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APPOLO STUDY CENTRETEATCHERS ELIGIBILITY TEST - 2012PAPER IIPART IFoei;i; j Nkkg;g; hL kwW;W; k ; fwg;g; pjj;j; y ;CHILD DEVELOPMENT AND PEDAGOGY1. Army alpha test is aa. Performance test b. Verbal testc. Non – verbal test d. Culture fair test,uhZt My;gh Nrhjid xUa. nraw; Nrhjid b. nrhw;Nrhjidc. nkhoprhuh Nrhjid d. gz;ghl;Lr; Nrhjid2. Number of verbal and picture tests in Torrance creativity test arerespectivelya. 5, 3 b. 6, 2 c. 7, 2 d. 7, 3lhnud;]; Mf;fj;jpwd; Nrhjidapy; cs;s nkhopr; Nrhjid> glj;Nrhjidfspd; vz;zpf;if KiwNaa. 5, 3 b. 6, 2 c. 7, 2 d. 7, 33. What is your opinion in the reforms of present education system? Thisquestion inducesa. Convergent thinking b. Divergent thinkingc. Logical thinking d. Negative thinkingjw;fhy fy;tp Kiwapy; Njitg;gLk; khw;wq;fshf ePtph; fUJtdahit? ,t;tpdhJ}z;Lk; rpe;jida. Ftp rpe;jid b. tphp rpe;jidc. jh;f;f rpe;jid d. vjph;kiw rpe;jid4. Feeling and reflecting of others emotions like happiness and anger isa. passive sympathy b. sensitivec. imitation d. active sympathyxUtuJ Kfj;jpy; kfpo;r;rp> rpdk; Nghd;w czh;r;rpia fhZk;NghJek;ikAk; mwpahkNyNa mDgtpg;gJa. nrayw;w gphpT b. czh;T kpFjpc. gpd;gw;wy; d. nraYw;w ghpT5. “If the people of the society has high achievement motivation, the

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economic growth increases and the society gets modernized”. It isgiven in the booka. The achieving Society b. Achievement of the Societyc. Society and Achievement d. Society and its Development“rKjha kf;fsplk; milt+f;fp cah;e;j epiyapy ; fhzgg; ll; hy ; gyJiwfspy; rhjidfs; ngUfp> nghUshjhu tsh;r;rp ngw;Wmrr; Kjhak ; etdP kilAk”; vd Fwpgg; plgg; lL; ss; E}y ;a. j mr;rPtpq; nrhi]l;bb. mr;rPt;kz;l; M/g; nrhi]l;bc. nrhi]l;b mz;l; mr;rPt;kz;l;d. nrhi]l;b md;l; ,l;]; nltyg;kndl;6. The concept of _________ was introduced by Alfred Adlera. Oedipus complex b. Inferiority complexc. Mental health d. Boorish and coarseMy;gpul; Ml;yh; _______ vd;Dk; fUj;ijj; Njhw;Wtpj;jhh;a. xbg;g]; rpf;fy; b. jho;Tr; rpf;fy;c. kd eyk; d. gz;ghbd;ik7. Scapegoatism is an example ofa. Rationalisation b. Introversionc. Compensation d. Displacementgypflh Mf;fg;gLjy; vd;gJ ______ jw;fhg;G elj;ija. fhuzk; fw;gpj;jy; b. mfNehf;Filikc. <L nra;jy; d. ,lkhw;wk;8. Counselling which focuses on the problem of a patient isa. Directive conselling b. Non – directive counselingc. Eclectic approach in counseling d. Vocational counselingNehahspapd; gpur;ridf;F Kf;fpaj;Jtk; mspf;Fk; mwpTiu gfh;jypd;tifa. newprhh;e;j mwpTiu gfh;jy; b. newprhuh mwpTiu gfh;jy;c. rkur Kiw d. njhopy;rhh; mwpTiu gfh;jy;9. Counselling to the counselee isa. interrogation b. giving advicec. to understand himself thoroughly d. psychoanalysismwpTiu gfh;jy; vd;gJa. tprhuiz nra;jy;b. cgNjrk; nra;jy;c. jd;id KOikahf Ghpe;J nfhs;s cjTjy;

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d. csg;gFg;gha;T Kiw10. Aptitude test plays a significant role ina. Personal guidance b. Group guidancec. Educational guidance d. Vocational guidanceehl;lr; Nrhjid ngUk;gq;F tfpg;gJa. jdpegh; gpur;ridf;fhd topfhl;ly;b. FO topfhl;ly;c. fy;tpapy; topfhl;ly;d. njhopy; Njh;tpy; topfhl;ly;11. A group which has completely negative influence isa. primary group b. intermediate groupc. secondary group d. tertiary groupKOikahd vjph;kiw nry;thf;F nfhz;l FOa. Mjhuf; FO b. eLepiyf; FOc. topepiyf; FO d. %d;whk; epiyf; FO12. Loitering and pointing others for his faults are the characteristics ofa. Introvert b. Short temperc. Extrovert d. AmbiverttYr;rz;ilf;F Nghjy;> jtW Vw;gbd; mLj;jth; kPJ gop Rkj;Jjy;Nghd;w gz;Gfis cilath;a. mfKfh; b. Kd; Nfhgp c. GwKfh; d. Gw mfKfh;13. Which of the following is not a projective techniquea. Rorschach ink – blot test b. Sentence completion testc. Word association test d. Interest inventing testfPo;f;fhz;gitfSs; vJ Gwj;Njw;W Ez;Kiw my;y?a. Nuhh;~hf; ikj;jl Nrhjid b. thf;fpak; epug;gy; Nrhjidc. nrhw;fs; njhlh;G Nrhjid d. fth;r;rp msit Kiw14. Strong’s famous interest evaluating tool isa. personal interest bank b. Vocational interest bankc. Musical interest bank d. Language interest bankfth;r;rp gw;wpa ];l;uhq;fpd; gpugy kjpg;gPl;Lf; fUtpa. Ra fth;r;rp gl;bay; b. njhopw; fth;r;rp gl;bay;c. ,irf; fth;r;rp gl;bay; d. nkhopf; fth;r;rp gl;bay;15. Schizophrenia isa. psychoneuroses b. personality behaviour disorderc. psycroses d. psychosomatic disorderczh;r;rp tpz;l epiy vd;gJa. euk;Gj; jsh;r;rp b. MSikf; NfhshW Neha;

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c. jPtpu csj;jLkhw;w Neha; d. cs-cly; Neha;16. Ergograph is used to explorea. mental fatigue b. physical fatiguec. monotony d. disinterestvh;Nfhfpuhg; vd;Dk; fUtpapd; %yk; Muhag;gLtJa. kdf;fisg;G b. clw;fisg;Gc. mYg;G d. Mh;tkpd;ik17. The study of fluctuation of visual attention can be experimentallymade with the help of aa. Mason’s disc b. Marquis discc. Tachistoscope d. Compact discghh;it ftdj;jpy; Vw;gLk; khWjy;fisr; Nrhjid %yk; fz;lwpacjTk; fUtpa. Nk]d;]; jl;L b. khh;f;tp]; tl;Lc. lhrp];lh];Nfhg; d. jWe;jfL18. An educationist who had the Eidetic imagery isa. Gandhiji b. Aurobindoc. Dr. Radhakrishnan d. TagorekPj;njspr; rhay; ngw;wtuhf $wg;gLk; fy;tpahsh;a. fhe;jpabfs; b. mutpe;jh;c. lhf;lh; ,uhjhfpU~;zd; d. jh$h;19. Expansion of LAD isa. Language Abbreviation Dictionaryb. Linguistic Appraisal Departmentc. Learner Achievement Deviced. Language Acquisition DeviceLAD vd;gjd; tphpthf;fk;a. Language Abbreviation Dictionaryb. Linguistic Appraisal Departmentc. Learner Achievement Deviced. Language Acquisition Device20. The part of the brain which is induced by Emotional stimuli isa. Hypthalamus b. Ponsc. Medulla oblongata d. CerebellumkdntOr;rp J}z;ly;fs; jhf;Fk; %isapd; xU gFjpa. i`g;Nghjyhk]; b. ghd;];c. KFsk; d. rpW%is

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21. The person who published the researches related to unconscious mind,isa. Watson b. Reversc. William Mc Dougal d. Hulledtpyp kdj;ijg; gw;wpa Muha;r;rpfis ntspapl;lth;fSs; xUth;a. thl;rd; b. hpth;]; c. tpy;ypak; kf;^fy; d. `y;22. In Flander’s interaction analysis ____________ parts are based onteachers activitya. 1- 8 b. 3 – 6 c. 1 – 7 d. 3 – 8gpshz;lhpd; ,iltpidg; gFj;jha;tpy; ______ gFjpfs; Mrphpahpd;nray;ghl;ilg; nghWj;J mikfpwJa. 1- 8 b. 3 – 6 c. 1 – 7 d. 3 – 823. The Latin word ‘Spiere’ meansa. Look b. Hear c. Do d. TouchSpiere – vd;w ,yj;jPd; thh;j;ijapd; nghUs;a. ghh;j;jy; b. Nfl;ly; c. nra;jy; d. njhLjy;24. Which one of the following is not an internal factor on the growth anddevelopment of childrena. Bilogical factor b. Intelligencec. Emotinal factor d. Environment in the womb of the motherfPo;f; fhz;gitfSs; vJ Foe;ijapd; tsh;r;rp kw;Wk; Kd;Ndw;wj;jpd;mff;fhuzpmy;y?a. caphpay; fhuzp b. Ez;zwpTc. kdntOr;rp fhuzp d. jhapd; fUtiwr; #oy;25. Cathartic theory of play activities has close relation with _________school of psychologya. Naturalism b. Behaviourismc. Psycho – analysis d. Purposivismtpisahl;L gw;wpa kdtpay; fhYjw; nfhs;ifahdJ ______Nfhl;ghl;bd; fUj;JfSld; neUq;fpa njhlh;G nfhz;lJa. ,aw;if b. elj;ij c. csg;gFg;G d. Nehf;fk;26. Second stage of Maslow’s Hierarchial need isa. love and belonging needs b. safety needsc. esteem needs d. physiological needs

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kh];Nyh kdpjdJ NjitfSs; ,uz;lhk; epiyahff; Fwpg;gpLtJa. md;G> Vw;G rhh;e;j Njitfs;b. ghJfhg;G rhh;e;j Njitfs;c. kjpg;G epiyj; Njitfs;d. caph; tho;tjw;fhd mbg;gilj; Njitfs;27. In moral development the preconventional stage occurs during the agelimit ofa. 2 – 7 years b. 3 – 7 yearsc. 5 – 10 years d. 4 – 10 yearsxOf;f tsh;r;rpapy; eilKiw tof;Ff;F Kw;gl;l epiy fhzg;gLk;taJ tuk;Ga. 2 0 7 Mz;Lfs; b. 3 – 7 Mz;Lfs;c. 5 – 10 Mz;Lfs; d. 4 – 10 Mz;Lfs;28. Negative reinforcement __________ responding : punishment _______respondinga. increases : increases b. decreases : decreasesc. increases : decreases d. decreases : increasesvjph;kiw tYT+l;ly; Jyq;fiy ______ ; jz;lid Jyq;fiy_______a. mjpfhpf;Fk;; mjpfhpf;Fk ; b. FiwfF; k;; FiwfF; k ;c. mjpfhpfF; k; ; FiwfF; k ; d. FiwfF; k;; mjpfhpfF; k ;29. Learning is best defined asa. any change in behaviourb. a relatively permanent change in behaviour due to pastexperiencec. a permanent change in behaviour due to physical developmentd. any change in behaviour caused by punishmentfw;wy; vd;gJa. elj;ij khw;wk;b. Ke;ija mDgtj;ijr; rhh;e;j epue;ju elj;ij khw;wk;c. cly; tsh;r;rp rhh;e;j epue;ju elj;ij khw;wk;d. jz;lidapd; fhuzkhf tpisAk; elj;ij khw;wk;30. Experiment of memory is initially done bya. Ebbinghaus b. Stephenc. Harlow d. WhiteepidT gw;wpa Nrhjidfis Kjd;Kjypy; elj;jpath;

