

Antony. A. M. “Construction of health related physical fitness norms for college men in Kerala” Thesis. Department of Education, University of Calicut, 2004

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Chapter . I



Over the years, physical fitness has become the well-built foundation

of a structure that supports the many concrete blocks on it which represents

all the activities that makes life worth living: intellectual life, spiritual life,

love life and social life.

One of the most beautiful, valuable and incalculable things that God

has created on earth is human life. Hence as we are part of that amazing

creation, it is the responsibility of the humans to protect and maintain

human life in order to achieve higher goals and objectives, to live a happy

and meaningful life. This can be made possible by paying attention wellness

that includes health and fitness and for the same purpose; scientists,

researches and health experts have devoted their precious time to the field

of health and fitness.

In the modern society, life has become so complex due to various

reasons. The modern way of life has lowered people's biological fitness

levels. They lead sedentary life, as machines have made their life easy and

comfortable. Without adequate physical exertion man has become a

storehouse of unreleased tensions. Modern man in the electronic and

computer age tends to become complacent and forget the need of physical

training, for his survival. The modem man due to his luxurious, easy and

comfortable life has become an easy prey to various fatal diseases.

The early men who lived in caves and hunted down animals were

aware of the fact that physical fitness was inevitable to keep them going.

Even when man took up farming, he knew that the more fit he is, the more

is his dominance. Our ancestors worked very hard to survive and they

remained active because of their daily physical activities. It is said that

some sort of physical training and education existed in pre-historic period

of human evolution. The old rule of "Survival of the fittest" itself calls for

how much, even in the time immemorial, physical fitness was valued. The

primary function of existence is related to physical activities rather than

intellectual. We can see that periods in history which man has progressed

more are the times when he has made progress in the promotion of his

health. Thus progress in health has always been associated with the

advancement in various pursuits of learning and with progress in providing

for man's material needs. Whenever health has been neglected, civilization

has declined and mankind has deteriorated. However, as man progressed

intellectually and as he began to reduce the importance of physical

activities, he became an easy victim to many diseases.

Anderson said, "to live an effective and enjoyable life has been the

central dominant purpose of mankind from the beginning of recorded

history. To attain this goal, mankind has studied the phenomena of the

universe, control in the forces of nature, developed languages, invented

various devices instituted new practices, written law and regulations,

established institutions and even sought to improve man's basic

endowment."l Hence no one can belittle the need and scope of physical

fitness in this world of troubles, tensions and toil. So the primitive man

recognized physical fitness as an absolute necessity for survival.

The concept of physical fitness has become a point of attraction in the

modern period. Physically fit citizens are a major asset for a strong nation.

Few decades ago, when the Americans realised the need to develop the

fitness standard of their youth, much research was carried out on youth

fitness and as a result, they could not take proper steps to develop youth

fitness on a national scale. The government as well as the people is aware of

its importance, as it is essential to increase the productivity power of labour

and in every aspects of development. In the modem context, the field of

physical education and sports has imparted refined knowledge and skill

that has developed due to an impetus provided by the large strides in

technology. Concurrent growth in the field such as Bio-mechanics, Exercise-

physiology, Sports psychology, Sports medicine, etc impart a sound basis to

the higher degrees of competence in contemporary society. Its contribution

1. C.L. Anderson, School Health Practice. IVth Edition. Saint Louis: the C.V. Mosby Company, 1968, p. l .

towards building up a peaceful and better world, consisting of non-

discrimination, mutual understanding, friendship, solidarity and co-

operation; is universally accepted.

According to Ha1 Higdon2 a fitness writer, "after the age of 30, muscle

fibres decline at 3 to 5 percent each decade. This can add up to a decline of

muscle power of about 30 per cent by the age of 60." Fitness programme will

help to regain some of the lost muscle strength as well as to improve cardio-

vascular and respiratory efficiency.

Fit and healthy people are in control of their life and their body will

be supple and will have the resources of strength and stamina. Suppleness

prevents from getting injured soon, and keeps one active. Cardio vascular

endurance enables one to go through without getting tired. So it is to be

kept in mind that exercise is the best investment one can make for a long

and healthy life.

Physical fitness is one's richest possession, it cannot be purchased,

and it has to be earned through a daily routine of Physical exercise.

