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    A case study of Saharanpur District, Uttar Pradesh, India

    A Project Report Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of The Requirements for The Award

    of Post Graduate Diploma in Remote Sensing and Geographical Information System

    By :


    Settlement and Land Records Department

    Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation ( Myanmar)

  • 8/14/2019 j02 Swe Beny Friend Project Report


    June, 2005

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    (Affiliated to the United Nations)


    This is to certify that Mr. U Thein Swe has carried out Pilot Project study entitled


    SENSING, LAND AND MANAGEMENT FACTORS for the fulfillment of

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    Many studies have revealed that there is correlation between remotely sensed

    NDVI and yield. Few studies have applied remote sensing data at farmers field level to

    estimate yield. At this scale agricultural production is a result of complex environmental

    stresses including farmers management. This study, therefore, propose to investigate the

    relationship between space-borne Satellite based NDVI and wheat yield at field level, and

    combining NDVI with land and management factors for yield prediction at field level.

    The study was carried out in Saharanpur district ( 29 34 19 to 30 23 58 N

    latitude and 77 07 24 to 77 57 10 E longitude), Uttar Pradesh, India. High-resolution

    LISS-III on board IRS-P6 satellite data for of IRS-P6, has been used for crop

    discrimination and area estimation. Data was collected through interviewing farmers on

    the management practices and farmers yield for rabi season (2004 2005). Crop yield

    i f ti l th d b t l h t t d l l t d tti

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    I wish to express my appreciation to Mr Cihat H.Basocak, GIS Officer of

    UNESCAP, Bangkok for greeting me a scholarship to pursue a course of study at 9 th Post

    graduate course of CSSTE-AP, India Institute of Remote Sensing (IIRS), Director

    General of Settlement and Land Records Department,Ministry of Agriculture and

    Irrigation,Myanmar for allowing me to make use of the opportunity.

    I am very thankful to Dr. V.K Dadhwal, Dean, IIRS, for his unrelenting

    encouragement and effort towards providing all necessary facilities during the training


    My sincere and special thanks to Dr.N.R Patel, Agriculture and Soil Division,

    IIRS, for his valuable guidance, encouragement advices and constructive criticism

    throughout this paper. I wish to extend my sincere thanks to Dr. Suresh Kumar,

    Agriculture and Soil Division, IIRS for his valuable comments, suggestions, help,

    id d t d i th fi ld t d

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    Table of Contents

    Abstract II

    Acknowledgement III

    Table of Contents IV

    List of figures VII

    List of tables IX

    1 Introduction 1

    1.1 The need for crop yield forecasting 2

    2 Review of literature 4

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    4.1.3 Physiographic soil map 10

    4.1.4 Land Management factors 10

    4.1.5 Software used 10

    4.1.6 Hardware used 11

    4.2 Methods 11

    4.2.1 Atmospheric and radiometric correction 11

    4.2.2 Rectification 13

    4.2.3 Digital image classification 13

    4.2.4 Crop discrimination using high resolution data 13

    4.2.5 Post classification 14

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    5..3.1 Spectral characteristics and spectral separability 23

    5.3.2 Crop acreage estimation and accuracy assessment 25

    5.4 Crop Yield Modeling 29

    5.4.1 Spectral vegetation indices based yield estimation 29 NDVI Extraction 29 Land and management factors 30

    5.5 Distribution of yield data 31

    5.5.1 Yield prediction using NDVI 32

    5.5.2 The effect of land parameters on yield and NDVI 35 Relationship between yield , NDVI and soil sub-group 35

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    List of figures

    Figure 3.1 Location map of Saharanpur district 7

    Figure 4.1 Crop cutting experiment in field 15

    Figure 4.2 Flow diagram of crop acreage estimation 19

    Figure 4.3 Schematic diagram for crop yield model development 20

    Figure 5.1 Atmospheric correction of satellite data 21

    Figure .2 Spectral reflectance of healthy vegetation 22

    Figure 5.3 Spectral response curve IRS-P6-LISS-III 25

    Fi 5 4 L d /L d f S h di t i t i 2004 05 26

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    Figure 5.14 Correlation of soil type, NDVI and yield 38

