


, - 'T"



tne nr.r. mi. ..o max aoaix be-rois- K

tiii: hook committee.

fae Nrtrr-rndlu- it Hook Concern FrnudiAi'i'l'iul Agi nl Huspendrd nnd put

en Tllnl lor Appealing to the CItIIt'onrt" tn i:rlrliitlenl Tribunal Inlull furrr ('nit plnlnnut, .luilari nnd Jurjfiute.llril lu "

The 1!'"1 1'l.tiiiiiillce of (lie Mcthoil'tt KpUco-tttCfor-

tgam got the Interminable can ofUtility I" I.inotiar;, Atslitant Agent In (Lame of

l( rxk irrf rti, brtore Hum for Inrotlgatlon,iril poo I ' " l'ml" 10 rub It to a coieloelon, ntr u il' relei.ont f the Assistant Agent la ti e

tt C.'rrrrn in l'.vulvot. The ciso romrs up la

tit mm il" time, ll.uiith t'i- questions Involved

ittlritr.i'l rttatrd to iboso heretofore at Issue,ml tti i I' tdt frrm tl no.

H lie i.i-- i t ol th-s- i il CI ii lira Dr. Latisba:iiVr ed I "I ,h "pel 'it' iitlm.t if the Printing

Jwrf.nM ol ih C nc rn was guilty of grossrui tin nc it nduct If not

if tu ni i ' " "i uf ,llp rn"'" r ot tba Canccm. Hie(rr mi. ro 1 n? be n called together. In--

'lfsh- - i r ch 'gr. tolly txonerruin;; Hrivn n t'.t 'n rrtendf-n-t Implicated. l)f.Lin Mr "i':itd hi cha get i;slnt Goodnro ', .i ii le litter Anally U'd the former laI'tMt i' ' 'f iMscIlt or slmler. Tlil

'i t'i" "' WM l this 1 -

r . Nt ! i' hitmel , Dr. Linam.t detlrole I i " " t" .'ci on I of tho Concern

tor f i 'ta' the charges 2alnstgimr i ':h were ul'c'd lolw slandtrout.if il i ol w rrk at the lionU of the concei n

team ti' ' I'lml af inj to frrrr-- t outi II M IRHtCI LMHTIg,

imH-i.- l : ;rf tlm a I.U choreeterrrt.'i i i n II . lut n thoul nbstantlillngIrer. Or t' e '! i errtlon Inr Committer rare

o. I : rti soi I, It proper poMtion In theCere, t b il t n ha t to 'ic tuboid nale to nnd an

i, ittf t o ajeat, Hsv. Dr. Carl-ten- .

Afrr t'i i c l"ii. Dr. Carlton d.cllncJ toI'lor IT. 1. nl : n ny furthrr rrr.i'c cxuruln.itlon(f the b. 1 : tl i uih at all t lure he rare Mm

( io'I' m In the rr.'r.c: of the bookkeeper,er of Hip - ' In urcrarinz Ida deionce In thenferti'tic .nl' D. ti m iha-- Ull for the ne ofifiU'n nrr uni . wlni-- h le at ejea Dr. CirlIon irlo'nt hln Dr Ltu i.ian llui npp lied to trelarrMnr Tourt for wrli of raindTin to compelD'Cir'oi to allow him the ue of Uie booksLie oi ol 1. 1. 1'li.n in, . is pail, he intiml s

arc ir-- r.l d issii at i Im.a I'lr.Npin rnr or tai.fmt.

Ttrlrmt t o cri t. irtaent xstrrJar morn-hr- ,

ritf't It r Iti v. l!r Moore of Illinois. DishcptAn.t) nd Onus t ere alio 'n(iit to art with thoCoain lib in the irlsl o' (lie ci'e. a required b.ll rui'i'i ni t ll.e Ci nrdi The rroecnt!on w.urn nri ml Mr Kei r flm. llnni m Ihrlfin.I!.W I'- - ainl II- - 1'.. 1). t'il'i D bm'r,.i rr-- , r in r inr,ln J Itijnonir, theKU I' .!. II, t K W Trice, ttia It, tli'iT rll.'t ind Itie lii v. .to' n V.' loit a conn"!'1.

TeUir k, t . an ol tr.e Hook Com-rrliu-

' . rl.r nib J at rr 10 o'clock, at

itn i r 'lr. Ktiic ir 'orriallr prrseu'eJ fiefare i 'I bid pr.'rioi.'.y I i'en eprv.d in !L mil' n 1 ii. ch rf nc fcrui .1!) male br Dr.C Ii o wr :

Mr . o Jnj.w.riit i. thai the penutrnt counre' I'r i . ii If tfA o.'ii inju'io-.i- ) M tiir Hoc!,f ""' "id 'o' eir.'te . brli.t nron it ru'i" i I An-i- o 'or i in, a? .r.n.i" i" at uilon to il,. uir ii ol m Hook

i 'rr, i, ,il in nin llmo be fn jf. IC'I lo iliple;iir K ,ml lb r ,tu loruucn In n '.no Am-ljii- tAim v i iirc-.ri- c r tni.ot do ih" or i nr whichf " ii.' in tie t.e.i ifrnk'C, while n'trc nr . -- llmncb oille ai

Uli. C(ULIo' srbVltKATIO.f.TV Avi- - anl Anl Ins arrin-.i'- r I null Orit .tic'i i. i o: uc nnlud t ln.n b tl.v Hook nt Dlcl-tHt-

ci ibr t'r.n.rh, nr In an h rutt.orlir ntV t'liirc ; lit i.'ini- Ins atalli't f r lUiok

it- - A nt. In. ins t In I tdnr' l.;l I'ocrt,Uidi. o munil tl i urcn anu Hie CVncern.V' Auc t Is alojri'lit ot tie fo low

InufSiul nirrordurt lr: 1 Di.rard ind conIn.- - uf ti o loti.oMv ot the ti.k Comnnltes, nndi - .i. i m 1 tav I!.ok linccrii. 2. lotin,' i mird f cir' uns of tl.o buuk. of accui.nt oltw ii and ciriv.nj tle nld cotle awa'

fritti le et.d Ihbn ent. 3. exiracia frr.n,.' ml I ri tended rifults ol rxaini. a 'o- -

tlr-f- . i.j onut-- nt to b trliited rccrrtlj.nihJ ul I.,,- - k Iril-- e ul tne nt or conler ore i' i

t i Hi in ilucutened 'art ht Ks procieiIr.sif I Mi..nd fin rut cnmnlU'd with,Vt Im ir .nl list Inr Ci bat con-- rrr. ch ,rsi'. anl livl lormi'lr uspen1edrr Isi: .n from rfP.ce rcndlne tr tiUl blore the

I' ti ir . i..l nw ni lilid. Hk Istu nrmwedlr eh ,rki nt!im In a loi.s rp ieh, delnllln? thetrirt'ii- - ... i.e esldruc on ti co tier re.'idlit KLuirU'd Dr. peislstenl Insuburdinme i ii uri to bo ci I u ncr of Ci i:cslre to mrrtti ic'hi ' ilinr ol i' r loijk Co. initlee. to whoneime-v- i i t o (lireia1 C'cn.'errnce In'rnsied the

tair-n- fl r C'urcf w. in Ha rac Hon Dr. I m abanI I'm nc etui u'Cr. rues and laws oltur Ci r.:i , ..'d ilicropts. under aurhor'lr clalaedlebejrnv il roui a 6ulu statute ul 119, to

min. Koiaii'Siiop orru nit concikm,1'tli.r tl h tri mid tlul, as Ajeui. be was (ienor.lI'lfi n.r, and supreme power. Ileailudrdto tbjjBmi l. .ii u,e inlrndoctli,n ol tbrso proceedlursInio cul C'ncitlii.d rrcdnceil, en I argued tintfo ;iri i, u titrln.rnliil to llm Inlcresu of tfeIV iik Corn rn snd to Hie RCDeral wrllare of theliini.-- t thurh. iind in direct no tilitr lo tneiui .im dii.ip me of i e denomlu jiIoii. Tl e cre-dit o ip Ii,i k tnn.trn, and tin peace anil har- -Bioe oi tre fcur h were disiurbed r this lillia-t'O-

; it re i jiv tosnttrs bj tiie srcalar pnM. nndaaniirriun.tjr lur enemies lo reyl.e tho Couroh asa rti e l- - lo y The eYldcneo the prceerutlon

ooi.i ri.nt would be merely the plcadlnee andsti. rs i. Uc mai.JaiAtu proc.edln s. In Dr.Lr,sii',' i in in t me pro.eillue loDlle;e I list. Uil ri 1 to eiamlne the hoi ks ta o tain! r In- - d'. etc- - Hi the Oi.odeucu.h suit. In

ten,) t tl e ho Injt be iieror asaej for fieiuat ill, anl, uurourei. I old tint he should hareMi .r.ti-i- j i ciatnii.ailrn of duilnt; the tenViekitl.ii iit in Hi posrtuion. T o defendanttd n ii ii d tne renulalloni and the sutlitrlty

i to ton u itiee b carrlnj on

l SlCklT IritlJTIOATtOXef i, si,, unu i.t too Concern, and tnbllHlntm ii m'i-- nr oarrs without comultinrtbi Ci rjinlili.. nuch to lh Injur of tb t buretr,a im, ,,,.rreJit of Ihe Ubllhment. Ajrilo.

Ii ual ri I.t liu Dr. bnun to assume tliat'ur i P'ri.uui tu bis rounectlon 'tllh tno affilrsor tr ( i.n nri . Lis pnidecMn.iri nn l its omplueritan ri .r wiiii.y no itcted Inelr dunes or

t I buri.b, or to sert that onr honofsl,.c.. .urn Lad teen derelict In tbilr dutlrallit vii, ri. er Le held rnsuousiblo lor the ae's ofoti.m io iii ii, ir w mxs I lor on account of llielrac .on, I, i,r. l.mal an bud tne best Interests ofII" I ur b it beurl, I.e ncrer would base utlereiltruu' mod cinirK' oi Irind and mlimange-Jii-i- ii

i t It. llm iiumre baa erldently beei andt a 1,1,1 :ui, imlster old,A WIJOL.iALK AKR.UGSUINT.