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a. vg;gpq;n`s]; b. ];Bgd;c. `hh;Nyh d. xapl;gFjp – IIjkpo ;31. nghUj;jkhdijj; njhpT nra;a. tuF b. rhikRwh kapy;Qhoy; njhz;lfk;ghb ghjphpc. jpid d. Futk ;khd ; neaj;j; y ;mdd; k ; Kyi;i; ynghai; f FwpQr;r; p32. nghUj;jkhdtw;iwj; Njh;e;njL:a. fhg;G b. nrq;fPiu c. jhy ; d. fhgG;G;nqf; iP u rpww; py ; fhgG; nrqf;f; iPiPiP ujhy ; foqF; foqF; jhy ;rpww; py ; jhy ; rpWgiw rpww;w; py ;Crh ; fhgG; nrqf; iP u rpWNjh ;33. ‘rfj; p Kjj; g ; Gyth’; – ehlfjj; pd ; Mrphpah ;a. kNdhd;kzpak; Re;juk; gps;is b. mt;it rz;Kfk;c. ghujpjhrd; d. fiythzh ; vd.; v].; Nf34. ‘mwptd’; vdD; k ; nrhy ; ,jidf ; FwpfF; k ;a. jiytd ; b. ,ej; pud ; c. rdp d. Gjd ;35. rhpahfg; nghUe;jpAs;sijj; Njh;f.a. mg;gh; - 1> 3> 4 jpUKiwfs; b. mg;gh; - 1> 2> 4 jpUKiwfs;rk;ge;jh; - 2> 5 jpUKiwfs; rk;ge;jh; - 2> 5> 7 jpUKiwfs;Re;juh; - 6> 7 jpUKiwfs; Re;juh; 3> 6 jpUKiwfs;c. mgg; h ; - 1> 4> 7 jpUKiwfs; d. mgg;g; h ; - 4> 5> 6 jpUKiwfsrkg; ej; h ; - 2> 5 jpUKiwfs rkg;g; ej;j; h ; - 1> 2> 3 jpUKiwfs ;Rej; uh ; - 4> 6 jpUKiwfs ; Rej;j; uh ; - 7 jpUKiwfs36. “tisay;” vd;Dk; ngah;a. fhuzg; ngah; b. ,LFwp rpwg;Gg; ngah;c. fhuzg ; nghJg ; ngah ; d. fhuz rpwgG;G; g ; ngah ;37. ‘vd;gzpe;j njd;fkiy’ – mbf; Nfhbl;l nrhy;ypd; nghUs;a. jpUitahW b. jpUneyN; typ c. jpUth&h ; d. jpUtuP ll; hzk ;38. ‘jpiuf ; ftpj ; jpyfk’; vdw; rpwgi; gg ; ngww; th ;a. FUtpff; uki; g rzK; fk ; b. kUjfhrp

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c. thyp d. Gyikgpj;jd;39. ‘G+tpd; tptuk; gy Nfhb’ - ,g;ghly; ,lk; ngw;w ehlfk;a. rjp mD#ah b. rjp yyPyP htjp c. rjp RNyhrdh d. rjp rkA; fj; h40. ,sikg; ngah;fisr; rhpahfj; njhpT nra;f.a. Gyp – gwo; b. Gyp – Flb;Fjpiu – Flb;b; Fjpiu – fdW;rpqf;f; k ; - FUis rpqf; k ; - gwo;khd ; - fdW;W; khd ; - FUisc. Gyp – gwo; d. Gyp – Fl;bFjpiu – fd;W Fjpiu – gwo;rpq;fk; - Fl;b rpq;fk; - FUiskhd; - FUis khd; fd;W41. ‘kiyff; ss; d’; vDk ; E}ypd ; Mrphpah ;a. ghujpjhrd ; b. ehkf;f; f; y ; ftpQh;c. mz;zh d. rhz;by;ad;42. mfehD}w;Wg; ghf;fspd; mbtiuaiwa. 4 mb Kjy; 8 mb tiu b. 9 mb Kjy; 12 mb tiuc. 13 mb Kjy ; 31 mb tiu d. 7 mb Kjy ; 14 mb tiu43. tPukhKdpth; jpUf;Fwis ________ nkhopapy; nkhopngah;j;jhh;.a. ,yjj;j; dPdP ; b. fpNuff; k ; c. vgpNuak; d. Mqf; pyk ;44. gpnuQ;R FbauRj; jiytuhy; ‘nrthypNa’ tpUjpidg; ngw;wth;a. Rujh b. Kbaurd ; c. thzpjhrd; d. ,iwaurd ;45. fkg; ehlfjj; pd ; ahgG; tzz; qf; SfF; f ; $wgg; Lk ; fzff; LP .a. 96 b. 108 c. 100 d. 10646. nghUj;jkhdijj; njhpT nra;a. gjJ;J; ujd ; - jrujd; b. gjJ; ujd ; - ,uhtzd ;Gjj;j; pud ; - ,uhkd; Gjj; pud ; - ,uhkd ;kpjj;j; pud ; - Rfh;h; tPtPtP d ; kpjj; pud ; - Rfh; Ptd ;rjJ;J; U – thyp rjJ; U – thypc. gj;J ujd; - #hpad; d. gj;J ujd; - ghz;LGj;jpud; - mDkd; Gj;jpud; - jUkd;kpj;jpud; - rf;hPtd; kj;jpud; - JhpNahjdd;rj;JU – thyp re;JU – rj;JUf;fdd;47. ‘fyPypNah’ gJth gy;fiyf;fofj;jpy; gzpahw;wpa Mz;La. 1592 b. 1590 c. 1593 d. 159148. ‘kd;dpg;G’ vd;gJ _______ nrhy;.a. muG b. cUJ c. jkpo ; d. fdd; lk ;49. ‘lkg; hrr; hhp tpyhrk’; vdw; E}ypd ; Mrphpah ;

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a. gk;ky; rk;ge;j Kjypahh; b. rq;fujh]; Rthkpfs;c. fhrp tpRtehjh ; d. jp.f. rzK; fdhh ;50. ‘G+kpiaj; jpwf;Fk; nghd; rhtp’ vDk; E}ypd; Mrphpah;a. thzpjhrd ; b. jhuhghujp c. Rujh d. R[hjh51. jkpnoz;fspd; xOq;F VW thpiriaj; Njh;e;njLa. mc b. Rm c. RU d. mcRU $m Rm RmRm RU mc $m$U $U $U $U$m mc $m RU52. fPo;f;fhZk; njhlh;fspy; nghUe;jhj; njhliuf; fz;Lgpb.a. Foyp jprkg; h ; #b tej; hs ; b. eyPyP h ghlL;L; g ; ghbdhs ;c. ,uz;L kPl;lh; NghJkh? d. NfhtpYf;F nts;is mbj;jhd;53. ‘Neh;ikiaf; fhl;bYk; cah;e;j nja;tk; ,y;iy’ vd;w nfhs;ifcilath;a. ryg; hP f; hd ; b. KjJ; tuP gg; d; c. nrhff; ehjh ; d. kf%jf;f; hd ;54. ‘nghopg;G vJif’ gapd;W tUk; rPh;fs;a. 1, 3 b. 2, 3 c. 1, 4 d. 2, 455. rhpahd ,iziaj; Njh;T nra;f.a. FwpQ;rp – mfpy; b. FwpQ;rp – Gd;idKy;iy – Gd;id Ky;iy – fhQ;rpkUjk; - fhah kUjk; - mfpy;nea;jy; - fhQ;rp nea;jy; - fhahc. FwpQr;r; p – mfpy ; d. FwpQr; p – fhQr; pKyi;i; y – fhah Kyi; y – Gdi; dkUjk ; - fhQr;r; p kUjk ; - fhahneaj;j; y ; - Gdi;i; d neaj; y ; - mfpy ;56. ‘cyfk>; caph>; flTs’; Mfpa %di; wAk ; xUqN; f fhlL; k ; fhtpak ;nghpa Guhzk”; - ,tt; hW $wpath;a. ftpQh; nt. ,uhkypq;fdhh; b. nj.ngh.kPc. K. tujuhrdhh ; d. jkpo;r; rq;fk; gw;wp tpsf;Fk; thpfspy; rhpahf nghUe;jpAs;sijj;Njh;f.a. GwehD}W – jkpon;n; fO $ly ; b. GwehD}W – jkpo ; nfO $ly ;ghpghly ; - jkpo ; Ntyp ghpghly ; - $lypy ; Mae; j;

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kzpthrfk ; - $lypy ; Mae;e; j; kzpthrfk ; - jkpo ; Ntypc. GwehD}W – jkpo; Ntyp d. GwehD}W - $lypy; Ntypghpghly; - $lypy; Ma;e;j ghpghly; - jkpo; Ntypkzpthrfk; - jkpo;nfO $ly; kzpthrfk; - jkpo; nfO$ly;58. ‘nrq;fg;gLj;jhd; fhL’ vDk; Chpy; gpwe;j ftpQH;a. glL;L; fN;N; fhli;i; l fya;a; hzRej;j; uk ; b. cSeJ; }h ; Ngli; l rzK; fk ;c. ehkf;fy; ,uhkypq;fdhh; d. cLkiy ehuhaz ftp.59. ‘kdd; d ; caphj; N; j kyhj; iy cyfk’; vDk ; ghly ; thpia vOjpath ;a. fgpyh ; b. guzh ; c. Nkhrp fuPuP dhh ; d. xsitahh ;60. ‘Nehaf; F; kUeJ; ,yff; pak’; vdf ; $wpath ;a. fh.R. gpsi; s b. kfhtpjJ;J; thd ; kdPdPdP hlr;r; p Rej;j; udhh ;c. m.r. Qhdrk;ge;jd; d. c.Nt. rhkpehj Iah;PART – IIIENGLISHThere are 30 questions in this part. All the questions are compulsory.61. Pick out the adjective which can best fill in the blank given in thesentence below:The _____ chapters are lacking in interest.a. later b. latest c. latter d. letter62. Which is the most appropriate passive form for the sentence?“One should keep one’s promises”a. we should keep our promises b. Promises should be keptc. Promises need not be kept d. Promises may be kept63. The most appropriate conversion to simple sentence from thecompound sentence “We must eat, or we cannot live”, isa. We must live to eat b. We must not live to eatc. We must eat and live d. We must eat to live64. In which classification of work can we categorise teaching?a. Clerical b. Managerial c. Skilled d. Professional65. Choose the most appropriate a complementary closing for a letteraddressed to Sub-Inspector of Police:

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a. Yours lovingly b. Lovingly yoursc. Yours truly d. Yours affectionately66. In the following question, the passage consists of six sentences. Thefirst and last sentences are given in the beginning. The middle foursentences are jumbled up as P,Q,R and s. Sequence the sentencesproperly choosing the right option:S1_ There was no limit to insanitationS6- So I asked for a broom to clean them myself.P-There were only a few latrinesQ- They refused point-blank to clean themR-Pools of water were everywhereS- I pointed it out to the volunteersThe proper sequence will bea. RSPQ b. QPSR c. RPSQ d. QSPR(Q.Nos.67 & 68)67. Identify the one italicized expression (A, B, C or D) that must bechanged in order to correct the sentences:Thingswill beAbetter if Iwill getBa job andearnCsome money. Then Iwon't haveDto live with my parents. (Ans: B)68. Thecompany claimedAto bring the bestproducts and services onthe doorstep of their consumersB C D(Ans: D)

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69. Identify the errors in the sentences given below:It is raining. Mohan and Sumesh were walking on the park. The path iswet. Mohan slips and fella. raining, were, on b. were, on, fellc. were, on, slips d. were, slips, fell70. Choose the most appropriate clause that can replace the adjectivephrase in the sentence:‘Madhu met a girl with blue eyes’a. Whose eyes are blue b. Whose eyes were bluec. Those eyes were blue d. Those eyes are blue71. In the sentence “The train came rushing down the hill”, the word‘down’ functions asa. Noun b. Preposition c. Verb d. Adverb72. Fill in the blank with the most appropriate article from the optionsgiven below:Smt. Sheela became _______ Principal of the College in 2005.a. a b. the c. an d. no article73. Pick the odd one from among the words given below:Pretty, attractive, beautiful, smart, livelya. attractive b. lively c. beautiful d. pretty74. Which of the following is not an instruction?a. What an idea b. Sit downc. Be silent d. Queue up(Q.Nos 75 to 79)Read the following passage. Select the best answer from amongthe given choices for each question:Most of us use the products of science – railways, aeroplanes,electricity, phones and thousands of others – without thinking howthey came into existence. We take them for granted, as if we areentitled to them as a matter of right. And we are very proud of the fact