    Figure 5.15 Effect of fertilizer application on yield 39

    Figure 5.16 Relationship between irrigation frequency and yield 40

    Figure 5.17 Correlation of Yield, NDVI, IRRI, LPI, SYS 40

    Figure 5.18 a) Land use /land cover map b) Wheat mask map

    c) wheat mask NDVI map d) Yield map 44

    Figure 5.19 Correlation of farmers expected yield and observed yield 45

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    List of tables

    Table 4.1 Satellite data product 12

    Table 5.1 Seperrability of different land use / land cover

    classes of LISS-III data(Rabi) 24

    Table 5.2 Land use/ land cover statistics of Saharanpur district

    in 2004-2005 (Rabi) 26

    Table 5.3 Error matrix showing the digital classification accuracy

    f d th l d ( R bi) 27

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    1. Introduction

    India underwent a series of successful agricultural revolutions, starting with the

    "green" revolution in wheat and rice in the 1970s, the "white" revolution in milk and, in

    the 1980s, the "yellow" revolution in oil seeds. Despite these major transformations, the

    agricultural sector continues to be dominated by a large number of small landholders (70

    % of rural people and 8 % of urban household depend on agriculture). The country is alsomarked by large fluctuations in agricultural output, though to a declining extent with the

    development of irrigation facilities, adoption of new technologies and changes in

    cropping patterns (FAO, 2000a). The traditional approach of crop estimation in India

    involves complete enumeration (except in a few states where sample surveys are

    employed) for estimating crop acreage and sample surveys based on crop cuttingexperiments (CCE) for estimating crop yield. The crop acreage and corresponding yield

    estimate data are used to obtain production estimates.

    These yield surveys are extensive; plot yield data being collected under complex

    scientifically designed sampling design that is based on a stratified multistage random

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    1.1 The need of remote sensing for crop yield forecasting

    Forecasting crop yield well before harvest is crucial especially in regions

    characterised by climatic uncertainties. This enables planners and decision makers to

    predict how much to import in case of shortfall or optionally, to export in case of surplus.

    It also enables governments to put in place strategic contingency plans for redistribution

    of food during times of famine. Therefore, monitoring of crop development, crop growth,

    and early yield prediction are generally important.

    Crop yield estimation in many countries are based on conventional techniques of

    data collection for crop and yield estimation based on ground-based field visits and

    reports. Such reports are often subjective, costly, time consuming and are prone to large

    errors due to incomplete ground observations, leading to poor crop yield assessment and

    crop area estimations (Reynolds et al.2000). In most countries the data become available

    too late for appropriate actions to be taken to avert food shortage. In some countries

    weather data are also used (de Wit & Boogaard 2001, Liu & Kogan 2002) and models

    based on weather parameters have been developed. This approach is associated with a

    number of problems including the spatial distribution of the weather station, incomplete

    d/ il bl ti l th d t d th b ti th t d t d t l

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    To achieve timely and accurate information on the status of crops and crop yield,

    there is need to have an up-to-date crop monitoring system that provides accurateinformation on yield estimates way before the harvesting period. The earlier and more

    reliable information the greater the value (Hamar et al.1996, Reynolds et al. 2000).

    Remote sensing data has the potential and the capacity to achieve this.

    Keeping in view the potential of satellite remote sensing to quantitatively describe

    actual crop conditions on remote wide area,non-destructive and /or real-time basis, the

    present study was undertaken in Saharanpur district,(India) with following objectives :

    To discriminate crop types and wheat acreage using IRS-P6-LISS-III(3rd

    March,2005) data during Rabi season.

