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New Head Girl Team Announced

Congratulations to the New Head Girl team whose prefect positions were announced during the last Assembly of the Lent Term. Anna (Form V) will take on the role of Head Girl and will be supported by Deputy Head Girls Alice (Form V) and Goldy (Form V). The girls will receive their red ties on Parents’ Day 2013 and will start their new prefect roles in September 2013.

Miss Lloyd, Marketing Manager

Merit Mark Awards

During last term Merit Mark Awards were introduced to

the girls. The girls need to earn a set number of merit

marks to achieve a bronze, silver, gold or platinum

certificate. In the final

Assembly of the Lent Term

Lydia (Form I) was the first girl

in the school to earn over 40

merit marks thus achieving a

platinum award. For a bronze

award presented by the girl’s

Head of House 10 merit marks

need to have been achieved,

and 20 merit marks gives the

girls a silver award and

congratulations from Miss

Kelly. For 30 merit marks girls

achieve a gold award and

congratulations from Mrs Heywood and for 40 merit marks

the girls receive their platinum award which is presented

in Assembly in front of the whole school.

Miss Lloyd, Marketing Manager

Issue Number 4, w/c 15th April 2013 & w/c 22nd April 2013

First Communion a First for


A group of nine students from Form II received their First Communion on Sunday 28th April after taking a course of five lessons entitled ‘To Share in the Eucharist’. This was a very successful pilot scheme that next year will be offered to Forms I - III, further enriching the spiritual lives in the younger year groups in preparation for confirmation in Form IV. Two of our students, Gina (Form II) and Samantha (Form II) were also baptized during the service.

Fr Tim, Chaplain

Date for the Diary

On Thursday 9th May at 5pm in St Mary’s Theatre, Dr Dame Claire Bertschinger will be giving a talk at Heathfield entitled ‘Moving Mountains’. Parents, Governors and Staff are welcome to attend this event.

Lacrosse Coaching with England’s World Cup Squad

On Sunday 28th April fifteen lacrosse enthusiasts set off for Lady Eleanor Holles School to take part in a coaching day run by the England World Cup squad. The weather was perfect as the 197 participants were mixed into small groups for the morning session of skills and drills, which included the World Cup warm up drill, shooting, fast break and defending as well as individual skills. During the lunch break members of the England Squad answered questions and talked about their previous World Cup experiences. During the afternoon everyone was divided into teams for a tournament. Daisy (Form IV) was named most valuable player from her team. Everyone returned home tired but having had a great day. Ms Reynolds, Director of


Inspiring Talk from Geordie Greig, Editor of The Mail on Sunday

Heathfield School was delighted to welcome Geordie Greig, Editor of The Mail on Sunday, on Wednesday 17th April 2013, who came straight from Baroness Thatcher’s funeral. Mr Greig described his journey through his journalistic career explaining how he started as a crime reporter on The South-East and Kentish Mercury in Deptford and then went on to work for the Daily Mail and Sunday Today before joining the Sunday Times as a general reporter in 1987. After a five year stint as the New York correspondent and then the paper’s Literary Editor for five years, Mr Greig moved on to being Editor of Tatler where he stayed for 10 years. In 2009 he became Editor of the London Evening Standard and in 2010 became Editorial Director of The Independent, The Independent on Sunday and London Evening Standard before moving to his current role as editor of The Mail on Sunday.

Mr Greig shared many captivating stories with the girls, which really helped to bring a career in Journalism to life. Mr Grieg explained how good journalists require a bit of luck as well as hard work, how they must persevere and that an inquisitive nature is key! The girls asked many thoughtful questions and Geordie Greig hopefully inspired some Heathfield girls to consider a career in journalism.

Mrs Meeson, Teacher in Charge - History of Art and Old Girls’ Co-ordinator

Issue Number 4, w/c 15th April 2013 & w/c 22nd April 2013

Staff vs Parents Golf Challenge 2013

On a lovely sunny day in late April, twelve intrepid players turned out to play the inaugural Staff vs Parents Golf Challenge at the North Hants Club near Fleet. For those in the know, it was a four-ball game using the Stableford scoring system. Some of the golf played was exceptionally good (Laudine, Form UVI and Emmy, Form II, as honorary staff members were outstanding) and some of it was

exceptionally interesting (Max Carter coolly delivered 4 ‘ducks and drakes’ bounces across the lake and onto the fairway the other side); and some

of it was, well, eminently forgettable. In the end the School won, showing greater consistency, discipline and stamina than the parents… as you might expect! Mr Bueno handed out the prizes. Well done Ulrika Nicholls (best ladies’ score), Alan Brackley (best men’s score), Rupert Burgoyne (furthest drive) and Melissa Ferber (closest to the pin), and huge thanks are owed to Head of Sixth Form, Mrs Ingram, for so beautifully organising the outing at her home club. Mr Tim Parker, Parent

Form I Rushall Farm Report Writing


On 7th March Form I visited the organic Rushall Farm in Bradfield to learn about farming systems and especially about the lambing season. The girls’ task was to write a full report on their findings. The winners of the competition were Darcy in third place, Victoria in second place, Lydia in first place and the special reporter prize went to Arielle. Congratulations to the girls.