'r ri i.e. t ,en a sun of papers Int ,,!,,.,: 'jr. i im i), I,a'i. ban's r.l lavli lu tootlniiuii l4i tl e vt'jhU mu4 ; ilHil.wt oi aireral!- ns ii1' .Il j fraud, in Cuiuiiu, i ifn.m' J

u the Lonit in ru irou of I)r, I.ina-- lus iipoiiiali.ui 'or a tnunUitnu$ tUu ufll lavli of' Iter. Dr Cailtun In opiiu l uu (LleIi. withI" I..iulu!i' abure rolentj 1, lu already beent" 1); .t ilaments of O'ink o Tkur aa I olberi inIt i i iiin-.'- s of fraud ; i31um ul tim prln-- c

oi tbo Concent slinoiiii that tl.enr a. n oi the books hid never iif-- n refuted, to In I. ma .uu, nnd selling fm th ti e I'onj.lion i,f

ii' It l'ie lii.inuer in w ii.fu tl cy aie koi t :i sfi a i u the tu.hlrr or the Ci.iictiu llml Di.j ul m vet as.ed I im lor II e pritilrgc uf

' i : t ii cash tnd check books uii'l otru re'io win tie nielhols or k pnif

Ca- - i ,i tr ; ana sundry other sBldarjl., ,p piuHecutiou reeled.

'' ' '' ' n', lur tLe iU ence, w.inttd to know" 1 ii u iLe oiiniiikiiit the detentiul Wai' ' "'i d, s le v ol the clmrBoswcfe ipiclflc

l ii i .I'm ei n pliwi ti m unit the aprcule

I ' ' li J that duo notice wuui.l be' ' i Uj i.Udm.ii Uipivce don theaeneial

Tll. DkrKKl U.

t'i Vr Huikiey epi-- i ed lh case for the 'ii ) uu a Dr. L'lbulan'a an wtr. 'J'be mi- -

ni ii.dnnt did apply to tho t'onrt fir ani .iill irive i tin In o acct'ss to Die

" j, u unts ol Hie t'i nC' rn, shuwiiic wind" ' ' i ii .a h wauled in vxaiuine i aniJ1 ' ' " ii, Ins eo corp Tit", In I limn Ire-- !'

, "si.l l' .l tin tin u. of such, ' ' mik.I'U 'Iml sue i had not

,; M'b.lint' i o .(.fived it lutrinht lo lave me'i free

r' ' " 1 v i ouivHbui ici'ot ut '. Ireliis eon .,ly re--

i ..' i rjusUy lliijiewm Dr. ('.ul i,n fr'"" I. ' b. sine, i c .iidinon of the IVnesru.. fl i Mi uieuss IT tns Liuks uiid it-- j

it :ir.) wnl'lii I Is dirlull' art r i' t.i ' ' ' - lr r.i l.norv hUSli list s, de li'iim'ii ri i r . ii ul Asentj but t'.c Ditil. II e of5J" ,' i Ilia until. :inl equ i) rj., i'll-l',- e

' ' 1,

,4 I - to obtum tcciM lo 'lie books were

' l t HIi I lie, m. .rv

la Im. " J d itt tu nahu else but

"1" e- - ih c.arst of aurcjird ud tea- -

tempt of the aulborltr of tne Ikiok. Commute, andHis Aienlof Uie llook Concern," On thit pointn relterktes hit cliirret of fraud in the conduct ofthe t onrern, and holds that Mi obliiationa to thouenerat Conference are psramontit lo those to ILe

Committee or Aitnt. and that II wasms bint to urosa thisx rntCDi.

Tbe anawer elosei as follows:uLlLV. "?w.'i'.lert n" M f" f"f" I"ml srraiineit tbls tecond timeIT lnJ1,,,, ,' ?iiH-- d Hit ociitot. rrom wnfch IfU?.? ,',0,Pnjlrl l;r inr rrnsls advsntsis and

onrlu'ifout aalnt I hadlhonjhllri.ll wudmiiini Ckurch a neMed sersiceI?.p,u.,,0."n.t ""extltr of lis moil miiK.n.nt ciur.or'.'., iS ."?! ,"''tolni In behsir of worn-on- tprrarbersaad orphant, when 1

b'l'.'d.r. If any fan! ol tbeX.t .aacrrdly ruarded. It 11 thatwi",.'!, rart lor theit beneflclsrlet. IBlind here a presumpllte crlmlnsl. with mrn allSI'i,l"!.luS ""oriar lot my rrmovsl 1 am wrailrdJJ?V2 '. ? r1 "sttra In bony ty (h's cor.Birt . run IlhV.u rin."'i?.n",nf"'. " "'" cunttdence

siou tsto Ihe trula. I sin tam lo boan rneinr ol the Hook Concern. I fcsve lotto It aidlaboi eo for it, in all my mhiMnry I lots llloo wall totie wining to tee in sabMaore wasted by nrsiiirncear.d irsuil. Men ihsnre ib.l I am mult ir so. Uiensnnieofii.e satit bt uf lbs lainnlry snd Islty.all t ir. n.h the Chnrr'i sie mal win m"" No. 1 .mn i pid, run ..v, the w,,rd ol Irnlh ai.n vbernestTh faeit whkh 1, il.troncil cannot be trt ailoeiT.II l!'.,','1.'.'!',! " m ",'o m.oroy my Iri.osltio'i.Ihfy ttill remvn to lestuv,.t wronii dolniand win

Koi irlnt lo ds my lionet dnty I hsyehen lyroi a thnairn I wrte tne crentesi criminal In si t hurt it rn l. nave rtsrii aainn nit.riiiciat ij,ert hsyo ael I uu-- up to rrjiroscii, inr "sineha.Perucvi o luen . V.l here I Haul, brarluitin a.ain t Mr n. I .i.ay b pnwerl.-- t atI ns 'lil, tea list a rrutl r In ilnano i i but wlh tann intioa, who it a rintte m 'nine I npptal to Him. to HitCnurch, nnd lo ihe t Iris, an worl'i. J I.ANAIIA.S.

Sir. Ilnckley sold 1'iat they bad warned lo pul llraudi rpucl. Or Lanaiiuu'. atu rney ,11 tbe i

suit, in the at mil, lut had Jt:l rcii-nu- ja mi'KA;e Ire m l,m II, ul no at enssctd in tour!mr Ibe ailcriinon. nd he wnt to sad lor Europe

so that irsied t..vy Inijht be

ncrmrtn or tun impohtam TesTiuoxrhe would i,ip. Mr. Ilnckley oske.l to introiltic-- . as cvUeure lor tie do ene, liio ireords ofthe former Invrtllratlon or 1'i s Cimraittee, Hiesol the CAiMl'in Atifcjtt and Journal, and thecfficisl p.iDris ol the l oi.i ein.

tln Kuii) on, lor tho prosccut.on, objected, r

of inr adcflLlUnett of tne 'Ihoywere not irtlnc tbls case belore a town roeelliitwith ai appeal lo eeurral trainla. It was a solemnrrclrelatllral trial, and s onld be condjet-- d as such.Tne dereuce should sped y what lineman miry evi-dent; tt desires to tat rod ace, and not atsk lo lugovertlhlig Into the ease.

llr. liuckley lethed. '1 he case turns. I e sld, onDr. I.auahaii's rUhl to appe. I lo the law, ue uc

bis rights In tbe Church. The Clril-tla-

AJtale, In a lun seiles ol articles, bataaughi to miks Dr. Laiiauan odious In the Ci urcn,and he wtn's to Introduce as evidence, cot thecomplete flies of teat pacor, but suca coolcs aa con-- t

In smelts tin de'endsm's case. Illsproiosltion was to pul la tbe waole file merely loaave lime, but 1 1 undrrstoud that hotjlnc containedI't them would be e' Urace but such arilclra as Ii.had rprclccd. lie wanleJ tbe Journal oftnia CrnilLlttre lo show that It was vein for Dr.I.tnataa to appeal to the Committal tu get bislit its.

tlen. Itonyon mcvr.l to overrule the aopllcitlon,01 II err. und ol the lire Itr.ocy ol the tia'.lmonvprotered

Tbe t said that at tbe last trial he hadheld that be would only decide qnesll ms of Ibisrtiarirtcr subject ta the approbabation of tbo Com.mittce. It was

A DILICATX ronrioxfur 111 oi to cccupy. tnd to Ml embaititsrd lo rulingon toints of law. I)i:t be lliuugl t tl.e oil cllon totho mi null taken, and shnnl i io ruie.Jul.e liektiolli detlrol t'.r qnettion submitted tothe ( ommitue. Ti.e ae'Ued bad nouibernay ule lab iMiin; his defence than by tnlt lesiluiviir.

Mis Chslrmjn I susll be cud lu hats the ques-tion si.btuilteil io lie I'oiitmlilre.

'tbe lie Mr. Nicer . ppea.i'J Horn the decision ofthe Chair, lie Imped tie loottmitce would notplace Itself In Ilia wroiij: by ruUa? out si.r tes-timony.

Tne Chili Tan wlthedlo put himself right bsrorcthe CLUmltlce. lie I,., I cult deci ied acamtt acCHDtlng thr w notes ile prodr of lloibonbt e.cb ple. r of tcsilinony should be drcidsdui nn us It cnie up.

.lulge llrjuoldt tuousai heconld sive Urns, as hehad tl o ruling of Ilia Chair. HenctiH rcc-- the ru'lnjt thai It wa not jroper loreceive le'lluionr irull-r- t In wnole-- .i e, ,d wouldsubmit tl.e piecemeal, nnd l.i the rul-li-

on ctc.i cue as it w.u prtuniel. llo ..'culd now-- ubailt a priioiia-- t io liuriviuce evl unc of mecbsracter indicated, but would subiuit e.clt case asit ar se lu taejuicuieit ol as tollsrelevancy.

tlen. liunyon ra'il he wou'd lot orrosc tbeof sin proi er tisiiuii uy llr had objected

10 Ii o lender uf Ue lucuuteq .cntial nature of tie evidence '1 Be defendant ischar.ed ith

AprRll.lxa TO TUB CIVIL COl'ITS.So artlc'e printed lu Ihe pap.-r- s ngain-- t linn would

ju-l- ir him lu sncb a couroc. If Dr LanaLao can-- notrliial I.e his ra.Jo ati) reasonnble apolicatiunar 1 has bleu relu.ed, ai.rt lias cihau. led all otherirnpsr u 'oris to discharce the trust eonllne I to11 m, then the appeal lo tbe couits can be understood, He si, culd IntroJuce trtllinony ta thatVolnl. Anrthinz " is irrelevaul.

Ti e Cbslr taonenl Ibo theory of Ihe prosecutionand Ihe deienci uirst oe suaoililcd In wrilius tortl: coniierallon cf Uie exrcutlve seralon.

