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  • 8/3/2019 Int Purchase Management


    Department of Materiel


    Quick Reference Guide

    4401 Powhatan Ave., Suite 111

    Norfolk, Virginia 23529-0308


  • 8/3/2019 Int Purchase Management


    Limited Delegated Authority

    Departments may purchase unrestricted open marketgoods and services valued at $1,999.99 (includingfreight charges) directly from the vendors usingthe American Express Card or an LPO.

    Orders for like goods and services shall not be splitinto two or more orders (American Express Cardor LPOs) to avoid the $2,000 limit. This is ordersplitting and is prohibited.

    This guide contains a list of restricted items.

  • 8/3/2019 Int Purchase Management


    Purchases at $2,000 or Less

    Obtain one telephone or written quote and

    obtain the goods directly from the vendor.

    Total cost must include shipping charges.

    Purchase Method

    American Express Small Purchase

    Charge Card (SPCC)

    Limited Purchase Order (LPO)

  • 8/3/2019 Int Purchase Management


    A Partial Listing of Restricted

    Items Alcoholic Beverages

    Annual Agreements

    Maintenance Agreements

    Service Agreements, including butnot limited to cellular and pager

    contracts. Campus design and construction

    (this includes any type ofrenovation, security/fire systems,painting, electrical, building locks,keys, etc.)

    Carpet (including installation) Computers and computer systems

    or laptops valued at $2K or greater

    Equipment Trust Fund (ETF)

    Firearms and ammunition

    Hazardous chemicals and disposalof the same

    Narcotics and dangerous drugs orprescription drugs

    Purchases from foreign countries(due to currency exchangerequirements)

    Purchases from state employeesand their families

    Radioactive materials

    This listing does not include all restrictionsfor the LPO or American Express Card.Please contact Materiel Management foradditional restrictions.

  • 8/3/2019 Int Purchase Management


    Contract Purchases

    Using an LPO, Departments may purchase upto $50,000 of unrestricted goods andservices against the following valid

    contracts:Commonwealth of Virginia

    Old Dominion University

    VASCUPP (Virginia Association of StateCollege and University PurchasingProfessionals)

  • 8/3/2019 Int Purchase Management


    Purchases from $2,000 to $5,000

    Purchase Method

    Submit a Purchase Requisition to

    Materiel Management.

    A Materiel Management Buyer will

    solicit the required telephone or written


  • 8/3/2019 Int Purchase Management


    Purchases from $5,000 to

    $30,000Purchase Method

    Submit a Purchase Requisition to Materiel


    A Materiel Management Buyer will solicit a

    minimum of three quotes by phone, fax, or

    unsealed bids.

  • 8/3/2019 Int Purchase Management


    Purchases from $30,000 and

    GreaterPurchase Method

    Submit a Purchase Requisition to Materiel


    A Materiel Management Buyer will solicit a

    minimum of six sources in writing using either

    competitive sealed bidding or competitive

    negotiation. Public advertising is required.

  • 8/3/2019 Int Purchase Management


    Where Can I Get LPO Forms?

    LPO forms may be requested by the Budget

    Unit Director or Custodian of LPOs by

    mailing or faxing a memo addressed to the

    Director of Materiel Management.

    LPO forms will not be sent via campus mail.

    For additional information contact Materiel


  • 8/3/2019 Int Purchase Management


    Where Can I Get an American

    Express Card?The Department of Materiel Management will

    issue American Express Small Purchase

    Charge Cards to individuals who have

    appropriate purchasing authority andauthorization from their supervisors.

    For additional information contact Materiel


  • 8/3/2019 Int Purchase Management


    Where Can I Get Purchase

    Requisitions?Purchase Requisition Forms are available

    from the Central Warehouse at no charge.

    You may obtain a supply by calling 34810.

  • 8/3/2019 Int Purchase Management


    Special Authorizations

    Purchases of some commodities and services

    require a special authorization signature.

    Some of those commodities and services


    Printing (except business cards and forms),

    furniture, painting, electrical services, etc.

    For a complete listing contact MaterielManagement.

  • 8/3/2019 Int Purchase Management


    Mandatory Sources

    This is partial listing of Mandatory Sources:

    Virginia Correctional Enterprises (VCE)

    Metal and wood furniture

    Office furniture

    Office systems

    Dormitory furniture

  • 8/3/2019 Int Purchase Management


    Mandatory Sources Contd

    VCE (Corprint) - Printing

    Envelopes (window, regular, and kraft)

    NCR forms

    Flat forms


    For a complete listing of mandatory sources

    please contact Materiel Management.

  • 8/3/2019 Int Purchase Management



    1. Give first consideration to the objectives and policies of my institution.

    2. Strive to obtain the maximum value for each dollar of expenditure.

    3. Decline personal gifts or gratuities.

    4. Grant all competitive suppliers equal consideration insofar as State or Federal statute and institutional policy


    5. Conduct business with potential and current suppliers in an atmosphere of good faith, devoid of intentional


    6. Demand honesty in sales representation whether offered through the medium of a verbal or written statement, andadvertisement , or a sample of the product.

    7. Receive consent of originator of proprietary ideas and designs before using them for competitive purchasing


    8. Make every reasonable effort to negotiate an equitable and mutually agreeable settlement of any controversies to

    arbitration or other third party review, insofar as the established policies of my institution permit.

    9. Accord a prompt and courteous reception insofar as conditions permit to all who call legitimate business


    10. Cooperate with trade, industrial and professional associations and with governmental and private agencies topromote and develop sound business methods.

    11. Foster fair, ethical and legal trade practices.

    12. Counsel and cooperate with NAEB members and promote a spirit of unity and a keen interest in professional

    grown among them.
