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    Huawei Industrial Base

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    Version No.: M3-035554-20140723-C-1.0 HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD.

    Huawei eLTE Case Study

  • In eLTE


    Latest Trend in Oilfield Automation

    Sinkiang Oilfield LTE Wireless IoT Project

    World's First Offshore LTE Based Wireless Broadband Network

    Norwegian North Sea LTE Wireless Coverage Case


    %DFNJURXQGThe rapid development of ICT and automation technologies brings an increasing number of automatic applications to the oilfield. These applications significantly facilitate Sinkiang 2LOHOGVVHFXULW\SURWHFWLRQDQGRQVLWHRSHUDWLRQVAs one of China's largest and most innovative oilfields, Sinkiang Oilfield has a good tradition of utilizing disruptive technologies to improve SURGXFWLRQHIFLHQF\

    .H\&KDOOHQJHV6LQNLDQJ2LOHOGIDFHGWKHIROORZLQJFKDOOHQJHV ,QHIFLHQWLQFLGHQWUHVSRQVHSinkiang Oilfield has a large number of heavy oil wells. These oil wells suffered from operational difficulties, frequent mechanical faults, and slow incident responses. ,QHIFLHQWGDWDFROOHFWLRQThe oilfield used manual operation to copy data, schedule shifts, and draft reports. When a fault was detected during inspection, onsite personnel reported the fault to the management center for analysis and troubleshooting. This data collection mode was LQDFFXUDWHDQGLQHIFLHQWGLVDEOLQJWKHPDQDJHPHQW

    center to receive real-time information about oil wells' status. Lack of secur i ty protect ion for onsi te personnelThe manual operation mode relies heavily on inspection. In certain occasions, onsite personnel were required to inspect pipelines, drills and other equipments in remote areas during late-night time periods, bringing considerable security risks.

    6ROXWLRQHuawei provides the wireless LTE based for Sinkiang Oilfield. The solution has the following advantages: /DUJHVFDOHFRYHUDJHHuawei provides pro-level network design services based on Sinkiang Oilfield's oil well distribution. The LTE network covers a radius of 10 km or more, allowing edge areas to enjoy video transmission services. High throughputThe network provides high throughput to: Enable data collection, supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) signaling control, and video surveillance.


    In Energy


    %DFNJURXQGTampnet is an authorized telecommunications operator in Norway to provide high-bandwidth communicat ions service in the oi l and gas exploration industry in Norway's North Sea area. The company owns most of the submarine optical cables and microwave networks in the area and leases bandwidth resources to oil drilling platforms. Headquartered in Stavanger, Tampnet provides services for a large number of customers, including such oil giants as Shell, BP, ExxonMobil, and Statoil. Tampnet has extended its presence to Norway, UK, and Australia. Nearly 68 percent of the oil drilling platforms in the North Sea area connects to Tampnet's communications networks.

    .H\&KDOOHQJHVIn recent years, offshore oil exploration has grown in popularity worldwide. Most offshore oil exploration work is completed using research and exploration

    vessels, with exploration usually taking three to four months. To cut labor costs, oil companies increasingly encourage "Integrated Operation" practices, which are based on more offshore personnel completing their work onshore. In addition, oil companies need to improve Operation DQG0DLQWHQDQFH20HIFLHQF\Data transmission and voice communications between oil drilling platforms and Float Production 6WRUDJHDQG2IRDGLQJ)362DQGWKRVHEHWZHHQFPSO and oil tankers, are offshore communications services bottlenecks. Tampnet used microwave for communications between oil drilling platforms and FPSO in the North Sea area and installed expensive antenna stabilization systems on the swinging FPSOs to ensure normal communications.Voice communications and data transmission between FPSO and oil tankers are still Tampnet's pain points. Traditional communications systems use satellite for remote voice communications and helicopters to transport data on hard disks which


    In Energy


    Building Safe Lijiang with Huawei eLTE

    Nanjing Builds a Smart City with Huawei eLTE


    Developing the World's First Metro LTE Network for Train-Ground Wireless Communications

