Page 1: I N T E R D E N O M I N A T I O N A L C H R I S T I A N W · The Chapel Choir will resume rehearsals on Thursday, September 4,

The Chapel Herald

I N T E R D E N O M I N A T I O N A L C H R I S T I A N W O R S H I P I N H I S T O R I C P I N E H U R S T , N C S I N C E 1 8 9 8

Volume 3 Issue 8

August 30, 2014


By Dr. John Jacobs

In our various Christian tradi-

tions and denominations, most

of us are familiar with a

Wednesday gathering for food,

fellowship, and programs for

adults, youth, and children. The

need for a mid-week “spiritual

refreshment” between Sundays

is accepted by many Christians

as a necessary boost in our

commission to proclaim the Gospel and reflect the

love of Christ. As with a multi-purpose vitamin, the

Wednesday evening gathering gives us the additional

nourishment we need to enhance and supplement our

spiritual health. This is what The Village Chapel calls

“Break Night.” As a diverse church, with three sepa-

rate and distinct Sunday services, we need this time

together for fellowship, prayer, and education. Break

Night can be our best expression of the Christian

unity Jesus prayed for in John 17, and as Senior Pas-

tor, I am asking you to include attending Break Night

in your regular weekly schedule.

Beginning at 5:45PM each Wednesday in

the Chapel Hall, we share a meal catered by the

Olive Garden Restaurant (after which children

and youth are excused for their programs), fol-

lowed with music provided by our Director of

Music, Stephen Gourley—then a brief time for

intercessory prayer, followed by a program led

by your Senior Pastor (The program topics are

listed on Page 4). The evening together usually

concludes around 7:45PM. For those with trans-

portation difficulties, please contact the Chapel

Office. I urge you to consider Break Night as a

regular venue on your weekly spiritual journey.

Pastor John


CHOIR MINISTRY By Dr. Ashley Smith

Starting Wednesday September 3 rd, A new

Student music ministry will be offered at The

Village Chapel on Wednesdays and Sundays.

The ministry will be led by Mrs. Shanon

Sheppard Venable. Mrs. Venable was the

Youth Program Director, for the Arts Council

of Moore County from 2007-2010; She is

currently the owner and vocal instructor for

The Performer’s Workshop in Aberdeen.

Mrs. Venable is certified by the National As-

sociation of Teachers of Singing, was Miss

Moore County in 1999, and is currently fin-

ishing a BA degree in Music Education from

Appalachian State University, Hayes School

of Music. This ministry is open to children

and students of The Village Chapel and the

community of Pinehurst. We are so privi-

leged to have

someone of her

caliber, and

excited about

her vision for

choir ministry

this Fall!


Youth Revolution: Sept 5, Oct 10, Nov 7,

December Christmas Party, TBD

Men of Faith: Sept 6, Oct 4, Nov 1, Dec 6

Fall Festival/Break Night: Oct 29

FNL: Sept 12, Oct 17, Nov 14,

Dec Christmas Party TBD

Marriage and Parenting: Wednesdays after the

Break Night meal - Topics to be announced

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Page 3: I N T E R D E N O M I N A T I O N A L C H R I S T I A N W · The Chapel Choir will resume rehearsals on Thursday, September 4,

Chapel Choir Rehearsal The Chapel Choir will resume rehearsals on Thursday,

September 4, at 5:00 pm. The choir’s first Sunday

back in worship will be the following Sunday, the

7th. Any persons from high school age or higher are

welcome. Music reading ability is not required,

though helpful. Choir members generally sing in the

choir at the service they normally attend, and on high

feast days, all choir members are asked to sing both

the 9:30 and 11:00 services. For more information

please contact Stephen Gourley, Director of Music.

The Village Chapel Music Series

On Sunday, September 14, at 5:00 pm, Director of

Music Stephen Gourley will opening the inaugural

season of the Chapel’s new concert series, with a pro-

gram of music that will feature the Chapel’s Austin/

Zimmer pipe organ. This will be the first of five con-

certs between September and May. There is no charge

for admission, however donations to the music minis-

try are greatly appreciated.

