Page 1: I Race Issue .. FU>res In !dqew< Myster>/' Cas

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Race Issue FU

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i. \ W4Accused /jf' I 1Terror Reign ./A1b.Soudwut.timitation Keault v<»» .

- *

mttwck » Towmur ~..

--^S^^llnBc"1vte,r,Kr* Malrui Ne- Bplrow by ptaytnt Up Hort*. of «|. Ijg* »*"» wumi + .-xr- t-x

"ti.*****: **»* -rbpurt. >* ^ ^

«rowa from North Carolina to the I JLJLf- tafllle* -hr...nrt.r ^ ^U B%.B TKM\~~f=All oI Cotumbu a o wa. ^ ; B ^B- AA MJL m.

tat"W«tfrmr*Th* allegedalmahlt* * ^ m m mm<^°* * white hmuewife by a NegroH»alg, Th» whole Negro *rn «*tntlmldatn) by 300 aimed citiartuar»d i 300-men pngar ul iUte. county f Ind municipal potlre officer*. all IWnlni|n the search for the Negro Hu*P^ while unarmed' Nfrnw Ilooked on Negroei- are not allow. Sed to Joti; South Carolina # law I

l wnftwtem#ot aart >< tr, VIt'ndet the iuIiI of enf<ircljig law I

and order, whit# citljwtu mar legal flH|If «vjoy the nianliuiit. which u a HBe j.

- aocjthern spurt comparable <»»' t\ to BJthe <>wi Kugliah foahunt Whygf jiaRtmld 900 white ntiaena be per- Iijaa^a ia a»is» .»> ». »- ... . ^Lr-^>Ncgnr vNt) 309 police nffiwrn arc I I


" rtatting paid (or purpose*AmNK KUKVNKRKWhat happenedI IB .CWyjj~ lUnila. C.. happen* otlWI

MttUwm dbnimeniue* that tolrrMr Ikw apace- U» lira attack >)ki, | ~Hcrime punishable by law. TP® HUtt ]should have played up tlte mob *1*mart I. a|>d denounced'bit taw enlnfweaientr acenrtaa forpenftlMIng efttorn poaar to ae0Mtu emrturtna the MaprdTh*. rf^tdlM

'Mi |||mu!*^n*trrT1'iiwila#d Ptrt* itory quoted po- Ibra M ftbjrlnc a-hftery cram" * »burned near a Macro residential I.ctioo last night (Wednesday) and V

^adbeara ware intcettgatinc a reporttl*1 "lai) Mm lib. r * " «* St laming tat Into 1 Negro* home"The pomg. onnad with atoilw

ltd CUBA. *U formed'quickly after ATLANTA. Oe ISWS>. / »_Um woma* twhrte* rrpored that A CROWNINO M7BR CHARITY aMacro who attempted to Attack OW 1M7-Laat Wednesday evening rnh«r teat Wedleaday broke into her Mr* »«*" Andenmh wa.i crown- T»home again jrmUrdey. curved bet «1 Mix* Cr.«my of 1047 a- * bene- Ichend alaahed her Aim with a knife dan. (or the-CWojed ' *thr>h« QUmad then fled" the AP 'dtxpatrh Clinic, which wm» ml by'fh« d.

feedV CO X-141 Veteran S< ctal. Club at*4jThe State rarrlel >n AP report the Top Hal t>i

of the father* _0L_t*o 15-mt^M -Aix^reni wre.-in-R In miwhite gtrU who rtlrt a Thgi at t.iaie TTTp* dre« witty' matehint thlenitded to tape them u they werereturnfne home from' a; movie in <! ,latri«>*r" tRaleigh. N C In a teelgram to Oov ' tlirlgggrCherry,, the father* expremsed the "** ^

ok| Dixie aptnt Although their Jtfijf W WW Wdaughter^ were^not-hatmort. thev M\\f \you tr> and get aome of w IW* WM XIm

the FBI men that helped catch U* :.would-bemob of white man In y V/">Northampton county to help catch M mM-WM_the Negro who attacked our daugh M J MM m. * * J W W~M~ jters Keturdav nlcMVr '