The Iter. Mr. Kennedy Ibouil t If lucre was a dis-pute spout Jus lus ter It might bo droppoj 'or tnepresent and proceed Willi some other testimonymat was Indisputable, and uot naalu time by atop-ptn- e

now lor an ixeeutive session.Tbe Iter. Mr. Ilotuwelllrr objected lo an exacn

tlve Ue w.t ready to decide all questioaau they arose, and did not aee tbe necessity of

sTorrixii iui ixritiTiaATioy,Mr, Ilnckley eipUined tho gensntlplan of tbe de-

fence, i bey proposed lo construct a chain lesdln;Dr. rrom his cl air aa Aient upto the pcsitlT of a snitcr In tbe Cupreme luurt.No uno iiarticul.r link In tnis chain would perhapsJustliy Dm In appealing to tbe Couits, but allojeii.trthey led blm uirectly there. 1 bey didn't pio oss tooiler the wliole in a mass, but eacn separately.

On this sWIetncni the cave went on,'Ibe Iter Dr. LanaLan was the first wltnets

callel. lie teIIUeJ that when l.e came lo triellonk C'onrcrn aa ttlUut Ageet hi snppoteu ll.athe would be Informed of the outlet devolving onblm, and tin manner of performing them. Hutnothing of tin kind was ever said lo him. lie heardnominal of ue routine or business In its detailstvuchiiii the purch se of Block, elc. Dr. Wiseleversl limes ssld to him luat be ought to make In-

quiries lino tne partlculsr branches of the business,and especially how tbe Concern nurchaaod Its paper.Eirly In July of the year of Lis appointment heasked Mr. Ooodcnouzh, tbe Uuperlnleudeut of thatdiperin.eut, bow tbey purchased their paper. HtuvoocnuuKu a imwi'i woa evasive, ana biamanner repuistre, so that wiiuesi wes un-favorably Imtressed. n: nafamillar wltn suchmilters, be determined to say uolhlng furtr.rr10 the tJuterlntcn lent unlil lie bad Infnrmed blm-arl-

Hi next n aoe Inqulrlea In the office of ouo ofthe toukkeupers about

voicuins roit rariB,end woa Inlormed that there were none In the offles,lhal ti ey v. ere rekilued br the buperlnlenieat, andthat payment! were made on mom ily atalsnisntsfurnished by that official. Wltneta then forthose statements, and acmo were presented to 1.1m.1 ey slu ply cave uales and amounts ol money, notthe articles purcnaaed. Then talked lo llr. Carltonabout It, ttliinj bun Ib.l tie monthly statementscava to specific Information, Ile replied inn (looj-enoug-

liao the vouchers, and Ihat It was a'l rlsht.M'llncss .frtqu'inily t .. I k o I to Carlton on tbetubjict. At tho first cieetltg ot the present BoosCommittee In febrbary, tho Coinmlllee Intern jalu :

Dr. Curltou us lo the ihrcks cu the business of thebouse.

Dr. Carlton answered thai the checks en1 s

were will airantod, and Ihat uothlut couldauwroni rillhoul I, r kuoald,;e of Lie huuse. s

died Dr. Canton at I tnd tslkrd with blmabout tin mailer told him that If Coinnuttoetun.eJ ttmir altehlwn that way tney would flu I aHute of abTalrs that would greatly jtj blmthere wnre nu vouchers in tholr i oseslo.i lor paperbousht. Dr. .aid Hist was ail rlsht j that(Joodeii'iugli lid In cm. Witness answored fiatU' oil' rou.'li was unkuo'in to t o C'o.iimllloe nujwas Irre'j'Oii'.lble to mem. C irllon vi'lllii'lii be t;n-o,- l Oi odrnouth none n I Wilnest

thai I'ntwas not a fair quuntioii llml I.Ubi ina in ihe cmpioy or ibe route was urttuiupuvertidencothal lie was honest; but lint me Avertsoitzht to hate in ll.cfr pos-- e sion vvlden-e- ol

Carlton ahu'ttl'.il .ubti.nM.illr tlul iwas a'l right. At aiiutlier lime Coiltvn laid towitness bo

WIIIILO OOODfriOCOIl WOULD (JlITpnrel.athliu paper of J. I'. I'oritr. Wliuess said"Uliyuo you not tell blm s i I" Carlton a tld lieI n I told him. Witness repll 1 that t at should beequivalent lo unorder. Will jscoiinued to thinkabout Ills malUr, bnl supp ise I lhal lioodenuunhstill ivntinutil lo i urihato puer, but learned thaihe diu uot, but t.i t Ihe bulls' mis byJ. K I'orier Wlliiciaiiadmadelniiulrusondloui.il1'iat I'ortcr did nil tbe piirchatlug, cluittln: theI oni em bull apioOland romiultii'iiis. lis wentmlu a long mi litMilou of Ms dlscoverlus lu this rc--

eet, win nlien llmjcn onksd wLat aa the relevancy of

151 tc.'luJude Ket in Id cl. lined thst It was relevant tishow no l. uihsu's efloiu tu c,ct it the wolklnis o' Ilunycn ria's o loni apeech tl.ov,it,g Ihatthis ItMt nothing to do with tlio matter at istue,

which '. sinipl) Li.,a'iaii's to rialuluo Ihebroks uij aicojnts, a I the iilletrc-- iitual lo al-low I m lo do so compel lug bun lu risort lo thecourts.

Alter a lor.2 dlicustlon, Iho Chair luttilnod theiiljtction lothn If i:i'oii),tbe Iter Mr Hii, r appe bd r i the ruling ofthe Cnalr, and rle.a iarte : tho t a rJiistiX'endluif tuts an' i t .e hour I adjournrneul arrived, aud the Committee a'tjnurnel, but luime-Uutil-

mil la eitcuti.i mtha.


tub couirmr'ii rtrtvnr. coxhtitv- -X1UN TO nr. D1SCVSSKD.

Hniri'i Profrwmmi -- Nnllonnl Onardi tobr Disaruiod ,o C'bwnci lu Ihi illlnlslry-- "Vlv In Commnni " Thl Dlslrlballonof Ik New (jut rruuienl's Troopi.

VtMAtLLis, June 16. Francis I'aul Mcnricr,thi dramalltl and torellat, who waa arrested InParis as a Communist, haa bwen relesaid from

There will be for tin present notransfer of thr Executlre and Legislative depart-ments of the Government, which will remain as atpresent conatttntrd at Versailles until October. Theennrt martial will assemble next week for the trialor MM. Roehe'ori, Asst. and llosect.

Motions have teen submitted In thi Aseemblr byM. Hues, providing for the prolongation of thepowers of both the Assembly and President Tblifi'or two vest, and atao Inr tho election of a commit-tee to draw np a bill constituting the future corirn-men- t


ncn. Douai'a corpi has gone lo Ljcns. Its mla-Ho- n

la lo dlsaim thi National Ouards In thi valleyof tho ltbone, firm Lyois lo Msrsalllrs, OenC.tncDaul remain at Versailles, and Oen.IAdmlriull In Pari, with CO.OCO men. AboutVO.UOJ troops will be aent to Algeria. The SecondCorps Is at Versailles. Tho principal townsthroughout the country ure tu be regsrrlsunod,Ihe ctlef itrwspaprra hjro constituted tberu'elr. s

n Election Commute! lor the import ofcandidates for tbeAsiemb'.y wheso careers ure

guarantees tliat they will surport law and orderI re Coinruuulat Ueueral La hai been ar-

rested In Ihe Departuienl of Calvados. Nothlnjhas yet been dclermlmd by the (loverauieut rolatlviI I raiiliu tin itatc of sloe In Paris

bO CDASGI IN im KINIJTKT.The Jonrnsllsts who hive contlltuttd thetaiilns

an Electoral Committee, offer to the electors alist of candidates, but Ihe Ilepubllcan Jour-cal- l

refuse to accept the prozram-ni- . The grandreview ot lOO.OuO men W.Uch has bein announcedfor the Champ da Mara on Sunday next, win ua heldot Long Chomps, A rumor which has obtainedcirculation, of modifications la the Ministry, la autborltatlvrly contradicted.

TLe molloni lubuilUsd In the Asiembly yester-day by M. Dues were unexpected by his colleagues,aud an regarded as Inopportune. It Is tboojht noaction will be taken on them by tbe Aetombly. ItIs reported that M. Pyst haa been arrested at LaYlllelte, disguised as a priest. Gee. Fabrics baapresented bis compliments to M. Thiers upau theoverthrow of the Commune, Prince Mlsuarck bajpromised to diminish the German army of otcupa-lio-

In France. The amount ot the proponed Frescolong loan will, it Is now said, be reduced oar filth.

In the Assembly the resolution appointinga Committee lo revise tbe decree of the Oorern-u.enl-

Natluual Defence passed to second reading,MM. Arago and Simon, during tbe debate on theresolution, urged a thorouch Investigation, andirete.U'd agairat Ibe calumnies helped upon thatOovcrnmcnt. A resolution for a Committee to In-

quire Into thrCACltS or lUt LATI IXIVRRICTIOX

In Paris wss Introduced, anl was folio we 1 by ahealed discussion. M. HtuUens attacked the psrtrof the Lett as tosltrers of Iho revolullomry spirit.M. Tulsln delecded ths International Society anddenounced Napoleon, who he aild w-- a at one timewilline to allow a mem.irlal l.sued by tie Society tobe dlttnbuleJ In Trance If a paragraph eulogliln.nun was intrried In II.

