelsi pnullee owl illiw lellsisq ni ,aetsi niyud owl olni belsbiloano3 siew eels,

brie (iii) ;efsi ieilpiil sill of qu lrlguoid siew sfs, ,awol sill ,ebnu ahoqmi brie ahoqxe ,889 F

eieey owl gniwollo! sill gnhub nsshebnu eiew enoifsoilulqmia brie anoitsulsveb ,onim ieilhul

sill neewled eone,eThb edt oaer yluL ya .(.11 9 bns 8- IC9F ,niJ ;0-8C ,ceeF pnoH)

.tns3fflngiani emooed bed yoneiiu agisiol lo e3hq lshem silt brie elsi epasiloxe lsioillo

iol elsi spnsrl3xe evil3stts fiS 10 siuessm oilsillnya s evsil Ion ob ew ee,o)1 ni eliInU

sviaul3ni ton) xebni ete, egnsil3xe Issi slqmia s illiw aevleaiuo lnelnoo 01 avail SW 08 .aishoqxe

lie Isill wont ew ,evods bseauoaib as ievewoH .8 eiugiR ai betlolq ci ri3iilw (aeibiadua hoqxe 10

8 siupiR e,ole,eilT .a089F slat silt yd beyolqeb need ybseils bert asibiadue hoqxs lasoilingia silt

.oae F sonic ahoqxs lo yluIidsliloiq evilsisi sill ni basil sill lo sebi elsiuoos yhisl a cu eviQ bluorla

s iltiw beleiooaas ylleulos aew (P8-C8eF ni) huqe hoqxe isilini eill lsill ewoila siugit silT

touboiq sill) tneoieq OF bnuoie to noilsiosiqqs issi s yd bslsoibni ,eevilrieoni hoqxe ni sassioeb

tifnu ylibsela becesioni ehoqxe to ylitidslitoq evitstei sill I09F ,eltA .(elei epnsiloxe bexit a to

a089F yhse sill yO .dmilo cli bemuaei oilsi aO-lioqxe aill lent eaer luau Ion aew Ii tu8 £'V9t

aew oilsi a)-hoqxe silt fey ,

F69F 1 level elite ytrlguoi boole ehoqxe to ylitidstitoiq evitelei sill

illiw bslnsaeiq ,leimonooe Isnoifsmelni on lent aceug else s Ci II .sgisl as aemil iuo! neill eiom

ni ease,oni blol-iuol a betoibeiq eyed bluow ,8 e,ugiR ni eno sill as heilo ets, egnsiloxe-leei s

Page 19: J0LU bL J,40 4Q4 - The National Bureau of Economic … noibubodni oT yns taimonooe bstas,etni ni ,tliwoig sri! tas3 nsiaA soneheqxe sofia sri! (hEe t aoae aeaoq Qnhubne .aegnellsrlo











E!öflLG 2

DGA6IObWGUI' 19!MSU 29fi2PC8I D9 GOOI( .4895 suq .iea.iØOflLCG2: KO (ee ISPIG J'1$) 9uq Cofluc!I tOL ECOUOW!C bISUU!Uö 9UqS 4 4 _ - _ _ 4.. £.. i- £ A 4 4... 4

Q QQ GQ 0) Q Q O O Q O0 '-(4 C) 4. nJ CD I.- D '- C..1 C3 4. II.) CD CD O 0'-0 40






.1 O

beI ExcIJSuG gøe uq ExboL1a 1s!Mgu


Page 20: J0LU bL J,40 4Q4 - The National Bureau of Economic … noibubodni oT yns taimonooe bstas,etni ni ,tliwoig sri! tas3 nsiaA soneheqxe sofia sri! (hEe t aoae aeaoq Qnhubne .aegnellsrlo

wqe boMeL PU !U46W94!0U91 119q6buce O uoU-4L9q9p62 JJJ!2 L94!O C9U Cp9UäG cou2q6L9p1 GAGU !U 9 I2W91111 COnU4LA M!4P UOdn6!ou !2 92 #J6 qOWG24c buce ot 4L9962 (01 GXbOL49p62 WOLG 2b6C4jC9,A) L6I91!A6 40 fiG

fliP6 LG9GL wX useq 40 G LGwIUqGq 49j fiG M9A 40 41J!U( spori fiG 1G9j GXCp9u8G 1940 !U

5 i a uo CIGSL Mp7 exboi. ou.eusou (oi po 1ucL002e !U exboI4a) aponq IJØAG,eq o au

Oue4p6G22 4P6 qG9A 2naa6212 494 4PG GXbOL4 !LJCGUI!A62 MGLG U04 2flWC!GUI !U IPGW2GIAG2

OAGLA91G CIILLGUC!02 OL P!eP p9W6L2 10 4LSG !u wboL4eq !Ub1142 n2eq !U Gxboq9pe2

!w9d!uG 1P6 exboi. boqowJ9ucG o( 1G2G conuuea 49!Uâ baco !u fIG bieaeuca O &O22IA

Wfl24 9AG 66U UGcGa2sL1 couqou oL GxboL4e 10 19MG o !u KOIGS 9uq J.s!Msu: !1 !2 psiq 40

at C0r1126 sxbol.4 !UCGUI!Aea (suq u b914!cnIsL 9 LG94IA6A tiGe-Ilaqo tedwe oi 6XbOL462)

!UCGU1V62 M92 uAo,AGq !U poo24!U GXbOL42

b9Ljicn9q) 211! iud !U cowb9L9l!Ae COUIGX4 auq OG2 2näãGe4 1P91 W(ICp WOLG IIJ9U GXbOI4

19LâGL IP9U uA exboueucoq !U KOLG9 01 j9!M9L1 jpG 249pffl4)i Ot L9IBIIAQ bqcG2 !L) 4PG JSIIGL 2

0U.euleq boce 9A6 peeu 9e2oc94eq M!Ip L69 GxcpaLJäe 1916 qebLec94ou2 494 916 WfICIJ

192b6c4 92 MGI,: !U C9262 I!KG .LI1L1(GA suq CP!IG 2n2jsiUGq GXbOL4 00W2 0GUGL94Gq pA GXbOI4-

M!II pe ql2Cn22Gq pueJA pGIOM 0L606A6L f! cowb9La4IAe exbeuauce ! !U2ILI1C4!AG !U 9UOIIJGL

GXbOL42 46U 10 LGSC4 dn!;6 dri;cjqA 40 Cp9UUG2 !u !UCGUI!Ae2 JuG exawbiGa 0 jr1L(GA suq CIJ!I

4OMSL2 exbot.42 qrlLiUä fiG 94G J 6202 !U POfi c0flU4U.G2 COWb9LSI!Ae eAIqGUCG UqC94e2 fJ94

conq fiG P00W 01 fiG W-JQ2 9A6 6GU 9 G9AG LG2bOU2G 40 4G P!U !LI !UCGUI!A62

GXbOL4 P00W 40 !WbOLI I!PGL9I!94!0LS

u SUA C92G fiG obeuiua rib !a p9LqA qL9a4c V !U K0LG9 OUG conq U04 boaaipA 92C1JpG fiG

!ucLosae III exboL4a 9uq fiG !wbLoAeWGul o fIG pslsuce-ot-bsAweule boal4Iou (r!u' .1

JjJGLG 2 9 4LGU 4OM9L2 I!P6L9I!84!OU SUGL .189' P11 1P! ! AGLA WflCJ 41.16 COU2GdflGUCG 0I IIJG

M!11J LGäGLq 40 !WbOLI I!PGL9I!91!OU fiG 19!M9UG2G baew ! 909!U 2!W!19L 4° KOLGSI2

fiG GXbOLI2-CDb L9I!°

—i r—

Page 21: J0LU bL J,40 4Q4 - The National Bureau of Economic … noibubodni oT yns taimonooe bstas,etni ni ,tliwoig sri! tas3 nsiaA soneheqxe sofia sri! (hEe t aoae aeaoq Qnhubne .aegnellsrlo


.mood nemteevni

edt 10 aevifne3ni hoqxe erit ierltie ydw !o noDaeup erit atnoi!noo yleisi tnuooos bisbnsta eriT

eiom neve eer1w aeaso yrism evsrl eW .mood tnemtaevni ns of bel evsrl bluoda mood hoqxe

io fnemtasvni ni aeaseloni of bel ton leritie evsd ahoqxe o yfiIidstioiq erit ni aease,oni eIdsia

e)liInu) ahoqxe as isoani 1tnshoqmi ylauoivdo si airiT .sI eldsiebianoo isfis ylno oa snob evsrl

.rliwoig oimono3e of bssl yltoeiib tori ob (tnemtaevni

sviaasm s aew sierif ,yehuT ni .eIirlO bns ye)huT aslqmsxe fnshoqmi owt isbianoO

ritiw (tneoieq 08 nsrlt siam o) aO8eF yhse edt iii thoqxs o ytilidsffioiq edt ni easeioni

eviaaeiqmi ns yd beinsqmo3os eiew amio!ei seeviT .IIew as noitsiIs,ediI hoqmi eldsiebianoo

yIIsut3s fnemtaevni efsvhq aworIa 8 siupiR as ,teY .(8 eiupR) oitsi 9G0-hoqxe edt ni easelorli

edt ni Ils s 1eIirlO flu .aO8e F crlf o !Isrl bnooea edt litnu ievooe, ton bib bns ,boheq audi ni lie!

.mood tnemtaevrii ns yd beinsqmo33s saw a0VF etsi crlf ni atloqxe !o ytilidsti!oiq evitsisi

sevitneoni tioqx3 .aiarIo isionsni! iojsm a !o fluasi a as C8-89 F ni bsaqslloo tnemtaevnl

siugiR) SF litnu ylrlaigguls bebnoqaei fnemtaevni etsvnq hid iet!s yltnsoi!inia bsaseioni


ni yisv-oo nso tnemfaevni bns aevitneoni hoqxe tsrlf bni! of beahqiua ed tori bluorla oW

ed biuoiia noifstneho hoqxe tatit eaoqqua of noassi on ai sisrit ,yioerlt ru .eysw tneieThb

alotose emoa aelsm noitstnsho hoqx3 .bnsmeb tnemtaevni ill easeioni us rltiw betsiooaas

si emsa silT .oe asel (aeldabsit-non bns aeitivibs niteqmoo-hoqmi) sierito bns eldstl!oiq siom

pnidtyns !l .etsnimietebni Si bnsmeb tnemtasvni no toette tea silT t.flOltSliS,5dii hoqmi to suit

ns ataegua meioerlt noaleums8-ieqlote crlf baa atnemwobne lobs! evitsie, to oipol silt

a089F silt nhub ssio> rltuo8 baa nswisl e,lil aentnuoo iooq-lstiqso iii :noitqmuaelq niaoqqo

a rlfiw betsiooaas need evsd bluorla ahoqxe to eohq evitale, edt ni eassioni us ,aOOe F bns

taood of betoeqxe ed aso ,evsworl ,aboog lstiqso to ahoqmi no anoitohtaei gnioube lstiqso to ahoqmi bspsiuoone ashfnuoo rltod ,istsl bsaauoaib ed Iliw aA .basmsb tnemtaevni

.nwob lstiqso to eohq evitslei silt blorl of besnsm bus aboog

Page 22: J0LU bL J,40 4Q4 - The National Bureau of Economic … noibubodni oT yns taimonooe bstas,etni ni ,tliwoig sri! tas3 nsiaA soneheqxe sofia sri! (hEe t aoae aeaoq Qnhubne .aegnellsrlo



-r -y -, -? -, -, -, -? -? -, .aeijaei auohBv ,ye*wT :eveviu3 oimOnO3B a3O :&nuo2








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!fnemtaevni beoubsi sonerl brie Ietiqeo of mutel crlf ni enuloeb

o noitudhtnoø cr11 (seio)l ni yllei3eqae) no yhee lisme oa aew eesd hoqxe cr11 eonie .c.c

.teBOI tB eoe F-bim edt litnu rigid y,ov need evBd ton bluoo diwop aa 0, etoqxe

flu tneoieq Or ievo yleisd bns 08Q F bnuois seiol ni qO o tneoeq 8 nsrlt aael clew erioqx3

lisma s ylrio eldianoqaei need evsd bluoo thoqxe cease gnitnu033s Ieiuq s ni .nswisT

edt rloirlw mo1 easd lisma erit o weiv ni ,aehtauoo ritod nl iluqa rllwoig Isitini crlf !o noifos,

'lse,d rloirlw) dfwoig tuqtuo o anoitieoqmooeb ebia-bnsmeb ni yhselo tuo aemoo suiT .gnsiqa

ru aegnsrlo brie ahoqxe ,noifutitadua hoqmi bnemeb oifaemob ni CCCSelOfli otrii dfwoig nwob

nouansqxe tioqxe tsr! astsluolso (88-F8 ,8'Ver) grioH eIqmsxe ,oR .(atneioieoo tuqtuo-luqni

C89r) ouN .O'V-68QF flu rltwoig a'ee,o)l o tneoleq OF neil! eiom iol betnuooos even tori bluoo

lo tent woled hits tud) ritwoig a'newisT of ahoqxs lo noitudhtnoo ienlginl e ahoqe ('V .qsrlo

eiom asw ymonooe eaenswisT edt esusoed hsq egisl ni ,(aO'Ver edt hitnu bnsmeb oitaemob

.noifians,t crlf lo gninniged edt Is neqo

sevisamerit flu sis "rllwoig 10 asoluos" ecU 10 aaoitiaoqmooeb ebia-basmeb rlou8

eetslei tacit ,yns Ii mainsrloem crlf of as eugsv ci ygoloboritem sri! sausosd yiotosleitsanu

atouboq Isniglsm rifiw ymonoos neqo hems beoIqms-yhIu1 a ni .dtwoip ao of nilwoig ahoqxe

eais, tonriso ahoqxe flu sase,oni as ,eeituvitos tneieThb gnome beiileupe alotosl evitouboq 10

a as Hew as tnemyolqmenu emoa bed nswisT brie seio>I aO89F edt lo doum gnhua .tuqtuo

doua sbnU .aeimonooe iiedt 10 eiotoea Isnoifibs,! baa mebom edt neswtsd qag tivitoubo,q

.rloum won ci noitaeup edt tud ,uenoianeqxe ed nso elloqxs ru eeseoni as ,anoitibnoo

lebom (300) muhdihiupe Isieneg sldstuqmoo s yd bebivoiq ci noiismixoiqqs taut lutesu A

,otoea Isiutluohgs edt tesit a,odtus eesdT .ss1o) lot (Q F) yshleriW brie sle,T yd betou,fanoo

ed bluoo fnemevoiqmi ebst to arnie! Ismetxe rue yd beauso ahoqxs ni eascioni riAU

tnuooos tonaso ainemevom ebeit to arnie! ,,evewoH .emooni Isei flu easeionu as dtiw bet suooaas .eaeoous a'nswisl brie a'eeuo>I to hsq tneoitingia fl6 lot

Page 25: J0LU bL J,40 4Q4 - The National Bureau of Economic … noibubodni oT yns taimonooe bstas,etni ni ,tliwoig sri! tas3 nsiaA soneheqxe sofia sri! (hEe t aoae aeaoq Qnhubne .aegnellsrlo


egs,evs at I bisq al iuodsl emuaas erft taut ni ymonooe silt o alot3ea lerifo silt moil ltneieThb

otni riwsb ai luodsi as ,ltneupeanoO .101352 lslufluohgs erit ni t3ubolq (lsniism nsrlt isritsi)

bni ysrit ,oe nev3 .aeth tuqtuo Istot ,(aeldshoqxe pnibuloni) ymonoe silt o aiotoee mebom silt

rllwolg nss,oN o noif3s1 llama yiev B ylno lebom iierlf ni nialqxe nso aei3iioq betneho-hoqxe fault

seio)I iii asioiloq befneho-biswtuo fault yiqmi of mesa etluaei erir' ab,ow haul ni .8-aQ F grihub

ybsels a136t suit O S3flSUPSCflO3 5 ai airiT ee F) "ritwoig gnivhb ni e3ns3iingia silt ii evsrl

llama ylavitslsh a ylno 26W sierlt baa ymonoos suit !o hsq llama a siew aeldshoqxe :beaauoaib

.eeldshoqxe abiawot aevitneoni beiuasem ni egnailo

evitslumuo ritiw betsiooaes ,need evail bluorte io ,esw diwo, hoqxe tarlt iselo ton ci tI .1.C

.ymonoe erit to las, sift 01 elevolliqe ytivit3ubolq

uliwoig of arioqxs o noitudhtnoo silt taut gnimiaio yd beiefnuoo ed nso atnemugis auoiveiq eriT

Isoigolonuloet bseiqaebiw moi tud ,tnemtasvni rlguoiilt 10 able bnsmeb silt moi! ton emso

beebni al culT .eonsrmoiieq hoqxe moi! gnivheb afflened ytivitouboiq evifslumuo baa aievoHiqa

ati ni gnillid qot ti aevig hoqs, asieA tas3 (Ce9r) a5lns8 bhoW suiT .noitqmuaeiq nommoo s

.noifatnsho biswtuo !o atu!ened "oimsnyb" silt o noutiaoqxe

siew noifatneno biswtuo 10 atioqxe fault e3nebive on yllsuhiv ai sierlt ai elduoif suiT

tl .yns sbivo,q ton asob hoqe, a5lns8 bhoW silT .asililsmstxe Isoigolonuloef ritiw betsiooaas

oitsmsldoiq stiup aevlsamerit ni e,S rloiutw ,arioasei hohg a o isdmun a no atnemugis ati aeasd

silt o noiaauoaib Isieneg a io 9et ,lhbo1 baa ,hoqei suit o eupitho a ,o nbo sea)

teom aqsrtie t.(ahoqxe moi! a,evolliqa ytivibubo,q o iovs% ni 5253 Isoitsiosrlt auougidms

rioqxs rthw lebom 3X a sau a,orltua eaerlT .(9F) aoanidoR baa oleM eb oals es8 biabnsta fault triemqolevsb naiaA tas3 !o aeiuts& bexilyta eaorlt io tnuooos of aeitilsmetxe

."nislqxe" of sldsnu sis a3O

ciRT bns rltwog hoqxe neewted anoitslsiioo of tuo tnioq of siulsiefil airlt ni nommoo ci II rtoue .aisvoiliqa laaigolonrloet iol sonebive as aehfaubni 10 armi aaoios sonam,ol,eq


Page 26: J0LU bL J,40 4Q4 - The National Bureau of Economic … noibubodni oT yns taimonooe bstas,etni ni ,tliwoig sri! tas3 nsiaA soneheqxe sofia sri! (hEe t aoae aeaoq Qnhubne .aegnellsrlo

need ton asd yitaubni ni dtwoig ytivit3Lsbolq Ilsevo ness evsd ew as ,tsrtt si eiooa airtt no gnillet

*eer) gnuoY sA .iltwoip Istot o hsq Items a ylrio nislqxe nso bns ,yitnuoo ,erthe ni isluostoeqa

seimonooe beqoteveb east io beqoleveb ,edtie bnit 01 tluoiThb hsIuoiJisq ton ci tiu M atuq (C

bedotsm sen ,eiom b aebsoeb owl gnirrnsqa aboheq emit ievo ,eonisrrnoheq ytivitouboiq eaonlw

SW ,eoneH .(C99t gnuoY oats eec) "[newisl bns se,oN gaibuloni] cOWl edt o tedi belsvh 10

o eoneaeiq (bemuaas) erit ot eoslq o sbhq aevig larD Inemugis yns o suoloiqauc ed bluorta

.shoqxe moi cievolliqa Isoigolonniost

nil ebsm ytlsuau ci ahoqxe moi alevolliqa Isoigolonrbet tuods tnemugis edt ,ievoeioM

.(.Pee r egs ;CeQ F ,Ins8 bhoW) ahoqxe 1etsgeiggs nsdt ,erlts, ,be,utoshjnsm O txetnoo Grit

nil aeitilsmetxe edt rbidw moi seed iegsem edt !o weiv ni ,meldoiq ierltons aetututarioo tenT

a io betnuooos ahoqxe beiutoslunsm ,eehtnuoo dtod nil .emoo evsrt ol bemuaeiq SiB noitceup

eisda ieflsma neve ns eiew yenit yltneupeanoo bns 089 F bnuois ahoqxe Istot lo east io iehsup

oa ed bluoo eoiuoa ynuq s iioua moi cievolliqa edt wod eec 01 yeas ton sill .emooni lsnoitsn o .noitom otnii dtwoig oimoniooe etspeiggs o aeeooiq a I!o tea ot as gnoltc

.rfiwoig bel-tnemaevni rthw n9taiaflOo Si OO nil ahoqxe o eisda gniah edT .a.c

ybseta edt ci aiaedtoqyd rflwoig bel-hoqxe edt io! iedonilo tneisqqs edt IaLJ0iveiq benoitnem aA

,evods beugie as I .beonehsqxe evsnl aehtniuoo nitod tent oitsi qao-ehoqxe edt ni eeseioni