The coventor replied that he/* '

wouldnot aak the FBI to enter thecm m*tli hr hid eocne "InuiMjaUbn'*formeh i rrquHt 4 (C! DTi1Playing up rape atorle* invotvinf jOH DOTH I O »V\ INe«ro m»lf> and wbtte females u w' ' ' "* fcwltiiea ppjpuaitlun m pipm , ^ mLouis In 7saouthem jehlte newspapers Theeditor* knew the 'Intensity of local v!.'aotl-Necro hatred They know the i, hl.***** °* .»*"* ntprrtnagy"aenti HAS^DIgOO. Calif SNH-^b("'1 UW *iAO mtdlflmianri .r,e ly>uis, the internationally fam- nwr the tenet* of democracy

t, (1 r~.


l U.S. Court Asked To Admits*i Wrighten To South Carolina «

I University Law School .p|-fr-O Siuahlua Krtoft*X MifShaTj" K*Td »hat a'-.w

aaldo defena* cntinaaf pfcwrftnfa that v-v i^trbur* »-t,w] ha rr< * !» achoot "mbetsnVelly equal" tcrjbeyn ioti^jd. hy :*tt»ia*tvr or- tH 'hat at th* Uhirtfaltjr of South ! tlon. - <- )*i '%uu. >« atlil| Carolina wtU be opanM in 8*pt*m ur>d*r th* prohe of a rommttlc **ilW at Slat* Colfes IN Onmgetoer*. aliKi ha* *K vo. lUbnit It, report th

MBgJMCF Jawyea Thnrartoy and and, haa yr* » "'."g'r prnTrrar*? *»

}ltiar 0 S Court Judfa j ann t a«v wnni *fi+r Jh*j t»v Pri^tiw Wartny M oMer th* School Attorney Caifer. who rta.tvcrM the Ul

admit John H. wlighum of artrumcnt for th* plaintiff. Mi«c«*t- r*'

^ Mflaaum who haa fflad a IUMI * ert that e*m tbotifh the «ch v>; w*r»

^phaft Mh atatnat uniformity of- Ma operation, n wmtto auil be "uh- ' r*

^B^HPttala..1 i mnal thu h»in« nfr«turt_ftt_-i^« i

^^Wlntlff ooun.I r*i Ux mm f»Jl®e*TU« "wp«r*t<- but equ«l~ rjt- \P*1* foMo^td hetnnc* on the pr\- t«rro rfe'hlniedjhtl Inlet U» umuf j.

Hill Mill ttlR J**r by OiorRjj'ol ~te«r*wA<ioa'" jmay COOM Mart m»KAimmt. Included Attorney Her- Uw <*>urt f n.

Bto*m*?ft**** * I*7ehv foinxil. bended by AUor- in

BTlr^ u ®^r' tt«y Potlrt ftnMtww- 0*.O».>mhU (VKKlRobert' L* J»m» Price. Green- toI.V . ***- 0f. "» *>!)». ai-iL. AtLnm+y fl^

ntnonw jegtl »«ii Irwt *

^*tw Tart HAACP oCBa* t1 iCmUdw4 on tan w


I % ;.': *'../,^;o^r",'"

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>res In !dqew<CROWINCRE

<>01 S. ( SI NDAY J4

I P Plans LanMil


pmfi . 1 S-.

IE*^ iwT

D^i\l y^B R9HrT*fi 1 ^

1 ~, It

: .-'^. ;J£-. \^--ZL~--^2TX:~; tjjresaortea 8he *a> pre-fQiedwith- tod carrUdout far thla jmtr Hbouquet of red ro»-> and * *.«. Mr Keev Jruntnga yhti ji t<M <iwned by Mr Wali/r Ha it ley. -ilnn nf ffila Oftib wttfried ti tank I>f runner -up. Mian Mint Hul-i at! Cluba and IndMdtMla wbo b*lp> 4lertQlt was preaented with a I*Hi- ed to mult* thla charitable affair 'et of Carnalkitu "TV rosea, were aucll a trnnendao* kuco M All 1mated by. Mr* C E Hogerx and members sftCO.X1"!*! 8or || CluMHe Carnations by Vfrv Marlr are Veterans, of- World We n \ !if krrwm Tide even'. attracted Hut#.. rim. * i.. ir irniir tllono*'lal alleillllMi oec* «* it wau-for the fob.rod ^Cailiolk TJtnlrr ftr-t nf Its kind to be planned! / |

i- Re-Fought Asaker Blasts Abe'

Even Rnnkin Of, A I kA I ... _ . .