    To investigate the relationship between NDVI and field level crop yield in


    To investigate the relationship between wheat yield and NDVI combining with

    land and management factors for yield prediction at field level

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    2 . Review of Literature

    Various scientists in different part of world have demonstrated the use of remotely

    sensed data for agricultural crop investigation. Agriculture is a major user of data from

    satellite remote sensing. For more than a decade, in 1986 a project on Crop Acreage and

    Production Estimation (CAPE) have been addressed on crop production estimates using

    satellite observation in India which aimed at estimating production of crops viz, wheat,

    rice, sorghum, cotton, groundnut and mustard in their major growing areas ( Navalgund et

    al., 1991)

    Recently, a FASAL (Forecasting Agricultural outputs using Space Agro-

    meteorology and Land based Observations) is under operation which strengthen the

    current capabilities from econometric and weather based techniques with remote sensing

    application (Parihar, 1999)

    U f lli i d f l d / l d i d

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    Recently, multi-spectral satellite data based indices along with agro-

    meteorological indices were used for yield prediction for rabi paddy crop area of Nellore

    district of Andhra Pradesh by using IRS-1A LISS I data. Of the various spectral, agro-

    meteorological yield models developed, they concluded that paddy yield estimation can

    be improved by combining agro-meteorological indices like growing degree day ( GDD),

    potential evapotranspiration (PET) with NDVI. (Saha and Jona, 1994)

    Digital supervised classification of LANDSAT MSS data was used for

    identification and district level acreage estimation of Kharif paddy ( Kalubrame, 1986).

    The two stage stratified sampling approach and supervised digital classification of

    LANDSAT MSS and TM and IRS-IA and IB, LISS I data gave better estimates of

    paddy crop acreage in larger areas such as a group of district or a state ( Parihar et.

    al.,1987, Sharma et. al., 1990, Panigraphy et. al., 1991)

    Krishna Rao et al., (1997) evaluated the feasibility of IRS IC LISS-III data in

    discriminating and estimation acreage of crops grown under multiple cropping situation

    in 2mandals of Guntur district, Andhra Pradesh concluded that the data sat under

    i i i h d i l f lfill h bj i i l i l i i i

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    have high correlation with yield, therefore,they can best be used for yield prediction. The

    findings of Muthy et al. (1994) agrees with the findings of this study.

    However, it is difficult to have a single date image representing one phenological

    stage at field level because of the differences in planting dates and the varieties used,

    resulting in wide differences in crop phenological stages. To improve the predictability of

    yield, Muthy et al. (1994) and Gat et al. (2000) proposed the use of time composited

    multi-date images for yield prediction covering panicle initiation and heading stages and

    considering maximum NDVI which normally occurs at heading stage. It is difficult,

    especially in most tropical environments, to get a series of images due to clouds or other

    logistical problems. In this case a single date image, as demonstrated, still provides good

    information to predict end-of-season yield as long as it is within the time when there is

    maximum vegetation (between panicle initiation and heading stage) and other production

    factors are taken into account.

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    3. Description of the study area

    The geographic setting of the study area, materials used during investigation and

    methodology adopted to find out the desired objectives are briefly described below.

    3.1 Geographic Setting

    Location and extent, climate, geology, agricultural land use are delt in this section.3.1.1 Location and Extent

    The study area of Saharanpur district, Uttar Pradesh State is surround by

    Dehradun district in the north, Yamuna river forms its boundary in the west which

    separates it from Haryana district, in the east Haridwar district and in the south lies the

    district of Muzaffarnagar. Saharanpur district is situated in north 29 34 19 to 30 23

    58latitude and east 77 07 24 to 77 57 10longitude.The area stretchs between

    53G/1, 53G/2, 53G/5, 53G/6, 53G/9, 53G/10, 53G/13, 53G/14, 53F/8,53F/11, 53F/12,

    53F/15 and 53F/16 topographical maps of 1: 50,000 scale which are prepared by Survey

    of India, the study area is around 368,000 ha.