    LTE Train-Ground Wireless Communications Project for Zhengzhou Metro Line 1


    Developing the World's First Metro LTE Network for Train-Ground Wireless Communications/7(7UDLQ*URXQG:LUHOHVV&RPPXQLFDWLRQV3URMHFWIRU=KHQJ]KRX0HWUR/LQH

    BackgroundZhengzhou is a major city and transportation hub in the central region of China. Zhengzhou municipal government has decided to speed up the development of the urban railway transportation system to improve traffic conditions and support the city's sustainable development. The government expected the metros to take 60% of the public transportation loads in the central business district of the city.Six metro lines will be constructed in Zhengzhou as per layout of metro network , including three east-west lines, two north-south lines, and one ring-shaped line. The total length will be 202.53 km. Metro line 1 is the first metro line in Zhengzhou, 26.2 km will be constructed in Phase 1 project. The operation of Metro line 1 will relief the city's

    east-west direction traffic pressure and enhances the connection between new and old towns in Zhengzhou

    Key ChallengesThe train-ground wireless transmission is a bottleneck of urban railway transportation services. The Zhengzhou municipal government faced the following challenges in determining an appropriate wireless communications system: Slow and unstable data transmission in the 3DVVHQJHU,QIRUPDWLRQ6\VWHP3,6Traditional PIS systems use local datarecording solution or using the wireless local area network (WLAN) for real-time data transmission. The data recording solution does not support real-time information services, which cannot realize the

    In Transportation

    Building Safe Lijiang with Huawei eLTE

    Background7KH/LMLDQJ5LYHU LV ORFDWHG LQ*XDQJ[L=KXDQJAutonomous Region, China. It stretches 83 NLORPHWHUV IURP*XLOLQ WR

  • Building Safe Lijiang with Huawei eLTE

    Background7KH/LMLDQJ5LYHU LV ORFDWHG LQ*XDQJ[L=KXDQJAutonomous Region, China. It stretches 83 NLORPHWHUV IURP*XLOLQ WR

  • Nanjing Builds a Smart City with Huawei eLTE

    According to the city plan of Nanjing, the local government is actively building information infrastructures and promoting the wide application of smart technologies to optimize city management service, improve citizens' quality of life, and create a favorable environment for smart industries and high-end talents. Therefore, the Nanjing municipal government is endeavoring to build a secure and HIFLHQWXELTXLWRXVSULYDWHQHWZRUN,QDGGLWLRQWR$VLDQ

  • 58

    Developing the World's First Metro LTE Network for Train-Ground Wireless Communications/7(7UDLQ*URXQG:LUHOHVV&RPPXQLFDWLRQV3URMHFWIRU=KHQJ]KRX0HWUR/LQH

    BackgroundZhengzhou is a major city and transportation hub in the central region of China. Zhengzhou municipal government has decided to speed up the development of the urban railway transportation system to improve traffic conditions and support the city's sustainable development. The government expected the metros to take 60% of the public transportation loads in the central business district of the city.Six metro lines will be constructed in Zhengzhou as per layout of metro network , including three east-west lines, two north-south lines, and one ring-shaped line. The total length will be 202.53 km. Metro line 1 is the first metro line in Zhengzhou, 26.2 km will be constructed in Phase 1 project. The operation of Metro line 1 will relief the city's

    east-west direction traffic pressure and enhances the connection between new and old towns in Zhengzhou

    Key ChallengesThe train-ground wireless transmission is a bottleneck of urban railway transportation services. The Zhengzhou municipal government faced the following challenges in determining an appropriate wireless communications system: Slow and unstable data transmission in the 3DVVHQJHU,QIRUPDWLRQ6\VWHP3,6Traditional PIS systems use local datarecording solution or using the wireless local area network (WLAN) for real-time data transmission. The data recording solution does not support real-time information services, which cannot realize the