"Fitness is a measurable state or condition partially determined by

genetics. Heath is also a condition but is not merely as easily measured or

2. Les Snowdan. Fitness walking, Maggie Humphery Paper Back 2002, p.34.

defined in precised terms as fitness. Heath is not merely the presence or

absence of disease, rather, it's a complete state of physical mental & social

well being, a complex factor that represents all level of vitality from the

highest to the lowest. On the other hand W.H.0 defines fitness as the ability

to perform work satisfactorily thus making the definition of who is fit and

who is not some what dependent on personal inclination and social


Claude Bouchard-2 the internationally renowned Canadian exercise

physiologist, estimates that 25 to 40% of one's fitness is genetically

determined which is a figure achieving certain respectability these days. It

leaves an estimated 60 - 70% within our control which can be gained

through regular exercise and healthful diet that makes us more active, lose

excess weight, and become more fit - and of course more healthy as well.

Physical fitness is the ability to carry out daily tasks with vigour, and

alertness without undue fatigue and with ample energy to enjoy leisure

time pursuits and to meet unforeseen emergencies. It can be said that the

physical fitness is the ability to last, to bear up and persevere under

different circumstances, where an unfit person would give up. It is the

3. Ralph S Paffen Barger Jr. and Eric Leolsen , Ltfe it, 1996, p 47.

4.Ralph S. Paffer Barger, Jr. and Eric Leolson, Life Fit, 1999, p.50.

opposite of being fatigued from ordinary efforts, to lacking the energy to

enter best fully into life and to be exhausted from unexpected exercise

demanding physical exertion.5

"Physical fitness refers to the ability to carry out daily tasks without

being overly tired. People who are fit have energy not only to compete

everyday work, but also to participate in planned and unplanned activities

outside the house and other work placen.6

Physical fitness is a positive and dynamic quality extending on a

continuum from death to abundant life. It is an essential quality in humans.

Slowly but surely we are changing our eating habits. These changes

are all aspects of wellness movement, which recommends adapting a life

style that helps one to feel well and stay well, which emphasize prevention

of illness rather than re -medication of diseases.

Wellness is not just for the benefit of the individual, nor is lack of

wellness merely an individual problem. The active, healthy life style is a

public health issue because the enormous costs of health and health care

have made it so.

5. P.K Pande, 0 .P Sharma (ed,) The New Encyclopedia of Physical Educution, 5th volume, 1998 edition, p. 2 1.

6 . ACSM Fitness Book, Leisure Press Campaign, Illinois, 1992, Leisure Press, p.9.

"Enhancing and expanding the movement vocabulary of a young

child in just as important as improving word and reading vocabularies.

Since movement is the child's first language, a variety of experiences will

help make that language as precise and expressive as p~ssible."~ Health was

viewed as the absence of illness. "Ways of measuring health were to assess

the five D's, - death, disease, discomfort, disability and dissatisfaction."g

The main feature of the wellness is that, wellness does not happen to

you rather you must work towards it. The holistic view suggests that,

physical, mental and psychological problem are interrelated and that, to

achieve wellness, one must make sure that, you must involve in some

fitness activity, work and play. Social lives not only are positive in them but

also are appropriately balanced.

Fitness and wellness have been approached primarily as if they are

personal and individual issues. More recently, however, health has become

a national- issue; for no other reason than that, an increasingly large part of

our national wealth goes for health care.

7. Boucher, Introduction to Physical Education, Fitness and Sports, 1988, p.42. 2nd edition 1994 Daryl Siendentop, p.27.

8 Edlin and Golanty, Introduction to Physical Education, Fitness and Sports, 1982. 2nd edition 1994 Daryl Siendentop, p. 83.

There is now little doubt that physical activity of the appropriate

frequency, intensity and duration produces sigruficant health benefits. Most

important is the achievement of those specific fitness components which

help to reduce the risk of hypo kinetic conditions including heart diseases

back pain, diabetics, osteoporosis, and obesity.9

Looking good, feeling good and increasing the chance of living longer

are the few benefits of physical fitness. Slim look was the fashion a

generation ago, but athletic look is clearly the fashion today. The current

fitness programme however is by no means simply a manifestation of latest

fashion; rather, it is a part of larger life style trend that has a strong health


According to Bucherlo "Fitness is the ability of an individual to live a

full and balanced life. It includes physical, mental, emotional, social and

spiritual factors and a capacity for their wholesome expression."