02 ease,oni oitsi chit bib ydw ritwoig nil elo, Isauso a !o doum beyslq eyed 01 yle,liInu 91S ahoqxe

.armet muhditiupe-Irnenieg nil gni,lnidt yd bebivo,q ci ,ewans edT Snioum

nis yd bewolIo ,lnsmtaevni o ytilidsffioiq edt nii easeloni (auonegoxe) na ,ebienoO

seioN e111) noitaeup nil yitnuoo edt tent eaoqqu8 .qao ni tnemtaevni lo sisnia edt ni eassioni

(beuniitnoo.. )t taom edt aqsnhe .ynis !i ytilsauso o noitoeiib edt tuods gnidion yea ylauoivdo enoitsleiioo

iii Ii.ñaaeooua 916 nloidw aehtaubni bns cmiii taut ci agnibnii nloua teiqeitni 01 yew eldiauslq .ate,hsm bhow nil eteqmoo ot sIde ,etted eis ytivitouboiq ,ierD pnivoiqmi

Page 27: J0LU bL J,40 4Q4 - The National Bureau of Economic … noibubodni oT yns taimonooe bstas,etni ni ,tliwoig sri! tas3 nsiaA soneheqxe sofia sri! (hEe t aoae aeaoq Qnhubne .aegnellsrlo

—a i —

silT .aboog Istiqso gai3ubo,q ni epstnsvbsjk evitsisqmoo s asri (aOaer erit pahub aswisT bns

10 sisrla B as oals) ahoqmi ni 556913(11 stsiuansmmo3 s siiupe, 111w mood tasmtaevrii

,ol ysq of qao lo s,srla s as) eah taum atioqxe ,betimilau ion ai pniwoiiod Isaoitsmstni Ii baA

ni mood srtt sbiegrtols noitstnsho ebsit gniassioni as svieado Iliw sw s3neH .alioqmi silt

aoitstnsho f1oqx .ahoqxs bas ritwoig asswtsd ytilsaus3 silt asaisvsi (1ota sUIT .tnsmtasvni

(IstsmitIU .tasnirmstsb stsmitlu all ton si ii tud ,(sase,oai of ahoqmi priiwolls yd) uitwoig asidsas

.taevni of sIdstlIoiq emssd Ii yriw aaoassi of Iosd beosit ed taum ritwoip lol anoassi suit

noifouboiq bns noitqmuaaoo lo alsvsl Isitini silT .8 elu@iR ni bsts,taulti si ohsnsoa suiT

iii fins s as bnsmsb insmtasvni ni sassioni silt tnsasiqsi eW .ylsvifosqaei , bns Is sis

silT .asldshoqmi svianstni-Istiqso siom silt abiswot bnsmeb smorl aessid iloirlw asonsie1siq

noitouboiq bns noitqmuanoo bstsiooaas suit iltiw rU asmooed won soshue eoasieThbni tnsvslei

silt as ,smsa suit anisms, xim noitouboiq suit tsrlt stoW) .ylevitosqasi bas O lo elevel

hoqxs bas atioqmi aymonoos suit tsrlt soiton eW (.bexil ed of nelst els ebsit lo arrnet Isrnetxe

siom ymonoos silt isbasi of si tnemtaevni ni eassioni as 10 to&ls tosqmi silT .bnsqxe rltod

loota 1sf iqso a'ymonooe silt aA .Iensq tilQh silt no awoila si foells nui-isnoI silT .abs,f of neqo

silt abswot beasid si tsrlt noirlasl s ni biswtuo asvom ieifnoil noitsrmolansit silt ebnsqxs

silt ,awsib as tud smit isvo sbsit paloubsi lo bells silt asul sUiT .sldshoqmi eviansini-lstiqso

.muhdiliupe Isitiai silt ni nsrlt isgisi anismsi slQashf ebsif

flu sassioni as 10 aiasrltoqyrl benistnism silt isbau ,worl asithslo oals eiugil silT

silt ni sgnsilo yns tuoiltiw qolsvsb aso atioqxs fli sassloni as brismeb (hoqmi bas) tasmtasvni

oitasmob ai riotiwa silt si silt asldsns fsrlt mainsilosm silT .sldshoqxs silt lo sohq svitslsi

lo soasads silt flu .ahoqxs iii eassioni as mut ni Qaiwolls sldshoqxs silt moil ysws asiutibnsqxs

ni sessiorti silt eeilotsm yltosxs ehoqxs iii sassioni silt (ms,sib silt ni as) esldsbs,t-aoa

suIt 10 emoa aeldsbsit-aon 10 sonsasiq silt at .asohq evitslsi ni egnsrlo on 111w etloqmi

s iol gnillso eeldsbsit-aon lo eaneqxs silt fs smoo bluow asldstioqmi silt iol basmsb beassioni

Page 28: J0LU bL J,40 4Q4 - The National Bureau of Economic … noibubodni oT yns taimonooe bstas,etni ni ,tliwoig sri! tas3 nsiaA soneheqxe sofia sri! (hEe t aoae aeaoq Qnhubne .aegnellsrlo

E!&ILC g: Couacdncucc °L9U !UCLCSC !U !UAG2WJCUI qcurnuq

(u) potr-wu





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-non io te*ism erit etsndiliupe ot (aeldsbsit ot evitsie,) eeldsbs,t-non o e3hq silt ni noitoube,

bneqeb nerit bluow noitsioeiqeb elm egnsfloxe Ise muhdiliupe sift !o ebutinpem silT .eeldsbsit

.lebom silt o a,etemslsq silt no

.aeoneneqxe eaenswisT bris nseoN silt iltiw inetaianoo etiup al evods tuo bisi iota silT

ylseolo me atloqmi bns tnemiaevni aeaso iltod ni tent aworla steb silt ts looI Isuaso s 1ta,R

silt yleaob etiup a,los,t ahoqmi !o ,uoivsuled silt ,sslo eAsm Of bns 9 asupiR aA .betsle,

litnu (OO o sisria e as) eah iltod ahoqmi bns tnemtaevni 1seoN ni .tnsmtaevni o iuoivsrled

mebnet ni eaii ahoqmi bits tnemtaevni ,nswisT ni .tsrlwemoa eilidsta nerit bite 089t bnuoe

silt gniworla 1r bns IF aeiupil .tsrlwemoa eniloeb ritod neilt bits aO\9F etsi silt litnu

Istiqso o merle silt eO8Qt-bim edt soni8 .noitoennoo edt isslo e(sm ,thoqmi !o noitiaoqmoo

tos itt .ylqisila nsah asrl ahoqmi tashtnuoo rifod ni (tnemqiupe hoqansit bits (1eniilosm) aboog

.01181 ao-arioqmi edt iii eeh silt io atnuooos tent aboop Istiqso ni sassoni silt ylnism ci ti

iltiw tnstaianoo stiup ci ymonoos edt o noitstneho hoqxe gniase,oni silt ,eorieH

ot ahoqmi moi bits ahoqmi of Inemtaevni moi pninnu yfilsauso nitiw rilwoip bel-tnsmfaevni


o txetnoo edt ni (899 I) ,IhboI ni yIIsrmo bexylens ci aeldsbs,t-non niliw easo Isienep edT %o sohq silt no atoee pnittsatto owl s,s sierlt ,Iebom s rbua ni .Iebom leioqmehefni tioilqxe its

ebiewot aenlotiwa eiutibnsqxe as) tosYte noitutifedue silT .aeldsbs,t-non of evitsie, aeldshoqxe !o eohq evitsisi silt sais, bits asldsbsit-non %o eohq silt easiqeb ot abnet (eldslioqmi silt

silt ni ceog (tnemtaevai o ytilidsffioiq silt ni ease,oni silt mo,!) toette emooni silT .aeldshoqxe .noitoe,ib stiaoqqo

silt sono snibeb ylhsaasoen taum ymonoos silt to acerineqo silt ,8 siugiR ot pnibioooA nseio)l silt ni asiutset pnibnuo!noo to ,edmun B 518 merIt ,,evswoH .asxilidsta oitsi tnemtaevni

teilt noitsxilsiedil hoqmi slsoa-spist silt ci scent pnoms teomsioR .aeoneheqxs easnewisT bits .a089f edt gnhub aehtnuoo ritod ni ne,lst asrl

wet, ton ci ahoqxe bel-tnsmtasvni tuods tnemugis silt em bebnime, aerl sbsW hedo aABt

no ythohq eoslq dairtw e,utsietil beriailduq silt iii aeoluoa pnitsool ytIuoiThb bed eyed I ,,evswoH ,oeeF) bio!bsi8 .oitsi d1aOhoqxs pniah silt nislqxe emit emsa silt Is bnsmeb tnsmtaevni

silt yniw of as isslonu ci tud ,tnemfasvni iol eloi Iseuso s teeppue ot amssa elqmsxe iol ,(8E-C .eiotoea bstneho-hoqxs ni yletenoihoqoiqaib betsoolls esw tnemtaevrii

Page 30: J0LU bL J,40 4Q4 - The National Bureau of Economic … noibubodni oT yns taimonooe bstas,etni ni ,tliwoig sri! tas3 nsiaA soneheqxe sofia sri! (hEe t aoae aeaoq Qnhubne .aegnellsrlo

E!t1LG 8

KOLG9U ECOUOWA A9UOB !2flG2 ___________________eonlc6: bGUU oqq .L9PIG 22 uq ECOUOW!C bI9UU!U B09U1 V19!OL 219P2PC2 O fIG

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Page 31: J0LU bL J,40 4Q4 - The National Bureau of Economic … noibubodni oT yns taimonooe bstas,etni ni ,tliwoig sri! tas3 nsiaA soneheqxe sofia sri! (hEe t aoae aeaoq Qnhubne .aegnellsrlo










E!UflLG .10

2onLcG: GUU oqq J9pJG 2'2 suq IISROUSJ JUCOWS !U j9M9U LG9 0% $G bGbflPt!CO% CIJ!USA- A- A- A- A- A- A- A- A- A- A- A- A- A- A- A- A- A- A- A-a) a) a) a) a) a) a) a) a) a) a) a) a) a) a) a) a) a) a) a)'U 'U VU 'U (0 (0 (0 (0 (0 Se 5e Se Se Se 03 00 03 03 (0 a)ci a to to 0 ci a to to o ci a to to o ci a to to 0

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Page 32: J0LU bL J,40 4Q4 - The National Bureau of Economic … noibubodni oT yns taimonooe bstas,etni ni ,tliwoig sri! tas3 nsiaA soneheqxe sofia sri! (hEe t aoae aeaoq Qnhubne .aegnellsrlo

4a9 .1898

E!UnLG .1.1

aonLcG: ECOUOW!C bISUU!Uö O9Lq5 J9!OL 2491!2(!C2 O jPG KOLG9U ECOUOWA5

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j9un 8ooq pA wgiGLioI ooq g 30A0








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Page 33: J0LU bL J,40 4Q4 - The National Bureau of Economic … noibubodni oT yns taimonooe bstas,etni ni ,tliwoig sri! tas3 nsiaA soneheqxe sofia sri! (hEe t aoae aeaoq Qnhubne .aegnellsrlo

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Page 34: J0LU bL J,40 4Q4 - The National Bureau of Economic … noibubodni oT yns taimonooe bstas,etni ni ,tliwoig sri! tas3 nsiaA soneheqxe sofia sri! (hEe t aoae aeaoq Qnhubne .aegnellsrlo

I 4P!UI( 4p6 6Xb9U94!OU P92 40 qo MI4 dOAGLUWGU4 boIIciG2 B4 äo COu2qGL9pIA pGAouq

!LJ Ips bLotsp!I!4A ot buA946 !UAG2IWGU4 sLonuq 4$JG wq-J92 !U 04 COflU4UG2

1P626 bLopIGw2 poriq 69 112 40 2G9LC 101 WOLG qILGC4 6xb19u941ou2 101 46 sbb9LGu4 !UCLGS2G

GXbOL42 !U CDb !2 dn!46 C0U246U4 MIflJ 9 2401.A01 !UAG24WGU4- L94JGL isu 6xboL4-Gq äLoM4p

aLoM4p !4261t CSU GXbIS!LJ ou 9 w4aq b9L4 o& pe GsqX &OMjp !U oribri .JJJG IUCLGS2!Ua 2p9L6 01

wiq-2 suq GAGLJ e2 oL 4pe Gdn9IIA !wbLG2a!A6 suq 21249!U6q !UAG24WGUI pOOW EbOL4

2M!4CP 4OM9L2 GXbOL4-OLIGU4Gq boici62 C9U U04 SCCOfIU4 101 46 2f12j9UGq GXbOL4 O0W 2!UCG 49

494 KOLGSI2 9Ucl 19!M9L12 GCOUOWIC beqoI.wsucG C9U pG s2cupeq jo exboL-oueu494!ou BiG

3 becsbI;nIsIou J9)(GU 4OdG4peL 4G2G boIu42 L9!28 2GAGLG qcnI4i62 M!4p 4P6 blobo2ipou

40 9CIGAG 4p6 AGL) P!3P L9IG 0 !UAG24WGU4 qnuuâ 4G beuoq1, (Houa Je.e a-O)

COU4L!pu14!OU 01 äOAGWWGLJ4 29/UUã2 suq 4J6 2469qA !UIIOM OIIOLG!aU 29A!Uâ2 MpICp GU9PG KOLGS

4(1LU pA 9 LGqnC40U !U aOAGWWGU4 cou2flwbI!ou yuq lu K0L69 ,!4 M92 4G LsbqIA uc1692!ua

2IJSLb !UC16926 IU a0AGWWGL,4 2SA!uö 91461 ,gj (266 Kfl0 jg' bb -e) .w!2 M92 euspq !u

!U poi conu4UGa iu .Ls!M9u' 4PG !UCLGS2G !U nc 29A!U82 1946 !U IPG GSLIA .18902 coucqGq M!4P

.1aeo2) iu Sqq!floU' SU !uC16926 !u bnp,!c 29Alu82 wsqe 9'.' !WbOL49U4 COU4UP114!OU 40 40491 29MU82

16A612 494 MGLG G!4psL bo2u4IAe 01 ou1X wqA U9894!Ao aS!MSU !U 4G .18202 suq KOLG9 !U 4G

eoewweu boucA M92 pGIb%nl 92 M611 1GsI !u461924 19462 MGLG 19126q %0L qeboaI4oL2 40

99U( 4B63)

9U 01 9 COWb9LSI!AGIA G9qA qGwoäLsbpIC 4L9U214!OU (coII!u2 suq b9L .1898' coII!ua .108.1' oqq

4IJG !UCLGS2G !U 29AU82 U K0169 suq 1S!M9U 92 tJ9A!U8 PGGU 4PG 1621114 01 GCOUOW!C &OM4p !42611

2flp249U4!9I COU4GWbOL9UGO112 Cp9UOG2 !U 46 LGISI!AG buce o GXbOLjSpIG2 I/J024 9CCOt1U42 A!GM

4 C0U24!4fl462 9LJ04GL bsq 01 4G exbIsus4uou 0% 0M 9 19106 6Xb0L4 2nLbJrl2 coriq qeA9ob MJfpor14

GUS6 0'.oivp o b'.oceeq M!41J0114 P!ff!UO p9Isuce-o1-b9AweuI2 COU24LS!U42 .LP!2 ! IwboL4su4 92

3e .Je LO6 Ot 9SA!U02 IU 04I1 CO(1U4U62 29A!U02 1026 s0uO2qe !UAG24WGLi4' suq 4GLG10LG


Page 35: J0LU bL J,40 4Q4 - The National Bureau of Economic … noibubodni oT yns taimonooe bstas,etni ni ,tliwoig sri! tas3 nsiaA soneheqxe sofia sri! (hEe t aoae aeaoq Qnhubne .aegnellsrlo


Isitini Isloeqa erDe emoa beieiia newisT brie seoN tent eugie 111w I .aevitneoni hoqxe

otni lool brie I3sd qeta taii ew o8 .eldiaaoq eeioiloq triemmevog iloua ebem lent arioitibnoo

.arioitibno3 Isitini scent

anoitibnoo Isitini to eonsiioqml .4

aiotsoibni lsi3oa ,ieilt ,oaer bnuo,e looq etiup nilod e,ew riewisT brie selo>1 nituoB eliniW

awonla C eldeT .alevel emooni ienlt aemit Ieievea te aehtnuoo o aInel enit priome merit beoslq

26 ,aehtnuoo o egnel e io tnemqoleveb oimonooe-oiooa o xebni ('V8r) a'imoM brie nemlebA

brie aiaylsns 1otos moi bevheb ci xebni culT .a06 F yhee bne e089 F etel silt bnuois beiuaeem

brie eiutouita Ieiooa o aoitaheloeisnlo elutqso ot tnisem a,otsoibni o iedmun epiel e no beasd ci

ris !o eorishoqmi noiteiried,u mailsub o tnetxe sri! ebubni aiotsoibni eriT) .rioits.Insgio lsiooa

oinnlle brie Isiutluo ,arioiteoiriummoo aesm 1yosietil 1ytilidom 161302 ,aaslo elbbim auoriepibni

!o noitsimebom brie Xtinu Isrioitsri o eanea brie rioitrngetni Isnoiteri 1yliliheI ,ytienegomori

neve ,quoig beonsvbe taom iedt ril seio>1 brie riewisl eoslq ahioM brie rismlsbA (ilooltuo

.(C eldeT eec) epeievs woled lde,ebianoo 915 aemooni sliqso-ieq usd1 riguorit

emsa edt sea OW triemnistis Isrioitsoube o aiotsoibrii rio ylisoiboeqa auoo! ew I Isrioitsoube eeurlt no sieb ayslqaib eldsT .emooni etiqso-ueq !o level en! dtiw yorisqeuoaib

nitwoug yitriuoo-aaoio ni aeldehev yiolsnslqxe ae beyolqme ylnommoo 916 rioinlw aiotsoibni

brie seuoN ni aetei yoeuetil brie triemlourie 1001132 leutoe edt awotia eldet edT .arioiaaeige,

aiasd edt no beloeqxe need eyed bluow tent aetel griibrioqaenoo edt as hew as Oaet nI newisT

rioitoea-aaoio moi bevhsb 916 uettel edT .enols alevel emooni etiqso-ieq 'aehtriuoo ecenit o dtod ted! brii oW .eusupa all brie emooni stiqso-ueq no alotsoibni lenoitsoube o arioiaaeugel

uiedt Is cehtriuo3 1O muon edt eliriw ,triemlo,ne loonloa-yismhq Iea,evinu yllsuhiv bed aehtnuoo

etsu yosietil edt elduob nenit euom bed scioN .ylrio tneoueq 06 briuoie Is boota alevel emooni

ieelo citI .dpid as aemit Isn1-s-brie-srio asw etei yosietil anewieT brie ,rrnon edt 01 beusqmoo

Page 36: J0LU bL J,40 4Q4 - The National Bureau of Economic … noibubodni oT yns taimonooe bstas,etni ni ,tliwoig sri! tas3 nsiaA soneheqxe sofia sri! (hEe t aoae aeaoq Qnhubne .aegnellsrlo

eorlLcG: 206 46XJ.9!MSU 05 oae o4 059 039 024KOLGS 02. 084 010 O5. 03J 01

bL6q!C6q VCWI


bLq!Ccl YClI


bL6q!C 'CflS

1!IGL9C1 L9G

I9PIG 4: EqflC9!OU9I IUq!C9OL2

onLco: yqewu 9Uq owa (j)' jspe IA-219W9!C9 .1 0Q 439

Cbwa Jog jgVJOLOCCO -02.I J 20

IA0LN cos -ag 194

C9WpOq9 -022 IOJ

BL9!l ,8 J99

19!M9U F02 142

20fl41J KOLG9 92 .13

DGAGIObWGU' c iaeouqax O 20C!O6couow!c bGL-C9b!49 CI'1b1 .i ae (2)

..LgPI 3: 2oc!o-Ecouow(c DGAGIObWGUI suq PUCOWO

Page 37: J0LU bL J,40 4Q4 - The National Bureau of Economic … noibubodni oT yns taimonooe bstas,etni ni ,tliwoig sri! tas3 nsiaA soneheqxe sofia sri! (hEe t aoae aeaoq Qnhubne .aegnellsrlo

(95 biceu 401 KOLGS suq g, belceuf 401 i9!MSU) pnj 24!JJA9I1G2 916 äeueissq' fiG belceuf9ae o 9C4fl9 äLoM4p bLequceq pA fIG LGäLG22!OIJ !2 P!i IOMGL

jeMPGL KOLGS suq 19!Msu 916 GXCJflG 410W fiG outhu9i 29wb(G 110W MpICp 1116 bLGqIc4Gq

Q4 C0fl12G MJ!IG 111626 16211112 wsA pG !UIGLG2I!Ua1 IPGA qo uo swonu o su exb,susl!ou MG 21!II

(MpoaG scrisi &oivp AS2flA OAGL-bLGqiqeq) OL BL9II (Mpo26 äLOMffJ !2 A5211A nuqeL-bLGq!CIeq)

11W!L9CnIon2, 9P0111 1PG!L GxbeuGucG pG L691 orlII!612 916 C011U4U62 IU(G VLäGUl!U9 suq IUq!9

csu G ,Gxb9uGq, pA fliG2G !UI1!9) CoUq!jIou2 ti S 2jSj2jC9 2GLJ2G 1pGLJ 4)JGLG !2 U01p!Uä

19P16 9 21J0M2 fJ91 91W021 8() beiceu 041116 IMO C0flU1UG2 eloMfi GXbGL!GUCG 2!UCG .1890


MGlI suq 6XbIS!U 910flU 11914 01 WOLG 041116 C1022-U51!OUSI A9US4IOU !LI äLOM4JJ 9UC !UAG2IW6UI

111A624W61J4 92 SU GXbI9US4OLA ASUsp(G 410W 4G dLOMBJ 6d1191!OU)' 4G2G L6&62210U2 qo L9JGL

2npSedneu1 ä1oM4p D62b!1e j6 bSl2IwouIona 2bGC!4c9!0U (wo2l U019PIA 1116 GXCI112!OU o

111616 2 9 2410U8 U6â9I!A6 9220C!Sf!OU PGIMGGU !uednsI!IA (bsqcnsqA u 8LJ q24upr14ou) suq

GULOIWGUI 1916 92 s boa!1!AG suq 2191!21!CSIIA a!äU!4!CSU1 C0644jC!GU4 (92 GxbGC4Gq) ,u 9qqou

CSb!49 !UCOWG) 111 1116 2sWblG 04 C0(1U1U62 401 MIJ!Cp !U6d1191!IA 919 916 9A9119P16 1116 buwsIA

suq !UAG2IWGUI 19162 011 !uiligI buwslA GULOIWGUI suq !UGdflSI!IA IUqICs4OLS (92 MGfl 92 !UI4!9I bei-

CO11U1UG21 GCOUOWIC baqouusuce 2!UCG aeo 19PI 2 20M2 1116 16211112 04 LGãLG22IUä aLoM4p

111626 !U!1!9l couqiioua C9U SCCO11U4 !U 9 2494 124!C9l 261126401 5 S1äG bsL4 041116 4M0

40 1116 OU.ä!U 11191 !' M!IIJ 1116 10M621 OAGLSII !UGdflSI!IA

WG9211LG2 916 9A9I9pG 40L S AGSL 9L0flU .1 890 KOIGS suq jSIM9U 916 41.16 4M0 COI1U4UG2 C102G21

E!äfl1G . bo C!U! COG4QC!GUI2 401. !UCOWG suq suq 24Ufl4I0U 40144 COIIU4UG2 401 Mp!C1J POIP

euq lu bst. qrie 40 1116 2GU0I2 suq LG4OLW2 flU6L496U !U 04 COI1U4U•G2 qnuud 1116 4820

GdflSI ql24upn4lou 04 IUCOWG suq M691111 jI2 M92 qna !U bsq 40 0Uâ-249UqU8 p240UC9I LG920U2'

jG OIPGL LG2bGCI !U MP!CP KOIGS suq i9!Msu 2400 0111 pA 4890 M92 IPG!L GXCGbI!OU9IIA

bLeqlc4eq 410W 11J6!L !UCOWG IGAGIS'

494 P0111 COt1UIU,62 psq 9 ISPOI'IL 4OLCG 4pS4 M92 cou2IqGL9ppA PGI1GL GI1C94G 111911 M0u1 pG


Page 38: J0LU bL J,40 4Q4 - The National Bureau of Economic … noibubodni oT yns taimonooe bstas,etni ni ,tliwoig sri! tas3 nsiaA soneheqxe sofia sri! (hEe t aoae aeaoq Qnhubne .aegnellsrlo



. 03C,





w 090092

E!önL6 J3

2onLCG: YIG2!U9 9uq oqu (j)0!u! coewcieuj tOL suq c iaeo

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.. .. . . .

. .. ..

WGSt1LG2 04 IUCOWG suq suq D!2PJPfl!0U

Page 39: J0LU bL J,40 4Q4 - The National Bureau of Economic … noibubodni oT yns taimonooe bstas,etni ni ,tliwoig sri! tas3 nsiaA soneheqxe sofia sri! (hEe t aoae aeaoq Qnhubne .aegnellsrlo

anoiaaeipe1 rliwoiO :e &ds

zecsvsV nebneeQ

e8-Oeet 1qajnemtevnl e8-OaeF ,rliwoip ao stiqs3-1e

(1k) (C) () (F) ebceebn edstsV

*.8F (C.)

*8O (18.2)

*• (88.C) (6.1)


.O (80.r)

t9.O (8.F)

*8C.O (F8.C-)

*8C.O (.C-)

c1ao stiqso 9q O8Qt

*rr.4I (rt.)

FO.FF (Ot.)

*8.C (88.')

**8a. (68.)

yismh 089F ,tnemlo,ne

(.8.C-) *4o (88.C-)

*08e_ (.-) (8C.-) io .teoo inlO


NiF (88.F)

\l.C- (8.r-)

o! .tteo3 iniO emoani

O.O C.kO £8.0 €8.0 . ei r e F eie elgms2

:eonsoiinpie !o level etoneb alahet2A .aaitaitsle-t eis aeaerltne,sq ni aisdmukl :aetoV

level eanebimnoo o\0 r erit I tnsoilingi2 * .level eanebftnoo o\08 erit Is Insoffingi2 **

Page 40: J0LU bL J,40 4Q4 - The National Bureau of Economic … noibubodni oT yns taimonooe bstas,etni ni ,tliwoig sri! tas3 nsiaA soneheqxe sofia sri! (hEe t aoae aeaoq Qnhubne .aegnellsrlo

1,10462: LGqIC46q dLOMjp 19462 016 tLOW LGäLG2O!OU (.1) !U IOPIG 2'

K6UA9 0'89 Jt9 .J25

iUqis 349 523

BL9!I 325 F8Q 2e

VL8GLJI!US 09 .128 350

jOIMOU 288 489 8.

20fl4P KOLGS 2'82 2'54 98

(.1890-82)VC4flOI 010MW LGqC46q CLOM4P

(\o)bLObOLROU xb,su6q

LPI : bL000L4iou 0 01.0MW EXbI0!UGq pA IU!4!9I c0Uq40U2

Page 41: J0LU bL J,40 4Q4 - The National Bureau of Economic … noibubodni oT yns taimonooe bstas,etni ni ,tliwoig sri! tas3 nsiaA soneheqxe sofia sri! (hEe t aoae aeaoq Qnhubne .aegnellsrlo

—1: —

txen erit 10 ,Iast edt ai tsdl °.r13um as be,ettsm anoitibrlo3 Isitini eserit r1w no ,oer11 s been

no hoe a

inemugiB eriT 2

bns nsoioN lo aeniltuo nism edt iol tnuooos nso tsrlt noitsnslqxe ns si been ow fstiW

anoitibnoo Isifini 10 tea Isiosqa edt iol eIoi a sari osis bns 1eonsm,olieq oimonooe esenawiaT

gniwollol edt nols betouitanoo ed nao noifsnslqxs na doU2 .noitoea suoiveiq crlf iii beaauoaib


nitsle, anoitibnoo Isitini auoestnavbs lo tea a beisda se,o)I iituo2 bns nawiaT oae r 8 evitsIe ,eo,ol iuodsl belIba a bad aeimonooe ritod ,isluoitisq iii .elutoLntaSIIni 161302 of

ritod ebam anoitibnoo Isifini eaerll .alevel emooni bns )l3ota lstiqao lsoiarlq iiedt of

Istiqso of mutci Theisl edt taut canes edt ni ,flo-elat oimonooe iol bsei aehtnuoo

.rlpirl saw noitslumuoos

iebnu eoslq est ton bluoo llo-e,lst oimonooe crlf ,anoase lo iedmun B iol ,ievewoH

ytilidabsit toeheqmi cult cia anoasei eeedt orioms leirlO .anoitibnoo te*iam be!ilsitneoeb

as hew as ,noitouboiq iotoea-mebom dhiw betaiooaas (acigolonrloct bns) atuqni yel lo

noitautia a betselo anoitibnoo eaedT .aeitivifos eaedt iii chaos of amutel gniascioni cmos

atnemteevni betanib,ooo of mutci lo eta, edt elidw ab,ow isrito ni .euhis1 noitsnib,00o lo

.wol benisme, afnemtaevni Isubivibni of mutel lo etal edt ,rlgid ylemeitxe saw

a089t etal edt ni pnihsta aeiuasem 10 tea a loohebnu aehtnuoo ritod ni efnemmevoO

bna etsnibiooo of bevica osis hid ,anoihotaib beoubni-yoiloq cmos bevomei ylno ton tadt

Ianoaisq ni booW nahbA yd beiasdqme ,noitibnoo Isitini tnshoqmi yldiaaoq ,edfonA° haq fll si airiT .nswisT bna se,o)I iii esad e31uoae-ls1utsa booQ a lo losl edt ai eonebnoqaerioo

,tuo atnioq booW as :emooni ot evitsIe, aoits tnemnistts lanoitsoube dgid edt ot betshei iedid a bail evsrl bluow bnal siom tud ie*iow ieq noitsoube lo level emas edt ritiw sehtnuoo

Isiutan iegsem cult noitibbs ni tu8 .enil noiaaeigei edt of issolo oil bns stiqso isq merit gniwohls ,ae,utoslunam ni egstnsvbs evitaisqmoo iseb a aehtnuoo eaedt evag aeoiuoaei

.noiansqxe ebsit biqa, bns noitsilshtaubni biqsi ritod yojne of

Page 42: J0LU bL J,40 4Q4 - The National Bureau of Economic … noibubodni oT yns taimonooe bstas,etni ni ,tliwoig sri! tas3 nsiaA soneheqxe sofia sri! (hEe t aoae aeaoq Qnhubne .aegnellsrlo


aevdne3ni xst ,aeibiadua tibe,o :bebuloai eeuasem eaeriT .tnemfeevni etsvnq eiibiadua

.fnemteevni oilduq bris sonsbiuQ evitsifainimbe

bwbold ban Isrit eiuIis noitsnibiooo silt evomsi beqieti eIoi Inemmevog evitos airiT

gnifIuae silt aeiuasem seoul of bebnoqeo a,uensiqrnfne etsvhq sA .nltwoig Ishfaubni

as anmet (aboa ni hid arnie! Isionsni iii ylno ton eldsffloiq ed of tuo bemut alnemtaevni


of gnibsel tuorltiw) iennsm evifoot!e ns ni betnemelqmi ed bluo3 noitnev'ietni tnemmevoO

edt bewobne ban ,niags eono anoitibno3 Isitini oeusoed (iuoivsiled Qnbleea-tnei

siuaaeiq moi noitsluani o eeigeb yisnibiorn!xe ns ilfiw yitnuoo nose ni tnemmevo

a ,anoitibnoo Isilini eaet1t nomA .menlt ,evo ytilidsqso qinlaiebsel ritiw burn ,aquoip

.Isoifho eaw cit sew brie smooni !o noifudhtaib Isupe ylevitsie,

yitnuoo ,enltien as ,aboog Istiqs3 o ahoqmi bib oa 1qao o sisnia a as eaoi tnsmtaevni aA

bns oimonooeoiosm etshqoiqqs of alnsnlT .aboop rloua flu egstnsvbs evitsisqmoo a bail

hoqmi flu session edt teem of etsupebs asw ylqqua hoqxe aeioiloq etsi egnsnloxe

.ahoqmi ebiegnols eaoi bus bnsmeb

Istiqso o ahoqmi edt io gniysq cii eloi Isoitho a beyslq ahoqxe ni eassioni oil! eoneH

o soneupeanoo a as ehoqxe ni session slut! wsiv of elshqoiqqs eiom ci fi 1u8 .aboop

.bnuo,s yaw isnifo sri! usd1 isritsi bnsrneb tnemtaevni nil easeioni silt

-eaf 3irnonooe io ybsei siew aohtnuoo citod (I) :yiota cult nil amislo Isoitno owl eis eientl

ai tarit eiuIis noitsnibiooo a yd beiloold eaw ritwoip oirnonooe fud aeitxia-bim of yhas sri! yd flo

of beliupe, atnemtaevni betsnib,ooo brie egisi crlf efsieneg of enols 293iO te*ism o ytilidani silt

siew aeh)nuoo nitod nil atnemmevog (il) ;rllsq rttwoig gnunislaua-lsa a no esimonoos eaerlf eoslq

.eiulis! noitanibiooo aid! eb'mevo of bebeen aeiuessm edt eAshebnu of elds

I Jsiinstsmuoiio ylhsaaeoen ci siuIis noitsnib,ooo a o eoneaeiq silt no sonebive silT

io! eefiaiupeleiq silt o Its tart! boonlile,4i1 edt o weiv nil pnulleqmoo yldsnoesei ci easo crlf ,Inidt

Page 43: J0LU bL J,40 4Q4 - The National Bureau of Economic … noibubodni oT yns taimonooe bstas,etni ni ,tliwoig sri! tas3 nsiaA soneheqxe sofia sri! (hEe t aoae aeaoq Qnhubne .aegnellsrlo


seerli tsrlw 992 oT .aehtnuoo owi erit al tern eew e,ulis noitsnibooo S !o soristaixe silt

.eeuaei nism silt eelutqso tsrlt lebom IsoiI'Isns elqmie s tuo ysi of IuIeeu 21 Ii ,e,s aetiaiupeeiq

.oigol oimonooe sill o noifieoqxs lsdiev s no eierl Is 111w I bns ,xibneqqs silt ni snob ai airiT

Isnoitibsit o noihuboiq silt ni besilsiosqe yllsitini al tsrlt monooe neqo llsma s ,ebianoO

,o1os ierlgiil ableiy iloiriw ,,otoea mebom evianetni-Istiqso ylevitslel s noitibbe uI 21 sisilT .eboo

no aeilei Ii tsrlf eluts& niilaiuniteib silt asil iotoea mebom edT .eldsiv ai Ii neilw arnutei

etsibernietni ,aeigolonilost ailbia uodsI beilsioeqa as beweiv ed bluoo rloiilw atuqni beiIsiosqa

-hew eliupel ysilt (I) :aeiutse pniwohIo edt evsrl mut ni atuqni eaerlT .aboop Istiqso 10 ,atuqni

ysrit (iii) bns ;aeimonoos elsoa svsvi ysilt (ii) ;taoo wol Is beouboiq ed of eis*iow betsoubs

s1os1eilt lotosa mebom edt o ytilideiv silT .ate*ism Isnoitsmetni ui bebsit yltoei9q ed tonnso

s o soneteixe silt no (tisq ui) abnsqeb mut ni iloiriw 1atuqni easrlt o sonsasiq 16301 silt esiiupe

.eo,obhow betsoube-hlew yltneioiUua

silt tsrlt oc rlgirl al iuodsl bsIIba ritiw Inemwobne e'monooe silt tsilt won eaoqqu8

betoveb siew asoiuoae a'ymonoos suit !o sisria ilguone spisi s i sldsiv ad bluow 101092 mebom

aaenibssi a'ymonoos erit of rbstts I noitstsq,stni silt ci cliff .atuqni beilsioeqa silt gniouboiq of

1iotoea mebom silt of lotosa Isnoitibsit silt moi evom won Isfiqso bus iuodsh bluoW io-s,1sf io -eDisI s ylno sonic ylnseasosn toll 'asmooni isilgirl of bus iettsl silt ni noitsiIsioeqa of pnibsel

moiR .eeimonooe elsoa o weiv ui eldstfloiq ed 01 bestnslsup al 2931L10291 o tnernsvom 91632

easlnu 101392 mebom silt ni taevni of ysq ton 111w ti ,,otesvn, Isubivibni ns lo svitoeqaieq silt

auosnstlumia silt no abneqsb iotoea mebom silt !o ylilidsffioiq silT .IIsw as oa gniob 916 aisilto

abnsqeb mut iii atuqni scent gniouboiq !o ytihidsti!oiq silt tud ;etuqni besilsiosqe silt o eonoaeiq

o sonebnsqsbistni eiilf 2111 .,otosa mebom niIaixs-siq s moi bnsmsb o eonsasiq silt no

.meldoiq noitsaibiooo silt aetselo 16(11 aaoiaiosb tnemtaevni bns noitouboiq

-hew ai ymonooe silt nsdw aeqqsrl 01 ylsihil tasel el eiulis noitnibiooo Isbom silt ni

silt iii noitouboiq asimonoos iloua uI .lstiqso lsoieyilq bus ,uodsl behIila iltiw bswobne

Page 44: J0LU bL J,40 4Q4 - The National Bureau of Economic … noibubodni oT yns taimonooe bstas,etni ni ,tliwoig sri! tas3 nsiaA soneheqxe sofia sri! (hEe t aoae aeaoq Qnhubne .aegnellsrlo

— —

,o1 .ennsm betsnibloo3nu ns flI 136 a1ueneqeitne neriw neve eldstitoiq ci 10139a mebom

erlt—Istiqso brie uodsl b&IiAa iltod pnblosl--mi.nI3eqa crlf o bne erlto crlf Is aeimono3e

eio!e,eiiT .eosiq taifl crlf ni eldeiv ton ci iotoea mebom edt ecusoed ,toom ci eucci noitsnibooo

—aOae r yhee crlf ni newisT bns seio)1 o tneoeinims Icom aeimoriooe etsibermetni edt ni ci Ii

ci meldoq noifsnibooo crlf tsrlt--lstiqso Isoicyrlq ni iooq fud iuodel bellbla ritiw bewobrie-liew

.e,evea faom

ni noitsoolls eoiuoaei pnulbnsrl Is boop yiev ton eis afe*ism lent worni ew ,yllsiensp eioM

o ytilidsfitoiq crlf foeflei aeohq iehsm :yfilidsbsif-non bns aeimonooe elsoa o eoneceiq edt

fuods aisripic yns ebuvoiq ion ob yedl ;ne)lshebnu vii nenuo eis yedt as ylno ccii ivitos tneieThb

edt nirlfiw ae3iuoaei %o noitsoollsei elsoc-egiel s eiiupe, bluow ten ceifivitos o yfilidsti!oiq crlf

blo eaiuoo o SiB eceriT .(tuods lie ci tnemqoieveb oimonooe fsdw sills ,efls d3irlw) ymonooe

-nieteneao5R brie seitilemeixe yisinuoeq o aicyisne (IeQt) a'yavof joB of ,bsd op tent asebi

need even atnemugis crlf ,yltnisosi sioM .aeioiioq nlauq-gid !o yosoovbe (EI9 I) a'nsbo1

nempuiN ,(e8er) .

yrlcpuM (aSer) lsnlqfaeW bns 1osI (18) inisR yd aieqsq ni beilsmio

lhbol brie eisl3-euphbol (C9t) smsyuatsM brie erioooi3 (FQ9F) smsyuetsM ,(t9Pt)


s as betneceiq netto ci eiuiist rioifenib,ooo terli need asri siutsiefil emit nlfiw meidoiq enO

ni fuo biel brie evods behsmmua lebom cr11 .ceimonooe to cbniA its gni!oetts meldoiq ohenep

)howemsit cr11 .cetiaiupe,ciq crlf fuods oitioeqc eiom ed of fqmetls ns ctrlece,qe, xibneqqs crlf

(i) :euaai cuohec s emooed of eiulist noitsnib,ooo s lot cetiaiupeie,q ceidl pniwoilot crlf etnlpilnlpinl

mebom crlf dfiw betsiooaas aboop io\bns eeigoionrloef crlf ni ylilidebsit-rion to esigeb emoa

to tnemwobne wol s tud) so,ot iuodsl belibla yldsnoasei s (iii) ;elsoa to seimonoos (ii) ;,otoea

eaeriswisT brie nseio) edt ni beacuocib need ybseils esil scent to feel silT .(lsfiqso lsoicyrlq

,eoneH .ceitivitos ,otoec-mebom edt to ynem ni cldiauslq oats e,s ceimoriooe elso8 .lxetnoo

.noiccuoeib Isnoifibbe celiupel IsdI slut set ylno crlf ci yfilidebsit-non

Page 45: J0LU bL J,40 4Q4 - The National Bureau of Economic … noibubodni oT yns taimonooe bstas,etni ni ,tliwoig sri! tas3 nsiaA soneheqxe sofia sri! (hEe t aoae aeaoq Qnhubne .aegnellsrlo


al tiIidsbsit-non o esipeb emoa Isrit ,s&o ed bluorla fi ,noitoefte, a'tnemom B noqU

oa ed taiim aidT .aehfrnjoo rloh yd beouboiq aboog o aeqyt edt ritiw betsiooaas ylhsaaeoen

etsnimile bluow ebsit dguor1t epstidis :pnol io! iooq nisme, ton bluow aehtnuoo iooq eaiw,erlto

o ,edmun s ni beveado ai atuqni ,otoea-mebom %o yfilidsbs,t-non edt 1eoitosiq ni .aeithsqaib edt

bris beIIba tsrlt oa bebs,1-non yIevutoe1e hsq taom edt io eis aeoiv,ea iuodsJ .aysw tneieThb

qoleveb of beiupei neflo ataoo bexit edT .eldslisvs ylisool ed taum qir1ensm*ow beiIsioeqa

eis aboog Istiqso bne eisiberrnetnl .aeimonooe elsoa to aelutset ritiw merit wobne aIlula eeerlt

as) ,eau Isnit edt of ytimixoiq oirlqsigoeg isritie eliupe, aemilemoa yevll tud 1eldsbs,t elqionhq ni

