Page 1: How to get rid of oily skin – top home remedies

How to get rid of oily skin on face – Top home remedies to follow

Oily skin will be pain to deal. Having too much of oil in skin layer often lead you to get whiteheads, blackheads, pimples or other skin-irritations. This can be caused via dietary choices, genetics or too much of stress or anxiety or hormone changes in body because of puberty. It is significant to get rid of it. If you are looking on how to get rid of oily skin then see the below given home remedies which can work well in healing oily skin naturally.

Following are the list of home remedies for oily skin


It is one of the effective home remedy to get rid of oily skin naturally. It helps to remove excess oil and dirt in skin naturally. Also lighten the skin which acts as exfoliates which works wonder for oily skin. Forma a paste with tomatoes and apply over the face. Allow it to dry before wash it off.

Lemon juice

It is known to be another powerful remedy in healing oily skin. It is high in vitamin C, astringent also exfoliates capacities, which help to remove excess moisture and dead skin cells that trapped to excess oil in face. It is known to be skin friendly where you can make use of it. Just apply the juice of lemon and wash it off after 30 mins that can work well in treating oily skin on face.


This is known to be best and effective home remedy for oily skin which is low in fat and has astringent qualities that assist to act as exfoliate and cleanse the skin on face. Take fresh yogurt and apply over the face and leave it to dry and wash it off in cold water. This can be excellent to keep free form oily skin also from grime and dirt and thereby control the oiliness in skin.

Apple and Honey

Apple has acidic properties which act as astringent in oily skin and you can mix with honey that can assist in keeping enough moisture thus that skin is not used-up of natural moisture. Take apple and mix in 1 tbsp of honey and apply as paste over face and leave it for 30 mins and wash it off. This can be effective in getting rid of oily skin.