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Page 1: Introduction to Gmail

Welcome to Gmail

Page 2: Introduction to Gmail

Introduction to Gmail

Kathryn BergeronSystems LibrarianBaldwin Public Library248/[email protected]

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Computer & Internet Use at the Library

• Acceptable Use Policy– Obey all laws regarding copyright– No obscene/harmful to minors material– No damage to equipment or network– No personal software– No illegal activities

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Internet Safety

• Privacy– Personal information– Passwords– Financial information

• Security– Email, chat, other services

• Safety– Meeting online “friends”

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What is Email?

• Electronic format – send & receive mail• Internet based • Can send to groups of people at once• Can send pictures, articles, documents, etc…

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Understanding Your E-mail Address

[email protected]

4 parts to an email address:1. User Name: BaldwinPublicLibrary2. @: at3. Provider: gmail.com4. Password

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Step 1: Go to:

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Step 2: Click on “Create an account”

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Step 3: Fill out the required information

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Step 4: Check your username’s availability

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Step 5: Put your security question in place

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Step 5: Type the characters

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Step 6: Accept the Terms of Services and create your account

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Step 7: Click “Show me my account”

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Your New Gmail Account

Compose Messages Here

Pick Up Messages Here:

Click on the Subject Line to see the message:Eg: “Access Gmail on your mobile phone”, or “Import your contacts and old email”

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To SEND a message

1. Enter your recipient’s email

2. Enter a subject

3. Type your message here

4. Click Send

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1. Hit Reply

2. Type your recipient’s email address

3. Type your message

4. Click send

To REPLY to a message

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1. Click Forward

2. Type your recipient’s email address

3. Type any additional message

4. Click send

To FORWARD a message

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1. Click the arrow on the message you want to delete

2. Click Delete this message

To DELETE a message

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1. Click the delete button at the top

To DELETE a conversation

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1. Click the “Sign Out” link at the top

To SIGN OUT of Gmail

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1. Click “Attach A File” (Shown here as “Attach Another File)”

To ATTACH a file to a message

2. Click Browse

3. Find Your File (Try your “Desktop” or “My Documents”) – Items on a Flash drive are kept in the E: Drive Under “My Computer”

4. Click Open

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1. Click on the link that says “Settings”


2. Click on the link that says “Accounts”

3. Click on the link that says “Google Account Settings”

Slide 1

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1. Click on the link that says “Change Password”


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For more information…

Kathryn BergeronAdult Services Librarian248/[email protected]

Presentation Slides Available at:
