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Office of the Chief of Naval Operations OP-114Washington, DC


From: Chief of Naval OperationsTo:




All Ships and Stations (less MarineCorps field addressees not having Navypersonnel attached)










DOD Directive 1322,10 of31 Aug 1990 (NOTAL)OPNAVINST 545O.21OB (NOTAL)OPNAVINST 1000. 16GNAVPERS 15839G (NOTAL)

Naval Postgraduate School Catalog



Guidelines for Doctoral StudyStandard Procedures forAdministering the Graduate

Education ProgramCriteria for Selecting CivilianInstitutionsNavy Fully-Funded Graduate

20350-2000 1October 1991

capacity for growth; and (c) recognizing educa-tional aspirations of individuals. Officer person-nel who attend graduate school full time underany partially or fully funded program of 26weeks or more are considered funded. Fundedgraduate programs are limited to providingsufficient officers with subspecialties to fillvalidated billet requirements. All navalpersonnel, however, are encouraged to pursueeducational development through voluntaryeducation programs or the Navy Campus usingTuition Assistance (TA) or federal educationalbenefit programs like the Montgomery GI Bill.Under the fully-funded program, officers attendschool full-time, receive all pay and benefits,with tuition paid by the Navy, Officers maypursue fully-funded graduate education at theNaval Postgraduate School (NAVPGSCOL),Monterey, CA and selected Department ofDefense (DOD) and civilian institutions(CIVINS). Officers enrolled in full-time,non-funded programs attend school full-timeand receive full pay and benefits; tuition,however, is paid by the individual orby a non-Navy funded scholarship.

4. Policy

Education at Civilian Institutionsa. The Navy’s graduate education program

1. Purpose. To provide information, policyand procedural guidance for the Navy’s graduateeducation program.

2. Cancellation. OPNAVINST 1520.23A.

3. Background. References (a) and (b)outline the Navy’s need for officers educatedbeyond the baccalaureate level and provideguidance on their effective utilization. Whilethis education mainly supports requirements forofficers with specific subspecialty skills, it alsobenefits both the Navy and the individual by:(a) encouraging higher levels of professionalknowledge and technical competence; (b)providing incentives for recruitment and reten-tion of personnel with ability, dedication, and

supports fleet and shore establishmentrequirements for specialized education beyondthe baccalaureate level. This education isdirected toward filling current and future Navyneeds in operational, technical and managerialareas in concert with the Officer SubspecialtySystem outlined in reference (c), Chapters 4 and6, and Volume I, Part B, of reference (d).

b. Officers are educated to the graduatelevel specified by sponsors for optimum perform-ance of duty in the particular subspecialty area.The subspecialty codes associated with distinctfields, the concept of subspecialization, and thecriteria for identifying subspecialty officers andbillets are delineated in reference (c) andVolume I, Part B of reference (d).

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c. The Graduate Education Review Group(GERG) will provide annual review of graduateeducation issues. A Graduate Education Review

R) Board (GERB), acting as the Board of Trusteesfor the Naval Postgraduate School, will providepolicy guidance and direction, long range goalsand objectives, and resource oversight for thefully-funded graduate education program. TheGERG and GERB will meet amually in the falltimeframe. The composition of both groupsfollows reference (c).

(1) Chief of Naval Personnel will

convene annual Graduate Education SelectionBoards. Selection for Navy funded graduateeducation will be based on academiccapability,outstanding professional performance, promotionpotential and a strong educational background.

(2) The Graduate Education SelectionBoard is held concurrently with Lieutenant (LT)and Lieutenant Commander (LCDR) selectionboards each year.

(3) Officers not selected by GraduateEducation Selection Boards may be adminis-tratively nominated by their respective assignmentofficers.

(4) Documented academic performancein voluntary education programs offered byCIVINS W enhance officers’ opportunity forselection,

(S) Participation in this program islimited to one graduate curriculum. Officers whohave earned a master’s degree on their own,which does not lead to a Navy subspeciak y code,will be considered automatically by GraduateEducation Selection Boards with their yeargroups. If selected, they will be eligible forassignment to funded graduate education basedon actual billet requirements. Officers who haveearned a master’s degree on their own which

does lead to a Navy subspecialty may requestconsideration to pursue another subspecialtyunder the funded program. If selected, they willbe eligible for assignment to funded graduateeducation based on actual billet requirements,

e. _ed Sew . Officers attending agraduate education program while on active dutywill agree that, upon completion or terminationof the education program, they will obligatethemselves to serve on active duty:

(1) A period three times the length ofeducation through the first year.

