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Technician Workforce

Education & Repositioning


Digital, Traditional & Social Media


Hands-on, Tactile


Collective Industry Voice

Scholarships & Grants

White Paper: Transportation Technician Workforce Education and Repositioning Initiative

The Challenge

1. The transportation industry has a critical, on-going shortage of trained technicians to fulfill the workforce demand;

2. Youth, parents and influencers today do not perceive being a technician or pursuing a technical career in the transportation industry as a desirable pathway due to outdated image and misperceptions;

3. More scholarships and grants are needed to support students to and through their technical education, producing more graduates who are trained and ready to work.

The Solution Fuel an industry-wide alliance to implement a multi-year, comprehensive, unified initiative to address and solve the technician pipeline challenge. Vision for the Initiative’s Collaborative Strategy

• No one entity can solve the massive technician shortage on its own. It is a deep, industry-wide problem.

• A multi-faceted, short- and long-term strategy must be implemented by an industry-wide, all boats rise alliance and mindset.

• Each and every business that depends on trained technicians for its bottom line health and success—every OEM, dealership, service shop, product and parts manufacturer, vendor, retailer—has a role to play, and must contribute to driving this future pipeline.

• By industry collectively delivering the unified message -that being a transportation technician is a viable, successful, in-demand and valued career path—we sow the seeds together for the future generation of technicians, and all boats rise.

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Industry Segments The alliance welcomes all (no exclusivity rights) companies, businesses, media, industry associations, nonprofits, and grassroots community organizations to participate in fueling the future pipeline and success of technicians. When we speak of the “transportation industry,” we define this as including the following industry segments:

• Automotive • Medium, Heavy Duty Trucks • Agricultural & Commercial On / Off Highway Vehicles • Collision Repair • Motorcycle • Marine • Aftermarket • Businesses Dependent on Fleet Technicians

A Comprehensive Strategy: All Boats Rise The strength of this initiative is that it addresses all the factors contributing to the technician shortage. While initiatives in the past have had some success, they have dealt with only part of the problem. We are facing a complex problem that requires a comprehensive solution; one that addresses all the issues below:

Corporate, Business & Media Partners

Industry and Government Associations/Nonprofits

Grassroots Community Organizations

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Target Audience & Message

Primary: Predominately parents, and also influencers (mentors, school counselors, church and afterschool youth directors, etc.) of 13-18 year olds drawn to hands-on, do-it-yourself (DIY), mechanically-minded activities. We have coined this target audience as “P.I.P.S.”, parents and influencers of peripheral students. Secondary: 13-18 year olds who are drawn to hands-on, DIY, mechanically-minded activities (“peripheral students”), and/or who have engaged with any of the campaign’s activities. We use the term “peripheral students” to reinforce our search for the outliers, the yet-to-be-discovered prospective technicians, not solely the obvious, already tracking students (such as those enrolled in high school automotive programs, etc.). To seriously increase the pipeline, we need to find end engage the delta, the peripheral kid. Why This Target? Research finds that efforts to simply ‘inspire’ young people to consider careers as technicians will not be successful so long as their key influencers (parents, mentors, youth program directors and teachers and school counselors) continue to dissuade them. Influencers are trapped by outdated images and misperceptions of the technician profession, thus serve as naysayers and gatekeepers rather than advocates and champions for the career path. They hinder both the students’ aspirations and the industry’s future pipeline. Students with the interest and talent to pursue a transportation industry technical career are lost to other pathways because of this loving, but misguided, interference. Key Components – Workforce Education & Repositioning Initiative:

Scholarships & Grants -- GRADUATED TECHNICIAN

Tactile, Hands-On Experiences -- ENGAGED

At-Home Tactile Challenges Community-Based, Hands-On Programs

Repositioning Engagement-- ENGAGED

Online Video/Digital/Mobile Ad Series Online Parent Portal & Community

Marketing, Communications, Media --INTERESTED

Supporters' Marketing Toolbox Traditional, Digital & Social Marketing

Interested Engaged







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Working in Industry


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Campaign’s Main Message Steer your kid’s future success. (aka: Help your kids develop their technical talents and passion into a well-paid, high-demand, successful career path in the transportation industry.) Key Components Defined

I. Interested

Supporters’ Marketing Toolbox. The initiative’s supporters each have access to this online marketing toolbox fill with templated marketing and communications tools that supporters can use to plug and play activation of the campaign.

