
, r

PAG1.,ESSection One

Pages 1 to 8


Games ScheduledFor Wllyne Plauers

Five home and three \ I"'tmggames are inchlded 10 th<> tentR.­tlve C1ty lllgh school footballsrhedule announ,·ed, thiS \\ eek bySupt J W Lith,'rland

The schf"dule IS ,is follows Srp-­tember 19. Pierce. here Sept Pill·

ber 26. Stanton. thl're: October 3,Hartington, here; Octoll€1 11,Wakefield. there; dctober 17.\'v"est Pomt. here; lletobet 31.BloomfIeld. there. NO\E'mber 7.Randolph. here: November 14, Pil­ger. here

This schedule has not h~n, com4pletely checked as to pos~.ble con­nlet With tratmng school or colalege games. No deftnlte hour hasbeen set for the games,


l\1alTied Monday in.Wa",hinglon, D. C.

Accident FatalTo Cattle Buyer

Extelld InvitationFor State Contest

Wayne Chamber of Commercehas extended an IOvltatlOn to of­fiCials at Lmcoln to hold the statecorn huskmg contest III thiS VI4Clntty Several locahtle:;o III thestate are under conslderatlOn.Favorable sites have been pickedhere to alford a selectIOn 10 casethp Nebraska Farmer deCides onthiS region

George W. Kyl I. Located

In Federal Service atNalion'B Capital.

l\\tSS Rachel Taylor. daughter ofMrs Het ... n Taylor of Bloomfield,Ia . and George W Kyl. son of Mr.and Mrs J C. Kyl of Wayne, weremarned Monday, September 1. In

~VashlOgton. D C The couple WillreSide 10 \\'ashmgton where Mr.Kyl IS WIth the F B, 1.

Mr K)'l \S a graduat€' of Waynecollege, has Iws master's degree Is Tralilferred Bert>,from the state UOlVIJII"Slty m Iowa 1\Ir and Mn, Braden "Tug (aT4

'CIty and has taken work toward hart have been;ferrert to

lJ1II Q ic l"strtlctor ~leSn~~oto~~~;'~g~~nd'.5~n~I~~.He Wayne. their fonner hon,e, I"'lmUn, Omaha. Mr, Carhart IS ~Ith a

Studies in East MITS IN IUSE

stoker company. The eO,uple " ltv.Prof Russel Anderson who wa PER. N W mg \1.lth Mrs. Carhart s parcnt.>.

attendlllg Columbia unl\erslty at NEED BE RE;. E ED l!\Ir and Mrs. Albert Jones.Nf'\\' York Clt~ thiS sIID1rnpr, \\3S [lrlVpr-:;· permits bf'mg used - ~- - ~~elected to smg lf1 the St Paul must be renewed two years after 8ecUoa Onedlapel chofr of the WllVerslty Mr they are Issued. ProvldJ"g one does Page Two-Locals,Andelson held the ho~or of bemg not drIVe, he IS allowed 90 dayS" Page Three--Southeast Wake-chosen bantone soiOlst1from among after expiratIon for •renewal field Southwest Wakefield.25 '.OIces The chOIr sang eVery Treasurer J J Steele s office Northwest Wakeheld.mornlOg at 8 and e\ery Sunday at Issued 40 hcense renewals Tues- Page Four-EditariaIs.11. BeSIdes the three [courses M1 day, Page FI\e-Soclet)'.Anderson took at the unl\erslty, he -------- Page Six-Wakefield. Leslie.100k VOice lesson from Charles A ACCEPTS POSITION Page Seven-Want Column..Bakel' at the .1ulhard Sehool 01 IN MI~SOURI SCHOOL I Page E,ght-Hoskins, LoganMUSIC. Mr. Baker had Instructed Miss JanIce IMay Teetl has ac- Valley.Lawrence Tlbbet and other noted cepted a POSltlOll teachmg in Ste- section. TwoSOIOl:sts Mrs Anderson took chOIr phens college in Columbia, Mo Page One-Travel in Eas~.

\'oork at the Julltard School of Mu- She Will m:-;truct 10 retailing and Page Two-Early Days. Locals.:>IC Arlene AndersQn a,t-t-ended the salesmanship 10 the department of Southeast Wayne. Legals,Lincoln demonstration school 4nd bUSiness SCIence :Miss Teed has Page Three--UnusuaL Northathe DaIcroze Eurhythmics school. been personnel dIrector in a Los west Wayne. Brenna, Locals.The Andersons. who arnved horne Angeles store and arrives in Co- Rural SchOQ1. Ex.change~two weeks ago, stopped at Atlanta, lwnbta thIS Thursday, Page Four~WInside. AltonaGa, Hnd Washmglon, n. C. Locals,

----~ - -,- Is New ~retary~ I Page Five-Carroll \ViIbur., Speaks at Stanton. MiS) Helen Schroeder is nf!W Southwest Wayne. Locals.

Senator \V A. Cros!';land spoke sedetar,Y 10 the Chamber of com-l Page SIX-BUilding Feature.Sunday afternoon at the annual·me~ offIce. She succeeds Miss City Council" Nor t b e a s'-Stanton county Farmers UnIO~u-glmaStroh who left Monday to 'Vayne.plcmc at Stanton. _. _/ ch a,t St. Paul . _. '--_~"-__-'-'-'--'- -4l

b I •


Couple MarriedIn Wayne Tuesday

, r red Gr[derslep\(', son nf Mrs'Eo Surlwr of Waynf' !HIli MIssLor('Pll Cdrlsnn of Lauf('1. \\('remal"Ilf'd Tuesday eVpnlOg. Dcpt('m·bpI :.0', hy nf'\ (; (;I('<;cI1l'n;tf t h('oSl Paul Lutheran patsonagp In

W~ynp Gll'nn GI·anquht ~ml MI!"sShlllf>Y CalIS(lO atlt'ndcd the COIJ­pIp MI and Mrs Gllderslef'H' Iphyf'stf>rCl;ly for DetrOIt. where Mr.Glldersl('eve I'> employed

Ma,.,.ied TuesdayIn South Dakota

Mr;, Alma L, Buck and LeVIGiese were married Tuesday, Sep­tember 2, tn Venmllion, S, D, Mrs,

~ll:::~nbe~~r~h~erst~:~~~~on w:~the college, Mr. GIese has beenfamung northeast of Wayne wherethe Couple wm liver


Wilyne l'l)unty dri-lft bOi-lld 1('_

cel\ l:'d word t rJ f'Xpf'll .I I,ll gPIquot:t than uslJ II for ('dobp,· ('<IllInto selecll\(, S('r\>I('C' Thr> exact""mber I~ nnt yel aV;liJablf'~';iq.c county quota ca[lpd 10

tlTTIc1l1a Septembel L! JIle[udes\VIJlald \Vilson Jdlll('" f-j') ..... C1rc!

Nlr>l<:a'n. r;ll:;t<l\ \v<t[tel HCclnl, ;md.J;unes Miller fh(' last nilmerlIlkI''' lhe pln(f ot ((CI[ T'llTlce \\ho\\d'> (le!elrp(j

In Ihe Augu'>l 'IUO!.! or 1 I, fllIPeldurr1f'd Thpy <..lIP Heubt·t1 F.ilk,})a\HI (;dr\-\ood dill! GJlhf'11 flo:-.~

Plof ,lTld MI' M C U[uss dr·II\Prl Monday e\pnlng 110m lon·npcllcul wllf'le thps had bepn:-.U1CP the last of May Prol Blosscommuted 18 miles each day from

~ ilZ~~fl~::r~vl~~r~~~~d~:~I~~~nnbiu~~pI Int rpadmg and some mathe.Illoll\( ~ III tlH' I'ritlt·Wtlltne:,. AIr·(rR.fl s("hool HIS ,>on, D~ll(, andI\jed Wade remained to fmlsh thell·(ourse and Ihl'll \\ork In the hug:eIlomher englile plant.

Students, H.\eragmg 800 ITl num·het. itttend schuol for $::! 1 II w('ek(In completmg Ihe ("ourse IhlY ;.(Ieemployed In the plant, where theredIe a[re,Hly :.1.6,000 Winkers

Thl' slate 01 Connecticut fur·nlshes the school bUlldmg andtl'achet'!-;, fInd l'ratl·Whllllcy thern,whlOcry ami salarles A mlOl­mum soJary of $35 a week I~ paIdIII Illf' 'pllint LlvlOg eXJlen~('s !-lIeone·thlrd hIgher there Ihim here,howP\cr, accOictlOg to Prof. BlossI'he Blosses 10 lookmg fo!" auapartment In Hartford found rentfor <-111 ordm~ry three-room apart·nwnt $75 a month. Many peopleltv£, In trailer.:; and tents.

Rusmess IS boommg but factol·It'S dre too crov...ded to allow thehf'st v.orkmg {'ondlt!ons and traf.flC IS alWays badly congested AtMl(ldleto'o\n, tile Blosses waited0\'£'1 nil hour to ClOSS the Con­nE'cl1l'lIt Ilvel

()rH' man M,· Bloss met \\orksIn the mUmtlOns plant III Hart­ford and must \\all< f1uee nIllesflOm Ihe frollt gate of the plant tothe place of Ius \\orl< ThiS 11­IUf'.trates the size of the fact ones

"W<lste IS ternflc," declared MrBloss "Quantltle~ of alummumdnd olher materials are wastede\(:'Ty day. There IS a great deHl of"onfU:-;loli due to ovel-cTowdmg."Whele theTe used 10 be a foremanfOl each 16 men, there IS now onefor SIX

The Blosses found New Englandcount! y very beautIful, and tarkseveral side-tlips. In Boston theylured a gUIde to drlVErI the cal' andshow them places of mterest.

Vast Waste SeenIn Lar(Je Centers

Of Defense Work

.... angllr at Wayne Airport

And Audi\orium Are toBe Marked Soon.

·1 Il~ mat Il'r of Iwldmg an <-'I (~hl)W HI WHynp V. ill he dptprmJnpdattel HlP ('hamIll:. 1 01 (onunel·cehealS Irolll 1[11'1':-; ul10 h;.{\(-' been1O\ltf'r1 to p~Jrt Tltf'se !nCII dr~

In MIIHlP'iold I lillO, Kdnsds dndr('xas so \',Ol([ IS !lot f:'x[lected !Jackford fp\" dcl\~

L I' Tysofl stiltf' dlr,or I e'rl.gWN"r, v.!tll \~hqtJl (Ildlrnldn Il LLI1:-;on rll1ll S('lrf'tdlY W IISv...l'lt f'fmff'tl"d .II 1,lncn[n rue:,·d'n. ,! l l roll llid (rf'Ie r't'(entlyhf'lrl fL ,(If (! , lui ... 110\\ \A.lth hornetit)p!)1

Mr. 1"),011 IIlf'Jrtl)(d tll" localIIH-'n I[ldt lilt' :-.tll{ rJlI[I~lng I'lewwill SOlln 1)(' IWI( In p lint till' townnelille dnd .J nfll t l1-pOJllIlllg <i1 rowon top of 111f> hetngdr dt the Waynepott Tht'y wlI[ also paml the townndmfl lind dll arrow dpslgnatmgthe rIlIC'dum dtHI dlstdnc(' to theaIrport 011 InIl 111(' munICIpal audl-tOIHUll ~

Determine WinnerIn Game Sunday

(hlllllPIOrJshlll In thi- Big SIX11.lSt'hall [l'dgtH'lI v. 1[1 h(· .dl,tt'I"ITunedflexl SunnilY v\'llPn Pl'nder andWms)(!c me('1 At Wflynf' h,J.scbuliparl< E;:wh lE'l1Im hds won onegam£' In th(' IIn,lI found I'~or the,C;;;unday h,lmr' ('rl( h ('luh \VIII have,In itJl-sllr [IOE'Up "Smoky' 'Mol·(lPn, ~ens"llonlil co[ored hurler,""Ill pltcfl lor \VlIlslr]e

Several Club Members in

Competition at State

Event This Week.

1.'11 'I II" I rI. I ' I II

,:\'11 'I I' I \ : I

·o~jl~~.~!p~.... :::~~i~~ jJan:h-~H'E W,!·A·YNE 'H'ERA''LI

DUnit~d Action and Escape \ , I 1Shaft. of' Unfavorable II

Criticism-Public Schools SIXTIETH YiEAa I, -'--. WAYNE,'NEBRASKA.;THURSDAf; SEPTEl\fBER4:1941'---f -- ,---- -

.~:;i~;~C;;i~;:~o~7e~~:; F d IA'=+=pproval~~;;W~~N~~~S ' !Soil Pra{ti~e~--' io-;;;-;'g ~f'W~yne-- He Ith P rWh"t, ,I anyOung, '~the matter e era WILL SOON RESUME Is Being Started, a rog am

Ydth Wayn~>? It IS acknowledgedly [GO St d· FOLLOWING RESPITE M t AI I Worl{ of zoning Waynp husmr'ss, C °d dHa s\Jpenor ""d" (enlee, and ae· S .ven a .um ee r1ipprova dnd ""IClenee arra,s, drSlgna'mg Ions. ere erecordtn~ly. its busmess volume 18 W~~~~~~U~~~h~;:u~~t~I~~t~ the kmds of b\1.ildmgp permItted J __

~;;;:~~~n~~~;;:e;,r~CI~~tel~~~IV~~S~ Projects in County Will cr the usual summer's vacatIOn Dr.",- H. Bennett In3pecb ~~ v;}~~o~~;f~~~~'IS~<;IO~e~~~~~~Step3 to Correct Defect3public m.slilutlons and enterprises, Proareaa As Rapidly As ProbablY Wayne has more clubs Conservatio~ w;.ork in by Mayor M L Rmger mcludes B May Be Instituted fora'no tllus through lack of ~oordin- Lab I Available. operated by the fair sex than Wayne District. J. Huntemer, A V Teed arvJ.J C Wayne Children.aled (('ffort, we suffer Idlsadvan- or s any town of equal size in the ;"'uallty and progress of soil con.. Carhart Douglas M~Knlght IS en- A I'"alth program for W"ynetagt'o Som~' one says We nave {<'ederal approval has been re· world If -two or more flOd I<i gmeer worklOg With the commJt_ "developed rrom the start as an celVed for a new concrete stadium themselves Without due club af- ~~5~r~~~onple:~~~ ~n~1 ~a~.eB~~~~~~ tee. cIty schools waslhe duef tOPiC atoutstandmg relJglolis community, al Wayne college athletiC field. flhatlbn they orgamze one. A of Washmgton, Die. chief of the -- ,___ the school bpar~ mpetlng Mondayand that more liberal eleapents gover,nment share of the project to few clubs. started soon after the cohservfl.lIon SCI'V1C(', Who stopped MOt C evening Dr L :.r KJllan was ap·t1av(' been pulling 10 the OpPosite be $26,419. The sponsors, bemg the f'oIOwUnrls~:~~g,Ot~go,~ngl~e~hemare~~~I~~ here Fnday dfternoon to confer 015 ure omes ~~;t:,~ .;Ch~~tlhe/:~~Ic~~a~' auat~~direction. It IS also pomted out Istate 10 thiS case, prOVide about - wllth the board of superv,Isors andthat We arc ort~n too much inclin- 25 per cent of the cost. The plan IS ship has changed somewhat ~ TWA onzed 10 get further detaIls on a

PO t~ obs0rve 1the letter WJthout to dismantle the old stadium thiS through the years Banners ~h~n:~S~~~dt~~J;r afc\~rbf~~~n~;:~ . 0 ayne rea plan to exarnlOe all pupils and pro·

~~:,fl(~~~~lo~~h:~~thO:o~~:t ~~~~~~ ~~~ea~~ &:rh::~ ~~~, SC~%~I~~~~ ~~a:~~;I~S(~~ ~~~~~~~o~~~~~ tncts 10 the stat, planned to go ~~~~lv~O~~~~~I~,~r:~a~~r~:PI~orP~~:f f Is h k to WyomIng and l,hrn ta SpokanE', North t N b a k Sh \ISlon for mocu[atlOn anjJ tr(":1flJon (11 10dlf cnmee 0 tcn preven the Improvement 10 t e sprmg. of time unless an earthq4a e or Waloih. m chccklhg conservatIOn eas e r s a ares mC'nl for undprnourlshment w~r~

a umted movemt:>nt m behalf of an The proposed stadium IS 219 a Hiller unexpectedly throws work ThIS v...a:-; hIS fust offiCial In Beneficial Rains dlSClISSNJ ;.Jnd ml'ly hI" Instlllllf'dobJeet1\fc feet IQng" and Will accommodate us cntm'ly and j)crmancnl1y V1Slt m Nehr"dska I This Week. aceorrlfng to Ih£' ner>d

, [II * * 1{- 1.632 people The plan IS to place out of comrmsslbn The clubsOn I he oll1<'r hancl. It may be Jt on the SIte of the frame stadium have IOformatlvc programs and 24~:;:;'~: ~(:~~~~ t~~t~~rt C~~;PII~~: W,tynf' ('ounly shan'rJ m hrn('ll- Th(' bmlrd hm'd L W Sund as

h('ld tlHlt independent thmkmg which IS no longer safe members cannot fall to Ii'arn cla[ raUlS whIch felJ Monday night fmrl tlmr JitnJlor Inri l![0\\,r>r! 1hI'

offer~ 6ncOuragtng eVidence It is Before the college project can Social contacts are Important. ~h~ ~;~s~:)v,~~~o,7d~~~c~~;sE~~~J~ In Npbrask<l and Iowa, thC' gclUgf' fo[l~) hill-;

helpful ~o ehh:rtain honest dlffer- be put Into operallon under the and valuablp publIC St'rVICf' IS I F at ttl(' StrIle N,l\IO~~11 ~J<lnk HI Br~~P~,~,~;~;)~~~~tr~)~) ~1~r:JI:\\~~:,7;~, l'nc('~ of opinion If they do not WPA setup, detailed plans of the frequently rendered Partakmg ~;~~ ~Olk~)I~~~dt~~'('~ '~oBa~~~ Wa~IW IC'g~>:;lcrmg ) oj ifn lOl:h SChIOf>dfT, ~11 10. S('hool ~Pf'elitl.

result lin blockmg progress Taking stadium WIll be checked by th" of rich viands IS a ~Ide line, as Otto Schldkp The Waync county Aglha,ll nf b W<1S rl'C'orded Tuesday Iy SUflPly, ~17 67, Wayne Nc.... s.,"Ides With a determmation not to state office in Lmcoln we arc relplbly lOformed The dl.',tncl al~() handles sod (onser- nl ~3 00yIeld any\ ground even If compro~ Di~uss All Projcct~. clubs ~ontrJhute much to the vatlOn work In ICeditr, Dakota, Thc govprnmpnt gaugf' at Albert I InS! ru( tlOnal sen I( f' Plfmpf>r

i~~:"f~r,~yd ,~~~~~~:rg;~o~f~:~::;';j loc~t~r~J~~~~al;',,:t"~,sP;~~'o~~u~~ ~ oatisfacllon of hvlng m Wayhe e~eor~ 1~,n[~r';;:sh~;~OnS,gn~':Iun'~~~~:~:en~~~~:y ~~~~ s~~:':'d ~~ ~~t~IJ~~~n~,C'kt:~~~~ltH~c~~~;Judgrn1nt. -)ft * * I house last Thursday to diSCUSS a thesf' helng" tenant purchase farms ~f 1~~h~ne~a~l:~~~rll'cc1e~~('dc:~~~~ (:0, $6361: Ernest J Hess Co,

I , program of work lhc college s'a~ Blame L.Oght"".ong and ('x tension dcl};lrtment demon~ bo t 2.:" W "d N f Ik $:21 Of); The UOlverslly PublIshmgRlt! 1

0\('1' college arc.alrs l~ In., d,um. pavlOg In Wayne, road work II !-ItlatlOn pla('l's The demonstration a~6 uRan~~lrhls;~~ f:~)~l~ii reronrr~ed Co, $42,7J, Slepht>n<.;on ~chool

11ll.\f'Ul!J1 that IlOstJtu~lOn Hnd to near HoskinS and park north of I Mi h farms an'" 1110se c:Jpslgnaterl by the Supply (0 $H&61 Om Iha Schoo]U1P co Imunily which Justly looks Wayne arp scheuul('(1 With only In Fata s ap agl'H ullUr,l! dppatLment for show- light :-;howels Supply Co ~1)!.l6r" .rpn'klOs~Muslc10 It 101 .In ('nIIVEmcd SOCial and 601 on WPA roll now and d pos- mg :-;01 [ (onser\<ItlOn practices Iher:::heavlPst rain In thIS a red. ('0. $563, W A IlJscox, $15:29;hUSlOl'SS order. The college plrnt Slblllty that the number may be Dr Bennett ,rnlcrvlewed Ene was 1.>;)5 Inches. reportf'(1 at Mad1. Wp[( h l\1fg Co $83 ~oI:'> hel" at gIeat cost sffiH.llel, the qUl?~tlOn of whIch Wynn Pfeil of Wauaa Loses Albf'rS dncl Albert Watson He son I Olnts In .~outhf'ln N,;bra~k: OperatlOTl nf plant. PpoplpsHl"Ni v.:h)('h needs lis ser"f1Ce. and work should be gwen prC'fel"en("(' L.ife When Throw:n Into tmlctl'd df'tdJll'd sludy at Watson's, sh~Irl?~ best wltll f,ills of .) 1o 1.) Natural GitS Co $1 fl/). J T HoI.willeh ("{l~trJbutes hherally to the was conslClered. It was decldNJ to COmpetIlIlg tile solll and watf'r ("on- !:1.~ (I~Ud had (J downpoUf WIth lomb Mff;.:: (0 $11'). Nnrth\\('>t.

'glOwlh ,Ind stability of Wayne, shift from one to another. [Iroce{'d~ Movi",g Train. servclllOn nn thdl pln("l' wllh nf'lg-h~ ~ inC ~s I d b I 15 Pro Hell Tf'l('phnne ('0 $:31)1). Ld(lIHI l!lelp be a common mg With each as f<lst as lahor IS L LIghtning 10 thC' storm Muml,ly bonng (l[~l(eslnot; the prac- rC'Clpl a IOn H\Plelgf' HUll Seymour. stl37

19l'ound on whIch Qlscordant ele- avaIlable and weather COn(1Il10n::; 1,l"V('nlOg" IS blamed for the fatal m- tICl'S m~r~~: ~:~Og~gl~t S;;;~l\t~~~ns ~~p~dall ;\'TClmte~ancr> ~)f p[a,nl, f'lrhartmentt m,ly solve problems and permit Wlfh Dr R('nrw{1 W£'r('Mel IIrnbf'r (0 $J ~9 v... A HI:-'("oxarnv' at a forward·lookmg agree- Gradmg on 1he park WIll prob. '~~r~ o~a~tr~~nP~~~~h23lh~~eW~~~~l~ C'lymonds. reglOnill mnf.;r'rvator, II nigh I showf'r1 I. dnd Clf roll held $l'J 60 ,." .

t r l' gstrom sl It coordtnatcr (' onl~ light showrrs AUXIlldlY .lgr'n('I£'~ La\\10rmen, * * * I ably be done Hus fall and s('('dmg east of Osmond. Mrs. Pfel[ was (: C.

n, rdol' e"teeons.rv, "o'n',ot· 1he ralOlall hPIP gel\'(' Spptf'm. S""r',n

e(',n~(l. ('0 '.'3."'"1, L""c

left until sprlOg Paving <1I1d road seriously hurt, and others had - Jua . ar a '" • d Th f ,., 'J.' .... _

The ('ounty f;llr IS a public enterp work Will progress as last <is pas. mmor inJurIes. and RIchard H lfndgll', rf'glOnaJ bel a goo start (' all m~re & Campbell, $11667 .1"·lse WhICh tell down 10 atlend~ Sible MI c1nd Mrs Pfl'll. Robprt ()l. pllologrftpt!f'I, ,dll of LltHoln. The than IdSl f;ertembel s total of 37 ('i-lplta[ out[rlY, Unl\prslty Puh

.flll~p durmg lhr('E' of Its foUl" days. A year ago WPA allolmpnts to- son dnd l"ntz Weber, all of W,IU. ~~J~::·:t~~\(t~:i.;'~~r~~~:t{)lo~h:,h~lsll~~~: Co $3,176 W /\ Hlscnx: $f)29U,We' h'IVF <In anonymous ~ommuOl~ talec.l $1.4tK},QPO,OOO and 11m; year sa, wen" f'nroute 10 Randolph Hbout office hdd InlOl"nlcll llmm'r togeth. Quola for ()(,toher Pfl.lsmger Hrns~, $'i74 ....)3cation t hwh

l'ompiams that fann~ they are $800,000,000 ThiS would 930 Monday ('venlng. Mr PIf'11, ('I FIHI.ty l'\cnmg <It IIntr>1 Strat. W'll U I I - - -ers P,l~ In get through the gate to wll\oduleldateb'" lel.'ua[l !lwSoOrmkee",',a,.a",aO'I'atbhl;: who was driVing, saw <wlapPloach. ton I J,P 1I('.·f"aSe( Wayn() Band Lea(lsSP('lh(,{,Xhlbll~theYhavef~rougfh2'5' <: 109 tram and stopped h~s car 1\1- ---~-~--~- S I" P d<lnel 1[H'11 ,1n ladrl~tlOnal eo: 0 country do not need their sharf', fred ,J I Pilger, dccompaOlcd by hIS F f W C ,Lalt" air ~ll'a e('PIl\s 101 <I !-i{',lt au Ihe granc.lstand, tr'clnsfers to other areas ITlly h(' Wife .md two dllldren, was hHCk Ai•. ~h(J\\11 Mattfll. ou,- rom ayne ounty to .. ...-(J", ("JI'I'esf;tdent would have a made. ' Report at Fort Crookof the PJC'I (ar mmded by IIight-eh,,,g,. of:lO 'ent, a' t~e gale Hnd I I I th Nol Yel Uecided Middle of Month.10 qents for ,thf' grandstand. In· . Wayne ('ounl!' bX'I~l, Illy (oun· ~~~7J"r:r I~~~'5~IOI; l;fh~O~il;e~. ca~stf'ftO of vaudeVille, he,~oUld have ~~I'.sa~~rD;ro~~~~d ~r~::;t~<,;, Si~~l struck till' Pfeil car and forced thepony racf'l', relay races, pig races I With T.•J. Walsh' of Norfolk. diS' lalU'r Into tile movmg tlamEH;rJ InthPr; n~~~~:lIe~ea~~y~:~p~: trict director of operatIOnI', Ralph All 11ll' ()('(·upants of tb(' PfWHn to)C, 0 Hybskmann of West PaIn!, ar('H 1'.11. WPI(' hUl't They wprr> lakenllWgh "* i(. * engineer. antI Duector' W P, Can- /ttboard the tr'(un dntl rushed 10

tting PlainvH'w where Mr Pff'1I q.ledWIllII' lh" Id\~JS a~~jjhSl gam- _ . _ TuesddY lIlornmg Mts PI~J1 was

bhtlg IllH H l1 peopl~ Hite to glimble, CI I II k' I lit Land they want a bi~1 "midway" .IU·C I al O~ ·1.I1~ gt\ell d b OOf tfi:in:-.llSlflflwith' UlllPlOUS glunes 01 chance In Till' Plpl1s fur nut Icldll\('<' ufy,.hH'h t!ley C,Hl'IlSI< lhell' small IIolchs A.t_l.llive,.~al~YlthC 1'Irll:_11l V:;~Il(' _ ,. __ehanr,t' <lnd senIle lillie or not!ung ,In IPlulfi (;amb[£>rs are probahlY Large Crowd Gather" for Wayne (",alf I~ I ..~It h(' \\im let's most cheerful losers. I()Il tl1(' contral"y. sllcklels fOI Observance Sunday for III Lilll'oln J~~airS,dlb.llh observance do not rehsh Peace'Pltlg llH' Lur Opf'n on Sunday()ul (II .t ITwdll'y of 0VlOlOns, the PearT' It('folm r IIU!lh ur 110,­f.llr hOdl{1 nldY dl'aW ('onstl'ul'tlve lun:-., ('plell/all'd tis fioth luhllt'{,e(lnf'lll:-'j('l\f'. ¢ Sunday With n large CI(JW{] dttf'nr!·

" I: Y,- IIIg TIH' presHlpnt of t h£> synod·tL~I(, 1, JP I[ly nntlllllg: .t'llOlIsly spoke III Illp fOIPnoon !Hld llp~ [lOll !\11'''t'r., 1'11101" Ilclelold

INIOllg With W,tyn(' tlotiling Ihat 'fur-nel, !'Hslol ot till' N(lr!oJ!{J, pl;tc('d hI Ifl ~llIl' lH.1I l'Omf)('tl'lHnflollhe~(,flll~J<'led It IS SUPllul't- Pr~l;byl(,r1,tll (11111111 \~d~ tIlt· ,11'1 tllm al 1,lncII[1I llllS weel{ rhe (,~111PIt Ihy u~l1ally prOfluctlv[' farm el'llOOI1 !-;ppalwl· Itf'v (has Illf'dp· Wi1~ ('plf'!"NI for Cll,lnlfJlonshllJ com.<il'l'jt '11'" ('ommumty has lldvan· ~~~ I~ ~~~ornO[h~!l~v~~~~;1.1 Mid hl~ [l('tltlOn Wednesday1<h~':-; s('('ond to nom:o found ebiea ,P ~lappy.Go-Lu('kyhooth on Sf'ams\\11 TP Its pNlIJlp ure naturnlly (onfirmalJon class pictures WetI"' pl~cE'd lsI .It l!IP :-.t til' fall MIl.nJ!f!tdl twrh<lps nol Hlways mam· displayed MI's LoUISH Brummond dr

1d l' n'v('!"t td[<.r''i part In the

\I':-;llnl-.: ll1('OlSf'lvf's as they should o[ Hoskms IS a nwm!lpr of Ihe styIP show lod,ly Bonnlc Osll1lrn,A ~()od (hI! IS expected from thf' fm.;t cl,1ss B(' ty Sund, RUlh f)amml' and(llrnl11lUllly h(jcause of lugh stand- The Irnllmmt('1 R('(nn~lNI (on- Rprmlit ()tIp look rMII In ludglng<lIrls ('lIstom,lIl1y maintained, and gregatlOn, Rev Ru~dcs('[ ~ other [,H;lt Sdturday Df'monslratlonsanv ~hp... (WIl(' adverse comment church, alt~ndpd \\er(' given WH[nesddY by M,ll"-\\11wn llttlt' IS 0xpec'ted. resuits 1()~le Ca;lUwt>, Hernlla Ottl', lIma,1)1' nnt dls.JPI)OmtlOJ:{ Whatever A8k for Return B.t:k itnd Honnl1' (Jsl1llrl'W;~:tnr' lInr!I'rl;.Jkps. it must do hltl' Ill)bons W('IP (.onel! hy(':-.IIt.lnrdln,lrlly v.t'll 10 InN'l f'X- ()f Local Pusl(n· Bo nl(' ,Jedn KlhNh, I)onn,t Il,u.IlPdt,l!lons Tlw Methodist church, at the dt> anr.! Mary 1·,II('n Nl~SeJl on

I i -w * Hnnual me('lmg Wednpsrlay last :-;(:' 'ing f'ntrlt'sProof ~)f Ill<llt'rwl lll'allh Is weel~, asked that tht' conference

[-oqn(1 lI1Tmol(' rwv. hUlldmgs Hnd aPlJolTll Dl. Victor Wr;'st 10 the 71i, Hold Meetill,q I

oflif'!' ImprO\('menls than have Wayne church for a sp(ond yearh('(ln l"t'Hllzen. to d d('cade l"alth to The folloWll;tg' OffICl'I'S ""('Ie I A t School SoonHIP ('ommumly·s future musl be elected TrustE'f's, Wm npCkf'fl· W

, ,1ll~llfl('(1 1]V edrpftllly made deel- hauer, () It Bowen, Clydc' Omlln. rl\,~(':~:,rl~(' as:~:~atJ~~ho~111 1;~I:tl~ I/inanceslo( [lairsums nnd llOity of Hcllor), C L Plckl'tt. L W Rol', Edw I.

* * * Seymour. ,I J S,,.ete, (" E Wnghl :':,~f~;a~ ~'::t 7;"~~~~d~~~':~~:~:~~~ LoOT\: Succes$fulSI·I\rC'lt~ of 'r,,'s('hers, and lt W Lpy. !';tewarcl:-;: B F Ir0f,lIced Mtd report~ glVf"n Mrs W,lynp county faIr IS expected

Apel whdt speros a short VUCH- Ahlvers. Don Albprt . .r (' Bress- fo-r' nk Heme I~ membershIp (!lair. Va be a flnHnclal Su(('('ss Thetl~n, lJublW schools generally have IN" GJ~. C'osterlsan, Wm Cross~ rna ami olhf"rs on the Commltt'f'e j10ard mf:'('ts l<~rJday evemng for d

re. unwd thl~ weeh: Largely due to ~~~~ie:r:os, ~~r~nkFan~~~~s(,' ~w.: G~- lire Mr~ ,1 M Pile for hit gr<lr}e, flndl check~ufl. Plans Will also bede en~e ckmands. leachers have Mrs Ralph Sehe~terlt for ~nd, Mrs dls( us:,;ed lOr nexl yea!" s fpstJvalhecome :-;r',tt'c(' and posItions not Harder, L E Harrison, lifr Clnd J< Rohf'rt~ for 3m, MIS L.fafY to [Ill ScarCity has SUddenly Mrs T B. Heckert, MI 1r'1d Mn; W Sunll for tlth Mrs TexlPY SUll· Minister Coming

itlerveloped followmg many yeaTS of L W McN.alt, the lasl cotl1mumon merman {or 5th, Mrs Percy ( dd.IsurIplus TI'RI'hers have often been :;teward. b. Ii Melchant, K N. wa/ladl'l fOI (ilh. MIS P<Ull Roggp To Waytle ()/zurcltca led 10 ~()vernment Jobs or mto Parke, J:: R Preston, Henry Rpy· for 7th i-lm! Mrs G GIPs('hl'll 1m Rev Hdrold Bucl<.els of Wmon<.t,RrljllY serVIce Vacancies In teach· nolds, (. L. Rogers and; Alchle 18tht All pcllents With dlildreh In Mihn, ha~ accepted a call to bemg &.taffs have sometimes ~xlsted Welt, pl£>sldent Woman ~ SOCiety, sch )01 ale autt:;atICallY membels pastol 01 the Churches of Christafter the school opemng I More ~I~. V. A Senter. churrch school _ In Wayn£> Wdkpflclri and Magnet,at~rrctlvl' wages for hIghly ttam-l supellntendent, R A Kelley. fl· t'lujprJ;" peruUon. anri Iw plans to beglO hIs neW

ed: Persons In other fields of en·~ ~~~~h,se~:~Y':se~ret:IYStel~, ~IS WIll Kugler underwent an IdutlPS the first of October Rev.dejavor WIll operate someWhat, to.. , , " 0Mlatlon last we~k at a Ri'l.Pld Buckels has lwen serYmg thethe dIsadvantage of the schools, ~d, l~hurCh lreaS~lr€'r, ~h,'nry (~·t'l S D hospItal Mr and Mrs ('hurch at Wmona Rev and Mrs

.' * * * yno s; presld£'nt pwort Lea- KU~IPr· 'ire' vlsltmgl th(,l~ daughter Blrckpls and 3·ypar-'old daughter, Bllsl~~SS ~81) ~l White. ;~~'v~~~~rk~~,~~~'f{~;l~:~e~~~ an hllsband, Mr and Mrs Arthur Will ilv: m the Wayne parsonage.

INatlOn s ·BuslOess monthly m~p gale. Edw Seymour. The OffK"ers Chi hester. there Mrs Kugler IS • ~-r--------------tq show Iii}' status of tbe. country S Will take charge September 2:t. get mg Hlong nlC'ely ReSlden~e BoughtPlfOSpellly IS all white-no shaded Actlvitif'::; of the departments I - - ------. , B Alb t M K5l¥!tS to m(tlcale lack of uniform- Were given. The treasurer's report 8ho\\s Impro~emen(. Y er . erllflY, Not long ago a White spot was was glven with enough money to Rred Blair, who underwent al Altiert M. Kern has bought thean exception Thus, ,,:,e are Info~a pay aU bills COl' the redecoration secbnd operatlOn In Rochester, wasl Mrs. S. R. Treobald reSidence ate<t lhat we are enjoymg prospenty of the chul'ch, lo~eave the hospital there the 209 LI~coln &nd plans to rem~ele~en if we do not know it. __~_______ mi die of this week and stay in a It withm the hext two months Into

,* 'X. * Tax Is Delinquent. co valescent home for a wlule. two apa-rtments. The Kerns will!Tnder Ft-'der~1 ~Ing. Second half of real estate ta.xes I ~~:'nl~ta~~e ~~~e-;::~ th:~~~~~

IAccol;'dlOg t? NatIOn s J:3us~f!ess, became dehnquent tha fust of In Reunion ~ere. dparlment WhICh wlll have threeI;e,t.state chIcken ste"lmg/lb"S !!eptember. These will be adver· t,ompany I, 355th mfantry, heI~Irooms and bath,e rnmanded the attention 0 the tIsed the first three weeks in a umon Sunday at Wayne parlth use, 9' representat~es, IThat OCtober, wI h a good attendance, ' , Ho"", ,Damages Car. '

lIlagaZlne quotes C61i re~t, all , 0 ~ j A. 1\1, Daniels' car was damagedKarl Stefan as sayinS ~ tIck- Mr, and Mrs, L, A, McOonald, , EnIlBls In Marin••, on th~ left side Saturday when aep stealIng is one of the orst Mr, and Mrs Earl McDonald and Roy Sund went to Omah horse ran lOt, It Mr. Daruels, whoc~mdltl0ns 10 hIS .$tate a d must fa~ily of Oakland, spent Sunday Tp' sday to take examinations fo was 8]lone. wpls'l' stopped" A bill has the 'in the L W Sund home helpmg e~stment in the U. S. mannhpuse extcn.dmg federal Ie: '~ttyLou celebrate her lq'th birth- C s. He goes to I?es ~oines FrIO; County]Ird allowed Itst on over dDJ". d~ for fmal e~arn!natlOns:. I regular meet ng TuesdaY.

i:,:!,;~~lliJl;~j~i~"L~:!:j,;kIl ,~I 1!~II~~jl~:~~~~··l·! ~~ ~' 11" 11

" ; -, r,J~ ,,!1M> kill Il"'<d ,t1U!I~~jJj~!i.'i:ilit I lhl.i'l. I ,_ L" ~; I


Gal. ,tlI~


~::;, t 12c2~,~;,: 29c

Cl,~a~ .. 63cIl~J;I!oI. SSe1}1~lltoo 35c

3 Doz. 2Scno". 19c

3c.~.~~~ 9c

~J-(:Jtt'it' 19c27c


, !








('all 200 fur ('ountr.y ~pr\'if-p

Fruit Cocktail ~:,\~;,


Juice ~~~;'~~~~~~:IT

Peas ~t~~~~~~~~t1~·· 3 ~~;I:

Salmon ::~IIIII:c'P LplI. 2 :.-;~~:~

Macaroni or SlJa~hl'tli ;~.:~~.

l\tsup ~~~~~~y.". 2 :~~~~~.

Cheese ~(~~f(~I't;l,'I~~:~~'~~~~~:'la ::~:t

;'~;,"1 29c;'~;,III 49c:,:,~' ISc

,I?'~~' 19c't~~;~', 17c

2t:',,: 19c2?,~;,~ 15 c2~~~~ 25c

Corn ~::~:.II:)I~~~tl.:';:~IW. Fill....\'. 2 i;;I~~ 19c23c35 cISc25c'56c

Peanut Butter ~~~~I t l:). 23 c

('4NN1N(; SlTPPUf:S

Jars ;~Il~!il;:~l-:;~~:

Jars Bull. 'fnsHlt

Jelly GlassesJ L'd K.'rr. ~"".ar ~ S ,ea';ng ,

J C Hn.II," llPS Zh",

Jar Rings R"01

P i, I Fur "'flkln~en-~e ,Jams and ....I!lp..

C t Fur :l'akinl.:er P ,!arn.. and ,Jellit''i

V· I Old "ill. Cidf'r. (;al.In~gar (no dell. rPljlllrr-d) .11I~


Cherries Re,l. tart, "Ilteol

Pineapple n"I .. , ('""ho,1

,Prunes ~~~.r


Lean,Frf'shly (;,roHnd


B..tchuck cu(~,


,I.I~-Ih. 1.47Hag:

~X-1I1. 1.19Hal.:

1-'h. 45c('III.

:i-Ih. 45cna~

}-Ih. 43c"l.~




nr .... IIELsor ('K.\'rt:s

Lb. geLb. 8e

15',~:;iK 23eLb. 7e

2 J,bs,lSe

oj< May Be Purchased with BI~e F~d.OrderStamps--

HIlt'llf'n ('rail,~!4-11J. BaK 1ik

2 ~,-t'::~. 23c16c

I'an'l".,t Rlo<.;-.;mn,:!4-lh. nll~ H:k


P.·cn.·cs Smoke<\. 6 to 8 lb,.,fully It!nder~d

Pork Chops ~tn~:~s

Sirloin SteakBee~R~astGround Beeffrankfurters r.~~~pt' ,kin,

Sliced Bacon Wil,co

Coffee ~()h nt~1 hrand


Pudding ~,~:(I,:~.~ i~;,it;:~..~~tIJlt;'·h 1'1;:.,:-, 5cP dd· I.Jrll·\\'f'II, 3 ..1;;:,.:-... IOcu Ing <'I \'"rtotl.',1

Cereal ~~~~~~::I(I Whl'at1~-fJjI'.. 10cI·k/.:.

Post Toasties II-Ill., 8cI'k~.

Crackers I':,\,('pll. '!-'II 15cSlIda Ito'\

Apple Butter (.0041- '~2-11'1,. 15c\\i,,· .. ,Jar

Flour nonpy-Upn.. :J-Ih. lOc.. PAXC,\IU: H:l~

Bluing .nraol'Iii-III. 9cBolli,·

Salt :\forton'.. 2 '~G-fl7.. 15cPlain or l'lllb;j·d { 'I ~."

IO·lh, 49('an C

)-Ih. 6('an C



TOII.ET ~OAP..Cako 6c



LArro-:DR\' sn.\P

Van {'aml)'S . , . inTOUla1u Slllll'f"

'!"'''! 35c•Jar


StarchArgo . . . (. LOSS

2 Hh 15]>k~., c

5 Giant I'9Cakt·~ C

IIublnj?;f>r'!oO, narl(flold·n-l"iwf'f't Urond



66!;O-Sbeet 25,.Rolls ~




Qu"r." 39c,Jar

Use QUI" Crushed Rock Salt for Creeping Jenny


Sherry Bros. Produce

W ATERMELONS aren't all alike. No two letluce headsare exactly alike; No two carrots. Every single thing

n~ture grows is different from its mates. This is whySAFEWAY prices all Fre.h Fruits and Vegetable. by the"pound," the accurate-value way . . . rather than by thepiece, the bunch, or by Ihe dozen. Enjoy all the advantagesof produce.priced·by·weight at SAFEWAY!

VICTOR 40% HOG SUPP. 100 Ih•. $::, WVil'al or Pf"Jh't~ ,. III fIr"!.,, ~ooll ... IIa!::",


~POTATOES ~~~~S~I~tiJ;lml}h

*OBANGES ~~~~~~~~ :~~~~('I~"

PEACHES ~,"';olr~~:lo,

*CAULIFLOWER ~,;7.~;,~~~I:::,tt""


23t·o,," 21 69-.... 59cPkg,' c Pkg.

Pork & Beans

"~I. , I


: I'


• This Is 'a MDst r~.mark_ble ~ervice thAtas.urea you a Suit brOverlcoat that will ~eperfeiCf in} e'Very de:..

Itail. ' 1

" . ~" 'I


Mr. Elli~Lyons

~TYIST and FIT'I:ER of I


who will be at ourstore on·

Wednesday,Sept. 10th

lie, wUl display for yoUrBet~tlon a \Vide assort~ment of fll.brlcM In exclu~~hrp, ('rlor~ n'-nll I)att~rns

He wIll bring WItb blm

::Ode;~~i:I~::a:So~V~l~ll:~t>xl'luslve nf'W fabri('s,

We Cordially InviteYou to Meet. , •

1M!' SW;JI1"1JIl

(,f l).';(';ll

S\''''';ln~()11 SI. ;'\11lHl., [('J I

lVlondilY 101' flwir Ilorne afli'l' ,i>il[­

jng a wed, III Ilw (:al'i (;nl/lqlll~,1

lru~Jl{\ and wIth othel' 1'1'Jali\(",.

. Do';~l~n~::'\i""'~tn;'\t snn ofMr, and Mrs. Clyde Perrin", I tellWhile playing at his hornp Augusl26 and dislo€ated and fracturedhis left elbow.

Rlwel\'t'S Trf'utmf'nt!ol,d~('o, Dj~king has !Jf'~11 in' a

Saturday ~~(':~ ~~"~~~'~i~ef':pJ~~~~~~~:e:n~l• 6

"Dr. Kildan~'s:Wedding J)all"

starrllll(LEW AYRES


,Three tlm.s ,h, romane01 "KI". ~foyl..... , ithat won l ~

Glng..h.. 05\0'1,




PrtdtJe.iI b, ROIUT \SISX I'~Iort U!,daig~:~J'110Y P~:\uP,e,~l Jarrlro' I

Wednesday ThursdaySeptember 10 • 11

Early Show \Ve(lnesday at 6:00 :1

Albn. 28c till 7; After 35c '

Frida)'September 5

Sunday ~ M':1"day • Tuesday, Se"tem~er' 7 • 8·. 9Mllthwe Sundnf at 3:00, Adm. 28c

~I' t;arly Sho\\o' Monday at 6:00

ml'l'Jn.'." Cii'mA.d1.m.r."'. ".':.I'~':-I~T1pFJ~~"':"'FlT"'T01.' ··c.r"J.!::::!;!: itt': 'J'., ;1"'('::,1' !I 'i 1 ,,'I.: .•.•. ) If! I : ' I ~I"

I ~. ~'. ,,! IPACr",TWO i. I 1 ,.' ' . .

~"J:{)CAL~lws:,-C-~F;;,.m Pri;~~~iii;he. Robert Wi'ight wrtit. to Hrld,'n Than in FoUl' rea ,'I

{ Friday' to start teaching Monday, Ll?Coln, S.ptemb~r 1 -"+ F~ ,M~'~~ Art Dresslel' ~~nrt€'d Sl'p. Prier on August 15 reached ht"

fpnI11';'j' 1 U.<l cashi!"!' nt Lal'sMi'~ high .st level iryJ four years: and Of'

gtOC'PI'Y· the ifth cOfsecutive month re~s.!~h;l, Mary Sharer Is ten,ching ht tere gains., State-Federal Sta is~

thf' Bt'lltley, fa., junior high schabl tjeia A. E. And't"t'son' said tod y.this yC';J:r. I I s~·ce ,Match, prices 11il\'(, ad·

F:ad B£'(>ks-, smilll son of Rqy va~. pd 2~ Pot~t~1 . his ~ ~port jnnRC't.b, h; improving after be'jng illl pa.H y priers rho~('{l (:ommod tytwo weel~s as a resUilt (Jf a. bite ~r,ds were 39: pOInts lug!u:>r tl an

. hown tl rut. ' n ~1nr ago and thrf'f' pOlnts O~(,l'I IH'ICPS on July 15.

'. MI'. and ,Mrs. I,Iarold Havel,and \\j"heat, hogs, cattle nnd cal ('s.a~d MI~. A~nu Ander~(')~ of.S1.~4X Jed Ithe rise with slight incN'a.!ps~ II,Y, S~e!l,t Sunday evenmg at Carl not~d in pri~s bf corn, rye, milk,Gl'a~qulgt s,. ,I, I' andI hay, '" .

~11!)S B",rmce AugU!'t \t'e~t ~o.t!hP. Grain prices went four POil1S'DICk Allgust ~lf.lml' near Lol~'rltlge over the previous month, due pI' n·Tlk~;(tay (..V{'nm~ ~{or a reunion, All cip~lIy, Anderson said, 10 a . IX!JI('III)lw~s of the E, \V. AugUSlt fam~ c.en~ increase in wheat. Wheat ~\,.]]y ()[ Laurel, Wl'I'C' Pl'('st'nL era~('d 91 cents compa~d wIth f19

1\'11'. and Mrs, Marvin Tjlomas cenlts in August, 1940, 'Corn and, wJyl 'heW hC'en v.isiting in 11 (' E~l. rye: were up. one and t.IwO c('nts toS,-!l'bE'f' hOll1C', left Sunday fl r Va.. 6'3 ~nd 44 cl1nts, resPf;>ctiyeJy, whUpripn., la., where Mr. Th(Jma~ hf'ads ontlls and barley Wf'r~ both downthr> ~'d100J. ", two cent!) C'aeh.==- --,. -~~_ ..-·_I_n~ ~ ,Meal animals shOWt~d a gain (It

_ d I'll points. Cattle ~U1d calves j.U'ICl.':'>r '\ ' ' \ .ad qnced 50 and 40 cents, rt'!>pec-

Gay T'heatre }~~r~Y·f~~n~~~~"i.(~ ~~nc~h~92~~g~~~~prIces. were' up 29 cents, but she~"P

<md-lamhs dpclmC'd 20 cents padl.

WAYNE I ipairy products, howevpJ', f'pgi f,,-i tc!:pd dL'~r('aSL\S, sagging fl\,t' jJullll~

C<!>OLED FQR COMFORT hrlhw the July 1" fiRme. A ,,;gill============'1'1==I:!!~::~:III\(:II:\I(lLllollltt'Y ]J)"()(jlll'l~

~ September 4



Coffee:\tay be had in reg~

ular or drip ni!ld.Packed in tin Qrglass.

Pound ..27c

2Lb. 52Jar ... C


Polished 'Waple



BROOMSEach, 43c6ge ud .•.•.•....

"VANO",Quickly and Ea.siJy Bemoves

Dirt lUld Grease= 29c

. !

Big Values!

Our EveryFrid:l) feature

Yellow LiptonTEA )"-r~., 45t, 24"

~ ,-lb. PU: ... 00 _ ••• _ •••• 0. • .....

Morning Light


2 ~~~ .... 19c

SUPERB jMornin& LightWhole Grain PORK &

Golden Bant"m .

CORN BEANS2 No, 2 23 Large ,', 9 '

. Cans . , .•,.f. ',W:iJz· Can •• f

Porto Rican


5'Lb•. 25for,. C


.. 25c

SUPERBSmall June


2 No.2 33Cans,. C




Cake FlourPer 18Pkg. ...... C

'Ma Brown' Bread


5 Lb•. 25for., C


Good 'Food

Counc,l Oak




For Cocktail::)and Salad

No, 300 7Can ...... C

You are doln&' your bit for National Deten!§f' as \ull a~ prac~tieing Tbrift and Economy \\hen )OU do a lot ot Home C:m-

U{isg ,~'~e·kT:r~ ~~~~~~:;~~~oU1~xS~~~ci:se~~dU.aJ~~~.o~italian Prunell_ See Council Oak lor Cannin&" Fruit andQuantUy Prloa.

Lge, Size, 29Do..n., C

ICEBERG LETTUCE~~~J': .. ,.... 9c

Exchanll"e the emptybag'S for 22 caratgold pattern dI'ihes.

Good cooks know their food, and smart sboppers know values; and most goo.dcooks KNOW roTH! We feel pretty safe III saying that most good cooks do theu­shopping at C01!nci! Oak, because for both quality AND value you can't find abetter place to shop. Our stocks are kept complete and our pnces are alW'1l ~attractive. ' ~~J>,

Lb.,26c, 753 Ibs, ... ,C


P & G j(;AMAY ,TOILET SOAP, 3 cakes .. 19cSOAP KIRKS' ~~~~; CASTILE, 2 cakes .... 9c I

COUPONS P & G NAPHTHA'SOAP, 6 ~~t., .. 25c

Superh Extracted

HONEY, 45-oz. jarDerhy mnd

PICKLES, quart ... 17c POTTED MEAT t'::1~~5r. '. \ ;----)

Northland Dill

$445to $7511

Oth~ ...~ at $!'i

. . for QualitySportswear!



Choo~f' your slacks fromour WHIp sp]pctlOn (If

('{'\I>I·t>l - 'l\h."ct!to;

Onhnrdine~ - \\'orst ..ds

Complele 'howinK of ne\\'fall stylp~.



SLACKS$295 $895U tn


$1395 $1195I and

4 /\11 WOIlI



"Othpr Sport ,Jof'krh $1,9l'i till

1h~mJikp IlP\v and add

mont hs or weal'.

Casual " Sm....tComfortable

•AI~~~~~ ~:~~~~~e, II~~~~'~ct i)l~'I'~h('Clr;:t~~~l's f~~ Iyoung nwn W(~ar Ih(lm With It'(JI" I'Hst lllg; sl:H'I\,,-..

. Let lIg dye ,yOll!' whit"/ ~ho,,~ and \'('pail' them

1'01· fall and \V"inter

"I' 'III '1"'1 I"':' I ' 1/( ~ ~ f'l!):; :1/ I 1. .'

!:~~,Il~"..::",,;==-e:.-=..~,,.. ;--:,n,_,., '-0' :'c"Cr="n",-~~ ,. 1'"-- ,~.'~., U'_I,_._._n~~_~~n~!Y~~BRAS«,A,~~~~~PT~~~~---'· ~9~-,--~_~ '\ ---0-','_,,-+' _ ?AGE TIIRE1".

I ' II <111<1 Ml s. V!'['(IPI Lund \\('1'(' F'ruLIY hW,Plt·\! III Lmeo!n, and, MISS MIIM two courses. The girls of tilt' group tended the 10w(I stMp fail" f~Orrlll n (~ HaLlh.......k nf \'\. ,\ rF "\ifr ~ r ~ Inrn\';nn- ~f' 1 \~....l,p pY'ohably b M r,o~e.... ()lllheaRt Wakefield' t'\'r'mng \1'illIllS III tIll' Vl·ttl ('<111- ],,1' 1111[' Onl\('l',lty hospltrd oitlOnu- presented Margaret wlfh n gift Thursdi1Y until Sun~y aft(>rn' all. Nib. Augus( ::'lal'Hl ,tl1n LJulma, SOU!!. __<; I

.• 'sOlI hOllli' 111 Illl' 11'llnItIJ~ I and the good wish('~ of the· C'ntir..... Rdph Hypsc- and ~on L0ro of IMr. and Mrs Henry Nel"on I ;"11SS Viola ,Jonl"S went to South\1~'i t\~IS Fill:'; Johnson) ) i'.lls,., (;"Ijlll' J,I'ull.lI,1 I\\,l" l "I ~. gl'OUP as well as thl' \\'1'lt('1' and CaiJf\'lrm.'1, and Mrs. SophIa "'01-

1CaJvlIl Swaggerty acc:omp3nH'"liSIOUX CIty to begm teachmg Tues~

-,-- jgU,'S[ ot 111'1 dllll[ i\!L" "pn" III IhqSl' \l'-;llml.{ l\ll"s I'(,l'n!Nlm_ many friends m til., \ICJnlty ar'£' ILn~ "rnl} Anclrf'w IIypse ""en" ;:It-IMar\Jn and Elllh'r K:> tn Lb.)N \Is III \\',l\ll" \\E'dnl"ald~ rind lOt! 'IT''I' sh.. {'<trill' llUHw Irom the (':xtf>nc)ed as she g:oe", to hel' lH,'\\' unitt t!lnnpr guest:, III the C ,\. their home at PullCt Tlluro;!laj I 7ilr. an~l :\11'5, John Fmn and~l~rl~~~~~l i,~~~ 'l'hllJsll.l) . Iwspi:I,d ,Il," :\ll:., and l\1ts Ellis \\oJ!.,:. Lund

lerg home They aho c Uctl from the' C'oncnnl f'llr Th(,) all f<tmlly spent Sunday \\Jtt]. relatIves

Frank t"Il!SOl1 :lnd dllt1)·~htl'!'S. Juhn"pn, t. Allred John!'on, Mr. at F.licl;.: Johnson's ilnd l.e\1 ahI- returm'\l to Hw borne and friends at \Vynot." . , ! , -;\11. oInd ,'\11 .... \,,'111 CH[,.;OJl \l",j(('d :lIld Nhs t' L Bolrd ,ind Dale', - greo':; Sumla), ,\h('r(' th,}- d:lY. :\ll5S Catherme KJr'\\-'an IS teach~

I :I~)k, ,;tlhn"on ~\ .~s ,tl ~lI~,dllY In Ih,' ILIll..,. 1\1.llmh<'1 g hor~w :\Ion- l\IIS<;('j' 1':UIlj('I' afHI Fait h Gllstaf- I j' ::\lr anti /\Irs. Ivan John<;on and Bah Swagg:Prty dlHl Llm- In>;' home economic,> -and EnglishIi HI<.' gUt sl In llH (Ild~ I I( dun Lld~ ('\'I.'llllJg. J SOil. l\1Jss [.,·on(' Andprson, C' ,A, i.Vortnwest JVakefield Ival}n were Sunday dmner ests dahl \~l're also thprl'. at Coburg, la, high :§tj:lOol.II nl~~s] j')III'io., I llllll \\ 'IS I Thill'S i E(I (;ustatsnn. Eunl("(' a Hi Fall,11 SamU!'fson, Mr. ,lOd Mrs. Orville , (By Mrs. \V C tti-.lP) 111 the O~('ar McGee homp In the :!\oIrs . Amanda I.lflJhN(~. :\l1s~ Mr. and Mrs. E. U. Huntemer

, " .- '\Ild i\1ls Ins('phJn(' GllSJ'I("OIl uo.,- Dutl( n and MIS!'> Dorothy, Mr, and '}3" e\PIllng, they enjoyed home- ade Dorothy GrIfflth<-;. :\[r... Jess ,pent Saturday evening and Sun-llty (~\'i'J't)]ghl gW'sl 01 !\lt~s I)Ol'n- ~Il'd ;11 Il}{',l\1Jltoll (:I1~S1.Jl",llIl !\om!' :\11'''' 1~("th ()"Rl;ln, MlssC'larlcc Ek- ICf' cream With the Kfnneth Pfick·I Brownl"ll, ~Irs \"pmf' Carfson.1day In the 11. H. Ternus home ath l ~.~llll:I,J~~~·I{'S-."'l'lm'lH \\ Its :l Sun- Sund,ly .dtt'l'nooll 1:I'Olll ~nd MIs:. Gwcndol)-.n NI~- L.'Roy Swanson was fl \Vednes- PI'S, as (bd ~lr. and ~lrs. Ernest :\lrs. H E Ander...on. ~rl':-'PS ~1111-1 Humphrey.

1 " MI' 'md 1\11s H('ll JIal'dsnn ami lod, ~\ C' Flf{ of Pfll.llhn:l. Lt., (lay ."llpPfr gw"~t of Bohhy Hon- Pdckpr t' IllP. H.:izpl and Op,d CHl,on \\oprp James Kmgston \Vent to Excel~lly :,1l11'1'1l0UIl \!sllol' III Ihp Jt A. l\-larll)~acC(JmJlarhl'tlMI' lind 1\11's 1\11". :lnd I\II's Chas. PIPrson, Ml's. son'. 1\11' and Mts Emil r-.fI11er, .1ar- last TUf'::.cta) aft.->rnoon gUf'5'ts oflslor SPrJn~s" Mo.,. Sat.urday eve-N mlOd 110m!'. ]\iT'lrl m 1'oI1]('s to t!w \\'1'f,;1 POInl C. K~ Flslwr, Dt'lla and Marvin, Mr. nnd Mr~ Lf'f)~hultz spent lan qntl Elton returned last 11{)n· :\1rs RQht>rt L Anderson ~llssImng a.nd VISited hIS SIster, MISS..: tIl'. ,HId )\IIS CollI Swanson wC'!'e 1'1;1' Thul'S{hy ('\-,pnm(' Ray lallgren, Omaha, Carl L. An· Sunday e\f'nmg \\Ith 1\11'. and M!'s. da)- from a \ISlt and ~lght-s,eIng Hazel Carbon rpturnNj to her GE'np\H?ve, until Taesday E'venmg.

