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Southwestern College International Logistics and

Transportation Certificate/A.S. Degree Program

Presented by:Dr. Irina Weisblat, Business Instructor - Southwestern College

With contributions from:Victor Castillo, Director & Deputy Sector Navigator on Global Trade and LogisticsCenter for International Trade Development -Southwestern College

Knowledge Community of International Business ProgramsSan Diego, CA

February 28, 2014

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Southwestern College & Current LocationsFounded in 1961

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Student DemographicsEnrollment, 19,944

Male45% 55%

White Pacific IslanderOther LatinoDeclined to State BlackAsian American Indian/ Alaskan Native








Under 18-24



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U.S. Congress set broad goals for FY 2010 – 2012

“To increase global competitiveness, leading to an increase in jobs and economic development .”

Southwestern Collegeresponded with the Program that:- prepares students to work in industries affected by cross-border trade

- develops skills that can be utilized internationally

- contributes to the work force development in the San Diego region

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• San Diego County is the 3rd largest provider of logistics services in California.

• The Otay Mesa community is the most important industrial and manufacturing area of South San Diego County.

• The Otay Mesa community borders the City of Tijuana, Mexico, along the U.S./Mexico border.

• Otay Mesa is the nation’s second busiest commercial border crossing. All ground trade in the western U.S. with Mexico crosses through this major California Port of Entry.

• The highest paying industries are transportation and warehousing, wholesale trade, and manufacturing . These three industries comprise over one-third of all the jobs in the South San Diego Community.

• These are important high growth industries that drive growth in the South San Diego County.

• These factors lead were instrumental in the decision making process.

SWC Responds to Regional Economic Needs

Source: South County EDC and SANDAG

Transportation and Warehousing

Wholesale Trade


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1. In 2010, California gateways with Mexico moved $46.9 billion in merchandise.

2. A total of 59,998 companies exported goods from California in 2008. 96% of those companies (57,461) were small and medium-sized enterprises with fewer than 500 employees

3. Exports supported 22.9% of all California manufacturing jobs in 2009.

4. If California were a country it is estimated that it would be the 12th largest importer in the world. Having $327 billion in products being imported to California in 2010.

5. Small and medium-sized companies generated 44% of California's total exports of merchandise in 2008, the seventh highest percentage among the states.

Why Is the International Logistics and Transportation Program Important to the Region?

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Instructors in the Program:• Professionals, experts in the field of logistics, transportation, and supply chain management.

• Strong educational background, with the MBA and Ed.D

• Considerable scholarship & leadership experience

The curriculum/program was developed in 2009-2010

Competitive Title VI B GI-LAT grant was funded by :

U.S. Department of EducationBusiness and International Education Initiative

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SWC International Logistics and Transportation Program

2013 Program Review

o Program review considered the industry needs An increasing demand for workers in the logistics and transportation

o Program review was aligned with SWC mission: Entry into the workforce Career advancement Transfer to a four-year college/university

o Self-Study illuminated:1) Changes in FTES2) Curriculum Focus3) Curriculum Review & development

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SWC International Logistics and Transportation Program

2013 Program ReviewFTES Change in 2009-2012


Business FTES

Bus122 FTES

Bus126 FTES

Bus151 FTES

Bus173 FTES


2009-1010 452.28 5.20 4.30 3.10 12.60

2010-2011 401.12 4.70 3.20 2.50 10.40

2011-2012 404.98 4.90 3.60 1.30 3.60 13.40

FTES change -10.5%         6.3%

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What are the skills for the 21st century ? Do we teach our students the right skills?

Is the curriculum reflective of what employers in the industry need today?

Success in Logistics & Transportation industries requires:

Solid foundation of basic skills Computers and New Technologies competency Information Technology (IT) literacy Cultural awareness and sensitivity Global perspective.

SWC International Logistics and Transportation Program

2013 Program Review - Curriculum Focus

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SWC International Logistics and Transportation Program

2013 Program Review

Curriculum Review & DevelopmentStudy conducted through the California Community Colleges Chancellor’s

Office Grant, 2011

BUS 122 (SWC) – Principles of Importing & Exporting: “A”

Only 2 other Imp-Exp courses in California were given an “A”

Improvements include topics of special interest: OSHA requirements Risk Management

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• The program includes:

• Certificate of Achievement – Basic (19 units)

• Certificate of Achievement – Intermediate (43-46 units )

• Associate in Science Degree Logistics and Transportation (44-47 units)

• Requires completion of Basic and Intermediate Certificates• Includes a transfer option.

Career paths: • 4 Year Universities:

CalState San Marcos BS in Business Administration with an Emphasis in Global Supply Chain Management,

San Diego State SDSU MBA program with an emphasis in logistics and supply chain. Excellent upward mobility options.

• Currently, there are over 150 students enrolled in the program.

• The majority of the courses are offered online.

