
How to Lose your Innovation in Ten Easy Steps

How to Lose your Innovation in Ten Easy Steps

Michael J. Meehan, JD, PhD

Registered Patent Attorney

Knobbe Martens Olson & Bear

[email protected]

Michael J. Meehan, JD, PhD

Registered Patent Attorney

Knobbe Martens Olson & Bear

[email protected]

There are numerous types of innovation Innovation, innovation, innovation

Patent – Novel, non-obvious, protectable* Windshield and wiper for a horse (sorry, but its

taken!) Trademark – The image of my product

Nike’s swoosh Copyright – Expression of an idea, not the idea itself

Text of a book Trade Secret – Anything you can hide*

Formula for Coke

Now that I have an innovation…

How can I lose it?

So many ways

For most of these actions, you have one year

Test it out Perform a few test runs, Give to beta customers

Mechanic Lough v. Brunswick

Mr. Lough – a boat repair man that made a new seal for a motor

Tried it in his & friends’ boats & Patented it 2+ years later

Brunswick “stole” the idea – But patent invalid

Rubik’s cube (Moleculon Research Corp)

Nichols invented it in grad school, used it in private and where he had a “legitimate expectation of privacy” – not public use. Moleculon’s patent stands in later litigation

Lesson: Get an NDA from test subject and beta customers! Or just patent it before testing.

Publish it


You have one year to file a patent

MIT Patentee spoke and distributed copies at a conference

Even distributed copies are considered “published”

Undergrad students’ theses, indexed by subject matter in a Reed College Library –”published”

Lesson: If you plan to patent, do it before publishing, but at the very least right after

Inspire, but don’t invent Dr. E. and American Cyanamid were trying to increase

absorption of iron in pregnant women They performed a test and told others

Other Drs. Performed follow up studies, & published their results in the New England Journal of Medicine

Dr. E and Cyanamid copied (literally) their results and patented them

Once the Drs saw the patent, they filed for unjust enrichment and other claims – and won over $50 million

Lesson: Even if the idea to innovate is yours, you have to be the inventor to patent


Chou v. U. Chicago

(Now Dr.) Chuo was a grad student of Dr. R. working on using herpes virus as an avirulent vaccine

Dr. R patented the work as sole inventor

Invention later assigned to a company

Chuo should be allowed a share of proceeds

She received a “favorable” settlement

Lesson: If you collaborate and invent, make sure you get the inventors right!

Collaborate (again – so important!)

Dr. Yoon working on a trocar (a device to make small incisions for endoscopic surgery)

Hired Choi, an electrician, to help on trocar and other projects Dr. Yoon fired Choi & filed a patent as sole inventor Dr. Yoon (“Ethicon, Inc.” ironically) later sued US Surgical US Surgical obtained a license from Choi ($300k + $100k / year!)

Then filed to get Choi added as an inventor They won

Dr. Yoon got nothing! Lesson: If you collaborate and invent, make sure you get the

inventors right!

Sell it

Paragon patented orthotics & brought suit against KLM

Paragon had sold the orthotics > 1 year before patenting

Patent invalid

Lesson: Patent before you sell – or at least within one year

Offer it for sale UMC Electronics patented an accelerometer system for

counting the times a plane has lifted off & landed It sued US government On-sale bar found – patent invalid

Prototypes (not the invention, but a “substantial embodiment of the invention”) made > 1 year before

Invention (not prototypes) was offered for sale > 1 year before patenting

Lesson: Even if your invention is not 100% built, consider an offer to sell it as triggering the on-sale bar

Forget to patent

“Theft” of your idea

Is it really stealing? Only if you have a “property right”

Facebook: Winklevosses and Narendra received settlement of $65 million, but not clear why

Contract breach?

Public relations move for Facebook?

Not patent rights

If the ConnectU team had a patent, that $65 million likely much higher

Lesson: protect your ideas or you cannot protect yourself

Abandon, suppress, or conceal it

Gore v. Garlock:

Gore invented a process for stretching Teflon

Budd created same (?) process earlier, but kept it secret

Budd’s same or not: suppressed / concealed

Public not “in possession” – not prior art to Gore

If Budd had later filed a patent application (not in this case), earlier “invention” irrelevant – cut off by concealment

Lesson: If you are going to hold off on something for a while, patent it or risk intervening innovation by another

Forget to tell people it is secret

Paragon’s orthotics again

Claimed that the sales were for experimental use and were meant to be “secret”

Forgot to tell anyone else that

Sales barring

Lesson: get an NDA, contract, or some sort of protection of privacy

Lose your patent everywhere

Most international rights lost upon disclosure

US: you get one year…for now

Proposed patent reform could revise this

Appears to be first-to-file, with one year grace period

Let me count the ways

There are so, so many other ways

Advice: Treat your innovations as trade secrets until you file a patent

Keeping it secret Forever: trade secret For now: then file a patent (or a provisional)


PS: If this were legal advice,

you would be getting a [email protected]

PS: If this were legal advice,

you would be getting a [email protected]
