Page 1: Hydraulic brake and clutch fluid/ Hidrouliese rem- en

Compulsory Specification for/Verpligte Spesifikasie vir

Hydraulic brake and clutch fluid/Hidrouliese rem- en koppelaarvloeistof

Published by Government Notice 128 (Government Gazette 4562) of17 January 1975/Gepubliseer by Goewermentkennisgewing 128 (Staatskoerant 4562)van 17 Januarie 1975

ICS 75.120VC 8013

Page 2: Hydraulic brake and clutch fluid/ Hidrouliese rem- en

r - - - - - - - - - -- - - DEPARTEMENT VAN NYWERHEIDSWESE.

No. 476 14 Maart 1975 WET OP STANDAARDE, 1962


Goewernientskennisgewing R. 128 van 17 Januarie 1975 word verbeter deur-

(a) in paragraaf 4.1.1 (a) en 4.1 . I (b) van die Bylae die syfers "19/3S" waar dit voorkom deur die syfers "19126" te vervang;

(b) in paragranf 4.3.1 (b) van die Bylae die bcskrywing "No. 8" te skrap.

- - -- - - . - - - - - - - - -- --

-- - - - - - - - - - . - - - - -- . - - - -- --




Government Notice R. 128 of 17 January 1975 is corrected by-

(a) the substitution in paragraphs 4.1.1 (a) and 4.1.1 (b) of the Scltedule, of the figures "19/26" for the figures "19138" where they appear;

(b) the deletion in paragraph 4.3.1 (b) of the Schedule, of the description "No. 8".

Page 3: Hydraulic brake and clutch fluid/ Hidrouliese rem- en



WYSIGiNG VAN VERPLTGTE STAND,L\ARDSPESI- I'II<ASIE VIi< tlIDliOULIESE lilJM- E N KOPPE- LAAKVLOEIS i'OF El;. Owcn I'icrcr Faurc I-lorwood. hllinislcr van Ekono-

nlicsc Sakc. vervang hicrby, op aanbcvcling van dic Raad van die Suid-Af~.iliiinnsc Huro vir Slandnardc CII kragtcns iiriikcl 15 van tlic Wet op Standaartlc, 1963 Wet 33 van 1962). n ~ e l ingaug van die datum scs maandc nn publilcasic van hierdie kenni:,gcwing dic vcrpliglc standaardspesifikasic vir liidroulicsc rcm- cn koppclanrvlocistof, gcpublisccr by Gocwcrn~cntsl~cntii~gcwing R. 71 van 14 Jnnuaric 1972. clcur dic gcwysigJc vcrpliglc standiiardspcsil'ikasic in dic Bylac vcrvat.



0. OPMERlilNG. Itlligti~lg oor die vcrliryging van toctsstr~~l;~, rubbcrdoppc

cn ~nciigb~arIi~idsvloeisloE wat in kwi~litcit oorccnslcm Jncl die verw~~singstandanrdc van dic Suid-Afriknansc Euro vir S~anda:~rtlc, cn dckvcrmo:kaarlc wat in ontwerp ourccnstem niet dic venvysingslandaard vim die Suid- ATrikaansc J3i1r0 vir Standaarde. soos vcreis vir tocts- d~sleindcs kragtcns hierdic vcrpliglc stanclanrdspesifikasie. is op aanvra:lg verkrygbanr van die Dircktcur-generaal. Suid-Afriknanse Uuro vir Standaarcic, Privaatsak X191. I'rctoria. Nadcre bcsc~ndcrhcdc oor dic s:~mestclling van 'n \vcrkvtrrigti~~~sli~r:ts:::p.l~cid is ook bcskikb:~nr.

DEPARTMENT OF INDUSTRIES No. 128 17 January 1375



1. Owcn Pictcr t:r~urc Horwoocl, Minislcr of Econoniic Affairs, licreby subslitutc. on tllc rccon~mcndation of the Council of thc South African Burcau of Slandards 'and in Lcrnms of section 15 of tile Standards Act. 1962 (Act 33 of 1962). with cffcct from the date six months aftcr publication of illis notice the amcnded compulsory standard spccificalion conlaincd in the Schcdulc Tor the compulsory slandarcl specilication for hydr;~ulic brakc and clutch lluid publishctl by Govcrnmcnt Noticc R. 71 of 14 January 1972.

0. P. 1:. I-10EW001). Miniblcr of Econo~nic Affairs.



0. NOTE. Inforn~ation about tllc procurenicnt of lest strips, rubber

cups, and con~patibilily I'luid corresponding in quality to thc rcfercnce slandards of the South African Bureau of Standards. and llirlirig power charts corresponding in design to tlic rcfcrcncc standard of the South African Bureau oC Slandartls, as required for test purposes in terms of this spccificntion, is obtainable upon request from the Director General. South African Burcau of Standards. Private Bag X 191. Pretoria. More detailed particulars regarding the construction of a pcrlormancc test unit are also availablc.

Page 4: Hydraulic brake and clutch fluid/ Hidrouliese rem- en

'8 No. 456'2 S')'A!\TSI<OERANT, 17 JANUARTE 1975 - - - - - -

. .

1. BESTEIL 1.1 Nierclie spcsifikasic dck vloeisior vnli die nie-petro-

leum- en nie-siliko;.ntip: \.;at geskik is om in hidrouliese rcm- cn Itoppclaafitcl.,c1.; van motol-vocrtulc gebruik te word.

2. WOORDBEPALING. Die volpcndc wi~ordbcp:~lil:gs gcld vir dic doc1 van

hiertiie spcsifikasic: A~.spiir1t~rit~~.--'11 Tnesl;t?:d wanrin hlein stultkies op

die buiteoppervlnk van 'n ri.mdo2 ontbreck. Blr~tnr.orrrritl,q.-Die vor.n~;ng v:ln 'n holtc of s3k op die

cippervlak van 'n remilop. Kl~~~r~eri;;l~c*iti.~ 'n Toesrand op clie oppcrvlak van 'n

rcrndop wat d;t:trtoe lei dat vesels uit '11 !>tuk Wattc actrck word wannecr dn:trmec oor die oppe~.vlak gevee word.

0p/~rr\dolidegrr1~1critr,q.-Die agteruitg3,ng van 'n rem- dop soos blyk uit die annwesigheid v:ln konlswart wat lossies aan die remdopoppervlak klcef en wat sodanig is tlat 'n sigharc swart st!.ccp voortecbrillg word wanneer die dop onder 'n dooicmass:l van 500.!: 10 g n~c t die basis na ontlcr oor 'n vet wit papicr op 'n sluwigc plat opp~rvlak getrek word.

Wegskrrrir1g.-Sigbare wcgvreting van 'n deel van die buiteoppervlnk van 'n remdnp.

3. VEREISTES. 3.1 ALGEMEEN.-D~~ vlocistof moct llonlogeen, hel-

der en vry van sanderigllcid, mincraulolie ander onsuiwerhedc wees war 'n nadelige invloed op die werk- verrigting van die vloeistof kan h,E.

3.2 EWEWIGSTERUGVLOElKOOI~~PUN'T BY 'N DRUK VAN 101,325 kPa.--Volgens 4.1 getoets, mag die ewewigsterugvlneikookpunt van die vlocistof nie laer as 7-30 "C wees nie.

3.3 N A T EWEWIGSTERUGVI-0Elli:OOKPUNT BY 'N DRUK VAN 101,325 kPa.---Volgcns 4.? getoets. mag die nat ewe~vigsterugvloeikool~punt van dic vlncistof nie laer as 140 OC wees nie.

3'4 KINEMATTESE V'SKoS'TB~T~~-Vo'gens 4.4 getoets, moet die kinenlatiese viskositeit ~ : l n die vloeistof soos volg wees:

(a) Ry --40 "C: nic meer as 1 800 mm2/s nie; en (b) by 100 "C: nie mindcr as 1.5 mm2/s nie.

3.5 NEUTRAL1TE.IT.-.---Volgens 4.5 gctnets (voor sowel as na die korrosietoets), moet die pH-waartlc van clie toets- mengsel tusscn 7.0 en 1 1.5 wees.

3.6 V1,OEISTOFSrARI LITEI'T. y.6.l .Yf~lhilit~it 11)' /I(@ fr t11~)~~rtrl~11rr.---Vo1gens 4.2.1

getoets, mag die ewcwigstcrugvloeik~~~~kpunt van die vloei- stof nie met Ineer verander as 3.0 "C plus 0,05 "C vir elke graad wat die c>orspronklikc ewewigsterugvloeikookpunt 225 "C oorskry nie.

3.6.2 Chet?rirsp srabilireir.-volgens 4.7.2 gctoets, mag die tempcratuurverandering in die terugvloei-vloeistof- mengsel hoogstens 3,O "C wees plus 0.05 OC vir clke graad wat die ewewigsterugvloeikookpunt 27-5 "C oorskry.

3.7 K O R R O S I E - E I E N SI<APPE:.---Vnlgcns 4.6 gctoets-

(a) mag dic korrosie wat die vloeistof op die metaal- stroke veroorsaak, nie die korrosiegrense oorskry wat in 'Tabel 1 aangegee wort1 nie en mag clie oppervlaltke van die metnalstroLe wat nie in nnnraking met mekaar was nie, nie in so 'n mate uitgevl-eet of gc3s wees dat dit met die oog sigb3ar is nie. Viekking (.!I verkleuring van liierdie oppervlakke word nie as 'n teken van I'aling beskou nie:

1 . SCOPE. 1.1 This specification covers fluid of the non-petroleum

and the non-silicone types suitable for use in automotive hydraulic brake and clutch systems.

2. DEFINITIONS For the purpose of this specification the following dcfini-

tions shall apply: Rlister.irr6q.-The Formation of a cavity or sac on tlie

surface of a brake cup. Clrippirrg.--A condition in which small pieces are

missing from tile outer surface of a brake cup. Scl1jfing.-Visible erosion of a portion of the outer

surlace of a brake cup. ~ l ~ ~ ~ , ~ ~ , i ~ ~ ~ . - T h ~ degmciation of a lJr:,ke cup as

evidenced by the presence of carbon black loosely held on the brake cup surface, such that a visible black streak is produced wlie~i the cup, supporting a (lead mass of 500rt10 g,. is drawn base down over a sheet of white paper placed on n firm flat surface.

s,icki,lpss.-A condition on the of biake cilp results in fibres be;*g from a wad of absorbent

'cntton when i t is drawn across the surface.


3.1 GENERAL.--The fluid shall be homogeneous, clear, and free from grit, mineral oil, and other impurities which may have n deleterious effect on the ~erformance of the fluid.

3.2 EQUILIBRIUM REFLUX BOILING POINT AT A PRESSURE OF 101,325 kPa.-When tested in accord- ance with 4.1 the eqt~ilibrium reflux boiling point of the rluid shall be not lower than 230 "C.


tested in accordance with 4.3 the wet equilibrium reflux b3iling point of the fluid shall be not lower than 140 "C.

3.4 KINEMATIC VISCOSITY.-When tested in accordance with 4.4, the kinematic viscosity of the fluid sl~all be as follows:

(a) At - 4 0 "C: not more tlian 1 800 mmys; and (b) at I00 "C: not less than 1,5 mm2/s.

3.5 NEUTRALITY.---When tested in accordance with 4.5 (both belore and after the corrosion test). tlie pH value of the test mixture sl~all be between 7,O and 11,'5.

3.6 FLUID STABILITY. 3.6.1 Sfobility nt lti!:lr tcr,rprrc~frt~.r.--When tested in

,accortlance with 4.2.1, the ec~uilibriutn reflux boiling point of thc fluid shall not change by more IIlr~n 3,O "C, plus

;0,05 "C for each degree that the original equilibrium reflux boiling point exceeds 225 "C.

3.6.2 Cherl~icol .rtrrhilify.-When tested in nccortlance will1 4.2.2, the chanpc in temperature of thc rclltlxing fluid mixturc shall not be more tlian 3,O "C plus 0,05 "C for

;each degree that the equilibrium reflux boiling point : exceeds 225 "C.

3.7 CORROSIVENESS.--When tested in accordance' 4.6-

(a) the fluid shall not cause C-rrosion of the metal strips in excess of the corrision limits given in Table I and the surl'accs O F the metal strips that were not in contact with each other sliall no1 be pitted or etched to a n extent tiescerniblc to tlic eye. Staining or discolora- tion of these surfrtces shall not be regarded as a sign of failure;

Page 5: Hydraulic brake and clutch fluid/ Hidrouliese rem- en

COVERNhiENT C A Z E m , 17 JANUARI' 1975 NO. 4562 9


3.8.1 By 40 OC.-Volgcns 4.7.1 getocts. moet die swart kontrasstrepe op die dekvermoEkaart duidelik sigbaar wees wannecr dit dcur die vloeistof in dic lnonstcrbottel as gehcel bckyk word, mag dic vlocislof gecn laagvorming of afsakking toon nic en moct dit dic lugblasie nie langer as 10 sekondes neeln on1 tot aan die oppcrvlak van dic vloeistof te bcwccg as dic monstcrbottcl omgckecr word


Vertindc ystcr.. ............... Staal.. ....................... Aluminium.. .................. Gcclkopcr .................... Koper.. ...................... Cietyster.. ....................


Mabsimuln toclaatbarc massa- verandcrilig in nig/cm2 van

dic oppcrvlak

o,? 092 0,1 0,4 0,4 0,2

Tcsl strips

(b) mag dic mengscl van vloeistof cn watcr geen jcl- vorming by 23+5 "C toon nic, mag gecn kristallync neerslag in die bcker vorm of aan die kantc van die bcker of aan dic oppcrvlak van dic mctaalstrokc vas- kleef nie en mag die mcngsel van vlocistol en watcr hoogstens 0,10 pcrscnt per volume afsaksel bcvat wanneer dit volgcils 4.6.4 bepaal word;

(c) mag die rubbcrdoppc gecn ontbinding toon wat blyk uit oppervlakdegradering of blaasvorming nic;

(d) mag dic basisdiameter van dic rubberdoppc vol- gcns 4.6.2 (a) bcpaal, mct hoogstcns 1,4 mrn tocneern; en

(e) mag die hardheid van die rubberdoppe, volgens 4.6.2 (b) bepaal, met hoogstcns 25 grade afneem.

Maximu111 pcrmissiblc changc in I mass in n ~ g / c n i ~ of rurp~cc

Tinncd iron ................... Slcel ......................... Aluminium.. .................. Brass.. ....................... Coppcr.. ..................... Casl iron.. ...................