Traditional, Digital and Social Media Marketing. Leverage free public service advertising (PSAs) along with paid media buys and bartered advertising space from the initiative’s media partners to direct messages to our target audience and engage their curiosity. The initiative shall leverage all forms of marketing today, from traditional (TV, radio, print, out-of-home billboards, mall and transit boards etc.) to digital (website, search, video) and social media (Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, etc.) marketing. It will also include traditional public relations and editorial strategies, along with newer peer-to-peer, digital content and message placement strategies. II. Engaged

Online Video/Digital & Mobile Ad Series aimed at parents/influencers. Create and promote a highly effective Online Video/ Digital & Mobile Ad Series housed on YouTube that successfully engages parents in rethinking the transportation technician career path.

i. Reposition the career path as a very positive, viable option – well paid, in-demand, high-tech and rewarding

ii. See their child’s intelligence in their hands, and connect that talent to the viable career as transportation technicians

iii. Understand the rewards and fulfillment derived from being a transportation technician, by hearing directly from those who have walked in their shoes. Create a high-sense of relatability, optimism, bonding and hope for the future.

Call-to-action: Watch. Share. Be Surprised.

Online Parent Portal & Community Engagement Channel. Create an online portal that infuses, interacts and engages with the target audiences. The site may include further links to a plethora of YouTube video content that further addresses the opportunities and benefits of the career path; assessment tools (such as learning style, grit, and other predictive indexes assessment tools) for parents to use with their kids; downloadable tactile challenge projects for teens (see below); and an online community where parents can connect with like-minded parents, real life technicians and their parents. Call-to-action: Get to really know your kid. Make the connection.

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At-Home Tactile Challenges. Offer tactile challenges that can be downloaded via the web and/or available for pick-up at participating sponsor locations, such as dealerships, automotive parts retailers, gas stations, etcetera. A parent can give the project to their middle and high school children, engaging them in using their tactile intelligence and providing parents the opportunity to witness the joy, passion, interest, and success such activities bring forth for their child. Call-to-action: Nurture your child’s strengths and talents. Take the challenge.

Community-Based Hands-On Programs. Provide middle and high school parents the opportunity to enroll their children in afterschool, weekend and summer camp programs that offer students the opportunity to foster, develop, and strengthen their tactile intelligence, talent and passion. By developing a hands-on curriculum and skills challenge in concert with initiative experts and piloting such programs through nonprofit, youth program partners such as Science Centers and Boys and Girls Clubs, families begin to discover and nurture future technicians. Call-to-action: Enroll your kid in a hands-on community program. III. Graduated Collective Industry Voice. Unite the industry’s collective voice to articulate 1) the opportunity transportation technician jobs present for the middle-class vitality of America, 2) the importance of technicians in keeping America moving, 3) the need for strengthened STEM and CTE education at both the secondary and post-secondary levels, and 4) the increasing workforce needs and demand of the transportation industry.

The alliance develops and provides industry-wide technician demand and technical training forecasts for long-term planning through collaboration between education and industry employers, and the collective voice articulates best practices regarding the accreditation and certification standards for technical education programs across the industry.

Scholarships & Grants. The initiative increases the number of trained technician graduates through increased scholarships and grants. By assisting more committed students in getting to and through technical training, and reinforcing secondary CTE automotive transportation classes, the pipeline of technicians ready and trained to work grows. The initiative’s scholarships & grants are dispersed through various distribution partners, focused on all segments of the industry from automotive and diesel to collision repair, motorcycle and marine. Call-to-action: Apply for scholarships & grants to complete your post-secondary education.

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Copyright © 2016 by Universal Technical Institute Foundation. All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of Universal Technical Institute Foundation. v7.docx


Alliance’s Structural Model The alliance expects each participating business, nonprofit and association to play a role in implementing the initiative. Each partner contributes funds and/or marketing muscle and, in return, each receives an array of marketing and communications tools, brand recognition, media impressions, exposure to future technicians, and the ability to donor-direct a portion of scholarships and grants. The following chart shows the flow of funding and resources through the initiative’s components:

Scholarships & Grants Allocation While the repositioning components of the initiative seek to inspire more young people and their influencers to consider the career, the scholarship & grants component supports those who make a commitment to the technician education path, ensuring they start, get through and complete such training from a sound institution. Too often, a nominal financial need (such as relocation costs, childcare or a sudden emergency) hinders a student’s ability to stay in school. Industry can’t afford for a $450 hiccup to force a student, maybe three months from graduation, to dropout. Scholarships and grants fill financial potholes that negatively derail the pipeline. As such, the initiative has established two funds: one to increase graduates of various industry segments; the other to increase the graduates possessing specific manufacturer training and certifications. 80% of scholarship and grant dollars raised is allocated to the “All Boats Rise” donor-directed industry segment fund; 20% supports a donor-specific training program fund, if desired.

