
Corporate Social Responsibility I Australia and New Zealand

Impact through empowerment

Impact through empowermentAt Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) we believe in creating positive social and environmental impact through the empowerment of individuals and communities. We aim to put our core business - technology - to use to address challenges in the communities in which we work.

Our people aspire to transfer their skills and expertise in technology to empower others to innovate and create positive social and environmental change.

“The core of Corporate Social Responsibility lies in determining the radius of responsibility that a business is willing to extend. If businesses see themselves as sustainable in the long run, then this radius will be greater. TCS values Corporate Social Responsibility not only for the immediate benefi ts that it may bring to business but also for its contribution towards strengthening the socio-economic fabric of communities across the world.”

Dr Joy Deshmukh Ranadive, Global Head of Corporate Social Responsibility, TCS

Pictured: Aparna Hemant Kale, TCS, participating in the Australian Business and Community Network Innovate program at Brookside P-9 College, Melbourne

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Corporate Social Responsibility

TCS, Australia and New ZealandIn Australia and New Zealand we aim to have a positive impact in the areas of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) education; health; environmental sustainability and the cross cultural relationship between Australia and India.

We make an impact in the following ways:• Leveraging core business to impact the community (STEM and Community Innovation programs)• Community volunteering involving our people and their families• Philanthropic support for charities• Sustainable business operations• Collaboration with community organisations, governments and our clients

Pictured: Tom Adderley, TCS, mentoring students in coding at Australian Computer Society

Foundation Junior Big Day In, Hilltop Road Public School

3Corporate Social Responsibility I Australia and New Zealand

“In a free enterprise, the community is not just another stakeholder in business, but is in fact the very purpose of its existence.”

Jamsetji Tata, Founder of the Tata Group, 1868

“We have a unique opportunity to grow and lead our industry to greater heights with a strong focus on our customers; a culture of innovation and collaboration; a platform for our employees to realise their potential and make a strong impact on society.”

N. Chandrasekaran, Chairman, Tata Sons

Business for social goodCorporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is embedded in the ownership structure of the Tata Group.

The distinctive structure of the Tata group is attributed to the philosophy of the founder Jamsetji Tata. 66% of the equity in Tata and Sons (the majority shareholder, 74% in Tata Consultancy Services) is held by the Tata Trusts.

Our commitment to global leadership for CSR demonstrated through in our support for the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, membership of the United Nations Global Compact (and local UNGC Network Australia) and support for the Global Reporting Index (GRI). TCS releases an annual sustainability report using the GRI framework.

Pictured: Tata Trusts Sukhi Baliraja livelihoods initiative, India

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= Tata Consultancy Services equity owned by Tata Sons Limited

= Tata Sons Limited equity owned by the Tata Trusts66%


Tata TrustsFor over 100 years the Tata Trusts have supported communities in India. Through grant-making, direct implementation and partnerships, the Tata Trusts support and drive innovation in areas such as education; healthcare and nutrition; environmental sustainability; enhancing civil society and governance; rural livelihoods and the arts.



17 states







Pictured: Tata Trusts Rajasthan nutrition initiative, India

5Corporate Social Responsibility I Australia and New Zealand

Pictured: Nitin Bhat, TCS, participating in the Australian Business and Community Network 121 maths mentoring program at Abbotsford Primary School

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1. Eff ects of integrative approaches among STEM subjects on students’ learning, Becker, K. and Park, K. Journal of STEM Education Volume 12 – Issue 5 & 6, July-September 2011.

2. Australia’s Digital Pulse: Key challenges for our nation – digital skills, jobs and education, Australian Computer Society and Deloitte, 2015.

3. Early gender gaps drive career choices and employment opportunities, OECD, 5 March 2015.

4. Australia’s Digital Pulse, op cit.

Leveraging core business for social changeAs a world-leading technology company, we have leveraged our core business, and the skills and expertise of our technology professionals, to create a positive impact on STEM in Australia.

The shortfall in Australian STEM disciplines is well documented. Left unchanged it will negatively impact the Australian economy and livelihoods of Australians.

At TCS we aspire to play our part in increasing the number of students studying STEM and increasing gender diversity in the technology industry.

It is projected that 75% of Australia’s fastest growing occupations will be in STEM1 with an additional 100,000 IT professionals needed by 20202. But with the low take up of STEM by students the pipeline does not exist to support this growth.

