  • 7/30/2019 IRS Request for Addl Info 3-12


    Intemal Revenue ServiceTElGE:EOG:7888:ema/AAA A 'l n I/+uuu 1\\'ua ItoaoLagr" Niguel, CA 92677

    Date: Febnu,u1.28, 2012

    lhe TABOR C-ornmittee/20 Kipling Streer, SLute 12Lakewood, CO 80215

    Department of the Treasury

    E mploye r I dentifi c ation Numbe r:27

    Penon to C.ontact - Group 2888Elizabeth MarouezID# A246191

    Conuect Telephone Numbe rs :949 1 PlLone!tL- f t-.

    Response []rre [)are:Nlarcli 2I,2Cl)

    Deal Sir or \ladrn:

    We need nlore inionn;rtion before \\'e c;1r) cornplete oLrrcorsider-.rtio. of _r.oLu-rpplicetio.'.Plexe pro'ide the itfonrntion r,:quested on thc enclosecl Intonnatro' ti ,rr.-r.rp"1^se due clate sho*.above' Yotrr respomse lntst be signed b1'an authodzed per:on or an officer o'Lor'. ,."rr-r. i', Iisrecl on 1,.oi.u.application. Nso, the infonnaticin 1'ou iubnit should be accomparu.a U1 tn. i,;ll;;;i;chration:Under penalties.of periury, I declarc that I have examined this information, includingaccompanying documents., and, to the best of rny knowledge and beliel the irrfo.-aCo'conlrins all the rclevant facts relating to the rcquest for the"informatlu", r"a r"ch facts aretnre, correcL and complete .


    approv! Pur application for exernptiol re *illbe required bylaw to make the application :rndtheinlonnation that I'sll sribrnit in re'sponseio this letter ar,ailable fo. public urrp.f,ion. l-t'.'..e ensure that \,.ourresPor^e does.'t include unnecesrs;uypenonal identifying infomation, such'as b^nk a.cor-;ffiL;;;"Si.i,il

    Secudtv numben, that could result in identitythefl oiotie. adverse conseq'ences if pubricly dir.lor..l.- rirou-'ha'e anv questions about the public inspection qf your ,rpplication or othe; doc*,r.nir, call the penonwhose nune and telephone number are shown above.

    To faciiitate pnrcessing of ycur appl.ication, please attacn 1 copy of tiris letter to l.olr response and allcorrespondence related I? your.rprplic.rtion. This n'ill erurble us to qLuckll :urcl :recuratel,r:xsociate t|e1{ditional

    docr-une'ts with your C,ue file. Also, ple.ue .,ote rhe foilon{ng *po"a'i r-.rporue subrnissiollrIIomlltlon:

    Please don't fax and maii .lour. response. Fa1rg and mailinglour

    response will resLrlt in Lurnecessarydelap, in processing your,rpplicatibn. Each pie,ri^ol.oo.rp"ond.n.. f", o.,rr"ii)must be processed, assignecl, and reviewed byan Eo Determrnatiorx specialist.

    Please dont.fa-r your,.response multiple times. fa.xing your response multiple times will delay theprocessing of y'our application for the riasorrs nored abov"e.'

    P]ease don't call to verify rcceipr of your response nithout allowing for adequate processing time. k tairesa minimum of three workdap to process your faxed or mailed ,.rp.-orrr. from the dayit is received.

  • 7/30/2019 IRS Request for Addl Info 3-12


    Name: The TABOR C-ommittee'EIN: 27-

    If we don't hear from youbythe response due date shoun above, we -nill ass;urne you no longer vlam \rs toconsider your appiication for exemption and u''ill close )our case. As a result, the intemal Reienue Se n ice v,ill::ltI^o-| |],l*i?t. entrry. If vre receive the informar-ion after the response due date, \\e may ask you to sendus a newapplcatlon.

    Jf ygy have any.questiors, pleaser contact the penon whose name and teiephone number are shoq,n in theheading of this letter.

    Sincerrly ,r,'or,us,,\' 't

    .t":Yl,j.l-i) 'rU l)E-zSlh.,t.,,'q.'.! |Ereur;'rt,.) i.urz.uio'ns Sprecielisr

    E.nclosu'e: I ntorrr.rtion Rr'qucsr

    Lener 1J12 (Rev. C5-2C11)

  • 7/30/2019 IRS Request for Addl Info 3-12


    Name: The '|ABOR C.ommitteeEIN: 22-


    Plea-se read the Penalties of Perjurystaternenton page I above. Then, please sign and dare beloq indicatingyou agree to the Declar.rtion.

