Page 1: How to increase the life of car tires

Keywords: automotive services Sussex, auto services Sussex


How to Increase the Life of Car TiresPeople who owns car take very good care of their speed machine. They change oils on regular intervals, clean the interiors and exteriors, every now and then get the engine serviced and repaired, check carbon content in the fuel pipe and on carbonator, around the fuse and what not. They do all this to improve the performance of their car and to increase the life of the engine. But sometimes they forget about the tires and are only reminded about them when they have a flat tire or some other problem with the wheels.

If you want to enjoy a smooth drive for a long time then taking care of the wheels is a must. You can do it by following these simple tips:

Get the wheels aligned regularly: wheel alignment is important to maintain the balance and better car handling. You must contact <a href=""> automotive services Sussex </a> for wheel alignment and wheel balancing.

Air pressure in the tire is essential to maintain to a certain level. Having the right air pressure in the tire helps in improving the performance of the car, save fuel and to reduce tire tread wear. If you are unaware of the exact air pressure of the tire of the car, then refer to the user manual of the car or details written on the tire.

Check for the cracks or holes in the tire: you must look for the cracks or holes caused on the tire by the pebbles and nails on the road. These may not affect you initially but a small hole can give you flat tire problem.

Rotate the position of the tire: rotating the tire every 3 to 5 months helps to keep the tread wear regular on all the tires. It involves changing the position of the tire, bring the back tire to the front and take the front tires to the back. Do not change the tires between the axles or in criss-cross pattern. Ask the auto services Sussex to do it for you if you do not know how to change the tire.

For more information on tires: <a href=""> auto services Sussex </a>
