

Maturski rad iz psihologije

Graduation paper from Psychology

Mitrovačka Gimnazija



Profesor/Professor: Zoran Đorić Učenica/Student: Jelena Mališević

Januar 2017. godine

January 2017




I Percepcija (opažanje) .............................................................................................................. 3

II Iluzije ..................................................................................................................................... 4

III Halucinacije ........................................................................................................................ 5

Optičke halucinacije (vidne) ....................................................................................................... 6 Akustične halucinacije (čulo sluha) ......................................................................................... 7

Vestibularne halucinacije (statičke, kinestetičke) ....................................................................... 7 Olfaktivne (mirisne) halucinacije ............................................................................................ 7 Gustativne halucinacije (čulo ukusa) ...................................................................................... 7 Taktilne halucinacije (hapatičke) ............................................................................................ 8

Cenestetičke halucinacije ......................................................................................................... 8

IV Najčešći psihički poremećaji praćeni halucinacijom ............................................................. 9

Šizofrenija ................................................................................................................................... 9 Paranoja..................................................................................................................................... 10 Depresija ................................................................................................................................... 11

Zaključak................................................................................................................................... 12

Korišćena literatura: .................................................................................................................. 13

Illusions ..................................................................................................................................... 14

I Perception ............................................................................................................................. 14

II Illusions ............................................................................................................................... 15

III Hallucinations ................................................................................................................... 15

Optical hallucinations (visual) ............................................................................................... 17

Acoustic hallucinations (sense of hearing) ............................................................................ 17

Vestibular hallucinations (statical, kinaesthetic) ...................................................................... 17 Olfactory (scent related) hallucinations ................................................................................ 18 Gustatory hallucinations (sense of taste) .............................................................................. 18

Tactile hallucinations .............................................................................................................. 18 Cenesthetic hallucinations ...................................................................................................... 19 IV The most frequent psychotic disorders followed by hallucination ...................................... 19

Conclusion ................................................................................................................................ 21

Bibliography: ............................................................................................................................ 22




Sažetak: Najpre, rad obrađuje različite oblike percepcija, ulogu čula, njihove unutrašnje/spoljašnje

faktore formiranja, da bi se napravila razlika između iluzija i halucinacija. Nakon toga, detaljnije

se obrađuju halucinacije, a zatim se navode primeri kod psihičkih poremećaja vezanih za sve čulne


Rad zaključuje da opažanje sveta oko nas ima uzročno-posledičnu vezu posredstvom čula, uticaja

raznih unutrašnjih i/ili spoljašnjih faktora, uslovljava percepciju naše stvarnosti tačnom ili




Percepcija odnosno opažanje je psihički proces koji nam omogućava da spoznamo svet oko nas i

ono što se u njemu događa. To je jedna od osnovnih kognitivnih funkcija koja predstavlja složen i

aktivan proces traženja, odabiranja, primanja, obrade, organizovanja i tumačenja raznovrsnih draži

koje deluju na čula i nervni sistem.

Britanski filozof, Džon Lok (John Locke) je smatrao da celokupno znanje stičemo opažanjem i da

u našem intelektu nema ničega što prethodno nije bilo u čulima.

o Kao rezultat procesa opažanja, mogu nastati oseti i opažaji.

1. Opažaji

Opažaji nastaju kada mozak poveže više oseta i prida im određeni smisao. Mogu biti tačni ili


2. Oseti

Oseti su najprostije čulne informacije, koje odražavaju samo jednu karakteristiku nekog predmeta

(te se tako mogu odnositi, recimo, na boju, temperaturu, zvuk, ukus, itd.).

▪ Na primer, osećaj plaže nastaje kada mozak u celinu poveže boje, zvukove,

mirise, pokrete, i prostorne celine, i “zaključi” da je to plaža.



Iluzije su pogrešni opažaji, to jest perceptivne varke koje se javljaju usled specifične organizacije

draži. Na njihovo formiranje utiču isti faktori kao i na formiranje tačnih opažaja:

• karakteristike draži;

• subjektivni faktori;

• fiziološki faktori.

Da bi se određen događaj u stvarnosti percipirao na tačan ili netačan način, iako isti faktori utiču

na njegovo formiranje, kombinacije gorenavedenih faktora, mogu usloviti različitu – tačnu ili

netačnu – percepciju kod različitih osoba.