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    3.1.2 : Climate

    The climate of study area is the average climate of Uttar Pradesh in general but its

    northern position and its proximity to the hills give its on peculiarity. Though the region

    lies well outside the tropic yet its climate like that of the rest of north India is essentially

    tropical because of Himalayan chain. It belongs to the uppermost part of the upper Ganga

    plain which is a sub-humid region between the dry Punjab plain and the humid middleGanga plain within the monsoon region of the great plains and naturally partakes the

    characteristics of the to adjoining regions.

    The average temperature recorded is 23.3 degree centigrade June being the hottest

    month while January is the coldest one. The highest percentage of humidity i.e. 72 to 85

    % is found during the rainy season at the lower range of humidity between 29 to 51.5 %

    is recorded in the summers. The eastern part of the region is more humid than the western

    part and relative humidity tends to increase in the winters season. Pressure of the region is

    inversely related to the temperature July recording the lowest while December recording

    the highest pressure. The average pressure of the district is found to be around 979 lbs.

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    (2) The Bhabar land

    (3) Bangar land

    (4) Khadar land ( Yamuna, Hindon)

    3.1.4 Agriculture and Present Land use

    Saharanpur is primarily agricultural district. Roughly 70% of the land is used for

    agriculture. Agriculture plays an important role in the economy of the district. Hence,

    major agricultural systems viz, paddy, wheat, sugarcane and orchards are practiced in the

    district. The developed and fertility alluvial plain of Saharanpur district is contributed by

    the network of eastern Yamuna canal and its distributaries of many channels. The easternYamuna canal runs through the center of district from north to south. One significant

    feature is that even thought the agricultural land for food crops has reduced in recent

    years the food production has increased considerably. The significance of commercial

    crops have increased manifold as a consequence of sugarcane production. In study area,

    h i l d i f i dd h h d d

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    4. Materials and Methods

    4.1 Materials

    Data used for the study and software specification are delt in this section;

    4.1.1 Remote Sensing Data

    Satellite Sensor Product Path/Row Date of Acquisition Source

    IRS-P6 LISS-III Hard Copy 96 /49 3-03-05 NRSA

    4.1.2 Ancillary Data

    Survey of India Toposheet

    Toposheet Nos : 53G/1, 53G/2, 53G/5, 53G/6, 53G/9, 53G/10, 53G/13,

    53G/14, 53F/8, 53F/11, 53F/12, 53F/15, 53F/16

    Scale : 1 : 50,000

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    2) Data generation

    a) ERDAS imaging 8.7b) ARC GIS

    3) For GIS analysis

    a) ARC VIEW

    b) ARC GIS

    c) ILWIS 3.2

    4) For Calculation and report writing

    a) MS Office

    b) MS Excel

    4.1.6 Hardware Used :

    Pentium III,128 Mhz memory,

    4.2 Methods

    The methods used during the investigation is briefed in the following section.

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    Distance, sun elevation angle and minimum DN values are the other required inputs. For

    each band, the theoretical radiance of a dark object is assumed to have a reflectance of

    one per cent (Moran et al. 1992 and Chavez, 1996) and calculated using the following


    L , 1% = 0.01 * d2 * cos2 / ( * ESUN )Where, ESUN = mean solar exo-atmospheric spectral irradiance (table 4.1)

    d is the sun-earth distance and is the solar zenith angle (90-solar elevation angle).

    Haze correction is computed from the dark object values (Chavez 1996):

    L ,haze = L ,min - L ,1%

    The radiance image is then converted into reflectance by the fundamental radiance to

    reflectance (rho) equation:

    2 2

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    * and # Pandya et al., 2003 and 2004, respectively.

    4.2.2 Rectification

    A full scene (path/row:96/49) of high-resolution satellite data from LISS III

    sensor onboard IRS 1D and IRS P6 were georeferenced in UTM projection using ground

    control points (GCPs) from the Survey of India topographical maps at 1:50,000 scale.