.M. 'lolaln promised. If the lnvetleilton wasorder-ed- ,to atipcar be.ora lie Commutes will docimsn-Ur- y

evidence Juttllylug the cuurss of tin Internalii.nal boclitt tbr mstinut e late troubles. Hewas aakid II he cool, I likewiae defend the .uturrec-lion- ,

.nd replied by ludlrnautly men liallnz ail syu-path- r

lib aMjint and Incondisrl.-.-. Tne reto-luiio-

for a Cojimllloeof luveJtl.'.llou was adopted.VIVE Li COHMCKEl

Paris, Jtios IS A proclauistlou haa been Issuedby t e lnlcniallusal Hociely whlcli dtclaret ! "Weare ditarmnl but nnl conq'ie reJ, and ate stlli onehundiol Ih' itsanil sirony. Fnrre and True. n were'lie .uliicrs of our misfortunes, aided by i snllai andtl r o.iestt ool. We accept the responTllt of theconfltgrationa. Vtt must have no Interior etrpa-tie-

no divisions at the polls, lleartlon look awayour art's, tint I'i 't our votes. Jlrs la UoclaU lltpuUtq n! Yin la Votnntunt "'

nirckLiCANUM roa mixes.Acrustln Cochin, one of the Irsdrrs of Ihe cleri-

cal piriv has bees nproint-- .l Prelect of the Depart-ment cfSelne-c- l Oie M. Caqueril bos rrittrn aletter to tbe trap re urging the necessity of s repub-lican form of government for Prance, The Ilepub-llcan Jaurna'a condemn the proposed mill ary re-

view ol Sunday as Impolitic vi 1 lu bad film. M,(li.l-- Iliiol.i is a fun. lid. Is fir tbe Aserubly (or oneof tl. j Paris districts, lie is a aupporter of Prtiilurnt Tillers,

Klahtern newapapera are represented In theKlectoral Committea of Journalists,

'lbs croeramme of Ibe ColamlUM Is opposed br theHi publican orrans, because tbe newspatiri whichsuppott II e movement are conaldered favorable to amouarchy,;

amtx.ixr'N ricroiiinus auuy.Tbo Triumphal Entry Inlt Ilrrlln Veeler-dn- y

L'nprcccdcnlrd Display,Bsblin, Juuo 13. Tbe triumphal entr if the

army and Iho Inauguration of lha equestrian statusof King Frederick Wllllim II'. took place to day. In

xact accordance with tbo programme given In IbiImperii! proclamation of the lith. The weatherwaa most favorable for the display, and the city wascrowded with people, who ban been thronginghither for the past fortnight.

Thi streets on tbe line of march wen superblydecora'ad, and In Ihe public, rqnsrea triumphalarches were raited and platforms treclsd to ac-

commodate thousands of spectators.Thi precession was oni of thi moil macilftecnt

of modern limes. lisaded ny the eaglet anJ s

captured from the French, ll marched In theorder set forth In the Imperial programme from theTempelbof Field to the palace betwean two rowa ofcannon, numbering eomijtwo thousand, taken dur-ing thi war.

At luteirala along the line enormous trophies,formed of captured srnit, were ended. After thefirst division of the victorious column bad passedtie Ursndenhurg tho Emperor with ll.e Oerman Princes In his train, preceding tin army, waareceived at the rortvy drrutalioni from tho mu-

nicipal governments of Ikrlin and tbe principalcities of Germany, Addresses of welcome and contralulatlon were presenlel when the


rode down tho no IWumphilu, which had beeuconatiutted In honor ol the occasion. Tbe roadwaa atrewn with flowers ns he silvauced by hun-

dreds of young girls drraeed In white. The nrmythen entered the gate, with the Prutalan Guards aithe head of the line, It waa milnly compose! offict'Chments lepretentltijl eyjiy regiment wllcalook p.rt lu tho wor, cica boarlua the rcjlbieulaicolors.

Tl.e appoarance of tbe men rat suerrb, and therntUusl.sin of Iho crest manses of spiciators asII o. puisel 5y wat unonun leJ. Etch reifluieut asIt enteied the IVrl-e- r I'lalz, where the cruvdwatthegre.ten, wat cliror t wl'.li unlal Ing out iul-aim- .

Kama ol the iccluientt, w.ll kuowu to tlioIleilinere, und ot cis wnli-l- i I ad parllcularly

Ibemssivtu ilurinj Hit cttripiUn,d rieilal ovations, the ji'"ipl Ireaklng Into

their riilika, cronin; them nllb wrvalns, and over-whelm in; it. e,n with flower.

When ll.e prtcolun bad concluled the march,tin' Euipcior prorculid to

t'NvriL tut srtTUiiof his father Frederick William Ihe Third. AllIho i.l :hlljiii oi the 11 nplrr, Ins vlclniiotii lienor,alt und the uenibrrs ol Iho German Parliament,oss.aied nt t1 e cerrtnony, In Hi preeeiu'e of liuarmy and c iintliii rrulnlude ol sp, claturs. '1 lisveil of tho staltio :m removed amid tli'innul iturhtrrlng, Ihe llnn id cannon, and music from therulilisry ban is.

'Ue Emir r, ftandln: nt Ihe font of the sl.itu?.rteliyorsd ti s.ieec'i, cirsi ig v. It It ibesu wird"!"Th s iiinniii. tint, which was prnjertod Inn tin oofprafoundet rove, no v Incomei the memorial ofone of Ibe u.u-- t Lrilllaul, II otuli lil odlott. ofmodern wars. Msy Ihe pot co io dcjrly ooluevi'd bo

latilug one."'Iho circmonlea clod with the conferring of

Lonors on U.S.- - tlclorlous romuiaii.lirs, Numeioutorders ncru by the Kmpeior, and the hi

command of the inotl tl..llniuim ci irglmenlaa irlvsn lo various Generals and Princes, Auong

those itiri ten ivml ihrfe ivaiksof from ihebinds uf II, e rror wre Prince Gcoige of baionyuid Piince 1. opold of lien, run Itoon waelevated to Ui rank of Count ot Ihe Umpire, und(Ion vou Moilke was Field Altr. al of IhoImperial Army

To nlgM tne eutlre cltjr liluuila.tod, aud ro-- k

jolnr.g 6 at lis beigut.

TUX MA.1T WtTlt TUJIEE niTXa.Cantwrlnt'i Trlnl for Illrarny Thi rtrcond

Will on Ibe Htnd-- A Lively Illstiry ofIht DneMoa- - Irlormon-- A Discarded Wifenllb Three tlwsband.

rotonixirsii, June 18. Louis Giuseppe l,

srrestrd here on tin charge of bigamy, waatbls morning examined before Itccorder Robert K.

Taylor. Ilia com ael la Attorney Won.J. Thorne. 1 1n eouusel for the prosecution la Dan-11- 1

W. Guernsey, Etq. Contarlnlwu rather flsalllyattlrsd In tlatk velvet coat, whlti Test, and drabpants. Hi wore aide wMsbsri and a heary mous-tache. As hi ast down bis third wife, Mary Dlaton,took ebalr beside him. Bhi waa attired In a straw-colore- d

walking suit, and won a heavy gold watchand chain and other ornaments. About six testaway aat Ibe aecond wife, now known as LouisaElckr. 8hi waa dressed In adsrk drab travellingtilt, Willi fathlorttle Jockey. As Contarlnl enteredthe dock he rave ime quick glance at ber, and thatwaa ell. Hhr, on the ronlrrry. nied esrrmtly sndsteadily at Htm, and at times smiled. Presently hitcounsel whispered, " Usee you ever seta ber be-fore J" He replied, " No, never." The eonntrl forthe prosecution next whispered to Mrs. Elckr,"Have jou ever nen him In'oret" ahi nplylng," Well, I ratbrr kalkrrlsie I bare," and til 11 keptgating at him, In at all tunes avoiding her glance.

TDI IKC0ND Win.Lonlsa Eicke vtaa the first witness. As she as-

cended tbr rtand II was apparent thit she meantbuslnets. Tie connsrl fur Ilie pioierutlon, alttrshe bad kissed thr book, aald:

lAok st that man (Contarlnl rllng)i have ycoieenhim iNtforo?

iiir-T- es, llr, I have, at CI wrhlte itreet, Newlork.ln 1SC1. (Lcuiartnl sat down with a deruivetnille ill on bit Int.) Mr parents resided there. Helelt me In lflct bnl I rsn foul of blot sgain In DecemberIssl. Ile rcccgrilied me, but I would oot recognisebun 1 wa miild In nlin on DereoiberJI, lrj6l, inM. John's ' hnrch, Varlrk strei-i- , New York. Wo liredlotretaor as man an.l wife nntll Msrcli 3, ltsu. ai &JLltienard tlrett. 1 S'sta lb re two or Ihrrr monthssftcr he left tne. 1 have hid no communication withhtm Unci' Ile marilrd nit uodor tbe nausof Louu u.Coniri. Ho is

mi ui I mitaign,I think, I'm not mistaken. Iampotltlre.

CrotMxsmlned 1 nnl taw btni atM White itreet,Ile came aioai, 1 can't tell ibe month ur day. Iuevsrtaw or hetra of blm oefore thit time. I dire ssrwere married In two moo'.hi after, lie gavi

to my parents. Tbey now live lo Secondavenue, between Fortvslxlh andstreets, ily father is In Indians been there eight ortendsys. r have never seen the clergymen who mar-ried ni since. We never kept boots. lie bsdn't moneyenough to keep honsi with. (Lsnthter Ihsdlopayon l money io get hto noou repslreo. (Oreat laughter 1

I got the money from mother. I'm married acaln.Meter bad any children. I waa between II and 13years of age when I married Coatrl. Mr parents toldroe to say 14, and I did. ILaaghter J Lonlt was aLlsutenant In the Union army wnen I married him.lowanl tbe iat bs belonged lo what was called " IheLo.t Children " (Urstt l.nghtir.)

Counsellor Tborui-lii- 's among ihat class bow, ain'tb.IL"'''g''ter I

wlrt.Mi- -t mourn uj" li. Il.iaebler.lV tine-.-- 1 bsre Peso married twice tines hi left mr i

onceiniwn and then to lull, the lay 1 got a divorce,frrm Contri.

i'ti oot rnKii hctbaxdj now,and all living, (Witness and audience l.oihlog.l I'mliving with my third hotband, Ile It a carpenter. Igot a separstion bill from my second pintbaod. Law.yer House got roy divorce for me. I to id nlm 1 wsnieda divorce rrom Coairlonthi ground of desertion,and I got It.

Wltneta waa further rxsmlnrd br tin defence Inorder If possible to find some flaw In ber testlmony. Bin answered all ire quesllous In a varystraightforward and unlie-ltttin- g manner Thepith of the evidence la given In a ststement whichshe ratde to the reporter alter dinner at Ihe Pongb-keips- li

Hotel. BhisalJ:tu aicoxD wirx'i itatimixt.

I was foiccd tomsrry Ccnirl by mv fsiher Conlrltold htm be hsd wroi.ited rue, when my isther said Imut marry him or go to the llouie of itefuze. 1 wastoung men anl didn't know ia much ai I do row.( ontrl told my rattier a wllfal lis. Put I married blmli.ctut. I did ii"t wbh toro to toe House ol Kefugo.Alter I rosrned Mm I arohled blm all I coaid, andevery time I saw him coming I would leave tbo home.Uae tin.e I w.s gone seven days, snd no ouo knowwhere I wat. Finally be emitted In the .MnniiealIliCet, and tent a K'lU-- tu me by Charles Kutcne

a rereiue oClcer aaytnir that bo know 1 did notlove him aud he was goim: to Itave me forever. Why.when 1 married bun my rather bad to par lha uoaalnle.on, ITn so glad I got rid of thst fellow I 1 don't wsnthim lo do sent to Hlng Hitr? on mr account. Tbe worldI wide enough lor both of us. He never iravc ms onocent Ironi thr nine he msmed ms Itlt he Imi me. Hetold mo one day he w. uld t'U his sword au I gl rue apair of .hi ea, iml h- ciiin't t'.n barny r. w-- Pragoia c rod hutband, anl I lote him. I they wouldcah my kioibtr up bore. Hue would Idutdr Coatrlruhtaway.

