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Page 1: Intro, hpa and sam


Page 2: Intro, hpa and sam


1. Describe an occasion when you‟ve felt under stress

2. What type of emotions do we feel when we‟re stressed?

3. What physiological changes are you aware of when you‟re stressed?

4. Define stress

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What is stress?

“When an imbalance or discrepancy exists between perceived demands and perceived coping resources, then a state of stress


Cox & Mackay (1978)

Individual Differences?

Do we all get stressed from the same things?Why are there individual differences in stress?

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Body response

How does your body respond when you‟re stressed?

What changes are you aware of?

Why do you think these changes occur?

Increased HR?

Increase in energy?

Increased BR?

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Nervous System

Central NS

Brain Spinal Cord

Peripheral NS

Somatic Autonomic


Use Energy


Conserve Energy

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Autonomic Nervous System


• When we’re stressed

• Increase heart rate

• Decrease stomach activity

• Pupils dilate

• Glucose is released


• When we’re relaxed

• Decrease heart rate

• Increase stomach activity

• Pupils contract

• Glucose is stored

Only one part of the ANS can be activated at any one time –they work antagonistically

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Acute stress - SAM

Acute Stressor (e.g. Slipping on ice)

Hypothalamus activates the...

SNS which activates the...

Adrenal Medulla which releases...

Adrenaline and Noradrenaline which equips for...

Fight or Flight by causing

Physiological reactions such as increased BP, HR, dilated pupils

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Chronic Stress - HPA

Chronic Stressor (e.g. Exam worry/anxiety)Hypothalamus releases... CRF which stimulates thePituitary Gland which releases ACTH stimulating the...Adrenal Cortex which produces...Corticosteroids which stimulates the...Liver to release energy (Immune system is suppressed)

This usually takes 20 minutes to take effect

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Pituitary Gland Adrenal Medulla

Adrenal Cortex Adrenaline

Corticosteroids Fight or Flight

Liver releases






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Poster activity – 20 minutes

• In pairs you are to draw an outline of a person

• In one colour you are to map out the physiological response to an acute stressor (you will have 10 minutes for this)

• In another colour you are to map out the physiological response to a chronic stressor (you will have 10 minutes for this)

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- ChronicChildrenHaveCrazyPartiesAlwaysAddingClownsLotsItalianStallions

- Acute








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Evidence to support the role of the adrenal glands in the stress response

This is positive because it shows that the release of stress hormones is vital in the stress response,

supporting the biological evidence presented by SAM and the HPA

For example, Tyrell & Baxter (1981) found that those who cannot produce stress hormones have to be supplemented to survive

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The physiological account of stress can be criticised for ignoring individual differences

This is a weakness because it means that the physiological explanations of stress is inadequate because not everyone will respond to the same stress in the same way - what one

person finds extremely stressful another might find enjoyable (e.g. Exams)

For example, Mason (1975) compared reactions of stressors and found that adrenaline and noradrenaline patterns varied between participants

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The physiological approach suggests that people are passive in their stress response – ignoring

psychological factors

This is a weakness because it indicates that how an individual views the stressor will affect their bodily response – and this is ignored by the physiological explanations of stress

For example, Mason (1975) suggests that there is an active process of psychological appraisal when people are confronted with a stressor

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• You will be split into 2 groups, each group will be give one response to stress (SAM or HPA)

• In your groups you are to organise yourselves and „act out‟ the response to stress

• You have 15/20 minutes in which to do this

• This will all be filmed – make it a good‟un!