The Chapel Herald Page 3

Chime Choir Information Any person interested in joining (or resuming) the

Chime Choir is encouraged to contact Stephen

Gourley. There will be an informal meeting in

early September for anyone interested, at which

point rehearsal times will be discussed. This is a

great way to involve yourself in the music ministry!


Fred and Terry Prince,

Lou and Ann Torok

NOMINATING COMMITTEE One of the most important

duties of the congregation

is the recommendation of

candidates to the Board of

Trustees. Please prayer-

fully consider your nomi-

nations and return your

Nomination Form to the Church Office or place in

the collection plate before September 15.

Widowers, Widows, Singles Frieda Powers, the coordinator of this wonderful

group, is requesting volunteers to assist her in this

fellowship. She will need 3 volunteers in order to

continue the lunches on a quarterly basis. Also, she

is in search of a new venue for lunches, as the old

one no longer accepts outside groups. If you have

any ideas, please let Frieda know. It will need to be

reasonably priced and able to accommodate as many

as 20 people. Please call Frieda Powers (235-9284)

and join her in fellowship!

Friendship is born at that moment when one person

says to another: What! You too? I thought I was the

only one. - C.S. Lewis

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Have you ever thought of a

savory cobbler? It is a great

taste—give this a try…

Cherry Tomato Cobbler

Ingredients Olive oil 2 tablespoons cold butter 1 egg 3/4 cup flour 3/4 teaspoon baking powder 1/4 teaspoon baking soda Salt and pepper 3/4 cup finely ground cornmeal 1/2 cup buttermilk 2 pints cherry tomatoes 2 garlic cloves 1 medium red onion 1/2 cup grated Parmesan Several sprigs of fresh basil, for garnish


1. Heat the oven to 425°F. Grease a medium oven-

proof skillet (preferably one that is not cast iron) with

olive oil or butter.

2. Cut the butter into cubes.

3. Beat the egg in a small bowl.

4. Put the flour, cornmeal, baking powder, baking

soda and a sprinkle of salt in a food processor. Add

the cubed butter and pulse until the mixture looks like

coarse bread crumbs.

5. Add the beaten egg and buttermilk, and pulse until

the mixture comes together in a thick, sticky batter.

6. Halve the cherry tomatoes; put them in a medium bowl.

7. Peel and thinly slice the garlic cloves, and add

them to the tomatoes.

8. Trim, peel, halve and slice the red onion; add it to

the tomato mixture.

9. Drizzle the tomato mixture with some olive oil,

sprinkle with salt and pepper, and toss.

10. Put the tomato mixture in the skillet and spoon

dollops of the biscuit batter across the top.

11. Bake until the biscuits are golden and cooked

through, and the tomatoes and onion are softened, 20

to 25 minutes.

12. Strip the basil leaves from several sprigs.

13. When the cobbler is done, sprinkle the Parmesan on

top and tear the basil leaves over all. Drizzle with a little

olive oil. Serve hot, warm or at room temperature.

BREAK NIGHT SCHEDULE of Pastor John’s Teachings

Islam: Another Way to God,

or an Ideology of War?

Sept. 3 – Muhammad and the Origins of Islam

Sept. 10 – The Spread of Islam

Sept. 17 – The Crusades (Part I)

Sept. 24 – The Crusades (Part II)

Oct. 1 – What Islam Teaches about Christians, Jews,

and other Faiths

Oct. 8 – What Islam Teaches about the Role of


Oct. 15 – What Islam Teaches about War and Acts

of Violence

Oct. 22 – What Islam Teaches about Church and


Oct. 29 – Fall Festival

Nov. 5 – What Islam Teaches about God and


Nov. 12 – What Islam Teaches about Heaven and


Nov. 19 – What Islam Teaches about the Bible and

the Qur’an (Koran)

Nov. 26 – Thanksgiving Observance

EFM Takes Discipleship to a New Level

Beginning this September, an adult educational

program—Education for Ministry (EFM) - will be

offered at The Village Chapel. By expanding the

possibilities of discipleship and church member-

ship, the program enables us to fulfill our calling

in Christ’s Great Commission. Eric von Salzen

will be the group’s mentor, and Pastor John will

be the co-mentor.