A ftirthnr rxamlnstlon of the car ha bren post-pont- d

until Tue'diy next, at Id A. M.

T71C DMA lit I A tt HESATOns.

Thr (Ireitl llnuqael la hrnntor Norton Intbo .llnnlilillan Club llouse-T- hc lion.Do'iirlns Tuylar'a Orlilaul Poem-.- tuOutpourins of rtullel ,llrn.

The Fifteenth Ward General Committee gaTe nbanquet at Uie Uanlialliu Club IJouee list irenlugIn honor of tbe Thunderbolt's departure for EuropeThi Hon, Dong'as Ttilor, Commissioner of Juror,prelded. Tbo Hon. Samuel S. Cox aat at Ihe footot the labte.

Among Iho se treeint were Jodge Charles P. Da-

ly, Judge J trues 1. bpencer, Ihe Hon. Algernon H.

Fulllv.n, llr. Edward fchell. Judge Gunning 8.Bedford, Judge Cox, Jsmet J, Oumbleloii, Judge

Barauel Joaei, Ibe Hon. JoLn Twombly Carey,Frank A. Itanaoen, Mnrrsy. Ald'rmanlUinpeoiu Col. Ltau II Herd, President ot tieProduce Rxchsnge. the Hon. llt sjsmln Wood, Col.Emanuel 11. Hart. AlJermau Mitcbell, Wm. J Hill.Mr. Arthur alattnls in, Oolly Uuolt. J. T. Acnew,li e lion. Augustus ttchtll, and other dratlurniabedgentlemen.

Letters wire read from Mayor Von O'llall, tbeHon. Wm. At. Tweed, Comxrolhir Connolly. IbeHon. Peter 15. Sweeny, tie Hon. O'Oor-in- n

and other, all speaking In the highest termsor tli Tjunderbolt. A magnificent picture oi Sena-tor Norton, le.tooned wttb flowers, hnnr upou Iliawall, and an Immense bouquet of rare exotic, bear-ing Senator Norton's monogram In tiny red rosi-- ,occupied tho centre of the table.

At V o'clock thi cloth was removed, anJ DongiaaTaylor proposed the health, of "Gallant MichaelNorton," which waa received with loud applauae.Tbe Senator responded In aa eloquent apeec'i. Atbe took bis scat the companr Jouiod In singing thefollowlrz song compose 1 especially for tnlt occa-alo-

br the llo. Dunglaa Taylor:Around this ftittre board,

Tho' for pleasure wa havi met,We fret thst we tnall mlaa you

VI hen sun hat set.And so while In our sight.

All thst is tone, or tsld.or thought on,Bnsll be a wlrb for yoor delight t

Hen's to ant Michael Norton.CHervi.

Here's to your heslih.To your plrsiant voiaae o'or thi wattrt

Here's w rour health.And to your safe return.

The fifteenth Waid reusniters1 be Itooors you nave won.

Aod wl.b theNlnih and Sixteenth tresisIhe Klchtb Wsrd's favorite sou.And to thro' sll the wsrds ceil fall

They hope yoor lis ht will he. foiuht on.And they'll rally lo the peonlu'. cilia:

lleie's to you gallant Michael .Norton.Aa the Brooklyn bears yen on

Toyoordrsr old nsftve Isnd.Keuiember tnoso you'vo left behind,

Who br you proudly .laud.Bo when In until of Highland Usui.

The memories )ou then have Draught onWill not make you forifjl to nwhi,

llcri't to jou, AcSpeechoa wen nfierward mado by the Hon. S. H.

Cox nnd a half doieti Judges, and song were sunby Arthur Matlhl.on, Algernon S, Hulliv n. Mlc'iaelJ. Kelly, Dick Heticll, an I olhers. At 3 o'clock IMSninrnliu the parly wm sill! rating and singing,Willi nu pruspect of breaking up before Ihe sailingof tl.e aleemer.

A Quirt Dlunrr lo thr l'l)o or tho Dr.inocrui y hriKilui' Crriiniri'a l'rliudt Kit --

IrilnliiliiL' lilm ut llrliuiiultTi'i.Mr. Willljm Sttiarl, tho theatrical

ruoiivcr, gave Sruator Cruamer an exquisita dinnerat Deltnonlco'a last t Tuning. Tne btnquet livl najolitlcal algnlflc-iiicc- , but woa merely Intended as acompliment to a nio.lett American ftntlciuan, onttt evo of bis deporture for Europe.

'Iho bill ol faro stated Fiat It was "a lairwell rxpresslon of n lew attache I friends to Thomas J.Ciosucr." TSo r.V.K Vai caromlly seleciei biMr. Wll'lnm Munrt. It was ono ol Ihe groatest

snf Ids peo.ill.irly billllant giinlii.'. Mr.Stu.ulnut nt I hii html of the Mhle, suppuitrtt by friiriuiaielluir dugs BnttJuli'o Hedlurtl. Dr. llaminotij

the loct or tlio table, flanko l ly icua'.orCro nici and Mr IMe.

1 IiOmi piv.eut wern Gen. J. J. llaitlel', Iteciirderllackell, Major Hall, Clarence toward. .Mr., Mr. Ilnckley, Col, Haul. Dr Caruuiivi,.Mr. Allen, S II Ism Henry lluilburt, and Mr, WWood.

Hut one lo ist was glvrn, nnd this was the honll'iof Cro iiuer I.i InirudiUMii t u. n i.t Mr.Stti.rt wrnppoil hhiself In a mantle ul wit und tloqtit lice, nnd ponrod forth u tl.o.crol intnlleitii ,1

getiia. It nu cou.ideivl I no happ'oat iir,n m IIIlie. ll'itriie uru'Cli wiot made, uld tint wns HenilorCreamer' it'spunse tu tbo tonst. lies ined p..nlynvi rcouie by Mr Stuart's dt.xllug tlisiiei of wil,bu' ropllr J In 'ct 'Ity terms, using fie iluost aiuilio sand Ih ' most gruceful I ititu .zo

( mu. mr Europu to day. llo vtlUbe nccomiuuiiii by Dr. i'ordC Ihrk.'r. Clarn .

biw rl, fir VanJ'Tpocl, Mr, Ilucltiey, auu ol'tol tuir 11 "I (Hiens

He c rrlts tellers of Introduction to Mr O' i

in, L( rd I.ylton. t ,i Kir uf ti rh. tin HishtHon HftiJ mill D I.'raill iin.l ot i"f ICiiHth Hale.-me- n

His fricuds yristt biui u bapp raja iv aud asale reluru,



The Clvlllred World Illumlnalrd by tkaHnbJocti of Iho Hupreme I'onllff--A Dig-stll-ni

Mprctarlo In and around New Vork-llon- ora

to HI. Frier's nnccrsior.The twenl.fjnh nnnircrsarjr of Plus the Nlnth'i

accession to the Pontificate waa celebrated sealer-da- y

In 81. Patrick's Cathedral by solemn High MassofTbinksglvlog. Every pew In tho sacred edificewas filled, and the allies wen crowded with worship-pers who had comi too ltle lo bi aceommododaledwith ants. The blgh altar waa msgnlficenlly do-C- o

rated with cholcs flowers notice wen icineverywhere. A flaral arch extended from tin Gos-pel to the Epistle side, and partially covered tbaTabrrnadi, The nlchca wen filled with pyram-idal tapers, which added beauty and light to tillmagnlflctnt scene. All Ihe vestment! worn by thiclutr wm those of festive occasions, and themusic waa inch aa it beard on the highest bolldsyior the Church. It was generally noderatood thatArchbishop McCloekry would preach on the tronulca

f the Pope, and thit had the effect of attractingCatholics rrom other parishes to I hi Cathedral.

At 10,V o'clock, amid an Inspiriting voluntarythe clerical procession movod from (the ascrlity totbe altar In the following order:

Atolylci, In criruion fontanel and lurpllcra,Tbe Celebrant.Very Iter. Father Mirrt. V. !.,

The Molt Ur. Aiehhiihon McLlovLcy,Attltunt

The Matltr of Ctremunlcs,In Oils order the rroceslon reached Ihe Sane-tuir-

when the Huh Mass was bsgnn. The IterFather MeNitnco acted aa Deacon, Father MeGuanaa and tho Hot. Mr, Kearney as Masteror Ceremonies. Tne music wat Mercalanti'a d

Maaa In D minor, which was exce lenlly ren-dered by leading artists. sltted by a grand chorusAt tin close of lbs Arcliblsaop

delivered a brief address, llr said that tbsfaithful had been bbghlr farored In being permitted tocelebrate tin twenty flfta tear or tho Holy Fsthir'aaccession to thi i'ootlfliete. It waa to sll of them aaoccasion of great gladnets . Tba present occupantof the cbslr of St. Pcler wss tbeofy one, wl'Ji therxcrptlon of tha Prince or Aposllrs, wno had per-formed the dutlea of bis holy offico over a quarter ofr. century, and no Popa since Ihe time ol 81 Pelirbad io much truuole, so many vli liiltudrs to d

against. In every country tho Catholic heat!rejolcod tbls day over the fact that thi Head of theChurch had. In these momentous times, outlived theperiod allotted lo bis pndecsor. lis was

IwiotT-tiil- , year of hla Poiitlflcile.Til grand Ti Drum of Lambellotle waa thenlung, and Ihe Archblstop c'oied ths services withIhe lknedlctlon,TBI UTIXt ONIOn's CgLKBBtTIOrT.

Rer. Father Eaots, Prorinclal of tbs Jesuit Ordor,delivered sn address lut nlgbt lo Ihe members andfriends of thi Xavler Union st tcelr club home. BWest Finrenth street, during their celebritlon ofthi Iwrnty-nn- annlversarr of tbe elevation of11ns IX to tho chair of St. Peter. "It Is meet,"sail ihe rsvrrrnd gentleman, "that beside llmgreat display ol fireworks and grand Illuminationswhich In aomo mratnra trattfy our Jot cu beingwitnesses of an event such aa the protrnt. tlat Ishould make uie of the opportunity afforded In sirIng Ihat as head of the Jesuit Order we fnlly andentirely endorse your Society. Ill devoted to rellciou cud the Pope, nnd 1 am sure Hint tl.rrr Is no'one hero who would not eaulflce cran hii life forhia religion and tbe Fopo.

