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Sub Categories: » HOMEPAGE / ARTS-CULTURE/ STAGE Saturday,May 4 2013, Your time is 22:50:14

Theater festival closes with magnificent ceremony ISTANBUL- Hürriyet Daily News

The southern province of Adana has bid farewell to its one-month Sabancı

International Theater Festival. The festival was closed with a spectacular ceremony,

during which Dutch ensemble Closed Act performed an open air show, which drew big interest from locals

Dutch ensemble Closed Act performed a street show titled ‘Invasion’ at the closing ceremony of the Sabancı International Theater Festival.

The 15th Sabancı International Adana Theater Festival,

organized by the Sabancı Foundation and State Theaters in

the southern province of Adana, ended on April 30 with a

magnificent ceremony.

The festival, which opened on Mach 27 World Theater Day

this year, has become a traditional event due to the

memory of late businessman Sakıp Sabancı. “Exactly 15

years ago, we set out with a small-scale local festival built

upon late Sakıp Sabancı’s dream of converting Adana into a

center of arts and culture. Today, we take pride in seeing

world-renowned theaters competing to come to Adana.

Our festival constitutes a role model for numerous festivals

in Turkey in many ways,” said Chairman of the Sabancı Foundation Board of Trustees Guler Sabancı at the opening of the


In the closing ceremony, Dutch ensemble Closed Act, which earned the admiration of people through their street shows in

Adana in past years, presented a street show called “Invasion,” wearing huge dinosaur costumes on the Uğur Mumcu Square.

The performers, who walked from Atatürk Street to Uğur Mumcu Square with torches, captured the attention of thousands of

locals in the city.

Festival highlights

This year the festival, which hosted 23 theater groups, 16 from Turkey and seven from abroad, in Adana and Istanbul, opened

with a show by Italian Studio Festi Group on the Seyhan River. To reach more audiences, the opening and closing events of

the festival are performed at open-air venues every year.

Exclusively for the festival’s 15th anniversary, Turkey hosted two renowned foreign groups for the first time. One was a

Bollywood musical, “Taj Express.” The international musical of India, “Taj Express, Love Has a New Address,” which takes its

name from the famous Taj Express train that has been carrying travelers across India since 1964, came to Turkey for the first

time and performed for audiences in Istanbul and Adana.

The Globe Theatre, which staged the play “King Lear” in Adana and in Istanbul, was also in Turkey for the first time. The play

was staged with the signature of director Bill Buckhurst, who is known for his success in directing Shakespeare plays, and is

one of the most famous plays of the Globe Theatre due to its impressive visual quality.

Among the other highlights of the festival, the Czech Srnec Black Light Theater, which is known to be the first ensemble in the

world to stage “Black Theater,” presented “Antologia.” Also, Macedonia’s Skopje National Institution of Turkish Theater

performed a contemporary family drama in “All My Sons.”

The Adana Theater Festival has become international in scope within a very short period of time. Over the past 14 years, it

has hosted 70 international theater ensembles from 66 countries.

This year within the scope of the festival, the Sakıp Sabancı Lifetime Achievement Award was presented to renowned theater

actor Rutkay Aziz. Aziz is the chairperson of the Nazım Hikmet Culture and Art Foundation.


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21-05-13 Straßentheaterfestival Holzminden - TAH - Nachrichten und Serviceangebote 1/3

Dienstag, 21. Mai 2013

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08:42NHL: Detroit feiert zweiten

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Bunt, schrill, erschreckend, faszinierend

"Close Act" lässt die Dinos wieder auferstehen.

Holzminden (21.05.13). Bunt, schrill, erschütternd, ergreifend,

faszinierend… Kaum ein Begriff, der nicht zutrifft für das Straßentheater-

Festival 2013. Es war wieder ein Spektakel, wie es die Holzmindener

lieben – und ein Publikum, wie die Künstler es lieben. Geschätzte 50.000

Besucher bevölkerten an den drei Festival-Tagen die Stadt, und ließen

sich einfach mitreißen von der verblüffenden Vielfalt, die das Theater auf

der Straße zu bieten hat. (nig)

Lesen Sie mehr dazu im TAH vom 21.05.13


„Close Act“ holt den Publikumspreis

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21-05-13 Straßentheaterfestival Holzminden - TAH - Nachrichten und Serviceangebote 2/3

Die Gewinnergruppe „Close Act“ bestaunt die Siegertrophäe.

Holzminden (21.05.13). Bei elf Gruppen unterschiedlichster Gattungen

fällt die Wahl schwer: Gibt man einer Großproduktion seine Stimme,

oder bevorzugt man eines der kleineren Stücke? Das Holzmindener

Publikum weiß offenbar beides zu würdigen: So holte die spektakuläre

Dino-Inszenierung "Close Act" zwar den Publikumspreis, aber auf Platz

zwei kam bereits die anrührende Darstellung „Somente“ vom deutsch-

polnischen „Theotro Só“. (nig)

Lesen Sie mehr dazu im TAH vom 21.05.13


Presse: Zur Wende 189.000 inoffizielle Stasi-Mitarbeiter

Ehemaliges Archivgebäude der Stasi in Berlin

Zum Ende der DDR gab es nach Angaben der Bundesregierung rund

189.000 Inoffizielle Mitarbeiter (IM) des Ministeriums für Staatssicherheit,

darunter 3000 bis 3500 Bundesbürger. - (AFP / AFP )

Zum Ende der DDR gab es nach Angaben der Bundesregierung rund

189.000 Inoffizielle Mitarbeiter (IM) des Ministeriums für Staatssicherheit.

Dies habe die Bundesregierung auf eine Kleine Anfrage der Linkspartei

im Bundestag mitgeteilt, wie die in Halle erscheinende "Mitteldeutschen



Grasshoppers gewinnen Pokalfinale gegen

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