Isool yistnemelqmoo to eau edt io (anoitsoitloeqa 'aieilqqua ot beutosksnsm siB yerit neriw

etsieqo of bebeen es aiehow belli,Ia neriw as) eau of tuq ed nso yeilf eioted atuqni

eldsbs,t-non B svsrl oals aeiQolonrtoet etiaiupei edt, nettO .(yienirlosm behoqmi bet soifairlqoa

angiseb ni beitiboo yltioilqxe ton bas tiost al yfilidsqso Isoigolonrloet to rioum as istoeni tnemels

:ti tuq IsrlqtaeW bns ,1os aA .atnhqeuld bris

aeonstaib noI ievo noitsoinummoo all ni ameIdoq ot absel ygoloniloef to aaenf lost edT

emoa ts ylno--Ils ts b--emoo,evo ed nso doiriw ameldo,q aeone,&tib Isiooa aaoios bns

taixe ton aeob (bhow edt ni eiedwemoa) ataixe fsdt egbelwornl 1,evos,oM taoo

10 eonetaixe eiem ati gniaihevbs ni ataoo eis elerif sausoed ylauoenstlumia eiertwyieve

of nwonl al 'yd eaolo' 21 tsilt epbeIwon ylnO .nlo,sea dQuO1dt eonetaixe all pnhevooaib ni

to ensr1oxe edt ai aeitilsmetxe y'itaubni-ietni io! Isnasdo tnsoi!inpia ,eultonA.. .taixs

.aboop Istiqso bns atouboiq stsibem,etnii nivIovni anoitosansit nil atnemele Isoipolonriosi

of bns aeo,uoae, sooI to noifssilifu ietted ot pnibsel aegnsdoxe rloua ynsm beebnl

to toeqas tneilsa A .bevieado need evsd aboog tstiqso to ngiaeb edt ni atnemevoiqmi

neewted noitosietni evianeixe no emootuo iiedt to eonebneqeb edt ai aegnsnloxe eaetlt

.aoitahetosisnlo touboiq bns aaeooiq nitod gnignstio ylevitsieti ni aieau bns aieilqqua

(OrF-eOr ,aBer)

Page 46: J0LU bL J,40 4Q4 - The National Bureau of Economic … noibubodni oT yns taimonooe bstas,etni ni ,tliwoig sri! tas3 nsiaA soneheqxe sofia sri! (hEe t aoae aeaoq Qnhubne .aegnellsrlo


atnioq seerit Qnhd qlerl sm e3rieheqxe nsiaA tas3 crlf moi nwsib aslqmsxe emo8

etsierieg yerif eeithstnemslqmo3 silt brie allba ,uodsl bexilsioeqa o eorishoqmi eriT .e!iI of

epwi a'ss,oN o eno ,isbriuyH o e3rieheqxe silt yd betsitaulli 21 aeitivit3s grihutosurism 220136

frleme3 S nibIiud yd 189 r ni pnhutosunsm bsietne faift isbnuyH .(oceeñ3) aetsiemolguioo

ati nisit of yiofsodsI s as tnslq triemeo ati beau isbriuyH' :nebamA of nibo33A .tnslq

gnhut3s!unsm ierlto of merit ninQiaas eioed ,noitoLntanoo flu bnuoiglosd ritiw aiesnsm

Ioitnoo aasooq brie ytulsup ,trlemegsnsm yiotnsvni flu s3neheqxs benieg aesnisiT .aetsiliYts

isbnuyH silt tuorlguo,rlt aIIiAa noitoubo,q Qiasd gnibseiqa aunt no oa brie ,ninnsIq yfiosqso

iii bebnuo! aew quoig silt ni etsillt!s gnhutas!unsm txen silt tnemeO isbnuyH ,sttA .noiIsinsg,o

ielsmotus tnebnisqsbni tail! silt emsoed Ii iefsl aisey yfnewT .a,otoM isbniuyH bemsn brie 'VeG r

s asw a,oiom isbnuyH lo inebiaeiq tail! silT .yllsdolp hoqxs of yitriuoo Onisitshtaubni-stsl a moi!

aeuouloq triemmevog nseio)l ,esa lisria ew cA eser 'tneme3 isbnuyH !o tnebiaeiq ismio!

,Istiqso bsibiedue of aaeoos merit nivip ya .isbnuyH sAil aetslsmolgno3 of lsihsq ylilgirl siew

noint as! silt ni a,evolliqa fehsm-iuodsl silt !o yrism eilsmetni of merit bswolls fnsmrnevoQ silt

.stoup silt iii bedhoaeb

a esbivo,q (98-8 ,Q8et ,nebamA yd beeauoaib) gnibliudqirla iltiw eoneheqxe a'isbnuyH

elsoe iltiw noitosietni ati brie) ygolonniost !o ytilidebsit toeheqmi sift !o sonsfani steiorioo

tud ,m,i! ilaittoo8 s ma,! npiaeb oiasd ati pnihoqmi yd tuo behsta ynsqmoo silT .(aeimonooe

flu qiila silt gniibliud no beilsi niasb ilaittoo8 silT .tuo gni*iow ton asw cult tenD tuo bnuo! nooa

a ta qiila s !Isil ylno bliud of yfiosqso niguons beil ie,utos!unsm Isnigho silt sausoed ,asvlsil owt

.tul etiup ton bib aevisil owf silt tail tuo bnuo! ti ea,uo3 emsa silt bewollo! isbnuyH nisiW .emit

cmii! silt tail ni amsldoiq bail ode cmii! pnitluanoo nseqoiu3 moi! berioqmi anpiaeb tnsupsadue

moi! eldslisvs eisw aeniQnJ .ayslsb yltaoo of pnibset ,ytiosqso betsi sill estnsisuQ tori bluow

eaensqsL yd benisido Isilt neilt ieilQirl eohq s fe ylno yltneisqqs fud ,aisilqqua sasnsqsL

bluow isbnuyH iloiilw 1anoitsol!ibom ngiaeb eiiupsi nelto bluow aieyud qiila ,isvosioM .abisyqiile

Page 47: J0LU bL J,40 4Q4 - The National Bureau of Economic … noibubodni oT yns taimonooe bstas,etni ni ,tliwoig sri! tas3 nsiaA soneheqxe sofia sri! (hEe t aoae aeaoq Qnhubne .aegnellsrlo


riguons egisi ritiw ylnO .tiIidsqso ngiaeb eauoil-ni as o e3neads silt ni eshebnu of sidanu ed

a ni .(gnibliud enigne baa npiaeb ofrii) abisw,bsd etsigetni of isbnuyH io ysq Ii bluow ytioaqs3

&dsilei baa ybsefa a of aaeoos gnivsrl no bebneqeb mut ni elaoe ,aaeniaud eIitsIov Irlir1

Isitnstadua ritiw isbnuH bebivoiq trlsmmevoO nseioN silT .(enham fnsrloism a) iemotau3

rifod befsipetni ylisutneve isbnuyH .ate,hsm o eefnsisup tioilqmi as as hew as ,eonstaiaas

gaiqqiila a neriw acer ni ybnsrl emso eefns,sug a'fnemmevog silT) .abiawio! baa abiswlosd

nasioN gni3io% yd bebnoqaei *isl taebiae,cI .aieb,o ngis,o o noifshleonao silt of bel qmuia

bns aenoL] isbnuyH io bnsmeb evifqa3 a gnitse,o ,aislnst benwo-nss,o)4 ni ho qirla of ashenite,

(.[8a-V8 108er 1,hq

of io yasqmoo sin won pniaialqxe quoig iafablo)-y1ouJ silt to nsrrnisilo silt si e,eH

:ai ti eiertw

on 1emit silt tA .aOI.9F sf51 enif ni yot3st maslo 3Ifemaoo a behsfa I baa isnitsi yM

bail ew os a'st mseio io! ytilsup etsupebs to aqso oitaslq ritiw su ylqqua bIuo3 ynsqmoo

-3ifasIq silt nts of fneioittue ton siew snols aqso Qitasl9 .aaeniaud oitaslq a hate of

a3itaaIq silT .aexod qaoa baa ,aenlaLndnlfoof admoo bsbbs ew os ,fnslq pniblom

baa afouboiq 3inolt3sls bns Is3hto&e eluf3slunam of su b& oels eeeniaud

nloirtw gninitsi ho ofal au 4oof oals asenisud a3itaslq silT .tnemqiupe noitaoinummooelet

as niysq asw enols ynsqmoo gninitei-Iio silT .ynsqmo3 gniqqinla-ieAnst a bebeen

teepial neilt sift to SUflSVS1 Istot silt tIsil nanif siom of pnifauoms muimeiq e3nsluani

lstufsn cliff .behsta saw ynsqmo e3flSiuSni as ,auilT .ssio) iii ynsqmoo e3nsniani

quoip isfabloa-y,buJ silt ni beiluasi asaaeniaud bsfslei nlguouilf noifulove qefa-yd-qeta

.(aF 1e8e1 riebamA ni bstiO) ysbof Ii sea ew as

elsoa to as hew as aiemotauo baa atuqni 16301 to sonahoqmi silt aets,fauhli yhselo noifafoup silT

to emos siIsmetni auilf bhuoo loesco sill shuilW .odes to iltwoi@ silt niIIeuI ni aeimono3e

111w rbirlw aeioiloq tnsmmevog yd oa gniob ni betaiaas ylfseip siew yerif aeuaai noifsnibioo3 silt

Page 48: J0LU bL J,40 4Q4 - The National Bureau of Economic … noibubodni oT yns taimonooe bstas,etni ni ,tliwoig sri! tas3 nsiaA soneheqxe sofia sri! (hEe t aoae aeaoq Qnhubne .aegnellsrlo


.rIoit3ea txen edt ni beaauoaib ed

ye, ni ytilidsti!o,q baa 1st iqso of mute, !o eta, evil nswisl baa aeoN iltod al

pnos8 baa aenoL seoN nI no aOee F etsi edt mm! ltnsofliagia eaoi aeitivitoa gahulas!unsm

ni Isliqso of mutsi !o aetsi Isei aian ylibeel a ('i9F 1gnoH no beasd) hoqei (80t ,O8er)

-ar ,aaer-eer ni lneo,eq -9 aO8eF-etsI of -bim ni fneo,eq ar-e ai egasi evil :pahutoa!uaem

gnnut3s!unsm ni ffioiq !o eta, edT .9F iefls tneoieq -VF baa xer-'caer ni tne3leq 8C

baa ,a-veer ni lneoieq 8 of ,ae-er ni tneoieq 8F of ca-reer ni tne3leq 9 moi! eao, ylibseta

as eldaffioiq e,om emsoed lnemtaevai yltneiaqqA .('C ceer ,paoH) O'V-C89t ai tneoieq of

pnhutoa!unem elsvhq evil !o teom ai eaoi aetsi ylilidati!oiq nswisT al .eaoi etsi tnemtaevni edt

owl alouboiq boow baa aelitxet !o noitqeoxe sidsion evil ill 1w aoee F efal evil ,elta aehtaubai

ai easeloni laetsei evil ylgaitaeietnl .(tC-A eldaT ,9r 1aiJ) aehtaubai pnihoqxe loLam

aibuloxe) pnhutoslunsm ,otoea oildug yd beoaeheqxe eaw boheq CaeF-taoq edt ni ytilidsli!o,q

aeahqietne oilduq esw Ii 1noitoea txea evil ni beaauoaib ed 111w eA .(oooadot baa aepsieved boo!

(C-22r ,C F) niJ won ci airiT .aswisl ai afuqai elsibemietni yel evil !o yasm beilqque lstlf

boo!aoa eaeult !o tuqtuo silt !o aoitqmuanoo oitaemob edT" :affloiq iierlt ai easeioni evil aaislqxe

(.319 alsoimerlo lshtaubai ,eiexilihe! Isoimetlo ,etoubo,q mueloileq eouboiq vloirlw) eehlaubni

paicu-Isoumedo moi! basmeb bease,oai of eub ,a089t evil pahub ylauobnemeil beaseioni

qluq baa ieqaq baa etsmstulp muiboaonom ,ebholviolynivyloq gnu)Ism eaovlt as nioua) eehleubni

evil baa iotoea lsiutluohga evil moi! as hew as ,(le*ism oifaemob baa ttoqxe edt vilod io!

of elnsdf eldsliloiq emsoed aehtaubni etsibemietai ,abiow ierllo ni ".yteubni aoitshoqaasil

.mseilaawob eeps,laiI griibnsqxe

ymonooe silt beweiv a,e,Ism-yoiloq yaw evil nswiaT baa se,o)I ritod ai Isnit yhisnil eloa eW

edt ai noiaauoaib edt aA .e,ulia! aoitsaibiooo crlf !o oipol edt vitiw alellsiaq earl Ii ni elo, ,ierlt baa

laeoieq t.FC asw seio>I ni fnemteevai of mutei beilsunas erit tsrlt aetsluolso (t99F) ehftiJ aaulei 10 elsi crlf ni aoiloube, a worla oala anoilaluolso aid ,ievewoH .C\-Caet boheq evil pnhub

.evhb IOH sill of eniloeb evil aetudntls eH .9V-9F pahub laeoieq E.8F of ylfaeupsadua

Page 49: J0LU bL J,40 4Q4 - The National Bureau of Economic … noibubodni oT yns taimonooe bstas,etni ni ,tliwoig sri! tas3 nsiaA soneheqxe sofia sri! (hEe t aoae aeaoq Qnhubne .aegnellsrlo


s as leati bevieoieq aswIs asri tnemmevog nseio) edt seI3 e1sm 111w noitoes gniwolIo

,gnitaiwt-mls slguoirft ,egnsdo lshtaubni tuods gnignhd io! lotstiIi3s! a bits tneps gnhtsibem

bits 35q !o abiow edt nI .bnsmeb sm aeonstamu3iio crlf as eeanqieiite 3iIduq io aeibiadua

,(ee aBet) IsrlqtaeW

d gitblsm-nolabeb betsigetni beveirba gnivsrl as rieea ed nso Inemmevog nse,o)I edT

gnitstiIios bits pni31o afitegs te*ism gitoms gititsibem titegs Isitite3 a as pnitQs

eriT .berbsei anoiaioeb erit o noifstnemelqmi edt githuani bits egnsrl3ietni rioitsrrnolni

.ylevihefle eloi airif tuo gith(nso 01 tnslioqmi need evsrl of eiseqqs noioleoQ o ,ewoq

aunT .affiened bits ataoo beonslsd asnl ti ;etuloads need ton yIIsoiqf asri itOioieO3 tu8

,aieau bits aieilqqua iteewted belsoibuLbs gnivsrl as nesa ed nso tnemmevog nseioN crlf

biswei of pnineviefni neflo bits tnioqbriata evitoslloo s moil alitened bits afaoo pairigiew

.aeno evifsieqoo3nu rlainuq bits aiesIq evitsieqooo

nswisT ni

111w monooe its tsnlf ai [pefs,fa titemmevop edt] pniyhebnu ynlqoaoliniq oiasd edt

e4 nisrieo cia cierif epsta tiose Is bns tnemqoleveb to aegata nisheo opiebnu

rl3irlw (atnslq Isoiñierbo'dsq bits bisqida episi Him leeta betsipetiti as rbua) eeiitaubrti

ainiT .vmonoae e,itnie edt to fnemqoleveb tuods pnrtd 111w aepsnhI euohsv dguoinlt

bits eis aehtaubni ye eaorlf tsrlw wornl alsbitto Inemmevog fsrit aemuaas oals ypetsif a

iii beib 889t uoH) aehtaubni eaerlt qoleveb of beiqobs ed bluoda aeiuasem y3iloq Isriw

ceer gnoH

taum aaeifa fitemqoleveb iedhut ioR" :befsfa (8a-eB t) itsI rthuoR answisT elqmsxe ioR bits aetsibemiefiti Isoimerbo,teq ,qluq boow Is3imerb as rbua) aehtaubni yvsenl 3iasd no bisl ed

.gniaaeooiq io pithufostuitam touboiq bite to bsetani (noitoubo,q leeta betsigefiti elsoa-episl rigid evsnl fanit afouboiq tioqxe no be,etneo ed taum itui priol edt iii fnemqoleveb Ishfaubnl

ed bluonla eierlt atoubo,q eaertf bituois bnA .taoo noitshoqanis,f wol bits ytioitasls emooni bits noitssilsbeqa ritod tailS oa aehtaubni b,sw,bsd bits biswiot nod to tnemqoleveb

oee r ebsW ni betoup) "ymonooe a'nswisl to tae,efni crlf ni beveirlos ed yam ythsfnemelqmoo ('V8

Page 50: J0LU bL J,40 4Q4 - The National Bureau of Economic … noibubodni oT yns taimonooe bstas,etni ni ,tliwoig sri! tas3 nsiaA soneheqxe sofia sri! (hEe t aoae aeaoq Qnhubne .aegnellsrlo


asebi silt iltiw aommo ni il3um asri pniob slew er9 trliuorlt tnemmevog eaerlt tsrlw ,e3neH

.eierf beaauoaib

tnemteevni etsvhq etsniboo3 bna eibiadue ot aei3iloq tnemmevoO .8

io! sloi episi s ataixs sierit 1noitosa auoiveiq silt ni bsaauoaib enoifibnoo edt isbnU

ylt3eiib )aoM .am,o tneiemb ynsm elsf nsO noitnsvietni ibuB .noifnevistni fnsmmevog

ileilt rlpuoirlt anoiaioeb tnemtaevni bas rloit3uboiq iotosa-etsvhq efBnib,00o (163 aielsmyoiloq

evits,tainimbsu rlguoiilt as hew as ,yoiloq sbsit bns 1emipel xst silt 1noitsoohls tibso ievo loitno3

ymonoos silt o alotosa mebom silt ni tnemtaevni eibiadua of aeioiloq fnemmevo) .eonsbiup

noitsnib,00o silt exilsmetni of lotosa stsvhq silt tsp yenit eausoed floysq spiel s even

eeahq,etne oilduq yd atnemtaevni ilguoirit benistdo ed oals nso emootuo emsa eriT .aeitilsmetxe

easrif o noifenidmoo s beau atnemmevop sasnswisT bns nseioN silT .aevleamsilt

silt lo level silt of aiotoea mebom silt ni lstiqso of mutsi stsvhq silt gniaisi deieilt ,anoitnevistni

.rnutei lsiooa

etsmil3 tnemtaevrui sift nivoiqml .1.8

.tnsmtaevnii efsvhq betsnibiooo bris beibiadua ylevitos atnemmevog ilfod evods bsfsoibni aA

silt bns nswisl ni aoee1 etsi silt ni soslq ooi tent aegnenlo fnishoqmi teom silt o 9(10 ,ievswoH

tilguoid ,llsisvo etsmib tnemtasvni silt ni tnsmsvoiqmi lsitnstadua s esw seio)I flu aOer yhse

etiaiups,e,q tnshoqmi (16 as suit WSiV riSO eW .eeithohq tnemmsvop !o noitstneho-e, s yd tuods

.aevlsamsnft anoitnevietni silt o aasnsvitoefle silt of

silt ritiw rigid ,ns, yhsluoitisq ton bib alsog oimonooe ,aO9 1 silt o iloum gnhua

silt o tasupnoos, silt nitiw bestani bsiquooosiq sew tnsmmevog silT .qiilaiebssl easnewisT

yhrmi asw emigei tsinummoo silt Isilt 16513 emsosd ti 1sbsosb silt !o brie silt y8 .bnslnism

oimonoos tent sea of emso aisble yhsq [a'nswisTJ ti atuq (0 oeet ebsW aA .berlone,Jne

Page 51: J0LU bL J,40 4Q4 - The National Bureau of Economic … noibubodni oT yns taimonooe bstas,etni ni ,tliwoig sri! tas3 nsiaA soneheqxe sofia sri! (hEe t aoae aeaoq Qnhubne .aegnellsrlo


tnemmevo silt iefiseieilT ".... Isviviua a'yhsq sill o setneisug sttsd s ed bluo3 trismqoleveb

elqitlum as rioua) anoihotaib gnhieteb-tnemtaevni nsm pnitsnimile ot asigisne au bemut