(b) the fluid-water mixture shall show no jelling at 23+5 "C, no crystalline deposit shall form in the jar or adhcre to the walls of the jar or to thc surface of the mctal strips. and tllc fluid-watcr mixturc sllall contain not more thun 0,10 pcr cent by volume of scdiment when dctermincd in accordance with 4.6.4;

(c) tllc rubber cups shall sllow no disintegration as cvidcnced by slougliing or blistering;

(d) the base diameters of the rubber cups, dcterrnined in accordancc with 4.6.2 (a), shall not incrcasc by more than 1,4 mm ; and

(e) the hardness of thc rubber cups, determined in accordance with 4.6.2 (b), shall not decrcase by more than 25 degrces.


3.8.1 A t - 4 0 OC.-Whcn tcstcrl in accordance with 4.7.1, the black colitrast lines on the hiding power chart shall be clearly visiblc vicwcd through the fluid in the sample bottle as a wholc, the fluid shall sllow no stratification or sedimentation and, upon inversion of the sample bottle, the time taken for ~ h c air bubble to travel to the top of the fluid shall not cxcecd 10 seconds.


3'8'2 --50 OC'-Volgens 4'7'2 geloetsl mOct die swart kontrasstrcpe op die dckvermo&kiiart duidelik sig- baar wces wannccr dit deur dic vlocistof i n dic monster- b~ttcl as geheel bckyk word, mag die vlocistof geen laagvorming afsakkillg cn rnoet dit die lugblasie nic langer as 35 sekondes necln on1 to1 aan dic oppcrvlak van die vlocistof tc bewecg as dic monstcrbottel omgekeer

3.8.2 At -50 OC.-Whcn tcstcd in accordance with 4.7.2, the black contrast lines on the hiding power chart shall bc clearly visible when vicwcd through the fluid in the sample boulc as a shall show no stratification or scdimcntation and. upon inversion of the sample bottle, tile time taken for the air bubble to travel to lhc lop of Ihc not 35

word nie.

3.9 VERDAMPING. 3.9.1 Persetztu.\ic verdurnping.-Volgcns 4.8 getoets,

mag hoogstens 80 persent per rnassa van dic vlocistof vcrdamp.

3.9.2 Kwu/ifeit vatl residl,.-Volgens 4.8.3 ondersoek, mag die residu van die vlocistof na vcrdamping gccn neer- slag bevat wat grintcrig of skurend is as dit met die vinger- punt gevryf word nie.

3.9.3 Vloeipurrt varz residi1.-Volgcns 4.8.4 getoets, mag die vloeipunt van die residu hoogstens -5 "C wees.

3.10 WATERTOLERANSIE. 3.10.1 By -40 "C.-Volgens 4.9.1 getoets, rnoet die

swart kontrasslrcpe op die dekvermoZkaart duidelik sig- baar wees wanneer dit dcur die vlocistof in die scntrifu- gecrbuis as gcheel bekyk word, mag die vloeistof geen laagvornling of afsakking toon nic cn moct dit die lugblasie nie langcr as 10 sckondes ncem om tot aan die oppervlak van die vloeistof tc bewceg as die sentrifugecrbuis omge- kecr word nie.

3.10.2 By 60 OC.-Volgcns 4.9.2 getocts, mag die vloci- stof gecn laagvorming toon nic en Inag dic afsnksclinhoud na scntrifugering nie 0,15 persent pcr volu~nc oorskry nie.


3.9.1 Percentage evaporution.-Whcn tested in accord- ance with 4.8 not more than 80 per cent By mass of thc fluid shall be evaporated.

3.9.2 Quality of rt~sidue.-When examined as described in 4.8.3, the residuc lrom the fluid after evaporation shall colltain no precipitate that remaills gritty or abrasive when rubbed with the f i~lgcrt i~.

3.9.3 Pour poit~t of residue.-When tested in accordance with 4.8.4. the pour point of the residue shall be not higher than -5 "C.

3.10 WATER TOLERANCE. 3.10.1 At -40 "C.-When tested in accordance with

4-9.1 the black contrast lines on the hiding power chart sllall be clearly visible when viewed through the fluid in the centrifuge lubc as a whole, the fluid shall show no stratification or sedi~ncntation and, upon inversio~l of the centrifuge tube, the time taken for the air bubble to travel to the top of the fluid shall not exceed 10 seconds. .

3.10.2 At 60 "C.-When tested in accordance with 4.9.2, thc fluid shall show no stratification and the sedi- mcnt content shall not exceed 0.15 per cent by volume aflcr centrifuging.

Page 6: Hydraulic brake and clutch fluid/ Hidrouliese rem- en

3.1 I MENGBAARHEID. 3.1 1.1 By -40 "C.-Volgens 4.10.1 gi:toets, moet die

swart kontrasstrepc op die dckvermo2!;;l:1rt tiuidclik sig- baar wees wanncer dit d2ur die vloeistor in die scntril'u- geerbuis as geheel bekjk word en mag die vloeistof gcen laagvorming of afsakking toon nie.

3.11.2 By 60 "C.-Volgcns 4.10.2 getoct:~, mag die vloei- stof geen laagvorming toon nie en mag dir: afsakselghalte na sentrifugering nie 0.05 persent per volume norskry nie.

3.1 2 BESTANDHEID TEEN 0KSIUASIE.-Volg,?ns 4.1 1 getoets-

(a) mag die torttsvloeistof die aluminium- en gietystcr- stroke onderskeidelik rnct nie meer as 0,05 mg per cm' en 0.3 mg per cmS in niassa laat verander nie; en

(b) mag die oppervlakke van die metaalstroke wat nie in aanraking met die tinfoelie was nie. nie in so 'n mate uitgevreet of ge t s wecs dat dit met die oog sigbaar is nie. Vlckking of vcrkleuring van hierdie oppervlakke word nie as 'n teken van faling bcsko.u nie. Daar mag nie meer as 'n spoor gom op hierdie oppervlakke neer- geslaan wees nie. 3.13 UITWERKING OP RUBBER. 3.13.1 By 70 "C.-Volgens 4.1 2.2 ( a ) p.etoets-

(a) moet die gemiddelde toename in die basis- diameters van die rubberdoppe minsten.; 0.15 nlnl en hoogstens 1.4 mm wees; en . .

(b) tnag die rubberdoppe geen toertamc in hardheid toon nie, mag dit nie met meer as 18 grade in hardheid afneern nie en mag dit geen disintegra.;ie toon wat hlyk uit oppervlakclegradering, klewerighcid of blaasvorming nie.

3.13.2 By 120 OC.-Volgens 3.12.2 (b) gctoets- (a) moet die gemiddelde toenn~ne in die .basis-

diameters van die rubberdoppe minstens 0.15 mm en lioogstcns 1.4 mrn wees: en

(b) mag die rubberdoppc geen toenanie in hardheid toon nie, mag dit nie rnct rncer as 25 grade in hardheid afneem nie. en mag dit Seen disintegrasie toon soos blyk uit oppervlakdegmdering, kleweriglieid of blaasvorming nie. 3.14 WERKVERRIGTING IN NAGEROOTSTE

D1ENS.-Volgens 4.13 getoets, moet die vloeistof aan die volgende werkverrigtingsvereistes voldosn:

(a) Die metaaldele van die toetssistecm mag nie korro- sie, 500s uit uitvreting of etsing blyk, i:n so 'n mate toon dat dit met die oog sigbaar is nie. Vlekking of verkleuring van hierdie oppervlakke word nie as '11 teken van faling beskou nie.

(b) Die oorspronklike diameter van "n silinder of suier mag met hoogstens 0.13 mm tydcns die toets vennder.

(c) Die silindersuiers mag in geen stadium tydens die toets vassit of onbehoorlik funksioneer nie.

(d) Die basisdiameters van die 10 rub,berdoppe mag met hoogstens 0,9 mm toeneem.

(e) Die gemiddelde afname in die liardheid van nege van die 10 rubbcrdoppe-wat bestaan uit agt wielsilinder- prinGre en een meestersi1inderprimi.r--mag hoogstens 25 grade wees en nie een van die 10 doppe mag tekens van klewerigheid, wegskuring, blaasvorming. barsvorming, af- splintering of van alwyking van die oorspronklike voorkon~s toon nie. (9 Die gemiddelde lipdiameterinterl'erensieset van die

10 rubberdoppe mag nie 65 per.sent oorskry nie. (g) Die volume vloeistof wat tyder~s 'n periodc van

24 000 she verlore gegaan het, mag nie 36 ml oorskry nie. (h) Die volume vloeistof wat tydens die laaste 100 slae

van die toets verlore gegaan het. mag nie 36 ml oorskry nie.

3.1 1 COMPATIBILITY. 3.1 1.1 Ar - 4 0 OC.-When tested in accordance wjlh

4.10.1. the black contrast lines on the hiding power chart shall he clearly visible when viewed through the fluid in the centrifuge tube as a whole, and the fluid shall show no stratification or sedimentation.

3.1 1.2 At 60 "C.-When tested in accordance with 4.10.2, the fluid shall show no stratification and the sedi- ment content shall not exceed 0,05 per cent volume after cen triluging.

3.12 RESISTANCE TO OXIDATION.-When tested in accordance with 4.1 1-

(a) the fluid shall not cause the aluminium strips and the cast iron sfrips to change in mass by more than 0.05 mg per cm3 and O,? mg per cm3 respectively; and

(b) the srtrfaces of the metal strips that were not in contact with the tinfoil shall not become pitted or etched to an extent visible to the eye. Staining or discoloration of these areas shall not be regarded as a sign of failure. Not more than a trace of gum shall be deposited on these surfaces.

3.1 5 EFFECT ON RUBBER. 3.13.1 Ar 70 "C.-Whm tested in accordance with

4.17.2 (a)-

(a) the average increase in the base diameters of the rubber cups shall be not less tlian 0.15 mm and not more th:tn 1.4 mm; and

(b) the rubber cup$ hall show no increase in hardness, shall not decrease in hardness by more than 18 degrees, and shall show no disintegration as evidenced by sloughing, stickness, or blistering.

3.13.2 A r 190 "C.- When tested in :~ccordance wit11 4.12.2 (b) -

(a) the average increase in rhe base diameters of the rubber cups shall be not less than 0.15 mrn and not more than 1,4 mm; and

(h) the rubber cup$ shall show no increase in hardness, shall not decrease in hardness by more than 25 degrees, and sllall show no disintegration as evidenced by sloughing, stickiness, or bl~stering.

3.14 SIMULATED SERVICE PERFORMANCE.- When tested in accordance with 4.13, the fluid shall meet the following performance requirements:

(a) The metal parts of the test system shall not show corrosion as evidenced by pitting or etching to an extent visible to the eye. Stailiitig or discoloration of these areas shall not be regarded as a sign of failure.

(b) The initial diameter of any cylinder or piston shall not change by more tlian 0.13 mm during the test.

(c) Thc cylinder pistons shall not seize or fail to function properly at any stage during the test.

(d) None of the 10 rubber cups shall show an increase in base diameter of more than 0,9 mm.

(e) The average decrease in hardness of nine of the I0 rubber cups--consisting of eight wheel cylinder prima- ries and one master cylinder primary-shall be not more than 25 degrees and none of the 10 cups shall show stickiness, scuffing, blistering. cracking, chipping, or change in shape from its original appearance.

(f) The average Iip diameter interference set of the 10 rubber cups shall not exceed 65 per cent.

(g) The volume of fluid lost during ally period of 24000 strokes shall not exceed 36 ml.

(h) The volurne of fluid lost during the last 100 strokes of the test shall not exceed 36 ml.

Page 7: Hydraulic brake and clutch fluid/ Hidrouliese rem- en

' (i) Aan dic cinde van die tocts mag dic vloeislof nic jclvorming toon nie. Volgens 4.6.4 bcpaal, mag die afsak-

. sclgehalte na sentrifugcring hoogstcns 1,5 pcrsent per volume wees.

(j) Gecn nccrslag wat skurcnd is o l wat nic vcrwydcr kan word nic as dit gcwoonwcg gcvryf won1 lnct 'n nit- skuurdoek wat niet 95 persent ctunol natgcn~aak is, nlag op ralisilindcrwande vorm oT daaraan vashlcef nie.


DRUK VAN 101,325 kPa.

4.1 . I Appunrlif (kyk Fig. 1 cn 2).

(a) Flcs.-'n 100-ml-rondcboumflcs van hittcbcstandc glas nlct 'n Lor1 nck en 'n oorpasscnde I9/38-slypglas- verbindstuk met 'slandaardtapshcid, cn 'n sybuis mct 'n buitcdiamctcr van I 0 Inn1 wat die flcs met so 'n hoek binncgann dat die ondcrpunt van dic tcrnlon1ctcrb31 prcsics in clic ~niddcl van dit: fles en 6,s mm boka~it clic h d c n l is.

(b) Koeier.-'n Tcrugvlociglasbuiskoclcr van dic watcr- vcrliocldc tipe nlet 'n manlcl wat 200 mm lank is. Dic ondzrcnt van die koeler nloet van 'n oorpasscncle 19/3S- drcppunt nict slandaardtap~heid cn '11 inpassendc slypglas- verbindstuk voorsien wces.

(c ) Kook.~tcerltjies.-Silikoonkarbicdhorrcls van grint- noinmer 8.

(d) Tertnor?lefcr.-'n Termon~cter met 'n bcstek van -5 tot 300 "C en wat akkuraat vir 7,62-cnl-inclompeling gekalibrecr is.

(c) C-1iltebron.-'11 Verhittingsbron \vat dic vcrhittings- en terucvloeitcm~o in 4.1.2 sal verskaf.

4.1.2 Pro.~ctlrrre.-Plaas 6O-t l ml van die vloeistof saanl nlet drie of vier silikoonkarbicrlkorrcls in die flcs, vcrbind die koeler en stcek die ternlometcr dcur die bybuis sodat sy onderpunt 6,s nlnl van die ~niddclpunt van die fles sc boom is. Bevcstig die tcrmometcr ann clic sybuis nlct 'n kort stukkic rubberbuis. Montcer die flcs, draai die liocler sc walcrtocvocr oop en vcrhit tecn so 'n te111po dat dic vloeistof binne 10-2 ~ninr~tc kook tccn 'n tcrug- vlocitenlpo vat1 een lot vyf druppcls pa- sekonde. Maak ty~lcns die volg:ndc 5 ~ 2 mi~iuic sclicr, clctir Jic hittc- aanwcnding tc rcgulccr, dat die tcrugvlocilcnlpo cell tot twcc druppcls cwcv:igstcrugv!ociing psr sckonde is. Hou tlic ~:spcsifiscerdc tcrugvlocitcn~po nog twcc ~ninutc Innk in :,tand, Ices clan rlic tcn~pcraluur at' cn tckcn die baro- rncicrdruk aatl. Die tcrnpcrittitur;~flcsing bclioart tlic gemitldrl:lc tc \~,ccs van vier :tl'lcsings \vat inct 30-sckondc- ~usscnposc genccol is.