    These georeferenced images were then resample to 23.5m pixel size using nearest

    neighbour technique and the images were clipped using the study area boundary mask.

    4.2.3 Digital Image Classification

    Before final classification of satellite data spectral seperability between

    crop and other land use/ land cover classes were evaluated multi band scatter diagram of

    training classes. The crops discrimination of study area was generated by digital

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    Accuracy assessment of classified pixels was done using independent reference

    sites of the study area, collected using GPS. Overall accuracy was defined as the

    percentage of total independent reference pixels that were correctly classified by the

    MXL algorithm. Producers accuracy was calculated by dividing the number of pixels

    correctly classified for each crop by the total number of independent reference pixels for

    that crop, while users accuracy was the number of correctly classified pixels divided by

    the total number of classified pixels for that crop. Kappa coefficientwas calculated to

    measure the significance of classification results relative to chance agreement. A kappa

    value of zero indicates that the classification is no better than random assignment of

    pixels, while a value of one indicates perfect agreement between training pixels and their

    prescribed classes (Lillesand and Kiefer, 2000).

    4.2.5 Post Classification sorting

    After classification with MXL, some classification errors could be already detected

    during a visual examination of classified image. Reclassification was done by merging

    relevant classes and generation or smoothing of classified image was done by using

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    yield and biomass was separated and oven dried to obtain final grain yield for different

    sample sites.

    Fig 4.1 Crop Cutting Experiments in Field

    4.2.8 Land Productivity Index ( LPI)

    LPI is based on general characteristics of the soil profile, texture of the surface

    soil, soil of the land, climate and other physical factors affecting use of land. It is a

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    Land productivity classes

    4.2.9 SYS method of land evaluation

    Classes Ranges

    Excellent (Class I) 80 100

    Good (Class II ) 60 80

    Fairly Good (Class III) 40 60

    Average ( Class IV ) 20- 40

    Poor ( Class V ) 10 20Very Poor ( Class VI ) < 10

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    Sys Index = A * B/100 * C/100* .

    ( A, B and C are ratings of soil and land characteristics)

    The successful application of the system applies the respect of the following rules:

    1. The number of land characteristics to consider has to be reduced to a

    strict minimum to avoid repetition of related characteristics in the

    formula, leading to depression of the land index.

    2. An important characteristics is rated in a wide scale ( 100 25), a less

    important characteristics in a narrower scale ( 100 60). This

    introduces the concept of weighting factor.

    3. The depth to which the land index has to be calculated must be defined

    for each land utilization type.

    The depth to be considered should coincide with the normal depth of

    the root system in a deep soil.

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    classified into four suitability classes of S1 ( >60), S2 ( 40 60 ), S3 (2040), and N ( 1900, the two classes can be well separated. Between 1700 and 1900, it

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    TABLE - 5.1 Seperability of different land cover classes of LISS III data(Rabi)

    *Best average seperability over all pair wise combination of signature: 1944


    Name Wheat Sugarcane Orchard Fallowland Forest RiverineForest PlantationForestSettlement RiverBed WaterBody

    Wheat 0 1999 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000

    Sugarcane 2000 0 1967 1992 1999 1995 1908 1985 2000 1985

    Orchard 2000 1967 0 1591 1283 1653 1995 1978 2000 2000

    Fallow_land 2000 1992 1591 0 1533 1991 2000 2000 2000 2000

    Forest 2000 1999 1283 1533 0 1964 2000 2000 2000 1999

    Riverine Forest 2000 1995 1653 1991 1964 0 1995 1895 2000 1999

    Plantatio Forest 2000 1908 1995 2000 2000 1995 0 1837 2000 2000

    Settlement 2000 1999 1978 2000 2000 1895 1837 0 1918 1997

    River Bed 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 1918 0 2000

    Water Body 2000 1985 2000 2000 1999 1999 2000 1997 2000 0


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    Spectral Response Curve (LISS_ III)
























    Wheat Sugarcane Orchard Fallow_land

    forest Settlement water_body

    Fig - 5.3 Spectral response curve IRS-P-6 LISS-III

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    The overall accuracy for all the crops and other land use classes is more than 80%

    and Kappa coefficient is 0.91.The accuracy achieved is much above the acceptable

    accuracy (80%) for any kind of thematic map. The wheat crop in the study area shown

    more than 99% accuracy.