    In Transportation


    As one of the megacities in the central region of China, Zhengzhou urgently needed an advanced metro communications system to improve the quality of the city's public transportation services. +XDZHLV/RQJ7HUP(YROXWLRQ/7(WUDLQJURXQGwireless communications solution has provided d highly reliable and stable communications services for Zhengzhous metro line 1 to improve service quality, enhance operation security, and UDLVHWUDQVSRUWDWLRQHIFLHQF\>>

    information sharing between train and ground in real time.. Constrained by WLAN protocols, the WLAN solution has low bandwidth and stability, which results in frame freezing, transmission interruption, and poor user experience. Problems for vehicle-mounted devices to upload live videos to operation centerDue to the low uplink data transmission capacity, train-mounted communications devices cannot efficiently upload live video surveillance data to operation center, which cannot meet the requirements of public security protection. +LJKIDXOWUDWHDQGGLIFXOWPDLQWHQDQFHThe WLAN solu t ion uses access poin ts (APs) to provide communications services. A single AP covers a maximum of 200 meters and has low reliability. To ensure full coverage and high reliability, a large number of devices that require power supply units must be GHSOR\HGZKLFKUHVXOWVLQWKHKLJKIDXOWUDWHDQGGLIFXOWRSHUDWLRQDQGmaintenance (O&M).

    SolutionBased on the rich experience in developing LTE end-to-end solutions and the customer's service requirements, Huawei has provided an all-in-one LTE wireless communications solution to provide data transmission services for the PIS and train-mounted video surveillance system.The solution is based on professional Huawei network planning and leverages LTE's advantages in access performance and service bandwidth in fast moving scenarios. This solution provides approximately 20 Mbit/s downlink bandwidth, which has set a good example for the live and HD PIS in the urban railway transportation

    industry in China.The Huawei LTE system works in Time Division Duplex (TDD) mode, which enables the system to provide large-bandwidth uplink data transmission services with limited frequency resources, meeting the requirements of the wireless transmission of live HD surveillance videos.The system also uses a comprehensive Quality of Service (QoS) mechanism to perform refined service priority management. When the network is not congested, the system has low delay, minimized packet loss rate, and high QoS. When the network is congested, the system ensures that key services have the required bandwidth resources. The network bears the service data of the PIS and video surveillance system, which lowers the network development costs and lays a solid foundation for future wireless service expansion.T h e LT E i s a f u t u r e - p r o o f m o b i l e communications technologies and mainstream technology that facilitates the evolution from 3G to 4G. The stability of the LTE technology has been tested in global markets. The mean time between failures (MTBF) of LTE remote radio units (RRUs) is not less than 150,000 hours, which is much higher than that of the WLAN APs (50,000 hours). With the

    Boundless,Professional Wireless Broadband

    12 13

  • World's First LTE BasedWireless BroadbandNetwork for PowerDistribution AutomationChina Southern Power Grid ChoosesHuawei's eLTE for Smart Grid' Project

    BackgroundChina Southern Power Grid Co., Ltd. (China Southern Power Grid) is a large state-owned enterprise in charge of the investment, construction a n d m a n a g e m e n t o f p o w e r t r a n s m i s s i o n , transformation, distribution, etc.The company wanted to upgrade automatic control of its power distribution network with wireless communications technologies. From mid of 2011, the China Southern Power Grid has started the construction of small-scale wireless smart grid pilot.

    Key ChallengesThe cons t ruc t ion o f a power d i s t r ibu t ion communication network faced the following challenges: Unreachable wired network for some areas

    In the past, China Southern Power Grid constructed wired networks. However, i t was becoming infeasible to construct wired networks in some places such as old urban areas. These and other shortcomings in the existing system led China Southern Power Grid to investigate broadband wireless networks. High rent cost and poor quality of public wireless networksPublic carriers' networks, including 2G/3G network, failed to meet service requirements due to their poor SULYDF\KLJKUHQWFRVWDQGVRPHRWKHULQVXIFLHQWresources. China Southern Power Grid is forced to QGDEHWWHUZLUHOHVVFRYHUDJHPRGHEHFDXVHRIDOOof the above limitations. Limitat ions of short-distance wireless communicationsAs for limitations in the transmission distance and


    In Electric Power

    sensitivity to the geographic environment, the short-distance wireless communications technology is only suitable for simple business application in a small range, unable to meet the full-service demands of power distribution automation.

