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IFAD- ICARDA Strategic Partnerships: Achievements and Impact

K. Shideed

NEN-IFAD & ICARDA Annual Consultation Meeting

Amman- Jordan, 21-22 October 2014

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The IFAD-ICARDA Strategic Partnership

Total funding since 1977 is: USAD 38.4 M

36 years of research & development for smallholder farmers in dry areas

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IFAD-funded Ongoing Projects Managed by ICARDA, October 2014

Budget Code Project Title Total Budget

USD Project Manager Starting Date Completion Date CRP Mapping

1184Cross-cutting M&E Functions and Knowledge Management for INRM within the MENARID Programme Framework

667,000 Aw-Hassan, Aden 18-May-10 30-Jun-14 CRP 1.1 (50%) -

CRP 3.5 (50%)

1218Programme for Improved Water Management for Sustainable Mountain Agriculture: Jordan, Lebanon and Morocco

1,000,000 Karrou, Mohammed 16-Dec-10 31-Dec-14 CRP 1.1 (70%) -

CRP 5 (30%)

1235Improving the Food Security and Climate Change Adaptability of Livestock Producers using the Rainfed Barley-based System in Iraq and Jordan

1,500,000 Haddad, Nasri 7-Mar-11 31-Dec-14 CRP 1.1 (50%) - CRP 3.6 (50%)

1141Dairy Goat Component of the Rural Microfinance and Livestock Support Programme

2,767,819 Saharawat, Yashpal 1-Jan-10 31-Mar-15 Non CRP (100%)

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IFAD-funded Ongoing Projects Managed by ICARDA, October 2014- Cont.

Budget Code Project Title Total Budget USD

Project Manager Starting Date Completion

Date CRP Mapping

1276/1312Enhanced small-holder wheat-legume cropping systems to improve food security under changing climate in the drylands of West Asia and North Africa (WANA)

5,400,000 Kharrat, Mohamed 1-Jan-11 31-Oct-15 CRP 3.1 (60%) -

CRP 3.5 (40%)


Integrated Crop-Livestock Conservation Agriculture for Sustainable Intensification of Cereal-based Systems in North Africa and Central Asia Programme (CLCA)

1,500,000 Ben Salem, Hichem 23-Jan-13 22-Jan-16 CRP 1.1 (100%)

1324/1325/1326 Knowledge Management in CACILM II 1,400,000 Ziadat, Feras 1-Feb-13 31-Jan-16 CRP 1.1 (100%)

1395Integrated Agricultural Production Systems for the Poor and Vulnerable in Dry Land Areas: Nile Valley and Sub-Saharan Africa Region

1,500,000 Owaygen, Marwan 13-Mar-14 12-Mar-16 CRP 1.1 (100%)

1365 Community Livestock and Agriculture Project (CLAP) 6,825,000 Saharawat,

Yashpal 9-Feb-14 8-Feb-20 CRP 1.1 (100%)

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IFAD-funded Ongoing Projects Managed by ICARDA, October 2014

• Total of 9 projects:– 1 ended earlier this year– 2 ending by end of 2014– 2 ending in 2015 (one with Asia & Pacific Division)– 3 ending in 2016– 1 ending in 2020 (with Asia & Pacific Division)

• Thematic focus– Water (1)– Integrated Crop-livestock/CC/CA (5)– Cropping systems (1)– KM (2)

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Other Ongoing Projects Implemented by ICARDA in NENA Region – Regional Projects

Budget code Project Title Donor Project Manager Starting


DateTotal Budget

USD Implemented In

1287Support to Agricultural Research for Development of Strategic Crops in Africa (SARD-SC)

African Development Bank (AfDB) through the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA)

Dr. Mohammed El-Mourid 27-May-12 30-Nov-16 15,500,000

Eritrea, Ethiopia, Kenya, Lesotho, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Nigeria, Tanzania, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Sudan


AFESD Support for the Implementation of ICARDA Decentralization Strategy and Investment Plan in Egypt, Lebanon, Jordan, Morocco, and Sudan

Arab Fund for Economic and Social Development (AFESD)

Mr. Koen Geerts 16-Jul-14 31-Dec-17 3,479,749Egypt, Lebanon, Jordan, Morocco, and Sudan

1290, 1292, 1293, 1295, 1296

Adapting Conservation Agriculture for Rapid Adoption by Smallholder Farmers in Northern Africa

Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR)