4.1.3 Acrnfck~~i.iirrg.-ti;~~r~-ipccr die tcnil~c'r;~t~rtlr vir tcr~non~eterfout en vir verskil in :ilmc>sferiesc rlruk tussen dic waardc wat aangctekcn is en 101,325 hP;l, met bchulp van die to-.p;~di!i,e korrckslc wnt in Tabel 2 nangcgcc woril. Tckcn ilic ~ j c k o r ~ ~ i g ~ c ~ ~ d c ~ C I I I ~ ) C T ~ ~ ~ U L I I . , ;~Cgcrond tot d ic naastc 0,5 "C. nan as die c \ ~ c \ \ ~ i g s ~ c r u ~ ~ l o c i k u i ~ l i ~ ~ u n t hy 'n d r ~ ~ k varl 101.325 kPa.


. . TeInpcnluur~rcik 1 Korrcksic* pcr 1,333 hPa


100" tor 190 "C.. .............. 0,39 "C Bo 190 "C.. .................. 0,40 "C

* Moet bygctel word as dic baromctcrtlruk ondcr 10 1 ,325 kPa is; moct afgctrck word as die baromctcrdruk bo 101,375 k k i is.

4.2 VLOEISTOFSTABILITEIT. 4.2.1 Stubiliteit by h02 ter?~perufurrr. 4.2.1 .I Appuruut.-Soos in 4.1 bcskryf.

? .. (I) At thc end o!' thc test Tluic! silall no1 sliotv jclling. Inc scdinlel~l conicnt d~ternliircd in accordance with 4.6.4, sliall not cxcccd 1,5 per ccnt by vol~~nlc after ccntri- fugity.

(j) No deposits that arc abrasive or cannot hc rcmovcd when rubbed ~no.icnitcly with i\ nm-abrasive cloth wcticd with 95 per ccnt ctlianol sliall foi-n~ on or adhcr,: to brakc cylinder walls.


4.1 EQCIII.IBI<IUM REFLIJX BOILING POINT AT A PRESSURE 01; 101. 325 kPn. 4.1.1 Appumlr,~ (scc Fig. 1 and 2).

(a) Fll~.~li.-/l 100 ml round-botlon~cd flask of heat resistant glass with a sliort ncck l iavin~ a 19/38 siandard- tapcr, fcmalc ground-glass joint. and ;I 10 mi11 outside diamctcr sidc lube which cntcrs the flask at such an nnglc as to permit [hc cnd of thc thcrmomctcr bulb to bc dircc~ly ccntrctl in thc flask 6.5 mnl from the boltom.

(b) Conrle/i.srr.--A rcflux. glass tube conticnser of the waler-cooled type having a jacket 200 111m in Icngth. The bottom end of the condenser shall have a 19/38 slandard- taper, drip-tip, and a male ground-glass joint.

(c) B~ilitlg ~[o~~cs.-Silicone carbidc grains of No. 8 grit. '

(cl) TIr~rr~ran~ctrr.-A thermometer having a range of -5 to 300 "C and accurately calibrated for 7.62 cni immcrsion.

(c) Heut s014rce.-A means of hcating that will provide the heating and rcflux rates spccificd in 4.1.2.

4.1.2 Proccdrr~.e.-Place 60rt 1 ml of thc fluid togcther with thrcc siliconc carbidc grains in thc Flask, attach thc condenser and inscrt the thermomctcr through thc sidc tubc so that its end is 6,5 nim from thc centre bo to l~~ of thc flask. Scal tlie thcrniomclcr to the side tubc with a sllort Icngtli of rubber tubing. Mount thc flask, and turn on [he condcnscr watcr. The water supply icmp:rature shall bc not morc than 28 "C and the tcmpwalurc rise tlirough the condenser shall be not nlorc than 3 OC. Apply heat at such a rate that the fluid is I-cfluxing in 10:!:3 min at a ralc of 1 to 5 drops per sccuntl. During the next 521 min pcriocl by adjusting thc hca: input, cnsurc that the rate of refli~x i h I to 2 drops ol cyuilibriurn rcflux per second. Mainlain the specified reflttx rate for an atlditional 2 min ;~nrl Ihcn rcarl thc lempcrat~~rc and rccorJ 11ie baro- mct~,ic prcssurc. 3-hz tcrnpcrniurc rcnding shuuld bc thc a\.erogc of four readings taken a[ 30 s inicrvals.

Cor~:ciion* per 1 .323 hl'a prcssurc dilkrcnce


* To bc added if lhc baron~ctric pressure is bclow 101,325 kPa; to bc subtracted if thc barometric prcssurc is abovc 101,375 kPa.

............... 100 to 190 "C.. over I90 'C.. .................

4.1.3 Rccordi~~g.-Correct thc tc~llperature for Lhern~o- rnetcr error and for difference in atniospheric pressure betwvecn that rccorded and 101,325 kPa by applying the appropriate corrcclion given in Table 2. Record the corrcctcd tenl~craturc rounded off to the ncarcst 0.5 OC

0,39 "C 0,40 "C

- v - - as tlie equilidrium rcflux boiling point at a pressure of 101,325 kPa.

4.2 FLUID STABILITY. 4.2.1 Stability uf ltigA renzperuture. Apparutrrs.-As described in 4.1,

Page 8: Hydraulic brake and clutch fluid/ Hidrouliese rem- en

12 No. 4562 STAATSKOERANT, 17 JANUARIC 1975 Pro.srtlirrc~.-Vcrliit 'n nuwc GO* 1-ml-nionstcr van die oorspronklikc toetsvloeistof tot 'n temperatuur van 185rt2 "C volgens tlic prosedure wat in 4.1 beskryf word. 1-IOU dit 130+-5 minulc I:mk by hicrdie temperatuur en bepaal tian weer tlie ewewigsterugvl~~~:ikookpunt volgens die prowetl~~rc wat in 4.1 heskryf word. Verunderitzg it1 kookprrt1t.--Tckcn die verskil tussen die twee gekorrigecrde ewewigsterrlgvloeikookpunte aan as tlic verandering in die kookpunt.

4.2.2 slahilitrit. Appnra~i.-Soos in 4.1 beskryf. Prosedrrre.-Meng 30-t.1 ml van die vloeistof

met 3 0 2 1 mi standaardmcngbaarlieidsvlocistof. Bepnal die ewewigsterugvloeikookpunt van hierdie vloeistofmcngsel volgens die prosedure wat in 4.1 be:skryf word; verhit teen so 'n tempo dat die vloeistof t~inne 10+2 minute kook teen 'n terugvloeitcmpo van ee:n tot vyf druppels per sekonde. Teken die maksimum ~rloeistoftemperatuur a m wat afgelees word gedurende die eerste minuut nadat die vloeistof teen die gespesifiseercle terugvloeitempo begin kook het. Regulecr die hitteaanwending gedurende die volgende 1 5 2 1 minuut so dat die terugvloeitempo een tot twee dri~ppels per sekonde is. Hou 'n konstante ewe- wigsterugvloeitempo nog twee minutc lank in stand. Teken die geniiddelde van vier tenlperatulrr:~flesings wat met tussenpose van 30 sekondes geneem is aan as die finale ewewigsterugvloeikookpun t. Veratideriilg in tet?ll>c.rrrl~n~r.-.Teken die vcrskil tussen die twee gekorrigeerde ewewigs~erugvloeikookpunte as die verandering in die temperatuur van die terugvloei- mengsel aan.


4.3.1 Apparaat.-(K yk Fig. 3.) (a) Gla.s/lesse.-Vier silindriese skroerg1;tsllesse met

regop kante, elk met 'n inlioudsvernicrE van ongeveer 475 ml, wat aan die binnekant 100 rnl h o o ~ is en 75 mrn in diameter is, en met bypassende skroefdeksels wat 'n water- en dampdigte sluiting verskaf.

(b) Drsikkators ett konivor~nigc glas- desikkators met 'n binnediameter v:ln 250 mni en met bypassende buistlekscls tvat van r~rl>bcrproppe No. S voorsien is.

(c) I>esikkutorplrte.-Vier geperforc-erde porseleinplate, sonder voetstukke. ann die een kant geglasuor en ]net 'n diameter van 230 mm.

4.3.2 Reagerrse. (a) Ammoniumsulfaat, reagensgraad. (b) Gedistilleerde water. (c) Mengbaarheidsvloeistof wat in Itwaliteit oorecnstem

met die verwysingstandaard van die S~rid-Afrikaanse Buro vir Standaarde, en met 'n ewewigsterugvloeikookpt~nt van minstens 182" C volgens 4.1 getoets.

4.3.3 Prsedure. Smeer die slypglnslasse van (lie desikkators met

silikoonsmeermiddel. Plnas 450k25 g van die ammonium- sulfaat in elkc desikkator en voeg 12.5:~: 10 ml gedisrilleertle water by. Die oppervlak van die resu!lterende ammonium- sulfaatflodder moet binne 45+7 mn.1 van die bo-opper- vlak van elke desikkatorplaat wees. Gebririk 'n vars lading ammoniumsulfaatflodder vir elke toe,ts. Kondisioneer die gelaaide desikkators, met die deksels,op en met die proppe in posisie, minstens 12 uur lank voor gebruik by 'n temperatuur van 23+2 "C. Bepaal die watergehalte van die menghaarlleids- vloeistof volgens 'n metode wat noukeurig genoeg is sodat die massa water wat by die monster!; van die mengbaar- heidsvloeistof gevoeg is, tot binne 15 prsent van die bygevoegde water gemeet kan wol-(1 in die geval van byvoegings tot 0.8 persent (m/m) en tot binne ongeveer 5 persent van die bygevoegde watcr in die gcval van byvoegings van meer as 0.8 persent (rnfm). Proced1rre.-Heat a new 60cl ml sample of the original test fluid to a temperature of 18522 OC by the procedure specified in 4.1. Maintain it at that temperature for 120-t-5 min and then determine the equilibrium reflux boiling point again by the procedure described in 4.1. Boiliilg poirlt change.-Take as the change in the boiling point the difference between the two corrected equilibrium reflux boiling points.

4.2.2 CIretnical strrhility. Apparatfr.s.-As described in 4.1. Proccdrrre.-Mix 30-tl ml of the fluid witlr

30+1 ml of standard compatibility fluid. Determine the eqi~ilibrium reflux boiling point of this fluid mixture by the procedure specified in 4.1, applying heat to the flask at such a rate that the fluid is refluxing in 10-1-2 rnin at a rate of one to five drops per second. Record the maximum fluid tenlperature observed during the first minute after the fluid begins to reflux at the specified rate. Over the next 15+1 ~nin, adjust and maintain the rate of reflux to one to two drops per second. Maintain a constant equili- brium reflux rate of one to two drops per second for an additional 2 min. Record the average of four temperature readings taken at 30 s intervals as the final equilibrium reflux boiling point. Chnrige it1 tempc~ratrrre.-Take as the change in temperature of the refluxing mixture the difference between the two corrected equilibrium reflux boiling points.


4.3.1 Al)pi~rn!~ts.-(Sce Fig. 3).

(a) Gluss jars.--Four straight-sided, cylindrical, screw- top glass jars, each of capacity approximately 475 nil and with inside dinlensions of height 100 mrn and diameter 75 mm, with matching screw lids that will provide water and vapour-t ight seals.

(b) De.sic.cator.s and covers.-Four bowl-form glass desiccators of inside cliameter 250 mm, with matcl~ing tubulated covers fitted with No. 8 rubbcr stoppers.

(c) De.siccntor pl(rtes.-Four perforated porcelain plates, without feet, glazed on one side, and of diameter 230 mm.

4.3.2 Rmgen fs.

(a) Am~iionium sulphate, reagent grade.

(b) Distilled water.

(c) Compatibility fluid corresponding in quality to the reference standard of the South African Bureau of Standards and with an equilibrium reflux boiling point of not less than 182 "C when tested in accordance with 4.1.

4.3.3 Procerllrre. Lubricate the ground glass joints of the desicca- tors with silicone grease. lnto each desiccator place 4SO-t- 25 g of the ammonium sulphate and add 125rt10 ml of the distilled water. The surface of the resultant ammonium sulphate slrrrry shall lie within 4 5 k 7 mrn of the top surface of each desiccator plate. Use a fresh charge of ammonium sulphate slurry for each test. Condition the charged desiccators with their covers on and stoppers in place at a temperature of 2 3 t 3 "C for at least 12 h before use. Determine tlie water content of the compatibility fluid, using a method of determination that is sufficiently accurate to measure the mass of water added to samples of the compatibility fluid within approximately 15 per cent of the wnter added for additions up to 0.8 per cent (m/m), and within approxi~iiately 5 per cent of tlie water added for additions greater than 0.8 per cent (m/m).

Page 9: Hydraulic brake and clutch fluid/ Hidrouliese rem- en

4.6.1 Mefrrclls~roke.-Uit die inctalc in Tabcl 1 aangcgee, bcrei soos volg dric slelle korrosietoetsstrokc voor- wat in samcstclling cn almctings ooreeristcm mct die vcrwysing- standaard van die Suid-Afrikaanse Buro vir StandaarGc.

Maak die stroke, nlct uitsondering van die vcrtinde .ystcrstroke, skoon deur. allc oppcrvlakke nict 320A-walcr- digte silikoonkarbicdpapier wat met 95 pcrscnt ctanol .natgcmaak is, af tc skuur toldat alle oppcrvlakkr3pmcrkc, -snye, en -gaaljies van dic .stroke vcrwyder is.

GO\lEKNMBNT GAZETTE, Suiwcr die walergcllalte van die lllcngbaarhcids- vlocistof tot 0,50f 0.05 pcrscnt (m/m) aall cn gooi 100+_1

van dik vlocistof in elk van twec glasflessc. Gooi 100+1 m] van die toe~sv]ocistof in van die oorblywcnde twee giasflesse. Plaas die flcsse ollnliddellik alsorldcrlik in die vier gclaaide en gckondisionecr& desikkators, sit dii: dcsikkatordekscls weer op ell llou die tempcraluur iydcns die bevogligitlgsprosedure deugaans by 23-t- 2 OC. Trck die rubberprop in elkc desil&ator wat die mcngbaarlieids- vloeistof bcva[, [net gcrec]dc tussenyosc uit. Cicbruik 'n ondcrhuidspuit met 'n lallg naald on1 'n nzonstcr van hoogstcns 2 rill uil elke fles te necm cn bepaal-dic water- gchalle daarvan volgcns Mocllic lrlccr as altesaam 10 van die meligbaarlleidsvlocislof [ydcns dic bevog- tigiiigsproscdurc uit clkc flcs nccm nie.