I mIn} 1'\'I'llmg \ lSJ101'~ In thl' bl. < MI's K~lI\f'rItH' Cll~~m anti Ml's dpl'sn and <'layton Wf'rl" Thursday LrJ\lls Eby. trip in Denver. They v!.<:itpd rs work in Omaha dunn~ t1w \\(>(>k. ?o.!I<:'S Larhylia 'V,i'11itmore return~~ lstnlson tHlf}H'. , r VPldl\1 Lund !ltld C:1J',;, \\1''1,,1\1(111- fnrl'nnnn \l'ltnr~s ;Ind dlnnf'r 1\.11' and MI's han Johnson and LOlll~" l\1nllk and ..:;on, C1Clr1nC'C'. Thl' follo\ll,.lng l'pbtl\P<-; hf'lped ed Saturday from Marshalltown,

II' I 1\11. dllll i\'11 s (dll L And(·l·~on 1 I' t t l\'I (' ,1!lh'st~ Tv llyn s[JPnt FrIday p\'pnlng In thn. MI'" 'l1\tonk IS il sl"tpr of thp btl" Dalf' Andpr<;on cdpbrate hIS blrth-! Ia, after spendmg a week there'u d Jililld) j!lt'l1u'!<,'d oil ttl{' I'olle,\ (ny .~l ~('I'noon \~:Sl o/,s n I" . . "'-S.llh~ r>al'k Sumlay,' A. KlIlney a,nd I hyJlis. t Dt'l'sch homp. \\-'m WOI~r. n.ay Sunday aftprnoon hy enJoying, WIth her SIster, Mrs. Benjamm

, " j'" N I Il 0 'k]'lf d Mrs.. C"I'on and Theron (",Iton The Aa on S\\l1n';;o~, Robe t F supp"'r In the Ernht Andl'l ...on IWells.Mr. lind MI's WltlfpI' 011t. and' .;'o'll. :111( I~,II'\, f' ~ I I " ..,S nfly W("rl' SllHdny drnnf'1' gw'sls Dwaine nnd 1':,uO!('l' enJoYI d a PI('- <;JlPrll Fnday pVPIllng In lhe TIan~on, 111 Mpyer, Gporge Jpn- homp J\.I1' anrl Mr... John R An· Dr and Mrs J T. Gillpspie and

. II lht> Q, A. KUlnPY hom~. nlc SIiPIlt\)' ,II ~'th(' GPOIg(' B Als- Schultz honw. S('n, l'dul and .loel Dahlgren t mJ- dersun. ),!l Hnd ~Ir... GeorgI' An-I sons were in Lincoln Sunday to, 'W_ ,·C. Fif,,-' )f Pllullina, Ia., \\'us tropt' home T ursdlt~ t"V nmg. - ,,- MI·s HJalmer LutHi and d:J.ugh. lIes hau picniC umner at Co ord derson and hally, ~lr and ::\1rs attend the state fair. Mt~ Clare

o ThurRt1;;l'" ,Jlfi Friday VISltOl' ~n Mr, and Mrs ~ArthUI' FI 1'lnl' at- C Lard lonk theIl' gtJl'sts 10 tl"l's spenl Tuesday afternoon \\-Ith Thul'sday \-\hen thl:'~r sons 'erp i:\.lehm Anderson, Mr and Mrs Rodehorst of Colurr!1:ms, met themUf> Curl' T~. Andorson home. I h'lujeu Mrs ldp. liolmb('~gs 9Uth SIOUX dty MonddY ..... Ill'n IIH'} 1\tl'S 13('n Lund shoWIng tht:'lr t-II club calv 5 at Harold Anderson, Mr. and ~1rs !at Schu}ler and' accompanied

MI'. and Ml's. Harry Wei" andl l~rthd,lY annlvhsal'y obrpnanc(> beginner at wei€' dllfme1' guests a HI \ISII!'d HI Mrs. Elmer FIsher uno Elva of thE' fall'. ~'Iare Anderson and sons. ).Ir. and them.,JI ann(' \\'(>1'(> Sunday ('vening VISl~ al h('~' hom~> ~ynd~lY aftC'~I~oon.. ttlf' Bpll \. thc 01"'1111' Ellckson hump l',n~ C'unoH, spent Monda} \ll,.lth MIS r..-Irs Je.,.s Bro\\Ofll and Ji mie Mrs. Anton Anderbery and Veda, John and ~bert Einung will

I tll'~ In HlP Nt'ls Bjorklund home. MI;S N(~lm~. J~ur~ Hal, Ison 'It~ Mr. and Mrs, ElVIS Olson were route h~m{' lhpy C<tll~tl to SI'P Ihe C'I<lIenre Woltel returned to thplr home m IOUX C:Iemens Andl'r5on and JUOIor attend Pia No high -school at II G. Alfl'j>d Johnson vl!<Hled III the tf'ndu] lPachu:f Ipstltul( III Pnn dlOnE'r I;uests Sunday In the Jack Bucl Sa dahls np,ll D kotll CIty The Paul Dahlgn'H farOlly \\ere CIty Saturday after spendl g a Clough. St. Francis, WI., this year. Mr.;J 'well 1{l!llOn hom" fi'QIl'I Wpdne~- ~a SatlJrday ane' cdmmf'nc d leach- Park hom(', Leon' Robert<.; \1 It1:'11 Je\\ell Iu .... t Mondayevpnll1g \bltors at I'Wl'f'k \\Ith her mother, MI~ md- and Mrs. J N, mung took them, _d y t>vlinmg \mlIL Snlurday ('\'l.'- mg at the LlO('().l n school Moncl.::iy. Thl> K J, Lundahl family vl~ltf'd Roblnsq-n FI'lddY alll'l,noon The L.f>onul'd Dersch s bcrg rJlf'Y Llccompan1pd !iiII' and LOCAL NEWS leaving here Tuesday. Mr. andn hg, \ . ~rs. Cha~. PlPr~on f' Joyed a III lhl" MelVin AnderHon home Sun~ fIrst nHmed commt:'n'l'd tp,lchmg MI' a.nd 1lrs Verdf'l Lund and Ml's U",car Johnson who \\en,t to Mrs. G. G Hallf'r, who has bpen Mr~. Emung plan to be home this

Mr. and Mrs. Vern ~)tl'lson, D(>n- VISit ftom hl'l' ('oUS,", MI,'s I1rlma day ijwnlOg. In district 48 Mondav and IS shy- C!:dry spent l1tlday eVf>nmg Ln the ISIOUX Llty lor a \ ISlt \\ l~h If'la- in a local hosplta"l. a \\eek, is Im- Friday.n s and Dianne Wf'f(' Sunday dm. 0180n of Rfld Oak, la. from 8al- Thl" Emil Lund tamily attended 109 In the VPt'nlt" 1 lrson hom.' V.'rn Carlf;on Imow' tl\'f''' J ~ ~__~____ __ =========:=n~1' gUf>sts III till' A \iV Carh;on Ut( t'\I'IlI11g untJ! Mond~lj. afl('l- lhl"F,IIITH'rsUniollll]cn]{'ntWake· J{'\\pIJ bpgan \\mk ,l~ )n ,u-;"pi!.wl :\11 ,1IlU MIs the 11 BI(.HJlnqwl~t :\Ir Illd \ll~ lII' I LUll 1 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••h )mp j n{Jon. JIl'ld IlJa1'k Sunday. 10 th£' lltEA otflcp till.' samf' day I\\ I II' SunddY dll10ef gUl"sts In lhe :i\ll:-'st,.., MilIJ{JI It' dud Dull::. LunJ 1::•••••••••••••••••••••••••• 11•••••••••••••••••••:.

Mr: Hno Mrs. Arvid Lund, Mr.r ,lOI~I~\~~e~~\,th~~(~~~f~:)~<'I~\'t;~!w~~ :ls~~1~~gR<~~~r~r::~;t~l.l~l'W/laKt fr~~P ~;~~jt~'r ~;~\ml~~ll:II~;:7\~lV,~ :~f' IK'~~~~e,th I~~~~~h~or~~rl!flths ~pf'nt ~~;I~I~d~~~~a~I~~~~/.~g \~~I~ YI~~:c~~ ii FITCH F d and Produc 55;.-----------,11)1> {'mplo}\'d 1m !l (uup!{' 01 \\l'~·ks Hohl"llls. <II tlw d,lJIy· noon a/HI vlslh'd Ul III J\IIJndil) i~, I!llldd} ~ \1 lllJlg dod ~Iilldl) ill til.· ('l)llling ~"clt 11H' r, '1 ",!)n-

I:: ee e ==

Be IS st:JYlng in Ow ROjy JI'ol"t'slghl D •.nn, Wayn~ and Nell Sandahl eVf>nmg to lhl' F W Lund,dill (al foil .-lnd Randolph tmued thp trIp to \'ISlt the Luthf"r •• ••hl\mC' \lslhhl at Gus Swansonls near AI- 11'101". All \\-('I'P (II<)OPI' "11('<.;'" Slln- MIS. N P ('hu:;.terlspn dod V1C- Gold!"'I:;'" <-.1t E::. ...(·x. b 0\1'-1' th~ , •• PILOT BRAND OYSTER SHELLS 100 Ibso 90c ••

Mrs. ])wlline S:c,oIl, ,JatkJi> and len, S:;unday <1fternooo. ... week-end. I.·.... ....r day In 1hl' Cad LllncJ.lhl hnnw npar lor Jurgensell spent Tuesday eve- EJimmip of \Vatl'rlloo, \\'1' (" hOIl".;I·- '1'111' Paul Olson family were Cal'roll, as ..... 1;"1'(' nlPmbph ot tll(. IlHI~ ttl till' [)f'l:;.ch honlP. Am(Jng 1/10;"(' attpnull1g hlgh

l.:, NORCO 320/0 MASH MAK R 100 Ibs. $3.35 ••

Iguests from Thursday (>vl','nlng un- Sunday guests 111 ~e Dr. A. W. Waltf'rI Hforman fnmlly l\tr and Mrs. Clarence \Voltpr school from thl:s \"ay are DOris:. ::

B~,r~~'~'~rl;~~::~'enLng In HII' Ftt'd An~~I,~r~On~jI;:;~~~~ff ~~~:;'~~t;ove Mrs :Ed Sandahl dnd I\lls. J t' ~~~r~l~U(~~~i:n('I\~~l~~;onWllh Mr. ~~t7~\:~~(~lt~.~~~~J~;~~r~~en,II1Bo~~~ :: We Are Paying Today for 28 55Earl Ll'onard was a Sllt1da) dIn- 1£1 Sloan, rd .• Snnday and spent the Brp~sl'll' ~pf"nl SlJ~r1n) n~ghl \\llh :\11' and J\tr" Allhul Felt li?ft CUtt'OIl, \'l\l;.In Dersch <JlIll EIPa-

I•• I'lO_ 1 EGGS._ ._... C ••

n[>1" gupst In the Bert Harnsnn day m thp Andrew Carlson t!IomC'. thplr ~~ll'r, MISS J...llt·h f rt'd"rJfk- Saturday lot' a \JSlt in thl' Erv.-.10 nor ~Iae l\1f>}l'r III thp 10th: M)'ron :: ~ ::homp. Dr. ,Ind Mrs D. P. Qw:imb) VIrginia Sandahl went to Bloom- son, wlo Ipft Momlay 10 IPSllme Floyd homp at TOr'T'lOgton, Wyo. Felt,. Hohbv Hanson and Elton.. H- h t P - P -d f P it ••of Soulh SIOUX CIt} Wl'IP ;~ltC'lllO{lll fit'ld Frlduy:morning to teach com- tt'achl~g dull('s <11 B{'rf"a t),!tq-;I' I\I' d MIS Utto S' h' Melv n Mlll!:'r JO t1;t> 9th. I':: tg es ! rices al or OU ry ::\'1"lloI'~ nnd lunchl\on glUtsts m<'rl'ml m tlw high school lhls In ~f''fltuckY Thf>lr rnotl1l'r{' MIS'


nnd ICea;e ~f \\;aynf', \\:r;' SUnd~Y Swnday supper gue~ts in the:: ::Mrr a,nd MI'~ R A Nunrod !flok yl'ar J. \\. IFrpderICkson, has mO\t'il to dUlnl"l' gUPsIs HI tll('l Mrs MmnJe GIlbert Lmn home In honor of.. Sell Your Produce_ to ••

Alj('(j M,U" In Wahon Monday wlwrl" MI' and Ml'~. Rudolf !{ay and th£' Brpssler home dl!l'lIlj?, IH't' rlb- ;:\Idl-eJ' homp Mrsf LlfIn's birthday of Monday I:: ::she t'nrollpd (1.1 Luthpr ('OIJC'j!,f' for nnrHlY \\,{"rf" 1m Omnh'a Tup~dny Sflnf'f' l\I(~s 1I.·!t·1l llo.l)'iun unrl Flall~ \\E't( .\lls'. LIUIl' Luuel:'; of r__ FITCH F d d P d ..

ItlH'lpl'lll 1\1ts ('Ill! L '\lld('l~on (()n'lulllng :tll /'\1' ~rj("('inli"t fOl Tllf' Alt P,on~s \\IJt .. t() hllll1P {,', TllllWI .tltt'lldpd I>rxoll (()\Jnty \\'u.} II' \11 !Ill! J-i!, ..\1\ Jl Y{JUIIg" :: ee an ro uce ::Ispf'nl Hw d"y "llh (;ldJl(hna An- })onny folks IhaJ Ihey Lilt' I'tqoyJlI).!; tlLell It(~ach(,FS' Inslltute. In Ponca Satur- 01 Bf'ldt'n, 1\1r and Mrs. Io'red I.. ••

... (!f'rson. Vl'lda Park and Bertha Berger- stay In Washmgton rr'twy snw Ihv Sf'llpntmp Of Rpldl'-n, Mr. andlMrs. ::••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••-:..ALL SHOE SUPPLIES MI' nnd Mrs. WJllolJ <\'1<'<'m kIFI- ~on 01 ('nhlol'llid. aI'!, sPf'mlmg Pn'sl!l{-'1l1 I{nos..vpJI \\ hil.' \ I"llmg ~ri';-, \\'dndd Llflll "'!Jl'lll flom Bill (':-.:It:: ()f BpJuen, :\11' and :\lr<:: .

dale and sons W('I'P Sunday SUppf'1' I_Jal't of thl'! w(lf>k With the ElVIS the capitol and Spf'nt n ll<~Y In NC'w T\lf'~{l\jY untJl Fndl'lY WIth hpr - ,--- --~ I " .gllpsls In tlH' .John i\-ll'Cmkmd.!l,· (ll ...on".; York \Vdh All I,dlsun. I Ill' .I,d,,· :llJnl i\!I<'" 1.1//11' Ifjh,l'f; In

IWllW I }I('k/\\ I .'1IJl n,'d hllllll' al 11'1 \1 t dill! MI'S Nf>1! l\IC( '{)l'kmcl.dp .JolJn:-;(ln" hd\" Il':I( flpd ~(tWIll ('- I \\ 1\ 11f'SII{'JHIJll;~ I \\{·('I, \\Ilh Ill' !'llnd Illd ;'<;11 .lilt! i\11, H. (' lIahlhl'('k t,u!y,N \' d 1 l'lIdlm"'jJlII'\\('I,11 :\11 \'prdll T,llnd:'tnd ~lnd

pUH'lJ['" \I,ltpil 11 Jf"IlI\ I\JI'I-on, Fl'i(I:t~ IPCPl\'(·d :\[1 t",lIll('lllll' lilililll "'IWI!l


i\1~ld IIH! J\illJlli Mdll!!'(!, I( Ml :!l1d \II ,'11 IIll')] , ;-"';11l 110d 1dl \ :t!l('llIlHlJl \'.rlll \11 (lr-1l1Ietllllll'd homl\ fIOtl]l\!JlIlIP!-;(I11 Silil jJI!' Blld \1"ltNI (l\f'l' Tllllls- ilro\(' liJ FlIWlsOll 'lunrl'l\ ,1..111J1!! 1.. lJln(':'

lo--.....-,----...,..---, c1ay\"IH'll'lllP\ IlddlH\lll !:·; .... lslllll' dl) II l.l\\IIIH'fl f{mg<.; and 1('- to nWf't 1111' l!lll'l, ~1,lt)J 1\11, \11'''.; II,.I,n rL-ln'flj~bpgln hf.Jwlih h,ll\ !'...1 l)onl1d JOJIII';illl I" (.nmplnj(·d IIIi'm Ji) the Iotil'O tit Osc,n'Ldr"on dnd t!ilwhll') I.I-lill-" .1101 kdC!tIJI;": III l'.llk Hdl,lulllld !HJlt1 Ild))1 I 11'11 \J I) ('''lHOld \-ll'U, of IJm ill I \\I](j l·IJn,· j,q ,1::-'1 l\l\llldd) OlulliJllf: \\I!h 111

I I\ll'sd 1\ All 1I1d ;\11 .... 1If'l1l\ Nplson ll1d Labol !lit:, \hll Til II dd\ tht f\JlII_'1 Illf!Jll'd

Ii\-II 11111 \11 ... ;\I.II\lll \IOltt'll'OIl ...orb\\\ltP II (;r1h('lt Lmns to! l'{)d~:lndlhpJl i'lll'o.,!"'\\"I" 111 PI I '\ll lilt! :\11s JLlll\' 11.11'1('1- :mil

MUldellp and Kall'n J\llS Alvill l\llyLHlll!O; 1Jlllhddy :H1ppe~UI}P rei as JIlUlf'1 gue:-.Is II:! ttll ( G'IMr and Mr" Herman Stolle at.Nt~lson nl (lakland o.,pl"nt 'I \\('C'k d:lY ('\1 mng La~son homf' , "tt'nut>d thl' f;'l.Jt at \\'e",t PomtVlsltJn~ IPlutIV('S <It L<tkp Wilson MIldr('d Agler !('Ft Thurl'\da aft- Friday dmnf'r gUf'str-1 ~f' r-.:tl's C' TllJ-'"fl:lVdlHllft'clnl I\lotUl 1I-'IIIlllltlnll,lJnI!I'IJl(lOfl to 11Jt>lJrJ Jl1<;lltlltp l('fol( RAsh \\t'l"t' il-II \\ --. ('111,11 1 I\ll ,\rH! ~Il 1111'·'\ [,)]('1,,'1 :\('_S,lIUld~!.\ Ilw OpPIIIIl).; Oil Mond,ly ,f hfL :tnll 1\110;" i\11l1.1111 (,I\II1! ~.II'"'·I('omparLJed i\-II ,1iIJ Alb. VvaUace

MI~s elflo Patter~on of San Dlf'- rural ~chool npar Omaha. MIs~ Dorothy Ryan HIli ol SitIUX Rino and MerJe to SIOUX City~o. C'!Il..MI"!-<: Th\Hlnf' Scotl. ,LH'kH' Fnul Ilund al}d Janif'f' w('rfo In ("Ity ,~It sj1pnt JI1(' olflllnrll'l! \\tllj \\.I.d'I1t:'sUa)aIHl",Jlp{nlit., MI~~ NOlnl,l J~"an SiOUX (,Jl1y TUf'sday WIth hogs on 1\11'<; (h31'In!1(' Lllnd ,Iilll'rind \\l I' ;\IIS Gu,.,w.\ t'.l!lfddt and Rett}Ifarrl"on

lalld Mr!'; .1nhtl Ilnnson tllt' lnHt'U,pl MI' Hnrl Mrs. FrNI supppr ~~llP't,'" 1, \' ":1'" 1\ r'" Ibn,; IAnn 01 Clllc:.rgo, \'"rf' Fnd3.Y 0\'['1'­

visjlp-d Jrl lh(' Wnlli'l· (ltll' llOnlf" lIt(>('ht a('{"ompanIPd thpm RO!,;l"rlP of '-'1<111, (It\' 'lnd 1\lls~ 1I1"11! "Uf'''js Il1 till' B(>rnartl

Fr~I~.rn~~rf'~~;~~~·AI\'ln N('bon tu1lll \\~~'~Pnn~;~~;PI~~ I~~~~~n ~:r;:~~~ En~'~ll~.l }:~~d~~~lprh(>J'~ fnmllv .1t- f El~~~;":~dl~~~~~ Robf"rt F Hanson,family ()f (l,lkJ.wtl, \\,('1'(> Sunday IOf A. r:. Nllllt'Od III ohs<'!'Vancf> of tC'ntJ{\d a \',,,fJll' '"'Uppf'I'illl OJ(' Paul Helen and Bobby Wflrp S~mday111llnf>I' f~I1f"<;" in thf'!\ I. and M'll hl-, hll'thrbv Sundnv nftprnoon Sor!prh('rp Ilnll1(' I', I -rlJ('Cd'I\, ('\ P- <dli""flIOtJll <.lOU MLppel' gU....Sh at

j \i/l 1\1nr1l'n"fJn IloBII' All :llll'IHlpdl MJ' :lnd 1\11'" \VNnflr ,Jankp and I~Jng complJOwnllllC: NIL".; (d'I('{'loElmel" IInrn;;on,Cl'Ondllld rl(JII~,h1"lg' l'llltllll~ ['fl' .llal \[1" LOll \Villprsand fam- SOd(>lh"lg ,\\JIICIi llt( pll' II! II 'J! \11' .Ind \11 1.•. IIIIlI.lI('(jh, and

. P.l~~~"lllJ;~~:'lJ:\;~I~~~(I~;Jlll nllt! .JlOlnll(> ::\\(>n'I\~11T (I: n \\'~'t\~:dp E~l~~ll~t ~::~~~~ ~:~~~1~(11;'~~" :/I"I~n('I~JJ,I;1 (' 11~;~d:"I'~! ,). I I} Lll' ul. SIO,U:-;' ('11\ \ ".;~Ir 1~1


I . S Iff I [\.1 I S iI UI ddy and SUlllld} III till (LIt-of \Vatf'I'lo(). la. and 1\ll's Ftl'l! IlOnll' ll"l'g ~ un( ,I\- <II \\ HI I ,I Ill' ipIll'I' \\'ullt-I hUll\('H<.\IThOll \\'1'1'1' Frld::'IY :If!I'}'1I110!l Thl' F A Sllhf'r fnmJiy \'isltC'fl Ml's Al'nold Lum lIll ..,Inn or I )t\1'\-1 \11 dnd :.'\11's t' A I,untlhf'rg\lsltOls m 1111' Bf'rlilarl'lo.,oj} tlOm(' 10 Ihf' lli\'dl Itlloadi'~ hnllW Sun- hd.I';}llW ;(1](1 till' 1JIlIH)J·~·t' I' 111!IHd 'I u l\I [" k J I IMr. IJ,lrllsoll ant) NIll'ma .l",'ln anll day :111J11nnnn lIlitH' accompampd to I tIP ('11\ \\I!ll thPlll ' t· .tIL • Is ',Ij(.' olll~un all{Jacl-:ll' SI'!)ll ]Ollll'i111H'1ll 1.11, I' ,Lt 11h{.1ll 1101ll(' :Jll11 sl'\(>l'al \\f'pk:-> )\11' ,Inti 1\11, r d"-S,l11dilil dnd ~\~~l/)I~:' ;~{;I,~:\I~;~ll~~<~~.f'n~ternoon

IUI~~~~. and MI'!'>.('h('~l('r1,llrsdn :uld th~;~: and MI',", Hpj't Rurmnn and A.IL.Hl ll'lllr;\I d 1.11,' I· I Id l~ (\,' 1\11'. and Mrs. La..... rence Blattertnhlng- f,rom

k::- Y~I,ml.',f'"t· tj~) ;"h

d", h !)I:I',I:~ dLClJllllJanlCd fIll'IH.b fj um Stan-

dau~hl<'l's, Mr~. Lloy-d ('!1nsIP!1son MI'. and tytl'S ShIckley, allot Uma- t ey 00 r3)( <~ UL.} -\ tl!n tu JI1\' staip fall' SundaY Ran-and h.lIl\' ullll'l"ll)l', MIlltl .1\1\' HId hi, dIO\'~ IIp illonday att('lnoon 1'1'])Olt IH'I' 1;1.('('1) l!wul"d III 11,'1' (l.ill Lta\('d m Ow Sch1lltz'tlOnwMq;. Anlun HolJl1,IlI'I'g' lIpd ,1(WlltH" ~ul{l had ~UPlJt'l' WIth t~l~ F. A. Su- f~ew llOllW. i h.t') \'1"I'lfu tile l-'l'l: TIl(? Errck Johnson and Lf>\.i

~V\~:~:\>II~>;I~~Hl~lil~>d :~I,~i:l~I~.('r :~:'I\l:~~ h(>~I:,:m~!yR. A:-h spcnt last Tul's- ~~~th;;,;;~;~~~':ltt/~I~l'I!~)i ~~I<~l'lt';~;I- Duhlgl ell LtmJllP'" SP( nl ldsthomf' \ day nftC'rnoon With Mrs .John Sun- Harry Npison. n formt>r nPf'!hhor Thursday In Lmcoln \ ISltmg the

Mrs. F.l1io;; Johnson pl.1yf'cl Ill<' dell and Heh>n and visited her here, took thrm lhrotlgh Yf"llo\\- Cd!Jlt(JI anu otlWI IJla~l':' o[ lH-accompaniment fOl' Mrs. M(']\im mother, Mrs. Charlotte Lundahl, stone park wluch IIH'Yllgre311y ('n- tl'~st IJ' 1 I I I 1 ILars('n and, Mrs. P. \V J.llntldhl all rIa;)' Sunrlay joyed 1 r:-.. In nH'r ..lIn( nO{ {,lUgl·

~/ll.~~;O~:~l;~ ~~~:~t;1 ;:l~:I~Srllc~; ,::~t~ dr~~:·;:~~u~I~~7ry ~~~i ~:~J~~ is'~~S,~(~ro:~ ,\l;~~r~::::)('d ~~~: ~~~~~I)l~~g ~~ll~~~~C'l'lloon. MISS Margaret Il:IgluI1d afternoon and brought Mrs, Eddie anp I~ hVlng al 'J<:dg!,I' Lal'son~. spent Saturuay allt'!'Iloon III thl'platy("d a piano solo. Lange and baby h0re 10 ~pfoO{I the MIl";s Murgal'l't Rodg('l', ~t:ll'I("c1 a "amC' hom...

r th k t(.j('tllW~ carper at 1111 e(.ll 1\[011- 1\11' ami Mrs. Sl~'fnd Olson andMr. and :\11'$. A. \lV. Carlson IC'· tt·q 0 E' w('e h tl h'l J of Omnhn Wt>fE'tUI~IH'd ru,'sda:y ('\rnlHg, AugU~L 1\.11 and Mr~. C F'. Sandahl, day and dll'hl''; flOm 101llL' cJ.(l! 1rN> (' I (ren ".2()'1 fro~n :1 .two weeks' sight-scping Don, Bnh and Kay went to Da- day, Miss F.unic(' GU~I fson began Sunday afternoon and evemn~triP In thf> w(>"t and south 1°hfOY kola Cilv Saturday nftprnoon to a second ypal"s WOl'k I dlstnC'l S~). visitors in the Joel. Paul and Le\'1vl"h('(} Ml' and M!'~ Gl'Ol'g(' An- \I:-;il until Sunday 1'\I'ning in the and MISS F.\lll NlllH,d.\\dl be ,I !Inhlgren homes(h>rson At C,re£'lrv, Colo. lind Mr~ Bud Sandahl home, week later 10 district 19, ht"c<lu.:;e Ml' iJluj 1lt~. LeonatJ Dcr:.chCarlson's broth~rs u1 I.UI'dl'l'~, Emil Lund and Richard were at or her recent Illnf'!"s [!'Om which HllU VIvian spent Sunuay aftel'~Tf'XA<:. ' IBarlll't1, Friday, whl'rp lhf'y pur- shp i..:; lmTlrOvlng 1lJ{'("1V' noon 10' the Harold Frese home

Ml' and Ml~. Hoy Sundt'lJ and d~lls("c1 C'nt1ll' for f{'('dtn~. \\'allac(> Mr. and :\1lS Palll Bri(n~, dnl! \'t'<.;[ ot \\'avn(' ~1onrlay \\:1<:' th'Dorothy ahcndro the statp [all' at Rmg hl'hught some homp from th(' ,Jean of Opheim, Ill, nld Mr~ CArl birthday ot Mrs. Frese ---,DN, Moinp,", la. In!it weiJk. Mi:,;s Yankton sale Monday. Anderson of Orion. C Imp Fmlav i Mr. and Mrs. Henry E. AndE:'r­Jp<lH !\('('orn;Janil:d t1wm hom(' for Gf'np Lund vls1ted from ~'f'cl- E'\'enim; to \'I~it In t hf' C" " son, ·Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ander-

I ,11l(,Slhy ('venmg unlll Saturday Bard home anll \\'IJh ottlf'!' I'll:!-: "'vn d.nd daughter lefl S.~Iurdavu w('ok'>; \ .:JC:llion. On SUllU<,l.)" I\l!'.'1 . ~, E ' t,·V"". They arp pnro'l' 1,0mp from I mOt'OlOg for a ~veek-end H~lt With I:md Mrs. Sundell and Dorothy look f'venmg In the ~mil Ekbf'rg hQfrle. .-'"}\1IS':; .ft>an to Omaha WhNI' ,111' Ardath Barf'lmnln spent til£' 1am(' ypbo\\,stonf' park an{l bl1H"'T pOlnJs II rpl~tivf''' 1\t Orlpholt. IA


1 nlP n 11 e Eml Lund homf' of ~nt(>l'('st lO t hI' \\ 1"'1) Ttll'\' \\ "I I> TIlt' Aaron IJplgren famI1\' \\ P}'P I\\il! be empl()J"(>~' ,I .Tl~ Su~{'r\mrl Leonarrl R~b('rts gut'"t~ of honor 0.t a family din-I Sundctv afternooh gue~ts lA the

l:~~ <?ustafsoll, Rtlr~€'al, EuniCE' accompanied Delbert Roberts to nel" in thC' LaW1lence Ring home Le\'ene home. Mr. and Mrs. Aug­an~ f'~;th re!urn~?" hom(' ~ondilY Lincoln Sunday to ~pend a few Sunday ne: \V:1S MI<;~ ,('on(" ('on'. I '~St .Tolm~on and Mvrtle were,('\{nltl.~. Allg\ht ~). flOlll ,] \I'ill days at Ih(l statC' fail'.lr'fllH' SUbl'I' (,Jl of Chleago \\hl' inllwrl 111'-" SII11(1.I:'- (\\t:nJ1H~ \1"'ltO\,\ IWIth rl'lnl!W's III Omaha and \\'a~ Ih('I'(> for ttl{' day 1'Upsdav gr<lllp in tll(' Uftf>l'nonl Til,... hil'!11-1 !'III'S Keonnplil Packp~ .~n~l ,('1111-1Cuuncil B!lj.lff~ MIS Clll'IS Rodgt't:s Emil Hallstrom --trhd Marjorie day anniversarl0$ of Lurry ,Jne dren, l\-lrs W:;tlter rlf2dllCk':>OHI;~f'('ompn~IPrl thf'111 ~hf>I'P ~ftf'r n Wl'n' tlmnpr guests Sunday Il1 lh(' RI\1g of Tlnll~ddY dlld :;"11-. 1.1 111(1 Dnri", '\Llt' :111(1 ~11" PaulIf'W thys \·\Sll Ht t o\HH'll 'mulf". LeV"'m Fr dli'rickson home. The Sapdahl of FI·ula'y w re, abo 00- D3.hl~I"('n snent Monda:, 3.fternoon IMarlow Gustafson a<;slc:tpd on. the last na~:.l~amilY splO'nt Saturday sel'ved. \, Ith Mrs. Ivan John<:.(mGllsl~Jf"nn Lll'm lllu'mg t!lPJI' :lh- f>vPlllng i:i1.Jl 1\11' and Mrs. Harold \Vednesd:lV ('vening sup P l' r l\lr<:: Mliler and Ern:l. \·lsltpd I~f'n('(' I Anderson. guests in thp Wm. ~ctor home 111'5. Levmus Packer Fnda). In

E{l. Gus1af"on and family dr.ov{' LU<'IJe Wesselman cfl-lled Sun~ were: Mr. and Mrs. \1>/ . A Mevf'r thf'. e\'enin.~ they \-Islted ~1"r~.,In (,)akland W('dnf'~dflY ('venmg, rla.y afternoorl in the E ..J. Lundahl an~ Mr. and MrR, Al in Rast£'de. TJihe Rewm~le and Y.r~. LI.7.ZleAl1gu~t 20, to hrin\g Mr!';. J(lC!r>phinf' hom{'. Joann was a be~inher in 11<'1' .Joimng them for thp p\lenlO£! wprf': Burmester III the Emil IV!:lllerGIl!':lRf"on hom£' nftpr 8 thr(>(> ~chool in di~t'rict 13 Monday. Mr, The Ernest GI'OIU' fantilv of homew;>pl{s' \'1"11 witH l'C'latlv(><; in Ollla- nnd Mr~. Rl'uhen John!'ibn ViSlt('d Waynp, Me and l\1r~, ~I\-"m II t\I,'~ - 1I,Ir and ;..rrs Fred Borcherdme-.lin ami Oakland. Mr. and Mrs. .Ju- thpN" nl!':o. I PI' land Mvron, Mr 'a d Mrs. Art Mr and Mrs John Lamnush. alltlm.- lInn!'pn of Oakland hadI heell MI'!". Lloyd Powern alhd dnllgh- Meyet, and EleanOr 11 ~t". Mr. and of Fremont. and Mr and Mrs:Itl ()nwhn thf> l)r...\'ioll~ RlInrlny :llld tC'rs and Edna Martens visited Mrs. l\1rf'. Martin Mcvel~ jnd Norman Henry Bartels were \Vedne5da~hrol1/tht M~. C:lI~t~fson to thPlr 'Va1ter Herman and TWiJa Mon~ and the Louip J\1eyJI' [[lml]v, also afternoon and SUDDer guests in thehome. tlny afternoon. Mr, nnd Mrs. Sig- MiflS Esther Vi(,~oli of \Vayne Leonard Der"ch home.

-...: frid Olson and children lof Omaha, Th\lrsday Mr. andl M~. Victor and Mr~. Gus Rchultz spent. fromf4lnmbt>r Party. W€'l'P dinner guests, Mr. and Mrs Alvin Rastede took '1'ues{lay until Thursdav With the

1\'11<:'<:' l.orraint" Miner pntE'T'b.ine-d Mr. and Mm. Anthon Nf'lson of ArNOW to) Omaha frqm \, hlCh p13.rf' \'In?:il EC,kberg cl1l1nren whlleat :'l slumll(>r party WedO(:>~day Ma.rshalltown, 1a.. who have- bef'n he ,left for a tr'1ming camp In thelr narents attended the state

~~~t M~~io~t'~:~{~~~lMI~l~~~~ ~n~~h~~~iEd~~~e~~~n';VTu{';~W~shlllgton. _I I ;~~~. i~1i~~C L~l~i:b~l'~a~~~~m was

'pan Hnl'l'ison nnd Miss Phyll'io;; clay aft~rnoon, They formerly re- I Fa~wf"U I PolitY. Mr. and Mrs, George AndersonKinnf'Y The:-c ~irls ath."Ollli'(1 slded on the latter place. Miss Margaret n4f:1Und• \\ ho of Concord. Mr. and Mrs. CecilWayne ~tnte "e~chers college last 'I'he C. 'L, 'B~rd famllv and their 'leaves Sentember 111 ,to enter the Warren and family, Mr. and Mrs·tprm and will be parted when each gues~~ were entertaine~ at supper ~m~anufl hospita~ sc~ool of nur~- Garfield J01UlSOll and family ofWlIl'take un their c1IOl:N\ profes. In the C, t:'.'Sandll\l1 hOMe Monday. tng~ wn' gh'en 3 fhrejhn partv In Laurel, spent Sunday evening insion this fall. Mis~ Miner will Tuesday the out af town folks the Andre-w Johnson home Mon- the Bernard Erickson home.telich the Al. Fredrickson school, were supper guests in the Ed, Iday with Mi"s Uor~1 Johnson ns Mr. and Mrs. Emit MilJer, Mar~

Appal"f;'ll (or Men antl WQmf;'ln , ;t~ ~~tTl~~~~:~~:~~S~~~ ~~r~~~~~~~F~.the night ~~j~~~~ ~:~:::fn~ 'tC:;~~~of~l~~ ~s:;:::nE~~odn,B~~~~n~~rs~'i~f:J&<1- M~;."Lawre~ce m.g ~,nd ,M~ 1~~~d",~Y,~e~~" e s serye? in rela.ti~e,'lB,·,., Des., M

fuilies and at~

'!S',' '1!1"'~' '1 ')""'1 'l~t' ,,~I~\~., ,~ "jW' iIliii.~ILl~~,~{~~L"l~t::~(d~';'L:i~ v,.,t'''~-;.'''~" "''''i.-..j:



~ I ::~I :5!1:

~ I:1~ I

Betty RoseJltllim' IIit

\1I1hJ'" \\f'I'k - (hno"f' )l\llr

~ I ~ ~~l:r (';:r1h~:U;r:~ ::~~"'Smf)l('- roat..'i to MOW )·on<\\'.. kno\\ Itln4 and "ill .('-11ynlJ f'X3('~ry "·bat to ('IXpM't

In ""'f\lt'c from them. \\("11

Ther~rap "~hr ~Oll a dellnlt. gu.mnler

Coat: ...;,1 ~.:_l :~: ~~:::~::,o:::e: '

J( ha~ thl' ne\\ deelK'r arm large lUH'slmeDl in " llo~k

holes. Made of Betty Rose ~ ~ of coa1~ but. Bell from salll~quaIlt,) fle-ec('8 thaC "ill Dot. i ~ plp5, 'U" Br~ able to priCl'rough I.p or get nubby. ~ ~ )our coal ,at :splendId 88"'~

"GuarlUlI.e-t'd rort'\f"r" UntoI' ~ ~ lugs.... B~come non-thbi, •• 'laml "OH~ Intt'rllniDIi" ~ ~ week-uhlle we ha"e fiaIn·

:j;1795 ~ ~ J. pit'S' to show you•... Bud;;et~II plan U you,wlllll.

i~i~~n]ii\:~~~~: I._I., ~~~~i:~i:~·::goc6 back III ~nd o( "eek. _ •

~:nr:: I'::CI':le':. ";;.~ :I:~ ! j tCa~::I:~~:.$;~::~~ I,are as usual. • • J i ~ Mulkrat••• , •• $159.50- i

$1750lu, $3750 II 'Skunk ... ;' ... $Z~,OO ~

Ahern's II Ahern's'l'e,........,,"'''..'''''''·'''·~'It''·,''I''.''''h,'','.~.,~_,lnh'';.~ t!J'~nlnllf\111111IUUII;~llhU ....UlUld;lU.llIU.1I~lllll1f1dt .1

" J1., 1~I~Jo.~~_~:;,~ur:!iS-jItfit1J.o>" ,'I,

: I


qlwft vou the Tonel V,III'. 01.


~; I



~':'I. like CI "sound-pos'" of a

'1iolin, which transferstpnal vibllotions from theIiridge te the bo<~ of theviolin, the Acoustic.Coup­fer is aHached to matnsoundi"9~boord of thepiano and fouches the4'frontboatd" ~li9htly•,



UauRhtcr 1l'J Baptized.Gayle Ann, daughter of Mr and

MIs Harvey Lu1t of Wakelleld.was baptIzed at St Paul's parson­,lgP Augu"-t ~(l, h,\ Rl\ G. G1L'~{ h­en.

J jl . , [I . ~'rllE W YNE HERALD: YNE, mBRASKA, 'l'RURSDAY, SE

~---- - -- --- ----T·---I.t!_~_____!..J!..,.......-'-~

II Labor Day. . ' ' II TAKE8IS~UE. I day guests with Loname Mmer ml Waynn M'h.,-kf'IS.l-icpt. a. 1941.(Omaha Journal~Stockman) I the Harold Mlnl'l home. (Prw('~ slll>lP(t 10 r/Mng(')

prObablyl there is no natjon~wi«e hali. II wifha~~~'~~~~~~~:~ ~~kg~~~~~ ;rhe Monic LW;ldahl fanuly a(l~ COlll IjlJcday SQ muer observed and SO little observ.. "I MIlIerls book, u¥~ Canjt Do ., ~:~a~\'~~l~~al:~ f~~~IJiIeB~~~ ~~ ~:~~ey j j ~~~ed as LaborJdav. It has come to bp- a day Business with H1~t r," the one As to \Vayne ~air. anq I have I"('f-l,soll to bell'\(' dcrson home. ~ ~ _on whi9h Ulllon !labor goes on parade. holds Iwhich assumes t at America EdItor Wayne Herald I m.emhers of eJthpr WClyri" eounly Sunday (hnnPI gupsts in the Roy LO('AL NEWSpicnics andl listens to addresses bypeaders must, lin order to rrtatch Hitler, Wayn~, Nebraska c1'1ul'ehf>s, litH' 01 her ruud [JC'ople Holm home were Mr. and Mrs .' ~and politidi~IlS, The day was o~iginally have ils live::> !'>la/nnkd and regu- "What was" wrong with the lelt the sal~(," l"rank Holm. Mr. ami Mrs. Wilham Dr dnd MIS A D. L~wls anddesigned 1l()1 o.mphasize the dignitt of all lated~That magazfne contends w~JY,ne"'!gaa,r'n?on Sund,l,v, ," d"y U~lS ,Slne,lJ.' ~y,~ Borg anti family, Arel were In Newcastle Sundaylabor But it has gradually becom a 'day ~hat hUe Hitler's pelp'less sub· U1: "u (,I<lTCll' I lldll Hans Rosl?n. of Sioux City. came Mr and Mr!i, Andrew PLllker

~lb· liects ave beco~e Imete robots, which should be held Isacred, but '--- - - S<llurday e\enmg wllh Mrs. Ro!'\~n spent Sunday 111 the Matlllf.'S Hult.

pprt!culm'l set ahPathrt. fOf a or 0 'ganlllZa~ Ithis c un try qa 1in accordmg Iwhich IS fast becoml

1g commer- "hat Ifli lIU' I ,ur '! and spent the weerenct In the lIer- Jr.. home ~

bonIS, Ito s t fort Clf power as we as to its I tradltlop I I nes of free- clahzed by'fairs, jhOW, and week- J Wd) 11' Nclll.I~ka man Anderson ho e Mr and Mrs W A 11IseW\,,,Pletheir u's~fUlness, a holiday eculiaf Idom. Speakmgl f the way end tripS WI,',) lie IICldlh I I Sunday dinner a'nd lundwon In Lincoln TupsddY dliendlllg tileto ditie$ anld' industrial'centers and neither America has outchstancedl Its "Wl'fun'a,natlon forg Is God and In reply 10 )fllli 11I'llillY ,IS 111 gu('sts In the ea Johnson home state fall.obsbrved n-or appreciated in thc smaller competItors, It sayr.: "We grew HIS command tu...remember the why people slilyt'd ,1\\ 'V from our mcluded MIS Robl'lt Hadgyof .J II. Ihuggl'l .HId \V.ddoll Blug-to,~ns and.. rural diHtl'irts. It iii smply a greatlby being dIfferent. Our Sabbath day to keett It holy, and m leilr Will II hil\(' to 1'1':1 IhnllC't' Oa.kdale, La. Morfl!-., June and gel' werC' In SiOUX CIty Wednes.union '}Ub01' holiday hut itt; importance methdct.t noY1 should be to think every way poSSIble tnes 10 make to hrmg lhpm" I'll :>1\ 11 \o,.tll 1111\e Marlow Hhllstrorn. day on bu!-.mess .grows as 1he nation becomes mpre and of so~1ethmg bet~r than the money on that day, thaI natIOn to lJe a I hnllcr 1 h('<l1 rI Ihr' (I rmds MI' and Mrs George Jen~en arld Mrs AlbeT I ]0 IIOSS dnd (hJ1dl enmOfe indw;trializ.ed. The real, deep sig- NazI6 have. TmHat rs seldom if Will follow the downfall of :other:-; were small al tll(' fdll "0 at a galh- fanuly had piCnIC dmn(>r In the vIsited Thur·!-.d,ly .dtl'lnoon ,It

ever surpass lh ir origmals which have done the samp Hung. erlng o~falml'rS 1 :J~].;' d "hy JIf'tl' Concortl park with other calf club Allan Perdue snif'canee of the day, however, must never J Even If we could.lwp must re- "The 4-H clubs are fIne for OUI' al'(~ the' ns.....·('rs i'lrsl YOU h",,£, 10 members and their faml!Jes Thurs- Mr. and Mrs I'drlt'! IIUhlJdldbe ost sighU of. I member that hkC~Ifl1ethodS tend boys and gnjs. bu! I quC'stlOn the Ptl)" <1 Ir('p Wllll111" I<w ('enl~ of day dnd atlended the fall'. entertamed frlOnds dlHt 1('lall"l;;

1-- --- .---~ - I .to' yield like re. ~lltS. Do we Wisdom of their bemg !'equlred to slalp I;nr al lIw golfe 'I It''It,..yOU gel MI and Mrs. Hany Johnson ancl from .0maha SundayThe People Can Do H. want Nazi result t' be at the fall' caring for tllt'lr stock It1 and" hal do JOll ftttli ' Not hrng children were Satul mernlght Eligene ,iml I>on('Jld Pl'l Iy, .1,111-

(Norfolk Dally News)... 'and havmg projects IUrlgpd on Np ffl'P ! >,uu ,1I1 torced to ~f'sls In Ihe Lyle McBndp home Ice Ann Mau slx'nl Monday 111 theSenator Bvrd of Virginia is back in the I I Hunti~gS~ason. - - Sunday Instead of helng In theIr pay .!'){', 10 Sl:'{' 01(' SO I tll"d IT/'e In Omdlm, and abo \ ISlted Mr and Henry Mau, sr, hom('

tax diHcu~:;dotl with a proposal, unpopular Lmco!n, septembf 2-Wlth the place at '{hurch and SundH.Y schaul 1lC}1s 1J(·tdU~(' I ()f f'.Hl\' sl r'L1ng Mrs G('orge Blgahm They return- Mrs Edv.aTd Ppl'I y, ....... hll ff'11in COJlgt'cs:,:, for a plan to cut taxes by re- !huntmg ~ea~on C9 mg up ~oon, "TI~re~ days fOl' a co~ntY fellr Il~l\ln~11 ~11 f01l1 (',111 Sf II ftl,~~ I~ cd Sunday hy way 01 Llll(O~n and :;~~:r~I~~~~{'~n~I ~~I'~l 1~~SP~(:t/tilbducing nouresscntiai f7pending. INebraska sportsm~ can look fOl- shou e ample, eSjJecla Iy when I\V dl 10 i-trllpr Jnngs Il n H'y Nehmska City MISS Blanche Smllh will .llli'lid

Let the budget hureau furnish csti- Iward to. 1. A longer pheasant the entertamment and exhlblts ilrc I<lbo compLlllll'd ,J!K1Ul "(JII, of the ::;unddy afternoon \ l"llors In the the Unl\Crslly of IOW'i IJllS fdll dlmates a~ to htl\\' KavingH of $1,000,000,000, l1Untmg season, extendmg from tho same each day ('~Jls pushmg 1111 rn hl'r(' ,II d Ih('[e Norm.lfl Anderson tlonw Inc!uded 10\\<1 Clly She leaH's S('pternlJcr$1,500,000,000 Rnd $2,000',000,000 could October 16 to No\'ember 5, In- lJe'~~een~~fh :n~I~~:I~1Jl~:lrll.~;lt:~;:I~lh.::slc':'I\lf~~I~I.t,:,:)If':'l~I/~(::17 I;:~\\~~~~' ~:~I~h~/~~n~~~~~~~nD~~I\J.~::~~d'~~~ 1~.b ' d I j IelusIve (Jast year's sear;;on lasll'd

e rna 0, tne scna or urges. entries be In place by noon of tholt ".JllsI d "Uggl stlOI1 III ~' t IMI ldn'" T Anderson E\clIlng VISItors Mr lncl 1\11" C I· ( 1111 ut pllll"It i::; Itittle ....!torl of outrageous," he ~~;r;~~~~:~)r;"'tJ~~~~~n:)~~Sd~~~day. sour l.lstl' ollt of 1l1P publli mmd \\Cf(' Mr lind Mr.- HallY Prlt- to rl't~lrn 'lhlS ,,\pel< l~on: I~at;le

argucfl, "t~ ImpORe thl' burden of thil'l tax Despite these factors, W II "Season tJcI{('lscouJd h(' sold Iw- I·IHlltn,I!(' Il'g slu)\\s ,1~_,1(1 T'lI' chH.ld 01 I....llJlcl lake, Minn. \o,.hL'rc IIH'~ s[){'nt Illebill upon dlt' citizens or this country with- Lylle, game commISSIOn secre/,uy, fore openln~ day and ('xhlhllors' ldfnwr \..... Inls; 10 "Iugh ,Ind 1-;('1 d Wednesd,t) night supper guc~ts summerout at It'~ul;t a HincCl'c ~l1tempt to reduce said he doubled that morc blnIs tickets gIven out thai rldY <lnd It thnll 11uI or) POllY rdU', rt la) rn Ih(' Reubt>n Holm home In honor Mrs J \\' .Jenkills. Mr., lLiy

federal eXJ)cllrli1un~", outside of e:-3Hcntlally would be ktlled . ~~~a::;s.made at gate S<lllle as oth- :~I,~'~s·I1(I)J:gII:jCI;~' I:'~~' ~~';l\\~' I:~~~; 7~e::;~~:Il~~; :1~'~;d~lnr: ~~:~~e~~l~ ~~;~~~~~l:~:I~e~d ~~~~d~Ug~('71Il~~emergepcyl items." , "By op<'nmg the entllc state to "If a speclf;l1 altJa('1101l 1'> plan- dOl''''' and faOlliy, the 1I<'rman Stolle cox Mond,ly aflernnun

But ev¢l',Y itcfn of' PXpeIIU:ie, h;11-1 become phea~ant hun ling With the cxcep- J I h d rl I f MISS Madelaine K,-JUffm,ln l!'-

deeply pntrellthcd and each has it~ support ~~~bol~;I, fl~~II: n(~eouan~~e~;~:r~::;s~n~ ~~'(~~:~: 1~~g~t~~O~Sf'lil~<:H~:\~l:'I ,JI ' ~'~;I~~:':ll~;I\ l::Jt ~~: 7:~~:~ ::~l Ir~~I~ ~;~tl~~1~1~~~~a ~~;\I~l'~::~o~I~~~ turned home MonddY l wnlng !10mfrom gro~lps or led(\ral office holders"'- thiS the btg day 1\('rIIS(' tillS .lInd \\dl(1I 11ll' (rl!\\ds children. a threc-wecks \I!-.It ....... Ith rl'ldtl\"'"who::;€' pa~' depends on iL:-3 continuance, ot 1:~~~~p~:I.1 ~~II~oe:~~~~~~~atlOn "People arc gOlllg In lOIll" Ilu' I "lfo[Jlnl.; t111:-i IhlO\o,.s SOll1t' llt.:ht ('\I'nlng sUpper glJ('sts al Norfolk, ('olumhus ,1IHI V.ill n-Each. alltio~ has its advo{'atc:-; almong pcople rhea~ant hunting hours WIll b~, fllst day to bnng exhibit:-; <tnd 1111,: I011 1111' 1,111 sul!jl'( I 11 s Ill"1 I "Ilg- In lIlP 1I1'rm.ln AndL'rson homp m. tinewho ha'V(' lall intel(';-;t III It. Iromlsunrtse until 4 p m Instl'ad last day to lake thorn home. g('SIIOI1 . ('ludt'd l:dn.llJdhlgT('n. Hilda Heng:- Mr awl Mr ... (~ .\ i\lltll,r"t.lrlt

Thf' orily \\ ay, the Hellatol' rIg~uy says, of S e1 III to 5lJ Ill, as In 1910 Last I "And fmally let us l1a\(' .111f.'SP A HC',t41f'1 I,f \\ 1:'t'W 11'1 dd slon, MIs Stm.l Johnson. Ruth, of WlnSl(/(" Who lldtl !-.pI>nl Sunil IylS to at'ouRP the pcop]p to the anger of year.1 too. 17 countIes \\el'e closed tllrc.f' days durmg the WPf'k ..flll'IC I Edl,! dud 1-:lsl(' CollinS, M.tllnie ~('~~('~~d~Y ~\:~:~I~'I~~~~~sh:~l:;:cOlitlDued high spendlllg, and th's will he to hUnters ' arc filX days besldcs Sunday I LundClhl of Umahrt, Emcha Lun- M Strrthanscasier artlcr the 1l('\V tax bill ha' hit the Tilt dally h<lg and possessu)fl Smccrely, I ' , . Id'lhl of Lmcoln. Mrs, Hans Rosen Dr Eslhl'l· M('Eadlt'n dnd MI"sPO~k{!tll0(k 01 t ht:, lo\\t'r-IHacke lIIcomc limit on phedsdnb \\ rll he fl>,C A Mr and Mrs (' If !\lOIlIS. NO,.lltcq.xl JVukcflCld of SIOUX f'Jty MarJone M,ehi-t('1 01 (Jm.lh,l \o,.('legroup. They may \\akp up to the fact that hen lac{'Jdentally lulled may blJ (By 1\111' .ll'\Q'11 Killion) 1\1rs ~mll Rogprs, \\.ho IhlS heen gues!.s III Ihe Mrs ,\ l\1c!';,ltlwnthey hnve flll Interest In federal conomy. coun~ed and put ttl the d'lIly bag, (ounfy Fair QIlf'Stioll. I 111 III bed WIth tllf' flu. had the fol- homc from SCllurd.l)- l'\pnmg In

h(' a1dcd. Seplelllbf'1 .!., lUll I I 10\\lng \lsltor~ rjunng the week: Mondaye\('nloflg Igreater III federal Hpendm . When The comnlisstOn sd 111(' duck Deal Erfllor N,H!111I' !\llprs 01 ()1llH.h,J, rwnl Mrs Jos('pl~llle Gustafso~, Ed Mr and -Mrs .J M Strahan .Hlt!'they rea1i~e thl~ thev ma~ he able to make seasf Irom Octobl'r 16 10 De· "In I.tsl wl'ek s ISS1tf' 01 yow Pd-Ilhl' \o,.l.:l'k-I'!I~l ttl 111(' AliiI'd -ftliers G,.U"l<lfson, I·.unl,('(' and Faith on f I 1 I Th Ian imPfcsBion upon eongress, cf'mb r 11 dnd look ('dnvaslMcks Jl('r. follOWing your ('ornml'nls IIOf1ll', I flwsday, Mr" (hns Hogers, Otlo e~~~I~ga/~I~r~;\'lll~:;~~\o,.lH'r.~I~~l:l,t

- ---~-. ~ --.--- ?-hd uddlcs oft the rest'lclpd Iisl <lhoul I hf' small allpndC:JnC'(' cltHlng ~1l s (;('01 t;l' Il n'-.('n "fWIlI ~"I'd- dnd ;\li-tX on SunrJ;-1)- ,tftpl'noon, ,Mr. h'ld \ I!-.ilt'd 1he GeorgI' And~'1 "OtlFavors Slot Machine Tax, fen III h(' the delily bag Ilmil and til£' ppenmg days of the IPc{'nl 1l1'''ddY \\11111\11" Ida ,JIIIITlSOr) .Llld "nt! Mrs ()nllle Dullon l)n Sun- f<lmll)- sL'\f'ral days

ILlI1coltl Journall I 20 til'c POssf'SSlOn tOld! except fm Wayne county fall, you rT1\lte(( 1\11" \\;.lll .JlohnsO-fl ~ dd)- e\enmg. 1\11' .tnd Mrs J. K .John<'fJn, t\\(JSenator Clark of MiRsouri would tux I redhtiads and buffJeheflds These suggpstlOns 01 \Vllal mdY 11-1\(' bCI'Tl 1\11 olnll_.I\jI'" l\Iotn!-. (;Us! lIson The rurdl srhool" of the ('om- youngf'1' sons amI lw.o )dlunJ::('1'

slo~ machines out of c:o::istence. He sug- remaIn In the r~strlcled cldss With contrlbullng factors lli-ts 11 ()('- \',PII' Sund'l~ dmru I gilt'"", I IhL' ll1\1nlty npen('r! MonddY WIth the diJughtPIs tlrnvcd hon'lf' Thlll .....ddyestcd 10 the twna11' l'iI)aJlcc committee the a daily ltmlt of three nnd posses- curred to Ihose 111 ('hClrgp 01 Ihe Gf'rll Wlwf'llj1 11Il!nl' fol1o\\ln~ te,!('h('IS 1Jlstncl 11. from Alhambra, CII.. \o,./iI'le ll1ey

,gt1r cia' that the taxill power be used to slOn limit 01 SIX fall'. that lhe fact lhat II openpd l\11 drld I\lls Wm ~.h()ll,,:,on LOIrClIll(' i\llnt'f P)Pdsdnl Vallpy, h"d sl)('nl se\--('ral \\·f't'\{so e J , .' I g r t Id There will bp 110 open Sf'ClSOn on on Sund<iy hat! much 10 do \Vllh \\"r(' Sunil I} "\('rJlll)..; \ l"lt( I~ III Ruth I\.uhlk of Emelson, Cenlnll. Prof. .tllli !\.lrs K N P.lrl\(' ,ifIllpu them (!ul of hUSlllep::i. fhe senat?r 0 doves. lack sl11pes. muskrat 01 It ~ In making IIHI' plans lor 1hl" 11ll' (;POI/'-:(' ,I('n"I'11 home Ins i'·lec!rH'k"/lI1. (~l('ndale, Ro~'n. sons dwt Mrs Palkp's slstl'r, MlS~tho commIttee of t.hf! {)reValence of. gam- beaver ami no closed season on Sunday openmg, undoubtedly tl1I' I rind U!Jr Ig 011111 Allel1{' . "IN'n na BUl'gc,;s of AIll'n, Lmcoln, Nor- Cynthl.! Ann FrHSf'r. aITI\('1I homphhng on slot machme, hy :-;chool chIldren fox, mlllk or :-,kunk opinions of the rn<lny church peo- of Pom',J. S~H III tlH'lI' LIt)l I day ma ,J('an Harnson, Rose HIll, Dar. Mond<l_Y ('\('nlll~ fmm 1/1{' p;lslin Imany cltjps. He e::·q eciall,v made Other seasons lllclude pIe 01 Wayne and slJll'Ouncllllg tf'l~ \<If'.l!IOTlS \\Irh llnllW folk... It'l'np Killion, Sunnysldf'. Betly Thf'Y \lSIIf'd J\h'!\ll1c Pdrl«('s liten~e to thc fxtenlt of HI t machme ga bhng SqUIrrel, Octob('r 1 to NO\f'Ill- nlmy were Ignored (; Alffl'd .lohTNlll spl'nl flOIll Whtl'lt'l' of AlIcll, Sand ('reck, ChIcago rtnll the F~d (' Gam-by juyeni!ps in i{an~aR ~;it\'. He led a fight b('r ~O. 1rll'IUSI\f', 7 Ii III to h P "While we lJ\ed fli FeIgns F,dl!-; Wf'l!rlf'''d,I''' rughl to ~.lIlllfl,l f'\C· H,'len Peler,'ton, Myrtle Creek. IWlls i-t! VrllCl Park. 111 Ttw W,()!H'ber-ore the committee 10 ImpOf5e a t x of m, fl\e dally bag, III PO:::;S('SSIOfl. Mlnn, some years ago, lollo\o,.1T1g Illng III 1111 J('\\,pll Killion h~nlP AI]f'(' RI"1ede, Logan Valle), June folks also \tslled Spllngfu'ld \\"1):"$200 er year on gambling machinp.~ of the Raccoon. ann. opossum, ~oH'm- an i11-advlserl suggestIon of s~mH' ,MIS I F, Bnl{lui.-:11 ni ~"ttlf' Whartell (If AlIa'il Mdrgar€'F.Rog. and Jollf'l, IIIldt ~. 't· lip \vould 'kc the <x much ber 1 to l'ebrudlY 1, ambltrous promoter, Ihp (Htci r.1I1 (11'1'[.;, 1<1, :-j(H'1l1 tuml i\1(Jn Idy to els tf'd('hes the Bell III \\'

S, valle '\', , n,l,a, .' 1 x GeesC'. (Jctobl'r III to Def'C!llbpr (ounly fall', on€' of that Sldlt'!-; FJld":,, IrI, Il~,' Ll1111 HOI,;I',r !l1ollll'. ('ounty Lnndlne Mrnf'r, Ins l"rt:d - 0 ..,>"" ·"· •.. ·" ",,,,,, ,,··.. "·.." .. 8Ihghter, ten dollars pel yEat, on ~U~IC )Q les 14, mclusl\e, three d,lIly, ',IX pUJ- Ji-llgest. tned a Sunday 0PCrJITn' Mr .lIlri 1\11'; [)J\IlJ (h.tF11ltE'IS 11cksotl. NOIllla JCdTJ J-IaITL.'~on. ~ __~,'and gamf'f\ of .::IlTIWjWment whele the e e~ seSSIOn ,lth most d".astrollS fll1~n1C'r;-d 10' at rlltu,lu11 \\(IP J 11<1.n l'!\f'nrTlb" Hftl:- \\heelel't1t1t1l\.hllg.Ue! Rog-m~nt of gambling doe,~ not e.l1ter. Among BluE' geese, 0rtob€1' 16 fo D('"~I bultb 10 the fair, not onl;. 101 thit \l:-;Ilur" 111 III!' 11 \\l II hdlt'Jn home f'IS (111\(' eMil tid;' Dalleenf' h.11-other thingG Senator Clark i"ald: cember It m('1us1\e, t.1X 11,1I1y, 12 F'ar. hut se\clal t!lcrealtcl' hefOlC Mt~ ,J('\\;,ll KtlJlo!t nnl P, 11cl'l1E' helTl nl1fl 1\110' H.I"tedl'. \\ho le,teh

"Th " I· te <.' ~ t, these possess lOll ' til{' Ill-will cr-ealed ha~ bt'('n O\Pl- \\1'1"1' \Ve{ll1f'~d.I;' altcll1lJ(J' .Inri llwll l1f1nlf' schools .Ibn stay <it. P 1,lC \~ Cd'" \V ~o °IPertahe U '1 Mixed gee:::.(' lImll. Ihl'f'e COllle They \\111 ha\e ~10 IilOIL' !lUll hron gut' ,I::; III the F!n~d ben- home Rulli K"bll{ sin,,, ;tl Wm

machInes :-VO)l t an~ too \Vl, nc e geesC'. fhl'f'C 01 other I<lnd~. Sunday fail'S ,.. J I sf pad homl, TholTlpson s f{oPl1ll<t H"r~('ss ;1/Sam. 11 \\111 mean ,the l'ud of the slot "A county tall I~ Vf'ly ln1Jeh dr'- l\.-l,lIg.trel (,ItwIn, JIll fIr '-.;10111:\ 1\10111" (.llsLlhorl", I!p!t'll I'plt!machilH' racket" I Atfenc1s Banl{('r's Rltrs. pendent upon local good·\\lll ,JIll I ('It." :-ptHI 'llJlll Illtll d,\ jl) ',11- "Oil .II ('I,I1(1l1ll' Iioltll" ,!llil,lllll!'It hU3 U!t('ll be€ll "aId thai Ihe power to da~ t~! ,J~~;;d\\(l~~~~,;/':\~:~: f~~~ltlI~ Illterest 10 su('Cel'd 1 1\110\\ 1111111 1llldd\ 1I1);lll III II" \1'111 I <II \\ Ill) 1,'11 III IIIl (" Ill .... " loIl];~

tax is aI:;o the P0\\,PI' to deslro,v. If ~hat F' ('Odd (f) b,lI\IH'r In lhl' I'dll\ ~l~r~r~l~~~/~II:)I~ ;~~~I p,~':ltl:;j('t\~lll~~III:: 1.t~lPI\1"lll1(:r~;'llli I ''''i'll' I, jnllJT llnJll'power call be lhed only eJg;lJm,t the 1hlllg~ Cl~ N,1l10l1dl \\ol>,nl' ('()Ullly' I!J,I! tlH' Slllld,1\ II I1It 11111 1'11\ III hllit" \ \\1 rr'that ap' 01 110 !lew'll! \\ halc\pr to tortety (1)lf'I1U1g W:1S ~lll O!fCI1S1' to tIH'Tll. j \\"l'dIH'"d 1\ n\' IIlli til dlld 11 htlr"-it may w('I1 h(' lI',('d. 1t l:~ :1 dangprolls 1"itllfl(,lItJinrp;... ltio~",.' J__

\\papOll, 111)\\('\('1'. jf) 1],( \\!l('I{'\('l' II .11- \\01\11(' ('llll'!'1 Ill'llll!!1fCctH legl11matc hll~lI}('~~>, I(',ill !ld~ pl,J(('d 11('1 C('11 I Illllll'

A dwtiJldiol1 Ih tlllld(' 1)l'1\'(~('11 me\'- sfudent." !lns Will 1!l,HI Idst Tho~e

ehUlldk,lP}' aild j'alllhJll1J! 1Jl;l(-,hl11f'~' '[\Junv m (10'.111011" tIl!' [11'.1 \\f'I']\ llQJll('I'('h~Jlldl ,lllfr Itl,IC!1llIf", I'i'/UI II \ allH' n'- J)tllnlhp.l l't'x!ol1 'dh 1,lh {tlt dlld(,f~iv('d Jor ('VI'r,\ ('Olll dl'IJ()~,tl('d, ,Hid Oftl'!' ~:)II~l:;llel~(;~I,l~:)/('~](~~,~;,hf,:d.l\-Il~~~~~:~~no 1I1l11',ll,11 t'('flll'll Th('~(', (If ('oun,q", arc J)1[{om,lfl, {Ill ,tnd Hili .Ilul 111;::11

mC1P \clldlllg d('\J(I': and 11;1\(' ,L plaC(' III school I ngllslt 0111'1.1111\11'\\, Lpomc\'(·h<llldl:"JIli-' Slol rn(ll'h1t\(,~ h;-t\'(' madp 1\1<11:\, sOCI,l1 SI1('11(_(' .It ('o!('ndgf',millionaires hy impofiing a ta:K 011 thm,e Kf'11h .Johnson, sCIence at Bruns.who helievp the.v ('all Will, eve~l when the Wl('k, Tl<l R<1('on, 7th and Rth atodds arc agallwt 1hem. The_ t)d(h~ are a1- Allen; MdrjfJIIl' Wf'~lr,md, m<lthe·~wav~ ng<'llll~i jIll (1I',lo111Pl" \\\1('1\ ,I ganJ- mettles Jl H('ll'"lold ~ ]) J\LIt-hlil\g tll<lfhlllP IS ll]lt'J'<d,d ()lh(!\\I:JC it ('~:',\~(~;I:'~;I\dlll;II~;~))OI,II\·lr\O~;~~cUllld !lol llC (l]l('I .. lIl'tl.11 it ploflt, 111 \('llv, To!, \1.-:11('S 1'1l'11'ntlJ,t1l'l,

(,Ih, 7111 dlld k!1l .II \{(',NI h, i\1.l1lf \\111-:111 111"lfH\ rllld

I~,n( I tl "~I I' 11 r l' d 1 (' II I nil 1\1I I I\ I n1'1l1'11l1' ,It \ ,!lInd. II , .fohn (, Ir­\\ (lod PI 1)f]()~11H''' III 1\101 rllllg,lrll' I II '~J()tlX ('J!". \·JOh'l C<I:-ilH'1 4111 <II ~Cf'ntr,l1 Clt\ T\llid]('dll1n!~f'nlleJ, ~

2nd .Im! ;)td ,II Blo!l<.;nr!. 101, ()III!PI/('I"llll 11l1,)1 ,II HdSSl'll I

Speaking of the" sourcefllness andtough 'fiber of the American pe pIe, Jona·than Daniels says: "TMy aI'll gr nd people

. in the stream of Amel:'ca. And the ohly'pel/pIe whb should be fraid of them arethdse wl,o have t 'ason t fear their power."

Entcl'l'd u~~~~~s~~~~ ~~~:;J~~!~~~:Nebra~\{a. 88


. I.,-.--C-----T-ELE~~-~;c;- ,.I Thursd;~~ber 4,1941----M ' Kinds of BRUCE Barton says

any intemperance is notlntempera~e restricted til over·

, indulgence in a1coh.ol. It als,? means any~Ol:cess that upsets dIgest/on, ,dlst~rbs bloodpressure and frays the nervlf~, Elthe~over·work or over·play is bad. VIOlent e erClse

. I among persC>lJs beyond 40 often res Its infatale heart ,f,ttacks. Stewing and stenmi'1gover triflesIand becomlllg deeply and un·necessarilY irritatcr:j imp<>se a h~a'ty taxon tile nervous system. Barton rea~ons 1Ilconclusion: I

"To discover your ·private forlP. ofintemperance is a task that reqtpressearching self.analysis. The old mon·aatic habit of a periodi'e 'exf'minationof conscience' ,~ould undoubtedly Ibenefit the least ancl the greatestamong us, For pnly by intent $elf·scrutiny can we and rectlfYj.theintemperances which make ourl Ivesugly and incfficient alld may lea~ psprematurely to the graye."

, Even if the rich d~ not lose their~o~s~s.siclns and suffer the pains of disa pOUlt·

'ment they are no better off" no mo e con·'tent 'than persons in moderate ircum·

"stan'cell with less responsibility. T. e onewho envies the rich enter1tains a ml takensense of satisfaction. Th~1 man' of I extra·

, ordinary wealth has a t~rrible Ib\lr~e,! to'carry. His health~is like y to be ImpaIred

Iand his life short~ned b to protyctinvestments and gIVe the erVlCe ~e~.andedof him, SocietY must ~ve caplt IIs!s to

Ikeep streams, of' produc IOn and USlllessvital and moving, but ore fortu ate are[those who have less t . look af er ~nd

I who have employment llthout en rvatUlg1 anxiety. :or-

. We are told that law akers have-their, ears cJose to the ground and listen care·I full~ to the Whisperingl of publ c senti·ment. Of course the ju g:ment of a memober of the house or sella el should e morecompletely advised' and, more n arly in'Iccord with the popular mterest t an thatof persons who are not n the ground andwho are unavoidably- 1es, convers nt withthe fads, However: wi~e differ nces ofopinion'among 'statesmen make he rankand file often wonder what is wi at.


As to objections to opening' th countyfair Sunday, presented jY' contri utors totoday's Herald, we are. wondering lvhe~'eproper observance beglls or lealvp,'; off.We have noted that farmers' county pic·nics and some church I lenics, held Sun-'da~s have programs of g'lmes as entortaill'ment fcatures. What (' '}slitute:; S"blJaLh

violation'l : ;, --+ _In hi" Labor dm kp,'cch, 1'J'l'"df'ut

Roosc\'elt. l'emindpd ,aili0l' lInioll:-; of 1hehard sledding they wo h:\ suffer if dic·tators could gaill contI' ,I. From the num·bel' of strikes that hav\! inferrupted pro·duction in defensc·' illdustnc~, 11is appa~ent that no gTO\flP is more 111 Ilcpdof belng.arouspt! th dang-en; t han organizedlabor.


Excepting- a compar~tivcl~f :--.:mall ",hill­ing, SClf-l)it,ving millO~itY. ('lal (' Booth,author, givc::; woml'Yl redd f(n SU1)('rI01'

courage, determination and sympath,v inwar or in peace.' In selrlsacl'ifice, mell maywell b" stimulated h y "xampl['s ",t hy

I members of t he fair S['XI

I, Attendance ,at-ti;';;ltate ~~ir i~ I,,:!,!(erthan jt was last year-an eVH:\ence of 1m·proved conditions and better feeling. Also

I the entrieR are more p.t~meroug. Fair Sec-t retary K J. lIliille saill he concluded frqm, talks with many farlli' rS that agriculture

has inspired new hope I nd courage.

M"I. Bn-ry MaJ.u~" rt PointI( \Illih J \\ 1l11d 1[11 dill

l'l/ h;l; ,11\\.1\, IH'cn my /I'('llll~':." dIdGrol'J'!;(' L 1;('11'\. pJ'('Ht!f'lll 01 till' lntpl'llatwnal Pl'{' ,11\(']\ ,!tIt! A~:-;I;.;tmll:--; UlliOli. illhlH Lr1],01' da\ dddn'~:--; In ()Ill;lha, "liwl1hE'\"(' I~ .Ill Illi):--;(':ljl,IIJ11' ('omnllllllt, or illt(,I'­ps! l)pl\\{'('ll Ilu' 11t\V:--;!OJ. tllallagl'nWll! alldlabol' b(,tidUrC 'labor 1:--; (ompclH::iated fromthc same 60urce aH invf':-lt ment and manage­ment, narr,,~ly, the joint production ofwl)alth."- ~omellmr<:: thC' pOlnl which 1'.1:11. Merryluakcs i~ a httle hard to scp, Z

Perhalps the toiler, returning home MI', -jl~~Ley ,v~~Omahafrpm his \laM clay'" work, reads in his eve· Monday.nihg j\aper that the parents of little Elea· ~ _nor Vlan fllObb have just ltIvp!-\{ed 30 thou- Kenneth Johnson spent thesand doll I'd or RO ill her coming~ollt part~·. 1'~v;;ee::k::-e::n:;;d=lIl:;;L::':;;n;::co::l;::n;::.====~ISuch ite 1,s ::Irt~ vcry, vrr~r scarce - for The Ibddorff Vl!rtlcbord-flRsr ofriche~ ha "c taken ,\'mgs. But if something ~ CORN LOANS. tbr motl~r1I $pI,.d-t"p~ ptaflOJ-5Core.lil,e that does haP~lI naturally it gives Wh,le masl parts of Neqras·

k ddt t again with the new, e:a:dUliH Acou.tic.t~e toilel sometlull to think about as he a have escape evas a mg c,upl.d Tbouk. to tho additi'n nf thofii,gel'H lIS r"lay's pa,. Is it fair'! he asks drouth thIS year. some sections

[ I SI101'[ (If corn an(l Acou~tic~Coupl", the "frontboard" ofhim~elr. '"'J,'t even decent '! IH that the way are repor e( L

'" u1 a posItion to be helped rna- the piano becom'" an A,uilidryt~e world ughL to be?" terially by Sehator Butler's pro· SouflJilfg Boar~producing .. tonal

l\ilaj. 'Bttrry knows the answer to such posed corn loan pFogram whIch ,'olume equivalent to that (If • 5_ft.q e~~ions:. 11 \l'UllH Domet hing like this: was suggested but turned down grand piano! Thus the. full ~olden tone

.~ he American! system of private enter- ~~eW:t~~:g~~~all~e:\~7-0~vo~~~ of tbe piano is richly enhanced! AndP iS1' wit'l all its Ifa~lts and shortcomings, plight. It is understood the loan we'" ,fUR that you'U overwhelminglyh s prqduc~d thc WIdest distribution of policy, as Iadvocated by the approve of the beaut~fully Ityld period

W a th, the highest standard of living, the senato', i~ bemg applIed ill ,-,,,,,,Ie, ,"": In lu%Uriof' Walnut andlal'gest field of opportunity ever enjoy~d some other slates. As proposed. M.h...ny,by eJny people on the face of tl).e earth, corn takenl from storage an~ Senft (or o"r unusual booklet

tlit isn't ]lerfe"et or eve6 close to perfec- used on the baSIS of a loarl. lith tush

I ti n. There arc a 101. of heels in places of would: get rid of old COrll. ...\hlch expla os '" ou g

II i P wf1cr and allthorif:-y-+both economic and steadily in quality, to be CO,rHOtecbnlOSEcaAUti;:NCH~~~~r' 1 I d 1 or k· replaced qy new corn WhICh ,r..;

I P 1 lea I'.......:nn a ot of fine, ~ard-wor Ing would be worth more on tbe.: ptOjJle are getting a dirty deal. Correction market. "",e plan would nol Sold on Monthl~ Payment.

a ~ ef d d d b b I "I J. / Liberal Allo,"l.~co fqr

1,,' i I' ?rm are nee e ,an pro a y". only help carry through live· Your Old 'fwno, The Goodrich RU~bel' company at Ak· w s wIl,l be·.1 . I I stock, but 'it would strengthen .

.:: ro'n, Ohip, has,been a~1\ed, ,with 1\0 answer, ~" ut. th~ 1Jasic ~yslClll, the sj:stem bY the sovcrnlnenrs stored values. Ernest V',,og·~twhy rubber bounces Why not for the wmch IlIvestors. management and labor ,co. It is hopcu,lhe senator can PCI"same reason that iron doesn't ])ounce? operate tOlfcther ill producing the things suade the ugncu!tural depa}'l·

------<,." I tHe petrl-11e need, io:; the best ever devised. :~~~et~f ~~~~f\!1\1~9~e~e~:<ls~ Nebraska's Lowest Prlce'~l 'Rain'~ this week a:~ded,0 the benefits. Tbthose W?,10 cripple it by creating hatred ka sect.lons tn ll(.'Cci. at corn tius Piano lVJan EBR

. _ ()f the (lrouth.dispelling oaker ()f two twe~~ any of ~he,three groups are doing WAYNE N.,,I \'weeks,before. n sil'\'lce tp,thelr country. ,,=,;y..:e;';·-r";"'h,..,.__.,...__../~ _.:::.:.::::: +-..,..~=:.:.::....:,.::.-=:::==...:;.:...{;---+--

1111:1"1;, ., I"II :W, I 1i",••1 ~ Ii ,I ) ,I I'll l!' J .' I' ' I I 'I I



}'Iaid(lii - T\\ pf'd ..

Meo's "'ear

SKIRTS10 Mix and Match

$798 V'4rJ(J Dee Dresses

, . in lll~nflu~, ('ilre"'~H1E.:.

,ofl 11'1(1'; \Irgll; \\"(101

('"rdi~Qn.. - ~IiIJ-fl\Pr"

Twin Sets

... an' /o:'rnnll fflr ....·hulll

ancl ~'hOf)1 JlartiI'''.

Just Arrived!


•\Ve have just received our

last shipment of

Rollins Silk HoseAll new fall colors

89c • 1.00 • uS

$198t" $550

Othf'r S\lf'8ff'ro; In \11 l'f(){llSlilJ-o'\'('rs - $1.00


Ti.h-U-Knit and Lampl


Our Rt'dt'Plnpr's Luth. ChUN'h,(Rev. W, (0'. Most, pastor)

Dl\UlP won:htp. Sf'ptembel' 7.113. m, Sunday school. 10 a. m.

Choir reJlean;al Tuesday. 7:~ p.m.

German sCl*\~ict.'S1 September 7,7:30 p. m. ,. "

League. 'Wednesday. September10, 8 p. m. Corhmitt~. Kenneth.A1den and Ruby DunkialL Leadel'Ruth Damme.

The pastor '.viII preach at theMission festival al Trinity Luther­an church at Winside next Sundaya~2 p. m.

catcchctical classes will com­mence Saturday, September 6 at .2 p. n:'. Parents /ire urg~d 10 SC'ndaU children of confirmatIOn age.

lS~:~gc~=Yin~::erlh~~t~ AIJJJ8I't'1 ru~~ Mrn ~Dd WODt~nd 9th grades will b€' excu~ed I\. ~~~~~~~__

11I SOUTHEAST WAYNE "." ,. ,.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,'11\.f'll11d!J (;:l".IIli>' of .Lwl, "lll 1 1"111111.: p( "pi, 'Ill" I r,., 1;r1dl

;\llch: al rl\f'~J .SunrJ.I\, fI\('I~ltI~ l(II .... II[{!\ diLl! Illl .... 1f1O ", 11",1 ·11l"<"'r1.l~~;:lIh~~n~~w (lAyS In Ih~ 1.~lr (..1111- I ('\('nln'~

MI' and Ml':-' Jlanl'Y 1.1111 ;Inrl ~ (intl'l' l.ntht'r1L1I ('hurdl,G!-lyl(' Ann, Mr~ Ertl('sI \\'II(,tllp- i i\JI",nllrJ S .... !lodIlPr ;md ;\lIs" (;r-d(',' rLI~l11nnrl: f H.('\ \\',Lil1'1' nl"dC1H:nsll k. p.l->llIl )w('r(' r'nday ('\'('Illng i1ltln('! gllf':-'!" I S:tlliniay. (;l'nnan communional Emil LIlI!':-. II.tnnotJrH'(,'n-ll'1l1" artPlnOfln and ('\{'_

MI'. linn Mr" Hn!1('rl Ilan ....on. 111m.;.H('I('n anrl nobill(' of W:tki'fle'ld·1 Sunday: Church school al lO,wf'rf', £unday a~II'I'nOOIl gtll':-.!s lfllGPrman st'rl,ll'{' ill H)'IO, Engll::.;1Jtill' Elmer HarrIson hfi" Mr. and Sl'f\'lCC' alIIMrs, Gus Flcclwood Wakdl('ld, .Nt.':'I:f W('dll('~day ill L 30 LadlP<;'wcrp ('\('nrnl.: gU('~I~ Aid m('l'1s \\.1111 Mrs Emil Ulecht

Mr and Mrs. John Lull and and Mrs }-f('rman Utccht host('ssl'~.Ardyee. Mr. and Mrs. JIal'\'(') LUll I . -'--and GRyl(' Ann, MI·s. Ernest FIr",t nalJtI~t ('hurch. _Whempner and Mi~s Grace' Ray- I He\'. C. L. Eads, pa~torlmond had H picnIC s,upper Satur- Church school at 10 a. m Morn-day cvenrng at thf' Wayne' park. t IIlg worship at J1 P m Sermon.

Mrs. Ernest V/twmIlnpr rtllrl "The :\l;.J.s\l'r In:-.lllulps Ihe Sup­MISS Gri-lc(' Raymond of Wilmot. per" B Y P. lJ. rtl 7 p m llonmeS. D" Mr. and Mr~ John LUlt and Jo !'ohrlm 'Will hI' 111(' learlf'r.Ardyce. Mr and Mrs. Harvcy LUff Mid-week scnlce on Wednesday