In OECD countries fewer than 1 in 20 girls considers a career in STEM compared to 1 in 5 boys3. Women make up fewer than a third of Australia’s STEM-qualifi ed workforce4. The under-representation of women in STEM compounds the pipeline challenge.

7Corporate Social Responsibility I Australia and New Zealand

Empowering students and teachers in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics

STEM program components

• GoIT Girls program targeted at young women in high school

• GoIT Mentoring for students in primary and secondary school

• GoIT Challenge to inspire Year 8 students to choose technology subjects

• GoIT Outreach events to inspire students to study STEM

• Supporting teachers to inspire students to study STEM

• GoIT Future Leaders to link young professionals in technology

• Internships and graduate opportunities for tertiary students

“Tata Consultancy Services is committed to preparing Australia’s future workforce by collaborating with industry partners to build a pipeline of STEM education programs. We believe that providing experiential learning opportunities, professional role models to aspire to and a broadened perspective of careers in technology will give students the confi dence to experiment and innovate.”

Girish Ramachandran, President, Tata Consultancy Services Asia Pacifi c

Coding Workshops

STEM Professionals in School Program

One on One Maths Mentoring

STEM Innovate Program

Entrepreneurial Skills Program

GoIT Challenge

GoIT Girls

New Colombo Plan Internships

Future LeadersSummit







Targeting both students and teachers, the TCS STEM program supports a pathway through primary, secondary and tertiary education into employment.

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Corporate Social Responsibility I Australia and New Zealand 9ocial Responsibility I Australia and New Zealand

Pictured: TCS clients, community partners and GoIT Girls innovating

for charity at the Future Leaders Summit 2016

mobile app specifi cally for Indigenous athletes.

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Case study: Inspiring girls to pursue careers in technologyThe TCS GoIT Girls program aims to inspire young women to pursue careers in technology. Initiated in 2014, the week-long program enables 100 young women to learn from role models, sharpen their coding and technical skills, develop skills for employment and challenge their perceptions of technology and occupational gender stereotypes.

Pictured: Students participating in a Cyber Security workshop as part of GoIT Girls program, 2017

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To hear from students, teachers and community partners about the impact of the GoIT Girls program watch the video on

Pictured: Students participating in the GoIT Girls program with Shanmuga Sivasubramanian, TCS, 2017

Outcomes include a signifi cant increase in the number of girls considering a career in STEM (1 in 20 girls in OECD countries consider a career in STEM).

• Over 90% of students were inspired to consider a career in IT• 100% of students agreed or strongly agreed that IT off ers

career opportunities for women

11Corporate Social Responsibility I Australia and New Zealand

“The GoIT Girls Work Experience Program helps to inspire female students to consider roles and careers that perhaps that didn’t know existed or thought that they were capable of. On the surface the program may appear to be a regular Work Experience placement, but it is so much more.”

Teacher, Melbourne, March 2016

““The GoIT Girls program was incredibly inspiring. I have understood the opportunities in the IT industry and am now considering a career in that fi eld. It was also absolutely fantastic to meet other girls from diff erent schools who were also interested in IT.”

Student, GoIT Girls program, Melbourne 2017

Empowering communities with technologyTechnology can transform lives and communities. Empowering the not-for-profi t sector with world leading technology solutions can build their organisational capability and capacity to create greater social and environmental impact.

Case study: In 2015, TCS formed partnerships with six not-for-profi t organisations to deliver transformative IT services with a combined value of $1 million. In 2017, we have doubled our commitment and partnered with twelve not-for-profi t organisations to deliver innovative projects.

“Australian non-profi t associations, charities and social enterprises continue to lag in the adoption of information and communications technologies. This has led to a substantial sector of the Australian society and economy failing to benefi t from the productivity growth aff orded by technology.”

The Australian Productivity Commission report Contribution of the not-for-profi t Sector, 2010

“Technology can play an enormous role in helping to address health, social, and environmental challenges. Enabling not-for-profi t to leverage our global IT expertise will make a tangible and measurable diff erence to these organisations, their clients and the Australian community.”

