Page 1: International workshop - Portuguese delegation


Page 2: International workshop - Portuguese delegation

What do we mean by Development?

What is sustainability?

How do we work these concepts in the classroom?

What kind of concepts should I

be familiar with?

How can I have a coerent approach

throughout the project?

How do we engage students in these topics?

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But we are sure that:

We want to change attitudes and behaviours;

We have to be concrete in our approach;

These topics should be worked in a transversal and cross curricular way;

TEACHERS ARE KEY PLAYERS IN PROMOTING CHANGE and we should act as multipliers!

There should be an active involvement of parents, other school workers;

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In our national context we will have to face some CHALLENGES:

• Reality differs a lot from school to school;• Formal recognitition of attitudional change is

not the same as the one existing to recognise knowledge acquisition;

• Educative System is not ready to work on sustainability

This is why it makes sense for us to work on this Project!

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In practice:

• In MATHS, we can work several sustainable development topics and teach statistics at the same time;

• In ARTS (Visual in Education), the use of images can be a triger to raise the debate among students and promote critical thinking;

• In LANGUAGES (English, French, Portuguese, etc.) by for example debating “Which commodities are produced where and by whom, and who consumes them?”we can teach countries, nationalities, study adjective degrees, etc.;

• In GEOGRAPHY when studying the Millenium Development Goals (MDGs) we can show what was effectively achieved and how did citizens contributed to these achievements and make the link to sustainable developments;

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In practice:

• In SCIENCE and BIOLOGY, when talking about Sustainability we can also highlight the social and economic dimensions and show concrete examples of behaviours that should be adopted;

• SPECIAL EDUCATION students have a lot of potential and they engagement in this topics can inspire the entire school community;

• We can value student’s involvement at the school level and create a yearly PRIZE to publicly recognize their actions during the school year.

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"The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step."

Lao Tzu

EAThink 2015 is our first step!

MUITO OBRIGADA!Thank you very much!
