Page 1: · Web viewDo you have monthly reporting of financial performance (profit and loss, cash flow and other key performance indicators)? Specify reports. Maximum

2020 Application QuestionsPAGE 2 – Business and Contact Details

PAGE 5 – Excellence in Micro Business

PAGE 6 – Excellence in Small Business

PAGE 7 – Excellence in Business

PAGE 8 – Excellence in Business Ethics

PAGE 9 – Excellence in Sustainability

PAGE 10 – Excellence in Workplace Health and Safety

PAGE 11 – Excellence in Innovation

PAGE 12 – Start Up Superstar

PAGE 13 – Outstanding Employer of Choice

PAGE 14 – Outstanding Young Employee

PAGE 15 – Outstanding Young Entrepreneur

PAGE 16 – Outstanding Business Leader

PAGE 17 – Excellence in Training and Development / Outstanding Customer Service / Outstanding Tradie / People’s Choice Award


Page 2: · Web viewDo you have monthly reporting of financial performance (profit and loss, cash flow and other key performance indicators)? Specify reports. Maximum

Business & Contact DetailsAll entrants into the Business Awards wi l l need to complete al l the below f ie lds to be el ig ible – this only needs to be completed ONCE and is val id for al l appl ications.

Business Details

1. Trading name:

2. Registered ABN:

3. How is your business structured

Sole Trader Partnership Trust Company

4. Is your business classif ied as a not for profit?

Yes No 

5. Main off ice address:

6. Business trading commencement date:

7.  What is the main industry your business operates in (drop down box)

Agricul ture, Forestry and Fishing Mining Manufactur ing Electr ic i ty, Gas, Water and Waste Services Construct ion Wholesale Trade Retai l Trade Transport , Postal and Warehousing Information, Media and Telecommunicat ions Financial and Insurance Services Rental , Hir ing and Real Estate Services Professional, Scient i f ic and Technical Services Administrat ive and Support Services Publ ic Administrat ion and Safety


Page 3: · Web viewDo you have monthly reporting of financial performance (profit and loss, cash flow and other key performance indicators)? Specify reports. Maximum

Educat ion and Training Health Care and Social Assistance Arts and Recreat ion Services Market ing

8. Number of employees on the payroll in Australia.

1 to 4 5 to 19 20 to 49 50 to 99 100 to 199 200+

9. Is your business primarily business to business or business to consumer.

Business to Business Business to Consumer

10. Please provide a 100 word biography for your business to be used for promotional purposes.

11. Please indicate the main reason/s you are entering into the Business Awards.

To raise the prof i le of my business To recognise my staf f and our achievements To bui ld business networks To ref lect on the goals, strategies and vis ion that led to the success of

your business and to use those insights to dr ive even greater success in the future.

12. Website:

13. Twitter:

14. Instagram:

15. LinkedIn:

16. Facebook :

Contact Details


Page 4: · Web viewDo you have monthly reporting of financial performance (profit and loss, cash flow and other key performance indicators)? Specify reports. Maximum

Entry Contact details:

First Name:


Posit ion:

Email :


Mobi le:


Media Contact Details:

First Name:

Posit ion:

Email :


Mobi le:


Page 5: · Web viewDo you have monthly reporting of financial performance (profit and loss, cash flow and other key performance indicators)? Specify reports. Maximum

Excellence in Micro BusinessThe Excel lence in Micro Business award recognises a business wi th less than 4 employees that has ach ieved s igni f icant growth (market share, sa les volume, turnover , prof i tab i l i ty ) and is able to demonst rate the speci f ic s t rategies and p lans implemented to achieve susta inab le growth in the prev ious f inancia l year .

Award el igibi l i ty check box

This business has been t rad ing for a per iod of two years or more, is not bankrupt or t rading inso lvent a t the t ime of ent ry .

This business has less than 4 employees on the payro l l in Aust ra l ia . This business has not entered in to the Excel lence in Smal l Business or

Excel lence in Business category.