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that we live in an advanced age and are ourselves so very advanced.There is no doubt that our age is a very different one from previousages and I think it is perfectly correct to say that it is far moreadvanced. But that is a different thing from saying that we asindividuals or groups are more advanced. It would be the height ofabsurdity to say that because an engine driver can run an engine andPlato or Socrates could not, the engine driver is more advanced than,or is superior t, Plato or Socrates. But it would be perfectly correct tosay that the engine itself is a more advanced method of locomotionthan Plato’s chariot was.75. Which one of the following statements is correct?a. An engine driver cannot be compared to Plato or Socrates.b. Plato or Socrates is in no way inferior to the engine driverc. Plato or Socrates surpassed the engine driver in every respectd. An engine driver is cleverer than Plato or Socrates76. People today are very proud because theya. live in a philosophically advanced ageb. live in a spiritually advanced agec. enjoy digital communicationsd. live in a scientifically advanced age77. Many of us make use of machinesa. with full knowledge of their genesisb. without knowing how they were inventedc. with very little knowledge of their mechanismd. without any knowledge of their historical significance78. In this passage, Plato and Socrates are mentioned to emphasize thata. they had a great respect for learningb. they were men of great scholarship

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c. people as individuals in the modern age are not more advancedthan their predecessorsd. the engine is a better mode of locomotion than Plato’s chariot.79. The phrase ’height of absurdity’ impliesa. the possible extent of rationalityb. the impossible extent of rationalityc. the possible extent of irrationalityd. the impossible extent of rationality80. If a medal is an award made of gold, silver or bronze, choose thehomophone for the word which meansa. meddle b. muddle c. middle d. medel81. Verbal guidance is least effective in the learning ofa. attitudes b. Relationships c. Skills d. Facts(Q. Nos.82 to 85)Choose the word or phrase to fit each blank which best completes eachsentence:82. My landlady was very _____ when I met with an accidenta. merciful b. pitiful c. sympathetic d. hearty83. The receptionist _____ to ring another hotel to see if they had a rooma. offered b. suggestedc. recommended d. invited84. I assure you I have wish to _______ my responsibility.a. shirk b. refuse c. abandon d. disobey85. Has there been any _______ on the strike from the Government?a. reaction b. response c. comment d. criticism86. Identify the most suitable explanation for the idiom used in thesentence given below:The boy backed up his friend’s claima. accepted b. supported c. explained d. denied87. Choose the appropriate tag for the sentence given below:a. will you b. shall you

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c. may you d. won’t you88. Choose the following sentences by supplying appropriate connectingwords from the options listed below:I met a boy _____ told me _____ I could find you.a. who, were b. that, werec. that, where b. who, where89. The former President of India, Dr.A.P.J. Abdul Kalam has consentedto address the students of your school on the eve of annual day. Whichdiscourse among the ones listed below is best suitable for informingthe parents of the students about the same?a. letter b. diary c. notice d. slogan90. How many syllables are there in the word ‘examination’?a. 4 b. 3 c. 5 d. 6gFjp IVMATHEMATICS AND SCIENCE91. K ABC ~ K PQR; AB =3.6, PQ = 2.4 and PR = 5.4, then AC =a. 3.6 b. 8.1 c. 5.4 d. 7.8K ABC ~ K PQR; AB =3.6, PQ = 2.4 kw;Wk; PR = 5.4 vdpy; AC =a. 3.6 b. 8.1 c. 5.4 d. 7.892. The learner’s skill attains its highest level of proficiency and it becomesnatural and automatic. The objective attained isa. Naturalization b. characterizationc. manipulation d. organizationfw;gthpd; jpwik mjd; mjpfgl;r jpwik epiyia ,aw;ifahfTk;>jd;dpr;irahfTk; milfpwJ. ,jdhy; milag;gLk; Fwpf;Nfhs;a. ,aw;ifkakhjy; b. Fzr;rpj;jpug;gLj;Jjy;c. jpwikahff; ifahSjy; d. xOq;FgLj;Jjy;93. Which one of the following is not the principle of curriculumconstruction?a. principles of child centerednessb. Curriculum should be static

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c. Curriculum should be related to everybody lifed. curriculum should be well integratedfiyj;jpl;l tbtikg;gpy; gpd;tUtdtw;wpy; xd;W xU Fwpf;Nfhs;my;y. mJ vJ?a. Foe;ijia ikakhff; nfhsS; k ; FwpfN; fhs ;b. fiyjj; pll; k ; epiyahdjhf ,Ujj; y ;c. fiyjj; pll; k ; mdw; hl thof; i; ffF; njhlhG; ilajhf ,Ujj; y ;d. fiyjj; pll; jj; pid edF; xUqf; pizjJ; mikjj; y ;94. The arithmetic mean of 10 numbers is -7. If 5 is added to everynumber, then the new arithmetic mean will bea. -2 b. 12 c. -7 d. -1210 vz;fspd; $l;Lr;ruhrhp – 7. xt;nthU vz;Zld; 5If; $l;bdhy;fpilf;Fk; Gjpa $l;Lr;ruhrhpa. -2 b. 12 c. -7 d. -1295. a = 3, b = 7, then the value of ab – ba isa. 1944 b. 2187 c. 343 d. 1844a = 3, b = 7 vdpy;> ab – ba d; kjpg;Ga. 1944 b. 2187 c. 343 d. 184496. The median of the following data3 1 2 1 7, , , ,4 2 3 6 12isa.34b.712c.23d.163 1 2 1 7, , , ,4 2 3 6 12d; ,ilepiya.

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34b.712c.23d.1697. The present value of a television is Rs. 14,580. If the value of thetelevision depreciates at the rate of 10% every year, then the value ofthe television 3 years ago wasa. Rs. 18,950 B. Rs. 16,200 c. Rs. 20000 d. Rs. 18000xU njhiyf;fhl;rp ngl;bapd; jw;Nghija kjpg;G &.14>580. xt;nthUMz;Lk; njhiyf;fhl;rp ngl;bapd; kjpg;G 10% Njak; hdjj; pwf; hfFiwj;J kjpg;gplg;gLfpwJ vdpy; 3 Mz;LfSf;F Kd;dh;mj;njhiyf;fhl;rp ngl;bapd; kjpg;Ga. &.18>950 b. &.16>200 c. &.20>000 d. &.18>00098. The sides of two similar triangles are in the ratio of 3 : 2. Then theirareas are in the ratio ofa. 3 : 4 b. 3 : 4 c. 3 :2 d. 4 : 3,U tbnthj;j Kf;Nfhzq;fspd; gf;fq;fspd; tpfpjk; 3 : 2 vdpy;>mtw;wpd; gug;gsTfspd; tpfpjk;a. 3 : 4 b. 3 : 4 c. 3 :2 d. 4 : 399. Herbartian approach to lesson planning involves the following stepsI. ApplicationII. AssociationIII. GeneralizationIV. PreparationV. presentationVI. recapitalizationThe correct order of the above steps isa. III, II, I, VI, V, IV b. II, IV, V, I, III, VIc. IV, V, II, III, I, VI d. V, I, IV, II, III, VI

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ghlj;jpl;l tbtikg;gpy; n`h;ghh;bad ; mZFKiwahdJ gpdt; Uk ;gbfis cs;slf;fpaJI. gad;ghLII. njhlhG; gLjj; y ;III. nghJkakhfF; jy ;IV. jahhg; LjJ; jy ;V. tpsfF; jy ;VI. kPs;ghh;itNkw;fz;l gbfspd; rhpahd thpira. III, II, I, VI, V, IV b. II, IV, V, I, III, VIc. IV, V, II, III, I, VI d. V, I, IV, II, III, VI100. “Accuracy with which test measures what is intends tomeasure”. This is which quality of a good achievement test?a. feasibility b. objectivity c. reliability d. validity“vij mstpLk; Nehf;fj;jpw;fhf xU Njh;T Nkw;nfhs;sg;gLfpNwh mijkpf Jyy; pakhf mstpLjy”; vdw; $wW; xU eyy; milTr ;Nrhjidapd; fPo;f;fhZk; ve;j jd;ikiaf; Fwpf;fpwJ?a. rhj;jpaj;jd;ik b. Fwpf;NfhsilAk; jd;ikc. cz;ikj;jd;ik d. Vw;Glik101. kg – sec -2 is an equivalent unit fora. calorie b. Newton c. joule c. Pascalkg – sec -2 tpd; rkkhd myFa. fNyhhp b. epa+l;ld; c. [_y; d. gh];fy;102. Unbearable noise pollution reaches the ‘threshold of pain’ levelwhen sound intensity reachesa. 170 dB b. 70 Wm-2 c. 110Wm-2 d. 120 dBkdpjdpd; nrtpahy; jhq;fpf; nfhs;sKbahj nrtpiag; gOjhf;Fk;xypr;nrwptpd; kjpg;Ga. 170 dB b. 70 Wm-2 c. 110Wm-2 d. 120 dB103. 3 cells of 2 V p.d. each are connected in parallel in case I and inthe series in case II to a series of 10 bulbs. Thena. bulbs glow longer time in case I than in case IIb. bulbs glow longer time in case II than in Case Ic. time of glow of bulbs is same and uniform in both the cases

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d. bulbs glow exactly double the time in case II when compared toCase - Injhlhpizg;gpy; ,izg;gl;Ls;s 10 gy;Gfs;> 2 V kpd;dOj;jNtWghLila 3 kpd;fyd;fSld;a. tif II I tpl tif I y; gy;Gfs; ePz;l Neuk; xsph;fpwJb. tif I I tpl tif IIy; gy;Gfs; ePz;l Neuk; xsph;fpwJc. gy;Gfs; xspUk; Neuk; ,uz;L tifapYk; rkkhf> rPuhdjhf,UfF; k ;d. tif I I xg;gpLk;nghOJ tif IIy; xsph;jy; Neuk; ,uz;Lklq;fhfpwJ104. The ‘Theme’ of 39th Jawaharlal Nehru national Exhibition forScience and Environmental Education for Children, 2012 isa. Science, Society, Environmentb. Science and technology for human welfarec. science agriculture and industryd. science and technology for global sustenance39tJ [t`h;yhy; NeU Foe;ijfspd; NjrPa mwptpay; kw;Wk;Rw;Wr;#oy; fy;tp fz;fhl;rp 2012 d; Nehf;fk;a. mwptpay>; rKjhak ; kwW; k ; RwW; r#; oy ;b. mwptpay ; kwW; k ; kdpj eyDff; hd njhopyE; lg; k ;c. mwptpay;> tptrhak; kw;Wk; njhopy;Jiwd. mwptpay; kw;Wk; cyfshtpa Mjhuj;jpw;fhd njhopy;El;gk;105. The important aim of lesson plan isa. to evaluate pupils achievementb. to foresee the teaching learning processc. preparation for teaching contentd. to prepare TLMghlj;jpl;l Fwpg;gpw;fhd Kf;fpa Nehf;fk;a. khzthf; spd ; rhjidfis kjpgg; LP nraj; y ;b. fww; y-; fwg; pjj; y ; Kiwfis Kd ; fzpjj; y ;c. fw;gpj;jYf;fhd cs;slf;fq;fisj; jahh; nra;tJd. fw;wy; - fw;gpj;jy; nghUl;fisj; jahh; nra;tJ106. If Q, R are the roots of x2 – px +q = 0, then the value of2 2 isa.q3 3pq