    Name Date

    Mditional I nformation Re que r; te d:



    Street Mdress for Delivery Service:

    Intem:rl SeruiceTElGE :EOG:7888:E. Marquez24000 Avila Road. Room 4iO8Laguna Nguel, CA92677

    US Mail:

    Intemai Revenue Ser-vir:eTElGE :EOG:7888:E. Marquez240C0 Aviia Roird, Mail Stop 30OOLaguna Niguel, CA92677

    Lemer 1312 (Rev. O5-2C11)

  • 7/30/2019 IRS Request for Addl Info 3-12


    ORGANIZATION: lhe TABOR CommineeCASE #: 50AGENT: E[zabeth MarquezDATE: February 28,2412


    NOTE: Your response ro this letter must be subnritted over the ;ignature of ar-r authorizedp.^o" or of an ofiicer q'hose name is listed on the application. AJso, the information yousubmit should be accompanied bv the follo*rng declaration:

    Under penalties of periury, I declarc that I have examined this information, includingaccompanying documents, and, to the best of mv knov'ledge and beliel theinformition contains; all the relevant facts rclating to the rcqlrest for the intomration.

    L Please submit Strlrtrnrr'flts regrrding educational. u'orl,. and phi anthropic baclgrounds ofthe organization's ofl'rcen. clirector:, bo.rrd t-tte tnlren an.'l s'

    2. Please provide inf,rm-ration as follou-s penrining to each of thc organization's officen,directon or tmstees:

    a. Please describe the duties that each individual performs f,;r the organization.b. Other than sen'ing as an officer, director and/ or board ntember for the

    organization, please provide the names and addresses of each individual'semployer/bur;iness, the nature of their employrnent/business, and the number ofhoun devote

  • 7/30/2019 IRS Request for Addl Info 3-12


    ORGANIZATION: The'IABOR CrmmrtteeCASE # t 50AGENT: Elizabeth MarquezDATE: February 28,,2QI2

    8. Please provide copies of all of the organization's promotional rraterial.

    g. F{as the organization distributed or will it distribute materials c'r conduct othercomrnunrcatlons thar are prepared by another organization or person? If so, provide thefollowing:

    a. Please provide details of this activitv.b. Please provide the names of the individual(s) and/or organization(s) that prepared

    thc Irraterials.c. Ple ;rse subnrit :c,L.ies ,,-t r-n;rtcnals antl :onte nts tri the .rrntrttLlnia.ltions.,-1. \\ h.,n rrr.l u hc r.' tlie clistnbr-rtions h.rr e L)c'cn COn.iuctr:t-l o r l rll L-,e conducted?e. tXho has distributed or will distribute the materials?

    lO. Is the c,rganization :r membenhip oreenz;ruon? Ii sc,, sut,nrit the ic'tllou'ing:a. Please indicate hon'manymen-rben the organization has turrentll-.b. Please fully explain what the organization's membenhips consist of (i.e. individuals,

    businesses, organizations, etc.).c. Please provide a numerical breakdown of memben in each membenhip ciass.d. Please provide a cornplete copyof the member application/registration form.e. Please provide the membenhip agreernent and nrles that govem memben.f. Please provide a membenhip fee schedule.g. Please fully descrilbe the requirements for membenhip.h. Please fullydescrilbe q.'hat services and benefits are availal:,le onlyto the

    organization'srrre mbership.

    i. i)lease fully descrilbe the rnemben' roles and duties u.rthin the orgtrnization.

    11. The attachment to I'art II, Line 5 of Form 1024 indicates that the oryanization has aclose connection to TABOR Foundation. Please submit the l'ollowing:

    a. Ple:rse fulll'describe the activities of TABOR Foundation.b. Please fulll-describe how the actir.ities of TABOR Foundation differ frorn those of

    tne olganzatlon.c. Please provide the website address for TABOR Iroundation.d. Please provide promotional material relating to IABOR lroundation.e. Please provide the names of officen, directon and board memben of TABOR

    Foundation.f. Please fully explain if TABOR Foundadon has been granted exemption from the

    Intemal Revenue Sen'ice. If so, please provide complete evidence.

    12. Please submit copies ,rf all publications and/ or advertising mrterials that have beendistributed or will be ,Cistributed.

    13. Form lO24 ndicates that the organization will conduct the following activities:

  • 7/30/2019 IRS Request for Addl Info 3-12


    ORGANIZATION: The'|ABOR C.ommitteeCASE #: 50AGENT: Elizabeth MarqirezDATE,: February 28,2417





    Provicle input and inforrnation conceming tax-related amendments to vour State's

    Crnstitution and other proposed measures.Participate in forurns, presentations and slmposia, and

    Sponsor educatic,rralforums and conferences conceming taxes, legislation and fiscal


    Please subrnit the foll
