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  • 8/18/2019 Interactions Assembly


     Joël Cugnoni, LMAF/EPFL, 2012

  • 8/18/2019 Interactions Assembly


    How can we model more complex cases ?◦ It is possible to define interactions between

    different regions of a model by the means ofadditional equations that relate the degrees offreedoms of multiple nodes.

    Bilateral constraints to “glue” separate parts: ◦ Node to node interaction : Equation constraint◦ Node to surface interaction : Kinematic coupling◦ Surface to surface interation: Tie constraint

    Unilateral constraints:◦ Contact: no penetration between two faces, friction

    & sliding => non linear behaviour, not in course

  • 8/18/2019 Interactions Assembly


    Available in Interaction->Constraints->Equation

    one linear equation between several DOFsa1 Node1.DOF1 + a2 Node2.DOF2 + … = constant


    1 * Node17.U1 + 1 * Node23.U1 = 0

    17 23



    Mechanism Pulley)

    1 * Node12.U2 - 1 * Node21.U1 = 0



  • 8/18/2019 Interactions Assembly


    Available in Interaction->Constraints->Coupling->Kinematic coupling

    Multiple equations to keep relative position constant including rotations Tranfers the displacements / rotation of the Master node to slave surface

    Usually used with reference points to link parts or apply moments /rotation to one face



    Master Node : reference point with 6 DOFS

    Slave Nodes : 3 DOFS

    Kinematic coupling

  • 8/18/2019 Interactions Assembly


    Available in Interaction->Constraints->Tie

    Multiple kinematic equations to keep relative position constantbetween each point of the master surface and their

    corresponding projection on the slave surface

    Usually used to link two parts of an assembly to ensurecontinuity of the displacements (approximation)  


    y Master surface

    Slave surface

    Projection lines

    Small distance(projection tolerance)

  • 8/18/2019 Interactions Assembly


    Three methods:◦ Continuous CAD model 

    Merge all parts in CAD -> export STP model -> importin Abaqus -> partition to differentiate the materials

    Merged geometry

     model as an assembly in CAD -> export as STP ->import in Abaqus -> create assembly and position parts-> Merge geometry + keep internal interfaces

    ◦ Tie / coupling constraints 

    model as an assembly in CAD -> export as STP ->import in Abaqus -> create assembly and position parts-> Create Tie / coupling to model the interactionsbetween parts

  • 8/18/2019 Interactions Assembly


    See assembly1.cae Procedure:

    ◦ open assembly1-input.cae◦ create instance for piston and axe1◦ align axe1 with coaxial + face to face (-13mm offset)◦ merge and keep interfaces

    ◦ add instance for biele1◦ align with coaxial +face2face +4mm offset◦ assign properties to all parts / regions and then create step◦ create 1st constraint: tie for axis to biele surfaces◦ create datum point in the middle of lower biele axis◦ create reference point◦ create constraint: kinematic coupling btw RP and lower axis of biele◦ boundary condition: pressure 0.1MPa on top of cylinder, all

    displacement & rotation constrained on RP◦ mesh fused part with tets quad 2.8mm◦ mesh biele with hexa sweep or wedges (partition by extending faces)◦ run job◦ show results with several cutting plane to show

    1) mesh continuity between the merged parts

    2) displacement continuity but mesh discontinuity where tie is used