(2) 1 month for each month thereafter.

(3) This obligation to be servedconsecutively with other obligated serviceincurred before entering the graduate program(except for officers in receipt of either ascholarship, grant or fellowship in which case theobligated service incurred before entering thegraduate program can be served concurrently),

(1) Officers who have received Navyfunded graduate education will serve one tour ina validated subspecialty position as soon as possi-ble but not later than the second tout followinggraduation, Exceptions must be approved byChief of Naval Personnel (CHNAVPERS),(Pers-4), This policy will not be waived forpersonal preference.

(2) These officers will serve in as manypositions in related subspecialty billets as Navyrequirements and career development permit.

(3) Officers receiving graduate degreesand graduate level subspecialty codes throughother-than-funded programs will be utilizedwhenever possible to fill validated requirements.Assignment is based on the same criteria used

“for officers completing funded education,

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5. Scope of Graduate Education Program—

a. Master’s Level Program. The curriculalisted in reference (e) and the annual OPNAVNotice 1520, Subj: Fully Funded GraduateEducation Programs (FY-92) are designed tomeet the Navy’s requirements for master’s levelsubspecialists. Curricula are offered by theNAVPGSCOL, Air Force Institute of Technology(AFIT), Defense Intelligence College (DIC) andvarious CIVINS. Reference (e) provides detailedinformation on graduate curricula at NAVPG-SCOL and general information on curricularprograms at various CIVINS. Copies are distrib-uted to all ships and stations. Additional copiesshould be requested from Director of Admissions(Code 62), Naval Postgraduate School, Mon-terey, CA 93943-5000. A limited number ofofficers may also pursue master’s level degreesthrough the Scholarship Program or AdvancedEducation Program.

b. Doctoral Study Program. A fewexceptionally competent officers may be selectedfor doctoral level education in support of thelimited number of billets required by the Navy.This program is described in enclosure (1).

c. Off-duty Voluntary Education. Officerswishing to pursue graduate education on a vol–untary basis have several options. They mayapply for TA under the Navy Campus or useany educational benefit program for which theyqualify (i.e., Veterans Educational AssistanceProgram (VEAP) or the Montgomery GI Bill).References (f), (g) and (h) apply,

6. Assignment. Assignment to graduateeducation duty-under-instruction (DUINS) iscontingent on an officer’s continued superiorperformance, availability for assignment,individual career development considerations,academic profile code, and the needs of theNavy. An officer is assigned to a specificcurriculum based upon individual desires andthe Navy’s educational requirements in varioussubspeciaky fields. Although every effort ismade to assign selectees to graduate educationduring the fiscal year for which they have beenselected, individual assignments remain subject to

the availability of qualified reliefs and the overallrequirements for experienced officers in opera-tional billets. Study lengths may be shortenedsignificantly for officers capable of validatingfundamental course work. All officers orderedinto a graduate education program will carry afull academic load on a year-round basis.

7. Action

a. Deputy Chief of Naval Operations(Manpower, Personnel and Training)(OP-01). Has overall responsibility for ensuringthe Navy’s requirements for graduate educationare met, including:

(1) Forms Navy policy on professionaldevelopment of officers, including both graduateeducation and professional military education.

(2) Establishes and maintains proceduresand actions to identify, validate and allocate theNavy’s officer subspecialty billets requiringgraduate education. Reviews billets biennially.

(3) Establishes and maintains graduateeducation curricula, including course content andlength, in support of validated requirements.

(4) Maintains statistical techniques andprocedures for forecasting graduate educationrequirements.

(5) Establishes annual quota plans forgraduate education. Annual officer quotas foreach graduate curriculum will be based onvalidated subspecialty billets requiring graduateeducation, inventory, continuation rates,utilization windows and a weight allocationmatrix.

(6) Issues required notices and instruc-tions to implement the graduate education pro-gram.

(7) Conducts program administration andassociated required reports for the AdvancedEducation, Scholarship, and Law Educationprograms.

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(8) Per reference (a), maintains a list ofvalidated billets requiring graduate education,

R) This list will include the following information:

(a) Position title.

(b) Unit symbol and organizationincluding unit identification code.

(c) Rank or grade required ofincumbent.