-neeienil.1 silt asw lnioq gnimut lnshoqmi nA .(ytilidstani 3imonooeo,osm bns aetsi ensil3xe

io aeibiadua o egnsi ebiw s benistno3 aiill .O89t t,i betutitani emmaigoi noteI tnioq

Isrit si elutonul aiilt is tnshoqmi siom a'tsilW .woled ierthut bsaauoaib ed Iliw bns ,lnemtaevni

c'cer) niJ as :tnemtaevni abiswot aebutitis Inemmevog ru ttiila ojsm s bellsngia emms,go airit

sill oae t o emmsigoq mio!e, tnioq-neetenin sill !o tnsmsonuonns erit (rltiw] ,ti atuq (9 evits,lainimbs o noitsoitilqmia eriT .bowrt3ts3 s emsoed eismiI3 lnemiaevni o tnemevoiqmi

aiettsm oimonoos ot bisgei ritiw aeiuasem evitslugei o noitsiIs,ediI silt bns aelube3o,q

wen no aloitnoo evils,tainimbs pninismei erti o ynsm ,8Qt ni bnA '.Isog Isioflto ns emsoed

.ierltsgotls bevomsi siew noiansqxe ytiosqso ,o atnslq

yustilim s ni ewoq loot oilw hs truebiae,q .islimia etiup ai ssio>I iltuo2 ni yota silT

ton) ioaaeoebsq sin esrW nsmgn8 mo tneiemb siom need evsil ton btuoo 1reer ni quoo

Isnoilsn no beaauoo need bsnl noitnetta a'eerWl .(emigei noM gnsilO bevil-horla cr11 pnitnuoo

ienllo silt no ,,hsq .thohq B ievsn asw iliwoig oimonooe ;alsog Isoitiloq no bris noitsbiloanoo

oimonooe ieilto ievo iliwoig oimonooe 01 bns 1eoitioq ievo aoimonooe 01 sonebeoeiq evsp bnsil

aistism oimonooe no Ineqa eu emit lo inuoms eu ni betoeflei eiew aeithohq eseriT .ameonoo

gno,ls2 bits aenoL. sea) nemasenisud bns atsuouseud betneho-r9woig %o hoqqua aiil ni bits

oohebnu oilw alusneiqeitne Isnit ekii aint ni no yhse iselo yiev ebsm ,hs .(C-O ,08e t

.(beiIsneq siew a,erlto eliilw) bsb,swe, ylnloh ed bluow aeilhohq sin nitiw enil ni einemiaevni

s iebnu nemeasnisud gnibsel anoitsn cr11 o teom lerns 01 asw *is o abs taii silt o snOt iebnu gnheeffioiq ilhiw meilt egistio 01 bns noitslumuooA iltiseW tioiIII ultiw gnilsea wsJ tsiosq2 s betositxs bsnt ,hsq ,sfts ssi! tea IIsutnsve ciew nsmaaeniaud suiT .emigei auoive,q silt

ysm nusmaaeniaud qu gnbIooI eliriW .atnemtaevni bei!ioeqa eshebnu 01 meilt moi! tnemhimmoo silt enihebriu oh bevies eboaiqe eilt ,elsmib tnemtaevni silt gnionsilne o ysw bbo ns mesa

.gnbleea-tnei nsilt isiltsi aeitivitos svitoubo,q ni tasvni ot eiew alueneiqeitne tsilt noitsboeqxe

Page 52: J0LU bL J,40 4Q4 - The National Bureau of Economic … noibubodni oT yns taimonooe bstas,etni ni ,tliwoig sri! tas3 nsiaA soneheqxe sofia sri! (hEe t aoae aeaoq Qnhubne .aegnellsrlo


aeibiedue inemiasvnt ..a

acenicud epsI ot tibeio lo noianetxe ant asw biadua Jnemteevni lo rmol leido edt ,se,o)I ni

lo quoo isiiIim edt et1s beiIsnoitsn eew a1nad nseio> .aets taeietni Isei evitsQen ts aquoig

10 noits3olls silt ievo Ioltno3 eviauloxe bsnistdo tnsmmevog silt yltneupeano3 bns ,raer

tibe,o beohq-isbnu lo noitsooIIsu ,ti tuq QnoAs8 bns aenoL cA .(mono3e silt ni abnut elditasvni

ioltno3 oimono3eoloim tnemmevog to tnemu,tani eInie tnshoqmi teom silt isi yd (emsoed]

-owl qu ebam gniwoi,od as ,tibsio Ismetxs no tnebneqeb ylilgirl slew airnit nse,o> .(rOr ,O8er)

bns aenoL ot gnibioooA (tO F ,gno1s bns aenoL) t'V-€89t pnnub wofl ifeso usd1 to ebiidt

bns ;etsu te*ism-dwo edt to had need ylIsoiqt earl eta, [nibneI] ,hsd Isueneg edt" ,noIs8

teom edt neve wolsd ylisueneg bns evitsQen need netto earl etsu (nsd Iseu edt ,bnooea

.(Or) "Istiqso ho taoo ytinuhoqqo silt ho aetamitas svitsvieanoo

asw mainarloem gninoitsu 6 ,eetsu gnhasb is)ham woled eisw aetsu gnibnel nsd 83ni2

silt ni sb, ysl a bsyalq yltrieisqqs bad aevitom Isoitiboq ,emigeu eerl1 edt uebnU .bebeen

"oimonooe" ho dead ant no betsooHs asw tibe,o ,,evewod ,hs iebnU .tibeio SOlSOC ho noitsoolls

begbu[ siew eieau gnivueaea .aeitivitos oimonooe tneueThb 01 fl9V ythohq edt ybemsn ,shetho

.aeimonooe 81632 bius ,eegsf nil oltasmob ygoIondoet ,anslq tnemtaevni uiedt to aicad edt no

anoitsoolls nsol silt ,b,ooe, ,Ios,t emoa rltiw seorft 01 bebusws ed 01 yls1il eiom aew tibeio eoni2

iii eAilnu yniw enislqxe culT .usluoitisq ni \odesc%o silt bns amuit berlaildatee bs,ovsh ylhsaaeoen

gnitaixs ho dtwo,g edt dguoudt ylhsmhq emoo cad 101392 Qnhutoshunsm edt ho noiansqxs ,nswisT

ho e,srla bebba eulsv edt ,

r'ce r bns 66 F neswis8 .armih wen ho itne edt nsrlt ,erfts, ,amuih

,eO'cet edt nI .(\ eldal) tneoueq ot tnsolsq 68 mo,h eaou aeeyolqme euom io OO dtiw emiih

ecu ot bebioeb tnemnisvo edt as odesc%o ot Isitiaq eiom neve emsoed yoiloq tibe,o nseio>l

,IsrlqtaeW bns 1osl) ygetsuta noitsoihia,evib Ishteubni e'tnsmmevog edt uoh atnemuitani as medi

.(Oe ,689F

edt dguoidt eaw seuo) ni beibiadua eaw tnemtaevni nloidw ni uennsm tnstuoqmi uedtonA

Page 53: J0LU bL J,40 4Q4 - The National Bureau of Economic … noibubodni oT yns taimonooe bstas,etni ni ,tliwoig sri! tas3 nsiaA soneheqxe sofia sri! (hEe t aoae aeaoq Qnhubne .aegnellsrlo

3onLce: H9U (iaie)


9OAG500 SUq 3.S8 3e9 22 .95 239 .5O

20-488 4359 509 419 4902 493 425

2-46 54043 384 548 54042 3.18 459

GwbioAeeeW1WPGL 01,


M1WPGL 01,O MOLj(6L2


sqqeqO A91G





sqqeqO ASIflG


mee 18.14

Page 54: J0LU bL J,40 4Q4 - The National Bureau of Economic … noibubodni oT yns taimonooe bstas,etni ni ,tliwoig sri! tas3 nsiaA soneheqxe sofia sri! (hEe t aoae aeaoq Qnhubne .aegnellsrlo


—tnemmevog cr11 eaus3ed tuods emso aiill .a,otoee bctoelee ni ah tnemtaevni o noitsxilsiooa

luo Iisd bluow etsta cr11 Isril celneisug tioilqmi ne bebivoiq-4leemirl *is9 1nebiaeq Idston teom

cr11 beneiscirit iclsi aeonstemuo,io !i acilivitos IeIds,iaebu ni pnilaevrii ciusneiqeitne ceorlt

nseio>I edT" :ti aedhoceb (08€ ,CI) noH won al emiT .atrtcmlacvni eeerlt o tiIidstio,q

rloua brie aiueneiqeitne betoelea io Aah tnemtaevni cr11 beiIsiooa ylevianietxe ben tnemmevo

eglubni 01 mcdl gnioubni ,aquoig aaeniaud id ciii o cz srnine cr11 bctsiopivni Inemegneris ne

"aeltivitos tnemlaevai beioanoqa-incmmevo ese-s sill rlpuoinlt noiansqxe eviaaeips ni

cr11 tuojIflW .ainlt !o slqmsxe boog s ci cvods benoilnem ,yteubni gnibliudqinla silT .(08C ,nioH)

behsdme event ton bluow isbnuyH ,*isq Inebiac,q o tncmcpsiuoone bns lncmcvlovni Isnoaieq

triemmevog cr11 .abisyqirla teed e'bhow cr11 o cao emsoed Vllsutnevc lsrlw bctelqmoo ,o

bns ,eiutou,tas,!ni cr11 io acibiadue cvianelxe bcbivoiq ,pniwoiiod Iemetxe a'rmfl cr11 bcetnsieug

eA .(8\-8 ,eBer ,ncbamA) ,cb,o tail! cli isbnuH leg 01 aeelns,sug Isioneni! beilqquc

crlf elevitos bluoo isbnuyH ni bsaqslloa ,taubni gniqqirla bhow crlf rienlw evods beaeuoaib

nscio>l gnio,o noiislugei s !o rmo! cr11 Ioot ybiadua cr11 .ybiadua fnegnilnoo a'lnsmrnevog

tioilqmi rlou2 .(88-V8E gnio1s8 bns acnol.) a,c,tnist benwo nsc,o>l flI ho qinla 01 achcnilei

lsi3nsni! cr11 !o eoneupcanoo s as ,aO8e I silt gnhub beoubci yllscig siew ceibiadue Inemtaevni

aOV9 I crlf lo hen bniooee crlf ni ne,lshcbnu etnemteevni cr11 ho emoc yd beoneneqxe ecitluoiThb

.(eeiilaubnl IsoimenlO bns yvscH bcllso-oa ho boheq cr11)

yhisieneg siew aslsi gnibnsl Ise .am,o! tnsicmb oo1 asibiadue lnemtaevni ,nswisT nt

leg bib acahqiclne oilduq ,evewoH .fnshoqmi cast nloum eiew ecibiadue Iibc,o brie eviliaoq

ho cIoi erIT .,Iah tnemtacvni ciilsiooa of beviec oals yeril bns amid eldsiovsh ciom Is libcio

nswisT ni aeibiadua Ioc,ib tnehoqmi leom criT .ao ,ctsl bcaauoaib cd Ihiw aeahq,clne oilduq

ni betosnc) tnemlasvnil ho IncmegsiuoonJ ioh c1u1s18 silT .aevifneoni xsl ho rrnoh cr11 ni emso

s bctncaeiqei (evods bcnoitncm emmsigoiq lnioq-ncctenin cr11 niliw noifonujnoo ni oee F

cnIT .lnismlasvni ioh mclaya libs,o xsl pnihisveiq cr11 ho (88 ,cer nh) "noianctxc pniqeewe"

Page 55: J0LU bL J,40 4Q4 - The National Bureau of Economic … noibubodni oT yns taimonooe bstas,etni ni ,tliwoig sri! tas3 nsiaA soneheqxe sofia sri! (hEe t aoae aeaoq Qnhubne .aegnellsrlo


emo3ni leurine %o tne3eq 8r of be3ubel aew aeahq,etne d bieq xet emooni aaeriiaud mumixem

bebnetxe aew atnemtaevni weti iol sbiIot1 xet edt ;(tneoieq 8..E o mumixem auoiveiq e mo,)

trteoieq ,tnemtaevriie, o1 abriebivib betudntaibriu of nevig aew noitqmexe xst ;aleev 8 of C moil

lesi "evit3uboiq rio xet beeb brie xst qmeta edt aelsa hoqxe !o abee3oiq brie agriimse XR o no aeitub hoqmi o atriemysq ;aete, beoubsi Is eldexet io tqmexe xst ieiltie ebem eiew etstae

.anoiteieqo gnitista iefte atnemllstani flu eldsyeq brie ,eldeiisleb ebem eiew tnemqiupe tnslq

asw xst emooru aaeniaud eiit emit rloidw te 88QF ni bebneqxe ierlhut eiew aevitrieoni eaedT

ni) aiotoee gnhutosunsm beitioeqa brie wel tnemtaevni edt rii betail aiotoea thohq lie ni beoubei

,tnemqiupe rioitshoqarisit ,ienir1osm ,a3inoltoele brie ienidosm Ieohtoele aletem oiasd

moi noitqmexe etelqmoo rievig siew (eqiq aep leiuten bns alsoimerlooiteq ,aieilihe Isoimerlo

.tnemqiupe tnslq no aeitub hoqmi

moi bevieado ed riso triemtaevni io aevitneoni xet eeedt !o eoneoi!ingia evitetitneup eriT

a evieado eW .eaed xet trievelsi edt ot aetedei io atibe,o xsf !o oitsi edt aworia r1ii1w 8 eldeT

ati brie etuteta lenipho edt dtiw betsiooaas 8F flu eno ,erltons brie Oaet bnuois eah qisria

edt ni aqmu dtiw betsiooaas oale eis aease,oni eaedt ,ylletriebioriioo toll .levitoeqaei noiaivei

.emit emsa edt bnuois oite, cIaOtrismtaevrii

enoiaioeb iriemteevni to noitenibiooo i3elia .c.a

eiom rioum a beelq atnemmevop eaersewiel brie neeioN edt aeibiadua pnibivoiq of rioitibbs ril

avail tori yem edt tadt atnemtaevni otni alueneiqeitne etsvnq gniinsp,o d eloi no-abriad toeiib

%levit3e triemmevog edt wod !o aehotaid easo boop evsrl 8W aeaeo ritod nI .ebsm eaiwierito

aew Ii riewisT nI .ase,s riisheo ni taevni bluow alueneiqeitne etsvhq tsdt eiuarie of aqeta loot

,aelitxei aoitaslq ae aehtaubni doue gnideildstee ni aqeta leitirii edt oot tedt Inemmevog silt

wan ietrie of evitsitini ed[t]" ,nebamA!o abiow cr9 flu scioN nI .aoirio,toele brie leeta aeidiI

.roc C8Qf ouN brie V8-88 C\t nJ mm! neisf ei rlqsigsisq aidt ni noitsrmo!ni eilT

Page 56: J0LU bL J,40 4Q4 - The National Bureau of Economic … noibubodni oT yns taimonooe bstas,etni ni ,tliwoig sri! tas3 nsiaA soneheqxe sofia sri! (hEe t aoae aeaoq Qnhubne .aegnellsrlo

tnveIe edt o eisrl8 s as atnemeaiudmie1 bns atibeO xsT :8 eldsT nswisT ,eas8 xsl

trieoe iseY

.o eer V.0 aeer

8.0 VI e.r beet

.c eeer

a.a oaer

8.9 F89

.8 aet ir cee

1.2r aet aaer

e.r oaer

0.8f 89t 889t

.(8-i3 eldsT cer) niJ :eouo8

Page 57: J0LU bL J,40 4Q4 - The National Bureau of Economic … noibubodni oT yns taimonooe bstas,etni ni ,tliwoig sri! tas3 nsiaA soneheqxe sofia sri! (hEe t aoae aeaoq Qnhubne .aegnellsrlo

,aO8Qt silt gnhonI .s,srlqa 3iIduq silt moi Ihsmhq emoo aSII asriorisid Qnhut3stunsm

esw ao'cer bns aoeer silt o aebs3sb silt iii noitsoi!iaievib Ishteijbni ni fine ,oBm yievs

.(I8-08 ,e8er) "....etste silt yd betepitani

silt won asdhoaeb eH .eeso eaenswisT silt !o tnuoo3s soin s aebivoiq (OQ) ebsW

ot ievo bebnsrl bns noiaiviequa tnemmevog ebnu thud asw OVI io tnslq aoitaslq tail! a'bnslai

nsged armil etsvhq eiom eeiilf aaet nJ .'V8I iii nodelqmoo noqu iueneiqeiine etsvhq a

bsnwo-ststa silt 1eliniwnseM .etsibermetni bshoqmi us no belle, iuoI hA 3V1 gni3ubo,q

eldstiua stsiberrnetni us il3iilw mo,! ,snslyilte beouboiq (0q)) noitsiocpoO muelo,teq easnirlO

o8 .etsibsrmetni behoqmi silt nsnlt eohg isgasilo a ts bevheb ed bluoo 3V1 otni pniaae3oiq io!

silt iltiw siutnsv tnio a ni eism of OVq !o ale3ubolq etsvhq iuo! silt beoio! tnemmevog silt

a tqobs of iebio ni ,nsqmoo Isoimeilo bsnwo-etsta ieiltons bus noitsioq,00 muslots saeniilO

no t,3IIqxe ton ci sbsW ehiilW) .(e ebaW) boiltem noit3uboiq pniau-snslyilts tneioiYts siom

3C3 betnsveiq taut aeithstnemslqmoo 10 aeimonooe 91s3e smoc need svsrt feum sisnit eirft

nitisw tuoiltiw ,etsibsm,etni bsasd-enshyilte silt !o noitouboiq silt otni nivom hIsietshinu mo,!

gnitsnibiooo silt yle3ifl asts,tauhhi ,ote silT (.aieouboiq mseitanwob silt moil tnsmlimmoo a ioI

.tnemmevog silt lo eloi

:ee,di! oitsnltnya of t3eqee nitiW

a !o tisq as tnstq gnb1sm-nosi a !o noitaeio silt escievo of bsbiosb tnemmsvog silT

.8.U mo,! qlsni iloum iltiW .,sth! notto3 mo,! yaws ydaubni elitxst suit y!iaievib of nslq

16301 Isievea iltiw ynsqmo isdi! oiterltnya ns3hemA us ieritspot tn1uoid ti e,oaivbs

silt !o ermet silt no anoitaitopen wseievo bns emil! etsvhq bns oilduq iltod moi! eiehitxet

ta bnalai silt no uni! "stsvhq" tesgisi sill asw noiffsioqlo3 nifluaei silT eiutnsv fnioj

a uttiw isiltepot ynsqmo3 noyai be,oanoqa-etsta emsa cult aet ui ieti emit silt

ni noitouboiq bsflsta tI .nolyn slsm of ynsqmo isiltons betsei3 ynsps pnionsni! state

re O8 sbsW) .aer

Page 58: J0LU bL J,40 4Q4 - The National Bureau of Economic … noibubodni oT yns taimonooe bstas,etni ni ,tliwoig sri! tas3 nsiaA soneheqxe sofia sri! (hEe t aoae aeaoq Qnhubne .aegnellsrlo

— C —

.ae,dit 3iferltnya ofni yitne bel-etsta airif ,efls bewoIIo nooa arrni etsvhq

edt o aesf a hse edt ni IsioLn3 asw etsfa easnewisl crlf o eloi edt 23ifl01t3919 ni ylisniR

asw (O83) noitsinsgiO eoive8 bns rloissee oino,helJ benwo-yloilduq edt et nI .yitaubni

ayifnuoo cr9 thud O8R .armft Isool of ii efsnimeaaib bns ygolonrtoef ngieo ni nhd of bermot

ti .A31 tltiw fnemeegs ietansf ygolonrloet a beietne bits noitsohdst ,etsw ioI qorla lebom ta,fl

lotoea-etsvhq ynam of bel ygetsite silT .armit etsvhq of bevom iefsl orlw ,a,eenine benisit

.(aOr-eOr ebaW) O213 yd beqoleveb ygoondoet crlf beilsiznemmoo taut atoorlatlo

of aehfaubni pnifoelea of rbsoiqqs seithoritus eaenswisT crlf tsdf efori of gnitae,etni ci ti

.tto-e)lsr as rloue afqeono3 pnheeriigne' aliso ebsW farlw no beasd 25W noirlast airit ni eluhun

evarl doirlw afqeonoo—(88t cbsW) "anoiariefxe let rieme,oni bns anoitufitadue aqag ,eegs)lnul

a paibliud lot noifsoititauj crlf fault snoitnem obaW .aoimonooe estlew lsnoitnevnoo ni eoslq sittil

,yhslimie .e,utoulfaa,tni anawisT ni qs a Dir of saw ao8er yhas crlf ni fnalq leeta aselniste

rl3iriw qam fuqfuo-tuqni its to bis edt rifiw bctomoq pnied cia a3inolt3ele iii atnemqoleve[b]

ritiw rneonoo culT .(88F ebsW) nswisT niritiw e,utoLnta noifouboiq cult ru aqag atilgilrlirl

iuo dfiw etsnoaei aeob ti tud ,oedt fnemqoleveb Isoiaaslooen rltiw ylbiswlwa tie yam aegslruil