~~~'~~~~~sArnn~~('R~~~~y ~~~t at~~· ~~r1os Mii~tln hnrl M~ E

hom('. The South Dakota folks E. Fleetwood will enterlain theleft Monday for their home after Ladies' Union on Thursday at thevisiting- ahollt H \\('pk in thc JIar- 110nw of Mrs. Marlm, On Fndayv('y Lun home iirlernoon Ihen' \\111 1)(' a confer.

ene(' Ifl I hI' chur('h nn Chnst "'lTl ITn Ul,hlfh·.··.. FUfI('rnl. ":dUC,tllon whICh \\ til ht, 1(>0 hy I

1\11'. and Mrs. 1'-ran1, f1lck~ ;lI1d I\1r~. Edith TIlII'r of PhiladelphIa,'Mary wpnl to JIilrlrl,1rI1, Kiln., P,1. :\tl'~ Tdlpr IS field rl'prc~enta-I

\Vt,{in('~d"y N'Plllllg last wp{'i, to t r t I Am IC' n 13aptl"t Pub Iallend tllf' fum'ral on Thllrs(f;IY of 1I

1(\:'t::m s~l('ty~r a - ­

Mr Hicks' fll('('P, Mrs ~yrtl(' "E\f'I'Y b(>autJful fmtl(' thJllg 1" IRIl,"£', who p:-lsserl away Tuesday. a \\ IIldow hy which the soul mayAugust 26. Th(> WHyne folks re- catch a kindling, inspirmg glimpseturned home Saturday. They also of Ihe eternal." Rufus M. ,Jones.visited relatives there,

\\nrn hy




Cleverly Styled

now appeilnng In

"1I1'nry i\ldrkh (or


Martba O'Dri.coll


N4'W htr",4' arm-huh', ('Il"'Y('um(ortll,hlr ~INW4'S, Mlft

r"lIIn~ Illeat In "klrt. J:'h't,It a youthful flair. Th~'

"UIU'Y "elv~t ('ollar. aiNU~II((S on whll' slce\'('s. aI'l'dcsi/{ned to he casll.v fl.'­

moved, ('omph'tciy ('hall"~

InK thl' al)p{'luam'c o( th('('(mt.

,1/,'·~ .'\ ·1


- ~n ;h~ ~~~~ -an;~er~e~-~~tc --R- ,'J. -l-s-e-Jv~tc-e-s- -- Sa.;e~Y~I;--u.~~~e. ocessing lime after the water Christiarl Science textbook.' "Sci- from schooL at 3 p ~ each Tues1'Ionw. (~Ianntng 16 slop m Slij,n- ev ~a ~I • nne you ever had 11 fall that mes to tt lull rollmg bod around enee and Health with Key to the day to go to <th~i; chblrl'h for re=Ion <lndllhen go 10 Iowa. Start l IWayne wa$ Cd used hy carele!:isness, a fall t e cans or Jars. ' Scriptures" hy Mary BaKer-Eddy; 1igious,instrpction. PaN'tlts please

I * * * ii' , cau:-;{'(j by tailmg over sOl1)c ob~ I Tornatq!es preheated just to the ,. 'Genesis i. '27. So God created send your chddren for thiS mstru('-With Mr3. Roberts. .IHct IllaL had been lelt on the bOlhng p~.lInt. then packed hot In man In HIS own image. In the tlOn The Sunday 5(;11001 hdS IJrder~

J\itl([ KIIII, Illl'! Sa!lu'r!ilY \Vjlh staJr~, or perhaps aifallin a shp- PaJnntsonre~dClaJrU\.Jtar5s::/,·nNunt"s~porroc;~...ts's~ image of God created He him; ed books for Ihls Instruction and It[\JJrs. E\ en'lt H.ohet'ls. MI s. C. C. I pery lun. A great m~ny falls hap- C, "'" 111 '-' '-' - male and female treated He them.' will cost your child nothing exceptPower~ Hnd Mrf,;. 'rexlcy Sim- pen 10' the home, especially to el- lng in' localities where the altitude To emphasize this momentous the effort to come and learn. ~onU"l'lllari Wen' guests. Prizes In dcrly people wh¢ aren't -as steady Is 1,Uoo leet or less above sea le\- thought, It is repeated that God plea:"e come. Children. Wlih no('ard~ wl'nl to Mh, ehas. 'Mey'ci-, on I hell' leet and cannot sec ,aii el. Packed raw, the processing made man In Hi.s own Image, to re- church affIliatIOn are aJso ~el.Ml's, Wh]tpr l.~crner anQ Mrs. ' ,:,,'cll as when they were younger. time is 45 mmute~ lor glass Jar, ;:s~ If1ect the diVine SPirit. It foijows come.Paul Rogg(' Mrs Kcnnll Cor~ Falls ~clld .thousands of people to rnmutes for tin cans. I that man IS a generic tenn. Mas- Ladles' Aid Will mepl Thursday.zHle pn!('rtaJns September 9, the hospIta.l every year and are ' ~-------- ._- cu!me, femmme, and neuter gen· September 1 at the churdl parlOl'S

, -x- -x· -x- the cause of many d~aths. HlI.ltf:d or Dried Corn. ders are human concepts ... Man With Mrs. H. Meyer, Mrs. C. Lam-With Mrs. Kay. Much J.·an be tdonc to prevent' If you do not hnvc a prt'ssurc and woman as coexistent and ber~on, Mrs. L, B. Young, ami Mrs.

th i h 1 !Cooker lor canning cum, your eternal With Go~ forever reflect. H. Baehr as hostesses.,MI'. and Mrs. L. E. I(dY and CSC' aCCidents t t f aI11)ly Will Isafest bet IS to put It up by salting m glorified qual/ty, the inflmte The church council Will l1leet

:-'lJrI 01 C111Cdgo, Mr. imd Mrs. make an effort to rId the ~e of lor dry mg. -' Father-Mother COl..!" Ip. 516>. Thun;day: Sf>ptcmber '1, H p. m. )Ve, nu" Kay· a,,,' daugh',·,. and g'" hazard,. says M,ss R"pah Sailing eol'll is an ,"'eellent Service' in Woman's club room Please g<'l ,uur '.mp'y 'rull jars',Henllll' K,Iy 01 Llllcoln, were h OUgla~s. ext('nslon SPCCH:lllst In means of preservmg !',weet corn, Sunday at 11. from the church basement and till,SdluldalY ('\l'llIlIg dmIl('1' guests, 001(' )l'autlflcatlOn who Ib ~clJ If you do It properly. It has a fmc --- ~ them for Tabitha home. The (r'ueltAugust !:2::1, \r

lthlviI'S. Anna Kay, kno~'n to several women Ill- Dixon Iflavor, color and texture In fact, BIRTH RECORD Will be here some time In October'

lIllolllt'r or Ihe rnen. ThIS was the coun y. It rates first In fivor and appear- A ,son weIghing 6 pounds was A new Sunday school da~s rorfus! lUll(' In Ihl'('l' YNlrs the fam- Mdny falls happen on -stair:;. anee.. born to Mr. and Mrs._ Elmer WJI- young people of college age hasIly lliid t}('('fl logpthp!,. Thl~ would indIcate that a hand Here' is a reell e ror salted corn, leI'S of Wayne, Saturday at a 10- heen organized. il-h Ii Baehr /s

. X, x· raJl IS needed and thaI the stalr- recommended hy thC U. S, Depart- c;11 hospital. thc teacher. Young people art' urg-With Mrs. !W. P. Canning. way Ill' w('ll lighted. Keep a f.lash 'ment of Agnl:ultlJre. Plunge cars A daughter w;~s born to Mr and ed to please enroll and cuml' n..ogll_

J\1I',<..,lllllI11!V 1\ld 01 (lUI 1(1- llghl handy If the staIrs arf dimly '01 husked corn 1Il botlmg water and Mrs Ernest Taylor of Lincoln, Au- larly to recel\e the bl'nl'fll 1)1 th1bd< (IIIlI',<.., llr"I{'11 1111'1 Tlnll:-.d<iY lLghll'd Otten pamtmg the bottom cook 8 10 10 mmute!',. Cool the gust ~3. Mrs. T~lor was formerly class.\\ 1111 [\JI S \\ I' (',lnnmg. Mb'~ ~t('P d shl~mg whit:. WIll enable, corn. Cut It from the cob. WClgh Helen Swanson of Wayne. The /!J. hearty welcome is extended La~Op/ll(· 'V"'TI'TIn was leade;:t pen,ons usmg the stairs to ~!10w Ilt. Then pack it 1Il stone Jar, usmg other child III the famdy IS also a~ ]" c ~ wi th t the b ttotil of I all teachers of OUr public school(jut'stl~ VCt C Mrs, Herman Mil R. n. M~OIl aiel I lten ey are a 0 alternate layers of corn and dry girl. and all students of, our publicncr I l'S Wm Piqpcnsiock The hurch or hnst whIch was the ~talrs Tram the f-amlly to Isalt Use 1 part salt to 7 parts corn schools and the college [0 makeMI~'s 1'1'1 e~dora a;1(1 Miss JUdilt~ establls cd by qUlsl ~m thl' (JIst keep Ihe statrs.. clear. TOYS: bboks, by weight Over the COIn~ place <l ~HURC!illJItS our church your ChUITh home.Carlson MISS Damme entertains p(lnlctel sl <.diel ,Ills CI~Clflxlon IS I01 ,Iny artlclcs over whIch one hed\Y wllghcd cO\cr, so Uht: bnne , "Come and WO~IP With us. ASpptcm\K'1' lH when Mrs L. B. conductmg rl'\ldJl mel'lmgs on th( In,ly stumble aIe always aCCident will comc up to the surf(lce Aft- warm welcome aWalt~ you'"YOlln~ ''''111 be leader, 101 al J111 M,lln ~jll'f'1 Wayn,' Will! hdzdl(i'-;. ,. er 2 or .~ w('f'ks pUl Ill( S<t!I( 11 i &

.;(••lE- * b\angc 1St H.oYeISPCdl~Oj Butkr, l\\(J 1.1m1IJat dangels In the corn III clean glass Jars and !'icCiI A qUilt for Tablth~ home andFor Mrb' Karel Mo, dl edmg j/1l Sl gmg dnd Ikllf tll'n arc food or water spilled tIghtly. , Halt'nI Chur(·tt. c!othmg for our Rocky Boy MIS.,'. Evange 1St H. BIMCDO gdld of Uk on !h(' floor and carelessness lfl You know one of the Chief \al- IRev. A HoCerer, pastor.) sJOn are nearing completlon_ The

Mr~. {\nna Kay enlertuHlcd 18 I' hQma City do ng th /JreadlJng. cllmhmg up to reach objects on ues of yellow corn IS vllamm A Ser..... lces at 8:30 a. m.. qwlt WIll be tied soon and ourguests In the llflrn(lrd Meyer U , , h h h ,] 'W . d' t 1 S d hit 9 30 In gifts Will ~ takc'n to the 1\1.isslon~

, " , .;<-- , • a All a '(' ('0/'(1Ia ly mV~l'd 10 brmg I Ig S (\l'S. lpe up lmme la e y In teslmg sorn that had been pre~ un ay sc 00 a : a. - behOl~,l' ~u~day dftcrnoon at. thell' fimJlLes ad IrJ(' ds 10 hcarlanythmg spilled.on the floor. Pro- served hy ....anous methods, salted r __ ary'convention whIch will heldO1~s~,epdn~.ous shower.. fo~ Mrs. dl~('USSI non sU'h sub,] cIs as: The \lell' a substantial kItchen ladder and drwd corn kept \ltaffim A Ttwol.hllus. Churl'h. In October. Members and frIendsM,l/vin Karel who W<lS m~rrle? Wondc lui Chn I, Th' Grandl'ur 10 /('Heh the high shelf. best. I Rev. A. Horerer, pastor) who have good used baby clothesth~' Wc(-'k ~~forc .. Afller ~ames. of the /lurch, ISo\Vmg and Reap-I Small rugs iO the IJvmg room ,___ Sunday school at 9:30 a. m. or other clothmg to donatl\ pleaseWI,lll}g,Of ~(!~I~eS, a~d d,dvIC~, lng, T e Prccldus InVItatIOn, The Imd:V be anchored With a non-skid Helps to JI()US~ Plants. English and German services at do so very soon Our next regula,rMIS. KlY S~IVe? d l\Vo-cou~se GraR.dp If' of thl' Chur h Tile Ex- fabrl(' or vanous rug anchors now Save egg shells, crush and put 10:30 a. m. meeting wlll be with Sophie Dam-lunch 'on. PlIlk, blue .and whIte Isten('(' and Va lJl' o! t ~, Soul. on 1h(' market. JIl a Jar. Pour water mto the Jar me as hostess and M~. L. B.\\ere used 111 decoratIOns, Ser'v Cl'S an' Ito be {' mdu('!t'd 1111 There arE' many oth~r hazards wllh Ihe shells and then usc tillS Chunh of (;hrlst. devotional leadl'r,

. * *. * Odd F !low I~a~l ,II 11 a. m a'nd:~ that may M ellmlllated If the fa.m~ water for house plants. It will The IJulplt Will be supplied each The awards for [l<'rfcct altend-Presbyterian Ald. . In IH' llrsn s{'con(j and 11ll1d IJly Iwcomes IIllcrested m makmg make them grow beautifUlly. Sunday until the arrival of the ance Ih Sunday schoor will be gl\_ .--'

I Pre!'ibyt<.'rJan Ladles' Aid JTlel ~unda::.; 111 SCI~IL'mhl'r thf' home. sate as far as aCCidents .__ ~____ nc,w pastor, Re\. HaroJd Buckels. en the last Sunday iO September.Ihls Wednc'sday aftcmo~m at the "Ye shall klllow lh(' 11\l111. ;lrId ute cnnCL'rned. At R~'('rpaUoll (;cnh'r. Sel'\lces at 9:43 Communion and Teachers please report to out su-"('hurch. Warren Noak('s and the tr Ih shaHI jnH.k(' YIlU I ret', 1 A program was ~r,rangl'd Friday Bible classes at 11. perintendent what kind and how!tut IJ Damme gave {UmberS -- -,1- ~ Tom:Uo CanrlioK· ! aflernoon whe'n the Summer park many awards are nceded. so theyfrom theIr plano recita for the I Iill .• It' I J IO!n('-produced. hom e-canned pr~gram closed. The staff treated Methodist Chur('h. may be ordered now.llro.gram. The servmg Icommlt~ J (.,,, r,' fA 101 lood h('lps provJ(le better diets children to popeorn candy and (VIctor West. D D., pastor) I ~tl"'(, was' Mrs. E:ph Beck'enhHucr, Thl' A('ousli ClluJlkr 1:-0 d Ill'W \\1111 f('\\cl' dollars One cannotl frUit nectar. Church schqJl. 10. G. w. Cos-Mrs, .I·I

A. Reynolds, Mlrs. C. A. lO\'C'nLJon by (~III L II;\fldnrfl i1nd h.l\'1' 100 mHny canned tomatoes. The city hall Will be cleancd <lml tcrisan, superintendent. Morning

M('Mnslpr, Mrs. A. G.I Adams IS IISNI only mill}!' II<ldd(l1'11 VI'l'tl- fl.1\\· lomalo{'s an' one or Ihc rich~ made ready for the tall program wprshlp. 11. Sermon subject. "The:Lnd MIl;. ,loC' Bc('kenha~er, chord' plano. t. . 1' .... 1 :-'OtlJ('I'S or VJlamm C--a vIta·' soon. God Men Worship." Wilber Ahl-

Br,·dg I Club·X·M*ee*t.. (1(.<I'·;I~nres,·r/, 'hV"S""'j','.,', ,,',,'r"y·. ,',.',,'/'1'1"""" ','. lllill \\(' rIf'el! ('\' Canned to- All WPA workl'rs ('T1Juyed a \'crs WIll sing, Kenneth Andersone <: , Imllof'" pUI up IllP righl way lose .holiday Monday. WIll he at the organ. Dr. West Will

MlnOI' group of the I')upl/('Hle onc helT as shon <IS pO'."lhJ(' /\('- !1r:lf'II{ ally none' or thIs valuable preach. HIgh school league at IllCt Monday altcm!oon wHh cording 10 Itl!' It'lt!'!" !t'i'('I\('1I hy \.It<.lrllln " \yILBURMr" F. B. DeclH'r. MI'S, R. K, MI'. Vogel Ill, Llcf(Jty I!', ('om- To ('a·1I IOIll:Jtoes ts 10 IKll'k Ihem Mr~. Julia Perdue and Allelll HI. "llUl's t;\·an. Lutl:l. ('hun'h.Klrlonllh ami Mrl'i. John Volk p}plf'ly sold 011, Illlo gldS~ ,<I"S or plain lin cans, callC'd Thursday ('Vl'llIng 011 Mrs. (RC'\'. G. Greschen. pal'tonwerp gUl'sls. Mrs. L. l';. Brown Mr. VOgl't };lYS tllf \\'111 put t!)I' It1('11 10 procpss Hwm in a hoiling Henry Bush, SI Mr. and Mrs. lIen- Chur('1! school at }O ii. m. Wor-11,Hi IlIgh, score and Mrs. Krrk- Verllchor-d atmg :-Olll{, .Illy l,th('1 lmttl. TI1I' watpr balh can ry llul'h, Jr, \\ere there Saturday ship ~('r\'lce at It iI. m.IlHln lind Mrs. R. W, ·Berrldge make of n('w 110rnl 1~lano~ :11lt! v. iI] Ilf' Hurl(' oul of a wash boiler or a morOJli'lg. :lr·hllee'nrf,mrmPe,.,',','(,'n0nlgeh/al<..~~s. 7~~:1'Iwd for' sQC'(lnd. Th(' group meets d('monstrMi' 111 10'1 )OU, IIrId yOll hll('kl'\ wJlh a tIght fittmg lid 1 ,-,.",,"

In two w('ck:-; \\lIh Mrs. Roy 100 w111 Siiy I b JinH'rWd'S 11Jl(':-.t Th('["(' must he a rack on the bot- .." () T ~,~ I M t hold thell' fm.;l mf'ctmg Saturday.(;"Ips. M~":-; n, I';. M,lI'cl{ IS host· ('w form pi' no. lorn so Ihe waleI' can Circulate un· .' ..0:,.,. 1~ J {'f' s_ _ I" S('n1ors al 1 fl. m.. Hnd Juniors at, ! ' , . d th L. 0. I. c.lub mfe.ts tIm; Frl(ayl.. ·.•'() I'. nl. A/' e/l,/,Ire'n appro'. ,._. t'SS 1~)' II MOJor group next In lIs pnn ('1:1 s<.., 1 II I, J\I1l('llCa's 1 ('I' 111' .Inls or cans, an e wa- l\ Irk .::; ,.., ...Mond~lY, rgcsl s('llm' 1'1('\\ ,JOl'lll JllarlO. If'r ('al'l ('onw up oV('r the tops of With 11ss G adys or, matply 1:.! y('ar.; old should enroll

~ ;",111 1111' ('Ilnldlfl~'rs 110:l inches. Count ""iHmr P~,~jl'('t f'lnh. In Ill!' jlminr ('1'J<';s.

\\'iIlJur. f'rotp('! dt~h 11)1,,'1:-. till" :-':1. ~lan's (aO:1l1.(' ('hIlTI'll,

II 1~lld;I.\, S{'jll('lllh('1 .1, \Il~:tp;lfl 01 ff'F'\ V;-'''I hp-1/II", 1)",1')11

KAGY,'.S SPjJI1'1l1111'I~, \\Itll I\ll",. EllUl 11u- FrHJltPp"lll ..... ItIHI;.{ •. i-lllprf'PIJfp-gl'h:'II, ('(I'" ;\ld'q III \\"vn~' ill H O'e1flc!(

l:('fl('llwlIOIl i1nd 'Cill('chl:-.m altpl',\t Sioux (·it~' 1\[ul·kd. 111;1":-' C'OJlfeSSIOIls Satunlay e\e-

",111"1 n \ t,!lor I1ln..: 11 'I :\11

I Ill''> IlIl\l'," .... aid I 1·'/1111\ 1111 111,1 1 11,1 ,\ '11 !III',John :\1'\\1111111 of. "lIml!J 111.'<"'" ,J! S';\\ in ... I,"'. \\ II I' III ,\l'll1rll\ ,-;,I II I' HI I OllllJ.l'I.\- 11)1' '" I! 1\ II~ IIi"1111.:" phllll f' \\ II I ;\L~ I ~o.;rlltl'J!f'i1. Blllllf·· ! , ..flllllilhr \\llh I It I' 1 \1"lIia IfllIll,· (hllreh.:\Ihllll;a~f'''lJf tlwl 1j{I'\ \\',IIIf1I' filnc!v'n"w!cIlIad,!'t hI'I·a" .... " I 'dr'dn(':> jJd"lllr 1

Iii'·... hl'l'li ship-I Tl1'll<.;d,,:> 1'\('/11111.;. I; In S l'IIn!­

-"\.... ping- III S I" 11:\ 'llJTJJ1IIJII anl1I)Unf'pn1"JI!'-( it,.. f"r :11 \l'ar!',.! ('nll:":;I!'!..:.!! 1f)11.1) 11]('('/111';

. .<11\ :,1 <,


Ih ~ I

.J'" Oil

Green Peppers1 '-;~'·,J


Kjllg'~ Dilughtm's MeeLI'll II :' I ),\lJl~lll, '1' J 1]0 I 'J 11111 ,

Ii 1\ III jill' CllIlIC]1 III ('hI 1"1 I'd I .

lors wllh Mrs. E ..... I Shl(:,ldshj')SII'SS Mrs. Franl.. III~rr('1l le(l11 (' st lJdy Mrs. Shi({Jds ' IS Icarl­el il,;ld 1\11s. True Prescott hosl~(\~S .111 t\V1) \\'('('1<:-;

·x- -x- -M-

Wllh Mrs. L. W. Sund.



'Fm·gpl.Me-Nol dub mel VoIIIIM/ s. L. \V. Sund Tuesday III lhehOI11Q of Mr~. Jl'5~1(, MlIlpl".Pnz('s Jl1 rlOO 'went 10 Mrs. R. H.Sltuarl and Mr:s, Kenneth I.Jkcs.'I'll(' hosl('ss sl'tverL Mrs, Roy1~('lIy entertams III dvo wecks.

-x- -iI- 7:t I

Etttertains for GllJ,e'sts.Mr~, R. K. KIrkman l:e('('I\ ('d

hl.l:h S('OI'e fn'lze In hnMgp andMiss RUlh RlIlgland oj IDem/cr,

~:;:g ~;;;~~~~~::ya1~7:~('~e:r{ ~Jt~;~'Mr~, II Jo;. L('y {'nlprt:illwd pighl,d bnngl'-Iuncheon lor lhc lat~


-J(- * .J(-

To Norfolk Meeting.T(ln young !oll<:-; 110)]1 11]('

I J1aplls1 chur('h \\!Nll Ito Norfolll:, I'nrlay l'vpning fol' a IJlcnlC sup·'per Tlwy mel otlwrs from thl:-;dlst/I('l 10 diSCUSS Ih(' \.\lIl!('!'

wOI'k HI'\'. C. L. 1';<Ids lind AldoMollna!'1 drO\l' ('aI'S for lhegroup.

Jell:3 """,,".,.,

-x··J(- ow.

Wilh Mrs. Nell Fox.\Vollhwhilf' c'lull n1('1 'I ul'"d Iy

\\'illl MISS Nell I'ox IrI Ill(' ('hnsf.llphalll hom('. I\1rs. S. ('. I'n:'l:~llld MISS Be'lIlal1 i\ol'nho!l \\('1('glll'.sis, Mr,~. H T Whorlow ell­1('rtillHs tn two \\·I'pk~.

'k 'X' ·K­

Sat~m Ladies' Aid. \ISal1'1ll 1"ldl('S' fud tlll'l Ttl'",­

~1:IIY ar!PrnOIHl Mill" MIl' ArtlilpliI\nnl. 1\11'0.; Korn's 1l)(l!y'l, MI'sldt'lllll'll.l 1\.10 Ii IJd('}~'1 01 I 'f , I;~.

1',,1,]1, \\,11, d l;rll',,1 1\11]" I\HWIII'lIi1"1 ('IIII'II,lIll', 11''',1 1l1l111!/1.

01' ~1',\(;IIJ<;TTI


~ BahI • • •



Fresh Milk8~'

I;allooll _

Soap Flakes , Shoe Polish(,i11111 ")('~' I,ijl·','.trl·l~·' 10('1'1Idla!:(' ~,J ,

l -= b=

'1'1'1'''''1m I I

,Fig Cookies::;;:lIltl 10('

CityGrocery',J/OIll(, of ('!I/I;n' 111('(1/,<; (l,//([ (;,.o("('r;cs

--·-PIIONE 355 ---Free Delivery (lO Orders tj)f $1.00 or More

'SOCOAL 'O"C"T '''','" ,,,',"' ~""~'" ,,,.,,,\\'dYll(' ('[('!llH/: I'h 11 ,,~11tf ~~~~~:I¥~,I,sbl;O~~:lf'(li~d~:;~,("IIIi: .~~;.M,ln-lklo lllCl'ls ,IH':\l J I,I('~,~ women Illl'et Sp!ltf'mh('I' II whPl1

clay \.\Itll [\Jl]s iV1., (. Hus·,\'ll. Mro.; ,fohn CrImm. Mn; Lf'rtoy· Oegl'('1' 01 lIo{'ot' Illt'I'll' SI'P- (;1'101111. Ml'~. Ralph MOl'Sf' ;Jnd1«'II'1\)el' Ii wllh l,r.Mr::;, • Alllo/lt.' MI~ Jr"rold (;II(jPls!e('Vl' WIll en-Lerner. tcrt:un.

MI's. Calillis ·Marlln l and Mts. I ··X -x· x·1'; Jo: Fli'I'I\'dlol! ('nil'llallll gap Ilavc Theatre Party.11<..,1 AId (Oddy oil t)1i' JOJIIll'I':-' ('II('I'tIO l1l('Il1IJI'r~ lI;lIl;1 111('.1-1I11IlU'. /1(' Pdt Iy 'l'tl('sda:-,. r'\'('IIIIlI~ ell 1111'

L<ll'ol1<' ('Wlllllllllily ('ltlll (;ay 1hl'iltn'. ('oVt'r('d dl~ll h!n('ll-111('('ls \V"(lJl('~(lil)'~ :-Jl'III(·tnlfl'l' "(I,ll \\': S ~('rv('(l ;Jt Ih(' hOIl t' \"1/

10, with ['viiS, S .J. lbtlf'. Til(' I\'JI'~. ('.lll'oJi Ikmlllltlg"otl'\VJl!J~i1t('lnO()1l \\111 lw :'I~('lll 1\1t,,, ']'e:'l:I('y SITnllH'rrn,d asIllf-:: ('11.111111 Ill,

I' r\ ,; 1 IIll! 1)(':\1

"lll(' ,iJd\ ,d /('1111"11,1 \\ :1,1'",\1", ,1111I"\ ;\11' ,\ I) 1<\'.1",'lid 1\ ll" '~I ( I) I ( 111< 'II' ,,,11 I :1 ,­'1<"'1

, I h:~a~'~:~ll~:\~I~~~"I~~~'II;,~:l~1 (l,~I,l1~:.~l~aqJlt'n .llltl MhS {;l'rt Iljtd!' M(>E:lchen. Tlw \\'(ll1ll'll \\111 \\'orltOIl j'l qUilt.

i\ I'~. '1lan'I'Y- l\t{'~{'I', M I'S Jh'I'­rmlll l~;I('hr', 1\11''' I, 1\ VotIng;riMl Mrs I.... (',\I.amlJe'l·sIHI I'nl{'r­

'Iilm ()ur H.('dl'lll!'r"<.., Aid loddy

,~ Hl{~~'I~:li~l;;~~l ~ltr;I;;~s·M. 1-:, AId

liwl'ls DPxt \\'('c1n('."(];)y \\ 1111 Mrs,~C:l1'1 \\'II!.:hl. C!rTle Two I1lc'elslIlt' Silpll' d,l)' \\Ilh Mrs, G,'L,I\.pg('r~. MIS. H. J, ElIl:J,.,"Slon,l\1r:-o.('1J;1~ iLnphalll' lind Mr s. P. ('.cro(,ki~11 :l]'f> h(),-;I(',"~('s. '· Ml'Jlllll'l''-; 01 Ill(' ~chool hoard

·\~tll (' 1('l'lalll Ilwlr WIVl~S :~nd

].wuJly./ 11H'I111)('rs :Jnd th('It'\\I\('S ~11 a p~It'I~ al X II Ill,"'Vf'dn(':~(l:ly. S('plf'rnl)('I' 10, in1111' I'CI,IVill('S ]"(lOl1l. p.lh M,lt'("h,HId T.IS. llonk '11'(' ('o-cllallJl1rlljn (',h,lrgt' 1)1 illTung('nwnls, (llll­

1'1' ('(lm III It 1 ('1' Iwads arp Paul

:~ii:lf;~;\(;:~:;'I::~I~:ln~~;~~~'~~~~~~;:~.~n'II('"lltlH'n(s; 1)1', Waller B(:n­thlL('k, 11IOgllltl1


ISO(:I;E'I'YBible Gla.. Meets.

\\'I~ ~:!l~;\ ,::l~;~~11~~,r;:11 (,~;:(,~II~~'S(lay_j(••j(. ,:.

Hoy..1 Nei~hbor.. ~ I· H,IIHI N( 1)~lIhol' Imlg' lmel a

n'gul,il 1l1I't'1i1l,l; J'LH'sd,~' l'\".{'­

11ll1t~ .:: },' :.:.

ri~;nic I:), Enjoyed.("Iurkh 01 ('Ill 1',1 ;t1IltI.IY

~l hllf)lj{,1I11)~('r1 d pH HI(".1l BI'(':'~­j"1" pd I, ~lllllldY I\tHJIl, abo ;'0


With 1M;-;.,. (jl·~;:;h"t lit.I'll lj; ( 111.1 i\I"Hd lJ \1

", 7111,.1 \\ (11" 'hIlt tho Ill"~',f' Ill' III, I f II Ii I\t I', 1\

\' II "11111'( II. (111' I'LIIIl, HI (\\V

\I'l't''' ,.'


FRESH MEA~ SPECIALS .II<t·'" M.' Flied. I'1l",:~tlAI!_ "cuneI.Wieners ~ ;::;~l1il 2Sc PI'(Il'Plly d(-'('d~ IIII'd III \'''''~tl(' ,-I&-WII MJ c)4

1l'OlUll)' Ihls \\eek lIldflde the 101· (6.At''':AAj ISla_ Bacon ~~·,I~":';'(""'I ::;:~""I ,2Sc lu),,,,~ 1 F/ ~~_ dk ~.

... ' • I ,'lft~ Nebraska ¥tatl:.' Buqdin~ & Loan V./, "1\1an" IS the subject of the les-Fls" FIllets ::~~nd 7. ah,"F'''''OU to C. E. Urushool, Au- * ' ,.v". son-sennon which will be read In" ., , j ~t.. '. . -, ilUSll'231 for $1 and othtr consideld~ " ,~I, B . '/ I Churches of Christ. Scientist.

ChO~~(~ Beef St~a, ~J~~~:t, ~::~nd Z$c ~:o~i~1~~:' J:i~:I~~.OftllO~2' block l'U;~ I ~ eautces ~;:;.~~~':.t-ihe world. on Sunday.

Por' /rOho'ps . '.:".r."l,d '27c ,..S;.E,r ·;:-rr.ri~~,tg~~tU 2 if~o~o$~.~~d. ' I· 8'· " ft" H I T,lle Golden Text is: "Behold.L '"'l tel.... 19 50 a OS· whal manner o( 10\'(> the 'Father

" l' WCt30 feel of lots ,10, 11 and !;I I, hath bestowed upon us, that we.SirlOin .S~eak ~:~.:;:~~ .... ... ~:::"d ."', c 't(~' ladl'y'nk.:O,' C?lIeg. ill addition , " should be called Ihe sons of God.•

1 ' ~ ~g~ea . ~Iar.crlng to c"croY lace ..•. big "soft" balos: 4JJur· (1 John 3:11.' ~lrs. ,'rucker's. Trilll'.·.,,1r~·m"(I, 1ge'" "~ I Iy Illd I' I I d t It II rt ! h' hSh (1 ","" '" g ,- eI. p~' n' SOI)hlst ea (' "f' prf' y--eqUR y ~ma or Among the Cltalions W ie com.ortenl g Conlaln. No i\IIIUUlI Fat ~rll Remov. PIli '.ath.... j I' k I I pme the lesson sermon i, th. foi-

I I' , \\fhen dr('ssing a fr ing chiC'ktm. (yt nU.j n,ud j dah's," Bh'l' ane l'O orl'4. All h('ad ..b.f'~' l()~lng from OJ(:Blhle: "For' yc are

LITED BS~ I .. BUSSELL ~~Pal~I::~~i~;na~~~2IitW:;'('~~~~1 I]' $-19~ to $500 I ~1~rli~~~~~:·e~~~I~~n~Y3[~;~lm.1II '"f•••••III•••

w II!,.... ~~aft;,~ ~;l :::.~t~~~~~~e p~II, ..,_..'-..~.-.-"l".- - :'-"-- ~ _--~-..~----r'lth~~~olio~~~se;~~~g:~sof:~~~l.21iiJit ljil';:i,',/\;;;' ;;l!I'lli'AI'I,;li'·j.ili$l!Ijjir.ll_l(l;kl".~JltllHilliililliii'ltlf<lil!!~,illli,!r~.:I!ll~,";,CiJ<iij\~ildl.i,;jl',:.;; ...,.j •. irJ,j: _. !. I .-------- I' I,


•• _ ADd now that John's glary IsalinoKt bat'k tu llomUlI. It mfO.OMju.~t !>O nluch more "&:rav~" (or lLOO.and I'm 11&\'101 (our ~ollars evl'ry\\('eSt:

) ,I 'i·

Wfl W(Or... really stumpi'ld onhow to gf't along nntll my goodf rip n d and n e Jg h b 0 r, I\fn,"'rlght, I\lh Ised me to try shop­[lIng through the newlpaper ad••

"I'm savingFOU/l



II;: I I I :', II' '[ I

, , I, I I ,. . I I

I. ' "..11\. I 1 I ·1 11' '. I I - I· t' ~, PAGE _' ~"_ I '~ " 1'11. W Y!S~. m.RALlJ, WAYNJ::, -SEBRASKA, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 4,11141 II' I I

'W-I I .'~!,'k-e'-rf' I';el- I\dlD~~'p (I' rriIt~eatJ '-Way"'n''e- -tl---e'-'r-'al Id--\ ~~~::~>e~~{~~~~,~~s;{;~~;11 ~~I~i.:~;, h~~~r~h~~b~h~asd~'~ I:~{~I~~ '~£~~1 ~:::.~~r.:~ :t~,r71~rr?;'~ ~

I fll(>nds OVpr ihl' .... ((k-I'nf! .rrom Slnl( (h y dl 1)l! JII'll1lIJl Hd(11 honH'

I \ hl'n> hI' \\{'nl io Lyon" I 1\11 ,lrH! 1\1r~ Au:-;tm Rlt'~';Ill I i\1l lnl! '\II~ I'JIltl ~(ldl)lhhlI II I 1 I ',r 1 1I I , I I I MIss Ednd Hoydal ,nul MiSS and yuunger ChIldren were" at Fort Iand d,lU~hlt'rs of I omll I etl

~\ I BY MI fjAM HUS WIT I"" i I !\famJe McCorkmdl:l.h' HrIlwr! home LC'<"l\pnworth Kan, las1 weC'k VIS- Mrs Bl'''sli' S\\an' 01 'VI'II;,ll:---- --- ---~----·3--- --_... ~~' -- --._---r---- -_._-- t ~-----r . ~ Mond~y from a l\'yn .Inc} n half lling thplr claughtC'f. Nelda, dnll ULdl mothi'l 01 l\1J:" S<:hlllltpiri

V 1 It s. I. 1 •• S 'd an<t sun~18 In omahal 'wIth her wC'eks tnp In the past, visiting husband !\1r and MIS \V C Sehlotf.t'ld antl Ij',UrO I uwnl c' ·c' OC al ,Uan enlngs of k I aJ ned un ay. sls'.rs. Y I ' Bnstnn. New York C,ty, Washing· I Mr and ~Irs Lf'P St,lUff,'r "PIt' I!,UI"Y ""ll' ('"II,',s ']'""<1,,, ,,' L.

A ~ I N I ell y, ~ By Loca'l Pastor 11 toh, DC, and 011)( I pluces of m-I FrlddY p\C'mng \Isltors at Henry IJ Rlf'sslPI " Un thur.;.;dolY th.·y .Il-l 8113 una Jer I HO'la~ Furm'lu,t- ~ ('!I~__ I • ¥rs. mely Pearson ~pent Sat. terest. • Barelman's SaturdayMr and M,s t('ndl'U a "hower at..... Tl'k"m"h 'III Almerlc;\Il I~ (' g 10 n ·AiJXil ary _ r ~ Ifene Bokt"mpC'l' Baker of Wakc~ urduy In the AI. RUkOJ horne at Mls~ MarJorlc 1\llfCflf>1l of Art£'- ErnlP EhkC'I OJO:lkdull' \\('l't> Sup- MI s I~ugh D('n~on's In honm 0('" I


- nw('l 'xt omhY ('\!'emng t R CR RCH S 1('ld, and Robert KimBer of Ponca. sm, dal, arrlwl! W&dm'suay last per '-ISltorS. Mrs \"V.~_(h' Upnton H\(' !mnu'rTwo .M mbers of Staff at rlt tH~ ~~J1 fVI' , I • aym" were marrwd Sund<1Y l'VC'- Miss Irgi~ia Mitch 11 started wC'c!.;:o to \ISII relo11lVt,s She Was In A group of \lsiIOlS h('lpt'd JO}((' ;\lls" Ltl];\ Schlotll'Jtl

Wak field School Yet 'Th'p K'mg's l)al~ghlflrs \\111 rlWf't I Ing al S;~Jem Lutht>l'an parsonage Itea~lng the C'lurk Ce ter school Ihe Ch~rlps Boe"h lrt honH' at AI- Tdlnow pnjoy h('l bll'llnla} ThuI"- Ml "rld 1\11s II"II'} I lllo dllli


tBe Selected 1 all day ThU~sUHY ut "hp ChrlS/lmn I y Rev ClarencE' Hall Thp ('ouple IMonday.' I len .untll SunddY \\ hpn sh(' accom· day {'\{'nmg, r.,lr" l~el by JIdn,-:pn Cl'l dJdllll' u[ Pliollll\ It \\, '" tsltpd ,It

, • churfh parlo~s I prt,bYterlan Chu h. It' llvmg In Wayn€' wlwr(' Mr Miss Eivelyn~gwent to SIOUX pamed Mr and ]\11:-; JJnl Mitchell Saturday f'VenlOg ,1m} \Vllllf' KOI'th Ro(' SOUt n s Sund,l:" allt'l noon LI-Wakefi 1d hfgh school ha~ an H~ppy HOUf' project club ~('ets (Rf"V Ilan McColl, rastor) I tlndler IS,emploYf'd at thp COl'yell City Mo~dayLafter:noonIto resume herfl for a \ISlt Sumlay ('v('nmg t('r In tht, dd} :\11 dnl! l\lls H.lIl'

enrollm('n of 154 and Ow gra~s next l Wt"dnesday. Seplembe 10, S~mday 'chool at 10 al m. Ser~- srage. hE'r teacrylng. Mr. and Mrs .Jl)<,;f"Ilh Swc of Chl- Mr and Mrs A W Dolph sp('nt SudI'll :\lr ,jnd 1\1Is .J"kl' Sod('11122, nCCOt~ng to the fIrst ~ay en- wlthl Mrs Harold Messersch Idt. iof's Ilt 11 ~I m. . -- Mr. anti MJs. Victor F.kbel'giand c.,?g'O, and Mr ~nd Mrs Rob('rt Sun,day e'-t'nmg lit Alhl'rl KJ!- ClAt! 1Mb} "1\11 ant! Mr~ Coil! SIP\-rollmpnl onday, TIl(' tUition slu- MIs~ Luella NUl:.~rnhergf'r WilT as- "I las A rm Amputated family of Orriuho, Vlsltf>d relutiivf>S F InnlC' of Hawnrd! n, Ia, were Sun- hon.;.; AlhC'rt. Jr accompanlPl1 Mr {'r.... r,! \\ d}lll' :\11 and I\lls l.l'l'-

dents nu her 93 with 17 In the Slst IM('mhl'rs <1rf' to hrmg n~fldlf' ' ~t. 11111 '" I~th. ('h~Jr(,h. I c·t H . I here Sunday. dOY~Uf'~ts lOr th(' I)r' l\1arvm BU~-I and Mrs. Rolla" Long£' to (ht'gon !t'r Lundahl ,md lalllJly o! ;';Ioll'{t~:->hm'al1 class, 24 111 th(' sopho~ tlnd tllImbli' to do UNI Cl'OSS \York. (H('v A Gf'HJ('S, pastlor) n I y OspLta MISR Ellert Frf>deru:'kson left ~ li d Mrs Kalh{'llnt> Krull homf' 10 \i/Sll I'f'latl\f·<';· .., CII} uSll"\I II I Imel NIlI""1l smore, 28 m the jUnior Hnd :.t4 III __ I ILOIS MmPI, R-ycar·old dllughl('r IMonday for Bereu, Ky, to rpsume r Svec ~s a Slst, I of Mrs Bushy Mr and Mrs llpnry Korth dotl Mundi} \11 Ind 1\1,,, Ho,' ~odt'n'thE' RtmH~q. The (>molImenl IS about SOI'lnl. I daY.y'·r~%~~~;)1 :~v~el\a~ 1~1JI. n\ sun, f MI and Mrs IBaIley Mm('1' of her teaching. and Mr.;.; :Eo lnnl(' h('1 md'1h('1 ,WpndC'II, Mr H.nU Mrs Chp"tf>r \\ I'll' "UJI]l1 I \ 1"11111 '-: dt I,. 1'1 1-'1'

1he same la~ last year. With Mr~. StrollbuK. I HUI'pl, and granddaughler of Mrs. Fr.HncI~ F(lnton of WoJ'thmgton, Mr. and Mrs V!Ilrpnt Pf>rkm.;.; IHansen and f;:nntly wpre HI Thuls- Buska·k s, Twt T('IU'I.•~rs. Rt'sl"n. MI'S Paul Stlonh('rg phll'Jt.llnpd E. Miner of WakefIeld, under- Mmn, vllHted friends in Wakefl(>ld and daughtpr of Ct dnr Falls, fa. ton Thursday {'\('nln~ hf'lrmg Er~ 1\11 .lnd \lIs IiI'nl} B.ll('ltil.lTl'R D h h h I CU\NIl nt Mission ('Lur(~h. d M I M I H 'In CI'nk nb J I hid L· ay ver, Ig S(' 00 plincl- tht' IBrHig(' (']1~1J lhls Wt'dm!SdHY ~l 'ent an operatlOn Tu('sdny last Sunday and Monday. an r .Ill( rs .0111 obson of (' f'.I1{ It'm('rn )('I I" an (JIS \\1'11' <It 11,1I\\'} L!lSIlIl-;pal, ~(,slgnC'd Monday as Ilfl has 11 ('vpn:mg I' eRC'v C.:A TurnqUist, pastor) 1 'pck for Ihe amputatIOn of hpr Mr. and Mrs. A L. Nu('rnberger Carson, la .. sp~nt Ih, wep;k~end m bnlhd.Iy Supda} 1\1 Jllng Mr dnl! MIspmatlon '"11th the DuPont company _ ThiS 'fhursday 't-'vpn n~, mHl- rghl arm LOIS fell from a tr('e spent Monday In the J II. McKm- the Dr. Max (0(' homp_ Mrs COP In lhe AUglht numt)('r flf thp }renr) TdrnO\\ :\11 .lrHI J\1J~ CI'llumllf"avJs nexl MondRY for Kan- u. 1~. V. 'ff'lIt 1\(t'f'tS. w( SCl\IC<, at 8 p. m ' ~gUSI 15 and \),01<(' both WllStS. !ley hom€' &1 Wmnebago. and Mary Janp acctJll1parll('d thp IFarm Journal prJfllNI In Phlla- IJlnklagl' dntl Ctu;.; (·I,lnll I I/,Lkake£', l~l~. Dean Lanctlsl('r, V()(:ll- 1) 11 V tenl No .{ had a I(,gll~ Sunday SundHY scho !In( 10 ,~. 1 fpetlon C'f{US('rl till' In~s of lIw Marvlll Nuernlwrgpr of OmHhH, Perkms family humt' lor a w{'('k :df'lphld Ihf'r(> ap]J('dlS a WI'IIt'-UPlll1l"1li'd Thur"d.l} JIOIll .r .!.oOu-tlont\1 n ricul1ure mslttlCIOl', has 1m nH'ptmg 1111:-; Wl'dnl'"dd) 1 1\('1- OJ Sf'l"Vll'P!> at 11 tI m H d 8 p m. 0 (' arm Shp IS ImpJ()\ln.g lJl ,I s[X'nl Surday and Monday In the MiSS Margaret KO!Jlm(.!t'r If'fl 10f thl' back scratcht'r Erich AI-I mill' trIp 10 Yt'lIu\\slrlIH' lJ.Jrk,.bef'n dra ted i~to the at'my 11(' has noon elt thl' h,lIl. 1 -- s'ioux {'It.y hosIH.t<lJ. L C Nurrnberger hom('. Friday for Sumner, 1.1 when'sh(' hl'r" h<is In hI" cattl... yat'ti. Faml' \ B1.H'k IIJ1]-; I III I p.lJt" nl C(Jllllalh~he('n giv.en -H 60-day d/i'!N·mpnl. _ I En". St.l.Jl',hn's I.uth:' 'hun·h.