Na primer, posredstvom karakteristika određene draži, kao i fizioloških faktora, dve različite osobe

mogu imati drugačiji doživljaj stvarnosti, na osnovu nekih subjektivnih faktora. Tako osoba A

može imati, recimo, na osnovu životnog iskustva, tačno opažanje nekog objektivnog događaja.

Međutim, osoba B će, iako pod karakteristikama iste draži, i istim fiziološkim faktorima, imati

pogrešno opažanje istog događaja, ali pod uticajem svojih subjektivnih faktora – recimo –

nedostatka životnog iskustva. Primeri iluzija kao pogrešnog opažaja su, vertikalne linije koje

izgledaju duže od horizontalnih, sunce na zalasku – koje izgleda veće nego u zenitu, i slično.



Za razliku od iluzija, postoje i halucinacije, koje predstavljaju opažaje nečega što ne postoji. Kao

i kod iluzija, na formiranje halucinacija utiču isti faktori kao i na formiranje tačnih opažaja:

• karakteristike draži;

• subjektivni faktori;

• fiziološki faktori.

Međutim, za razliku od iluzija, kombinacijom gorenavedenih faktora, ne dolazi do različitog

opažanja neke objektivne situacije, tačnog ili netačnog, već do "opažanja" nečega što ne postoji.

Halucinacije mogu nastati usled nepažnje prilikom čitanja (gutanje slova), pod dejstvom afekta

(priviđanje objekata usled straha, npr. opažanje izvora svetlucanja na trulim panjevima u šumi kao

očiju neke zveri ili čoveka), a posebna vrsta iluzija jesu pareidolije (pojava kada pod dejstvom

mašte subjekt u oblacima, pukotinama na zidu, prepoznaje likove, figure i čitave scene).

Iluzije su moguće u oblasti svih čula.

Iluzije se sreću i kod psihički zdravih osoba, ali ih zapažamo i u slučajevima akutnih

intoksikacionih, delirijumskih, i drugih psihotičnih stanja.

Kod ljudi bez psihičkih poremećaja, halucinacije mogu nastati pod uticajem:

➢ droga;

➢ alkohola;

➢ visoke temperature;

➢ jakih emocija.

▪ Na primer, velika tuga za umrlom osobom može da izazove halucinaciju, odnosno

priviđanje pokojnika. Ako žedan čovek ima halucinacije u pustinji, on vidi oazu ˗

što može biti uslovljeno ili prelamanjem svetlosti ili jakom željom za vodom.


Halucinacije se dele na:

1) Optičke halucinacije (vidne)

2) Akustične halucinacije (čulo sluha)

3) Vestibularne halucinacije (statičke, kinestetičke)

4) Olfaktivne (mirisne) halucinacije

5) Gustativne halucinacije (čulo ukusa)

6) Taktilne halucinacije

7) Cenestetičke halucinacije

Optičke halucinacije (vidne)

Optičke halucinacije se javljaju najčešće kod psihotičnih reakcija mentalno obolelih osoba, kao

i kod akutnih psihoza izazvanih infekcijom ili intoksikacijom. Mogu biti:

1. a) elementarne – u vidu fotoma (bljeska),

1. b) složene – kada poprimaju scenski karakter,

1. c) ekstrakampine – kada se haluciniraju predmeti van vidnog polja,

1. d) aztoskopske – kada se halucinatorno vide vlastiti organi, u sopstvenoj utrobi ili van, i

1. e) negativne halucinacije – ne vidi se ono što se zaista nalazi u našem okruženju i u šta

se gleda.

Takođe, dolazi do pojave mikropisije (umanjenje zapaženih predmeta), makropisije (kada

predmeti izgledaju veci nego sto jesi) i poropisije (predmeti se doživljavaju udaljeno). U okviru

vidnih halucinacija postoje i fenomeni halucinatornih iskustava – fenomen "ranije doživljeno"

(déjà vu), i fenomen "nikada viđeno" (jamais vu), mada se u oba slučaja pored percepcije dovodi

u vezu i uključenost nivoa pamćenja, kao i fiziološke budnosti organizma.


Akustične halucinacije (čulo sluha)

Ispoljavaju se u elementarnom obliku kao akozmi (šumovi), ili u složenom, gde osoba čuje glasove

koji mu nešto govore, naređuju, prete, komentarišu i sl. Takođe, postoji i izuzetno neprijatan

fenomen ozvučenja misli, kada halucinator čuje sopstvene misli izgovorene tuđim glasom

(psihičke halucinacije). Ova vrsta akustičnih halucinacija karakteristična je za hronične psihotične

poremećaje, pre svega za šizofreniju.

