Page 1: Interest-Stimulating Devices


INTEREST-STIMULATING DEVICES A Review of the States in the Corn and Cotton Belts

After studying the topics of corn and cotton in the United States, the geographic games given below are suggested as a review of the states involved. The division into two games allows for dividing the class into two competing groups, or if pupils are seated close to one another, by s igning the alternate exercise to adjacent scats, it makes close proctoring unnecessary.

So that they may understand the game, write the following sentence on the board and show how the name “Springfield” is hidden: “In the spring, fields are plowed and sown with corn and wheat.”

THE CORN BELT STATES The names of the states in the American Corn Belt are hidden in the sentences

below, the letters spelling each name being in their proper order. Underline each of the state names.

1. As the deer climbed up the hill I noiselessly trailed behind him. 2. Hearing the old lady’s exclamation, “Oh,” I offered to help her across the busy

3. Of the total population of India, natives far outnumber the British. 4. Sapolio, water and a sponge were all that the workmen needed. 5. The Turks regarded the reconquest of the Balkans as the signal for their with-

6. If you are puzzled over the abbreviation “Nebr.”, ask an English teacher. 7. Did you miss our interesting program?


drawal into Asia.

THE COTTON STATES Follow the directions given above for the states of the Cotton Belt which are hidden

1. As the car turned north, Carol, in a sleepy voice, said, “We’re half-way home.” 2. A gorge, or giant gully, crossed the field. 3. Tell me, Miss, is sipping one’s coffee from a saucer proper? 4. Being from the south, Carol, I naturally supposed, would be in favor of our

5. As the federal government’s representative in St. Louis, I analysed the proposed

6. A lab., a main part of the course, came in the afternoon. 7. Celotex, a substitute for wood, is becoming very popular.

in the sentences below.


plan very carefully.


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