Haal dic twcc vlocistofloclscksciup~are uil hul disk- kators sodra dic geliliddeldc watcrgehaltc van die dupliltate van die mcngban~~l~eidsvloeistof 3.50rfi0.05 pcrscnt (nl/nl) is en ~ilaak elkc fles onn~iddellik styf tot. Bcpaal die ewcwigtcrugvlocikookp~i~l~ van die dupliliaattoctseksell1- plare volgens 4.1. Indie11 die twec resultatc binne 4 OC oar- eenstem, tcken die gcmiddelde as die nat ewewiglcrug- vloeikookpu~it aan. .I~ldicil die tWce rcsultahs met meer as 4 OC van rnekaar verskil, herliaal die tocts cn tcken die genliddeldc van die vier afsonderlike ewe\~igsterugvloci- kookpulite as dic nat ewewigstcrugvloeiksokpnt aan.

4.4 KINEMATIESE VISKOSITEIT. 4.4.1 Appar~:zf.--'n Gckalibrecrdc kapillsrc viskosilcits-

buis wat vis1to:;ifcil tot binnc dic foulgrcnsc w ~ I ill tabcl 3 aangcgec word, kan mcet.



Condilions 'c'c

Test Icnlpcralurcs below 0 "C.. . . . . . .

TcsL tcmpcraturcs above 0 "C ........




Toctstcmperntuur . . . . . . ondcr 0 "C..

Toc~sle~i~pcratuur bo 0 "C ............

17 JANUARY 1975 Nu. 4562 13 Adjust Lllc water conlcnt ol tlic co~ilpatibility fluid to 0 , 5 0 ~ 0 , 5 1)ur cent (n1l111) and pour luu - t l ml this fluid inlo tach oE Lwo of the &SS jars. Pour 1 0 0 ~ 1 1111 of the ~ C S L fluid illto tach of Lhc rcnlai11illg two glass jars. Inimedialcly p1ac.c 1 1 1 ~ jars ~~iJ;ll.;l[cIj' illlo i h ~ four cliargcd and concIi~io~:cd cicbiccalors, rclllacc 1 1 1 ~ dnsiccutor cuVcrS and nlainiLli11 I ~ I C tClllpCl2tUrC t~u0~ghoLJt tJ!c Ilumi- dificalion proccdurc at 2 3 k 2 OC. At inlcrvnls, rcmovc tlic rubber sloppc~' in Lh:: loll Of tach dcsiccalor ~l1a1 contains llic con~patibilily fluid. USC a long n:crllcd hypodcrniic syringe lo wilhtlrilw 3 salllpk of no1 Illore than 7, 1111 from each jar and dclcrniil:c ils watcr collletlt in accordance with Do no1 relnovc morc than 10 ml in total of the compalibilily f l ~ i d from each jar during 1111: Ilunli- dification proccdurc.

When llle avcragc walcr contcul of tllc d~plic:~tcs of the co1lipalibilily fluit] rcacilcs 3,5()iJ0.05 per ccnl (~ll/nl), rcnlove tllc two fluid tcsl spccilncns from tllcir desiccators and iml1lcdintcly czp cnch jar tigllrly. Dctcrmiflc tflc Cqui- libriunl rcflux boiling poillts of tllc dup]icatc test Spcci- mcnts in accorclancc with 4.1. If the two rcsulls agrec wilJlin 4 oC. rcco1.J avcrase as tllc wet ccjllilibrium ,cflux boiling point. 1f the two rcsulls differ by than 4 OC, repcaL ~ h c tcsl and rccord 1 l . r~ average of the four individual equilibrium reflux boiling points as the wet cquilibriuni rcflux boilir~g point.


4.4.1 Ap/)w.trtrra.--A calibrated capillary typc viscosity tubc capable [IF measuring viscosity to within tllc Iil~lits of crror give11 in Trtblc 3.


4.6.1 Merrrl drips.--Prepare as follows from tlic metals listed in Tablc 1 thrce sets of corrosion test strips corres- ponding in composilion and dirnei~sions to tlic rcfcrcnce standard ol the South African Bt~reau of Standards:


2 I 3 Liniils of crror: Pcrccntagc diI7crcncc

from thc Incan

With the exception of the tinncd iron strips, c l a n thc strips by abrading all surfzces will1 320A waterproof silicone carbide paper wetted with 95 per cent e!hanol until a11 surface scralchcs, cuts, and pits havc bccn

4.4.2 Prosedrrrc.-Bepaal die kincnlaticsc viskosilcit van dic vloeistof by - 4 0 OC en 100 OC cn wscs besondcr vcrsigeig om besocdcling van die vIoeislol as Scvolg van kolldellscring van atnlosfericsc vog tydcns die bepaling by - 4 0 OC te \,oorkom.


4.5.1 ~ ~ ~ u r i ; c : t . L ' n pH-iiletcr wat van '11 gckalibrcerdc glaselcktrodc cn 7n ~ a ~ o m c ~ v c s w y s ~ g s c ~ c ~ ~ l ~ o ~ c voorsicn is.

4.5.2 Proscdirrc.-Mcng gelykc volumes van die vlocislof en 'n 80 perscnt watcroplossi~~g (gcdistillccrdc water) van ctanol met 'n pH-waarde van 7.020.1. Gcdislillcerdc water nlet 'n ~H-waardc van 730*03l kan F'laas van dic alkoholoplossing gebruilc word as die ~10:isii)f mct 'n gclykc volumc water niengbnar is. Bcpaal ciic pi-I-waardc van die iiiengcl by 'n tanperaluur van 23-1-5 OC.

- - -- I 3 2

Foulgrcnsc: Perscntasic vcrskil van die gc~liiddcldc

~cpea lab i i i t : : (one opcrutor and appamlub)



4.4.2 Pr.7ccd1rrc.--Dctcrmine th2 kinematic viscosity of thc fluid at -40 OC and at 100 OC taking parlicular care Lo avoid con li~minalion of (he fillid by condensation of atmosphcric n~oislurc during the determination at -40 "C.

4.5 NEUTRALl'rY.

4.5.1 Ap~)nrtlirrs.-A pH mctcr quipped with a cali- bratcd glass el;cil.urlc nlld a cllonlcl rcTcrcnce cleclrode.

4.5.2 Prc?ccdrrrc.-- Mix equal volumes of tllc fluid and a11 90 p:r cent acjucoils (distilled water) solulion of ethanol

a pH 7,0r03 Dislillcd water a pH of 7,o20,l be used illstcad of the alc3hol solu-

tion if the fluid i s r~~isciblc with an equal volume of water. Detcrminc the pl-I value of thc mixture at a tcmpcrnture of 23rt.5 "C.

Herhnalbaarhcid (een operatcur en




Rcprotlucibility (dif- fcrcnt operators and apparatus)

1 , O


lleprodusccrbaarhcid (verskillcndc opcra- tcurs cn apparaat)

1 ,o 0,2

Page 10: Hydraulic brake and clutch fluid/ Hidrouliese rem- en

14 No. 4567, STAATSKOER,\NT, 17 J.L\NUARIE I975

CeS~.uil< ' n nuwe stck silkoonksrbiedpapier vir elke verskillendc t i p metaal. Poleer die strolce met uitsondering van die vcrtinde ysterstroLe, nlct No. 00-graad-stsnlv~ol. Was die strokc, inslrritcnde die ~~cr l inde ysterslroke, met 05 perscnt ctanol, cirooz hulk In121 'n skoon pluislose doek af cn plans hulle niinstcns cen lrrlr lank in 'n desilc- katclr wat b;; 23rt5 "C geholr word. 1-1:lnteer die stroke nn polcrinz met 'n skocm knyp~r of han:ccrtar?~ om besoede- ling voorltom. Dcpaal die riln.;s:\ van elke stroolr tot die naaste 0,1 mg cn rnonteer elkc st:] stroke op 'n onbedckte staalspy of -bout in die volgendc vc!gorcle: \'ertinde yster, staal, aluminum, 2ietys:e:. geelltr?p.:r cn kopcr. Maak se!cer dat die stroke elektries verbind i \ t:n lwig hulle dan, behalwe die gietysterstroke, np so 'n wyse dat daar 'n opening van niinstens 3,0"0,5 mm ttlsscn die aangrensende stroke oor 'n afstaiid van ongevccr 5 cm van die vry ente van die stroke af is. Mcet die lotale 1,lootgesielde opper- vlaktc van elke strook. Donlpcl di,: strooks;in~cstelle in

-(*s met 'n 95 persent etanol en hanieer- I~ulle ila:~rna sli, skoon knypcr of hilnteertllng. Droog die samcstelle 111ct droe gefilircerdc s:lamgcpcrste lug cn c!roog I I L I ~ ~ C min~tc'ns een uur voor gcbruik {lit.

4.6.2 Stireenhrrtncliem-r~~hh~r[Io\)~)c.

(a) Neern drie sfircenbutadieen-\vil.lilintlerr~~bb~riI(~~~~~e wat in kwaliteit ooreenstem met die vcl-wysingstandaard van die Suid-Afrikaanse Buro vir SLandaartle. Mcct die basisdit~tnetcr van die doppe to! die n:laate 0,02 mln 1;ings die hartlyn van die letters op die dop en lootlrcg op IiIcrtlie hartlyn. Ncenl die afmetings binne 0.4 mm van die boonste rand en par:tllel met die basis van die dop. Moenie 'n clop gebruik wn:isvan die twec afmetings mct meer as 0,08 nirn verskil nic. I<ry die gen~iddeldc van die twee nflesincs van elkc (lop.

(b) Repaal die hardh~id van tlic! (octscloppe in in(c1.- nasionalc rubberhardheidsgrade op dit: hinnevlalc van die doppe met behulp \can 'n Milirotoets:ipn~~a~~t.

4.6.3 Prosetlrtri~.-Plaas e m rtrhbzrdop. met die liprar~d na bo, in elk van drie ~.onde glasflesse met regop kitnte, met 'n inhoudsvern~cKZ van ongeveer 475 ml en wat binne ongevcer 100 mm hoog en 75 mnl in diameter is. Plaas een metmlstrooksamestel binne elke dop sodat dic vasgepende ent in aanraking is met die holte van (lie dop en die vry ent na bo in die fles wys. Meng 760 ml vloeistof met 40 ml gedistilleerde water. Gcbruik hierdie nicn~sel om die metaalstrmksan~est in elke fles tot 'n .lIepte van minstens 10 mm bokant die bopunte van die stroke le bedek. Gebruik slegs vertinde staaldeksels met 'n luggat van 0,8&0,1 nim diameter om clie flcs mee toe te maak. Draai die deksels styf toe en plaas die flesse 17,042 u t ~ r lank in 'n oond wat by 100fi.2. O C gehou word. Laat die flesse 60 tot 90 minute lank afkotl cn gbruik dan 'n knyper of hanteertang om die strook~:lrlc~teIle riit die flesse te haal en venvydcr afsaksels wat liggics vasklecf dew elkc samestel in die vloeistof in die betroklte fles rond te beweeg Ondersoek die stroke en llesse vir vasl<lewentlc kristallyne neerslae. llaal die metnalstroke uitme!inar, verwyder vas- klewende vloeistof deur die stroke mr:t water af le spoel en maak die afsonderlike stroke skoon deur Iiulle met 'n doek wat met 95 persent etanol na(gcn1ank is, af te vce. Ondersork ciie stroke vir tekens van ctsing en uitvreting. Plaas die stroke niinstens een uur lank in 'n desiklcator wat bv 2 3 2 5 OC ~ e h o u word. B e ~ a a l die verskil in mnssn van efke strook tordie nnaste 0.1 kg. ncpnal die verskil in massa vnn elke metaalstronk en riccl die verskil cleur die totnle blootgestelde oppervlakte van die metnalstrook uit- gedn~k in v~crkante sentinieter. Rercken die gemiddelde van tlic resultate vir die drie stroke van elke tipe materinnl.

Gebruilc ' n knyper of hnntcert ilng om die rubberdoppe onniiddellili na die afkocltyd uit die flesse te haal en ver- wyder nfsa?(!;els w:lt liggies vasklcef cleur die dop in die vloeistof in die fles rond te beweeg. Spoel die doppe in

removed from the strips, Use a new piece of silicone car- bide p?p-r for each different type of metal. With the exception of the tinned iron strips, polish the strips with No. 00 grade steel wool. Wash the strips. including the tinned iron ones, with 95 per cent ethanol, dry them with n clean lint-free cloth, and place them for at least 1 h in a disiccator maintained at 2 3 t 5 "C. After polishing. hnntllt: tlie strips with clean forceps or tongs to avoid contamination. Determine the mass of each strip to the ne:lrest 0 1 mg and assemblc cacti set of strips on an u~coated steel cotter pin or bolt in the fcllowing order: tinned iron. s?ecl, aluminium, cast iron, brass. and copper. Ensure that the strips are in electrical contact, and except for the cast iron strips bend them so that there is a gap of 3,O k0.5 mm between adjacent strips Tor a distance of about S cm froin the free ends of the strips. Measure !lie total exposed surface area of each strip. I!nmerse thc strip assemblie.; in 05 per cent ethanol and t!~cn handle the111 only wit11 clecln forceps or tongc;. Dry tlic aqscrnblics \\pith driecl ri lr~sc~l cornpressecl air and desiccate the111 at least I I1 bcforc we.

(a) Take tilree styrene-butadiene wheel cylinder rubher cups corresponding in quality to tlie refer'eiice standard of tlie South African Bureau of Standards. Measure to the ne3rest 0,03 mni tile base diameter of thevc cups along the centre linc or !!ye lctterlrig on tlie cup and at right angles to this centre line. Take tlic measurernenl? st least 0,4 mm above the bottom edge and parallel to tile base of the cup. Do not use any cup for which the tv.o measurenicnts differ by more than 0.08 mm. Avesngr: tltc tv:o rcndings of each cup.

(b) 3 y means of a Micro-tester nppar:itus determine on the inner surface of the lest cups thz hardness or the cups in Internnlional Rubber Hardness Degrccs.

4.6.3 Proccclrrre.---Place o11e rubbcr cup, with the lip edge facing up, in each of three straight-sided round glass jars of capacity approximaiely 475 ml and inner dimen- sions of approximalely 100 mm in height and 75 mm in diameter. Insert one metal strip assembly inside each cup with the pinned end in contact with the concavity of the cup and the frec end extending upward in the jar. Mix 760 rnl of fluid with 40 1x1 of distilled water. Use this mixture to cover the metal strip assembly in each jar to a depth of approximately 10 mm above the tops of the strips. To close the jar use orily tinned steel lids vented with n hole of 0,8-+0,1 mln in diameter. Tighten the lids and place the jars in an oven maintained at 1004- 2 OC for 120c2 11%. Allow the iars to cool at 2 3 2 5 "C for 60 to 90 min and then use forceps or tongs to take the strip assemblies out of the jars, removing loose adhering sediment by agitating esch assembly in the fluid in its jar. Examine the strips and jars for adhcaring crystalline deposits, disassemble t11c metal strips, remove adhearing fluid by flushing with urn!cr. and clean iildividual strips by wiping with a cloth wcticd wit11 95 per cent ethmol. Examinc the strips for evidence of etching and pitting. Place the strips in a desiccstor maintained at 2 3 k 5 "C for at leasi an hour. Determine the mass of each strip to the neareyt 0,1 ~ng. Determine thc clifBeretlce in mass of each metal strip and dividc tlie difference by tlie lot31 exposed surface area of the mctnl stsip expressed in square centi- metres. Avcrage the results for the three strips of each type or meczl. Immediately followirig the cooling period use forceps or tongs to remove the rubbcr cups Sroni the jars, removing loosely adlicring scxii~nent by agitation of

Page 11: Hydraulic brake and clutch fluid/ Hidrouliese rem- en


95 persent ctanol af, maak hulk in die lug droog cn ondci- sock hulle vir tckens "all opperv]akdegradcrirlg, blaas- vor~~ling en a~ldcr vorms van disintcgrasic. Beyaal dic hard- heid en basisdiailletcrs volgcns 4.6.2 binnc 15 lllinutc nadat die doppc uit dic vloeistof vcrwydcr is.