    SolutionHuawei submitted an ultra-bandwidth wireless automatic distribution communication network according to the service requirements of China Southern Power Grid. This solution is based on 4G eLTE technology, and it was designed to meet the needs of distribution automation, metering automation, and distribution network video surveillance services.This solution adopted an industry-dedicated wireless spectrum (1785 - 1805 MHz). Under the Non- LOS conditions, the solution could provide high bandwidth data access services in both fixed and mobile scenarios, and also some value-added services such as emergency communication and video surveillance.The solution provides the following features: High-bandwidth services with wide coverage and large capacity:For base station part, Huawei puts the RRU on towers and uses multi-antenna technology; as to terminal part, Huawei provides LTE outdoor data collection terminals which can support IP67 protection level, and they can connect with highgain antenna, DQGRIIHUPXOWLSOHPRGHVVSHFLFWRDYDULHW\RIGHSOR\PHQWscenarios. For example, in dense citys where 10 MHz bandwidth is used, Huawei's solution is below:

    The average throughput of a single carrier can reach 20 Mbps, and coverage radius is as large as 4 km. The solution can satisfy the high-bandwidth transmission requirements of distribution automation and smart metering. A single carrier could support up to 1,200 online users, and the number of online users is up to 10,800 for one cell. The features well meet the requirement of large capacity for smart gird. Minimal access latency for precise controlAn automatic power distribution system must precisely control the power distribution services. Especially for remote control, the E2E delay should less than 1s. Take the application layer, network management system and other protocols into consideration, the maximum acceptable wireless access latency LVPV7RHQVXUHHIFLHQWSRZHUGLVWULEXWLRQ+XDZHLH/7(uses a minimum access latency solution to ensure it is less than 100 ms. Under "live" conditions, downlink access latency does not exceed 11 ms (average 8.8 ms), and uplink access latency does not exceed 59 ms (average 36.9 ms), which fully meets the requirements of mission-critical applications, such as SCADA. Multilevel QoSDifferent service applications have different priorities. The LTE system centralizes radio resource management to ensure end-toend Quality of Service (QoS) based on service levels. Huawei's LTE QoS mechanism develops priority strategies for multiple service levels, which ensures that important data, such as remote control data, is transmitted before other services.Huawei combined the LTE QoS mechanisms and power service needs together, and designed the specific priority strategy. The solution could fully support all the services; meanwhile, it can ensure the priority transmission of some important data such as distribution automation remote control data.

    &XVWRPHU%HQHWVHuawei's ultra-bandwidth smart grid solution provided three key EHQHWVWRWKH&KLQD6RXWKHUQ3RZHU*ULG 9HULHGQHZPRGHIRUSRZHUGLVWULEXWLRQQHWZRUNThis project verified the feasibility of broadband wireless communication networks for power distribution automation, while improved the flexibility and reliability in constructing communications networks. Reduced deployment and maintenance costsBroadband wireless networks efficiently avoided fiber network construction by establishing wireless coverage in both old and new urban areas. And all services including distribution automation, smart metering and video surveillance could be carried by the wireless networks, so network maintenance costs were greatly reduced. Improved customer satisfactionHuawei's wireless communication solution improved customer satisfaction by enhancing power supply reliability and delivering optimal services.



    Boundless,Professional Wireless Broadband

    01 02

  • China's First CBD-Located Wireless Smart Grid Communications NetworkGuangzhou Power Supply Bureau TD-LTE Pilot Project for China Southern Power Grid

    BackgroundChina Southern Power Grid is a large state-owned enterprise that handles the investment, construction, a n d m a n a g e m e n t o f p o w e r t r a n s m i s s i o n , transformation, and distribution across five of China's southern provinces. Guangzhou Power Supply Bureau is a large power supply company affiliated with China Southern Power Grid and provides power supply services to 10 Guangzhou administration districts and two counties. The company announced, in the Technology Development Planning component of its Twelfth Five-Year Plan, it would continue researching and applying new power distribution communications systems (based on wireless communications technologies) and focus on upgrading its automatic power distribution network. To accomplish these tasks, China Southern Power Grid would construct an integrated data collection platform and optimize the power distribution system's data analysis functions.