Thousands of people have completed this four

year program. Enrollment is for one year

(September - May) at a time, and you can transfer

and continue the program to almost anywhere in

the USA.

If this longing for more connects with you, then you

are encouraged to contact Pastor John at the Chapel


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Lord, I Need Grace to Make It Today , a devotional study

that will minister to you in intimate ways.

Winner of The Medallion Book Award, Kay Arther, DVD Teaching

September 22, 2014 – November 17, 2014

Mondays, 9:30 A.M. – 11:30 AM

The Village Chapel Care Cottage

“Through this book, you will come face to face with the

living Word of God – the Word that becomes the means

of throwing His light on the direction your life is taking,

so you can know with absolute confidence not only

where you are headed , but the adequacy of His grace to

sustain you on your way.” - Kay Arthur.

Most of us know that we are saved by grace through faith

(Ephesians 2:8-9); however, we are blind to His grace for

daily living! The grace of God is everything and any-

thing that you and I will ever need, made available to us

in and through Christ Jesus our Lord.

Do you appropriate God’s grace; the only way you can

live an abundant, victorious life?

There are times when we all wonder if we’ll make it in

life and if it’s worth even trying? Feelings of unworthi-

ness and guilt over past sins, times of spiritual weakness

and inadequacy….the burdens can seem overwhelming!

In the dark times of failure and fear, Let God lavish His

grace on you.

If you long for the covering of God’s grace, let Kay Ar-

thur guide you through the Word of God and discover

how to appropriate God’s grace for every situation and

every emotion you must face.

Call or email to order your book and register for this

study today!

Pauli Lohse Curl [email protected] 910 420 8106

Cost of book: $16.00

BOARD OF TRUSTEES by George Trail, Chair

The Board of Trustees has ap-

proved using a portion of the recent

bequest of Warren Walk to install a

new, lighted flag staff on the Chapel grounds. It

will replace the makeshift pole made of PVC pipe

that we have been using. The new flag that will

fly from the pole was donated by Mrs. Walk. An

appropriate plate on the flag staff will acknowl-

edge the Walks’ contribution.

The Board also approved the part time em-

ployment of Ms. Shannon Venable (whose lovely

voice graced our 9:30 and 11:00 services August

24) to direct the youth music programs under the

supervision of Stephen Gourley.

A very fine Nominating Committee, chaired

by Doug Smith, is hard at work soliciting nomina-

tions for the Board of Trustee. I hope the mem-

bership will take seriously the importance of put-

ting forward good candidates for the Board. The

work is interesting, challenging, often frustrating,

sometimes controversial, frequently demanding.

But serving the interests of our beloved Chapel is

also most rewarding and satisfying.

We intend to establish in September a special

committee to develop a five year strategic plan for

the Chapel. The last such committee, chaired by

Roy Longtha, submitted its results and recommen-

dations in 2000. It is time to take a renewed look at

where we are, where we want to be and how we

plan to get there. We will announce next month the

makeup of the committee and its mandate.

I have been heartened by the pastors’ dedica-

tion to our congregation which I see from my

vantage point of being present in the Chapel of-

fices several days a week. Still, one hears from

time to time allusions about members who were

ill or in hospital who had not been visited by one

of the pastors. Often this proves to be misinfor-

mation. PLEASE, if you know of anyone of our

members who is in need of our support and

prayers, let the pastors know about it.

Finally, if you have any comments or ques-

tions about the Board’s financial reports and

minutes which are being e-mailed to you every

month, please contact me or one of the members

of the Board.

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The Chapel Herald Page 6

The Village Chapel Women’s Ministry

Garden Getaway Retreat Come & Take a Walk With God

Through Every Season

Thursday, October 9th

from 8:30 to 3:00pm at The Clara McLean House

and Healing Gardens Cost: $20 for continental breakfast, lunch, materials and child care. Register by Sept. 25

th. Make checks payable to The Village


Child care will be at The Village Chapel

Looking for time away for the busyness of life – time to “stop and smell the roses,” as you relax with friends, share laughter and stories and spend time with God?