Mi iu ' 113. ' IVlitt. 5ayt Speaker

Mexico LltST" "W-nt loo.KwWAHI-f IN< iTf >N. I) r; VT^FAV

. Brtmn Bombrt *ntf .o,M. SLS "ILSLuS®r^Zr'ir;a « » :

»rdM Cap,u*' 1/5 {m* **". to Jffrr-1Af*^r~ roihirrimiR rrpnrf* frf.m rr«inlinur«t On fWrfc r»i«i .

ft.i ii f*ny «ha» Mis Mm v> 1TOI-. """ ~

r Uiuk had *1ven birth lo a aotion a| I * aaa

^ »bf h«|j givfti uk- Ddskin Letter Itnr Joe ix,ut». Jr. the heavy- WU«nill kVllVl . |isht king'VI ivWed »hat ha »n« | ^ -J- - ;wf> had rrmamiNrt )i> ' '

pa «

i primary Fight lUlr»m and tiia wl77 *ert.dttnrcad _ !«*!**<Hfnnapt Talmadf* 1n Da-t*. prealdent of thr C-onfim- ;! frtrra* yJan yet to lmpoa* Houth |i*ry .during th« ct*il War. Omr'du»»> whivr primary" ijiUat

ronde«nn.*«Abraham UnedJn .*'n * **£

-ItfjnT a ho brought about {fffflffSa pvfl War a,vl eauOtto, pari, , , ,', j ,'r'ff?,?..WTATTOMA.N *

-a" 'partluf: flUfW C Janalll ^T!*T Vn*^~ ^ ^ofr^v of hutrtry * . Oror»etawnj. j.


itVereUy. principal *pc*k*r.kl the ! ,*rem-olc. MM the "flortotu <ym- The letter. dated May U lt«t.derate Dig 1, no< » roriquared **« ernt Talraadea at hi* 'MtoHe In WNithern mw»nm" but U */,utr offlee. iitt >VUlikj4oltvwrml>r>: of freedom "

Buildlnc by Wm P Rankin df MattProf TenalHa denumiatloh ot yrttlr aUid-chatnwdn of thdfc O.Md*-.i . mMJh» it too j PanaoaanH* P>'*> ;. ; \Ddl even ft*' Repreyentative John ^ TiH «ii/.wainkin. r*c*-t*ntnn MlmlHfppt * ql "JJ*® *r nmMOX*^.uter of the »hfte tnUh bfo. to J

wehea A wreath *i* laid' *t the °* brlUar '""Tul jj^jL .

ot.'rr frtvn »U',ue in Hrautaryi1 *-*??: r*qu**Unt informationi about the recent cm* brtragbt

v K'MiUaw* an back pafei aqainat the Democratic P» ty if» mj - ^r-rrf-*. '*


A .'l )'|' :- y-j,,

i v1;' W; .


>od "Myster>mme at

! i

NK 15. wrT. "