In the opinion of Marica E Hart11 "physical fitness is the ability of a

person's body to meet the demands placed upon it by his work, by his way

of life and by the necessity to meet emergency situation."

9. Corbim, Introduction to Physical Education, Fitness and Sports, 1987, p. 50. 2nd edition 1994 Daryl Siendentop, p. 154.

10. Bucher, Foundation of Physical Education and Sports (1958), p. 8.

Fitness allows one to perform work more efficiently and with less

effort. Physical fitness is the capacity for sustained physical activity without

excessive fatigue or the capacity to perform everyday activities with reserve

energy for emerging situations.

In view of Carl E. Willgooselz regarding physical fitness is "physical

fitness provides capacity for activity" the greater physical fitness the better

the physical endurance and precision of movement which are essential for

every sport.

Modern days considerable interests has been shown in both public

and private sectors to develop physical efficiency and physical fitness by

making physical education programme compulsory in many educational

and social service institutions.

Physical fitness is related to the ability to meet the demands of the

environment specifically, to preserve, to withstand stress, to resist fatigue

and to possess the energy for vigorous and well-rounded life. Physical

fitness is minimal in the seriously ill and is maximal in the highly

conditioned person.

11. Marica E. Heart, "Relationship between Physical fitness and academic success," Reseurclz Quarterly. 34, 1963.

12. Carl. E. Willgoose, Evaluation in Health Education and Physicul Educution, New York: MC Graw Hill Book Co., 1961.

"Physical13 fitness is the ability to carry out daily tasks with vigour

and alertness, without undue fatigue and with ample energy to enjoy

leisure time pursuits and to meet unforeseen emergencies."


Components of physical fitness are speed, strength, endurance

flexibility and coordinative abilities.

1) Speed

"It is the performance prerequisite to do motor actions under given

conditions (movement task, external factors, individual prerequisites) in

minimum of time."l4

"Speed is the ability, on the basis of the mobility of the nervous

system and the muscular apparatus, to perform movements at a certain


13. H. Harrison Clarke, Application of Measuremenl to Health Physical EJucation,Sth ed. Eaglewood Cliffs, N.J: Prentice Hall Inc. 1976, p. 22.

14. Hardayal Singh, Science of Sports Training, PbD., D V S Publication New Delhi,1995 p.115

15. Gerhardt Schmolinsky "Track and Field "Spartvertag Berlin 1978 I Edition Inter Druck Graphischer Grofbe tribe Leipzig p 3 8.

2) Strength

"Strength is the ability to overcome resistance or to act against


"Strength is the capacity of overcoming a certain or acting against it

by muscular tension."l7

Pull ups, flexed arm, hangs or push ups are commonly used to

measure strength.

3) Endurance

"Endurance is the ability to do sports movements with the desired

quality and speed under conditions of a fatigue."lg

It is the capacity to do an activity with desired quality and speed

under condition of fatigue. Endurance enables the athlete to do activity

efficiently without getting tired and to recover quickly from fatigue and

16. Hardayal Singh, Science of Sports Training, Ph.D., D V S Publication New Delhi,1995 p. 85

17. Gerhardt Schmolinsky "Track and Field " Spartvertag Berlin 1978 1 Edition Inter Druck Graphischer Grofbe Tribe Leipzig p37

18. Hardayal Singh, et al. "Norms of Physical Fitness for Hockey Goal Keepers." NIS Scient$c journal. 10:3, July, 1987, p. 3.

during activity. It involves performing a task to exhaustion. The bend knee

sit ups is a common exercise to measure this trait.

4) Co-ordinative abilities

"Co-ordinative abilities are understood as relatively stabilized and

generalized pattern of motor control and regulation process. These enable

the sportsman to do a group of movements with better quality and effect."19

5) Flexibility

"Flexibility is the ability to execute movements with greater or


Today's is a world where one can never predict what is going to

befall the next moment. In such an unsure world only a man with a fit body

and mind can move confidently without fear and tension. Only one who is

physically fit can be a body guard to himself. Thus physical fitness boosts

up one's confidence.

Physical fitness is a positive quality and it is closely related to diet,

exercise, rest, and sleep, emotional and mental poise. It can be referred as

19. Hardayal Singh, Science of Sports Training, PbD., D V S Publication New Delhi,1995 p. 165).

20. ibid., p. 156

organic vigour and vitality. Physical fitness helps us to feel good, to be able

to turn, bend, and twist in any direction with reasonable ease and grace.