Southwestern College International Logistics and Transportation Certificate/

A.S. Degree Program

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International Logistics and Transportation Certificate/A.S. Degree Program

• Basic Certificate of Achievement Units▫ BUS 122 Principles of Exporting & Importing 3▫ BUS 126 Intro - Business Logistics Management 3▫ BUS 151 Principles of Operations Management 3▫ BUS 173 Transportation Management 3▫ BUS 183 Business Mathematics 3▫ CIS 101 Introduction to Computers & Information Processing 4▫ BUS 211 Communication in Business and Industry

OR 3▫ BUS 212 Business Communication

- Total Units 22

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International Logistics and Transportation Certificate/A.S. Degree Program

• Intermediate Certificate of Achievement Units

▫ ACCT 7 Basic Business Bookkeeping (3) OR▫ ACCT 101 Principles of Accounting 1 (4) 3 -4▫ BUS 142 Business Ethics –Corporate and Personal 1▫ BUS 177 Principles of International Business 3▫ GEOG 145 Introduction to Mapping and Geographic

Information Science 3▫ LEGL 256 International Law for Business 3▫ CIS 133 Advanced Microcomputer Spreadsheets Software

1▫ BUS 290/293 Work Experience in Business I-IV (2-4) 2-4

Plus the courses required for the LogisticsAnd Transportation – Basic certificate 22

- Total Units 38-41

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International Logistics and Transportation Certificate/A.S. Degree Program

Associate in Science Degree Units

▫ ACCT 7 Basic Business Bookkeeping (3) OR▫ ACCT 101 Principles of Accounting 1 (4) 3 -4▫ BUS 142 Business Ethics –Corporate and Personal 1▫ BUS 177 Principles of International Business 3▫ GEOG 145 Introduction to Mapping and Geographic

Information Science 3▫ LEGL 256 International Law for Business 3▫ CIS 133 Advanced Microcomputer Spreadsheets Software 1▫ BUS 290/293 Work Experience in Business I-IV (2-4) 2-4

Plus the courses required for the Logistics and Transportation – Basic certificate 22

Total Units 38-41

To earn an associate degree, additional general education and graduation requirements must be completed.

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Careers in Logistics and Transportation

Dispatcher Cargo and Freight Agents Material-Moving Supervisor Production, Planning, Expediting Clerks Transportation Supervisor Compliance Officer Logistician Distribution Manager Global Transportation Manager U.S. Customs Specialist Freight Forwarders Export/Import Trade Specialist Warehouse/Inventory Clerk Warehouse/Inventory Manager Logistics Office Support Staff

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Careers in Logistics and Transportation Source: CALIFORNIA EMPLOYMENT DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT

*2006 – 2016 LABOR MARKET INFO. SAN DIEGO COUNTY MSA (1st Qtr 2010)

Cargo and Freight Agents(SOC Code: 43-5011)$13 to $24/Hr.Yearly Job Growth:

11.5%Job Market: 610 – 680


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Careers in Logistics and Transportation Source: CALIFORNIA EMPLOYMENT DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT

*2006 – 2016 LABOR MARKET INFO. SAN DIEGO COUNTY MSA (1st Qtr 2010)

Helpers, Laborers, Material-Moving Supervisors(SOC Code: 53-1021) $17 to $26/Hr. Yearly Job Growth:

18.1%Job Market: 1,600 –

1,890 Positions

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Careers in Logistics and Transportation Source: CALIFORNIA EMPLOYMENT DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT

*2006 – 2016 LABOR MARKET INFO. SAN DIEGO COUNTY MSA (1st Qtr 2010)

Production, Planning, Expediting Clerks (SOC Code: 43-5061)$17 to $30/Hr.Yearly Job Growth:

8.5%Job Market: 7,430 to

8060 Positions

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Careers in Logistics and Transportation Source: CALIFORNIA EMPLOYMENT DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT

*2006 – 2016 LABOR MARKET INFO. SAN DIEGO COUNTY MSA (1st Qtr 2010)

Transportation & Material-Moving Supervisors(SOC Code: 53-1031)$20 to $31/Hr.Yearly Job Growth:

14.4%Job Market: 1,460 to

1,670 Positions

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Careers in Logistics and Transportation Source: CALIFORNIA EMPLOYMENT DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT

*2006 – 2016 LABOR MARKET INFO. SAN DIEGO COUNTY MSA (1st Qtr 2010)

Compliance Officers, Except Agriculture(SOC Code: 13-1041)$20 to $35/Hr.Yearly Job Growth: 7.4%Job Market: 4,080 – 4,380


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Careers in Logistics and Transportation Source: CALIFORNIA EMPLOYMENT DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT

*2006 – 2016 LABOR MARKET INFO. SAN DIEGO COUNTY MSA (1st Qtr 2010)

Logistician*(SOC Code: 13-1081)$29 to $46/Hr. Yearly Job Growth: 20% Job Market: 1,490 – 1,790


* Professional logisticians are often certified by

professional associations.

