Page 1: Indcations And Contra- Indications Of Extractions Presented By: Muhammad Wasif Haq Liaquat College Of Medicine And Dentistry

Indcations And Contra-Indcations And Contra-Indications Of ExtractionsIndications Of Extractions

Presented By: Muhammad Wasif Haq

Liaquat College Of Medicine And Dentistry

Page 2: Indcations And Contra- Indications Of Extractions Presented By: Muhammad Wasif Haq Liaquat College Of Medicine And Dentistry

Dental Extraction:Dental Extraction:

Dental Extraction is defined as :

“The removal of a tooth from oral cavity by means of elevators and forceps”.

Also referred as “Exodontia”.

Page 3: Indcations And Contra- Indications Of Extractions Presented By: Muhammad Wasif Haq Liaquat College Of Medicine And Dentistry

Indications Of Extraction:Indications Of Extraction:

Indications advocated for dental extraction:

-Unrestorable carious tooth.

-Pulp necrosis and irreversible pulpitis;untreatable by endodontic therapy,calcified root canal,patient refusal.

Page 4: Indcations And Contra- Indications Of Extractions Presented By: Muhammad Wasif Haq Liaquat College Of Medicine And Dentistry

Indications Of Extraction:Indications Of Extraction:

Indications advocated for dental extraction:

-Severe periodontal disease; Bone loss,grade 3 mobility,furaction involvement.

-Impacted teeth ;Mal-alligned,resorption of roots of adjacent teeth.

Page 5: Indcations And Contra- Indications Of Extractions Presented By: Muhammad Wasif Haq Liaquat College Of Medicine And Dentistry

Indications Of Extraction:Indications Of Extraction:

Indications advocated for dental extraction:

-Orthodontic treatment ; Crowding,Space creation.Maxillary and Mandibular 1st Pre-molar.

-Mal-alligned teeth ; Tissue trauma,mal-positioning,esthetics.

Page 6: Indcations And Contra- Indications Of Extractions Presented By: Muhammad Wasif Haq Liaquat College Of Medicine And Dentistry

Indications Of Extraction:Indications Of Extraction:

Indications advocated for dental extraction:

-Esthetics ; Stained teeth, excessively protruded teeth,mal-alligned.

-Cracked and fractured tooth ;Tooth in fracture line,pain,Dialceration,healing, infection.

Page 7: Indcations And Contra- Indications Of Extractions Presented By: Muhammad Wasif Haq Liaquat College Of Medicine And Dentistry

Indications Of Extraction:Indications Of Extraction:

Indications advocated for dental extraction:

-Pre-prosthetic extraction ; Unsuitable abutments,interference with appliance

-Supre-numerary teeth ; Impacted,resorption, displacement,failure for erruption.

Page 8: Indcations And Contra- Indications Of Extractions Presented By: Muhammad Wasif Haq Liaquat College Of Medicine And Dentistry

Indications Of Extraction:Indications Of Extraction:

Indications advocated for dental extraction:

-Pre-radiation therapy ; Osteoradionecrosis.

-Economical reason ; Unaffording patient.

-Lack of time ; Unavailability of time for other options.

Page 9: Indcations And Contra- Indications Of Extractions Presented By: Muhammad Wasif Haq Liaquat College Of Medicine And Dentistry

Contraindications Of Extraction:Contraindications Of Extraction:

Contraindications for Dental Extraction

Systemic Local

Page 10: Indcations And Contra- Indications Of Extractions Presented By: Muhammad Wasif Haq Liaquat College Of Medicine And Dentistry

Contraindications Of Extraction:Contraindications Of Extraction:

Systemic Contraindications:

-Uncontrollable metabolic disease e.g Diabetes, End stage renal disease, Uremia.

-Uncontrollable leukemia and lymphomas.

-Uncontrollable cardiac diseases ; Severe M.I.,Angina Pectoris, Recent M.I., Dysarrythmias.

Page 11: Indcations And Contra- Indications Of Extractions Presented By: Muhammad Wasif Haq Liaquat College Of Medicine And Dentistry

Contraindications Of Extraction:Contraindications Of Extraction:

Systemic Contraindications:

-Uncontrolled hypertension ; Risk of myocardial insufficiency, C.V.A.

-Bleeding diathesis ; Hemophilia, Thrombocytopenia.

-Pregnancy ; 1st and 3rd Trimester ; Relative contra-indication.

Page 12: Indcations And Contra- Indications Of Extractions Presented By: Muhammad Wasif Haq Liaquat College Of Medicine And Dentistry

Contraindications Of Extraction:Contraindications Of Extraction:

Local Contraindications:

-Therapeutic irradation ; osteoradionecrosis.

-Teeth in area of malignant tumor.

-Severe pericoronitis.

-Acute dento-alveolar abscess.

Page 13: Indcations And Contra- Indications Of Extractions Presented By: Muhammad Wasif Haq Liaquat College Of Medicine And Dentistry

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