    Land Use Area (ha) Area %

    Wheat 187298.00 50.89 %

    Sugarcane 22200.10 6.03 %

    Orchard 50411.40 13.70%

    Fallow land 34057.80 9.25%

    Forest 28772.70 7.82%

    Riverine forest 2635.83 0.72%

    Plantation forest 2051.39 0.56%

    Settlement 28602.60 7.77%

    River bed 9479.76 2.58%

    Water body 2508.82 0.68%

    Total Area (ha) 368018.40

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    TABLE 5. 3 Error matrix showing the digital classification accuracy of crops and other land use (IRS P6-LISS_III)data (Rabi)


    Name Wheat


    cane OrchardFallow














    Wheat 2047 0 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 1 2056 99.56

    Sugarcane 19 254 1 0 0 1 12 9 0 3 299 85.62

    Orchard 0 0 198 6 16 12 0 9 0 3 244 81.15

    Fallow_land 0 0 6 651 36 0 0 0 0 0 693 93.94

    Forest 0 0 13 7 793 0 0 0 0 0 813 97.54

    Riverine_Forest 0 0 3 1 0 792 0 41 0 4 841 94.17

    Plantatio Forest 0 7 0 0 0 0 493 43 0 1 544 90.63

    Settlement 0 0 1 6 0 18 7 1628 66 0 1726 94.32

    River_Bed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 31 758 0 789 96.07

    Water_Body 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 429 430 99.77

    Total 2066 261 222 679 845 824 512 1761 824 441 8435 93.28

    Accuracy% 99.08 97.32 89.19 95.88 93.85 96.12 96.29 92.45 91.99 97.28 94.94 95.49

    Confusion Matrix

    Average User Accuracy = 93.28 %

    Average Producer Accuracy = 94.94 %

    Overall Accuracy = 95.49%

    Kappa Statistics = 0.91


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    ( a ) ( b )

    Fig 5. 5 Crop Acreage Estimation (a ) False Color Composite ( IRS-P-6 ,LISS-III -Rabi) (b) Digitally Classified Image


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    5.4 Crop Yield Modeling

    Crop yield prediction models are necessary for assessing the production of

    particular crop in region. Most of these models use either agronomic variables or

    meteorological variable or combination of both and they become highly location specific.

    In this study, spectral data is an integrated with land and management factors.

    5.4.1 Spectral vegetation indices based yield estimation

    Crop yield is key element for rural development and an indicator of global food

    security. As global food demand continues to grow, crop yield assessments on a regional

    scale will be increasingly important. In the present study empirical models which directly

    relate single-spectral satellite data or derived parameters (Vegetation Indices, VIs) to crop

    yield was used in yield estimation of wheat. In this approach, NDVI at particular growth

    stage (normally, maximum vegetation growth) is related to final crop yield through

    regression techniques and pre-harvest crop yield is predicted with the assumption that

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    Data on land and management practices and respective yield data were collected

    from farmers through interviews. Data units as reported by farmers were converted into

    standard metric (S.I.) units. The IRS satellite image of 3rd Mar 2005 provided the field

    level NDVI data. The total sample size for this study consisted of 44 valid fields.

    Parametric statistical analysis techniques require data to be distributed normally.

    Means and standard deviations are useful to describe data but become poor when the data

    are not normally distributed. Histograms, stem-and-leaf plots and box plots can also be

    used to visualize data. They help to show their distribution characteristics.

    ( a ) ( b )

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    manifestation of all important factors affecting the agricultural crop and cumulative

    environmental impacts on crop growth (Liu & Kogan 2002, Singh et al. 2002), therefore

    remotely sensed data could be used to monitor crop condition through NDVI.