Anil Snehi, Vice President, TCS Australia and New Zealand

Find out more about the Tata Consultancy Services Community Innovation program and hear from our community partners at

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Corporate Social Responsibility I Australia and New Zealand 13

Pictured: With the Indigenous Marathon Foundation, TCS is helping runners reach their full potential through the development of a running based mobile app specifi cally for Indigenous athletes

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“The support of TCS will enable us to develop a national digital platform to support Indigenous entrepreneurs to bring over 60,000 years of Indigenous innovation to the modern marketplace. It will connect Indigenous entrepreneurs with capital, support, education and practical business tools that will drive a new economy for all Australians”

Jocelyn King, CEO, First Australians Capital

Pictured: Community Innovation Launch Sydney 2017 From Left: Julian Martin, Avner Pancreatic Cancer Foundation, Sally Castle, Shore Strategic, Patrick McCall, Woolworths, Veera Moorthy, TCS

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• Avner Pancreatic Cancer Foundation

• Camp Quality

• Congress of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Nurses and Midwives

• First Australians Capital

• Heart of Foundation of Victoria

• Hello Sunday Morning

• Indigenous Marathon Foundation

• Kaiela Institute, Shepparton

• Motor Neurone Disease Australia

• National Children’s and Youth Law Centre

• The Smith Family

• State Library of NSW Foundation

Community Innovation Partnerships 2017We are pleased to announce partnerships with 12 not-for-profi t organisations in Australia as part of the Community Innovation Program 2017:

“A cardiac arrest can happen to anyone at any time. The actions taken by a bystander during the fi rst few minutes are critical to survival. This partnership between TCS and the Heart Foundation will create an online resource to help address barriers that prevent people from taking prompt action when a cardiac arrest occurs in the community”.

Catuscia Biuso, Chain of Survival Program Manager, Heart Foundation Victoria


dly Supporting

15Corporate Social Responsibility I Australia and New Zealand

Inspiring a culture of givingTCS Purpose4Life initiative encourages all employees to volunteer in the community.

In FY17 our people volunteered over 694,000 hours in local community organisations across the globe.

Pictured: Jansirani Vijayan, TCS running a ‘Learn to Code’ Workshop

at Sydney Children’s Festival, 2017

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“The diff erence between what we do and what we are capable of doing would suffi ce to solve most of the world’s problems.”

Mahatma Gandhi

Supporting multiculturalism, inclusion and diversityIn 2017, TCS partnered with the University of New South Wales to provide internships for 15 students in Mumbai, India, as part of the Australian Government New Colombo Plan.

The New Colombo Plan is an initiative to strengthen the ties between Australia and India through increased cross cultural understanding and interpersonal connections.

“Global companies have an absolute duty to help enhance the wellbeing of communities in every country where they earn their revenue and profi t, promoting cross cultural understanding through collaborative partnerships founded on mutual respect.”

Neville Roach AO, Chair, Advisory Board for Tata Consultancy Services Australia and New Zealand, and Chair, Corporate Social Responsibility Committee TCS Australia and New Zealand

Pictured: New Colombo Plan Scholarship recipients from the University of New South Wales with Tony Huber, Australian Consul General in Mumbai, Amit Dasgupta, India Country Director, UNSW and Joy Deshmukh Ranadive, Global Head of Corporate Social Responsibility, TCS

17Corporate Social Responsibility I Australia and New Zealand

Print Junction is a Supply Nation Certifi ed Supplier and proudly Indigenous Owned and Operated

An invitation to collaborate Our aspirations for social change are ambitious. By collaborating with the community sector, governments and our clients we believe, together, we can create a positive social impact by addressing some of the most pressing challenges of our time.

We would like to thank our existing collaborators. Their partnership, support and advice are enabling us to create a lasting impact on the lives of individuals and our community as a whole.

• Australian Business and Community Network• Australian Information Industries Association• Avner Pancreatic Cancer Foundation • Camp Quality • Confederation of Indian Industry• Congress of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Nurses and Midwives • CSIRO• Diversity Council of Australia• First Australians Capital• Good Company• Heart of Foundation of Victoria • Hello Sunday Morning • Indigenous Marathon Foundation • Kaiela Institute, Shepparton • Motor Neurone Disease Australia • National Association of Software and Services Companies• National Children’s and Youth Law Centre • State Library of NSW Foundation• Tata Consultancy Services clients • The Smith Family • United Nations Global Compact Network Australia

To connect with the TCS Corporate Social Responsibility team please email team [email protected]. For further information about our existing Corporate Social Responsibility priorities and collaborations in at TCS please visit

Front cover image:Students participating in the GoIT Girls @ Westpac program, 2017.

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Pictured:Anoop Chellappan, TCS, participating in the Australian Business and Community Network Innovate program at Brookside P-9 College, Melbourne

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