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Integrated nutrient management in moriculture

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UAS(B) Sericulture College Chinthamani

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INTRODUCTION The concept of integrated nutrient management system encomposes not just the maintenance but also moreof improvement in soil fertility for sustaining increasing productivity , through balanced and optimum use of all organic and inorganic and biological source of plant nutrient sources. Iidian soil are generally poor in humous. *organic matter built up the n is necessary for effective growth and funtioning *azotobacteria ,Azospirillium phosphorous solubliging micrto organism besides maintainance of soil engyms *I n addition the supply of organic matter helps to add to macro and micro nutrients status besides improving the physical,chemical and biological priperties of soil. *improving the phycical characters such as soil reaction ,aggregation permeability ,water retentivity nutrient retentiopn capacity

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INM as follows *organic source of nutrient *Green mannur *Biofertiliger *Fertiliger management *Organic source of nutrient: Sericulture farmer are in the habitat of using both urban and rural organic wastes as resourses to suppliy of nutrients to mulberry *the organic manures are know to influence nutrient to mulberry. *the inorganic manures are know to influence the mulberry yield and quality. *the experiments conducted on the use of different sources and levels of organic have revealed that 5 to 6 splits application of FYM at 20 to30 MT/HA is an ideal dose of mulberrry. *apart from the above ones sheep manures for mulberry especiaiiy for harvesting the leaf suitable for feeding young worms. *It has been found that using non-edible oil cake like honge , neem hippe,caster are found to be highly encourageing in improving the yield quality of laef ,beside controlling the mulbeery disease and nematodes

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*BIOFERTILIZER: Before using one get bto know the procedure to applyied to moist soil and incorporated into soil. these are of types, #nitrogen fixing micro organisms #phosphorous solublising micro organisms Azosprillum and Azotobacter are the nitrogen fixing bacteria which fix atmospheric nitrogen through coloniging the roots in close associstion with non-leguminous plants.these two biofertilizer at 15 to 20kg/ha in two splits has revealed that if is highly beneficial has revealed that if is highly to incorporates as it would result in saving on nitrogen . In addition they enhance the yield and quality.

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#Phosphorous solublizing micro organisms A group of heterotypic micro organisms are know to possess an ability to solublise “P” From insoluble source They are Asperigillus ,Pencillium ,and Bacillus circulans,Bacilly Pseudomonous straita. *The above organisms secret different organic and inorganic acid which act on insolublizing phosphate near the roots of the mulberry. *Incorporation of single super phosphate plus rock phosphate with Aspergillus is an ideal source which act only enhance yield of mulberry but also silkworm growth and silk qualty.

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*Fertilizer management: mulberry is a perennial plant and exhausted a lot of nutrients from the soil and the soil alone provide entire nutrient of the it requires Macro nutrients and Micro nutrients. #Macro nutrients: which gives higher leaf yield and quality. *Micro nutrients:micro nutrients like Zinc, Iron, Manganese and Boron and their mixture have not only benefitted the growth and yield of mulberry but also improve the silkworm growth and cocoon production in silk.

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#Improve the leaf yield and quality. #Increases the cocoon yield, silk,yield,quality and graining parameters. #Maintaining the soil health. #Improves physico-chemical properties of the mulberry soil


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