1 J -- _ Mrs. Adolph English 8md thrf'e rpsumpd hE'r tf<achmg MISS Mar- sur,'l} tra\'f<ls far Thl'} \1 .... 11, d .II Ill!' FI Ink L.rssThe positIOns had not bl'l'n ldkd Eastt'rn Slur ('hnlltf'r. (H,pv W A G(-'rd('s asHfr) (Jounty Convention daughleq; called Monday after- gar£'1 P<lttl'rson accomp<imrd hf'r I\lr ,md ~rs MJllon ,Gustafson h~lmt> In Gdt. :tl' W)O Jn~1 ";ltlPdTuesday.! ' Easlpl'Il SIal' chaple!' had til rf'g- Sunday fChool1 at 1( ·451 a m, I noon on~rs. A. W. Dolph as fdr ,IS SIOUX Clly on lu r v. ,1:,. to and fHmJl) and !'v1ary II( If'n Bres,-:- J( ns( n" 'It t 19,dl,tl,I.~cdso m SoUl I..

)Nl>\\' InstnlC'tors. u.l al m('plmg TUf's<l~.IY pvdnll1g G('!'man SPIVlC('SI .II 11 30 d. Jl1. I To Be Held Here Mr an Mr'1'. AI. Borg and ~on her school <it Ocheyef!l-lll lao MISS [Ier \\('r(' In Omah,t Idst week IDakoli.l .11 dn IndldTl" .... r 1!J~ mt'otThe nfw mstruc10n; fllC'· MISS MIS Gordon Nu('rnbprg('J ,Mrs English SPI'VICPS Ii al ~ I) m. IDlxon county WeT tJ ('on t?dllt'd In the George Hahn horne Elall1(> Patl",rson t(-'aehl'" ' Joyc£' "pl'nl a f('\v d.l)~ at thp , Mr Ind ~frs A.nlon NI'hon of

lIplen Lumbus of Wdll'l'loo, In., LawJ("ncp John"()n !1ll{1 MI'-; V M WaIHH'1' Lt'aglIIP ThlllSddY r'vc- vJnl Ion will be held a-I 1ht, S I, - al F:mf>r. on Sunday afternoon Fort Dodgp, la. Bn'sslpr hom\' \\hll(' Inl'z \\3S 1I1 'I (om Hd 1d \\ ho \\ 1'/ (' forml'll) of Jwho teaches EngIJ<.;h, Chpsli'r Huffman ~pr\'('t1 1 nlHg Lt1 lhl'ran church In Wdk:

lf,m MISS hylils Hypse of Omaha, Muss Ruth Andt'!'~()n ,md hPr Ithp Gus~Hf"on h~)mp hN~' and 00 Ih, IJ \\d} home flOm

Brooks bf Rushvilh', s('J("~r(' and I ~ dnesday SpplC'mhf'>r 10 I i~:,~d sppnt flO FrldRy to Monday ('ve- guC'sts MISs MIriam I'll lnll1g of I Mrs r.rnl'~l \\ hemt,n('r and MISS a, nOO-mdt' Irlp 10 111(' \\est (0",,1,

athJetl~sf Mlss Janpt ~ltJS of I'~()r A. F~. Nlmrud. !\If1'flllUdl~t ('hnr(' I. ~ I Rr~ll Andt'rson of CrPlghton 'Imi lllng 1Il t e Luthpr HypsE' home CarthagC" III and Ernp,,1 (~ Malm-! Gra('"" R",mund of \\ llmot S D, Iwpn' TUf'sdd\ 0\ PI nlgh1 \ IS~!'H'" .I!BI()omflt~ld, EnglIsh ;~nd !'JI('l'(']I': MI and Mrs R A Nlmt'o(J and (H.P\ I(~'nl qllfton Iwdor M~s Spl!ll'rt, "Iall' presJ(It'nt of Mrs Ernpsl Mltchf'll returned .;.;trom of Chicago. HfJl\,r1 hpJ(' Imothlr and ,lunl of MIS Ilant'y G('org(' RIl~kllk" Mrs \\m Ilu-Wn,yn~. pouglas of Fau'f x Mo, l>dr,WIO Mt .1l1d Mrs C J Nml- j1IPl-{Chln}. .II 110 an, ur tidY L~cOln, WIll IJp gUt'sl speakt'rs /1omp Su day pvpnlOg from Oma- Tuesday from lknw'f MI"" AndPr-1 Lutl Mr. and Mrs John Lull <lnll gf'lm,Ul (.lllt'll .II BIl~I<IlI{ ~ In \ 1"11

Ul1d MISf Anlla KllchNtman of lUti dnd '-:oll" ..../sltl-'d in tlu> A- E sf'! 001 at 1 .\ J!n T (' mOlnlng nwc'lmgs wlll III ilt ha wlll'r( shf' had Visited a wpek .;.;on and j{u('sh 1t'L1H' thiS 'J hursdH)- ~!t1}e(' Mr and Mrs I1df"('y Lult \\JlI1 ltw ;';"""on,, .Inti 11}~ \ (':d/I'dEa~nton'l ~PPf'r elf>mPlllarr, 1,1ISS Nuinod homl' Sunday <1.t;.tprn(~on 10 W S C. mli'ts SI'I) pmlw 11 101 and t1w dftprnoon al 1 c/c lo("k Mr nnd Mrs Ferdmand Barg for IHmols MiSS Andc'l "!HI gops to d,nd tldby \\f'rl' F'llday \ l"IIot s al on man} 1)Il'rlfls IWI I' lin \ h,ltl~hceM~rl('Johnson.ofWtlUSa,~n(~lh(lnorOl MI.Nlnll'od's74thllm·th- V.llhl'v11s f'("hl!MIs.Wm IIu:pt~ DI~m'l v, III i)p St'T\p{) dl noon All of Emprson. \ISlfL'd In thp Frf'd h('r,schotll dllL,mmOllil hul, to ~11'(jJtlhdl's goo~1 -.:m. Jll l-.:ldll1.ln«.1 l~IHt1,Ill\-'

,./ .1!ld ::Ird'IMI~~ Wanda Mal'lI<mg of <laYt ('nOpl'llllJ\(' lundwon \YdS m;ill \\111 dS~IS1. 1 mt 'j'psI"d an' tn\Jle(\ 10 dlll'IIf!':- L"hman home Sunday· afternoon I('ach. Mr <Ind \11~ \Va!t£'r Chmn. NOI"- u"u,11100-till"h, 1-.In·.H)1' I Illn (ropl~.merson kmderg.Hrt('n an~ 1st. s('J\l'd f I Mr anrl Mrs A. L Po>;pisil and "\ . 111M ,Ind Jun(' n'1urn('d from thl'lr I\1.IO~ th/"l' III llutldlnl-: rll'\\ ('rlh"

."rel(hman' Chl!'lS. I ('I til tl J.i~ ('I ~ • ('hJlr]rf'n I\\f>rf' In Lincoln Sunday Mr and Mrs All huI' h' hlmP1f'I' \'-iSlt. ,1t Scottsbluff Thursr);l) MI S Cor;j, J;J l,,,,,)r'r 11[ W,,} fll'.

The i$'COmPIPte list of mpmh('J's Fur l<-:::tI. t~t.htt"nkt.lmll. ., I S III 1Urr- I. , EtdeRt ReSIdent .Ind MU~day atll'ndll1g" th«' slale and family oj (Jmllhll Ml"" Nol:l J)nJ(,1th) \\ho h~d tj('('1l thf?'rf' all wa" d \VNlnl'"r! I) IJ\IIIlIghl \1"1-, or fhe f eshmun class JS· .Jim An.. Gue"ts In tht' E~' p;ell1pnlflmp SuntJay school at 10 '

rm. ( )Ill- I COt Hod fair West of V,>nungn, camp Sllnday surnmpr camp \\Ith them and Dons Ilflr af 1\1r" Ii'jd H ll:"''''' It' I S nnd

--0 {)prson, 81'J"~'n Borg, Inez BI'pss- hon1/' at Waym' S, nday pv'nmg munlOn, and pr

1"I(hmg HI 11 al nl 1 n l y OIlOl e MI llntl MI"S LOWf'1l Church and Mrs Anna Kohlml'IP! and ,MISS M,H' l\1.Juck did also and \',111 agalll Thurscllt} lh,':" IHllh :\11"s Mary

tJf'f, Do~ald EI'lckson, He~en Er- fOI" Mr I';chtt>nku lP'.s 1m hday , Kmgs Dau htpr~ j'(,1 thle''; 01

prn housp was hrld Sunddy family WprC' Sunday dmn('r lind Clara accompHnlNltht'm to \\ausa mdkl' hpr homt' dl Chmn~ t H'1d MI"s g, rth.! En·sslf'r. Ml"landson,j V<>ra Feldhacker,1 Myron rh~lrsdl\lY ,dlpr non at the d1ll.C:/1 aft'rnnon and p\pnmg for Mrs su C'I 'ues1s m thp L I Church 10 VISIt In thl' Gpo('g(' Mld1<lf,lvlIl S~ ., h ,Carl Lpondld dnd Mr and MhFelt, Gqrdon ForstJerg, Manorl(> ~~;~~r~:;, ~~?. ~~t ~;:.rr/tni;(~n;~ to

lWOl, k , C~\"r(d (Ilsh luhch "ofIldtlj HoI,mbprg .It ~H'r honll'( In ho~(' g. Y ~ ~om,e, ~rs ~ohlmf'I,~r and ,hpr l\Tr· laU~«(lla~1~'sC' ~~~~~ da~~~lt( ~~~ I\VJlbl:!1 I I~ d, 01 Trafford. P.l

and Mar~ow('H'llJslrom BIlly lhr- Echtl'nkamp, Mr. an MIS Marlm v, III hi St r\Ul 1 W~kelH Id In hOllot of hrr lOlh M J W F I k . k guests rtlurncd to \\dkefwld Sun- y \\prl' (lInn, I \ hllors ·.t John BI"~"rison, ~oann ~olmhe;~, Rob~d Echlenkamp nntl fa 11y, Ml"'. nnd . --, L I hlr~hd<lY ~boUI Ill()~ rf'latnps .Inti mg ~~r t(omC' '1~~~ (l~II~I~~n\\~~:~:C>I~ day ewnlng Thl' ()mdha and Vp-: ~~;I~rnt~~,G\~;,!~:n~n~~:I~..,~h~~~: Ipr's ~11 S II)dl' IS 111:' fOJ nll'r 1\11~"J~hnsonj F'ugC'Tl(" Lund Cll'.II']ps ~ ~nlf'lll Il'1ItJU'rnn (hnr('ih· I fn1nds (,dl('d ( hlldrt>1l dnd I hI M' J (' B I nango folks !"plUl npt! hoo1l' Mnndd) h - ! Mdl IlIllt' ll'lHHlld Ttl(l} PXpt'Ch-dM!lll~m'l Cora Marll11~on, Elton ~~~il~~('~~~~~~h~~~t ~~~~1~: ~..,I:,~ (RI'\', .Cl<1~f'~~(-, HIlll, Ipn~tOJ) I, gr<Wdcl: 1,1 cll E'n pntl'I lainI'd for MI s. ~~~;npNIl'S. regs f'r, nl'dl' 1'\ f'nln~. ~:~atnhf'~r U~I~~S,~n~~(~S~~;y a~::'~; \:~~ 110 I I liB n ·hump FruJd} :"'11 dill!

Miller, 4DarWlIl Nimrod, Mary Mr. and MJ'~ H~lI'Vt'y '.chlC'nkamp Dmcds ~O( Il't y h1!tPt S. hlr" 110 mil( Ig who IS Iill' ('I£IpsI 1('<';1- Mr Hnl] Mrs Frpd Rowley VlSll-j JlmmlP ,Ind JUlllOr Sppnc('r I('- Mrs John LUIf pn (J ('d d Icn'(' 1\11" J,tn1(''' Lpo",ll'd .lnd f IllllivElame 'Connol· Bob P''l.ul John and fam,ly. Mr. 'In,1 '" .•. G Thur~day "ftll'lhoon <it ~ 30 aljth~ de 1 1I1 Wakl'lH'ld .Inc! also till" pld- I I' I j' t R' " CI turnp<l to lhf>ll· hornl' al LlIlwln k j Y p. \\l'n' ,1I \Va1l'doo II ll"t \\1 .. 1,.... " , , .... VII • I P( 1Il 11 • Vnf'S Hg py anu 1Il~ suppp r.lIl lhf' pdr " .,Ri:;;sell, .W('JrlOll Schwarrten. Rus- D'hll'nl<amp, Mr,-;. Alv nn Hclhtt>n- 111l~r('h parlors. esllmpmhl'r oj S,J1cm Lu!fll'ran ton Chn(J(' honl"S ut Allell9unrlllY Thur~day dflpr sJ.lpndlll/.{ thHl' l\fr IS' ,Illt! pl,mnpd 10 go 10 Vlrgrrlll IIIsf'll Sor~ns<>n, Lt'land VonSt>gg('f"n, kamll ,md Donald, Ml and M,,, Confllmadonr class n)f'els ~ ~It- Ch11rC!l , Hflf't'nooJil \\eeks With lhl'lr aun1, MJ'!'; B('n ' nti Mrs AII,lIl. ,I!rllnn ,Inti I\l"lt 'df I.f'On lid ·111 III )] Ill)

IIlirold Wngemill1, Bohby IIunson, llrdHY morn1l1g 111 ~'~l~ f('\ (ldr'pI}('('ri!-Idlt spol\(' oIt:l Mr and Ml~ AnIon Nplson of ('hasp MIS Chasp d('COmpaOlpli (hlldl(lI dnd {A'on,l.rd,S,:lmon, Mr (,·llllpLf'Roy Swan~on. Donald Tullh/'rg, EIll~1 U\c'ehl and Mplvlll Mls'l Fell Sund,ty splvlh,s Sun ay s("O(~1 sllol t progl',llllltllr th(' fnllll!) MI" M I lIt I 11'1 tl A IIII'm to Lincoln <lnd \lslll'd unlll ,Inti !\lIS JuliUS Mtmkl dnd ftlm- I -Fnilh Gts1ufson, Billy I1anson ,md tl'nkamp :';(,IVI~d~~tU' ('!eN' at 10 a Tn Worslup ~C'I' ic~s at 11 Ottll Nf'lson .I dH.ughll'r ~.l\P d Wd'I~I~;;lh l;~J::;i' :~~;~:I.:( al:~('r::lt1'; Monday In Ihf' Edglll r: Spt.>n('t'l Ily ('nj{~}('(~ UP erpam <It (twstl'r I 10(' \1 NEWSDefm MIllke, 11 m. Ve!-;J)pl' ¥f'rVICflS a1 8: p rn sho t luslory of

lMiS lIolmh/'I'g'" . ! y homL' Mr" ('hust, also attl-'nded II II,lIls('n s Sund,ly ('\f'nm~ Bill) ~.Ai A ~ ~

J!~n olbm'nt hy Gradf'N. lJndf"rJtom. ()lu~rntlon. ThiS Sunday marks H1PI lwgm 109' Ilff', L('(' Ann, NudlllP and Mdl Il'oln 11-\% ..... :f'kJ

M 'J M I h II 1·I'cpptum SunddY1 for hl'r nlt'Cl' anti HHnS(-'n and Dl'lln Mrlleke are I Wayn(' Cll'nllers..Pholll" 4l al\tfThe frst d~JY l~nr(Jllmellt by Miss I<:Unl('(' nl'O\vll tlmlpj\vf>n1 of ill(' ohsf'I\,mrl' of pl,i~h ('rlll- L.H'~on,gf('dt gral\fkhtldrt>n,,,ang, ~,<J~~ rss I~ ~c; ~~rf> husband,Mr anti Mrs PauIR<.HI,,- sta;ymg nl lh{' SHimon hnnlP m M,,, \VllIJ3cobspnsIH'llllpdlu'r

gl'udes, to which somf' adchllOns an o~)('ra~lon 10l llPJ.lf'ndH' 11lf l"st e,111(Hl WI'pJ{ tlhr(lughnuf thl' Au- H S~Jl1g A solo \V<iS t}pdlC,-jlpd 10 ~~Pl< le\I~~7~g . M~'~.· U~~~Il(')I~~ htlug-h, \\110 wenC' marrwd May.:!l-l Wnkdlpld :J1l11 arp fIf>~...hrnt'n IIlIJll-:hl <lnklp S,~tu~ayhave h~tn matl<', IS a~ [ollows' Thul'sd.lYt 1 'u~tana synorL Mr~ J{nlmh('lg <II 1111' mOllllng HH'CI' FVa Hathpw'lY <It S('\\<ll'd The wl'dtlmg \\as ,111- high sphool MI .Ind 'lis. fom. Jlug!lps ftfKll1derg rtpn 9, 1st 15, 2nd 14, 31(1 LUI her HI OHll'ril()OI~mf'f~ Mon- "('npcI s "I S.lI~'111 ChUI( h 'I'll!' con- RollI'; I F. Ande~on, Paul Fisch- nnunced I,lst Thursd<lY at a .;.;ho\\ _ M,·, and Mrs (:IIII,pn('(> Swan~on ICHrJ 011, \\ Pit: rtlllJ"StI.I)' suppl'r]1,4th 6, 5th IH, (illl 1~, ,7th lfi, wak:,~ll:~~I~I':'f'~~E,~I~~~:~;~(jgUlnrday ('venlng. grl'gdlJOn also s.lng th/' Illllllilay pr. and KprmJl Johnson welP In ('r MiS Radphaugh \\'IiS fnrmf"rly of (omplon, (<iI, .lnd lhrf>t' gUf'"t" rn till' rom Dunn honlt'8th 13, th 33, 10th 39, ]~Ih <1:~, JUnior Lutlwr !.png" (' nwpts song fOI Iwr SIOUX eil Monda Mr FISCh('l! Jf'dn S].1I'I1C('l Th" eOlJll!c' 1<'; 1i\H1g r1,tUght('rs, MI ami Mr.;.; Dan 1 Mr and )'lr~ 1I1'1lJ) Nl'uh.Jlfpnl')lh 331 ng:~:~1l~7) t~;:n~'~;(.r;,~~n\I~I~tlO~)~~~;~ n('xl TUflsday f'VI'TlIl ht lhf' Mr dnd MlsJIIoll11lwrg ('dnlf"10 i d 1 Y h Y k m LlIlcoln olph .lOli sons \\f're Weodnf'sda) 1of Coh'nd!:!;1' sI)('nt SU;UIHY In till'

... . ."ir",tat I"alr. church p,lIIOlS. : Wfl~('flPld In 1RR4 lrom Pdxlon l'\v:~~~,III:>I~nl~II'~I~~rh~\:IIS \\pr(> _ _ __ \1~IlI()I"S HI A. W Dolph'" Thurs-IT()m Dunn /Iomt' T/J(' I,HIU'... In'Wnlw#i('ld high school pxhlhtl ,11 bt" ('lpctNI ,II 11w lH'xl nl('('llnJ~ - - ~ 111 <'Hld ll\"d IJ1 tIl(' !lous" nO\\ ()( - off t'dlly TUP"f)ay mornmg ,IS I n'- <lily thf'}' Hnt! Mr<.; IIprmctn BjJkt>rl slslprs _~ _

thl" Dlxpn ('ouniy fall !asi \\ppk Rn(nfall 1~1';~'-l\JHnda... 1 Picnic Is Attended I ~:Ij)jrtJl hy 1\1('1 Bvro1n R11111\'S Tllf'~ "1111 I)J til' \\Ind \\!JI(h dcrlll lllll - 11 I f''';:'':II V II ---------~:; ~ Iwon fll ~l pld(,(, limon/-;: I hI' :-;/ h'ltll , W.ll\i'fll'ld rl'(,I'lwd tl..! nl lll~ ItH h By I~arge N11mbf!r ~:tll f.;ll::;:l

t(\\ hl;t hi l\t~: ~ll } ;::;~~I~l':~ IJII d t IH I lin MOllt],l} lughl I ~ i l ,., ~ I(J \ 9(;\"''' OY 4iI!lli8l"In 0 f,' t't-I-L of l',lln Monday nlghl, .l(cdldlllg Aboul17')d1tl'tldpdthpIl"lIm"s <';lrJliO\\Il"Th(~lltIJl/l(ldtn\\'rl{l- Mr 'lnd~ls IldrlY/LlJs~nlt>-1 (nyMI'~GlaepRu:-iJ{lr1cl "O\.'-\~\O" l '? 0

lain a s eSB 1ottlPg()\('ll1tlwnig,lugc' II Longs • ~ -- 'r f "~ 1 '1 ' :'11 l\llnld hom{ r'ld.l~ i\f>nlllg Irom ... .L .• ---- 0, - :;:'- -c Is Ih f W 1"1 II I 11 Ulloll Jlltdl J(i ]J1<:lllC at VVi:1 (_II( f .J lOllt, )r Ir Igo I (·Il]tHddo Spnngs Hnd r,slf's park "'11::".

On LQcal Report . o~ tt"l (J ,I {~ IP t 11)0 I .Ill fll'ld J.MI k Sunday Ml Herron of Itol h/'rg PdSSC'f! ,jWdy :!:l ypdl s \\ hfTP Ihl'y had spt'nt two wpeks Ehunf' Elckhoir of Wakt'fll'ld, \ 1

PrpdJ)ltatlon for 1941' 1:-; below 11)('10 ldlll \VdS npol f'( Om,IIl<l, I'rlIIOJ' of Ilw Union np,+,s- ago MIS IlolmbC'lg IJ\II'S ,JlonC~dtlll Rp\ and Mrs Allan McColl Will '-Isltf'd LOIS Barplman la~t \\{'pk "' 1lnst y(,'~r In WakefIeld City, !I('_ ~hot in Lf'J{. IMp('l, \VdS t h~' g\.l( st sp<'akf'1' RI'v. dm~~1 d Jl 01 Jlt'r 0\\ n ~OI k ,'('1m n 1hp 1,lst of thiS wppk from L. J. Rr('sslt,1"' dntl ()I"\ ,d !'1Ic1{ptl \cordmg to thf> gOVf'I'Ilment g,t'ugf" BlIlw N('lsOIl, son 01 I)H' ~,plll Y CI,lIl'IH'P Hull ,IIso :-;poke on ('oIJtP-1 (hJldl f'n of Mrs I nll1lhpq_;. .Ill' Mllflll d Yo IlPn' thry hlld ~1lf'Jlt np"r~ \\pl'I" NOl"fnlk ~)IlSJllt" s \ I 1101 S 1.1 t '\at Lon~< Ttl(-' sUl'rnundlll~ 1/'11'1- N"lsOllS, hdd 1119 shol 01 d 2 Ilflt'If'I,tlIOIl ()Ihpi nUjllhelS on Ilhp IIpllfY oj",fllltli Vlttnr of Iy 1\\0 w('flk" wllh Ihpl)' Iluughl('r \\1'(:'1<. I

~ tory I'ecrlvpd much mor(' l,tllI Thl.:' go trHough hiS lIght IC'I-: ll('dl 111(' JlIOgldnJ \\tllC'h follfwl"<I1llp pldll(, CIPgory S n An,ol

l1 of W,Jl(P- Ml <11)(1 Mrs t,~ E lII'llIl(k<.;on Cd FC'lu" l,f ()In,1I11 \1"llf'rl l.1',1 \1, monlho't August \\ 1',\\ lIlll!'1 11lln ,nlidt IdSI Wl'dIJl,,,tLly Wlll'lI Illl' f,llIlnit 11lll11d/d I dIH') hy M,-\l fl('1l1 I\1IS I fill And/' "Ollllfflnil ,<II h.dnS<l" ('11} J(m SP(1I1 [!1l111 \\I'lk \\JIIt \'\1 11«1 'II, \\11' DESIGN"

).Jsl y('ur. VI!I1 df' 1I11'1l1,dly dl"t!ld I1--'1 d J;; II ('I Hodj~f't" dntl Itul Ii Andt'l son, Ih.l i\ll s j !Ill! I. I J( k olill !II \11' It! <";lIIHld\ 10 Tlll'sd'l\ In i hi' ('!.I) ('111'1' j. I'lil S '"\ fin"MOlljhl~lAUg. 1010 1911 'Ind(('(Jldll)ll~()ll)h}.i\1dllot]('H!Il- Iv!I", Lf'lill" ftulL' 01 \\r!"III'lri 1ll1llHksoll dill! Ho) S \\'Iggdllh :\1) drlll\ll' t,t" 1"J"jdlk\\I!' \ACCIDENTS

1 Mean 1ll8xlmum 8~70 F:H65 'ft'a(.her" Lm'aff'll. PJ'ts dnd a n'adll1g by Esl C'r (,1111 anti Mrs (Jlto N'lson of hnmps. lalp afternoon l'allprs Sunday al'[' Mean I1ulnuin 7185': b300 MISS Wanda M,H' KJJlg, MISS O!J<>rg Cupsls wpre Clarp Pend r- W.Jl{pfIPlti ()OP rI,1l1gh1('1 M)s An- Mr and Mrs Harold Olson. AI~ L J Br('<;slt'r's No. 3--Yow;. Car and the Other Vehicle

Maxlmu 95 100 AniUl Kllclwnn)dn, MISS llf'lrn gast and SOil 01 SIOUX Clly, r dlf'W Mnrtpnson, ,~dsspd ,IW.lY bt'lt IIelkes. Mr. and Mrs. E \:1./. Mr. amI Mrs Albert KillIOn. we'reMinimu 4:; 54! Lumhus ,1I1d MISS Es.thPI SehwI'l't" Hn,d Mrs JI('I'IOn, of O~1Iha" find mdl~~ Yf'oIIS, Igo 1I,l'I~' '~/(' 19 P<lul and Bobbl(.. IS[K'nt Sunday m Sunday \ISII?rr'at lhp Alt SI,lUgh FOR ~ch at the questions or Incomplete statement. below, four 4


Range :t! ,'H [('''PI' ale slaymg wllh MI~ 11 II RI\;. dtHl Mrs ttdll 01 W.lktfHld gl,lrjdchtldll!l Inri 11 gl( II ~1,lI1d- the Chas. BrandentJ('rg home at ter horne nC3r Ros<l!IP 8wer8~teciven. One fscorrect or belter than theother8 On the IlbehI! I c k I I I'hJif!rell r 1 at the end of each item, Wl\ile the Jetter (a, b. c, or d) ,corre~~uDdlng t~

PI"l'('IPl11tion :~ 29 3.06 Mathf-'wson MISS Altet' -MarJe ('t> ('ream ilnt a t' \VpI!' Sf'r\('(, f Uphlmg. Mr and Mrs H"'Im;w Baker dnl ft r bed t paper upside down to rear! correct ~DGreute. ,n "4 hr.'. 16," "'.84 Jnhn.",)n ,',nd MISS Jant't Mills ale Lllpr' IJ1 tilt' aftprnoon. 1 ho<.;('lromoul-o .. town.l1Ientl- Ed ('.rl.nn un,' Lloyd, Mr. and Lowell \\eretSunday alt/'lnOOri \IS- your choice. When n s , urn If w or

.:; <)':;" J ~ th I It"" 1\1 I "\"' swers at bottom of tnis test. Eour ,core u the nKmber ""lit 0 gNo. day .01 or more 5 4 a1 C. II Petersoh's. MISS -{plen - ~ - - mg t: Cl'" )f'a Ion 1pr(' r ant Mrs Ve!mlir Anderson and family Itors at LOUlS' Hansen's.Tolal J. n. 110 Spp 1 2467 1;1 :l:~ Witt J(.lOms at V II, R 1Iet son's Rites re Concfncte Mrs r~mll ErICkS?n; Myroll nnd had a plcnJQo,dmner and supper Mr and ~rs Chl,,,tpr ILln"f<n ar~ y~:r? X il Ilowlng down from 40 to 30 miles an hour. Car Y, beJC'lpHl'j d ylol< l7]!) Mtss Ailce Bo{'ckenhau('1' IS at Mrs F f' P M tt. J Id<-l r lar ICC' of MeHd, Mrs Elna Sunday at the Johnson park at and f.JOllly \\l'rf<rS"und<ij \ l"llnt's h·lnd car X Is of the aame weight and I, ,lowing down from 00 toPart cl1\-.1dY ~B] 1 Jpnme Mitchell sWayne l)9uglas or ~. • a ~f.,ewsun A,ncllt>rson and AgnC's ,Ruth of Oma- LNorfolk.1 nt Earl F're}'s nfl~f F:mPlsflll 60 miles a~ hour Car V reqUires (a) a .horter dllUnce to ,loWClouuy 6 1 and Chester Brooks havl~ loofs at .Funeral services were held Sat- ha ~r and Mr~ Aldn Nplsnn and Stanl~y Keagle of Naperville, I M1 ,md Mrs I,wk Pdt!..... 1 o~ down; (b) a long~r dlatance: (c) the .am. dlttlnce; (d) • dlltanc;.

I Mr:;;. Wm, 'N;ol1ers'. RaJ' Dover and uI'day morning at No~folk for fmal}y of OakldJ1(} Mr anrl Mrs 111 I arnved last Wedne~day to Vl"lt ThllJ ston altemkd t Ill' old S, 11 1('1 s ~ha.;.,~~~nyo~:eh::~e;:I~i~.~e:;ral~l~mbUI.nce, the belt thing· to doI ,Run Is Uurn. Dean ~castcr ,Il\!' at Arydrew Chas. P, Mathewson, 91, who pass- ChC'sler L.lrson and 111n'e ddUg.h~ a few tlay~ With his gl'undmothpr IpicniC ,11 Spnng!ll'ld oS II last I" 10 (aj ,lop', (b) .peea up; (C) mike I rlght.hln~ turn; (d) pull

A s0!l was horn to Mr. and Mrs. ~,ke~pn's Supt. G R Chllds, Mrs. ('~ away August ao at Long Beach, tel's, Mr nnd, ~I'S ILloyd ChriS- and 8UGt, Mrs Mary GrC'en and wppk. d tRalph filoe of Concord, Frlclay, Au~ Genevieve Fitch and HerberftLCE'- (aI., al the home of a daughter, 1f'n1n nnel (,L1Ughl('t of J!pctor, MI~s vej;u, Mt'm!lPls and [I lends 'If thp M ;~vo~o ~~: c;:;I~I~~ y::~~lglh:p~='C~I~:· an interaect10n; anothergUS129

fcd have their o\\n homt>s h~:...:.~ Mrs. Lloyd Rolle. Mr Mathewson .l\!I1I1;r f' Mr. ;;nd Mrs. Dan Dolph and l \¥ A attf'ndt'd till' 11J(1l1f ~llIl.n!'! v.hlcl. trav.llng ...t I. approachIng the tame Int....ectlon. Who

~:T=--~ ------~~~--- - -~----- - - ~- wa~ a second coman to the late IR TI p colors; 0 whIff', sllH'r and fanllly, Mr. and M~ Clarence and l-lrogr,un at lilt PI'lHil'1 pdr k hal the r1lht of WAy? (I) the other driver; (b) you~ (c) neither: ••q. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••*•••••••••~.. H. Mathewson of Wakeflcld, lJi'1d 1"l\('tHlpr v,('r(' usC'r! Jh fJO\\prs and Swamwn and three daughters. the Sunday. 01 you· (d) It depend, on the .peed 01 the car.• FARM SALE I lived hC're at onc tImerl I cand!ll's on Ih~ ~olblp Ifor tlH' rl'cPP·llnst of Compton, Cal, were Fnday MI' dnd Mr" {11<IS 'J'honN'll 4 The'drlver il Intelligent who (a) enforcel the law by crowdinG: I M"} M,tthewson waH a bank(-'r In tlon. M,lIlY fr J( nds ~lIld .Ibn Ih£' gUl'sfs of Mrs Herman Baker W('I (' at M.llln('(' 11](1I11"l'n" Thul ~- o~ c:ultlng off reck Ie.. drivers; (b) weave. In and out 01 trlfflc:• I Walt III many year's rIp had sefv- Salpm MlsslOnrlry "nulI'ly SPllf Mrs. Mr~ A C. Bichpl was In Waynp day pv(OnIng In lPll1('mlmmc(' 01 IllS (g) drive, .s If he don not expect other driver. to drive la1ely,-= 1 DENA KALKOFEN ESTATE 1 pd n Indm~ agent an{l Wa~ 0 ce Hnlmhl'rg flo\V(>rs , I Sunday I afternoon to at tend ,l IJlrthday :.d~:::~::txP~~1:~~:fo~:~:~~~b~n:~O~~:~u:~r·yon a two-lane: J I SPNlkpl' of Ill(' housf' l11c went to shower 'fol' Mrs. Mar\tn Karel. a Mr ,tnd All" ,IIIhn LUll w(',·p '11 road Ju.t., the overtaking cal'" draWl up alongllde yOUrtl, Ita•. Th AdnllnIslralor of H\I' Dena Kalkofen Eslatp ...... lil sl'lI al I Cullforrtla ahoul 15 yC'an.; ago ~)e- IS PRESENTED PIN I'('cpnt hl'lde, in the Bernard Meyer Hal"\{'y Lull" \ugust .!R 10 11'- drlv~r .eee that an oncoming car Z I, near and ltart, to drop back=~ pu llc aucllon, 1~(' Kalkoft'n fafm ]ocalt'r1 ') ml south lind {tIll ('NIsf>d ]P/l\('S hIs Wife, lWo ij:lugh~ BY LODGf, SUNDAY homt'. Mrs. Anna Kay was hostess. mmd them 01 llllll fllst \\/'t1dlnL: Into line again, You cln reduce the danger to aU three ca,., by

.• we 1 Of Laurel, 2 ~! qast an,~ '4 ml south of B'pldt'n, dnd ') r 11 ters llnd two sons. C W Long, only llvmg ell,lllel' Mr. and Mrs. Wm. WestwlCk and anOl.... ersary. (.) I~oeleratlng; (b) applyIng the brllkelj (c) keepln; you" Ipeed ..• nOl1th arid 1 .! In! (a~tl,of Call 011 .rnd d('srrlhNI as Mrs J. D Haskell, NC"-al Haskf'lI mt'mhf'r of til(' wakffJ(,ld Modern daught<'r. Romona. of PeorIa, In'l Mrs Henn r,nnov,; \\a<;: \\llh con.t.nt; (d) blowIng your hom I. a Ilgn.'. .• I ' I M HM M h t" W I IdSI ft e In the sltultion IboVII, lOU are driving car Z. You can hell? .....• 'r~e Southeast Q,larter (SE~) of Section Thlrty-fi\'f' nil( IS. ary at ewson a tphu- OO( man 0 g(' wa pri"s('nlr>(j a spent from Saturda~ to Monday Mr<; Lena TarJ1ll\\ L UJ1( d~ a PI - d~ce the dang.r to all thrh c:.". t,y (a) blowing your horn: (b)• (35), 1'ownshiJi '.f\\pnty-pight (28), Range Tuo Ea~t ed lh(' l'uneral from Whkefleld gsP,lpd Ih,nu",ohne floOrdgS~ Yatar,sh',.., ~f'l'o"dheerrn- With Mrs Eveline Wiggams They noon Mr and ;\11 s r.mJi, r'lI 110\\ keepmg your .peed eon.tant; (c) moving toward the center of theJ (2Jt~) of tht' 6th P. ,M.• (,('dar County, Nf~brask:t. Jll" co ~~ also \l$lted the Roy S. \VIggams '-Isited at Erne'''! Sf'hodf's road to .ure cal'" Y blck Into line: (d) applying the brake..= FRIDA SE . IIom(' frum HosPftJt..1. \Voodman round up] al p( ndel' family Ml and 111~ Chpslt>\ Hanspn I 7 pu,lng othtlr car. on the right Is permitted (a) wheneve.. you do• Y, .'.IPTEMBl~R 12 I Maul'lcP RI1st('m r<>tu ned home Sund,lY AhoUl IS frr~n Wdkl'flt>ld Mr ~nel Mrs. Howard Fleetwood v,cre m SIOUX Cit) \\\dnl,,,tl.n ~t exceed the .pe.d limit: (b) on a dlylded hlghwly:= Sa e 10 start at 2:

1°0 1). 1m. SllliP to take 1)_SCt'! on l)remi~f'I~ Sunday from a SlOUX CI Yhosphal .lttendpd MI Long- was. 11ll' only and Mr. and Mrs Chas Fransen of WIth a slupmelll d hplf~'I'~ \\h I h (c) where traffic regulatlona permit: Cd) when the I.nell" divided

• where hp had undelgoh£> tro<1t- on(' :j.hlf' 10 be pre!';\' I of HlP four OmahR, (inti MI' find Mrs Elm",r toppt:'dthf' market at $11 7l by. double ttrl.". •.• Faa ornodiSn~?'.;nhPbo'}sr·ehd pf, 19600odaCSrO~"1,alnadysiSw'el,lg10uonddP,rsOndeUaeringgofnadrffi<m'''r'.l m('nl s. who \'- f<1 p 10 ,'('("£,1\pll hp gold,hut~ FIC'E'twood and daughtpr wc>re Mrs Frf<o Ull'/ ht ,llld ;\1I .... V~'l - s. You are Ibout to pall. • car when you see I curve ahead. You• ~- ~ odd ~ lons. 1 I k f Ii > .hould (a) apply brake, and drop behind the other car: (b) pull up= ke s. Land this Y(>tlr has 60 acres corn 25 acres barley 30 ~jl- 1 I Monday lunchC'on gUfsts IJ1 Ihp.1. man H,tnspn of \\"<1 I;' I;' ~ ~Pl: alono.ld. to". Jf In oncoming vehlcl, I, Ipproachlng. (c) IpHd• oa s, 20 acres olp sweet dover With good ~tHn(l, :.H ~crps u~ll' Gh'f"S RN' tal l" rI11ay. ~ A Spagren homC'. gUf>sls <II tlll'SI'I\p-A (' 1I1 \V Ill' 1 up and cut aharply Ihead of the other carj (d) try to PIli and• gr und, 4 acre'S road Present t(!nant IS coopel'Hlmg With A~A Gonion W BI I{en], gradu,llJ of ~AKEFIELD LOCALS Rev. nnd Mrs W A. Gprdi's ,md met TlI{'sd,lj \\'Ilh :viIs Al'i ["Im!-:p lIOund horn to warn In1 oMOmlng car. . ..=- 15 Q ~ash at tlm(>! of sail'. Rn,laU<'f' 011 ('.OllriTllllltiun of Io;al~ II)' th(-' nnkotrt Wp~l('yan ul1Ivprslty :11 EL lne' ElcI<hoff ~ P!1t till' \\u 1..._ Joan arnvcd homC' FI'Hl<lY (,\'t'nmg Mr ~nrl Mr" Hnnalri Jl.lrtilng• dl.trlf.t COII'1, POss~sMlln til he gh'pn l\fflr('h I, 19t'!, and t{+HI M!tChplI, prespntpd a Pitno recilal <"IH} Ith LOts Bar('1 an from a trip viSiting til(' Rocky \\'(,)'f' Sunday (l!nnN \1"lloI".1l (·A:UlJiAlun ~10A. M.&ltl·aon~nP3l1aJISI tit e wUl h(>! S.Ulll)Uf\d., 11ast~F.rldaY C'\'C' a)(Om tU- M1is Edna Hoydn)'s school al mountam national l):ll'k Gr,lIld Art Long...·s ami Mr ,itld M,... lfN- .1oJ JalU~ eql lq ~PJ0:lal sJnn1lll) .£ "JOloai 1ooqa.qllQ ~t "lJtAl.lP= C. M. Hertert C. W. Peasina~r thC'r' n chul'ch Hf' had also oh1qm- GI{'('l~"), Colo, oprns ~f'pll'J1lhpl 22. canyon and MexiCQ Tllf'Y \\(>Ie m:1I1 I.ollgt' \\1'11' Iflprnon

!1 \ 1"1- _0'00 llnp. :. ·8Ja...JJp lIUPW.lJ'BUIPJO ~z. JO &JOOI el'fJ&A't U'I' pe.I~tJ.1lq• At mtnlstrn.tor de Bonis non • ed' laster of mUsIc de,rl'C' at j:the 1Mlis Charlotte' E~f'l'oth under· ,gone about two weeks. ItOIS • pp 9Jn DO Iiluiildn 'Jullial A.JlIOlmnaJ(I nl ·n4J JaIl'""V aoYI" ~J40'• __ • Attnrn'PY Enstmnn School of Muslc, Roel ('s- \\Icnt 1<1 tonSil opC'ra~lOn S<lturday. Henry Frueschfe of EJlzt>n, AI t Longe nccomp:mf('(l olllPrs :JWA Y 8 :J l. a·9 V·S :».~ 8·1 a ; _·S ·1 -lJiM.n:W 10U.10'.)

~~••••••••••••••••~!~•••••••••••••:••J•• ~ tel N Y ~ ~ __~~ Mlj~!,~~ ~~~~~~atul'day. ~~~.~~~~~~th1J_~~~~~ to RUl·tlett, Nrh F'l'lrl:ly to huy -------,-------+-1 ' ' --n --, ,: t lJltEE yenrs °KO 'Yoln" I! I Rftillry "'I\~ rut '"av do\\·n! ': 'It Jnf'Rnt that l\'fI had to tornn-

1 oml7.t', spf'lUl les,," fuoney 1ror

I rrmnlnK the h~Use ,oeh '1' leI.,


'> '

IDERR'S a heater as be.uttEu.... l..las a cabinet radio-and as''ofthelate,t 1941rrtoo~tl of Ivanhoe Oil BurningHeater" made by Perfection'StoveCompany, world's I~ading m,nu..ldcturer of oil burning housel?-Qlde4uipment. Front, radio#style cc1~t~~I. Adjustabl~ shutters on side.-rd louvres In front. tOIdirect beatdown, to Wurl;1l. the flOor. Give.l:Jioth radiating aha drcUlftthi.hdt.Can be equipped with tJl1rec#l!lpeedlJlower if you Whh'lfor forced,~~rC~IQtlOn to adjoining rooms.1

't"nd titove-tending dr~dger-y and~irt. Enjby clean, unlfor-'li\ hr:.t.Trad.e in) our bId stove. EalytetDu,

~.rllom heater only $63.95Easly h'rrrJH,

•A. Hiscox HdweJW~y e, Nell.