Mrs Mason, Head of Humanities Faculty

Words of the Week

Nummamorous Adj; love of money

Irrefragable Adj; beyond dispute

Zoanthropy Noun; conviction by a human that

they are an animal

Kopophobia Noun; fear of exhaustion

Cornwall Photography Competition

During Half Term of Lent Term 2013 the LVI and UVI photography students went on a photography trip to Cornwall. The photographs the girls took during the trip have now been entered into a competition. The winning images will be published on the website of the hotel where the girls stayed during the trip to Cornwall as the accommodation providers were so impressed with the girls’ work - The winning photographs will be announced in a later issue of Inside Heathfield. Miss White, Teacher in Charge of Photography

Issue Number 4, w/c 15th April 2013 & w/c 22nd April 2013

1 2






1. Alexandra (Form UVI) 2. Charlotte (Form UVI)

3. Matilda (Form LVI) 4. Jasmine (Form LVI)

5. Tally (Form LVI) 6. Kitty (Form UVI)

7. Imogen (Form LVI)

Issue Number 4, w/c 15th April 2013 & w/c 22nd April 2013


9 11




8. Octavia (Form UVI)

9. Ellie (Form LVI)

10. Pia (Form LVI)

11. Lisa (Form UVI)

12. Leala (Form UVI)

13. Bea (Form LVI)


Heathfield School

Issue Number 4, w/c 15th April 2013 & w/c 22nd April 2013

Seacole Weekend 20th & 21st April 2013

The Seacole Weekend was action packed with the girls enjoying a celebration of culture on the Saturday. Our overseas girls shared their cultures with the school by putting up displays to demonstrate what they felt was important about their culture. Whilst some were working on the displays, others prepared snacks, arranged flowers in Japanese style or made Spanish fans in a workshop with Miss Rutilli. Others perfected their skills in a Flamenco workshop in the Sports Hall. By 5.30pm we had a magnificent array of items to look at, eat and drink in the Assembly Hall as the school gathered, some in interesting costumes from around the world. Supper was a Spanish feast prepared by the Catering team especially for the occasion. The highlight of the day was a performance in the theatre from our visiting Flamenco group who gave a fabulous performance which could not fail to impress. Well done to those brave girls who got involved and contributed to this special event.

On the Sunday Forms I and II went to G Live in Guildford to watch ‘Vile Victorians’, a Horrible Histories show where the girls got to learn about the Industrial Revolution and Victorian Britain which also forms part of the Form II history syllabus. The show was full of vile tales of baby farmers, cheating children and railway criminals and Queen Victoria even made an appearance. The girls really enjoyed the performance and learnt a thing or two about Victorian Britain.

The Form III girls went on a beautiful walk in the glorious sunshine through the Guildford Hills with tour guide Dr Harden where they walked through water meadows, woods and went over a long river. Finally the girls arrived back in Guildford High Street where they bought lunch and managed to do a bit of shopping before heading back to school.

Mrs Kemp, Head of Seacole

Bookshop Day

The much awaited and ever popular

Bookshop Day was held in the library

on Wednesday 24th April, providing a wide range

of books for students to choose from, including

the classics, bestselling titles as well as non-

fiction. The Bookshop is held at the beginning of

each term, when a local bookseller supplies a

large selection of books with the aim of not only

promoting literacy but also to encourage the joy of

reading and to give the girls an opportunity to

build up their own collection of books.

Mrs Bramley, Librarian

Austen Weekend 27th & 28th April 2013

The Austen Weekend was packed full of a whole range of

outings and workshops. Form I and II enjoyed the

Oakwood Youth Challenge where they had a go on the

indoor climbing wall, low ropes, flying kiwi and Jacob’s


On Sunday there was a special Chapel service where two

girls were baptized and nine girls took their First

Communion in front of parents and the rest of the school.

Throughout the

weekend there

was a cinema

trip, a Business

Studies trip and a


coaching day

with England’s

World Cup




Senior Head of

House – Austen