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q−b.3 p 3pq−c. 3 p −3pq d.3 p 3pqq−x2 – px +q = 0 d; %yq;fs; Q, R vdpy;2 2 d; kjpg;Ga.3 q 3pqq−b.3 p 3pq−c. 3 p −3pq d.3 p 3pqq−107. The arithmetic mean of a group of 20 observations wascalculated as 12.5. It was later found that one observation was wronglyread as -15 instead of 15. Then the correct mean isa. 13 b. 14 c. 12 d. 14.520 vz;fspd; $l;Lr;ruhrhp 12.15 vd fzf;fplg;gl;lJ. gpd;dh; me;jvz;fspy; xd;W 15 vd;gjw;Fg; gjpyhf – 15 vd jtWjyhf vLj;Jf;nfhs;sg;gl;Ls;sJ fz;lwpag;gl;Ls;sJ vdpy;> rhpahd ruhrhpa. 13 b. 14 c. 12 d. 14.5108. If x = 2 6 + 5, then the value of x +1xisa. 10 b. 10 6 c. 12 d. 12 6x = 2 6 + 5 vdpy; x +1x

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d; kjpg;Ga. 10 b. 10 6 c. 12 d. 12 6109. In a problem on division, dividend is 1261, Divisor is half thequotient, remainder is 11. Then the divisor isa. 20 b. 25 c. 35 d. 45tFj;jy; fzf;F xd;wpy;> tFgLk; vz; 1261 kw;Wk; tFf;Fk;vzz; hdJ <tpy ; ghjpahf css; J. kjP p 11 vdpy>; tFfF; k ; vz ;a. 20 b. 25 c. 35 d. 45110. If x+1 is a factor of ax4 + bx3 + cx2 + dx + e, then which one of thefollowing is true?a. a + c + e =b + d b. a + b = c – dc. a + b + c + d + e = 0 d. a + c + b = d + eax4 + bx3 + cx2 + dx + e d; xU fhuzp x+1 vdpy;> gpd;tUtdtw;Ws; vJnka;?a. a + c + e =b + d b. a + b = c – dc. a + b + c + d + e = 0 d. a + c + b = d + e111. (px + q) 3 – (px – q)3 =a. 2 px( p2x2 3q2 ) b. 2 2 2 2q( p x q )c. 2 px( px q) d. 2 2 2 2 p x ( px q )(px + q) 3 – (px – q)3 =a. 2 2 2 2 px( p x 3q ) b. 2 2 2 2q( p x q )c. 2 px( px q) d. 2 2 2 2 p x ( px q )112. Three metallic cubes of sides 3cm, 4 cm and 5cm respectively aremelted and are recast into a single cube. Then the lateral surface areaof the new cube is (in sq. cms)a. 216 b. 256 c. 72 d. 144%d;W cNyhf fd rJuq;fspd; gf;fq;fs; KiwN 3 nr.kP> 4 nr.kPkw;Wk; 5 nr.kP ,itaidj;Jk; cUf;fg;gl;L xNu fdrJukhfkhw;wg;gLfpwJ vdpy; mjd; Gwg;gug;G (;)a. 216 b. 256 c. 72 d. 144113. A ladder 25 m long reaches a window of building 20 m above theground. Then the distance of the foot of the ladder from the building is

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a. 35m b. 45 m c. 30 m d.15 mjiuapypUeJ; 20 klP l; h ; caujj; py ; xU flb; ljj; pd ; [dd; y ;mike;Js;sJ. mjd; kPJ 25 kPl;lh; ePsKs;s Vzp rhh;j;jg;gl;Ls;sJvdpy>; Vzpapd ; mbgg; hfjj; py ; ,UeJ; flb; ljj; pwF; css; J}uk ;a. 35 kP b. 45 kP c. 30 kP d. 15 kP114. (64)x = 2 2 , then the value of x isa. 4 b. 6 c.14d.16(64)x = 2 2 , vdpy;> x d; kjpg;Ga. 4 b. 6 c.14d.16115. A hollow sphere in which a circus motorcyclist performs hisstunts, has an inner diameter of 7 metres. The area available to themotorcyclist for riding is (in sq.m)a. 77 b. 154 c. 44 d. 1447 kPl;lh; cs;tpl;lKs;s xU cs;sPlw;w cUis xd;wpy; xU rh;f;f];,U rf;fu thfd Xl;b jd; rhfrq;fis epfo;j;Jfpwhh;. mtUf;F me;jthfdj;ij Xl;Ltjw;fhd cs;s gug;G (r.kP.y;)a. 77 b. 154 c. 44 d. 144116. Distillation is a process in whicha. evaporation takes placeb. condensation takes placec. evaporation and condensation go simultaneouslyd. solid and liquid matter change into gaseous statetbfl;Ljy; vd;w epfo;tpy;a. Mtpahjy; eilngWfpwJb. Fsph;TWjy; eilngWfpwJc. MtpahjYk; kw;Wk; Fsph;TWjYk; xNu Neujj; py ; epfoj; y ; Vwg; LfpwJd. jpl kw;Wk; jput gUg;nghUs; thAepiyf;F khWjy; Vw;gLfpwJ

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117. 1 sq decimetre is equal toa. 10-2 ares b. 10-4 sq. decametersc. 10-4 hectares d. 10-2 sq. decameters1 rJu nlrpkPl;lh; vd;gJa. 10-2 Vh; b. 10 -4 rJu nlf;fhkPl;lh;c. 10 -4 n`f;Nlh; d. 10 -2 rJu nlf;fhkPl;lh;118. The correct ascending order of the calorific values of the fuels isa. water gas – coke – natural gas – methane – hydrogenb. methane – coke – hydrogen – water gas – natural gasc. coke – natural gas – water gas – methane – hydrogend. natural gas – water gas – coke – methane – hydrogenvhpnghUspd; rhpahd fNyhhp kjpg;Gfs; fPo;f;fhZk; VNjDk; xd;wpd;VWthpirapy; cs;sJa. ehP t; hA – fhp - ,awi; f thA – kNP jd ; - i`lu; [d ;b. kPNjd; - fhp – i`l;u[d; - ePh;thA - ,aw;if thAc. fhp - ,awi; f thA – ehP t; hA – kNP jd ; - i`lu; [d ;d. ,awi; f thA – ehP t; hA – fhp – kNP jd ; - i`lu; [d ;119. A light ray is incident on a transparent material x which is incontact with another transparent material Y. The reason for the ray toall in emerging out through Y isa. X is rarer medium and i Cb. X is denser medium and i Cc. X is denser medium and i Cd. Y is rarer medium and i CY vd;w xspGF nghUNshL Nrh;j;J itf;fg;gl;l X vd;w kw;nwhUxspGF nghUs; kPJ xU xspf;fjph; gLfpwJ. mf;fjph; Yd; topahfntsptuhjjw;fhd fhuzk;a. X vdg; J mlhF; iw Clfk ; kwW; k ; i Cb. X vdg; J mlhk; pF Clfk ; kwW; k ; i Cc. Y vdg; J mlhk; pF Clfk ; kwW; k ; i Cd. Y vdg; J mlhF; iw Clfk ; kwW; k ; i C120. Convention takes place with the change in which of thefollowing physical properties?a. Intermolecular attraction b. Ionizationc. density d. solubility

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ntgg; rr; ydk ; Vwg; LkN; ghJ mjd ; ,awg; pay ; gzg; py ; Vwg; Lk ; khww; k ;a. %yf;$WfSf;F ,ilNaAs;s <h;g;G tpirb. madpahff; k ;c. mlh;j;jpd. fiujpwd;121. The members in the population of a protozoan after 8generations through reproduction is 256. The type of reproduction isa. Binary fission b. multiple fissionc. primary fission d. secondary fission,e;j ,dg;ngUf;f Kiwapy; vl;L jiyKiwfspy; GNuhl;NlhNrhthtpd;,dj;njhifg; ngUf;fk; 256 Mf cs;sJ. ,e;j ,dg;ngUf;fj;jpd;ngah;a. ,Urkg;gpsT b. gyKiw gpsTc. Kjy; epiy gpsT d. ,uz;lhk; epiy gpsT122. The most common and widely distributed species of Malaria inwhich fever recurs in every 48 hours isa. P. ovale b. P. falciparumc. P. vivax d. P. malariaenghJthfTk; gutyhfTk; fhzg;gLk; ve;j rpw;wpdj;jpd; %yk; 48 kzpNeuj;jpy; tpl;L tpl;L kNyhpah fha;r;ry; Vw;gLk;?a. gp. XNty; b. gp. ghy;rpghuk;c. gp. itthf;]; d. gp. kNyhpah123. Find the correct matching of chromosome number in therespective structures relating to chimpanzee from the given dataI. zygote : 48II. Sperm mother cell : 24III. Spermatozoid : 24IV. Ovum : 48Of thesea. I, IV b. I, III c. I, II d. II, IVfPNo nfhLf;fg;gl;Ls;s rpk;ngd;rpapd; gy;NtW nry;fspd; ngah;fSk;mtw;wpYs;s FNuhNkhNrhk;fspd; vz;zpf;ifAk; jug;gl;Ls;sd. rhpahf

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nghUe;jpAs;sit Njh;f:I. fUKl;il : 48 II. jha; tpe;J nry; : 24III. tpe;jZ : 24 IV. mz;lr;nry;: 48124. To initiate artificial rains, the clouds can be seeded witha. liquid O2 b. solid H2

c. liquid CO d. solid CO2

nraw;if kioia Vw;gLj;j Nkfj;jpd; kPJ J}tg;gLtJa. jput O2 b. jpl H2 c. jput CO d. jpl CO2

125. A person lost his right leg in accident at the age of 25. Accordingto august Weismann, in the above case, after his marriage all hischildren will bea. physically handicapped b. normalc. mentally retarded d. 50% normal25 taJs;s xU egh;> tpgj;jpy; tyJ fhiy ,oe;jhh;. Mf];l;tP];nkd; $w;Wg;gb> jpUkzj;jpw;Fg; gpwF gpwf;Fk; mthpd; Foe;ijfs;________a. cly; CdKw;wjhf ,Uf;Fk;b. ,ay;ghditahf ,Uf;Fk;c. kdtsh;r;rp Fd;wpajhf ,Uf;Fk;d. 50% ,ay;ghditahf ,Uf;Fk;126. The parts of a plant which phototropism and geotropismrespectively area. roots, stems b. stems, rootsc. fruits, leaves d. roots, fruitsxspr;rhh;girt kw;Wk; Gtpr;rhh;girt fhzgg; Lk ; jhtugg; Fjpfs ;KiwNaa. Nth;fs;> jz;L b. jz;L> Nth;c. goq;fs;> ,iyfs; d. Nth;fs;> goq;fs;127. A farmer wants to encourage allogamy for a better crop in hisfield. He has to movea. Androecium in unisexual flowersb. Gynoecium in bisexual flowersc. either androecium or gynoecium in bisexual flowersd. both androecium and gynoecium in bisexual flowers

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my;NyhNfkp %yk; ey;y gaph; ngUf;fj;jpw;F tptrhap jhtuj;jpd; ve;jgFjpia ePf;fk; nra;thh;?a. xU ghy ; kyhpYss; kfuej; jj; hs ;b. ,Ughy ; kyhpYss; #yfk ;c. ,Ughy ; kyhpYss; kfuej; jj; hy ; myy; J #yfk ;d. ,Ughy ; kyhpYss; kfuej; jj; hs ; kwW; k ; #yfk ;128. Arrange the plants namely Garden Pea, Paddy, sugarcane andwheat in the descending order of haploid chromosomal numberpresent in their cellsa. Wheat, Paddy, Garden Pea, Sugarcaneb. Sugarcane, Wheat, Paddy, Garden Peac. Garden Pea, Paddy, Wheat, Sugar caned. Paddy, Wheat, Garden Pea, Sugarcanexw;iwka FNuhNkhNrhk;fs; vz;zpf;ifapd; mbg;gilapy; ,wq;Fthpirapd;gb fPo;f;fz;l jhtuq;fis (Njhl;lg;gl;lhzp> ney;> fUk;Gkw;Wk; NfhJik) thpirg;gLj;Ja. NfhJik> ney;> Njhl;lg;gl;lhzp> fUk;Gb. fUk;G> NfhJik ney;> Njhl;lg;gl;lhzpc. Njhl;lg;gl;lhzp> ney;> NfhJik> fUk;Gd. ney;> NfhJik> Njhl;lg;gl;lhzp> fUk;G129. The number of molecules of energy currency. FADH2

andNADH2 formed in ethanolic fermentation respectively area. 0, 2 , 1 b. 2, 2, 2 c. 2, 2, 6 d. 2, 0, 2vj;jdhypf; nehjpj;jypd; nghOJ ntspg;gLk; Mw;wy; ehzak;> FADH2

kw;Wk; NADH2 Mfpatw;wpd; %yf;$W vz;zpf;if KiwNaa. 0, 2 , 1 b. 2, 2, 2 c. 2, 2, 6 d. 2, 0, 2130. Find the mismatched pairs related to seedsI. Autochory – by windII. Anemochory – by selfIII. Hydrochory – by waterIV. Zoochory – by animalsOf thesea. I, III b. II, I c. II, III d. IV, IfPo;f;fz;l ,izapy; tpijiag; nghWj;j jtwhd ,iziaf;