Ondersock die rnengscl van vlocistof en walcr vir jcl- vorming. Skud die vloeinof in die flesse on1 alle afsakncl ecnvormig tc vcrsprci, bring '11 100-mI-decl van tlie \'loci- stof uit elkc fles in 'n ka~lvorniige aentdlugcerbuis [Qk (b)] oor en bcpaal dan dic pcrsentasie afsaliscl volgcns 4.6.4.

Meet die pH-\ van dic mcngscl van vlocislof cn watcr volgc~~s 4.S.

4.6.4 tScp~ililrg L-url afsukscl. App~r lmr . (a) Sc~l~rifrrge.-'n Scntrifugc wnt twce of mccr gevultic

sc~~trifugcerbuisc kan draai tecn 'n spoed wat $0 bchcer kan word dal 'n rclalicwc sentrifugale krag van 600-700 by die punk van die buisc vcrkry word.

Bereken dic vcreistc spoed van die draaiendc ko? met bchulp van dic volgcnde vcrgclyliing:

Ltclar rsk = relaticwc senlrifugalc krag; d = diarnctcr van swaai, in scnlimctcr, pcrlicct ltrsscn dic

puntc van tcenoorgcstcldc buisc wannccr hullc i l l 'n drai~ientlc posisie is.

(b) Seri/ wat van dccgiik uilgcglocidc glas gcmank is, met die afnictings in fig. 4 aangczcc en wat duidclik gcgraduccr is. twcc sentrifugccrbuisc of p:irc buisc wat dic toclsvloeislof bcvat tesan:c nict hul ondcrskeic dratapkoppies cn plaas h~illc aali tcenoor- gcstclde karltc van dic scntrifugecrkop. Dsaai hullc dan I0 minutc Junk Lccn '11 tempo wat 'n relaticwe scntrifugalc krag van 600-700 by dic punte van dic draaicndc buisc sal Icwer. I-Ierhaal totdat dic voiurilc afsakscl in clkc buis renlvlocislof konslant bly vir dric opccnvulgcndc allcsings. Arlnic~Xc~ti/rg.-Tclten die genliddclde voIun~c afsaksel op die bodcm van die scntrifugccl.buisc aklit~n~nt tot nli~lslcns 0,1 ml aan.


4.7.1 By --40 "C.-Gooi IGOrk2ml van die vlocistof in 'n 125-ml-nlonstcrbotLc1 mCt '11 buitediameter vail 37:k0,05 Inm cn 'n totale lcngte van 165+12,5 mm. Kurk die bottcl tot en plaas dit 144I+4 uur lanli in '11 bad wat by --40k2 "C gchou word. Haal die bottcl uit dic bad, vcc dit gou aE mct 'n skoon pluislose dock wat dcurwcek is met asetooll of 95 persent ctznol cn bepaal dnn dic dcursigtighcid van dic vlocistof dcur die bottcl teen 'n dckvermoEkaart, wat in ontwerp oorccnslcnl met dic vcnvysingstandaard van dic Suid-Afrikaa~:~~ Uuro vir Standaarde, tc plaas cn die hclderheid van die kontrasstrcpe op dic Icaart waar tc neem wanncer dit dcur clkc deel van dic vlocistof bekyk word. Ondersoek die vloeistof vir laagvorming en afsakking. Kccr die bottel om cn bepaal in sckondcs hoe lank dit dic lugblasie necnl om tot op die oppervlak van die vlocistof te beweeg.

4.7.2 By -50 OC.-Volg diesclfde proscdures wnt in 4.7.1 beskryf word, maar hou die bottcl GeO.3 uur lank in 'n bad wat by -50 OC +2 "C gehou word.

4.8 VERDAMPLNG. 4.8.1. Prosed~rrc.-Bepaal tot die naaslc 0.01 g die niassa

van elk van vier geslote pctribakkics wat ongevcer 100 mm in diameter en 15 mm hoog is. Plaas 2 5 k 1 n ~ l vloei- stof in elk van die vier geweegde bakkies, sit die dcksels op cn bepaal weer die nlassa lot die naastc 0,01 g. Bcpaal die massa van die vloeistof volgcns dic massavcrskil tusscn die vol en die I d bxkkics.

17 JANUARY 1975 No. 4562 IS - thc cup in [hc fu;d in the jar. Rinse lhc cups in 95 p r cent cthanol, air-dry [hcm, and cxarninc thcm for cvidcncc of sloughing. blistcring. and other forms of disintegration. Dctcrminc th2 h3rdricss and base diameters in accordance with 4.6.3 withiil 15 ~n in aftcr removal fro111 thc fluid.

Examine th:: fluid-wakr mixture for jclling. Agitate the liquid tl?e iars to uiiiiormiy suspend scdimcn,,

a .hll of ttle liquid each jar to a cone-sllapud centri lugc lube I~~~ (t,)] and [hell detcrmille cf sedilllclli described in 4.6.4. Measure as dcscribcd in 4.5 ~ h r : pH value of \he fluid- water

4.6.4 Dctcri,~it:ctio~l of .\e(lirilrctif. Apj'rrrtriris.

(a) Ccnrri!irgc.-A ccntrifugc capable oT whirling two or more filled centrifuge tubcs a1 a spccd which can bc controlled to give a rclativc cen~rit'ugal lorcc of 600-700 at thc tip of t l~c tubcs. Calculate thc rcquircd spccd of the rotating licad by means of the lo(lowiily cyuation:

wllerc rcf = rclalive ceritrifugal force d - diamclcr of swi~ig. in ccntimctrcs, rncasurcd bctwcei~

lips of oppositc tubcs whcn in rotating posilion

(b) Ceflirifrrgc 1rrbc.s.-Centrifuge Lubes made of \horougIily nnncalcd glass and having thc di~llcnsions givcn in Fig. 4 and distinct graduations. Procrt1rirc.-- I);\la!lcc the t\v.r cenlrirugc iubes or pair:; of tubrs containii~g the Liquid unclcr test will1 thcir rcsp:ctivc trunion cups and place thcm on opposite sides o[ thc ccntrilugc 1lc:td. l'llcn whirl tllem for 10 snin at a rate sufficicilt to prvducc a rclativc ccntr;tug:il lorce of 660-700 at tlic tips of ~ h c whirlilig 1ub:s. Xzpcat this opcrntion ~ ~ n i i l the volume of sedirncn.t in cnch !uhc con- tailling brakc fluid rcniains constant for thrcc consccutivc readings. Rcc-rditrg. Iiccord tllc avcragc volunlc of scdi- mcnt at [lie botton: of tlic ccritri!'u~o tubcs (c, n i i ;!ccuracy or at Icast 031. ml.


4.7.1 ,.lt -40 or.. place 100-f-2 m! (,I fluid i n a 125 nll bottle ol outside dialnetcr 3 7 ~ 0 , ~ ) s Inm and

lcilgtl, 165&2,5 mm, ~t~~~~~~ the bottle a c3rk and l,!acc for 144k4 h in b3th ma:lnlaincd at - 4 0 ~ 2 OC.

Kcmovc the bottle t11c bath. cluiL.kly wipc tllc bottlc a clean cloth s;lturatcd wit11 acctor~c or 95

per ccllt cthano\, detcrminc tile transparency or t l ~ c fluid by bot~lc ag;linst a lliding power chart corrcs- p3nding in design to refercncc standard or the South African Bureau of Slalldards and by observing the clarity of tllc contrast lints on the chart when viewed through every part of the fluid. Examine thc fluid for stralification and scdimentztion. Invcrt the botllc and determine thc time in seconds required for the air bubblc to travel to the top of the fluid.

4.7.2 .At. -50 OC.-Use the same procedure as dcs- cribed in 4.7.1 but keep the bottle for 6+0,2 h in a bath maintained at -50-+3 OC.


4.8.1 Procedrrru.-Dctcrminc to thc ncarcst 0.01 g the Inass of OF four covered Petri dishes, appn:ximatcly 100 mm in diarllcter 2nd 15 mm high. Place 2 5 t l ml of fluid in each of the four tared dishes, replace the covers, and redetermine the mass to the nearest 0,01 g. Dctcrrninc the mass of fluid from the difference in masscs of the lillcd and empty dishes.

Page 12: Hydraulic brake and clutch fluid/ Hidrouliese rem- en

4.9.1 By - 4 0 OC.-Meng 3,5&0,1 rnl gedistilleercle water met 100&l ml vloeistof en gooi die nicngsel in 'n kdlvormige sentrifilgeerbuis (kyk Fig. 4), soas in (b) beskryf. Kurk die buis toe en plaas dit 24-t-2 uur lank in 'n koue bad wat by -40k02 C gehou word.

Hanl die sentrifugeerbuis uit die bad en vee die buis gou af met 'n skoon pluislose doek wat met asetcon of 95 per- sent etanol deurweek is. Plaas die buis teen 'n dekvermoe- kaart wat in ontwerp ooreenstem met die venvysiging- standaard van die Suid-Afrikaanse Buro vir Standaarde en ncem die helderheid van die kontrasstrepe 'op die kanrt waar wanneer dit deur die vloeistof as geheel bekyk word. Ondersoek die vloeistof vir laagvorm~nl; en afsakking. Xeer die buis om en bepaal in sekondes hoe lank dit die lugblasie neem om tot aan die oppervlak van die vloeistof te beweeg. Daar word geng dat die lugblnsie die oppcrvlak van die vloeistof bereik het wanneer die bopunt van die blasie die 2-ml-gradueermerk van die sentrifugeerbuis bereik.

4.9.2 By 60 OC.-PIaas die sentrifugeerbuis en die vloei- stof wat vir die toets in 4.9.1 gebruik is, 2 4 t 2 uur lank in 'n oond wat by 6 0 2 2 "C gehou word. Haal die buis uit die oond en ondersoek die inhoud onmiddellik vir laag- vorming. Bepaal dan die persentasie afsaksel per volun~e volgens 4.6.4

4.10 MENGBAARHETD. 4.10.1 By 1 0 "C.-Meng 50k0.5 n11 vloeistof met

50+-0,5 ml mengbaarheidsvloeistof wat in kwaliteit oor- eenstem met die verwysingstandaard van die Suid- Afrikaanse Buro vir Standaarde, gooi hierciie mengsel in 'n kdlvormige sentrifugeerbuis (kyk Fig. 4) snos in (b) beskryf cn kurk dit toe. Plaas die sentrir11g;erbuis 24+2 uur lank in 'n bad wat by -40t2 "C ~ C I Z O U word. Haal die sentrifigeerbuis uit die bad en vee die buis gou af met 'n skoon pluislose doek wat met asetoon of 95 persent etanol deunveek is. Plaas die buis teen 'n dekvernio5- kaart wat in ontwerp ooreenstcm met die verwysing- standaard van die Suid-Afrikaanse Buro vir Standaarde en neem die helderlieid van die kontrasstrepe op die kaart wnar wanneer dit deur die vloeistof as ~ehee l bekyk word. Ondersoek die vloeistof vir laagvorniing cn afsakking.


Haal die deksels af, keer llulle om en plaas elke bakkie binne-in sy deksel in 'n bo-ontlugte, swanrtekr~gkonvcksic- oond by 100-1-2 "C; IIOLI hicrdie temperatuur 4Grir2 uur Innk in stand.

Haal die bakkics uit dlc oond, sit die dc1;sels weer op, vcrkocl ecn uur lank in 'n desikkntcr tat 2 3 2 5 OC cn bepaal rlie massa van elkc bnkkie. Ploas nl tlic balilties nog 2452 uur lank terug in die oond; ~el.licleF cn bepnnl (lie mass2 soos voorhecn. 1:ldien die gen~idclelde verlles by verdamping na 7 2 5 4 11ur minder as 60 pzrsent (m/m) is, moet die toets gestaak word. So nie, hou inn met liierdie proscdurc totdnt ewewig b~reik is, sons axngedui dcur 'n massaverlies van minder 3s 0.25 g in 24 u u ~ c ~ p clke bakkic, of tot na ve r loo~ van sewc d a ~ , Walter ock ill eersre plans- vind.

4.8.2 Brrekening.-Ecrckcn die pcrscntnsie vloeistof wat uit clke bakkie verdamp (let, bepazl rlic gcnliddelde van die resilllate en teken hicrdic syfer 3.; die vertlnmpingr- verlies ann.

4.8.3 Kwclliteit vcrtr r ~ s i ( . - 0 d 0 die residu in dic bakkics na 1 uur by 23&5 "C vir voldocning aan 3.9.3- deur e n i g afsaksel met die vingerpunt te vryf on1 vas te stel of grinterigheid en grofheid aan- of afwesig is.

4.8.4 Vloeiprtnt vntr re.rirlrt.--Voeg die residu van al vier bakkies bymekaar in 'n 125-ml-monsterbottel (soos in 4.7.1 beskryf) en bewaar 60+10 minute lank vertikaaI in 'n koue bad by -5+1 OC. Haal die bot[cl vinnig uit en plaas dit in 'n horisontale posisie. Die residu moet binne 5 sekondes minstens 5 mm langs die bottel afloop.

4.9 WATERTOLERANSIE. 4.9.1 Ar -40 "C.-Mix 3,5-t0.1 ml of distilled water

with lOOt l ml of fluid and paur the mixture into a cone- shaped centrifuge tube (see Fig. 4) as describcd in (b). Stopper the tube with a cork and place it for 2 4 t 2 h in a cold bath maintained at - 4 0 r t 2 "C. Remove the centrifuge tube from the bath, and quickly wipe tlie tube with a clean lint-free cloth saturated with acetone or 95 per cent ethanol. Place the tube against a hiding power chart correspznding in design to the reference standard of the South African Bureau of Standards, and observe the clarity of the contrast lines on the chart when viewed through the fluid as a whole. Examine the fluid for strati- fication and sedementation. Invert the tube and determine the time in szc3nds required for the air bubble to travcl to th: top of the fluid. The air bubble shall be considered to have reachcd the top of the fluid when the top of the bubble reaches the 2 ml graduation mark of the centrifuge tube.

