Page 1: Important Dates - · ADD YOUR BUSINESS LOGO HERE Talk to Kylie in the office for more details Important Dates MAY Tues 20th - Fri 23rd Gr 6’s - Maldon Camp Tues



Talk to Kylie in the office

for more details

Important Dates


Tues 20th - Fri 23

rd Gr 6’s - Maldon Camp

Tues 27th YMCA Gymnastics ( JB, JV & Gr 2’s from JM)

Weds 28th Lightning Premiership - Football & Soccer


Tues 3rd

YMCA Gymnastics ( JB, JV & Gr 2’s from JM)

Weds 4th

Mini Beasts Show - Preps

Fri 6th Red Cross Day - Wear Red today, Junior School Council Fundraiser (gold coin)

Student Led Interview online bookings open @ 5pm tonight

Sat 7th

Manifold Heights Food Swap - 9:30-11am

Mon 9th Queens Birthday long weekend - NO SCHOOL

Tues 10th

YMCA Gymnastics ( JB, JV & Gr 2’s from JM)

Thurs 19th

Reports to go home

Mon 23rd

Student Led Interviews - Juniors

Tues 24th

Student Led Interviews - Middles

Weds 25th Student Led Interviews - Seniors

Thurs 26th Student Led Interviews - Preps

Fri 27th

Term 2 ends - 2:30pm finish


Mon 14th


Tues 15th First day back for Term 3!

Contact Us

Manifold Heights Primary School

Strachan Avenue

Manifold Heights 3218

P: 03 5229 9643 F: 03 5229 2997 [email protected]

Please also find us on

Facebook and the Skoolbag App

Manifold Heights Primary School Newsletter

Principal: Marina Keegan Assistant Principal: Peta Mundine Business Manager: Kylie Roskosch Administration: Anna Clausen

Date: 22nd

May 2014

“Manifold Heights Primary School”

Page 2: Important Dates - · ADD YOUR BUSINESS LOGO HERE Talk to Kylie in the office for more details Important Dates MAY Tues 20th - Fri 23rd Gr 6’s - Maldon Camp Tues


We are happy to report that our campers are having a fabulous time at Maldon despite the cold weather! The training they completed as part of the Bike Ed program has held them in good stead for the hills, valleys and tracks they are riding on around the beautiful Maldon township. Thank you once again to all the parents who helped with Bike Ed training over the past few weeks. It’s vital that our students are confident, safe riders before they head off on camp.

At assembly last week slips were given out to parents regarding a review of our School Values as part of the School Wide Positive Behaviour program we are participating in. For the past seven years our school values have been – respect, resilience, motivation and inquiry. With new families and students in our school, its time for us to have a think about whether these need to be reviewed, what are the qualities we want to develop in our students and what sorts of behaviours do we

want to see. We have included a slip with this newsletter so please take the time to complete it and return it to school. Don’t forget our focus areas - “I use please, thank you and excuse me”, and “I will stop when my teacher instructs me too”.

As part of their inquiry work into the question “Are there mini beasts in the garden?”, our Preps journeyed off to the Bugs Alive exhibition at the Melbourne Museum and IMAX theatre yesterday. There has been a lot of searching and investigation happening around our Community Garden lately with many samples being collected. We hope the Preps and their teachers had a wonderful time investigating this topic.

All our school policies are reviewed and ratified by School Council on a three year basis. It is our process to include these policies in our newsletter when they come up for review so that families can also have some input, and suggestions can be considered by School Council. If you would like to suggest some alternations, please make the changes on the policy and return to the box located near the office by June 2nd.

“Emotions spread faster than any disease. A smile or a panic will spread through a group of people far quicker than any virus could.” Seth Godin.

This statement works just as well for families as it does for workplaces. Emotions are short, more intense bursts of feeling. Moods are emotions that linger longer but are less intense. There is nothing wrong with negative emotions. In fact, feeling sad is just as normal and healthy as feeling happy. Some negative emotions, however, become toxic if they aren’t curbed or contained, impacting heavily on the long-term family tone. They can become the family’s default mood and carry over into the school day.

Children’s emotions also impact heavily on the mood in families and in the classroom, but one of our basic tasks as a parent and teacher is to do our best to spread a healthy mood. It’s not easy, but it’s important that we do.