.aeiuliat noitsnibiooo no eiasrlqme

cmos eilsmetni beqierl aefalemolQnoo sQlsl to eoneaeiq crlf ness evarl ew as scioN ni

elom rlguoirlf eiuruun of bsrf aie,lsmyoiloq eeenswisT fault aeithatncmelqmoo lshfaubni edt to

evloa of iebio ni enevisfni of tnsfieerl ton saw fncmmcvog nesioN crlf fu8 .anoifncv,ctni foe,ib

:ameldoiq noifsnib,00o elaoe-iegial ed of bevieoieq ti tariw

ho aiesilihet tnemeo ni etoeoiq noifutitadua-hoqmi yhae crlf bebnirrnetaam stats cdT crlf to ytilidstitoiq crlf nivoiqmi yltseig teal erit—siedit oitedfnya bns gainitci

eldatitoiqnu cmos evils fqel ode tnemmevog erIT .yiteubai achifxcf bebnaqxeievo ysl bebivoiq yllautneve tarif eshotoat ,boheq lsinoloo crlf molt bcfherlni aehotoat

etata crlf rloirlw aehfeubni gnibhiudqirle bits yienirlosm Isieneg mebom silt of lsnnoaieq a'efsfa edt fa emso yutsubai yvserl of frlil molt noilsrmotans,f cuff .betomo,q oala saw [tnemmevop silT] .lhim Iceta bits no,i befsipetni its to urnot edt ni faeded .aOV9t efal crlf ni alsoimctlo bits yienirbsm yvacri otal tlau gi8 crlf iot eldianoqaci

.(t8-08 e8eF nebamA)

Page 59: J0LU bL J,40 4Q4 - The National Bureau of Economic … noibubodni oT yns taimonooe bstas,etni ni ,tliwoig sri! tas3 nsiaA soneheqxe sofia sri! (hEe t aoae aeaoq Qnhubne .aegnellsrlo


eilf 1nswisT ni aA .Iisteb emoa ni beaau3aib need ybseils asri gnibtiudqirla lo eeso silT

eom eiew afouboq brie aehtaubni emoa tent nibnstaebnu silt no bebeeoo,q tnemmsvo

.ymono3e silt lo tas, evit rltiw asgslnul lo eoiuoa silt eiew ysilt eausosd aisilto nerit "oigefsita

eahqietne 3ilduq bns tnemtsevni oilduq to eeU .i.a

oilduq scenT .aehtnuoo owt silt flu asahqisfris oilduq of aemit Isisvsa bsnslsi ybssIs even eW

iltod ni tnsmtaevrii stsvhq lo yiilidstilo,q silt gnionsnlns ni eloi tnshoqmi yiev s bsyslq aeahqetne

atuqni ysI tent nhuans yd oa bib yeniT .(se,o)I ni nsnlt nswisT ni oa e,om aqsrtieq) aehtnuoo

asw ti ,nsea even ew as 1nswisT ni .mseitanwob aieouboiq etsvhq iol yIIs3oI eldslisvs siew

aehotos! silt basil ierltie nenit brie aehfaubnii mesitaqu wen ilaildstae of ststa silt iol nommoo

brie lesta 1aoitaslq easlg 10 saso eilt iii bsnsqqsnl as) aiuensiqsitns stsvhq betoelea of levo

tnsmmsvog silt 1seioN ni .(8 ,oeer ebeW) aeahqietne oilduq as merIt nu, io (fnemeo

ashtaubni oiasd ni yhsluoihsq aoet brie aoaQr silt ni asahqistne oilduq wen ynsm bsnlaildsfae

ni .(o8er no,Ie8 brie esnol) asimonoos slsoa bns aeQsInuI lo seigeb ilgirl yd behetosisnio

tosiib as Hew as amiet tibeio sldsiovsl lo tasiqiosi enlt e,sw aeahqietrie OiIdLiq aehfriuoo nltod

.tepbud trismmevop silt moil anoitsoolls

brie tuqtuo Qrlhutoslunsm lo eisnla egisi s iol fnuooos aeahqietne OiIdLIq bib ylno toLl

aisey 11o-sst Isoitho silt gnhub bsessioni ylisutos eonstioqmi ijeilt yitnUoo nose iii tnsmtasvni

515 aehtnuoo iotsisqmoo seinit no steb sieilw ,e eldsT iii yheelo nsa ed nso cmii .aOeer silt lo

rim nsnlt riswisT ni ao lo sisila iegisl s iol bstnuooos ylisutos aeahqietns ojlduq .betail ode

.sinsnsT brie sibni as ashtriuoo gniqoleveb 'faiIsboa ilouc

aeeniaud pnibliudqinta snlf otni top oowesa woil tuods taimonoo3 sniT lii tnuooos Ineos, A ni pnibliudqinla iii lleaminl bnuol [oowesa lo iebnuol silt] miN .iM" :elqmsxs isiltons fey aebivoiq

tnsip s bliud of toso1q tqiMnsd-issn S ievo eAst of mis ciii betaiwt Inemmevop silt neniw 8'er of eouistio s evsil ton bib I' .nsauq 10 hoq msiltuoa silt isen bnslai eLo>l no ,oqAO Is bisyqinla

lo tuo asw sil neniw evom silt beontuoriris ytqmia trismmsvop silt beebnl .mi)1 .iM aysa 'on ysa ii]: lo abiow silt ni won ci bisyqinla oqAO silT .(I8 .q eer ilt82 iedmsvoM) "yitnuoo silt .pnibliudqiile ni "tnemeveiilos (a'ssio)l]

. 10 hseil silt Is" taimonoo2

Page 60: J0LU bL J,40 4Q4 - The National Bureau of Economic … noibubodni oT yns taimonooe bstas,etni ni ,tliwoig sri! tas3 nsiaA soneheqxe sofia sri! (hEe t aoae aeaoq Qnhubne .aegnellsrlo

29L6 IU 0Db OL KOIGS' Mp!Cp 2 LOW 'oU62 suq 9I(OUä (aso .Lapte )eonLcea: qe (4aeo .LPI 95) iow ou.äIu9 qsa lu 2POL ('Iae3Y GXcGbj toi bnp!c GUIGLbLI2G

VLäGUI!U9 'Ia.g-go 4•9 Ja.e

Jguguig 18.1O-.I3 4 85Iuq9 iaee-ee e2 ae


Je.14- 439 32'O

48.OI3 433 30'2

4699-98 .139 o.189-92 .144

.1828-eJ .132 38'1

.1 62-2 .1.1 '. 3'V3


18.4-S.5 8.1 544693-94 e 34


bI1PIIC 6uGl.bu2G apale ot

jspe a: jpe iwboquce OI bflPI!C EUIGLbU2G !U 0Db auq UAG24WGU4 (!U beLceu)

Page 61: J0LU bL J,40 4Q4 - The National Bureau of Economic … noibubodni oT yns taimonooe bstas,etni ni ,tliwoig sri! tas3 nsiaA soneheqxe sofia sri! (hEe t aoae aeaoq Qnhubne .aegnellsrlo


eahqietne 3ilduq edt lo noiansqxe erit listeb ni beeylsne even (O8 r) gnoIs8 brie aenoL

nitiw aeoneieeiq o tea Inelenlo3 a bad Inemmevog naeioN erit taut bni er1T .ae,oN tii iotoea

eril :aurlt atlueei ,ierlt ehsmmua er1T .qu tea ed bluoda aeahqetne OiIdLIq eiedw ot toeqaei

,aegslnul biewio rigid d betheI3slsnlo (e,ew] iotoee eehqietne-oilduq edt io! neaodo aehtaubni

io aeldabs,t-non !o noil3ubolq brie noitsitneanoo te*ism-tuqtuo eie spiel ytiarietni Istiqeo rigid

aoiIahet3BiBrIo edt (It3sxe sis eaetlT .(e848t) ehoqxe narlt ietlta, eetutiiadua Jioqmi

.eiulis! noilsnibioo3 io! lsitnetoq rigid a ritiw betsi3oaaa

ton !i) evitoLnIani ai Dim leeta betsipetni benwo-eteta ase,o) O38O !o 9283 suiT

22W tnemmevop nseio)I edt aO\9r hss edt iii .(F-atE oeer nebamA) (evitstneaeiqei yleiitne

bhoW culT .tnalq leeta B touitanoo 01 neol B 10! beilqqs Ii nedw 4ns8 bhoW cr11 yd nwob bernut

suiT .Ieela flu epatnsvbs evitsiaqmo3 a eyed ton bib seio>I tent 2EW tasmugis aAns8

bebivoiq Inemmevog edT .aaeledtenon beerle Inew brie bsTletebnu 22W tnsmmevop

Iqqua letaw !o noitointanoo edt 10!) aeibiadua eiutouitasi!ni as hew as eonstaiaas Ietiqso ritiw

noitibbe ni .(enul baoiliai a brie abaoi rioitaia gnitaieneg '(ti3nt3eIe ne ,aeitiIi3B! hoq aeitulios!

.noilouboiq 20080c1 io! bnsmeb eiuane 01 aehtaubni masitanwob behoqqua Inemmevog edt

leom a'bhow edt ldaugi" gnino,loe, nwo a5lns8 bhoW erit yd ems3ed yhisutneve O32O1

ts leeta dtiw alum-mum nasioN gnilqqua (etE oeer ebeW lii belb) "leeta !o ieouboiq ineblUe

!o egnei ebiw a mut ni betsiumita O32O1 !o eoneeeiq edt ievoe,oM .aeohq bhow woled

edt ,I8F brie V'V9t neewte8 .ahaq eisqa ot aboog Istiqso mo,! pnignsi ,aentaubni meeltaqu

.(rC ,nebamA) tneoieq 01 tne3ieq mo,! eao, tuqtuo a'OOBOdI !o tnetno3 Isool

Slevitoefte betnemelqmi ed noitneveini bluoo woH . eeioiloq edt tuods priblhta ai Isriw ,bhow gniqolsveb edt ni eoneheqxe ritiw taimonooe yns oT

,,erlto ynam ni beolqme ylnommoo eaorlt 01 1hshimia usd1 ai noitoea auoiveiq edt ni beaauaib

aiedto ynam dtiw gnola ,anoitnevetni eaedt eyed ydW .aeimonooe lu!aaeooua aael yldauebianoo

Page 62: J0LU bL J,40 4Q4 - The National Bureau of Economic … noibubodni oT yns taimonooe bstas,etni ni ,tliwoig sri! tas3 nsiaA soneheqxe sofia sri! (hEe t aoae aeaoq Qnhubne .aegnellsrlo

tOL flJGIL etI6C4 ou oiuieq bLe2anLe äLOflba

boI!c2 ECOLIOW!C 19M2 suq LeärIIsIiOu2 coriq G MUJGU p? 46CUOCL9C GI!62 M!p I!I COUCGW

G flU99(6U L6I9iAGIA snouoworiA' uq M!p I!U19 blG22nLG IOLWpG bn2p suq bnii ot qsiI

9uq pe CLG94IOU O UGM pt1LG9flCL9C!G2 (269 H9aa9Lq' J86o) ..LIJG2G !U2flfl!OU9I LG&OLW2 coriq

flJG CGUILSI!!91!OU o tnucIIou2 bLeA!on2 qseupneq swoud wninqe2 o wu2u•G2 suq saGucle2

!WbIGWGuI9i!ou O öLoM4p-oueueq bol!c162 LGdnILeq S UIIWPGL Oj !U24!4fl4!Ou9 LGIOLUJ2 !ucnqIuä

!Wb16w6u494!ou conq pe uang4eq tiow bL622r116-&onb bol!4!c2 U pOfli COr1Ufu•62 46

w9uIsuq cp!ueeG (I9!MSuY suq suq LGOLW (pop conu4ue2) jpeLeloLe bol!c?-wSKIud suq

boMGqn Lonb2 psq pGGU qeciwsq p? 46 sbsueae occnbsiou (KoLGs) 4p6 2G44fGWGU4 pX 4G

E!L2 uG!4p61 äoAGwwsu4 isq 4o coujeuq M!flJ boMeqr1 uqn24us 01. suqq 1u46L624 äLoflba ricp

HOM 6X9C4A q!q 4G 191161. pejb JJJG S26UC6 01 I9L6 !U9dfl!4G2 W691i4 2GAGL9 1P!1Ja2

couq4ou2 I WGU40U6q 6914!GL--M92 !Wb0149U4 92 M6II

lu gqq4U$ su excGb4!0uSIIA p!äp qGaLee ot ednsjA u iucow suq Meslip--oue ot 46 O46L iu!4!sI

4G 9A9II9PI!4A O LG94!A6A 2!IIGq wsuboMsL' GUSPI!LJâ 4IJG 10LW94!OU ot s cowbG4Gu4 pnLGsnCLsCA

COnU1U•62 4p626 sqqousI LGdn!16w6u42 MGLG bLe2euf MPk OUG wboLjsu4 19C40L M92 CIGSLIA

buou4A ou GCOUOW!c b6qowJsucs IU KOLGY suq JSIMSU flUIi)(G !U 20 WSU1 O4GL q6A6obiu8

sqWU24GL 4J6 !U4GLAGUI!OUS' suq 9 cs9L-2ap4Gq boIl4!csI e9qeLapb B1 couS!246u4 IA bsceq IJ!äP

anc,euç ,u job MJJS4 M92 Ledniieq M92 s cowbe4eu4' p0UG24 suq GWCIGU4 pr1LG9flCLSCA 4o

csb!491 9qA9UI9aG WSX 9A6 6GU 9 UGCGSS9LA couq4ou IOL !LJIGLAGUI!OU 40 M014( !1 M92 U04

IP!2 2 SU !WbOLI9U4 bsq 01 W 2401k I14 U04 4p6 GU4ILG 2401k MP!IG W !U!4!91 pI1WSU

äOAGWWGU4 boiicX siWGq 94 cosxiuU 4626 1UA624W6U42--M92 dn!49 p!ap

6U0MW6U4 01 bpXS!cSI csbulsI WGSU4 4p94 4p6 1.61(1W 40 cooLqu94eq uAe24weu4e--suq IPGLOIOLG

drie2l!ou 92 siesqA GGU 0!Aeu: 4G !WP9l9LC6 64MG9U S Mefl-eqncS4aq (90flL &OLCG suq 10M

PGGU 2(ICCGS2&rII !U iS!MSU suq KOLG9 suq U04 GI2GMIJGLG,S QUG bsq o fiG SUSMGL 40 W!

1Jo4 2bGC!!JCSIIA qI2Cn2aGq (2ncp 92 dnsu4i4941Ae 4L96 PSWGL2 01. IocsI-couleuf LGdn!16w6u42)


Page 63: J0LU bL J,40 4Q4 - The National Bureau of Economic … noibubodni oT yns taimonooe bstas,etni ni ,tliwoig sri! tas3 nsiaA soneheqxe sofia sri! (hEe t aoae aeaoq Qnhubne .aegnellsrlo

stibemmi on tiel atnemrnevoQ tsilt tnsem esitiupeni eIsoa-epsI o 53(192dB silt 1bnooe8

o monoe Isoitiloq silt no e,utsietil IBoifyisne sill .asiQiIoq evitudhtaibei elshebnu of been

of siueaeiq sbnu yltnstenoo e,s aeitilsupeni egiel therini rtaiilw eemige, tent ateeggue ritwoig

.(eeF ,inilledsl brie noae,sq ;1eet 1hboI brie sniselA) aeioiloq gnibiete-n1twoig tnemelqmi

as) aeioiloq 3imonooeoloim brie Isoei teiluqoq o tiuaiuq silt ci aelet aiilf terlt miol efei3noo 93(10

silT .iltwoig wol bns ,eeI3(3 op-qota 1rioitsflni ilgirl iebnsgne rloinlw (eahemA nifsJ o rbum ni

silT .bsefani eiq erIf gnibnsqxe no etsifne3noa bluoo scioN brie nswisT iii qiriciebsel Ieoifiloq

.evods beaeuoaib need ybseils asri aehtnuoo nitod iii O8t ,etIs alsog 3iiflOflO3e of rievip yfhohq

no CU30 of se, 9,9w ciebsel Is3itiloq qot silt tent t3s silt evods silt of befelsi brie builT

fnshoqmi ci emiT .yleaob yosiauseiud silt eaivlequa bluoo yenlt tent triesm alsop 3imono3e

silt (11 niigho iieilt gnivsil emeldoiq lsJs owt of enoiq sis aemigei leinoitri&vieftii eausoed

A .pniAeea-tne, uo aeifinuhoqqo etsieneg IIs,ufsn anoitnevietni tsilf ci faii silT .3siouseiud

hsq aemooed 10) gnleee-f ne, ni prune, o etdsqeani ci yosioueeiud beaivuequa hooq ,o lsew

yd aevitneoni Ishueneiqeitne Yto eloilo nsa basil ierlto silt no 1yosiouseiud gnoita A .(ti o bernie aaoitahtaei emoeiedmuo nsm oot pnieoqmi brie wel silt o istfel silt of yieaoia oot pnbbite

be,otinorn Ieeob ciebeel Isoifiloq qot silt esioN bns aewicT nitod ni .gnblesa-fnsi fuo pnitooi Is

etevhq beiebniil neil ueilfei betaicas afeiaueeiud silt tent eiue elem of yosioussiud silt

silt ni tnernsvlovni Iisb eiil io! cuoms! aew isluaiheq iii ,hsdl taebiae, .quilaiueneiqeitne

s te yosiouesiud silt ebmevo of aasnpnulliw cii brie asioiloq oirnOniO3e aiil ¶0 noitstnemelqmi

.afnislqmoo efemitigel beil nemaeeniaud nerlw coiton atasmom

as besIq noifudhfeib iltisew bns ernooni of beqasi rltiw spstnsvbs Isitini silt eoneH

elgnie 9ilt yldsdoiq ci emIT .aehtnuoo nitod flu eqeoabnel Ieaitiloq silt pniqenle ri sb, tnsiloqmi

(Ievit3eYte tuo bemeo ed bluo3 noitnevietni triemmevog evianetxe yniw noaee, tnehoqrni feom

.gni)eee-tne1 fnsqmei of eah gnivig fuorltiw

Page 64: J0LU bL J,40 4Q4 - The National Bureau of Economic … noibubodni oT yns taimonooe bstas,etni ni ,tliwoig sri! tas3 nsiaA soneheqxe sofia sri! (hEe t aoae aeaoq Qnhubne .aegnellsrlo


enodaeup be1as ylneupwi emo2 .8

o eno begnellsrb evsrl I .Isiaisvoitnoo (IIs1uisn sis isqsq eirlt ni sbsm evstl I afnemug,s silT

brie seo)I rlluo8 lent weiv silt Ismsn a3imono3e tnemqoleveb ni aeiIed bleil-ylebiw iaom enli

no asimono3e nltod tent beuis oats eveil I .aeioiloq betnieho-hoqxe of ritwoig ,ierlt ewo nswisT

rl3irIw noifieoqoiq s ,ate*ism ni noitnevisini Inemmevog evienstxe moi! betfteried yltesig e3rislsd

benoo yIIsnoiaaeoiq eriT .noioiqaua nifiw bisgei of benisit eis etaimOnO3e Isoiaeslooen

silt hA .mai3itqsla o eegeb nigirt s ,ed bluonla aqsrtieq brie ai atnemugis scent ot eanoqasi

ni eiuIis noitsnibiooo s !o sonetaixe enit gnibisgei atnemug1s ym o emoa sonic oa siom

tnetaianoo ylbso,d brie evifeeggue sis yerif i neve ,noitsmiitnoo tsohiqms toeiib tosl ,1&uoif-Ieq

won,l ion Iliw ew ,aeibuta bet nsho(1taubni bns -oloim belisteb e,om tuonitiW .eonisbive silt rttiw

of eonsvsle tseig earl bswio tuq even I ciesritoqynl silt srhtsnlw eonebitnoo o esgsb yns nitiw

gnibivoiq as flew as ,nlo,sees, rbua sislumita 111w ieqsq chit tent ci eqoil yM .ceaso owl sasnit

.11 ebiug of aelqionhq gniinsgo o tea a brie asulo emoa

of Iueeu ed ysm II .eebsei mo anoitose, eeisvib bstioile ieqsq emit o anioiaiev ieihs3

airit gniob as maioitqela io anoassi tneupei elom silt o emoa noitaea cult iii aauoaib yflehd

ierthu ciniemugis ym ynsIo aqisni ode

caoigetsiia inemaevni bns tioqxe neew*ed rlaiupniaib jllsei ew neD 1.8

ci asioiloq tnemtaevni brie ygetsita sbsit neewled nwsib evsil I noifonutaib sill of noitoetdo snO

aiioqxs rttod ritiw noitsquoaoeiq 'afnemmsvog scent o weiv ni qisula 001 ci noitoniteib silt teilt

o anoihotaib evits3olls Isitnstoq silt feilt eiasnIqme aievieado yneM .tnemtaevni brie

tent faemeiiupei silt yd )loerto ni tqel siew anoitnevisini isnito brie esvitnsoni fnsmfasvni

tnemtesvni silt o emoa ,beebnl .ete*ism bhow ni evititeqmoo emooed yhisutneve asehqietne

!o rioum oc sonic aebiae8 .eonsmioheq hoqxe no tnsgnitnoo eoitosiq flu siew esibiadue

.sldsffioiq need svsil beebnii teum ehoqxe asldshoqxs othi tnew tnsmtaevrii

Page 65: J0LU bL J,40 4Q4 - The National Bureau of Economic … noibubodni oT yns taimonooe bstas,etni ni ,tliwoig sri! tas3 nsiaA soneheqxe sofia sri! (hEe t aoae aeaoq Qnhubne .aegnellsrlo


a yslq ton bib ahoqxe tan! ylqmi of ne,Ist ed bluoila ieqsq aid! ni bise evanl I gnidtoll

tnemLlgls m !o noitaoilqmi as ,fos! ni .ael3aiim nIJwoi anawiaT baa e'seioN flI eloi gaitatilios!