    In mid-2011, China Southern Power Grid began building small-scale test zones to develop its wireless smart grid. Guangzhou Power Supply Bureau was chosen to pioneer the wireless smart grid and verify whether the smart grid distribution network could function reliably in highly populated cities. To this end, Guangzhou Power Supply Bureau selected Yuexiu District as the pilot area and set up base stations in the most populated district in Guangzhou.

    Key ChallengesGuangzhou Power Supply Bureau is listed in the rankings of cities with the largest user density in China. To improve service efficiency and address end users' service requirements, Guangzhou Power Supply Bureau urgently needed to provide automatic power distribution, automatic and intelligent metering, video surveillance, and Bring Your Own Device (BYOD).Guangzhou, as a megacity, extends its distribution


    In Electric Power


    terminals (secondary devices with 10 kV or less voltage) from substations to numerous communities and factories via power supply cables. In Guangzhou, more than 100,000 distribution terminals are scattered throughout the city and are operating in harsh environments. Against this backdrop, Guangzhou Power Supply Bureau's smart grid development was ERWWOHQHFNHGE\SRRUFRPPXQLFDWLRQHIFLHQF\EHWZHHQWKHSRZHUFRQWUROV\VWHPVLQthe equipment room and the numerous distribution terminals. Over the past few years, Guangzhou Power Supply Bureau has tried multiple traditional communication modes WRLPSURYHHIFLHQF\KRZHYHUGXULQJFRQVWUXFWLRQRIWKHWUDGLWLRQDOFRPPXQLFDWLRQmodes, Guangzhou Power Supply Bureau was primarily challenged in the following aspects: Some regions had no wired access. :LUHGQHWZRUNFRQVWUXFWLRQZDVJUHDWO\LQXHQFHGE\WKHJHRJUDSKLFDOHQYLURQPHQWIt was infeasible, if not impossible, to build wired networks in certain areas. For example, construction projects in populated downtown areas must be reviewed and approved by government civil labor agencies. Such constructions are complicated with long implementation periods. In addition, these constructions require excessively high material and labor costs, as well as complicated follow-up maintenance; therefore, to better support its service development, Guangzhou Power Supply Bureau chose to construct wireless networks in these areas. Public networks were too costly or failed to meet service requirements.3XEOLFQHWZRUNVIDLOHGWRPHHWVHUYLFHUHTXLUHPHQWVGXHWRLQDGHTXDWHFRQGHQWLDOLW\high lease costs, and insufficient service resources. These shortcomings forced Guangzhou Power Supply Bureau to turn to wireless networks. Available bandwidth for short-distance wireless communication was limited and prone to environment-induced obstacles.Short-distance wireless communications transmission was limited and substantially affected by the geographic environment. As such, short-distance wireless communications could only be used to transmit some simple services on a small scale


    Boundless,Professional Wireless Broadband

    World's First LTE BasedWireless BroadbandNetwork for PowerDistribution AutomationChina Southern Power Grid ChoosesHuawei's eLTE for Smart Grid' Project

    BackgroundChina Southern Power Grid Co., Ltd. (China Southern Power Grid) is a large state-owned enterprise in charge of the investment, construction a n d m a n a g e m e n t o f p o w e r t r a n s m i s s i o n , transformation, distribution, etc.The company wanted to upgrade automatic control of its power distribution network with wireless communications technologies. From mid of 2011, the China Southern Power Grid has started the construction of small-scale wireless smart grid pilot.