I" Ir " I I~", iI>

=---'.!---+--'-----~~ .......,,-,.,±L=k, '. - 4, 1941 ,j • _ ~. =;.....:==='===P=A=G,:,::,E==S:,::E=-~,::E::,N=]IT~~"=~~~s==:;=:':f~I; Mrs j F.~:'r: ~: O~IiII..'Ut.- o£-JeffeJ~ ~ Late-R~insBe';'ffit 1\'Of making' ld{'ntlcal part~ - t~at tlally m-:-rd:ro~ende~~~lse:se~

~~~rl'~S<1:::1 ~~~~(lla~<l~~,~~l(~~g (~~I~I{~j I Oorn in N eIJraska I~~~~~ ~f'asu";{?v~~t7~~a~un I~rt~k ~r;g:al~~~, t~e~ i~':'t t~:~'P~e> :l;:~Ml,; J(J1(Lnt" IS milt!! lllllJlO\('(j I Lmcoln, Septemher 3-Hlgher lJ..t>ngpr to begm doing, but once th<.> far from the battlefield:. and thpnt nbs w~ttmg, Mr!\ August Paul I tempe>ratures and wmds matured tools fOl makmg- the parts W('J'(' ktrICkf'n, stanlng natIOns dol'''' notuf \~'dkl l~f'l(\ !loiS IJ(,'I'(\ lu I nUl S(' I some of the corn too rapidly but finished, the)< producN mu~ket.s m gl\e u~ clssured plOlectwn

Mil all~l MI s, neUUll1 Goh..lIJl~J g, local showers benefited late corn greater quantltlC's than anything Ag thf' Journal also says· "CleAr.Mr,l1nd r.s Wymol'u Wallin, Mr and that not pr~VIOus~ damaged that had h{'('n knO\\'n before l.'t tl10 msuJatlOn (If 1hl" ('OIHIII Yand Mr", Alhm Pf1for<"on 1\11' and too badly, the state-fC'de al dl\ISIOn Wtlltncys CIIlIC" \\'1'1'(' confoundC'd fl'Om the dlseas(' cons('qUpnlf'S,(Jf

,II~,lll,',: ~1""H1",n,',',l" j"":"'I:~~n hds I)l'pn MI s [\ 11 AIHlel (In (' 11 (Il dlHl of agrlcul1ural statl<.;t' s "31{1 to~ h,j the facts of the cn<.;( ('rlllc(:<;m I\\!dr \l,.1!1 pro\ldp a lolds" II IiskI~ ,., M,ll il.., nit, I'lllll'd OJlt II !lOIJ',(' 1m day In Ill' wPdthe>r-cl'Op l'l'pOl t forISi" ,ing from Ignol 1n('I' of \\ holt dnel \o,. iii requlr(' tlll' mosl ("IJ ('ful

Mt ~ 'lltO/lldS 1.1 \\l'1l ,LIlli Vl'nll,j :\11 s lid I Illolnll)[ IJT of \V,I!{prll'!d thC' wP<'k ending :>-e<.;terdny \\:1<.; gOlflL; on I \ plannmg ,Ind (ffort ror111n 1ft Iv~1)f'111 1.1<.j WI'fIlH sf! 1\ dltl'lnooli III 1,",'",1,'",', llllllll I'lllhd Iy '".:1111(11\ 111 Ram \\,lS Ilght{'<.;{ In thp norlh- ToddY thost"' \\110 knO\\ 1hC' lor th(> t1nl10d St,ll('o.;. \'vC' 11<1\(' III(~\Vd .... IH' I .(>:!slE.'rn ('ounIH's \\h('I'1.' larg(' s('opp ·of mdustlY S btg '{Ill krK{\I,. fmesl m('(!lcol[ s('r\I((' 111 Ih(' world

'!"JIIJt1I,I:-i 1 I \\ III ,Jlld )(Jllll (,Ill-I f\.lj s JI11111 !' !lUllsl II Illd "Ull ar('H" 1'1'C'Plvpd no mp.}<.;ur<-tbl{, th:!t tfwsp pr('hrnm 111f'S arC' IlPCf's- 10 acl as our mam 1111(> 01 ()p!<>ns('sort .\111'11(11(1 rtll' ",iii III ()N('IIII ,;:;~i ~;: II 1~II:d:;~~\lt; 11:1'][('l\,II::I\;1 nmount Iln cpntrul Hnc! \\I'''tf'rnlsarY and t1Hy h<lli the- sfX"'ed \\Ith agftlnst thl' hactprlal kll1('l'S No..

M\~:::'I\~('I' FOIshl'l g \\,jS d gw'<;j JUyt'1 oj II l\ltllllll~lon P II k Cdl, ~~e~so~mt~~nnt~~RI~~(~dh\~~~)rnf:~~ ~1~IC~~~1~~p~ir~'a:~;~I~s~ ~r;;~~~1~~~ ~a~f':;s:'~~~~)::~'F:~~~1S~~~lJ~n~:ll~In tIll' III Illy I 1\\111 hOlll~' 'l'hIIlS· ~'r"I,lul<'lrI.,j'll<l,,~l'II,(,;,",,',',,'ntldl;'" J,',',',I'I'I'Mh,l's"I most part werl' Ipss thnn d Hurd that our glgan11c ta"k of tooling where elsp m the world IS Iht:' flV-d,IY,l!fplllOO!l II.., \ of an Inch up IS almost nvpr Such IS the ('rage> doctor so Yo-pll flttro 1n ).>f>r-

"I' ~III,;,! ,',',n~",~11~,:'1 1~.I,,',',rS~.('YI11',!(,,'~SS~("I'nl~ I,'I ",l';,,I ,1't1J,')'"',',',',,, \\, I(' ,lis!) (dll!'1 s II Cooler w('l1t heT \I,. <is df~aYlng 1genIus of mdu,,1 ry how('vf'r, t hat form thf' dual tasks of Pl"'f'\ pnt tng, \"" maturIty ~ corn H1 tilt' m!1tp p\f'n \\hJlI' 1I has b('pn gOIng on Hnd curmg (!I,,:paspdllYdlll'lnnofl SUlld1:y 1 dHllllI ofMllndl favoredllrfs,mdlhfll''A1-1s<.;om('dlmsh,l\phpC'nlollll1gfromfac- Thl'sc\('ntlstsaN' \\orkl11glo

, VI!t~tlltl\l,1 II;: I~ Il;I'I~(~I:11 11;/ 'I\I},( l~:~H :: ~:: \ I~~, ~ l(JI I~: \\ I~jl~~ 'III "t 11 L::~:;I ~~~r~~~t>~~1 o~('1:~,~)lsI((l/h~' r::-\~/)~\,~j~~ I~~~ll~~hll~m~~~;~~~;1~IP~l l~ld~1 ~11;r;: ~,;?~P(111""~~ t~~;:~3(;t:;j(;;~~) l~l:!J~{lj~~11<' L 1\1 ])wlo1 ) BI uh (11 :\11 Illd \11<.; 1\lllll ~Plt('d \Vlwn In thl' nf'dr flltUlf' II I'; In l!llscounln \~JlI1J('nlfJ1

Loll )\.1,(( 11\\ltl ~\oIS ~1 \\llk~ II I I111 I 'I 1'1 I S 1 t fn II nil \ hIMInd glll~1 III \ld\{1 11\\hl III Ihl' 11\\ III 11'1,\ 1\ 1 Illi I I'" porl~~;rl~·ls~~\g~\\/~1;;~nN~I)lr~l<.;l~'~II~0\~d~1,~"l('l(lltl~Ol~II~<l\{~(I\ ,f,l~n;(';_1 'Ihl'\ [)flll'111:\\l' \n~ Ilin

I It,) II \ [ 1'\\ III !liH!\t' I ~; 1,,11: 1Iii I I ~'i:' ,)Jlj~ I 1111~:ld 1)I:l 1:;\\ll\ I Iwhpri' pre\ IOU,; reporl shiel 11 [,i_IIC d rd n \o,. r II I' 11<; II\~ n Ilck!'1 on \\ Ir (Omahd \\'orid-lipr Ill! Ii\11';!-i 1 IIII 11 ( III U'-UII \'TI' 1\!OI) lilid 11)1)[ "111ll11'y lflll~IUIHl vorablp ('orn In norlhldsl\rn N,'- mohrll1 and th<:ll tlrk!'1 (dll as. ()n(' 01 1hl' IdU!t" III Ih,' \!lung

~Ihll\ \~I::;1 ;;~11~ 1))\1:11~11(:1/~ ('I 1\ \1 III If' 1\11 Illd ,II (,( (II ~-,f ~\\ dJl';Oll! ~~~';k ~o~~~e~~:l~ 01 r-:~~~a:~:~1 rc:~ ~l~d;~~y~~~y('~~,,~;nt(:~k~t I:~\ IC(' men m charge of SOCIal rpf(J~mJngI rio lInd~ Mrs I O"C<ir SWanson 01 MJn~ for the governmenl itt Washmg-

ODIn P{'I'I'son 01 Ornahn, is VIS- Mr~ \.j T Carlson ,Jm1lth Th('o· ned JOlls .md Mr and Mrs Antoni CO ANDER F. • O'BRIENt of the U. S. Navy Recruiting nf'Pfltng ram badly In th(' llght of sui'h a "latpmt"'nt, lon IS that they have !'iO htllp fun.11 mg 1I1lS w\'l'l~ Jf1 thH Albm Pl'H'IM dorn a~fl Philip 01 Wdynl', wert' GranquIst and DOl IS Wf'1 f' W<'d- Servi e, is shown he e' placing the new Navy IIBadge of Honor" In the drIer secllons cull mg of "h;:d rhore can the crItics say" They se-em 10 feel that e\£'lythln~SO~~~~(\~J~~1O<~~dW~:~~,~10~a(;~'('rg'fu(,sda~ ('v(\nm~ SUppPI guesls (~ n('sday I:'!v'Pnlng: vl,;l!ms In thel on th Ilapel of an a plicant for enlistment in the Navy. (Badge' cOIn ~r forag~ and fi;llage has heM ~r~-p;p~('nt ~-;:I-;:;: that e\er haPJX't¥'d In this coun-

W('I'e SUPPl'I' gUl'sts Sunday eV~M ~~II~n M1 abort I ErWin Idn

I~~~~n~lsq~:)f~~I~v21~;~::IS~ h~u~I;~1 show above at n ht.) All ambitious young men who apply ~~; OU~s~I~~~U;hs~~~~lmh,;: ~~~?~ Murh of th!' spoilage m homeM ~~ar~~~ ~of~~leC~~~;lr~~c:~~;l1~:;nmg In thl' 1" 0 Salmdn homp Elme WI)marth, Mr, and Mrs. mght gu~~sts oint! l<,f1 !ur homel forse vice in Uncle am's"Two-ocean"Navy,whetheraccepted Injured and cut for fepel C',tnn('d rorn, rK'<J.S h('e;tns and oth- the people, and that they {thf~

Mr and Ml's Eall Orcutt spl'nt Marla SchroedPJ, Virgil PearM Moryday Thp \\ Ild hay harvpst IS Ol'arlv pr non-aCid \ieJ,wtahl~s IS due 10 young men I have a mandate Inthe hollday \\('l'k-pnd VISillng In son, Ha 'pld p;rwln and Glenn Paul Ca~lf'l'SI till' PilSI WPf'k 111 1he or no, are given th~new badge as a mark of their patriotism. fJnI"hpd Pastures m central an~J flat sour, accommg to Mrs Mane wiPe It all out and start O\pr

th~~~d I,7i~:~~1~~~'b~~~~'n~na~~n~~ ~~~~~~ thl: sta1E' f,llr In LIncoln ~~:I)~~l\l~ja~;f I~(;~:h\,~('r~~rsv~:~; ~~si~:no~e;,hl~::ll :~~r~~~;~~~e~n~~:v~:~;na;;~ ~~: c~nac~:; :'~~~~'r~UIN~~;;S=~p~:'~cr~rl~ g:l~~ ~~to~U~:O~1 sr~~~~I~~at ~7~~;J; Sld~~k~'ru~~dee~~~~II~h~~ebU~~~~~!I':,'liJ'a! R!,u,:',:r"I,',',n,dFA,r"lj'a'nye .rf"t',~]~',d'0(O,nn, Ell11cl ~~oom of Milw,mkee, EtlCSOn_ll cl Lmnea, Mr~1 Elic l'll"otr ted free boo let, "Life in the Xavy," from thiS news. (11!'ipwhl're and £.'xcppllOnally good de\-C'lups <,spf'f'fally at meuhatlOn standards and greatpr prolt"'CtlOn

I ", ~,. WIS, Ie t fhur.sday for hiS home Lmn am~ MISS FlOl'f'ncc PptPr~on "'-~ 10 Ih(' sandhills, \l,.hpre grass has tf'mpi ralur('s of hetw('('n 80 an~ for thp consumer A flnf' thmg Tht'Mr~ ~ W"ddo Johnson spent after h vlngl spent four weekS m of Lau l1<'l, Mrs Boward Keck and papeJ H Navy Edit . hpgun 10 cure and will furnish ,I 100 d(g"N'PS Fahrenheit, ~o thiS sort of thmg \arlOUs hpttpr-busI-

Thursday In th(' home of her par· t!le 1J0 e of his Sister, Mrs ....VJf-lOl' C'hJldren lof IClelghton Mr Hol- - I - largf' amount of wlntpr rangp, rangl' of 1I'm~raIUIT' must be n....Ss. organizatIons haw' biV'n work-m~~,"w'r ~,',n'"1 nMrI,~rsl',d\Tbv',)nm'w"'"I';JIW,,'nn

d· F...ncso~..J J I stf'1n of LUlcoln, Clll't MHrshall of 1('1 1)0101 1 S CldJ I{ (Jf Yllllkl0l1, j\ 'ItS I'I~-----=C=~ - --~ --- Sug

lar I)('('t condl! JOn lemdln~ avold('(J In pvpry way pos....lhle. mg on for many ypars

t;VJ" Mal'lq, Bn~l><lra ean andl L~ITY Al'imglol1l Rev and MiS L A Pe. also:l Iflll,-,10 ,I PX(f'1 ('nt r Don I blanch th<'''e \C'g'etahl<.>s. In· But \\hC'n they actually w£'nfCarol Ann 01 AUl'Ora, c,~lJl'd III the Lah"ert(>turtr~d to thl'lr home FilM Ipn.;on O{SIOUX CIty C Packard, ., __ I I SHOT ES - ~~- --- sll'ad prpconk Ihf'm hy boilmg five out Jh the fl!'tdlo apply Ihelr IdpliSWlJ} W,t11 hOJm~ RundllY aftf'I'M day aft r a f"I!(lt In 1h(> homp of Mrs () 1Bpllh Mrs ChdS Clark Sf }I.ll ll's E\. I.ntlil'rlUl ('lIl1r(II, I ~ ~ .J~ DI~I)(JsllIg- of th.' ('orn Crop. mlnUll'S Tlwn pack very hot, flll- of truth-m·advertlsm~ ,Inct lrulh-nnon th~lrdlgl f~l1dp rents, MI find Mr" Mr~. C'h IS pptprson, Mrs l Emil 1 mJlh norlllf'lst oli('cJrJ('ord by lOmaha Journal-Stockman) Inglhej<i!'Srlghtalthestove-whlle m-Ia(jelmg and sO on lhl~ ,joung'

(\\11 MtllJ and Clat'a WISichhof Ed 'J I n If ( Not S(, very many YI'HIS ago til(' \('~I'I.ihf(' ('onlmups to hod on men in the thick Ipn Hi gl s eof Wdym\ WPI'f' Sllnd,IYI PV(>ntng V Ii wi kit I W 1 Carlson lnll CetrolmC', Mrs I'I('n (HI IJ L M Do( lor IMslorJ I MIS GI('n Burnham f I d t t Ih(' '" \ P Ih I d i I - ~, ~l S s

"II KI h ~ra~ (' ~ C'k r~ urnN f~'( - And('rso~, MI"'S F'I('(j John!'i'fl MI~ Sund,~y Sl'ptl'mhl'r 7 M'''''HJO I <1rmers (I no laV!..' to wmry H 0(' op e St'a e Jan; m· went sllghl yastray~;:~I\~:''; 111 I Ill..' .( {II' rc net' nes a~ last C'P rom:l I\C' R Lisle f:l.hd Homo F"iYC'r MI~s fC'stl\,11 Mornmg Sf'r\1 'I' !lPg1OS al _~ --_=-=-c;=-~-' great d('al about what 10 do With ~~~~~II{~I:III<;~17)nl~~:~7ns~~r:,rtooh:ea~ Takp the CHS(' of JOrl('S "'''usagp,,:.

- wc'€'ks VIsltNJn ~hf" ~om('1 of 11C'~ Cl:lTa Jo nson, MISS nilda Aneler- 10 W ,t('\ n (Jrll'~SI' ~ll C]f'ar\\,I- thp corn crop The gram \\as erlh- '- For years the company whichSOl~I(j;~~~I~I~~~'/(~~:(~~(~S~~~~;~I~~slstPr, t'~, IW rt u1t(>man,lo son, MIS IIplpn Carlson, Mr ,Jnd elf'1 \\11( hi' IhI' spl',·d(l'~ AIjPlnoon CdI! MJlI('rnf \\.'JI1<.;ld(' ~p('nt Ihe bed on thp farm ,wd R5 per (pnt ~~~ ~}~~II~:r~nml(~r:~~~t~~oD:lt~~~ makes tlTem had arl\rrtlsl'dn(11 gtlP~.d" ttl th,.. Ludolph Kunz WGMst S lde~t IGS. V 11 nd MI'N FT01:.1 W('!':sman, Mr :H~d MIl; ('1\1(' ill'gln,; ,11 ~ :W Illld R( \ C \\('I'k-t'nd.1I hl<:; hom" JI1 Sh(JI('~ of II was fed to hve slock ThiS h f th 1 Th II f "Mo!'it Itttle pigs go to markt't, lhl'

r a .:J~, eorge> a e,rs a Illtl'fIlri Jk'fff'py, I A ZII(h ()! \Vlsnel, \\Ifl (\1'11\.('1 lilt' Mdry Htnld( ,;pull thp [);1st was the natural as ""plI as the om' JnP 0 (' op IS 1-1 ows or best little pigs go to Jon('s " Sort

11()~~' ::Inri lY"<.; Donnldl Maupr of ~~~~aa~dRifl:~p~ndw~rr;, ~~~~nt~ ~ - S('11l1011 I tl::'I~ltln lIu' ,J L DdVIS honw np,lr ~~~n~~;~d~J~~~~)~I~IO;,~f(~~~~~:~~ {'Xp,lnSlon Mrs Rurton POints out ~;:>-~u~~('a~1f~~~~~n~o:~~~~SIOUX CJly (,JllPd on MISs Lmnf1,l aftt'lno n JUl'hcon glH'sls In th(' Sello lIs Opened : ('Ullfiorllia l.l;I~If'ral (hurch '~I d'ldlM}s )dul flllsl ST)f1nl malkelpd commprcl,llly Ihrough TIll' l'ulIr Ilorsf'man Rhlf" A""&ln, mpn "tumhlt-'(]otttotht'sloganunlil':lIcson In 111(' VlI'tOl Ericson honJ(' Jumes 'Jank orne F r Terl" MOllday I l H.l \~ \\1m '1 ('Iu Iii II 1,;lol I SIJrHllY III 111,' ()lln Nl'lson hom I' lhc' ('levHtors I( )mnha .Journal,Slockman) he ",f'nl !'itormmg off to the JanE'SSunddy 'Mrs Floy Reynolds amI son~ , " Suntl, Y s('honl <lilt! 1~ltJI1' f'!<lS';('1'i Ilfllr ('.111011 Today the prohl('m of \l,.hat to "Again thp foUl horspnwn of lhe dairy farm

MI ,Illd Mrs ('!dli'hN' I,lngstpclt nttend a f rewf'11 1)[('lllC In thf' Scholll 01'<'11('(1 MO\HidY mm nlng ~ S I 1( M Mlfllrr d J<pnny of (' Ilroll spf'nt do With the graIn IS not -'0 ":Implp apoc.Jf)-psp <In' ndlng,' say~ the I "Prove II" Iw L1pmanded. lit ef-or W,lusn, \\1'1(> ~Url]J('1 gU(,!o'.1!l. in Dixon I nrl< TUC'~~lay n!tf'rlloon last "11h ~llPl ~oll;)wlllg; stHfl ()lllC',~ehM \~/I'/~l;l~: ;I\YI{'(I,~ :-"/IJ~d!~~ 1\0I1~1~~ I 11\\ d lYS tIll' pol,,1 w:pk \\Ilh her Undl'1 0111' AAA program thp dls- Journal of lhl' An~ic,ln Medical fpct "Prow that all Ih£' best liltlethp l'!oyd HI Ynold:-. ~1j()IlW 'l'ltursM wpC'k f r MI'S E.arl McCaw, Nol,1 ('I~ J de~qrd WlIlh' of SIOUX (1Iy, r,l 1'114 I l.ull]('1 fl IglI' \\111 1101\1' IIJf'tlf!s M,IIVII' dnd ,ldelllll'llne ]losal of tnC' corn crop rals(....; many H""OCI IlIOn' ()n('p moIT' \\al, dIS· IJI~ lh thf' country an' hought bYday P\PIlU1g Isnm a d Mrs ErWin 111}lptl't' SUjJPI mlqndc'n1, MISS Wiltna Pp- 1101 rj'l' ~JI I tIP Sllnd I.... f I''llng SI'I \. h.uhl I qUC'~110ns Thl' govprnmenl alt'Pdrly it':JSI' hung('r and d(',ilh dC'~t my your organl1.atJon " Of coul'Sr thpy. MI ,Illil MIS Hlauw Gcllmdn Lmd~ Jlunk !o;pcnt Monday "fl· tf'lson Of ()SC;OIH hIgh ~ehool, tl' II X {J (1Ij(k Ml ,InrI MIS (11.lIIH Kf'nnY:ln(1 l1a", many millions of huslH'ls In mankind TIl(' hOl'spm('n Of loday couldn't do II, so thl'Y h.ld In stopfind B,lt IY \0,.1'11"' Suncl.IY 1I111npr <'l'nOon of last w('('k VISltHl~ Lol,l MIsS M.I·11'1l Slwll of Lorm~(Ir LI, I) IS '-,1 cIPly In "Is toll 1\ "on {~OIdoll of SI I'd\\-,lnl \\f'I(' storagfl and wllh H bIg npW crop 1ra\1'1 \\ Itil lhl' JncrPd":pc! ';1)P('d of u~lng thf' sloKan. 0)' ('11'('.rlll'sts HI till' ,rohn r;ptlm:lJI 11OI1W Doctor In 1h(> R('v F (' ))odm 71h fInd Rlh gr,HlPs, ~I';~ Lw'('n I rh:J:~;j lyl ,:1 lIlt' 1111 I( h 111 111;1'" Sill/I! l.'t i:1JP,,:I-, III Ihf' L T \\/h,lI('n eonllng on m.tny farmprs ,1lC' \\on- ml'phaJlIz"d II:lnsporl.l!lOn Today Th£' JIl'opl(' who makl' gnl\"l"

homE' ISS LJn~for IC'lt Sun<lJy flo I· Bdl'IW'; clf W,lynf' :lIIl, )Ih ,wd fjth I 'nl( ltdln p d hy MIS V Illl'> 111'lml' df'rlng whHt Ihf'y dIP 10 do Snmp til(' po,,:slhllIIIP<.; fol' suddf'n amI mrirkpis II ad a sllmlllr expprlP(l('('llI"dl {"Illoll Fori M I'g:ltl, Colo, \\l1l'rp sfw \\l!l gldd(~ Inti MI"s M,lrgdl"pt Waf!f' ~ I I ~ I I I,. I \11 lt1r1 Mr ... Top 1IInklp Inl! Ilghl \\<lS thlo\\-n on thl' ll1.ltl<'r \\ldI'SPII'.ld outhrf'dks of (hsp<!sf-' Thpy had .l(l\prtl,,:('rt "omf' of thplr

Mr and 1\11s 1'\clf'lI Hnnk MI'. 1f"3Ch I {Jf WaIYIlI" 1,,1 2ml dlHl ~Ill gr.lcll':-i (\l'I~I~~ loJ <~I~:"lI(~1 /~~I' s I'll 1\ It IIndj ,IIIelld('c! .r 1m /lIe StJtl~ldY hy Wlllidm McAllhlH of W;~shJng. IIrlsmg f.. r from 111('11' c'nc1pnllc fOCI sfones .IS ('\prlt,,:tIJlg,' 01' I'; ·"f'n-

Ilnd Mr,; (;( 01.1-:1' Vollprs tmd Dwk GUf'~ s III Ihp I'd AI1f'1l hortH' f'. hlgl ,;(>hool h',~dll'1 I' Sltl)1ck- r SUndllY ,;( hl~'JI Il'it IlPI'S nU'1'1 j I! Ihl (,\\ II}III ,Jor}l S ItOllll' \\(' ...1 of ton, D (', on ,i Visil to J)ps MUlnf's IIr'(' mOIl' Ilkl'l} ttl<ll1 PvPr iJl"'f'\IOUS- durln~ forp\j'rHllnsnn,dlpIHll,d 11H'';lltl~r.lJrlll Frlcta'y\lwprl' Mr ,uul Mrs .John 1Ilg" d II IS hOl){d Ihlt on'" .In t~II11"dIY1\('nlllg.lltlll'(I\llrch, (;"11'1'011 thlswf'f"k. ly," "Tul lut. ~lIdtlU'youngnlf>n.Lincoln IMonll.l.r Bourns or Ponca, Mr dml Mr,; AI· soon hf' pl'O<'llJ(ld ~ 1\11 ,mil MiS lsulor '(11111 ,lOn Mr McArlhur IS lhf' natIOni'll Np\\s dlsp,tlchps and ollll'r reM "Tut tul Nolhll1J,.:" Is P\f'rlastlOJ,.:""

MI';s !{Pt 1!l" Bflrgpistn of I fol· len Lll

fr\lI ;md dallghl('1 .md Mr I - f':\ltllJ{('I!("ol "r.'l' thnrdl' r ,rmly \\l'I'(' Sunil \y gUl'slS of Mrs dll'N'tor of the grain dl\ l';IOh of ports from Europp arf' not com· So thp makpr'S We-N° ohllgpd 10

1yw(Jod, (',11, spt'nl tl1<' pasl W('t'!< and M !'i lJ N'VIS LUllm of Nl'\o,.- Seas l1llls ClOHed Illf \ (h ,Ill W S\\.th.J k 1),1,101) lilli, I~I d!Hlmolhf'I of 1\11 s 1<\1111, ,It th(' Commodity CT"f:'dlt COrTJOrafH)t1 fortlng Typhus I" hplng- hpld In Cholngp thplr 'ld\l'rtJ~mg- copy flndVI~ltll1g III lh(' honw of IlPI Sl",lf'r, ~af'tlf' i :1 • rill' j-OIJl1J.:" pc'opl!' \\1 I tJlpl'l FII 1)IXOn SundBy and he f{avp 11 3S hiS 1)plJpf thnt chf'Ck onl:>- Wllh thp gteatest dlf- I)ow no doubt It rpad... that theMts M11IItm Hodc'lJ Mr • /ld M <; Eml JIug!1os ~tnd With IJand Concel t dny nwh1 ,II Ilw dlll}(' ~t ~ MJ ,lIHI MI'<.; r.lrn BurllluHn n:>. thp prohl('m of taking Cal'f" of U10 flculty, and III !'iomp arl',ts not,lhly stonps Will last for 47,R99 }'C:lrs--

1\h ,lfld Mrs W ':Y .... Slf>IHl lllld GllIl sp nl Ih w('plH'n() <:11 L./kp 'fhl' (jon('otd (h\ I h,md pllyf'd I ~(ll \ ;1'1'<': Suml,lj SlIl!d:l Y ~('honl tUIIlPd 1101111' 1"1 III I"" PV('lHllg from cot'n crop thi!': Yf'3r will hP \\orkrd Poland and :hp B:lltlC's, thiS klllrr 0l\r for Whflfp\'C'r otb£',· pt'IiOO th('1son of J).lVH) ('Il,y, ws>rr In town Okohol G:lJ1 J)('gdn to l('u('h Mon- 1!lPII ('II ';ll1f~ ('OO<'PI t 01 IhI' <;OIi:;<JtI 10 M01 nUl' \\ Jl "hlp 1 'I'll<' 1111'''' ~ \ I It III lIH' \V I }lor"'I' honK' out satlMactorlly WIthout thp ('On- h rumorpd to havp n':tchp(j set IOUS Uf'f'dU of ~ldnd,lJcl~ :-;ays g:rllnJte'l'htllsrl,C.... Ittl'nd,ng till' Ilnr ,mil dayalltlw 'ylmclC'r, 1,1 lugh to" 1{llgp ('10\.\11\ at til(' r,tl!' S,IIW wlil III "Why VI' Pl'l',HIJ \I Hlnlwn nO\\ fU!'iion and crm~f"stjl"ln 111;\t OCf'ur- (~ll'mICp~r)()rlIOnS_()~~I~~tt,~--.-:":~o~~for ~~\.clllllllg lllll old f1lpnd", ~'honl amI MI'. nml M1S Hughe'" groun(]sISlInrldY{'\f'nlllL: Thl' hlwl Chn-,t 1'\fl1l11g Ilr'l)-f' ';PI\ !r'(''', Mr ,111(1 Mrs Harry S,ll11uf'lson rpd III harve~t1ng tltf' 1911 sm.llI _ _ __ _ ~________ _ ~. \

M1· ,~nd MIS Atlolpl1 13100111 r('turne~Jhome lJnrll'l lJ\I'rtlTl(!IOI1,,1 \\'111 l'Il~\'1 I \1) I \Illlli/ "'1r\111 A lId ,lJddllll \lllf :--;IlIH1,lY llllllll'l J,.{lalll ('rollS l[~ £!.W AD51SPP/ll S~JlldlY ',luI MnWl1Y of fist Ml' ~~nrt M~ J)nvHl Bloflm nnd of Pon~ll hI" tll\' IOlJlf! Irltll I rill! 1'1 !\II 1\1('1" II" h, III f 1111 FII"! ,I 1111 110m, 1,1 I j, II 11 I'llnwI'S lrp Il'lill 1111'\11 In 1l,!!,1 III\\II'k~I-'1I1;1i-~;n!11I'l.J'I;ldlllfJ;l111 Vl\llIl Ml ,ullll\}lS hll IllllJld 11111<11 (1),.1111/11111)1 1111 I' \\ll!lllcl(l\ Il:ip 111 O)lj"III1,11 AII'Il tlWl1 "('dlt'd '1'111 lot 1,<dIIH' fill go

!If)lJH'11l ,\I!Jlrl (·!Iv 101 .Inri (Illldll'llol AIIJ!')! (11\ It 11\ldnlll1\pllI 111l'IOtlllll,111 111

1111111 (llllIIIll 1,1),1' P,jll'llP\JlllIlIIIlH(1I11H"fl!lo!lW 1'-,11r' Hltlldllll~lollll In' \1(1111'SUJldd\dltlllll lndsupJll'rgul'sls \\('rl' 'Ihur,;el,lY dllllHI VIII"!S In Itll' (IJll'll~ IIII f\!llJllllll; lilli' I'hlll \11111 11\ltI' ~,41lllrJll"l l1 II' \\,,), 111t'li ;\111,\ \'Ilrl" 11' jH,'gl"trt Ind "11If'1111 Ilh \11 \1( I

oj 1\11 nlld Ml" lldlold GU1lI1'I1- lilt' Ad(j}ph Bloom IJOJ/J( I Ill .... II ,,) I\\ 1\11 thl' fl 11111 \\ I" I rl ill III \<: \-li \ - \1 til II I !"lllll 1<> h, 1'111 1<1 nrH 11101 II II 1111 ~11lilnl' I 11 Ill, hllll\( I\llhlll nlJ!lln,'d 111, "1111 ill'>!l ltld I ':.ttll'lHll'tlllwtolll lllil('lJllol

h()\'IJIiHI"nJllolld!OfHIII11\lf' Illllllllllitiltill 11111"lill,l, I(llpJl1'olHl IIH'tl<tOI":III'''IIIII''I''lIIIPI\ __ \. . _

T . W1 th MI, ,~nd Mt"s. Althul Andl'lsw1 (!ld.llllJh/1lIJd10JlIv..1l111 Jllllj~X Hill A!lllf'\'(/<'O'I1P. ;vii 'lI1d MI" Jill' }Iml~\I' :Itln follow<; ~:':-:-=-=-~-~-~':.='=::::==::~=~:::-::::~:~':~I Ulle 10 ilrm and sont left Saturday morning f()l SHlec' lhNI h,l~ Irfllnf'(j SIX 1l,11IOn,JI I Illghh'l ,'oy \lslt("'l:1 in tile' JlarM "I ,Th~ ('ommodlly ('!""flIt ('orM ..... wood wh€'el wagon gear, mne-

:l jpw (ay~' t Ip to Bass('11 and cllampIltn,; I il, go1\f' " hrllll,ln1 pPJ- I ()( '., NrlWS I v F\dflS IWHip ill Omnhn W('(h)ps. porltllon hns Hskro for huts on FOR SALE foot tandem diSC harrow, 10-I uAItJ,. tIU4 sl'v('ral Jlomt. lJ'l South D<tkol.J fOI IYJ,Il)( I' In JlllHllln 111 d b,!lon J ~/\.4 • ." ~ d 1\ lind Thul<.;d,lY of l;lst wC'l'k f'nou~h sl{'('1 h'n~ to stoPe' 10 mll MI ~ _ __ foot diSC harrow, three one-hole

I ~ DolOl'c'sl ,lOd pnnel h rf'm llnf'd III 1Wlrrtn~1 rill' {II Iz('n" 01 t 11(' {'om· ,l.J('l~ I lllllll I III I tU111 JIll n hi" Il('ll.Ill s on till' <.;chool hou~e lion bush('ls of ~hpllPd rorn Th.. FOR SALE _Yparlmg Shorthorn corn shellen;, three !wo--row mldM

'0 I ~ H B IT I:R tho F,rJnl< Carlson hom(' ~'munlty WIsh 10 ('XIHf'';S Ih('lr llghl fnot 1.1'" \\l (I, \0,. PI f' enmplptf'd 1<t<.;1 \\'('('k, the' OPM has g-ranl~ priority on st('-(>I hull W E. Dack s4tlp dip busten;. two 2-boltuM 14-EdnUJD8hlg C'n nnd F.hh,j SW,Jll- gldtJlwll' fOI Illl' pll'.JSIJlP MI MIs:-i Ani Yfl1JJlg V.ll": III 1.1I1<'0In c-J.Hn.tgf~ !>omg donp (,fifly In the for .the hins l\fcArthur said thIS _~___________ Inch plows, one Six-fOOl 1. II C

son 01 takeff'ld WPI'f' Mond,lY I)m'v!'1 IIIHI 1111 lllnd 111\" r'1\1'1l 1) "fiend lilt' \\1'('1< pnd Sl1mOl1'1 hy ('1 \\llnd :lncl rain storm. nddlUonal ~torage ~r)ACf' should FOR SAL!' 1 Shorthorn hull mO\\:C'r, on(', two-row Malk cut M

~ .. fl('rnc n lun 'heon g-lll'sts In Hw tlll'lll '1'111' ,John Fum <l.nfllJ[lIl'f'J1lJUiJ. Mr dnd Mr:.l Rolpy Isom and IJ~V€' ample for all nE."eds .!'i Bpn VonSl'ggprn, \Vlsn"l Phone- 1t~r, No 102 com plantC'.r, oneAXf'1 redfl kson Iwnw, MI';S I .tId fHm,lJp~ s!)I'nt FlU dy <'\l'lllng family r..'1UI~f'd home W(>dnesday 2. The llJarket prlC{' of corn I 470!'i s4t1() kam of horses, one tWOM}'OW'swa-\ls; rrl rns soon to IH'I !\If'f'~lu~ Is ArrtWl{f.(j.1 dt All:;l.n PI~I'f"i!l(1'" from a w(>('I~,; \1"It m thp Alack abovE' tht' priC(' at which sc>alf'd B)J~SA~-U~~;nslla~e har. IIst(>r cultivator, one Onl:"-row1C',lchm m M s$iouln, Mont TIlt' r('guI,lr n11'I\1 109 of thC' L Hpnr.y HdctlmelPr, I , arrl\C'd Hills and dt till' home of Mr and corn can 1x> I"'('()eemed In mo!rt of \l'stl'l, u,;f'd tractors, \ISf>d J)ortM lister, three twcrfQW I H C,

I" , Monrl<1Y aft f'f sI}{'nrhng: "c\er <II Mrs Stlll Isom at Lpaq, S D the corn belt area Farmf'l"S Yo ho mounted corn plckprs, one one·Dorol,h1 St .pleto~, who JS tak- A WIll he hEld, 'Apdnp~<lay .l~~(lT- monlhs on Ow \'vost co~st 1\11' <lnd Mr<.; WillI" Burnham turn o\el' old corn re!,pa-1Nl for ahlp l:'le\alor Meyer & Blchel. row I. H C. mounted tank pick.

mgnurse<:;t~~nmgmaSIO~IXCIIY ~o,on, $f1p ll'mhl,1 j() III lh(' lmll


Kl'nnfllh Pplf'r~('n Iff Omnha ,\\('nl 10WtnnC'r S D Sunday to on(> yf'ar would suffpr1an actual s4tl PI" Martin SchmIdt, Bancroft,hOSPital, JS S eJ1~l\: her V<lcatIO/l 1,IJanrlson hom( vllSll(d \\lt11 hts molh('r Mrs C C 1\lslt MIS DUlnhdm's grandmolher, cosh loss In most mstancC's If they FOR SALE Good Nt II I Nebr, ... s4t2here,and at t ,.iSIi e time, recup- - ~ J1('t('tSf'n ()\I'r Ih0\o,.('C'1-('nd IMIS T P Wdrd \',ho h;ts \)(>en lurncd O\cr gram In IiqUJd<1t1on of .' , m: ~m~ M •f'I'Rllngfrom rec~nt operatIOn be- ,J.'rrreys nllhor(':(l. 1\1 C 11, , C ' I n1 \C'I y III ,Uld "ttf'nd til(' Lahar day loans. The same IS true to some SIZed hungalO\\ plano, A-I shape FOR RENTfore she r<>sumes her studJes Mr. and'Mrs H,llol(1 JC'ffr~y 1h (;~~.lh:: ~:):l~;.tV ',l~~~ol~I~111 w~f'r c('lf'l1ratl(ln al Wmner. C'xlpnt of thf" 1940 ~f'alpti ('orn E~n('~~ Vogt't, 414 toIlsf 5th s~~l ==~_~:::::~:::::::===:::::''=~

¥r, and Mrs, George SW8.n,son WPI(' gu('stk of hon(H :Jl a ff:lrCWeJlI1)/(JIIH,r TIlm, ,I (nuplelddYs I MI and 1\1Is Johnny Cashlll4n "3 The virtual certamty of al~~~ ! IFOR RENT:-Two-room and3Qd M,ts, (')sc~r SW3~on of Mm- plcnrc supper In tlw (oncord park I Aug~J"f .Jung of Lou!1 Clly, 1'('. and son, J~'r1Y, of Austm, Minn., loan of "at I('ast 65 cpnts a hush· FOR SALE _ A}::ood 160 acres 10- three-room steam h~ted apart-npapohs WE're Thursday dmner Monday eVrnrng TIl(' Ipffreys left 1unwd hntlw l,ts1 wee ,tf\f'r r('. and Mrs. Brady dnd son, FranCIS, 1'1" In the corn belt and proha'llv c ItC'd 10 mill'S southeAst of mhnl~ in Ahem bUlldmg, $15 andguests of Mr. and Mrs I Anton tuesday n~ornlnl-': for 111('0' n(lW c('I\mg ll1l'dl(,t1 (.tIC II R. loc,l! of Easton, Mmn, \Isited relatlvf's more In most of the Hrf'a would ~7',);' f S12'400 Very easy $10 per month. s4t1GranqUIst Mr. and Mrs BlamC' home' In qunnlson, Colo Those Ihn~pJla.1 twr« til<' j1dSt wf'('1< MlS Agnf's tend to msure supporl of the corn tl,~lrfJ~C' Aor~,Quarter. Martin - -,Gettman amI Barry WPI"'C' <llso prpset1t for thp SUPPPI WPf('· Mr. MIS ('Old Pl'.I11 we' I,Tul'"ddV Kpflny lPIUln('r] home wllh lhpm markl't ,it rates higher than th(' L Rm £'r s4t1 FOR R,ENT:-Twoand thr'('{> roomgu('sts, and Mr~ IFrAnk 1<i'stpr'<.;otl Hnd ('\('nlnj , to SIOUX ('Ily () ,;pend l Mr .md Mr~ G{'orgp Slp('l" and loan ratc on COrn now on farms . ~. f~rnJshed apartm«:nts, also one

Mr. and Mrs, Emil Swanson and LOIS Ann of ('olpIHlgr> MI' and q.,w d,I~!" \\1111 IWI son i" C Prall, t\'fo !-;onS 01 Missouri Valley, 18, u4 The demand for corn for the FOR SALE -96 acres located 2~ fJ\·e-room unfurmshed ground'Ernest and Mr and Mrs I Reuben Mrs Cecil Clark lIul d,lUghters, 'I~)(l h~ falmly SrJpncpr Stf'phC'ns of Rosalll:', Mr. proc('ssln.g mdustries, shipment to mJle-s from town new bungalow floor apartment. Phone 138-WGoJdlx>rg spent TUeSdaY~Of last Mr and M,·S F' M HIPth, Mr and' lJl pn(] Mrs" B lkck.prt "III find Mr", Arlhur L.'\ge of Carroll, Great Bfltain under the lend-lease other good Improvemf'nts, ali 82812wef"k m AtkInson Ardyc Swan- Mrs Floyd R(,Y~10Ids and sons, Mr. ('ht('rt~m Mr' and Mrs Paul R ancl Mr and Mrs L T~ Whalen act and for usc for con\'crslOn mto le"('1 Logan Vallcjo'land, a dandy 1:-;:;:::;:;:::;::-:::.::-;:;:::;:;::::;;:;;:;:;::;:;:::;:;::::;;:;=son wa" a gU£~~1 In t1lf' "J--fa "John· and MrR Lyle (le\'l'!;:md 'md Gnry ~ln('~ land daughtflrs at (!JnnPI \\PIP wpek·cnd VISitOr:--> In the alcohol is cuttmg down on thf> fnrm ReqUIres sa 200 to handle WANTEDson home that day and a TUf'sduy Don MI lind Mr~ \VOl \-\',111 <lnd Sunday at the lIol('1 1l'atton \Vdllf'r Twtgen homp Mn; Steele current supply." bal:Jn('p fit 51;" M~;rtm L Rmn-er'overDightgu~~taswell. I R(]gl~l, Mrl,llldMIS Flt'c1B'llsonanr1\\;"J,;fomwl!:>-Mlso.;AIICC'nobll1s 0 [ Mr. McArthurdeclmedtocom- ;4tlI


Mr. and tMn; Haroldl .Jpffrey , f,jmlllyl.lIl'l\,('d homf' M nday from Sho!"s Im('nt on the probable loan r8t(' pn Cor 11 Auto Co s4t1wl'-re Saturday evenlngl rImnpr For Two Hlrtht)avs, / :lin f'nl~oynhle lO·dnv np Tlwy corn, but the ge'neral assumption FOR SALE -A well Improved ~ • _guests In the Wm. Wall home A family gaHlt'rmg: was h('ll 10 \~prp ih Wyommg <Inrl l fll<.;o \lsl1Prl S<'IlOol OIU~ns. 'Mon(lay. IS that a differential rate win be 32G-acre farm near Laurel, all \VANTED.-HoUAekpeper on'They left Tuesday mornmg for the C .J Magnuson hom(' Sunday I~l D('n\('r. TIl(' SllOl('~ "chool sl<lrled MonM in prr~t. His rf'fprence. to at nearly levl:'1 and "ell )ocatf"d farm. May be 'lady wlth smalltheir new ho~e In Gunhls@n,Colo,aftrrJ1oontoCf'll'bratlctheb1l1h_Mls!'l Dorothy Martt rclurn"d (11)- WIth th.. followmg tl'achers ]l'Hst 6., cpnts a bushel mdlcatps wlthm 1'2 mrl{' of highway, $12· ! family of schoOl age. Inquirewhere Mr. Je frt'y Will teach mathM ddY anl1lvqrsar1f'~ of both Mr and F'llddY from Om<th I herf' she Supf'I:lnlt'ndl'nt, Robert Bdder of that this would be th('.lowest rate 000 worth of Improvements. Herald. s4tlpematlcs In t county hIgh school Mr~ Magnu~on Mrs Magnuson's had Vlslt('(] two \\-1'pks \\1111 Wd}I1P, prmclpal, Mrs Ann B£.'h- m th(' corn belt, ~et811s have not PriCf:' $50 I)('r UCJ"t3 MArtin r.. __ _

Mrs Juhu KlrchnC'r [Who has was O{l Ihht day and MI' M,lgnu. flll'ndJ ~he stal"lpd 1NWhlOg Mon· n,)PI of IIosklO~, JUnior high. MISS bN>n d,C'Cld('d dl?'ftnit('ly, hut thiS RJn~r. s41l MEN W4,NTED,been III the past: weck ha~) H num- snn's ~as ITupsclHY The follo\\lng d.ty Ill: <l1~trlCl 6R 1.\01 M,I(' PlumnlC'r of Randolph, officisl s pfl>lImmary df'claratlon '"---~- ----- ---- to train in FACTORY for jobs inb(~r of vlsl1orf' W(>dn(l~d~y nft,,!"· LI"'lllu')jI. C'EIOYl~d fl sOC-tal tlftel· Mr' ,10<1 Mrs Chasl Ldph.1I11, plt'nwnl,lIj', MI~s Freddy BlIlnham Will CIVP rorn ~TowC'rs a pJ"f'tty FOR SALF::-160~acl'(l farm NW lllrcrart constrtlCtiot:t, GE-t actu;nOon last w(>(>k Mr and M~ ,Louts noon (i)sc~ I' Johnson of Dixon, i\r- ~lSS NplI Fox, Mr anc~ MI s 0 G of Sholf's, primary, MISS Dorothy fair Idt'a of the AAA program. I... sec 22, twp 27, R. 1, in al EXPERlENCE. Learn toHabermann ¢alled, Satu~'day aft· Vllt Pf'l<'l"S' , GC'orge and Glenn ('Ison and MiSS Beryl Nelson Ohf'1 t of Randolph, ~- ------ Wayne county. $....') an acre cash. build planes wbl-re planes are('rnoon, Mrs, Ray Authier land Mrs, Mdgnu~on Arthur .John-s,on, Ken- \ PIC' ,~mong thosc at R'pndpr SunM Ell Whitney and III~ Crlth"~. RC'S("I"\·mg I/f.! Oil, gas and mmeral ":"buUt."nle- big Bombe-r Plant inMelina Authn~r, and Mr, tmd Mri">. nl'th Olson, who were also cllI1nrr d y fOl' tlte MO(]0rn Wllodrnan PI('- \\1m McEacl~en ~ppnt MondllY (Industrial Pf'('SS Service) rights FN'd R. Wnght, 239 So Omaha to open soon will employFoster Authie'r of Sioux Ity, and gUf':'its,l an<1 E\nn Petyrson of LauM 111('. and Tur'~day m Omaha CrItIC!; who warl UnlU!;tlv about Larchmont Blvd, Los Angeles, over 18,000 men. Be prepared

_L_ J ' - ----'---- - I ima~mPd slowness In Ampnca's Calif. . a21t4 Cor YOUR job. For Free mfOf"oo____'- -l._.-.;.~_+-_'__ ;-+_._- ~ A L I dpfense production would db \Nell malion how you can qualify for

M ~ ETS THE L',q M LR • '0 ""member the slory ,of I Eh AITENTION FARMERS' Good our low""",t r""torY training.-f--crr'TTcc--- '~-r- - ~ - - - - ~- \Vhltnpy mventor of thf'- ('~tton USf'd Muchmt""s' Buy your t1'3('· wnt GLENN R. MORTON

I L.OOl< WHO'::' ....-I - oooO.OH. gm ann fllther of Ihp mass pror]u('- tOJ's llOd othf'r machm.p,,: that A1R~LANE FACTORY, Tram-'I,rr"C.~'ANBl'TIT MY Your pay In the Navy is gravy tlon technique If they ,Irn", you ""ed 1m ",'XI year .lUd sase Ing, lA. Omaha, Nebra



Ithey'll fmd thfomsf'lvf's in the ~amf' mone} , a:; lJl'lC«'S WIll tx.> high<.>r ~

KFEl!;oPMA~AH'-/E 60nSW No ,ent to pay No 'oo"O-to buy No dodo'" Of pmbarrassing poSition thnt: hiS und machmes na.rd to get. Note __;;:.;;;;;:;::;::;;:;:::;;;;::;;;;;::;;;:;:;::::;;:;::;::;;;;;;;:;;.R' R dllnhsl' bills Even movies and other t!ntertom· CflttCS dId. I thc~ i.-a~e... lH u~d machine.... -A'D~'RAL "'~AV J! I menlorefree Andwhll-nYOlJfi..lenh)l.theNo~y In 1798 the \Var departrrent I)nl' l('gU¥tr I II C. Fannall LOST ....d FOUND

• " ~ gIves yOl,l $11800 ~orltl of un,'ormsl g:qnted Whltnc:>- a contract to tractor on rubber, one F12 I. H"'! \\\) And if you wanl to learn 0 trade. the NoV)' II kp 10000 muskets v.:ithm~t,\\'o C Farmall on rubix'r, one 101 LOST:-5Wiss move-ment. De

~ \ \ I , ~ C~ ~"'~~ID.. I the place to do It There are forty five odd trades ~e~rs At thC' pnd or' that tim he by 20 I H C l!"actor, on~ 15 by Fnt'Ce ladjes' \VIist watch, yel·

~ ~., ft, ,-~" ~~~~~~~-:;)1_~ ~~~~;r~el~~nfiut~:;:ngthollworthhundred. ~::e~ri~~~~7:;U~~~~:;d[P~ ~;)n~('~'~ ~~ra~~r~=:-~~{>-~r;; ~:rd~::S.~rw~~a~~y~"II,'!' _ P"''''''' The Navy offers the chan(.1I!I 01 0 lifeTIme tD But he had done "'something far corn bmder, two L H. C, Ron-" s4tlp

f; I \: young men If yOU oro 17orover,o"toffnoopy more important _ somethln the nlng en<;;i1agt> har\'('steI"S, JohnI of~ ..... ~ of the m\l5hotad booklet lifE IN fiiE U S critlCS didn't know about He had Deere l1·foot gram drill, three Sf-11 Your Cream, andI ..... - ((~~ NAVY," flam the No~y EJ.lor ullt-1l1 nl""'poper Jnvpnt('d machinery that qould 1\\O-I'O~ Farmall.., cUltl\at0r:" Poultry at the

SJmply wrlle or coli make mterchangf'abl£' parts I for one eIght-foot gram bmder, t\\O F.irmont Cream Station-tf.t~ those guns. and make them InI No 3 1. II C. cream separators,

quanhty I to,.o,. 0 Maytag w3.shrn; ele<,trtc 0'(" Poull'ry a.n4 StM'k SUWUe-s_UP unhl that urn", guns~~ engine, two I 1 t.?-hof'5P powe-r efiM Alwa,ys OIl Band

had Jntlde each lJ8rl of ~tiHh\ - gmes two horse powers, three I. G. 1i.~L.. Aceat att,3pket in~vlduaUy.Whitney'S th , st...1 W!le~1 wagon gears, one " 'Il

T" I,! I 'I ,,~"q.,~~;kfil~l, '~~1[~" ..." ~~



7c2 :',:~~ 17c3"""" 10c

:;::;,." 19cl'..';., 13c4 n,,,, 19c"~;'(~"1. 1Oc

2 ,".:',,! 19cr:::: 19c








1(l.IL~;g 85e~Hn3:g $1.434S-~:3 $1.15

100-I~~g $5.642'~~)', 16cl-~~~n 6ge

P"l' 15'rk~. C


.\lllf'rkan fJr Hri"L

2'~:ll:'ddY 551'

COFFEE:2 1'"",,<1,


"a~"",\\ ilhLab('h'1':u'kU1:"

~ H;gh-TeS't I:nJOXYDOli

1O~ lb•. $2.90

100 lb•. $3.00

Trndrr, (ilirtten nun

2 ~Z~~ 21('


JAR RINGS :;~:;;,',;'


~:::!,t 17e:;:::\lrt 23c,:::~' He::~~ 25e

41"'" 19clO~~;i 17c

:::;~nf! 35c

SOAP ',anlwa',t.. ,t·a ....tlk 'f'


')V for

to) I,llt'J (';111

SO,\1El'1:\tl': ntH),\ l

(Saturdu,\' (or .. lIn')

TIll' (Irk/' \\illlu' riJ,:hl ~

::::;11I11 27c::;;;'utJ32c"<" 29cround


2 Lh 33c

2 Lb,. ,27eI:;;;'mI29c~;;~lI1d,2Zc

;:;;~IIHI 20c

PRUNES, W"h;nglon,Ita:ian

FLOUR Ma~y Ann ... T.h"Best Money Can Buy

FLOUR Sea Biscuit,Fully Guaranteed

SUGAR ~~nept




"iI.\ "O\\f·r,






SUN·UP COFFEE, 31~' . Friday _Saturday _ September <I: 5 - 6

+_ f ~tHEST MARKET i>..RICJ;;.J>~~D FOR

We R' the-best of service. Trade with us, where you dollars have more sense

PICKLES ~:'i.'i:~nd-H,




LnrJ;'cTnll (';1Il

SPRY ~'I(:~r~;-fi,~I/;ng

SARDINES :~'~::;I~:~~,d.~;I~IlT

~o, :~

( all

PRESERVESSALT ,~'.~i/ill;1'

:\1 iI In'..

CORN FLAKES2 ::;~~~::gl'~ 15('

25:';,,, 1ge3 ,,,' JOe:3 I"r 100


2 :'.:,:,~ 23e23'/:; 23c10-',;:, 23c

-;:::~1I~~~======~-';-;\:::":::'-:-"~'1I~1;::":-:":::_(' a filII lru("l~~I-~~ load of ('fl!f)Tiulo f:lhprt;!


GELATINE :~;:';,i~';::~~'





DOG FOOD ~p_'\:IPt'"

Sll'd ('lit

2 Pnnnrl"l

HAM ::~:;~::;

BACON ii;;::~ll~~~~" sIal',BUTTER ~~<I~~'111111;~:i"t

LARD ~1~~~flllf'~'



CompanyWAYNE, NEB.

To, this new inn1v.ation in the 1~ccon9itioning of used cars thousands ofdollars worth of Ihc latc~t type factory approved equipment has beenadded ... All of ou, mechanic. in our used car RE·MANUFACTURINGdepartment nave be~n schooled by if special Chevrolet instructor.

T~is new proces~ ta~es the usei,car through 'every important step lhatis necessary;lo r~habilitate it into, a Jar a'ny buyer will be proud to own.FIRST-The motor ~nd chassis ar~ t,horoughl y cleaned and painted.Next-the car goes through a thoro\jlgh mechanical check~up ... Motorand oth~)" mechanical parls are tested on the late-st and most 8cienlificinstruments and all the necessary repairs are ml\d~ with genuine factory'parts ... The next step includes the" removel of all upholstcr~, which i5laundered, lhor6ughly Vil<;uumed a~d rp~dycd jf f"ded. Cushions arcrebuilt and wo:r~ pieces rC'Placed. !~ow the car is moved to the bodyI'ebuilding section where fenders Rre straiKhlcn("d, body dents removedand other neces~ary body work is ptrformed. Then the car goes to the

paint l~oom, whe~~e a :new finish is a~plicd, waxed and polished.

! Becau~e •••.Of Jur ilnstaUatitn of Chevrolet's




Is at "Safe Place to Buy" a Used Car--)

.Start rig._'ht! HavE' 8waggellIr0rts for all·stmfstegaddin~! SQUARE.TOor "WAllED TOE\'leather.heeled oxford,; elftimooth POLI~HE~'CALF! Bouncv CREPSOLE GAITERS ...T.COLOR" MClCS," Ric~ANTIQUE... BLACK.J:




$2.49I $2.98

1$3.45,C'. I





~~:~~~~.l."n.'.:\ts, M"., r, ,I~'.nd,' •.Mrs.. E ,-~:~,~~.·~.~t,~N-•. O-Ji.Olk~,.~M..~r.~hd,.,' M., i';·Ed..~c~;a~l'B~t~~~ .de~~~.;s~~~~ '~~b~ir~l-'h-~-u Y. ~~a~~~~o~s-·p~'~d"ili1s~' -.w-e~~ visiting ~~~s('(-,a~li~l:Jt-'ng s-ti~tlon 0 hi:,; o~n M' F" I' 'd I:' - -~.~ ,~. h.. 11l1d e Ie M ISS J!-i 1 a so. !'itoppe at Denv~r M.,cP;ac~n Ed.mJrld Mc-

l~t Norro~ I returned h6fuC Wed- an 'son and Mr;',,,n Mrs. Reub n ,v.: h was Thurs ay, was ccle- M~I Jones', sister, t'S. George ~~d;:yh.CI'OkCC and takes rosscssion to visit Mr. and Mrs. Albert Ba. Eachen u;emamed here while histtesd~y. "'" , ' ' Pu,s, aod"'family., After a .'SOcll:l:l. b atcd at Ihis ti . B()rg'and 'family. They all were, ker. parents went on' to Wc'~ll'rn Ne.'" .Mr.,.atld~Mr5. '.J-I1~n, R~hlow and ~v~nlng' ice cream and cake wdrc', ifar:ry Scott oC" :tonea, is spcnd- Monday dinner guests at the 'James Mr. and Mrs. I If'nry Fr 'vert and, Mr. and Mrs. Neal Kart<inbak hraska. rpturning"' here Wl'dRl'S~

by' ~on, ,iV'IlJlj:S~ I,and .foh y~uhlow lot served. . I i ,this ',week at':thc Bert Scott Jones horne at Emer!Son. '" Mr~. Fred Frevprt atte dcd the anq Susan of Red ,Oak, la" spent dC:!y to lake'him home.ii,': .' ;~',' I ,', ~.;b.icago, \\{ct'e . 6 0" loCK:. , dinh~r, . -,----;----~'-- I h me.. Mrs. Olive' Binderu.p and ,School opened in all the ,sch(){)l~ 60th 'b'l f h P,i1l\4~s.~ W'I,J· Ol~lund I l~~t~ 'in! t,hc F.d, ollath home ISh'-, Clinton, of 0 aha, were Mon- in .the community Monday. June . JU lee 0 I. e cae Refonn Tuesday in the J ..H:. Brugger Mrs. ·E., E. FJfclwood ilnd :;fjrJ

I :church at Hoskins Sundi-l . home. The,y were VISIting Mrs. I1A·('n.t to SiOUX CHv Fr'iday ,'." ',.cl'.. -_..,_._.. --,'-" 'Monday.,: "-,I! ", V II' d.~gl,.lestsat,thc,cotthome.' Wharton of Allen, is the tcache~ K k .T v,,,,

I"', Mr.- aOf~, Mrs. H, C Mit..telstclHit ,'l..O!!a'l, a .cy. Mr. and Mrs.. Virgil Ekuerg, Mr., at !--ogan Valley. Betty Wheeler of, Mr:. and !\1rs. J. H,'Eru gel" took artanba s father at Emerson. until Sunday'when Mr. Flcl'lwood,;.. :•. ,~.."M.r.S L."IO.Yd.B.ehmer' e~.ecte.q .,nd (umi,Y and~i,1 Hllda BauR C1 a.d Mrs. I<cnneJ.~lwCII.strand,and A1I€n, is Uie teacher at Su.nny. their niece, Miss Marga et Fish., Mr. and Mrs. James McEachenl and Mr. anrI Mh. W. A. lIisco~~o teach "In' ':thc' high 8chool' at fran were visito i,. th~ Walter IBy Mrs,' Albert AndC'rson) r. i~ml Mrs, Pall B\,.ngtson W('nl side, Alice Rastede of Concord. at as far as Fremont SatlJrd yon the arid ~ons of Lin~oln, were Sunday I~vent to the city ~or ~hem and \'is.Slio:Jel;l!(, ':', I, Dauman l1ome. a n erce ,Sunday· t La'lcoln, Tues( ay,' to spend a My-rtle Cre€k, and Helen Peterson way to her home at Los Angeles. evening guests 10 _the Mrs, ~ Ited relative'_s.f~~_fr_Iend~. _,


r' of Omaha·, spent ('vC'ning-. I. r.jfni~y Gro;;c Il'l't for ('I'('~ltlln, c,';,~,plc of days :111 'mlmg Ih(' 0"1'11(· ill Sand Crr-rl\:. '1piiiiiiii•••••••••~_.ii.iI.iiiiiliij-~--ii-iiiilii-iiIIiI,.

U... i.C w.. cek-cnd. in the Henry Mr, anrl Mr's. IIatfY Schwede Neh., Friday, wlwn! she \,·<ill !c'ii,ICh /;\I/'. W.'pclnCSda y din.ll('r gur'sh aliiqnb~rg home. . fwd son and Mrs. IVl~rtin Schwepe thi,s year. 'I jiM)". ilnd iVll's, Cl~"rl'nCl' Ifohn (Inll Clarence Holm's were' Mrs. Holm's I· r'

,John .iWilson of Stanton, spent Wcl'e 6' o'Clock dinne~1 guekts in the Mr. :.nd Mrs. Ru;;seJl v,/(onsll'~lllnd (' li Irlr('.n WC'I'e ('nl,erl ain,flr! R.I Ihr(f?,'" hr,t,r,,: J~,','"Gr',.;,',JnO,hnM',?n,' ,.,',P'h""h,.,',n,,' h",'n'r'l' , MR. F1R.MER! For th i:; 'A'eek -end, we'll '0 [' ',I." I' 11 l."I ~rom Thursday until Monday in T':d, fkmh,lrrtt home: at 'Norf~lk werc Sun<!;IY rllIlIH'1' gu('sls al JI:('ljl>f'tl~ I [(jIm hr nl(', 101" Sllp])!')" 1 " ,,-, " '- ,r n

tllc' Arnold Millcr homc. Thursuay. .. ~ Gue,t Y'/""',·l"I't'tl's. \Y('dlll'C'r1:IY f'\'('lllrk III Iwnol' 01 son Iitor SIS1..l:J.', MI''', Dliln<:hl' the fO]]owl'ng r I'l'ce f 1Mr, and M~s, Herman' (iel1m Mr. and Mrs. HCfl1hr Asmus r d Mr. a'-'nd~ Mrs. Hcr:bert ,fohn$on "~Il(,· latler:~ {'21h \fl.'dding annlvel'· Sw~nsorl and cfl1rdren',' who had ' 1 ) l s or !?l'OC llCe:a.. ·.n~t fll.milYQJ.'.p.icrce,.~'·'te'd ip. the family aryd Mr. an~ I Mrs, H~ns w~l'e Tuesday eveping vhsiturs'! at' 11ry., , I~ spent several days here. returned I 0 '

Lyle Marotz' home $u 'y. Asmus and 'daughte 'j were cal~~rs t1~e ,Dean Frye home. , I Vnday Clltt,rnojI'J and SIJpPl'l" to Oakland with them that after· ) LTIlY EGG S I' ~

~,,:Ch~~g~~neis~~~"i~I~~e Wf:~~~~~~: Opfer, home sa, (~ ~n~I't.J~~~ ~~'~~ ~~I~~:yJO~~~~~~~~ n~~~t~I~I~I;;~'~~~\~,-~ !,(J.~;~I~n~;~lt~(·;;~' m)~~rll{" and Margu(,l'i{(' Bengl- HEAVY HENS < Lb. 14c HENRY'S (24~oz.) Doz. ~{'c-I ~nd home Mo'ndaYI eV,ening. Mr, an~l Mrs. OHv~r Kiesau ~hd supper guests of Mrs. Eva CO.nri('L Winside. Mr:-.. Art, ur lIolJlTwn lind son of Del roil, Mich., who had ) LEGHORN HE~ Lb. l~c EXTRAS (23~oz.) Doz. 27cI lI.~ Awalt' Walker,' l'~red, !Brumels Mrs, Anna Kie:->aIJ and Mrs. M~!ry Mr: and Mrs. Herman Muller, (~ll'OI WCl'C WC'dd'sday 1lIorning sfll'nt the summl'r hen', relurned HE;AVY'SPRIN 5 Lb. 14c NO.1 (22.oz.) Doz. 24c

I<f~~t~~n,tltt~'::~~!;~{~'d~~Siness ~~K~,;~~r~~w~:~~~~ a~i~;~~~4~~ ~~fie~~~:~~n~~o;~on~n~",;"~~~:~f ~;:'and Mr>. ~;t"d Mull," and ~;;'n':t~i~tf, ~~r;:PCld~~:rl~~Ug~~;i~~ LEGHORN SP~,NGS ... Lb. 12c NO.2 (Pullets) Doz. 20c'" A Ulr~e number of people ::I.t~ thursday' evening. , ,eo, Frjday. 'lPiSil' )f'1L lor A1'lancl" Si:lLUnlay. Rn,. i~nd .:'>-!rs. A. ,J. ,Be~gho~, dlld

j·#m,d.ed.the mission festival ':It. the M. hiS... Hilda Baum~.,.rh, who 'Mr, an'(j Mrs. Bert SC(Jtt and IEISIC will lea('/) .!~hC'T"e agCiin lhis h~r g. 11'1 .frlend" Dons'IPea'ce Reformed church Sunday. h«en visiting in the G. P. Baurpan da'ughters were Thursday after- t'~Il. Mr:.. and Mrs.! Muller plannNI! of DL:trOll., arnved. hl:!"e Sunday

:' Mr. and Mrs. Tl1eodore' Heberer home In Ellsworth, ;jMinn" c&rhe noon and evening vi.'iitors at L;;'lw~ to visil there until the middle of mornmg for a week S VISIt here andfi~'cl. family, visited in the Alfted 1iuesday for a visit; in the H4 C, rence' Carlson's. Ithis week.:' at Pllgcr.

. ,~w(,Hgard home Monday evening. Mittelstc?-dt hom? II I' ; i Mrs. B~,rnard Pad< and Marll'ne 'Mr, <lnd Mr's. AIHlf'rs ,Jorg('nsl'rl Ml'. and Mrs. John R. Anderson,Mr;:and Mrs. ReUben PuIs nnd Mr,s. Franl< RISSeJ.1 and f.artlll Y accompanlcd her par(!IlIs, :\11'.1Uld I... j N' ' , I MI. 1M" ('1.' .'Mr. and Mrs. AnIon AndnrJl'ry.r ., t··' 'h J b' . i '0"'11 ' IHHf (V,ldrH r <lnf :-i, i:J.I- . "

UIDIY wcr~ gucs Sin C aco 'J'l:!tutne~1 lo,thelr h~me nt .. If':f~ Mrs. Carl -F.ra~s~n, to Om;ha, Icnce Bakl'f" and, 'hildreh, enjnyl'd VItIa ,and V~'rn(>J1 Iholllslrorn, Mr. IMm~r home hear Wir;rsidc,Stmday: l,ll~ma Clly Sat,urday ~f1(>r VIS'~I g Monday. for R. ViSIt.. 'Tlicnie rlinr]l'r' al ~Ile Pcnder' /lark and Mrs. Cl<llre And('rsoll <.Ind sons, W P d

Hc'nry Heberer imd daughter, In.' t1:l' ~Vm. RI~,gert.! ,ho,m~. ,~~~. Mrs. George Andel'son and MHl"~ anrl atlend('d Mil..;ion fl';;lival itl MI·. i-lOd ~rs. ~I:lrold An~.f'rsnn, ~I'. , ayne ro uce, '~argure"t, of Wa~n(', Wl'f'l~ gw'sts RIss(1l and MIS. HI gf'11 dre ~IS· va, ~('e and 1\11':-'. Alberl til(' park m 11](' al'ilcrnoon. ;Ifl(! M~,~. M.'I\I,11 Andr Io-'m, .:\ the Alfred Sw'l'lgard hunl!' Sun· 11'1',"'; " and j<'\'On!W \'10 JI ('(! i\'1r,,,,; ( " ' -" I;IIHI j\-JI,~ (,('(Jtgr' /l,nfl('I:,(m :lnrJ

I '.11 ~ai~~.I... and M,s'. Wa.Ji"" G1J.1 ",m'"n' Mr. and Mrs. Edrl' Marol/. a_l~d Ande;son la~t week' SlltHLIY :111111('1' guests ;i~ 1:1'1:- i\'Iarva Lee and C.·Ienwn:-. Ahuprson

~.~ L'. daughter', Angeline; md Miss 4i- . " I 1 nard Park ~ wera Mr. an( Ml'~. werc Sunday afternoon and lunch-, D. p I-" and daughters rC'l!Jrnl;d fr'om a z"'ll.a D('ek o'f NorJ!olk 'ind Mr Mr. and Mrs. Herman Stolle a,:c1. f'~h'('s Ohon, Mr', ~nd Mrs. RUs:-'('JI ('011 guests <.It Fnll'st Anderson's liCk inkham Phone 213 East 2nd St. Wayne, Ncb"l' trip through the B'lack ,Hills Tuf's- .;:hd Mr!'i, Olivf'r Klf'~a'u' enjoy~d daughters. !V!art~a and MarVlT~1 Park and daUghle~' of ne~r Wat<'r· iI' being' Dale's birthday, ' . ,

I day. " 'l sleak 'r1·V 'It Ihl" Lyl(' Mardtz Stolle were SU~d~lY I:lflcrn?on1an(f hul'y, 11('I'lha B('I'g'f'SOtl, Guy BLdw I~~=====i===i=iii=ii=i:=iiiiii:=::::i=rMr. and Mrs. H('ubell fI.--liJlt:l' and 11O;n(' SUritklY ~vcninJ, ' Hlun('h~'~)J] guests 111 Cl!l1"('nCl' <Inti 1((Jy Forlwo; I')l Chamb{'l'.~. I ()('AI NI"WS ,~~Hon of Danbury, LI'" ~penl Sr:\'('I'itl Mr. an~l Mr;;. l\ichard Rlomgl'('n olm s, , r', \'1'ld,! 1';lrk. \\'h J !lad ,~('\ _ ,_A....,.... _A. I ~~,---, -- -- - .- ------day:'i last. weel, in the Car] ~ll"al(! and ,sons :'Mal~vin and Mauritz' d M.l'. and 'J\lr.~. V\ ill 1,1)1';.'; nn\l ,Tal day;; aL (,hamlJ('['.~, WIlli (Mls.~ (l{,I'\lnJ(~(' I\IcI',~lchf'll \'i>l!r'dhome. Mr. and·:Mr~. Marsh~lI Blo~g~~n famll~ ',al1<;1 Mr. an~ MI"~. FI~lmf her grandparents \lfld rclat!ves, IT- 'friends in AlbIOn Fflday to Sun-

Mr. and Mrs. Dale Ziegler and ~I'. Rockford Ill., sp~'n.t rom.' £It- Holm, were entertained for surl turned here Satut'(lay evening, hel" clay. . . .fHmily' Wi.'J'(~ () o'eloek rllflner '!lnlav uritil 'MOl;rlHY' i Ihe Chas, day ,(]mnel" alld ."uppcr ill lIH' Hoy, HI;lI,<'., and Roy F()l'1H'S :vII:, :Jnl! ;vTr~. I' L, .Sll";jh;l~ \'."('nl

-( guests~ill lill' 1v('1' And(·!'."n!l tlOllll' IOhlu~HI lwnlE" Mr~ Ohlund and Holm IlOlllC'. I in! lJl'lljlgmg hl'1" homf'. I(? C1wl'okc('. b., \\ ('r\ncscl-l:, If)~i Sunday:_ '., Mrs, Bl()rngrc'~ . :'IS1ers. , JVlr. ,ann MI·s. ViejoI' .Joh~sdn ,MT'. ;Inri MI:s. Ca'rl .Jon('s of Sioux \'J,·;jl in IhI'. H: F; S~ rn,h~m ~l,)mr ~l

Mrs. I?,arrf'IJ Hos(~I1H'I~'1' ,lilt! ~'~r.:. Ml'~. ()hllliHl W(,I'l' Sunday dtnllf'l' I~U(,sls ;11 SI'1.IJ I ( lly. ('anll' Sa!III'dilY 1'\'('nJng ;Hul ('nunl(' of dd.\-'!-'. L I' ~~_r;:~I'~~~~~~~

O}icar r orS('ll1iln ol SIOUX (II y, I F...; ('1' Venn 'Hid Ij-ii-ii-i~-I-ii~-I'I-iiil~ lIIlIi•••••••••••••••••1Iwere call1'I'S in Ill(' 111'1'111;111 (11l11'1'1 II')I' ,. , 'J f' ' <, II I'

home Thtll';;dHY, I l,~~l il~ 1:('( "n~;:I~l ~j'is;/;:::I Mr}i. \~alter J'l'lerStlll ilnrll., g,. ,)-- ',' I

Josephine' and IA'onal'tl poll;)('k nfl' In('n(L~ 'l.Jld rt'.latl.\'t's a,I, !',ort. , h B f ,Grand Islallcl"w('j'(-' ;.;w'sls ill llw Alkl.ll.:on .1m jVld(!Json. \!vIS., rlnd M 0 r·e Tan Eve r e. 0 r e • ICarl Strate hom(' T'w'sday. I :I't { I1W,lgO il11l1 Iloddon!, Ill.

,an~ria~~nyrv:~~d l-~1~~,7Li-~1.~~~~~~~I -tfl~hliHtfrl \Votnlt~I'''' CIlIh. 'man were 'gu'ests, in i

l thC" Hans As-' The Highlan? ,woni!an's cl~~ m~tmus, home Mond~lY ,e\'rning. itl IIH~ W<tytH' 1 homas home I hurs~

Mr. and Mr:-;. II/lny S('II\\'('r](' (!;I,V ;lfl(')"l1oon WI!I) Mr;;, ThomCl ...,and son Wt!rc gUl'.~t~ ill Ihc j\,1;lrlin il~ h(Jslc"s, (;ul'sls wen' Mrs,

"Schwede home' sal..urd;IY~ l'Vl'!lini? AdolWh Brugg('lina~, ,j\1rs. lkrmlHlin honor of Mrs. gl'!l\ve(J("s lJil"th~ Brug-grmflll and MI:-iS Lpona Brug­

. day,. " ~~('mf~n .,01' . Carroll. i Th,(: If'ssqn.Mrs, Elwin Si-rmff', who IHIS "Gun p;; was led byl ~J:~, I:I,a~dJd

11('('0 ill al Ill(' home (,1' hl'r llilr- ~t~r:~,~(:~:.(I,l\rl~:I(> ~~:;;:hl~I:::\'('J ~/~:~,:r,::'I ~ -

B"AS'EB'·A'LL 1'111" I~;:~~~ 1.~:·~~:::'~';';rI:.·lull_m'", ",' , :~::,j~~:I~~'or~';;. \~'·;I'II:?(~~\(;·li·,~~n~(~;, ;~~:~~~,~( 'llatn,/,.t'Onf,llip (tamc '1 II', III"'"'''' S".Vl'r """'." W"l(' ,1utlg·I, "'.JI 1'£1.)\,1111 Mal'I;1l1 lk{' Pollf'l" wm.

" "IN B.IG SIX L.EAGUE, 1111.J~g .. J'il'st' I.e'. IfI FaYc•..' Ni,('.IS(.,n. sec-,

Irmrll llnr! Ahiyc(' MIII{'lslc~adt. d S 7 Ihil·(!. J'lan;; w('n' madr for

Sun ay ept II"III·'''·I",'n' tillY, which will he, • 111'1(11 Sf'IJt('nlllf'l" I':~ <II I hI'" J';Villl'

Wal/fw lJuscball P",,.k I!Wlj~"1 """Th, . IPENDER ..",1.1.,

We invite your ~nspccli<;Jn of theq~ Jat..:ililics and the US(~U car:> we ,\re, ))l-odudng lhrou8'h this new sct~up~

I ,

It means simply: lllb -:- ThOll now,' more than (,vet' hl.'fu·rl', CORYELLAUTO COMPANY i." "Safe Place ,Ip Buy" a U.ed C"r.


'l'lIkc.ldvlmillg(' Now ot: ille Low Prices ol/Our'Rc;lJlatllll'aclul'cd Cars

I . I,

I CoryeU AutotARSp~.... N~';:;S~!IIIIPH...ONE..152...... .::

_.'t "!,~i1,:i'I"I·,"""'Pi.UFI1"·!.:!~',t%':o!.An"lr"~";)/'~'I..:.1'"1:" I'j""':.' ".·,i,.".. ,',',' ",ill' '"I.',:"r,i'.,',~.. ,I..·.•. I.:.:l': ',: """'" ",1' .". ",I.·rti,I",':.":"" ':.' "1:.",1.\1,.',::"1 ,~,,'III,.:~",.. !:,.',.II.,II",·,:!;I.,I,!III"'1IIII".,~,"LIIII.IIlI,,.,_•••!!,:~~I(;;:I~:i::~,:;.:;;p~~::'::,',;:,;:"';i;\I(·i;':Ir',i~f;,li~'yi',.';:r::i,LI ",,.. "11:'1:'" r :t f!' ~ "1

,\\a.)lu.". :'\t:u.

Meals andVegelables

CUllom Bulcherinll:Quarten of ~eef _



~H ~ummer rood~ for .Il\t"rII~' in nut froun hK·kt'r"•.Ea~y. ('on\'enlent' and C-C!)­


lviwll yOll are Illlllyry let WJ

solve that problem (or you.

Our dining room !la,.; been <loublE'din sifr!:~ tv permit u,.; ,.;pace to "el'\'C

the ever increa,.;ing number wholike our home-cooked food.

ENLARGEDTo Accommodale You!

At cOII\'CniClll lucationa<.:ross from Gay


Sandwiche. of all kind.

Your Favorite Drinks


Howard & Dorolhy I,~-----.~-~-_.----. ,_IWHICH WOUI.D YOU

R.ATHER PAY?if you were involved in,<1n autolltohilc ;H.:;t:ldent'

and were fa~ed with a I$10,000 damage suit,which would you ,·ather i

pay-a heavy iu,pgment Ior the few dollars it coststo have Automobile In­surance? See Us about apolicy issued by The-<Etna Casualty andSurety Company of Hart­ford, Conn.

CavanaughInsurance Agency

l~bll~i~;J 1''iiiiiiiiiiiiiiBiiiiiiaiiiiiiii~eiiiiiiir~~s~C..aiiiiiiife~~I~ .,;;.1- !

fl" I/;."",,1

()r>fH'tldi"1l nn '<111'1' r"ll' "nrlI"nl.::lh of [ll'r\l(·l'. ~tlll filII gd f'

o'-lih bonus up (0 :5300 plus:::O days1t'1l"'e with pay.

~I~fi" mont" f1\ Ih.... "d of ~f'llf

firllt tt>rm of ..~IlRtmf"nt. lind fl'­mf'tnhf'f thaI \(lllr dnthin~, !/Jde:·illl{, mrriirlll ~"rl df'ntlll Cf.Ire arcall supplied fr~f"..

. .n'l'n! ff'lrt< fl,f'! 'p,·1It "ash {'an"mean m the NallY?

,\n ""I!lh Cll"" is 8 t11lang tl'rm Ilpwpll('-d to the depth chu,lfl' used tocombat 8ubmarln'c~, The ll.verll:g~

"1l8h can" is II contllln~r fined1\Hh approximatt'ly 300 pounds ofT.N.T. and can be dropped·board from II. I'IIhip and 80 con~

trolled 8!1 to explode at dppfharanging from 36 to 300 feet. Theseare 8'enel1llly carrlri by tbe r..tship!! in the fieet. 118 8 hOlit drop·ping a charse reKulated to e.s.~

pTode at 70 feet depth' muat move.way from the nplosion area at.speed or 25 knots or more. Th('M""R~h rans" ar(" E'lthE't t'o1Tt'd flff'HlP st~rn or shot (rom "y.gun!l"whif'h hurl one right lind onf! Idtl!Iimultatteousl)'.

,11/'" , J,,,p'" "r, 1· ... /

""I'dl.""I, "'''010'" for TC'ClIlralmcJlrl

1<; If I'r,''f,~ HIT!I 10 iJ" 1/ illf/l'I IJrhool flJ'uldllnfr in order to el1-1"SI1111Itc,XUUJ/! .

I No. Nllv)' 'enlistli'e8 )'l~l'd nDl bl'I high 8rhoo(1 Rraduatell. All appll·I r"nlA ,dll hI' ll;lvf'" "" t''ltllmttl'"

lion "olllnillillll; llflroroximalf'ly InnfI II ('!': I 1/1"". i\ lr:rndl' of :;0 pf'r ("PIll

~~r::I~\:[lyt~i~~I~o~;::I;~:I~~,~;prlu<'Jlfinnnl j;ltnt1ffnrdll. Howl'w"r,fl hlg-h sdwol Nhu'Rlinn v.lll hI'

~A~~;~~~t~~~~;~~~aman during his

~. . .

If 1 CJ1I s(lill the No 1.111 or Na!'vili'f'8fTI' , WIlt I flf' 80,t to aNavy "aide School!All n€'w rt'JrUlh are 8~nl to one ofrour Naya Training Station. andaftt'r.a lr Inlng period they mlYtake el:funj,naUOns for entran<,einto N.l!I Trade Schools. Thoset'ecrulta w~o pass thelt' examlna­tlon8 wi h somd@n"tly high gradt'IJItr€' !'lent to Navy Tradl! 8<,hooJI!Ihefore 811flK'nment to the flet't.While ~at ending thelle l!l<,",)' "ill rel"('i\'e regulaf Nllvy

_ ;:~o:~~ free .choolinl' valued at

j I~ • •What ~a }1te greatest possiblepoyl call! f",rpect fo earl! duringmu {irfft term of f'lllistment?

It is pohlble to eafn as mu<,h Bil,



I rill

1940 MERCURY SEDAN. lIadl. aod m·at....




[UI ;111 towh Will

MobilKOS - Mobiloils,

Flrmers &Merchanls, Oil Co.

'1'.ELEI'1I0NJ~ t:lERVJ<J.E 1186

'--..+1/~.te.'Jt power/T'lc'n~y of Zip IH your cal'

il YOIl liSP OUT' gasolllH's

N1!;~~;~~~'~f:' ci~=~f;~,,::,~ !11

"HI'E::'1 -Jl~'"lUll!AYN"rE'" 'H·'III'" E: RJiALD·\~~ptaigO,:~,lIT'f:WO:::~, '~; {:";~:\?'rt~~::::,,,~V~':,,:,~"'i:~:~I':::~ e'mnly Field .WI c ... v >

ocean wilt OC rel&ted' in memoil'b I

10 UC lVi'illl'llUY Mi" ManollMe·. n A'!'NE', NmaRASKA,';rHUR-SD'-A·Y,-S·'EP-Tr.-:M'-B-E'R·-4~.19-4-1 ~ ._~-~-------- -,----Nu""....ER EIGH'T~EFc,',l,Oill, Tekamah,' nuroe, wbo io ro' SI:X:fIETij YiE~RI " )1'10 '

l'lILJNHtlllg al Ihe home 01 i\ bloth· _.- i. [L~.. h ~ - - - .........., el'~l~,~~~~'~~~t1;'~~\"'Il" 01 1[, Ill'd Refll'avdmfl Work 'l1istoric ~,i nificanbe Lends Address Is Gi\'f~11 W~lter B~yce iJ-i-;,<; -!lC'o-n--cord-F~a-:---I'- ,"

"",,>8 I<lll·..... ' ",>I·OW'.. 1>1 IH,lp >II LelloJ, N~ l~ill/(lIg II By ,D.". VI"clo." W~s~' After An Operation I I II: SEnglund. Allt'1' Ihe llutch slllp 011 I It.. t' tTl· E t 'C G SWlllCh 'lIley saded WdS 10 rJdY~, flllt, I(I'i~I';I\ (,IIPI: of VV';IYIH,-\VlllC,ldf', neles 0 rave In as Walt"'!' Boyce, 4,ypar'uld ',IJlI "f ' real ucc01 NOWI S{'otl;~, Ille ~,lt~;HlI('I' wa~ W<lYlI(' \\"d~'(,!ll'lri ,dill! \Vilyfll'-. I K' . --- j1Jr ;:lI1d Mrs. Walter Boy('e nf I essturllcdtlcd nb~'llll 10:30 Olll' dat!<, PiPIOC(' Ingl W;IY', V\:Wi II'! by til(' I ' Iwanu Board Select Ogallala, and grandson of;\11- and I _raillY rJigh1. WHlulul pxcftemelll, sfall' hO:lI'Il' II LllW{)ln TllllrsUay 10 hi~lohcal Iratllt/lOti jl olle of the fusp!y on hwIdll\g" ;Jllr! Iht, AIllf'I'I- F. B. Decker Secretary Mrs. ,1. D. Boyce of Wayne, diN] Darrell Jensen';; Herefordtht' I1lH'S{'S d'mn('d Ill'" hl'lts Hnd ,J. N. 1',lllur g or Wayne' MI'. and fealulTs making t1(' (! .. ~t cspecHtI- can f1<lg 'i.-t glVCTl con:-ildf'rablc Of Lo I CI b Monday, August 25, follOWing dll I Tak Ch . h.WIllllll :m rlllllut('s WCI'C lH a lIte- Mrs. f':ltlllng, .Jolln, !Lolwl'l ilrHI Iy Inlel'cstlng 10 ~j/w tll~vele,r. T~e prominence. FI1ltng statlons espe- ca u. operation for appendicItIs .... 11Icl1 es ampIons ,Ip at; -

l llOaL Sht;I,t!y afterward waves MarguPrJ1I' y.,('I'(' tnl Luwoln Thlll's- locale f<r cvcntSjlmpOI'.ant HI tim; clally fly both Jlags, '-Many Wal- McxH.:aIl people seem well~pleas he undeI"\Vent A.ugust 10 In an Ug-' . County F-estivaI.wasIli'd the o('cupants 11110 the 1;(,H. day whC'n M'l' Fil1ung a1tpn(J('d til(' nation's devclop ~nt swell aS I posters a,re also in eVidence In ed With their new presldent, ac :~~l~u~~:r~:~e~e~~e~~gu:~r;~c~~ J)l.xon county fau' at CO-pctll'd

Mi~s McGill saw hel' roommate and board Icttlllg. ------l ~ (Sioux City Radio Supplement) i~lg~,~~~~i~::~rt~~1 ;~~~r~st;;b~aar~~ f:;[~~ag' s;;~~I~I1:b~~~~~~t~:J~r~na~ ~~~~;;t~~yDr~e;~~t~~o~~~~~~c~ Ogallala. Besides his parents and last ~'e('k Wednesday, Thursdayother friends vanish, Rain, cold - --- _. -- ~---ld-" . U k j d Th 'I grandpareot. the boy !ea"e" t.vo a,nri F nday v.. as attended by anHnd darl{pc:-i~ lllcrcmicd the terror 'Live Stock .1.1)10 1 HerC' a.,rC' Paul tcmar, r., an TillS as well as tije mafilY beauties IlIOn arc among the loplcs 11Ius- tlOn, e country IS defmlte y pro, <>, ¥., ¥ e ttl 1') rof the situatiof!, Almost exhausted On {"'~'Y Market son, Paul, III, of Wakefield. The of nature and th~ achlevcmpnt or It-aled. The Wayne folks found no a[~y, and t~l pcoplc expect the brothers and two sisters. a~~r;::~~~ a-'s)~~~(::~h~nf:~~~;:~\~~t~~

~~g1il~~'j\~~~~dl~·~celcII~~~~~'1 ~~~ 'l':lI'Jnl'I'S of 'w, 'ne and 'neal'by ~~~ ~I~ ~\I:~~~'1i~e:l~~ea~:~I[~~~; 8Jn;:I)~mJir~b'O~~~I~'·~(1;1/rf)J~nlll)~~J.'C~~(7gM~h~~11~!/lff(jJ(~Ulil~m(l~nC~~I~~~:I~gFI,alt~~ ~J~~:'~~~~ ~Kr~,)w~:n~n,a~n~.~~I~M'ZU"~:~·y ivn·ro~ostn~~"a~tOI~j~oete~! Wittler Reunion ' IoJ~h~s }.;"ar'f(~~~Ij~~~' flr~.~ t~~f~~:~l'liinlJl'd had< in, Ihll~ saving her COlwtl('S look sOJn( of IIHI hIgh of :{H 1,11~-pound ~t(lcrs on Ihe \. 0 nson ~efX am Ptlel;C W 0 gfllOg 10 'lllU{H IS n OWP( $)()O u " Ua F

liJ(~. ' , (H'kes on stu('k al 'I(lUX CIty mar- ~;~~I~l<.;.:(I,l~it~~~~~~n~h~;s:~~dw~: a~Tl~~d hoow' ThlJrsday' fl'om their worlh 01 g~orls dUly-l'n'{' If h<~ rc- Str;:Jllon Is Held in Wayne ~~o~'~clla~:·;~~~~~I~~;;~;~:: .Inl I';lig!fuul. MISS M~eGIII fountl kct Iflsi week. Olio Dlnklage, WIS- three-week auto [trip. turns wlthlll 4H hours. Tlw travelel' VI'. anti MIS. W{':-,t found 1helr The 15th annual Wittier family tlOns atlractf'<1 murh IIltercst.the !leo!)lc" womlcrfull confident. ncr, got $I::!.15 for ~<;ome Y(·~f'llOgS. his father, Pa(.ll Utemark, 51'., also Though traffu~ IS mu('h heaVier gpts aboul $110· In Canadian reccnt tnp to Mexlc( Ipss expen J) If JShe expresses hope that this coun~ ChN,ter Hansen, ])!xon county, of Wak('flt'ld, ifor over 50 years a in Ithe cast than IIH}(', Dr. JollOson mo~ey for $1 'm'Unlted State's cur- >.ilve than former tnp~ t(~ 'San DJ: ;~~~~o~r;~~~et~:r~~~~~~'~u~~:~ gra~~r~han~I~~~ln,'h~~'akoe:I~~~, t:1'l~1~ ~Ary will QC' able to pl10vlde \'ast sold heifers for $11.75. chal" T('m~ patron of the'Sioux: City market. finds that onc *oon becomes ad- reney. This differenc(' is nraetleal- ego and New York Clly and no 103 descendants of \Vllham, Henry baby beef, a Hereford. Be \\J11amounts of·matcdal but thiit Am~lme Wayn!', sold steers for $11.50. The eld('r man was I>ictured.m the Jutted to it andtlenrns the rules?f ly absorbed in the shght Increase farther than those cilles The ab- and August Wittier, Mr.s. Brune elthf'r-takc the calf to Omaha Ak­m'icah boys w'nl not :have to gO! Ke~ncth Eddie, Canoll, sol steers August 14 Issue of the Supplement, th road. Many 19hways have SIX of prlCes in Canada. sencc of any Signboard advertlslllg 1MB d Sar-Ben or to the Inter-state showab~oud. - t for $11.25 Fred Muller, 'I Wake· ~~~t~e~~~C~h~f, ~~:.. ~~~~gb~~$l~~ and eIght lane. and the fastest The Joimsons enjoyed Niagara along MeXican highways afforded an~he ~~r('ec~~~th~\~~~nl(7gtwoSIS- m SIOUX City.

' field, got $11.50; Emil 5jreve, _~____________ travel IS on the lllside Ia.nes. Cars falls, colored f1oodlight~ playmg on a welcome relief from sfJlilshy leI'S came to thiS county In 1884. . _ ~ _

I ( :,'el:ghlon Fossil,.,wW<""lk<ce'(r~,,,C'lld'I,' .~~1111.8;._,'.Ind John Greve, D,'str,'ct Office average 60 and 170 miles an houl·, them at flIght. Thcy Visited P"Oft Ampl'lcun travel Hnd mad(' slght- Of thf' fl\t" Augusl of \Vaynf': and, ['rops Here GoodI'JI ,n '" ~ and some road~ have a mmlmum Ene, il landmark of Ihe war o[ S('Plng more cnjdyab!p. Thl' coun- C k h. l '

·May ()hanqe Hist'oJ·Y w. C. SllUllhels, Wayne, rharl<('t~ Goes to,llremont speed, thlS usua Iy 1;) mJlcs. When 18I::!, amI C1'os~e(1 the Peace hndge try seemed ralher (!mb, Ilov..c\'I'r, H:l~~'~s~fwl~~ ~t~~n~I~~~. illP :\lr Comparison Sltou'sThe geological history of north- ed lambij that hrought $l~, Edi one wants to g t off a many-lane ill HuffaJo. They .saw Buffalo to Ihc We:-;ls In comparison wllh and Mrs Wm Beune of Dod"e, Mr. "Crops are as good here .',,, """C'.

D t 1,1 FSA cl stnct offl~e Ins been hIghway, he ~v rkk to the outsldc teachers college which has glOwn som(' parts 01 Ihc United Slates. '~n,1 Me" Lou Boone and 'family where east." accordIng to Ile"rm'',,"n('ust Nchrn:-ka may be changed by Dougherty, Ixon coun y, s0'1 moved frol.m Way'nc 10 i:,~'remont, f u __'. '--

recent unearthing of prehistoric lar]1bs for '$1].75. , and PhJlI[' Sutto'" h;:;s already gone lane. Usually nO! Ie t turni'> arc per~ Ifrom. a :;;ma/l one to 1,000 enroll- SlIpl F'. H. 'Dpcker was chosen and Hlmry Be-une ,of Wisner, Mr. Lundberg, \\110 .... ah Mrs. Lund.IJones sOlltllC'a~t of CreIghton. It is Harry Strate, ,Wayne county, " '1 mlt!ed exccpl aj designated places, menl under the present [cader. secretary of the club Monday by and Mrs August Beun... and family berg and d ht ~f R

I <10 QO W W I to tl." 'lew 10,·I"t,00 u rs !·'I'··'abeth In wasl"ngtonl D. C, espeCIally Till' college I'as no dorm,tor,"'s and h h d . . - ~ , aug er,. ISS Wh. ilr-estimated that' the fOSSils, deposit~ sold sows or 'I' ,q'~1 ymore a J '-- ....1<0., I.LV! • ~ ,. on' Const'ltutlOn avenue. Dr, John,:, students' ,.tay' In home, abouCt the I e 09- r fo succeed N. }<' Thorpe Mr. and Mrs. Herman Beune, Mr. rived home Sunday c\cnm~ 16 feet beneq,th the sutface, in lin, Concord, had ~l(gs on the mar Grant, who h1-s boch In the office' , who went to ~incoln. and Mrs. Herman Stlgs and fam· cr travelmg 1,700 milt's In Itgreenish gray river sand have I{ct for $1110 I here. move::; to Fremont next Mon- sor found that between 4 .and '16 cIty. Supt .John Lilhel'land was a Ily, Mrs. Gerhart *yer, Mr. and states and Canada. Im..,a. IllrnrJI.Speen there 2,500,000 to 3:000,000 ~..:.~~~~ - I day to contlOue her work, Mrs, p. m., durlOg heaVIest traffiC, Ie t Through New York and Pl'nnl-iyl- guest at the meeting". Mrs Wm. Meyer ami f,amlly and and OhIO counfry looked ~o()d IJlItyears. T,he bones have been classi- AIJPolntl.'1l

rto Orrico.', Grant's mother and daughter will tUl'ns at deslgnbted places WIll be' vanIa by way of WJlIlamsport and ~._ Mr. and Mrs. Gerl:lart Meyer, jr., pretty dry to :\-11'. Lundberg 'I he

fied as two types of horses, one Allen G. Burk'e, 63, or Bancrol1, accompany her. discontlllued l£tmporarlly. HIgh-~ Harrisburg, the Wayne folks slop~ lIornf' from Northw.'!'I1. of Howells, Mr. and Mrs. John Lundbcrgs went fU'st to Exct,t ... qrabout four feet tall, three si~es of brother of Mrs, ~. McEachen of TRAN'S-F-'Elt B'OU~G'HT ways are excc tlOnally good and ped at Gettysburg and viSited bat- M . Konkrn and hmlly[of Colcrldgp Spnng 1\-1 tI I rrhinoCeros, mastadon, camel; deer Wayne, was apPQliIlted by IGover- well marked. ennsylvanm has a tleflclds. Battle lines are marked ISS Dorothy Slpl'[f', who arnv- M d M (W , W'ttl d K s'l 0., len 0 ~OUls\'J1I",