4.9.2 At 60 "C.-Place, for 2 4 a 2 h, the centrifuge tube and Fluid rlserl for the test given in 4.9.1 in an oven maintained at 6 0 2 2 "C. Remove the tube from the oven and immediately examine the contents for stratification. Then determine the percentage by1 volume of sediment as described in 4.6.4.


17 JANUARIE 1975

Remove thc cavers, invert lheln. place cacli dish inside its covcr in 3 top-vented, gravity-convection oven at 1001t-2 "C; maintain this tcmperature for 46-1-2 hs. Removc the dishrs rrom the oven, replacc the covers, cool in n clesiccat,-r to 23-1-5 "C lor 1 11, and determine the mass nl eac?~ dish. Return all tlie dishes to the oven for a further 2 4 3 ~ 2 1:s. cool and detcr~nine the nlnss as before. 1f aL the end o l 7 2 4 4 h q thc average loss by evaporation is less thnn 60 per cent (~n/m), terminate the test. Otlier- wisc, continuc this procedure until equilibritlm is reached 3s evidenced by mass loss of less than 0.25 g in 24 hs on each dish, or until seven days have elapsed, whichever occurs first.

4.8.2 Co~c.lf/~l,rio,l.-~n~cII~ate me of fluid evaporated from each dish, average tlie results, and record this figllre as ti,e loss by evaporation.

4.8.3 Qrlcr/i:>, of rp.yi(]l,e.-Exanline the residue in the dishes at t h ~ , end of 1 11 at 2 3 k 5 OC for compliance with 3.9.2 by rubbing any sediment with a fingertip to estab- lish the presence or absence of grittiness and abrasiveness.

4.8.4 Porrr pninf of resillre.-Combine the residue from all four disli-,s in a 125 ml sample bottle (as described in 4.7.1) ar.d Store vertically in a cold bath at -541 "C for 60210 min. Qu'ckly remove the bottle and place it in a horizontal position. The residue must flow not less than 5 mm along the bottle within 5 s.


4.10.1 At - 4 0 "C.-Mix 5 0 t 0 , 5 ml of fluid with 50&0,5 ml o.! compatibility flt~id corresponding in quality

I to the reference standard of the South African Bureau of Standards. Pour this mixture into a cone-shaped centrifuge tube (see Fig. 4) as described in (b), and stopper with a cork. Place the centrifuge tube for 241-2 h in a bath maintained at - 4 O k 2 "C. Remove the centrifuge tube from the bath and quickly wipe the tube with a clean lint-free cloth saturated with acetone or 95 per cent ethanol. Place tlie tube against a hiding power chart corresponding in design to the reference standard of the South African Bureau of Standards, and observe the clarity of the contrast lines on the chart when viewed through the fluid as a whole. Examine the fluid for stratification and setlinientation.

Page 13: Hydraulic brake and clutch fluid/ Hidrouliese rem- en

CiO'![lKNhlENT C<\%LiTTE. 17 JhNUhRl' 1375 NO. 45Gt 17

4.10.2 Up 00 "C.-Plus dic s c n t r i ; ' ~ ~ ~ c ~ r h ~ ~ i s cn clic VIOL-i - slof wat vir die tocts in 4.10.1 gcbruik is 241-2 uur lank i;l 'n oond wal by 6 0 t 2 "C gchou ~vurcl. I-fanl die b ~ ~ i s uit die oond en ondcrsock dic inlioud on~~iield::liik vii l u g - vomling. l3cpaal dan dic pcrscnlasic ~~Tslks-1 pcr volunic volgcns 4.6.4.

4.1 1 BESTAND:-IElD TEEN OXSI DASIE. 4.1 1.1 Voorbr~rcitli~l:: vrin t~?ii~r~l.s/r:)k.r..-G.:ail V O I ~ L ' I I S

4.6.1 te wcrk om drie stcllc aluniini~~im- cn gictys:cr- korrosictoctsstrc~!~e, wat in snmcslc!ling co afmctings 00s- eenstcni. inct die \.an cli;: Suid- Afrikaansc Buro vir S1andriar.d~. voor t: bcrci cn siiotjn Ie maak, 13cpaal die filassa van ellie s:rool: iot tlic na;is[c 0,l rns en nlontecr 'n strook van clkc m:'a:~l op 'n onbcdcktc staalspy; skci die slrook aan clkc punt m-t 'n stuk linfoclic )vat 'n opporv1al:lc v;ln oilgcv-cr 12 mnl' he1 en tussep 0.02 cn 0.06 nim dik is. D'c 1inTodic nloet nlinstens 99.9 pcrsxt tin en hoogs!ens 0,025 pcrscnt lood bevat.

4.1 1.2 Voorlrereidi/r,q vutz toefsvloc.islo/.-Plnas 30-t- 1 ml vloeistof in '11 toetsbuis mct 'n dianlctcr van 27, nlnl en 'n lengte van 175 mm. Gooi dun ook 6 0 t 2 nlg reagens- graad bcnsoi'elperoksicd en 1,5+0,05 ml gcd;stillcerde watcr in die buis. Kurk die buis toe cil skud die inhoud sonder dat die oplossing dic prop nalnlaak. Plaas d;c toc- gekurkte buis 120+10 minute lank in 'n oond by 70+2 "C ell skud dit elkc 15 minutc om die pcroksiccl op te 10s. Haal die buis uit die oond cn I n u t dit tot 2 3 2 5 "C afkocl. Gebruik hicrdic toctsmcncscl binnc 24 uur nadat - dit uit diz ooild gel~aal is.

. 411 1.3 Pro.xedi,re.-Sny '11 stirccnbutndiccn-wiclsilind:r- rubberdop in agt dele van ongevccr gclyke m a w en plaas een deel o ~ ~ d e r in clk van dric toctsbuisr: wat ong:veer 22 mm in diameter en 175 rllm lank is. Gooi 10 ml van die voorbreide toetsvloeistof in clke toclsbuis. I'laas 'n mctaal- strooksalllcstel in elkc buis sodat dic vry cnte van die stroke op die rubber rus en dic vlocistof ongzveer cell helfte van die stroke bedek en dic en1 nlet die spy bokant die vloeistof uitsteek. Kurk die buise ~ o c en bewaar I~ulle 70+2 uur lank in 'n regop posisic by 23-1-5 "C. Maak die kurkproppc 10s. plaas die buise 168 -1-2 uur lank in 'n oond wat by 7 0 2 2 "C gehou word, haal die mctaalstrokc dan uil die oond en haal Ilulle uitmckaar.

4.1 1.4 01uIer.soek cn berelictling.-Ondcmck die stroke vir gomnccrslae. Vee die strokc af met 'n doek wat in 95 persqnt etanol gcwcck is cn ondersock llitlle vir uit- vreting, etsing of grofhcid van die oppervlakkc. Plaas dic strokc minstcns cen uur lank in '11 dcsikkator wat by 2 3 k 5 "C gehou word. bepanl d:~n die massa van clkc strook tot die naastc 0.1 mg cn bepaal d c verlics as gcvolg van oksidasic dcur dic massaverskil van clke rnctaalstrclok deur die totale blootg-,stcldc oppcrvl:ili~~ van clkc mctaal- strook, uitgedruk in vicrkanlc scntiinctcr, te dccl. Tckcn die gcnliddelde van die resultate vir d'c dric slroke van elke tipe melaal afsondcrlik tot dic naastc 0.05 nlg per

4.10.2 A( 00 "C.-Placc, Tor 2 4 k 2 11, the ccntrifugc t~rbc and flui~l LI',cLI I'or Lhc tc.,t rlescribcd in 4.10.1 in iln ovcn main!ainzil at GO"? "C. Rcnlovc tlic tube froin ttrc. ovcr~ ancl iminccliulcly cx:lminc lhc cunlcnth for :;tr:iti- ficntion. l'licn dcicrminc tile pcrccnlngc by volun~c ol scdimcxt ;IS dcscribccl in 4.6.4.


4.1 1 .I Pi.c>l)ur.ttiio~l o/ ~tit~flil .strip.v.-l'r.cpare and clear: as dcscribctl in 4.6.1 tIi;.cc s:ts of ;~luii~inium anti casf iron corrosio~i tcst s i ~ i i ! ~ c~,ricsponding in cornposiliol- and LIimcnsIons will1 tllc rcfctcficc standard of thc Souil~ Al'ricn~t E~lrcn~r o f St;~nclanls. Dctcr11:inc thc mass of cacll h!l.i!) to the ncarcst 0.1 [:I: and a:.s:rnbic ;L atrip of c;lcli metal o n an uilcoatccl s t c~1 ci):ter I I ~ I ~ , scpariiting lhc stril- at cach cnd with a piccc of tiiifoil approximrttcly 12 nim' in arc1 ant1 bcl\vccn 0.02 ; ~ n r i 0.06 Inn1 in ~hickncss. l 'hc tinfoil sllrill conbin at Icu:;! 99,9 1)cr ccnl of tin and no1 morc t11;un 0.015 pcr ccnt of lead.

4.1 1.2 f r r i i i 1 i t ~ . i r ~ . - - P I t c c 3 0 k 1 nll ol fluid in a tcbt tubc of diamctcr 22 1nm and length 175 mm. Add 6 0 t 2 mg of rcagznt grade bcnzoyl pcroxidc and 1,5+-0.05 ml o f distilled water to the tub:. Stoppcr the tubc and shake the contents without allowing the solution to wet the slopper. Placc the sloppercd tube in an ovcn at 7 0 k 2 "C for 1201tIO win, shaking cvery 15 min, to dibsolve thc pcroside. Rcmovc tltc tub,: fror~l the ovcn and allow to cool to , 2 3 t 5 "C. Usc this tcst mixturc no1 latcr than 24 h aCtcr rcnluval fro111 Lhc ovcn.

4.1 1.3 /-'rtreilirrc.--Cut n slyrcnc-butadicne wheel cylin- : der rubbcr cup into eight acctions of approximately C ~ L I ~ I I mass and place one section in thc botton~ of each of thrcc

' test tubcs 33 ntlli in diamcicr and 175 mnl in Icngth. Add 10 ml of the prepared test mixturc to each tcst tube. Placc a nietal strip :tssembly in cach tube with the lrce cnds of the strips resting on thc rubber, thc tcst mixturc covering about one-half thc length of thc strips, and the cnd having thc cotter pin projecting above the fluid. Stopper the tubcs with corks and store t11i.m upright for

I 70&2 h at 2 3 k 5 "C. Loosen the stoppers, placc the tubcs Cor 16Y+2 11 in an oven maintained at 7 0 k 2 "C and then reiuovc and disasscmblc the metal strips.

4 I . i ~ ~ u i t urld culcrr1tiiio11.-Exanlinc thc strips for gum deposits. Wipe the strips with a clolli soaked in 95 pcr ccnt ethanol and examine for pitting. etching or rougtlcning of thcir surfaccs. Place the strips for at least 1 11 in a.desiccator maintained at 23+5 "C, then dzterniine the Inash of cach strip to the ncarcst 0.1 1 1 1 ~ . and dctcrnminc the loss caused by oxidation by dividing t l ~ c diffcrcncc in mass of cach ~llclal strip by the tot;il exposed surface area of each nletal strip cxpresscd in square ccntirnetrcs. Record, to the nearest 0.05 mg p!~. cnla. the avcragi: of the rcsults for the three strips ot each type of 'metal separatcly.

.4.12 INVLOED OP RUBBER. 4.12.1 Rubberdoppe.-Vier wielsilindcrdoppc van stir-

ecnbutadieenrubber wat in kwalitcit oorcenstcm me1 die verwysingstandaard van die Suid-AFrikaanse. Buro vir Standaarde. Meet die basisdiamctcr cn h;trdhe'd van elke dop onderskeidelik volgens 4.6.2 (a) cn 4.G.2. (b). Mocnic 'n dop gebruik waarvan die twce bxsisdiall~etcrariuclings met meer as 0,08 mm verskil nic.

4.12.2 Pros.ditre. (a1 By 70 "C.-Plaas twcc: rubbcrdonn.-, in 'n sil'ndriese

glasfles met rcguit kante. met 'n inhoudsvcnnoi! van ongeveer 250 ml en wat aan die binnekant ongevcer 125 nim hoog en 50 mm in diameter is. Gooi 75 ml vloeistof in die flcs. Maak die flcs toe met 'n vertindc staaldeksel. Vcrhit die flcs 1201-2 uur lank bv 70 1-2 "C. Zaat die

cni2 aan.

4.12.1 Rubber nrps.-Four styrene-butadienc whecl cylindcr rubbcr cups corrcsponding in quality to the reference standards OF the South African Bureau of Standards. Measure the base diameter and hardness of cach cup as describd in 3.6.2 la) and 4.6.3 (b) respectively.

Do not use. any cup for which the two base dianictcr mcasurcrnents differ by morc than 0.08 mm.


(a) Ar 70 "C.-Placc two rubber cups in a straight- sicicd cyliil:lrical glass jar having a capacity of about 250 nll and insitlc dimensions oC approximately 125 n1111 in height' and 50 mm in diameter. Add 75 ml of fluirl to the jar. Close the jar tightly with a tinned stccl lid. Heat tlic jar for 1 2 0 ~ 2 h at 70-t-2 OC. Allow the jar to cool

Page 14: Hydraulic brake and clutch fluid/ Hidrouliese rem- en

No. 4567,

fles 60-39 minute lank by 33+5 "C afkoel. Haal die doppe uit die fles, was die doppe onmiddellilc nict 95 persent etanol en laat huilc in die lug droog word. Onder- soek die doppe vir disintcgrasie, wilt blyk i ~ i t klew=.righeid. hlaasvorniing of oppervlakdegrndcring. Mcet die basis- diameter en l~~trtlheid van elke dop ondcrskeidclik volgens 4.6.11 (a) en 4.6.1, (b) binnc 15 minute nadnt dic doppe uit clie vloeislof gehaal is.

(b) By 120 "C.-Plans dic ander twee rubberdopp-. in 'n 351)-ml-glnslPics wat van 'n deksel voorsien is (kyk (a) liierbo). Gooi 75 n ~ l vloeisto[ in die flcs en verliit 70-t-2 uur lank by 170-t-2 OC. t : ~ t die fies 69-40 minute lank by 2 3 2 5 OC afkoel. I-!LI;LI die doppc uit clic fles, was die doppe onmiddellik nlet 95 pers-nt etanol en Iant hulle in die lug ell-oog word. O~rlersoek die doppe vir disintegrasic, wnt blyk uit kltwerighcici, bla;tsvorming, of <,ppe~.vlakdegradcri~ig. Meet die bnsisdiamc:er en hard- 4.6.7, (b) binnc 15 ti~inutc nadat die dnppc uit die vloei- stof ge11:tal is.