    Key ChallengesThe cons t ruc t ion o f a power d i s t r ibu t ion communication network faced the following challenges: Unreachable wired network for some areas

    In the past, China Southern Power Grid constructed wired networks. However, i t was becoming infeasible to construct wired networks in some places such as old urban areas. These and other shortcomings in the existing system led China Southern Power Grid to investigate broadband wireless networks. High rent cost and poor quality of public wireless networksPublic carriers' networks, including 2G/3G network, failed to meet service requirements due to their poor SULYDF\KLJKUHQWFRVWDQGVRPHRWKHULQVXIFLHQWresources. China Southern Power Grid is forced to QGDEHWWHUZLUHOHVVFRYHUDJHPRGHEHFDXVHRIDOOof the above limitations. Limitat ions of short-distance wireless communicationsAs for limitations in the transmission distance and


    In Electric Power

    03 04


    %DFNJURXQGThe rapid development of ICT and automation technologies brings an increasing number of automatic applications to the oilfield. These applications significantly facilitate Sinkiang 2LOHOGVVHFXULW\SURWHFWLRQDQGRQVLWHRSHUDWLRQVAs one of China's largest and most innovative oilfields, Sinkiang Oilfield has a good tradition of utilizing disruptive technologies to improve SURGXFWLRQHIFLHQF\

    .H\&KDOOHQJHV6LQNLDQJ2LOHOGIDFHGWKHIROORZLQJFKDOOHQJHV ,QHIFLHQWLQFLGHQWUHVSRQVHSinkiang Oilfield has a large number of heavy oil wells. These oil wells suffered from operational difficulties, frequent mechanical faults, and slow incident responses. ,QHIFLHQWGDWDFROOHFWLRQThe oilfield used manual operation to copy data, schedule shifts, and draft reports. When a fault was detected during inspection, onsite personnel reported the fault to the management center for analysis and troubleshooting. This data collection mode was LQDFFXUDWHDQGLQHIFLHQWGLVDEOLQJWKHPDQDJHPHQW

    center to receive real-time information about oil wells' status. Lack of secur i ty protect ion for onsi te personnelThe manual operation mode relies heavily on inspection. In certain occasions, onsite personnel were required to inspect pipelines, drills and other equipments in remote areas during late-night time periods, bringing considerable security risks.

    6ROXWLRQHuawei provides the wireless LTE based for Sinkiang Oilfield. The solution has the following advantages: /DUJHVFDOHFRYHUDJHHuawei provides pro-level network design services based on Sinkiang Oilfield's oil well distribution. The LTE network covers a radius of 10 km or more, allowing edge areas to enjoy video transmission services. High throughputThe network provides high throughput to: Enable data collection, supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) signaling control, and video surveillance.


    In Energy


    Monitor and visually display real-time device status, allowing linked control for key nodes. Provide 50Mbps uplink and 100Mbps throughput per sector by 20MHz bandwidth wireless network.. 6XSSRUWH[LEOHDGMXVWPHQWRIWKH/7(GRZQOLQNDQGXSOLQNFRQJXUDWLRQEDVHGRQVHUYLFHUHTXLUHPHQWVLPSURYLQJYLGHRVXUYHLOODQFHHIFLHQF\ Q services The LTE system has a maximum end-to-end transmission delay of 50 ms. This effectively supports key services, such as SCADA. The system has rich end-to-end QoS mechanisms to ensure the communication quality of key services. A single base station supports the concurrent access of and real-time management for up to 1200 terminals.