Dr. Mohammed El-Mourid 22-Jun-12 21-Jun-16 3,156,680 Tunisia, Algeria,


1134, 1308

Water and Livelihoods Initiative (WLI) Regional Implementation Funds

United States Agency for International Development (USAID)

Dr. Kristofer Francis Dodge 1-Oct-09 30-Sep-14 3,416,718

Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Palestine, Syria, Yemen, Tunisia


Enhancement of Food Security in the Arab Region, AFESD, Kuwait Fund Support

AFESD, Kuwait Fund, OFID Dr. Habib Halila 1-Sep-10 31-Dec-14 4,436,479Egypt, Morocco, Sudan, Syria, Tunisia, Algeria, Iraq,

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Other Ongoing Projects Implemented by ICARDA in NENA Region – Regional Projects- Cont.

Budget code Project Title Donor Project Manager Starting


DateTotal Budget

USD Implemented In


Application of Focused Identification of Germplasm Strategy (FIGS) in Australian Environment/FIGS – GIS/Frost Activities

Grains Research & Development Corporation (GRDC)

Dr. Abdallah Bari 1-Jan-14 31-Dec-18 939,848 Morocco, Tunisis

1389Pre-emptive chickpea pre-breeding for biotic stresses and germplasm enhancement for abiotic stresses

Grain Research and Development Corporation (GRDC)

Dr. Aladdin Hamwieh 1-Jan-14 31-Dec-18 930,892 Egypt, Lebanon

1388 Improving Heat Tolerance of Wheat

Grain Research and Development Corporation (GRDC)

Dr. Wuletaw Tadesse 1-Jan-14 31-Dec-18 839,939 Ethiopia, Lebanon,

Sudan, Morocco


Increasing food legumes production by small farmers to strengthen food and nutrition security through adoption of improved technologies and governance within south-south cooperation

OCP Foundation Dr. Ashutosh Sarker 8-Feb-13 31-Dec-17 810,000 India, Morocco

1387Focused Improvement of ICARDA/Australian Durum Germplasm for Abiotic Tolerance

Grain Research and Development Corporation (GRDC)

Dr. Miloudi Nachit 1-Jan-14 31-Dec-18 691,606 Egypt, Lebanon,


1017Providing long-term funding for ex situ collections of germplasm held by ICARDA

The Global Crop Diversity Trust (GCDT) Dr. Ahmed Amri 1-Jan-08 31-Dec-14 1,890,590

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Other Ongoing Projects Implemented by ICARDA in NENA Region – Regional Projects- Cont.

Budget code Project Title Donor Project Manager Starting


DateTotal Budget

USD Implemented In

1386Mining the ICARDA Barley Germplasm Collection for Biotic and Abiotic Priority Traits

Grain Research and Development Corporation (GRDC)

Dr. Ahmed Amri 1-Jan-14 31-Dec-18 628,490 Morocco, Lebanon


Administration of Funds within the Project "Saving Freshwater Resources with Salt-Tolerant Forage Production in Marginal Areas of WANA"

Institut National des Recherches en Genie Rural, Eaux et Forets (INRGREF)

Dr. Mohammed El-Mourid 8-Mar-05 30-Jun-14 399,275


2014 Attributed Funding – Supporting conservation of genetic resources through the rehabilitation of storage facilities and laboratories at ICARDA relocation sites in Lebanon and Morocco

Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ)

Dr. Ahmed Amri 1-Jan-14 31-Dec-14 386,201 Lebanon, Morocco

1393Development of Lentil Cultivar with High Concentration of Iron and Zinc

HarvestPlus Challenge Program through CIAT/IFPRI

Dr. Ashutosh Sarker 1-Jan-14 31-Dec-14 250,000

Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Morocco, Lebanon

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Other Ongoing Projects Implemented by ICARDA in NENA Region – Regional Projects- Cont.

Budget code Project Title Donor Project Manager Starting


DateTotal Budget

USD Implemented In


Enhancing Sustainability and Fodder Production of Lowland Pastures through Integrated Alley Cropping & Conservation Agriculture in Arid Agro-pastoral Ecosystems In Jordan, Yemen And Tunisia

The OPEC Fund for International Development (OFID)

Dr. Mounir Louhaichi 1-Sep-14 31-Aug-16 150,000 Jordan, Yemen &


1407 FIGS – GIS/Frost ActivitiesGrain Research and Development Corporation (GRDC)

Dr. Chandrashekhar Biradar/Dr. Abdallah Bari

1-Jan-14 31-Dec-18 140,345 Morocco, Tunisis

1385Supporting coordination and cooperation in water management in the Euphrates and Tigris region