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Scholarships & Grants Distribution Partners Scholarships and grants are distributed via several nonprofit organizations with the capability and infrastructure to accept and review applications, and distribute awards, such as:

Technicians for Tomorrow (formerly known as UTI Foundation) SkillsUSA ASE/Automotive, and Other, TBD distribution partners

These distribution partners have relationships with the technical education institutions that comply with the initiative’s agreed upon standards train prepare future technicians with the skills and professionalism the workforce demands. To streamline processes and ensure compliance with federal and state charitable contribution and solicitation laws, all contributions to support the initiative shall be received by Technicians for Tomorrow Foundation, and dispersed accordingly to distribution partners as nonprofit-to-nonprofit grants for the purposes of awarding scholarships and grants to deserving recipients.

All Boats Rise: General Scholarship & Grant Fund


Your Boat Rises: Manufacturer or Program -Specific Scholarship & Grant Fund


Scholarship & Grant Dollars by Initiative Contributors

Donor-Directed Industry Segment Options:

• Automotive • Medium / Heavy Truck / Diesel • Agricultural & Commercial On / Off

Highway Vehicles • Collision Repair • Motorcycle • Marine

Donor-Directed Specific Training Options: (examples only)

• Ford FACT • Nissan NATT • GM ASEP

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Copyright © 2016 by Universal Technical Institute Foundation. All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of Universal Technical Institute Foundation. v7.docx


Architecture for Corporate & Promotional Partner Engagement

Corporate Partners: Cash plus a 2:1 activation commitment (meaning company agrees to spend an additional $2 worth of in-kind promotion and advertising value to activate awareness and engagement for the campaign with key constituents for every $1 it contributes in cash support). Media Partners: Barter (in lieu of cash) of in-kind, guaranteed commitment of premium media inventory, coverage and/or services (using current rate sheet values). Association/Nonprofit Partners: Barter (in lieu of cash) of in-kind, guaranteed commitment to promote, distribute and engage using its marketing muscle and proprietary channels to its membership, donors, volunteers and constituencies. Community Partners: Regional, grassroots organizations (for- and non-profit) willing to contribute small increments of dollars, marketing and promotional support within their community/sphere of influence. Support Levels As an industry-wide alliance, dedicated to solving the pipeline shortage of trained transportation technicians, all entities must be able to participate. Hence, sponsorship or category exclusivity will not be awarded. Companies are invited to participate at the level that meets their budget, marketing and workforce development goals. Companies may choose from the following engagement opportunities:

Leaders $250,000- $499,000

Investors $100,000- $249,000

Advocates $50,000- $99,000

Supporters $25,000- $49,000

Donors <$25,000






Unlimited via crowdfunding

Champions $500,000+* * any $ above and beyond go to scholarships & grants


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Copyright © 2016 by Universal Technical Institute Foundation. All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of Universal Technical Institute Foundation. v7.docx


Sample Rights & Benefits for Initiative Partners See pages 15-16 for a complete itemization of return on investment. DOL = Depends on Level

Categories of Supporters Support may come from any type of industry stakeholder, including (but not limited) to the following:

OEs/Vehicle Manufacturers

Vehicle Parts Manufacturers

Aftermarket Product Manufacturers

Dealerships, Auction Houses, Indep Sales

Parts Distributors & Sales

Aftermarket Product Retailers

Dealership Service Providers

Independent Service Providers

Current & Retired Techs

Consumer Market Goods & Services

Technician Tools & Equipment

Industry Business Goods & Services

Industry Nonprofits & Associations

Industry Media Educational Institutions

Technician Consumer Brand Goods

Enthusiast/Fan Clubs Motorsports Entertainment

ROI Champion $500K+

Leader $250-499K

Investor $100-299K

Advocate $50-99K

Supporter $25-49K

Donor $1-24K

Media NPO/Assoc.