4.13.1 Toc,fsr!p,wr~ut rn ?tr:rter.iclrrl.--'11 Slagrc,t.lsappa- mat (kyk Fig 5) wat in ontwerp en ontlerdcel!twaliteit oor- eenstem met die verwvsingstandaard van die Suid- Afrikaanse Buro vir, en \vat uit die vnlgcn.rle hestaan:

(a) IlooJsilint!~~r.ron~est~l.-'n Niiwe hidrouliese rem- stelsilinder met 'n binnedianleter van ongcvecr 28 mm en 'n gictystcronihulsel en wat van 'n onb:~tleIite sraalstnan- pyp voorsien is. Die suiers nioet van Iiopcrbasis- lcgering wces.

(b) Netn.~rrr~re.stell~~.-Vier nuwe liirlruulicsi: remwiel- silindcrsan1estellc van die regui~honrtiyrc in gietyster- omhulsels nlet dinn~cters van ongeveer 7,s Inn1 en suicrs wat van nie-gcanodiseerdc ;~lcminium!cgcring gcmank is. I:lke salliestcl moet 'n voren!oeremsltoen met voering, 'n trurenishnen met voerinp, '11 voor!romnlelsalneslcl en tlie nodigc salnestclonderdele h&.

(c) Rmm(lrrik~:~erX-rt~egfiirisr~l,-.-'n Wcrl;mcganisme om Iir;tg sonder sydruk op di,n stootstang van die hoofsilinder :tan te wend.

Die liocvcell~eid krng wnt tleur tlic wcrkmegnnisme 3nn- gewend word, n~oet vcrstclbnnr wces en moet gcnocg clr~lk op die hoofsilinder k:ln nnnwend om 'n krag van minstens 6 900 1cPa in die nngcbootste reinstelsel tc veroorsaak. 'n I-Iidroulicse fiicicr of drukregislrccrrlcr met 'n bestek van niinstens 0-6 900 kPn moet in die s~elscl gei'nstalleer wees en moet van 'n afsluitklep cn 'n bioeililep voorsien \vccs om lug [l i t die vcrbintlingspype te verwyder.

Die werkmeganisnie moet veranclcrbare slagtempo's van ongeveer 1000 slae per uur toelaat. 'n Meganiese of elcktriese teltoestel moet gcbruik word o1~1 die totale getal slae aan te tcken.

(d) Verlritte Iri,qkrrhin~t.---'n Geisoleerdc knhinet of oond uat groot genoeg is om dic vier genlon(ecrde wielsili~itler- snn~estelle, die hoofsilinder en die nodige verbindings te bcvat en wal 'n tcrniostanrl~el~cerde verwarn~ings!elsel Iiet uraarmee die ternperatuur op 1201-5 "C gehou kiln word. Verwamlers moct afgeskcrni wees om direkte straling na clie wiel- en hoofsilinder te voorkom.

4.1 3.2 Voorhereiding v(r11 tfi~tsnppnmnif. (a) Wiel.silinrl~~r.s(~mcstclle.-Hanl die sirinders uitmekaar

en gooi dic rubbcrdoppc v~cg. Maak alle metnnltlele met 05 persent ctanol skoo!! en ninak i l i t nlet skoon snani- gcperste lug clroog. Ondcrsoek die wcr-koppervlnkke van i~lle metaaldele vir st~~kkenclskuring, skaafple!ike, uit- vreting of groflieid van die silinderwand en vervang alle nebrekkige dele. Verwyclcr vlekke op silindcrmlande met i. n growwe ski~urdoek cn 95 persent etanol. lndien htllle vlcklcc nie verwyder kan word nie, vervnng die silinder.


kt 23+5 OC for 60-90 min. Reniove the cups from the nrs, wash the cups immediately with 95 per cent ethanol, lnd air-dry them. Examine the cups for disintegration as :videnced by stickiness, blistering, o r sloughing. Within IS min after renloval from the fluid measure the base lianleter and hardness of each cup as described in 4.6.2 (a) I I I ~ 4.6.2 (b) respectively.

(b) At 120 OC.-Place the other two rubber cups in a !50 ml glass jar with licl [see (a) above]. Add 75 rnl of h i d to tlie jar and heat for 7 0 k 2 h at 120rk2 O C . Allow :hc jar to cool at 2 3 k 5 "C for 60-90 min. Remove the :ups from the jars, ill~mediately wash the cups with 95 3er cent ethanol, :~nd :~ir-dry them. Examine the cups for .lisintegration as cvitlenced by stickiness, blis:ering, or iloughing. Within IS min after removal from the fluid lneiisllre the base diameter and hardncss of each cup 1s described in 4.6.2 (:I) and 4.6.2 (b) respectively.


4.1 3.1 Tc.~t nppflrntrrs nrld in~trria!.s.-A strokinq test appnrL\!us (see Fig. 5 ) corresponding in desist1 and coni- ponent qu:~lity to the reference siundard 111 t i l t Soulh African 13~1reau of Stacrlards and consisting of t he rollowing:

(a) Rfuster cylirlJrr rrssei~lh!y.-A new hydl aulic brake system cylinder that has iln inside diameter of approxi- mately 28 mm, a cast iron housing and is fil:eti with an i~ncoated steel stand pipe. The pijton shall be of half hard cnppcr bnse alloy.

(b) h'rokc* cir.v~tiihlies.---Four new sfr;~Ight Fore tiytlraulic brake wlicel cy!inder ;~sscniblies in cast iron hoasings thst have diameters of :ipproxininlely 2X mm and pistons m:tde from unanotlizcd aluminium alloy. Each asscmbly shall have n forwarcl br;tke shoe with lining, a reverse brake sl:oc v,titli lining. a front brake drum nssen~b!~, anrl the necessary as!;en~blqr components.

(c) Rrc~kifig pl.e:;.vlire nctlrotittg ~iecltrrnisr~l.-An actuating meclianism for applying a force, frcc froni side- tltrust, to the master cylincler push rod.

The amount of force applied by th,n actuating n~echanism shall be i~iljustnbl:: and capable of ;Ipp!yIng sufficient thril~t to tlic mnsfer cylinder to create a pressure of at least 6 900 kPa in the siml~l:l!ed brake system. A hydraulic gauge or pressure recordor that has a range of at least 0-6 900 k P i ~ silnll he inst~tlled in the system and shnll be provided with a shut-off valve and with a bleeding valve for removing air from the connect- ing tubing. 'l'he actuating mechanism shall permit adjustable stroking rates O F approximately 1 000 strokes per hour. A mechanical or electrical counter shnll be used to record tlie total number of strokes.

(d) Ile(lrcd air ctr!)irieI.-An insulated cabinet or oven t11:lt has sufficient capacity to house the fotlr nlounted wheel cylinder a\semhlies, nlaster cylinder, :~nf.l necessary connections and having a thermostatically cnntrolled heating system to maintain a temperature of 12055 "C. Heaters shall be shielded to prevent direct radiation to wheel and master cylinders.

(a) IVhcr! cyli~rdt,r n.cvri~lhlies.-Disassemble the cylin- .lers and disc:trcl the rubber cups. CIcan all metal parts ,vith 95 per cent etlznnol and dry with clean compressed ~ i r . Inspect the working surfaces of all metal parts for scoring, galling, pitting, and cylinder bore roughness, and replace all defective parts. Remove any stains on cylinder rvnlls with coarse abrnsive cloth and 05 per eelit cthanol. II stains alnnot be removed, replace the cylinder.

Page 15: Hydraulic brake and clutch fluid/ Hidrouliese rem- en


Mcct dic binnedian~ctcr van clke silinder by vicr posisics ongevccr I9 llim van clkc cnt van die sil i~~derwa~ld aE dcnr dic afn~ctings in ly~i nmcl die liidroulicsc inlaatopcrling cu loc>dscg o p lticrdic hnrtlyn tc 11cai1. Vcrvang dic sili~ldcr indicn e~tigccn van ltierdic vicr aflcsings ondcrskcidelik die malisimum of ~ninintu~n grcnsc van 28,66 of 2Y.GO mtn oorskry. Mcct die buiiedianlcler van clke suier by twec posisics wal ongcvccr 90 grad:: uit nlckartr is. Vcrvang 'n suicr i~idicn eeti van die twcc aflcsings onderskcidelik dic n~altsinlunl of minimum ercnse van 28.55 of 28.52 mm oorskry. Sock die dclc it om te verscker dat die vry r~linitc tusscn clkc silindcr cn passilindcr bir:nc 0,OR-4.13 n1nl is.

Gcbruik nuwe doppe van st ircenbu~adieeilr~~bber wat in Icwalitcit norcenstcm nici dic vcrwysin~siandaa~d van die Silid-Afrikaans? Ruro vir Standaardc.

Mank sckcr dat allc doppc pluisloos en so~:der vuilighcid is en mocliic 'n dop gcbr2ik v~ut gcbreltc soos snye, vornl- delcktc of blasics hci nic. hdcct die lip- cn bnsisdiantclcrs van allc loctsdoppc tot dic nass:c 0.03 mm langs tlic liart- Jyn van dic Icttcr!; op dic dop cn loodrcg op 11icrdic liarllyn. Bepaal die bnsisdiamctcraf~m~ctings biiinc 0,3 mnl van die ondcrslc rand cu parallcl llict die bnsis van die dop. Mocnic 'n dop gebruik waarvan die lyn- of basisdiarnctcrs met n:ccr as 0,03 11ln1 vcrsliil nic. Berzkcn die jienliddcldc van die !ip- en basisdiamctcrs van elkc dop. Bcl~aal dic Ilardhcid v;tn al die doppe volgens clie pros;.durc in 4.62 (b). blaak die rubbcsdclc met 95 pcrsent clan01 en '11

pluislosc dock skoon. Droog nlct s!ioon saa~ngcperslc lug. Doop cli,: ri~bber- en ii1ctna1d:lc van die wielsilindcrs, maar nic dic O I ~ ~ ~ U I S L ' I S CII ruI>I~crslofskcr~n nic, in dic vlocistof wat getoets nzocl \vord cn i~zstallccr hullc in dic silindcrs. Wcrk die silindcrs me1 die hand 0111 S C I ( C ~ te maak dat hulk maklik wcrk. Inslallccr tlic silindcrs in die nagcboolstc rcmstelscl.

(b) lloo~.silirrdcrsun~~'s~~l.-Hnal die l~oofsilindcr LI i t - ntcknar cn gooi a1 die rubbcrondcrdclc wcg. Maak a1 die melaaldcle slioon en meet liullc volg,-ns 4.13.2 (a). Gcbruik nuwc doppc van stirecnbutadiccr,rubber wat in kwaiilcit oorcen.stcm met die vcrwysingstandaard vnrm clic Suid- Afrikaanse 13uro vir Standnarde en wat volgcns 4.13.2 (a) ondcrsock en skoongenlaak cn volgcns 4.6.2 (a) gerueet is. Voordat die lip- en basisdianlctcrs van die sckondCrc dop bepaal word, doop di:: dop in dic toctsvloeislof, nlonlecr dil in dic suier en liou dic samcstcl minslcns 12 uur lank in die vcrlikale posisic by 2 3 3 3 "C. Ondersoek dic onllas- cn toevc~crpoorte van dic hoofsiliildcr cn vcrvang die silindcr indicn hicrdie poortc brame of draadrande hct. Mcct die birinediameler van dic silindcr by twec posisics: ongcvecr 1t:tlfpad tusscn die onllas- cn tocvocrpoorte en ongevccr 19 mm andcrkant die ontlaspoorl in die rigting van dic bodcm of uitlaatcnt van die silindcr en liccrn afmctings by elkc posisic op die vertilialc cn Itorisontalc harllyn van die silindcr. Vcrvang dic silindcr indien 'n aflcsine nndcrskcidclilc die maksinlu~n or minimum grense van 28.65 oE 28.57 mm oorskry.

Mcct elkc buitcdianlctcr van tlic I~oofsiIindersuier by twec punte wat ongcvccr 90 grade uit ~nekaar is. Vcrvang dic suicr inilicn ecn van hicrclic vicr silinders ondcrskcidc- lik die mnksimunl of minimum grcnsc van 28,55 of 28.52 nim oorskry.

Doop clic rubber- en ~nctaaldclc van dic hoofsilinder, maar nic clie omliulsel en stootstang-stolskcr~iisa~llcstcllc nic. in dic vlocistof wat gctoets lnoct word en irlstallccr hullc: in die silindcr. Wcrk J ie hoofsilindcr met die hand orn sckcr tc innak dat dit maklik werk. Installeer dic hoolsilinclcr in die nngcbootsc rc~nstelscl.

(c) A,I'o~~/crillg CII stel vmz toe/.wrppa~~rrrr!.-Stcl dic trry rtiimtc van die reniskocntoon op 1 ,O1+0.1 nirrl nadat die wic1:;ilindcrsamcskllc cn ItoofsilI~~dcr gci'nslallccr is. Vul die slelscl Inet die ioctsvloeis~ol cn bloci a1 dic wid- silindcrs en die druknietcr om vasgckccrdc lug i~ i t ciic stclscl tc vcrwydcr.

Mcasurz t l~c internal dia~netcr OF cach cylindcr at lour positions approximately 19 mnt fro111 cach end of tlic cylindcr h) rc by taking the 1:leasurcmcnts in line wit11 tllc hyilr:~ulic ii~lcl npcning and at right angles lo this ccutrl: linc. Rcplacc IIIC cylinclnr i f al?y of thcse four rcadings excced mr!xirnu1:1 or n~ini~nnr~t lintits of 28.66 or 25.60 nlm rc.spwtively. R4cas~ii.c tile oi~t..';i'Jc diameter of caul1 pihion ut positiol~s approxin?atcIy 90 Jcgrces apart.