Stockholm International Water Institute (SIWI)/the International Center for Biosaline Agriculture (ICBA)

Dr. Theib Oweis 17-Apr-14 30-Sep-14 110,081 Iran, Iraq, Syria & Turkey

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Other Ongoing Projects Implemented by ICARDA in NENA Region – Regional Projects

• 19 regional projects– 3 food security (wheat-based system) – 2 CA– 3 Water– 8 Genetic resources/crops breeding – 2 Legumes– 1 forage production

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Other Ongoing Projects Implemented by ICARDA in NENA Region – Country Projects

Budget code Project Title Donor Project Manager Starting


DateTotal Budget




Libya Collaborative Program (Coordination and Training)

Libya - Agricultural Research Center

Dr. Mohammed El-Mourid 1-Jan-14 31-Dec-14 18,357,691 Libya

1300Harmonized Support for Agriculture Development (HSAD)

United States Agency for International Development (USAID)

Dr. Kamel Shideed 30-Sep-12 22-Jun-14 10,000,000 Iraq

1299Development of Conservation Cropping Systems in the Drylands of northern Iraq Phase III

Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR)

Dr. Stephan Peter Loss 1-Jul-12 30-Sep-14 5,478,741 Iraq

1313Project for Wheat Productivity Improvement towards Food Self-sufficiency, Year 2 Activities

Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)

Mr. Charles Kleinermann 24-Dec-12 31-Jul-14 634,160 Iraq

1415Capacity Development for Agriculture and Water Management for Iraq and Regional Countries

The Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)

Mr. Charles Kleinermann 14-Sep-14 31-Dec-14 139,848 Iraq

1353 Irrigation Sector Training for Yen Loan Project in Iraq

The Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)

Mr. Charles Kleinermann 9-Oct-13 31-Mar-14 103,120 Iraq

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Other Ongoing Projects Implemented by ICARDA in NENA Region – Country Projects- Cont.

Budget code Project Title Donor Project Manager Starting


DateTotal Budget



1301, 1328, 1329, 1330

Management of Water and Salinity in the Nile Delta: A Cross-scale Integrated Analysis of Efficiency and Equity Issues -ICARDA, IWMI, ARC & NWRC Component

Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR)

Dr. Biju George 1-Sep-12 31-Aug-16 2,542,031 Egypt

370Optimizing On-farm Water and Land Productivity in Irrigated Agriculture in Egypt

Agricultural Research Center (ARC) - Egypt Dr. Atef Swelam 1-Sep-07 31-Dec-14 489,444 Egypt


Genetic Biodiversity of Indigenous Small Ruminants Genetic Resources Tolerant to Abiotic Stress in Hot and Dry Areas

Agricultural Research Center (ARC) - Egypt

Dr. Barbara Rischkowsky 1-Sep-07 31-Dec-14 312,938 Egypt

366Heat Tolerance in Bread Wheat for Southern Egypt for Adaptation to Climate Change

Agricultural Research Center (ARC) - Egypt

Dr. Wuletaw Tadesse Degu 1-Sep-07 31-Dec-14 165,894 Egypt

364Integrated Management of Orobanche and Foliar Diseases of Faba Bean in North Egypt

Agricultural Research Center (ARC)- Egypt

Dr. Marwan Owaygen 1-Sep-07 31-Dec-14 115,646 Egypt

1408 Position of CIRAD Researcher with ICARDA’s Cairo Office

Centre de Coopération Internationale en Recherche Agronomique pour le Développement (CIRAD)

Dr. Marwan Owaygen 1-Sep-14 31-Aug-15 25,888 Egypt

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Other Ongoing Projects Implemented by ICARDA in NENA Region – Country Projects- Cont.

Budget code Project Title Donor Project Manager Starting


DateTotal Budget



1341, 1342

India-Morocco Food Legumes Initiative – Morocco Component OCP & INRA Contribution

OCP Foundation (OCP)/National Institute for Agronomical Research (INRA)

Dr. Mohammed El-Mourid

22-May-13 31-Aug-14 663,368 Morocco

709 Institutional backstopping Moroccan Collaborative Grants Program (MCGP)

Dr. Mohammed El-Mourid 20-Oct-04 31-Dec-14 374,354 Morocco

1283Optimising Subsidiary Crop Applications in Rotations (OSCAR)

European Commission (EC) Dr. Sripada M. Udupa 1-Apr-12 31-Mar-16 176,156 Morocco

1304On-farm Conservation and Mining of Local Faba Bean Landraces of Morocco for Biotic and Abiotic Stresses