The following are the benefits of exercise in the elderly:

1. Improves self care capabilities and general well being.

2. Improves cardio vascular condition, strength and endurance.

3. Improves flexibility, co-ordination and balance.

4. To get over hypo kinetic diseases like diabetics, osteoporosis etc.

5. Maximise social contact and enjoyment of life.

6. Enhances pancreatic activity, digestion and reduce constipation.

7. Promote relaxation, relieve anxiety and depression.

8. Sustains sexual vigour

9. Enhances a healthy life even at a very old age.

Some people lead sedentary lives, working behind the desk and

spending their leisure time watching television. If they are having enough

strength and endurance to do that, are they really fit? No. Physical fitness

can be defined in reference to a list of characteristics.

Physical fitness tends to vary from one individual to another.

Apparently, it varies in accordance with the nature of a person, depending

on whether he is sedentary or dynamic.

Daily physical activities results in the proper growth and

maintenance of health. All living beings acquire control over their limbs

and brain to co-ordinate the brain and the body and develop them through

physical activities. It is a biological principle that function builds structure

and structure decides the functions. The organ and muscles that are used

will develop and those that are not used will suffer atrophy. The strength of

the muscle is not important and necessary for an individual so as to perform

his daily activities in more efficient manner than he would do otherwise.

Those who think have not time for bodily exercise will sooner or later

have to find time for illness.21

Man found that playing makes him healthy and more efficient.

Therefore man wants to play for the sake of health, personal-physical

development and strength. All animals and humans instinctively are driven

to play. The young animals in their lairs, the human infants in their cradle

all play. They play because the nature prompts them, because their instincts

2 1. Edward Stanley, Earl of Derby, Life It. Seminar paper on The Conduct of l z f i . Paper presented at Liver Pool College, December 20, 1987.

propel them. Play brings its own satisfaction. Exercise builds confidence,

physical and mental ability, cultivates power of will and determination. It

promotes personal efficiency and all mental characteristics.

People are engaged in jogging, playing sports, practicing yoga,

cycling etc to protect the body from diseases and various postural

deformities. No doubt, physical fitness is an important part of the normal

growth and development of an individual to lead an active life style.

The progress of any country in the fields of games and sports mainly

depends upon the scientific programme and proper facilities provided to

the youth to be outstanding sports men and women. Particularly the age

between 12 and 16 years is very crucial in the life of an individual to become

outstanding in sports.

Sports provide an ideal mean of bringing people closer together on

the basis of shared understanding and mutual respect. Sports play a vital

role in health and community development and individual fulfillment.

The characteristics of participation in sports can be summarised as


1) Sports is usually a recreational activity undertaken;

2) Sports is usually undertaken for fun;

3) Sports usually imply a challenge of a physical nature and

demands skilful performance.

Recreation is generally understood as a process of refreshment of the

mind and of the body. The word recreation is associated with the idea of

well being, both physically and mentally. Indeed, sports participation

sometimes means the same as physical recreation, describing people's

involvement in activities which are in some way physically demanding.

That which is used develops; that which is not used wastes away

(Hyppocrates) .z

Participation in sports activities are designed primarily to maintain or

improve physical working capacity or physical fitness. Sports activities can

develop flexibility in the skeleto muscular system, strength in the muscle

groups and cardio-vascular endurance or endurance fitness. Activities like

aerobics, circuit training, weight training and jogging fall into this category.

The conditioning activities can apply to mental fitness as well as

physical fitness. The concentration perseverance with formal physical

training will lead to mental discipline. Activities like yoga, and the non-

competitive elements of the martial art, have mental training aspect to them.

22. Snowden Humpherys, Fitness Walking, 8th Edition, 2002.

Fundamental to success in all types of games and sports is to achieve

higher level of physical fitness. Under any hypothesis, a sound and fit body

is a pre-requisite for a top level performance in any game or sport. It is

considered a matter of common sense that even all the contributory factors

are controlled; an improvement in the level of physical fitness shall

definitely lead to improvement in the performance level of the sportsman

participating in any activity. Fitness is a pre-requisite for exhibiting better

performance in all games and sports. Fit players or athletes can delay the

onset of fatigue during a match or competition. The more tired the player

the more prone he is to making errors and a player who makes a lot of errors

narrows his confidence.