Amon- .- the gentlemen who l!,ned ta the addrrws wm Owrn llrrnnan, James II. Nleholsoo,James Olnrll, Iter. V, Monroe, 8. J . Her. F.

Iternard Kernan, John A. Mnoncy, Wil leMurphy and nibers. Mailer Thomas Maitlm 1, theyoung New Yorker who received from the Landsor lbs Pore t. Is first coaimnnlon, was invent, orcompanlrd by his fsiher. This yonnr tcntleni nwas dressed as a of tne Papal Z.miiei, n.Hwoie, aa Cic ratlou", a medallion or Ins Hlestrdvirgin and a st.vtr modal pi i.eutej luu bt HiePeine.

ITie street outaiCe was crowded with Ibe popa.Isce gathered to witness the dWplar of firework,which, until a late hour, were luri.saulh set onfrom the bslcony and roof. Stretched across thefront ol the building, from the root lo thr rldewn'kwere rows of colorod lanterns. An i.luailnatedtablet teal Init tho Papal arms was dlnlajei at taesecond story window, an.l rwlaw along the bslc nrthe legend, " Long Live Pope Plus " lotlde, iboapacious purlors wsre festooned and drapej wliaAmerican llaca nnd colors of tne Holy tree. Por-traits and palullngs of the Hole Father met Iheslew st rvary mm. surrounded wiih gvrlunds otflowers. On tbe centre uble wss a Itrgu basket cfflowers, the gilt of William Ibvlm, E,q , In whicharusucdiy t.orko.1, wire tbe letters "P. . IX..

CALIBRATION AT ST. TkVL TAB APOSTLl's.AttheCturch of St. Pan! theApostla. st Fitr-nlnt- b

street and Nlnlh-iri-pu- soleniu liigti masswascelebralclat9tntl.r morning. Tbe Iter. Fa'herDwyer acted aa celebrant, assists 1 hy Filter Hillas deacon and Fat'ie. Hear I e as snb deacon. Thegrind eliar was heantaTuily decorated with flivtcis.On either sllr snd lustde tbe chaucel railing ban.itis wne displayed bearing tie laollov, " Deodrlretus pastor bonnt," "Glorlo.ut il lenedlclutIn Vila sua." "Pics Nonus Vtearlus Chrlstl,"" Ponilflcatus XXV. ad rnnltos annos," and Tlbldabo clavca rrgnl ceelorum." At lie oonc.uslon ottbs mass the celebrant and deacon descended thestoos ol the altar aud Intoned Ihe first veite ol the"Te Deum," which was taken up and eung In animputing manner by tin choir and nrolytoa. Therdllce waa densely crowded, the intjor portion olthe corurcTatlon being women.

In lbs eveelng the buildings connected with Ibecburch wen brilliantly illuminated. At a o'ciock api uctmsion composed of the stcdents of tat luluuteot St. Paul, the Institute Cnorus of lit, I'eclna,headed by Dodworlh't oanJ nnd the Instliule' drumcorps, sll under tbe supervision of the Hey. Father.). P. and besrlny lorclies and Clilnete lan-terns, paraded tlie grounds. There Wksannsdlaplsy of fireworks and a discharge of bombs, whichwaa wtmeiaed by an Immense concourse, Nearlyall the buildings In the neighborhood were brlllisnt-l-

lllumluated, and then were many fine dlsplaya offire works.

rTBOTXCBKICa ON TUX WBST SIPS.Tbe Paullst Fathers celebrated the annlrtrsary

lstt nuht by a grand pyrolec.iolo display on thsgrounds atlaclisd to their cbnrcb. Inoussnda

In Iront of ll.e tacred edifice at 8 o'clockand wltnested the firewnrka, which were beantliulsarl varied. A splendid pyrotechnic dlsphty wwtata made lu ths institute of tbe, InSarbtn aronm and Finy foarlh street. The

were adorned wltn tranapsreuclesand American flu. About l,f) ladles snd geulle-me-

assembled In tbe hall, and tba Her. FatherHrodO-- U made an appropriate adlresi. A One baudof music performed popular atta during Ihe

TBB rort's ANNITXtSAItT IN WILLIAV!BUBQII.Although then was no dlsplty yesterday In the

Catholic churches ol Wliliamtburgb, the ctlebialloobeing deferred nntll Sunday, yet Ihe event was

arked b) the decoration of houses wllb tne finsnd colors of tbe Holy Seoaml private illuminations.

I tlo rrtldoore or Ht. Hi oney, underiakir, SB Tin Hi'tiret, betides Ino Chlurta lanterns which snet'Eturn the roofs and windows, waa do ked wltn

Ainerican fhga and the banners of iho church, luIbe centre or Ibo buildlnjr, scrrcaaded br gas Jets,was a large oil painting ol the Holy Father.


Latterenlng the anniversary was celebratad InNiwark by a grand tore ll:ht pracepsion wl Itli wasparllcitaled In by 1D,0U0 perioos. I'll ollc and privatebuildiuit were bung wlin Uigs and bnllianliy

Peoles'.ont a'll Catholics vying wltncadi otner in honot' to tbe occislon. Fire-works w.u iliscliargfil with tlio freedom of aFcurth (: July night i balloon. Uiltrd li,o air; hau lsof luusio dlscourti'd ui.iscs and patriuucnl.--s. The Kiralmt cuthutHstn prevailed,lntli soldltrs were proiuinont in tho pri'i-c-


.Inn; tin u followed Ihe various c.via tocie-tl- i,

teuurrsnco and rtl.trwi.c, Jlojs frum thotilinuU pjrllflpilr,!, unit etun women,and leeiils, Joined llio mulutuJe. l'eriect order w. slii.iluuucj. Anions Hie roiuiiieut lut-i- t in t:,eprocesnlo were Stiutor I'rriing itiyson, Slate 8m-slo-

James 1, Hays, the Hon. Corllaudl Ptrkir,Mayor Hlcoid, ex Mayor Peddle, the members ofthe Common t'oiim'll. several Piulesunl cUrtynii'ii,and a iiunibtr of vtvll kiioitu uuiiufictuiers andmercl.uuts,


The telegraph report llluinluuliuns and rejoicingthtou"! out H e rivllliwl worl'1.

In Aluuiit the Jiibilio w.s celebrated by Impres-sive urtiioa In Iho cathedral, proci.eiuus, Urlui ofsal oe, tin, I liluuiuiitiom,

Tao lalhiilics of Washington and Georgetowncrlrbrated tho day by n procession of icvnal i'iou-stu-

pti.ons, which marched through Iho principalstreet, und Prima) Itama avenue. One of tbo traus-I'.-I'lili.'H bore Ibo lueirintiun, "Two bundled

ii.illious of embolics are for the I'opr," and onot '," III" piluiiinny of ihe P.ipo niiit bo itvlored. 'Iho ceituionios elosed wltii a display of fireworksdllu a salutu of IHO guns.

Thr Dnvvu.Tuwii lli n limn Ilrnii.iiillnB nTi'rinlnii nt Hip Viaduct Itoml,

At a luet'iiiig uf incrcli.iiiu nnil bankersnllernoou, tlio total cost of I'm Viaduct II ,il

rod was rtlmalrd nt C0,rlnlU'O, of which at KntlJ50,00ilCO) would fall upon ibe tiipaicrs Wallslrrit Irndesinon could not conceivo why the lallwnysbjuld tnd el Clambers street. Munn lloinlloibr, Jouollnn Stuign, M. Jessup. .louu K W.I

II II, Hyde, 8 II llugtli't, W 11 Given, Nuiidi. I, Mslliewa, H.N S .Uuril. t. II. ( bitlrn-dor- ,

aud Hoyil Pimps wuc nppoinlo.l a cinniiiitiealu c n'rr with tbe Luoctor ot Hie VlaJuct llailroaiIn io urd to a lermluus at ti. Uatlory,

m I HO, J lILTgllllirxsrows a nvat feet.

Tho Poor Ilnndrrd Mllra Done, wllb t.ti-tar- nItllnulea to Hpari Evrrybodr Aitou.

Isbed and Wrston Hrrrnniled-ltrmarUn-- ble

Hcrnn la the Empire Ulnlt.At 4:43 yeatenUy morning the Irrepressible

Woalon began his last day'a walk, having restedonly ifew minutes over two bourn and a hall be-tween the two days. At 7:20 A. M. ha rested nineminutes, and again nt lfr.Od he stopped for twentyminutes, having made twenty rallea from the atari,his actus! walking Urns having been 5:0.1 39, and, In-

cluding stoppages, 5:22:00. Hi then ate a heartybreakfait, conslitlngof a whole chlcker, two enpsof tra, aed bread and butler b, urge qtisntttles. At10:23 A. M. In again itartrd, having np to thst timemsdi three miles more than be did In Iht lametime on the pnvloni day.

As before stated he storied on his Jllil mile at10:25 A, M., and then performed sn rxtrjordlmrylist. Ile walked fifty miles without stopping amoment, nod during that lima mado somi terrificipnru. widen frsq'ionllv elicited enthusiastic anplausi. During this levers teat of snduranr hewaa In the best of aplrlls and lanjhed and Jokedwith bis frlemlt, all of whom be rrcognlxed as tbeyentered the ltlnk. At 0.17 P, M, liu stouprl twentyminutes, during which lime ho dunged Ills dress,and at 0.37 P. M. he again appeared ready for thetramp

Meantime throng of speclAlora ha I Increaseduntil Iher nniu' eied over lour UiousanJ. The Im-mense rink was flllej. When he made his lattrn-tr-

tin applause and excitement were Intense.Ladles waved tbelr brndkricbiefs and patted uieirdelicately glored hands, wlllo Iho sterner sexthrew ip their bste, tlsuped, snd cheered. Wt--tor s dress wm nrnltor tanilsome and nrll flttlngsilk tlglls. Ms were a cobar, rulT, and nleis ofmaroon velvet, liandomely trimme-- l wltn bullionlaee. whl'e his wslit waa oncnclrd by a magnificentb nicely ornamented Willi Ihe same malrrlal.Ills apprarince Indicated eve ythlng Inl fitlrur.Hla eje abono brightly with excitement md tin ti

of turrets, and as he latde circuit niter cir-cuit of the Immenso rink the excitement knew nobound", and ahowara ot large anl beaultlul bou-quets wen bestowed on him.