    &XVWRPHU%HQHWV7KHVROXWLRQEULQJVWKHIROORZLQJFXVWRPHUEHQHWV High return on investment (ROI)7KHVROXWLRQKHOSV6LQNLDQJ2LOHOGORFDWHV\VWHPIDXOWVLQDWLPHO\PDQQHUUHGXFLQJFDVXDOWLHVand economic loss. The wireless network, featuring low deployment and maintenance costs, IDFLOLWDWHVWKHRLOHOGV,&7EDVHGGHYHORSPHQW Low security risksThe solution provides diverse advanced applications, such as live video surveillance, automatic meter reading, periodic operation monitoring, and intelligent warning, lowering the oilfield's UHTXLUHPHQWVRQPDQXDOLQVSHFWLRQLPSURYLQJHPSOR\HHVZRUNHIFLHQF\PLQLPL]LQJVHFXULW\risks, reducing the device fault rate, and ensuring safe onsite operations. Less pollutionThe system monitors the process of exploring, processing, and transmitting oil and gas resources LQUHDO WLPHDOORZLQJWKHRLOHOGWRHIFLHQWO\GHWHFW OHDNLQFLGHQWV7KLVKHOSVWKHRLOHOGWRlower maintenance costs and to prevent environmental pollution incidents.




    %DFNJURXQGThe rapid development of ICT and automation technologies brings an increasing number of automatic applications to the oilfield. These applications significantly facilitate Sinkiang 2LOHOGVVHFXULW\SURWHFWLRQDQGRQVLWHRSHUDWLRQVAs one of China's largest and most innovative oilfields, Sinkiang Oilfield has a good tradition of utilizing disruptive technologies to improve SURGXFWLRQHIFLHQF\

    .H\&KDOOHQJHV6LQNLDQJ2LOHOGIDFHGWKHIROORZLQJFKDOOHQJHV ,QHIFLHQWLQFLGHQWUHVSRQVHSinkiang Oilfield has a large number of heavy oil wells. These oil wells suffered from operational difficulties, frequent mechanical faults, and slow incident responses. ,QHIFLHQWGDWDFROOHFWLRQThe oilfield used manual operation to copy data, schedule shifts, and draft reports. When a fault was detected during inspection, onsite personnel reported the fault to the management center for analysis and troubleshooting. This data collection mode was LQDFFXUDWHDQGLQHIFLHQWGLVDEOLQJWKHPDQDJHPHQW

    center to receive real-time information about oil wells' status. Lack of secur i ty protect ion for onsi te personnelThe manual operation mode relies heavily on inspection. In certain occasions, onsite personnel were required to inspect pipelines, drills and other equipments in remote areas during late-night time periods, bringing considerable security risks.

    6ROXWLRQHuawei provides the wireless LTE based for Sinkiang Oilfield. The solution has the following advantages: /DUJHVFDOHFRYHUDJHHuawei provides pro-level network design services based on Sinkiang Oilfield's oil well distribution. The LTE network covers a radius of 10 km or more, allowing edge areas to enjoy video transmission services. High throughputThe network provides high throughput to: Enable data collection, supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) signaling control, and video surveillance.


    In Energy

    05 06


    %DFNJURXQGTampnet is an authorized telecommunications operator in Norway to provide high-bandwidth communicat ions service in the oi l and gas exploration industry in Norway's North Sea area. The company owns most of the submarine optical cables and microwave networks in the area and leases bandwidth resources to oil drilling platforms. Headquartered in Stavanger, Tampnet provides services for a large number of customers, including such oil giants as Shell, BP, ExxonMobil, and Statoil. Tampnet has extended its presence to Norway, UK, and Australia. Nearly 68 percent of the oil drilling platforms in the North Sea area connects to Tampnet's communications networks.

    .H\&KDOOHQJHVIn recent years, offshore oil exploration has grown in popularity worldwide. Most offshore oil exploration work is completed using research and exploration

    vessels, with exploration usually taking three to four months. To cut labor costs, oil companies increasingly encourage "Integrated Operation" practices, which are based on more offshore personnel completing their work onshore. In addition, oil companies need to improve Operation DQG0DLQWHQDQFH20HIFLHQF\Data transmission and voice communications between oil drilling platforms and Float Production 6WRUDJHDQG2IRDGLQJ)362DQGWKRVHEHWZHHQFPSO and oil tankers, are offshore communications services bottlenecks. Tampnet used microwave for communications between oil drilling platforms and FPSO in the North Sea area and installed expensive antenna stabilization systems on the swinging FPSOs to ensure normal communications.Voice communications and data transmission between FPSO and oil tankers are still Tampnet's pain points. Traditional communications systems use satellite for remote voice communications and helicopters to transport data on hard disks which