Join us at our Garden Getaway retreat. “There is a time and season for everything,” said the writer of Ecclesiastes. He might as well have been thinking of women when he wrote this, because our lives are always changing from one season to the next! Some of these seasons are full of daisies and roses…and oth-ers feel more like a mess of thorns and weeds. But the good news is that God is here to walk with us through every new phase of life, and we have each other to share the journey. Based on Ecclesiastes chapter 3, and then weaving deeply throughout the Bible, Garden Getaway teaches us about God’s timing in our lives.

Register for the retreat by picking up a form at the

church office or calling the church office at 295-6003


Women of the church and of the community are wel-

comed to join the Women’s Discussion Group, which

meets from September – May, the second Thursday

of the month, at 10:00 a.m. in the choir room of the

Village Chapel.

On September 11, Yvonne

Gale will be leading a dis-

cussion on the book Leaving

Church by Barbara Brown

Taylor. Taylor was an or-

dained Episcopal priest for

twenty years. Realizing that

she was depressed and

burned out, she left the min-

istry to become a professor

of theology and religion at

Piedmont College in rural

northeast Georgia.

Some of the issues that Taylor addresses in her book,

which the discussion group will be discussing, are as


When have you been too busy doing God’s

work to spend time with God?

What place does balance have in the life of a


Have you ever experienced a type of work

exhaustion? If so, how did it manifest itself?

Taylor says that God’s body can be seen “in

acreage, timber, soil, and river frontage.”

Are we looking for God in the wrong places?

Please join us!

Leaving Church: A Memoir of

Faith (US: HarperSanFrancisco,

2006; UK: Canterbury Press,


Georgia Author of the Year 2006,

Theologos Best General Interest

Book 2006

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The Chapel Herald Page 7


The week of October 13th-17th, Pastor Ashley will lead a group from The

Village Chapel to team up with Dr. George Braswell and students from

Campbell University Divinity School. TVC will drive each morning to Campbell University Law School in Raleigh

(two blocks west of the Capital). From there, the group will be led by Dr. Braswell to visit various places of worship

of major world religions. There is no cost to participate. Lunch will be the individual responsibility of each partici-

pant. TVC participants of the Seminary Lecture Series on Wednesdays will ride together in the Chapel’s shuttle bus.

There is no limit on the number of participants. You may attend all dates, or certain days and sites that interest you.

The full week’s itinerary will be posted in the Sunday bulletin when it is published. For questions or more infor-

mation please contact Pastor Ashley.

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The Chapel Herald is a publication of The Village Chapel, 10 Azalea Rd., Village of Pinehurst, NC 28374; Telephone:910-295-6003; Fax 910-295-3729; The Care Cottage: 910-295-8026 ; Email [email protected]

The Village Chapel The Village Green

10 Azalea Road

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910– 295-6003

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THE VILLAGE CHAPEL MINISTRY OPPORTUNITIES You are a blessing to The Village Chapel and we want to help you find the place where God will use your unique skills,

talents and gifts. If you would like information about or want to serve in, one of these ministries, detach, fill out your contact

information and put a check by the appropriate ministry. Return the form to the church office or place it in the offering plate.

We need members and visitors in all of our growing ministries. Contact Sally Brown 910-639-3874, [email protected]


Prayer/Fellowship Breakfast ____


11:00am Choir 9:30am Choir ____


Office Help ____ Phone/Receptionist Tue and Wed ____

Grounds/Beautification ___

Human Resources Interest and Experience ____

Financial Management Interest and Experience ____

Property and Building Management ____


Greeters ____ Altar Guild ____


Upper Room Prayer Flower Delivery ____ Chair ____

Serve as Shepherd Visitation ____

Lay Eucharistic Assistant ____ Communion to the

Homebound ____


Prison Ministry Annual Retreat ____

Prayer/Fellowship Breakfast ____ Golf Fellowship ____

Name __________________________________________________________ Best time to call AM___ PM___

Phone________________________________________ Email ________________________________________