(d) Required graduate discipline anddegree level.

(e) Incumbent information includingname, Service number, rank, degree level, anddegree discipline.

b. Assistant Vice Chief of NavalOperations (OP-09B). Provides resourcesrequired to support graduate education, developsbudgetary requirements to provide theseresources and serves as claimant for student andstaff billets.

R) c. Chief of Naval Personnel

(1) Convenes and conducts GraduateEducation Selection Boards annually to selectofficers for graduate education as needed tosupport the Officer Subspecialty System.

(2) Assigns selected officers to approvedgraduate curricula as directed by the annualOfficer Graduate and Undergraduate EducationPlan$

(3) Establishes and directs officerassignment practices to achieve utilization ofgraduate educated officers required by higherauthority.

(4) Continually evaluates the success ofmanagement and utilization of graduate educatedofficers.

(5) Plans the annual distribution tocurricula taught at civilian institutions to remainwithin fiscal limits established by the Manager,Civilian Institution Programs, (Code 031),NAVPGSCOL,

(6) Under reference (a), maintain a listof all officers who hold or are pursuing agraduate degree, as the result of a partially orfully funded program. This list will include thefollowing information:

(a) Name.

(b) Rank.

(c) Service number.


(d) Graduate degree level anddiscipline,

(e) Date degree was awarded.

(f) Whether degree was fully or (Rpartially funded.

(g) Number of months the officerhas served in a validated position.

(h)Validated position title in whichserved and/or serving, its required graduatedegree level and discipline, unit identificationcode and symbol, and organizational name.

This list shall be evaluated biennially with OP- 11and the information be made available for theAssistant Secretary of Defense (Force Manage-ment and Personnel) (ASD(FM&P)) biennialservice-wide review.

d. Superintendent, Naval PostgraduateSchool

(1) Implements the Navy’s graduatelevel education programs, acts as academiccoordinator for all h’avy graduate educationprograms, and maintains approved curricula.

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—(2) Recommends to Chief of Naval

Operations curricula content and educationalinstitutions required to meet the educational skillrequirements (ESR) of the primary subspecialtyconsultants.

(3) Develops approved curricula andconducts courses of instruction at the NAVPG-SCOL tomeetsubspecialtyrequirements.Coor-dinatesandconductscurriculumreviewsatleastbienniallytoensureneedsofsponsorsarebeingmet.

(4) Prepares the agenda and presentation

for the annual GERB and GERG in conjunctionwith OP-O 1.

(5) Prepares and submits a report on thestatus of the NAVPGSCOL to the GERB in thespring timeframe, approximately 6 months beforethe annual meeting of the GERB, to coincidewith the Secretary of the Navy SECNAV spon-sored Board of Advisors to the Superintendent’sannual meeting.

(6) Maintains student and academicrecords on all students pursuing graduateeducation at NAVPGSCOL and CIVINS.Maintains academic records of all naval officers.Maintains academic records of all active duty

R) naval officers for a period of two years aftercommissioning, or until such time as the officerhas received a subspecialty P-code.

(7) Using criteria of enclosure (3),recommends to the CNO selected CIVINS formeeting graduate education requirements.

(8) Negotiates with participating CIVINS,as necessary, on matters relating to admissionand enrollment of officer studentsandcontractsfor tuition and related fees. The appropriatecommanding officer, Naval Reserve OfficersTraining Corps (NROTC) unit, or the SeniorNavy Representative (SNR) is kept informed ofsuch negotiations.

(9) Supervises all officers enrolled infully-funded graduate education at CIVINS and

OPNAVINST1520.23B1 October 1991

DOD institutions through the designated reportingand administrative senior officers. This includesmonitoring academic performance, individualeducation plan approval, major field of studychanges, and student load projections. Publishesappropriate directives to these supervisory officersto ensure efficient military supervision andadministrative support of these students.

(10) Coordinates with subspecialtyprimary consultants on matters relating to fieldtrips or experience tours, curricula development,and graduate thesis topics. As requested, theSuperintendent will assist subspecialty primaryconsultants with this process for CIVINSprograms.

(11) Conducts resource management forthe Law Education Program.