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fz;LgpbI. Ml;NlhNfhp – fhww; pd ; %yk ;II. mdpNkhNfhp – RakhfIII. i`lN; uhNfhp – ehP pd ; %yk ;IV. #Nfhhp – tpyqf; pd ; %yk ;,tw;Ws;a. I, III b. II, I c. II, III d. IV, I131. The element ………….. is a constituent of chlorophylla. As b. Be c. Cs d. MgFNshNuh/gpy;ypy; mlq;fpAs;s jdpkk;a. As b. Be c. Cs d. Mg132. Bright colour, aroma and flavor of fruits and vegetables are dueto the presence ofa. phenolic compound b. melaninc. amino acids d. fatty acidsgoq;fs; kw;Wk; fha;fwpfspd; jpl;l epwk;> thrid kw;Wk; Urpf;Ffhuzk;a. gPdhypf; Nrh;kk; b. nkyhdpd;c. mkpNdh mkpyq;fs; d. nfhOg;G mkpyq;fs;133. Antacid tablets like MPS containa. Ca (OH)2 b. NAOHc. Mg(OH)2 d. KOH and NAOHMPS Nghd;w mkpy ePf;fp kUe;Jfspy; cs;sJa. Ca (OH)2 b. NAOHc. Mg(OH)2 d. KOH and NAOH134. Silver bromide decomposes into Ag and Br2 when it isa. magnetized b. exposed to sunlightc. cooled in a dark placed. exposed to humid air (moisture)rpy;th; GNuhikL rpijtile;J Ag kw;Wk; Br2 jUk; tpid topa. fhe;jkhf;fy; b. #hpa xsp Kd;dpiyapy;c. ,Ul;by; Fspu itj;jy; d. <ug;gjf; fhw;wpd; Kd;dpiyapy;135. Which one of the following coal products is used in themanufacture of naphthalene balls?a. coal gas b. gas carbonc. coal tar d. liquid ammoniaeh/g;jypd; cUz;ilfs; jahhpj;jypy; gad;gLk; epyf;fhp tpisnghUs;a. epyf;fhp thA b. thA fhh;gd;

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c. epyf;fhpj; jhh; d. jput mk;Nkhdpah136. In our vertebral column out of 26/33 vertebra present, thehighest and least number of vertebrae respectively area. thoracic, lumber b. thoracic, coccygealc. Cervical, sacral d. sacral, coccygealekJ KJnfYk;Gj; njhlhpy; 26/33 vz;zpf;if cs;sNghJ>vz;zpf;ifapy; mjpfkhfTk; FiwthfTk; cs;s Ks;nsYk;Gfs;KiwNaa. khh;G> yk;ghh; (tapW) b. khh;G> thy;c. fOj;J> ,Lg;G d. ,Lg;G thy;137. Identify the statement not related to cloninga. organism is produced asexuallyb. Organism is derived from a single parentc. A natural clone was developed by Dr. Ian Wilmutd. Clone is the living carbon of parentsfPo;fz;ltw;Ws; vJ FNshdpq;-f;fpw;Fj; njhlh;gpy;yhjJ?a. ghypyh ,dg;ngUf;fk; %yk; caphp cUthff; gg; Ljy ;b. xNu ngw;NwhhplkpUe;J ngwg;gLk; caphpc. Xh; ,aw;ifahd FNshd;> lhf;lh; Iahd; tpy;Kl; mth;fshy;cUthf;fg;gl;lJd. FNshd ; vdg; J thOk ; thOk ; ngwN; whhf; spd ; efyhFk ;138. Reverse osmosis is different from osmosis in the followingaspectsI. Pressure to be appliedII. Energy neededIII. Water flows from higher gradient to lower gradientIV. Semi permcable membrane is essentialOf thesea. I, II b. I, IV c. III, IV d. I, IIIfoP f; f; zl; vjd ; mbgg; ilapy ; vjph ; rtt; +L guty>; rtt; +LgutypypUe;J NtWgLfpwJ?I. mOj;jk; gad;gLj;jg;gLfpwJII. Mw;wy; NjitIII. mjpf mlh;j;jpapypUe;J Fiwthd mlh;j;jpf;F ePh; guTjy;IV. miu flj;jpr; rt;T mtrpaj; Njit,tw;Ws;a. I, II b. I, IV c. III, IV d. I, III

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139. A student of a class IX has been provided with the followingequipment and materialsRubber tube, clips, one holed rubber stopper, y- shaped glass tube,balloons, rubber sheet, wide mouthed glass bottle and twine.By making use of the above, the student can prepare a working modelofa. Stethoscope b. Kidneysc. Lungs d. Blood cirulationxd;gjhk; tFg;G gapYk; xU khztUf;F fPo;f;fhZk; fUtpfSk;>nghUl;fSk; toq;fg;gl;Ls;sJ. ug;gh ; Foha>; fpsgG; fs>; xUJisAs;s ug;gh; milg;ghd;> Y-tbtf; fz;zhb Foy;> gY}d;fs;>ug;gh; tphpg;G> mfy thAila fz;zhb ghl;by; kw;Wk; E}y; ,tw;iwg;gad;gLj;jp> nray;gLk; ve;j tif khjphpia cUthf;f KbAk;?a. ];nlj;Njh];Nfhg; b. rpWePufq;fs;c. EiuaPuy; d. FUjpr; Row;rp140. A project is abit of real life that has been imparted into theschool.” This is the definition ofa. Prof. Ballard b. Dr. Kiloatrickc. Stevenson d. H.E. Armstrongmd;whl tho;tpd; xU gFjpiajhd; nray;jpl;lkhf gs;spfspy;fw;gpf;fg;gLfpwJ - ,e;j tiuaiwia tFj;jth;a. Nguhrphpah; Ngyhh;L b. lhf;lh; fpy;Ngl;hpf;c. ];Btd;rd; d. H.E. Mk;];l;uhf;141. Which of the following statements is not true with meristematictissue?a. present in all living beingsb. responsible for the growth of the individualc. present only in some specific regions of the individuald. cells can divide continuously producing similar immature cellsfPo;f;fz;ltw;wpy; Mf;Fj;jpRitg;gw;wpa $w;Wg;gb vJ jtwhdJvd;gijf; fz;Lgpba. ,J vy;yh caphpfspYk; fhzg;gLfpwJ

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b. jhtuj;jpd; tsh;r;rpf;F fhuzkhf cs;sJc. Fwpg;gpl;l jhtug; gfjpapy; kl;LNk fhzg;gLfpwJd. nry;fs; njhlh;e;J gFg;giljy; %yk; cUthfpa xNu khjphpahdKjphr; r; pailahj nryf; s ;142. In the process of plant micro propagation, the technician in thelaboratory forgot to add cytokinins to the culture medium. Aftersomedays he observeda. a number of shoots from the callusb. a number of roots from the callusc. delayed organogenesis in the callusd. several outgrowths from the callusjhtu Ez;ngUf;fj;jpd;nghOJ (ikf;Nuh GugNfrd;) Ma;tf ty;Yeh;tsh;g;G Clfj;jpy; irl;Nlhifdpid Nrh;f;f kwe;J rpy ehl;fs;fopj;J cw;W Nehf;Fk; nghOJa. jpRj;jpuspy; jz;Lj; njhFgG; fhzgg; Ljy ;b. jpRjj; puspy ; Nthj; n; jhFgG; fhzgg; Ljy ;c. jpRjj; puspy ; jhkjkhd cWgG; fshff; k ;d. jpRjj; puspy ; Gwtshr; r; p fhzgg; Ljy ;143. Albinos area. Black peopleb. white peoplec. the people who totally lack melanind. the people who have more melanin concentrationmy;gpNdh vd;gJa. fWgG; ,djj; th ;b. ntsi; s ,djj; th ;c. Kww; pYkhf nkydpd ; epwkp fhzgg; lhjth ;d. mjpfgg; bahd nkydpd ; epwkp css; thf; s ;144. After learning the lesion ‘Classification of Planets’ the students isable to classify the given planets basing on their morphologicalcharacters. thus the teacher achieved which of the followingobjectives?a. Comprehension b. Knowledgec. Aptitude d. Precisionjhtu tifg;ghl;bay; gw;wp njhpe;J nfhz;lgpd; Gwj;Njhw;wj;jpd;

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mbg;gilapy; jhtuq;fis xU khztuhy; tifg;ghL nra;a KbfpwJ.,J _______ Fwpf;Nfhs; epiwNtWtij czh;j;JfpwJa. Ghpe;J nfhs;Sjy; b. mwpT c. jpwdwpjy; d. RUf;fp mwpjy;145. Which one of the following is not the first step in development oflesson plan?a. Introduction b. Testing of previous knowledgec. Motivation d. Initiationghlj;jpl;lk; vOJk; nghOJ fPo;f;fz;ltw;wpy; vJ Kjy; gb ,y;iy?a. mwpKfg;gLj;Jjy; b. Kd; mwpitr; Nrhjpj;jy;c. Cf;fg;gLj;Jjy; d. jahh;gLj;Jjy;146. The number of oxides that are possible with nitrogen isa. 4 b. 3 c. 6 d. 5iel;u[d; cUthf;Fk; Mf;irLfspd; vz;zpf;ifa. 4 b. 3 c. 6 d. 5147. The difference between ‘quick lime’ and ‘slaked lime’ isa. only one of them has a ‘carbonate’ radical as its constituentb. one of them has ‘hydrogen’ as its constituent elementsc. one has 4 constituent elements and the order has 3d. one has –HCO3 as its constituent and the order has –CO3

Rl;l Rz;zhk;G – ePh;j;j Rz;zhk;G Mfpatw;wpw;F ,ilNa cs;sNtWghLa. ,tw;Ws; xd;wpy; fhh;gNdl;L cWg;G cs;sJb. ,tw;Ws; xd;wpy; i`l;u[d; mlq;fp cs;sJc. ,tw;Ws; xd;wpy; ehd;F jdpkq;fSk; kw;nwhd;wpy; %d;Wjdpkq;fSk; cs;sJd. ,tw;Ws; xd;wpy; - HCO3 cWg;Gk; kw;nwhd;wpy; - CO3

cWg;Gk;cs;sJ148. A combustion is said to be ‘incomplete’ ifa. a part of combusting substance remainsb. the combusting substance burns with blue flame leaving behindsome ashc. the combusting substance produces carbon monoxided. the substance burns with red flame, producing carbon dioxideXh; vspjpy; tpid Kw;Wg; ngwtpy;iynadpy;