Anger creates tension especially when it simmers just below the surface. Kids go into their shells when anger is near, because they feel unsafe. Fear accompanies adult anger.

Grumpiness makes kids switch off. It’s also contagious, spreading around a family or classroom like wild-fire.

Scepticism leads to cynicism and a hardening of the empathy arteries. Scepticism spreads everywhere.

Gratitude spreads quickly, lifting everyone who receives it. The tone quickly lightens when gratitude is expressed.

Calm falls on a family or class like a blanket instantly increasing security and contentment. It too spreads but quietly.

Enthusiasm lifts the spirit, making everything seem possible. Most children are naturally attracted to enthusiasm, as it offers hope and inspiration.

No one is perfect all the time. We all catastrophize from time to time, particularly when we are under stress. I will add some information about how we can curb our catastrophizing next week.

Quote of the moment: “You can’t stop the waves, but you can learn to surf”.

Communication is vital – Keep reading the newsletter! Be on time, Be at school, that’s the rule!

Let’s keep Unleashing Potential Marina Keegan Principal

As in last year, we will again be using the internet based system, Parent Teacher Online (PTO), to coordinate

Student Led Interviews. Access will be via the school website or you can receive a secure link via email that

when clicked, will log you straight into PTO. This new feature will bypass the login screen and save you

having to remember another password!

Interviews will be conducted from Monday 23rd June to Thursday 26th June. Times for your child’s class

teacher will be available online from Friday 6th June at 5.00pm via the school website or by clicking on the link via email. Bookings will close on Friday 20th June at 5pm. Please ensure the

school has your updated email address.

Page 3: Important Dates - · ADD YOUR BUSINESS LOGO HERE Talk to Kylie in the office for more details Important Dates MAY Tues 20th - Fri 23rd Gr 6’s - Maldon Camp Tues


Stranger Danger Awareness

There has been quite a lot in the media recently regarding strangers loitering around schools, sporting grounds and public swimming pools.

Please talk to your children about stranger danger by discussing personal safety and what to do if they feel unsafe or threatened by a stranger (or anyone)

and remember that supervision at school starts at 8.50am and finishes at 3.40pm. Should you need to drop your children at school earlier than this or

pick them up later—Camp Australia run an excellent before and after school care program and can be contacted on 1300 105 343 or online at

Here are some tips to teach your children, found on

1. Most strangers are good people, but that doesn’t mean we should be too trusting.

2. If you are ever approached by a stranger, always check with your parents before doing anything with that stranger.

3. If you are going somewhere with a stranger (for some currently unanticipated reason), always stay in public.

4. There may be some instances, perhaps if you got lost or needed help, where you need to go to a stranger. If you do need to talk to a

stranger, it’s always best to look for a mum with children and ask her for help.

5. If you ever feel unsafe, like a stranger is following you, find another adult and explain what you are scared of. Because most strangers are

safe, if you ask for help you’re very likely to get it. But if you are invited into someone’s house, always say no and just stay on the doorstep.

Congratulations to the following students who have been rewarded for their efforts towards ‘RESPECT’ and

making ‘Mano’ a better place.

PA MATTHEW CHAPMAN - For his wonderful listening and following of instructions this week! Well done,


PH MAEVE BENSON - For her great listening skills and always following directions carefully! Well done,


PS ARIELLA CHAPPELL - For her excellent listening and following instructions with a smile! Well done, Ariella!

JB ELLIOTT RENTON-GIBB - For always demonstrating beautiful manners and leading by example to his

peers! Great work, Elliott!

JF LEKEISHA LEACH - For using beautiful manners when asking for assistance! Great work, Lekeisha!

JM KAYLA MACKAY - For being a polite, respectful student who has completed some lovely work this week!

Well done, Kayla!

JO ASTRID WATTERS-SANSOM - For consistently listening carefully and using lovely manners! Wonderful,


JV EMILY FOOT - Emily demonstrates outstanding listening skills in class and leads by example! Brilliant,


MB EMILY BLISS - For demonstrating outstanding manners in the classroom! Fantastic work, Emily!

MC ELKE NOLAN - For demonstrating a happy and enthusiastic approach to all set tasks! She is always

attentive and well mannered! Congratulations, Elke!