C. LAW SIgest Mass^iSuman Set To

OnaceMeeting Slated

in 'Race HistoryWAiilllWKirw U_C N A AP oftirlal* tn WaUilnBtnii New I

illdii. were moving ahead rai'tdlirth pUn* for thr MMtm of vhilomUaa to be the« ;ar««»t atfiirte i' H*m meeting in Hie J*auqii'a iu^-4.ry Foe a,* (mint of ibr Kllanltceeting wOf be thoJun* 20 clnaiDl jiptsu of th» K^AuF >Hnu»l fHi-VJ

tlivor the major dv-JmUtoc of ]rr- ernmcot potfry u> racial Un-}^ ZhUr^ 5?" A^tnlS*I C OtUlfBfA HOHOIUI TMoin» wnero inr. »f»uuiu a rn*T*.l PRi-hiDF^ r-tixxrr Ox chartr «.wt * u* Mr* **wmm. wuied educat>lg^*|r>v... (ligaUi racaived the honorary d'Bimeftanoai WP» Of LImmi ^ of rfoctorj of leiten front E

mooting. WAAQT branchy | Prank D Pacftenth*;, acting pro,?*yy .etton of .** 1 dent of Columbia Vniieralty. at U

fttataa will aflMbtila III Wi Strd commencement "githafen*Srod or mooting he* The* moot-


-. ~4~~iiArtth an expected 4 to t hun __l_:

sfiWw^^ssfc Negroes "Terrt-) aaomaeUng linked together by I **

jte»woro IHsturhAM «r White. W4ACP pv »itl*e ..

iwcrtary. declared In New York A#/»I ilhal the dune 2® meetirut *lfi b* IITTlCPrC rlflflshe boat tignlflcant In the Aaaoria» | *** * *

tlon \ M year* With hujfr delrfa- 1 *

[torn of Neoro and white leader* MnnUr. "1 [»*%+ group ^ ».

meeitig, the rateran aaanrlatlrni al rme at ago, e* d itiriwtlbe rMedicated W the flctil .for full imraona from mh'i >mmuniljem<<racy for al? people irreaper- . ..,

li ve or race, creed oTcolorHr:White *nfi HtrWren. werrih.tu.nrlreferred, during a proaa inter lew. to I herw ThnrKday._ imrtrr th»<«»»H_ _ ww. nl InMlfnitlnn t»i Anurrt. I. proeeCUl IOH 1<V *b«rlff Air*r* an* tn every wcUon of th< globe i'Helae, following in NAACI' rwith »htch the recent "green light I teal againat outrage* hy \»*lecialro*' In America'* first lynch- iprmini« agaihut Negroe*ing trial had been received. [.'"The verdict of thf South C«r*>- The poiw sprung U> life ahor

Una )urjr whi^h. In effect. |nld i after a white woman |n the KdjIync^r4? njob* In the South that wood aohurhan leetioti repor

sere-»v>s fairjsey for-U»e-Thai , r.y .a,',U.' ' l" 7? f a. man> week, had erieftleri -.tig 100/100 gravga Of Amarl- *

r.,tr-.-rra'fc young *.Tdler» who thought , f .

ih« *«r# rivlnc for lh« mecurltv of Monday »la*h**f Uitli arroa witl1 men

" Hid Mr. White r " linlff,' rh«k«| Jitt and injuredTh. National Aaaarlation for the two year old grandeon. *

ArtTinrtmfni nf.Colnrari.People la Vwir om'he continued "will meet In the fit- - . . ,

tin® ahtdow of Abraham Uncolr, ,J*! "£*?' ^lc\ ,nr|u<

monumerit to rededlcate all of tt« .

from all enforcement ag»n<....

. "''''eatKfuXft »i..» « .......I . . i

" "I'elni f)u fhl> been able. through T ucadaor. to p" ~~ " ~ * * dure the niynte^rou* Negro who

^ Jj|' 'be Arrt nrramoti had *lip|nQICai6S-JU3. Lh ninth lag* uf men n itxountf

the hmtae iinaeen and who,' I lowing the Monday "rowipla^t

m D^AaI# Aimar". had vamalwvl-age4r» ooe*a»»-»u.

middle Of an immwrwhili- ri*.. ... -4-ttWOlty. One -poaae member

Houth Carolina aeetttng to require an unidentified' white boy of tw*

mir party to allow Negroe* to vote year a of age. aeen lugging a *1In our primaries Governor Thur- gun taller than he.mond ha» naked me to reply tp Gfllcera had received olfera fiyour letter and I am dellghtgd t" | tnany other mmmunittea wh

