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GingerBratzel.comInvesting In Your TeamGinger Bratzel, DDSYour New Patient Attraction Expert

What if I told you there is a really valuable, over looked resource that is right under your nose?

GingerBratzel.comAnd Its your team.

There is no such thing as a successful practice without a supporting

In the day-to-day routine of your office, it would not work if you didnt have your team there helping

But should invest more into team members who, like you, believe in abundance and growth in the

By investing in the personal growth of their team, it reflects back to you and your

The best example of this is in my Mastermind group, I always work with the doctor and a key team member.

And I have to say all of my groups team members are

During our meeting they not only learn lots of big picture strategies and thinking, but it invests in their personal growth as well.

By the end they cant wait to get back and apply everything they learned.

That is the kind of people you need working for you in your business; employees that are just as excited in the success of the practice as you are.

That is what sets apart the good and the

See full video for tips and strategies on taking your team from good to great

Ginger Bratzel, DDSYour New Patient Attraction ExpertFor more information on Attracting more patients,Creating sustainable growthAnd increasing your production.

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