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a. vhpAk; nghUs ; kjP kiljy ;b. vhpAk ; nghUs ; eyP epwrR; lUld ; vhpeJ; rhkg; iy ntspgg; LjJ; jy ;c. vhpAk ; nghUs ; fhhg; d ; Nkhdhfi; ril cUthfF; jy ;d. rptgG; epwr ; RlUld ; vhpeJ; fhhg; d-; il-Mfi; ril cUthfF; jy ;149. “This method of teaching involves our placing the students, asfar as possible, in the attitude of a discover”. The method isa. Project method b. Laboratory methodc. Heuristic method d. Problem solving method,e;j gapw;WKiw ekJ khzth;fis XusT fz;Lgpbg;GfSf;fhdkdepiyia cUthf;fg; gad;gLk;a. jpl;lKiw b. Ma;tf Kiwc. El;gj;Njly;Kiw d. gpur;ridf;Fj; jPh;T fhzy; Kiw150. The end product of Psychomotor Domain related to humanbehaviour isa. Generalization b. Organising thingsc. Characterization d. Naturalizationkdpj elj;ijNahL njhlh;Gila cs Mw;wy; Gyj;jpd; tpisTa. nghJikg;gLj;Jjy; b. xOq;FgLj;Jjy;c. gz;ghf;Fjy; d. ,ay;ghf;Fjy;gFjp Vr%f mwptpay ;91. Gj;jh; Nghjpj;j mdhj;khthjh vd;gjpd; nghUs;a. Mjk; h Kbtww; J b. Mjk;k; h vdg;g; J ,yi;i; yc. Mj;kh ,Uf;fpd;wJ d. Mj;khit fhz KbahJBuddha preached ‘Anatmavada’ which meansa. atma is eternal b. there is no atmac. there is atma d. atma cannot be seen92. bnuz;l; fTd;rpypd; Nehf;fk; (1545 – 1563)a. rpiwf; ifjpfspd; epiyia rPh;gLj;Jjy;b. flw; gpuahzj;jpd; epiyikapidr; rPh;gLj;Jjy;c. gs;spfisr; rPh;gLj;Jjy;d. fjN;N; jhypff;f; jpUrr;r; igiar ; rhPhPhP g; LjJ;J; jy ;The Council of Trent (1545 – 1563) aimed ata. reforming the conditions of the prisonersb. reforming the conditions of the sea voyagec. reforming the schoolsd. reforming the Catholic Church93. FLkpahd; kiyapYs;s gy;yth;fs; fy;ntl;Lfs; Fwpf;Fk; rpwe;j ,irahsh;a. Uju;u; hrr;r; hhpahh ; b. eurpk;kthk; d;

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c. ,uhkhD[h; d. rk;k tp~;ZThe Pallava inscription Kudumianmalia refers to a great musiciana. Rudracharya b. Narashimhavarmanc. Ramanuja d. Simha Vishnu94. gl;bay; AI gl;bay; B cld; nghUj;jp> fPNo nfhLf;fg;gl;Ls;s FwpaPLfisf;nfhz;L rhpahd tpiliaj; Njh;e;njL:glb;b; ay ; A glb;b; ay ; Ba. ghhj; j; Nyhkpah la] ; 1. ,ej; pahtpd ; Kjy ; Nghhr; R; ff; rP pa mur gpujpepjpb. gh];Nfhl fhkh 2. ,e;jpahtpd; ,uz;lhk; Nghh;r;RfPrpa murgpujpepjpc. gpuhd;rp]; b my;nka;lh 3. njd; Mg;gphpf;fhtpd; njd; Kidiamile;jth;d. my;Nghd;Nrh b my;Gfh;f; 4. Kjd;Kjyhf fly; topahf ,e;jpahitmile;jth;A B C Da. 1 4 2 3b. 1 3 4 2c. 3 4 1 2d. 3 1 4 2Match the List A with List B and choose the correct answer from the codes givenbelow:List A List Ba. Bartholomew Diaz 1. first Portuguese Viceroy in Inidab. Vasco da Gama 2. second Protuguese Viceroy in Indiac. Francis de Almeida 3. first to reach sourthernmost tip of Africad. Alfonso de Albuquerque 4. first to reach India by sea rorte.Codes:A B C Da. 1 4 2 3b. 1 3 4 2c. 3 4 1 2d. 3 1 4 295. nty;y];yp gpuGtpd; Jizg;gilj; jpl;lj;ij Vw;Wf; nfhs;shj kd;dh;a. i`juhghj; ep]hk; b. gP~;th ,uz;lhk; gh[puht;c. mNahjj; p ethg ; d. jpgG;G; Ryj;j; hd ;Which one of the following did not enter the Subsidiary Alliance with LordWellesley?a. Nizam of Hyderabad b. Peshwa Baji Rao IIc. Nawab of Oudh d. Tipu Sultan96. gpd;tUgth;fspy; gf;jp ,af;fj;jpy; Nruhj eguhf fUjgg; Lgth?;a. kuP h gha; b. `rd ; fqf;f; h c. fghP ; d. FUehdf;The person who does not belong to Bhakti Movement isa. Mira Bai b. Hasan Ganga c. Kabir d. Guru Nanak

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97. tuyhw;Wf;F Ke;ija fhyj;jpd; fhyfpuk thpirI. nrk;G fw;fhyk;II. gioa fw;fhyk;III. ,Uk;G fw;fhyk;IV. Gjpa fw;fhyk;a. I, II, III, IV b. II, IV, I, IIIc. II, IV, III, I d. I, III, II, IVThe chronological order of the pre-historic period isI. Chalcolithic AgeII. Paleolithic AgeIII. Iron AgeIV. Neolithic Agea. I, II, III, IV b. II, IV, I, IIIc. II, IV, III, I d. I, III, II, IV98. ,tw;wpy; ve;j thf;fpak; cz;ikahdJ?a. rpe;Jntsp kf;fs; MAjq;fs; nra;a ,Uk;ig gad;gLj;jpdh;b. rpe;Jntsp kf;fs; efu jpl;lkpLjiyg; gw;wp mwpahjpUe;jdh;c. rpeJ;J; ntsp kff;f; spd ; vOjJ;J; VLfs ; mopatpyi;i; yd. nkhfQ;rjhNuh vd;gjd; nghUs; gs;spf;$lk;Which of the following statements is true?a. The people of Indus used iron to prepare weapons.b. The people of Indus lacked town planningc. The script of Indus civilization has not disappearedd. Mohenjodaro means the school99. gpe;ija Ntjfhyj;jpy; mlq;fpAs;sita. rhkNtjk;> a[_h; Ntjk;> hpf; Ntjk;b. mjh;tz Ntjk;> a[_h; Ntjk;> hpf; Ntjk;c. a[_h; Ntjk;> hpf; Ntjk;> rhk Ntjk;d. rhk Ntjk>;>; mjht;t; z Ntjk>;>; a[_h ; Ntjk ;The later Vedic period consists ofa. Sama Veda, Yajur Veda, Rig Vedab. Atharva Veda, Yajur Veda, Rig Vedac. Yajur Veda, Rig Veda, Sama Vedad. Sama Veda, Atharva Veda, Yajur Veda100. nkshpag; Nguurpd; Ml;rpahshpd; fhy Kiw thpir:a. re;jpuFg;j X nkshpah; X mNrhfh; X gpe;Jrhuh;b. mNrhfh ;X rej; puFg;j nkshpah ; X gpeJ; rhuh ;c. rej;j; puFgj;j; X nkshpah ;X gpeJ;J; rhuh ;X mNrhfh ;d. gpe;Jrhuh; X mNrhfh; X re;jpuFg;j nkshpah;The chronological order of the rulers of Mauryan empire isa. Chandragupta Maurya X Ashoka X Bindusarab. Ashoka X Chandragupta Maurya X Bindusarac. Chandragupta Maurya X Bindusara X Ashokad. Bindusara X Ashoka X Chandragupta Maurya.101. ciwgdp fhyepiy vd;gJa. ghiwfs; RUq;fp tphptiljy; MFk;

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b. ghiwfs; Fsph;r;rp milAk; fhyepiyc. ciwjyhy ; ghiwfs ; J}shtjhFk ;d. cg;G ePuhy; ghiwfs; J}shtjhFk;Frost weathering meansa. the Expansion and shrinking of rocksb. the cold weather of the rocksc. the breaking of the rocks due to freezingd. the disintegration of rocks due to saline solutions102. ,tw;wpy; xd;W nly;lh mikg;G ,y;iy. mJ vJ?a. gwit ghj nly;lh b. tprpwp tbt nly;lhc. $hpa cUt nly;lh d. fly; rhh;e;j nly;lh______ is not a type of delta.a. Bird foot delta b. Arcuate deltac. Cuspate delta d. Marine delta103. fhw;wpYs;s thAf;fspd; rhpahd msTfspy; ,tw;wpy; vit xd;Wrhpahdit?a. iel;u[d; - 21%, Mf;]p[d; - 78%, kw;w thAf;fs; - 1%b. iel;u[d; - 1%, Mf;]p[d; - 78%, kw;w thAf;fs; - 21%c. ielu;u; [d ; - 78%, Mf];];]; p[d ; - 21%, kww;w; thAff;f; s ; - 1%d. iel;u[d; - 78%, Mf;]p[d; - 1%, kw;w thAf;fs; - 21%Which one of the following is the correct combination of the components of air?a. Nitrogen – 21%, Oxygen – 78%, Other gases – 1%b. Nitrogen – 1%, Oxygen – 78%, Other gases – 21%c. Nitrogen – 78%, Oxygen – 21%, Other gases – 1%d. Nitrogen – 78%, Oxygen – 1%, Other gases – 21%104. gl;bay; AI gl;bay; B cld; nghUj;jp> fPNo nfhLf;fg;gl;Ls;sFwpaPLfisf; nfhz;L rhpahd tpiliaj; Njh;e;njL.glb;b; ay ; A glb;b; ay ; B(tiffs);); (njhopyf;f; s);););a. Kjy; epiyj; njhopy; 1. fw;gpj;jy;b. ,uz;lhk; epiyj; njhopy; 2. tq;fpj; njhopy;c. %d;whk; epiyj; njhopy; 3. kPd; gpbj;jy;d. ehd;fhk; epiyj; njhopy; 4. fUk;gpypUe;J rh;f;fiuiag; gphpj;njLj;jy;FwpaPLfs;:A B C Da. 3 2 4 1b. 3 4 2 1c. 4 3 1 2d. 4 1 2 3Match the types from List A with their occupations from List B:List A List B(Types) (Occupations)a. Primary 1. teachingb. Secondary 2. bankingc. Tertiary 3. fishing

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d. Quaternary 4. extracting sugar from sugarcaneCodes:A B C Da. 3 2 4 1b. 3 4 2 1c. 4 3 1 2d. 4 1 2 3105. fPo;f;fz;l fhyepiy kw;Wk; kioasT cs;s ,lq;fspy; gUj;jp ed;whftpisAk;a. 30°C – 40°C, 100 nr.kP – 150 nr.kPb. 20°C – 30°C, 200 nr.kP – 250 nr.kPb. 10°C – 20°C, 50 nr.kP – 100 nr.kPd. 20°C – 30°C, 50 nr.k P – 100 nr.k PCotton grows well in areas where the temperature and rainfall are betweena. 30°C – 40°C, 100cm – 150 cmb. 20°C – 30°C, 200cm – 250cmc. 10°C – 20°C, 50cm – 100cmd. 20°C – 30°C, 50cm – 100cm106. nfhLf;fg;gl;Ls;s ngah;fis (A) gl;lq;fSld; (B) nghUj;Jf.glb;b; ay ; A glb;b; ay ; B(ngah);); gll;l; k);););a. yhyh y[gjp uha; 1. Nejh[pb. Rgh~; re;jpuNgh]; 2. ngUe;jiyth;c. rh;jhh; ty;ygha; gNly; 3. gQ;rhgpd; rpq;fk;d. F. fhkuh[; 4. ,e;jpahtpd; gp];khh;f;FwpaPLfs;:A B C Da. 4 3 1 2b. 3 1 4 2c. 3 4 1 2d. 1 4 3 2Match the name from List A with their titles from List B:List A List B(Name) (Title)a. Lala Lajpat Rai 1. Netajib. Subhas Chandra Bose 2. Perum Thalaivarc. Sardhar Vallabhbhai Patel 3. Lion of Punjabd. K. Kamarajar 4. Bismarck of IndiaCodes:A B C Da. 4 3 1 2b. 3 1 4 2c. 3 4 1 2d. 1 4 3 2107. Kjy; cyfg;NghUf;Fg; gpd;G n[h;kdpAld; ifnaOj;jplg;gl;l mikg;gpd;