Vestibularne halucinacije (statičke, kinestetičke)

Vestibularne halucinacije su doživljaji pokreta celog tela ili pojedinih njegovih delova, u vidu

ljuljanja, padanja, letenja, okretanja i sl.

Neke osobe doživljavaju rušenje i obrušavanje zidova, nešto slično kao u pravim zemljotresima.

Vestabularni fenomeni se javljaju kod lezija osmog karnijalnog nerva ( statoacusticus

vestibulocohlearis) i nekih drugih struktura centralnog nervnog sistema. U praksi se retko viđaju i

obično su praćene astazijom i abrazijom (funkcionalne nesposobnosti stajanja ili hodanja).

Olfaktivne (mirisne) halucinacije

Olfaktivne (mirisne) halucinacije ispoljavaju se kao osećaji čudnog, najčešće neprijatnog, mirisa

koji potiče iz tela same osobe ili dolazi od "otrova kojim pokušavaju da ga otruju" (javlja se u

slučajevima paranoidne šizofrenije). Mirisne halucinacije se ponekad javljaju i kod epilepsije i

drugih organskih oboljenja mozga (u slučaju disfunkcije temporalnog režnja, gde se pričinjava

miris gume koja gori).

Gustativne halucinacije (čulo ukusa)

Gustativne halucinacije su povezane sa mirisom/mirisima. Takođe, često su praćene sumanutim

idejama trovanja kod paranoidnih osoba obolelih od sizofrenije, ali se viđaju i kao glavni simptom

oštećenja temporalnog režnja mozga.


Taktilne halucinacije (hapatičke)

Taktilne halucinacije doživljavaju se kao senzacije na kozi poput mravinjanja, bodenja,

dodirivanje i sl. Često se kod alkoholnog delirijuma (delirium tremens) dešava da osoba umišlja

gmizanje sitnih insekata po telu, što je po pravilu, praćeno doživljajem velikog straha. Takođe,

preveliki unos kokaina može dovesti do sličnog tipa halucinacija.

Međutim, taktilne halucinacije ponekad možemo videti i kod psihotičnih osoba, koje ih gotovo

uvek, paranoidno elaborišu (delovanjem posebnih zraka, poljima fizičkih sila u svrhu kontrole).

Cenestetičke halucinacije

Cenestetičke halucinacije dolaze iz unutrašnjosti tela, i odnose se na bizarne doživljaje u vezi sa

unutrašnjim organima osobe. Pri tome, halucinator ima utisak da mu neko čupa creva, elektriše

mozak, uvrće srce i slično. Cinesteticke halucinacije se zapazaju kod šizofrenih i teških psihotičnih

formi depresije. U mnogo blažem obliku se javljaju kao preterano pridavanje pažnje senzacijama

iz unutrašnjih organa, viđaju se kod hipohondera koji se preterano usredsređuju na rad svog srca,

rad organa za varenje, zategnutost mišića i slično.




Halucinacije se najčešće javljaju kod ljudi s teškim psihičkim poremećajima poput:

➢ šizofrenije;

➢ paranoje;

➢ depresije.


Kod šizofrenih poremećaja dolazi do promene određenih funkcija mozga. Posledica toga su

promene mišljenja, zapažanja i afektiviteta, dakle promene psihe. Nauka nije još u potpunosti

razjasnila zašto dolazi do poremećaja ravnoteže moždanih funkcija, ali primećuje da su neke osobe

posebno osetljive, te da izbijanje bolesti može biti prouzrokovano preteranim stresom ili drugim

psihičkim opterećenjima, konzumiranjem droga, kao i hormonalnim poremećajima kao što su

trudnoća ili menopauza.

Po čemu prepoznajemo neki šizofreni poremećaj?

Bolest se može manifestovati na najrazličitije načine s potpuno različitim znakovima

(simptomima). Kod pojedinih osoba simptomi mogu biti vrlo teški, dok su kod drugih beznačajni

ili uopšte nisu izraženi. Postoji samo neodređen osećaj da „nešto nije u redu”.