(12) Administers the Junior Line OfficerAdvanced Educational Program (BURKE) underreference (i).

e. Commanding Officers. As a portion ofoverall professional military development, advisejunior officers regarding the value of graduateeducation to the naval officer and encouragethem to pursue graduate studies.

f. Individual Officers. All officers whodesire funded graduate education should:

(1) Consult the annual OPNAVNOTE1520, Subj: Fully Funded Graduate EducationPrograms (FY-92) for the latest information onNavy Graduate Education.

(2) Ensure the latest Officer Preferenceand Personal Information Card (NAVPERS1301/1 (Rev 10-83)) is submitted underreference (j) and accurately reflects graduatepreferences.

(3) Send copies of academic transcriptsfor coursework completed after commissioning toSUPT, NAVPGSCOL (Code 62) for use inupdating academic records maintained atNAVPGSCOL.

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(4) Officers who do not have anoteworthy undergraduate record or who lastattended a formal college at least five years agoshould take courses through Navy Campus or

R) Defense Activity for Non-Traditional EducationSupport (DANTES) listed college level self-studycourses to strengthen their academic backgroundand prove their capability to pursue graduatestudy successfully. Officers should contact theDirector of Admissions (Code 62) at NAVPG-SCOL for assistance and guidance or consulttheir local Navy campus education specialist.

8. Standard Procedures. Standard proceduresfor administering the Navy’s graduate educationprogram are outlined in enclosure (2). Enclo-sures (3) and (4) contain information on Navyfunded graduate education at CIVINS.

9. Form

a. NAVPERS 1301/1 (Rev. 10-83),R) Officer Performance and Personal Information

Card, S/N O106-LF-O13-O 108 is availablethrough normal Navy supply channels perNAVSUP P-2002.

b. SF 1164 (1 1-77) Claim forA) Reimbursement for Expenditures on Official

Business, NSN 7540-00-634-4356, is availablefrom General Services Administration.

J. M. BOORDADeputy Chief of Naval Operations

(Manpower, Personnel and Training)


SNDL Parts 1 and 2

SECNAV/OPNAV Directives Control OfficeWashington Navy Yard, Building 200

Washington, DC 20374-5074 (60 copies)

Stocked:Navy Aviation Supply OfficePhysical Distribution Division Code 1035801 Tabor AvenuePhiladelphia, PA 19120-5099 (500 copies)

Chief of Naval Operations(Code OP-09B34)

R) Navy DepartmentWashington, DC 20350-2000 (220 copies)


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1. To be considered for assignment to the Doctoral StudyProgram, officers must possess a master’s degree or be scheduledto complete requirements for a master’s degree in time to fill anavailable quota. The master’s degree must be in the same orclosely allied field in which further education is desired. Anoutstanding academic record is mandatory. It is emphasized thatthis is a small program in support of a very limited number ofvalidated billets.

2. CNO (OP-11) will publish an annual quota plan for bothmaster’s and doctoral level education programs each June for thefollowing fiscal year. To ensure timely processing, applicationsfor doctoral programs must be received by SUPT, NAVPGSCOL (Code031) by 30 December. Selectees will be notified by theirdetailers late the following March and must begin study by 30September of the fiscal year to which the quota applies. Astudent must attend NAVPGSCOL if a doctoral program is availablethere for the applicable subspecialty. Study for subspecialtiesnot available at the doctoral level at NAVPGSCOL will be providedby approved civilian institutions. A list of such institutionswill be included in the annual OPNAVNOTE 1520 on GraduateEducation. .

3. Officers planning to attend a civilian institution shouldapply for admismion to ●everal civilian institutions on theapproved list. If possible, one of thes~ should be aninstitution in which ‘tinmtatetftuition fees can be obtained.Reimburmexnentfor up to three application feem and transcriptsmay be obtained by submitting 8tandard Form 1164 (Claim forReimbursement for Expendituroa on Offiaial Bumineaa) with reignedreceipts or aancoled checks to SUPT, NAVPGSCOL (Code 031) afteracceptance to the program~ Tha na~ea of inmtitutionm to which anofficer haa applied will be included in the letter of applicationfor the doctoral program. Applications must include:

a. Desired field of study. Where feasible and compatiblewith the individual’s prior academic background and designator,an alternate field of study also should be indicated.

b. Summary of prior academic achievements, supported bycopies of official transcripts or summaries of work completed.

c. Graduate Management Admissions Test (GMAT) or GraduateRecord Examination (GRE) test scores, as required by prospectiveinstitution.