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cld;gbf;if vd;gJa. bhpaNdhd; cld;gbf;if b. epAsp cld;gbf;ifc. nrtu; ] ; cldg; bfi; f d. nthn;n; ray];]; ; cldg;g; bfi;i; fThe Peace Treaty signed with Germany after the First World War wasa. Treaty of Trianon b. Treaty of Neuillyc. Treaty of Severes d. Treaty of Versailles108. [g;ghd; mnkhpf;f fg;gy; gilj;jskhd ngh;y; `hh;giu (Kj;J JiwKfk;)jhf;fpa jpdk;a. brkg;g; h ; 7> 1941 b. brkg; h ; 8> 1941c. brk;gh; 6> 1941 d. brk;gh; 18> 1941Japanese attacked American fleet at Pearl Harbour ona. December 7th, 1941 b. December 8th , 1941c. December 6th, 1941 d. December 18th, 1941109. Kjy; ,e;jpa Rje;jpug; Nghhpd; Njhy;tpf;fhd Kf;fpa fhuzk;a. nghJthd fUj;J Gul;rpahshplk; ,y;iyb. Gul;rpahsh;fsplk; etPd MAjq;fs; ,y;iyc. ,e;jpah;fspilNa fhzg;gl;l xw;Wikapd;ikd. midj;J Ml;rpahsh;fSk; midjJ;J; Mlr;r; pahshf;f; Sk ; fyfjj;j; py ; Nrutpyi;i; yThe main cause for the failure of First War of Indian Independence isa. the revolutionaries had no common ideab. the revolutionaries did not possess modern weaponsc. disunity among the Indiansd. all the rulers did not join the revolt.110. Nkw;fj;jpa kUj;Jtj;jpd; je;ij vd miof;fg;gLgth;a. lhskp b. gpbah];c. `pgN;N; ghfpuhl];];]; ; d. N`unuhll];The father of Western medicine isa. Ptolemy b. Phidias c. Hippocrates d. Herodotus111. fpU~;z Njtuhauhy; kJiu mur gpujpepjpahf tp];tehj ehaf;fh;epakpf;fg;l;l tUlk;a. 1527 b. 1528 c. 1529 d. 1530Krishnadevaraya appointed Viswanatha Nayak as the Viceroy of Madurai in theyeara. 1527 b. 1528 c. 1529 d. 1530112. 1806y; NtY}h; fyfj;jpw;fhd cldbf; fhuzk;a. Gjpa MAjq;fis mwpKfg;gLj;jy;b. Gjpa jiygg;g; hif mwpKfgg;g; Ljj;j; y ;c. fl;Lg;ghlhd xOf;fk; filg;gpbj;jy;d. Mguzq;fs; mzpa jil nra;jy;The immediate cause that led to the Vellore mutiny of 1806 by the Indian Sepoyswasa. introduction of new weapons b. introduction of new turbanc. introduction of strict discipline d. prohibition of wearing ornaments

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113. ghjhkp rhSf;fpa Ml;rpahsh;fspy; kpfr; rpwe;jth;a. n[arpk;kd; b. Kjyhk; GypNfrpc. ,uzl;l; hk ; GypNfrp d. ,uzl; hk ; tpff; pukhjpjj; d ;The greatest ruler of Chalukyas of Badami wasa. Jayasimha b. Pulakeshi Ic. Pulakeshi II d. Vikramaditya II114. Kjyhk; kNfe;jputh;kdhy; vOjg;gl;l E}y;a. kjj;j; tpyhr gpufldk ; b. fphpjhh ; [_dpak ;c. mte;jp Re;jhp fjrhuh d. ghuj ntz;ghMahendravarman I wrotea. Mattavilasa Prahasana b. Kiratarjuniyamc. Avanti Sundari Kathasara d. Bharatavenba115. fPNo Fwpg;gpl;Ls;sitfspy; Kfk;kJ gpd; Jf;sf; Nkw;nfhs;shjelbtbf;if vJ?a. jiyefiu nly;ypapypUe;J Njtfphpf;F khw;wpaJb. nrk;G ehzaq;fis ntspapl;lJc. Njh Mg; kPJ thptpjpj;jy;d. G+hp n[fehjh; fehjh ; Myaji;i; j ifgg;g; wW;W; jy ;Which of the following was not undertaken by Mohammed – bin-Tughluq?a. Transferred the Capital from Delhi to Devagirib. Introduced Copper currency systemc. Raised taxes in Doab regiond. Captured Jagannatha temple at Puri116. epytpd; kWgf;fj;ij 1959Mk; Mz;L glk; gpbj;j nraw;ifNfhs;a. Y}dhh ; 3 b. ]G; ld; pf ; c. ,dr; hl ; 2 d. Mha; gll; hThe other side of the moon was photographed by ______ satellite in the year 1959.a. Lunar 3 b. Sputnik c. INSAT 2 d. Aryabhatta117. ,tw;wpy; vJ rhpahd tpil vd vOjTk;?a. jgP fwg; k ; vdg; J %dW; gff; k ; ehP ; #oe; j; gFjpahFk.;b. ,uz;L nghpa ePh;gFjpfis ,izf;Fk; Neuhd ePs;ghijc. FWfpa topapd ; %ykhf flye;e; hPhP ; csN;N; s tUtJ tphpFlh MFk;d. tphpFlhit tpl nghpjhf ,Ug;gJ tisFlhWhich one of the following statements is correct?a. Peninsula is a water body surrounding by land on its 3 sidesb. A strait is a narrow stretch of water which connects two large water bodiesc. A bay is an inlet of the sea with a narrow openingd. A gulf is wider then the bay.118. ,uhN[e;jpud; nrd;idapypUe;J GtNd];th;f;F Gwg;glg; Nghfpd;whh;. mth;gad;gLj;j Ntz;ba epytiug;glk; ________a. ,aw;ifaikg;G tiuglk; b. nghUs; rhh;e;j tiuglk;c. murpayikgG;G; tiuglk; d. ,it %dW; k ;

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Rajendran is scheduled to leave Chennai and reach Bhubaneswar. He has to usethe ______ map.a. Physical b. thematic c. political d. all the three119. 0°jPh;f;fNuif fphPd;tpr; nkhpbad; vd;W miof;fg;gLfpwJ. Vnddpy;a. 180° ml;rNuif nul;tpr; nkhpbad; vd miof;fg;gLfpwJb. 180° fpof;Fk; 180° Nkw;Fk; xNu Gs;spapy; re;jpf;fpd;wd.c. ,e;j jPh;f;fNuif ,yz;ldpYs;s kf;fshy; fz;Lgpbf;fg;gl;lJd. ,yzl;l; dpYss;s; fphpdt;t; pr ; vdw;w; ,ljj;j; py ; tpzn;n; tsp Muhar;r; r; p epiyak ; xdW;W;css;s; J.The 0° longitude is also called as Greenwich Meridian becausea. the 180° longitude is called Redwich meridianb. both 180° east and 180° west meet at a single pointc. this longitude was found by the people of Londond. a space observatory is located at Greenwich in London.120. ,j;jhypapYs;s tpRtpa]; vd;w vhpkiyf;F vLj;Jf;fhl;La. cwqF;F; k ; vhpkiy b. ,aqF; k ; vhpkiyc. Mope;JNghd vhpkiy d. ,tw;wpy; vJTkpy;iyVesuvius of Italy is an example for _____ volcano.a. dormant b. active c. extinct d. none of these121. ,e;jpa $l;lhl;rpapd; njhFg;G vd;gJ ______ khepyq;fs; kw;Wk; _____A+dpad; gpuNjrq;fisf; nfhz;lJa. 28, 7 b. 29,7 c. 27, 8 d. 28, 8The Indian Union comprises ____ states and ____ union territories.a. 28, 7 b. 29,7 c. 27, 8 d. 28, 8122. ,e;jpa murpay; mikg;gpy; ______ gFjpfs; _____ ruj;Jfs; _______gl;bay;fs; cs;sd.a. XXII, 449, 14 b. XXII, 501, 13c. XXII, 449, 12 d. XXII, 448, 12The Constitution of India contains _______ Parts, ______ Articles, and ____Schedules.a. XXII, 449, 14 b. XXII, 501, 13c. XXII, 449, 12 d. XXII, 448, 12123. mnkhpf;fh vjw;F cjhuzkhf fUjg;gLfpwJ?a. xU flr; p Kiw b. ,uzL;L; flr;r; p Kiwc. gy fl;rp Kiw d. xU fl;rpAk; ,y;yhj KiwUSA is an example fora. Single party system b. dual party systemc. multi – party system d. no party system124. gd;dhl;L ePjpkd;wk; mike;Js;s ,lk;a. epA+ahh;f; b. rhd; gpuhd;rp];Nfhc. th~pql; d; d. jp N`f ;The International Court of Justice is situated ina. New York b. San Francisco

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c. Washington d. The Hague125. fUk;gyif jpl;lk; ahuhy; mwpKfg;gLj;jg;gl;lJ?a. Njrpaf ; fyt;t; pf ; nfhsi;i; f> 1986 b. midtUfF; k ; fyt; pjj; pll; k ; 2002c. fy;tpf; nfhs;if 1968 d. Njrpaf; fy;tpf; nfhs;if 1991The ‘Operation Blackboard’ was introduced ina. NEP 1986 b. SSA 2002c. Education Policy 1968 d. NEP 1991126. jyh tUkhdk; Fwpg;gJa. xU ehl;by; trpf;Fk; kf;fspd; tho;f;if epiyiaf; Fwpg;gJb. xU ehl;by; cs;s gzf;fhuh;fspd; tho;f;ifj;juk;c. xU ehl;by; Vo;ikapy; cs;s kf;fspd; tho;f;if epiyd. ehl;ehlb;b;by ; css;s; kff;f; spd ; thof;f; i; fjj;j; uk ;The per capita income shows thea. living conditions of the people in a countryb. living standards of the rich in a countryc. living conditions of the poor in a countryd. living standards of the people in a country127. ICAR ,d; tphpthf;fk; vd;d?a. Ntshz; gFjpf;fhd ,e;jpa FOb. Ntshz ; Muhar;r; r; pff;f; hd ,ej;j; pa FOkk;c. Ntshz; Muha;r;rpf;fhd ,e;jpa FOd. Ntshz; gFjpf;fhd ,e;jpa FOkk;What is the full from of ICAR?a. Indian Committee for Agricultural Regionsb. Indian Council for Agricultural Researchc. Indian Committee for Agricultural Researchd. Indian Council for Agricultural Regions128. ‘mspg;G tpjp’ vd;gJ ve;j ,uz;bw;fhd Neubj; njhlh;ig tpsf;Fk;?a. gzl; jj; pwf; hd tpiyAk ; mspgg; pd ; mstpw;Fk’;b. gz;lj;jpw;fhd tpiyAk; mjd; juj;ijAk;c. tpiyapy ; Vwg; Lk ; Vww; k ; kwW; k ; gzl; jj; pwf; hd juk ;d. tpiyapwf;fKk; gz;lj;jpw;fhd juKk;‘Law of Supply’ states that there is a direct relationship between thea. price of the commodity and the quantity suppliedb. price of the commodity and the quality of the commodityc. rise in price and quality of the commodityd. fall in price and quality of the commodity129. tpiyahdJ rkepiy tpiyia tpl mjpfkhfNth my;yJ FiwthfNth,Uf;fk;NghJ> rkepiy tpiyia mila NjitAk; mspg;Gk; nray;Ghpfpd;wd ,J_____ vd miof;fg;gLk;.a. tpiy rkepiy b. mspg;G rkepiyc. mq;fhb rkepiy d. Njit rkepiyDemand and supply react to bring the price to equilibrium level, if the price isabove or below the equilibrium price. This is calleda. price equilibrium b. supply equilibrium