1. Provide an overview of the key features of your business plan including goals, strategies and

outcomes. Maximum word count: 400

2. Define your businesses product and/or service offering/s. Maximum word count: 400

3. Define your target market/s? Maximum word count: 300

4. What is unique about your business i.e what makes it stand out from your competitors? Maximum

word count: 300

5. Do you have monthly reporting of financial performance (profit and loss, cash flow and other key

performance indicators)? Specify reports. Maximum word count: 300

6. Detail your business goals and key milestones achieved in the previous financial year. Maximum

word count: 450

7. What were the strategies and plans you initiated to achieve your business growth over the previous

financial year? Maximum word count: 300

8. Detail the key challenges and opportunities your business and industry face in the future. Maximum

word count: 300

9. What strategies or plans do you have in place to address these challenges and/or opportunities?

Maximum word count: 450

10. Demonstrate how your business contributes to the local economy in your region.  For example

employing local people, local purchasing etc) Maximum word count: 250


Page 6: · Web viewDo you have monthly reporting of financial performance (profit and loss, cash flow and other key performance indicators)? Specify reports. Maximum

Excellence in Small BusinessThe Excel lence in Smal l Business award recognises a business wi th f ive to twenty employees that has ach ieved s igni f icant growth (market share, sa les volume, turnover , prof i tab i l i ty ) and is able to demonst rate the speci f ic s t rategies and p lans implemented to achieve susta inab le growth in the prev ious f inancia l year .

Award el igibi l i ty check box

This business has been t rad ing for a per iod of two years or more, is not bankrupt or t rading inso lvent a t the t ime of ent ry .

This business has 5 to 20 employees on the payro l l in Austra l ia . This business has not entered in to the Excel lence in Micro Business or

Excel lence in Business category.


1. Provide an overview of the key features of your business plan including goals, strategies and

outcomes. Maximum word count: 400

2. Define your businesses product and/or service offering/s. Maximum word count: 400

3. Define your target market/s. Maximum word count: 300

4. What is unique about your business i.e what makes it stand out from your competitors? Maximum

word count: 300

5. Do you have monthly reporting of financial performance (profit and loss, cash flow and other key

performance indicators)? Specify reports. Maximum word count: 300

6. Detail your business goals and key milestones achieved in the previous financial year. Maximum

word count: 450

7. What were the strategies and plans you initiated to achieve your business growth over the previous

financial year? Maximum word count: 300

8. Detail the key challenges and opportunities your business and industry face in the future. Maximum

word count: 300

9. What strategies or plans do you have in place to address these challenges and/or opportunities?

Maximum word count: 450

10. Demonstrate how your business contributes to the local economy in your region.  For example,

employing local people, local purchasing etc). Maximum word count: 250


Page 7: · Web viewDo you have monthly reporting of financial performance (profit and loss, cash flow and other key performance indicators)? Specify reports. Maximum

Excellence in BusinessThe Excel lence in Business award recognises a business wi th 21 or more employees that has achieved s igni f icant growth and is able to demonst rate the speci f ic s t rategies and processes implemented to achieve susta inable growth in the prev ious f inancia l year .

Award el igibi l i ty check box

This business has been t rad ing for a per iod of two years or more, is not bankrupt or t rading inso lvent a t the t ime of ent ry .

This business has 21 or more employees on the payro l l in Aust ra l ia . This business has not entered in to the Excel lence in Micro Business or

Excel lence in Smal l Business category.


1. Provide an overview of the key features of your business plan including goals, strategies and

outcomes. Maximum word count: 400

2. Define your businesses product and/or service offering/s. Maximum word count: 400

3. Define your target market/s. Maximum word count: 300

4. What is unique about your business i.e what makes it stand out from your competitors? Maximum

word count: 300

5. Do you have monthly reporting of financial performance (profit and loss, cash flow and other key

performance indicators)? Specify reports. Maximum word count: 300

6. Detail your business goals and key milestones achieved in the previous financial year. Maximum

word count: 450

7. What were the strategies and plans you initiated to achieve your business growth over the previous

financial year? Maximum word count: 300

8. Detail the key challenges and opportunities your business and industry face in the future. Maximum

word count: 300

9. What strategies or plans do you have in place to address these challenges and/or opportunities?

Maximum word count: 450

10. Demonstrate how your business contributes to the local economy in your region. For example

employing local people, local purchasing etc). Maximum word count: 250


Page 8: · Web viewDo you have monthly reporting of financial performance (profit and loss, cash flow and other key performance indicators)? Specify reports. Maximum

Excellence in Business EthicsThe Excel lence in Business Eth ics award recognises businesses that are implement ing eth ica l pract ices wi th in thei r bus inesses, creat ing a posi t ive work cul ture / env i ronment and bui ld ing business success.


1. Explain how your business demonstrates excellence in business ethics?

Please provide at  least 3 specific examples. Maximum word count: 400

2. How do ethical practices contribute to your business success? Please provide evidence. Maximum

word count: 400

3. Detail measurable evidence of how you contribute to your local community. Maximum word count:


4. Describe how your business interacts with your employees to promote

excellence in business ethics with your suppliers and customers. Please

provide at least 3 specific examples. Maximum word count: 400


Page 9: · Web viewDo you have monthly reporting of financial performance (profit and loss, cash flow and other key performance indicators)? Specify reports. Maximum

Excellence in Sustainability(This category is based on susta inable in i t ia t ives and pro jects wi th in your business, not re lated to your core of fer ing).