Kod osoba koje pate od šizofrenih poremećaja najčešće je prisutan strah i osećaj da se od njih

suviše zahteva. Kod šizofrenih poremećaja često dolazi do gubitka vlastite licnosti, svog ja i svojih

identiteta. Takva osoba oseća da između nje i okoline nema nikakvih granica, a osim toga, veruje

da su drugi preuzeli vlast nad njim, jer se ne može zaštititi (postavljanjem granica). U stručnoj

terminologiji ovaj „simptom” nazivaju poremećajem ega.

Radi bolje preglednosti, simptomi se često dele na pozitivne i negativne. Tokom neke faze bolesti,

pozitivni simptomi se javljaju dodatno uz normalno doživljavanje, na primer halucinacije ili

sumanute misli. Negativni simptomi se ogledaju u manjku u odnosu na period pre bolesti (npr. nedostatak

poleta, povlačenje u sebe).


Najvažniji simptomi:

ˇ halucinacije

ˇ sumanute ideje

ˇ poremećaji mišljenja

ˇ poremećaj volje

ˇ socijalno povlačenje

ˇ depresija

ˇ nedostatak osećaja za bolest

ˇ osećaj promenjenosti (osećaj upravljanja od strane drugih)

Uzroci šizofrenih poremećaja do danas nisu u potpunosti razjašnjeni. Sve činjenice, međutim,

ukazuju na to da su neki ljudi osetljiviji na spoljašnje uticaje i nadražaje. Zbog te ranjivosti, oni

posebno snažno doživljavaju mnoge stvari stvarnijim nego sto jesu, te su zbog toga manje

„otporni” na opterećenja, stres i unutrašnje konflikte. Takva ranjivost se stručnim jezikom naziva

vulnerabilnost. Nauka ukazuje da kada opterećenja i stres postanu preveliki, kod takvih osoba

dolazi do neke vrste „sloma živaca” i do pojave razlicitih simptoma bolesti.

Slika šizofrenih poremećaja može biti mnogostruka. Zbog toga je na početku bolesti vrlo teško

postaviti sigurnu dijagnozu. Porodica i prijatelji često ne nalaze objašnjenje za neobično ponašanje

osobe koja pati od šizofrenih poremećaja, a da ni njima samima nije jasno da boluju od ozbiljne

bolesti. Šizofreni poremećaji se javljaju relativno često.


Psiholozi paranoju tumače kao postojanje podsvesne želje da obolela soba pati. Paranoičar ne

primećuje tu želju jer su razlozi potisnuti, nego umišlja da dolazi od drugih, i smatraju da je to

zbog osećaja krivice iz ranog detinjstva. "Krivac" ima različite potrebe, te "želi da pati da bi mu

oprostili", da mu kažu da je "dovoljno propatio za svoju krivicu", "odslužio svoju kaznu" i, da mu

je "oprosteno". Za lečenje je potrebno prisetiti se takvih uspomena iz detinjstva, kako bi osoba

shvatila da je bila dete i da ljudi ne smeju da okrivljuju decu, ma šta da učinili.

Svaki drugi problem koji dolazi iz potisnutih sećanja, može izaći na površinu posredstvom

okidača. Okidač može biti asocijacija ili šokantna situacija (veliki stres). Asocijacije aktiviraju

svako sećanje, kao i teške uspomene. Svaka situacija koja podseća na traumu može biti okidač. Na


primer, nekoga je majka "ostavila" kad je bio malo dete a okidač se aktivira kada ga, na primer,

"ostavi" devojka ili kada ga deca "ostave" u staračkom domu. Za paranoju, okidač može biti kada

čovek doživi izdaju od nekoga kome veruje. Na primer, prevara od strane devojke, dobijeni otkaz

od šefa uprkos mišlju da je njegov miljenik, saznanje o podsmevanju od strane prijatelja i sl. Takva

saznanja kod paranoičara osnažuju misli da mu okolina ne želi dobro, i to mu daje osnovu da

umišlja stalnu opasnost i da su svi uvek protiv njega.

Veliki stres i šokovi takođe mogu biti okidači za bilo kakav problem. Na primer, veliki stres kao

što su smrt bliske osobe, gubitak kuće, gubitak mogućnosti da otplati kredit za stan, početak/kraj

rata, saznanje o teškoj bolesti, itd. Psiholozi tvrde da okidač samo dovodi problem na videlo, ali

da u realnosti problem nije nastao u tom momentu, već mnogo ranije.