II .eoslq ne,lst evanl ton Ie,liI bluow mood tnemtaevni edt ahoqxe ni ease,nii edt tuorthw tad! ci

a as nibs d noitudhfnoo a ebsm oals ahoqxe tan! ,aetaoibni evods edt as 1eldiaaoq ci

ni Iu!qled kiev ci aid! !o enoa ,ievewoH .am,i1 nivieoe,-biadua no eoiveb pninilqioaib

edt tnoitnoo ot earl aicylsne etsupeba nA .I!o elst ash! flUO3 seed! ebam taniw paibnstaiebau

baa ,aei3iloq tnemmevog of Ieuoiogiv oa bnoqaei ahoqxe baa tnemtaevai bib yniw :anoitaeup

sri! Jan11 ci weiv yM crltwoig oimono3e bninled $310! pnivhb edt as beviea eaedt !o rloinlw

tanisga aeaaid y3iloq aaoip lo eneaeiq edt ni eldiaeoq need evad ton bluow amood tnemtaevni

.anoitqo y3iloq ebsi! !o ensi ebiw a dtiw elditsqmo3 eiew amood eaedt tad! tud ,ahoqxe

rlguone ion ai inemtaevni tan wonla eehtnuoo lerIto ynsm to eoneheqxe erit t'naeoa .8 S'nliwole benisiaua iot

beneqqad tadw ts looI hid :noitose, eu! ati3ile net!o dtwoip bel-tnemtaevni tuods tnemupia nA

tail! woda eonenieqxe aid! t'naeoQ .aeimonooe eqyt-teivo8 iedto baa noinU feivoB edt of

yllatnemabaul ci noitoetdo ciii! ,lnirlt I c'dtwoig benist cue 10! dguone moi! is! ci noitslumuoos

etavhq baa afe*ism Qnbbsl ametaya 3imoao3e eisqmoo of etshqoiqqs ton ci fi .bebiugaim

Ial!ne3 yd benirmeteb e,a !nemtaevni !o noits3otls baa edt ultod doiniw ni baa yheqoiq

.ytilidsti!o,q !o aiasd sri! no ebam eia anoiaioeb tnemtaevni eiedw ametaya te*ism ot eiennalq

nitiw aswisT baa seio>1 dtuo8 eau!noo of eldiaaoq ton ci ti ,anoitnevietni Inemmevop en! ha 1OR

.si,svoIaod3eO iermo! edt io 3iIdLJqe 3its,30mea nsmieO edt

neewted qidanoitslei Iaauao edt ,eeimonooe eqy! teivo8-nion of cevleaiuo gnitimiJ

ebsIwornh ym of aad Inemupia aid! ,o! dead laoitylsns sri! tail! ,evewonl ,bba tdgim ,8 yftenl io! bisq ed ot eohq edt ci tegist hoqxe as pniIIi!lu! !l .tuo bial yheqoiq need leven

eldaiiaeb 10 tneioi!!e yltaeienlni gnidton ci e,edT .e3hq edt ysq ylgnilliw Iliw armi! ynsm asibiaduc .ahoqxe gnitluaei edt tuods

Page 66: J0LU bL J,40 4Q4 - The National Bureau of Economic … noibubodni oT yns taimonooe bstas,etni ni ,tliwoig sri! tas3 nsiaA soneheqxe sofia sri! (hEe t aoae aeaoq Qnhubne .aegnellsrlo


edT .aoimonooe iii anoitiaoqolq Isia,evo,tnoo tasel edt o eno ad bluorla ritwoig bns tnemtaevni

..t e,ugia ni toiqieflsoa edt moi ness ad nso as 1dguone iselo si noit 6191103 Isohiqme

.noitslumuQos lstiqso no hsq ni tasel is based 916 rltwoig !o ashoerit Its ,llew as yllsufqeonoO

tt elugiR :rlfwoig rigid beoneheqxs even tol a taevni nloiriw aehtrwoo lie tart yes ot ton ai tenT

isnit anoitqeoxe esenit sill 1noitsleTIoo Ilsievo edt o weiv ni tu8 .aleiltuo %o iedmun a awonla

edt bewollol even doidw (nswisT bns seio>I nltuo2 eIil) aeaso enD ton 1noifsnslqxs eliupel

.elu, Isieneg

nemrnevop belist to weiv rd 1eew oot eeiulist noienibiooo no eonebive aiD t'nal *.8

ceierlweale anoinevieni

ierltsi 1lsitnstamuoli3 no based si aeiuhs noitsnib,ooo io easo ant ,tuo betnioq ybseils even I sA

bled ylgnoita litiw enoyns evom Iliw tsdt eonsbive o bnul edt ton si aidT .eonebiva 1t3elib nsnlt

iedmemei Iliw aehomem gnol nitiw eaodT .noitaevietni tnemmevog !o yonsiolileni edt no eiohq

aetsdeb ant nltiw ,silims s,enltO .eienlwon bel eaedt wod baa a089 F edt o asebi "nlauq gid" edt

edt betoiq" even of atnemmevog eaedt io! eldiaaoq sew ii wod as 111w oiloq lshtaubni no

Sgno>l gnoH lulaaeooua tey ,te,hsm-ee, o elqmsxe edt tuods teniw ,yllsni bnA ".sienniw

.agnidt !o iedmun a tuo tnioq bluow I ,eonebive eiom io bean edt no gnieeigsaib tuonitiW

Mom si e1ulis noitsnib,ooo s doidw ,ebnu anoitibnoo edt tuods ti3ilqxe ad of beht eyed I ,ta,R

(tnei,uo bns) yhes edt o doum ni as euaai 3hensg a as Ii betseit ton even bns ,taixe ot ylelil

dfuo3 edt iii anoitibnoo eaedt o eoneae,q edt tuods sldiauslqmi gnidton ai eleniT .eiutsietil

-easo o tnuoms eldsiebianoo gnhd of behi even I ,bnooe2 .eO&9F edt o newisT bns 6910)1

no eiutsietil ybuta-easo silt ai auonimulov Os ,tos at .seuaai esenit no ised of eonebive ybuta

hew as yam eno tsdt aeiitnuoo saedf ni (aeeooua tneisqqs ,iedt bns) anoitnevietni tnemmevog

ainit gnarl of rbirtw no yoedt etsupebs as gnibni !o eno gnied as meldoiq nism edt bisge,

anT .y,oenlt isluoihsq a tioqqua of eonebive edt gnitsool o eno gnied nedi iedtsi ,eonabive

Page 67: J0LU bL J,40 4Q4 - The National Bureau of Economic … noibubodni oT yns taimonooe bstas,etni ni ,tliwoig sri! tas3 nsiaA soneheqxe sofia sri! (hEe t aoae aeaoq Qnhubne .aegnellsrlo

6!&1LG J4

CLOMUJ laeo-82

-005 0 005 004 009 009I I I

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. ,.J • •. •• 9 .•. 4>a) 0J2•.


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• •.•• • . •KOLG9

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03 •. .




Page 68: J0LU bL J,40 4Q4 - The National Bureau of Economic … noibubodni oT yns taimonooe bstas,etni ni ,tliwoig sri! tas3 nsiaA soneheqxe sofia sri! (hEe t aoae aeaoq Qnhubne .aegnellsrlo


ybuta-easo airit lo agnibni crlf o canes elsm au aqierl eed beaoqoiq even I *iowemsi

.ul3so,qqs Isnodnevnoo crlf nitiw ob of bisri si tent ninltemos 1e,utsietiI

o SiScy yhse edt ni iIuoiThb oa ion saw "a,eriniw gnbloiq" yriw seiThelo osls rlosoiqqs airil

Is looI of bad ylrio aehtrwoo eaerlt ni a,e,Ism-yoiloq .eoneheqxe eaeriswisT bns neeio)I cr11

yhscn si qu-niotso cr13 sono saiuoo O .eiufu ieult eea of aehfnuoo beonsvbs ciom baa nsqeL

.emsg emsa edt yslq of tluoiThb siom aemooed Ii etelqmoo

ion baA .soaslp taut is meea yam ii as paillet as ton ai eoaeheqxe a'pao) gnoH yIIsniR

Isoholaini bns Isoivlqsipoep insoiinpia rltiw 1etsta ytio If ems a ai paoN pnoH eausoed ylno

all :Oaet yd yitnuoo tnemtaevni rlpinl a ybseuls saw pno) pnoH .ebs,t ngieuo ru aspstasvbs

aeio> uo ciupil sill elduob taomla ,OeF ni ao o) tneoieq O evods boots oitsi tnemtaevrui

gniaisi lo epnellsdo crlf beos ieven gnoN paoH 1yltrieupeano3 .smiI cr11 Is newisT baa

lnemtaevni as ni Ieafi alsevei buepsi airit iii yoiloq tnemmevop o soneads crlf baA .tnemiaevni

gnoH crlf bseu flew as tripim eno eioeuer1T .Oaer sonia tsfl yllsuhiv benismeu sen lent oils,

Inemmevop asuiupeu lnsmiaevai ojlsemob ni eass,oni rue lent pnitaeppua as eonebive pno)l


neve as taepgua Istiqso Isoiayrlq bns nsmur$ neewted eons$sdmi Isiiini erli VnaeoCl .k8

cyoiloq tnemmevoe uo eloi elitil rthw 1qu-rlois3 o yio*a eIqmia

as tent wonla ot eldiaaoq ai Ii 1lsfiqao Isoiaynlq baa nsmunl ritiw rltwoig lo alebom tacos, cmos al

-i-sIs2 brie aspilluM) rifwo,p qu abeeqa Iefiqso lsoiayrlq baa asmunl neewfed eonslsdmi Isitini

of evitslei epusi al Istiqso nemunl e,enlw aeimoaooe ni uenlgid Si nitwoup ,ai tenT .(99F ,nihsM

isnito io eleos ot amutsu gniase,oni o eoneads cr11 ni neve ablonl tluaeu ainiT .Isfiqso lsoiaynlq

,ta& weup nswisT baa seuo)I rltuoB yniw nislqxe yam alebom rlou8 .aeuulis! tehsm eldiaaoq

aiasrlqmc 'alnemmevop eaenswisT baa nseio)1 crlf eusupa of been crlf ai elqmsxe usda A e,sIew bisbneta nil aepsAnil nlous o toelpen etelqmoo crlf nitiw aepslail yutaubni-iefni no


Page 69: J0LU bL J,40 4Q4 - The National Bureau of Economic … noibubodni oT yns taimonooe bstas,etni ni ,tliwoig sri! tas3 nsiaA soneheqxe sofia sri! (hEe t aoae aeaoq Qnhubne .aegnellsrlo

oaer . ,"eonslsdmi" Istiqs nsmuti riliw aentnuo3 :Of eldsl

sf61 V3615iJ tnemloine yisbnooe8 oltel

0Dm Inemloine ysmh -i&R sfiqs3 rHwoig

oae t 98

IsuioA IBUbA bebbeiq IsuhA beblbe,q

e.o 9€.O O.O Ct.O 89.0 18.0 8.2 nsoinimoa oilduge,

O aC.0 8.0 F.0 e.o 8.0 8.t eeniqqilirI

e\..O 0t.O Ft.0 1F.0 89.0 88.0 & ysugsis

ec.o ec.o .o r.o 89.0 88.0 *C8.F B,InsJ h2 . eldsT as ems8 :eoiuo8

.88-089 F * :efol1

Page 70: J0LU bL J,40 4Q4 - The National Bureau of Economic … noibubodni oT yns taimonooe bstas,etni ni ,tliwoig sri! tas3 nsiaA soneheqxe sofia sri! (hEe t aoae aeaoq Qnhubne .aegnellsrlo

MoLqiuã IJGLG59M!4P 4P9LJ(2 40 6UG C1022W9U' oL ISA!ua on4 pes qieLGU bo2!j!oua 9W pOLLOMIUa P!2

IJ9AG 9LânGq lu IP!2 bbai. 494 4IJ 80114$) KOLGSU uq j9!M9U626 11WIL9CG21, C9U pG G24

uoj MJJ61$)6L bogicA wsqe s qietsuce 01. $)OM wncp

tOLG2699PI6 t114r1L6 HGUCG 4$JG 1691 694G ponq PG OAGL Mp!Cp äOAGWWGU4 boI!c! wsqe 4$)6

A!2!1!LJä GCOUOW!212 10 qe2b9IL 1$)94 4$)926 GCOUOW!Ga MOIlJq 16W9!U 92)(G4 C9262 OL I$)G

aoAGWWGu4a !U 04$) COI1U4LJG2 40 W91(G 41J6!L GCOUOW!G2 äLOM IU &9C4 !4 M92 L104 f1UCOWWOU 0L

K0L69 M92 SL tLOW GXGWbJ9LA DJL0flöJ0r14 IPG J 8202 bqoi 40 4IJG COUCGL4G GUOL42 wsqe pA

blobo2!4!ou2 (;) 0!) suq (!u) 919 psiq fo 2112491U GC9fl26 OJG exbeu6ucG o i9!MSU suq 20114$)

14 M92 U6C62291) tOL 4$)6 äLOMflJ GXbGLIGUCG 0 flJG2G C011U4L162

psbbeueq 8UAM9A)

i MS pebn' lponäp uo 9226U4191 (4p94 !2a !I 2bGGqeq nb g bLoce22 MIJ!CP M0r1q $)9AG

!4 M92 !LLGIGA9U4a uo pebiuä aLOM4$J P114 U04 puqGuuä !4 6!4PGL

äonewweu boicA M92 9 pIUqL9UCG t14 4$)929 C0flU4LIG2 OAGLC9WG !4 U0UG4PGIG22

bqucbe 01.16 conq sLanG !U &SAOL 0 suA O 4$)G tOIIOM!Ua bloboa!4!ou259

fiG 1016 Ot äOAGWWGU4 bol!cA !U KOLG9 suq j9!M9U ! obeu 40 q!AGL2G 1U4GLbLG494!0U2 iu

a oucnqiu L6WSI4(

WI1C$) 40 qo M!4)J qeu•uâ aoAewweu4 bol!c!92 !U 4P6 4M0 2642 0& CO11U4UG2

19462 4$J94 KOLGS suq 19!M9U q!q 14 M011 29GW bIsn2IpIe 4J94 4$)G q!GL9UCG IU 0114C0W92 p92

bGbnlplic' bp!I!bb!uee b9LSänl9A auq 2LJ rsuvs MOUG 0 4$JGW exbeuGuceq 4$.JG uq o aLoM4p

sqAsu4sae (sa WGS2flL9 pA 6qn1C94OU9 uq!c94oL2) !U iaeo 92 q!q K0169 suq 19!MSU DOW!U!CSU

P!0P 6LOMW I $J9AG 24Gq !U 4$)G 4PI tOniL CO11U4UG2 MIJICP psq L0l1dpA 4$)G 29WG $)11W9U csb!451

JO 211ää6242 $)OMGAGL' 4$)94 SuCh SU !WP9I9UCG 0G2 U04 UGCGS29UIX 4L9U2$94G !U40

M!flJ0114 IJ9A!Ud 40 LGIA OU fiG LOG 0 aOAGWWGU4 boitcA


Page 71: J0LU bL J,40 4Q4 - The National Bureau of Economic … noibubodni oT yns taimonooe bstas,etni ni ,tliwoig sri! tas3 nsiaA soneheqxe sofia sri! (hEe t aoae aeaoq Qnhubne .aegnellsrlo


gniob eew er1t bisa bns tdguoiif atnemmevoQ owt crlf fsriw ylsuohea gnbst yd bootaebnu

o seigeb rigid s uitiw afnemtaevni (oilduq bns) etsvhq gnigsluoone bns gnitsnibiooo ylemen

evomsi beqierl yerit eaus3sd Uoysq rlgirl s bsrl aeioiloq rlou8 .otoea mebom crlf niritiw aegslriii

A .rlgiti ybseils sew fnemtaevni of mutel metal crlf sierlw aeimonooe iii aeiulisl noitsnibiooo

Isupe ylevitsie, s sew o2 .noitibno3 yiSae39fl S 56W e3lObhOW bet&ube bns beilbia ylevifeici

of Ii bewails bns noitsiusni iltiw qu1aebseI lsoitiloq edt bewobne rloirlw ,aeoiuoaei lo noifudhtaib

merit gnome leirlo brie) eei3iIOq betneho-hoqx3 .ythohq qof crlf as rllwoip imonooe no auool

Istiqso behoqmi ni can ybsefa s beldsne yerit as ,slosni fnshoqmi eiew (aeioiloq etsi-egrIsrl3xe

eIsuq ritwoig crlf of cub edt as noitstneho-hoqxe gniweiv ,benislqxe even I as fu8 .aboog

.nigism ebiw s yd hsm edt eeaaim

yldeisaim beliel even enInuoo gniqoleveb ienifo ynam os yniw nislqxe riso rl3soiqqs ainiT

yd beyolqme eaonlf of eonsldmeaei gniaasq s nerit eiom ised tent aaoifneviefni fnemmevop dtiw

--anoifibnoa Isitini lsi3eqa lo iedmun s beisnie nswisT brie seio>I dtuo8 .aehtnuoa nsiaA fas crlf

brie emooni lo noif udhf sib Isupe baa emooni of evitsie, tnemnistts Isnoitsoube lo alevel rigid

nit iw eorieheqxe ,ierlt Ia eonsvslei cult ,yltneupeano3 ,bsl aehfnuoo ierlto esenit tsnlt--ritlsew

.befimil ed hew ysm seimonoos griiqoleveb ierlto of noitneviefnil fnemmevop

Page 72: J0LU bL J,40 4Q4 - The National Bureau of Economic … noibubodni oT yns taimonooe bstas,etni ni ,tliwoig sri! tas3 nsiaA soneheqxe sofia sri! (hEe t aoae aeaoq Qnhubne .aegnellsrlo

xibneqqA ls3itsmerDsM

,srthut io benee, si iebse, silt Ii3irtw ot 1(CeeF) ,1hbo mo, ae,lst al e,erl bsaauoaib lebom silT

eouboq nso tent ymonooe neqo-lisme a no auoo eW .(CF sisl3-eughbol ode sea) alisteb

.elsoa ot amute tnsiaaoo iebnu beouboq es aboog easrit o iito8 .aboog lsni eldsbsit owt

rthw etsiooaas ew rloinlw ,lstiqso baa iodsl gahiupe, 1boog evianetni-odsl 5 ci eaeilt o ta1 silT

silt io gnibnstai baa w sitiw (, ,w)O yd aevig ci noit3nu! taOO tiau ati .lot3ea 'isnoitibs,t silt

"mebom silt ai bs3ubolq ,boog isrito silT .monooe silt ni gailisveiq aetsi lstaei baa egaw

beilsioeqa baa asoivisa ieouboiq) aboog etsibennetai !o egnal a baa Istiqso aeau ,,otoea

noitsoiboeqa ieit1i3-tilgite-tixia silt eau eW .ieilto rtose io eetutitcdua toetieqmi S's tent (atuqni

a al .boog mebom silt o aoitoauI noitouboiq enit ietas aetsiberrnetni eceilt tent sw silt io tcoo tinu silt 1q eonq ta eldeliava c's aboop etaiberrnetni a Il3iilW iii muhdiliupe ohtemma

noitutitadue o ytioitaals silt ci F <o sieniw ,((Inq ,,)4 yd nevig ci boog mebom silt o noiIonu

ci ,otoea mebom silt o ytivitouboiq silt tsilt etoll .aboog etsibemietni silt o owt yns neswted

iotoea msbom silt iii etaoo tinu aeaasioai a as :eldstiava asitehsv tuqni o isdmun silt at belnil


