
Use Affiliate Links To Track Your Event Marketing



With the rise of the distributed web it has become necessary for event organizers use multiple channels to promote their events.

It is important to track these channels and measure performance from transmission to customers buying a ticket.

Affiliate Links are a simple solution to track the effectiveness of your marketing, allowing you to see exactly how many ticket sales each social media post or email leads to. The social ticketing platform


What are the benefits of tracking your marketing?

By learning which channels are the most effective (and have the highest ROI) you can focus your marketing efforts and budget.

The more data you have about past marketing actives the better you can plan for your next event.


What are Affiliate Links?

Affiliate links are unique URLs (like that send people to your event page.

You can generate as many of these links as you need, and they all go to the same event page.


• Affiliate links are commonly used by promoters to track how many tickets they are selling.

• You can download the data after your event to see exactly how many tickets were sold through each affiliate link


Using Affiliate Links to Track Marketing

Generate multiple affiliate links and use a different one in each of your marketing messages.

To get a general overview, track the effectiveness of your channels; using a different affiliate link for social media and email.


If you want to get more in depth, use a separate affiliate link for each separate marketing message.

Be warned that if you post often on social media or link to your event in many different place your list of links can get unruly.

Create a spreadsheet to keep track of your links.


Analyzing Your Links

After your event download the data and match the links to what you posted.

One of the first things do is track which channel drove the most ticket sales. This is interesting because even if you had huge engagement on social media that doesn’t necessarily translate into ticket sales.


Use your spreadsheet (you kept good records right?) to see exactly which message generated the most sales.

Did posts with images help increase sales? Or the time of day you posted?

Look for patterns in the data.


Applying What You’ve LearnedData is useless with a plan to implement what you’ve learned.

Now that you know exactly how your internet marketing performed you’re ready to generate more sales.


Put all of your efforts into the most successful channels, and use the messaging that drove the most ticket sales.

If you keep tracking data you will gain even more insight into your marketing.

Keep refining your marketing plan over time until you’ve got a plan that sells out your event.


Data is now the most important aspect of marketing.

The more data you have about your marketing activities the more you can optimize.

It’s not difficult to track your event marketing on Uniiverse (or other services) and can lead to huge increase in tickets sales, or a decrease in how much you have to pay to get those ticket sales.

Start tracking your events right now so you’ll be prepared for the future.  

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The Social Ticketing Platform