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c. market equilibrium d. demand equilibrium130. ,e;jpa &ghapd; jdpg;gl;l rpd;dkhdJ ,jd; ,uz;bd; njhFg;Gfs; MFk;.a. Njtehfhp ‘Ra’ kw;Wk; Mq;fpy vOj;jpd; ‘R’b. Njtehfhp ‘Ra’ kw;Wk; Nuhk vOj;jpd; ‘R’c. ,e;jp vOj;jpy; ‘Ra’ kw;Wk; Nuhk vOj;jpd; ‘R’d. ,e;jp vOj;jpy; ‘Ra’ kw;Wk; Mq;fpy vOj;jpd; ‘R’.The unique Indian Rupee symbols is a blend ofa. Devanagari ‘Ra’ and English ‘R’ b. Devanagari ‘Ra’ and Roman ‘R’c. Hindi ‘Ra’ and Roman ‘R’ d. Hindi ‘Ra’ and English ‘R’131. ,izg;G ngl;b njhopw;rhiy> nrd;id lhlh ,Uk;G v/F njhopw;rhiy>[hk;n~l;G+h;> v/F njhopw;rhiy> Nryk;> Mfpatw;wpw;F vLj;Jf;fhl;La. mjpf msT cw;cwg;g;gjj;j; p njhopwr;r; hiyb. rpwpa msT cw;gj;jp njhopw;rhiyc. eLj;jpu cw;gj;jp njhopw;rhiyd. Fbirj; njhopy;The Integral Coach Factory, Chennai, Tata Iron and Steel, Jamshedpur, Salem Steelare examples ofa. large scale industry b. small scale industryc. medium scale industry d. cottage industry132. kf;fs; njhif mlh;j;jpapy; Kd;dzpapy; cs;s ehLa. ,e;jpah b. rPdh c. gq;fshNj~; d. ghfp];jd;The country which excels in density of population isa. India b. China c. Bangladesh d. Pakistan133. jkpo;ehL khepyk; ,e;j ml;rNuiff;F ,ilNa mike;jpUf;fpd;wJa. 18° 05’ ypUeJ; 23° 09’ tlfF; b. 8° 05’ ypUeJ;J; 13° 09’ tlfF;F;c 8° 05’ ypUe;J 23° 09’ tlf;F d. 13° 09’ ypUe;J 23° 09’ tlf;FThe Tamil Nadu State is located between the latitudesa. 18° 05’ to 23° 09’ North b. 8° 05’ to 13° 09’ Northc. 8° 05’ to 23° 09’ North d. 13° 09’ to 23° 09’ North134. jkpo;ehl;by; Kjy; mZ kpd;epiyak; mike;Js;s ,lk;a. $lqF; sk; b. fyg;g; hff;f; k ; c. Muyt; han; khop d. jpzL; ff; y ;The first Atomic Power Station of Tamil Nadu is located ata. Kudankulam b. Kalpakkam c. Aralvaimozhi d. Dindigul135. TNPL vd;gjd; tphpthf;fk;?a. jkpo;ehL fhfpj Miy epWtdk;b. jkpo;ehL mr;R fhg;gfk;c. jkpo;ehL mr;R epWtdk;d. jkpoe;e; hL nraj;j; pjj;j; hs ; mrR;R; kwW;W; k ; fhfpj epWtdk ;What does TNPL stand for?a. Tamil Nadu Paper Limitedb. Tamil Nadu Press Legacyc. Tamil Nadu Print Limitedd. Tamil Nadu Newsprint and Paper Limiter.136. cr;r ePjpkd;wj;jpd; ePjpgjpf;fhd jFjpfshff; Fwpg;gpLtdtw;wpy;rhpahdijj; Njh;e;njLf;fTk;?

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a. mtd ; / mts ; ,ej;j; pa ehlb;b; d ; Fbkff;f; shf ,Uff;f; NtzL;L; k ;b. mtd; / mts; cah;ePjpkd;wj;jpy; Fiwe;jJ Ie;J tUlk; tof;fwpQuhfgzpahw;wp ,Uf;f Ntz;Lk;c. mtd; / mts; khtl;l ePjpkd;wj;jpy; tof;fwpQuhf gzpahw;wp ,Uf;f Ntz;Lk;.d. mtd; / mts; 65 taij mile;jtuhf ,Uf;f Ntz;Lk;Which one of the following statements is correct with regard to the qualification ofthe Supreme Court Judge?a. He / she must be a citizen of Indianb. He / she must have worked at least 5 years as advocate in High Courtc. He / she must have worked as advocate in Munsiff Court.d. He /she must have attained 65 years of age.137. murpayikg;G rl;lj;jpy; ruj;J 21A vd;d cj;jputhjk; mspf;fpwJ?a. tho;tjw;fhd chpikb. mbgg;g; il fyt;t; pff;f; hd chpikc. fy;tp epWtdq;fis mikg;gjw;fhd chpikd. ,e;jpahtpy; vq;Fk; nry;tjw;fhd chpikArticle 21A of our Constitution guaranteesa. Right to lifeb. Right to primary educationc. Right to establish educational institutionsd. Right to move anywhere in India138. fPo;f;fhZk; nrhw;nwhlhpy; vJ jtwhdJ my;y?a. Foe;ij njhopyhsh;fs; cUthff; fhuzk; ngw;Nwhh;fspd; fy;tp mwpTb. Kjyhsp Foei; jff; hd nkhjj; $ypiaAk ; nrYjj; NtzL; k ;c. Foei;i; j njhopyhsp cUthf tWikNa fhuzk ;d. Foe;ij njhopyhsh;fs; fhzg;gLk; taJ 6 - 14 Mz;Lfs;Which of the following statements is not false?a. The main factor of child labour is literacy of parentsb. The employer has to pay the entire wage to the childc. Poverty is the factor for child labourd. Child labour is between the age group of 6 – 14 years.139. rhh;f; (SAARC) ehLfSf;fhd Kjy; $l;lk; gq;fshNj~pYs;s lhf;fhtpy;eilngw;w Mz;La. brk;gh; 6> 1985 b. brk;gh; 7> 1986c. brk;gh; 6> 1986 d. brkg;g; h ; 7> 1985The first meeting of SAARC was held at Dhaka in Bangladesh ona. 6th December, 1985 b. 7th December 1986c. 6th December, 1986 d. 7th December, 1985140. ,e;jpa jueph;za Mizak; vg;nghUl;fSf;F jur;rhd;W toq;Ffpd;wJ?a. njhopy ; kwW;W; k ; EfhN;N; thh ; gzl;l; qf;f; s ;b. Ntshz; nghUl;fs;c. gl;lhR kw;Wk; jPg;ngl;b nghUl;fs;d. Fbkf;fspd; tho;f;ifj;juk;Bureau of Indian Standards caters to

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a. Industrial and consumer goodsb. Agricultural productsc. Crackers and match – box productiond. Standards of living of the citizens141. fPo;f;fz;ltw;wpy; vJ gzj;jpd; gzpia Fwpg;gjpy;iy?a. ghpkhw;wf; fUtpb. kjpg;gpd; msTNfhy;c. vjph;fhy nrYj;Jiff;fhd epiykjpg;Gd. xdW;W; gLjJ;J; tjwf;f; hd fUtpWhich one of the following is not a function of money?a. Medium of exchange b. Measure of valuec. Standard of deferred payments d. Instrument of unity142. cw;gj;jp fhuzpfs; (gl;bay; A) kw;Wk; cw;gj;jpf;fhd Cjpaj;ijAk;(gl;bay; B) nghUj;Jf:gl;bay; A gl;bay; Ba. epyk; 1. ,yhgk;b. ciog;G 2. tl;bc. %yjdk; 3. $ypd. mikg;G 4. thlifFwpaPLfs;:A B C Da. 4 3 2 1b. 3 1 2 4c. 3 2 4 3d. 4 2 4 1Match the factors of production from List A with their rewards from List B:List A List Ba. Land 1. Profitb. Labour 2. interestc. Capital 3. wagesd. Organization 4. rentCodes:A B C Da. 4 3 2 1b. 3 1 2 4c. 3 2 4 3d. 4 2 4 1143. ,tw;wpy; vJ %yjdj;jpd; tbtk; my;y?a. gUkg;nghUs; %yjdk; b. gz %yjdk;c. ,awi;i; f %yjdk ; d. kdpj %yjdk ;Which one of the following is not a form of capital?a. physical capital b. Money capitalc. Natural capital d. Human capital144. ,jpy; jtwhd $w;iwf; $Wf.a. r%fKk; rKjhaKk; xd;Wf;nfhd;W njhlh;GilaJ

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b. r%fj;jpd; Nehf;fk; - nghJeyk;c. r%fk; gy FOf;fspd; njhFjp – xd;Wf;nfhd;W njhlh;GilaJd. r%fk ; vdg;g; J jdpgg;g; ll;l; kdpjhf;f; splkpUeJ;J; xU Fwpgg;g; pll;l; thot;t; jwf;f; hdKiwia vjphg;g; hhj;j; j; y ;Which one of the following statements is incorrect?a. Society and community are interdependentb. Society has a purpose – a common well beingc. Society comprises of various groups, which depend on each other.d. Society demands certain way of living from the individuals.145. fpuhk gQ;rhaj;jpd; gzpfspy; tuhj xd;W vJ?a. fpuhkq;fspy; fpzW ntl;Ljy;b. fpuhkq;fspy; cs;s tpisahl;L ikjhdq;fis ftdpj;jy;c. fpuhkq;fspy; rhiyfs; mikj;jy;d. fpuhkqf;f; spy ; kpdr;r; hu cwg;g; jj;j; piag ; ngUfF;F; jy ;Which one of the following is not the function of the village Panchayat?a. Digging the well in the villageb. Maintaining playgrounds in the villagec. Laying village roadsd. Generating electricity in the village146. njd;dpe;jpahtpd; khd;nr];lh; vd fUjg;gLtJa. NfhakG;G; jJ;J; }h ; b. ghisaqN; fhli; lc. <NuhL d. kJiuThe Manchester of South India isa. Coimbatore b. Palayamkottaic. Erode d. Madurai147. ,e;jpahtpy; Fwpg;gpl;l ,lj;jpy; ,Uf;Fk; Neuj;ij mwptjw;F ,e;j jPh;f;fNuif vLj;Jf; nfhs;sg;gLfpwJ.a. 83° 20’ fpof;F b. 20° 83’ fpof;Fc. 30° 82’ fpofF; d. 82° 30’ fpofF;F;To calculate the time of any place in India, the longitude that is considered, isa. 83° 20’ East b. 20° 83’ Eastc. 30° 82’ East d. 82° 30’ East148. ______ MWfSf;F ,ilapy; fpof;F njhlh;r;rpkiy fpof;F flw;fiuf;F,izahf nry;fpd;wJa. kfhejp> Nfhjhthp b. fpU~;zh> itifc. kfhejp> itif d. Nfhjhthp> itifThe Eastern Ghats run parallel to the East Coast between the riversa. Mahanadi, Godavari b. Krishna, Vaigaic. Mahanadi, Vaigai d. Godavari, Vaigai149. Nkw;F ,uh[];jhd; ghiytdkhfNt ,Uf;fpwJ. Vnddpy;a. njd;Nkw;F gUtf;fhw;W mq;F miltjpy;iyb. njd;Nkw;F gUtf;fhw;W Muty;yp Fd;WfSf;F ,izahf tPRfpd;wJc. njd;Nkw;F gUtf;fhw;W Muty;yp Fd;Wfshy; jLf;fg;gLfpwJ

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d. njdN;N; kwF;F; gUtff;f; hwW;W; Mutyy;y; p Fdi;i; w milAkN;N; ghJ kio nghopeJ;J; tpLfpwJWestern Rajasthan remains a desert becausea. South west monsoon winds does not reach thereb. South west monsoon winds blow parallel to Aravali hillsc. South west monsoon winds are obstructed by Aravali hillsd. South west monsoon winds lose moisture when it reaches Aravali hills.150. ,tw;wpy; vJ jtwhd thf;fpak;?a. Fsph ; fhyjj; pYk ; Ntdpw ; fhyjj; pYk ; NfhJik gaphplgg; LfpwJb. gRik Gul;rp fhuzkhf gQ;rhgpy; NfhJik mjpfk; tpisfpwJc. jQi;i; rapy ; NfhJik mjpfk ; tpistpff;f; gg;g; LfpwJd. ,e;jpahtpy; NfhJik Kf;fpa czTg; gaph; MFk;.Which one of the following statements is not true?a. Wheat is cultivated both in winter and summerb. Wheat production has increased in Punjab due to Green Revolutionc. Wheat is largely produced in Thanjavurd. Wheat is an important food crop in India.