Online Marketing Toolbox X X X X X X X X Leadership Cabinet Seat X DOL DOL Product Placement in one creative imagery element (Video/PSA)


ID mention “brought to you by” in video series

Beginning End DOL DOL

Video profile of company technician w/ ID & logo

X X Need based

Written profile(s) of company technician w/ ID mention


Product included in tactile challenge supply list


Pickup/Drop off location for tactile challenge(s)


Employee engagement/ mentorship ops w/ youth


Right to purchase web ads around video series /content

1st right of refusal

2nd right of refusal

3rd right of refusal

4th right of refusal

5th right of refusal


Static window cling purchase rights for stores, franchisees


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Copyright © 2016 by Universal Technical Institute Foundation. All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of Universal Technical Institute Foundation. v7.docx


Resource Development Plan (Note: Once the budget goal is achieved, the deliverables are built and the next phase’s fundraising begins.) Phase I (Quiet Phase)

Budget Goal- $270,000

Inaugural Partners> Leadership Cabinet (1 year)


• Create and Launch Digital/Viral Video Series (first wave) • Build Content and Populate Supporters’ Marketing Toolbox (first wave) • Build and Launch Initiative’s Website, CRM, and Parent Community Portal • Implement Traditional, Digital & Social Media Strategies • Support Personnel/Overhead

Phase II (Semi-Quiet Phase)

Budget Goal– additional $900,000


• Supporters’ Marketing Toolbox (second wave) • Construct & Rollout At-Home Tactile Challenge • Develop Crowdfunding Platform • Deploy first Regional Marketing Manager • Strengthen Website, CRM, and Parent Community Portal • Invest in Media Buy behind first wave of Digital/Viral Video Series • Support Personnel/Overhead

Phase III (Industry Public Phase)

Budget Goal – additional $2,080,000


• Invest in full-throttle deployment of traditional, digital and social media advertising and CRM responsive, interactive engagement

• Add 3 more regional marketing managers • Continue to add At-Home Tactile Challenge • Start Arizona Science Center, Hands-On Program Pilot • Public Relations (* strive for pro bono of agencies) • Release Scholarships, Grants & Program Support • Support Personnel/Overhead

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Phase IV (Mass Industry Audience Phase)

Budget Goal- additional $4,250,000


• Create and Launch Digital/Viral Video Series (second wave) • Invest in Media Buy behind Series (second wave) • Growth of Online Parent Community & At-Home Tactile Challenge • Expansion of Science Center Hands-On pilot • Increase Scholarships, Grants & Program Support • Create Reserve / Reinvestment fund • Personnel/Overhead

Phase V (Mass Industry Audience Phase)

Budget Goal – additional $2,500,000


• Invest in Media Buy behind Series (third wave) • Expansion of Science Center Hands-On pilot and/or

Online Tactile Challenges • Increase Scholarships, Grants & Program Support


Phases I - V

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Initiative’s Host, Driving Force and Legal Onus One might ask why the Foundation should take the lead and own this initiative. Within the industry, there has been talk for years that we needed to do more… that we needed some type of unified approach and strategy to address the technician shortage. However, while many worthwhile individual programs and efforts have been launched, the idea of a widespread alliance with a strategy to address all aspects of the problem has never been pursued. Until now. The Foundation realizes that as an industry, we cannot expect different results by continuing to do the same things over and over. The Foundation has committed to be the driving force behind this new approach, and has funded the initial development work to build out this Alliance. There must be a single, legal nonprofit entity at the core of the Alliance, and the Foundation is proud to take on that role in partnership with the entire transportation industry. The Foundation Name Change: In 2016, Universal Technical Institute Foundation will change its name in concert with launching this initiative. The reasons behind the name change include: ➞ Desire to demonstrate the clear independence between the nonprofit 501(c)(3) and the for-profit

education technical school. ➞ This initiative only works if the Foundation serves as the driving force and COG in generating the

strategy and direction, uniting all industry players. ➞ Corporate sponsors/donors/investors in this campaign want to support the inspiration, education

and training of technicians through a myriad of school choices, not just Universal Technical Institute. ➞ Companies won’t want to support a campaign if they think it’s only to benefit the flow of students

to and through UTI. ➞ Unless you’re in the industry, the acronym UTI stands for very different things. ➞ Changing the name will bring a much wider and deeper pool of investors, audience and media. ➞ UTI recognizes that this is an industry-wide challenge, and supports the name change.