I'm ."Wist tnlle w i. made In tbe eatranrdlntry timeor The band then alrork up on inllvrulngtune, and WeitonnnJe one of bis spurts. Tnls wason hi X.73SIII circuit of tbe rink ; of amile In one minute and fonrtoen erconds, bring tbefsslvst time dnrlug tin entire walk. 1 be Slid milebe made In 12:10. Tho 2,7f.tli citcull was anotherejlMordlunry spurt, msdeln the rtiiiarshle timeof 1:111, amid Hi wlldiet enlbutlasm. The 3 Himile he mad In liRI3.

Then he began a round rl f. ner wilklng. withorn.s fulded ncrr s id I roast and behind bis back,to show Uio perfect 03 ,j cttnfl.ltncohe hsd (j l.ij r!0, ineceu. At cm time J P.--".Jim ciuwd became ao d, ne nnl enjltu-- l sti:(Sit ('apt. Ounner was couiDoll! ju , .. u,..,.

;"'Ot:ioon with , .octlon t.fSjilth mill made In 13.51 Tiie78.b

lt hi walked backward lu 3:36, amid Ihi wildestp.tslblo rxciteir.cbt. Cheer biter cheer went upfrom the rxclted multitude- - a the grrst Wrslon looktup tiler slep backward unlil Ibe rompiell n of Uieclr.ult. Thrn Ihe siplause was rcl'y itrrlflf, HeIhun rrsurrel hla walk 10 thr tune uf "Popro.s Ihe weazil"and flnisntd ths SVSlh mil. In15:0.i, which lucludes llm back circuit.

At 10:13 he midi Ibe S,7G!ili crruil backwsrd.amull tlio wildest uproar and excitrmnt In f:3v)being fire seconds qutcirr than tha time In miiku.gtho previous bacword circuit. Hit c ndillon .Uilreuj.ilmd apparently aa good, bis extnsritn, ind his tnirii a higl. as st the btiilniilnc o'I'ti rrmarkabli feat. TbeayOlli inltrwas completcjlnH:lo. which. Ike the previous on. prindesonecircuit backwards. Tl.e Sailh mite he ma lo In 13:10,and the SbStti In Ht5d, Then, pntllni on anot. rrpurl, to made two last rlrrui.s, Ibr first In 1:34, other In 1:26, nu Id intense exiltement anddea'cntii apple use.

Tin K.910 mllo bocomoleted at P. M., In12.13, and then the great Woslon stand on hi Matmile. 'Ibr anplauee was lerrlfie, and as round nrtrrround wrnltio. tar spirits of the p.,.in ro-- i itthrluneof " Vnuker Drodle" br the bund. an 1 hewa.aea as t'.i.dili lur dear hie. The 2 t'j,.i uic.i.twnin-i-lol- 1:1-- and tir mil I e ..o.t In1.11. Tin ludlh lul.o bring r.nue In the aslonisNnely shi rt tin.e ol 1!;L7, bilaz wualn one a coad Zttbo 1 mile during Hie entire wilk.

Tl.o luO ndlei were binuhl t" a do-e- It; l;P. 'I., IS minutes ahc id or timo. Ti.en innuuied uuIbu shoulders of some niilhiisistile adpurert. Wes-ton was ran arouod tbu liinkomidtl Ihe very vllilcdtottlble rxrllrmrnt.

After cbangliig i ,i attire, csrrlves being lu rcadlncss Mr. Wesinn wiih his Judges nnd a ftw swere dllven to t n Film nvrntin Hotel, wbl-r- tbeya fine sapper and n serenade.A te muilltudo wero going cut or tlrr nink Dr

Doirmus dcUvered a short speech on tho i olthere exhlmtlous of endnranco to sc encc. Ho uarol.owed with a speech troin Weston.

Wrench I na-- a .llllllon rrtiiri Vnnili rblll.WasniNOTON, Juno 14. The fecretar uf the

Treasury this aflernoou dc.t.lo 1 tnat he has powtrto the of the Now York Central llall-ros-

Compsny from the reoviii decision of Ibe Com-missioner of Internal Keveuur. but list II I nonece.tsry to Jo to lur Ibu dne admtnl.tratlou oltbe law cr Ibe protrcllou of Hie il.iiis of theCompany. If therefore tbtl Conicaoy aim Inot tav the amonnt alitady trs."ued. Here will bea hvy oo Ihelr troperty Toe), however, hrvo thelis a l to instunie sun aplnst tin Collector, end theGovernment will thus te rusblod lo de'eud the dorlsion.

What the Worklnsinen are Doing.At tho meeting of the Worlinjtncn' Union

lut nlxhl, Mr. Franks charged that the condition ofthe pretended cooperative enterprise, known aa therturlingtou. Atlantic, Cape May and PhiladelphiaGlass Manufacturing Company, la a awtndls. It waareported that tin International Union bad givenJAO to the miner, and the CrUplns (33. Thepalnlera complained of employment ol pollramen aa pai&tiis in Ihi police depsitueni, and of

men la other department..

Hnllrood Kinployers Selslug a Truln.Kashtillk, June 16. Yesterday, about one

hundred anJ fifty employee! from Alaaarua selxyd alocomotivo aud two cars at the depot In Chatta-nooga, and went oft Willi iheui down the Chattanoogaaud Alabama ltallroad 'Ibe locomotive and carwere untltr atlae iinenl. and pursuit was mide; butaa ths raptors bad cut the wires, tbe result la un-known.

A Murdrrrr Coulrisri his Oulll,RociiBSTig, June 18. Messner, the wifo mur-dsre- r,

acknowledged the killing uf hit wilebut pliaded


Chief Justice Chaai wat leionsdeJ In Clnclnsalllatt night.Forlnnatas Cosby, formerly attached to tbe Loo.

Itville Vex, and al one tune 1). 8, Couiul at Ucueva.died )csierday,Thurlo r Word and daughler, Dr. Bayer. Clsreneo

feward. Aaron Vanderpccl, ( , I'. Iliirkley. heimorCre.inrr.Mr. Hire iy. anl City tbaciberlalu Uradleyail for horopeOn Wednesday Mb Agnes Rttn-- sailed In theJava for Europe, to be zone a .hurl 1. rm for recrea-

tion an.1 uudv, Inihelul two teattit Ibu Imty haimade wonderful advance In her profi'ttion. hhu hastonal Handing wnich It teldotn. and but exceptionally,galucd by ladles couuecthd wlin Ihe ttage.

WASuisaroy sotes.The pbyilcitns have war ned Justice Walls, who

waithot by Treuury Cleia Ua v rpiiil, that t.o ll uotlikely to rccovor.The brlckmakcra' strike si ILe various yards In

and around Washington bas endad In the resumption01 WOlK at Uo Old lal r.

fcecretary Ilouiwell has postponed his departurefrom W.ihioeton nam to nt:ht or early next wet.i.He will bo leu 'ayt.

The Pre.l lor.t left Wathlnilov tat night, in 'owith (len. Porter, lor Lnnai Hi aocn, au I w 11 rn

toward tne cicto of thl. month.Mr Riddle, counsel for llowen. rerrntlr convletedof bigamy called ai lha Hxn uuve iu.mnon yetierdat.bin di I net tee iho Prrrment. Ile left a lellor nan a

View to piocitrn the parson ul Ilawen.Gin. Hiss A. Smith Ins drellnrj the Oou-mo-

thlp of New Mexico, whlrh wa. rirerr I him ninioly InIhe hi,in thai a change ol climate would linnbiuilln chief oojooiiou a intufllc'.onl .alary,

cvjtiotrrt hs op- - 7f f.0"orio t.'onard, age I 17, ol 21 SuPolk str.iniurrill d will; Annan I llaax. ol st Cllulo'o ii"aoe, au Itut bun In the back will u uxor.

,nlr.,i.T!,'nUr'iJ")'l,1".1,1 hy Nl" tCp.'sttor.hoTe,bv burgiait of aaoul us iu in

m'o;re,0wf.n,'o'h5,.fn,erd.WUh --""l'0"' HM iiWlllinni Davis, alias Charlns Wilton, a notorious

li.'i.inW.''u.V. "'I'"".011 liuiie.lity Hi iliuOeneral$nnlZLlU?':f'c,X,V,':'u, " "" Finniinarno m hi. i.o.witih.n.Ho wMlookrd up lu tne Oak .ireoi I'ulleo n.uoii.

J inics nodlioutii uppenred yesmnlay snd oltrredi?,!tS.i!L' tu a liiiiki up iy ot.. D..irii!i Alu.rney

rcecoiin vtt nun at annul '.Haw batter," andhiil nlm loniini'icl lu detau I of i H 0 ua i, t.i ,,;it ilinuo of loijurv in caics In whirli no hireiufoiicoatpiiuoutiy uared.

Hil l aid Amkisoa, of Nuwark, who his wl'enearly to dr if an.l etrsped. wni rai lure.l on Ibn.i-Uy- ,niglil It it. lo. tu 1.1. hmiie. tthur. helicea liimveiriu a loo.n oil a brutteid lhatl .or H'.d i ii rn il to h,I, tho .up, er It I n aitent ti ed

luti'd ' C lt "4 m

While llziklel Halo.n .n of Tfaw O. leant wasrlrlinrlu n itaie iriinty, Mi-- n wi'uamt of Jsr.ey I'uvtepoe I to llo to. k , ut hii wallet, and rctu ii It 6tno richl mlo pocket of bit iisiiisiooa., Kllen loou gotoil. r the .lags w,ih miV e. 'f hH0 recognitor Wit

C. L. VALLANDIGHAM DYING. ja iiiiu.LiAyr i,i rr. EXTisavtsusu f

AT ITS ZEX ITU.Hfaovvlng hovr hii Cllrnt'i Victim mlalit bntro i

hhot lllinrir-lllnhl- ni Ibe Londod Pit-t- fjtol-T- be 1'byalclnna Problnr In Tola fc JIbe llnll-Tl- ie Mlnleamun Slultlag. t

Cinoinn in, Juno 10 Clement Ii. Vallsndbj- -bsm.of counsel for the defence of Tbomss McGe i ti, Inow on trial at Lebanon, Ohio, lor the murder cat jf

Myers at Hamilton, Ohio, accidentally ahol hlniMaTHe was In a room with Got, MeHurnir. f

nd while allowing how Myers mlilit bare shot blot-- J 'Jj

oir, tho pistol wss dlsehsrgeJ, and the bait eotert4 nthe right side of the abdomeo, below the rib. W