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Dr. Sripada M. Udupa 2-Aug-12 31-Oct-14 118,000 Morocco

1351Development of phenotyping protocols for heat tolerance screening in lentil

United States Agency for International Development (USAID) through ICRISAT

Dr. Michel Edmond Ghanem

15-Jun-13 14-Jun-14 10,000 Morocco

1352Developing a simple model for lentil development, growth and yield

United States Agency for International Development (USAID) through ICRISAT

Dr. Michel Edmond Ghanem

15-Jun-13 14-Jun-14 9,650 Morocco

394Integrated Natural Resources Management in Rainfed Agricultural Systems in Morocco

Moroccan Collaborative Grants Program (MCGP)

Dr. Mohammed El-Mourid 1-Oct-07 19-Mar-17 313,990 Morocco

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Other Ongoing Projects Implemented by ICARDA in NENA Region – Country Projects- Cont.

Budget code Project Title Donor Project Manager Starting


DateTotal Budget



1322Adaptation to Climate Change of the Mediterranean Agricultural Systems- ACLIMAS

European Union (EU) through CIHEAM Dr. Theib Oweis 29-Dec-11 28-Dec-15 190,083 Algeria

1307Community-based interventions for Productive Use of Greywater at Home Farming in Jordan

United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)

Dr. Mohammad Boufaroua 1-Sep-12 31-Mar-14 75,000 Jordan


Development of Community-based Informal Seed Production Enterprises for Promoting the Conservation of Field Crop Landraces in Palestine

The Arab Fund for Economic and Social Development (AFESD)

Dr. Halim Ben Haj Salah 1-Jan-11 31-Dec-14 284,497 Palestine

1390 Strengthening Livestock Holders’ Livelihoods in Area C (Rawasi)

funded by the European Union and Austrian Development Agency through Cooperative for Assistance and Relief Everywhere, Inc. (CARE)

Dr. Halim Ben Haj Salah 11-Jan-13 31-Oct-15 187,546 Palestine

1199 Umbrella Hosted Researcher (IWMI)

International Water Management Institute (IWMI) Dr. Theib Oweis 1-Oct-10 30-Sep-14 86,962 Syria


On-farm Conservation and Mining of Local Durum Wheat and Barley Landraces of Tunisia for Biotic and Abiotic Stresses, Enhanced Food Security, and Adaptation to Climate Change

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Dr. Sripada M. Udupa 2-Aug-12 31-Oct-14 175,820 Tunisia

1172Genetic Differences, Conservation, and Utilization of Tunis Sheep in Tunisia and the United States

United States Department of Agriculture (USDA)

Dr. Mohammed El-Mourid 30-Sep-09 29-Sep-14 30,000 Tunisia

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Other Ongoing Projects Implemented by ICARDA in NENA Region – Country Projects

• 26 Country-specific (bilateral) projects:– 7 Morocco (including country funding): legumes, CA,

cropping systems and INRM– 6 Egypt (including country funding): water and salinity

mgt., livestock, crops (wheat, legumes, barely)– 5 Iraq: CA, crops/seeds, date palm, CD– 2 Palestine: seed systems, livestock – 2 Tunisia: durum wheat and sheep– 1 each of Algeria, Jordan, Libya, and Syria

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Other Ongoing Projects Implemented by ICARDA in APRP Region

Project BC Project Title Donor Project Leader Starting Date

Ending Date

Total Budget USD Implemented In

701 Date Palm Project Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC)

Dr. Mohammad Al-Abid 1-Jan-04 31-Dec-18 5,499,962 All GCC


1134Water and Livelihoods Initiative (WLI) Regional Implementation Funds

United States Agency for International Development (USAID)

Dr. Kristofer Francis Dodge 1-Oct-09 30-Sep-14 2,877,178

Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Palestine, Syria, Yemen

1369, 1370, 1371

Improving Food Security and Sustainable Natural Resources Management through Enhancing Integrated Agricultural Production Systems in the Arabian Peninsula (Fourth Phase)

Integrated Agricultural Production Systems APRP (AFESD)

Dr. Azaiez Belgacem 1-Jan-14 31-Dec-17 2,127,566

All GCC countries& Yemen


Enhancing Sustainability and Fodder Production of Lowland Pastures through Integrated Alley Cropping & Conservation Agriculture in Arid Agro-pastoral Ecosystems In Jordan, Yemen And Tunisia

The OPEC Fund for International Development (OFID)