A recent report of the British Heart foundation suggested that lack of

exercise can be as bad as smoking 20 cigarettes a day having high blood

pressure or high levels of cholesterol. Another independent report indicated

that the least active population has almost twice the incidents of heart

disease as the most active. In Britain someone has a heart attack every three

minutes and lack of exercise is a contributory factor. W.H.0 estimates that

worldwide, four million people die pre maturely each year from smoking

cigarettes. The four million lives claimed each year by smoking related

fitness in the U.S matches the number of Americans who died in the I1

world war.z

In fact, we become more sedentary as we grow older and that is bad

news for our cardio vascular health, general health and fitness.

In a world of technology where information is at one's finger tips,

some people are too idle to do exercise. Here are seven common

misconceptions about exercises: 24

1. I just don't have time.

2. There is no place to workout.

3. Uncle Phi1 did not exercise (lived up to 95 years).

4. Look what happened to Jim Fixx (he died at 52 while jogging)

5. Medical technology will bail me out.

6. There is no point.

7. It is too late.

23. R. Brown, The Hindu Sunday Magazine, May 20th 2001, p. 2.

24. Ralph S Paffen Barger Jr. and Eric Leolsen , Lzfe Fit, 1996, p 23-24..

Physical fitness can improve and promote the vitality of health of the

individual. A fit person can carry out task for a prolonged period without

undue fatigue. Regular exercise is a pre-requisite for physical fitness, which

leads to healthy life.

Physical fitness can be classified into two; those pertaining to health

and those pertaining to motor skill performance. Health related fitness is

concerned with the development of those qualities that offer protection

against diseases that is associated with physical activity. Performance

related physical fitness on the other hand is associated with those qualities

which are conductive to better performance in sports and other physical

activities such as those requiring strength, endurance, agility and speed.z

\ \

By health I mean the power to live a full, adult, living, breathing life

in a close contact with what I love - I want to be all that I can capable of


Health related fitness is important for all individuals throughout their

life span. Motor performance fitness emphasis the development of the

qualities that improve sports performance. Participation in exercise

25. Bucher and West, Foundation of Physical Education and Sports, p. 17.

26. Katherine Plansfield, Fitness Walking, p. 23.

regularly increases physical fitness. Individual with regular exercise has an

improved sense of general well being and an enhanced self-image.

The socio ecological view also makes it clear that fitness is not

health.Z7 Indeed too much fitness and too much exercise can endanger

health, as seen as when Elite athletes become bulimic; when highly trained

aerobic athletes become susceptible for viral infection, when athletes use

steroids to improve performance develop sever side effects, and when

chronic problems such as arthritis develop from long term over use injuries.

There is optimum level of fitness for health purpose and it is probably less

than we have heretofore for estimated.28

At present in Physical education, physical fitness is either considered

health related or performance related. Health related physical fitness is

concerned with the development of those qualities that offer protection

against diseases and frequently are associated with the physical activity.

Performance related physical fitness on the other hand is associated with

those qualities which are conducive to better performance in sport and

27. "The use of fitness test educational and psychological consideration." Journal of Plzysicul Education Recreation and Dance, 59:2, 1988, pp.45-53.

28. Daryl Siedentop, Introduction to Physical Education and Sports,2nd Edition 1994, p. 166)

other physical activities as those requiring strength, endurance, agility and


Health is not merely of continuum of physical well being or of mental

or spiritual or social well being but a combination of all four dynamically

interrelated. Modem points of view of health place emphasis on the whole

individual and his/ her interrelationship with society.

Even in the health conscious U.S.A. the public health service has

estimated that only 20 per cent of American adults take regular exercises, to

benefit their cardio-vascular health that is exercise, which develop a strong

heart and blood vessels. Health related physical fitness includes those

aspects of physiological function that offer protection from disease resulting

from a sedentary life style. Specific components of health related physical

fitness include cardio vascular fitness, muscular strength and endurance

flexibility of the low back and body composition.


The components and test items are?

29. AAPHERD, Health Related Physicul Fitness Test Munual. 1980. Association Drive Reston Virginia 2209 1 .ISBN 0-883 14-098-5.

1. Cardio respiratory function

a) One mile run

2. Body composition (Leanness/ Fatness)

a) The sum of triceps and sub scapular skin folds.

3. Abdominal and low back- Hamstring Musculoskelton function.

a) Modified timed sit-ups.

b) Sit and reach.