MH KIAM CAMPBELL - For doing an amazing job at using 5L’s and applying himself in all of his writing tasks!

Keep it up, Kiam!

MS GIORGIA VILIARDOS - Giorgia is always organised and ready to learn! She sets an awesome example for

all of her classmates! Thanks for being so wonderful, Giorgia!

Kaisercraft are kindly sponsoring a weekly Art Award this term. Each week one student will receive a $20 Kaisercraft

voucher. This week’s Art Award goes to:

INES MCINERNEY - For her magnificent attention to detail and unique ideas! Well done, Ines!

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Joke of the Week

Q. Why do Gorillas have big nostrils? A. Because they have big fingers!

Bike Education Program

CONGRATULATIONS to all Senior Bike Ed students for a great effort completing the program safely and with noticeably improved skills!!

Also a huge thanks to all of the parents who gave up their time to support the program and 'pitch in'!


Just a reminder that the Senior Jumper (school jumper with white top half and green bottom half) are for Senior students only.

Bellarine Uniforms are our preferred supplier of uniforms, they offer quality, value for money and hassle free service. If you would like an up to date pricelist please hop onto our school website, or visit the office.

Bellarine Uniforms Open Monday - Friday: 9am - 5:30pm Saturday 9am - 1pm 162 Moorabool Street Geelong VIC 3220

Parenting Article 136: Helping Your Child be a Friend to Someone with Autism

Knowing that a child has autism is rather like knowing that they are seven years old or they love

footy. It is only a start!

There is a lot more to discover about them as an individual - they will have a range of talents and interests as well as a unique

personality. If your child tells you about a classmate who has Autism or Aspergers Syndrome, there are a number of ways to help

them understand how to interact in the most positive way.

Within the diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder there are many characteristic behaviours but each child will show them in

different ways. Typically, autism involves playing or behaving in ways that are different from other friends. They might sit quietly

and not join in with other children very well. They might not seem to understand general conversation. They might make odd

sounds while they talk or flap their hands or jump around. They might be very interested in a particular topic and only want to talk

about that. Some are clever, others find it difficult to learn and need a helper in the classroom. Some become very anxious about

things that are different.

Friendly classmates will be a tremendous benefit to a child with autism. They can both learn a great deal from each other. The

most important thing is to let the other child know you want to be his friend.

Your child will need to be patient and to understand that the child with autism does not mean to be different. Explain that he has

trouble controlling his behaviour because he has difficulty understanding the world around him. He might be afraid of changes in

routine so it will really help him if your child can be a buddy and show him the way to do things.

Explain to your child that their friend may not always understand what people say straight away. They may need a few minutes to

“process” the words. It can help to talk in short sentences and to show what you mean by demonstrating the actions or drawing a

picture. Your child can teach the other one how to play a particular game together before expecting them to join a bigger group.

As with every friendship, children share common interests. If your child loves football cards, he might be in awe of his friend’s

ability to remember all the scores and statistics. Your child might use this connection to guide their friend into some other hobbies

beyond the very narrow one they originally share.

Primary school children usually have a well-developed sense of fairness. This will help them to understand that it is not fair for

one child to be “picked on” or teased. However, it takes some courage to stand up for someone who is not “one of the gang” so it

will be important for your child to have your support as a parent to do this. It will help if you know the child and their parents

yourself. This can be done by inviting the child over to play after school so that you can get to know each other. Then it will be

easier to talk about them as an individual with your child. You will also be able to show an interest in their area of expertise and

learn from the parents how best to deal with tricky behaviours.

- by Kathy Hoopman

Article taken from:

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“Please support our very generous Mano Carnivale Gold


Proud suppliers of the

Manifold Heights Primary

School uniform

Open: Monday – Friday 9.00am – 5.30pm

Saturday 9.00am – 1.00pm

LOCATION 162 Moorabool Street

Geelong VIC 3220

“Success is not final Failure is not fatal it's the courage to

continue that counts” ― Winston Churchill

Music Lessons AT school

Piano, keyboard, Guitar, Ukulele, Drum or

Singing Lessons

During &/or After School Hours at School

To enrol in, or to obtain more information

please contact Meagan: [email protected]

Providing Music Lessons in local schools since


to the following businesses for supporting Manifold Heights Primary School