Dr. Mounir Louhaichi 1-Sep-14 31-Aug-16 150,000

Jordan, Yemen & Tunisia

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Other Ongoing Projects Implemented by ICARDA in CAC Region

Project BC Project Title Donor Project Leader Starting

DateEnding Date

Total Budget USD

Implemented In

1344Russian Federation for the Implementation of the Research and Capacity Building Program

Eurasian Center for Food Security at Moscow State University (ECFS)- Russia

Dr. Jozef Turok 1-Jan-12 31-Dec-14 5,484,400 CAC


Utilization of wild relatives of wheat in developing salinity tolerant winter wheat with improved quality for Central Asia

Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH (GIZ)

Dr. Ayed Al Abdalla 1-Jan-10 31-Dec-14 1,608,000 CAC

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Other Ongoing Projects Implemented by ICARDA in CAC Region- Cont.

Project BC Project Title Donor Project Leader Starting

Date Ending Date Total Budget USD

Implemented In


Community action for reforestation of foothills as a sustainable approach of climate change adaptation and pre-condition for development of alternative livelihoods in Uzbekistan

Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH (GIZ)

Dr. Stefanie Christmann 1-Sep-12 28-Feb-14 131,465 Uzbekistan


Introduction of Farming with Alternative Pollinators (FAP) in Uzbekistan; a new ecosystem-based adaptation strategy

Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH (GIZ)

Dr. Stefanie Christmann 15-Mar-13 28-Feb-14 127,765 Uzbekistan


Sorghum and Pearl Millet for Crop Diversification Improved Crop-Livestock Productivity and Farmers Livelihood in Central Asia

The International Center for Biosaline Agriculture (ICBA)

Dr. Zakir Khalikulov 1-Jul-11 30-Jun-14 66,000

Central Asia, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan

1350The Economics of Land and Soil Degradation (ELD) - Research based support for development actions

University of Bonn - Center for Development Research (ZEF)

Dr. Aden Aw-Hassan 11-Oct-13 31-Dec-14 33,488 Uzbekistan

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Other Ongoing Projects Implemented by ICARDA in CAC Region

• 6 Projects– 3 Regional: Integrated systems; salinity-tolerant

wheat varieties; cropping/livestock systems

– 3 Country-specific- Uzbekistan: NRM & CC; Farming Systems; Economics of Land and Soil Degradation

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Outputs and Achievements of IFAD-Funded Grants

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Grants Management, Implementation and Governance

• Inception meeting with partners for work plan development and budget

• Annual Technical Coordination meetings• Annual Steering Committee meetings• Grants Management System• Projects Management and Implementation

Supervision• Progress and final reporting• Consultations with donors • Mid-term and/or final external reviews• External Auditing

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NEN/IFAD- ICARDA Partnership

What is Next?

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The NEN/IFAD-ICARDA Strategic Partnership

• Linking Research with Development Investment • Priority themes for the generation of improved technologies and practices

– Improving agricultural productivity and food security– Sustainable management of natural resources and climate change adaptation– Sustainable intensification and resilience of production systems; income diversification and

linking small farmers to markets– Cross cutting themes: rural poverty analysis for targeting pro-poor research and development

investments; gender mainstreaming and empowerment of women; capacity development

• Technical Backstopping to the development and implementation of investment programs and projects– Input into the development of IFAD country strategies: poverty mapping, strategic directions

and investment priorities– Input into the technical design of programs and projects: assessment of the NR base, selection

of technologies, production systems and cropping patterns, up/out scaling mechanisms, impact pathways,..

– Input into project design, supervision, mid-term and completion reviews, and impact assessment

– Capacity development – Knowledge Management

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Thematic Priority Areas for Discussion

• Based on previous consultations with NEN/IFAD and recommendations of Steering Committee meetings of Grants:– Yield Gap for sustainable productivity growth and food security ( )

– Sustainable intensification and resilience of production systems (within the framework of CRP DS action sites in Egypt, Jordan, Morocco, and Tunisia)- co-funding with CRP DS and FAO

– Water and Livelihoods (co-funding with USAID and in line with Water Scarcity Initiative of FAO for NENA)

– Date palm for improved rural livelihoods and diversified income (Algeria, Egypt, Iraq, Morocco, Palestine, Tunisia & AP- self funded)

– Integrated Highlands production systems for improved livelihoods and resilience (Algeria, Morocco, CAC- co-funding with Russia)

– Ex-post Impact Assessment to IFAD’s investment in ICARDA and beyond

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