The Excel lence in Susta inab i l i ty award recogn ises businesses that are work ing to reduce the impact of thei r operat ions on the environment and/or prov ide products and serv ices that have posi t ive environmental outcomes.

Award el igibi l i ty check box

The business has been t rading for a cont inuous per iod of two years or more, not bankrupt or t rading inso lvent a t the t ime of ent ry .


1. Describe your business environmental sustainability goals. Note that these must be quantifiable

targets. Maximum word count: 300

2. Describe the initiatives/actions your organisation has undertaken to achieve its sustainability

objectives in the previous 12- 24 months within the region you are entering the awards. Maximum

word count: 400

3. Describe your sustainability achievements over the last 12 – 24 months. Maximum word count: 300

4. Describe how you involve staff in your environmental initiatives. Maximum word count: 300

5. Provide measurable evidence of how your sustainability objectives have achieved and contributed

to the business, customers, staff and suppliers such as financial outcomes, staff engagement,

marketing benefits, supplier/customer loyalty. Maximum word count: 400


Page 10: · Web viewDo you have monthly reporting of financial performance (profit and loss, cash flow and other key performance indicators)? Specify reports. Maximum

Excellence in Workplace Health and SafetyThe Excel lence in Workplace Heal th and Safety award recognises businesses that are implement ing safe work processes wi th in thei r bus iness and reducing, cont ro l l ing and ident i fy ing r isk.


1. Explain the assessment processes in place to identify, control and review

health and safety risks in your business. Maximum word count: 400

2. Explain how business officers (directors, company secretaries, senior

managers) are made aware of their Workplace Health and Safety responsibilities. Maximum word

count: 400

3. Provide details of your health and safety management systems and practices in your workplace.

Maximum word count: 400

4. Provide measurable evidence of the Workplace Health and Safety initiatives you have implemented

and how they have created a safer work environment. Maximum word count: 400


Page 11: · Web viewDo you have monthly reporting of financial performance (profit and loss, cash flow and other key performance indicators)? Specify reports. Maximum

Excellence in InnovationThe Excel lence in Innovat ion award recognises businesses that have made s igni f icant cont r ibut ions to thei r industry through the in t roduct ion or improvement of an idea, method, technology, process or appl icat ion.

Award el igibi l i ty check box

The business has been t rading for a cont inuous per iod of two years or more, not bankrupt or t rading inso lvent a t the t ime of ent ry .


1. Provide details of the innovation or innovative approach in your business. Maximum word count:


2. Explain how your business monitors and reacts to changes in the market including how your

business acquires an understanding of emerging customer needs and market developments.

Maximum word count: 300

3. How well has the innovation been received by the marketplace?  Provide details of the cost

effectiveness, integration, risk minimisation and commercialisation. Maximum word count: 300

4. How has innovative activity in your business helped grow or improve your business such as

increased size, greater scope, productivity improvements, higher revenue, and lower cost?

Maximum word count: 400

5. Demonstrate how the innovation has or is likely to have a positive impact beyond your business (i.e.

to your industry, to the community). Maximum word count: 400

6. How did this innovation achieve its objectives and goals? Maximum word count: 400


Page 12: · Web viewDo you have monthly reporting of financial performance (profit and loss, cash flow and other key performance indicators)? Specify reports. Maximum

Startup SuperstarThe Star t Up Superstar award recognises a business that has been t rading for at LEAST 12 months and less than 24 months. This business del ivers a product /serv ice/ idea/ invent ion wi th credib le potent ia l and st rongly d isp lays an ent repreneur ia l sp i r i t .

Award el igibi l i ty check box

The business has been t rading for a cont inuous per iod of 12 months and less than 24 months, not bankrupt or t rading inso lvent a t the t ime of ent ry .

This business has not been purchased or acqu ired. This business is not part o f a f ranchise. This business is not a new product or serv ice l ine.