Depresiju mogu uzrokovati tuga, usamljenost, bolest, razočaranje…, naročito ako je to izmenilo

život osobe u velikoj meri. Depresivno ponašanje, manifestovano na različite načine, kao i suicidne

misli, treba shvatiti veoma ozbiljno.



Sva naša čula, uz uticaj i drugih faktora, mogu stvoriti kako iluzije tako i halucinacije, te su one

dokaz da naša čula ponekad stvaraju pogrešnu sliku sveta. Sledi da je opažanje sveta oko nas

posredstvom čula, uticaja raznih unutrašnjih i/ili spoljašnjih faktora, u uzročno-posledičnoj vezi,

koja rezultuje tačnim ili netačnim doživljajima stvarnosti.



Apostolović-Milojević, Biljana, Psihologija, za drugi razred, 2013. godine

Wikipedija, slobodna enciklopedija – Percepcija




Abstract: This paper deals with (looks into) illusion as a type of perception, the role of senses, the

inner/outer formation factors, and the difference between illusions and hallucinations. The paper

concludes (the conclusion of the paper is) that the perceptions of surrounding world (the world

arround us) has cause-and-affect relation, through the influence of different inner and/or outer

factors, conditioning (causing) the perception of our reality (to be) either or accurate or inaccurate.



Perception or observation is a psychological process enabling us to perceive the world around us

and what happens within. It is one of the basic cognitive functions which represents the complex

and active process of searching for, selection of, receiving, processing, organization and

interpretation of different stimulus affecting the senses and nervous system.

British philosopher, John Locke, considered that the overall knowledge is acquired by the

observation and that our intellect has nothing which previously hasn’t been perceived by the


o As the result of the observation process, sensations and perceptions occur.

1. Perceptions

Perceptions occur when brain connects multiple sensations and gives them a certain meaning.

They can be accurate or inaccurate.

2. Sensations

Sensations are the simplest sensory information, which reflects only one characteristic of an

object (so, they can relate to, let’s say, colour, temperature, sound, taste etc.).

▪ For example, the sensation of a beach occurs when the brain connects the

colours, sounds, scents, movements, and spatial units in a whole and

“concludes” it is a beach.



Illusions are inaccurate perceptions, and the perceptive delusions which arise due to specific

organisation(s) of stimulations. Their formation is depended upon the same factors as for formation

of accurate perceptions:

• The characteristics of stimulations;

• The subjective factors;

• The physiological factors.

In order to perceive the certain reality event accurately or not, even being influenced by the same

formation factors, the very combinations of abovementioned factors, can cause different – accurate

or not – perception with different people.

For example, through the characteristics of certain stimulus, as well as physiological factors, two

different persons can have different perceptions of reality, due to some subjective factors.

However, the person A can have, due to life experience, accurate perception of some objective

event. Meanwhile, the person B would have, even under the characteristics of the same stimulus,

and the same physiological factors, inaccurate perception of the same event, but under the

influence of its own subjective factors – let’s say – the lack of experience. Examples of the illusions

as inaccurate perceptions are, vertical lines seeming lengthier than horizontal, the setting sun

looking bigger than at its zenith, and similar.


Contrary to the illusions, there are also hallucinations, which represent perceptions of something

non-existent. Alike illusions, hallucination’s forming is influenced by the same factors as for the

formation of accurate perceptions:

• The characteristics of stimulations;

• The subjective factors;

• The physiological factors.

Meanwhile, opposite to illusions, the combinations of abovementioned factors, don’t make diverse

perceptions of some objective situation, accurate or not, but leads to "the perception" of something

that doesn’t exist.

Hallucination can occur under the influence such as lack of attention during reading (e.g. devour

the letters), under the effect of something (e.g. having a delusion of objects due to some fears,

like, for example, imagining the source of twinkling of rotting stump in the woods as being the

eyes of an animal or a person), while different type of illusion is so called pareidolia (which is


appearance when under the influence of imagination, subject can recognize in the shapes of clouds,

wall cracks – images, figures and whole scenes).

Illusions are possible to occur involving all senses.

Illusions can be seen also with persons who do not suffer any mental illness, but we can also notice

them if there is a case of acute intoxicated, as well as in delirium and other psychotic conditions.

In people without mental disorders, hallucinations can occur under the influence of:

➢ Drugs;

➢ Alcohol;

➢ High temperature;

➢ Intensive emotions.