"nr. Hay i* Mmk Whan O«orf*, N rritarjr Has horn combad mvi

A HbSf,, CntanMa Mbmhmui j tioias iwl %>*ro (mmm in CarwayjlW Ula^m uwm» Dmo Hai*h»*. Rfskt«i W**h"if

^37^AaUac ; Paifwold and 1Im.AU

aftar V. A QMi JL WlMW Waflngl^ ACP reported, com pi*;had flM mi oriM dartftag Dnpa* dwaans of N*rro howaw -wt<tidi Mttai H>>dU Mala Ml- Mid iha< wWt* parsons, brandy*. jWU awtafik iImUm in* runs. had fafcad their wayaMln arrMa;

^ ^ .m, . . lfc"\TtiHi^.5^ jLy^ rP" prtfnt and deprWad

pafa) af Nafro being shot at or baa




V> '. 'ffli I

/' Rape Cas<5

"Olle* Report

-r^-... f.. Ignorcd» Pott Rtm Irun k tkn t i s rs"* By Georgia Laws \

^>..i ..«. nw-,:: -.,_w:i.. ._ __.&. .-.' : ' &*$!*. :V 4


front the army at furl MMlBI I I II J colored aoMter* >ava lh« llttB

pn*t bwu for parte of U>o teafUBI I tthorv j)m Pitta and r<i||a|jQnj||4 |

rpnr iiirttfi rrrontlj 11 ..

A "' nw trow*- rtvaUM - :x,.

Aootinn ^stm^^sss ^ss-^"" SJ asr.l:r^«. tuu. befit apent lor the lMldlfl|

of light* at the baseball flU«Pby the Mih Infantry

play colorad teama and are no(jSf^muted to belong lo tbt ItofUM tt|i IiVHtori -of white unit* iteMMtf ftl kCHAPLAIN PLACATA9 , -Jgt \\Another incident Whim lltdtbob t \

Ute recent trend tn aptto of Mkaj 'k ft iK/tj ; 'u 'lnent: and visit la' fed

Whwel ot a ami In ft> jwt imetit - ! -5

V; to Chaplain Andrew t*Ik> had been an uaUrtnerf H ||(ttt| I'''where It* ple*a«d--a* had all ptflefV "... j;of the colored contingent aINMomthe theater. An uahrr rrquNWji (^b

(colored officer -to tnoyo. Ua jb.diflUfr "Mmmrn-M** ,,)r pod

f prrlally reserved for ootoeOd PfOWw 'V| Tin* new attitude bewpeake tbt-M il'and off intra now i«iaUon*4 mB Ipoat. St U aleo a part of tNw<Be»a vplrte Mgracatlon proposed Mr%

it ha* bean decreed u»at nd eofcrf- 1


I; OA. ut£» pfticvm': , 3Rserf ad 'Ythitti tlMtJUV^M^ ..

K Al<n» Meier stelue of Ootuwda m*«»dar <* IhMjd^ fWtSSjl XM' rmvfdw the Uckkrounl Dr. John- Uf hw» <4t h*on|»dRaFllCv | for aun'g huminwrun apimand hU ^wti rm this r«d«ilr- i» !»«.;> understand M»ny minor ennoyarKef XWH I>r one another through hu spirited eotored officer* at iwy tlUKQ" scientific wiilingg «u a potentfao* in»tanee. they have no egtalferaft- |TM tor tn hit selection for the degree. bersbop. b»it are foread Nfehi

id 'AHW)T, On Raefc #a%fy

irized ", Burnings, BULLETIN! "4:( Columbia In Casft-Hpit,,r ""*nfa|'f** *rT~U- tpr the Keb. 17 lynchlnt"of WSK

Ksrle. was fined $100 or

UssmsI OjsIiia'

ltt prison Tuesday morning 4B9Knaro i o ouivq i }^v^*toi wuh,n c,ty'