Enclosure (1)

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d. A statement reflecting the individually current statusregarding admission on own initiative to a civilian university asa doctoral degree candidate or presently being enrolled indoctoral studies with the number of hours of advanced course workcompleted.

e. Recommendation from curriculum department head orappropriate faculty member at institution from which master’sdegree was earned or currently is being earned.

4. In selecting candidates for the Doctoral Study Program, thefollowing factors will be considered in order listed:

Number of validated C/D-coded billets versus inventoryfor ;&lated subspecialties.

b. Past professional performance.

c. Demonstrated academic capability.

d. Availability for a DUINS assignment, or extended DUINSperiod, as appropriate.

5. SUPT, NAVPGSCOL (Code 031) will select schools to beattended. Officers will be ordered to DUINS for 2 years fromdate of enrollment. Letters requesting extension of scheduledcompletion date must be received by the Manager, CivilianInstitution Programs, NAVPGSCOL (Code 031) 9 months prior to theoriginal projected rotation date (PRD). A maximum of 3 yearswill be allowed for completion.

6. Once selected, officers will submit Educational Plans onNAVPGSCOL Worksheets available from NAVPGSCOL (Code 031) viaNAVPGSCOL (Code 031) to the appropriate subspecialty sponsor.Officers will work with the sponsor to devise viable educationalplans.


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a. The SUPT, NAVPGSCOL will examine each curriculum at leastbiennially in coordination with responsible subspecialty primaryconsultants and advise CNO (OP-11) of the results of the reviews.Curricula at CIVINS will be reviewed at the NAVPGSCOL at the sametime as reviews of resident programs where a common subspecialtyconsultant exists. Major changes such as increased curriculumlength or adjusted APC must be addressed through this process.

b. Comparison of the curriculum to the Educational/SkillRequirements (ESR) developed by the subspecialty primaryconsultant is essential. Strict adherence to the policiespromulgated in reference (c) will be emphasized during eachcurriculum review.

c. Curriculum review reports will be forwarded by the SUPT,NAVPGSCOL via cognizant subspecialty primary consultants to CNO(OP-11) for approval.

2. ParticiBati on by Civilians Civilian employees of theFederal Government may apply t; the SUPT, NAVPGSCOL for admissionthrough their agencyts education and training office. The appli-cants academic background will be evaluated by the SUPT,NAVPGSCOL, and the applicant will be notified of acceptability.Tuition and salary will be paid by the employee’s agency.

3. Research. The NAVPGSCOL research program adds professionalcompetence in a technical or managerial area. As part of thisprogram, a research thesis normally is required of each graduat-ing student. The thesis will apply the theories, principles andtechniques acquired in the resident curriculum including theofficer’s fleet experience.

a. The SUPT, NAVPGSCOL will solicit from the subspecialtyprimary consultants current problems suitable for thesis topics.As provided during scheduled curriculum reviews, these lists ofselected topics will be made available to the students in theNAVPGSCOL and CIVINS education programs.

b. Students may select thesis topics from the consultant’slists or choose other appropriate topics which are of interest tothem. Each NAVPGSCOL student’s research will be coordinated andapproved by the SUPT, NAVPGSCOL, as required by reference (g).

Enclosure (2)

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4. Projected Rotation Date (PRD) and Curriculum Chancres

a. Except as noted in paragraph 4b, requests for PRD exten-sion, curriculum changes, and Engineer’s Program will beoriginated by the student and forwarded to CHNAVPERS (Pers-440C)via: (1) command to which attached or curriculum departmenthead; (2) SUPT, NAVPGSCOL; and (3) respective assignment officer.

b. A studentts transfer from the Engineering Sciencecurriculum to graduate curricula, as specified in the student’sorders, will be made by the SUPT, NAVPGSCOL without furtherapproval.

co All naval officer students normally will be detachedofficially from DUINS on or before the third working dayfollowing completion of instruction or the third working dayafter graduation exercises, whichever is later. This pOliCy willbe applied uniformly to reduce the supernumerary time associatedwith education programs.

5. uation St- The continuation status for allofficers enrolled in fu;ded graduate education, who failacademically or fail selection for promotion, will be made byCHNAVPERS through standing board action based on therecommendation of the SUPT, NAVPGSCOL. Officers who cannotcomplete their degree requirements for other reasons (e.g.,illness) will submit an official request for an extension of PRDto CHNAVPERS via SUPT, NAVPGSCOL. Approval of this request willbe dependent upon the officerhs academic and professionalperformance.