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Income Potential for Supply Chain Management Professionals Article in Logistics Management 2011

Supply Chain Management $129,395

Distribution/Logistics $155,777

Fleet Operations $99,887

Traffic Transportation $90,228

Planning $114,610

Import/Export Operations $74,879

Warehousing $94,587

Purchasing $89,540

Inventory Control $84,755

Materials Handling $94,131

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Institutionalization Public and private entities will automatically think of Southwestern College as the place to:

Send their employees for training in Logistics and Transportation Hire an employee who is highly trained in

Logistics and Transportation

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Enhancement We strive to make Southwestern College Logistics

and Transportation Certificate/A.S. Degree Program stellar by asking businesses and government

entities the specific skill set they need from their employees

Where education and business meet for improvement of common goals

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Successful Implementation Enhancement Institutionalization

• Roundtables • Faculty Training • Conferences• In-Classroom Training• Improvement of Internship

Program including Protocols

• Site Visits to Businesses • Website:

• Brochure• Advertisements• Presentations• Receptions • Luncheons • E-Mail Blasts • Enrollment is up!

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What was the thinking behind the development

of our need?

How can you replicate this so that you can obtain funding that leads to economic

development for your region?

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Observe Economic Factors of Your Region – San Diego County. What are the Industrial Clusters?Uniqueness of our region: Border Crossings – Mexico Where are the High Wages? What are the Challenges? What are the economic needs of our region?

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Created a Survey to Test our Assumptions:

1. Sent the survey to businesses seeking confirmation of our assumptions. Used Constant Contact.

2. Validate the need for this project to the U.S. Department of Education.

3. Confirmation was obtained documented and presented in the grant application.

A need for the project must be substantiated; a survey is a good way to prove your need.

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Surveyed Employers  

All logistics and transportation companies were surveyed in Otay Mesa, said they knew nothing about Southwestern College Logistics and Transportation Program.


62.5 % know about the logistics and Transportation Program at Southwestern College 62% Know who to contact for more information 50% Know about the Logistics and Transportation Website 62% said they see Southwestern College Logistics and Transportation Program as graduates as a

source for qualified interns 62.5 % Think of Southwestern College as a partner in employee training


A 50% increase in enrollment for the program

Education and Business Collaborating for the Success of the Region!

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Best Practices for Program Development and Implementation

Create links with businessesCreate links with Trade AssociationsCreate/improve internshipsTie your idea to an academic program Develop your relationships with faculty. Create advisory board Create updated marketing material and use

social media.

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Create Links with BusinessesI. Visited businesses:

I. Made appointmentsII. Made cold calls – went to their place of business III. Told them about the Program and the benefits for their business and their employee.IV. We were welcomed with “open arms.”

II. Held Roundtables:Elicited information from businesses – presented the program in detail and asked for their specific, direct, concrete feedback.They were thrilled and eager to participate.

III. Result- Incorporated business feedback into curriculum. Major changes to curriculum is now at board for approval. Further, they provided us with insights that are leading to application for other grants.Created a conversation between the business community and the community college.They call us; we have started a dialogue!

Business and Education are now linked together with common goals!

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Create Links with AssociationsAsk their opinion about underlying tenants of

grant. Obtain a letter of support and participation. Speak at their events and vice versa. Ask to liaison with their members directly or

indirectly. Help with publicity about the grant.

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Link Your Idea to an Academic Program

Furthers relationship with your host institution.

Builds presence in the communityCreates upward mobility options for people

who are underemployed. Serves the educational needs of your

business community.

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Involve Your Faculty 1. Invite them to speak at events.2. Invite them to trainings3. Send them to conferences, enhance their knowledge.

Result: Internationalization of their curriculum; helps region, leads to further economic


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Create or Improve Internship Programs

1. Ask businesses if they are in need of interns. 2. Publicize internship opportunities directly to

faculty and students. 3. Create protocols for:

1. Interns2. Employees

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Create and Enhance Marketing Materials

Create BrochuresUse Social Media: Facebook, TwitterCreate a website:

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Example of Marketing Materials

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Create an Advisory Board Invite

Administration Faculty

Associations Businesses

Meet regularly

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Summary Action StepsObserve your region.

What is unique about your region? Look at the statistics.Back it up with a survey to businesses.

Link with Businesses Link with Associations. Link your idea to enhancement of an academic program. Involve FacultyImprove InternshipsCreate and enhance marketing materials including social

media. Create an Advisory Board

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Thank you!Please let us know if you have any questions, comments, or suggestionsIrina Weisblat, Ed.DBusiness Instructor(858) [email protected]

Victor Castillo M.A., Director CITD & Deputy Sector Navigator on Global Trade & Logistics

Southwestern College900 Otay Lakes Road, Building 660Chula Vista, CA 91910(619) [email protected]