For example, deep sorrow for deceased person can cause hallucination, actually seeing the

deceased. If thirsty person has hallucinations in desert, he/she sees oasis – which can be caused

either by the refraction of the light, or a strong desire for water.

Hallucinations can be divided as:

1) Optical hallucinations (visual)

2) Acoustic hallucinations (sense of hearing)

3) Vestibular hallucinations (static, kinetic)

4) Olfactory hallucinations (different scents)

5) Gustative hallucinations (sense of taste)

6) Tactile hallucinations

7) Cenesthetic hallucinations


Optical hallucinations (visual)

Optical hallucinations usually occur at psychotic reactions of persons with mental disorders, as

well as within acute psychosis caused by infection or intoxication. They can be:

a) elementary – visualized by photons (blaze),

b) complex – they assume a scene-like character,

c) extracampine – the objects outside of sight are being hallucinated,

d) azstopian– when the own organs are being seen, inside or outside intestines

e) negative hallucinations– everything surrounding us has not been also perceived as

visually seen.

Also, micropsia can occur (shrinking of notices items), macropsia (objects seen bigger than they

really are) and phoropter-like hallucinations (when objects are experienced distant than in reality).

Within the visual hallucinations, phenomena are also known like - "already experienced" (déjà

vu), and "never seen " (jamais vu) and although in the both cases, beside perception, the memory

level, as well as physiological vigilance of the organisms, are being connected with.

Acoustic hallucinations (sense of hearing)

Acoustic hallucinations, in their elementary form, are manifested as acouisms or in more complex,

where person hear voices which are telling him/her something, giving him/her orders, threaten

him/her, giving comments and similar. Also, there is an extremely non-pleasant phenomena of

“voicing the thoughts”, when person hallucinating about it, can hear his/her own thought but

outspoken by someone else’s voices. This type of acoustic hallucinations has been characterized

for acute psychotic disorders, in case of schizophrenia, in the first place.

Vestibular hallucinations (statical, kinaesthetic)

Vestibular hallucination are the perceptions of whole body movement or some of its parts,

manifested by swinging, falling down, flying, turning and similar.

Some persons can experience demolition of the falling of walls, something similar to real



Vestibular phenomena occurs in lesion of 8th cranial nerve (statoacusticus vestibulocohlearis) and

some other structures of the central nerves system. In practice, they are rarely to be seen and

usually are followed by ataxia and abrasion (the functional inability of standing up or walking).

Olfactory (scent related) hallucinations

Olfactory hallucinations are manifested as strange, most likely uncomfortable scents, coming from

the person’s body or from “the poison they are trying to poison him/her” (occur in cases of

paranoid schizophrenia. Scented hallucinations sometimes appear both at epilepsies and other

organic brain diseases (in case of temporal lobe brain dysfunction, where the burning tire scent is

being hallucinated).

Gustatory hallucinations (sense of taste)

Gustatory hallucinations are connected with the scent(s). Also, they are frequently accompanied

with lunatic ideas of poisoning, at paranoid persons suffering from schizophrenia, but also are seen

as the main symptom the impairment of temporal lobe dysfunction.

Tactile hallucinations

Tactile hallucinations are experienced as skin sensations, such as skin tingling by the ants,

stabbing, touching and similar. Frequently, within delirium tremens, it is quite frequent that person

hallucinates like having skin tingling of ants, which is accompanied by the great experience of


Likewise, too much cocaine can lead to similar types of hallucinations.

However, tactile hallucinations sometimes can be seen also at psychotic persons that almost always

elaborate them in a paranoid way (by the influence of special ray, fields of physical force for the

control purpose).


Cenesthetic hallucinations

Cenesthetic hallucinations are coming from the inner body, and are related to the bizarre

experiences related to the inner body parts. Thereby, person hallucinating has an impression that

his/her intestines are ripped off, the brain has been electrified, and heart has been twisted out, and

similar. Cenesthetic hallucinations are notified with persons suffering from schizophrenia and

intensive psychotic forms of depression. In milder form, they occur as giving too much attention

to sensations coming from inner organs, and are seen at hypochondriacs, that are focused too much

at their heart beating, the function of digestive organs tract, well-tightened muscles and similar.

IV The most frequent psychotic disorders followed by hallucination

Hallucinations usually occur in people with serious mental disorders, such as:

➢ Schizophrenia;

➢ Paranoia;

➢ Depression.