~~~~e r~~~~~J~i~;C2~h:~~~~~0~sj~;~ ~rdj~e~~~~to~~;~d~~ri~~lt~~'lIP~~~ Van ~~d~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I;:I~~llv~;~,hltna;hI2IrI~;:~lil7'fr~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~I~~~ ~~~a~~~~ ~a~h~~,~~y~ ;!:'~7i;,~~,:,,"(te0e~';{::::!,:~~~::::,~,~,;~~;E ,~'d:I~:~};;~ji:~;E~~ ~:,l~:~~~:£~:}~,~:~~~~~~~~Il;~:,,:I 'I~ L'I f,'o ,I 'rh 10s"·,·1 bOd" W"rc t nl II' "ue"'--'''ds R·.I!,I, Co· f' w ' Ir' nslc" s",Lv,ce ,'n Wayne to rave on IS I'OU{ W I C I pel'~ ,",." r,.ro,,'r D .... '·,l,·.'.t·.·. M,·. "",I '1,·., I··'·.·.nk W,"I,'r "n,1 K"ntucky seooory '''a'. 'I". ,"". ,r't;;t'roun<~' wh~n WPA '"v.:~rk~rs ~a~om~a:;' na~n~d :~I~)'" I'he 'board -or IiU~d ~r(~k dh'm:gc t~lS week. Mr. mlts greater s~ 'cd. In ~;lsllingIOtl, J;~ ~~" I h(~ ,Jobrl- ~:I~·IJ~~'~I.S,~~;:~~, ,:lll~' ;;~:.~~t~~(lllgn:~~: fanllly ot f /';;rt IIlg1 on, \\' I I v J\. bt'autlfuJ th" \\:'a~ne fOlk:o. <';-1\\ 1 II~were drg-gl~g sewage ditches, control 10 replace the late W. 1\. PoweJt~' pl;H1H are nol y('l definite, i\ttradltf' Ito.iuh;ldt,~, ',ons werl'lgupsls or Mr. and Mrs. M()IJI'Of', (lit'. on 01 Irul! i:lnd nul Wrttler and MI:i. Len" \\/1111('1 of though i'\-lJChlgan orcharrh "'fld

.- '-1 "~._..:_w_ --- ~- Bruc('. Mr. Burl{q Ila~ !'icrved nIl - - - ,- ---1----- - Al IeI' tl IJrl('fISIOP nl Soul 11 Bend, ]o;ver'cl t S\\'anson, I Ill' lat Igr fOl'- I',JIlC'h Snli-ill gTillll, hay <Jnd \ egt'. Wznsld{', Mr. <-till! Mr" Arnold \ Im'yards are ImpreSSIVC.• Tl,kn"i Tf.!'Its In (lltY, fIV(' const'cutlV(' legl~latull~s al1(1 PrO'I.'h~c War R<llif'£. Il1d. 10 ::;el' Noire IJanw l,Ullvt'r!'lly, merly }<'Iorl'nce Bl'ntun. '1'111' Swan- I<lhl{'s al'e li-IlSPf! f'X!I'IlSI\'(']y'lll Wlltlll', Mr and M,s Gl'orgp Thf' Lundhl'lg!' srwnt ,\ d'ly ,'1":1

Y('1',,1(1 Wl'1gh1 was. LO' Kam;as wal) speaker of the house'lI1 H)~5. ()tl(~ wat· ,~clJef lactlvlty whH'h the ,Johnsons wpnt to lJelrOlt sons arc fOiowl' Wakefwld folks tll<ll n:g'oll a[;,n. Thl' lhree-rnonlh W,UI('r ,Inri family, na~mlOHd a hdlf <11 Niagara falls. Thf' fJO\\' I'Cdy la!-;I 'l'hursday to take, tests 'Burke's new wor~, lor which Ill' 1'(1. has 11('('n 1:ltl,le IJul,licized is that whpl'(' Rcx ha~J vlslled a week. and like thl' ('<-lsI. Mr. Swanson IS sUIDJner dry ~Jle!1 \\-ai nJnllrlj.'; tl) a WIIIIf'r ;:Ind H..f'\· and l\ll's', I-~red pli-lllt lhf'r-f' and all hndL.:/''> Inlor tIll' con llIunications divi:Jon of- cei\'es a salary 'of $3,~O(} a year, of Hw Chris~ian Science comml~w They W{'I-(' 100press('(] wllh hfgh- a s,llesman and Mr~. Swanson IS (;Iose wl\(,11 MISS St{'f''l(' .... as In the J' bInger aw] f<lmily IJf Iloskms, Cilnad<l \\-f'¥l' unde .. military gll;11 'l.the ;:W' COlpS. lIe ma\y be sent to startcd Scple'mhcr 1. lee which has sent ::!,999 cases+- ways througtr, Mrdllgan. Many stallsticlan wilh Ow df'partmcnt wpst and fall nuns WI'/(' slarlll1g Mr anrl Mrs. Fn'd '1'':11111'1' <1nd son, AlIthontlPs f'heck all VIsitor.)

,Scott field t 1)1. 1 IQ ahout October. ---- - -- . half a million garmpnts valued ~tt trees 1,1ll(' tlw lain thoroughfares, of lahor T1H'Y h(l\(' ju ... t compleled WtJ. Slel'le ilws III f'urtland ;J.nd Mr <HId .:'vII'S. LoUIS SChUltf', i\lr c!os<'!y, according to Mr. Lund.I~. W. Wri~ht accompanied Gerald ~,1R9,368- thl' pa~tf,i~e months 10 and plcnl(' la'I'r's ar" prtlvu!ed In a new horne 'In Allmgton. TIll' Ilkl's IllS posl1l()n wllil lilt' Slaml- and Mrs. VwtrJl' hnlesd1/.' and ',ons hprg Afler September 1 eitherto Kansas,clty. Ihose III flied!. S iptnents have lhp shadl' al '('r)l1Vf't1l('nt Splt('('s .Johnsons <t1so S(IW Al'l Lar:-.on of ard ()II ('ompany. r;('orgr' Slf'f'lf" ;Jnd Mrs ()scar Ifoem,w and f,Jnl- bIrth f'{'rtiflcatC:i or citiielUJhlp

I)('('n madp If' Lon 01'1 and dlS- along lllP mul!r'. In I)('I/olt IJr·. Wakdll'ld. lie rs In Irallllnr,.:- fmm jr, Iusl :-.trl.I'!erl worltln,t: In Ill{' Ily of \VlOslrll'. MI- ;:Ind Mrs AUI-;. pa]l! 1:'-. fll1jst Iw exammed beforetl'lhlllecl froni Ihal milnl. Covl'lltr'y .Johnson :rnd tiS lalIH'I' :-tnd Ihn'" ~ ,I m, to ~ p, Ill, I';:wh day ;Inrl BOl'ing :tllplam' fa('lory In St:'attle WIlllr'r', Sl , MI. ;lrJd MIS Ifpnry ;lrlrTIltl;tnn' 10 Ihe country will bennd (1Ifl('1' pllll('I'S 1l<t~C iI('ell [11(1'1' hlolh('r~ W('rT 100g('IIH'1 lell" the )loll\·1 to Ii p. Ill. SUIl(/;lyS lor .spc- ,nHI rr'fJolls IIIf' pl./fll \('I'y husy. WillieI', MI and MI-s Ed (;I,I"s- gr'lllll'dvld('(~1 \.,.1111 I'hlllnlwls, ilnd gm tl Ilrsl rlllll' HI II 1'11'11\'(':'-.. <.'1,11 J..:OVI't·III11f'nl d\lly for wllll'll ht' MI'SS,St('l'II' ... ,lW Iii!' Cd MOl'dhorsl 1llf'.\,I'1' anrl f;nnlly" Mr <-Illd Mr... ('/Jnl \\p,ltlwI added fa fOlll"Y.clot I1l1l1~ I ~!';~dqUiII'~l'rf' !In' lJl rmi- ':'111' I',dl",ol) 1I1~1 11 Htl' 1Il1t',('llnl e:qJ('('h;:ln ;ISSlgllllll'll1 I III ... mont h. iHul AlvfIl I )(-'lS l.undll''> :Ii McMlII-! AllJ('I'I, Bl'arl(--'.I' ilnd famlfy, Mr. ~lnd Trlf'nt 01 ttl!:.' , rip, F,·lday 1JJ Ilh/l"13lun alld SIJ!PIIIICIiICi 11I'c lll<lIle r;~gll' .llld \'111;:11,;(' Ifl lPtroll nn' IIltl'I('-;I- Tlu'y ('(tIled at 111f' ol)l('e 01 ('on· VIIII'. tilP [\1onlllOt'::,h frnmPlly 11\-1 MI''> (urtls. !'oOll' and fAmily, LVt,- bl'lllr: HlP ollly Wl::um da.y thel:lIlv 10 II <11 cI1y ~rOJH IIIP (I1ml- lf1g pl<.ICI'S VIS lerl IJY Ihe W;-tyne J.;1·1'"sll1i.l1l 1';11,1 :bII'LIll hul Ill' W,JS H1g aL f'll'lce i-md IIH' otht'r:-, h~le, 1It1t', Ivy, rprn and HowaHI 11l'~e· Lundb('q:; ... f'xpenenced.ha ~I1fICf':H 301 Wel:t~ter-Sulldl'r· foll<s In IlIf' IlllSetlJI1. (JWIWrl by Ul tillS stale at the IUlle. I __ "__ ~...,.-_ man, all of \VilYIiC. --- ~land lJlllding, HenlY FeJt'r1 ntHI 1l<l1l1('d for hIS Ml, VCI'flOIl, kn1Jth',OI11.!H 1I1:~tl· 0[(1'1' Short {our,;", , ~------ --~ IVelD IJegioll Offif...C,.."f

. . -" - ~---~~ fllClld, TIHJnJd" '·;dl."OIl, l.s stl'essr'dl 1ll 1P, sliplPllle t'lIllll bUlldlng,lI- 1\ poultrv shari r'Ollr~(' f()r ,111 Ikh..len ~ankl'r UIP~. I t II I W d('J~I~:S in Ml"ctiuJ;. '. Ill(' hr~lOl.ICi-Jl rl t'wlopnil'rll of many 1J1'~I'Y (J~ nJllgrl'ss, Adlllg'ton I'crne~ Illl<>rested v.'11l bl' held at the '='J;:;- "lulU! Beuek, lG, PICSltlf'llt 'It tIle ,US a e{ e ne8day

1lapJly-Oo~Lud<y Hnd 'J'i-lsly M x- thlllgs. 1',nlH e1 sl(lrf'S have b('f'n f('ry, Lmcoln nlPmonal and the rJ{'lIllurill coll~ge In Lmcoln &ep l' u's( NatIOnal hanlt of Belden, Ne\.... hmenc-3.n Legion offlcf.:rs'..'rs 1~Il dUU,s n1l't HI 1J1l' }<. 'cd "eproduccd 10 show lhf~, progr"...s many 6Ihl'!' mierrostlllg SIghts 1n lpmbel' 10, J L Hnu 1:! Prof .I. I-~ died Friday in Rochester, MWI;l., .....ere InstaUpu Wednesday ~venlng.·Siell<rm hom~' August '27 wltl LiI- of harness. Sh~JIS' 1!iIIIJn{'ry and Wi-Ishington proved mosl Ifltcr{'sl- Olnry wtll rlis('us... common poul- where he had n-,~el'...ed treCitments Stepemix'r :3, In the Legion. rooms11i-L1l Slt~~I<lJnlang I';j"fl. [3il1SO r 11O:-iI- ~:IOl.hJrlg, dl~Il(' .. IllrllllUIT', Im.rue!"•., mg TIl{' Wayne folks noted that try djs('a~s; If L. Wllck{' \0,111 for several "{-'pit};. An~1hpr veter- wlth the commander- in 'charge ofesses. Plnns for H('hi<,vcmenl day mg, cle. 1-0 ~ rolunda, III :111- 1111' I'ngravmg' hUn'au I!' pspP('lHlly lalk H!JOut ('anI 101 of rullge paluly- an of the same bank, frank Harp. the ceremony. Tlie'new offiCersW<'I'(' dls(jll*~ed. Roll ('(tIl WI-iS IHhl'r pill 1 or IIH' ('II y, IS H hugp

ilUSY They WNl' in[or'mpri I hal all SIS, and Charles ,Joldn tdls of fall er, dred ~IX weeks ago. . arf" Floyd L Conger, CommaJ14:HIlSW.')'l'f] whh prtZC~ won ;:11 lilt' IHllhllllg, upI'n Illl 1111' sl<y, dl'pll'tlng Il1lJlI!'y II.; ,I'ouult'd ~(j IlIlles, :Inri <Iud wlllter manageOle~t 01 ul.eeu'l RItes for Mr. Beuel••\erl' CUB- del'. Frank ,Heme, adjuta~=:fair'. 'rile el'ltjlls Illeel Sepl('mber 3 the l!r'v(,!o!lllldni III ('itl'S :tnd 1111' wornI'll do 1!1l!' work Mosl of II1PSC {'rs dIld layers. ducted Tue<.;day. C,ll·lwrl. fll',,1 \I('e co •In tl\l' (.'VP~IHIl:: ut Ihe Ptllll Slllttt- pruC'f'Sslllg of I rn;lI{"·I,lIs. In Ilu' WOIH('11 11,]\'(' Iwr'lI 1/1 fhe LHII'!"dU for Mr. Beuck. who had b('('11 With \V,t!l('l' J1~rdrr, second ~.:,_.gel her 1I01m" It{'llter I"" ,I 11~lg(' It'\ nlvlllg glrJlw SOnltC y(';:1 rs and oj fll'lals repurl ---. - - - -- - -- ---- ~~ --~- tIl(' bank :-'11I0' tl was orgallll:l'rl 10 mandl'l. h ;-.; Parke', ,,~plain:

all \\Ilwll ;111' <!f'Slgn;t!l'd 1111' ]lla('I'.s llial they prow' bpst III ,llm, IJ,Il'~ Jl'om which fol' !UO nil 1(':, Olll' U\'('I'~ lR90, le<1\(,s IllS Wlf(', 0/1(' ll;H1gh- Fred J)<.III' ~ergeant~at ...trns; tlndHas LohnmhJty Wurll. fW·IlI ...;fllng ploUuch. TIH' ,Johnsolls tH'uliJr IWllJ of \o,ol'lt lool<s the Shenandoah ,;:dl",y. The Il'r, MiS F"redenc Boysen of B('I- Jolin ,h:--'tlIlt, flpance officer.

(;('olgl' Brodt, slln Ilt lIt :Inti lil,pl! nl·lI hle,''';II-k, tlH' gn'fll I'f't'- The JolJnCiolls \Isded the ....ellute !'>kylill(' I'outp IS a n:tlion;-l1 Imrlt den, ami four sons, lI{'rman of ~~__.M.s..1 1<. Brock (If ,IOflf'sIJOlrn, l'r';t!lnn t'l'nlrT hl'lwt'p,.lhe f)('110It while II was III ...1'S::iI0I1 ami saw whH'h lIu· go\'('rnnlO'lil ('xp<'cls In Hplden, Henry Of] till' \-vest ,cUi-1~1. 'larri..d in "·aynr.1\1'1" f(Jl'frH't'ly of W;IYIIP, has hd'!n rl\'{'r <Inri L;lk~' SI Clall' Tile 1(.'- VIl:e Pn'... )(I('t!1 J!enry \Vafl,ll'p, I~XIPIHI. In SI;:-lllllrllll ll1f'y sloPlwd .John of FrPlllotll, awl Cow \\110 H("nnan I\. far of Burball".::; D.,1'11IN'11 l'nglllf'('1' III til(' [alloratnl-Y ~oll is 1101 l·o~lIIlH'rr'rdll/f'rl. SI'rwtors 111I'am ,Johnson, /\rlhw' In s('{' the hlrthpl,WI' of Wood,'ow leache~ IIIU:sH.' III Neura:ska. Clnd MLSs Dons Ma~ Gflhkm, of

~)~o F~~'Il~~;~;l,lrll,ri~:~;o '~l:!'(;~~:~~~IOI~ , TIH'I~;/;:~:~~:.i~~.I~)\I~l'~}t~~::~i(' I )1'- ~'\/ll~~~;::~(;.a ~/I/I{/h:,~~17:':1~~~.~I('rh~~:'~~ ~~;II:~:~~~~:~~ !I~~ Lr~;\7~II\b~~~ry :Ian\~ J:;nlish in {'oa~t {j~rd. ~~Ol~~ ~I;~':' \\;;:to~la;~~d ~t~g;l~~wlw~lng on J.!:rl\(,l'nmp111 ronlra('ls. 11011 IIOOIl1 , !('I'llons (]f !IoUS{'~ They saw Mrs. .James Roosevell al!'>o Vlrgml:J millfary university. /\Inold \VIlIJaIll VictOr. Wake. Mc~:~)(h-"t parsonage. The bnde's(;e(wgl' h,ull)I'{'t1 ,tlli'Tldlng ('olh'ge S(,l'rll In go Ip {j\I'l'lIlgIII, ;111(1 go 11110 Ihe Whllp f1oW.,(, bUl dul Rolwl't L('e'~ lomb L<, 011 flle_nun- fIeld, wa::; enlisted In the coast Sisler and husband were attend.III ,IOIll'sll(lI()J II\{lll~:lIHI!' 11\ ' 1111 tldlll'l' IIOUSl''> nol vl~11 Ill!' executive manSlUIJ as pUS of the fonTler. gU<lrd at ()maha, and was trans- anls.

I '1'11(, ,loIH1"'01l~ dro\p !Iv 1111' hUJ,.:l' thiS I'{'q\\ll('~ a great deal of I'ed Till' WHVTlP folks h!<pd tit", hi lIP- I{'rrpd to thp Port Tmvnsf'nti fr~Jn- r;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~

39 Mllrrll'~l ill ~ ••·rm8I1Y· Vonl p[an! wilich apPl:;uC'd tu 1)(' tape now. grass country of Kentucky and mg ~tatlon at Port Townsend,, C , Wonl has, \)('I,'n I' l'eCjCIV(.wd Ihat tJl'()(]ucmg ,il 1l~11 capaclly. Penmls The new Wa~hmgton alrlJort, a slopped in Lexington, Ky.. to ViSlt Wash_, for a course of trammg be-

B('t Iy Klanl'l', W 10 IVe< In ayne to go through Ithl' plant can be oll- short distilllCP down the Polomac, some of the farms on which famous fore bemg aSSIgned to dUI y on

ARSOH'5 ~('\('ra1 y('ar!-i With her aunl, Mi:iis 1illnl'd hul som(' rN! lape is reqult'- chromIUm fllll~hf'd and \'('ry nlel' hOl'<;('~ ,In' r.ll'l'd Thl'''r !JO,llrl d (()d"! ,:\1'\1'11,(\1'1, IIL " Anna c;;'I<.;Il'J:, was martII'd wlH'n i'r! on ;:HTOIIIJ\ ()J tlH' Plt'CiJUtlons slJ('illll-llrH'd, l'i ,Ill Inll'I('~llngl!)ldl'('S <'11(' ,]tt),]('tl\1 \\Itll v.lllt,·1'IWII(' t)jlj , \\'a,'yIll', T\dl, ~lJt' \\'1'111 b,H!l, 10 h('1' 11,111\(' l.rnd lhal nJusl Ill' l,d<l'Il. pldt:l'. IItige ('uIlHnll('ldl pfClnes lJ(J<lld fl'nn'~, i-.llld ,~Ullt knu'" 1,\_1,.-----------,

\,~--~~~~~~~~~I -"":'':'''' I{)f C;.<;I'('!ltls!fl\:<Jki'l on i-l VISlt;1 few Uriv.' T~'rOIlJ.;'h ('f\IlUdll, roar III f-1ml out f!v('ry few Illinutps ti>nrl along highways. TIll' .John· Just One Quality ..•r"- ~, years ago, Sl~l' has a son lIo,-n last J...e1-l.vll1g D IroJ! llle Joflwmil .... They are dispatched much Itke sons saw Man of WHf, Ihe most fal.

..........-;••~•••••·.i••••'•••••••••••; ......-••II.... Fchnwry TI~(' f:nmly In'es near '(Tossed 1111' tllillillllolll n('w hlldge Ir<uns from a large <!I'pol A ~Ight· mOll ... 1,1('1' horsl' III 11 1."1 o1'y, nnw ~1 The Very B~SL- " Rdft Brctllf'n, (il'l TallY IwhIch affords a wonderful view of s('cmg blimp ha,ng!' over Washmg- yC'ars old They OJ [su sa\\ War Ad· l,;: Look for The e ' oot l- ~ . 111(' city. In dnVlOl-': through Can· Inn almost constantly, lal<ing IJi1S- Illiral ;IIHI ol[1"lS TI1I'Y \1 .... llr,d

: < , ForllWf (tlllll'llh !\larry. ada IIH'y ChOi'!' IIH' mad Umt jnl- Sl'ngel'S who wlfh ::'la;!J a \le\V of TI'ans}l\anw colh'gl', Ih(' nldl'sl 10• . l)on!c'y I· FrdcJl'I'Sl'R anrl MISS lows Lake E 1(' and'uvoids CIties. the city. the middle \\'esl, and camp to St.

5 Save o~ shoes. 'Our modern .repair service ~:~;\l;~'~~tll<~l~~'('~t,r~()~:1rri~~r~~:~~~~('~f,un~~~~'n:I~:~~ve~~~~~~~~~.~~ H('lU~~~~~ ~~~:.H't~~~iV~;}hnSolls ~:~~'t;~I~:;;e~lUand through Iowa

5 makes ,them like neW and adds months of ~~,I~~i I~::n~l In o~~~;fr;~:~\\'I~;:;.(,T~~~ aboUI till' war!. Flags arc w.~d pro- look the beautiful skyline Unvc ~~-~I'J--lllllllrnllllll~: Iwca~ at little cost. Bring them in today. I Fl'rld( 1.'1'11 !f'; ChI, III !llgh schou I. . ...-- .v.:. I IIl\~ To Isil 0lll'ratlou,• Jvo,.k Shoes Gloves Pillly 111f'\I' Iwd IOfISlls r'eltlOv(td: 'I'lJlIl'sd,l,V ill ;) 10(';11 ho..... pil;:11. H

: _ ALL KINDS OF HARNESS WORK 11<-,,,,,,'1 W, 1<'111>'11 '1'>1",<1>1 V ..v," " ••••'r.,'Il/~~' I: r tlllll~ to 1~'SlJllll' Ill>, ',Ilifll' S .II \\'iI~ I.? .lJr", .• • 11.1111"" ('olll''-'l' III \VJiII.ll11,>I()\\ll.: I M<iSS l':llrouhj 11(.' plalllll'd to SPt'I}1:: " conpl(' of rt~tys ;:11 Lakl' ("han _· Le sShoe&HarnessShop pl,(tn \\ltl1 1110, l'lllllllnldl(' \lls y: rner ;",~:;:'::;~" ~;~\,,:~:'~~;r::~';,: ~~:~~~~• I ~I C f•••••••••••• JI••••••••••~••••• I1 .....II••JI•••JIII ••,.•• ,. ltv, I

....' ···..·········•············..···~··············r···· ...• I" I •

• , I C: I •

- , -5 " i: I-I~ I.



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fitted GlassesGive Health

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Easy Loading Facilities


Here's lheNationally.Advertlsea (olemanthat heats your ho~se

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heating unit that CIrculateswarm air through yourhouse Uke a furnace­yet Sells in the lowprice range of ordinaryroom heaters!

S,wift's IS Highest: Qu~lit:y




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PHONE 66 ... Early orders assure that prompt.:. delivery which your appreciate

Swift's Premium bacon or breakfast

'--''---l ' ~"u.~·ge p~ovid", a mosl ~pp"lizingmeal for crisp, coo] mornings.

. Famous, )ow.cost, em~ient ColemanH,eatera give Z~way heating l>ervic~.neat barg{lins in winrer cornfot·t forthe whole fumily!

Thi. wep-balanced, ready­to-serve Ifood i. made espe­

. ciall~ for dog. and cats ofall breed. and age•.


'1""'-1"'1 '1'''1''1:111111'''1'1''''' 'I'l ' "11'1 - ,,- 'I II , " II 1'( ',I 1. , I. .'j:I '1'" I . .' ';' J I .l-


,0::'","',"',.;"'."'f":,"'·:f"'·"""'i"'c="'t"'e"'a"'.,"',"')=,"',"'I='s"'i:'::":='"',J"'"=U""::::,""."'d=~==t"'",.1=,=-:;~'];~-=':==:=,:"'f"'~::;;"'~O;:~d"',i"':~'T~~~~G!~r " : . ~i~~ ~~ i;~-~::::yo:~:t;'WiuJ~;~~~~{:0~(~1~~~d~;i~ l

For Concord a·.er <.;,.'.t)'.!)'.'r"I",(I,'.IHll :~I 11\(' oll,II('I'IIl'(' ('11',1 ""'Hr.REV,. Folt .. ,u· a7t5 ~ Refe-rfee.jSeptcffiber, UJ41. at 10 (j'clock a.'1_" " roe .... '"'''''''- ---;1I1~RIFF'S~ , 1 m ., ancl on Ow 1~lh dilY of D(·-

'I'll(' ('alToll Ifllll'x (/111('(' was MARSr:ONSON By \'irtup 01 an Ordprof SU1C'


10 c;mher, 19·11. <.1111) o·clrl('!-::t. m.,I mO'vnl Jt'orn 1111' Nali(JlI;JI ' O~ CL'4f)E Cn~CIIN4D", mp dit"('C1C'C1, i!'isued· hy the CI rk :-ach ,day. ~(:"I(T('I\l' and ('xi.ll"ninp .

/. -~-.~--------- -- - - -r to 111<' Canoll lJudd- HAS PERFollmED MORE of thp District Court of \Va n all c1.1Jm<.; d..,aJ,n"t !-.:ud (,,,til\(>, \.... lihunaway Enlivens Interest of 'wo j'ingors li11 Ill·.S· I,,'gl" I h"l",jl Ing. '1'1](· (' 1-:. \1 III 11\(' III 'THAN' 2.,OlJ,oOO SUit/AI.. County Nl'braska upon a dec e a vIew to theIr ;Hliustnwnl. <lncl al·

I l.. 1 rpnrlf'rt~fI thpr~in' at Iho ]I"a :hc lowan0('. Th(· l/lnt. Jln11tr'd 1(/1' thpInRoutineof'Eveftts,him>ala:lumhf'rll"O{JmS~dl1J(.iI'WJ.;" ! (EREMONIESINTHE&2 <::- I II " [I.. W I I 'I'M I c' 111 ' '''/ I 1939, term thereol, j'n an aOll'on' ) '('<';P!l :J HHlO <: cums flgcllnst saulE I • faro, - . . em (' ?rryas {} . at t· J , SU,,- YEARS ,OF HIS MIN/57,.. • " t t Jar 11 In Ponca. I A son was born to Mr. and Mrs.. taIned a .br9~('~1 collfH: bo p wl1('n pending in Raid court Wherein 'the es a e I" t nee munths from thj, ...

F,[lr]y 'Pays 'from 'thC' Wayne J. E. Sylvanus of Hugo, C810., A\l- t~e (~ar 10 which he> und Wl'~ley City of Wayne, in the State of ."t.J.t;'~ 12th ?ay of Septembpf, 1941. and}rr'l,ild f(ll' September~, H)L:i: gUst 1;), 1925. 'so S"l\·'lll\J<.: Wilo.: Lum \\'('n' /'lIlill'(11 \'lltl1 (111(' braska, was plaintiff and Willis the tlml' limited fo.l' payrywnt of

. 1 N - drl\'('n li\ '\I\\rl ' C. 1.1I1nl('I', f't al.. \1,'('1'(' {Ieff'ndant~, ~:;:I~I~fJ:\I().~II\".II" '/ 1 Jr"Hli .', 'Id ::::11<1t t;~~~~{n~~'or~~~~;'~J:O~d(~;~:(:;~1 :l:~ t(~~;Z;~~~, M~~tI~~:~'·;'~'Sll~;~lt of Wakt'- A (:'~ll~lrl~'1' \\;!~ 1,;'111 111.\11·. .Jlld I will, on the' Hlh day of Sf'ptt:.m_} I,! 11.1 .r \.lal .fesu'Yal. Ex-Governor ~. R. field 10 years ago, d d in: Ppnd.el' .MI·S·

I!~JlI I uh IJl \\ 11 ,ltll"'1 i\1I~~1l',1 !Jpr, 1941, at 10 o'clock a. m.,1 at WltrH'."''' Illy lund .Illd !Ill' "I',ll

c~~lVi~ was judge of s~ock. in August, 11925, a~d '2, ~ '27. ~J2.')., ,,' (,I -1i the door of the office of thl' Clrrk of ...,iJJ(J ('olHlly I(HIII, JIlL,; :!7111 d:ly, ipuxlCity Moraahan post band was Wakefield school open jth the MISS Mlld~(\f~ ~I'a~t ~~ ~(~tlmHI~, il. I of saidt.>0urt, in the court h~se of .Augll~l. I~J11. .

ne of tilB features. staff including W. C . .tncktri, J<:. a1l1(} Lloyd K~(Itf(,1' 01 , Jl1SJ Ij\ hm'l' in Wayne. jin said county. sellito (S",II) .1. :\1. ("lEnnyThe new grandstand an(~ cx- W. Smith, Miss Agnes H.icltardso , sf'l S.t::ptPTt1!J1",· Hi, [!:h, 11/l" 1/1f'))' tllp hjghe~t hiddf'r for cash. 1hf' :.dHt1 ('<Junl)- .JUdgl':

I ibi1 hnll will be completed· at Mis.":; LoJla Gerkin, OSCltr 11.'. ,lohu. w(lddmg. followin~ ~Iescrlb{'d J"1.'al eSlate-,'to. 'I J

V:1ynl' fair gl'olJ:nd foJ' tlli' lallll':;- SCJII, ::Vlr,,~; ('lara ,1()llrl:-iurl. 1\11<,,, Mr'''. \~'fll 1 !I·\·,I, 1('<'id l'lJ1 (If wll: SIU:KIFF'."4 :-;.\1.1';h:d. Elpanor Bm'g, 1\11','; \\-::lYIIl' 1·()lll1t.~ 1:..,'\1.l ltll 'I "t Lo1s t~vf'nty·tw(j (22), 1wf'nty- Bv \111110' I>t ,til (',d"I' (Il ~lli' .. \Vayl1f:' cily school oJlf'IlS Sf'p'" lIvll'1l Sanborn, 1JJlcl.J 1\\ 111·,](1". l\lj(!l!',! '" I. '1(""'" (11. tlil"'!' cr~), :Hld lw(·nty-fout· to nw dll' ,·1, d I -II'" l,~ tl", (·11 I h""

~m~Jl'r 7 \\ilh :t. s. 1I~01{ III 1\111S" H.l1Jh !<'n.'llch, :\'fl~,S t;l'.lf'f' ,Earl." \\a.HH' n"\"lll," (:24J, Bl(J('k li'll IllJI, ('ullf'gl' Ill' lIH' dl~tl~'l 1',',·1 ;,1" \\":(\'11f'hal'gp. Other teachprs,'a~I'-:vJrs. NC'.al.Mi."~;PansyStf'drr,\"'. l'I(Jlll\\ 111 1("·(,11'1'011'1 lldl Addi1uJn 1" \\"1yne In county. :.,1,1.1'-] '. IIP(Hl:I !I"fT('"

• Ills.PoIlurll, Miss-ClennTi'- ITacoll, ChUprd ,Jahd':,;), "Oll Il! 1\11· ,lIld I:..!, 1~11l~·, I I:" I lllllldll'L' \~·ilynl' ('fJ~lIlIY, Ni'lmhkil, t"f'ndr·I(·rj 1"( I' ':1 ·11 till' ;;('ptr-tJl-11S" Ruth Anderson, J\,1i,,;s Mary l\irs. Fred ,I,lhdf' uf W<.J,kl'ljl·ld, dH'd Ia bal II (Ill Iw I u: Lilst of l!lp bill I'. :M.,. ~il(·r·, j(jjl). 1"1 "I 11i'·II·'!I·, III :111 :11

]l..rJ('lt~I1Z, Miss C;ora Schlaak, Miss August 17. 19:!3. afler 111 lr!l'l'rf,UlJ 1(: \\':IYl]l' ., trJ :-<Jll:-ily lhp ,lflJif's;:w1 jlpfTf'{', th,.. Ilion III -:.,td (·,.Ilrl Wlll'lt'llllfl~'IOllY VIasnik, Mis!" Ruth Doudna. an Opf'ratlOll on (llll' of hi'- If'''s Iarntly pl;lll j" alTlOunt (hI{' Ihf'rl'lHl bl'ing S91:"ikUI Till' Lil" JII"IIPIl!f""

'OWl't' Sageser. Paul Peter~on and Kpnl'ick .l\'Iitcl1l'1l Jlcnds II():I~;ns to (',,]110l1111 .Wllh 11111'1'('...,1 and (oqs and ae('ru- ,j' 1111111 '.\;1'-' "Iilll\-

l 1r'· F I" Fisher on till' I'gh schn01 JOl'thc'nc\vtel1'n. (1IIIvr',()Jl I>.; mO\"lnL'; JnJlll Ing-cos1s. Iflff;Jt1d r; LI\II~.'.I;iI.\I('ll'!j:('!l';;ol ·~taff. G;ade instructors l~l'i' 1)1(' staff Hl'l' 1\1('rlm ;\II<;~, Iljl'lIJd ,!IJ!HI , 1);-.1,,11 at \VLlyn p , ~,·lJraska this dd,·nr!;1111 '- I ·,'.!lI rJrl till· --':::t,d.~1jss I\larsalinf! L('Wi~, M}:,,;<CI·acp HplepHans{'li,MlssLyduI 1'011, j'lllhl·I,1 ('~III{, {,II! dlly til 1\11:-:u~1, 1!:l41_ rlf ;-;'·!,r'·lllllf·' I'Jj1. :,1 II/

pubcock, Miss Mary Tjl·lf'II, Mi;s Pnnca scholl I pili Clclu!wr II. 1~,lI.J. 1-1-Vli;l; ,J.·\:\l!-.S If. PILl':, 1;1 )11 dJ t\I" ,I"'jf ',)·111" "jIll"· (JIF('len Spahr, MJss l JI('len Flan.'!· cour~l" \OC',I!iOl13] Jl1ljl' ',011 <Ji .IIIIH 1 -rHE. illl'") ShPIIII.IIIP' 1·1t'11<: ,.,! ,-.",1, .,'111:111 III!" I.(JUI'!

t,ClIi, Mr~;. Lulu \Vaile. 1"I11,,;s Coda c. \\1. Htll"ll''; 01 litt'l! jJl ]J<iJldlil 1111(1/., \\11(·11 mONGOLIRN --- - -.- 11IJIJ."I' Ifl \'''''\11' t·ll' ll'! I)alms and Miss Minnie' \V1I1. Augu~1, !!l:2S. 11110 llt(, Il(".11 Slft;UIt··F·S S/\I-E "pll till" iliddi'l" j()),

Mrs, Frank Panabakefj

50, for- Thomas Ashford ga\'f"' 1hf"' arl, ('yl':, 'Ill!' ('JI)- I·Ullll! C"mE~ /S A8L~ By \"11·lul' of an 01'(1('1' of Snip, to Illf' ',.! 11,,·,1.1(' d ('~!.'lll'prly Anna Chichef.iter of WaynC', drelSs and Concord /Jaml played Jor (Jl'lob:'~' !J, I!J().-" 7Q WilLI< ~S I11UlH mf' din'C1I',d issut'd by th? Clerk to-\J,.d: ' ..

'j.liE'd -at Dalton August 28, 1923. the annual Dakota counly old st'l- ul .!. I Br','!,~h'l 10 "I'. .14$ Soo MilES IN n! lhl' 1J~s~ncl Court of Wayne 'fill' SOIH!Lw(' t Quarl"r (S\vConrad Frevert. 90, Wayne Oers' reunion at Dakofn Cl1y. (;I, elty IJfu'k MI' !.;. ,,,, DI4'1if'IWITHOU7 (ounty, Nf'hrask<l, upon a d('cr£,e I~ J of S(.I'lil,n Thil'fy-lim.,'

ounty pioneer. died at th(' Cad Andrew Rissr>r of \VisnL'f".' 11()llCThl Cunnlnghfim W"I:I' II l;llqli;lll, lit.. f'('ndf'f('d thr'!T'I[1 at til(' Sfor}teml~'r. I:n" TI,\\"n~hlll 'J\\·('n1 \"-<""\/.n·'!I'\'e!'thomeSeptember2,'1925. an airplnnf' which lip wilJ·'Jl'7ng fOl·IIH·lu.lll'l·;t!ulIJI \v·i~\\'ard' ~OeD O~ WATER... l!-HO tnrn t~1 of t

Clnd 'S L (' II WI>. ! .. '. . .' .(' . in an liC IOn Icnl, ;-";"I·lh. f{;u,g,· '!'lin'" 1:\1. "Genf' WaIT~n, infant son of Mr-; fl'om :K":m:;;af;;. C'1L'd{' O~l" Ihl' U 1'/' 0 CJ;~ r(~'lJ~;;~~~ Il:'n~lng III ~~ ~ourt wherein The east of thf' l;tlJ P. :\1., \V.IYIll:

.:. no Mrs. Fred Henke'l, died AIl- . Hn.ddH' Bru('ckn~r. 1:i, 111](', :!tld Ihi! . I l<il!' IJ) , I -=-,-:t' ..... '",-'" ~:';ljU~:,a~I~'il~;f~u~::u:a~ce Soc~elY cou~+y. r"{'!Jrnska, .../ ust 30, 192::>. in Salt Creek, w"o. ulf'd III Augllsl. HI:":.), fl·Oll1ll1jlll·J(·.'; l)d!{o1<! 1'('11' 1"1)\1':.'1 1)1'1'1- ~'W'l . ., orporatlOn, to.<;::tll>.;fv Ih" If"p'~.]I,r rl''fT,'p 111('

, 11(> Jlf'nkcls were l'E'udy to n!(;V(' suffl'I'pd \\I1('n Iw \\ 'IS 1111'0\\ J WNU Servicl!t #~,.f; .._, T· \\-;IS pl<-llfllll! and Curolinf' \Voph- i nmOllnt ·1111' ,~, T 1"1 ~12_oV,:aynewhl?nthpehiJdtoo]{J]!. ;lhor."f'. '. II 111m ill·I"(~~:A.('IJ~,·/':II;,I::·I'~lll (',II.lull ~ 1'/ ",~..~~~!,,!, iI.r.\·.lfl.o.... ,{'rjf'Jf"'ndanls.'91l.117\,.I'!l ,','.' .• ,'1 :Inll'A son was bOrn to Mr. <lnd l\irs. .Wm, J. Young. who cnmc, to Index in lR~3' J'elurr!pd fl'J!n 1'<1Y- -.L.---------.--______ _ ..~ -_--_-,- I \\111. lin Illl' 1;)111 day Ilf Spplf'm-lD.fTl'uinfT 1·'/,-1-. "I"

obert Prince of WtiUiic1f", Augu:~t Waym~1 county in lR87, now: of flll(', llhthn" :lnrf )lltll~" I( localr' [ , hl"'r, 194~. at H) o:C!OCk Cl. m .• atI Dat('(I,ll \\';(>-I1f'. :-.;,·J,ld:-.ka, 1111".1.1925.' Randolph. dicf1 August ln, 1fI25, !wr(· ... L. L, LlI~h t1i(,d <!Jctoht,1' II I I~rida for 1p('ir H.()mes afler vi~iI. 'I Mr, and Mrs. Arthur Moran and th".;I?OI' or the.offlce of Iht" Clf"rk 20th filly M AlIr~U.\f. 1~J1t.

John Larson of Wakefield, and aged 65, I 1:J, HJ(,;i, fl'lnl a hi' 11'1 ·~l 1HCk ;il IS().llhea~l Wayne mg a couplt':tPf wf'pks ltJ Ow 'rr,Uf' family, Mr. and Mrs. Harry .Jpnspn ~If S<~ld Cou.rt. I~ tht' Court house 14-5037 . ,JAMES H. PILF.,iss Effie Rolcatifel were married Mrs. Wm. Baker died ati P"nd('r his hOlnl' so t,l1w('!';{ o' \Va fl, ~\g('d Brese tt horiic.j. . and son of Hardy. Mr. and Mrs. :7]('W~:li~~~~IJOh~a~:~r C~(~;I~~,,~I\~~! a::'l t3 _ . ShpriH.St. Paul, Minn" August 22, !-925. 24.• 1925, aged 41. . li7 ' ... ,J.ohn G. Nl'iJr rdt . 10 USl'd U1y Staff CorrcspondC'nt) II Mr. and MI'.<j, C1ar('ncf' Beck ;md Lewis Nelsen and Judith Kay, Mr. r I I ~. ~ ._-

J ok D ff d th I M:' V 1 S b 1 I \ ' II ' L' d dL dM M t· N 1 dF ".1 oWinK (JpscrihC'd real estate, to- ~('TI("', '1'" (·'·f-,lllT"R."__~~_~~_._~~s:>, 168.:-10 et wan erg and Her- ~ jV~ ill ~1j-'r.I~, 1< i'i .IJ;~ I ~.u !n. I IIJ a an yle IWayn(' Gamf,llp an rs, ar m e ~en an ,·an· WIt: L ..".~

.i•••••••••••Ii.Il••••••~••i ••••••••·.-.-••ni- ~:ngazSjlnO~Ya~~'UjbhIJS~; In ~lbcllOn I Billi£' lIf'in.. spent ·last week in were uesday ('vering callen, last cis of Fremont, Mildred Schiaman The Southpast Quarte'r of Sec- Thp !o>lflll' or :'\if'hraska, Wnynn• . l: "\ C/I!l, S ro rl ulf>d trc Georgf' Fox homp. week ~t Paul Baier's. of Nelson. Mary Moran of Colum- t.ion Twf'nly (20). also the coun1y. >.;'- .

stories to se,' ral sita f' pa ) rs also I MISS Elna SlPfkl?n ~ en1 F d Del~~es Lutt spC'nt the w('pk- bus, Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Moseman West Half of Section Tw~nty~ In Ow matter of the- pstalf"' of... The hal'lwar('1 s or"s If J. E. t p rl ay end it! the Willard Riecke hom('. of Emerson, Mrs, Lars Larsen, Mr. 'C !.Rna I h ht d IMar!';tC'llpr and Pclte ~on Borry llh Mr~ Ad!'n Austin. Mr. aLd Mrs. Otto Lutt look hf'r and Mrs. Art Larsen and Ernest five, all in Township Twenty~ ~am rf'<' : .PCP<lS('(.