    In Energy

    LVERWKLQHIFLHQWDQGFRVWO\To meet sustainable service development requirements and to reduce communication system O&M costs Tampnet began development of a wireless communication system which can covered all oil drilling platforms in the North Sea area. Tampnet used its onshore technical advantages experience in developing broadband applications to create an end-to-end, high-speed data transmission system. The seamless system cover oil drilling platforms, FPSOs, oil tankers, and onshore communications stations to provide voice communications, data transmission, and video services. The system was also designed to provide voice communications and data transmission services for passing vessels, bringing new service growth points. The wireless offshore communications services, once successfully put into commercial use, will become Tampnet's new SURWPRGHWKDWFDQEHFRSLHGWRRWKHUVHDDUHDVTo ensure normal operation, the system must meet high requirements in the following areas: Device securityOffshore oil exploration has certain risks, which EULQJVLJQLFDQWUHTXLUHPHQWVIRUGHYLFHVHFXULW\(for example, devices must be authenticated by Atmosphere Explosive (ATEX) standards). Coverage areaThe project covered a large area, with harsh environments (such as s trong winds) and longdistance transmission. Tampnet needed an advanced wireless communications system, which could support signal transmission distances of 20 to 50 km, to cover all platforms, oil tankers, and FPSOs within the North Sea area. Data transmission qualityProduction data transmission and serviceassociated voice communications required high system

    reliability and minimal transmission delay.The project, in addition to its high technical requirements, presented the following challenges: ,QVXIFLHQWGHYLFHLQVWDOODWLRQVSDFHRQRLOGULOOLQJplatforms Extreme weather and strong sea waves Outdoor Customer Premises Equipment (CPE) Limited radio frequency resources Radio interference Short construction period Large-scale custom services

    6ROXWLRQTo meet Tampnet's service requirements, Huawei provided a state-of-the-art offshore Long Term Evolution (LTE) wireless communications solution with the following features: Technical advantagesMacro, micro, and distributed base-stations for Tampnet simplified device transportation and installation. The solution installed Huawei's feature-rich product, DBS3900, in BBU+RRU mode, adopting advanced wireless communications technologies, such as Mobile International Network Operator (MINO), and employed high-gain antennas and Customer Premises Equipment (CPE) terminals with external





    %DFNJURXQGTampnet is an authorized telecommunications operator in Norway to provide high-bandwidth communicat ions service in the oi l and gas exploration industry in Norway's North Sea area. The company owns most of the submarine optical cables and microwave networks in the area and leases bandwidth resources to oil drilling platforms. Headquartered in Stavanger, Tampnet provides services for a large number of customers, including such oil giants as Shell, BP, ExxonMobil, and Statoil. Tampnet has extended its presence to Norway, UK, and Australia. Nearly 68 percent of the oil drilling platforms in the North Sea area connects to Tampnet's communications networks.

    .H\&KDOOHQJHVIn recent years, offshore oil exploration has grown in popularity worldwide. Most offshore oil exploration work is completed using research and exploration

    vessels, with exploration usually taking three to four months. To cut labor costs, oil companies increasingly encourage "Integrated Operation" practices, which are based on more offshore personnel completing their work onshore. In addition, oil companies need to improve Operation DQG0DLQWHQDQFH20HIFLHQF\Data transmission and voice communications between oil drilling platforms and Float Production 6WRUDJHDQG2IRDGLQJ)362DQGWKRVHEHWZHHQFPSO and oil tankers, are offshore communications services bottlenecks. Tampnet used microwave for communications between oil drilling platforms and FPSO in the North Sea area and installed expensive antenna stabilization systems on the swinging FPSOs to ensure normal communications.Voice communications and data transmission between FPSO and oil tankers are still Tampnet's pain points. Traditional communications systems use satellite for remote voice communications and helicopters to transport data on hard disks which


    In Energy

    07 08
