Download pdf - Instagram filters (4:10)


Build your own Instagram Filters with Javascript

March 2017 download Sublime Text & Firefox


Sublime Text is the text editor we’ll be using. We’ll be opening our HTML files in Firefox. Please make sure you have both downloaded and installed.

About me

• Jasjit Singh

• Self-taught developer

• Worked in finance & tech

• Co-Founder Hotspot

• Thinkful General Manager

About us

Thinkful prepares students for web development & data science jobs with 1-on-1 mentorship programs

About you — why are you here?

• Do you want to work better with developers?

• Do you want to start working in tech?

• Do you have an idea you want to build?

About you — programming experience?

• I’ll write my first lines of code tonight

• I’ve been coding for under three months

• I’ve been coding for three months or longer


• Set up local web development environment

• Access third-party library in Javascript

• HTML basics + Javascript basics

• Build v1 of Instagram app

• Advanced challenges

The Starter Code

Download and unzip the starter files into a folder on your desktop (four files in total). Open index.html and index.js in Sublime Text.


Double-click on the index.html file and open it in Firefox


Click “Add Filter” and the picture should change


Click “Revert” to change the picture back to the original

The CamanJS Library

We’ll be using the CamanJS library (

What is a “library”?

A library is code that other people have written that you can use in your own program. When you want to use other people’s code, you’ll need to “import” the library before you can use it.

HTML overview

HTML is the content and structure of a webpage It’s the skeleton of your website.

HTML tags

Every tag starts with a “less than” sign and ends with a “greater than” sign

<html> #this is an HTML opening tag

<body> #this is a body opening tag

<h1>Hello world!</h1> #this is set of H1 tags

</body> #this is a body closing tag

</html> #this is an HTML closing tag

More about tags

• There are opening tags and closing tags — closing tags have a backslash before the tag name (</html> versus <html>)

• Tags instruct a browser about the structure of our website

• There are hundreds of built-in tags though you’ll use the same few a lot

HTML attributes

HTML attributes set properties on an element — the are attached in the opening tag

<a href=“">This is a link</a>href is an attribute that sets the destination of a link

<h1 class=“headline”>This is a headline</h1>class is one attribute that identifies element (for CSS & Javascript)

<h1 id=“headline”>This is a headline</h1>id is another attribute that identifies element (for CSS & Javascript)

Importing the CamanJS library

The CamanJS library is included in your starter code. You’ll import it with this syntax at the top of your index.html file.

Lets work through the rest of the HTML

Javascript overview

If HTML is the skeleton of a website, Javascript is the brains. Javascript controls the behavior of our app We’ll write our Javascript in the index.js file. We’ll then import that file using a similar syntax.

Basic functions

A function lets you separate your code into bite-sized pieces which you can use over again.

When you write a function to use later, you are “declaring” it. When you use (or run) that function you are “calling” it.


Declaring a function function doSomething () {alert(“Done!”)


Calling a function doSomething()

More about basic functions

• Functions can save us time because we can use them over and over code. They are like building blocks.

• Make your code more organized and easier to read

• Javascript has many built-in functions

• You’ll write many, many functions in your programs

Our two functions

The right function is “called” when a button is clicked

Here’s a list of all the options

Challenge #1

• Change out the example image with your own image

• Change the filter I gave you and make it your own

Challenge #2

Instead of making your own filter, try using a built-in filter

Here’s a full list: vintage, lomo, clarity, sinCity, sunrise, crossProcess, orangePeel, love, grungy, barques, pinhole, oldBoot, glowingSun, hazyDays, herMajest, nostalgia, hemingway, concentrate

Challenge #3 (Advanced)

Add more buttons, each one should add only one filter

More about Thinkful

• Anyone who’s committed can learn to code

• 1-on-1 mentorship is the best way to learn

• Flexibility matters — learn anywhere, anytime

•We only make money when you get a job

Our Program

You’ll learn concepts, practice with drills, and build capstone projects — all guided by a personal mentor

Our Mentors

Mentors have, on average, 10+ years of experience

Web Development Syllabus

• Frontend Development (HTML, CSS, Javascript)

• Frontend “Frameworks” (React.js)

• Backend Development (Node.js)

• Electives (Python, Ruby, Swift, Angular, UX)

• Computer Science Fundamentals

• Technical interviews + Career prep

Our Results

Job Titles after GraduationMonths until Employed

Special Introductory Offer

• Two-week program, six mentor sessions for $50

• Starts with HTML/CSS/Javascript

• Option to continue into full program

• Talk to me (or email me) if you’re interested

October 2015

Questions? [email protected]

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