" Mel C 11 five. North. Range Thre~. Cr,(>(llto~ <:f saI(l f'statf"' an'have becn },nSOlic1a ('d. r. Mar- tSS <It l('rlnP .avanaugh spent there !Thursday evening.. Larspn of Carroll. ('ontaininv in nil 40£\ acr

A•• h('rf by noUflf'd, 'that. I ~\·t11 SIt al

.'3tC'lh~l' llnd MI', Pet'rson will 1)(' hllr~d.lY I'v(>nrng ,II Llmf'r Harrl· Mr.,' and Mr~. Lou Lutt and' son -.-------- ... 00., c." thp ('OU , t \\'


(' or 1£'.,,-<;, Ea!'it of the 6th . . n y cour room in aynC':partners an) Mr. rerry wfll go ,on~ spent Monday aftprnoon and eVe- Flawpn Johnson, Bloomfield, PM W'yn (' I N b In saId county. on HIP l~lh day fltinto other''' ark ... W<,s y Pllil. 1 RUlh Damml' was a Thursday niog last week in the Howard EI. Wayrle college gradualC'. plans to k· , a e. oun y, (' ras- Spptr>mbH, 3. m .. and nn thp 191hlips. 19, sonlol' Mrs. ,'A. hlllllJS, rUP[J('r' gu('st rll thp Carl Damme lenburg home near Carroll. pnroll at Ihe 'university In Lincoln to sa'ti~f thp aforpsaid day of Dec('mhf"'l' at 1O:0I? pachdied Octobf'r ~, 1!)05f aft!, <.In op- rhOnh'. Mr., and Mrs, Jacob Reeg, Mr. this year to study chemistry. He amoUnt ~up thpl'POn t..~('{'I'n~PP$3't1h: day t~ r('('elVI' a~d ('xHpHnC' allcratkm in Omalut. l~S fallll'I' dU'd Mal'joril l Caauwp spent Thurs- and Mrs. Walter .Reeg and sons had heen ('oach at Kimball. ut"... , ct'llms ·lga,"sl scud f'st"lt(' w tJwh(>~ he' W:lS ap inf,a 1. ,Iday al"ll'nlOon in lhe' F:miJ Oltf' w£'re .Sunday evening gu('sts last .~--_..~----" 963.5~ with int(,fl~~ and co~ts and Vi~w 't~ thC'l~ a·diust~j:nt"an~ ~i:

li'rom Ponf'a 1)8.I)f ,11Onw. w(>ek in the Emmett Baird home. 'SOTI('F:: of APPLI('"TION I"OR a('~~tlng,c~ts. . lowancf"'. TIll' llOW linlltpd for thl'F;t1om Ponca .1 OtJlina I or Sep- I' Mrs. Cporg(' Fox spent Thursday Mr. and Mrs, Robie Nichols Clnd I ..ICENSE C'd at Waynp. Nebra.<;;ka. thiS [J1'(>senlatiun of chullls againsl

tember 8, 1881: An in 'rC'stlng a!ll'nloon \vlth Mrs. Lee Harvey family of Morningsidf', were Fri- Noti('p IS hereby given that Law-. :11~).day of Augw.t, 1941. said ('-"'Irili' L"··'hrf'<' mOnlhs fromrunqway <!)('rformanc(' 0(' rre(} in in Wisner. • day overnight and Saturday guests r('nce H. Victor has flle~ an appli- 1~t527 "JAMES H. PILE. thf' 19th <I;ty flf '&'p1f'mlwr. 1941.towiJ. ~eo. Mtlttison,.ac ~pani(>d Mr. and Ml's.. Ad('~ Austin spent last w('ek in lhe Ray Nichols cation with the City Clerk of lhe a Sheriff. and thl' tmw IIrrlltl'd for paymentby a friend. Was ('om I g i 110 10wn Thursday· ('venmg III the Ralph home" Cily of Wayne. Nebraska, for h- of debts IS ont> )-ear fJOm s<lld 29thin a wagon draw,n by t Ipair of Austin homf'. Mrt and Mrs. Robert Turl1er of censes to .sell beverage.<; as defmed :SOTICE TO CREDITORS Iday of August. ]911spiriled horsps. Tlwy w'p f' on the Johnpie Rosacker spent. Friday Wakefield. Mr. and Mrs. I;:rwin by Ordinantre No. 375 of said City, The state of Nebra!'ika. Wayne WJfn('ss m) hand ancl Ih{' s('alstrpel leading 10 th( ('('n1m) ('\c'nlng l1s1 wf"'pk In thf' ErnC'~t Fleer and family WE'rC' Sunda¥ afl- on Lot 16. Block 21. Original county. !'S. of satd county cOl,Jrl, thiS 19th dayhousE', wh('n !;uddE'nly t pI hors('s Gp('vo,(' ilomf"' emoon guests la~1 wf"'pk .I-t Lou Town. In Wayne, Wayne County. In the matter of the estate of of AugU"l 1911 ~took the notIon Into 1h It hl"ad!; Mr .\nd Mr" Ernest Ge('.wp wc>rC' Lutt's. Nebraska. Thp kind of license af}- Robert Roggenbach, deceased. \ ISea11 J M ('HERRY -.10 run ,l\\i:ly tACCOI(}Il1g- y~ tht>v Tllf'~ddY {'\I'nlng gUfl<;tS Ji-l<;t wE'Pk Mrs Dpan BaIrd and daught~r piled for lS On and Off Salco Bccor Cre(htorsof"3ld(>Stat('areh{'re~ s4t3 County.Judgeran f1wa1y J1 was 1fw 11,,«11,,<;1 <II 1< I I'd lJII('" lctulnld 10 lhc TIi.ll U\\lS home ILlccnse -----------':fJP(ll1H'rl' (,f lllllllilll! 1('1 111 lhl~1 \[1 lilt! 1\Jr'" Clmf'1 If<lll(o.:oni It \\m<"l!I(, LISI \\('f'k dfl-: S,lId h ,,'1 ["I il I)·l.t:'glon J(lt.l ).l<lt Jldsl rI(1ItUI~lSIIIl(1 \ll~>'; \ldIIOlI( \\'Il III ~1(jlIX 1'/ "pC'ndlllg .I Itl Ih( Imm(l! lin,..: .11 II III1I lll'l!ll r! Ill, Iflew ove-t tlw ground Ilkp Ii" t\llldl ('Ily '( hUl~da) . Bail'lf homp !C'Ity ('cunell of saul (11)-, <II t1w I\\!ul(' GdOlgf' IiciJll;lllt'; 10 1ll!' !m':-i 1\11 ,tile] [\11..,41 lfl'my \\1\11f'1' Ml and Mrs (;corgt> Swan..,nn ('ltv (,1f l rk's Orflfl' ,J! 7 lll'!flfk on(umpctfU'rlIH'/Tlmlht \ AI'IJlII! IltllnlJfJllII<;1 \\I"k ofl\1llln(aJlnlJ<;,MI~ (lq'll S\\.lll 1hr'Jthddyol IlIl1 Ittlw foot Ilf 111" SIII'f'l III I) 110_ -il (Jlto S{)n of St I'ldllllS .l\-JIIlIJ \\111' \\III(h tlm( llHf III11'1111(' /lmsf'''' llliid/' a 111111 Blld 11l(' ,\11 ..., ("")I'f-:(' Frx <.;/lpnl Moncl::lY Mond,l:,>, l'\f'tllllg ('allt'l"" 1:1."1 \\('I'k IJll I <;on.., Ill.t:,> (JJlJr (1wagon box Cam/' of[ and MIl'. MatI'" alll','nO(Hl la~t \V'1'l'k wltll Mrs. In the Lyl(' Gam!>l!' honH'. and. 01· !-.11I)\~ ('aU:-i(' \\h:,> such 11'1ison and his frif'nd w(' t to th~> Emil B:u'{'lmall. Mr, and Mrs. Art MfoYf>'r and c('ns(' should nol 1J(' grant£'d.gro\lnd, AI IhiS point fl rtrnatel,y Mary /\11(:1' I-1ammPr }"p('nt Sat· family WeI'(,. Sunduy f"'v{.n~ng gU{'$its Dl;lt('d Ihis 1st tlHoy of Sppt"mhpr,Ihe horsfls stopp('(1. On ~atll('rin~ Imlay and SHnday la:-;t \V('pk wilh Just wf'C'k m thf' Mar1m Holst 1941~ ..up thf'lfragmf'nts il \ a I"ound MarC'l'lla Hl'udiganl. homf'. Verna Mac anel Mal'(]f'!If' rSpC\'IJ WALTF:R S. RRF.SSLER,that nallllng was br'okr II. 1n 10 Mr. and Mrs. fluss('ll Harrison Meyer rC'mained for t,hl' \'.'cek. s4!1 CIty- ('I('l"k. 'minul/'s 1111' W:JgfJlI \\':t~, l'l~'W'd 01 W:tkplll'ld, ~p.. nl Thul'sdny in My's . .John Benjamm. <.lrrivf"'dhack Illln SIIit!H'. till' ~\:t.., till' !·:d \\I(·hl'l· IlIlnH'. .honlf' ThuI'sd<'ly fl'/lll1 .\lJllrJ('.'lpoll..., :\'OTrCf<: OF REFEREE· .... ~ \I.E',ounll alHI I!JI' h(lJ'sl'~ \\ 11]('vl [\J)" :tntl "Ir·s. ('inl Dammp :llld\Whe/,p s!lf' hafl sp0n1 .J \\'I'('k \\1111l'cst('d a ,',!lIH! InIll' \\,,1'(' t'iglr l SO)) \1'-,III'd ~undl1.v l'v(,lling la..,1 l'elallw's. 111'1' n('phl (;('111' Sc!1:l-again. 1\11'. MatlJ.~iJln and J['lt'nd \\I'('k ,-,I Allrr'd S-ydow'~. !Jer. a('companied hPJ' In 11\,'weT(' shak0n up iI 1liflf' but not ~Wl'. and· Mr.". Wm. Bebens('(' in the Bcn.iamin hnm(~.

injurious fo" ~~d)nd 111';11111.1 A,II j<.; ~'J{'111 1;Io.:t Wf>rlnpscby c\'e-ningwilh Prof. antI MI"s. G. D:l\id KochwC'll lhal ('Ill 1;. \t(111. 1\11'. i!tnl iVlr:-; Ed. \\,C'I)('t". lof Tprrr' If'1I11". Inri, ilnd Jlil\j[J

SUnlfrH'I' IS ('lldf'd nul \',[ith ll~e :\11'. ;11111 Mn. JIC'r"clll'l B<llrd J~.orh 01 \VH1"I(]<', \\''1"1' ,'';illIJnl.l:'>m(>lTcul'y;:d 9.; III tilt, sll:r( t'. 111'1'::> \',j'rl' ,~;ullday /.;uC'.'ils Jus1 \v('('k J/I il!krnoHll.glll'sh Id'-t \\('('k Itt till'for wat'mtll all' llul' .\'1'1 tlll"dt'rl. till' ElllJIIl'11 I}Hlnl !lornC'. Jacoh nCf'g hOllll'. '1'111' I,lli'll", ;J!"1l

-i-----".-~- --'-- ..1 1\11""'. EU1'1 nromll'tf and son~ Were Ulan l\.oell and Mr. aOLI ;vll~. 1\1-

I O("A'J "NI;'uhS 1;I~t \Vf'tll~l,,":d;jy af'II'l'noon ~:U{'sts Ian Koch and sons of \VrllsJ(!C'. and..I " .. I"'.J,W.. I!II tIll' Adl'lI Alh1in hOlJl(>. ]\11'. antI Mrs. \V. H. Ilvalt WI·t'!'

Miss JDoris ~1;Hls('n ~ W('llt to Mr. ;If\ld 1\1\":-;. j';rnest (;(,f"'\\"(' Sunday dmnj'I' gt1l'~I~ al' HI'('g<Bloon:tf~eld Sallml:ty 1I;' I I'Sl 11))1 , \\'('l"f' ~\ll\jby l'\,Pllillg glJC'sts la..,1 Mrs. \,yln. TI1()nI~('I1, 1\Jl:-i~ 111'lla TIll' \V(''''! 01]1'·11:1 il" I\V I.. I (IfWUC'hlll¥' ; I \\'I'f'l< III tilt' 1". C' II:lnlnl('rhonw. Thom!-;p!l 01" \Va!<I'fi('ld, :uld 1\I,..,s (luI Lot Sl\: Il;l. (·I,,\\IOld ,lIld,WaVI(lC]f'lw/'rs. Mr·. :ltlll MI.". Hi.I:<Y Nlclwls rind Linda JIf'llllOlf of Cl<lI'lIHb. Lt.. Hl'O\\,Il'" Addllilltl tn IiiI' ('IlyDo~ aker bC'g~m tenc m g Mon- fanuly '1'l'I'f:' Tuesday eve.ning were Saturday afternoon guests in of Waym', Waynp ('ounty. Nf'- 11

day JIlIPonc<l. school. J p hilS gu('sh hl'-.! wi'f"'k al Will T«st's. ihe Henry Brinkman homl' la!-.t. hl'asku. l 1 'charge f'( mU~l('. I i\lr. ;IIHj 1\l ..s . .fuhn Lull and AI" \\·l'f'!<. Ml's. Brinkmall i!llll Eldll'II' r will ,,;plI ';;1)(1 It' d (·"t~lt(' :11 1h'" Dr J T G·lliesp'-Ie

Dr. L. F. Perry, dCJlCS1' phone dyc(', and (i~s .Jacg('1' -vislted <it a.ccomlJ~ni('d tiWIll, 1<1 Jill', Til~)m- residence on tlli' IJl'e.rlll~f:'S <.l!)l/\" 1 ..., '88-~•.~ . ~17tf llar\'{'y Lutt s Thursday evening. sen hoh1c at W"kf'flC'Jd. Mr, Brlllk- described at public auction on 11]('1B"~IS~ LOIS

dThompson \ (II t to Mr. and1Mrs. Herhert Thun and man was also a Sunday dinnf'r 10th day of Scptf'mber. 1941, at :1 M . OPTOMETRIST Phone 3054

.u te atur ny. She.tE'8 h ~ i Ihe> d;Hl~t(>rs,\\J('r~ Thursday evenin~ guest. • o'clock p. m:, of_~aid day. Terms I 2131jz aIDlugh sc 1001 there. I gU/;,f;ls in lUll' Carl Frevert home. I Mrs. Ernest \Vlll'mpn(ll' and of sale. fifleen p, r cent ca,,!l un I ~__~----_

Ar1htl~, GUIlIVl')' ,1;c';;l \ ·('lk '('lilll- i\It'S. Adolph Ih'llSchkf"', Erna and Grace rla.vmoml of \Vl]mo1. S. D..•••••••••••_._ -•••;;;;;••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••plet~d tliS sum~er.s wo ItllIll.(·on~IPaUl w('rc Tuesday aftern~n a~~lved Saturda~ last wcC:'k and •

;~J~~l,::~g thl' "Hl,,](l(' :1 IfI. ['1(·1'('1' ~ll~;:,.'; ;'llr~(\ \\;~\'~. fl:.;(~<t~;,~~f;~('~lt~~i I~;:~:~.;~1~V~~~li~ ~~~(~:~~:;~]~~,J~;~~: He Likes t:he W.ay !I Mr. fln<l Mrs..LI~Ytll'EI'xJ~lJ('n. family caU('d 1Il the Em!1 Nissen .and Mrs. IIul'vPY Lutt and Gayle I: •who had 'ii1)(l(,!1 Vlsrtll1g lat T' r~In!{ iJOITIP al Bilge"" Thursday ('vening..Ann, Mr, and Mr:'i. Emil Lldl, Mr. - h •El'xlC'lJ('n's \\'('111 Irl lio,l'.: ,('Il~' 1\11' :lnrl 7\-11'<;. Wilbur Sydow /II land l\Jrs. HW;<;('l1 LUll 'Illil j)wallH' : We Do T ings :.~~~~~~~j~r'l ;::l~;:. l':l'xll·hpn ill!IS!ruel S ~:)('~I.~~I:,(~~il'~lt t ~~lnd(~~r1 af}~:~~~~:; ~·I(·I~(I']}:I}~J~~('(:~~I~d;~I~·ll~~J/,~IH'1' gUt·." I~ : :

Miss Pa~lIy ]]"1"'(,'1' \'il ail"11I1 1i""1(' , I • re........ And he al.....o like.~ Derby Gasoline •Smith cnllegf"' ill Noqhh lllHJ!on, ;Vb': HlHl Mrs. Gf"'Ol'gC' Fox and For Ed\\':ll'll (.ronf·. : :Mas~/a~{, John BI:PJ.;<;](tJ' wI1~ f'll- !->on \\'('t'i' ,Sul1({ay SUpPf'1' guc"ls M.I'. anti Mrs. G(lOl'g; (;j'OH(l and: and IVOUf8(! //lr;ciioll-l)rnof (Jil.,:! :roll1L!?nlrtmouth In II lIlJ)\,('r, N. lasl \\l'i·k in 1!Jf' Fred TarnO\'/11 family. MI'. und Mrs. ~.r.,tw!'t Gmlw • Give these superior motor fuel.. •It Mrs.•r., T. Bl"(>s~h'r, .i ., ~\'ilI ae· homC'. I [I·nd f<IrniIy W(,I'f' Fl'idHY l'\·f'ning • :'('ompa~y 11h"1ll ('asl Ily train, II'f)\"- MI'. and jMl's. Emil Bar(')man and Iguests. Au~ust 22, III .tht> R. (;1 (JIll' : a trial in your car or tractor. -in,!! S('ptt:'~ll)f'r ]2. 1 family w('rtf' Sundar evening guests hom!' for Jo.<lward's htrlhriay. r. :

Mrs. C· I C. SI irtz an1' sonsll nr- Jas1 week in t 11(> H{'rb0rt Barclmnn - I: •

rived 'tjomc Wednesday I~'-t vfpck hom(,. For N~'ls ::\'('ISPll, •from C1olorado Springs Will r" ~h(':v Mr. <1n(I,Mrs. Dua'rO Squires and I In honor of Nels Nelsen's R4thsP~.n1 tre summt~I" Mr. SI~ 11: ~.f'nt Manley Bacon of Elk Poin1, S. D .• birthday Sunday. n'I~tj,:!f'S n;et at Every Farln Fuelth~l'(' ~unday last week; f F tern. swnt .Sunflay in .thel Aden Austin Columbus ior a PIChlC dmner.Th1c ftp"liJ,y stp-ppeu 1" seL'!. to hunlC'. l, Tho»e in the grou[l besides Mr. TANK WAGON SERVICEv~it tI)e ~ay Ilickman~ Pf Lng· Mr, and I"lrs. Emil Otte and fam- Nelsen were Mr. and Mrs. WillmOnt. i 1 ily visited in the Herman Brock- Lut~, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Lutt and

f1:. ~d, Mrs. Gene IIUfflf~n~!ll1 man 110mif' at Winsjde Thursday family, Mr, and ~rs. F. C. Ham­Da;Vld bf Sumner. Tao. an ISS evening. 1 ' mer and Mary Alice, Mr, and Mrs.Lorrai4e Huffman of BaHl Cr k. Mr, and ~rs. \Vm Schroedelr and Pete~ NeI~n, Mr. and Mrs. WaI­stQPpe~ iq, 1;:!le"home qljMr. H cr- uaughters .were Sunday aftef!loon lace lr'teyer and son, Mr. and Mrs.m~n's and Miss Huffman'r Un leo ~uesL<; last week at Albert Elwirt Nelsen. Mr. and ~rs. Jenss.~. 19k1er, Wednesdav laf't~'ek Dammc·s. ThonlPson and Leland., Mr. and,Wen llplQ\: to ,l;laltl.e <;1:1'[' T liy .. .M;r. andl ~s. AI. Bog: and son, ·Mrs. LeRoy Grimm and Joan, Mr.ha beFn in Nortli Da1<ot to at- BUlldy D~le, of Wakefield, were [and Mrs. Nels Grlmm. Nell andte d tHe weddingof Mr.,H ff n's Sunday supper gUests-last[week at INancy, Mr. and Mrs. Dale G~ml'"hl'olllPl', WaJTNL and MI':. Ht\Jff- F:d. Wrber's, 'Mr. anel Mr.;;. John Grimm andman's sister

1rphrN' bl'oHIC'ts in ~h(' MI'. :lnd Ml~. Ed. Cathje and John. jl'., Mr. nnrl Mrs. \Villar~

HM~fmlm f<Unil)' have now Imar~li(>d family s~nt Sunday afternoon Hanuner and Barbara Jean. Emilthree ~jsters. , last week, with Mrs. Christina Lutt: Gordon BressJer, Marcella

: ,'otrlee In JlOSpttal.1 "I \G~~ea~~f~~~L. E~ Kay and son :r~~'~~~~~~~:~.~~.,:~~, Dr. S. A. Lutgen has h~s of~ice of PaIo.s Park, Ill., and Mrs. ehas. Mrs. Forrest Dillon of Ruskin,'Mr.

;,:;;;;7:'f7;~7c::7mc::t.":~~~!i':":~=v::ii'::'7;::-:::7",-:",.,.:,.:,...:;.:..hl,'~~h~iW~~~e l:osP~t~llPr8n~16~: MCfo!mell ~l Passaic. N. J.~~Jelt ana~. Nels Nelsen ana fa;,i1Y,

Mail coupon (or your frj;>ecopy of "LiCe in the,U. S.Navy," 24 pages. fullY III~teated. It an8Wef'8 an yourquestions. '1£0118 wh~t yourpay will be ... promotlOMaDd'\' acationA you can ex~t..•how you can retire on a hIeincome. n.criboM hoW youcan learn anyone of 45 trades from aviation to .radio ••• how you may be...'Q,Fe an officer. 'r1,~from Nat"y life showing flP'O!'U' andg~ .you IDA"play, &bips you may be ~i.gned to, ~xatinc pontiyou may ~L Tells enlial~ent.reqUl~"&Dllwhere i.o applY. 1£ you are between 11 aDd 3j,tDfthIgh !'Chaol required), get. t~is tree b~~N~obligalion. Ask the Navy editor'O{ paper for.copy. Or telephone him. Or mail him the~,

~You c.1f ~te it OIl a penny poet.!l.l card. ,.,~ ~

WEAR THIS IIIlDGE OF NOIlOlII ttafter ..Ming the f ..... booklot,.,.. ..cide to apply {or. place in Ow N.., will receive t.hia amart. ~.emblem. It is • bad&e or hoqoc'.~will be proud to wear.

-i-:;I ," • -.•:~ ...._~'r---""·- f -:--~- • L~'·:~'·"'!r.,-:..-" Tear out and take or send thIS coaplIII iii-1 to the Navy EDitor of this newspjlper I

{ Withou'oblicaUonODm,yparlwhat.eoever,p--'- ,I: free booklet, "LUein t.he ~avy:' givin&£ull det.aiJ.~hoel ..~, the opportunitial for mel 1D the NaV1 Qr NavalRderTa. •

I ~ .. -

i~:: '~~:j"I l Town ~t.ate ~= ~

':f~'t !!!!!!"_' -M :


-, "


GOOD PAY with regular incre88Cfll. Y. mayf'am up to $126 a month.EACH YEAR you are entitled to a llenetoUlvacation period, witb fuJI pay.GOOD FOOD and plenty of it.FREE'CLOTHING. A ('ompl"tp outfif of rlolh­ing when you firBt enlist.. (Over $100 worth.)FREE MEDiCAL CARE, inc1udinlt rt'A'ular den·tal a'_tion. IFINEST SPORTS and entertainment aoy IPanroUJd u\: for•TRAVEL, ADVENTURE. THRILLS You ,;1n't,beat the Navy for them! . I

BECOME AN OFFICER. Man:i can 'wnrk {clt'an appointment to the Na¥al Academy ,rthe AnnapoliS oC the Air at Pensacola. -FUTURE SUCCESS. It's easy for Navy trainedmen to get good-paying jobs in civil life. \

LIBERAL RETlREMENT·PIlY. for regular Navymen.


And all this time you're taking """e of yourfuture! The NAVY said, "Pick a trade-_can make you an expert," And they gave younearly 50 skilled trades and vocati~ns tochoose from: Radio expert. machinist, weIner.aviation mechanic, dental technician', elec-tril:ian-to mention a few. .

Yea, !.raining that would be worth $1500 toYOl1 in one year's time. Training that willB1!llU1'C you of a well·paid job in civil life. get paid while learning-get your keepand a complete outfit of clothing free.

man IS tilt' J(lrge~t. ThiS It"ee 1II .~XClIANGES J ~r'hl<~. wI·',.l'l wll;:en~a'·ed'.lg"~.Ugust 8.Sequoia Natlonal park i:; :a;J Ie)' ..... ear:P ......feet'l1i o h :md has;1 m1lximufli l'"riHlk Jlilltz. 63', of Colt;rullc. Mis..; I-k'sslc J fepfinger, Wayne.rhamellT of 36.;) feet antI makl- l!led l<ilit week I bra(~U;-1te who taught at Tilden themum cm.:urnferem'c of ]jr~.7 • John Lampe. 71, of. West POInt. pas\ 18 year:;, rC::iigned to teach infeel. Sq;oml lUl'g:c:sl b GerkJa~ dwu last "v~k." I Io\\<.t.GriJnt tree in General Gbmt Fred Durmarlll. (iI, (01111('1" w~~,-' :r.-il~S .Johanna- Vanderheiden ofNatiunal ,park. It IS 267 Irect. lIer Inkmess man, died J.n DC9\!cr. Laur<'i, :-t;nrl Gregory Steffen oftall anl! ha!'; a diameter (:13 Duck hunt ing season hili> +ll rOt1Stance. \\'cre married Tuesdayfeet. Third Ibrge:st j<;" (;r zzly scI for GO days. lJcginning Octo l' lastl wec~. .;>'

(;ianl of Yosemite "arb:: me- s_ur~ 16. 1', ~al.~hnlit~ rclel"~n of the cov..IIlg :!U9 feel taIL and :t1 ill (lIa- W~H'lell Wuexlbul;}'. !.III, iU<>f l!l'll,rr::; offJ~!-,. addressed Dixon

'metel. Such llee~ may LJ a:., po):'tmilstCl" at Center. died Just ('ounty 'caclll"l~ at their meeting.llluC;h las 4,noU yeilr~',old. k m ~)onCi.l\Saturday.La~c Michigan is the !iugcst W~r~. M~rgaretllll lLJl~~J1. 77. Tiakola {'oullty's GOth annual re-

in ar('a of the Great Ililil'b It II I"l'l'>ldNll of Pender 50 yCUI'S, uled un~n wa,.-; held at South Sioux22,100 square rmlcs. Hnd 011· last week. Crt f\y.g~st:.!R FoSter May, WOWtuno,is smullest with 3.;)60. Herm.tO Lcn:t£lls ~old Ihelr ho. rad () broadcaster. was spcaker_

The KIl.lsl lulls of ~ld'<l' tel at Randolph 10 Cull Holmes of uderri \'Vooclmen o[ this lnlnual ramf,lil 01 4 m- Baker. Mont 11,1.( ;1 Ilif'nw and pfOl:ram at Pen·tileS IS nol unusual, Illlgt I-he Dakot.l coun..ty ,nOXIOUS wl'~d dl"" Sund~IY -Judge 'Joseph Marsh

; (',dled t he welte~t I cgJO J on dlstJ let W.l~ orl:;anlzcd a1 Dakota of pakota l'ounty. Wdl;' speaker.~ l'<lJ·th In cerlam de~{,Ibitthe City August :JCJ n,J,J~~~.nh, ~);,ISl'Nh'o83rf 'rlkll,~daanrd' He


I Hunf,dl l~ le~ th,tn one in h <1 l':lpon ha~ ln~1alkcl new :20- l\.i 3., .... "'~ ~yc',Ir and lhcsc <lIC the dIlC I Inj." milt' }>ccd 1ImJt slgn~ at all CIl- Bcttha Pfeil. 88. Hosi{ins, werethe United St<\t<.s ramfalJ vflJles tr<lnC('~ to to\\n. horlor.ed 'at the Ra~ reunion inflom lcs..., thm:2 wches In part~ Mrs. Pearl Malhic.'scn of Waler- Norfolk .Augu.."t 2t They carneof Arizona ;0 100 mehe::; alon~ Ihury. and Lew Tuttle (Jf Allen. from WisconSin in 1866 with Ulethe coast of Washington. In \\'t:I'C mafTJcd August :23. fll",1 camvan settling: in lhe vi-

most slates the <l"eragc 18 15 to -L. b. Martelle. CreIghton. col- :m~ty of . .43 Jnchc~. 'Iects samples of barbed Wire as a

hohby and has 63 >arlCtICS. 'NORTHWEST WAYNEI Uirthdays or f"nm"us "l·ut,ll·. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Paulsen of ih(> Kenneth Bakers ~ were at

September 3~ Rlchrlieu. Fr. Wisner. observed their ::11st \\'{·d· Hatold Sorensen's Sunday evening.state:o;man. 15S5. [lmg anniversary last we~k. Mr and Mrs J H Spahr and

Sl'plember 6--Jas. K lI,lt.:k- SL Aloysius Catholic church Mi~4s 'Fanni~ Seide~s ~crc at Ken.ell. actor. 1869. we~t of West Point. IS observing netll Baker's Tuesday evcning:j.ast

SpptemlJcr 7--,----EII Perkln:i'. hU_llts 50th 'anniversary this week. W1k.mon:<t. 1839. I Bobby. son of Cliht Doans of

September ~ - - .1\. Dvorak, Ponca. suffered hroken bones I Fur FiJ;'t BrhhdBY.composer. 1841. when aCCidentally struck hy a car. Mrs. Henry Brmkman :tnd

nid Yun Knnw? S{'ptcmbcr 9 -UOII 1'o]..,to,), Hartmgton fin~~l'n plan to lIuy Elaine were in the Kenneth Baker

,n~~¥::~:';)I,t2~ I~2;s~u~~~li.nin~~~~~;~ Ph~~~~g~~~r18i~ _ G('n. Joe I~Je~~!;nbot~'~~t ~~ i~'~~~:J~~~~:t ~~~el~a~~~~~~a;.ft~~~~~l°:U~~and London, 6 p. m. in Berlin \Yheeler, 1836. 1}'ear. - I for the occasion \'I.·ere the families:md Rome, J a. m. -the next day ---- -~~ I Miss :\lagdalcnc Zastrow of Em· of ""~ill Baker: Wilt· Test. RayIn Manila, 9 a. m. in San Fran- Paul Cook of Bloomfield, and! erson, and Kenneth 'Headlev of Xlchols. Clarence Baker. Emil('1!:'l'O and 6 30 a. m. in iHono- Miss Irene Miller of Ob~rt. \.\ ho I;,lartinsburg, were married - :Iast Muller ami Ed. 'Frevert. also Mr.lulu, I were married ,last week v.liIl teach w6'ek. ~nd Mrs. Louis Hanson, Mr_ and

t(,Jh~b~~~;l!h~ltrt~el~~:qt~~a~l~~ a consolidated schotJl ncar ~toolIl- Joh~ Luschen, SO~ of ~lr. an~ r1rs. :U~d L~t:i C:ust Jaeger. Dar..California. The General Sher'- ~~~t~~~e hride is a former "a>nc ~~~~ ~~I~~~Ch~aUe:i~;r,;~w ::e~eof agi~;'~. i ii received a n~

--~..-"----' .


The r~~~~fe~r~c~~~~,~,~~~~;~',~;~~ol:;l a~a;~:~dl~J~~II1\I~.S Y~I;~1':tl1f'1 is'in dislrkt 11-\. Miss Ruhy .

:'I~I(I.~IS~~,C,~;~~~ :~~~f~I~~~C:~~s<.1J~('edir coullti!

FoIl'l'INt loTt'lJ('I~MIS, .rotlO Rpalll h~IS been

elected lu tea< h <II'st 1'l.c:11 3IJ.!

')'(':ll'hf1r, Is f4;h·~·tf·fl.MISS Mary IGrotl"' of Tllclr·n.

was elected to teach in (hstrlcl78, . 1

('IW"NI in Ul"lrld.MI~S Betty ~toland of Deld£'ll.

II,IS ht,t'll dIUS~1l tu teach in U1S-tl'l{'t 3. ', I,·

Slart ... Xt'xi Monda·y.

Dlstnct R6 Will not open Unl]111('xl Monda;r, The board willselect a teacller ~by tlwt date.

"~I('(·tf'{J III Sc;'hdui.MI''-o. Lc'onard Marten~ of

\V;Jvne, was chosen 1N!c1wrdr"t'l'lel '13, north or Wayne,


YOU couldn't. ""k for a greater thrill thantl11lt which a feUow gets ,.;hen he comes

back horne wearing a trim Navy uniform. Thefolks "'1>wd around. They all want to knowwhere ~ou've been, what you've done. And

.man, dol you have stories to tell!I


You're~~d.And you should be. For you'vebeen IClldijlg the greatest life in the world.And it's, a $rill to tell about it, too. A thrill to!lee the adIhiration in the eyes of the One andOnly G\rlf YoU tell about the first time youIlteered a estroyer. Or handled a P.T. Bootat. monJ t. an 45 miles per hour. Or lrtepped

.,(Jut in front of y\,ur shipmates to receive yourfirst p,qmotion. I •

: ' J.~II,I,S!


-The Secre~· of the Na"'y has announced:- spared. ~eBB' or the length or time re·"*An lDen rlo'W etilisting in tbe Naval Reserve mai.ning in their enl.iBb:nent.",.;nhe"'Wnedon!'<;tiveNa,·ydu,ytlirough-. Remember-the.reguJar Navy and Navalout the period oCthe nationa'l emergency. but Reserve offer you the same travel, training.they ,.;n he releaoed to inactive duty as BOOn promotinnll, pay inc........ Pb)'8lcal require­after ,the E'lmergeDC'Y as thci:r services can be _ menta are more liberal. Send coupon now!

"And ~~ve had two pay raisesin only eight months! I.'n, say

I •

you can't beat Uncle Sam's Navy!'-

-.., i¥~;'i'l :r'~.-

I __

And With that. promotion came an inere.­in pay. And there were more to rome. Serond

\ Class. ,First Claas. And then Chief PettyOfficer. Many might even go to Annapolis.Or to Pensarola with the flying cadets!

, Exciting? You bet., and fun too. Something; doing all t.he time. Real he-man's stuff. Box­.~'ing. Baseball. Football Swimming. AND

¥OVllfS.;. previews. too!. i ,...-"" :




"Imagine me,I •

steering aDestroyer!"

r I '

:-Sh It'" :St'hool ,'larl".The leW h'l'm'" ol"ened ill

S 10ies \ hool Mondel I wit h Hult­e 1 Bad r again h acting the:starr. 1'1 • board sccu 'cd anuthE.'rh gh scl 01 teacher thi~ week,

i :-; s Eya Mac I Plummerh s the IJpcr grades. Miss Fred­de Bur ham the i tcrmcdlalca d Mis Obert the lrimary••,

OJ ~'ns :Sext J\t udal'·I [<)ski 5 school pens next

1 ondaYr r with Alia Sandahl.akefi Jd. 8upt.!rinte dent. Mr~.

innie McKenzie 0 Stanton.f rmer Stanton cou ty 84Pcrin.t nden will serve s prIncIpalU tIl s leone can be secured fort e pos lion MISS Rc a Hlil will

V rna 'oss ha:s the 10\\'erg ades

rI Islorh-al t:;n Ill!'!.

, Scp e b~r 6--Pl"lS' Md\ltl­Ie a"a sinated. 190 .

~ep e ber 7-Sc tlemcnl at

B to. 630.Se e her 8-Hue Long shot

'S nd y~d;ed TUCSda!" 1935.Se te ber 9-Fr nch slop

#an at Marne. 91<1.

Sc te ber 10-8 rnslde oc.>C pi d ,ashville, 186. .,




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Carefree driving at a sav­ing is assured with D-XLubricating Motor Fueland Diamond 760 Oils,Join the thousands nowusing these modern fuel!.

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~~~~~~s 5thL~~al'~~~'1;~adJ~lsluns,Mr and M~. C 'l-Iag('1 !l;.!t Sat-

~1~~~l~h:'°llat~~~gf~~t~l~n~t}r~~~fr They also stopped at Cheyenne',Wyo., to visit anotjlJet' brothel".They Dian to he gone threC' wt'PRs.Eldo Weseloh anel Dick EI!JS orWaym', and Mr. McFarland. orNorfolk, accompanied thp Hngelsqnd w1II remam m the Wf'~t .J~ ;\11are mtprp<.;1pd m aVj!,i1Ion. •---~~-;J - -~---

You'Ulook great in 0 Navy uailormlEveryone looks bigger•.handsomer, In

thai unIform Uncle Som'~ ('Iovy give~ you.And 'hot's only a start Uncle Sam takesS1reat cote of hi~ sailors.

Free meals Free 'board. free medIcal and dental core. free trOfI\omg In anyone of flfty·odd slulled trodel.And the Nov)' poys you good moneywhile )'ou laoro

Whol on opporturuty 1 If you or. I' orO\ler, get 0 free cop)' of the Illustratedbooklet, "life m the U S. Navy". from tlteNavy Edilar 01 th" new,popel,

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Equip with Firestone Tires.. ,'mo~t miles pet: dollar

IJd~o lhf;. last of lhl' \\I'pkMr' and Mrs Arthur Ol'lim and fhl). 1"° H( lit Itll , ( in Hid J I,. III In'!l hr 1111 1-111n", \\il11 "'-lJ"s

Mr. and Mrs Millon Kl'umnwr of Ulrich !'lIrlv('d .homp AUgUrt 19 l..a\-onnp who n lurnpd horne thatHomp. Cl1y, Kan. w{'r~ g1st~ In Mrs )e;:ln B,utf! ,md d.~ughlpr, nOlln from tI 10{',J! hospItal whpre' Thth(O Rey. JJ G Knaub hom hom Nancy, pft Sunday tOI lh(O,I' homp sll(' h,HI unt!prglllll' ,H! (1)('r,l1lOo eSUOddY morning 10 Monda nlOln- :Jl J f''l pnwor1h, KHO "rlpr \'ISlt- 111I <tpfll·ndl(lll<.; Beckenhauer S~rY'ItJ',e

109 <l rponlh 10 1IJ(' Bpn L('\~I~ I109, I

Elainp P('ter!'lon visitl'd In the ~om('Rf'M' 1 <ln~l ~lo.1l J f'WIS InflY I J'IlIj.,'l'l'l-,,.i\l· lIullll'maJ.:Nlo>.! -~ ~~ _Henry Carst('n home from IThurs- • rs H'( Hn (rllW l!f'r tn th" PJ(Jj-,J( ""1\( IIt,.. 1< ll .... ku" clubday to Sunday The Cdrstc[JfamJlY Lmmptt Baird hnm(,l nr·,ll· W<.lYOP InlPI'1s ~1'Jlt('ll1l)l'r II with Mrs n 1 Jand F.laJn(' Peterson VISI d al Frldayaftf'rnnffln :Ind Ilwy It'ft IRalph AIJslln 101 d t lJ\('l('d dish .-.1"'. ". ()nesFprdmanrl Voss' Thursda flVf'- from t erp dllllll I Osteopa!hic Physician , I,nmg'. Mrs llLf'na Bnwns jll1fl Herman, '

Mr. and Mrs Harry Cariney of Ml. Hnr MI s Gus kr lOll'l ,lOci I Rl·turns from n('st. Eyes Examined -, Glasses Fitted

OmahfL Mr and Mrs EmllLu('d- i:;~l1~,,~r~ff.~~~;bt~;,lnr~f~~~:_ f\1ISS Frnestmt' BrundlC'ck arriv- Wpyne, Nebraskaf'j S .llld son I~f \V<lYIW 1Vlagnus ~ • ((~ 11(1)11<. ,U u"t I) ",flu I ung In ,P"t(,lsonofPllJ:.:"C'I, \',(l~' $unddY ~n, ~ J t~ la~t ol,(d.noll anrliS'$lFrln;"~~) :1:~';\fl.rch'18 Shc!--- ~------ ~dJl1nf'r gu('sls III th" wdl Cary r j f<it I 7"R "'1 ~fl SdJOm~f'lg hdd dCCtJmplinlPd Mrs Augu~t Erx- I

hom" i I ~~::( ;1 p~~7dl~~~;) :~~(,~~:1"7n 11n~ ldwn MISS J~llJnrJlt('k \~,iS {'mPI~'- (;. A. J.H"11nl)(lI rSOllMr, .md Mrs Paul f,)('lousC'r and W~l ~~ru('~'r hom(' '1 I lil (>(1 In th(' city .Ill thp tIme exeC' t-

family oJ Randolph, spent $unday ~... lng .... h(1l sht> \'ISI\pd fPlaU\('s Slt.' Rf'1l1 E.~tat.e and All Kind~ of10 ltw Rolwrt Roullmg- I home, MISS, Gladys M(Ot llpll HI !'lvc'd "pi nt d ddy and a hair m the hOrtl(' Immrance Except LifeDOllS Boultlng- returnp(j I home home rrUl~~dHY last \.1.('( k [['om a of Mr ,1Il(j ¥rs Edwclnl Falke ofwJlh thi'm aflC'r sJwndlng it wC'('k trIp t~ough lhf' pasH Sill' \-Isltf'd C,unwl, Cd For tYoo wcffis she ' 'Wayne, Nebr.lhpre I C~lIea 0 ,mil ('<iI~I\J1IlJgP. jlJ 'I \lslle(1 MI and Mrs. Clarencc Cor-j ~~::::==::======~,

lVIr and Mrs LC'onard ~elson WdoS!lI 19t(JIl, DC, '\IlIHtIJ<Jlh, Inl'l1/ (jitught("r. C<lr'OJyn, and son, -nnd famIly of emaha. sppM the Phildd Iphl<l, N(,,",, Y()~k (Il~ ~os- I{rmdld ,wu Arnold Brul1dJcck m CAVANAUGIIweek-end With IMrs Nf'Json'-" flar- ton, Iymouth Rock, Nmgar.l Los Angeles. Mrs Cornett. the for-ents Iwar Stanton and Witt Mr FdI!S, nto C.,nd~" and h,j(k tc "'PI Fmda BrundH'ck, and Arnold INSURANCE AGENCY~0c~~°ri~n~~~~ the C I~ N Isons, I~ll~~O~ :'lr~~~ssM~:~~f~nr~f ~~~sge~~ ~:rl(~fro~Ii;; ~~~ %%h~h~:e~~ All Kind!> of Insurance

Mrs W R Wprnpr Iow(ll1 :mri "eles. al," 110 accompanlf'd hC'r, Igenbach Mr and Mrs. Gus Pflue- Phone 84 Wayne, Neb.RpHy Mr nod Mrs lIflory ISpN'k IpH last Wr<lnc!o;dn.Y lor thf'lr Igpr, thfl Herbplt Cornett and MIlan ~------- ~

and Franeos of Coleridge, Mr and ;o"'e'f ICornett famlJll's, She :VIsited aMrs r':dgar Swanson nnd fdmlly _ -.= =...==..- -:. ~ .... ('ek \"'1111 Mr nnd Mrs. LoUiS n )' II nwere Sunday aflf'rnoon gUllsl" III II~r ~ ~---=-=---:;-'=--=-=---~"'-=--='~--~--~1 IJe.,;(·man dt Alam{'(Ja, Clil. From J-. ~J. • OISOlltill' \Vm. Wm]C' homp II Allgust 1 10:!O <.;lIp \\,IS In 1hC' Ray- \'Mr flnr! M" 1''''01 Ileeg and II' AT:I'ONA I~ In"'OII Mudlo" heon1<' M,ss B,,,n· EYESIGHT SPECIALIST

Raymf'tu! or Waynp, W('fC' Siunday . dlPck t'"Joyt'li til(' \ISlls and Ill"drnnC'r gUf'sts rn the 1\1 B f}arnl'l hy S('f'npry, Wayne, Nebraska

home '1 hp Ht'f'gs Inought 1j.('Roy, I Sldff ('(II I ('SII,/lltl1 nt llilll ..._:::~:::~:;;;:;:~::!:;::::====~LflVOJ1lH' dnd SllIlley Efllnel hom"ll __ ~ _~ ~-- ~ - ----0=-'111 TO('AJ N"IiW;S 1-after \IS1tlng there a \\cc)c ~-----=.....::--:..=..=-~-- ~ A J ........ l M· L R"

Mr nnd Mrs Henry 'melson Logt>nf' Sydow vlsltC'd rn dIstrict ~,JOhn~\\ est \\('nt to Eau Claire, arlin. Inger",pnl to Oakdale Satutda,y 1? \'H>lt 126 FrlUd). <lft£'rn~on ¥. IS 10 rf'<.;U'rrw tflachlng " REAL ESTATE FARM LOANSa fpw dny" Mrs Nelson s father, Mr.1 and Mrs : \V Lf'hmkuhl MIS", LUCllo Wright went to Nor-.lamps BliSS, who f('11 two wecks SPC'llt ~unridY rn h(' q<l\(' o Brmn Ik IorIday y' fPSume leachmg Writes every kind of insuranceago and fraeturpd hiS nght hip, IS lIon1(' • 1 ,HilS ypar. ~~~:ta~~eA:~~a~U:t~:~~;u::~'tUlip ill in n Tl1dC'n hnspIlnl

1 1:\1· 11\1 r. \ I S· fl I MIS. C IIdgf'l, Mrs, Ellza~thi:==========::::,Mr- i1nd Mrs ,"mips NC'I<:l1n f'lnf1 :1O~1 Il;'l~~ll ~W'~~ S\ll~/l\\' If~(,l~'!l~~)~ (jralll and Bplty \\('re" 10 (Jm:lha I

EddH' \\('1'(' Sunday! dmner guesls ~II H.IfPh Austm....;· Ij hursdu)'. 1 IIn th(' R<lsmus Rusmu~s(>n Ihome. MJS IIpI('1l l~;,,()nij" uf \\'(;.sl MiSS I:Llur" {}lh,Hl or F:\'.mg- ]).-, .:. J~. H:u"vcyMI's Rasmusspfl and MIS NI'I";Oll Poml sp{'nl SUlldd} nIght \'dllt S!}f'nt 1:1.,;1 \\('l'k-l'tJ{! Itl HIP E .•1. Veterinarianf'.lIIC'd nn MIS T .J IllYOl'!n 11K' MiS" ~Iora BelgL I'~(:slt'r homl'.1I11l'lnooli Mrs. PI'YOl 1101s llf'1'1I The Adolph I3Plgt hmJly \\£'1'(> I hi' F.. J Fupsfer (.unUY rptum-, 122 East Second Streettll . ~utHI<-IY dmner guests In 1I1C' Mrs \Pd l.lsl1hursday from J'latLJt"lakp Wayne, Nebr.

Ml :Jnd Mrs I1f'rl\wn fodoll .J G Bergt homf', MlOn • \~hf'l(' tlwy spellt a few) Day Ph. 75 - Night Ph. 4.GO -,

took )\II"s l'rpd,l \"('lbJ!' to ('oluro- Mr amI Mrs Aden t'\USIIO '\\C'/'P Irh~" n--n~, wflnt tfl R,..rn<:l"!1 y" :1'==::::::::::====::::!Jus SdlunldY l H'lling tOfW(,t MISS 'I'hurS(IJ3Y evening gUPfHs 10 1l1(' Frl"~V 10 t~k(' Mlo,,;s NormR FUPs-I:--~ -FIs\(' W(,lhle of Omaha who has Ralph Austm !lomp Jr'r 10 Iwr tut< hmg th('r(' ~ •d Po<;lllon In <l DenH'r hOfPllal MIS, Flora B('~gl IS pllnclp~jl of Dr Inri :\11s Rohl'rt rl<.;hh:)(·ll n~Jltna(·k IlnSI)llalMISS Frpda accompanlPd h1r to Pilger school tillS y('a~, Il('glllnlllg llud .,;on, \"Jl~) had \lslll'd Ilf'rl' "Jill ~ ..D(lmer for a VISit hel' W Ik last Mond,lY~ M)'s Gu<: W('IHlt and MI<.;s LOUIS(~ Phone 20

Vwtor Jorg('nspn of \VakHIC'ld Mrs RJy Danwls, Mrs .J -(; \\f'ndt. h'1\<: arrlw'd In Honolulu •""as d Sund<lY dmn~r gu('st in the Re'rgt land MISS Flora IRI'rgt \\PH' \\,IH'J(' PI. FJshl).tch IS slatlOnf'd 320 Lincoln St.M J(JJ~lnSI'I1 helml ~11 <lml :\11S 1111 No.folk Iltulsda)- <;1[1, lllUVll ~\Il~l, 1I~(' :('deral hC'alth ~rvlce. ~~::;;;::=~~::~;;::;=Art n/'Lunmond Hnd f.lIl1lJy M 1\1 I If ,I P l I Till) \~lltl 01 u mosl ('ol"(hal wel-I __ - - - -----~ - ~--

.Jol'g('n~('n, JI" Gtlhf'11 Sl/;uhhi w.J~~11f'''; ll~II~Jlr\:r;~ll 1~~l'1 1:1:~JI(,flm(' wJwn lht' sJllp dfK·kPd. <Hid n L "& Le "

.tntl Mr Hnd l'yfl S (;(01) .1m J.!Jf'IlS('n l fl':j('hl~g In d r'U! al school MoncklY ;lJ(~~:~t:~~~} t' JIHlnd JIlt· I"ldrl'! m()~t rs, el" IS r /""IS\'\I'I£' SU1r:pf>r guC'sts Mr land Mrs Llnest BahdC' and I Kl'nflek Mltch£'Il, formerly of CIIIRC?PRACTOR.SJ MISS I.~th('r, Ulrich or FIN'port, familY: of Wak:fH'ld~ wetf' Sunday ICarroll. Iwad<.; Allf'n ~hool again '" (I!:st. 1914)Ill, Ipft SaLurday aflflrnoon aflf'r gU('StS!lO the' ( J r'.. rxlpben !lnn1f' th I t M NE"uroealomckr Sen-ieeVl";ltll1g ltl thl' EI'w1l1 tlIJ'lfh llOmp Mr land Mrs Bruno SpllttgPlbf'r dd~~ il~~r, ~v~~~k('r~\1~,:,n;:;~ree~~~ Phone 49 W~yne, Neb.Shp stoppel) a~ Duhllqup. r,l 10 nnd dauJ,.:htC'l' .... (Orr' I'\('nlng p'oNI \~!:"!\'n(' , JllnrJ!"].;l1 '\11<:<; HZ F~ 4th Si,VISit In the Rpv Walter UlrIch IguC'!>ts 111 Hw Alhert Gr{\C'nwalrlj ~ ._ _~ _'_ - -~ , I 'home 0\'1'1 Sunday I\IlSS lJiJ lell h 11lUllll'. 1 •••••••••••••11•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••a nurse at Freeport Mr. :and Mrs, Alhcirt GrC'f'nwald : '

Mrs. Bert Hornby, MISS Elsi<' 1and family spC'nt Suncla" l:tst •Hornby, MISS Merna Hornby and v...'('pI< 111 tilt' F-red nr Un.,; honH' npar I­LC'nnlC' Ma9 RorlOg wt>rC' Frldav P('O(lC't I :,1ft('l'n~l(jn ('<1111'-1" In 1!JC' 1 11\\ In , TIll' PlIII Spillt .. , ill"I" \1"llld •

l'lJlChI1011w ;\11"; (·lllltTloulllldll :11"1 \\(,1 \\1111111<11 'HI 1111'" I:1\11" JamI'STloutnl:ln.llldCOIlJ1l( '\\11(11" II (1l11],td,llilll( II It(I,L •::->11(' \\\'J(' ,lIs() g1JP<.;1'; IUld Iii :

f I~~i;v '~I~~\I~~:sm (;\\lr~\~~1(;ltl)~~:(:111JI;~~ 1 Il~llih '~I~:llt~:II~!1 ~ Ii, 1~\ ~J 1':l\I\~~'l l~;~~l I:

~1(~lm~l~~~d~~lnl~I\I;;;;I~l~ rl~;:~"F\I~}l:~ :1:~;1I~\.~I(~OII(111, ~IJlldl) ill'll'lHlll j :

\VlJ!Jlp oj ()llla!ld H'(0f1111I11lld \11 IIlI! :\11 \111(',] SldCl\\ Ill.]

lll'r' folks to Iov.-a dIll} \lSllE'r1IH'If' I<lnlll} \~('I(' >Ulljl.l) 1'\( 1l111..!;

unlJl ~IonddY (>vNung IgUl'"h 11"1 \\( ,'I. 111 111,' 1'1111

l'I~~;'~, JI~(:II~'/'~I~~\\~~sO~1J~ll~;~ i::;;~- SP~~\:g;:I\~~l ~1:~'l~'\lln~, SIJ1,jl~( 11>. I

"on Dowlld \V"lhlp dnrl T lin ilHI L}npttp \\ I' lill \\ d)( .. r\ '\J),lU'lJpOiI WI'l'(, l!l I\"()llnl!{ TlJUI<.;- l\(nllW glli'~l' 'll 111 \~ I'

lid.Y '1'11(' IclSl tlll{'(' ('nllst('d til tllC' Spliltgl'll)l'l III 1 11< iarmy, They go to Omaha thIS FI'I- Mrs Frank Sl1ppl Pl'd t"('lUrJwd

to her home at Nurf Ik Frl(l,IY aft~

~r spt:'hdmg a \\('£'k \'1111 Mrs.. Ed.Doy)p tn SIOUX CltY'1

Mr. and Mrs Cur~"s SUlC'r andfamily, Mr ,lilli' irT's. RICh,1I (} IBlack 01 Sioux CltY'f,ere Mnl)daygue!'lts in the C J E ·xl.eben htMllC.

\V~.~~,~n,~n~l~l ~~I~ 1 ~~=tJ;\,~~~ 1:AustlO wert> SUIl{ .1Y (''''('OIn~ I:gU~:~, J:rr ~:n~~~.t 'l;~~t'~;~~.~~ iBennp(f or MHrlOn\ I If' Mo.. to 1hf' •Fl'rrlS El'lllW11 I'om, .11 P,'ndr r \\','dnl ..d 1\ I,)ol nul.., Ifl' f \ I :

Itmg I_ere sf>VPrdl tIqy'i. I_J\1r :-tn(l 'T\fr" Brurlo Spliltgt>rI)('r :

,~ ~ ~__~~~lt~_I,_;\l~ ~~~~ll~•••••••••••••••••••••••••••·········"··.····~·~!'

I __ I> IRacHo Club 1'IC'nltl.

, NOI'(I1e<lst N<>hrnska Amaj~ur St. Paul's Luther n C 1l1o(·h.r.d,o club nnd rolatives had a pIC". ,(!icv H. M, HIIPe~t, prslor)

: nic supper Sunda~!evenmgJ m the League met Tuesd' y ev~nmg.

, WInSide park With 34 .tlfenI!In~' Ladles' Aid met t h s WrdnesdflYWjnside. W1sner, Beemer, fe:r;rdeJj afternoon. INorfork, Stanton, Pllger an Sunday English se vlcds atl 9 20\Vp.ync were, represen~.The Cl, a, m, SundayIschool t 1125 a m.mfets the last Sunda;i In Scple .. G(lrman S(>IVlces at O,4p a mhOT at Oakland, I Sunday school pIC I~ l will bc

__ . I hold S~nday, Septembljr 4

TCIU"hers A'" LO~Bt6d,l Annual miSSIOn fe t~va '"" 111;Elmond Holbroof< IH I'OcmJiJ' 11('111 SunddJ, S('p!f'n hQr I.

nnd boarding in the JIIlL'!!'lj Etl !--L JPon'lll home. Mi~~ Dor~~~y Do r Trinity r llthf'~l1l ~lh lTd.,!'\On is at Leonard NorJIng'. af.) (tttlV, H. Knat h, IJ lstOr)M-'lss Alv~na Gelsdman has Nextl Sund y thl' a lrlual mis.siollnpurtment at Ell. Carlson's, SU ,f~j.llivhl will hp, I ('lid SundayE. p, Wenqi, Mll:i/i Glady::> ~kln9 ' !tichool is at 1 II III ~lrnjl1g scr\'­Ml~s Ruby ReNt. M1SS Almn Lm - lel>s HI 11 ~l h RPv Richflrd .Toh­1r.nhough nnd Mlss VlrglOu\ Tr()\~ ~ mllolof Cr('ston. at> l1('akr. r are atl their hOQles here. 1W, F, Masl of wa~n~, g~ves the___ I ~elmon at ~ IP rn. aSkD1 dmner

WINSIDE LOCAJi,S WIll 1)1' sl'n"d at n "!n al theAdolf MillC'r was i~ SIOUX CJ1 Y

I TU~~~~YF~~~ ;;;~p~ And ('hJldr~nw('re in Nor·folk FrIday I. ClarencC' R~w of SIOUX C'tl~ppnt"'last Wpdnf'sday m Wm~::ld

Alt:~"SSt~~~XlyH:~S;~lrt ~1~~~h1 ~Monday. 1

Mrs George Gahler nnd ~ sHenry Ulpch were In Norfo kTu€<s!;1ay last week I

Miss; Alvena Geiselman of 0 ­'" ford, came Friday to ~tart It£>ae ­I in~ Monddy m t hI' hlg'h SCh~ I[ Mrs. Co~a SchmoOp, Mrs Of} iii

Woible, 1I\r., N. L, Dllma a d

11 Rei,ty LOUIWClble wC'tP. in ' inco n

FriOa~. II • Mr•. G. C, Frnnei. and "!leggy r

l:\loux C,ty, came SaturI!jly II dvl~ited over Monday with r.Francis. I


" II,





Insl.1I • ..IIIJI GilBlrn.r In Y.1r flrnaoe.

~"ractlft ••nl.l,. Pa,••nt :JIlla

Ask I.;D~.""III


Yo~ Need Natural


• Why I Dol enloy ALL lbe comlo"" of !lam.?AulomaUc nalwal vas ,bHL fOC' lulcut.~1 Ir.11m" to think aboul whal kLall of fuel mOreflQlloq , 10 use IhU wl.D1er • • • be to make CI

decision. A DQtural 9(Q CONV!:RS101f IOIUfEB• • • iDaloU.d in your preMDl furilace • 0 • willqi.. you heallJlIul. twIr au\om.atic. eme&eewaImth. Th1a ~eoTer IakH oalf Q lew Aows• • • withoul emf a,ppt'Klabt. allefll60u lit. IOUpreaenl heollDv pIo.aL x..t ua IttU. TOll how ..n1'aDd quickly fO\I caa a"Uch ID lCAt'1lBAJ, GAlIlEAT.




brate the bl~thday of Norma JeanLarsen. \

Mr. and Mrs. 'Harry FerriS re.turned Thursday after being mIowa where the formpr Was Qm..ployed for a time.'

MISS Lor('Qe Wittler of Ran­dhlph, who N-turpcd here Sunday

~~ :~~c~o~nn~~~;t~a~5~1~~aymgTh~ Pcrry Johnson~ arrl\ff'fl

hbme' Friday from a vacatlOn tripto Callforl1lH. Enroute home thC'ystonppd In YelloWstoOl' park.

MI" and Mr!-; Halfwld and Mrs.Thompson of Omaha, spent thewPl'k-£'nd With Ill(> wOml'n'g p.,ar­f'111s, Mr and Mrs. Carl Munson.

M,. and Mrs. Vigo Hanspn wereHt Forrf'st Nl't l!efon's Mondayl'\'f'nmg last W('I'1<: Thp .Jay Haven­PI'S railed lhere Sunday mornIng.

Elgm 'JIuckpr hegan work Mon­day at Norfolk. Hc~ operal(;'~ a bulkstallon for d ga!:;o!tnl' company.The f\lmJly plans 10 rno\'(' thiSw('ek.

