Page 1: Influencing: Power, Politics, Networking, and Negotiation

Chapter 5Influencing: Power, Politics, Networking, and Negotiation


Page 2: Influencing: Power, Politics, Networking, and Negotiation


Understand the concept of influence Describe the various influence tactics Understand the two sources of power

(position power and personal power) Understand the various types of power

(legitimate, reward, coercive, referent, expert, information, and connection)

Understand ways to increase one’s power Describe organizational politics

Learning Objectives

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Learning Objectives Understand common organizational political

behaviors including networking, reciprocity, and coalitions

Understand the guidelines for developing political skills

Explain the steps in the networking process.

Describe negotiation, the negotiation process, and the steps in the negotiation process


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Leadership and Influence Influence

Is the process of affecting others’ attitudes and behavior in order to achieve an objective

Influence is required to: Gain power Play organizational politics Network Negotiate Get what you want

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Pressure Consultation

Legitimization Ingratiation

Coalitions Personalappeal



Influencing Tactics

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Power Is the leader’s potential influence

over followers There are two sources of power:

Position power Personal power

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Legitimate power Is based on the user’s position power within

the organization The use of legitimate power is appropriate

when asking people to do something that is within the scope of their jobs

Types of Power

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To increase legitimate power: Get management experience Work to gain the perception of power Exercise your authority regularly Following the guidelines of for using rational

persuasion, especially if your authority is being questioned

Back up your authority with rewards and punishment

Types of Power (cont.)

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Types of Power (cont.) Reward power

Is based on the user’s ability to influence others with something of value to them

Impacts performance expectations and achievement

A leader’s power is strong or weak based on his or her ability to reward and punish

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To increase reward power: Have control over employee evaluations,

raises, promotions, and other rewards Find out what others value Let people know you control rewards, and

state your criteria for receiving them

Types of Power (cont.)

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Coercive power Involves punishment and withholding of

rewards to influence employee compliance Often used by peers to enforce norms Used to maintain discipline and enforce rules Without it, employees may ignore the leader Overuse undermines the leader’s authority

and creates hostile opposition Has generally been declining as an influence


Types of Power (cont.)

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To increase coercive power: Gain authority to use punishment and

withhold rewards Do not use coercive power to gain personal

benefits Be persistent, set deadlines, and check

progress often

Types of Power (cont.)

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Referent power Is based on the user’s personal relationships

with others Being liked or the desire to be liked gives

referent power Is appropriate for people with weak, or no,

position power, such as with peers

Types of Power (cont.)

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To increase referent power: Develop people skills Work at having good relationships with

managers, peers, and subordinates

Types of Power (cont.)

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Expert power Is based on one’s skill and knowledge Makes others dependent on the person with

the expert power The more people come to the expert for

advice, the expert’s power increases

Types of Power (cont.)

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To increase expert power: Take training and educational programs Attend trade or professional association

meetings and programs Keep up with new technology Project a positive self-concept Let people know about your expertise to

develop a reputation

Types of Power (cont.)

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Information power Is based on the user’s information desired by

others Have the opportunity to distort information

to influence others Employees provide information to managers,

which can also be distorted

Types of Power (cont.)

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To increase information power: Have information flow through you Know what is going on in the organization Develop and use a network of information

sources and gather information from them

Types of Power (cont.)

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Connection power Is based on the user’s relationship with

influential people Is a form of organizational politics The right connections can give power, or at

least the perception of power

Types of Power (cont.)

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To increase connection power: Expand your network of contacts with

important managers who have power Join the “in crowd” and the “right”

associations and clubs When you want something, identify the

people who can help you attain it Get people to know your name

Types of Power (cont.)

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Power can change over time Personal power can be easily gained or

lost Abuse of power will result in loss of power Social exchange theory

Acquiring and Losing Power

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Is the process of gaining and using power Can be used to increase one’s power Is neither good or bad; it is its use that

determines this Is a reality of organizational life because

politics affects attitudes and behavior Is a medium of exchange Political skill is about building relationships

to help one meet their organizational objectives

Organizational Politics

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Common Organizational Political Behaviors



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Reciprocity Coalitions


Learn the organizational culture and power players

Develop good working relationships,especially with your manager Be a loyal, honest team player

Gain recognition

Guidelines for Developing Political Skills

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Perform a self-assessment and set goals Create your one-minute self-sell Develop your network Conduct networking interviews Maintain your network

The Networking Process

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List and prioritize your talents and the characteristics of an ideal new career or job

Translate your talents into accomplishments

Tie your accomplishments to the job interview

Set networking goals

Perform a Self-Assessment and Set Goals

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History of your career Plans for the future Questions to stimulate conversation Write and practice your one-minute self-


Create Your One-Minute Self-Sell

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Begin with who you know Expand to people you don’t know Develop your ability to remember

peoples’ names

Develop Your Network

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Use your network list of people to set up a networking interview to meet your goal

Usually a phone call or 20-minute face-to-face meeting

Remember, you are the interviewer

Conduct Networking Interviews

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Establish rapport Deliver your one-minute self-sell Ask prepared questions Get additional contacts for your network Ask your contacts how you might help

them Follow up Maintain your network

Conduct Networking Interviews (cont.)

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Is a process in which two or more parties are in conflict working to reach an agreement All parties should believe they got a good

deal Negotiation skills can be developed


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AgreementAgreementClose the deal.Close the deal.

No No AgreementAgreementFind out why Find out why for future for future negotiations.negotiations.


The Negotiation Process

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Research the other party(ies) Set objectives

Specific lower limit Target objective Opening objective

Try to develop options and trade-offs Anticipate questions and objections, and

prepare answers

The Negotiation Process: Plan

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Develop rapport and focus on issues and obstacles, not the person

You may want to let the other party make the first offer

Listen and ask questions to focus on meeting the other party’s needs

Don’t give in too quickly and ask for something in return

Once agreement has been made, restate it and put it in writing

What happens if there is no agreement?

The Negotiation Process: Negotiations