Schizophrenia changes certain functions of the brain. As a consequence, there are changes of

opinions, observations and affective, so schizophrenia changes psyche . Science is not yet fully

clear why there is an imbalance of brain function, but notes that some people are particularly

vulnerable, and that outbreaks can be caused by excessive stress or other mental loads,

consumption of drugs, and hormonal disorders (pregnancy, menopause).

How to recognize a schizophrenic disorder?

The disease can manifest in various ways with totally different signs (symptoms). In some

individuals, the symptoms can be very difficult, while in other, symptoms are insignificant or not

expressed at all. There is only a vague feeling that "something is wrong".

People who suffer from schizophrenic disorder, usually fear and feel that too much is being

demanded from them. Schizophrenic disorder often leads to losing their own personality, ego and

identity. Person feels that between her and the environment are no borders, and furthermore

believes that other overpowered them, because they can not protect (by setting limits). In technical

terms, this "symptom" is being called ego disorder.

For better transparency, symptoms are often divided into positive and negative. During some

phases of the disease, positive symptoms occur in addition to the normal experience of, for

example, hallucinations or delusions. Negative symptoms are reflected in the deficit compared to

the period before the disease (eg. lack of enthusiasm, withdrawn).


Most important symptoms:

✓ hallutinations

✓ delusions

✓ thought disorders

✓ mood disorders

✓ social withdrawal

✓ depression

✓ lack of sensitivity to the disease

✓ feeling of being changed(manipulation by others)

The causes of schizophrenic disorders are not yet fully explained. The facts, however, suggest that

some people are more sensitive to external influences and stimulations. Because of this

vulnerability, they forcefully perceive many things more real than they are, and are therefore less

"resistant" to load, stress and vulnerability to internal conflicts. Science shows that when the load

and stress become too large, a person comes to a sort of "breakdown" and the emergence of various

disease symptoms.

The image of schizophrenic disorders can be manifold. Therefore, at the beginning of the disease

it is very difficult to set up a secure diagnosis. Family and friends often do not find an explanation

for the unusual behavior of the person who suffers from schizophrenia, and suffering from a

disease is also not clear for. Schizophrenic disorders occur relatively frequently.


Psychologists explain paranoia as the existence of a subconscious desire to suffer, but paranoid

person does not notice this desire because the reasons are suppressed, but thinks it comes from

others, and they believe that this is due to guilt from early childhood. "Culprit" has different needs

and "wants to suffer in order to be forgiven" wants to be told that he has "suffered enough for their

guilt," "served his sentence", "been forgiven." For treatment it is necessary to recall these

memories from childhood, to understand that at that time they were children and that people should

not blame children, no matter what they did.


Every other problem that comes from repressed memories can come to the surface through the

shutter. The trigger may be an association or shocking situations (great stress). Association can

activate any memory including difficult ones. Each situation reminiscent of the trauma can be a

trigger. For example, someone's mother "left" when he was a small child and the shutter is activated

when, for example, girl "leaves" him, or when children "leave" him in a nursing home. For the

paranoia, the shutter can be released when a person suffers from someone he trusted. For example,

the scam by the girls, being fired from the job, despite the thought that he was boss's favorite,

being mocked by friends and so on. Paranoid person begins to think that his environment wants

no good for him, that he is a threat and that everyone is constantly against him.

A great stress and shocks can also be triggers for any problem. For example, a large stress such as

the death of a close person, loss of home, loss of ability to repay the loan for an apartment, start /

end of the war, the discovery of a serious disease, and so on. Psychologists claim that the trigger

only brings problems to light, but in reality the problem is created much earlier, and not in that



Depression is being caused by sadness, loneliness, disease, disappointment…, especially if the

person feels that it largely changed her life.

Persons suffering from depression can be so desperate that they no longer see any way out.

Depressed behavior, manifested in various ways, and suicidal thoughts should be taken very




All our senses influenced also by other factors, can create illusions as well as hallucinations, and

thus being the proof that our senses sometimes create the inaccurate perception of the world.

Therefore, it follows that the perception of the world around us, through senses, influences of

different inner and/or outer factors, being the cause-and-effect relation, results in accurate or

inaccurate perceptions of reality.




- Apostolović-Milojević, Biljana, Psychology, 2nd grade, 2013.

- Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia – Perception



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