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Introduction to the Query System (APEX)Presented by: Lori Johnson, MIS Administrator

Central Area Michigan Works! Consortium Bill Hellar, CIO

SEMCA Nancy Gibson, Information Systems Specialist

W.E. Upjohn Institute, Michigan Works! Kalamazoo-St. Joseph

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Objectives Review tools available under the APEX system

Navigate through the APEX system

Find OSMIS screen documentation

Run Canned Queries

Show how to build a simple query using the APEX Query Builder

Time for questions and answers

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What is the Query System (APEX)

Available only to those who have requested access from their MWA OSMIS Administrator. All tools on the query system are accessible with the same username and password.

Set of tools made available by the State to query data stored in the OSMIS. APEX Document Library—all OSMIS screens have been documented to show what table

and field would be needed for each piece of data in OSMIS to aid in creating your own queries.

APEX Canned Query– a number of canned queries ready to run without having to “write” a query.

Application Express (APEX)—develop and write SQL queries to pull information from OSMIS.

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Query System Navigation:

MIS screens with table and field names

Query Documents (Joins, Conditions, Counting)

Training Videos and scripts

Reference Reports (CD Domain, Program Codes, Services Codes, Zip


Write and run your APEX Queries

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APEX Document Library

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APEX Document Library Training documents and training videos for the APEX system available here

Every OSMIS screen is documented with the APEX tables and fields you would need to develop your own queries

Screen documentation details the table name and the field name for each field you enter data for in the OSMIS

OMSIS screens are labeled first by program then by OSMIS menu item ADULT- Registration

WR – Support Service

OY – Funding Source

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Document Library Navigation To view MIS screens that contain the table and field names that will be used in queries, training scripts and

other query documents 1. Click Documents 2. Click Document Browser 3. Click Department

Training Documents

Joins, Conditions, Counting

MIS Screens (click Program Name)

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APEX Canned Query

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APEX Canned Query Canned query site features a number of ready made queries for each program

Easy as click “Go”

Performance Reports: Details MWA created reports for TAA, Wagner-Peyser, PATH, and WIA programs Canned queries for each WIA Performance measure have been developed by the APEX


Reference Tables: Quick query to find values found in fields that end in _CD, Program Codes, Service Codes, and Zip Codes

My MWA: Section for each individual MWA to have their own canned queries added for all users within that MWA OSMIS Administrator must ask [email protected] for the inclusion to this menu item

Queries to be added to the MY MWA menu will need to be requested by your OSMIS Administrator

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APEX Canned Queries Home

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Canned Query Functionality

Click Actions for options like: Download Save Report Get More Row Results Filter (sort)

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Canned Query Functionality--Actions The Actions button allows you to customize any canned query to your


Select Columns—Remove columns from the output

Filter—Add filter criteria (or conditions) to the canned query

Rows Per Page—Canned Query defaults to show only the first 15 results.

Format– Sort, Control Break, Highlight, Compute, Aggregate, Chart, Group By

Save Report—Save any customizations you have done to the canned report

Download—download report results into excel spreadsheet

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Canned Query Functionality-Select Columns

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Canned Query Functionality--Filter

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Canned Query Functionality--Download

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Canned Query Functionality--Rows Per Page The canned query defaults to only show the first 15 rows for each query

Get in the habit of choosing the Rows Per Page function from the drop down to retrieve all your results.

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Canned Query--My MWA Menu Access for only your MWA

Helpful to save queries that your agency use frequently

Queries are built by you and then the OSMIS help desk assists by uploading the query to the canned query site

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Application Express (APEX)

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Application Express (APEX) Tool to build and write your own queries

Two different tools available: Query Builder: simple point and click tool to build simple queries. Can join tables, do

some aggregate functions, sort your query. Most queries can be built within Query Builder

SQL Commands: area where you can write your own SQL (structured query language) query. Can process much more complex queries.

Can save queries built in both Query Builder and in SQL Commands But can only access that saved query in the same tool in which it was saved

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Query Builder

• Click on SQL Workshop drop down menu• Navigate to Query Builder

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Query Builder Navigation

Object (table) Selection Pane-click on object you want and it will show up in the Design pane

Design Pane

Results Pane

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Query Builder Choose the table(s) you want from the Object plane-it displays in the Design


Select the columns (OSMIS fields) you want to display in your results by clicking the box located to the left of the field. Now you should see your column selection in the Results Pane below

Once you have selected all the columns from your corresponding tables, you will set up conditions and run your query Tip: Use the condition document found in the library document as a help aid

Select RUN

Query results will show in the result pane where you set your conditions

Save the query for future use.

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Query Builder-More than 500 rows By default, Query builder will only return the first 500 rows

To see all results, must copy and past the SQL from Query Builder to the SQL Commands tool. Choose SQL in the Results Pane

Copy the query

Use the shortcut in the menu bar to get to SQL Commands

Paste the query in the top box

Choose ALL from the drop down row box

Click Run

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