. . . City Recorder J M. Rklmp.t. !.v ' .»-> *» f., )lw niit gf)>| Itjayg|rrrr^.iun,!,,. pn^r^hc. found tilh, <oiruntrc.U| Cab con*M»^|r ZZo*{ damme ' V,u »» **** '* which Rector work, indicated ifigt(^rvals mrcet f Burma Roadr wc. th. fre#d , hff been en i3gM t,.m4 OHf Work rmn the b«*.ne», j^ ,w-dn#|1<Uy .^ t UaiJSm !?L 'Xf A K '"* *»*<* by Rector and Woodrawl*.T ,h* L"h,,r suit of u.t J c;llir<jy( -Uo . defendant In theto wcrk_and i»nbl«k« fr»m the hunw-j^ls triel end en employe* df-d|oksc of.James M. IImton. stale NAAC1' rah rompsny,

preeulcot The emblem of | Welford Arthur and f#»r etfdr theKu Mux Klsn ws. in front of I Negrpac, Mrs. Ldll* McDenntd.' | »>" "<«*» eetehll.hmeot pf E.1 Melvln and Mrs. Ksaie Kcott, wareI i rninnrtir. i . . , . ,,.

ted; i«Ut# complainant* againat ItegMr-ttt.amufcr Hwmlw Unnw r-ttt rtty coyrt i huraday, ak afftjah v- ^

kt' Two nifhu later at leM> t«N,tlflcd that lUcWIrtd <

nn f 'imoire h/imlM, afmtfar 1» thoaa na«d~ 1,0 «thnra cai", ptihclltrm<|i a t<» pmdtn-a «mokf acreon* during *

« the -war. were touched off it» th* the leg bootra of IKTiMiWaverly aactkm Tha^ exploded P*"* nd th«* ltp*a inufi "Ml in,i HHie!d«y mnrfrikwt , t>L*

damage Ractor-, under oath, aword |n- *

».(j ^ iha^Aeeeoar HifrTWfflili , , , t| »

'IJ' pitched on the home of a Negr"" Columbia NAA.CP:*1

" At a^iuriat <an»p naar tht Kdge ,*tW'jjaJ Wtll'.iT. * *IuU group halted I Offfl


* a man and when, frightened by thebrfatling gronp. ha ran. ftrad 0

^ ^eral ahota at him At the »«ma jJireCtOT S&VS^

f time. pnaaa memt>erx reported a»* -^'

^ mrpnaing a man in a white rema-I The drive for >.000 mAa\t iLf*rv and ftrimr uiviii hint. Thi« man i nm -ma ina .|

., i' n r*v ^" n»»ini^r»WO*>,v* I jim't iKfmfd to vanish in Ihin air. hu not rwhed the half-wey wtigi WHwnrr Ran WIM } atthou*h tlw r«mp«tr P**0*!9Meanwhile, rumor* of all sort*'more thin one half eonriwM, fkept cititen* on 'ho run and of 1 itdr*w

"***tKetag'a^ufflrr^te ported M found no4-Mon«Uy., a^lLL"

i [reader** in any of them Appeal* in hundreds efjg»*» / »,r* WrvUtent, however, from »tar» to former NAACP nRMttf-rer _ 4l_ __a-. * "w io« uy BDIW9TW, IOO IM7 IWf MPM.

I_ ritijten* of both rArm, «m the would easily carry tkt hr.ell to**' vrrMon (hot the acta*! assailant lu »oaU Mrs. Almklas Mfi ju.I (If ttisrs was onei was whits Ths local campsifa is Mjftman, perhaps a former spouse of national drive for a milllaw at* -.fthe rompTalhln* woipan who. hot member* this year. ... f r '

I'V* kouwi** of bar present mats, had Psrson* takln* wislmitfla asflbeen Dpplyinjr an allotment It *a« deliVav tksse te~MfHHmhMg^Br 1,n- pointed out" that a Neffro, if he Marion afreet, Columbia 1, 8. C.^-W ftra| tin ' ' " iTii Tnr nf till flllltlllwTllMfc IE?n", would not have returned twice to esntAin*! '\r*'rioeo^f"" watched house. Mors- Rev. L. C. Jsnkins^Mr. amHMk 1