HealthIFitness may be summarised as detailed below.

* v v v v

Physical Mental Social Emotional

Performance Related Health Related Physical Physical Fitness Fitness




Flexibility F Co-ordinative Abilities

1. Cardio Respiratory Endurance.

2. Flexibility of the low back and

I 1 3. Abdominal I strength and endurance i

4. Body Composition (leanness and

One of the prominent tests to measure the health related physical

fitness is AAHPERD Health Related Physical Fitness. AAHPERD Health

Related Physical Fitness refers to the aspects of physiological functioning,

which are believed to offer the individual, some protection against

degenerative diseases such as coronary heart disease, obesity and various

muscle skeletal disorders.

In 1980 American Alliance to Health, physical Education, Recreation

and Dance (AAHPERD) developed a new fitness test to emphasis Health

Related Physical Fitness instead of motor/ Athletic fitness. The new test

measures cardio-respiratory fitness, body composition, and low back and

hamstring strength and flexibility. These components, which can be

measured in the field, reflect changes on exercise habits and are related to

some aspect of health,

The components of health related and performance related fitness are

similar, for example, cardio-vascular function, body composition, strength

and flexibility. However, the degree of development of each varies with the

two types of physical fitness. Performance related physical fitness may be

required to a greater degree in various sports. For example, A football

player needs more physical strength than an average citizen who is

interested primarily in maintaining his or her health. Therefore, the

emphasis today for the majority of the population is on physical fitness that

is related to functional health.

Performance related physical fitness is associated with those qualities

conducive to better performance in sports and other physical activities such

as those requiring strength, endurance, agility and speed. It is otherwise

known as skill related physical fitness and the qualities of this fitness do not

necessarily make us healthier, but possessing these fitness characteristics

make us better in games and sports. Skill related aspects of fitness such as

agility, balance and co-ordination may be necessary for high quality sports

performance and they do not directly promote health.

The qualities essential for health related and performance related

fitness are cardio respiratory fitness, body composition, strength and


1) Cardio respiratory fitness

It is associated with heart, lung and circulatory system. It is the

capacity to exercise the entire body for extended period of time without

undue fatigue. The improvement in cardio-respiratory fitness permits

higher quality of life by increasing the rate at which energy can be provided

to support work and play activities.

Cardio-vascular fitness is also referred to as cardio-vascular

endurance, cardio-respiratory capacity and circulatory function.

2) Body composition

It refers to the amount of body fat a person carries if a person has a

relatively low percentage of body fat.

There are many genes that play a part in weight regulation. Peptides

in the brain's hypothalamus and the gut send signals to increase or decrease

hunger depending on energy stores in the body.

The word obesity is derived from Latin word for "to over eat" but

now it mean over fat. Obesity has been linked with the onset of various

health problems.

Current research indicated that defects in a number of blood gut

peptides play a role in weight. There are many genes which play a part in

weight regulation peptides in the brain's hypothalamus in us and the gut

sent signals to increase or decrease hunger, depending on energy stores in

the body. Brain and gut peptides either increase appetite through the alpha

- adrenergic system, or decrease it through the beta - adrenergic system.

According to the W.H.0, India will have 50 million people with

diabetics by 2005. Risk of diabetics increases when the BM1 for Asians

crosses over 23 through by W.H.0 standards a BM1 of 25 to 29 is overweight

and above 30 is obesity.30 An excess amount of fat in the body is unhealthy

because, it requires more energy for movement and may reflect a diet high

in saturated fat. Furthermore, it is believed that obesity contributes to

degenerative diseases. Obesity can also result in psychological

maladjustment and it also may shorten the life span. A balance between

caloric intake and caloric expenditure is necessary to maintain proper body

fat content. Exercise will help to control the body fat.

3) Muscular Strength

It is the ability of the muscles to extent force. Muscular endurance is

the ability of muscles to extent force over an extended period of time.

According to Basco and Gustafson31 "strength is the muscular force

utilized in creation or prevention of movement." Strength is needed for all

kinds of work and physical activity. Muscular strength helps in

30. The Hindu Health Watch Magazine, 9th March 2003, p. 7.

3 1 . Jarnes S. Basco and William F. Gustafson, Measurement and Evaluation in Physicul Education Fitness and Sports, New Jersey: Prentice Hall Inc., 1983, p. 78.

maintaining proper posture, greater endurance, power and resistance from


4) Flexibility

Flexibility refers to the quality of freedom of movement. It is a

measure of the range of media allowed by a body joint or joints. Flexibility

is important for performance in sports and important to maintain good

posture. It can help to prevent muscle strain and orthopedic problems.