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Initiative’s Governance Structure It is important that all corporate, media, nonprofit, association and community partners enjoy visibility and trusted transparency regarding the inner-workings of this strategic initiative. Therefore, the following governance structure for the Technician Workforce Education & Repositioning initiative has been designed:

The intentions behind the governance structure of the Workforce Education & Repositioning initiative include:

1. Provide opportunities for highly committed partners to serve on the initiative’s annual Leadership Cabinet, enjoying access and influence in shaping the campaign’s yearly implementation strategy and budget.

2. Provide representation on the Foundation’s board of directors and a dotted line through which

recommendations and approvals shall flow.

3. Ensure transparency of accounting, bookkeeping and finances a. Revenue and expenses related to the Workforce Education & Repositioning initiative is

booked, tracked and managed in its own cost center, separate from other Foundation assets and/or business

b. Uses ‘true cost accounting’ principles c. Initiative’s financials are open and transparent to the Leadership Cabinet, with quarterly

reports provided

4. Establishes an annual review and crafting of the initiative’s implementation plan and budget. a. Leadership Cabinet members play a vital role in the growth, development and strategic

direction by leading the annual planning process during which the initiative’s implementation plan and budget is designed for the subsequent year. The Leadership

Technicians for Tomorrow™ Board of Directors

Support students to/through their education via scholarships & grants

Scholarship & Grant Committee

Technician Workforce Education & Repositioning Initiative

Initiative's Leadership Cabinet


Foundation Staff and Operational Infrastructure

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Cabinet recommends for approval to the Board of Directors its annual Implementation Plan and Budget. Leadership Cabinet members who also serve as representatives on the board of directors ensure the communications and synergy is clear, credible and consistent.

5. The Foundation’s Board of Directors ultimately bears the fiduciary responsibility for ensuring the initiative complies with federal and state laws, adheres to nonprofit legal and accounting rules, implements donor-intent, and delivers on the goals outlined herein.

Workflow of the Initiative’s Development

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ROI for Corporate & Promotional Partners Rights and benefits chart

ROI Champion $500K+

Leader $250-499K

Investor $100-299K

Advocate $50-99K

Supporter $25-49K

Donor $1-24K

Media NPO/Assoc.

Influence & Networking

Seat on the Leadership Cabinet


Annual Summit Invitation


Executive Keynote and ID at Summit


Advertising Right to purchase ads around TV show, if available

1st right of refusal

2nd right of refusal

3rd right of refusal

4th right of


5th right of refusal


Right to purchase advertising around video series

1st right of refusal

2nd right of refusal

3rd right of refusal

4th right of


5th right of refusal


Product Placement Product Placement in one creative imagery element (Video/PSA)


Product included in Tactile Challenge supply list


Brand Exposure ID mention “brought to you by” in video series

Beginning End DOL DOL

Inclusion in PR and “for example” mentions


Executive media interviews


Company spokesman in campaign video


Video provide of company technician w/ ID mention & logo

X X Need based

Written profile of company technician w/ ID mention


Logo on Learning Style/Tactile challenge microsite


ID on campaign website w/links


DOL = Depends on Level

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ROI for Corporate & Promotional Partners Rights and benefits chart (continued…)

Traffic/Sales Drivers Rights to host cause-marketing program


Right to host on-site experience(s) at select locations


Pickup/Drop off location for tactile challenge(s)


Ability to access prospect database via third party mailing/distribution

3 times annually

2 time annually

1 time annually


ID in Science Center pilot marketing materials and on-site


Products may be used in Science Center pilot activities


Employee engagement/ mentorship ops w/youth


Scholarships & Grants ID on distribution partner(s) website(s)


Recipient acknowledgement, engagement & tracking for manufacturer-specific awards


Award recipient profile stories


Op to present local recipient awards and spin media

4x/year 2x/year DOL DOL

Annual Impact Report X X X X X X X X Activation Tools Online Marketing Resources Toolbox


Campaign ID license X X X X X X X X Static Cling purchase rights for stores, franchisees, etc.


DOL = Depends on Level