    Management practices in the production system and how land is utilized will have

    an effect on the overall productivity. In this respect, crop growth and crop yield is a

    response to the type of management and the quality of the land unit.

    Based on the above, hypothesis adopted in this study are as follows:

    1. There is significant relationship between NDVI, and yield at field level.

    Yield = ( NDVI )

    2. There is significant relationship between NDVI, field level management and land.

    NDVI = (Land, Management)

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    techniques can be employed for further analysis without fulfilling any

    transformation requirement.











    Fig 5. 7 Histogram fitted with a normal probability curve

    Sd = 10.187

    Mean = 33.05

    Kolmogorov_Smirnov Z test=0.815

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    analysis for yield estimation is presented in figures5.10. This study established that there

    is a significant positive relationship between remotely sensed NDVI and CCE based yield

    (Adj. r2 = 0.521), where production is dependent on many factors acting upon crop

    growth. This clearly shows the potential of using NDVI for regional yield prediction for









    0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1



    Yield (Q/ha) = 60.84*NDVI 9.895

    (Adj. R2 = 0.521, SEE = 7.142 N = 44)

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    Table 5.4 Yield statistics of Saharanpur district in 2004-2005 (Rabi)

    5.5.2 The effect of land parameters on yield and NDVI Relationship between yield, NDVI and soil sub-groups

    Soil is a major role in crop production. It is a medium for water and nutrient

    supply to crops. Its natural characteristics determine the availability and supply of these

    resources to the crop. Fig 5.11. shows the distribution of yield by soil sub-group. The box

    plots (figure-5.11 ) indicate that the highest yield in soil sub group AP-FL. Most of the

    sample sites were in soil sub-group AP_ Fl, and the least samples in sub-group AP_FS.

    This bias in sampling frequency relates to extent each subgroup occur.

    In study area, the highest yield is found in AP_FL(Alluvial Plain, Fine Loamy)and

    the lowest yield is found in UP_CL(Upper Piedmont, Coarse Loamy)of subsoil group.

    Mostly, high vigor wheat crop and high NDVI value are also found in AP_FL soil


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    Fig- 5.11 Relationship between soil type and yield

    The box plots, figure 5.11, show the distribution of yield in different soil sub-

    groups. The box plots suggest more variation in soil sub-group AP_FS and least in sub-

    group AFP_SS. Testing for differences in mean yield by soils suggested that at least one

    soil sub-group is significantly different from other soil sub-groups ( p = 0.001).

    A step-wise forward regression analysis with all soil sub-groups showed that

    yields from soil UP-CL are significantly different yields from other soil sub-groups.

    These results suggest that soil has a significant impact on growth and condition of wheat,

    which can be measured through remotely sensed NDVI.

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    53/64 Urea fertilizer applications.

    Figure 5.15 : a box plot showing the effect of urea fertilizer application frequency

    on yield. The box plot suggests more yield if fertilizer was applied more. Analysis is used

    data on collected from field of 14 samples. Fertilizer application in analysis is from(n=4)

    180 Kg to (n=5) 360 Kg /ha. Mean fertilizer usage in wheat crop is 276 kg/ha. Testing to

    find if there is a significant difference in yield, Study suggested that the number of

    fertilizer applications relates to the yield variability between fields.