The goal of health in this new century calls for not only to the cure or

alleviation of disease, but for the prevention of disease. Rather it looks

beyond to strive for maximum physical, mental and social efficiency for the

individual, for his family and for the community.

According to AAHPERD health related physical fitness can be

viewed thus "physical fitness is a multifaceted continuum extending from

birth to death. Affected by physical activity, it ranges from optional

abilities, in all aspects of life through high and low levels of different

physical fitness to severely limiting disease and dysfunction 32

32. Evaluation in Physical Education assessing Motor Behaviour" Englewood Cliffs: New Jersey: Prentice Hall, Inc. 1973, p.243.

Health related physical fitness is concerned with the development of

those qualities that offer protection against disease and frequently are

associated with physical activity.33

The recent development of Health Related Physical Fitness Tests

constitutes a shift in the concept of fitness testing. The most prominent of

these tests is the AAHPERD test. A Manual was published in 1980 and a

technical manual in 1984. Prior proposals for these tests were evident in

Texas, South Carolina, and elsewhere. A committee was appointed in 1975

to review possibly revise the AAHEPERD youth fitness test; represented on

this committee were the physical fitness, Research and Measurement and

Evaluation Councils of Associations of Research, Administration and L

Professional Annals and Societies, AAPHERD. Instead of revising the

youth fitness test, the committee recommended that a Health Related

Physical Fitness Test should be constructed. It was felt that a differentiation

should be made between functional health and physical performance

related primarily to motor ability.

During the early 1950s American Association (now alliance) for

Health Physical Education and Recreation began exploring tests that could

33. Foundation qf Physical Education and Sports, p.34.

be used to measure fitness on a broad scale in the public schools and that

could be standardised, including table of norms. The outcome of this

exploration was the development of the AAHPER youth fitness test which

is now sponsored by the AAHPERD. Although the developing of this test

did not define physical fitness before developing the test, the latest version

of the test manual (AAHPER 1976) states that the criterion was that the test

measure different components of fitness. The manual further noted that this

test measures elements of strength, agility and endurance as well as

proficiency in running and jumping. This test has become very popular in

the U.S. The test items are reasonably familiar, require little or no

equipment, can be administered to both boys and girls, can be administered

to the entire range of grades 5 through 12, and allow self testing by students

(AAHPER 1976:lO). On the other hand the test has been criticised as a test

Health Related Physical Test because of the types of items included. This

criticism became proved in the early 1970s when physical educators and

exercise scientists became more concerned about Health Related Physical

Fitness of Americas. AAHPER youth fitness test was generally viewed as a

measure of physical informative related primarily to athletic ability.

Furthermore, the test did not convey a definition of fitness that would be

appropriate across the life span. In other words, a test measuring Health

Related Physical Fitness should be appropriate for person of any age

whether young, middle aged or elderly. As a result of these courses the

AAHPERD Health Related Physical Fitness Test was developed in 1980.

In justdying the recently proposed AAPHERD Health Related

Physical Fitness Tests it was pointed out that Health Related Physical

Fitness refers to the aspects of physiological and psychological functioning

which are believed to offer the individual some protection against

degenerative disease such as coronary heart disease, obesity, and various

musculo-skeletal disorders. Performance related fitness, as for the

AAPHERD youth fitness test, includes those qualities of function that

provide the individual with the ability to participate in sports activities with

greater power, strength, endurance, skill etc. than would otherwise be the


The skill related fitness comprises of agdity, balance, co-ordination,

speed, power and reaction time.

A lot of studies have been conducted to assess the fitness of different

age groups and norms have been constructed. But so far no attempt has

been made to construct a norm for health related physical fitness of

University students of Kerala State. Therefore the scholar has undertaken

the present study.


The Problem of the study was entitled 'CONSTRUCTION OF HEALTH


primary purpose of this study was to develop physical fitness norms for

men students in the age group 18 to 23 in Kerala state.


The study was delimited to the age group of 18 to 23 in men students

of Kerala state.


1. Certain factors like habits, daily routine, work, diet etc may influence

the results which are not considered in the study.

