
New Methods of Agriculture and Irrigation for new India


Agriculture is the process of cultivation of crops and livestock to yield products that can be used for human consumption. Agriculture was key factor in the development and growth of human civilization, it was also necessary to sustain the human population which could not be further supported by the means of hunting and gathering only. Due to enough food surplus from crop and livestock agriculture earlier civilizations started to migrate to different places, this resulted in discovery of new agricultural techniques which were required according to different circumstances.


Agriculture is broadly divided into 4 categories


it involves managing domesticated animals. herds of livestock are moved from place to place in search of pasture, fodder, and water. This type of farming is practiced in arid and semi-arid regions of Africa ,Asia and some parts of India.

2.shifting cultivation:- a small piece of forest is cleared by cutting trees and it used for next few years until the soil becomes too infertile then the crop is burned and the place is abandoned for new one. This practice is used in Northeast India, Southeast Asia, and the Amazon Basin.

3.subsistence farming:-

it is the practice of farming to meet the needs of only a small population/local population. generation of revenue is least prioritized.  It is intensively practiced in Monsoon Asia and South-East Asia.

4. intensive farming:-

maximization of productivity is prioritized,  high use of inputs (water, fertilizer, pesticide and automation). practiced mainly in developed countries.

New agricultural techniques

There are various stages in contemporary agriculture such as crop selection, land preparation, seed selection, seed sowing, irrigation, crop growth, fertilizing and harvesting. Though various other techniques are also becoming popular due to scarcity of resources and other geographical conditions. In country like India where majority of the population still indulges into agriculture and relies solely on conventional methods of agriculture these new techniques of agriculture can be a boon for maximum output and earning huge revenues. One such technique is vertical farming.

Vertical farming is the practice of growing crops is vertically stacked layers. The biggest advantage of vertical farming is the increased crop yield that comes with smaller per unit area. the modern concept of vertical farming was produced by Dickson Despommier in 1999.

It is further divided into three categories:-

1. Hydroponics:-

in this technique plantse grown without soil with the help of a specific solution which contains all the macronutrients which are essential for the growth of plant.such as nitrogen, phosphorus, sulphur, potassium, calcium, and magnesium etc.

2. Aquaponics:- it is a combination of fish farming and hydroponics basically a step further of hydroponics. Integration of the production of terrestrial plants with the production of aquatic animals in a closed-loop system that mimics nature itself.

3. Aeroponics:- it was an initiative by NASA to find an efficient way to grow plants in space. aeroponics does not require any liquid or solid medium to grow plants in. Instead, a liquid solution with nutrients is misted in air chambers where the plants are suspended.


Irrigation is the process of controlled distribution of water to crops at needed time intervals. Irrigation helps to grow crops by moisturizing the soil so that the roots of plant can easily absorb the nutrients from also promotes soil fertility. India is monsoon dependent country, most of the farmers are still heavily dependent on rainfall for their crops but with the advancement of agriculture new methods of irrigation are emerging.

1. Drip irrigation:- it is widely used in developed nations though some developing countries are also shifting towards this method. Plastics pipes are laid down in rows across the field/crop near plants. The water slowly seeps from these pipes into soil as they have small holes in them thus reducing water wastage. It is most efficient way of irrigation due to less water wastage.

2. Sprinkler method:- this system mimics the process of rain, the pipes carry the water at central part of the crop and then the sprinkler placed there distributes the water to crops in a similar fashion as rain. It is the best irrigation method for uneven crops/fields and it also provides maximum coverage of crop.

Article by:- Dikshant singh

Email :- [email protected]

