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Ruth Patrick

Dr. Ruth Patrick was the recipient of the Icko Iben Award at the Awards Luncheon at the Twelfth Water Resources Conference in Chicago. The Iben Award honors one of the co-founders of the Association for outstanding contributions to interdisciplinary communication in water resources.

Dr. Patrick received her B.S. degree from Coker College, Hartsville, South Carolina, and her M.S. and P1i.D. degrees from the University of Virginia. She has been associated with the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia since 1939. In 1947 she established the Limnology Department there, and she served as its Chairman until 1973 and as its Curator from 1947 to the present.

Other professional activities have included leadership of an expedition to Peru and Brazil, participation in a limnological expedition to Mexico, serving as a delegate to the General Assembly of the International Union of Biological Sciences in Bergen, Norway, and serving as President of the Phycological Society of America and of the American Society of Naturalists. She has also served on numerous Federal advisory committees and councils.

Fourteen colleges and universities have awarded Dr. Patrick honorary degrees. She has also been the recipient of numerous other awards, including the John and Alice Tyler Ecology Award, the YWCA's Gold Medal, and Franklin Institute's Lewis L. Dollinger Pure Environment Award.