R('\'. am~ Mrs C E Frcdncks('n\\-('n' 111 II1f' Rf'v. Ceo Pohlmanhom(' at Wausa Sunday 101 Ii ff's·tlv,}1 :lOd dpdJ('atlOn of a newchurch hasem('nt

- -- - --- • ----- - - -- 1 l .son, formerly of Carroll, were also ladleS are sisters. The CahformaIw Waterloo. Ne~lgh school anti ~there. Mr LeWIS' brother, Homer folks; went to Iowa from here began h('r dutIes MondayLeWI!>, and fallllly came there from Mf a,nd Mrs Jes~ Randol andI MISS SUSJC> Souders \Vent toSt. Jo{' to spend Sunday and Mon- son of Denver, call~d Saturday In Lon,g Pine Saturday. She Willday. I the James I McIntosh !1ornL' Mrs. teach English, dramatics and rou-

Mr and Mrs. Wr H. WagnC'r and Crark BaniSter \Vas also a gu'est. • SIC In the high school thiS yt>ar• ...J

~~~I~Y ~~~taaym~=k~ :;~~r ;r:~e~ fa~i~y a;i~I::;~s;n ~:dD~le;Ia~:~ te:-:r;~t~;n~~f ~~~::rM~~~e~~~~ftrip through thef~t. They saw Ihome Sunday afternoon to see day after vjsltmg abou"t 10 days.the Jay Garwood nd James Ahern Arvid J:.Iamer of BelleVille, Ill, and with Mrs. J. G. Mmes and lhe PmJlfamilles in Long ach, and ViSited Francis Hamer of Sycamore, III., Mmes famdy.the Adolph Mey~r and Everett who are visiting With their pn.r- Frank Gamble arrived homeHeikes families m Hillsboro, Ore. ents. ISaturday frQm Los Angeles, WhereEnrout€' home th~y 'drove through '"" hI"' attendf'd school thIS summer. IMontana. I I Up went to Pierce Saturday to 11'-

Mr. and Mrs. tpy{'ry Trautwein, IS J W tsume teaching. ~MarviO and Elwi of WJI)'lide, tht' out l\\'fl'st ayne 1\11' and Mrs. Robert Gulliver,A. C. Ward faml1 and MiSS Cath- who had bff>n Visiting In the Prof. ,f'rIne Williams M Norfolk. Mrs (By Staff COITe~pondf'nt) A F Gulliver homE!'. went to Ona-Guy Crane> and d~IUghl('J' Mrs. Re~ wa, la, FrJday, lhe tormer to m·ba AC'ck, and t l' lattH's lhr(l(l Ben Nissen and family c811M st1"uct m musIcchildren of %:ux City, Mls~ Betty Sunday evening last w<:>('k m thf' Vprnon CasSf'1 r;tu:"(ld SundayGruber Qf B oo~Jyn. N. Y, and Albert Milhken hemf' from a two-w(>pks triP to DenWl'MISS Marga et ~nn P:1U1spn wprp MISS Wilmfl and MJSs, J€"SSIf' Ian~ c;otorado Springs~ Colo. A. L,Sunday gu('sts 01'1 Mr amI Mrs. V.U. Gemmell sp<:>nt Thursday m thl' Swan ~ !)(.'phew, Bob Hoffma....ter ofTrautwein. 4 Oscar Hoeman home I York, accompanIed him.

Mrs. Wmtlle onps, Mrs 'Ann Victor, Jr, and Gt'rald KnIPseh(, MISS J(alheryn Bf'rry IS t('achingRichards, Mr. and Mrs Rf'C's Rlch- wet'C' TUf>sd.ty O\PlIught guesls 1hls Yf'ar,At CharlottC', Ia. Shp lert.Irds a'nd Mtss Llj;I)J(' Richards ar- last W('l k m Ihl' Offo GpJ!('man W<:>dnf'stay last week for Roches­rived home Wed ('sday last week home. \ t('r. MI') ,to go through the Mayofrom a VISit in pC's MOln('s and Mrs Wm. Vahlkamp and chJ1~ cliniC h~forC' gomg to Charlotte. ,eastf>rn 1owa'1 Wapello they dren of St Petersburg, Fla, wpre Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Hatfield andvlsltf'd Mrs. T. A Petf'rs, a daugh- Tuesday dmnpr guPSts tas1, \\Pt'k daughter of Plam\H?w, were here-ter of Mrs Ann Richards. At Co- at Walter Ulrlch·s. Sunday. They brought home MISS

lumbus JunctJO they saw Mrs Edith and MISS Maxme Barrett

~I~rr~~r~~~ha~~~~ fl-~~h~a: no~!,l~r:;~ M!~2~~!~(>I~~!~from\\h~rha:n~I~;~.~;a:l:yf~~~Y~ff'ldpst, Mason 10 IIowa. Winnebago for the ~-f'nd ~~;n\\~~~~~~e' ~~;:eh~;~mThy~~~::

Mr and Mrs. Geo. LIOn \\l'rf' 10 Mrs Mary Hart re rned Friday stone and tbe Black I-lill.s. ProfGUIdI' Rock from Saturr~ay until after VISiting a ',I.'ee n Norfolk and Mrs J. R Kplth had acc(}m~Monday With thf' IEltt(>~s sistpr, Mrs Luella Peck {'nt 10 Man- pamed themMrs Emil SchmJC. anrl hushand. Ville, Wyo., Saturday~ to ..psump .Mr and Mrs. EfWm LIOn of Lm- teachmg MISS MmnlP Will arrlv{":(! homecolnvllle, Kan., the former a hrolh- Paul Harrmgton. Jr. S{l('nt thro IWf'dnpSda,y la~t \...·e~k from Atlan­er, were also th~'re Lynn Rohl'rts weC'k-end In Lmcoln With John ta, Ga, \l,hC'r(-' she SPf'~t the sum­accompanied them to Rpd Cloud Hprnngton. mpr WH.h hrr slstpr Shf' \\pnt 10and VISited Verinon 10 th(-' R. V MISS Helen St('el(> \\('nt to Graf- SIOUX ( Ity Saturd<lY to r('sUllw

family tobet I pndt>groom w01(' Garwood horne IMrs. Donald Mor- lon, la, Wednesday last \\eek 10 I('achlng thiS w(>ek ,Sunc~y 'afternoon <It Ilarr De- IIMr Jc>ns('n h~IS hH-i own horne blue ris and Cal Hurllhert took chaTl~e teach thiS year. I Mr. and Mrs WnIlslcklf'r. whonesw's. ~ .D' 1 n¢re Mr KtJc~ra 1S to the H HI Aftpr 1hd y'(C'd(llmg s(-'rvI~c, thc Mr. andl Mrs. Arnold Rf'cg ~f of the LIOn protluce statIon Whl~(, MISS Margaret \Vaqe and Miss had \lsltpd the S J Icklers here

Duanl1 T' n eman 1'('1 lrnt'd Sun- I:rney h~m(', MIS'> Wflghl at N. ~ouple w('nt to C~lcago to $pend a WaynE', Wire at W. II Wagner S Mr LiOn was g9ne. Lu('en Barnes hC'gan tf'achmg mttt'h of ~he summ('r, Wf'nt to seC'clay 0 Chadron <~flf'I' ~l ~Islt at I',d. A. Warth s anq Mr Benson at thel ~cw days. They Iwlll return to Tupsday cv('nmg last wppk Mr In a group'enJoymg: dmnf'r Sun- Monday In Concord. the I<lttl"r s folks at Humphrf'Yoobl'_!}PnJ ~'s.· 1smue) Hughes h~m(' makC' 1h('lr Ilomp m C~trroJr <lnr] Mrs Ftn~1I1 H'1gC'!C'n Wf'r(' Wf'd- day With Mr anr Mrs G E Jonps Budd Bornhort twgan hiS new fore gOIng to LiSCO \\hprl' Mr kk-

M .IUnd Ml's," M. W Aht'rn an(l MIS~ Bpalrl('(' rill, who !Jv('sl f'Mrs lonps IS la gradlJ 1(' of nf'sday eV1nmg callers WPff' Mr. and i"frs Harry Bvans dutws Monday as prmclpal and Ipr hpafis the schoolHlllH ~Prc lit P.wl BIO(']{t>!:'S. S~mJ 11('1(', IS agaIn m"tructtng m tIle' Waynf' high s('hrt0l clnd WdynC' Mr ,tnd Mrs Jt,hn Kay and son and family of Omaha, Mr ahd M~ coach at Meadow Grow MISS M,lrgarC't Schf'nwl ,Inc!lIdV ,i'mlllg. I "r 1 With Mr' HOm('f Ross, flV(> mem- grammdl room MIS's Marmn carl-I TE',H:!lf>lS Ct1dkW"lllavlng Rln A B of ,Waynel ami rv,r and Mn:; AI- John DaVIS, Mt and Mn.; JQ('- Mr dnd MIS ChllS LuC'ders and MISs Ellpen Collier. who sppnt !hl'

i,OllS £~r()gl'en and Elmel' BW{~ b('I~ am two I guests son of DIxon, has the JOtE'rmcdlatc degr('-(' from thE'ltlttf'r She re~ frc'fi Jug!' of WltlSJdf' v..c'rp Sun- BlOkel and fa.nllly, Mr and MNi. Dick w('nt to Battle lakf'". Mlnn. summC'r herC', left Tuesday lenwele ~undfJ.Y dlllt1PI' guests at CJlf~ Mrs. W P)tltchu~rl grad('s and stays 10 the Wm. MilIS[ cC'I\'(I(1 Ilf'r maslclr's degrf'e from day dmner gu{'~ts In the> He>nry Torn Rohprts, ~uth VerpC'lIc, Mlr- Sunday to spend a fbw days. Bloomington, Ind, where the fOl-ford arkClt's Spptemh r lq. h?me !V!ISS Catherme Eckert of the University of Mlnn('s~ta She Bush JWrrle near Car.roJl Jam and Howel ROberts, D('an MISS Irene BastIan began teach- mer resumes her teaching of

, M land MI'B, J R I1ef,Ji a-nd - SIOUX Ci1;, IS pnmary tClacher andl taught m NorfolJ.t the pnstJ several In ~~ grfoup hll\ilng dinner at Owens, Mr an Mrs Dick Pmk- mg Monrlay m Meadow Grove She French In the unl\erslty and !tIP

W llh r sp('nt SUnd'lY C\enlOg at Celehrnt Birthday. is In th0 I crry Johmmn home. yearj.; and preVIOusly had taught 10 Wayne park Sunday werf' Mr and ham, the last of Wayne Mr and I has English and mathematiCs latter attends school to work onHe~ . n' Thun's ' Mrs oS S Glb~on ahd family luid Classes were shortenC'd Monda~ Carroll, Wisner anc\ Emerson Mr Mrs Arnold R("'cg and James Grier Mrs Arthur Ward of Norfolk, andI Richard Claycomb plans to en~ h('r master's degree.

Mr and Mt~' MarVin Johansen MISS Jea AncJierson lof Ramlolphf WIth all conducted m thp mormn Jones IS a graduate of Carroll high of Wayne, and the N A Warth Mr. and Mrs Iv~r Morns were aft- roll at the state unJ\eTSlty In Lm- MISS Margaret Sc~~J andof P arnVIC'W spent Sunday eve- Mr. and l rs. WIalte~1 Bredemeyer j [for assignment of lesf:;onl-i Regula school and atl0nder] the UnIversity and W H Wagner famIlIC''>. erooon guests The Evans family coln to stud} agronomy He gOf'S MISS Ellpen Collier had as cUnnernjng t AUlg:'Franzr.n':'"s- Ml. and Mrs H L. Bredem('yer, w('Jrk, slarted Tuesday Latin ,IS of N('hraskR. 10 LlnC'oJn Mr and Mrs Ollie SmIth and Ispent Sunday rere and w(>nt to SpptC'mht'r 10 . gu~ts Thursday evemng Mr, a.ncl~I"S Anna SchJuns and brother. Mr and Mrs. H ~. Bartels had d~opped I~ high sc~ool thIs ypa:rl ~- Walden of WmsldC', spent ThUl7',- Platte county tp VISit Monday he- ThC' Walluc(' HughC's faml)Y mm'~ )1~ Patflck O'Neill and MissHar----

AJrr('d Ed(he, \I~ltcd Sunday l've- dinner tl gethe~ Slltl,day llt thn IWith vocatIOns, phYSical g("ograph~ CARROLL LOCALS ddy evening at W111 Swanson S fore gomg homo. I ('od Saturday from east 4th street rlett Hoehne of Chicago, Mrs Nel~:tung Ht K<>nncth Eddle.s. lPprk fO~ Mrs. ~t~I" hll'thddY· and ~hop orfl'r('d as electl\e)oi 11 \V~II Rpes has a new car Mr and Ml,S, Joh~ Gettmaln were Rev and Mry:;. R. L Wi11iams. to the Hogue\vood propC'rty north lie Hoehnc and ML"'S HarrJett Lisle

MI' hnd Mr's~ Ke-nnC'th Edthc ana I I I place of tnls Wtn K 111 ht w c I<~t Swanson s Friday evenmg. MISS Mary and leWIS John r('turn- of BresslC'r pRrk of Osmond, and LoUls Lmd ofMIS..J,tOws StPlJhen!; w('r(' III SIUUX Rmmlon at :N~riol.k. iI • Tf'HCh('I, ml't SclluH]dY HI1(l ss II~~n< ~o~lIs ~~~1 to~f'W- Mrs Zuella qayton: Mr: an~ IerJ Sunday evcnmg to St('{')c City Ernest Rn!ff'r wpnt 10 Holdrf'gp Bloommg:ton, Ind Mr. Lmd !f'rtCity Wpdnrsday la:-;t w('('k. The aVIS f rruly [held a r('un· dg,lIn MondotY oIftprnoon. loMI Sa unl I 10 t('~ h Mrs LawrPn.cp Dayton 'l~d daugh afler spendlOl; a couple of weeks Fnday to S(,C' hiS paren~s, Rp\. and that d.l} aftf"r sP<'ndlng a w('C'k

'MISS Fl<<lnces pen('sm went to IOn Sun ay at Norfdlk pal'k \vIOl :l - I I ~ ss ~ ,~y R 's a: nt 0 01'- !PI of Omah,l, were Sunn<1Y gu('sts With IrJ('nd~ h("rf' Re\'. WIlJmms Mrs C G BadC'r He ,-,,<,nt'to Ueh- here vlsltmg 11('. MiSS Sctu!m{'!NpWC,lstlP Sal urdu to tdlCh. Th' ')6 at1e ~mg mong ~ thos(-' from , A 'hif'\~ml'111 Progr~m. I uel ~ f'( eCh I of Mrs C. E Jonf's MIS ZUf'Jla preached two Sundays at the, Img Saturday to tC'ac~ and MISS Coillpf had been guests

I Thrl'y Dpn('SlU fam~IY took her ~ th1s VICI~ty w rc Mit and Mrs E. A 'T d crowd gathcr('(J, at 1 OJ Ch~(:1 Stlt~r~ry 1wteaf ] C II D,lyton r('mamC'd a few days preshyterian church where h(> used MISS Ruth Hanson accepted a last \\('ek Sunday In the Ira~ 'JlilJ and Mrs Victor Johnson ~nd O. Davl , Mr. t nd Mr.!; E W pa~ CongrpgdllOnal pflllm'S Frlday a I a~ f I~~ S 101 ~( 0 lOS Mr and Mrs.. M, I SWihart en- 10 be pastor MISS Mary ('nrolls pOSItiOn teachmg commerc-lal ....ork George home at O"N'i'IJl.

VIS Mr!Od S Owen OwC'ns and ('rnoon Jor 1ne dnnunl achlE:' C \\0re m or 0 atur <l~ j('1!<unpd at Sund<ft dmner for k r h .- ~___ ~_~~ _~~11s ~1;lOche, ,I~,n~?n I werl'] C/-; fa~lIY, r an . Mrs John OwC'ns mf'nl clHY progT~lm hf'ln hy Go df'~ MISS Thelma Woods k'sumC'd Ccr,l!rl S\t Ihat t of ('I'd\\ fm (I, Ow ~xttlw~~, cOI7;~e:~~ni::w;:~o~~I\~~~k.' () mson S f'( ""'>( fly ,IS and fa~IY, M . and Mrs L E. I 1"l('0ce shecp (Iuh, Wit h C H Mot teaehlllg at Cody thiS weC'1 • E\~an Harner and dlenn Jenkms w~~ b~ a semor! this year In Steele ~ •

... I Jenkins nd L s Mrs E J DaVIS IriS sponsol, T~lSly Mixer!:;, 1 Mrs I 0 JOfles spent jSunday famillps ahd MIs~ IIa Roberts. , " ' .._1-'1> I> A·· T~~L ...{ Mr and Mrs. Geo. Wacker, Mls~ Mr hn I Mrs t~rl RottJC'r' Mrs' C'hal'gf' of Mrs T P Roh0rts .In With hPI' claughtpr at Shol~'s l\ll"" I1uby Dd\ IS If'ft \\i('dnf's~ ("Ity high school Thp famll). \\( n ~!/''OU {Itle Ina '/ltclanrlfanm Wacker Hnd Varncf Victor 1-- I'D'lty 01 I W is ~tul(lay m the Henry land Dewey Jones ..Were m 1.h~ Hollis WI1'hams home Ellzabl,th \-Vllllms dnd E"'1n , Mr. Blu(' HluiJon SWIne ('Jub, led btl ( ",OJ J' L pa -1-. ~.l.y last week fq'r Goble, Ore. to ho~eAugust23.alsoThursday'and ~'S d f I and Mrj W.tyn ,WIlliams Mr and Owen .Jl'nkms TIl(' young folk night guest at ~ e,lrs~n s Icsume hQr teaching Mr and Mrs Fr d The..... tere Saturda d... un aya tcrnoo": IMrs. W~ ra WI lJ~ms and 'Orll~. gavp a progt'am ,tnrl t'Xhlhll<'() thpi Mrs Mar1m Martmson ,~nd Car- Jr}hn DaVIS and Mr and Mrs Joe 1 ay. ,;r Y an ,",:JR~h~~~:n~~:ld::~~ WvVe~I~~sJ~~ t Iworkf I ~rl~~~t"c1 MISS \-VJnlfred 1 CollinS HlOkel took her flS far as Omaha

f~~da~~~e~~ la~~,C~~t~r, gU~~<; ~ ~

last \\eck fol' .s~pper In honor of InI~e~l ~o:d~: ;.1 ~'amtlY rpunlon 1.1 Rifps Ar~~(H;ldlll"t~tl. MI' dnd 1\11 s. .Johl~ C;( ltm~ln \\:~;hlrt' ~~~ ~c;u~d:yaf\\'~7~ln~r Margu('Tlt(' Evlans of Np\l, York ilDons Ltllld<Jl1gcr s bll thday .. - , ! . (,. I " t '1' '1' A ' who had bppn III Sh'(,lt, (ll~ ,mil ,r~Sunday fit the F ank lorpl1z homt' MIl;,; l'ldllC{S Nona MlJ)on,dl SprJ) .--.UIHd\- (t(lilng f gupsfs IfI th(' J ( Woods homp(Lt~II~(;:~:lt~)l~ncJ~~11hsr;,~~a;;~<~~~:a1 R'! d(JI~lh, \V(';P Mr :tnd!WdS hdpl11ld d~I~1 (()JlfJrm(drdn~1' Sllllghfs ,f, , JI~l)~ \\(1( )tllllllltlg dtll \1'-iltlng\~,\7~:;(:1;~l'II\~I::lh ~~I.:'I"rklflll/(~1 I/I~(I\ TI I rfJ1 - tl R J Mrs l'l 'il Iml('nz )llld two l!,lugh hpJ ddUghll'l l'ldl}((S lliH \\dS 1)1 Illd MIS A IIXllY hl\;( \\1111 \11" BIll (,II\\()(I(1 11 1\1!\ln- 1


t"l'l \\ II I I II:I~:ng(~f' h(~~l~{'\~:~d:; p~enl~~ ..10- 1(') S of "lsl,t~a,]<I, Mr dnd 'MI' ll<lllllzf'd !\lq.;U~l ..!.! II St P,lt~1 I;('{ tl S]JI'IHIlIl,." S( \ ltd I (] t\" III "Oil , ~~I~dn('q;::\ 1l1


1l!llli;<'l ~::1; ~ I~P;'i:, I

MISS'~JI:l.Ub('thvJ;'lJl,tms(~ICh1- JOhllII~mrn Jr,~ll1dr,mlJlyofIIos- Jldlsond~kjf\ Id'\ ( J IIl'ihHkl- S(Jllllll),dW1J MI cl!ld Ml" I!()\-d Andlf'\\sll\11 S\\lhJ11 11il11H' \1,,, \\1111111l'Cd rO, S ,;:nt j,lst \\('('k ' WIt h Mrs (' lions, M dnd MI s I "ifJ Shlplev ,,( n I ~ J S\\ III It I d.nrJ LJ( ~In J( 111\111'.; \\ ( )( III III(' I III old JToll nWI hOIJl('I\\ 1I1 1)1' III 11 ,j"dlJl III (If lolH'1 \\ III 11 1

1. ~J(Jn/'s Shp 1:.; \Isttmg thIS week dnd fa lly a~lI ~1lss Mabel Lorenz JVj:1 llln Gdyl(', JOLlnl son jd l\1J~ \\ (I,to III SHiIIX, (11.... JIl( 'irl ty IdS! <I! [\;('lIgh SUnd'~y fhelr chtldr(ln, she ('omps to h~Ol folk fm Plt'shv- Iw1th Mrs Fllzah'th WJJhams 10f Norfplk, r. artd Mrs. Ii-wJI1 :-1Il(~ Mrs IA'onard BJp('k(' W~ S h,lri- WP( k on bUSIIl( ss Kl'rmll ~ql(1 LorI all1<'. who h:td Vl<;;- tiT . jM~, ~. I (', • Wlttler1and d uttht1et of Randolph, tllzed by Rev Fredrlcksf'n t~~gU~lt Mr and Mrs Davf' Sylv:mus Itpd then' a Wf' k, returnC'd With ('ria. , .

StJ:ri~o~,n~lad~~~p~~ :~n:o;~~"t~ Mr. ant Mrsf Forrest N('llleton 2~ at the homp Mr. dnd M~. -jren-' kprnt 1he w('ck-cnd In qle Mrs them ' ~ , ---r-----c H Morrl~ homf' ThflY hHo v ~J. and fa llly lIl1rl Fn'd LOI'(>tlZ (If ry Wn('k(~r ,Iff' sponsors I S~dna ,Jones horne Thp \V I.... \\: mlnll'l famlJy of II I'

I M' J I II I M' C'lrl(JlJ 1 n IpllSnt Ill! s 1.\4>{(' ('(jndIH~('d ~It TIl{' DO\-\(' I (j\(' f,nnily spen! LJ[1('oln "w'nt thl' \\r'I'k f'ndlJn 1h(> I' W'I~BUR11'( rs. Oln ('l'f('n tlll( IS~ < ' 'I [lor 1 S tUIU' y uni I rUf'~day W Ih Ilila also tbe Glenn Wm 'cHs llw hOIllPI 1'1 It dy ('VPllIll/4 h Hc'y. I ~ <J <I I I Gf'OJgi" (md Jot'In Ga~klll home

Mr 'anc~IMrs D'lve J~'lSo~ 'nl Fr~al'ickgt'n for LOiS ~JamC}"1 'elallv(>~ 111 Cra~g. I h"rp Kf'onnf>lh ~lnd Doro1hy Ann fByStaff orr~o:;ponrlpn1)1.1I1"l"~ ;If WJn~;lP. 'Mr', and r:;r;. ~hlUghtt'l 1°1 Ml dlld MIS A]]Ph ~ 1\-11' <lnd Mrs MC'rl(' fiop sprnf Wtmmf'! rr'lurnp(} with thpm Mon-I!.- .;.I_--' -!

r S;toltlnIJ('lg l\Il <lllrI ~11" IlIOlr1,llnrldyul til(' Dd)I"1 \\dIIJ01'.; dlv'd1praVlf.:li hpr" I I,Johl1t GI'It'1 ,v,ere S~ncl\IY ulfluer ~I()ICHInl!!, g JII (, s))OnS(:ls ' homp at \Vat"I'!July t 'Ja~k Spoon carne' from Thcs Mr. and MI'Sj Flank I-I1l__~ks calh·d I~UI'S.1 S ,m l~c~ J(Jhn Gl It'I',.II" hume. 'j'. _ . EThe Glpnn SJartz nd F. L. MOInt'~ to sp nd the wl'ek-pnd'lO Sunday aff('rnc>on at Roy Day's.P1P Nplsons s(lpnt 'th(' u"ft('rnoon I RCH E ('ar<:;on faml!iC's ';Yere a Cal Btl'rl- I ~ M~ C F.9r

J h H,)J F.tYf> RC'('km~tn !o;ppnt Ih(' wppk~;It .1ohn Gd~'r'lI'. , IS lll'l't's Sllnd:~y eV('ntng ~~;lI~nl\llP 1:;htO~~s 11~~~'f'f'~ \~~r pnd In lh(' Jam('s MdnlOsh hnlllf' IId ~/s, M:1l tin, Malll~son, and t~~ I Vpln JennpwC'tn of clnaha, was Mrs Spoon a~rirl EI0anor who IJav(> Joan Ht'ck('nhulJ('r sfwnt TuC'<:;~ IS I ~l( n oj B( IJfl(}w{ r, Cal., w(j'~( lin the Don Blm1< home lwrp from hC'pn hhe With Mrs Jom's fOl' an day la}it w('pk ~n thf> lIol)(,l't Aul{('rll;r~~~.JY gucsls. at Geo.. Ilf!US('U s. II f~., Saturda:y unt J! '!fuesdjlY , extPnd~d t1mf'.I· home. I II

y a,nd ~;.. and MilS. Adolph ~~h)~hiJt Church. I Miss £1e;mor I 'Jon(,S~Of SiOUX R('v . E. F[redTlcksen and Rev. Mr. and M~ Thomas Nettlt.~~In.cthWI~C~hl\'.lll be here frQm the (Rev. p. G Stev(;'ns, paStor) CIty, spent 1hl':' \~'f'ek~rn WIth h0r F ]I t r t . 'd Th d y of SIOUX C.llY'lspenl the wt·ek-l.'n~1west for: WhIle longer. Regula~ s~rvlc('s WJJI b cot Ih 1M C [~ J ~ ua.s (' UI n(l urs a h H b t A k h

1t1rns undahl: Mrs. Lyle Asa51. ducH'd S nday. mo ~r,~, rs I" nne . I flom Cpdar BiUUs where they at- m t (', 0 er I U er. o~t'. )tLf'land and Dorothy of Wayne, Mr. _ R(>~. r; Rtrvpns nd famlh ll'nded Ia Chuljch conference. Re\. M.I>. and Mr~. Albcl t \\ atwn an~ I• d M -I J h R dd k d LI d I . I I I VISIt( d In 1hf> Chp,>t r Benlon IO('l;t,;h fJf F Ullrax Rc\' Ollenburg family \\L'le Sunday l·\Ctllng: (;.11111an ~.l. 0 n (I IC an oy prIT"'h~tl.rlall (JhurllIJ I hornf' n('~lr AJI('tl Stf d y , (". I . th C ~ M t homcMcye-r of WlIjlSldC', Leonard Glldt'r- I (nl'\ N lIot tOll ) I t~H' ) • ,,, n r,. ., of mOOhlflel<l'~lndRe\'. Geo. Puh - f'rs 111 (-' ar o~ ~r In 11I' f' Y .. , I, ~. Mr. and Mrs nonal ,Morris n1;lh of IWausa ,Iccompanled them Mr and M Shlr1f'y SprdJ::ll

~,\~ve 0J'W~I nr'. ~n~ th~ RtlY Lan- SlinddY sO/l:lOJ .J~ 1 dlH111l'l'uch- w('r(' ~Ilhday guests 10 1h(' SUPI Mr. '~nd Ms. Byror:\t IJ~tnes of visited in, the O. G Randol hom~;I ~¢ ~l%rlll~. um ay ~tP[~r lng at 2. C, 1£" !It I ami IH'C',H'hlng Hugh LIOn hom!!' at 1..a\1I"P1. Rpr] Oak, spC'nt the wL'Ck-C'nd With near Ponca S nday aftern.o0na Mild~~JI~~C~ ~. "te 1 TI d' tlft<'lwarcl' .1. I Mr. ann Mr~ N('ls .Johnson w('r(' tll(' latter's mo111Pr Mrs. Richard Arthur Auk r of Spr,"~iC'\'.3t F~anzf'n'sls:m~ 1h~Ul~: ~...a<ll(>s' AI() tTH'l wI'd~f'~r1:IY th, s 10 thp nll~~f'J1 :'nhn<.:;on homr- 'II Rt'l'S, Rlchal(l .JOllt";' who hau Ix'en ~nt fWIll. M<flluaJ' 1u SatuhldY IFra zen Calmly spent lhat (lvening ~((>k WI.1h ~rs. M. I. S\\I~l,~lt, MIJ Mmllson, 1 u('sd~Y last w(-'ek.. hpl'p a month, returnt:>d WIth them last w('ek III ,he Hohcrt Aukf'fat has Junek's. Mr. and Mrs. Rex Lvan H'l~( ~ (lfl(} Mrs (,It nn .IP ~ Mr and M~. Harvt>y Frmk Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Mil- home. I. IBra dt Were also itt Junek's, tak.. klns h(JsI(~sc&> ha\,e b('~n VISltlf)g thf'lr daughlpr, ]('1 of \Vayne, wert:' .lIsa guC'Sls of Mr and M~s Shlrl.f'Y Spraguf'.ing home Jamce and Dons Junek I Mrs Ola Brogrcn, at SldnC'y. Mrs. Rees Sunday Mr. and M~.luR?y PI{'rson sp£'ntwh liad vIsJted them II St. Paull..utheran (,hJJn''h~ f Mr and Mrs. Blame Gettman Mr(; C E Frpdricksen's aunt, Sunday e-vemhg In thf> Waltf'r ~

rand' MI:'£ Gc'o J.fUE'Y of fRr>\ C iE Fr(ldrlckspn, Pdf'lo and l Barry of Dixon, had Sunday Mrs. Barhara Ross of St. Loms, Bressler homelr "Jo Jt r if nd' M ~1 C H Ladles' Aid met W"dnl'sda:v Wit I dm!iC'r With the John Ge-ttmans and MISS Valetta Fredncksen went Mrs. Fred ~Ckman ~nd Mrs.,Mo ri~Qn~.\,(,~~ ;~(~rday rS'suppe; Mrsl

• Mlartm Paulsen hostC'ss at th Mr. and Mrs IJ. E. Hancock of to Mmneapohs Thursday on re~ Ru5..'>{'U Beck an were Sundaygu So SI in the Ivor Morris' •home. church parlors. I Wilcox, wPre ~aturday ann Sunday (,I'lpt of word that Mrs. LoUiS Pa- aftprnoon gue. ts in Ihl' .Tam('sI'rh lucys were~ere from F lda:y Wall her Lcagut1 me-C'ts Ihls guests In ther erllry Johnson home. cC'k underwent an oJ)(>ratlOn. Mrs. McIntosh hom .'ttntil'ISund~Y wh n returning hmne Thursday: evenmg I I" Mr. and Mrs. Dave TheophllllS Pnrp](s hu~band dIN] 3 couple of 'lr ::mrl Mr Cliff T\"nn andftO ~'J a triP thro gh Ihe Bad.lands, Sunda)f: Cllur('h school nt 10 lin J a~dl Mrs. Ellls,~(jInes werf> Su.nd~Y wflf'ks ago. Bohbie Were ~n Neligt1 ThuMOdayYlItdws1om' and thp 'Black) Hills I 'jrvw(' all0'~O flmrwr gUf'sts In 1h<' D .T. D;l\Js MIS Gtn W~]('k(>rand glund>;on. 10 atlf'tui 1h(>1 funPI",1 of Mr~

,to ~lld MI'!:; A. J. DeHart a~d Rnanls In se~lon I I homl'., Varnf'r VJ('tor. (':imp hf'l'f' ~alul'<1ay F.morv Dpnn('Y. who WA~ form('rly1h I~' ~on and wifp M,· and Mrs Sci 1 t ·1 't '1 ~I ('(In,,r~.~ lIulInl ('11111'("]1. t .1\11':-;. Sarah Cook went to 111(' from Wavll(' TIll' laltl'" "'Ill stay F.fflC' Adams qf Pllgl'l, <tntl uHlb' ceo Deljfprt, Ja~e ·f;om Fo;;' ni~g ~O()td t~~~( ll~~~d ~)~~d:; ~~~: 1Pl'(lachlill at 9 n. n~. and Sunfln Denl VonSeggf'rn h(}Ill{' near WIS- hprC' until till:' last of the w(,f'k. N N. C. g'Mld4ate.DeS' 'Mom.el; Sunday to Visit In thf' . f l' rj" ~~hol)l 1n f( , I I npr, Thur~(by S11f' plan!-; to rf'mrllf1 \lll \ llJ \'lclol of \\' 1\ Ill' iJ HI sup- ?Ill Old MI s r,lll ~to ,kr" lt1flCI~r('ncc BP,~ton hOJ'ne.IThe Bruce' IT)mg (I' IOU 1~~JlH'SS L.lllli's' Aut llH'i'l!-'i twxt W{'dn('s~ tlH'n'. IJt:r SlJnd.t\ ,It \\',11 kC-1 s MIS f.lmllv of f"tk('Sld,' c.d s]l0nlDel-Iarts-JC'ffMondayandth~'oth-' ~ , . I tidY In Ih(' ehUtch IMllflls \\It~l Ml' and Mr~ .Jamps Brink dlld VIC!(,! \\111 hp d!llr In 1('.1\f' a flom I.tst Wf'dnl'"dd\' to Sdlurdd)'

er~1WIll remain longer. MrR. A. J. Mr To W~(MtK SCrvlC~. I MIS ll\'(fn GI'<I\~'S dnd MIS C I-f .I,uIlIOI' Morgan of RosalH', \Islj{'d W.t,nl' hospital till' l,lst of thiS ~'r~,~j}~,"~A~I~be~r;t~\:v:a:ts:o:n~l:lO~m:e~.~T;h:e~;;;;;;;;;;~=;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;===:;;=::;;;;::=;;;;;:0 Hart and Mrs. Beaton aTe SIS~ f U· nd M~. ~inl'~tIL~bcr~~d Jorm~ hbs1('<:;<:;f"~ No meeting Was Satu~ay and Sunday at Don week. I

'[ t am ylwcrc '~ W n; l~OP, ~• .10<':., ), ld hst l wpek nn :)('rotlnl of <1 11 Rrulk ~ M W de . Tuesday last eek t(jt attenq the i' rrI d . Oakley Reed was in Wayne Fri~ r. and Mrs. Otto agner an FOOD FOR DEFE"'.SE

1MI'. and I Mrs. Clifford Par1ter ma.i~ge of M s. Loberg's niece, a h ('vp~pnt av, I day: to have a \ert('hra 111 IllS neck d,lught0rs W W Garv.'ood and "n,r\d Orv,lJhJ., Mr. and Mrs. August MIs~ !)osemary Wmker, and Mark ~ - I pUll back m pJa'1e, He had been Dav.ld Garwood .went to ~Iorado IFr~..,en arid Dale retutnl"! Wed- Feldh1lS. AmOtg other ~laiUVes CA ROLL LOCALS ~ qui. 1II. . Sprmgs Thursday to VISIt J~ Uncle Sam is asking farmers to producehmore eggs. moreneBd:ay last w~k after s~t1dtng a at the ~f'rvlce l(Ore Mr. and Mr~, MI~~ uby Fr('(lrkk!:;on wa!':; 11 MISS Virginia Jones was in Stan~ G~rwood flnd son, ",:. W.. and Joe I· • I -r t l'"t hIweek m weslern N.bra~ka. Tiler. LouIs WI~1l:er (Randall, Mlnn" I ~I we<> , I I tIon from saturday until TuesdaY. bemg hrothers, DaVId planned to milk, more. pork; promisEl§,' to i:\ct!ve y s ppor pro!.1 a e",sited Mrs. Parker's sisters and M~. a d Mrs. Bred Timp ofl De- tArlene Sundahl ~spent Sund Sh~ resumes te4ching there next leave from there for ValleJO. Cal.. 'h d't'hrother, Mrs. ChrIS Maas of Pot- SJrlet~Mr. and fS. Erwin F~u.r. n ghl at oy. Land .nger's. /~ Monday.' to resume work m a bank. The oth- prices on t ese commo I l~•.' ;ter, Mrs. Art Holt andlOlll Bro. !::trlinandfarnil of Bancroft, .0,. C.H. orris was In Linco] Mo Mr. anp Mrs. CJaudeBailpy and ers returned Monday. I .,' _

, gren of Dal,ton. Mr. d M~. iFranc(s Fell r of d y a.nd ~ay f,r the Rtat(> fa~ the' Jess HenriC'kson family }pft _ThP.J D Bpal~ family arrivp<1 - Hens getting Dr. Hen Hogs eettin& Dr. Hess Cows getting Dro HesaMt!:: George rOHnger, George Oldh ,S f), ¥r. and Mrs, Erne~t Forrest McKpe \vas home fro Mopday for a vacation in the Wt>dnesday la-Cit w('("k from Thief Poultry Pan~a~min pro~ Hoc Special cain fast. Stock Tonic produ~e 1J4

Olinger,jr.,Mls~jRuthOlingernnd Nelro of Ramona,S D Mr Fe]d~ hs work in Omaha from Frtd BI3Fk Hills. RI\~r Falls, MlIln.• tc;stay over~ duce 19 br more extra -er on 1/3 less 5upple~ pound more milk for,three gnmdc~ndren of tHe first haUS 1 a cousin rif Bob FJ>lIer, u til ToesdaY.' I Mrs. Dale L. Curtright of Ne-I night Wlth Mrs. Be81$' mOlher.· lb' d 10- I h d of feednamed came from Modale. Ia.• baseban aeo, "". couple will 1;,1. 1Mrs. V L MC*y and I nie ~ Iigij visited from Monday to Fl'!- Mrs, Ann Richards, They left eggs per Jrd per year. ment an /" ell com:, eac poun ." •S~nday to bring Mrs. Robert Ed- in th~ home of t~e bride~room's ~m~ here Monda from Rincol I day 'With her parents Mr. and Mrs. ThUrsday for Hartinger. Texas, to . I· {-....P d"d'1l hollte' after .she had visited P8l'e1l,s at WI"throp' while the here they vlsi cd, andl' we Wm. Swa~son.' ' snend the winter months Ml" Make Its prove these statements. Results are guarancee •!here a week. Other Sunday guests seUlor Mr. and IM# Feldhaus arc g ests in the hom~Of the formelJ'" Miss Eva PaUlsen arrived hom~ R~chards accompanied them and I 0"

In the Robert Eddie ho~ were In T~~a5 for Ihe winter. I I'@nts, Mr. and 1'9. H. C. BtiIJ last week' from Los Angeles and WIll spend the winter in the south P. S.-Have you tried the' new 'PTZ worm treatment for farm animal.?"' Mr. and Mrs, Arthur ~ge $.nd ~ I t is. They left fo their home in[ went to Emerson to resUme teach· Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Swanson and I, family, Mr, and Mrs. Hans Retb.. OOriha Whalen of StJples, vi,ited enVer Tuesday a d were accoJh~ ing this wl'ek. I. ' Claire, Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Pearson U- k '

wlsch. Mr. and MrS. Alek EddIe last Wkek at Ed Kenny'5', andl Btl- nied by Mr. a d MI"!'l Bartels The Paul Obst famlly"\ were wert:' Sunday dmner guests In the ~Ir m 5and falTlllY'& Mr. and Mrs. John 11e and Mtldre~ Kenny spent part V-fho Will VISit the~'e for an 1I1d~r-1 among those at Myron Larsen's E. T. Lewis home at H~r..... ThellJ. .;.1..._-..;;".J.;"--!,",,-"';;"'---!'""-~'!!"--~~'!'".'l

.....G~.H~.r. Jr., ~1' od GHfY Lee. of: th, W~elt 10 Shc,.leS. I iJIlite tLme. J Sunday evening last week to cele- Herman Hurley f'rfl1ily q~ J,ack-;,tI'l~i,.IIIIi~lltl~~llillll~.iIIlJll~;;';;~l!~ltl~'1J, ,"'!'tl'''''''' ,,'C' . , Ii I .1


.... Au,."'otl. AI, V.I••II,GOYlrnor

.... P H.,,.,

.... fl '-Ilp lI40,.M' ,

.... "Winkle, lab" ""'Ill



COlllplete, d('fwlldaMc, ('('ollol1lical

• i


See Us AboulWiring• wltm Cllild·illfj 01' Remodeling

Put ,vour heater 11 prIJ!w!" Cllllllilioll

hefore th~ firing- ;-;(·a;-;IJIl. Let u;-; 1"('­

move all :-ifJf1t ill heater and ~moke

pipe, paint doors and frame;-;, oil

hillgC:-; and adjll~l regulatur chain:-:i.

I 1


~,IT~0:4~:;&:~eatingWayne, Neb.



~obert:sPhr~e 14~-W

I'hllDC 43


/"OIlI'·::iql1un: fAlI/ll)('/'Gliddell Paints amI Varni.'l/ws

!.\"['tt'1" years fJ[ l'xpc!"i"!lt'l', We t'qllsciClitiUlisly

rl't'!omnwnd lheHe prwillds to he highest qualityHllI1l lll!)sj ~;l!i:-lLldllt'y,

iil':;'I"'.);;!:''::'1 .... , , '[·'.I.·.I:!;'·'! , ,: ....•\.,.,I;il")" 11..... . .. ,.. c r' I, ': '. ; ...' """ "

.\IE, WAY1'QI mRAI,D, WAYNE, NEBnMII~,TiIrUt;SI)AY,.S"ETl;nQlERA; lolT----


, iIi '

.:.1 I !Rl~lJAJR! Illsulali,oll lLlld 1'uof I'e-

II I [paij's will add to comfort and Icut"

I I cXlfllsC ill' wintcr,


'Nb I.!!Isi;.. t..ih~ Ti~',le.,.!. lo Build,R pair a' ell RemodelY ,ur Hoe.


I '1Jl/lIj)! Beron' I,JI'ices of maLel'jalsadvanCfJlelny fUJ·thel'. Ask for neW!home plans and information about

II them. I \

I ' 1 'I I

I ~U~f1()J)BJj! Add to YOUI' own con-eln,ence af)d value of your propertYI~ ~u,ildin~ a garage, adding- built-:

III (Jup!lO(ll'lts, providing new stol'mIe u~., hiw"eot jquality paint> an

J.~U~~~::;'~::~D£CO~ATOR I: '

Wayn<!. NeI



Fall \-veaJltH'I' i~ id\';d j'qr

painting; !,ind yOlll' hOIlI,!'

needs gdod Pl'ol.(\('l iO'11

agaillt't wiJll(~T',-; c'll·f))('ll!:;.


I:eond".';.·. i,y , 'h':' 'h" p=re~,_.I,-:::===~'~i==:::::====-=======i:=;-<!llllllll;\)'V urrll11i.lI1Cl' !Ir Illl' ...,


1J1"f';t'JlI nly fll'dllQi.ll·l'~ 11\1' CllyI)j \\/;I.Vllr·. N(1)l';l>k;l. pl"I'p;II('d 11.'1'

I (;('(WJ~I' H. l\1;!l1ll, !;IW.V('I·, I,HlI'rrlll,

Prap'"'r'" For W1' Il'JI'lll';)""I~;.I' plIr:-WJlll 10 hi, "lilll

/';1('1.. U ... ""1"" \.~ ul July!:" WI!. IInw 111 Ill\' !til lid:,

• :::iTOR[ COAL NOW AT' A SAVING I (I! !h·' ('lly "J(,'!1(, II(' III ;dl 1IIIIIl:·.

~i '\;\':;(1'1 11

('I I \\ III ::! I(r: :::~:We s(,1I 5Iolt(~r3 anu stolH'r (,ilill '

:t YOU)' null yOUi family de Cl vc H I:~I(:;:~,li,III.I")I_:,~I·1 ;1 ;1/r;\;/.;'1111;(I~TI'~~;";lr;11111) (::.~1 dl'ITd p]iw(,d 1lr1 filE' (If! roll c;i111

and now i the lime to b .ad hefon~ )ll'iccs ndv. ancc. ! ;dl prl'~('111 \(i1(,d "Yf';\, :--';0111' \"(JI-

1 CARHA'RT ·lcr!"NO."i\'lllliuncilrnl'd.Let l'l:1; :;)ho\\' ,\'011 (he,ninn,\' IlC\\" r!(':-;i,L':ll:-l 1'0:1" -'mude1!J1~ .a,tlrat:tive Hnd eornforlalJIe hCltn.C;-l", I .,', 1 i\111Ii(H\ III ad,lourn. ;\-'IqtIIJll 1'~lr-

It;.teLi. I\t L Hll':ra~rt,, l' I k' T··h· I ' LUMBER cO. lAITI-:~T;V!\LTI-:H s. l;ftIS~;',;':;":ran Ie man Phone 147 Waync"1 Neb, 1'1\1 c"Y_ Cle.k·1, .J.., ...•.. BUILD1.E'.t andlcONT~. AC"FOR

.... ,j-P_h_dfl;._C.:.I_l_3,..,.',_._...,..,..;.,;;·.,~-:..:.I ...-,-i_-1~'-'-+\'__w;..._a_y_n_c..,:,...+.....;,; I ~--_·~~~t:,~~;;I~-l··---i;c~INal~ral Ga, -C~)::----I"f~~~:~;:-~=:~merl(led~INCIIol hca;l Way IIC II

\V<lyne, N(!br;l,;lw, . gas 1,)/ j)JS(lI~Slnrl \\dS hdd Ito!1 {ill ,\11 (~;'ySlaft ('nr:n'~!"llld!'llll I'

A\lgu~t ~il, I~H I. .filIlH'~ I J. !'ill'; 4 rlil.V·... '· !\('I'J! 1\ 01 (II ')( d

Till' l'Ctj~Il;~1' IlH.-eling of the cily or prisoner !1)fI Mollon {IlIIE'd I'1 I II' I . . I C- . J' '1 I I I 1,('llIl;] H.l)lll'r1:-- ~IJ(·t1! Fl"lfldY ;If!-

~~~.II~~~1 i t~'~ ~l' ;lll:l~Ill\I~i~l;~~ ~~;~'l f:)~'.:~~{t·l~ '7;:'~l' I /~ IV ann. J<l, (\l(' ~(HJ 1III I I I ~~:ll:::l\ ~~I/~(\ I~l tj~ Il;lllJ~lJ1\1 ,IIIT\:)!'\; :::1-1- ('I'!lOl!!l wi 111 .k\\-l·11 Hohll1."OI1. ,Iwilh lilt' ,following n\{,lillJl'l'~ lJl'PS-! Illl: IJtlJ\IIl~lJll H'dly Illol1S 101 IPjJOJlllll1fnls 17) i\lr ;Ind :\1r:-- 1';1111 /'1'.''';11\;111 i

1.0-Wl : Mayor ItlrlW'l", (\Jllll- (tl :.2 lslll,1 III ,I IllS 1\\ 1 ) 1 NlIll,("h I (It~ ]') Innll1,' \1ld "IHlllI ;';ll~nld 1\ l t 111m ~II"I \\( f I, Ic~.h.llf'n .su,nd..:, WI'.ighl, ME!.. Clun" IJ1II.I'SI;dl,~1;ldl.IIl('I·Y.',VSlJp Il1g I J 11\1111(11)(/ ,I! III I tgl'"l'llch and BI'ugg('r; \V;t11~'1' S, ply .! gm~s Sl'rl'W~ l'!lJllhllllThltl A Illd, Slllll.lIV I l\11 JIll I \11~ lidO! Lllhhll"'4tt-dt IBIC!-;sll'l,lllj',I"lk t\IJs('llt 1Lund- \Va]lp!' Hn'~'\"d(T, ('Ily 111f1./olm ( (dlllill Simf 11('lllg "IHIlI Slmrll\ Irl(lliliOtl Jl"! wC('k IhI'! g I I clerl\. ~llfltH'Y ;HI\'. fn'iglil ( ItlZl ns ,IIH'I I IXJld)l I ~ o[ llll III Y I<It Bd~r1 (j~h\ll 11 "

J'lWIll('1J1lgWdSl,dkdlt oldll lallor, l.'!c. :-11)'1°1 \VdYIH Nllll.l...,i\,1 diU! no! ;\-11 ,tnd :\11~ John 11,111/ IItoy till 111..~01 .lilt! (he tllllllltlS 01 I '01 Ig In ...., Md(night. bl P;I.Y- JlHlll!JPIS 01 Ill( 1m II 1-:()\flllJng \\(11' FIHLt\ ,I(ftlng f \1111'- <II

llH' la~l rC'lIhu Illcellllglwcjc IC,ld llwnl. zoning l'nginpcr l(j(j(111 hotly !h.PII'Of' ~lnct .<l~I{.'.d 11w (llun~ IIHI'IIS ~(Jll. ns(n.,

(Ind aplllo cd. Iva,.' .Jen~t'n, Aug. ::;alnry, (11 tv {'onfilln Sdld dPJl()lntmenl~ Mrs Annd LuhbcIskdt sp~ nlThp folowlng- (ldlm<;; W( It> ('x- lp~s a(Jlv. - !J:l(){l Itoll ('1--111 All voll'd "VI',l ' lasl w(,pk In till' Bllgel' Meyer

dllllllel! I 'dd and fill lllololl lJy \\';dlt'l' ,8. nr(',s~I!'!" ("Ily, !\ppn1l1!!llcnts ('onill'llwr! and home at .\\ ;d~(·jll'ld I

I'ltch <lncl sl'lonc!ed hy .. un I \\-('Il Cll'l'k tHOlH'Y ;1(1\' labol' 1:;.1111 cjly cll'rk din~cll'd 10 noldy ;q)- 1\11'. and 1\-'11'''; Fred L(·_""m;11l ,; ~,; I ,

aJJ.O,wed. n.d. wa~ran~ . qiereq LUVl'rI1C, i ~'!l'e ,:!)pal'<-~ws pointc.cs .p{ thc~r s~lccLlOn ~il saul were Tu~:;day l'\cni,ng l\Ul.;~lS _l<).:;l . . . _1,.,1 c1ra\yn,to-.II..MotJOn frli· Co" ~tOSCI noale ,mel. cOmnllSS10l1, With .mstruetuJlls to weekatrrcdFlcgcs.-· ------~--_.__ .. ------------

){cndrick Qj,) Co., 1 ar adaplc, S -... ---..... F{:J.lH) proceed under the direction of It Ardene and Delores Hcithold ~ I. . . -.I M

gas oil - " - 'll.n NO~I.hW~'i.tcrn ~ill Tdc. D, Addi:'iOn, Cit.[¥ attorney, and spc.'7 spent last Wcrlncsday afternoon Friday afternoon. last week in the so~ "-:<:n:..SU!1~;t~n~lnner;U~~l~ ~rJ:1. : l I l.~ \ o. S. Ro 'rhi, light m lel' 5.00 1 (~o., !'t10~CS 1, -.- __ .. :>.:1;) cial engineer Here after 10 be :-ict wilh Bo~njC Lcssm<f~. Lloyd Powers, home. "tht~ fo:lo)(l t~C e, ,~m~ 0 Burl,"'apny ~me I e INOrl.hWeSCrn Bell T'le. ; 1hc dnpllcatlon of Lawrence If, lecl.ed to hold informal puhli~ Bert unan family of Sioux Mr_andMr.-.llcrmanlIunll'Jll<Jn 1,!H_ l)il~t.l~m of their son..., d

11.~~ltii • I ~ Ijl I ¥ I:r.- I I .CO ...Plln. t . 'm..• '.l . ".l i.e.e . Ii Victor f~.'r 11 br.t'1" Iicemic Was OTl IIlt'a.ri~gs 10 hO.ld a... '(orln'lI pUhlic City h'l( Sunfl.·IY lit:-t w('(.'k IlIn('h- and familY. of W(.s.'t Poinl. \"'ere .1' loyd. I ht' r~l<.· . was. IK.~r.{}r~l

':IS lire gl.eate~st 1~1sible, satl'sfacflo"ll.' 'I"'~"es, loll .~ .......c.. .. .... 11.10 file. II wl's moved hy BrUg~r; ;"itl h"a"ing' ~nd fin(llly 10 ad";'1 a pJ~~ e~" ~l 'A hin C:.rlslln's. ' SUn"1Y dinner nnd s~rllCr, ~u(',\sISlln~:ay ~O)rm~i;,:t ~::;::~'r L~:,.' ~:

" V L .. M.. Go Her l$cr\.',.·ce lna I .s('condt'd Ihy Wnghl lhal th.'Q dall' f()l' ?Oning said city and submit H.l'.V. Oran Swahat:k of Concnnl, lnst wLock-al Dnn 1I1'lthOlrl. s. .10 ~ lUle I Iy •• . ' <

\1 A 1 I 1 \ 1 I ribl10ns : , i 13.40 fOI" hcal'illg, on said application I)l' tho ~amc 1(; lhe !cx;al g:avcrning: \Vas a ~ondaY lust w<-ock dinner Mr.'\. C. K. Corbit vi.:ih:'fl in the cnslck. :t • • \ ne I' m eJin hOfC • Re" j WS·,nun- ()" rangl' boil['.' ~J,~S I~et rar Stpt.l'mhl'r ,9. 1911, Ill. 7:00 body of Ihis city for aclion accord~ glle~t at Albin C'lI·lson·s. H. S, ~cace. home ~nday ..(t('r- r \1·'":7,

• odcl n1i nd re ajr~ •. r New paint I W 'Hugh use EI,~c.. $ II,,!, I ()~d,OC.h:. Pl m .• a~U t1~~~ 1.l1l' clerk jtlg- to law.' . I Mr. n rl Mr~. J.fenry FrcVf'rl n~m "":ltl1 ,MI:i:" ~a,l.ll(!L~:~rl..'v~I:~ I (;ue:-.l:-; 'j~lr lhe\~:v~7JW:b.::rIio Ie

~ fi ilhes •.• Com ortablc healing. • • .' '"'.' l.;1.,.. unl.iS t.Ull.Il"... Nh I I Ibt' lIISI.' u1 l.,t'd 1,0 (l(.lve.,IjI.I,se rItt' .salllf! It was moved .bY (.~olU. ,e.d'.Hlln.. L. W('rt~ Su H)ay {'.\.I.mnJ.:' guests lasl left. t1Mt evemng for. 1~ . '". Y i' 1 '.' .1. '. u:-f 26 w rer~1 I JII I: C'I'S .' "., '.,. '. I ().2~ iat~(~OrL1jtl~, to laW, Molion carried.' B. M~Cltlrc and sCI:OJldpd 1Jy COlin': week 'at fards Sorpn~Qn'~. .Mr. and (.~t~~J ,lu~n~I~"" M~e~~~ri\~;~n~:fhcl·/ii-r:IIJll;~.n lJ d"'he'" bl" f tl I' 1 N. .II l}ftl ~gCl" Aug sal ry :J'Jt::. 00 'I 1l was moved by McClul"C.' and cilman It Sund thaI lh(.· propo.s;lI Mr. I]~d Mrs. Edward Mpycr MISS Ruby I-litUlCIlC d

Sami ' Y G' M :'d Mo" W G-f-el.t n·

'. S<l CIolll III S(' ler uC y 0 ma (U your ami y Hal'v~y M 'YCl" Aug' ~ul l'y jlZ'(v) ,eeolld' W"ighl. '1hal. tI." cily of Dougl~s MeKni~itl, a' duly ii- we"e I, st W",itll'sday ev"nin~ Meyer ,p"nt lasl "'::~.nk"" aYll've- ~al'Y, Mr. ~~.d M':;:- it;,y:i Eehl n­J.ohn Min rup; Aug' sal ry' ~15'(~ I'auorney 11m insl.ructed 10 hid the (·i.'n~ed and I'cgi~tered engineer, tQ guesls it the Jo:l"I1e~t GlUmmer Ining in lhe ChriS c,rJC ~un IOmc ~~I~. \l~·l~\lJj' M'I: 'J(1<' Mrs r; 0.

YOU !yOUr nqcd8 ill hny q£ these Ilinus . , . W ha c "ohn Sylv 'nus, AU'g, .,' 1. I I;'-,~ sum (jf $rO~) on lo,t~ 22,"2~.. 2'1. 'I~rf~)l'm .hl~ o( lhe ~'! h()m~. . . 1. .', .. al N~~f~lIk~r alld I';r- \~~i~h~()r. j~.~ ~Ild' ·l)(~nna.·· G y.

everything to huil ll\vith, ill II !< .a,•.y.'. ;les.., a.. d.V' " ~ .•.... J. ~7.5.0l) l.bIOC~{.. IO'.i ('(!lIe.g.,,, lIllI ad(.IJl.lOll .. services mCJ(I,en.I.' to ZOnJ.n.g the c~tYj.,. M. IS.S .i\11I.(~~ Sh~l'ld~ l.f'ff·.Tht~r:'(!'IY ~1:;;e ~rsY El".r.le~l lhem.licek IGcon.;t' \ViSC.'hllO(.• sr.. , .Mr. and M :.II 1 I 1 \ trexley Simmerman, ~g. 1 MO!I?n c~rned.. (, . of Wayne, Ne~l;a~ka, logethcl· With ~or Ona,I~H~l. ~1~nn.. after "'lsllmg' ~l1:rlt .h'ildre;; wen' Tuesday last Louie MeYf"r anti family, Mr. ld

• SherWihfiWillia II P.inlb \. salary ..t' ,, ,20;00 .1Ius. .l>l;!mg the 11I~IC fUI.upemng all expenses H~cidt:-'n.t lh~l~eto, foli m the E~ I,. ShH:,lds home three ~'et'kc dinner uesL.. in the E. 1". Mrs. Will. It Meier, Mr. and ".e 'R d 5 'P ~ II Earl Pete '!Sen, ,Aug. sahryj 25.00 JHdti on Hie of t.he 1 ul:lcl'lon Lu.,n- the sum not exceedmg ~Z""JO.OO 6eI weeks. .' I_ h g Iw. A- l\-leyer, MI', and Mn;. Art ur

C"'fi Op ,t ,el IO/lt-r 1 I A.. I1..(:e.l\1.ay .F'ostc,'I.",'5 Y{q kH.~'~' " ...I.I.'"....'... l".C?.'.".r.a.n.Y'" C.adm.ft. Lum.iJN accepted; and ,.~hat. lhe city cIerki.' . Mr, a d MI'~< ,.-,amld Juhlin and Sh~~l(.~~f'" Will llrudigaruand M.CYt'I..and EI."ano.. r' Ma.e, .M.r.;: d,• \e ,~O~()t C:llje lol'W Pine JJo.~. " sahu'y '" ,', ~,~" ;...•~,' , ,I ~7~.OO eO,mpapY'1 and \Vayne Grain and be directed to; no~jfy said ~peci~~ Maurice pf Ne~'castle, spent ~ue:'- n// nl I:~;. wc~k m the lIer- r-.1t~~ \Vm. Victor an~ fanti'y.

Fit anel and Presdwood Waller S ,_', B~~sler, i il,', 1C'A.")al c~mpany tor 80 lOllS of em,1. engineer so a~pomtecl to ~ubm~~ day last£~eek in the Harry McMrl.. -S°an"J:,we home. Mr. and Mrs. I ' _.• J.. I 1 derk, ft 'ight-and labo ':.. -125,50 iNo actu)1} was, taken. ~ Ico~tract. in accordance WIth hl~ ian hom. . .' \' .' ~-d i\('\"(' were also Thun;-' .John Forsyth of Ni?br..~, P .SI"

I" • I,.sula~inp Materia.1l' I Bl"1l ,La&i, ,:street labor "..... ' 68.8Q I It was, moved., by McCJurc and said proposal for approval '-l? to Mr. a d Ml':". !\1.lltl~ (_yer .~nd ¥; dinncr guests.. ! (It'nt of the Ul)pcr Mls...~un Val eyI I. Quahty Coals I Homer S. _ cace\ -Salary.. nJ.. . l:jc.cond~d'i.bY, Y;ns.hI.." the ~um foml by lhe City, altorney, and. Nomlan! were su,ml" CV,cnmg OOl1:iss Ruth Nelson w.1l0 had ht.--cn II ass<x:iaUon. $an steps will be t k-

I a;. I I I I 1 U.5e-Q.f m.ix-or '.. ""'.. ' 66.00 I~r $2,900.1bp transf{!~ro from the when so appro;ved. for signalu e~ guesb; last \""c~'k In 1. !'.rnesl ~. ::;hi.clds', wentlo hQc home CJ.l to pc\.·clop 11UlJl.g<..tneSC beds n ar

,Put l'~OIlJ' C,loal il,'- Earl


li8Ye1-j II, D, 'Addi~on, Aug. ljal ry 3"7.50 I.unr to the general' fund of in duplicate by, the mayor .and city Brammet home. r' . 8~ bc:k:ur\vatcr Wcdneroay lastIChamberlain. S. D_. this ore ~ ng

a Fred EH.lti•.Aug"'&alary" ...,,_ '4Q,50 ~.I~ c~~~.o~, ~II. c.all;, and., th~t said englO.eer be Mr. a d Mrs_ -\\tllnrd I~am.mer a k She plans to attend Bible important in national defense.. _I l' ) F;dwatu Baja. Aug. 5ala y.. 60.00 vote.d ~a_ None vobr:'g "No' further directed to meet wlth th~ and Bar . t:a Jean we~ last \Vro.. ~':'t·l1iitY ,in Manhattan thj~ year-I. -

F II' Lb 0 'W, A,'Stewart, Aug,.saII'Y 100.00' motlOn.~asdecIar~GcaITI~d, zooing commi"i'ion at the "olJnell'nesday d.mner giles's m the Her- M....' Wm. Harder spellt Sunday Man'in ,Doerriamann, 18, of

U erLon I Geo. Bornhoft. Aug; sal ry' 125.00 ! :CITY ZONING Ichamber. Wayne. Nebraska, Ojl man Geewc ho~e.. Ja and arternoon last ...week in, the Otto I \~ est POlOt. had l~e grand -c ...1:,.'. I..! r.• '. ,. W. L, Phipps, Aug. 'sal ry. tto,OO' It was, moved by couneHma,,\ October 13, 1941, and to pfe- Edna ~arten,of AshIO~:isli~ in IHmnerlehs hume, In the evemng IpIon ~by beef at. West Point '1',

'1" Ham" Sundahl, sal ry [wright Ujnd seconde.d by Council':: Iinllnary rePGl'.'. 'of hIS domgs. to Norma and Joan PO"C~ . Mrs.' Harder. a.nd. Mr. an.d ~lrs, Uti.s he.I~g ::I. e.l..ord '.W..",g.•h. ng",.P. ~".'. TH~OQ~1;D,Mer., :, - l I,. \. ' Hcn.·y l"'oll.z, jr., '. 1_ man L. B,~ M~]ure that the city of this council at its regular m~etmg the Mrs'i Anna Lubberstectl ~omc Hinnerichs nsited Mrs, Jack Den- ; 940 pounds. B6qby. ~eger,. l~~

I W N b ..... Ibo.OO IWayne, ...N.ab.raska,.;\" be zoned purl on October 14, 11941.. Roll ea¥: All ThU?'d&Y afternoon. :; Asht n Ibeck._ . 'I Wisner. had th.e. ""'"'.N.e .c~PI

,Ii" "";:,_"," ... ayn , _e. & o1the provisions Df Article voted "yea:,' - . MISS Edna Mar~;;;; . °t' Mr. and ~lrs. Alvin Roeber and. also a... Hererord. ' . _ . '

ilil!i~I~~rtVtI ;111"1.1'; ,',,-i,.·I.'. ':'11 "~f,~4~~~~;,~:l\i~~::~~;,,e'~:':~i;;~~~~1;~;~~<:Iure an~ la, spe~l from Ttleb ye enmg 0 : '. .:.-'" .,. . •.