.sldsbs,t-aon siB aetsibemietni enli taut ci aoitqmueea yel a txet silt ni bseeuoaib cA

boog-stsibsrrnetnl .slsoa ot emutsi gaicasioni iebau baa iodal gaiau beouboiq sia ysrlT

silt lo tnemaiatta lanoitsoube silt tarti oc ,ellble iodal ni eviaaetai ed ot bsmuaas ci noitouboiq

aoitoai.ñ taoo tinu silT iohsa cult ai ateoo o tasriirmeteb tashoqmi as ed ot aest ci eoiobhow

level llila silt o xsbni as ci ii senlw ,()o(d)w as beeaeiqxe ci etsiberrnstni evitatasasiqel silt %o

etsibemietai evitatneasiqe, si-It o level tuqtuo si-It ci s baa (O>(nl)' taut oa) 93iO *10w si-It o

nose tstit asilqmi ceimonoos elsoa o eoasceiq silT .O>(s)'o ,arnuts, gniaaeioai ot eua

.anoitibnoo evititeqmoo ylleoitailoqoaom iebnu ri-nit elgala a yd beouboiq ed 111w stsibsnrnstni

eieoo lanigiam ,aoitibba al .()o(il)w = q 1evitos ci iotoea stsibsm,stai silt aeniw s,ols,enlT

isltegot ,aaoitibaoo owt eaeilT .t, \F = q[3M-q] tacit oc euasve, Isnigiam (bevieoisq) leupe

ylao abaeqeb 3MOA oitai silt tsdt ylqmi 1noitonu taoo 'aetsibemistni silt o ytilidsisqea silt nitiw

Page 73: J0LU bL J,40 4Q4 - The National Bureau of Economic … noibubodni oT yns taimonooe bstas,etni ni ,tliwoig sri! tas3 nsiaA soneheqxe sofia sri! (hEe t aoae aeaoq Qnhubne .aegnellsrlo

taoo lsnigsm neewfed ytilsupe enD taut ei fluee, edT .()i = 3M\3A as rietthw ed ns3 bns , no

:m,ol elqmia a ni netthw ed ns euneve lsni,sm bns


noitutitadue lo ytioitasle edt lo noitonul a as etsibermetni rbse lo level tuqtuo enit aexit emiT

a moit emoo of evanl Iliw ot3ea etsibemietni erlt to elsoa en! ni egnanlo yns ,eoneH .enols

>1 bns ,aboog lsrioitibst bns mebom enD to alevel tuqtuo sri! o1 bnsta Y bns X teJ .n ni egnanlo

sri! to aeohq bhow edt teJ .,odsl bns lstiqso to afnemwobns (bexit) aymonooe edt ,ol J bns

lebom edt to anoitsupe ninisme1 edT .ylevitoeqaei, bns t ed aboog Isnoitibsit bns mebom

:m,ol gniwollol edt ni beaae,qxe ed nso

() 0 = [I —

(3.)e]' 0 � I .t � (i)e

() o = [ri - ('nc 1i)4]X 0 ( rr ,1i)11

(I) 0 = [q- ()(ct)A'w] 0 � q� ()(t)Aw

() a = +

(8) (rtq )q +

= )(('°nq i)4

etsle tail! anioitibnoo aaernlosle y'istnemelqmoo etshqoiqqs edt es anoitsupe semi! tami! silT

SW emeniw anoitibnoo tnemyolqme-llul edt ems anoitsupe ow! txen edT .aeohq of ataoo oitaemob

motost of toeqeem nitiw anoitonul taoo tinu suit to aevitsvheb lsiimsq edt tail! foal edt beau evsrl

Page 74: J0LU bL J,40 4Q4 - The National Bureau of Economic … noibubodni oT yns taimonooe bstas,etni ni ,tliwoig sri! tas3 nsiaA soneheqxe sofia sri! (hEe t aoae aeaoq Qnhubne .aegnellsrlo


silt ,ol noitibno3 gnhselo-te*tsm eiit ai noitsupe tasl eriT .abnsmeb ,ohs! tinu bleiy eeohq

5n 1q ' w) meteys suit ni aeldshsv auoneobns nevee 9,6 eierlT .,ofoee eboog-etsibemietni

.evods anoitsupe nevea edt yd benirineteb ed ot (Y ,X

no abneqeb iotoea mebom edt lo aaenevitifeqmo3 crlf tsrlt ei lebom silt lo eiutsel ye A

efsibermefni be3ubolq yllsoitasmob lo egnsi silt no bns (ii) eoiol*iow silt lo level llile erit ritod

evititeqmoo ed Son 111w iotoee mebom erit ,N bns il lo elev& wol IJr,eioiThJa icR .(n) eeitehsv

21 rloirlw) aetsibermetni 10 ledmun eldiase! mumixsm edt aeouboiq ymonooe edt nedw neve

bns ii neriW .(iotoee aboog-etsibemietni edt ni beyolqme ai eoiol iodsl eiifne edt neriw berlossi

s neriw neve evifiteqmoo ed Iliw 101392 mebom edt bnsil ierlto edt no ,egisl yltneioiltua sis N

.beouboiq si aboog etsibernietni lo iedmun llsma yiev

edt rbirlw ni eno :shdiliupe owt evsrl aso ymonooe edt wol si N bas egisl 21 d neriw tu9

bns ,evititeqmoonu anisme, iotoea mebom erit bns lo!3ea Isnoitibsit edt ni aeilsioeqa ymoaooe

lo ytilidiaaoq eiiT .evitos aemooed bns evififeqmoa al iofoea mebom silt doirtw iii erio isritons

edt ni bsiilsioeqa yllsitini ai ymonooe edt II .meldoiq noitsnibiooo s mo,! aeahs shdiliupe elqitlum

aboog-etsibermetni silt '0) mebom silt ietne ot miii slgnie yns ,ol ysq ion 111w ii iotoea Isnoifibsit

tsrlt iii aeoiuoaei lo hula elsoa-egisl s dguodt neve aeonq iotosl gnilisveiq edt Is (otoea

ed 111w e,edt tsrlf al mut ni ,noasei edT .eldstiloiq yllsiooa bns yletsvhq ritod ed nso noitoeiib

eoneH .beoubo,q gnied 21 merIt lo ,edmun egisl ylfneioiflua s Ii ylno aetsibermetni lo! bnsmeb

amuil isrito lo ,edmun edt no abneqeb iotoea aboog-etsibermetni edt ni pnied lo ytilidstiloiq edt

.e,edt ybseils

Is aeouboiq iotosa mebom edt ni noilsiilsioeqa ,shdiliupe gniteqmoo owt siB eiedt neriW

edt yllsieneg bns) iotosa Isnoitibsit edt ni noiSsilsioeqe as emooni lsei 10 level s dgid as tasel

muhdiliupe edt ni iedgid ylhsaaeoen 21(i) lstiqso 01 mute, 10 etsi ciii briA .(tohta ai ytulsupeni

silt bsnislqxe iau as (I) :enoase, owl 10! os si sifiT .iotoea-mebom edt ni noitsilsioeqa uitiw

sill (ii) bns ;amutel iotosl lerigirl tuo ysq nso bns aemooni iedgid aeouboiq lotoes mebom

Page 75: J0LU bL J,40 4Q4 - The National Bureau of Economic … noibubodni oT yns taimonooe bstas,etni ni ,tliwoig sri! tas3 nsiaA soneheqxe sofia sri! (hEe t aoae aeaoq Qnhubne .aegnellsrlo

tOLW fiG p92!2 0 fiG 9LOnWeL !U file exç

26C401 Mill !WbLOAG 1620111CC 9IIOC9ROU 92 MCII 82 !UCLG92G fiG 16111W 40 CSb!49I 111626 162l142

woqew 2GCIOL ! cGbiI8I IUIGU2!A6 GOA6WWGUI boIicie2 jpaj bn2p LG2O1LCG2 iujo fiG woqew


Page 76: J0LU bL J,40 4Q4 - The National Bureau of Economic … noibubodni oT yns taimonooe bstas,etni ni ,tliwoig sri! tas3 nsiaA soneheqxe sofia sri! (hEe t aoae aeaoq Qnhubne .aegnellsrlo


A :tnempolevecl oimonoo ,8 aoitiloq .viebo8 I8 ,amoM flaT sk'1a3 baa ,arml ,namlebA .e,omifls8 ,aae,q anilqoH anrloL anT ,rloso,ggA evitst,tnsu

yhahsuO nt2wo,0 oimOnoo2 baa a3jfiloq evitudhteiGu ,QQt ,hbo maO baa ohadlA ,aaieelA sM aoimonoo3 lo Ismuol.

1*ioY well ,noitsilshaubaI effiJ baa ae,o) rftuo8 :trisi0 txell a'siaA ,.H eoiIA 1nebamA tiaievinU bio!xO

yoiIoI :ymonoa nselirl3 anT ,'99t ,.abe aadsJ Iua1 baa ,rioaudmoCl iegibuI (ns8 rthowao8 .30 ,nognit1asW ,nodutiSaal aQablool8 ,aeDaeIlsnlO baa aaoaaeJ

aeigoloqyT ygetait2 taemqolevea :ate,haM baa anoitnevietni iIo" ,oeet ,.aL ,.I niIoO 1bio1bs8 lo a1tscl :aebsiiM DahuhalunaM ,.abe 1asmyW .j.a baa iU.i.0 .0 al ",aaoitqO oiIo9 baa

.u.i ,noteanq ,aae,q ytiaieviaU aotsonhq ,siaA tas3 baa sohemA nitsJ ni noitsiIshtaubnI

as aeitilsmelx3 yisiauoe baa atao3 qu-hst2" ,ceet ,smsuataM honimi)1 baa ,oinotnA ,enoooiO .ysM ,C6t oil ,eqs nbhoW I38M ",tniemqoleveO oimonoo3 ot aiems8

ni sonsrmohe oimonooeo,osM baa tdeO Ismebc3" ,e8er ,,hsq mA-noW baa ,nsau2 1aaiIloO oimoaoo3 baa tde0 yitauo3 DnigoleveG .abe anWo3 nsaue baa anioa2 'e,i1eL ni ',seaoN nltuo8

.aae,q ogsoinl3 lo ytiaievinU ogaoin13 , by eonsrrno1is

mierme8 asIuo0 .8 ni ",aahtnuo3 gniqoleveC neT ni ioivsris8 gaiva8" ,f9t ,nsau8 ,aaillo3 lo ytiaieviaU 1ogsoirl3 eoasrmohsq oimonoo3 baa pnivs8 Iaaoitsl'l 1.abe ,nevonl8 .8 nnloL baa

.aas,q osoinO

aeeiq 801 1aeimonoo3 nsonemA nitsj aeve8 lo ybut2 A :ntlwo,O lo asoiuo8 OF ,ioioiV ,asiI3 .ooabasiR as2

-hoqx3 lo aleboM :aeitilsmetx3 baa 1eer ,noanido nsm,erl2 baa ,emist. ,oleM eb .8a-F 1enuL ,(F)t tnemgobeveO oimoaoo3 baa ebail Isaoitsmetnl ",iiiwoiO beJ

"tnernqoIeveG Isnoipe1 baa ,atuqal bebs,T-aoll 2mute niaseionI" 8Q F ,obsooi ,iniaR .cc-8Oe e IsmuoL oimonoo3

baa aemipe ebsiT npiaioR ,eer IsrlqtaeW ynsJ baa ,mL)I 4u8 gnswN ,.iL aehsri3 ,Aaa,R .)hoY well ,2291q ytiaievinU aidmulo3 1se,oN nltuo2 :tnemgoleveO oimonoo3

ylwel4 ant ai nltwo,0 lo aoitiboq anT :yienlphe9 salt moñ aysw1tsq 1oee r ,astiqet8 ,bissH VII 1soanttl ,aae,q tiaievinU IIemoQ aeh1auo3 paiiilshtaubnl

baa siomitls8 .ymonoo Dniwolo yIbigs a ai eeuaal baa ameIdoi :se,oN 1ace F svis naasH .aae,q ytiateviaU enDIqoH anrbol. eniT ,nobnoJ

tnemqoleveO ss,o) se,o) ni ebsiT 10 ytianetnf iotosR baa ylcigu2 otosR 8Q F ,batnoW .pnoH .Iuoe2 ,etutitaril

Page 77: J0LU bL J,40 4Q4 - The National Bureau of Economic … noibubodni oT yns taimonooe bstas,etni ni ,tliwoig sri! tas3 nsiaA soneheqxe sofia sri! (hEe t aoae aeaoq Qnhubne .aegnellsrlo

fnemqolevea seioN "se,o)l ni fnemyolqmJ bns anoihotaia ,eb6,T" xce F ,lostnoW gnoH .Iuoe2 ,tutitanI

.0 ni "nswisT bus seio)l %o e3neheqx3 edT :tnemqolevea bus ebsT' 1ceer I3BtnoW 1noH .nobnoi 1egbeItuoI ,tnemciolevea bus ebsiT Isnoifsmetnl ,.be ,noaasH

io artoitsoilqml bus newisl ui tnemqolevecl oimonoo3 io ygetsit8" 889F ,gnim-iilO ,uoH tnemqolevea 3imono33 no eoaeieno3 suit ts betneaeiq eqsq "aeimono33 gniqolevea

.OF-8 enut. ,ieqisT 1nswisT o eeoneheqx2

oimonooj ui girla,uene,ge,1n3 bus .aaeniau8 .tnemmevo0 ,089 F ,gnos8 II bus yo,eJ 1aenoL .AM egbhdmsO aae,9 ytiaievinU b,sv-isH 1eas3 nseio) suiT :Snemciolevea

IweM suit o rliwo,0 oimono33 o eo,uo2 suiT" e9F ,usJ .L eone,wsJ bus .II-QnoL. ,mi) 1ytiaevinU bonst8 .tqhoaunsm berlailduqau ",mi 3ffl35q eiit no eshtnuoO beiIshtaubnI


o easO silT :yiIoq noits.ilsiediJ ebsiT o gnioneupe8 brie gutimiT sri T 889r ,1u2 QrlsW> miN .,lns8 bhoW ,tqhoaunsm berlailduqnu "seio>

is odio3 .V ui "aiehoqx3 iequ8 asiaA o anoeaeJ bus eoneheqx3 eriTa ,889 F ,.O ennA ,,sgeui)I pniiIshtaubnI ylweM eviR !o aaeu2 silT :eeipets,t8 tnemgoleveci betnehO-hogx3 abe ,.Is

.nobnoJ bus ebIuo8 1aaeiq weiwtaeW ,aehtnuo3

1(ysM) 1V3 aoimonoo3 !o IsmuoL yhehsuO "anoitstoeqx3 auaiev iotaiH" t99F Iue nsmgu1>

.obs,oIoO ,

,ebluo8 eae,1 weivtaeW ,noitians,T ni ymono33 nswisT suiT ,E89t shir18 ,ouN

noitutitadu8-hogml bus ebsiT :2-8I9F .nswisT ui aoitsiIshtaubnI 1et ,nsuy-gnirl3 ,nii .*ioY well 99851q 1aehtnuo3 pnigolevea io 5epoipoq

,biotxO 1egsIIoO bleiYtull ",betieiveI noitssilshteubnl bns ebsil" ,99F ,.a.M nsl ,elttiJ ieqsq berlailduqnu

o oiIdupeI suit o noitsximeboM Isioo8 bns oimonoo3 edT 089 F ,aiedto bus ,2 b,swb3 ,noasM .AM ,egbndmsO ,aae,9 ytiaevinU bisvsH ,ssioN

o yosnurrnstsbnl bus noitsiIshtaubnI ,amuts gniassl3nl" F991' ,honimi) ,smsyuatsM .088-'VF6 ,(ysM) IVO ,aoimonoo3 o IsmuoL yhehsuO ",muhdiliupJ

o aleboM otoe8-owT ui aoimsnO IsnoitiansiT" ,C99F ,nihsM-i-eIs8 ieivsX bus ses3 ,nsgilluM .&V-QC\ (teuguA) IHVO aoimonoo3 o IsmuoL yhehsuO "rllwoiO auonegobn3

",ilau gi8 suit brie noitsxilshtaubnl" ,989F ,ynrleiV hedoI bus ,,&ield2 ieibnA nive)4 yriqiuM .80F-E00F IIVOX ymonoo3 Isoitiloci o IsmuoL

:sgnsrlO Is3iQoIonrl3eT bus getsit8 Ishtaubnl" 889 F lsrlqtaeW .3 yiisJ brie ,biswoH los .8r-8 S aoimonoo3 tnemgolevea o IsmuoL "yiiIssI auaiev yoeilT

Page 78: J0LU bL J,40 4Q4 - The National Bureau of Economic … noibubodni oT yns taimonooe bstas,etni ni ,tliwoig sri! tas3 nsiaA soneheqxe sofia sri! (hEe t aoae aeaoq Qnhubne .aegnellsrlo

yelnst8 iii "oiJo inemqoleveO io anoaaeJ ,uoI :eIosiM nsieA IasJ edT' ,t99t ,nriot, ,egsq 1AM ,egbndms3 ,eer IsurinA e3imonooeotasM p38W ,.ebe p,edmetoI oiluL brie ierbaiR

.heeF ew nshemA "rliwo,O ot IutrmsH tiIsupent efu eet ,iniIledsT obiu brie ,neta,oT noea,eq

.enut ,weive1 oimonoo3

bioThst8 ",tnemqolevea oimonoo3 brie ,ods.J o noisiviG edT" ,C99 I ,eèibriA ,esI3-euhbo .ytiaevinU

ni "cqlsH IIee noitsUs,ediJ ebs,T aeoO :qsO ygolonriosT edt gnieol3" ,eer ,insa ,hboI botxO ,aevitoegaieq Well :tnemgoleveQ brie noitsiIshteubnI .yoiIo9 obrnT ,.be ,ienielleH .XO

.nobneisl3 ,eeeiq tie,evinU

A :eeimonoo3 etsibemeitni ni yoiIo tnemmevoD brie eeuIis1 noitsnibloo3u ,C9eF ,insci ,1hbo .tieievinU sidmulo3 ",eqoiu3 metes3 brie neisA tes3 at enoitsoilqqA ritiw leboM

ni e%oW zs ec%1 brie ,lns8 bhoW silT ::slIibo3 eteeM gnoN gni)r 1insa ,hbo5 aseaievO eoriehegx3 naleA tas3 silt moi enoaeeJ SriDiaea ,o elosiiM ,aer1to bns woirleiR .A

.oa ,notgnirlasW ,Jbnuo3 tnemqolevea

",siaA tas3 is looJ istiionA :triemMevnl brie ,ehoqx3 ,ygetsii8 ebsiT" ,aeet ,insa ,1hboI .oci ,notgnirlesW ,,eqeq noieauoaia m,o1e51 oiIo o etutitaril

metas3-rItuo8 bns metas9 o noitsiIshtaijbnI o ameldoiq" ,C42t ,Iusq ,nsbo1-riieteneaol I -O iedmetqe2-enuL ,ca Ismuot. oimonooa ",eqoiu3

ymonoo3 Iaoitiloq o IsmuoL "asimonoo3 Ismetx3 o etqeorio3 owT" r ,odiT ,y)1aVoti38 .IhqA

t',noahsqmo3 Isoiteitst8 Isnoitemetril nA :aeehqstri3 oilduq o eIoI silTu ,CBer ,hedo horl8 .30 ,notgnirlasW ,bnuR vistenoM tsnoitsmstril

flu ",rUwo,O o,monoo3 e'seio) ni uioq xsT o eIo1 eiiT' ,eer ,yeIIsrIW nrloL bns ,eneil ,sle,T ,nobnoi brie ogsoirl3 ,rmoe xsT o ymonoo3 Isoutuloq silT ,.ebe ,egei.ri>1 .A bus oil .T

.aas,q ogsoid3 o yticievinU

.3.A iii ",tnemqoleve0 oimonoo3 ni anoaeeJ :ebsiiM oimonoo3 a'nswisT' ,18eF v.3.2 ,gnsiaT .ooaionsR ns8 ,aeei 831 ,rltwoiO oimorioo3 bhoW ,.be iegiedisH

ni tnemmevo) !o elo1 silt brie viosiT oimorioo3 :SehsM silt QnimevoO ,099t ,hedol ,ebsW •eae,q ytiaievinU noteonhq ,U4 ,noteonhq ,noiteilshteubnl neisA tee]

b,oxO voiloq oilduq brie rltwoiO oimonoo] :elosiiM nsiaA tee] edT ,ceet 1,lnsG bhoW .30 ,notgnir$esW ,,1nsB bhoW silt io aae,1 ytia,svinU

gribhoW 538k1 ",wsiV nshs,tno3 A :eOlLl risieA tee] silt mo, enoaaeJ' ,C99! ,nwlA ,pnuoY .011 ieqsq

tee] silt lo eeitilse leoitaitst2 silt gnutrio,rio3 :a,edmull o nnsiT edT" It@F ,riwlA ,gnuoY .yisuideR ,sqsq berleilduqnu ",eoneheqx] rflwoiO nsiaA