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    was found mini (1) and maxi(4)times. The correlation of irrigation frequency and wheat

    yield was high significant in determination (0.716). Fig 5.16 shows the mean yield and

    irrigation frequency for the water regimes as expressed by farmers. Box plots show the

    frequency of water (n=4)was high distribution on yield than less frequency (n). Analysis

    found irrigation frequency are highly related to yield.








    n= 3

    n= 11

    n= 10

    n= 4

    Yield = 11.85 + 8.13*Irrigation applied

    R2 = 0.51

    Error bars (95% CL of Mean)

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    Fig5.17 Correlation of

    NDVI,LPI,Irri, Sys and Yield

    Fig : 5.17 - is shown the correlation of all parameters. In this study, found NDVI

    and yield are influence in correlation. NDVI and IRRI, LPI, SYS are not influence in

    correlation, those are found scatters in correlation. The correlation of yield and other


























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    its correlation (r2) was 0.661. Likewise, NDVI and LPI (n= 18)was significant high

    coefficient of determination( 0.596) low standard error (7.049) and NDVI and Sys

    (n=18)was high correlated in determination (0.561) low standard error (7.340). In RS,

    Land and management factor input, combination of NDVI, LPI and irrigation

    frequency(n=18)was had high coefficient of determination(0.722) low standard error

    (6.049). While NDVI, Sys and Irrigation Frequency model had experienced relativity less

    variability of wheat yield with a coefficient of determination (0.653).

    The result in this study was found using RS, land and management factors model

    is better than NDVI alone model in wheat crop yield estimation. The correlation of NDVI

    alone and yield was coefficient of determination (0.532).NDVI, land and management

    factors were coefficient of determination(more than 0.532).

    The study found single date images can provide useful information of the crops

    and yield status. But the timing of the image to be used for yield estimation is important.

    Though Gielen et al. (2001) explained that there is good correlation between NDVI and

    yield but using NDVI as an end-of season yield estimator gives unsatisfactory results

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    Variable Count Min Max Mean SD



    Remote Sensing

    NDVI 44 0.44 0.88 0.719 0.118 0.729**

    Land factors

    L P I 18 40.4 95.0 76.7 19.9 0.609**

    SYS Index 18 15.0 79.0 61.0 17.19 0.661**

    Management input

    Urea applied

    (Kg/ha)14 180 360 276 74.5 0.446


    frequency 28 1 4 2.57 0.87 0.176**

    ** Significant Et 0.01% level (2 failed)

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    frequency LPI+5.694*Irri

    NDVI, SYS, Irrigation



    index+5.116*Irrigation0.653 0.579 6.758 0.002

    ( a ) ( b)

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    Fig 5.19 Correlation of observed yield and Farmers expected yield

    The result in this study, predicted yield and observed yield were also high

    correlated. In Fig -19: showed independent CCE site (n=2) and farmers expected yield

    were high significant in correlation. In this method, CCE sites and farmers expected yield

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    The use of land and management parameters alone has shown that the yield

    variability can be explained. The combination of NDVI, land and management factors

    together are improved the model. This shows that use of NDVI alone, as done

    in many studies, can be improved if land and management factors are

    also considered, especially at field level where parameters vary from

    field to field, as opposed to regional or national level, where these

    factors are generalised.

    All these findings indicate that there is correlation between remotely sensed

    spectral data and yield. The differences in the correlations and explaining ability of yield

    variability is due to the level of application and the quality of data being used to

    investigate the relationships and to derive models. Muthy et al. (1994) used yield

    estimates from CCE, which are fairly accurate and used time composite NDVI. Mohd et

    al. (1994) used yield from highly controlled research plots. This study used data collected

    through interviews. From the results of this study, it is a significant effect on the degree of

    the relationships between remotely sensed NDVI and yield.

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    6. Conclusion

    The Saharanpur district of Uttar Pradesh ha been taken as the study area for this

    project with an objective of Crop Yield Estimation of Wheat by Integrating RS, Land and

    Management Factors. The result of this study shown that wheat crop is highly separable

    and can be discriminated with more than 95% accuracy using high resolution multi-

    spectral LISS-III on board IRS-P6 satellite data. A strong linear and non-linear empirical

    relation of NDVI and land, management factors has shown possibility of using satellite

    NDVI for retrieving yield model for regional productivity analysis.

    High-resolution multi-spectral LISS-III satellite data is good for discriminating

    crop in the study area. The combination of satellite NDVI, land and management factors

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    Field Data Collection Photos