Kcplaci: any piston if citl~cr reading cxczrds rnaxilnultl or rnini~iiuiu limits ol 2S.55 or 28,52 111111 rcspwlively. Selccl tlic partx to insure tliat ill^ clearance bctviccn each pis:on and mating cylindcr is within 0,08-0.13 ntnt. Usc tllc new styrcnc-butadicne rubb:r cups corrcspondil'tg in quality io tlic rcfcrcncc sian2:u.d~ of the Soi~tlt African i3urcair uf Sta~~durJs. E~lsurl: il?at :ill cu[)s arc free ~rtIll1 lini ant1 dirt :ind do no1 ~ : s c any cup which Ilas ddccts SUCII as cuts. ~noi~lJii!g flaws, or blistc1.s. Mcnsurc 1~~ tlic ncarcst 0.02 mm the lip and base diantctcr of 211 test cup5 nlong [lie centre line of L ~ I C 1cttr:rirtg olt lhc clip 2nd at right angles to tliis ccntrc liil~. D;tcr~iiinc the basc diamctcr mcas\trclnents at least 0.4 n ~ n l above thc bollonl edgc an3 p2rallcl to LIIC basc [lie cup. I>o not 11s: any cup of ~:.hiclt ~ l i c lip or bjsc dianlcters differ by morc than O.GS Inn]. hveragc tLhc lip nl~d bdsc dia~ltcterb of eac11 cup. Dcterminc thc hardncss of 311 cups by the procedure spccificl in 4.6.2 (b). Clwn the rubbcr parts with 95 per cznt ctlianol and li~it-frc; clotli. Dly \villi com- prcss:cl air. \?ritli the cxccption ul housings and ritbbcr book dip tlic i.ubbcr aiid itl:tal parts of tlic whccl cyliildcrs in tliz fluid to bc tested an:! install them in tlic cylindcrh. Opcxlc thc cylindcrs manu;tIIy to ensure thi~i !hey operate easily. I:ls!ail the cylindcrs in t!tc sintulcLcd br::kc systcnt.

Ib) Muster. r!eli:~di~r ~vsr~n~b/y.-Disast,c~~iL~Ic thc master cylindcr and clibcard all r u b b ~ r cilntponcnls. Clcan and nlcasure all ntctal componi i i t sx d~sil.ibL-Yi in 4.13.2 (a). Use new styrc~c-butadicncdic rubbcr cups corresponding in quality to thc rclcrcncc standard of the South ATrican Dtirc:mu of Standards which have bcsn insl~ccted and clcnnetl :IS described in 4.13.2 (a) arlci ~neasurcd as desuil)ed in 4.6.2 (a). Prior to dctcrnmining the lip and bass diamclcrs of thc secondary C L I ~ , dip ~II:: cup in the test fluid, assc~nblc on tlic pistoll. and ~:taintain tllc assembly a1 2 3 ~ 5 O C for 31 Icusl 12 11 in a vertical posilion. Inspccl Llie rzlicf anif supply porls of the nlaslcr cylumdcr UICI rcplace ihc cylinder if Lhcsc ports havc burrs or wirc cdgcs. Measurc tllc intcrnal diaitlctcr oE tllc cylindcr ;it two positions: al~prosirn:itcly nlid\i.ay bctwccn tlic relicf and si~pply paris and apl~roximatcly 19 nzm ~beyoncl LIE relic[ port towards thc boltom or discliargc cnd of thc bor,rc, taking nlcasui-srncitts at cacl~ position on [he vcrlical and horizontal ccntrc lines of the bore. Kcplacc tllc cylindcr iE any reading CXCCCLIS niaxim~i~it or mininiu~n liniits of 28-65 or 2557 ninl r ~ s ~ ~ c ~ t i ~ c l y . Mcasurc each of the outside dianicters oC tltc mastcr cylindcr pision at two poinis approximr~tcly 90 dcgrcc:; .apart. I<cplace the piston if r:ily oT thcsc four readings exceed nlaximum or minin~urd limits o l 1,Y,55 or 28,52 ml:) respectively.

a Except Cur the housing and pu;h rod-boot assembly, dip thc rubbcr and metal parts oE tilc master cylinder in thc' fluid to be tcstcd and inslall thcnl in thc cylindcr. Opcratc U1c master cylindcr nlanually to ensure that i t opcratc, cisily. Inslail the mastcr cylindcr in the si~nulated braLC syslem.

(c) A.s.\cI?~/?~J~ ili/(l ailjltsf111~1zt O/ / C S ~ CI~~U~U~LIS.-W~LII Lhc whccl cyliridcr a.,scmblies and mastcr cylinc!er insta1lc.l. ndjusl the brake shoe toc clearance to 1,OtO.l n11il. Fill the syslctn with the tcsl Iluid and blccli all wl~ccl cylirlrlcrs and the prastirc gauge to rcmovc cntrapppcd air f ro~n Lhe systcm.

Page 16: Hydraulic brake and clutch fluid/ Hidrouliese rem- en

No. 4562 STl\A?'SKOERANT, 17 JAN UARIE 1375

Werk die aanclrywer met die hand oln 'n hoEr druk as die vercistc werkdruk aan te wend en ondersoek die stelse1 vir Ickl~lekkc. Stel die annr!ry\vcr on1 'n druk van 0 900k300 kl'a te vcrkrp.

Slel clic aandrywer o ; ~ 'n egi~lige drukslngpntronn en 'n slagtempo v;!n 1 000-tI00 slae per uur. I'cl<eil die vloei- stofstand i n ilic s!ilanp):p van clie hoofsilintlcr nan.

4.13.3 '1'0 ( * t s 11 r o s r (111 r r.-l,ant die stelsel vir 16 000?:1 OO!) :lac by 23-1:s ' C \\ , trk. 1-!~.rslcl Ie!;l>lel;ktt, stel weer die ri.~!lskocnvryruimte en got,i vI~L"!~.tol' in clic staanpyp van (lie honrsili~~dcr o m dic .;tnnd \vat our- .;pronklilc nnngztcken is, te verkry.

Sit clie wcrkmeganisrne weer :Ian en vrr!ioog (lie tcrnpc- ratuur van die kahinet billfie 6-1-2 Lil!r tot 120-1-5 "C. Maak seker dnt (lie wiclsilindcrs behoc.>:.lik funksionecr en teken tyden5 die toets mzt tl~sscnpost: van 24 000 slae die hoevecllieid vlo:istof ann wnt no:lig is on1 'n verlies aan te vul. Bezindig (lie tocts n a n die oir~dc van altes:~am 85 030 anngetekenclc slne, d.w.s. me; inbegrip van rlic getal slac nangeteken tyc!ens wrrkinz hy 33-1-5 "C en tlie getal slae annpctehen ~cdurende die tyilperk wat vereis word om tlic stclsel tot dic werl.:tempcratuur vnn 120+-5 "C tc bring. Lnnt die ilitrirsting tot kamcrtcrnper;~- tuur afkoel. Ondersoek (lie wielsilinders vir lekl;asic. Laat (lie samestel nng 100 slae werk, ondzrsock dic wiel- silinders vir lekkasic en teken die volume vlocistof aan wat verlore gegaan het.

Venverp die rcst~ltate van 'n to=ts \j:a;krin mcgnnicse onltlaarraking voorkorn wat die cvnluilsic van die toets- vloeistof kan bei'nvloed en herhaal die toets.

4.13.4 Uitnlc.kaarhaaf ~~(111 app(rr(I~~t ctr o l~d~rsoek I'NII

1verkdele.-Venvyder clie hool'- en wielsilinders uit die stelsel binne 16 uur na voltooiing van die tocts en hou die vloeistof in die silinders deur die tlelc onniiddellik met sluitdoppe of -proppe toe tc maak. 1-Taal dic silindxs uitmekaar en vans die vloeistof in 'n glasflf-s op. MaZk die rubberdoppe i n 95 persent etanol skoon cn niank h ~ ~ l l e met saamgepsste lug droog. Ondcrsoek die doppe vir klewerigheid, wegskuring, blaasvorn~ing. barsvorming, nf- splintering en vormvcrandering. Meet die lip- en basis- dian~eters van elke silinderdop volgens (a) en 4.13.2 (b) binne een uur na uitmeltaarhanl, met did verskil dat die lip- of basiscliameters met lneer as 0.08 nini kan verskil. J3epn:ll die hartlhciei van elke dop volgens die prosudure in 4.6.2 (b).

4.13.5 Aarztekctiit7g err berekenitig lvny toc~/srcsrrltntr.- Teken enige slik- of jelvornling aan wat na die tocts in d i e vloeistof aanwesig is. Skud die vloeistc.~f in die glasfles binne 'n uur nndat die silintiers afgelnp is om enige afsnksel wat teen\\loordig is in s~~spenrit. te plaas en een- vormig te versprei en ~ o o i 'n lOO-r:i1-:lecIvolun1e van hierdie monster in 'n iccelvormige sen~rifugccrbuis [kyk (I))] en bcpaal dic pcrsentasic :~l's;tksel per volunlc volgens 4.6.4. Lac11 die br~is en vloeisfof '7'1 ilirr lank s1n:In. sentrifugcer weer en tel;:n enige Iykomendc nfsnksel wnt gevind word, onn. Ondcrsoek die silintlerdelc cn tcken enige vergoniming of uitvrcting op suiers en silinderwandc aan. Vryf cnige necrslag wat aan tlie silintlerwande vassit met 'n doek wnt met 95 persent etanol natgemaak is om die grofheid en vcrwpdcrbanrhcid daan~an te bepaal.

Maak die silinderdele in 95 persent etanol skoon en maak met saamgeperste lug droog. Mcet die dianieters van die st~icrs en silinders volgens 4.13.2 (a) cn 4.13.2 (b) en teken dit aan. Berclccn die lipdianieterinterfere~lsiesct aan die hand van die volgende formule:

Dl--D, Lipdinmetcrintcrferc~isieset, O,/, = ---- :< 100

D,--D, waar Dl = oorspronklike lipdinrnetcr ;

D, -- finnlc lipdinmctcr; DS = oorspronklike siiinderboring.

Operate tile actuator manually to apply a pressure of more than the required operating pressure, and inspect the system for leaks. Adjust the actuator to obtain a pressure o r 6 ?00;k300 kPa.

Adjust to a smnolh pressure-stroke pattern and a stroking raic of 1 O O O k 100 strolces per hour. Record the I'luid level in the master cylinder stand pipe.

4.13.3 TP.Y! pr c:*tl!:re.--.Operate tlie system for 16 000 -1- I t'90 cycles at 7;--!:5 "C. Repair any leaks, re-adjust tlie hralte shoe c:n,.iranc:s, and add fluid to the master cylinder stand p;pc lo bring to the level originally recorded. Re<tart thz actuating mechanism and within G k : ! 11 raise the ten1i:crature of thz cabinet to 120+_5 "C. Ensure th?t the wl~:cl cylinders are functioning properly atid recorcl ;I( intervals of 34 003 strokes during test the amount of I'luid requircd to replenish any loss. Siop the test at the end of 85 000 total recorded strokes, i.e. including the numhcr of strokes during operation at 13k 5 "C and the nuniber of strokes during the period required to bring the system to the operating temperature of 120t 5 "C. Allow the equipment to cool to room temperature. Examine thz wheel c;ilinclers for leakage. Operate the assembly Tor an acitlitional 100 strokes, exaniine the wheel cylinders for leakage, and record the vollime cf any fluid lost.

Discard the result< of any test in which mrcl~anical failure occurs whish may afl'ect the evaluation of the test fluid, and repent the test.

4.1 3.4,q o/ npl)at.ofr!s m ~ d irrspccriorr of wpcrrrting ppnr!s.-\Vith:n 16 h after completion of the test, remove the lnlster and wli~el cylinders from the system and retain the fluid in the cylinders by imrnediatcly capping c r plugging the parts. Disassemble tlie cylinders anel collect the fluid in a glass jar. Clean the rubber cups in 95 per c a t ethanol and dry them with compressed air.

Inspect tlie cups for stickiness, scuffing, blistering, cracking, chipping. and change in shape. Wilhin an hour after disassembiy nleasure the lip and base diameters of cnch cylinder cup as described in 4.13.7- (a) and 4.13.3, (b), with the exception that the lip or base dianleters niay differ by more th3n 0,O8 mln. Determine the hard~iess of each CLIP by the procedure specified in 4.6.2 (b).

4.1 3.5 Recordins and calculation of test results.-Record any sludge, or jelling, present in th- fluid after th: test. Within an 11-111- after draining the cylinders, agitate the fiuid in the glass jar to suspend and uniformly disperse any sediment present and transfer a 100 ml aliquot of this sample to rl ccne-shaped centrifuge tube [see (b)] and determi~lc the percentage by volume of sediment as described in 4.6.4. Allow the tube and fluid to stand for 24 11. :eccntriTugc n~!d rzcord any additional secli~ncnt r-covcretl.

Inspect the cylindcr p.~rls and record any gumming or an?; pitting cn pistoris ;tnd cylinder walls. Rub any deposits adhering to the cyl;nder walls with a cloth wetted with 95 Fer cent eth:~nol 10 de!ermine its abrasiveness and removability. Cle;n thz cylindcr psrts in 95 per cent ethanol nnd dry with c~nlpr.cssed air.

Measure and record the diameters of the pistons and cylinders as described in 4.13.2 (a) and 4.13.2 (h). Calculate the lip diameter interference set from the following formula:

DI-D, Lip dinmeter intcrfercncc sct, :/, = ---- x 100

D,--D3 whcrc 13, - original lip tli:lliicter:

I)? = lin,ai lip tli;~nicrer; L), = or~girtal cylintler bore diameter.

Page 17: Hydraulic brake and clutch fluid/ Hidrouliese rem- en

GOVERN3lENT Gl\%I:l-l'B, 17 J A N U A R Y 1'175 No.4562 21

Water outlet Waterui t laat

Water inlaat

Thermometer Termometer

Boi l ing stones Kooks teent j ies sbestos centered wi aasdraad met asbes

Dimensions in mi l limetres 1 Afmetings in mi I I imeter LO -


F ig . 1 - Boil ing Point Test Apparatus Kookpunttoetsapparoat

gauze die .middel

F i r e polished Vuurgepoleer

Dimensions in mi 1 1 imetres Afmetings in mi l 1 imeter

Fig. 2 -Short-Neck Flask, 100-ml Kortnekf les, 100 mi

Approx. Ongeveer


Page 18: Hydraulic brake and clutch fluid/ Hidrouliese rem- en

22 No. 4567 S:'.\:\T.(;KOER.I\NT, 17 JANUARIE 1975

Page 19: Hydraulic brake and clutch fluid/ Hidrouliese rem- en

COVERNhlENT GAZEITE, 17 JAN l',\I<I' 1973 N0.4562 23 .

Page 20: Hydraulic brake and clutch fluid/ Hidrouliese rem- en

1,6mm Clearance In off position 1,6-mm- vryruimte i n of - stand

I a Pressure recorders D r u k r e g l s t r ~ r d e r s

8, Omm A l r servlce r from s u r p tcnk

I 8, O m Lugdiem vcn stutenk


tubtng and tube connector

1 and tube connectors x - y

I to master cylinder

stang von aandrywer na hoofsi tinder - \

' b " l : t e d test . . chmber . , . . - I I ruck a i r brake chcmber sed as actuator - OptIonal

Vrogmotor lugremkamer wat as aandrywer gebfuik word ,

Ops ionee I F ir release throttle valve-4


Skosn-en trarmslvryrulmte 1,0 rrm

x T o be replocod after eoch test

x 'Mast vervong word m elke toets

I ~ g . 5- Stroking Test Apparatus S logtoatlapparcrot