1. Is this your first start up? (If no please specify other business ventures and their degree of success).

Maximum word count: 300

2. Date when you commenced trading.

3. Number of owners.

4. What problem (or need) has your business solved? Maximum word count: 250

5. How did you identify the market need? Maximum word count: 400

6. Describe your product service or offering. Maximum word count: 400

7. Who is your target market? Maximum word count: 250

8. Describe your business’s innovative competitive advantage. Maximum word count: 400

9. Outline your business success since its inception. Maximum word count: 400

10. Detail and include your current research, customer marketing strategy, logistics and service

delivery. Maximum word count: 350

11. Describe how you funded your business. Maximum word count: 200

12. Detail how your business has the potential to scale and achieve financial sustainability. Maximum

word count: 400

13. Provide commercial and technical evidence your team has the ability and competencies to achieve

success and detail strategy and time frame involved. Maximum word count: 500


Page 13: · Web viewDo you have monthly reporting of financial performance (profit and loss, cash flow and other key performance indicators)? Specify reports. Maximum

Outstanding Employer of ChoiceThe Employer of Choice award recognises organisat ions that put in p lace st rategies and in i t ia t ives to create s t imulat ing and support ive workplace environments for the i r employees. These st ra tegies or in i t ia t ives must have a posi t ive impact on both employees and the organisat ion as a whole .

Award el igibi l i ty check box

The business has been t rading for a cont inuous per iod of two years or more, not bankrupt or t rading inso lvent a t the t ime of ent ry .


1. What is your employee value proposition? Why would someone want to work for your business?

Maximum word count: 300

2. Describe your workplace culture. Maximum word count: 250

3. How do you attract and retain the best talent? Maximum word count: 250

4. Excluding business growth or expansion, what percentage of staff turnover has there been in your

business in the previous financial year? Maximum word count: 200

5. Have you had any employment related claims over the past 24 months? (YES/NO)

6. What plans or processes do you have in place to manage employment related claims? Maximum

word count: 250

7. What percentage of your staff have attended at least one business, technical, personal or

professional development training in the last financial year? Maximum word count: 200

8. How has investment in training and development improved the performance of your business?

Maximum word count: 300

9. How would you describe an Employer of Choice? Maximum word count: 300

10. How does your business adopt inclusive practices and recognise the needs of a diverse community

(including gender equality, people with intellectual and physical disability and seniors)? Maximum

word count: 300

11. Outline your current staff level and diversity – include employees with disability, seniors (over 55)

and people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds. Maximum word count: 250

12. Identify and describe your positive and/ or proactive inclusive practices within the business that go

beyond regulatory compliance. Maximum word count: 300


Page 14: · Web viewDo you have monthly reporting of financial performance (profit and loss, cash flow and other key performance indicators)? Specify reports. Maximum

Outstanding Young EmployeeThe Outstanding Young Employee award recognises an inspi rat ional young employee aged between 18-30 years. To enter in to th is award the indiv idual must have been employed by their current employer for a min imum of 18 months at the t ime of entry .

Award el igibi l i ty check box

I am aged between 18-30 years at the t ime of ent ry . I have been employed by my current employer fo r at least 18 months on or pr ior

to th is ent ry submiss ion. I am not a NSW Business Chamber Staf f Member , Regional Advisory Counci l lor ,

State Counci l lo r or Board Member.


1. Entrants first name:

2. Entrants surname:

3. Date of birth:

4. Current job title:

5. Name of the business/organisation you work for:

6. Commencement of employment date:

7. Outline your employment background including previous roles and responsibilities. Maximum word

count: 300

8. Provide a current profile of yourself including current job role and scope of responsibilities including

details of the role, any direct reports, budget, your financial and organisational reporting line.

Maximum word count: 400

9. Detail your measurable career achievements including key milestones.  Maximum word count: 400

10. Provide an overview of your five-year goals/milestones and how you are working towards each of

these. Maximum word count: 300

11. Describe the key challenges you have faced as a young employee and how you have dealt with

each of these challenges, including examples. Maximum word count: 300

12. What do you believe makes you an outstanding young employee, including examples of where you

have had to use your leadership skills? Maximum word count: 450


Page 15: · Web viewDo you have monthly reporting of financial performance (profit and loss, cash flow and other key performance indicators)? Specify reports. Maximum

Additional T&C’sIn addition to the general T&C’s the following apply to this category:-

Should the entrant leave the organisation before the Regional or State Gala event, their

entry is ineligible


Page 16: · Web viewDo you have monthly reporting of financial performance (profit and loss, cash flow and other key performance indicators)? Specify reports. Maximum

Outstanding Young EntrepreneurThe Outstanding Young Entrepreneur award recognises an inspi rat ional young person aged between 18-30 years who, th rough thei r own commitment and passion, owns or par t owns a successfu l bus iness. This award recognises young business people who demonst ra te outstanding entrepreneur ia l sp i r i t , s t ra tegic d i rect ion and innovat ive ideas whi ls t prov id ing insp irat ion to a new generat ion of upcoming young business people.