60 v- The SUPT, NAVPGSCOL will●nsure that ●durational achievenentm &e reported to CHNAVPERSfor all officers who ●arn graduate degreem. Reports will besubmitted under Part L of reference (d).

7. ●r Aa~ Pr~m @pCl co~ The SUPT, NAVPGSCOLwill receive transcripts of newly commi~sioned officers from theNaval Academy, Naval Reserve Officers Training Corps (NROTC)units, Officer Candidate School, and the Naval Aviation SchoolsCommand. Each officer~s transcript will be evaluated and an APCwill be assigned. The APC will be provided to the officerconcerned and to CHNAVPERS as required for the Graduate EducationSelection Board.


Enclosure (2)

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01 OCrMl

8. ContinuincrEducation. The SUPT, NAVPGSCOL maintains acontinuing education program to provide extended educationalservices. These extended services include:

a. An offering of professionally relevant short courses,both on and off-campus, to military and federal civilianpersonnel. These courses are designed to enhance professionalproficiency, prevent obsolescence and prepare individuals for newareas of professional responsibility.

b. General graduate education counseling for all navalofficers to assist them in planning education consistent withNavy requirements and career fields.

Enclosure (2)

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1. Current guidance from Congress and the DOD mandates the fullutilization of DOD sponsored schools (NAVPGSCOL, DefenseIntelligence College, and the Air Force Institute of Technology).In some instances where an appropriate curriculum is notavailable to meet a valid subspecialty requirement, the use of acivilian university is necessary. The principal criteria forselecting these universities are the quality of academic programsoffered, ability of the programs to teach Education/SkillRequirements (E/SR) and the cost. Although cost will alwayscarry weight in selecting specific university programs, academicquality and sponsor requirements are fundamental considerationsand may predominate to meet Navy needs.

2. Factors to be considered in selecting a school include theability to provide full-time, year-round academic programs forcurricula listed; supervision and administrative supportavailable for military students; provision of resident status forNavy students for tuition purposes; and proximity to current dutystation and availability of a curriculum that will satisfy ESR atminimum costs in the least time. These factors should beconsidered jointly; however, failure to meet all of them will notautomatically disqualify a school from consideration.

3. Changes to approved CIVINS will be published each spring i.nthe annual OPNAVNOTE 1520, Subj: Fully Funded Graduate Education(FY-92). Subspeci.alty primary consultants will review approvedCIVINS at biennial curriculum reviews and recommend additions ordeletions with justification. Between curriculum reviews, theymay submit letter requests for justified changes to CNO (OP-11)via SUPT, NAVPGSCOL (Code 031).

—Enclosure (3)

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1. Administrative and SuBOrviSOrV ROSDOnSibilitY. The super-vision, administration, control, and monitoring of all officersenrolled in full-time, fully-funded master’s, or doctoral leveleducation at CIVINS and DoD institutions is the responsibility ofSUPT, NAVPGSCOL. These functions will be maintained through thefollowing reporting and administrative senior officers:

a. Commanding officers of NROTC Units are directed to reportto the SUPT, NAVPGSCOL for additional duty as the Superinten-dents representative in matters related to CIVINS.

b. Where no NROTC Unit is established, the senior Navyofficer student on campus normally will be assigned duty as theNavy SNR by the SUPT, NAVPGSCOL.

In certain instances, officer students reporting toscho~is without NROTC Units will be ~rected

*n their orders to

~eDort bv letter to nearbv NROTC Uni@s or other cows , ox@ *admlnl$trati ve mumoses An SNR will be designated at thoseschools by the Superint&dent. The Commanding officer (CO) orOfficer in charge (OIC) of such a command will be informed ofsuch designation.

2. Governinu Directives. SUPT, NAVPGSCOL will publish governingdirectives in the 1520 series to include the following:

a. Administrative and supervisory duties to be performed bythe officers indicated above.

b. Appropriate policies on educational programs; textbookreimbursement; student conduct, attire and leave; minimum courseloads; thesis requirements; and Temporary Additional Duty (TAD)orders.

c. Procurement and accountability procedures relating tocontract, payments and financial reporting; thesis costs(including materials and services); reimbursement for applicationand transcript fees: procurement of other supplies; and equipmentinventory and disposition.

d. Fitness reports.

Enclosure (4)

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