What direction tus bill look It net known. Q

Later dispatches from Lebanon any Mr. Va (3

landUlivn was rnmltlog, which was regirdsl as aat M

unfarorible irmpto n, and one or hla pbyatctiaa nall tl.ero were luJIcitloni of an Internal httnots- - M

rhage. mThe Doctors ceitid thslr frnltlrsi tearsh for tbe rfl

ball about an hour alter the accident. They than Aclosed the wound and placed the patient oo bi ?jright aide, llo was calm and collected, B

It appears that no one was present will Valla. Qdlghsm when Hie ocjurreJ bat SUor. McDurntry, who has been anoclaloj ullH Jbun In the defence of .McGobau. Mcllnrwefhad rxpresed some donb'.t at to tbe theory thai IBMyers hid shot himself. Vallan llghaa plckeJ uea pistol from the tsble, iiying ho woald ahow Llm 1In half a second. U

Two plstuls were on the table, o utiloiilij, antr jjbe by mistake look uo the loadol olo, put It In M 9pocket, sad withlriw It, keeping tbo ranulo noxx M

his body. Jutt a It was luring ilt pockat It waa.,' A

dlse'iarged, Ills reports J, at nearly Hi sane part of tithe body where Myers was shot, lie at onci rjaca- - tilatcd, "Oh, murdor I" aal sal I ha hal tucn 4awrong pistol. ft

While the examination was golnj oi he wiUho Kthe lurrtona wl'h eiger eyes, and iron asiati4 2fie.n In teirchlni for Hi j ball. Tie bill appear a ta X

havs uksn aro.vnwsrJ court t In the direction of I.Ibe bla ider, 'jj

A later dntpalcb siyi that the symptoms ar grow- - sIng more unfarorable. His pulsi Is abovi 1JJ. Tbo ,

urccon do riol afP'T t tl" hopeful, alHioa-jb- . they St

't' H81111 later a Irlces stall tint his bands ind foetir )

Srowlng cold. Ha rnmlts olten, but throws no nc rfj

blood. Ths physicians say ho Is sinking fsst. II at ipulso Is rl.tux. V

VallinJIjham cams o a Ilurnonat fanl'r, anl Vwaa born In New Lisbon, Columbia comity, Ohio.hlMl He received a good education. Ilrrpcal t,one joar h Jefferson College In Ohio, and two year T;

as principal of an academy at Snow Hill, MarylandL NIn 1910 hi returned to OLIo. studied law, and wag lladmitlad lo the bar in 1MJ. Hi was ilirtod to lit Vi

Slnto Legltlaturo In 1813 and 1$W From 1M7 to VIfV) hi was eoltor of tho Dayton Enjvlrer. Jj

Fur semo )etrs snustquent lo that dato he dero--led blmtelf to bis profession and politics. He waa UC V

i member of tin Nailonil Darancrallo Convontloa Jllhold In Cincinnati in 133.1. He ran for the Thirty uflnh Congreii aputi.t L, C. Ciiupbeil, whose toil uasnccrsslnlly conP'Stidi and refjlcctej to tbe ujj1 hltly-sls- l 1 or grits. H

At the comnicncoroient of the second seuloa ol at'e Tlilrty-fiftl- i Congress, anl during tho Thirty- - flsx'b, Lew... pliccduti ll o on Terrllofriot. Hi vtat rtfiUcled to the li Cost- - wTen. fjIn lbC'l he wss arrested by military authority for V

rsprev.lng hit opinion, aalntt the war. wai ban- - ji.hod to tbe Southern Slates, anl b way of llor- -mnda went to Cana li, j

During bis exile he was nominated for Governor J

of Ohio and ilefeilcd. lie auhuquintly returned, 't

and was a arirgaiu tu ti v vutt.if ouurtim.u wt luTloot He v.aa a dclcgalo to tho Dmocr-tl- i National iConvention belJ In New York In 1SGM, He was on Ijof Ibe leaders In the Cha movement In Ihat Con- - jlvrnllgn. He rim forContrn.i lu tLo Tall or Ika i

same year, and was defeated by Oen. Schonck, cow nM ultler to Eogltnil. jj

Tbr Jcromo Puili Clolna Dnv. iThe Amcriccn .lockrjr Club meeting closes lo-- Ci

day Willi a piogrsmme of four races. The first for fclf.ipr-)eo- r olds, the second (the Consolation Pro-- J;mium) fur horse beaten dunnz the uretlug, tba ftthird a tliree-rrll- dash for all ages, and the last a )slerplrrhise londlcap. Tbe sun of yesterday haa Ieffectually dried the track, ao that somo lall rtinelng Vmay be anticipated. 'Ihe toflowiog was the state of Stbo brtltn: nlghl at tie pool-box- : Ti

At Joh.i.ion A alarahai'. 2al:ns 70 U Flnestr loo tlField si ra nlr Hutu it a f,

Hrlmbold ICO ll Uulnlard 15 Sd ilField j l Jorsld II a '''L'ouilwusxl iii McGowan told ti

Btllo CM lOOIAldeharsn !lincloo to gg IiHe o. 3lonir lluliu ,t VItalian eo.Uerald 4 l)i oltee's Coll.. . Bjluolnlard r V( llyiou Kir ieh l ra Jlie. n buld SOoil'cbu let ifKairlna 15lVitee a l)

Nu pools want sold on tho steeple chase. j'The Fall or a llroadvvay Wall. ' $

Vcstordaj afleriiuou the wall of 470 IlroodU Jjway felt upon a number or workmen and bonedthem, Thoy were after tome difficulty extricated.John Kress, of 2.13 Third slretrt, snd Theodora hllopfnrr. 01 197 Avenue II, were fatally Injured itJcmes Jsckaon.of 113 Mulbeiry alnel, and Tbenua) j,Uartut, of CO Lauism street, win alao badly hurt; t

Hchoolboya' Wrong! to be Avrnsrd, jjIn bchklf of tho Mcasra. Decker, whose bon H

were lu the Pennington 3mltury, Jndgs M.eklnley jlwill Instlluti civil proceedings agalnsi Dr Ilaitots Pfor dam-igi- t. The criminal proceedings an to ba Slaid before tin mil Grand Jury or Miroer county. U

Thi Rev. Dr Ilanlon or Pennington Sriuilaarj (1hat announced that he hat abolished capital punls 1'meni in hlsrcbool. lux bvie mines tor all, f.


Ttir llgbt hon at iMmy Itland It to be removedlo Ulsck Heseh I'olol, off Uvckatvay. I

Jndsr Slroug' gardener, who disappeared oa the 'eve of hit wedding day, lurua np In nwnxsrland,

One Kick lord, confined In the Rlrcrhead Jail oa acharge or Ihell, tried to cul his throat In foir pbaoc 'and lo rut off his arm at the elbow, lio filled.

jorrisos auovt xors. j

.:Music In ths Central Psrk this stiernoon.Thcinioineter ye.teidsy at 3 P. M 7'l S degree. I

William C. Diiran, azrd CO, of 43 Kiug street, felloff a iruca aud wai lutaliv Injnied.William Pulecv, Ml testerday Horn WD East Fig- - ttecuth strict, und was f uailv injured,Junes K. Polk, grnndsun of Pretldent Polk, bat iniairhed hi toirei nitrs agslutt K. J. mokea s oarhouo lor f! Ms) a sldo. ftCommissioner Davenport denies that he revllted S

thontaiidt of iiollari from test for adiiilnltUri.ii: oiiha ?to ue Depuiy Maitl.als aud Suiervl.uts, JJote ph Nnpvrr, Genn.n, of Pill street, i ear Slaa- - $

Inn. aat klllnl yen. May in Hwift's b,n suory'WNoi.folk ilicct, l y a blow Horn a splinter in in a r .aw. jj

Twcuty-t- l ree piiicrable nun and hots, knunn aa 2dork i 'its, who gain a living bv steaitu.T col ion from abulei, tti ro nut lu UisiueU'. I.l.ud ye.ieiuay by Jus- - nIke Ho.Tin.

The police sho i! r the gmg of rowraea Jjwh.i n.ehtly ' ougieaatf nt t.uhth avenui sndTbtrl. Isri'onl it r nvtit respectable women art .!J,-

-- i iiv thfttc coia.r lotfert. jOur huUli appnar Hut muni.';; Ttt aniwTt ' H

s' Iriea 1 lie tone of Hilt pti. r hatcoitlu'i rul lv In, moved, and in fill woiia i.sue an ii rialuTe'i'it!''' pu,n" 01 W'orablo liiertrf .j

'll.e cite of Jsmet Monroe Cromllne,fnrgerv. hit sr. ner In. ino'n-- r lo liJehsii 'II. I burin of llAlt.iuors.W clu.ed in H,e "Wi'vlti !w'.Iu'ir'veVi'ii'.'dc'iV.u'u.'"'' Uc'"

l.'oiann. Mulheini .ur. 70. lo,t her tight a few 5'ruiiV!;.i,.tlkt,le,!l,,,,r'1 "hher stir, l 1K tW&KXi. brri?'u,k..,?,ra jj''r,'kTl.e"d'., "'" h,'UJluU ' ,M

The- Mat'iiu. Groit Asto.-- I i'iou was i ljrer--ll idla.ti.lghi i,; ih Mile, j,,.,,, a, Keii, .loiisn eV. UKi .'' .' 1,1 '"'uanii. ll rmrt H. it and others i PSrr.uliitiii'is wera .dontel. wishing t'inieinber Iliiti Mh'i N.uiou a pio.tieiuut voyaA Is Hburupe ai.d a s.fs

Wl.llsm W iliht ri'coverrl Jn Igioeril in f, t; .m. ! Irror, Ple.t je.lenlty agouti The (loir,Uin MunalLire Iiisiui,ee fompanv (rr ItO i on . ruiiev ot lo- - Vsursueeo.i lb life oi otia rt .1 m i u n w en it. 111wlm can It as M'tunty for ib iii n v "u o.uoi poll- -

cits wrro tireu uy bcnolle 1 uin . i. j;J. U Drew noil, First We Pre-- I ut ul the Kaa JlYork Noik i,4 irej ,i, ol ilia I wat till

bllvtr Uetlorin; ( o nps y (leoigoioaii ( tiuosii , re-- tJceived yett r .a lour vor hi n ,.t w .b hi oti t inr- - tMittnVl nnuc.i each Siaeo Ust Se uniti.r Ii Ins '

ivcciTCJ 111 bucks, wsfcluz nucou loui of )IH slror. r