2. The subjects for the study do not come from the same socio-economic

and cultural background.

3. The motivation and willingness to perform the test with 100% effort

may be a limiting factor.

4. The non-availability of sophisticated equipment to measure the body

composition was the prime limitation of the study.


The present study is sigruficant in the following ways.

1) The norms can be used as a statement to asses the Health Related fitness

of college youth in Kerala.

2) The study will enable the students to be aware of their fitness.

3) This study will help them to compare the fitness with the students of

different age groups.

4) The study will help to understand the fitness level of the men students in


5) The study may help to understand the present condition of physical

education programmes in college curriculum, preference for physical

education in professional area, and also various plans of the government

for the upliftment of health and fitness among citizens.

6) It will help to compare student's health fitness standards, based on

public health research.

7) The study may help to find out the relation ship between age, weight

and height with respect to physical fitness. It may also throw light on the

field of measurement highlighting the need for and direction of further


8) The study will motivate students to improve their amount of fitness

status and, will educate students about health related fitness.

9) As no one has attempted to construct norm for health related physical

fitness for college men in Kerala. This study will enable in the realisation

of the need for fitness and may be used as criterion for the selection of

teams and athletes.

10) The norms developed will be of immense help to the physical education

teachers and the coaches in identdying the talented youth, who could be

trained further for elite level competitions.

11)It enables the teachers to recognize that fitness test scores are influenced

not only by exercise habit but also by genetic ability, maturation, skill,

level of motivation and test conditions.


1. Health related Physical Fitness

According to AAHPERD health related physical fitness can be

viewed thus "physical fitness is a multifaceted continuum extending from

birth to death. Affected by physical activity, it ranges from optional

abilities, in all aspects of life through high and low levels of different

physical fitness to severely limiting disease and dysfunction.x

2. Norms

Norm is a standard against which students are to be judged or tested.

Norm is a scale that permits conversion from a raw score to a score capable

of comparison and interpretation.

3. Cardio-Respiratory Endurance

"Endurance is the ability to do sports movements with the desired

quality and speed under conditions of a fatigue."S

34. Evaluation in Physical Education assessing Motor Behaviour" Englewood Cliffs: New Jersey: Prentice Hall, Inc. 1973, p.243.

35. Hardayal Singh, et al. "Norms of Physical Fitness for Hockey Goal Keepers." NIS Scientzjic Journal. l0:3, July, 1987, p. 3.

Cardio respiratory fitness is the ability to exercise the entire body for

extended periods of time without undue fatigue. A strong heart is necessary

to supply oxygenated blood to the muscles of the body effectively.

Improvement permits a higher quality of life by increasingly the rate

at which energy can be provided to support work and play activities.

4. Body Composition (Leanness/Fatness)

It is the combination of base muscle mass and fatty tissues.

Percentage body fat, the percent of total weight represented by fat weight, is

the preferred index used to evaluate a person's body composition

Body composition refers in sample term to the amount of fat in

relation to the percentage of non-fat in the total body tissue.

Body composition is centered mainly on the presence of obesity. It

was considered that obesity is a CO-existing factor associated with four types

of hazards to health, disturbance of various normal function of the body,

increased risk of developing certain disease, and adverse psychological


5. Flexibility

"Flexibility is the ability to execute movements with greater or

range ."36

Flexibility implies that the human body is able to perform a wide

range of movements.

Abdominal and low back - hamstring muscle skeletal function is also

another feature of flexibility. The maintenance of minimal levels of trunk

and hip strengthlendurance and flexibility is believed to be important in

the prevention and alleviation of low back pain and tension.

6. Muscular strength

"Strength is the ability to overcome resistance or to act against


"Strength is the capacity of overcoming a certain or acting against it

by muscular tension."38

36. Hardayal Singh, Science of Sports Training, Ph.D., D V S Publication New Delhi,1995 p. 156

37. Hardayal Singh, Science of Sports Training, Ph.D., D V S Publication New Delhi,1995 p. 85

38.Gerhardt Schmolinsky "Track and Field " Spartvertag Berlin 1978 I Edition Inter Druck G r a p h s c h Grofbe tribe Leipzig, p.37 Gerhardt Schmolinsky "Track and Field Spartvertag Berlin 1978, I EQtion Inter Druck Graphischer Grofbe tribe Leipzig, p.37