Award el igibi l i ty check box

I am aged between 18-30 years at the t ime of ent ry . I am a current owner or par t owner of a business. I am not a NSW Business Chamber Staf f Member , Regional Advisory Counci l lor ,

State Counci l lo r or Board Member.


1. Entrants first name:

2. Entrants surname:

3. Date of birth:

4. Current Job title:

5. Name of business organisation you own or part own:

6. Date in which you established or took ownership of the business organisation

7. Number of other owners:

8. Percentage of ownership held by you:

9. What problem have you solved? How did you identify it as a market need and what is your target

market? Maximum word count: 300

10. Describe your business’s innovative competitive advantage. Maximum word count: 300

11. Describe how you funded your business. Maximum word count: 300

12. Provide an overview of your five-year strategies for future growth and key milestones detailing how

you are currently working towards achieving these. Maximum word count: 450

13. Detail the measurable growth and key achievements in your business over the past 24 months.

Maximum word count: 450          

14. Describe the key challenges you have faced as a young entrepreneur and how you deal

with these challenges. Maximum word count: 300


Page 17: · Web viewDo you have monthly reporting of financial performance (profit and loss, cash flow and other key performance indicators)? Specify reports. Maximum

Outstanding Business LeaderThe Outstanding Business Leader award recognises the posi t ive contr ibu t ion made to business by business peop le and profess ionals . The award recogn ises those who demonst ra te outstanding entrepreneur ia l sp i r i t , s t ra tegic business d i rect ion and innovat ive ideas, whi ls t prov id ing inspirat ion to a new generat ion of upcoming business leaders. Indiv idua ls enter ing in to th is ca tegory can be sel f -employed or employed by a business.

Award el igibi l i ty check box

I am aged 31 years and over at the t ime of entry . I am not a NSW Business Chamber Staf f Member , Regional Advisory Counci l lor ,

State Counci l lo r or Board Member.


1. Entrants first name:

2. Entrants surname:

3. Date of birth:

4. Current job title:

5. Name of your organisation or business: 

6. Provide a current profile of yourself including your scope of responsibilities, details of your role, any

direct reports, your budget, your financial and organisation reporting line. Maximum word count: 300

7. Detail your achievements in business with clear measurable examples. Maximum word count: 400

8. Outline how you have reshaped your business, organisation or industry to create a smarter and

more inclusive future with examples of how you have used your leadership skills? Maximum word

count: 400

9. Provide an overview of your five year strategies for future growth and key milestones, detailing how

you are working towards achieving each of them. Maximum word count: 400

10. Describe the key challenges you have faced as a business leader and how you overcame each of

them. Maximum word count: 400

11. Describe the activities and initiatives you have undertaken to help the community (and or the

business community). Maximum word count: 400


Page 18: · Web viewDo you have monthly reporting of financial performance (profit and loss, cash flow and other key performance indicators)? Specify reports. Maximum

Excellence in Training and DevelopmentThis award recogn ises businesses that are commit ted to prov id ing cont inual t ra in ing and upski l l ing to thei r employees which wi l l ass is t them in career development . Businesses can be f rom any indust ry but w i l l need to be ab le to show the t ra in ing that has been undertaken by the ir employees.

Nominat ion l ink

ht tps: / / /7SJP2GV

Excellence in Customer ServiceNominate a business wi th in the Wagga Local Government Area who you th ink prov ides great customer serv ice . This pub l ic ly vo ted award is then decided on by a group of Mystery Shoppers. You can nominate yoursel f o r be nominated by a member of the publ ic .

Nominat ion l ink

ht tps: / / /75Z5QLQ

Outstanding TradieThe Outstanding Tradie award is new in 2020 and has been added to recognise a l l the outstanding t rades people we have in our communi ty .

This award wi l l be publ ic ly nominated and voted on through the use of Survey Monkey. We encourage you to nominate a t radie you th ink is doing a fabulous job, we wi l l then contact them and when judging opens, i t w i l l be up to the publ ic to decide who wins.

Nominat ion l ink

ht tps: / / /75Z5QLQ

People’s Choice AwardHosted by Tr ip le M, the Peoples Choice Award is publ ic ly voted. In February 2020 the onl ine por ta l wi l l be open and a l l you have to do is nominate a business and te l l the team at Tr ip le M in 25 words or less why they deserve to win. The business wi th the most votes at the end of the judging per iod wi l l take home the award.